Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1887, Page 2, Image 2
OMAHA DAILY BEfl : TUESDAY , AUGUST 30 1887 most ndlnfliiltuni , but a'i tltn six convictions olfctetl scope for nninllicllon of punishment to morn than tlm full measure of life remain ing to tlio offender , these were deemed sut > flclcnt. Approved ttio Gourt'H Klndlng * . WASHINGTON' , Anpuit 2U. The findings ot the guncral court martial which tried Captain Cytui M. Gray , Twenty-fifth infantry , bavo bcon acted upon by the prcsl- dent. Captain Ur.vy was found guilty of conduct to tlio prcjudlcn of Rood order nnd discipline by appearing at Inspection at Fort Mcadc , Dale. , and Inr dutr an oflicor of tlio day while drunk. The ( sentence of tlio court was dismissal from tlio military service nd tlio president has approved the sontenco. The dismissal will tnko plnce Hcpterabcr L ALMOST AT MIHCUTY. Jctse Pomoroy , the Hey Miirclnror , Tries tn Encnpo From I'rlinn. BoSTOjf , August .29. f Special Telegram fothellEE. ) Jesse I'omnroy , the boy mur derer , made another well-planned and desper ate attempt to escape from the Charleston state prison a few nights ago by sawing through tlio bars of his coll. It was purely by accident that tlio young murderer's plan was discovered , otherwise he would have sue- deeded. On Pomcroj's person were found two line saws of the best chilled steel and a quantity of gelatine , which ho had lined to hide his work. Ills cell was built for blm nnd the prison authorities have frequently answered the young nan's murderous threats by saying that If he could escape from that cell he was at liberty to kilt as many people as he Ilkud. Last Fri day night Keeper Wlnslow went his rounds as usual , and while waiting to bo relieved by the next watch leaned accidentally against tlio grating of the window which opens from the corridor opposite Pomerpy's cell Into the prison yard. Two of the great loch and a halt bars fell to tlio pavement bejow. IJy testing the bars In the little win dow of the young murderer's cell It was found that enough ot them had be > m sawed through to iidin It the passage of a man's body. They were held In place by gelatine * , COlorrd by blt ot steel tilings , so that It could not be detected. 1'omcroy was furious at the discovery of his plot , and declared that If they given htm time to saw one bar more in the corridor window he would have killed the watchman and made good bis escape. To do this would require the help ot confcdeiatcs outside before ho could bavo escaped the hlch prison wall which surrounds the yard. The prison olliclals bo- llevfl that all this had boon arranged , and that Friday night had been sot for his es cape. It la also ttio opinion ot the keepers that Pomoroy's aged mother , who Is devoted M her son , supplied him with saws and ar ranged the other details ot his expected es cape * PIUNOU YTUKIMDE. The Tlmog Not Vet Rlpo For Imper- lallnin In Mexico. NKW TonK , August 89. [ Special Tele- tram to the UKK. | The young Prince de Yturbltte , who was named by Kmperor Maxi milian as his successor to the unearned throne of Mexico , is at the Fifth Avonne betel , and Is a handsome and athletic young Man of perhaps twenty-three or twenty-four years ot ago with soft brown whiskers , blue eyes and bronzed face. When asked It he anticipated raising the Imperial standard in Mexico , ho replied that ha did not think tha limes ripe tor Imperialism there , but that if the people would have declared for the dynasty of Maxmillau , ho would succeed to the throne. Thoyoune prince has become Identified with Mexican enterprises Includ ing railroads and mining. To a reporter ne Bald , "I am myself a conservative and believe with my party that If we had control of the government , the present disposition to plun der the state would bo done away with. President Diaz Is the Cxsar ot the republic. General Uonzales is the only man who can make any headway against him. lie does not seem disposed to be again a candldatn against Diaz. The country is far from prosperous because of the fact that tl Is subject to revolution at almost any mo ment. Capitalists are afraid to branch out In any atorprlso that would develop the coun try. " The prince spoke of meeting Minister Sedg- wlrk In the City ot Mexico. Ho was with htm at thn famous ball. He remarked that Sodg- wlck's trouble In Mexico rose from lack of the knowledge that three cocktails in that city at an attitude of 7,300 feet above tha level of the sea are equal to live cocktails In the cltv ot New York. Prince Yturbida will eo to Newport to morrow , and from there to Mount Desert. - ' - Brlttah Grain Trade Review. LONDON , Austust 20. The Mark Lane Ex press , tn Its weekly review of' tlio British grain trade , says : Harvest progresses well. The variability In yield and quality of the crop becomes inoro pronounced. Trade val- nescontlnue to droop. In the London market prices have fallen 6el@ls , and In provincial markets Is. Sales ot English wheat during the past week were 3\&i2 quarters at 30s lOd per quarter , against 10,36' ] quarters at 33s 3d during the corresponding week last year. County flour has fallen oil. Foreign wheat at Liverpool declined Id per cental. Flour la Od cheaper. MaUt > advanced ! ! d. Linseed U down 3d. There wore twenty-four airlvale ot cargoes oft the coast during the week. One cargo was sold , one was withdrawn and nine remain. To-day trade in wheat was very slack. Values of new English wheat were OdUld lower. Dululh and Indian ware unchanged. Other kinds were CdrglOd lower , flour was dull ; country and foreign-were W lower. Prices ot inalze were against buy n. Canadian peas were 61 dearer. Lin- aed was Oel@9d lower. Realy BpeakH t Cork. DUBUK , August 30. A feature of the league meeting to-morrow will be the read ing ' of the names ot persons who have Joined th'e league since It was proclaimed. The llsl Includes the names of many Englishmen nd Scotchmen. Healy addressed a league meeting at Cork to-day , lie said that the people would , wipe their boots with eovern- went proclamations. Irishmen , with the support of the English democracy , hated and atsplsed the government Coercion would ntall suffering on the people , but would prove a blessing in dl.