Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Ban Francisco's Wheat Collapse Almost
Creates a Panic in Liverpool ,
The Week Opened Wlthont Any Im
provement In ProTlslons Pros-
pcuti For a Good Hun of Cat
tle Quotntloiis.
CiucAno , August 29. ( Special Telegram
to the BKK.I The llnal formal collapse of
the California wheat deal occurred Saturday
afternoon , and to-day Liverpool was on the
vcree of a panic. Bankers and other cap
italists who had undo advances on stocks of
California wheat held In Liverpool met to
day to discuss the situation. A late cable
was received that "mortgagees" had bid 5s 9d
for the bankrupt stock and adjourned until
to-morrow. The last previous quotation was
Cs 2d , which was 4d per cental lower than
Saturday. The general trade was not In
possession of details from either the San
Francisco or Liverpool end of the deal , but
the grand central fact that somewhere be
tween 1R,000,000 and 20.000,000 bushels ot
bankrupt wheat at those points and la transit
were about to como on the market was
firmly Imbedded In the popular under-
standing. No details were wanted. They
could not make the facts any plainer. A
very strong element feels that the bad elfects
of the collapse have been tully discounted
and that the statistical situation Is of such
exceptional strength that American markets
cannot well go lower. If all of the Cali
fornia wheat on ton of ground were In stora
in English and continental ports which Is
not the case It would not constitute a
month's supply , and exportation from At
lantic ports could cease for a month without
bringing the visible stocks In this country
within gunshot of last year or the year be
fore. Then the harvest reports of the north
west are universally bad. Yet the facts re
main that home markets are tired , that there
Is no speculative demand , and that the bulls
who am In the field are angry , hot and dis
gruntled at the perversity of fate. The range
of prices at the opening to-day was ; V@Xe
ewer than Saturday. September opened at
68c , October at 70)tfc , and December at 73tf <
A certainty that the visible supply would
show a big decrease , actuated scalpers to buy ,
and the market moved up about He , Septem
ber RO < ne to fi'Jc , October to 70 % : and De
cember to 73W73Kc. The figures , 1,424,000
bushels exceeded all expectations , but when
the scalpers looked about for a market they
failed to Und bujers. Values worked down
until the close , last prices belne CSW@fi8c
for September , 70c for October and 73Y(9 (
: for December. This range Is Hgc (
under Saturday. Trade was light. Local
stocks are now down to 6,000.000 bushels ,
and the total visible Is only a little above 30-
OOO.tKiO bushels , or 11,000,000 bushels below
the mark at the corresponding date last year.
Corn was active , and opinion very greatly
divided as to the merits of the mar
kets. The opening was weak and lower
on large receipts , and In sympathy with
wheat. The market hardened under thii in
fluence of strong local buying , but on the
advanre a great ( leal of property was offered
forsalo , and when the speculative Inquiry
was In part satislied , values softened
and llnal prices were about midway between
extremes and the tone could not bo de
scribed as being especially strong. Septem
ber opened and closed at 40 < c , selling in the
meantime as high as 41c. October opened at
41 ? c , advancetl to 41 < o and closed at 41Xc.
May , the most active and strongest delivery ,
opened at 44J4c , sold up to 45@45 ; e and
closed at 44Jfc.
The market for oats was rather more active
nta lower average price , though there was no
good reason , aside from liberaf receipts , for
the weakness. The leading , futures closed
about } { c below Saturday's latest bids nnd
the cash or sample market was tully that
much lower. A large share of to-day's busi
ness was In the way of changes , current
premiums being l@lic on October over
September , with l$2c ( difference between
November and September. There was an in
ciease In the visible of 338.000 bushels.
Provision traders opened the week wlthoul
any Improvement In their business. Orders
for both cash and future property were either
limited or light for this season and there
was no Increase In the general Interesi
shown. The day's trade simply "joggei
along" In a featureless manner , though the
market ruled and averaged easier. Pork and
short ribs closed about the same as on Satnr
day , but for lard prices declined
Short ribs also sold during the day at prlees
averaging 2'c under Saturday's range. For
September delivery , the leading future , tare
sold at 80.85(38.40 and short ribs at 87.85(3) ( )
7.90 , closing at 80.35 bid and 87.90 re
spectively. October lard was 7Xc higher
nnd October short ribs the same to 2Xc under
September. The January future closed at
812.85 for pork , 80.50 for lard aud 50.23 for
short ribs.
CmcAoo , August 29. ( Special Telegram
to the BKK.J CATTLK The week starts in
with the chances In favor of the largest run
of cattle for any one week on record , com
mencing with 13,000 , or nearly 3,000 more
than Monday a week ago. With this heavy
supply before them buyers were In no hurry
to get to work. They did a great deal of rid
ing about , and also did a good deal ot search
ing and talking , making very low bids.
When they said anything as to prices It was
generally admitted that nearly everything
except gilt edge , number one corn-fed steers ,
would sell substantially lower. Certainly
anything that had to compete with Texans
had to sell lower or not at all. There were
about 5,000 Texans among the fresh receipts.
One lot of premium Polled Angus steers
made the handsome price of 95.50 , but this
Is no guide whatever as to the value
of other good and useful cattle. The
demand for native butchers stock was lUht
and as a matter of course had to stand Its
elmre ot the down turn in other grades ot
natives. Texans were quoted 10Ql5c lower
than Saturday. The stockers and feeders
trade was quiet. Shipping steers , 1,350 to
1,500 Ibs , 84.40(35.15 ( ; 1.200To 1.3.X ) Ibs. S3.G5 ®
1.15 ; 950 to 1,200 IDS , 83.20@4.00. Stockera
and feeders , 82.00@S.25 ; cows , bulls and
mixed , S1.05&3.00 ; bulk , 82.00(32.15. ( Texas
steers , yj.50Gt3.90 ; cows , SI.75@-J.40. Western
raugurs a shade lower. Sales : iMOTe-xans ,
1,030 Ibs , $3 35 ; 2 i Montana , 1,138 Ibs , SXr.U ;
240 Wyoming. 1,170 Ibs , 83.50 ; 33. 1,010 Ibs ,
83.15 : 70 cows , 1.023 Ibs. 92,05 ; 4 bulls , 1,280
IDs. 83.00 ; 4 bulls , 1.257 Ibs , 82.60.
llooH The speculators plunged boldly Into
the pens early this morning and advanced
the price on themselves about 5c , buying
nearly all the fresh arrivals , liegular buy
ers , however , especially the agent * for pacKIng -
Ing linns , bat on the fences and whittled
away a section or two until the "boys" be
came "tired" and then got what they wanted
about 5o lower than at the opening , so that
the close was the same as on Saturday. A
few lots of prlmn heavy made 85.35@5.40 ;
good packing sorts,85.20@v.i5 ; common , 85.00
W5.10 ; llirht sorts 35.25(25.35 ( for Yorkers ,
and S4.7535.10 for grassers.
NEW YORK , Auzust 29. [ Special Telegram
to the BEK.I STOCKS The bulls expected a
continuation of Saturday's bulge In stocks
and were correct , as the market opened
strong , with advances extending to 2 points.
London bought Lake Shore , New York Cen
tral and Wabash preferred. The Mills buildIng -
Ing peopje were bulls and bought New Eng
land , Heading , Lackawanua , and Lake
Shore. Timid shorts ran to cover and a fur
ther appreciation of XQl point was recorded.
