Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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.A. .
Advertisements under this head , 10 cents po
inofor the first Insertion , 7 cents for each sub
Sequent Insertion , and fl.M > n line per month
ho advertisement taken for less than 25 cents
for tbo first Inecrtlon. Hover words wtl Jb
counted to tlio line ! they must run concecii-
tlvolv and must DO paid In advance. All advcr-
tlcoments must bo bonded In before lnOo'clocK
p. m. , and tinder no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Partiesadvertising Inthowscolumn nndnar-
Ing the answers addressed In care of Tn HKR
will please nsk for n check to enable them to got none will bo delivered exceot
on iiro'ontatlon of check. All answers to adver
tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In those columns are pub
lished In both morning ntid evening editions
Bfliir. HEP , the circulation of which aggre
gates more than 14.1)00 ) papers dally , and gives
the advertisers the benallt. nut only of the city
circulation nf Tin : lire , but also of Council
Uliirrs , Lincoln and other cities and towns
hrnughout this part of the Welt.
1,000,000 to loon. Cole , 310 B 3Mil.
Wo loan money on Improved prop
erty for any desired amount at low rates
nf Intarrst , to run from two to ten years time.
Btotts , Cox * Houston , 1B07K Farnam. 953
ONEY To loan at 6 per rent. Patterbon
M Ilrcis. , 15th street , op. P. O.
' 7EO.COO TO LOAN atO per cent. Llnahnn
' Muhoncy , I5OT Farnam. 6.18
> FRR CENT Money.
V B. 0. Patterson. 15lh at.d Ilnrney. 839
, to loan on real estate. No delay
$ Harris & Sampson , 1518 Douglas st 640
ONEY TO LOAN-O. F. Davis Co. , roa
M state and loan agents , 1605 Farnain st.
, to loan m any amount at lowest rate
$500,000 . II. n. Ircy. Frensor block. 307
, To loan on Omaha city property at5
$600,000 cent , O. W. Day , . o. cor. Ex. nld
MONEY TO LOAN On city and farm prop
erty at low rates. No delay. Cahn * wool-
ley , 1323 Farnam it. 64WJT
MONEY to loan to parties wishing to builJ.
111. 8. 8. Campbell , 310 B Uth St. , Chamber of
Commerce. 643
Tn loan. Lowest ratci. No delay.
MONEY . Rice ti Co. , over Commercial Na
tional bank. 267
MONEY to loan , cash on delay.
J. W. and E. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam it.
Futon hotel building. el
MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city prop
erty In lums of II,000 to (5,000 at six per
cent Interest. Bholesi Crumb. 645
MONEY TO LOAN on improved real estate ;
no commission charged. Leavltt Iurn- )
ham , Room 1 Creighton lllock. 641
M ONEY In lums of (500 and over to loan at
low rates , Russell &Ilarrett,812 B 16th st ,
MONEY TO LOAN-On city property In
sums of 1500 and upwards at lowest rates.
Money always on band. B. B. Campbell.310
Couth Sixteenth street. 847
< LOAN Money Loans placed on improved -
proved real estate In city or county for
New England Loan & Trust Co. , by Douclai
County bank. 16th and Chlrago st * . 649
MONEY LOANEDatC. F. Reed & Co.'s Loan
Office , on furniture , pianos , horses.wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. 819 S. 13th.
over Blngham s Commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 630
MONP.Y loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses , oto. , low rates. J.J.Wilkinson A. Co.
1324 Farnam , o\cr Uurllngton ticket office. 4ft'
MONEY TO LOAN-by the nndersigned , who
baa the only properly organized loan
genoy In Omaha. Loans of 110 to $100 made
onfurnlture/planos , organi , hones , wagons ,
machinery , Ac. without removal. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
made that any part can bopald at any ime.each
payment reducing the cost pro rnta. Advances
made on fine watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns are dally coming
mto existence. Should you need money cal'
ndseome. V7. R. Croft , Boom i WUhnel
Building 15th and Harney. 651
milK OMAHA Financial Exchange.
JN. . W. corner of Harney and IBth its.
over State National bank.
Is prepared to make short time loam on any
available security.
Loang made on chattel * , collateral or real
Long time loam made on improved real estate
t current rates.
Purchase money mortgages negotiated.
Secured notes bought , fold or exchanged.
