Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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TXRMS 0 ? sun-scitinios t
Dully ( Morning Kdltlon ) InoludliiK Sunday
Un , Ono Vour . . $10 < W
Tor BIT ilontlu r ( O
For Three Month 8M
Jl' Omftha Hun-lnr lECniBtle ) < l to nnjr
. Address , Ono XcAT. . . 200
. Ornnt. No. nt ANJ > n TAUVAM BTPKIV.
pew VOHK orriCE. lloo i . TKIIIUNK Htni.iiivtJ.
WAaaixuTO.v ornci , No. 613 KOUUTCENTH aimer.
* " "
All oommtinlcfUioni rotating to n < m nnd edi
torial matter ohouM bo tuMreuod to tbo Uui-
ton or TUB Bat.
niHiNBSB Lcrrann
All biiflnoafl lotten nnd rnmlttanoetihould ba
add roused to TUB U PunuaitiHd COMPANY ,
OMAHA. Drafts , checks and poitnfflco orders
to to made payable to the order of the ompiinj- ,
Sworn Statement of Circulation.
itate of Nebraska. I , .
County of DouiiTas. J8- *
Gvo. U. Tzschucic , secretary cf The nee
Publishing company , does solemnly swear
that the actual rlrrulatlon ot the Dally Ueo
for the week ending August 20,1B37 , was as
follows :
ttaturrlav. AiiRiist SO 14,225
WHnndav. Auutist SI 14.200
Mondnv.An ti8t2-J 14.57.-
Tuesday. August 2:1 : lt ! , 75
\Vrdnesday. August 24 14,02'i
.Thursday. Anenst U3 14.0V )
Friday , AURiist 20 11,025
, Avcroce 14,151
Gr.o. it. TZSCIIUCK.
hworn to nnd subscribed In my presence
thl.s 27th day dt August , A. 1) . 1887.
' N. P. 1
fSEAL.1 Notary
Btatfl of Nebraska , I
Douelas County. | 8S
Geo. II. Tzschucic , being first duly sworn ,
neposos and says that ho Is secretary ot The
Uee Publishing company , that the actual
average dally circulation of the Dally lice for
the month of August , ibt , 1U.4&I copies ; for
( September , 18N5 , i : ,030 copies ; for October ,
1HS8. 12,989coples ; for November , I88rt , Kl.ittS
copies ; f or December , 18SO. 13,237 copies ; for
January 1887 , 10,200 copies ; for Februarv ,
1887 , 14,198 copies ; for Alarch. 1887 , 14.400
copies ; for April. 1887,14,310coplcfl ; for May ,
1B87 , 14,227 copies ; for June 1837 , 14,147
copies ; for July , 1887,14.093 copies.
_ . , . GKO. B. TzscrrocK.
BDbsorlbed and sworn to before me this
U I'dayot ' August , A. I ) . , 1887.
( SEAL. | If. P. FKIL. Notary Public.
NRBKASKA will have a very fair corn
crop this year , but that is no reason why
our farmers should bo compelled to pay
twice as much to haul it to the eastern
market as will bo paid by the farmers of
Kansas. _ _ _ _ _ _
THE passenger rates In the Sacramento
fralloy have boon reduced after a long'
fight with the company. Inch by inch
the people of this country are driving
the railroad monopolies from their
strongholds of extortion. Lot the good
work go on until the workers and pro
ducers of the land are relieved of the in
cubus that has weighed so heavily on
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
AND now the books of the Rochester
& Pittsburg railroad , in Now York , have
Vilsappcared. They were wanted to throw
light on the inanaecniont of the road ,
Which has passed into the hands of a re
ceiver. This method of defeating the
ends of justice is becoming very popular ,
end it seems about time for tlio courts to
make an example of those who practice
draws | lGOO a year for dome City Clerk
. , Southard's work , has gone to Colorado
; - * * * on a vacation and probably also a roundtrip -
trip pass. Meantime his salary goes
right on , and Mr.Southard is temporarily
doing some of .the office work. The
question Is , Why should the city pay for
supernumeraries to accommodate mem
bers of the council ? No wonder there is
liable to bo an overlap in the general
Tim United States treasury will not
redeem trade dollars with standard dollars
lars after September 3. The number
presented has reached about 17,500,000.
Thus the experiment to supersede the
Mexican dollar in China , with an Ameri
can dollar closes more or less , with the
aspect of failure. Several millions are
supposed to remain in China and more
would probably have stayed there , but
for the oversight of making the American
coin legal tender to the amount of live
dollars only.
THE president has appointed ox-Judge
Alexander McCuo , ot Brooklyn , to suc
ceed Prof. Balril as commissioner of fish-
cries of the United States. This appoint
ment is a ridiculous one. The ollico re
quires a person who has a general knowl
edge of the habits of fish , as well as a
practical acquaintance with our fisheries.
McCuu's experience us a fisherman has
been confined chiolly to occasional excur
sions after bluoflsh near his home. Mr.
McCue is a good man in his way , but ho
Is without a single qualification for the
position. Ho is a lawyer and not a idea
list. It is probable that his appointment
was the payment of & political debt.