The bear party were free sellers on the bulge
and after the early buyers were tilled up , the
market , which was fairly active , became dull
and declining. The bears continued selling
and pressing tholr advantage and before 1
o'clock all the early advance had disappeared ,
and prices on a majority of the properties on
the active list bad declined below Saturday's
close. New Kngland broke 1 point , Heading
1 and Western Union X despite the bullish
utterances of Gould and Sage , St. Paul lf >
Northwestern H < Northern Pacific preferred
Ki Oregon. Transcontinental l , , Oregon
Navigation 2Jf , Union Pacific J { , Missouri
Paclllc 1V , but rallied & Thi Imports ot
gold to-day were 8800,000 and slnco July S3
8' ,2.V,000 ) have arrived from Europe. This
gave the bulls little encourajement , as they
say there is no use trying to bull stocks for
anything except a small turn , whllo the bear
combination run the market. Wash
ington K. Connor , formerly ( Sould'a
partner In Wall street , returned from Kuropo
yesterday. In conversation about the llnan- *
wal situation , ho said : "I find that people
who have been bearing the stock market
have reached a point where they are not con
tent with ordinary methods , but have re
sorted to means which always Indicate that
they dare not sell any moro stock-that Is at
tacking the credit of Individuals and Institu
tions. I remember when this was done In
1SS4. It was not long after that the market
turned Into a bull one. Certainly railroad
earnings are satisfactory and well known
railroad men say they will contlnlio FO. In
Kuropo 1 found they weru great believers In
the continued prosperity of this country.
Thcv are following the earnings of our rail
roads viry closely , and IOOK upon the depres
sion which had taken place before I left as
unnatural and not warranted by the business
situation. I have seen telegrams from New
York published In foreign papers which
were false and wore sent for the purpose of
creating distrust there. " Frank Work , who
returned to-day , talked In the same strain as
Mr. Connor and says stocks are cheap.
GOVERNMENTS Government bonds were
dull but strong.
U. S. 4'scoupon.l25 < 4 C. AN. W
U. S. 4W'scoup..lOSJ < do preferred. . . 14.1
Pacilic6lsot'P5..l ! N. V. 0 107
CanadaSouth'n. . 52 O. K. &N 8C > ,
Central Paclliu. . 30 O. T. S2X
Chicago A Alton. 14" rPacllicMall Sir
do preferred..IflO P. , D. A K 23
C. , BAQ : - - Pullman PaLCar. 144
129J < 'Ueadlng ' 51. .
D. Alt.O 20tf'Kock ' Island . . . .123' <
Erie Siytf St K AS. F. . . . 34. "
do preferred. . . , C7.'l ' do preferred. . . . 70
Illinois ' Central..118 c. , M. A HtP. . . 81J
I. , B. AW 1 . . do .preferred.
K. A T UB f St P. A O. .
Lake Shore 92 do preferred. . 107
L. AN 01 % Texas Paclric. . . . 2fc
Michigan Cent' ! . . 82 Union Paclllc. . . .
Mo. Paclllc 9U , ' < W..SU LAP. . . . ,
No. Pacific 2l ' do preferred. . 30
do preferred. . . . 49J { W. U. Telegraph
MONKY On call easy at 3@5K oer
cent , last loan 4 per cent , closed offered at 2
cent. EXCHANOR Dull but firm at
480K for CO day bills , and 4&Ai } for demand.
Chloftito. August 39. Following quota
tions are the 3:30 : closing figures :
Flour Firm and unchanged.
Wheat Opened & ® * f > c lower than Satur
day's closln ; ; ligure , but on good demand n
recovery was made from early prices of %
9Kc , and the closing was about ' { c below
Saturday ; cash , 08c ; September , 68 9-lCc ;
October , 70 5-lGc.
Corn Moderately active and easv early.
later became somewhat tinner and closed , ' c
under Saturday : cash and September , 405jfc ;
October , 41c.
Oats Slow and heavy with heavy shipping
demand ; cash , 24e : September , 34A'c ;
Rye Dull and nominal at44c.
Barley Steady ; September ,
Prime Timothy Seea No. 2 ,
Flax Seed-S 1.01.
Whisky 81.10.
Pork Dull and about steady ; cash , 815.00
@ir .25 ; October , S1G.CO ; year , $10.63 ®
lti.70 ; January , $12.25. iJM
Lard Dull , steady and unchanged : cash
and September , SO.5QO.a7K : ! ; October , SG.42'f
Dry baited Meats-Shoulders. 85.41 5.50 ;
short clear. SS.30C'8.35 ; short ribs. 87.87 } .
Butter Weak ; creamery , 18@24 > $ c ; dairy.
Cheese Dull and weak : full cream chcd-
dars and Young Ameitcas , lOJ QUc ; Hats ,
Kegs-Steady at 14@14Kc.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green hides.
7Mc ; light do , 7 @ 3c ; salted bull hides ,
Re , green salted c.ilf , 8K@9c ; dry Hint , \X&
13c : dry calf , 12@itc : ; deacons 30c each.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 3 > c ;
No. 2 , 3c ; cakes , 4c.
4c.Kocelots. . Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 18,000 47,000
Wheat , bu . 28.000 257.000
Corn , bu . 285,000 891.000
Oats , bu . 168,000 330,000
Rye , bu . 3,000 -
Barley , bu . 44.000 8.000
New York , August 29. Wheat Ke-
relpts , 304,300 ; exports. 101,000 ; spot lots
declined . ' ( jJJVc and options % @ } { c , and
closed heavy at near the bottom ; ungraded
sed , TOJtfgSSc : No. 1 red , nominal at fc4c ; No.
2 red , 77 (3711 ( 0 In elevator , 80 15-lG@3Uo
delivered ; r\o. red for September closed at
Corn Spot lots a shade lower , options
H(2c ( lower , and closed heavy : receipts ,
9.4uo ; exports. 149,200 ; ungraded , 49K@51tfc ;
No. 8 , 49 ; @ 50c in store , 51@51c deliv
ered ; September closed at 49c.
Oats were a shade higher ; receipts. 89.200 ;
exports , none ; mixed webtern ,
white. 35@40c.
ColTeo-Spot , fair : Rio quiet at 820.00 ; op
tions heavy and lower ; sales , 80,000 bags ;
August , 817.90 ; September , 517.70@17.95
October , 818.10(318.25 ( : November , bIS.3.5
December , 818.35(318.50 ( ; January ,
18.5.5 ; February , $18.50.
Petroleum Firm ; United , 0''c.
Kirgs In fair request ; westein
Pork In moderate demand.
Lard A shade lower , but fairly active ;
western steam , 80.72 } .
Butter Firm but quiet ; western , 1325c ;
western creamery , lC 25c.
Cheese Quiet and steady ; .western ,
Minneapolis , August 20.- Wheat
Market quiet ; futures neglected ; fair Inquiry
for good milllnc wheat ; No. 1 bard , eli ) ,
cash , TCXc ; September , 72Jfo ; October ,
70 c ; No. 3 northern , old. cash , 71Hoi
Scptorubor , G'J'ic ; October , 65c. On track ,
old No. 1 hard , 74c ; Mo , 1 northern , 73c
No. 3 northern , 70o ; new No. 1 hard , 71
No. 1 northern , O'Jo ; No. a northern , 65c.
Receipts-Wheat , 103,000 bu. ; Hour 140
SUipmentn-Wtieit , 33,000 bu ; flour , 30,000 ,
Wheat In store at St Paul 2,234,5'J3 bu. .
St. fcoulii , Aucust i . Wheat Firm
cash. 69 > i'o : September. 6'JXc.
Corn Firm ; cash , 3S > i ; September ,
October , 38 Vc.
Oats-F.asier ; cash , 24f@24Xc ; September
24 fc ; October , 2VoC.
hard S0.20.