Short time loans made on second mortgage ,
according to marginal Interest at collateral
Heal eiute to exchaw * for rood Interest
bearing paper.
Uenernl financial business of all kinds trans
acted promptly , quietly and fairly.
Money always on hand for approved loan * oL
ny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Corbett. Manager. < > 63
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1505
Farnam street Complete abstracts fur-
nlehed , and titles to real estate examined , per
fected and guaranteed 678
restaurants In the city , well establishe
and doing a good business. This Is a gplondli
oppoituulty for the right party. Half cneb
balance oisy. C25 , Boo of lice. 313 30J
A RARE OPPORTUNITY-A beautiful ant
well Improved farm of IUO acres , near a
thriving town ; only $1,500 ; or will mcliangofo
ttock of groceries , n restaurant or any gooi
business chanco. Mrs. Brogu and Son. 3108
15th St. Telephone 884. SOU 30J
FOR SALK-Good paying restaurant In goo
location. Everything complete. Cheap S500.
llonawa Co. , 15th st. opp. P. O. 2UO 30J
FOR SALE Harbor shop , S chairs. Addresi
O 10 , Uoo ollloo. 1S7 27J
FOR SALE Lunch counter and restaurant
doing a good business , cheap. Owner has
other business , or will rent to reliable party
who will buy itock and glvo security. Inquire
B. K. cor. 6th and 1'aolflo streets. 208 27 *
Tj Oh SALK-Stock of drugs , invoice (1,200 ,
avoratro sales (9 , rent (16 , bad health rca-
son for selling. Call or address 2W7)i ! ) Lake st.
192 slj
WANTED-lminodiatoly n partner with ( MX )
In an established business paying 150
or cent or more. Address box 330 , lluatrlce ,
R ob. 1B4 2'J
" 1710R BALE A good paying restaurant ,
JL1 newly fitted up , In good location. Cause
of helling sickness. Apply 717 South 13th st.
LTJ 81j
IPOll SALE A clean small stock of grocorios.
-L good locution , two years leaao on building.
low rent. Address "C 7 , " lluo olllce. 1 5 iiOj
W ANTED-Holf intmi'St 111 furniture or
house furnishing storo. Invoicing (6.000 to
12,000. Address A , "lleo olllco , Council llfutTH.
174 IJ
"I/OU BALK- First class meat market In best
A location In city. For nearer Information
nddress II15 , lloo olllco. K.'JillJ
WANTED Parties who desire to buy or sell
or exchange stocks of general merchan
dise , dry goods , groceries , boots and shoes ,
hardware , drugs , jewelry improved or unim
proved town or city property , Improved or un
proved farms In any pnrt of the United States ,
to address Krause & Foster , 316 8. 15th st.
Omaha. Nob. 655
F0 ! SALU-lly W. H. ( irecn , 215 smith 13th
street , Block of groceries on tuundors ? su
ijiOR SALE A OrKt-ehisB hotel pioporty doing
X' excellent business. Must soil in sixty
days. For price nnd terms address 11 , S. Lilly ,
real estate dealer , llroken How , Noli. 311sll
"IjUHl KKNT-ln Albion , Nob. , the largest ,
X' best customed and oldest dry goods store ,
can have possession on the tirst uiiy la Seiitnm-
ber. For Information apply to 1.V. . Roberts ,
the owner. 708 3IJ
rilO EXCHANGED , stock of clothing nnd
X furnishing goods worth $15,000. Will take
part In Omaha property , balance cash. Chas.
It Woolloy , 4IH South 15th St. RiOs4
fJUlR SAl.h Or rout , saloon outside city 11m-
* ? Its ; apply E. Savage , Farmers' Rest. Mili
tary road. 227 2UJ
\I7ANTED-l'artncr with n few thousand dol-
lars-tho moro the bettor Inn good payIng -
Ing business In Omahn and Lincoln with assur-
ancoeUowhere In Nobrnskn ; established a year ,
work light , pay suro. AddicssASO Dee offlce.
854 s''J
' | jMR SALU-Cboap , complute paint shop with
X1 tools and small stock of wall paper. Address -
dress 0 13. Dee olllce , _ S38 3IJ
BALK-Cheap. Moat market , good
. .1 trade , tools , fixtures , horse nnd wagon.
