Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1887, Image 1

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Bared His Squaw and Fappoose and Then
Fell Dead Himself.
The Death List Foot * Up Fourteen ,
While the Wounded Number Nine
War Fairly DCKUII Colorow
Charged With Murder.
MKHKHII , Colo. , AtUHst'JS , ( via Glcnwood ) ,
August29. [ SpecialTelegram tothoBKi : . |
The latest couiler from Kangcly brings re
liable Information that Instead of two whites
being killed , as at first reported , thcro were
five whites killed and four wounded , and
seven Indians and two squaws killed and
five wounded. The whites killed are Lieu
tenant Folsom of Aspen. Jack Ward of
Deputy Slier I It Kendall's party , a long-haired
railway laborer , known as "Wild Hill" or
"Curly , " who was picked up at Ulenwood
and furnished with arms , and two ranchmen
cowboys who joined the troops and whoso
names are as yet unknown. The Indians
killed are thought to be three Uncomuahgrej
and four \Vhlto river Utes. The most heroic
act of the battle , aside from the general
bravery ot the troops , should bo credited to an
UncompaliKro known as "Uus. " Ho had
squaw and pappooso when the battle began
and In the first rush they became separated
and in the course ot the first half hour were
more than a mile from him down the ravine *
The man , who had been advising Colorow of
the progress of the fight , saw his squaw and
pappooso appear nt the extreme east end of
the lines , 'the poor creature , with the little
Indian clasped in her arms , was screaming
and running wildly about , terrified beyond
description. The Indian caught sight of her ,
and although the battle was raging fiercely ,
he put sours to his pony and dashed down
the ravine In the face of a perfect storm of
bullets. At least 300 shots wore fired at him
but ho never flinched , and reaching the
squaw ho leaned over and pulled her
on the horse , galloppod half a mile
further on with hid burden and
after placing her on the ground oi't of dan
ger rode back to the top of the bluff. When
ho reached the summit ho was .seen to reel
and a moment later fell dead.
As far as can bo learned of the origin of
the fight , the Indiana and troops did not
really expect It. The Indians wore anxious
to cct tho'.r sqnaws and 303 ponies out of the
way. The troops under Leslie and Pray
wernsimplv reconoltcrlng the position of the
Indians , who were gathering their stock
together. The flag of truce was still flying
and Captain Pray says that he would not
have violated It. The Indians had started
todrlvo their ponies up the ravine when
Kendall's party came up and started after
them. The Indians took to the hills and
began to Urn. Then the battle began and for
nearly eight hours continued unabated.
Captain Pray came in to-day with his
command to report. Ho says the
White river Colorow , for whom the warrant
was Issued , and the Uncorapnhcro Colorow
were both present , and ho has conversed
with the former. The Whl to Illver Colorow
Is an old man nearly 70 years of ago , wrinkled
and fat. He Is almost deaf and his sight im
paired. In conversation with Pray he denied
his desire to tight , but said that it the white
man did not go back there would bo n big
fight , and that ho could get "heap White
river , heap Uncompahgro and heap Navao ]
Indians" who were youne and wanted to
fight. All who come in say that the troops
need aid , and Thomas , the courier who came
In this morning , says that the situation at
Kangely Is critical. There has been no fight
ing since Thursday , bat COO Indians are re
ported to bo within six miles of thorn ready to
light. The loss of their squaws and ponies
has made them wild , and they will
Reek revenge. The ranchmen have taken
their families to Uangelv.
TUB WAK FAiitr.r unauN.
KANOKLY , Colo. , August 29. [ By Courier
to Glenwood Springs. ) The situation hero
Is unchanged ns far ns war features nre con
cerned. The Indians nro still In force on
the battle ground near the 'reservation , with
lookouts on surrounding peaks. About 200
ponies wore captured by the boys , but about
100 of them have been run off. Some ot them
were claimed by Mexicans , who were allowed
to itake thorn away. Major Lesllo and
Sheriff Kendall are holding their position ,
waiting for reinforcements , supplies and am-
nnltlon. It Is thought the Indians will not
make an attack unless the command under
take to retreat with the ponies ,
A prominent olllcer of Camp Adams writes
as follows : "As near as lean judge the war
has now fairly begun. The Utos will cathcr
from 700 to 800 warriors and will raid the
country , fighting to the bitter end. "
An ofllcer ot the United States army who
saw our boys at lUugoly , says , "Only
* squaws , old men and pappooses are left on
either reservation. The bucks are all with
Colorow. "
Crook and Agent Byrnes will join Gov
ernor Adams at Meeker on Wednesday. It
they expect to arrange for the delivery of
Colorow and the two Indicted Indians on
any terms their mission will bo a fruitless
ono.coi.ortbw CIIARQKO WITH Miiuonn.
GI.KNWOOD SIMUNOS , Colo. , August 29.
( Special Telegram to the BIE. : | F. 1' ,
Swindler has just sworn out a warrant
for Colorow on ncharseof minder. The war
rant will go forwaul to Sherill Kendall bj
courier to-night. The first ono was for tht
simple misdemeanor of resisting an orlicer ,
This belnw for n felonywill make It dllllculi
for the authorities , federal and state , to settle
matters without the surrender of the old cam
flic Shipment of Gold.
NKW Yoiuc , August 29. The Post pub
lishes the following : It Is known that about
Vl,50u,000 of gold was shipped from Now
York to San Francisco last week , and that
but for tills exceptional movement the sur
plus reserve of the banks would have showi
nn Increase ot over 82,000,000. The nmoun
of cold gone to California Is , however , moii
than offset by the arrival ot S2.249.1M on thi
Umbrlaand LaGascolgno this morning , thu
maklnir thu total imports since July -M
5\233,079. The proposed syndicate to ' 'taki
over" the secured loans ot Henry S. Ives
Co. Is understood to have abandoned the un
lleaoucd From the \Vnvos.
HALIFAX , N. S.Angus > t 29. Tno pleasun
eteamer Mohican , owned by the Clarks , o
Paisley , Scotland , arrived at midnight las
n 11 : lit from Clvdr. . nftern terrific passage o
t\\el\e days. At noon yc.steiday the Mohlcai
fell In wltn the ship Lillian , n
St. John , X. B. , which had bt-ci
lemleied n complete wreck during the previ
ous day's htorin. The crtnv ot se\enteen mei
bi'sldus the captain's wife and stewar.e- ! > <
which were rltnulni ; to thn helpless ship
were taken off. The Lillian was abandonei
about three hundred miles ca t ot Halifax.