Butter Firm ; creamery , 31@27c ; dairy , 16
@ 31c.
Hnnsaa City. Aueust 29. Wheat-
Stead v ; No. 2 , soft , cash , 63c bid ; May , 75c
bid. 78'jfc ' asked.
Corn-Steady : No. 2 cash , S5Wo bid. av
asked ; September , MJs'c bid. 35&o asfcetl
October , 30o bid ; year. 85tfc bid , " " '
Oats-23Xo bid.
Milwaukee. Auzust29. Wheat Steady
cash and September , CSJ c ; October , 7034'c.
Corn-Dull ; No. 3. 40fc. }
Oats-Easier : No. 2 white , 27c.
llye-WeakNo. 1.47C.
Bailey Finn at 57Mc.
Provisions Easier ; pork. August , 814.5
Cincinnati , August 89. Wlieat Dull
No. 8 red , 72c.
Corn Easier but lower ; No. 3 mixed ,
Oats Easier ; No. 3 mixcnl. 27Q57WC.
lire-Dull , but easier ; No.- , bo
Provisions-Pork , dull at SH.75.
Lard Scarce at 88.30.
Whltlcy-Steady at 11.05.
Now Orleans. August 25. Corn qulot
but steady ; In sacks , mixed , 54c ; yellow , 54
@Mc ; white , 55c.
Oats Steadycholco ; sacks , 35Q
Corn Meal Firmer at 83.40.
Ho < Products Quiet but bteady.
Pork-815.37) < .
Lard-Kenned tierce , SC.62K.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , 85.65 ; long clear
and clear rib , 38.12X.
Liverpool , August 29. Wheat Quiet ;
holders offer freely : red western wlnter.Cs 2d
( ttOs4(1 per cental ; rod western spring , w Id
Corn Firm ; demand fair : holders offer
moderately ; new mixed western , 4 * 2 d per
j CliluuKo , Au ust aa. Tlia Drovers'Jour-
I nai reuorts as follows :
I Cattlo-lUcelpw. 12,000 ; itcady for Doit
others a shade lowers fancy , 85.20(95.00 ( ;
shlpolnesteers. 93.20 5.15 ; stockera and feed
er * , sa.txxft&a.'i ; coWn , bulls and mixed ,
ll.05Q3.00 ; Texas steers. 32.60f43.30 ; west
ern range a shade lower at 2.CO@3.00.
HOKS Jtecelpts , lo.twojjtrong ; roiuli , J4.T5
( R5.15 ; packing and shipping , S5.2535.0 ;
light , S4.t @ ' > .40 ; skips , 83.'i1S4.SO. (
8heer > Kecotptfl , 8,000 ; shndo lower ; nn-
tlves , 82.aya4.WK ; western , saotxiiS.OS ;
Texans , I3.00ci3.50 ; lambs , 4.00@4.85.
N'AtioiiM Stock Yards. Knst St.
L-ouli. III. , Aunttat W. Uattlo Koceiots.
5,200 ; shlptnputs. 1,200 : mostly Texans and
Indians ; mnrkr-t lower ; fair to choice heavy
native steers , 84.XK ( 4.7.r ) ; butcliors' stccn ,
fair to choice. 0.ux : 4.00 : feeders , fair to
food , 73.75 ( .50 : Texans and Indians , com
mon grass to good corn-fed , 82.10 3.70.
iloss Kcceipte , 2,090 ; shlpuinats. 800 ;
strong ; cliolco heavy and butchers' selec
tions , l5.40S5.5r > : parkcrs and Yorkers , me
dium to choice , S5.00Q5.U5 ; pigs , common to
Rood , 84.50(35.00. (
Kanaas Oltr. August 29. Cattle
Heculots. 2DOOihlpnirnts ; ( , . ' { ,300 ; best corn-
fed steady : Rood to choice corn-fed , 14.20 ®
4.70 ; common to medium , SJ 3002.40 : stock-
crs , 82.25@2.rA : feed Inn steers , 82.70 3.25 ;
COWS , 81.40 ( 2.C > 5.
HOKS Krcelpts , 4,000 : shipments 1,200 ;
cliolco firm ; common. 5@10c lower ; com
mon to choice , 84.UO@5.2o ; skips and pigs ,
S3.00rc,4 ( , > . _
. - Saturday , August 30.
The run of cattle was liberal , the bulk beIng -
Ing range cattle. The market was steady on
good corn-rod natives , and ono bunch went
at S4.IX ) . Several othnr bunches of lighter
cattle sold from $4,30 upward ? . The market
on common crudes nnd on r.iuire cattle was A
llttlo nailer. One bunch of Texas cattle Hold
at 83.80 and an other string of six leads of
corn ted westerns at S4.55. Butcher's stuck
and feeders were slow sale.
The receipts of hoes were light even for
Monday , and there were hardly enough to
make a market. The average quality of thu
how was not very good , which fact , together
w.Ui tlio light receipts maaa the market a
HU e alow and dull. The market u as about
steady at Saturday's prices. Only one load
reached S5.l ! > , but they were Hunt hogn and
not as good as thos * that brought $5.20 and
85.25 last week. The demand for choice
heavy hogs continues good. .
There were several loads In but none sold.
Cattle , 3'JOO ,
HOOT 1,400
Sheep 1,000
Cattle lOficars
iloes o
Sheep 5 "
Prevailing Prloot.
8ho wing the prevailing prlcas paid for live
stock on this mirknt :
Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . . . S4.2.i l4.CO
Choice steers , 1100 to law Ibs. . . 4.004.-i5
Fat little steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75'd.UK )
Corn-fed range steers 1200 to 1500 H.7.V < 24.50
Good to cliolco corn-fed cows. . . . 2.50 ( < 3.00
Common to medium cows 2.oo@2.2"i
Good to cholco bulls 1.75 A..00 )
Llgbt and medium hoes 4.90065.05
Uooil to clioire heavy hogs 5.10 5.120
Good to choice mixed hogs 4.1)0 ) 5.10
Rnpro oiitative
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
40..W.O Jj4.fO ! 20..1'.y S4.40
08..1293 4.3.5 10..1514 4.00
62 . . .1C40 $4.63
IT-XAS smuiw SWAN i * c. co.
159. . . . 1042 83.20
1. . . . 790 82.25 8. . . . 911 S2.bO
( ions.
No. Av. 8hk. Pr. No. Av. 8hlr. Pr
C4..203 4085.00 7 ( > . . . .2.'il
07..203 120 50) 73..870 40
84..213 2bO 5.00 6J..2.VJ 5.07 #
CO..215 bO 5.00 07 . . :247 80 5.07 } ?
71..340 bO 5.02 M..220 120 5.10
71..230 240 5.05 00..870 100 5.10
CO..803 80 505 70. . . . 825 5.10
03..354 180 5.05 ( H..2SO 120 5.10
C4..204 200 5.05 70..211 40 5.15
Invc Stock Sulil.
Showlngt'io nu ubar of lioad of stock sold
on the market to-day :
O. II. Hammond & Co 300
Shippers , 2.5
Local I. . 40
Total SOS
Anglo American Packing Co 14S
G. II. Hammond A Co
Squires < te Co 5V >
Armour * Co 340
Harris & FUlier 70
.Total ' . 124 ! )
Unsold 120
All -silos ot stock in this market are made
per cwt. live wol.Hit unless othorwlso atata.t ,
Dead hogs sell at Ke per Ib. for all weights
"Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 10J Ids.
no value. Pro naut sowsara docktU 49 lUj.
and stagsSJ Ibs. by thu nublio inspector.
Live Stock Notes.
Cattle steady.
Hogs steady.
.Light receipts of hogs.