Ever ) thing complete. Cull ntStth und Farnam
TJ10R TRADE f 5.0UJ stock clothing m good
-L1 Nebraska town , for farm without Incura-
boranco. Record Advertising Co,151Z Farnam
t. 66S
. M. ALDMICH. mental healer , trrata
diseases absently. Address Clf Warrentou
) t.Uo tOD , Man.
PrilON AL-I'rtvato home for ladles during
conflnemant , strictly confldentlsl. infants
adopted , address E 42 , lice offlce. 7 scpt7
1 > KRSONAL Ladles. Mrs. M. E. Mitchells
X temporarily located at the n e cor ot
DounlnA and IStb si , where she will rccolvo all
orders for fancy-work _ 16030
UP- Came to the residence of the
X subscriber In Union precinct , Douglas
county , nbout first of Julv. a red heifer white
on under side nt bed } * , part of ono horn broken
supposed to bo 3 ycnrs old. owner Is requested
to prove property , pay charges or she will be
deposed of according to law. Simon Horn ,
Irvlngton , Nob. 30.0,13.20.27
PERSONAL Mrs. Dr Nannie T. Warren
clairvoyant. Medical nd business Medluv
Boom No. Ul North Hth st .Oinaha. Nek.
' OST Mnro , 4 wlnto" feet , blind In one eye ,
J about years old , dark bay ; Under plcnso
return to 2013 Gumming and got reward. 240 23J
LOST 1 white cow , nbout 6 years old. When
hut s < on hud nbout 10 feet of rope on her
hond. Any one knowing of her whereabouts
will bo suitably rewarded. II. K. Wells , 1BU
Shormnn avenue. KJ3 2V *
LOST Day book and 3 sheets of music , ho-
turn to I : . W. Head , Zftay Franklin orHlth
and Dccntur. Oct reward. a08-2lj !
SmT.NTY-FIVn dollars' reward. Strayed or
Stolen from renr of 111 N 17th st , a largo
roan borer , about 17 hands high weighing be
tween l.POOond 1,400 pounds , redlsn brown
triune and tall , bind ankle somewhat swollen-
2'i will bo paid for return of anlmol to owners ,
at 110 S Uth et.nnd If stolen the sheriff of Doug
las Co. will pay a reward of (50 for the arrest
nd conviction of the thief. MO
MltS. UATI-'ir.LD , Trance business medium.
The past present and future revealed , sick
onlod , lost found , homes made nappy , sittings
ally at 421 a. llthit. 457 s iij :
MUS. DtlltANT Chtrtvoyant from lloalon is
rcllablo In all affalra of life , unites scpa
ated lovers. iKJ n 10th 1 , Miisept aj
STOItAGE Furniture , boxed Roods. Ac. ,
termo reasonable , 714 1'aclflc. 1'ifl
jlIRST-CLASS titoraifo at 110 N 13th ft
J 659
STORAQR First-class storage for nice fur
niture or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodge-st.
120 acres of good land : i miles east of Woon
socket , Dakota , to trade for No. 1 mules ,
ddrus 020 Duo olllco. 297 3J
" | 71OKTHAIE-Klno Improved and unimproved
U farms In Nebraska for Omaha proper !
pply Itecord Adv. Co. , 151:1 : Farnani. W3 31
flBSSPOOLS , sinks and vaults cleaned , odor *
\J less process. K. Uwlngbox427 , olty.875S20J
EXCHANOB-For Omaha property n fine
JL farm In Iowa. Chas. It Woolloy , 418 South
fith St. & 20fl4
LAUIK8 MIssK. ll.Terrlll has opened fash
ionable dressmaking parlors ut 1104 Cap
itol artmuo , Bxposltlon building. Perfect sat
isfaction guaranteed. 951-29J
LADIK8 can have lessons In iclentllfo dress
cutting free of charge for fifteen days at
Dross Cutting school , 1013 Howard st , rfd floor.