-uulao. A.Panilon Examiner Arrcnted. TOPKKA , Kan. , August 29. United States .Deputy . Marshal George Suarrlt arrested Dr , A. O. Abodelat , one ot tha board of pension . examiners , at Lawrence , Kan. , to-day on th < charge ot extorting money from claimants , The commissioner ot pensions has remove * ' Abodelat and suspended Dr. May , anothei member of the board. It Is said that tha pen slon department has boon quietly Investlgat iiiL'tlio conduct of things throughout Kansas and that some further development * are likely. Dr. Abodelat was released on 81 , < XX bail * .Montana' * ! IjcRlslnture In Session. iliiLF.XA , Mont , August 20. The oxtri seulon ot the legislature mot to-day. Uov ernor Leslie's message stated that he hac called them together to ruinedy serious defects fects In several bill * passed last winter notably tha license law , bounty law am otters. The bounty law , upon which i bounty ot 10 cents was given for the skin 01 promo dogs and ground squirrels , ha already cost the territory over 841,000 am as depleted the territorial treasury. . I'arncllltes Will Prolong Parliament LONDON- , August so. The tParnellltes an determined that Parliament shall not rlsi until a decision has been reached In th cow of Mr. O'lirlen and began to-nleht wha promises to b a long dlswusslon of the Irisl estimates. Kven by resorting to the clotur rulft the government will be unable to bad their purpose , O'lUieu'a trial opens 01 BontomberS , . Meeting I'ofetpouoil by Rain. KEY Wxsr. Fla. , August 20. Report wa circulated here to-day that the mass nieoUn : ; called for last night at Havana , at which al ! wen requested to cany anus , eould not b : held oa account ot rala. Nothing dean i to , however can be learned from Cubs till thi i arrival ot the mail ateamor noxtNYoduea daj Might. Nellie Gram Cowing lUck. YOUK , August 20. ( Special 'M oBjw.J-Jarf. Nellie OrautSartorU U > cctcd hero on the Eltx-.of the North ( lorman jloj'd line. She will go at once to Long Branch , whore her mother and Colonel Fred erick Grant are occupying the ( Irani cottage. She may remain hero all winter. NCWN of MI Ming SnUors. NKW llKiiFoun , Mass. , AujustCU. Charles 1. Kennedy , third lieutenant of thn United States steamer Hear , now cruising In the Arctic ocean , writes homo to his father , un- ler date of Port Clarence , July 10 , and gives alnt hopes that some of the crow of twenty- wo men belonging to the whaling bark S'apolcon , ot this port , lost In the Arctic sea n the summer ot 185 , may yet t alive. In his letter , Llontonant Kennedy says : "Since leaving Ounalasks wa vIMtcel St. Michaels and there I arrested a man lamed Frank Fuller for the murder of litshor Vghers in November last 1 was sworn In as a United States deputy marshal at Dun- alaska tor the purpose of making the arrest , and I will turn the prisoner over to the authorities ot Ounalaska on the return of the Dear On our rctnrn we will go np into the Arctic as far as wo can , and returning , be at St Michaels about the 80th of August , and al Ounilaska about a week later. The tioai will probably rnturn to San Francisco late In September , or much earlier than usual. " A "Qnncr" Mnn Arrontort. NKW ALIIANY , Ind. , August 20. Thomas tnott was arrested to-day on the charge of islng the United SUtos malls for fraudulent > urposes. Last week ho sent letters to Sum- ervlllo , Fla. , offering to soli a supply ot 310 counterfeit bills at a big discount. The let- crs were returned to the chief ot police , who arrested Knott this morning when ho wont o the postolllce formal ) . AVnnthnr Indications. For Nebraska : Local rains , cast to south winds , becoming variable , cooler In western portion , stationary temperature In eastern portion. For Iowa : Local showers , southerly winds , becoming varlabln , slightly ooolor except In woitorn portion , stationary tomporaturo. ForCuntrnl and Kx.sttirn Dakota : Local rains , cooler , winds becoming variable. Cnblo ftrttcB to Ho Aftnl'n Olianccil. New YORK , Auu S9. Again there is a Ikollhood of a change being made .In cable rates. The Anglo-American ( Western'Unlon ) ine Is now charging 13 contsa word , wnlic ho former rate had been successively 50 and 0 cunts. Mr. Smith ot thn llrm of Drexel. iloruan & Co. , said to-day that 1m had heard ) cents n word talked about AS the coming rate , mt he thought it there was a change It would be an Increase. A Kentucky Town In Flames. LOUISVIM.K , August 29. A dispatch was received to-night by the chltf of tha tire de- mrtmeiit from Lebanon , Ky. , calling for aid. . At a late hour the flames were under control. The losses are estimated at 850,0000. Amonj : he places burned was the ofllce of the Standard-Times. City of Mexico Hlmknn. CITY OP MEXICO , August 29. A brisk earthquake shock was experienced here about f o'clock this morning , agitating houses and making tbo txwpla dizzy. The shock was not severe and was most felt in outlying portions tions of the city. A Barber Hhoots a Bartender. CIIIOA.OO , August 89. John Strueby , a bar > er , shot George Kuhler , a bartender , twice his afternoon , indicting fatal wounds , Struoby made no effort to escape arrest He claims that his wife had been made untrue tu ilm by Kuhler. The German Grown Prince. LONDON , August 29. The German crown irlnco and his family will leave England on Wednesday. Madame Gorstcr. Berlin Correspondence : The cause ol jorstor's banishment from the operatic stngo.pwinrr to the almost total loss of her voiceis saiu to bo temper. A lady who la personally very well acquainted with the Hungarian singer has related some won- derfiilAjpisodes in which the passionate display of Gorstor's temper seems to have } oen so remarkable as to baruly merit crudenco upon being related. As is well cnown , no person in the world is bound o euard and protect anything as care fully as a singer does bis , or her , voice , and emotions In