Col. Savage has returned from his western
Ben Welch , Kansas City , was visiting
friends at the yards.
Gund & Co. , Blue 11111 , marketed a load of
hogs shipped from Bladen.
E. O. Page , Cheyenne , was In with nine
loads of cattle from his ranch.
P. L , Smith was hero with two loads of
western cattle from Hawllna.
T. Payne and Mr. Uoagtauil , ot Dunbar ,
Nfb. , wore in looking tor feeders.
Plerson D. Smith , St. Edwards , marketed
six loads of l,29.Hb steers at 84.35.
L. M.Trultt. with Patterson Bros.Chlcago ,
was among the visitors at the yards. .
George Willard.Colimbus. marketed n load
of 24Mb hoes at $5.15 the top price.
Mr. Bergreen , the well known feeder and
shipper , \MH In and marketed two loads of
1830 Ib. steers at 84.30.
OT. J. Huff manof the firm of Stovers & Co.
Vail , la. , was in with his lirst shipment ol
hogs to th Is market
Geo. S. Chandler , of Saltmarsh and Chantl
ler , returned yesterday tiom Chicago , where
ho had been with sheep.
The run ot range cattle Is not as heavy a
a year ago , and the prospects would seem to
Indicate a lighter run for the whole season.
George H. Cowles , banker of Osaeola , la.
was among the visitors at the yards. Ho is
looking up the prospects for feeding cattlo.
John Price , Council Bluffs , brought qvcr a
good load of corn-fed cattle. The woru ted
by him aud a\eragcd 1,21)4 ) Ibs and sold a
A.Lavenburp.CoiincIl Bluffs , brought in six
loads of corn-ted cattle of his own feeding
sixty-two head aveiagod 1,010 Ibs and brough
John H. Martin , Chicago , of the linn o
Mm tin Broj. , live stock commission of Chi
cue and Omaha , was among thosj at the
yards yesterday.
T. J. Wllbcrn. Greenwood , a well known
feeder , was in ami marketed n load of 1514 Ib
cattle of his own feeding at 84.00. Ho is
feeding 71 head.
The railroad companies are getting back
Into their old habit of delaying stock tha
romes from Iowa. Hogs that were loaded a
tow miles east of the Bluffs , on Saturday af
ternoon , arrived at the yards at 7:40 : Sunday
Among those havlnr stock on the marke
were the following : Bell & W. , Ida Grove
Thomas Wllhurn , Greenwood : Snell ic A.
Ashland ; S. K Kelley , Bloomlngton
Taylor & G. . hhelton ; A. W. Ollnger
Kearney ; John Quinn , Wood Ulver
Union Cattle Co. . Plnn muffs ; Jim Frazler
Columbus ; George Willard. Columbus : C. W
Xeigler. Oconoo ; W. 1) . Currier , Uock Crock
J. M. Carey A Co. , Warbonnet Stock Co. , Da
kola Stock acG.Co.ThomasoniC. , Wakeheld
KB. Campbell. Herman : N ye Wilson J
Co. , Fremont ; Sims A H. , Earlham , la.
Barr A Van Zandt , Malvern ; L. Anderson &
Co. , Mead : Taylor A B. , Broken Bow ; H.
Gund A Co. , Illation : Dorn A Pltklns , Neola ,
la. ; J. C. Welsh , Clarinda , la. ; J. Itoths-
chlld , Independence.
Monday , August 29.
Tlit following are the prices nt which
ruuiul lei o/ produce arc sold on Mils
I tmirkil :
I Monday Is usually a dull day on the'pro-
I duce matkols nd to-day waa uo exception
to the rule. The receipts wcro light and
prices remained about steady.
EOOB Scaroi and prices Urni , go as soon
as received at lX17c. ( (
lJurrr.n Choice Is scarce , prices fair ;
West Point creamery. 24c ; other creamery ,
22c ; chotcn dairy , Ijj'C-Oc ; medium grades ,
1318c ; ordinary , O Wc.
CHKKSE Market good. Fancy full cream
Cheddars , slnzle , 12c : full cream , twins , 12c ;
young American , l2K@13c ; brick cheese. 100
Ibs In case , nnw , 14c | hliuburecr , 100 Ibs In
case , new , 13,4c ; Swlis , fancy Ohio , new l ° c.
I'OUI.TIIV-Market fair , iirlccsrirm. Spring
chlcknns S.75 ) ( < ta.50 ; old towls S2.50CJ3.25 ;
ducks. 82.2.V32.75 ; turxeys , C ( < ? 7c per Ib.
GAME. The season for came will open
September I. There are already a good many
prairie chickens arriving , packed In Ice ,
which meet with rradv sale at $2.50 per
dnrcn. Shippers should draw them and Mull
with hay before packing. A few Mallard
ducks\vcro received , ami , belnv a novelty nn
the market , brought 83.00 per dozen , It would
not do , however , to anticipate over 8 .50 per
do7e.n from now on.
PoTATor.8 Scarce and firm at 70@SOo
CAIIIIAOK Firm at 75crl per dozen to
solid heads.
O.VIONH Scarce and Orm ; good stock , 00 ®
81.00 per bushel.
MELONS Watermelons bring S8.00@12.00
per hundred ; cantelopes. 5o@75c per doz. '
TOMATOES The lucal canleners arc SIID-
jlying the mnritet tit 75c@51.CO per bushel.
CKI.EUY The demand Is not very heavy so
larly In the season. Good stock suitable for
shipment Is sold at 35@40c per bunch.
BKANH. Hand picked navy beans
re quoted at 81.HO@1.W per bushel , and the
ither grades are selling from that figure
[ own to 31.25.
POPCOIIN Cliolco for stands , 2H@3c perlb.
Orders from the cauntru rcqtilrliitj sc-
'cctal ' Ktoclt mul ertrn cure In iMcltlwt can-
iiot dlini/i | / be Jilted nt the snmc prices
litolcd to the locttl triirtc for common stock.
There wcro three cats of California fruits
which arilved last nlirnt and this
'hero was a very fair demand and stocks
vere moving freely.
PLUMS The receipts ot plums are not as
leavy as of other fruits from California ,
'rices are llrm , good stock moving at 81.50
icr box.
PIIUNKS The market is well supplied with
jotti the Gross aud silver prunes. Good
tock 81.50.
PKACIIEB The market Is well supplied
with vciy cholco stock from California.
Choice stock Is golngat 8l.25Ol.50. Michigan
peaches have put In an appearance on the
nnrket and are selling at 83.00 < d3.25 per
rate of 4 baskets.
NKCTAKINES There are a few California
nectaijnus on thu maiket. Choice stock ,
11.23(31.50 ( per box.
GIIAI'KB The supply of home-grown and
Jalifornla grapes continues liberal. Califor
nia , 81.00 per 20-lb box ; home-grown , 4c
) er Ib.
PEAits-Callfornla Bartletts , 83.35@3.50 ;
ither varieties , 82.50 per box.
LKMONS The supply liberal , with fatrde-
naiid. Common stock , S0.00@0.50 per case ;
choice , 87.0007.50.
OitANfiES There are a few good oranges
on Hie mai ket Uodl , 80.50.
BANANAS The market is full of bananas
at 81.50(33.00 ( per bunch.
Ai'i'i.Ks The market Is hardly as llrm as
t was , o\ving to the Increased receipts from
ho local orchards. Choice apples suitable
or shipment are quoted at S'J.25 per bbl.
CRAII Arri.KK The demand Is very light
and is supplied for the most part by the lucal
armcis. Choice stock , $1.00 per bushel.
Grocer's hist.