Urcrult * For th Went.
WASIUNUTON , August 29. Thn superin
tendent pf the recruiting servlco has boot
ordered to send thirty iecrnit * < o Fort Snell
Uig , Minnesota , for a len men t to thu Tell t !
infantry , nnd fifteen colored cavnliy recruit
to such department of Aruona ns thu com
m Mid lug gentra ! ot the depattmt-nt ghnl
. designate lor u > 3lguuicut to the Tenth cav
Kansas City 1 , Wichita O.
WirniTA , Kan. , August 29. [ Special
Teleeram to the UKE.I Umpire Webster
and the Kansas City team to-day robbed
Wichita by a score ot 1 to 0 , but the steal had
to be too open. The Kansas Cltys had only
twenty-nlno men at bat , and one of these
only left on a base. Wichita had thirty-four
men at bat , three lilt and ten ot the thirty-
seven died on bases. Holford was hit by the
horns team for seven clean hits nnd got three
buses on balls. Hendricks was hit for three
clean hits and gave three men bases on balls.
Schneider had just ono passed ball , but that
let In the only run In the fourth Inning.
Score by Innings :
KansasClty 0 00100000-1
Wichita o oooooooo o
American AHsoclatlou.
CINCINNATI , August 29. The game be
tween the Cincinnati and Athletic teams
o-daj resulted as follows :
Jlnclnnatl I 00013201 7
Vthlctlcs 2 00001002 5
LOUISVILLE , Ancust 29. The game bc-
wcen tbe Louisville and Metropolitan teams
o-dav resulted as follows :
jQUlsvllle 0 0030700 4 14
Intropolltans..O 30000302 8
ST. Louis , August 29. The iratno bo-
ween the St. Louis and Brooklyn teams
oday resulted as follows :
t. Louis 1 00208010-7
Brooklyn 2 00011100 5
Ci.KVKLANn , August 29. The dame bo-
ween the Cleveland and Baltimore teams
o-day resulted as follows :
Cleveland 1 0 0 1 O a 1 1 28
Baltimore 0130 o 1 1 10 0
National League Games.
NEW YOIIK , August 29. The came be-
weon the New York and Inulananolls teams
o-da''resulted as follows :
Vew York..O 000003101 5
ndlanapolis.,2 000200000 4
Ten Inning" . Pitchers Keofe and Shreve.
iaso hits New \ork 0 , Indianapolis 5.
Errors New York 8 , Indianapolis 9.
Jmpiro Brady.
PiiiiAUEt.riiiA , August 29. The game be-
weon the Philadelphia and Plttsburg teams
o-day resulted as follows :
hllndelphia 0 000. 1313 0-0
'ittsburg 3 1030000 * 7
Pltchflrs-Bulllnton for Philadelphia ,
Jorrls and Galvln lor Plttsbunr. Base hits
-'hlladolphla 10 , Plttsburg 10. Errors-Phlla-
delphiaG , Pittsburg 3. Umpire Powers.
Bos i ON , August 29. The came be-
wcen the Boston and Detroit tennis to-
esultedas follows :
Detroit 0 0205003
Boston 0 00000002 a
I'ltchers-Getzeln and bteinmyor. Base
hits-Detroit 21. Boston 7 , Errors Detroit
r , Boston 14. Umpire Doesrher.
WASIUNOION. Auirust 29. The fust game
tetween thu Washington and Chicago
cams to-day resulted as follows :
Washington 0 002000 2
'hleaco , 0 120020 5
Pitchers O'Day and Baldwin. Base hits
Washington 10 , Chicago 11. Errors
iVashlngtou 0 , Chicago 3. Umpire-
The Northwestern
DKS MOINES , la. , August29. Northwestern
easuo games to-day : DCS Molnes 7 , Osh-
cwh 4 , at Dos Molnes ; Minneapolis 18 ,
Kau Claire 15 , at Ban Clalro. Morning ganio :
Milwaukee 7 , LaCrosse 5 ; Evening game :
Milwaukee 1C , LaCrosse C , at Mllwcukeo.
Saratoga Kacoa.
SAitAToaA , August 29. The race track
was In good condition and the weather clear
; o-day.
Five furlongs : Cruiser won , Jackcocks second
end , Carry G. third. Timo-l:04M. :
Ono mile : Pericles won , Grey Cloud second
end , Bectou third. Tlme-l:44K. :
One and a half miles : Alarlc won , .Sour-
mash second. Time 2:41 : } .
Three-quarters of a mile : Queen Elizabeth
won , , Gardnoy second , Frank C. 13. third.
Jockey West has boon unconscious since
the accident. Ills head was cut by the horse's
hoof and ho sustained Internal Injuries. Al
though his condition Is precarious , the phy
sicians think ho possibly may come around
again. _
The IjoulBvllle Kacoa.
LOUISVILLE , August 29. The programme
for the fall meeting of the Louisville jockey
club was Issued to-day. The sport commences
Monday , September 19 , and lasts six days.
There will be thirty races , comprising ono
stake each day. The number ot horses will
bo unusually large for the fall meeting.
Theo\eiit of the meeting will bo the srreat
American stallion stake for cells and fillies ,
S100 entrance , with SI , 000 added. There are
sovcnty-tour entries. Among the probable
starters will be Libretto , Jim Gere , Kight
Away. Ll/zle Krepji , Bandburg.Bannai , Ban
yan. Pendenuls , Grisscttp , Tom Hood and
Jaubert. Subscriptions to the stallion stakes
amount to S1.700. which makes the event
worth about 83,000 to the winner.
The Thistle's Trial Trip.
Nr.W YOIIK , August 29. The Scotch cutter
Thistle , which Is to contest for the America's
cup , took her first trial spin in those waters
to-day , and her sailing qualities were shown
to ba very fine. The wind was Inconstant
and the entire cup course was not gone over ,
but , with a good breeze , her time was taken
over certain known portions of the route
and from this It Is calculated that she can
cover thn entire course In about four hours ,
which Is faster than the beat time made by
either the Mayflower or Puritan.
The Troubles at Havana.
NicwYoiiK , August 29. Cubans in this
city do not think there Is any far-reaching erIn
In any sense Important uprising In Havana.