excess of uny kind what ever arc strictly tubooed by vocitl in structors nnd impresarios. Mmo. Uers- seems , thoughhas all her life giver way to frightful outbursts of anger , nnd the frequoucy of them , it is said , his : al last bcon the prime cause of ruining a voice that was once voluminous , clear , true , and bird-liko , and of oxcoptionu brilliancy and power. There scorns ever } reason why Uerstcr should not have hac to contend with such n serious misfortunu as she was born am brought up in the midst of refinement , her parents having a social position o : excellent stauding in the town in whicl : they lived in upper Hungary. When quito a young girl slip is said to hnvt been desirous of obtaining a position ir operatic lirmiuncnt similar to that occu pied by her more gifted sister prime donna , Adelina , Paul , whoso christiai name Etulku , is the Iiuugarin for. Hot ambition in this direction piloted her s < sufoly that she was loss than twenty-Hvc when in the very height of her success and yet although she is now but littli moro than thirty , it is highly Improbable that her voice will ever bo hoard agair in public. Her husband , Dr. Gardini wits the impresario at Berlin , for a num her of years , and met Gcrstor n year 01 two nftcr she rnado her debut , which , wo : in Vunico in 1875 , during iier iirst ap pcaranco ut the German capital , where by the way , her success was so great tha the Prussian critics emphatically do clarcd that she was the only rival thtr could compare with Sontag , nnd thn never since the latter songstress had bcoi hoard in Berlin had there been so great ; rival. rival.Mrae. . Gcrstor has several children The eldest , a girl , is called Linda , for on of hnr mother's fa von to roles. Th happy homo , a pretty villa in the Appe nines near Bologna , to which many a Gerstor's Arue'-can friends have fouiv their way within tbo last few years , wi ! no longer know its mistress , who pre stdoa so deftly over a woll-appolutei household. The villa Mc/.zuua , as it i called , has been closed , and the sovoru farms lying on the plateau ot thi rnoun tain that are included in the estate hav been lot to various small farmers. Mmt Gorstor and her children arc at prosen in Paris , where they are living in aparl monts , and , if present rumors are true nnd the probability of her over return in/C / to the stairo is as vago as stated , tim wilt soon cll'aco the pleasant momor Americans have of Etclka Gurstur. * "Aunt Louisa" Fdridgo , of the Noi York stage , is in Paris replenishing he wardrobe. 'Sho has many interestin things to toll concerning the Jubilee cole bratlon in London , which she wltnesse in all its splendor. Mrs. Eldridgo is an thority for the statement that at the Man sion house ball Princess Loulso roinnrko to the quucn : "It's a long time , Viokej since so many of as were togethoi Doesn't it look 03 U Tussand'a ha < broken outi"- A Httlo daughter of William Curror of Mink Hollow , which is in the Catski mountains , was picking berries o Wednesday , when n bear popped out an soizud nor. She called for help , and th house dog r.m to her and pitched int the bear , and the little girl was enable to cot away and run homo. A bear hur was organized , and the dog was foum half a mile from the scene of attach bleeding freely. Uoecher'n Tomb. YOUK. August 20. Rev. Or. Farkc and Mrs. l'ark r left the Kvtritt bouse i noon to-day at the Invitation ot Uoaco Ulchardson , of Urooklyn , to visit tbo tomb < Beecher , tu Ureonwood comolery , your pictures framed at Uospt'i GflARiTlES ABDCORRECTIOB , _ [ Continued from Eighth Page. ] of external circumstances , by which Is ncant the surroundings , opinions , cnowlcdge , association , and in a word , .ho entire mental atmosphere in which tlio two children are respectively nur tured. " Hence , when children are early reclaimed from criminal and pauper association , nnd their condition changed to that of wholesome iniluencns , they arc , to all intents and purposes , on tlio same vantage grounds as these whom fortune has moro highly favored on their advent into the world , It is the belief ot these who have bcon close observers that the agitation of now questions in politics and in our whole social economy will moro speedily ml- vmco public sentiment in favor of the .jreut work of reclaiming children. So far as the hardened criminal Is concerned , reform is next to Impossible It Is not impossible , hownver. to prevent children From becoming criminals and burdens to -ninety. The Children's homo is the train ing school where they are taught to become - come producers rather than consumers ; .0 become ornaments to society rather than a disgrace ; nnd in a wordto become useful men and women , The Hume is thus made a homo , a school , a chapel , n tliul of workshop , where all thn facilities nru developed , and when n chid is lilted to enter a good home for adoption , it is desirable that it should enter upon its new life without unnecessary delay. The treuius of reform is abroad in our state. In no part of the country has the question of prison reform and kindred topics bcon ngltatcd to a greater extent than in Ohio. Public sentiment is in ad vance of the politicians. The two great parties have been compelled to recognize this fact by pledges in their conventions to enact such measures as will most speedily etlect the reform desired. En lightened public sentiment is such Unit we feel assured that no backward step will be met with approval from the pee ple. The system , it it may bo so called , if district and county homes for children , lias proved the most important factor yet introduced for diminishing the num ber of criminalsby making good citizens of the oll'spring of otlbnders. It may therefore be said in a word that the work of saving children is best ac complished by securing those who are. surrounded by the pauper ami criminal classes at the earliest possible age , and placing them in homes. They hhould there remain until they are thoroughly Httcd to enter homes provided for them by legal adoption. Home adoption , not institution life , is a monument of human salvation to many little ones. There does not appear to bo danger of over-crowding the homes. New homos ire being established in the state , ami the day is not far distant when every one of the eighty-eight counties of Ohio will jithor have homo of its own or bo em braced in a district homo. By a proper appeal to the citizens of each county and district to receive for adoption those who have bcon trained and educated to enter homes of adop tion none ot the homes will become over crowded. The way to usefulness is open to all. There is too much life and activ ity in this country for a boy or girl to long remain in idleness. Qualify them for the duties of life , point the way and they will walk therein and bo saved. AiiiiuuT S. WHITK , Sup't Franklin County Child's liomo , Columbus , Ohio. Xho Children of Hhliibone Alley. BY HEV. DK. HILL , OF OttKGOK. The study of social problems is taking a share of public attention , and thought ful people arc seeking methods for the prevention of the many evils which this study has shown to exist. The first few years of life are generally indicative of the future In store far the child , and any effort in his behalf , to bo successful , night to be mndo when the young mind is most ready to receive and retain im pressions. One of the creat faults of our charitable machinery is that it seeks to ameliorate rather than i > rovont distress , and while there are numberless associations to reform the vicious , there are comparatively few whoso object is to prevent the formation of vicious characters. As society is con stituted to-day , there are many evil influ ences which crow stronger to destroy the moral life with each year , for the reason that wo begiu our oltorts for reform at the wrong end , permitting evil to have full sway of the earlier years of life. To make society pure we must know its darker side and rcali/.u the' presence of evil , which , loft to themselves , will ulti mately destroy the body politic. In a quarter of the great city , down near the water front are many narrow streets where the houses bear the marks of hard usages. As the commercial ac tivities of the city increased , business warehouses encroached more and moro upon this section , driving out the mer chants and well-to-do people. In time the houses wore noglccted , the streets were left unclean , and as a general air of poverty nnd decay settled on the quarter the moral tone seemed to lower until at last , where once respectability and wealth had dwelt , poverty , vice and crime held sway. The fronts of these houses were altered into stores , and what with junk- shops , saloons , stores and stables , the street was entirely changed. But this view from the sidnwalk does not tell tlio whole story , for there is a certain re straint put on these who live in these buildings , and the waifs , the vagrants and criminals seek a greater seclusion from onicial eyes than possible in build ings fronting the streets. Hero is gath ered some ot the most degraded as well as some of the poorest people in the city. Hero the homeless can tiud shelter in col lars , and here the child waif drifts for the sake of company with other out casts like himself , This is Shinbone allev. Its inhabitants were handicapped at birth , and every one of the surround ings impelled the poor children toward a life of vice. Drink is the general cus tom. It is not wrong in their eyes. On the streets anU docks drinking , smoking and swearing are habits that impress these little ones , and powerful inlluence of evil associates soon drive out the de sire for the higher life , anil old ideas and vicious habits resume sway over the young mind. Institutions for tlio Care of Children. Mrs. Li/, Gorgas , matron ol the Child's homo at Duliauco , O. , read a paper on the location and buildings ol institutions for the * care of children. II runs as follows : To those who have had experience in the administration of a home properly located , with buildings adapted to it : purpose , the task might have proved an easy ono. But to these who labor undei the inconvenience of an ill-chosen local ity , ill-arranged and inadequate build ings , the task Is not an easy one. The first consideration should bo a healthful location. The homo should bo located near some large oommunitv and business center , thereby securing sup plies nnd social InUucnce by having { I easy of access to the people. In addition to this the further advantages of churches schools and social entertainment should bo considered , such as pertain to the ordi nary life of the American child. My only objection to the location near a town f ; the usua * high price of land. This ob jectlou however would give way to proper appreciation of just what is needed , because the mlatakn boa boon that largo premises wore regarded SJ nccc&rary. Miatakea have been niude ii regarding largo premise * aa ea aeutial to economic- ) management ani ! industrial training of children. There it no economy In a location remote from I business centre , and , whllo It is true thai children should bo trained to habits ol industry , it should , bo , remembered thai this labor could uovor bo productive ex cept by retaining 'children beyond the ago at which Ihcjr-should bo placed in families. This object can , and is more likely to bo secured 'by nmall promises , and moderate sized' ' .buildings than where the promises are large , and the building ! more capacious , The homo building should bo open on all sides to the frcocirculation of nir.ant especial regard ' 'should ' bo given tc the dny rooms" 6ccunlcd by thi children , seour'ne'n ' southern exposure wherever practlclabhj. Many recognize the fact that a property arranged nursorj will diminish doctor ? bills and get the ox | > orienco and forethought which might prevent disease , nro wanting. The many stops to bo taken , the multi form duties to bo discharged , the number less attentions to bo bestowed , the dis criminating uQ'ecttons to bo experienced , nnd the over present and