Visitors alwayc welcome. 834 Mj
OKSS POOLS and vaults cleaned , dead iinl
mall removed. W. H. Harbor , KK Leaven1
worth. Telephone 102. Wittil *
LIST your rooms and bouses with the Itecord
Advertising Co , I5l < i Fnrnuin st , nnd we
111 rent them sooner than any ono else. MB wo
are well known all over the city. 66(1 (
PERFORATED stamping patterns made to or
der and all the Intcat designs for sale at
Mrs. J. W. Morrison. ISO. ) Davenport st. 451sl2
EASTERN Nebraska farms to exchange for
Omaba property. 1B)3 ) TiirnaM. 543
CANADIAN Employment Ofllco Host plfce
In Omaha to got help or situation , male
and female , orders promptly tilled. Mrp. Tlrcga
& Son,310 S 15th. Telephone 884. 103 3J
TIO RXCHANUn-For cattle , I have 600 and
forty acres of good western land to trade
for cattle , and u good house and lot near the
capital will oxchanpo for cattle. Address S. O
'Iryan. Aahland , Nob. 4.TU
/"I ESS-POOLS and vaults cloanod. dend anl
\J mals removed , first ward. W. 11. IJarbor ,
E02 t.eavonworth. Telephone 103. 8Jirs21J
TIO EXCHANGE A two-story brick business
bouse , rented for { GO per month ; located
n a county scat town ; to exchange for good
imooth , wild land. Address , giving price , iocn
Ion , oto , lock box 12H , Pawnee City , Neb. 1 4 HO *
) MAHA LOTS 'lo exchange tor cattle. Pat
tcrson A Moore , 1012 Farnam. 347
TUB Cate City Employment offlce , 3WS 8.
I5th street Orders for all kinds of help
-lOllcted. 02U
[ WRKBNl Square riano $ J montnlr.
1 Hospe. 1613 Douglas. Ml
T71OR HENT Organs , * S per month. Hosce ,
J ? 1M3 Douglas. 061
OL O. House furnishing goods , all kinds ;
* cash or installment ; lowest prices at J.
Bonner , 1315 Douglas st 662
F IOR RENT Square jflano , ( t snomnlr.
Hospe. 1513 Doualas. 661
FOH SALE An old established millinery
business , the bast stand In Omaha. Ad
dress " 0 21" Uoo Olllco. 293 29J
IOlFSALE Gentle family pony and side bu :
J buggy and harness , will sell cheap. 112 ,
North 17th st , half block north of oil mill. 255 27.
FOR SALE-4 good second-hand top bug
1 top delivery wagon , suitable for carrying
passengers to fair. W. R. Drummond & Co. ,
Hurney st. 217 27
MAG 10 LANTURN-SpIcndld lllunnlal lan
tern. Host English make ; a bargain. Address -
dross Hov. R. Harrison , Cortlund , Neb. 241 27J
FOR SALE-2nd bund barber chair. Wanted ,
barber at 1111 S 13fh. 144 27
SALE Cheap , a second-hand piano as
good as now , llrst-class in every particu
lar. C. L. Erickson & Co. , 212 N 16th et.
243 29
FOR SALE Splendid saddle horse , U years
old , WO pounds , gcntlo for lady or boy ,
drives slnglo or double. Also registered Jer
sey cow , good milker. Would take good new
phaeton in trado. W. J. Wclsbnns , 26U8 Doug
las it- 128
TJ1OU SALE-At a bargain , n tt-roora house
X' with closets and pantry , eto. , lot 25 foot
east front , 5 blocks south of court houso. Ad
dress Y 30 , Dee olllce. 620030 *
FOR BALK Furniture of Brooms with privi
lege of lease of bouse , 707 8,14th St.
mi ! I RTY-r OUR squares of sheet steel roiling
Jfor sale ohoap. C. W. & O. E. Thompson ,
314 8. 15th St. 234
W'AMTfcD A good llve > raarTto mndlo a line
of line cigars to the retail trade on com
mission. Address , with rotcrenco , 11. E. Drake ,
lloo office. 314 30
WANTED-S tailors , highest wages ; moat
cook , $10 ; Pustrycook , 140 ; farmhand ,
(20 ; dishwashers. Mrs. Urcga & Son,3l6 S Uth.
Telephone b84. 2o6 2UJ
W ANTED-Steiun fitter nt J. C. Illxby's , 333
Ilrondway , Council Illulfs. 211 37
WANTED Four persons to instruct in book
keeping , situations. J. II. Smith. 1613
Chlcogo st. lOli 27j
\\'AN , 1ED-5.HI more agents to canvass for
Tt copying nnd onlurglng at 1402 S. 13th et.