J. M. Cauallos , ot the Spanish Trans-Atlantic
company , said that one of his steamships left
that city on the 24th , and on that date there
was no trouble there. Tno populace was
aware that Acting Governor ( fonerul Marln
was determined to deal with corrupt em
ployes of the custom house after the most
summary fashion and the chief dissatisfac
tion existed among those persons and such
merchants as Imve. prohted by thu Illicit im
portation of goods. The volunteer soldiers
of Cuba aie almost exclusively composed ot
native Spaniards who are In parfect harmony
with the policy of the government. When
General Marin seized the stores In the duana
many persons were Incommoded , and Indig
nant at not receiving their property , may
have Incited a few persons to riot , but the
disturbance can be In no sense Important.
Meeting of Kailroad llopreaontntlvea.
CHICAGO , August 29. Honresentatlves ol
Illinois roads wore In session to-day discuss
ing the call ot the railroad and warehouse
commissioners fora conference at Sprlnefield
this week , and to show cause why they should
not adjust state rates to the requirements of
the Inter-state law. It was claimed that It
would bn an Injustice to dragdown dividend-
paving corporations to a level with Irrespon
sible lines which disregarded all sound rail
way principles. No resolutions were passed
or concerted line of action agreed upon.
( Shut Up Itiiukct Shops.
CINCINNATI , August 29. The Baltimore < S
Ohio Teleuraph company , in obcdlancoto the
demand of the Chicago board of trade , this
noon took the uiies from halt a do en bucket
shops , completely stoppliu that business in
this city tor the pieM'iit.
Wouldn't ItcducR thn null.
CINCINNATI , August ) . JmUo Sage , ol
the United States court , to whom application
WHS made last week to reduce the bill of Bon
l.iinln llonkins , late assistant cishiei ot the
Fidelity National bank , this morning tetusei
tl.u application.
Fourine Mill nurnnd.
KKWANIM : , WIs. , August 29. The flout
mill of W. Seek & Co. , burned last nl ht. li
was one of thu finest roller mills In this par
of thu state. 'I he property was valm-tl n
SlO.oao and Insured lor 5,7,500.
Jnke Sharp ' .Vors ? .
Niw : YOIIK , August 29. Jake Shatp Is
'worse to-day thin ho was on auy day las I
week , but there Is nothing to fear. lie It
siitVenni : from n cold lu ub cheat ana cry
In thu head. .
A Ouster Oonnty Man Murdera His Wife
in a Fit of Rage ,
The Haddock Mtirdor Case Again
Galled Up In Court and the Trial
Day Bet Nebraska and
Iowa News.
Murdered Ilia Wife.
BIIOKEN Bow , Neb. , August 29 [ Special
Telegram to the BF.K.J Ouster county Is
once uioro thrown Into a state of excitement
which seems prevalent only at certain
thnos of the year when the climate
Is just right , nnd a distant judge Is on his way
hereto hold court
Saturday night a man by the name of John
son became Implicated In n quarrel
with a brother-in-law , and demanded
of Ills wife his revolver which
she had hid away from him , with which ho
said ho would kill the ortondlng relative.
Upon refusal by his wlfo to be accorded
possession of the deadly weapon
o got angry at her , and , grabbing
a stick of timber that lay close by , struck
\n < i lilt her across the pit of the stomach and
.hen fled. A little Bister of the unfortu
nate woman hastened to a neighbor's
ivlth the information ot what
Imd happened , and when the neighbors re-
urned the womau lay across the bed cold In
death. Afterward the husband returned for
a short time before the country around wns
aware of the terrible crime that had been
committed in their midst , but disappeared
again and no definite Information can be
gained of his whereabouts. The crime was
committed in the southeast part of the
county , about four miles southwest of Mason
! ity.
Reviving a Tragedy.
FuujnsTON , Net ) . , August 29. [ Special to
theBEE.I The following resolution passed
at tbo last session of Nance county's- com
missioners will bo of Interest to police offi
cers and the public generally :
"Whereas , A reward of Sl.OOO was In
formally ottered by the commissioners of
Nance county for the capture of the murderei
of 11. G. Perceval , Mary Perceval nnd their
minor child , H.A. G. Balrd and HughMalr ,
on the day after said murder was discovers. ! ,
and "Whereas , The proceedings of the com
missioners of said county fall to show the
oiler of said reward ; theretoie. bo It
"Hesolved , That a reward of Sl.OOO Is hereby
offered by the authorities of Nance county
for the capture of the murderer of H. G.
Peroceval , Marv I'erceval and their minor
child , II. A. G. Baird and Hugh Malr , who
were murdered on or about the29thdayof
September , 1884 , In said county.
"bald rewaid to be paid bv said county to
the person or persons who shall deliver said
criminal to the authorities ot Nance county. "
No positive duo to George Turnlval , the
suggested assassin , has ever been ob
tained. Key. Dr. Tanner , father of Mrs.
Perceval , Is as tlielessln his efforts as over ,
and exprcsaos a firm belief that Tnrnlval will
yet meet his just deserts. Detectives from
Plnkerton's agency and the Scotland yaids
were long engaged on the case on both con
tinents , but nothing has been heard from
them recently.
Saw n Cyclone.
ALMA , Neb. , August 29. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. | About 2 p. in , to-day
dark and rapidly moving clouds gathered a
few miles north of this city , creating a fun
nel shaped and rapidly revolving cloud which
moved in a northeasterly direction and grad
ually lengthened Into a narrow , tape-like ,
white colored cloud reaching from the
ground to the other clouds above , and rap
idly twisted itself around a small dark streak
In the center. The storm is known to have
completely destroyed one school and ono
farm house and barn and taken the roof
from another ( house. Ittore up the ground
In Its track , and was accompanied by a heavy
rainfall. No other particulars nro obtainable
at present. Its path Is thought to have been
about 200 tent wide and was closely watched
by the people of Alma , who feared It would
come down upon them.
Broke Ilia Nock.
BnoKF.N Bow , Neb. , August 29. ( Special
Telegram to the BIK. : ] A sad accident hap
pened four miles east of hero yesterday
about 11 o'clock. In which George Mary lost
his life. While riding home from the tarm of
Edwaid Klnc , in csmpany with two compan
ions , the seat tipped and let the unfortunate
man fall out of the buggy tn sucti a manner
as to break his neck.