always unvary ing anxieties incident to A household ol little children who have boon domivec of the affections , social sympathy nnd moral restraints of thi ordinary family life , is r stupendous task , the measure of which can only bo known to an experience ac quired under a conscientious effort te supply as neatly as passible these ( .eprl- vations. This kind of homo life ap proaokcs as nearly as possible to tin ideal family life , and this ideals cur scarcely fail to make a deep and lastinc impression on the mind and heart ot tin child , These impressions once ilxed an the best guarantee of a happy , prosper otis anil useful life , uuil constitutes tlu best reward to such as devote their life aud labor to the care and training o homeless children. _ Afternoon Session. Yesterday afternoon the members ol the conference assembled in Boyd'sopers houso. There was a slight delay in open ing the doors , but it being the Iirst regular lar session in this building , the delay was easily accounted for. The first meeting of the members was held in this placi last week , but no business of importanc * was transacted at tlio time. All f urthei business to bo transacted in conucctior witli the conference will bo attended tc in the opera house. It must bo said that the delcgatlor which constituted the conference made i more creditable appearance in tlio open house than in Exposition hall. They np poured to better advantage probably , bin when it is remembered that many o : the superintendents of the state re formatory and charitable institutions o the nation were- present , together witi ladles of experience in the .treatment o : unfortunates , young and old , sober ant inebriate , and those demanding can from others it can bo seen that the asseui bty was notable. In the audience and ot the platform were Myron W. Koed , o Uonvcr , the suggested successor of Henrj Ward Needier , with his strong face ant distinctive personality ; Major Oliver superintendent of the Cincinnati house o : refuge , attired in gray , with grayisl threads through his bjiick whiskers whc has , it is said , the base , reformatory in stitutiou for boys in' the country : Rev Fred H. Wines , of Springlield , 111. , tire less , courteous , full , ' . of information ready to usher a visitor to a seat or ad vance an idea that will set the conference once cudgelling comprehend am thoroughly digest ; ' " Mrs. O. J Ililcs , of Milwaukee , a wealth ] widow lady , who became interestei in the Indian question through roatliiu "Kamoni. " by the lamented "H. H. J.- Mrs Jackson. Mrs. Hiles after ward : traveled" through California and othei western places and verified her belief it the cruelty to Indian , land is uov a life long Uisciplo in that causo. Philip C Garrctt , of Philadelphia , a capitalist and president of tha state board of charitiei of Pennsylvania ; Frank B. Sanborn inspector of charities In .Massachusetts nnd one of the profcssbrs of the Concori school of philosophy , whothirty-one year ago came to whore Omaha now is , pass ing into Kansas with a Massachusctt ! society that furnished Sharp's rillcs nni abolitionist settlers for Kansas. Ho wai agent for the society. He was at tu < time a confidential and intimate friend of John Brown. Dr. Bycrs who has supplanted Dr. Mill : as humorist . of the . conference Huiny weather or dark appearances uevei made Dr. Mills gloomy. Ho is not in at tendance this year. Dr. Byers is , and h < cheers the delegates ; Dr. Charles S.Hoyt a noted Now York physician apcl philan troplusl : Secretary II. H. Hart , of Minne apolis , the most accurate statiscian con nccted with the conference ; Mrs. Elizabeth both B. Fairbanks , member of the stati boani of charities and reforms.of Wiscon sin ; Helen M. Wood , of Chicago , 111. Misses Lury and Bagly , of Quinuy , 111. A. \Vrightchairmau of the committee of penal and reformatory institutions Madison , Wis. ; Mrs. Dr. Craven , of Yank ton. Dak. , whose hasband is the superin tendent of the state insane asylum there Mrs. F. W. Pierco.who has b en for nine teen years matron of the children's home Davenport , Is. ; Mrs. F. Kiinbroll , o : Fargo , Dak. ; Mrs. Galen S Merrill , of Owattonna , Mian. , ono o : the trustees of the state board of de pendents ; Mrs. Isabel C. Barrows , o Boston , editor of the Conference , i stenographer , a hard , honest and com petent worker and a great acistant te newspaper workers. Her heisband , ii editor ol the Christian Register who ha : been ollicial editor of the Conference about four years ; Mrs. Sherry , of Pueblo Cole , , chairman of the Woman' ; Benevolent union , and a momboi of the Coufeieuce a uumbe of years ; Miss Alice C. Fletcher of Washington , wha hotels a commissiot from 1'rosident Cleveland to do Induu work and has bcon tireless in her invosti { ration of the Indian question ; Mrs L. W. Hoyt , of Madison , Wis. General Briukorhou" , a delegate iron the Ohio state board of churl tics and intensely interested ii prison reform , and many others win were cagor and intelligent participant in the afternoon's discussion and pro gramme. Questions were freely oskci and answered and suggestions given au < accepted with the quiet case wlncl an assembly of ctilturei people. ' ' The rain thmnoel the Jaudioneo some what , but there was sti a fair sprinkling of men and women who were anxious ti see and hoar that the i programme wa carried out. The question of indiscrim iuate immigration came * up tor discus slon in the late afternoon. A Pennsyl van i a delegate insisted , ( hat the fedora ollicials should have ctUirgo of the ques tioii and it should bu , , taken from th state olliclals. Ho claimed there was : dearth ot laboring .men among th farmers of the cast and if restnctioi were placed on emigration there wouli still be moro restriction. ; ' The laws o 1883 were sufllciunilf Restrictive. If i were known that laborjwas so dosirabl in the east the factors claim there woul bo danger of strikes. * * Dr. Hill , of Oregori. IBRU ! that ther was great danger Irani indiscriminitt emigration. Ninety cants a