THE first gun of the Irish executive
Bntl-loaguo campaign has been fired by
the tory government of England. Wil
liam O'Brien has boon summoned to ap
pear before a magistrate for having
uttered inflammatory speeches about two
weeks ago. In selecting the patrio'tio
editor for the ilrst victim the government
probably hopes to intimidate the coun
try. But the tories are quite mistaken in
the man. Ho is the last one to be intimi
dated , and the government will make
little capital out of this move. There is
R long interval between the summons
and the court day , and the turn of the
political crank may take the ease out ol
court , but if it should come to a trial it
will no doubt be n test case.
TDK cattle men of the country seem to
have experienced a recovery of confi
dence , and are anticipating a period ol
generous profits. All account ? agree In
Baying that the supply of cattle has been
very materially diminished , and Although
the price is still low It would seem to be
inevitable that an advance must take
place within a short time , and that bcol
way go to higher figures next year than
it has brought In a number of years. The
consumers of the country have had lit
tle if any benefit from the low prices a
which cattle have ranged ( or the pas
joar or two. The packing rings at Chi
oago and Kansas City have reaped al
the advantage. When the advance conies
however , It Is not at all likely that the
consumers will bo kept in ignorance o
It. The indications are that it will nebo
bo a great while before the butcher wil
loiuund a cent or two more a pound fo
hi * beef.
llcdnclng Railroad Katoi.
There Is a growing conviction that
railroad passenger fares very generally
nro too high , and the corporations may
expect to hear an increasing popular do-
nand for a reduction from this time on.
Senator Van Wyck has long maintained
that the railroads in Nebraska could
illbrd to carry passengers for two cents
n. mile , and a great many people in the
state acquiesce in this opinion. The late
o\va republican convention declared its
jullcf that the first-class roads of that
state can afford to reduce passenger fares
to two cunts a mile , giving evidence of a
widespread concurrence in this view In
Iowa which is certainly more likely to
ucreose than diminish. There hive
jcen recent indications of a growth of
public sentiment in this direction in Illi
nois and other states.
The people of California are subjected
to a severer exaction in the matter of pas
senger faros than perhaps those of any
other state , but they have a promise of
relief. The maximum of passenger rates
is now live and six cents a mile , and it is
understood that the Southern Pacific has
jlvon favorable consideration to the sug
gestion of the railroad commissioner and
will at nn early day reduce the maximum
fares to three and five cents a mile , with
a possibility of establishing in some in
stances a rate below three cents , Per
haps this is all itho concession that can
reasonably bo expected at present in
California , and if it shall bo demon
strated that a three cent rate can bo made
profitable there it will not be dilUcult to
ihow that two cents a mile will pay in
Nebraska and Iowa.
The argument for reduced faros does
not contemplate a loss of revenue
to the railroads. On the con
trary it is believed it would
increase the income of the roads from
this traflic by the encouragement it would
live to travel. It s sclf-eviduut that if a
reduction of 33 per cent in rates produced
in increase of 50 per cent in the number
of people carried the railroads would
gain by the operation. Perhaps the
iverage increase ; taking the whole year
through , would not be so large as this ,
nit it is not questionable that it would
bo sufficient to prevent any cutting down
of the revenue obtained from present
rates. The railroads would therefore
lazard nothing in making a fair conces
sion to the public by reducing passenger
rates , with the chances that the change
would result to their gain. That two
cents a mile is a paying rate when travel
is active the railroads confess by making
an even lower ralo for excursion parlies
and for special events that attract
arge numbers of people. Whether the
railroads shall willl ngly come to It or not ,
t Is undoubtedlv only a question of time
when a maximum rate of two cents a
nile will bo general in all the well-set-
led portions of the country , and it may
jo that the time is not so far off as the
corporations are perhaps disposed to bo-
love. _ _ _ _ _ _ - .
Looking for an Kxcnsc.
A story is sent out from Washington
that the republican clerks .in the depart
ments have boon detected in a wide
spread conspiracy to damage the ad
ministration. A majority of the clerical
force in the departments is republican ,
and most of these men are represented
to bo as earnest in their political faith
now as they have over boon. From mo
tives of self-interest they have kept their
real sentiments in restraint , but now
hat another presidential election is ap-
> reaching they are manifesting less care
n concealing their colors , and are con
spiring to do all the damaging work they
can against the administration. The
plausible explanation of tlua conduct is
that they have conceived the idea that
; he republican party will return to power
n 1889 , and if they are turned out now
because of what they have done for their
party their reward will certainly come
when the party is again in control of the
govern ment.
This incredible story suggests that the
department oflicials are again seeking ex
cuses to justify them in making room for
democrats , and it will bo surprising if
this motive does not speedily develop.
So far as the clerks in the departments
nro concerned , it is not easy to heo
what they can do to injure the ad
ministration that is not already matter
of public knowledge and notoriety. If
the business of the departments is being
carried on with the care , attention and
integrity claimed by the administration
there can be nothing to apprehend , from
any disclosures the clerks might make.