\Y ANTED Carpenters at north-east corner
10th and Davenport. 219 29j
WANTED Men out of employment to go to
work. Salary on commission. For par
ticulars cell at : IU)1 ) S. 15ths t , , room 5. 207 27
WANTED Shovolera , f 1.73 per day ; teams ,
$3.60 per day ; men for R. R. work , fj
per day ; one shoemaker , good salesman for
nuriory , broad baker and teamsters. 16th St ,
Employment onico.SJO N 16th st. 201 27 *
VTfANTED At once , 40 men for R. It. work
> In Neb. Wages (2 per day. Steady work ,
will ship at onco. Scandinavian Ump llurcau ,
1610 Fttriinm st. 175 2J
WANTED I want n few experienced can
vassers to eell the noweet nnd most at
tractive subscription book of tbo year. Agents
who want n good thing for fall nnd winter work
should apply soon. Circulars ready. Wm. H ,
Alexander , general agent , 1103 Dodge ft. ,
Omaha. 277-30
WANTED A thorough furnishing goods
man at 130U 'Farnum. 310-2U
WANTED 4 good canvassers , S15 per wuek ,
16th et employment. 220 , N. 16th st.
Vi 7 AN TED To engage for fair week an cx-
soldlor of good character at 13W Farnam.
WANTED 25 laborers on 2Mb and Howard
etu. Sewer work. Delaney , Murphy A
Co. 171V
\\fANTKD Flrst-olass plumbers tk once.
T > Hpclman A 1'lerpe. lilS Douglts st. W3
WANTED-Mon for railroad work In Colo-
rado , wages for teamsters $ JO per month
and board. Albright's Latxir Agency , 1120 Far-
uara. ' T8T
WANTED-Airontg fof necessary household
article. Liberal terms. Frank Weit ,
221 M. 13th st. 138 80J
WANTED-Partles In need of male or fe
male help for the coming fair and re
union to send In their orders enrly to Date City
Employment ofHce,314H 8 15th st. M
ANTED-Man to take the agency of our
safes : size 28x18x18 Inches ; weight 500
Ibs. ; retail prlco | 35 ; other sires In proportion.
A rare chance to create n permanent business
nt home. The e safes meet n demand npvcr
before supplied by other safe companies , as
wo nro not governed by the Safe Fool. Alnlno
Safe Co. , Cincinnati , O. Ml 31J
WANTRD-Salesmon , a now Invention
needed in fcvery house ; 300 per cent com
mission or n good salary to right parties. Ad
dress with stamp for terms the Weaver Manu
facturer , 34 N State St. , Chicago , III 734tl *
\\i j\n ir.v * good men with references to
> V sell goods on Installments , GO'J North inth
street. 87330 *
ANTED Agents In Nebraska for Ocn.
John A. Logan's last work ' 'Volunteer
Soldier. " J lift published. Address J. M. French
& CoOmahaNob. 23i )
W PANTii-Mrscngor : boy. The Ilraditrcct
Co. 2JO 29
WAN1ED--AII those wishing help or situa
tions as collectors , assistant bookkccpors ,
office clerks , engineers , firemen , watchmen ,
janitors , porteri , coachmen , teamsters , bartenders -
tenders , waiters , etc. , apply to the Mutual Em
ployment Agency , 2U a Ititn st , upstnlrs.
WANTED-A nret-clnts hotel coo * . Mud
bo solicr , steady and reliable. Must fur
nish first-class testimonials of above ( iiiallties
or need not apply. Address with testimonials ,
O. I ) . Marx , Kvnnston. Wyo. Tcr. 13 s 2
WANTEIl-2 good bakers , ono first ono cc-
end hand , at 2405 Curamlng street Fred
Peterson. 258 iiij
\ \ ! ANTED Two boys with ponies to carry
the Evening lleo , Ono forthe western
part of the city and ono for southern part.
Apply at this olllco. 127
WANTED-An Intflllliront.rollable boy about
in years old. Pay $3 no per wook. Ap
ply toThco. Williams , 014 Fiirnam' 202
WANTED-Flvo traveling salesmen ; salary
and expenses ; no experience necessary ,
address with stamp i'ulmcr & Co , La Croslo.