COKKEK Ordinary grades , 20X@2Ic ; fair ,
21H@82c ; prime , SSQhSte : fancy green and
yellow , 325c : ; old trovernment Java. 28 ©
Oc ; Interior Java , 25 2c ; Mocha , 28330c ! ;
Arhucklo's , roasted , 2iVc ( : McLalighlin's
XXXX , 26 c ; Dilwortlrs , 20c ; Ked Cross ,
SUOAH . . . . . . . ,
i c ; wnltc extra C , 5J.CC45.Jsc ; extra C , 5
> % ? \ yellow C , 5X@Vlc ; cut loat ,
lowdered , 77 ; e
lU'.KiNED ijAiin Tierce , f > Kc ; 40-lb square
cans , OKc ; 50-Jb round. 7 o ; 20-lb round ,
" } 4'o ; 10-lb oalls , 7Kc ; 5-lb palls , 7 c ; 3-lb
palls , 7J/c.
PioKi.ES Medium , In bbls , 50.50 ; do In
mil bbls , S3.75 ; small , In bbls , 87.50 : do In
lalf bbls , 84.85 ; gherkins , in bbls , SS.50 ; do In
tail bbls , 81.75.
WOODKNWAKI : Two-hoop pails , per dnz ,
< { 1.45 : 3-hoop palls , 81.70 ; No. 1 tub , 80.50 ;
\'o. 2 tub , S5.50 ; No. 3 tub , 84.50 ; wnsii-
boards , U1.75 : assoited bowls , 32.25 ; N/o. / 1
shunts , S'J ; No. 3 churns , SS ; No. 3 churns ,
TOHACCO Lorlllard'sClimax. 44c ; Splen
did , 33c ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c : Lcggett A
Meyer's Star , 41c ; Cornerstone , 34c ; Drum-
moml's Horse Shoe , 41c ; T. J. , U7c ; Sore's
Spearhead , 14c ,
2 , 81.75 ; heavy stable , 84
Sviiur-No. 70 , 4-irallon kegs. 81. : @ 1.38 ;
New Oilcans , per gallon. os < al ! < ic ; maple
svruu , half Ibbs , "old time , " per gallon , bOc ;
1-irallon can- , , per doi , $10.50 ; luilt-irallon
cans , per do$0.00 : quart cans.
CANDY Mixed , bK < < > llc ; stick. . .
CIIACKKIIS Garneau's soda , butter and
picnic , 4e : creams , 7Kc ; ginger snaps , 7c :
cltv soda , 7Kc.
THAS Japan , 20H)55c ( ) ; gunpowder , 20@COc ;
Youn * Hyson. 2T > (85r ( > c ; Oolong , 80000. %
jEU.IF.B-30-lb pails. S3.00.
CANNED GOODS Ovsters , standard , per
case. S3.00 ( < ? 3.10 : strawberries , 2 Ib , per case ,
S8.85@2.90 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , S2.b5 ( <
2.00 ; California pears per case. - fl.50 ( 4.(10 ( ;
apricots , tier case , $3.70iM.75 ( ; peaches per
rase , S4.CO@4.70 ; white cheirles , per ease ,
85.bO plums , per case. 815.00(53.70 ( : blue-
berriex , per case , 82.10(33.20 ( : e.jg plums , 3
Ib. per ease , S-.50 ; pineapples , 8 Ib ,
per case. S3.80@5.75 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per do ,
81.51 : l Ib salmon , per do8l. . n@8.oo : 2 Ib
goosebori ies , per ease. SS.'JSWi.S.'i ; 2lb string
beans , per case , 81.70 : 2 Ib lima bean ? , oor
case , 61.00 ; 3 Ib marrowfat peas , per caset
S2.5033.CO ; 21boarlyJuno peas , per case ,
82.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , 82.40J 50 ; 2 Ib corn ,
PitovisioNS Hams , 13) ) @ 13c ; breakfast
bacon. HCSllKc : bacon sides U itflOc ;
div salt , 8ia9c ( ; shouhlers,7@7 > /cdried beet
hams , I213c : dried beef regular , H12c ;
hams.plcnic , 8 } fi9c.
DitiEi ) FKHITS Apples , now , , ' 's C5fc !
evaporated , 50-lb rinir. 15' < @lc ( ; ; raspberries ,
evaporated , 2b@2c ! ) ; blackberriesevaporated ,
0 > ia9Vc ( ; Pitted clierrles , 17@18c ; neaciies ,
new , M's , 7 > fc : evaporated peeled pctacnes ,
c ; evaporated , unpned , cnew currants ,
7K@7 } < c ; prunes , 4'/4Kc : citron'Boc : rai
sins , London layers , $1. ( > 5 : California , louse
muscatels , 81.50 ; new Valencias , ' '
Itori : Seven-sixteenths inch ,
General Markets.
SPIRITS Colofne spirits , ibu proot , 81.10 ;
do 101 proof , 81.12 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , 81.10 ; do 184 proof , 81.09. Alcohol.
IbS proof. 82.10 per wine gallon. Kedistllled
whiskies , 81.0Ksl.50. ( Gin blended. 81.50 ®
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , 82.00(30.00 ( ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 32.00(30.50 ( ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
SL50Ui3.00. ( Brandies , imported , S5.00@8.50 ;
domestic , S1.30&J.OO. ( Gins , Imported. 84.5 ( ) @
0.00 ; domestic , $1.25 ( 3.00. Champagnes , Im
ported , per case , S28.00@33.00 ; American , per
case. 810.00 10.00.
CoAi.-Egg. 89.00 ; nut , 89.25 ; ranee , 89.25 ;
Iowa lump , 83.00 ; Iowa nut , $2,75 ; walnut
lock , $ t.OO ; Illinois. 84.2504.75.
HEAVY HAKDWAIIE Iron , rate , 82..0 . ;
plow steel , special cast , 4J c ; crucible steel ,
Gtfc ; cast tools , dn. 12i lbc ; wa on spokes ,
per set , S3.00@3.50 ; hubs , per set , 81.25 ; tel-
Iron wedges , Co ; crowbars , Cc : harrow teeth ,
4/e / ; spring steel. 4 ( < i5c ; Bunion's horse
shoes , 4.75 ; Buiden's mule shoes. 85.75.
Barbed wire * In car lots , S4.00 per 100 Ibs.
Iron nails , rates , 10 to 50 82.40 ; sleeil nails
HIDES Green butchers' , 5X@Oc ; green
cured. 7Hc ; dry flint , He : dry salt , 9c ; green
ralf skins , 7 > 'c ; damaged hides , two-thirds
price Tallow 3c. Greasii Prime white. 3c :
yellow , 3c ; brown , IKc. Sheep pelts , 25 ®
Dry Goo la.
COTTON FI.ANNKLS 10 per cent trade dis
count LL , 6jjfc ; CC , 7) ) c : SS , Bj/o
Nameless , 5Ue ; No. 5 , Oc ; Eli , \lyio \
( ; ( } , lO c ; XX , I2c ; OO. 14c : NN , Ific
HX. ibc ; It , 2Jc : No. 10 , sxc ; 40 , 10 0 : oo
lOKc : bO , 15c ; 30 , colored , lOc ; 50 , colored
12c ; 70. colored , 15c ; Bristol , 13 c ; Union
PaclUc. Ibc.
CAIII-KT WARP Bibb white , 18Kc ; col
ored , 20 > < jc.
BATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem. lie ; Beauty
12Kc : Boone , 14c ; B , cased , 80.50.