They would hardly venture to misrepres
ent or pervert the facts , sincd an exposure
of such falsification would Jbe easy and
the consequences would bo the discom
fiture of the guilty and the confusion ol
all who should bo misled by their misrep
rosentations. It is by no means plain how
those men are in a position to do anj
other injury to the administration than it
keeping alive their faith in ropnblicar
principles and their loyalty to the repub
lican party-
But it is easy to understand that thl <
would bo quitesufilclentjto condemn then
in the estimation of the democratic of
ficials , who would be vary likely to regard
as conspirators such as are not willing to
become traitors to their convictions. It
is essential to the declining cause ot the
administration that some further assur
auco shall bo given of its solicitude for
the welfare of democrats , and anj
excuse will do , that shall servo t <
get rid of republican office holders. Tin
alleged conspiracy of the clerks in the
departments la a little the boldest and
the least probable excuse that has yet
been invented , but it may provo to be the
most effective.
Disproportionate Comnty Division.
The commissioners have finally madi
their division of Douglas county into u'vt
districts. The country precincts ar <
fenced out and accorded two commis
sioners , while the city proper ii divided
into three districts. This is a lop-sldot
and inequitable division. Within th
next twelve months there will be more
than 100,000 population within the cit ;
limits , while the population of the coun
ty precincts will scarcely number 15,00
at the yory outside. While the threi
commissioners accorded to the city wil
each represent about 83,000 people , th
other two commissioners will ropreson
only 7,50Q each. In other words , the dis
proportion against the city is more thai
four to one. If the commissioners repre
sent property instead of voters , the dis
crimination against the city tax-payer i
much greater. The assessed valnatioi
oi property m the city of Omaha is mor
than six times as great as the assesstueu
of Douglas countjr property ouUida o
) maha. Each commissioner in the city
represents about $0,000,000 on the present
ax-llsf , whllo the commissioners appor
tioned to the country precincts will rep
resent less than 11,500,000. And the dis
parity ugalnst the city will become
greater every year with the erection of
numerous and costly buildings and In
crease of public improvements.
Had the system which now prevails in
merging the city and comity into dis
tricts that represent as nearly as possible
equal population and property been
adopted , the spirit as well as the letter of
; hc law would have boon complied with.
.There was no danger that in such a divis
ion the rightful claims of country pro-
incts to representation , would have been
ignored. Omaha always has liberally ac
corded representation in the board to
: he country precmcU.and very of ton they
iiave had more than their share. For
years the country had two out of the
three members. Such concessions would
doubtless have again boon made if the
country precincts presented men known
to be qualified to transact the responsible
work intrusted to the board.
A WAIIRANT for Chief Colorow's arrest
on the. charge of murder has been sworn
out by F. P. Swindle , a citizen of Meeker ,
[ a this the gentleman who was a defend
ant before Judge Dutidy in the trial of
the Valentino land frauds last year ? Bo
that as it may , the action is of further In
terest , as it illustrates the uncompromis
ing attitude of the people of Colorado
and their determination to keep up the
fight for the capital there Is in it. The
nonsense will be unshed until the Indians
break out in fact , and Denver dispatches
will read : "Four citizens were shot and
scalped at the corner of Sixteenth and
Larimer streets to-day , " "Tho victori
ous redskins hold a war-dance and jubi
lee pow-wow at West Turner hall to
night , " "Denver's scant remaining popu
lation is blockaded In the Valhalla , whore
hank heaven , there are abund
ant supplies imported from Nelson
county , Ky. The beleaguering Indiana
nro holding drunken revels in the streets ,
while some are giving an impromptu
performance of 'The Prairie Waif at the
Tabor Grand.1 " A city , which leans as
heavily on'tho tribute of tourist visitors ,
as docs Denver , should ugo its influence
to check all foolish sources of terror in
its neighborhood.
MOST of the newspapers are giving n
good deal more attention to the projected
"American party , " whidh it is proposed
to organize in Philadelphia the coming
month , than that hair-brained movement
merits. It will bo surprising if the con
vention that has been called shall provo
numerically respectable , but if it should
turn out that there are men enough in
the country in sympathy with the scheme ,
who are willing to spend time and
money in attending a convention ,
to give such an assemblage any
claim to attention , there need not bo
the slightest apprehension that a party
founded on the principles sot forth by
the projectors of this schema can gain
any foothold or extensive following. The
resit majority ot the American pcoplo
have no sympathy with efforts to revho
the old Know-nothing spirit , which it is
the aim of this latest movement to do ,
though the real purpose is sought to be
concealed under misleading professions.
There is no demand nnd no room for the
projected party , and the effort to give it
vitality , if it have any effect at all , can
only bo mischievous.
THE investigation of th'e Ward's island
asylum for the insane in Now York , dis
closes the fact that there has been a
"frightful lack of moans , appliances and
accommodations" in connection with the
institution. The patients and their keep
ers seem to have been huddled together
in a manner calculated to increase the
misery of those already affected and to
make those insane who were not already
so. This is exactly the opposite of what
the treatment and surroundings of the in
sane should be , and it would no doubt
have been much better for the sufferers
never to have become inmates of the in
stitution at all. If there is any hope for
the insane , it lies in the direction of intel
ligent , sympathetic attendance and
healthful nnd pleasing surroundings.
These factors have been too largely ab
sent In our institutions for the insane ,
even down to the present. Wo know bet
ter now and should act accordingly. It
is better to spend a little more money in
the right way than to waste a little less
in injurious methods.