S. H. H ; Clark In Nebraska City.
NKIIRARKA Crrr , Neb. , August 29. tSpe-
clalTelegram totheBKK.J S. H. H. Clark ar
rived here nn a special train this morning. It
Is understood his presence here is to con
clude arrangements for building a street rail
way , for which he has tne franchise.
Shooting at Mason City.
BIIOKP.N Bow , Neb. , August 29. [ Special
Telegram to the BKK. j This mornlnc Sheriff
Penn was summoned to Mason City by tele-
craph to hold an inquest over the dead body
of a man who was shot last night.
It la Again Called Bcl'oro the Court
In Sioux City.
Sioux CITY , August 29 [ Special Telegram
to the BEK. | This afternoon the Haddock
murder case was called up , nnd the state an
nounced its readiness to try Fred Munchaath.
The case was set for next Monday , and ns
soon as It Is through the case against Sylves
ter Granda will bo called up. It cannot be
told when Arensdorf will again bo put on
trial , and It is supposed that his trial will de
pend In a great measure on the outcome of
the other cases. Both sides have been busy
nil summer prepalrini ; for his case , but noth
ing new has developed so far as known. It
Is said that the defense was weak in having
no attorney who could influence the Jury by
argument. The trial Is awaited with much
Baldwin Makes Another AKConslnn.
UOCKAWAY Br.ACii , N. Y. , August 29.
IhomasS. Baldwin , the San Francisco aero
naut , repeated his teat of jnmpliu from a
balloon hero this afternoon , The gas con
densed rapidly ami It became necessary to
cut away the car and throw aside the life pro.
server In eider to make the balloon ascend.
When 1OOJ feet high , Bald v > In made a leap.
His parachute remained closed for the first
300 ft-ct nnd ho descended at a fearful rate of
speed. Then tlm parachute opened and he
sailed down easily , dropping Into the
trom which he was picked up unhurt.
The Fend Not Vet Settled.
EAD , Ky. , August 29-Cal. Bollver ,
thu lad who was spared by the Logans dnr-
In ? the nn sacip , was jlrod on yesterday
from nn ambush near town. Several of Lo
gan's followers , who have been Indicted for
supposed participation In the massacre nro
hldluc In thu mountains near town heavily
armed and e in not bo arrested. The troops
will leave when court ndluiirns , nnd it Is ex
pected the lighting will bealn then.
Cutting Kates.
CINCINNATI , August 25. The railroads ,
while not entering Into an old-Cushioned cut <
tine of rates , have bean arranging matters sc
there Is a great deal ot travel at a cost much
below schedule prices. Some days ngo nl !
the Cincinnati roads offered thousand-mile
tickets at 820 wllhout the usual restrictions.
Two rival roads have offered round trip ti k
oU to Pitteburtt lor 83,50 , .
Railroads May use the Sldo Tracks of
Rival Companies.
Dp.sMoiNUS , la. , August 29. The railroad
commissioners this morning rendered n de
cision In the Dubuqua case , on complaint of
the Dubuque board ot trade , in behalf of
merchants , millers , da ! . The complaintro-
cited that the Chicago" , Milwaukee & St. Paul
and Illinois Central roads , which have ac
quired most of the available space In tbo city
for side tracks , refused to switch the cars ot
the Burlington , Cedar liaplds A Northern ,
and Minnesota & No rtuwestern roads , which
have just entered tl o city , to mills and fac-
torlcs for loading , If they are used for freight
to competing points nnd raised the swltch-
Ing charges to 8 per car for freight
to non-competing po nts , thus practically em' '
bargoing several branches of business. The
commissioners say the question Is : Are the
side tracks of a railroad subject to the same
control as the main line ? And they hold that
under section 1229 ) of the code all property
used for railroad purposes comes within the
law , whether It be station houses , side tracks '
or any other Instrumentality tor hauling
freight and that under chapter ir > 3 of the
laws of the Ninth general assembly rnilioiul
companies aio bound to iccelvo all the cars
of connecting roads it reasonable rales. The
sidings of the Milwaukee and the Illinois
Central at Dubuque are publk ; highways ,
and these companion are required to haul
over them cars of all'other companies at rea
sonable rates. Tbe reasonable rate for
switching Is 91 for one mile , SLSO for two
miles and S3 for three miles. The new roads
are not relieved , however , from providing
suitable terminal facilities for transacting
their business. The decision reverses tha1 ,
In the case ot the Wisconsin , Iowa & Ne
braska TS the Chicago & North western given
in 188-1 , further examination having shown
that these Dubuqua tracks have not private
character given them In that case.
The Former Country Preparing to
Fight Her Island Neighbor.
NKW YOIIK , AugurtCy.r- [ Special Telegram
to theBEE.I The llirald says : "As related
In the Herald's dispatches , a fleet of five Chi
nese war ships will sail from Portsmouth ,
England , for China next Wednesday. They
'onn part of the now navy which China has
been accumulating for several yeais. The
description given ot them In the London
Times shows that they are no moan addl-
lens to the naval force of the world. Further ,
t Is reported on the authority of one of the
Chinese commanding officers , that almost
Immediately four other armed ships will be
ordered built In European dock yards on the
most approved model. The question natur
ally arises , what Is Chinas purpose In
so increasing tier naval strength , as It is not
called for by her commerce. There must be
n definite offensive object In view. Against
whom Is such a movement Intended ? It
Is not necessary to look far
ther than Japan. Between China
and her Island neighbor to the east there has
been a deadly feud for years. Japan has
been Amoricani/.ed. Our ideas have taken
root thoio to nn extent that alarmed the
Chinese government lest they spread to the
flowery kingdom also. There Is , therefore ,
further reason why China should wish to
humble her old-time rival. Possibly she Is
not uninfluenced bva ceitaln jealousy on the
part of Great Britain , who looks unon the
Americanization of Japan with linvthtng
but n friendly eye. When , therefore , China
and Japan shall meet In combat lu the Pacific
seas our position as a neutral mar call for
the display of some force to maintain our
rights. It is therefore Important that that
half way nouso of the Pacific , Honolulu ,
should belong to n friendly nation , and not
be held by an interested friend of Japan's
powerful toe. The Hawaiian islands must
not pass Into European hands. "
Jimmy McDevItt Disemboweled By a
Plato Glnss Window.