PniNTB'.CoLOits Atlanta 5Kc : Sla
ter 5c : BerllnOlloxcGarncrOilOto7 ; , PINK
AND Itonns Richmond Cc ; AllttnOa ; Ulver-
point 5cbt ; 3el Ulverf : IilciimonaCc ; Pacllic
O.KC. iNDKioBi.UB Washington Cc ; Ameri
can C c ; Arnold OWc ; Arnold B 10 > < n ; Arnold
A 12c ; Arnold Goldseal 10c. DIIESS Charter -
tor Oak4J < c ; HamapoSjfc : Lodl 4J < c : Allen
Stfc : Hlclimond &vc ; Windsor Cc ; Eddystonu
6c : Pacltio Cc.
GINOIIAUPlunkett checks 7Vc : Whlttcn-
ton 7c : - York 7Wc ; Normandle' Dress
akc ; Calcutta De H' < - > : Whlttcnton
Dress 'Uc ; Jte frew Ureas Oc to IS o ;
CAMnmcs Slater 4Wc ; Woods 4fc } ; Stan
dard 4fc ; Peacock 4c.
COHSKT JKANS Androscoggln , c ; Kcar-
Bage 7c ; Hoc K port Okc ; Concstoiia G.'fe.
DUCK-West Point 29 In..8ol. . lO ci West
Point 29 In. . lOoz. , 12Jc : West Point 29 In. ,
13 oz. , 15cest ; Point 40 In. . 11 oz. , Ific.-
Checks Caledonia X. OKc : Caledonia XX ,
lOVc ; Economy 9 to Kc ; Otis 9 to 9Kc.
TICKH LnwIstonSO In , , 12J c : Lowlston 33
In. , 13k'c ; York 33 In. , 14c ; Swift Hlver7Kc :
Thorndlke O O , 8i/c ; Thorudlko E F , 8kc ;
Thorndlke 120 , 9c ; Thorndlke XXX , iSc
Cordls Mo. 5. Ue : Cordls No. 4 , He.
DKNI.MS Amoskeag 9 o ? . , lee : Everett 7
oz. , 13e ; York 7oz. , 13c ; Haymaker 8 } < e ; JalT-
roy XX. llc : Jaffrcy XXX. 12tfe ; Beaver
Creek AA. 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , lie ;
Beaver Creek CO.IIOC.
KENTUCKY JKANS Memorial 15e ; Canton
ISc ; Durham 27) ) < c : Hercules 18c ; Learning-
'on 88 c ; Cottswold 25c.
CitAsii Stevens' B Gc ; bleached 7c ; Sto-
ens' A 7Ue ; bleached 8Hc : Stevens' P 8Hc :
leached UXc ; Stevens' N O c ; bleached
Olfc ; Stevens'SUT12WC ,
Miscin.LANKotJs Table oil cloth 88.85 ;
lain Holland 8 > < e to9e ; Dado Holland 13'c. '
Fi.ANNKt.SrPlald Uaftsuian.20fl ; Gpslien
f\ \
{ . 37 > < c ; Oucchce No" . 3 , * ( , Sik'c ; At
3KcVlndsor ; as < c. llcd-C. 84 inch , 15Xc ;
S. 84 Inch , 81o ; ( Hi , 24 Inch , 18c ; H. A. F. , Jf ,
-5c ; J. K. F. , H , 27Kc ; G. , { , 35c.
CoMroiiTr.ns S0.50@35.00.
BLANKETS White , Sl.oo@7.50 ; colored ,
1.10(38.00. (
BKOWN SllKETINOS-Atlantlc A. 4-4. 7 > 4'e ;
Allantle. H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D ' 4-4 , ( Itfc ; At-
' -
antlc 1
< awrence . , , , - . .
Kc : Pepperell U , 4-4 CKe ; Poppereil O , 4-1.
KJ ; I'opperell , 8-4. ICc ; Pepperell , 9-4 , ISc :
oppereil , 10-4. 20c ; Utlca C , 4-4. 4Jfc ;
rVachusett , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora It , 4-4 , CJ < e ;
Anrora B , 4-4 , Cc.
BLEACHED SIIEKTINO Berkeley cambric ,
No. CO , OUc ; Best Yet , 4-4 , Cc ; butter cloth
. . . . , ' " . _ M. f . . . . _ _ ! _ . 'rt . ' ' - - *
00. 4tfc ; Cabot , 7 o : Farwull , 6c : Fruit of
" .jiiuiii , 8)c ; ( Jreune G. Co ; Hope , 7 } < c ; King
I'hlllip cambric , lie ; Lonsdale. live ; Lons-
dali % 8Kc : New York mills , lOWc ; Pepperell ,
2 inch , 10 } < e : Pepperell , 40 Inch , like ; Pep
perell , 0-4,15c ; Pepperell. 8-4.18c : Puppercll.
M , 20c ; Pepperell. 10-4 , 22 > < c : Canton. 4-4 ,
i&c ; Canton , 4-4 , Kc ; Triumph , Oc ; Wam-
utta , He ; Vallev. 5c.
Dry Lumber.
12 , it '
] A ft. Id ft'20 ' ft Xi ft'z4 ft
It. , .17.60 1V.50 20.60 21.GO 21.60
18. K.BO yi.vt
x8. Jl.W 21.SO
, 22.6t ) ? J.W
' '
, . . \K.-2f > 19.W ) 'M.M Z1.5U KJ.50
. .u.Golis.w ao.50a ! .sjk'i.oo ;
A C In. White Pine 83"i.50 C , 829.50
1 " " 33.50 D , 21.00
K ' " " ( Sol. Feucln.19.00 )
stand2ndclear , l.lh'incli , .3a 850.50
3d , clear , 1 Inch , s. 8 s. , 45.50
" " 1' * , IK , 3 In 40.50
A. select , 1 Inch , s. 3 s. . 40.00
" " I,1/ . 1 .2 In 44.00
B " 1 Inch , s.2 s. , 30.00
' " W , IK , 2 In 37.00
I'Ol'LAlt I.tlMHEIl.
Clear Poplar , llv. Bcls. ; In. , s. 2 s..835.50
K In. Panel , s. 8 s 27.00
" Corrugated Ceiling , % . . 28.50
0. G. Batts , VA ill 800.75
" Xx3 In , 00.45
T In Well Tubing. I ) AJ M and Bev. . . . . 23.00
Pickets , D. .t H. Flat 20.50
" Square 21.00
No. 1 , com. s t s 818.00 No. 2 , com , sis 817.00
No. 3 , 815,50 Mo. 4 , 813.00
No. 1 , 4 AOIn , 12 & 14 It , romrh 819.W
So. 1 , " " 10 " " 19.50
Vo.2 , " " 13 & 14 " " 10.00
No. 2 , " " 10 " " 17.50
A. 12. 14 and 10 ft. f-21.50 C , 815.50
B. 20.50 1) . 12.50
1st com , Jill White Pine Coiling 834.00
Jnd 2 .00
Clear , % in. Norway " " 10.00
and com. In. " " " 14.00
S10CK nOAltDS.
A 12 inch s. Is 845.50
No. 1 , com. 18 in. s. 1 s. , 12 ft 20.50
" " " 14 ft 1000
' " " 1C ft 18.50
No. 2 , " " " 10.00
" " " 1C ft 17.50
Inch Grooved Hoofing Sl.OO per M more
than 12 inch Stock Unatds same length.
8II1I' I.AI' .