TriK Rev. Charles F. Goss , of Chicago ,
recdntly preached a sermon to his con
gregation in which he scored the owners
of factories who employed girls at star
vation wages. Several of his deacons
took offense at his utterances , and six of
them intimated that the pastor's resigna
tion would be acceptable. Mr. Goss
promptly tendered it , but when the con
gregation came to vote on the matterlast
week the result was an overwhelming
victory for the preacher. The deacons
then presented their resignations in high
dudgeon , wbiqhjWcro promptly accepted.
They will now o doubt seek a now
affiliations , where they can continue the
business of pinching the faces of the poor
without being unpleasantly reminded of
the fact. Every Rolf-respecting church
in Chicago will refuse them admittance.
IT is eminently in accord with the eter
nal fitness of things for the Herald to
clamor for radical reform in county gov
ernment. It comes with such good grace
from the democratic organ to demand
publicity of the commissioners , ' proceed
ings after the BEE had gone to the ex
pense and trouble of procuring and pub
lishing in full the proceedings of the las )
thirteen months. It is also very appro
priate for that enterprising concern to
attempt to steal the thunder which is ex
pected all along the line from this quar
ter bv very mildly suggesting that the
promiscuous purchases of supplies , and
the loose way of disbursing the county'e
funds should stop. Who is to blame foi
these irregularities and the mismanagement -
mont of the * county affairs generally !
Have not the commissioners general su
pervision of all county affairs under the
law ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IT would seein very odd if an island in
the Missouri rlvor could bo converted into
a prize-fighting ground with impunity ,
witliout making the participants amen
able to criminal prosecution. The Island
is not neutral ground. If it Is nearer to
the Nebraska shore than the east
bank of the Missouri , it is part of Ne
braska , and belongs within the jurisdic
tion of tbo county adjacent to the river ,
[ fi on the other hand , the island is nearer
to the Iowa shore it lies within the juris
diction ot the county { n Iowa adjacent to
the river. In any event prize-lighting on *
the island was just tu much nn offense
against the law as if it had been on main
land. The participants and their asso
ciates should bo arrested nnd remanded
to the authorities who have jurisdiction ,
whether in Iowa or in Nebraska.
Crrr CURK SotiiiiAnu was very active
last week In rushing ordinances to the
fraudulent contractor for official adver
tising. Ordinances that wcro approved
by the mayor on the 30(1 ( of August wcro
given to the printer within twenty-four
hours. Mr. Southard was not so lively
in copying ordinances which wore passed
three months ago. A dozen or more or
dinances approved in the middle of June ,
were withhold until the 20th of July In
order to keep them from the BEE , which
had a contract for the year ending July
1 , and is under that contract required to
continue to publish at its contract rate
until a now contract has been legally lot.
CIIIEK SEAVKY is m no immediate dan
ger of damage suits from the roughs ,
thugs and sluggers who too It part in the
Sundny prize light , the throats of the
Herald notwithstanding. The chlaf of
police had not only a right to arrest them
on suspicion of being accomplices m a
prearranged and deliberate criminal en
counter , but ho will bo justified and sus
tained by the people and the courts if he
ro-arrests thnm and holds them until they
nro called for by the county ofllcord
whoso duty if is to bring them to justice.
CHIEF ov POLICE SEA.VKV made a very
creditable effort to bring to justice the
brutal sluggers who got UD the disgrace
ful prize-fight Sunday. It is to bo re
gretted that the parties arrested by him
were not held until the county officials
who have jurisdiction over the island on
which the slugging match took place ,
made the proper requisition for their
persons. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tim council is still planting fire hy
drants all over the city at ? GO a year ,
although we already have more than 500
to pay for , and many of them are planted
where they are not needed. At the rate
wo are going Omaha will bo taxed
$75,000 a year for fire hydrants , which is
equal to paying 6 per cent , on an invest
ment of | 1,200,000.
James Kussnll Lowell Is writing a life of
Nathaniel Hawthorne.
Verdi , the composer , has built a hospital
for the poor at Uussctto , his birthplace.
Henry Borph Is out of health. lie is at
Uoney Island during the heated term.
Colonel Nlcolay.tlie biographer oC Lincoln ,
lives in DeertieUI , Mass. , during the sum
The annual reunion of the Billings family
Is set for Friday , September- , Tremont
Temple , Boston. As for poor Josh , he's
Harriet Ueecher Stowo has written a Better
to a friend denyim ; that she Is In poor health.
She says that she Is able to take a long walk
every day and feels strong and hopeful.
Sam Jones and Sam Small have joined
forces at Hound Lake. N. Y. , and are making
the Pine trees shake with their oratorical
eccentricities. Small Is not looking well , but
his voice Is strone and his delivery has become
como mil el i smoother tlian It was a year ago.
Kate Field's lirst lecture to the A laskans
was delivered In a dance-house In Juneau ,
the largest mining town In the territory , be
fore an attentive audience. Her only re
muneration was a vote of thanks , a dinner
nt the hotel , and.a subscription to the Free
Press , the only paper In the territory.
Cornelius Vanderbllt Is about forty years
of age and worth certainly 975,000,000. per
haps $123,000.000. He Is a tremendous work
er , and his friends fear ho Is Injuring his
health by his assiduous attention to the de
tails ot his business. It seems strange to
think of a man working himself sick when
he already has a larger Income than he can
by any possibility get rid of. Human nature
Is a queer thing.
Swift Justice.