NEW YORK , August 29. "Jimmy , " Me-
Dcvltt , the well known burglar and nephew
of Elliot the prize fighter who was killed in
Chicago a few years ago. met with a violent
death this morning while trying to escape
from a store where ho had been discovered ,
He was surprised by the poi tor , who closed
the door on him nnd sent for a policeman.
McDevltt plunged through a plate glass
window. He was caught by the stomach
and disemboweled. When released ho was
Big Barrel Factory Burned.
DKTHOIT , Mich. , August 29. Early tint
morning at Dolray , eight miles froui here , r
liio broke out in the dry kiln of the Anchoi
manufacturing company. The bulldlngf
were filled with shavings and other Inflam
mable material used in making barrels , and
tne fiauios spread rapidly. An engine
was sent from this city , bill
nearly nil the buildings nro on
fire and it is probably too late to save any
thing. The loss will bo from 8250,000 t <
5300,000. The business of the Anchor Manu
tacturing company is the making ono-stav
barrels and kiudred coopei ago and lieadlni
supplies. The firm has largo contracts foi
fnrnlshlng barrels for some of the Minne
apolls flouring mills.
There were between 2,000,000 and 3,000,001
feet of lumber lu ( h ° yard ready lor manufacture
facturo , a small nprtion of which may b (
saved. All the buildings but the hoop mil
burned , along wth five Michigan Centra
freight cais , which were standing on tin
switch. The looses aggregate $2X,000 ! , or
which there is only S40.000 Insurance , tin
risks being so great that It was almost iui
possible to obtain more.
Flvo RoniidH at Kansas City.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , August 29. [ Specla
Telegram to the HUE. ( Martin Durktn ant
Dick storehouse , two local sports , engaged It
a five-round prize tight for $100 and the eati
receipts , at a point on the Santa Fo abou
twelve miles west of this city yesterday at
ternoon. About seventy-five spectators wen
present at 310 per heail. Both men were it
good condition , Morehonse tipping the bean
at 140 pounds and Morehouso at 143. As 1
was their lirst expei lence in the pri/.o ring
there was not much science displaced , and u
the tilth round Morehouso was knocked on
by Durkin with a terrific right-hander
which caught him on the jugular. Lhiiuli
was hardly marked at all.
Another 1'nper Fallnrn.
CINCINNATI , August 29. William St
Clalr Koss , doing business as W. St. Clair < S
Co. , assigned to-day. The firm has been
doing a large business as paper manufac
turers ana wholesale dealers in envelopes
cards , etc. The failure was precipitated b\
eastern failures. The liabilities are ostl
mated at $40,000 , with assets at S3.-i.000. The
firm has been doInK business about a year.
% . A Fatal Uace.
SAIIATOO.V , N. Y. , August 29.ln thollrsi
race hero to-day a collision occurred botwoer
the horses at the head of the stretch , Zcl
Ward , Sadie Mac , Music and Fountain nl
going down. Jockey West was badly hurt.
His Head was cut open and he received othci
Injuries. Penny had his .skull fractured am'
"later accounts report Westdvlng. Winchel
and Barrett were not seriously Injured ,
Swallowed Ily Quicksand.
BuoniiEAii , WIs. , August 29. The founda
tion of the Brodhead roller mill was under
mined nn account of quicksand early Sun
day morning and the first floor collapsed
carrying down ttie machinery and grain am
Hour to the value ot or 520,000.
, - *
Firemen Arrested For Arson.
PI.AINFIKLD , N. J. , August 29. The sovei
members of the Plainfield volunteer fire de
partment arrested jesterday morning are accused
cusod of having been the orlcinatora of :
hundred or more Incendiary lires. that havi
taken place In thu city during the past ten o
twelve } ears.
Hack on the Hoard ,
CHICAGO , . \ugust 29. The Baltimore < S
Ohio TcNtrrajh compiny was allowed to re
store their wires to : ! w Hnar of the board o
trade hero , after havlnc notilieif the pros !
dunt that they had beyvred their conncclior
with thu bucket slloy ,
The Great Chicago Packer Interviewed On
the Dressed Beef Business.
Ho Thinks the Great Hue and Cry
That lias Been Raised Is the
Result of Great Over
The Dressed Uopf Kick.
CiitOAoo , August 29. [ Special Telegram
to the BKK. | "Tho prices of beef at retail
with us , " said Mr. P. D. Armour when a re
porter asked him It It were true that the
dressed beef men and railroads were scoopIng -
Ing In all the prnllts In the trade , leaving the
cattle raisers , the retail butchers and the poor
consumer ? out In the cold , "tho retail prices
are a great deal lover than thov used to bo.
We sell meat at our retail stole at the stock
yards much cheaper than formerly , and I
guess every other man in t.ho trade is doing
he same. This hue and cry slmuly comes
ut of the overproduction of cattle , as may be
, voll attested by looking at the receipts of
tattle at the stock yards. It Is like trying to
> ut an extra dinner down a man
t'tor ho has had a good square meal.
The Idea of monopoly and the tremendous
refits that the dressed beef man gets Is per-
'ectly ' absurd. The business Is open to any
body to go Into It that wants to. There are
no patents and no fences up ot any kind.
There Is no secret about It , Any one In the
, vorld finds It open who wants to go Into It
and has all the advantages that wo have. "
"It Is claimed that the five lirms now In
be trade have n practical monopoly ot it , as
the experience of the Marquis Do Mores
has taught him. "
"He don't seem to have good success In
anything except marrying a rich man's
daughter , and I believe his father-in-law has
shutdown on him now. He just succeeded
In that as well as anything else ho has tried ,
unless It Is bear shooting. I have he.xrd ho
was a great success at that. There Is abso
lutely nothing to all this outcry. No business
In the world tiiat I have had anything to do
with , and I hare had something to do with a
many , Is run so close as this dicssed
good business. It is like weighing gold dust.