WIs. 181) ) 31j
WANTED An Intelligent boy with n good
pony. Call on Thco Williams , 914 I'nr-
nnra st. 221
17ANTKD-4 German boys to carry papers ,
> 507-509 S. 12th , upstairs. M
7ANTKD-Cook , second cook , dlshwashor ,
VV two dining room girls , one man waiter.
Only first-class help need apply. 707 N. 16th st
312 31J
WANTF.D-A good , smart competent girl for
general housework , good wages , 1815
Douglas st. 281 31J
W IANTED-A dressmaker at 100 N. 10th st.
23327 *
W IANTKD Dining room girl. Union restau
rant , 1217 Harnoy street. 14627J
WANTED Cook , dining room nnd kitchen
girl , 1510 Capitol avenue. 165 27 *
WANTED-Good girl for general housework
In family of throe. Inquire 15124 Far
nam. If6 27J
W ANTED-Sccond cook , 1004 N ICth Bt
TyANfED-Good dining room girl 1004 N 16th
WANT ED- Competent girl for general house
work , two In family. Call ut 2205 I'limam
WANTP.O-Agood girl for general house
work In a family of throe , wages (4.00
per week. Nlco place for steady girl. Inquire
of C. L Erickson , 212 N 16th st. 17R
W ANTKD-A girl at 804 South 21st Bt. 269-29
WANTED-All these In need of female help
to send In tholr orders earlr tn thu Guto
City Employment olllco , 314 ! ' . S. 15th st. 200
IfANTniJ Nurse gin. Apply to Mrc. A
V Haes , Mlllard hotel 205 29J
W ANTED Girls for nil kinds of work , at the
Unto City Employment olllco , 314i } S. loth
W ANTED-GIrl ut 2210 Farnam BU
129 2HJ
WANTED An experienced housekeeper ,
white woman preferred. Apply between
6 nnd 6 p. m. . 101 N Oth St. , Lulu Rogers. 131
° \J | } ANTED Situation In a merchant tailor
W Ing establishment by a first-class cutter
from the oast. The best of reference given.
Cell or address F. H. , room U , European hotel
10th st.Omaha , Nob. 311 30J
ANTED- Situation for one ofthebost baker
VT and pastry cooks In the city ; wants gooi
wages ; no office foe. Canadian Employment
Office,3168. 15th st. Telephone H84. 2W.2'J )
"l TANTED Situations , by male and female
VV oookkoepers , clerks , copyists or olllco
work. Host of references. Cull or address
Record Adv. Co , 1513 Farnam. 201 31
WANTED Situation for man and wife on
farm , ranch or In private faml.y ; woman
understands housework thoroughly ! man Is
a good worker. This Is no snide couple. If you
need them como nnd see them. No olllco fee
Canadian Employment Oillco , 310 S. Uth st
Telephone fc84. 29 ! ) 20i
"txrANTED-Posltion as drug clerk , 2 yrura' '
VT experience. Registered In Nebraska
Address It. L. Osboruo , btromaburg , Neb ,
213 SU *
WANTED Situation by a gentleman will :
many yours' experience as oftlcomun anil
snlosmon. Is single and would not object go
ing farther west. Address C15 , lloo olllco.
23127 *
T\T"ANTEO Situation on farm by man nnd
V > wlfo , good nianngor of stock , best refer
ences. U 3 , lice olllco , 140 : 7J
W ANTED Situation by a young cake baKcr.
Address F. Fork , 1217 8. 5th st. 27U-27 *
WANTED Situation by first-class dtoss *
cutter , fitter and draper , who thorough
ly understands the finishing of the finest work.
Is competent to manage a largo business. Rest
of references given. Address for " 0 days , Mrs.
a E. Colfinan. Hotel Ideal , Lincoln , Nob. 144-27 *
T17ANTED Situations. The business tmb-
' V Ilo and contractors supplied with reliable
andcompotont help , as watchmen , porters , on- ,
pincers , Bremen , coachmen , teamsters , ctu.
free of charge , city or county. Mutual Em
ployment Agency , -14 b 16th st , upstairs.
24529 *
WANTED Work by the day by ono of the
finest laundresses In the state. Canadian
KmDloymcnt Oflicc , 316 S. 15th st. Telephone
84. 2M 28 *
W ANTED Engagements to do dressmaking
in families. Address C16 , lice olllco.
229 82 *
TT17ANTBD A position In Bomo retail hardware -
ware store in Omoha an clerk. For
further Information , address , O 14 , lleo olllce.