St. Ioui ( Globe-Democrat
A. specimen of the "swift justice" which Is
too often done to negroes accused of crime In
Kentucky , has lust come to light. Lmdsoy
Smith , a negro , was accused not long since
of killing an unknown man. neatNicholas -
vllle. As ttiero was no positive evidence that
any man had been killed , the jury let the
prisoner off easy twenty-one years In the
penitentiary. And now the man who Is sup
posed to have been killed turns up alive and
hearty , and the court , we are Informed , "has
granted a now trial. " A new trial tor killing
a man who Is not dead Is something novel in
the history ot criminal jurisprudence.
A Brutal Solution.
St. m J Pioneer Press.
The alleged Ute uprising in Colorada Is
simply an expedient of the whites to stir up
a conflict , and get the Indians shot down
and cleaned out of the way. This is a bru
tal way of solving the Indian problem , and
the Colorado Incident forcibly suggests that
the sooner the government breaks up tribal
relations and divides the reservations , and
places the Indians under the white man's
laws , the more humanely and speedily will
this unpleasant Indian question be com
A Mileitono.
As the first big pattering drops that fall
With a splash on the lattlco pane ,
Make us shiver and start , and as they warn
us all
Of storm or of coming rain ,
bo It Is with life when wo are growing old.
And nau steals unaware ,
We shiver and start , if ttie truth were told ,
At the sight of our first gray hair.
Wo mark not the light of our noonday
hours , J
Like the lirst streaks the dawn doth bring ;
\ve hall not the birth our qur summer flowers
As we do the first snowdrops of spriue ;
On tlio bleat winter wind wo look with
srlef ,
Though It howls through the branches
Dut we sigh when wo witness the brown
autumn leaf ,
And behold nature's first gray hair.
Gray hairs may come when the beaming eye
Has none of Its brightness lost ,
W&en your buoyant heart we would fain
Youth's Rubicon has been crossed ;
1 et the Ive-clad trees look- young and ereen ,
Though the sapless trnpks may bo there ,
And naught ot decay on' ' our cheeks may be
When we witness our first gray hair.
Come early , come late , like a knock at the
gate ,
Is that tint soft silvery thread ;
And it joins with Its silence the years that
With the years forever fled ;
It silently telU us we're Journeying on
It silently questions where ?
O , faithful , mil stone , were the truth but
known ,
As seen In our first jrray hair.
Nebraska Jolting * .
Grant has voted tl.OOO for the -purpose
of building a school house.
The stage mail service between Howard
and Clay Center has been discontinued.
. The village of Uushvillq1' has voted
$3,500 bonds to secure protection from
Work has boon commenced on the now
iron bridge across the Republican at Red
Clay county's cold water politicians
will hold their convention alClay Center
September 10.
Hitchcock countv's first twins were
bom at Stratton last week , T. K. Morton
being the Imppv father.
Harvard's hosn company has been for
given by the railroad company and has
again boon given permission to use water
from the railroad tank.
Ad Thomas tried Dhard to drive his
horse over n Rock Island switch englno
at Falrbury the other day , but gave it up
as a bad Job after his bngtry was demol
ished. .
Arrangements have been completed for
the immediate erection of a llouring mill
in Gordon , which will have a capacity of
grinding out eighty barrels of flour every
twenty-four hours.
Mrs. Ovcrholt , aged seventy years , a
resident of Worth county , Iowa , while on
a visit to her son at Stratton , was sud
denly taken sick and died. Her remains
wcro taken to her Iowa homo.
The Ogallala Cattle company has
rounded up its cattle In Dawes county
and will transfer a ranch near
Fort Fottornmn , which will bo the com
pany's headquarters in the future.
Special Agent Bowman , of the Interior
department , has been looking into the
matter of illegal timber cutting in Dawos
county during tlio t > ast week , and has
fwi/ousomo three hundred saw logs on
the Little Cottsnwood.
G. G. Armltage , of the flrm of Armltage
& Tngciirt , wholesale ami retail grocers
of Hastings , has suddenly disappeared
and the MicrifV his : set/ud the stock of
goods. It is thought that Mr. Ta < rgart
has been badly duped by a dishonest
Perry Davis , a private in tlio Eighth in
fantry , stationed nt Fort Robinson , has
deserted the service ot Uncle Sam , besides -
sides carrying oil'a suitof clothes belong-
me to a comrade , und a couple of horses
owned by a Crawford man. No trace of
the fugitive.
Premium lists of the fairs of Furnas ,
Holt a nd Nemaha counties are tlio latest
received by the BEE. Furnas county's
fair will bo held at Beaver City , Septem
ber 0 , 7 and 8 ; Holt county's at O'Noill ,
October a. 4. 5 , 0 and 7 , and Neuialm's at
Auburn , October 4 , 5 , 0 and 7.
Two young men namud Gilhland and
Copeland , living near Beaver City , had a
lively little dispute the other day , result
ing in the former pulling u gun and pep
pering the latter with cold lead. Only a
slight wound was inflicted ; however , out
GiUilaud 1ms boon arrested.