1 think the railroads get a better price out of
it than anybody else , or than they do out of
any other business In the world. Thoie is
omethlng in that part of It"
"Has the Intel-state law not helped you any
In vour ught against the railroads ? "
"I don't see that It has done uny good. 1
think we have now a higher rate to pay than
before. There Is a suit up before them now.
but no decision has boon arrived at. 1 expect
it to be areued In Washington In about a
month. Senator Edmonds has charge of the
case for the dressed beef men. I can not
understand why sncli an Idea about the
dressed beef men should continue to nmko
way. There Is not the least foundation for It
In the world. The live cattle men stalled it
against the dressed beef men when the tiado
lirst commenced , and it has been carried
along ever since , and the railroad
men lent n wllllnir car to It
and helped It along. The railroads have
never been friendly to the dressed beef busi
ness. They feel that they are drawlue BO
many pounds less , and then their mod are
Interested In the stock yards all over the
lines. All the stock yaids are principally
owned by officers of the railway companies
and of course It naturally touches their
pockets 'and touches the stock yards. All
this outcry has a false bottom to It , There in
nota particle of MUUKI sense In It. It Is
simply a matter of overproduction and noth
ing else. There are more cattle coming to
mat ket than are wanted. The government Is
opening up cheap lands to the people and a
great manv cattle are being forced In here
prematurely. All this will tell on the cattle
trade in a year or two from now and will
probably end in tnakin K the prlco very high.
Mackay Not in the Wheat Deal.
SAX FKANCI.SCO , August SO. John W.
Mackay. in nn Interview this morning , re
pudiated the statements attributed to him In
an Interview printed In Now "York a few
days ago In which ho said ho was a large
holder of wheat. He said the Nevada bank
had loaned a largo amount of money on
wheat , but that neither the bank nor its ollt-
clals were directly Interested In the deal and
ho was wllllnc to throw open his books to
show this to be a fact. Up to 11 o'clock this
morning no failures of any kind were 10-
ported on the street After an hour's ses
sion of the call board the parties to whom
Drrsbach A Ilosenheld failed to pay the mar
gins on wheat which they had promised came
in and asked to sell the wheat under the
rules of the board. The directors claimed
that once having signed an agreement to ac
cept Drcbbach'p proposition the old contracts
are not affected bv the call board rules. The
directors sought legal advice on thn matter ,
the boi-d in the meantime remaining In
formal session.
The day passed without any failures , and
the feeling on the street this afternoon was
that the crisis might pass without serious
trouble. Little business was transacted on
the call board , the cliiet subject for discus
sion being the proper course to bo adopted in
the matter of holding delinquents legally
responsible. The proposition to refer the
matter to the attorney ot the board for his
opinion was adopted and proceedings were
deferred until It should be obtained. The
prolonged session of the oxchnncn was ad
journed this nfternoon upon the receipt of n
legal opinion that it was not nccessarv to
make sales nn account dining the lirst
session of the board after notice of
suspension was given ns piovidcd , In the by
law. This averted for the time being the
necessity of marketing under forced sale
ovnrlOJ.OOO tons ot wheat , the elfect of
which would have bvon disastrous. Security
in hand amounting to 0,000 tons , will bn sold
nssoon as possible , and the proceeds applied
so far as thov will go towards the Dreskh.ich
and Ilosenfeld contracts , which have not
yet been margined down. The board will
meet to-morrow at the usual hour. Alauy
brokers and dealers are badlv used up by the
crash In pi lens outside ot theli losses dircctlv
on old contracts. The market closed ut
S 1.25 for seller W.
Colored Church Conference.
ST. .losiu'if , Mo. , August 20. | Special
Telegram to the HIK. : | The conference of
the colored M , K. church adjourned In this
city to-night after a session of live days.
Ministers win appointed to fill the dltfercut
pulpits of thodenominations in Missouri and
Kansas , and committees worn appointed to
solicit subscriptions to the various funds.
About hfty ministers were in attendance.
Sunday the different pulpits in the city were
filled by colored ministers.
Canadian Outraged.
HKT.F.NA , Mont. , August 39. The terri
torial board of stock commissioners has been
furnished with a full account of the outrages
nf Canadian custom olliclals , Insisting on
selling American cattle that had strayed
across the line. In all Instances the cattle
have been sel/ed and sold Illegally. In
stances are known where Canada's mounted
police luivtt ciosscd the border to Montana
and driven cattle to the Canadian side. Thn
matter will bo fully investigated and brought
bctoro the authorities at Washington ,
A Steamer Overdue.
NEW Onr.KANs. August 29. Some uneasi
ness Is felt hero for the safety of the steamer
Knickerbocker , Captain Kemblo , of the
Cromwell line , which Is now forty-eight
hours overdue fiom Xnw York. She had a
full miscellaneous cargo , sixteen cabin and
( seventeen steerage passengers. The stenmer
Kldorado , of the Southern Pacific company ,
which luft Now York the same day as the
Knickerbocker , was detained thirty-one days
by a terrific stonn. diptain Hyrnes of thu
Kldormio. reports that thn hurricane was
terrllit ; . It was encountered { o the south Of
C.ape Hattcra * . - . . .
A Soinowhttt Kccontrlo Man , Out Not
ICopvrfoM I8S7 by Jiimw ( Ionian Ilennett. ]
GORDON , August Si'-fNow York Her-
sld. Cable-Special to the llKi.J-Hear-
ing It reported that sonio American
papers had stated that John Hus-
kln WAS Insane , 1 telegraphed nn Inquiry to
Conlstan , In the lake district of Lancashire ,
where ho reside ? , a lleiald correspondent to
report. Ills reply \\aa : "Huskln gone to con
tinent to see his publisher. " This gentleman
Is Oeorco Allen , who resides at picturesque
Orpington , County Kent , on the road
eighteen miles from London to Turn-
bridge Wells , liusklnlio has always
boon noted for eccentricity , has had a fad
not to employ London publishers. I Jour
neyed thither thU mornliu. Mr. Alien had
loft only a tow hours before for London , and
wo crossed each other. I was welcomed by
lila daughter , who Is closely allied to her
father's business. She said , repeating my
words , "Uuskln Insane ? Well then , " smiling
as If baying to hcr.solf , "Ho has been so In the
opinion of many critics over since his first
book forty-live years ago on 'Modern Pain
ters. ' She added : "He has been very 111 , Ho
Is on the thresnhold of three score and ten ,
and feeble. Insane ? Oh , no ; that Is non
sense. A few dpys ago wo had a letter from
him dated St. Albans. Ho was then on his
way to the continent. Ho has taken with
him the proof sheets of art lectures , and
within the past few weeks has written for
us to print a preface for a new
book called "llortus Inclusus , " which
has boon written by the sister
ladies of the Thwalte at Collision. Itecently
ho and father have been arranging for a new
editor of 'Modern Painters. ' * '
"Could you glvo the Herald his continental
Address ? "
"It has long been one of Mr. Huskln's
peculiarities not to wish his address when on
touts known to the public , but this I will
tell" she smiled again , "It Is not at nor
near a lunatic asylum. "
Ho Sayn Sir John Macdonahl HAH
Roen Misrepresented.