210 30 *
WANTED Situation as bookkeeper , clerk
and general writing. Male nnd female.
Rostof references. Record Advertising Co ,
1513 Farnam st. CM
WANTED To rent on or before October
1st house , 4 to 0 rooms , near 25th and
Cass streets. Phil Stimmol , Oil and 013 Jones
W ANTKD To runt part of warehouse with
track privileges , desk r-jom in office ,
Ac.,714 I'acinoet. 157
W ANTED Secondhand furnlture.BtovcB and
household goods for spot cash. Call at
117 N 16th. --50 826
\\7ANTED-Tholnilles of Omaha to know
' that orders for help nro promptly filled at
the Uato City Employment Office , 314 8 Uth
st > 694
WAN'TED-Nlccly furnished nnd unfur
nished rooms lilted with us. Record
Advertising Co , 151J Farnam st. 6GQ
WANTED A good location to start a news
paper la a good town ; 1 will put In a
flrst-clafs office , also a good paper to sell. For
paitlculars address 0. 1. , care of this office.
136 31
\VANTED-A creamery and canning fac-
lory. Will assist the rl/ht parties. Address -
dress Hank of Valley. Valley , Nob. ZTOstf
W ANTED-A few boarders at 1720 Dodge st.
References requested. 703
WANTED A grain dealer to locate at this
place. Best grain region In Nebraska.
Address Hank ot Valley , Valley , Neb. 2TOa9
WANTED-A harncts maker to open a shop
Here. Addresi Uauk of Valley , Valley ,
Kfb. 270-s-a
AFKW Day boarders ( gentlemen pro *
f erred ) receive first clais accommoda
tions at 1818H Bt. Mary's avenue. Win Nolllo
I'attcraon. 242 sj
WANTED Furnlihed. room near medical
Initltute. Address 06 Boo olBco.
W ANTED-raclone of all kinds. Address
Rank of Valley. Vnller. Neb. 270s
13 Knjllsn branches
w. corner Ifth and Farnam.
725 il
"I7IOR RF.NT A new o room house , closets ,
E etc. . ( . ' 0 per month. Imiulro European
hotol. B22 S 10th St. , 125 27J
FOR RUNT -room l house , cellar , well , cis
tern , largo yardsbarn anil all conveniences.
Rent $51 per month. ' Fnrnlturo for ale ITOJ.
V-room house , cellar , well , cistern , largo barn ,
yards , etc. Rent | 40j furniture $ .VW ;
one-half cash. tO-room flat , caiy term ? .
22-room house , flM : furnlttiro tl.nOU. First
class restaurant , gOod locution , doing good
business. 6-room hoiuJ. fjo ; . furniture 14.10.
IS-room house , f > 5ifurnlturo II , 100terms easy ,
a good bargain. Two 8-room house ? , furniture
cheap. 10-room house. 30 boarders ; iciitf&i
furniture fUOO , Houses nnd lots for rent or
FRO | In all parts of the city , Co-onerath o Land
& Lot Co. , C05 N. ICth ot. 201-39
FOR RF.NT Deslratlo 8-room cottafc ,
northeast corner 1'nrk avo. and Mason st.
Inquire on premises. ; wo-M
FOR HUNT Four now store rooms on Saun
dors (24th ( ) street near Soward. Fine locu
tion for dry goods store. Also hardware , cloth
ing , boots nnd shoo store , meat market ,
grocery , plumbing and gas fitting store. Rent
low. Enquire 612 N. 16th st , F. T. Andrews.
BIO 27
FOR RENT Two 7-room Huts , f u rnlturo for
sale , steam-heated , gns , hot and cold
water , bath room , Ac ; boarding hon'e , 17
rooms , furniture for sale , rent only $40 per
month : two restaurants tor sato cheap. S.I ,
Gordon , R. E. agt. , No. 205 N 10th st , room 7.
251 29J
TjlOR RENT And furniture for sain , nice sit-
L room houie , with barn , n bargain If taken
at once. Inquire 814 N Huh st. 24J 29J
FOR RENT Houses. D-rooni house , besides
bath robin , hot and cold water , speaking
tubes , electric bills , etc , , corner Coltax and
Jackson sts , (55 per month.
fl-room house , city wutor , cellar , corner 2Sth
and Charles sts , $22 per month.