Dawes county settlers are all wrought
up over the frequency of horse stealing
in that country. Every day or two re
ports roach the oflicinls of raids by the
ubiquitous knight of the halter. Farmers
have their shot-guns loaded , have lot
loose their bulldogs , and a hanging bee
or shooting match is expected in the near
The Catholics of St. Ann parish , in
Webster county , indulged in n little re
ligious riot last week , which resulted in
the priest having -about a dozen of his
parishioners ai rested for assault. The
diflicult.y nil grow out of the location of
the church. The case against the rioters
has been adjourned to uwait the arrival
of the bishop of the diocese , who will en
deavor to settle the dispute.
A union labor club was organized at
Dnbuque Friday night.
Whitticr colrego is to have n now presi
dent , Rev. J. T. Bassott , of Grconcastlo.
A five-year-old Auburn kid named
Jesse Hipjey caught a fish last week
weighing live pounds a pound to a year.
An insane inmate of the poor-house at
Leon came to town with u load of wood ,
hitched the team and ran away. He has
not been heard of since.
James Glass was killed at Montezuma
Thursday by the running away of a team.
Ho was a soldier and the G. A. R. post
took charge of the funeral.
Janies Bowman , a railroad man of
Burlington , tired of life , committed sui
cide by the revolver road the other dav.
He has once before attempted His life by
the morphine mode , but it failed to work ,
A fire broke out in W. II. liursh's flour
mill at Wintersct Friday , and destroyed
the entire structure with all its contents.
Loss , .f 13,000 ; insurance , fi.OOO. The
( ire is supposed to have originated from
a hot box.
The Odd Follows of Iowa are making
extensive preparations to attend' the
meeting of the Sovereign grand lodge at
Denver , September 14. The grand lodge
of Iowa will muot at Omaha on the lUtb ,
and proceed to Denver.
There wns great rejoicing in the house
hold ot Mrs. Samuel Kauftman , Fairliold ,
Thursday , upon the receipt of a cable
gram announcing the safe arrival of her
husband in England. He wus one of the
missing thirteen m the recent disaster
to the steamer City of Montreal in mid-
Belle Plaino is soon to make another
effort to close the big well. At present a
four-inch stream carries out the water ,
excepting the leak that comes evidently
from the tubing put in by Mr. King.
Palmer Bros. , who have been engaged as
wet nurses , are preparing an eight-Inch
pipe with an automatic tlange attach
ment outside , to insert in King's tubing ,
and when in place , propose to fill with
cement and thus have an eight-inch well
under control. When evorvthingislovoly
it is proposed to'uso the water power for
an electric plant.
Tbo Caster City Chronicle completed
its seventh volume last weeK.
Custer City miners organized last week
for the development of the Comstock
The Bismarck flouring nulls have a
contract to supply the army posts with
800,000 pounds of flour.
Dakota is short on prairie chickens this
year , the birds having moved west to
grow up with the country.
It is claimed that 4,000 men nnd teams
will begin work on the Wilraar & Sioux
Falls branch of the Duluth road In a few
Yankton expects a big beef nnd pork
packing establishment. General Beadle
lias been in Chicago in conference with
parties m regard to it.
The allotment of lands in severally to
the Indians ot the Sissoton reservation
will make business again lively at the
Watortown land ollice.
The Black Hills are securing a reputa
tion for lawlessness which causes oven
the local papers to admit it and acknow
ledge that It is sad , but true.
James Caretto , a miner ut Lead City ,
was dashed to death by falling 300 feet
into an open cut. This makes the fourth
accidental death at Lead in ton days.
Typhoid fever is raging at Hot Springs.
Coal business is slack at Carbon now
for want of cars.
A Cheyenne roan won | 280 with a
twenty cent starter playing faro bank
Wednesday night.
Rawlings shop men are putting In from
twelve to fifteen hours a day trying to
keep up with the work.
Over forty students have already bone
booked to enter tLe Wyoming university
at the beginning of the first term.
Wolves arc becoming very bad north
of Hat Creole. A large yearling was re
cently dragged down aud killed by .the
T. J. Ryan.was'shot and. killed at a
ranch on the Rosebud on August 3 by A.
T. Vance , the killing being done in self-
Cheyenne detectives rounded up three
men lost Tuesday supposed to bo exten
sive cattle thieves. One of thorn was an
ex-policeman of Cheyenne.
The American Reduction comaiiy , with
a capital of | 2,000,000 , hat been Incorpor
ated in operate In mines and
ore reduction in Guanajuato , Mox.
. A syndicate of Chicago capitalists hare
purcliMsed an interest in the marble de
posits seventeen miles beyond the con
templated terminus of tlio Choyunuo &
Joseph Fowler , a Union Pacific freight
conductor , was quite badlv hurt at Car
bon Wednesday night. Ho was coupling
two engines when the pilot bar of one
broke ana struck him on the side.
The territorial tax levy this year is as
follows : General fund , .H mills ; univer
sity income , one-fourth mill ; territorial
land tax , one-fourth mill ; insane asylum
tax , one one-hundredth mill ; total lax ,
three and one-hundredth mills.
Patterson Hoyt , an old army veteran ,
and a resident of Kvanston sinceits , lirst
settlement , died there recently from the
c lie els of dissipation. Ho had lost one
leg and efforts wore being made to send
him to the soldiers'homo al Leaven worth ,
ho having signed the necessary papers
the day before his death.
The Pacific Const.
William McQuillan is in custody at
Carson for selling whisky to Indians.