No. 1 Plain. 8 A 10 in S19.50
No.2 " 17.50
No. 1 , O. G. . 8 lit 19.50
Cora. 4&0ln. Flooring 817.50
Star " " 81.50
Clear % In. Celling 21.50
" Jf In. Partition a\00
" Finish , lit I/in. s. 2s 29.00
" Corrugated Celling , 4 In 25.00
" Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . 27.00
XXclear . .83.10 Extra * A * 82.90
* A * Standard . . 2.75 * AHB\cB 2.55
Cin. clear No l.fl.50 Lath 2.C5
White cedar , C In. , } s. , 12c ; 9 In. qrs. , lie ;
S in. qrs. , lOc : 4 in. round 15c ; Tennessee
Ucd Cedar , split , 15c : Split Oak , 12c.
LIME , iTf. :
Qulncy white lime , ( best ) 90c : Akion cement ,
J.1.75 . ; Ilalr , 30c ; Plaster. 88.75 ; Tar board ,
81.75 ; Sash , 40c per ct. : Doors. 40c per ct ;
Blinds , 40c per ct. : Mouldings , 40c per ct. ;
Tar felt , per cwt. , 82.2. * > ; Straw board , SI.75.
CIIESTKH. S th } i-nr opens SUPTUMilKK 14.
rrcpnrntofjCourses. . Tliorou'li ( Tuclmloitl
Work. All Departments conducted by ablu
I'HOKESSOUS. .Military pygtpin soconil only to
that nt U. 8. M. A. Annuals of i.lout. S T. Hurt-
lott , 14')5 ) Bhcrtnnn Ave. , City : or Cblnf Pay
master's ODIcc , Armtll n < liuiirtcrn.
COU TRKO. HYATT 1'roslilcnt. INHTITUTE-Freclioltl , Now
Jersey , 44th year. Prepares for Prlnooton ,
Ynlo , Columbia , Harvard , unil for lluslncss.
Itev. A. U. ChatnDers , A. M , Principal.
Morgan Park Military Academy
A flrbt-clnss Enirllsti , Cliis lciil nd Comtiu
cial Hclionl. Scnil for Cntulogue.
Thlrty-sovcntli year begins Sept. fith" , 188T.
ForclrctilaihOr sneolnl tnformntlon addrona
HnrHCoK. Mnltli. LU 1) . Doun , Albany , N. Y.
Ami HOMi : SCHOOL , fur ( jiiur
KANSAS C1TV MO. 1-ull turpi of iiiconipllhli
Teachers. 1'uima ictoltcdiit anr tlma rorclrculu
apply to , Jllss E. ilcCOJIAM , principal
odors unt'ciunllod ndvantiiiros to Impart to your
sons anil wiirdq it thorough oiltifatlon for ultli-
or commercial course , or it tullcouri-o.ooiiipnB
inir cliiBslcs , law , gclonco , miUIioinatlca am !
Tin : IIMM i > ii'AitT.m\T : :
( St. I'M ward's Hull ) for boys under lliltleon
yours of upu. lloforo concluding where toccnu
your sons corul tor acatalo/uocontiilnltii ; Illus-
irntloiiHof tlio tiiiildlnk'n of Nutru Oatno mid
lull partlciiluri im to terms mid uoureo or study
Tlio 87th session OIIOMS Tuo rt y,8rntcml > cr 6th ,
4RH7. Aildross Itov. T. U. Wnlsli , 0. 8. U , 1'rcs.
Unhcrhlty.Notro Diune , Intl.
Illinois Conservatory of Music
L'nsurpuilCil Hdvantnuen In all Drpartmonti of
Munlc , I.Horatnrc. Moilen IitniiiiuiiG . Kloi utlon.
K. 11UI.I.AIII ) . Supt. , JnckiuiiTlllu , III
Remarkable for powerful sympa
thetic tone , pliable action and ab
solute durability ; ! iO years' record ,
the best guarantee of the excel
lence of these instruments.
I ANHOOn.Ynutl.ful.Imiii. .
uiluiici.Servuu ; I > ebllltvcuii8fd
through urrots und bad prnctlcea CURE
I triple mtnts.
WhoUiM * tc ) cr In
AfricultuTKl Implements , \Vngong ,
Curbi e and Unities. Jnnct etr t , between Uth
nil I0tb,0m h , Keb ,
c RETVALF co.t
Aprlcnltnral Implements ,
, HugglM. Hie. , Wtioltolf. , Om..h .
Wfcolei leDf. ltr In
Agrlcnliurfll Implements ,
ffttoni and Bugclei. KM , TO , W5 nml ! 7 , Jonpn it
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
U13 Douglii Strot. Om h .
Builders' Hard wart and Scales.
Mechanics' Tooli and Buffalo StaUt. llto Douf 111 at ,
Otnalia , N t > . _
_ _ _ _ _
Books end Stationery.
A. T. KKXl'ON dt CO. ,
Who'oiala and n * alt
Fooksollcrs and Stationers ,
1522 Douglas Ht.Omnlin , Nub. Telephone 601.
Corre noml Miop olloitnl.
Boot * and Shots.
W. 'vT jilORSEu CO.
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes.
illl Fainam it , Omaha. Ntb. llauufaetorj , Summet
ireit , Uoitun.
z. T. LINDSKV a : co. ,
Wholcsr.le Kublicr Boots and Shoos
Ituliuor iind OlleU ClothitiK nud 1'olt Hoots and
? hnf * . till llarnov Strrpt.
Ltger Beer Brewers ,
1H1 North tilh Blront. Omaha , Neb.
Butchers' Toots.
Butrhcrs' Tools and Supplies ,
: ao ag Cailnci of all klnda alwajf In aloek. Ull
Jonc it.Omaba
Ceffee , Spices , Etc.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
.Oofftci.Rplcei , Unking Powder , FI Torln B
traeu , laundry Dlu . Ink , Hte. 1114-1C Barncjr
Street , Omaba , N k.
John Eponcter , Prop.
Ilanmfaetnrer of Oaltanlied Iron and Cornte * . 8X
Uodgeaod IMandlO&N , lOtb it. . Omaha , Neb.
Ilanufacturcri of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Wlndowi , Final * , MetallcSkylight , tc. J10B.
12in t , Omaha.
C. Specht , Prop.
flnlTanlied Iron Cornlcci , etc. Bpcct-nlmprored Pat >
ent MolnllcSkrlluhl. K and 610 S 12th > t.Om ha.
Jobber * of
larpots , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Mnolouran , Mnttlnm , Kt ( * . Ull Dnngla ] atrrrt.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for 'be Manufacturer * and Importer ! of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Xampn , Cblnincyi , etc. Offlce , 317 Buulh lith it
Otaaha , Nub.
Mammoth Clnthinqr Hoiiao ,
Corner tnrnnm nd Tenth Streoti Oinahit , Neb.
Commission and Storage.
I ) . A. HURLEY ,
Commission and Jobbing- .
Butter , Kggaand Produce. Couilgr.memi lollclted.
IleHdqunrten for Btonewnre , ncrry Oozra uud
Grapu llaeken. 1411 DoUgaittect , Omaba.
Storage nnd Commission Merchant * ,
Epetlaltles Hutter. Kan * . Chpeio , I'o iltrr , Game ,
Oy ters , etc. , etc. 1UM. UluM.
Commission Merchants.
Frulu , Produce and ITovliloni , Omaha , Neb.
C CO. ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Hutter , Onnio , KTulu. elc. 220 B. Ktbit
Omaha. Neb.
Coal anif Lime.
( jito. r. J.Al.Ailll. Pren. C. F. OooriMAX ,
J A. auNDCUI.ANn , 800. and Traai.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Goal.
SOT South Thirteenth Strcut , Omaha , Nob.
- co. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Shlppcri of foal and Coku. Cement. I'lunter ,
Ume. Hulr. Plr Brlrk , Drain. Tila nnd Sawcr Plpo.