day mo ; were multiplying too fast. If the appli cation of proscription was allowable 01 the western coast it should be applicabl to the eastern coast. Ho compared th Chinese to the obnoxious class who lowered erod labor , who were willing to wor for wages not lit to support themsolvu ana families in the decent stvlo require * by civilization. The fact that in Penn s.ylvauia coal and iron mines men wer scarce is no criterion. They come wes where they cnn obtain acres for nlmoe nothing. Ho maintained that no matte what a maji's nationality is ho should b made to learn the principles of the natio before becoming a citizen. Owing to tint understanding that th conference WASte tor'n'nato thb eveaioi there was no paper read last ovonlng.nnd n few of the members unpaged in tx desult ory discussion on the questions of heredit ary insanity , the treatment nnd kindred * subjects. The conference meets this morning at 0:30 : o'clock iu the opera house. Motes. At the morning session yesterday it was decided to hold all future sessions in the opera house , on account of the noise maelo in the apartment adjoining the ex position hall. The delegates have not as yet enthused sulllcicntly to discuss the papers road to them. Discussions will take place the last few days. George 11. llazzard , D. W.Ingcrsoll , C. A. vawanda , Superintendent Brown and tlio ottier members of the St. Pain dele- Ration loft for their homes last even- nil ? . They had a strong delegation and made their presence felt in the passago-of several measures through their instru mentality. It is expected that the conference will end this evening. The citizens of Omaha have done well in 'testifying their appre ciation of the compliment paid the city by coming to Omaha. There is no charge to go into the meetings ot the conference as many seoui to think. All are welcome. The Uov. lr. Hill , of Oregon , superin tendent of Indian Presbyterian work for the United States and Alaska , is a dole- gate. He is a member of the board of pardons of Oregon. Personal Paraempht * . Ut. Uov. Bishop O'Connor returned from Philadelphia yesterday. C. R. Forguosn , the prominent turfman of St. Louis , is registered ut the Arcade. James E. North , chairman of the Ne braska democratic ! central committee , is iu the city. Ho has called a meeting of the state convention for October 0. M. G. McKoon , ono of Omaha's old citizens , now residing in Los Angeles , Cal. , arrived yesterday with his wife. They have been on an oxtoudcel trip iu the east. Uoot Blickonsddrfor , Union Pacific railway. J ! P. Armstrong , Beatrice , F. E. Gregg , Lincoln , and H. Blrdsall , proprie tor Nforton house , Nebraska City , are at the Paxton. J. H. Bellows , Weeping Water , L. S. Anderson , Boston , C. A. Brunt , Balti more , George L. Cannigton , N. Y. , W. E. Scholiold , Chicago , and A. Newman , N. Y. , are at the Millard. Madame Mary Morgan , daughter of F. C. Morgan , came in from St. Louis yes terday. She-was mot at the depot by bor father and a large number of friends. Matlamo Morgan is on the way to San Francisco. The People's theatre on Douglas street has bcea. leased for a term of years to Saekolt Js Wiggins , a Chicago dime mu seum firm. What use they will make of it is not yet known. It has been sublet for the fair week to Oliver < & Uussell , who have booked Halliday's colored minstrels for appearance in it during that period. Brevities. The internal revenue receipts yester day were ? 1,120.70. Ed Storms , a sneak thief , was arrested last evening by Oflicer Hinchoy while coming out of the residence of F. C. Waekcrow. at 723 south Thirty-fourth street. All the plunder ho succeeded in seizing was a half a dozen now linen shirts. Josie Estes , 215 North Eleventh street , an accessory to the gang of Eleventh street thieves whose fence was raided by the ollicors last week , was arrested yes terday by Captain Green for receiving stolen goods. Hidden iu a chimney ot her room were found two pair of ladies' shoes that had bacn stolen from W. V. Morse. The Onray Japanese acrobatic troupe passed through the citv yesterday on their wiiy from Kansas City to Minne apolis. With the party is the father of little "All Ilight" who came to this coun try with the Iirst Japanese acrobatic troupe and created a big sensation by his marvelous feats. There wore ton in the > jarty and they report a large bnsi- no s wherever they have been. They will visit Omaha during the season. Unilroad Notes. The latest intelligence of change in the official departments of the Union Pacific is that of Air. Will McMillan , who is now assistant crenoral freight agent at Salt Lake. Ho retired from the road a couple of years ago , going thence into the grain business with Himebaugh & Merriam , re turning later to the road and assuming the duties of his present position. His oiljce is to bo abolished , but what dispo sition shall bo made of Mr. McMillan can not be determined until Mr. Potter and Mr. Monroe shall visit Salt Lake ) and make some needed inquiries. Samuel B. Jones will remain with the Union Pacific road in his present position during the month of September. In what connection he will afterwards servo the company will then bo determined. Prof. Franko'8 Benefit , lloyd's opera house will "be thrown open on Thursday night for the compli mentary benefit tuudorect to Nathan Franko , . the popular musician of Omaha. A bill of rare talent lias boon prepared for the occasion. Mr. Franko will lead his own orchestra in many gems. Mrs. Franko will sins a ballad composed by Lieutenant John Kenme , Second infantry , Fort Omaha , anej Hayden Tilla will ren der that beautiful gem of Katherine Hay * , "Then You'll Forgot Kathleen. " The well known ability and taste of Prof. Franko is the guarantee of a splen did concert , and his successful efforts to foster musical art in Omaha should in sure for his benefit a crowded houso. The Police Uniform. The style ot the regulation uniform ad op toil by the police commissioners Is raising considerable elissatisfaction in the police. Ot the old force , twenty-live men wore recommissionod. Fully half of these secured new uniforms last winter , some of them paying as high as f (50 ( for them. The uniform adopted by the com missioners js the New York regulation suit , and will cost about $50 without the overcoat. Matrimonial Matters. Cards are out for the marriage of Miss Theresa Somonbcrg to Sigmuud Arnstein which will take placn at the synagogue September 11 , Uubbi Unnsou ollleiatin < r. The wedding of Miss Nellie Spioglo to Mr. A. Lewis will take place at the syna gogue next Sunday. ' Hebrew Sabbath Sobool. The Hebrew Sabbath school will open next Sunday. The following is the staff of teachers : Messrs. Katz , and F. Fried man and tha Misses Tlle ; ! Newman , Bertha Altmor and Flora Uiudskopf. Fell From * Scaffold. Train Berth , while painting his now dwelling , 1610 South , Thirteenth street , yesterday afternoon , raado a misstep and fell from a scaffold , a distance of twenty- five feet , to the ground , sustaining a severe fracture of his left shoulder and dislocating the right. Hu was severely out ami contused about the head and chest , but his injuries are considered in nowise dangerous. Taken Out of thn Wet , During the rain lisl evening John O'Neill was observed stealing a rubber coat from the store of Max Stone at No. 8W S. Tenth street. Officer Uyan was apprised ot the. thuft and yanked Mr. O'Neill with the purloined flicker OH bin back. ROBBED AND ROBBED AGAIN , A Cattle Man "Ole&nod Oat" in a South Omaha Hotel THE THIEF "JIM-PARKERED. " Arrest niul Etcnpo From the Train of the Scoonel Thlof-llls Wife Jailed and Suing To * Rclcnse. About a week ngo nt the Benson house , South Omaha , a cattle dealer named En- wards was robbed of f 150 and n gold watch worth | 200 by Fred Hawps , nn employe of the hotel. Edwards on re tiring that night had loft his valuables in the pockets of his trousers which ho had thrown over & chair and Hawos sneaked into the room nnd rifled the pockets. On the next day Hawcs laughed at the row that Edwards created over his loss nnd ' that night ho got drunk. Falling in with Mike Fiuroll , a butcher in the Anglo-American packing house , Hawes in a drunken outbreak of confidence revealed his fortunate strike. Fnrroll engineered affairs so that the evening was put in to the best advantage nnd woundup at his own homo with Hawos as guest. Fnrroll has n wife , Lizzie , an extremely attractive woman , who is now r.cmisod in taking some part in what befell Hawos. When the inebriated thief awoke next morn ing ho mndo tiio discovery that all his plunder nnd the genial Mike had vanished. Mrs. Fnrrcl was of course very much astonished , know nothing of her husband's wheroaboutsand felt quito put out over the event. Hawcs was fully on to the situation and determined to substitute for his lost wealth the next best thing revenge. Ho sought out Marshal Rico , the South Omaha police chieftain , and without mentioning his own connec tion with the case , told the oificcr that Farrell hao stolen Edwards' money , and that the fugitive could be run down by shadowing his wife. Thus delivering himself , llawca lied the town and has not since bcon scon. The marshal had little faith in Howe's "friendly tip , "but kept an eye out for Mrs. Farrell , with the result of detecting her that very day leave the town ticketed for Malvern , la. On the same train , but in another coach , the marshal took passage , and following the woman from the depot nt Malvern to the house , which seemed to bo her destination , discovered Mike .Farrell there iu proper person and good health. The Marshal introduced himself without delay , and after a little persuasion Far rell ana his wife agreed to return to Nebraska without a requisition. This was on Sunday last and that night the trio started on their return trip. The marshal refrained from nsmg any ap pliances for restraint , contenting him self with keeping close surveillance on his prisoners. His watch , however , was not close enough , for about mid-way the journey , Fnrroll slipped off at a water ing tank station nnd his ab sence was not noted for some time. Uico , however , kept the woman safely iu custody and reached South Omaha with her yesterday morning. Yesterday afternoon some of her friends came before Judge Neville anel sued for a writ of habeas corpus , which was issued and made returnable forthwith. Upon the hearing of the evidence however , the court decided not to interfere at once nnd remanded the woman into custody. An other effort will bo made to release her her under the common law , which does not recognize a prisoner's obligation to n waiving of his rights. Mrs. Farrell is quite pretty , a fact which naturally en hances the interest in her case. Murrlngn The following marriage licenses wore issued yesterday : ( Nils Anderson , Oinnha . 31 ( Annie Olson , O in nil a . $3 ( Kerry Hyan , Oiualui . 35 I Joslo Keoih ; , Onmha . ' .M j William F. Kayser , Omaha . S3 i Annettle Prindle , Omaha . 17 j Emll Roth , Omaha . 25 ( Eliza Weyorman , Omaha . 3r Market Basket. A glance into the market basket this week will disclose quite a chnngo. Ripe fruits and matured vegetables nro taking the place of the green fruits and veg etables , which have been so plenty all the spring nnd summer. The season has arrived when the housekeeper thinks not only of what may be required for the day , but begins to lay plans for the time when tbo markets will not bo supplied with fresh fruits and vegetables. She runs over in her mind u long list of pre serves , pickles aud canned fruits which will tickle the palate in winter time. Just at the present time grapes are vorv plenty and the cheapest fruit in the market. Very line home grown crapes can be had at ( JOc a basket. Wild plums can bo had at 40o a peck , and crab apples at 3. > c. Michi gan ponchos have put in n nppnarnnce atl@1.10 per basket. California pears are a little scarce and high , being .sold at 30c per dozen , and plums at $3 per box. Large ripe cucumbers , which are very suggestive of sweet pickles , nro sold ut 25caUozon. The