The membership of the I. O. O. F. has
quadrupled in Idaho the past live years.
The pcoplo of Sierra City threaten to
wipe out the vile dance houses which
flourish there.
The recent earthquakes In Sonora loft
deep fissures which have made travel ul-
'most impossible.
William Montgomery , in jail at Albu
querque , N. M. , for burglary , wherein nil
ho got was u counterfeit $20 bill , escaped
on the 23d.
A Chinaman at Merced , tired of work
ing for a living1 , took n dose of crude
opium Monday and passed into an eter
nal rest.
Mrs. Bartlow 1ms been arrested nt
Woodland for scalding her husband by
pouring boiling water upon him. Ho is
seriously injured.
The captain and several members of
the Salvation army at San Bernardino
wcro placed in jail Monday night for
boating another member.
An explosion of a wine cask by the ig
nition of alcoholic vapor which wus aris
ing from a cask'of wine while in the pro
cess of being heated , caused the loss of
1,000 gallons ofiwmoin Do Turk's winery
at Santa Rosa.
Grapblo and BlleaiHurlne Observa
tions on the "Utn Outbreak. "
BillNye In New York World : The
regular form of annual hydrophobia
known as the Ute outbreak has followed
the sea serpent , the paragraph about the
watermelon , and other current Horns.
As a matter of fact the Utcs have done
more to make newspaper life desirable
than "Constant Reader , " "Vetoras , " and
"Taxpayer" all put together. You can
always bet on a Ute outbreak and write
it up when you feel like it , as long be
forehand as you wish , and the Ute will
not ask you to retract.
Old man Corolrow is like the regular
army. Ho is bravo , but he hasn't got
help enough. He is a man of great nerve
nnd enjoys carnage , provideiTit is fur
nished by some one else. Ho is said by
those who have mot him to bo a "low-
sot" man , with a powder-burned face
and a desire to outlive us many white
men as possible.
But the Utes are not strong enough
to do any special damage , nnd it is very
likely they have no special notion of It.
They are a measly set , and still they are
not likely to break out.
It has been customary to have an In
dian scare in the Rocky mountains every
year until it is almost indispensable. For
several years , also , the circus was kept
out of Wyoming territory by a high
license which amounted to prohibition ,
and if the people of Wyoming hodu't had
an Indian scare that they could turn to
they would have sufl'erod.
The Indians in the Nation's ward kind
of a doubtful ward , as It worn but he is
a great boon to the newspaper man , who
naturally gets tired of pool and picnics
at this season , and pines for almost any
thing that will give him a chance. It is
safe to say that the Ute outbreak will
turn out , upon close investigation , to bo
nothing more than prickly heat.
It Is not presuming too much to say that
human life will bo perfectly safe as far
west as St. Louis , and even those who
dwell-as far west as Omaha nnd. Denver
will run no risk of being killed by Indians
if they will come homo by l ) o'clock p.m.
Indians are not so ferocious as many
suppose thorn to bo , any wav. Wo have
soon the Indians of Buffalo Bill , nnd they
were very pleasant to meet. They uro
not Intellectual , of course , and they want
to ride in a hotel elevator all the time
when thev nro not drunk , but they have
behaved well hero and won the English
heart. It is claimed that by another
year the common frontier American blue
eyed flea will bo ns common In England
as it is now in the territories. And yet it
is claimed that the Indian is cold and
backward in society and desirous of in
augurating an outbreak.
The Ute has been almost always
friendly to the whites , and has repeatedly
assisted the white man in fighting the
warlike Sioux.
The price of good available lots facing
south ought not to be reduced either at
Kansas City or Omaha on account of a
pending Ute outbreak , and the St. Paul
man who refuses to bring in the washing
from the clothes line after 9 o'clock be
cause he is afraid of Indians is just
trifling with the tender feelings of his
his wife.
Ono of the Alnrvclloun Wonders ot
tlio Hooky Mountain * .
Virginia City ( Nov. ) Chronicle : Hen
ry's lake is one of the wonders ot the
Rockies. Directly on the summit of the
continental divide , in a depression or
gap called Targcu's Pass , is a body or
water that was given the above nnrae in
honor of an old trapper who made his
homo on its borders for several years in
the enjoyment of sweet solitude.
Henry's lake is of oval shape and has
an area of forty sqauro miles. It is en
tirely surrounded by what seems to bo
solid land , and ono really concludes that
it has no outlet. On the west side lies a
level meadow , which floats on the wntor ,
nnd the hidden outlet is beyond it. Near
the rim of the busln , which nt no distant
day must have been the pebbly beach of
the lake , is a shallow pool , out from
which flows a crock , thu source of the
north fork of Hnako river.
A species of the blue joint grass of lux
uriant growth floats upon the water and
sends out a mass of largo hollow white
roots , which form a mat so thick and
flrm that a horse can walk with safety
over tlio natural pontoon. The decayed
vegetation adds to thu thickness of the
mat and forms a mold in which weeds ,
willows , and small trees take root and
grow. Back from the now border the
now land is firm , and supports pine and
aspen trees of small trrowth.
An Island of the same turf formation
floats about the lake. The floating body
of land is circular and measure ! 800 feet
in diometer. A willow thicket thrives in
the centre , Interdperficd with small aspens -
pens nnd dwarf pines. The little trees
catch the brcczu and are the sales that
cirry the island on its orbit. One evening -
ing it was within a storm's throw of our
camp. , Next morning it. wai live miles
away. , , . , , / .