Ofllco. P-IIton Ilutul. Karnum H. , Omittia , Nub.
TtiU'nnnnn Rll.
Cigars and Tobacco.
MA % MEYER < R CO. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Quca and Ammunition , 21S toK3 B. 1Kb. it. , ItBO to
1024 rarnam it , Omiha.Nab.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wbolesalo Detlern In Leaf Tobaccoi , No . lot
and 11U N. 14th itreet , Omaha.
Dry Goods.
! CO , ,
DryGooda , Furnishing Goods & Notions
1102 and 1104 Douglai. cor. llth St. , Omaba , Neb.
DleUMeri of IJqunrTAIeohol andTplVlti. 'luiporten
and Jobberof WlneaanJ Llquori.
CO. and ILER d > CO. ,
Importers and Jobbonof Klne Wines and T.lquori.
Sole uxnufnctureri of Kennedf' * Kail Inrtln lilt-
tera ana lODi itlo I lijuori. 1112 llnrne ; Nt.
' ' '
Wholesale Dealers in FuniUuro.
rnrnani t. . paiaha. Neb.
Furniture , BoiUIinff , Upholstery ,
Mlnon , etc. 1200,1J03 und 1210 Karnnmst , OinMha.
Groceries ,
GALLAG/lEIt .0 CO. ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
No3. IK,707 , TOO and711 S. 19th St , Oman * . Neb.
McCORD , li.KADY C CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
K'tn and Lcirennortti iti Ouiuha.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron , Ktc. Agent > ( or Howe Mialea ,
uud Miaul Ponder Co .Omnha.Neb.
Heavy Hardwitre , Iron and Steel ,
Bprlug > , Vfacon Block. Hardware I.uiubtL etc. 1301
antt 1VII Jltnicr < Oinnlia.
EDNEY .c am/toy ,
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
WaKonahil f nl jo Wood fUotk , llearr lUrdwart ,
Ktc 1317 Ld m l.t vr. ortti in , , Oie.lia. Neb.
Stoves , Range * , FuriiAccH , Tiles ,
, Unui Ooudt. 19U u4 UU fainaa
fUriut , ,
Iron W rks.
Iron Works ,
ntiitht and Cait Iron Building Work , Iran fUlftL
allTnir , Dfimi a d Glrdrra. l i Hnilnii. RraM
ork , ( Itnnral WotnArr , Macalie and niaeainlH
\fort. li c a d Wor > ; . C. P. UT.annitinttrtiu
/ / . K. 8A WYRR ,
Manuractiirlns : Dealer in Smokestack '
lltllchlnxi , Tnnlti.and ( Ifaerul Bollrr HepalrlnjL
lltl _ Doilte Urcn.droalia. _
llanufaclnrrri of
ire and Iron Kftllliififrt , Desk
Window ( lu rd . Flower Btand , Wlr 8l ni , Rt
1WN. iota. Ordrn to * mall pnimptlr attendI * ,
D aUU AllKlndiof
Bulldlnr Material at Wholesalflu
18lh Btr l and Vnloa ratine Truck. OMaha.
) ealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sastk
Doori , Klo. Tardt-Cornirtth and Bongla | CornM
nth and Douilaa. _ \
WhoIcBalo Lumber , j
II B. 14lh ttr t. OraihnN li. .OolpM er. Man i 4
gt TT llfif'liy . ' . *
v Uv * UMdA.fJ ,
18th aid California ( ttrceta , Omaha , Kf b.
L timber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Eta.
CbMUi and Uouflai u , Omaha.N X
To Dealers Only. I
Offlca , U03 Farrjtm it r et , Omaha. J
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpeti and Parquet Flooring. d Dooilti
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
[ ported and American Portland Cement. JUatl
Agent for Milwaukee Hydraulic Cement and Beit ,
( julncy VfblUUme. J
Lira Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. Jehn F. Boyd , Btip HntendMit.
Lite Stock Commission.
Live Stock CommlKslon
Offlcp Koom 21. Opposite KxclmnKO
Union Block Yards. South Uniitliu , Nob.
McCOl' BROS. ,
Live Stock Coninilssion Merchants. '
Market furnlshcJ free on nppllntlou. MICK It era an ,
fee < 1r § furnhlird on Rood tcrnn. Refoinnce
Onuhii NHtlonivl n nk and South Umaha Nntl m
Union Stock V rd , South Oinnhn. ?
Live Stock Coinniission.
_ Oeo. Burke , Manager
Union Stock Tardt.a. Omaha. Telephone MJ.
H til ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipment * of an/ and all kinds of Stock lolloltoli
Union Stock \anl . Omaha. Neb. ,
Millinery and Motions.
Importer ! and Jobber ! of I
Millinery and Notions , !
HI3 and lilS llarney Bt.eet. Omaha. Nob. j
Wboletnle Denlerl In
Notions and FurniNhliur Goods ,
40.1 and 4U ( 8. Tenth Ht , Omahu.
Manufacturers of Overalls , 1
leans Panti , Bblrti , Ktc. 1102 and 1104 Doutlni ptreotf
Omahu , Neb.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Printing. ' j
Job Printers , JUank Hook Hakorj ,
And Book Hlndcm. 11X1 und 1H ( houth I'uuitoaMtlk' '
troot. Ouinln.Ncb.
Auxiliary PiibliHhers.
Dealers In Type , Preinoi and IMnlers' iiupplloi. CO/ /
Soulli Twelfth Street.
"Wholesale Punijis , I'ljie , Fittlnjja ,
am and Water Huppllui. Hpn > liiiHitcrii | for Mn
Ko ? tRo'i ( loo-Is. Illl 1 arruini U , ( Munliii. Nob.
Halladar Wind MIlis : nteam and Water Puppllcs ,
PIUBiblngdoods. n lllnic. iloic. VIS and Irar-
nam it. , Omnhn. H K. Kelton , M.inaiicr.
1 elpphnno No. 210.
Pnraps , 1'ipcH and EnpincH.
Bteun , Water , Itallwar and Mllllnv fluppllec. Et *
aa. jMand J4 Karnam at. . Onalia. : Nel > . _
Manufarturori and Denleri In
lioilei-H fo ( tcnoral iladilnery
beet Iron work , Steam 1'uuipr. Saw Mill ! , Acm
BtaaftlBC.Uodca Woodipllt Pulloji , Beltlnz. ( to ,
Aliowacoai , loraperi.andiialeUai. lU.l4lj
Tin worth t. Omaha
Rubber Goods.
t CO. ,
Manufacturer nnd Dealer' In ll klndi ot
Ifuiibcr ( foods ,
Oil Clntlilnu unit Lcnilivr llulilin. . I"H I'lirnnni ft.
Safes , Etc.
P. BOYER , C CO. ,
Affeutfl for Hall's Safe & Lock CO.K'
fire aad Hiiric ar Proof Hftfui , Time Ixicki , Vault *
nd Jtll Worn. IfttJ Knrn m tre t Oroaljit. Nab.
Ouialia Safe Works.
MnnufBctnreriof Hreand IlarclnrProof Hafo , Vault
DoomJullYork.SIiuttcr nndVlru Work. Cur.
14thand JackiunHti Oinnh * . Nah ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M.A. DIfiBROW < K CO. ,
Wlioloinlo Manufacturvn of
Sash , Doors , Itlintla nnd
Manufacturers , of Sasfi , Doors , Blinds , ,
Mould'jigP.HIttlr ' Work and Interior Hard Wood Flnlrtg
Juit uiiviied. N. K. ror. 8th nnd J.euveuKortu iiu.
Ouaba , Neb.
87 Chamber of Uommcrco.