LONDON , August 29. In the house of com
mons this evening Sir Henry Holland , co
lonial secretary , read a cablegram from Lord
Lansdowne , governor general of Canada , de
claring the report that Sir John Macdonald
had said that ho would not hesitate to nsk aid
from the Imperial tioops to stop the construc
tion of the Manitoba railroad to bn a pure falsi
fication. Lord Lansdowne also said in his
dlsuatch : "Tho provincial net for the con
struction ot the Ked Ulver railway was dis
allowed by me on the advice of responsible'
advisers on the ground that the proposed line
would stop the trallic of the Canadian Pacllie
railway , and would thereby seriously Injure
the interests of the whole country , which had
submitted to largo sacrifices in order to unite
the provinces by a national road. "
In the Commons.
LONDON , August 20. In the house of
commons this evening on motion to irrant
763,315 for the purpose of completing the
credit for the Irish police service , Dillon pro
tested against the constant Increase of the
police In Ireland. Although the po pulatlon
had decreased 300,000 since 18bO , the cost of
police service had Increased over 250,000.
This waste of public money was not due to
crime. A monstrous and corrupt police
force was kept up to ovndo the pro
visions ot-tho mutiny act by main
taining a larger military force than
was sanctioned by parliament. The law was
not enforced and lents were not collected ,
and the only elfect of employing police waste
to create widespread dissatisfaction and to
exasperate the people.
IJaltour , chief secretary for Ireland , said ho
would not deny that the cost of the police
force of Ireland was largely In o\ce s of that
of England. Ho asserted that the responsl-
dillty for this state of affairs rested on those
who wcro doing their best to foment discon
tent In Ireland.
Sexton said that IIP believed that Ireland
was the only country in the world where
with steadily decreasing population there ex
isted a steadily increasing police force to
overawe the ueople.
After nine hours' discussion thn vote for
the liish constabulary was cairled by 107
to 50.
Frnnch Conservatives Denounced ,
PAISIS , August 2'J. Prince Victor , son of
Prince Jerome Uonapaite , has Issued a man
ifesto at Brussels In which ho condemns the
conservative party of Franco for suuportlng
the opportunist cabinet. Ho described the
present condition of his Dirty and expresses
his views as to the proper course to ho pur
sued to accomplish thn end in view the res
toration of the empire. The manifesto Is
remarkable if its failurn to make any men
tion ot Paul DeCassagiiiic , the champion of
Garo thn Scheme Awny.
PAUIS , Aiuust 29. Two secretaries of Gen
eral Forron , minister of war , nave been ar
rested for disclosing to the Flgaio the plan
for cariylng out the mobilization scheme and
thus allowing Its publication contiary to the
Kovernraent's wishes. The charge against
them Is high treason.
Declines tn Interfere.
SAN FHANCJSCO , August 29. In the appli
cation of the Pacific railroad commission to
compel Senator Stanford and other ofilcors of
the Central Pacific railroad to answer certain
questions In regard to the expendltuio of
funds tor the purpose of Inlluenclni ; legisla
tion , .Justice Field , of the United States su
preme court , to-day delivered the opinion of
the United States circuit court to thn effect
that the act of congress creating the com
mission Impioperly invites thn co-opeiatlon
of the courts In an Inquiry thai is not 1u-
dlcial. The opinion Is backed by the de
cisions and opinionsof Story , Marshal and
Touhy upon limitations ot congressional
authority. It holds void that part of the act
ipforrlm : to the courts ns unconstitutional.
The court therefore declines to make an
order compelling the olllcors to answer the
questions , and also declines to makoau order
giving tlm commission access to the books oi
various construction companies.
Affairs In Manitoba ,
WINNIIT.O , August 29. Grading on the
Ked River Valley railroad Is now completed.
Van Horn , In an Intoivlew while en route
east , said that the Winnipeg press and cer
tain prominent eltl/ons wore preachlne se
dition and annexation under the guise of
commercial union and that they ought to be
watched. The charge Is vigorously denied ,
Thn ViHlblo Supply.
CIIICAOO , August 29. The visible supply
on August 27 , as complied by the secretary
ot the Chicago board of trade , was as fol <
lows :
Dushels Bushel1
Wheat 80'r-7.,0X ! ) Corn oraoo : (
Oats USI.UOO Itye
Cnimhlln Admitted to Hill.
Bl.OOMINGTON , III. , AllgUSt 29. Judge
Reeves this afternoon admitted ball In tht
sum of 51,000 Timothy Coughlln , the section
foreman of the Toledo , Poorla it Western
\\liowasheldre3ponslhla tor the wreck a' '
Chatswotth , by which nearly 100 lives wen
.NEW YOIIK , AiiKust 29 , This mornlnt
Ives & Co.'s counsel obtained from Judge
Lawrence an order directing the rolori'o , ex-
Judge Davis , to return the testimony taker
before him In the Ivea' reference case uu
by witnesses.
A Jury Secured.
OZAIIIC , Mo. , August 29. A. Jury was ob
tallied this afternoon for the trial of ( Mlber
Applegatu ; one of thu sixteen li'ihl Knnhber
Indicted for th uiuidur ot ( Jreen and iCdeus
A Strong Prohibition Sentiment Prevalent
in the Territory ,
United States Consul Ilttrchnrd Mnkcf '
Homo Interesting Uoports On the ,
Condition or Honduras Wash
ington Mows.
Dakota it Prohibition Stronghold.
WASHINGTON , August 29. [ Special Telat *
gram to thoBKK.J Mr. M. 11. Day , the I > a <
kola member of the national democratic
committee , advances the rather startling
theory that if Dakota woio admitted Into th j
union ns n state a majority of her citizens
would vote the prohibition ticket. HoacH
counts for this preponderance of prohibition
ontlmcnt on the giound that n largo class of
icople In Dakota emigrated fiom the oldel
eastern states , where prohibition Is regarded
vlth more or loss favor , and to the furthoi
act that the Norwegians , who are also very
ilcntiful in Dakota , nro almost unanimously1
opposed to ruiiHlilnklng nnd rum-selling.