An Italian Womnn Hurried to Her
Grnvo In Clilongo.
Chicngo News : Intense oxnitcmont has
been caused in the Clark street Italian
quarter ovpr the mysterious burial ol
l-rnnccsca Cencssa , nn Itallian woman
living nt 09 Polk street , a few doors from
Clark. Six hours after it was supposed
she had died she turned over in her collin
according to her neighbors , and then sat
up after an cflbrt. She looked around ,
apparently but Imlf-consoious , reached
out to embrace her child , nnd then full
back in her collin nnd lay iinconsolotijf ,
seemingly dead. However , no effort was
made to restore her to life nnd not long
afterward the undertaker came in , nailed
up the coflln , and the body wns taken for
The woman's liottso is In ono of the
most squalid and wretched quarters of
this city. All of its people are pauper
foreigners , a largo part of them being
"dago" Italians. They are ignorant and ,
superstitious and stand in great fear of , i
the authorities. The woman had been -
confined to her bed for over six months.
Her name was Franccsca Concsda , and
during her long sickness it was supposed
several tunes that she was dead , A coQin
was bought for the woman several
monshs ago , when everybody believed
the woman dead , but the collin could not
bo used fur a long time. It lay in the
room , under the bed on which the woman
was lying. Twelve different doctors at
tended the woman during her sickness.
She used to fall asleep for several days ,
when she scorned dead , but then she
would wake up and come to life tigaln.
The woman's death was described by a
neighbor , and Italian named Francesco
Ptindoll , as follows :
"Ono day , while standing at the corner
of Polk and Clark streets , my attention
was attracted by a largo crowd havlns
gathered around the house. I joined thu
crowd , and , upon inquiry. I was told that
the woman , who was lying apparently
dead in a coflln , had just risen to her feet
and kissed ono of her children. 1 saw
how the coflln was covered and nailud ,
but I did not suspect the woman was still
alive. A few days afterward I hoard the
neighbors commenting on it. They said
the woman might have boon alive , nsthoy
saw her rise from the coflln shortly before
it was nailed. "
Similar stories wore fold by runny other
neighbors , some of whom believe that
the woman was buried in such haste be
cause some of the pcoplo who felt her
slckucss n burden wanted to gut rid oi
Dr. Re admitted having issued the
death certificate without seeing the body ,
on application of the father of the
woman. lie had attended the woman
several days before her death and know
that she had been suffering from porlton- l
Itis. On that account ho had no hesitancy I
in signing a certificate of death on her )
father's statement without making a per
sonal examination at the time. |
Philip James Bailey , author of the once I
popular "Foattia , " which now lives clnotlv ,
in a single quotation of half a dozen ,
lines , is still a vigorous and active man ,
though ho WP.S born a yenr before Water- t
loo. His poem has passed through thirty
editions in America to cloven in England ,
and he would therefore much like to visit
this country , but hesitates to do so at his
ago. _ J
At the reunion of the E/.oll family at
the homo of Uraxton Kzell , of Jasper
county , Georgia , there wore present thir
ty-six members of the family , represent
ing four generations of children , grand
children , and great-grandchildren. A
remarkable featnro in the history of this
family is that only four have died , and
not one who has passed the age of seven
years. liraxton K/ell is ninety years old.
A curious old anchor , very probably
lost by the early French missionarieswas
found at the head of Green bay. It ap
pears to have been constructed from a
young maple true having throe branches
from the root. Another bar was fastened
on. Tims far it was like a round-topped
stool with four legs. Ou the bottom ol
these logs wore fastened , with mortieo
and tenon , the flukes , which wore barsoi
oak crossing each other.
The uingiizlno opens with Mr
Edward L. Wilson's finely illus
trated article on Tlio Itfculcrit Nile ;
the Rev. W. S. Ralnsford , D.D. , Rector
of St. George's Church , New York , con
tributes an entertaining account oi
Camping and Hunting In the
Shoiliou'e , and the successful pursuit
of large game , beautifully Illustrated ;
there is the first part of a unique and
charming Japanese story , entitled The
Sacred Flumu of Toriu Jl , written
by Mr. E. II. House ( for many > oars a
resident of 'japan ) , and illustrated by
Mr. George Foster Humes ; the Thacke
ray letters are continued , with some
reminiscences by Misd Kate Perry , both
illustrated. A timely and most import
ant contribution is An Unpublished
Draft of n ftntlonul Coiulltiitloii
J > y LUward Randolph , ( with fac
simile ) by Moncuro D. Conwny , which
will attract great attention among nil
students of the American Constitution ;
U'o highly interesting and valuable
papers are The Development of
the American University , by Prof.
George T. Ladd , of Yale College , and
iiKlUh lu Newspaper * and Nov
el * , by Prof. Adams Sherman Hill ; there
are ponms by Mrs. James T. Field * ,
Julia C. R. Dorr , Louise Imogen Gulney
and John Uoylo O'Reilly ; nn exciting
railroad story , entitled riimilroo't
Plotful , by A. C. Gordon ; an oul-of-dow
paper by Maurice Thompson , etc.
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