cold weather of the past few days hits had a demoralizing effect upon the tomato crop , and good tomatoes are selling as hijrh as $3 per bushel , while the small yellow csrg tomato mate is going at 4o ( per peck. Very largo and choice water melons can bo had at 20@0a : ! and cantalopcs at 20@25a ouch. It is now in order to renew the acquaintance of the festive pumpkin pie , as pumpkins are on the market at 20s nuieco. Small green irutmog melons , intended for pickling purposes , go at 25a per dozen , and green poppers , also for pickles , at 2 < ) c a do/.en. Sweet potatoes , which are now the mot popular vegetable in the market , retail ut tlio rate of four pounds for25o. Hiibbard squash arc to bo had at l10c ( ) and eijfr plants ut 10@50o apiece. Celery and parsley are Hold at 5o n bunch ; oranges at GOc , nnd lemons at 40o per dozen. _ Genuine Star tinted spcctucles suit all eyes when all others fail. Trv them. Sold only by Edholm & Akin , Diamond Merchants. The Kinort Trade In . Wntohr * . Jewelry News : The cnpncity of oui watch factories cannot bo brought Into full play , simply because by so elolng out market would bo overstocked nnd com petition would force prices ruinously low. As the cnso stand at present , a num ber of watch factories hnvo been called into existence , for which there wns really no need. The earlier nnd larger factories wore fully able to meet the demand ; but the Idea that manufacturing watches was ono of the most profitable enterprises tempted quite a number of capitalists to tnko n hnnd iu the business , nnd in ninny instances to their sorrow. Already the evil consequences of overdoing the thing shows it itself in the effort to make client ) watches , nnd before a great while wo may see the innmifncturer of watches reduced to the level of making cheap clocks. Looking nt the matter from nnothor standpoint , we will soon couio to the con clusion that our wntch industry is only in its Infancy. The present moment Switzerland makes wntclics. in point of number , far in excess of America , nnd the watches made In Switzerland nre nil exported , while the watches mndo in. America nro principally for the homa market. As there is no question of n doubt that America can produce better moderate priced watches than Switzer land , and give more value for the money expended , the question presents itself , why not scok foreign markets moro en ergetically than we have done. Some ol our older watch factories are doing nn export business , but it seems as though it is not done with that zeal and energy which characterizes the Swiss export trade. In ono particular the Swiss diffot from us In their export trade : they stud.t ho wants and purchasing capaoiti of their foreign customers nnil make goods to meet these. As fnl as is known to the unintiatcd , our ruamu > fiiotnrors have done those things to a very limited extent. The wntt > r. coming in contact some time ngo with tlm chain man of the East , Indian Nnvigntion conv pany , was told that this gentleman would place a very largo continuous order , il he could be supplied with watches which were fair time-koepcrs in metal cases ul $5 each. That sucn watches can bo pro duced at n very fair profit , there is n shadow of doubt , and we know whorcol wo speak. AH wo would have to do would bo to find out tlio wants anil fur nish samples. Australia nnd Asia are now nud will bo excellent mnrkcts , and- by expedition nnd energy wo can secur the bulk of the trade of theno. Thi watch-wearing and purchasing capacity of the globe is enormous nnd can be de veloped in such n manner that wo may at some future day wonder that wo did not tap the mine sooner. 3D I IE 1 , THIS LOVELY COJIPLEXIOK IS Till IlESULT OF USING HAGAN'S Magnolia Balm. U It n delightful M JU1I > for tlio FACE. NISCK. ARMS and HANDS. OTcrcomct 1 1 oat. Sunburn , SnlloirncRii , HcdnoriB , tlolli-I'alclic * and ererr kind ot SKIN DUBgurcmcut. A | > pUedJnatnoracut , Cnn. at bo Delected. I'URK and 1IAUJ1LE3SI Take U with jrou to tbo Bculdo , Mouutalu * nnd all Rural llcsorta ; It U EO cleanly , TO- Ond restful after a but drive , long ramble or son bath. TRY THE BALRfl I THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Mil wautefiSt , Paul Rj Tlie Seat Route frutn Omaha and Council Bluffs to' . THEE E3.A.ST Two Trains Daily Between Omaha and Council Dlufl's Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids Rock Island , Frceport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubucnie , Davenportt Elgin , Madison , Janesvillc , Ueloit , Winona , La Crosse , Aud all otlicr important points Cast , Northeast and Boutlioaet. For through ticket * call on tlio ticket agent nt U01 Kurnuin struct , In I'mtoii Hutul , orut Union Facltto depot. 1'ullman Sloopera and the Qneit Dlnlnir Cars In the world nro run < m the mala line of thq Chlcniio , Milwaukee ) & St. lnul Knllwny nnil ov- cry attention is pulil to pa sonter8 by conrto- OIIH urnplreo9 ot the cnMpuuy , K. MILLUII , Uonoral Muuagor. J. V. TUCKKH , Asalitanttiunoral Manager. A. V. K OAiti'KNTKii , eionorttl t'assonycr and Ticket Airant. UKO. IS. llKAir OHU , Assistant General PKSSOQ gor and Ticket Airont. J. T. Utirk General Superintendent. S , S , FELKER , OMAHA , NEB , VUHK CAI.Ir'UUMAVlNIS. . hliii | | < ( l direct from our vineyard ; Klosllnir , ( Into Id Uinrum , 1'oit , Hlieirlei.otc. Ball Join Vatiltb Sovunlh. San Salvador and William bt , Ban Ji u , CuHtouttu. JUMBO IS DEAD And Maud S. Has Retired from the Track utii'e have the Largest an'l Finest Hue of Citrrlaiics , Jftrnetn , Helms , Jilanheta , Zlorae Clothing nnd ttll kind * of Turf Good * , ever curried l U uny jti-nt In the cttii. 200 Seta of Team , Farm , Krprtss , Coupe , Ltijht , Double .15 Ulnnle Jlar- nc.sst for sale , regardless of co t , Hole agents ' Caliorinu . . . Jloota. A'one genuine unless stamped , "Ji jt. McKerron , ti , * ' . " HV'r Agents for the celebrated Tooiney tiulklUlen around and when you ( U' ready to buy call on _ _ airCilKL aHAIKKN , a. ' . Comer ICth St. and Capital A\ > * , Oiiut/ta. / * fe ; 'W g''T g