Mr. Day says the proposition to admit the ;
errltory ns a state will bo pushed qulto nt
vigorously lu the Fiftieth congress ns It was
n the last , T. ho people of the territory will
told nn election In November to decide as ta
the manner In which thu territory shall ba
admitted , whether as n whole or In part , ns
was urged In the Foity-ntnth congress. Mr.
Day thinks congress will no longer refuse
.hem admission after the Dakotlans shall
lave decided this question. Ho says tin
errltory now has n bona fide population ol
600,000 , white other territories have thus fai
been admitted when their population had
reached 135,000.
The Condition of Honduras.
WASHINOTON , August 89. | Special Tolo- the BEK.J The repoit that Consul
IJurchard , stationed in Honduras , has gotten
the United States Into an unpleasant predlca-
ucnt by criticising too freely the morality ot
Honduras proves to ba very wide ot the
mark. The fact of the matter is that this
consul has simply followed his Instructions'
and reported to this government just what Im
was directed to report , namely , everything oi
Interest which came to Ills notico. In obudt-
enco to these Instructions , Mr. Biirchard sub
mitted various reports. In July , 18bO , he ic
ported upon the fruit Industries of the ropul-
llc. Ho calls attention to the remarkable
growth of this Industry and draws a com *
parison between the condition of the people
engaged tn fruit growing on islands
and those In the same business on thu main
land. Of the Inhabitants of the main
land ho says : "They remind 1114
of the mining camps of Call'
fornla In the golden years of 1BI9 and 1850 ,
Money Is plenty and eanlly obtained , but un
fortunately It Is used to gratity the lowest
vices. Diunkonness , debauchery andgambl
Ing piovatl without restraint or limit. Mai"
rled mothers and legitimate children ar
rare exceptions to thn general lule. A lama
proportion of the fruit growers worn original
cowboys In the Interior , working on a salary
of from § 25 to 840 a year. They nro no\V
owners ot plantations nnd have a steady ln
come of from 830 to 5300 n month. 'Iho sud
den change of fortune , t.o far from being u
blessing , is a positive curst1 , both to them *
selves and to the community In which they
live. The Rovormont of Honduras Is to n
certain extent responsible for this doploiable
state of disorder and corruption. Do/ens ot
icportsasbovoro or even more severe than ,
this have been sent In by our consuls , but
as a rule they do not find their way into
print. "
Some years ago one ot the consuls sta <
tloned In Austria sent a report upon the Im
morality existing in ono province of the om
plro. To give hu report the most weight ha
embraced In It n couy of the vital statistic !
report of the province. This report showed
that out of every lilteen children born seven
nnd n fraction were illlKitimato. Thu report
was published in the regular monthly puhll *
cations of the state department and In spita
of the fact that It was a transcription of thef
official documents of the Austiinn govern
ment , It caused a gient deal of trouble. Tlia
outcome was that nn amendment was added
to the consular and diplomatic appropriation
bill ot 1834 which piovides that thereafter
the published consular icports should not
contain anything of a "paitlsan , political ,
moinl or rolU'lous nature. " This reporter.
Burchnrd's should never have been printed.
It was not written for publication ,
but solely for the information of
the state department. Ordinarily , great care
Is exoiclsed over the preparation of matter for
publication in the consular reports. They
pass through the hands or throe officials be-
toro they are sent to the printer. It happened
that tills paitlcular repoit was received dur
ing the absence ot tweet the three In August
of last year. It Is not likely that the depart
ment will take any notice of the matter un
less asked to do so by the government oC
Honduras. Thu consul simply did his duty
and the blunder rests with the officers In the
department , who Imd charge ot the publica
tion. But as the consul will have to bear the
brunt of thu blame among the people of tle :
republic. It may bo that his position will ba
such that he will be glad to resign. Ho was
appointed In IST'.i.and draws n Mahay of 81.0001
n year. Ho Is also engaged in business foe
Origin of the War. I
WAsiiiNmoN , Auuust 29. [ Special Te !
cgram to thn Bi'.i : . | The advices received to
day at the war department respecting the Utd1
outbreak confirm the previously expressed )
opinion of army o Ulcers that the difficulty ?
was precipitated by thn civil authorities 08
Colorado without justification , and that the/
Indians have been badly tieatud. It l&
stated that the aliened horse steallnu'.nas noj
other foundation than that the Indians ant *
cowboys engaged In lioiso racing and the }
cowboys sent away lor a "dnrK horso" tor
beat the Indian ponies. It .supervened , how *
over , that the Indians woio up to thn trlcW
and they procmed a faster horse and won
the race , the stakes of which wore horse for
horse. The cowbovs refused to glvo up thel
hordes tliev Imd lo't and the Indians entf
braced the lirst opportunity to take them.
flnvnrmniitnl llcuulptH. I
WASHINGTON , August 29. Notwithstand4
Ing thu largo pension payments this month/ /
amounting to $10,500,000 thu receipts for tha _
month to date am more than 87,500,000 In excess -
cess of thu total expenditures during the/ /
same period last month. The receipts hava
averaged over 81,000,000 a day , and nov/
amount to S33,8l4.m. !
I'ostnl Changes.
WASHINOTON , August 29. [ Special ToleM
cram to the Jim : . ] Leonard Nash was to-day
appointed postmaster at Lelgh.Colfax county ,
vlcn Albert I ) . Stevens , resigned. '
Thu postolllce at Swan Island , HancocU
county , was discontinued to-day.
A postotllce has been established at Ungan >
Harlan county.and John liawksbyuppoliuocf
Cleveland In Open the Congroati.
WASHINGTON , August 29. President !
Cleveland will bo present at the opening of
the International Medical congress Monday ;
September 5. On the following evening
( 'luesdny ) ho will leculvo members of thtl
congress nnd ladles accompanying thum a *
the white house.
A Violator ol' 1'nimlnn
WASHINGTON , August 2' ' . The ponslodf
ofllcelus information that Henry S. Andor4
son , ot Sexton , Washington county , Ark. , *
has been convicted In the United States courif
for the Third district ot Arkansas of sl4
scpaiate-olfensesjigaliibt the pension lawnjj
namely : Taking illegal fees , ono count ; proif
Bitntliu finudulont papers , two counts ; forg-
Ini : evidence , three counts. The special ex- *
nmlner having thti caseIn charge reports that )
thu material.wnb ullmiid tor convlctiuu a