% 8 F. L. 0 rogory , 320 8 Uth st.
TT'OH RENT C room flat * lth modern erin-
1 vcnlcnccs , 1201 Park avenue. Apply on
piomlscsfroin 0 to 12 a. m. A. II. Kiteh. 93J
FOH RENT Ilrlck store room nnd cellar ,
suitable for restaurant nnd conlectlonery
on Park nvo nt entrance to Hnnscoin park , call
on the premises bet 0and 12 in. A , 11. Fitch.
FOR RENT 7room house , good location ,
stable and yard. Apply 1012 Farnain. 346
FOR RENT Meat market on Park nvo , opp.
pirk. Apply on premises bet , U and 12
A. II. Pitch. Kll
TflOR RENT-Storo room , onn block- from
-L1 postollico. Inquire of Theodore Wlfllams ,
at Dee office. 735
FOR RENT And furniture for sale , elegant
10room house two blocks from postolllco.
Address R 67 Rco office. TO5
C1OR RENT-Elcgant brlok residence , 10
-L rooms , modern conveniences. Inquire
Morjp & Ilrunnor , IMS Farnam et , < !
F I OH RENT-il room bouse , 14th and Piorce.
Apply at 617 S. 13th st 914.
FOR RUNT 5 room liouso 13th between Far
nam and Homey sts , ( JO per month. J ,
F. Hammond , 117 S ICth st. 116
FOR HENT-One-half of office 117 8 Mtli St. ,
I round floor , and ono of the best loca
tions in tbo city , 115
FOR RENT-Cottagoof4 looms for rent to
party who will buy the f urniturn. Inquire
32 North 2 th ave. ( Division st ) . 26J zu *
FOR RENT An clogaut private residence on
Furnam St. It. C. Patterson , 15th and
Harney st. 118
FOR RENT A fl room house ami furniture
for s ilo. S E cor Georgia and Popploton
avo. 104 30
FOK RENT Two Inrgo new stores and two
Huts of tlvo rooms each. City water and gas.
On Saunders St. C. . W , Cain , 2230 Ohio st. 812
FOH RENT New store and living rooms on
Cumlng st near Saunder * st. Apply Hnr
ris lUil 1'stfUo & Loan Co. , 320 S. 15th et. 889
flOlt RENT Barn suitable for four borons.
Inquire at 017 S 13th St. 511
FOR RENT New 10-room house ; all Im
provements , ft en in boat. C. W. & G. E.
Thompson , 314 8. 15tn .
T7IOR IIENT Onice space on ground floor at
C moo Fnrnam. Apply In rear offlce , J. S.
Klchuitfson- 5U2 a.10
Lot for Lease. Southeast corner
V 4iixb'iU Leavenwortb and Park ave. , or will
build to suit tenant. Hobble Uros. 35J
1JTOR RKNT-Snap ! Slx-room Hat. with nil
-U modern conveniences , to party who will
buy the furniture. Apply 420 S. 15th st , room 7.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms at reasonable
rates , bath and modern conveniences , 401
N 15th st. I'M 30j
F' IOR ' RENT-Furnlshod room , 1U13 Dodge st
056 2U *
OR RENT Furnished rooms with or without
out board , 318 N 15th St. DM 30 *
FOR RENT Desirable Riilto of rooms with
all conveniences at 2.27 Dodgo. IK > ; I 30
FIR RENT 4 largo rooms , 376Cumlng st.
| 173 28J
FOR KENT Finely furnished rooms with and clstein water , 5
minutes trom postollico , 1718 Cass st. U.'U 27J
FOK KENT 2handsome rooms 1 block from
postollico , call 1501 Capitol nvo. 1)11 ) 27j
FOR KENT i furnished room down-stalra ,
suitable for ono or tno gentlemen , 1:010
Harnoy ft. 170 27j
IOR RENT Furnished rooms , 2J1P Douglas
FOR RHNr Fiont rooms.slngle or en suite ,
good location , private family , bath , gas.
folding bed , tlrst class board , paved street near
cor line. Address H 6C , lice Olllco. 107 27J
FOR RKNT-10 cheapest nnd best located
rooms In the city for tlio monoy. Sultnblo
for office , shops or lodging. U. W. Honey , 310 ,
board of trade bnllding. 182 ' . ' }
T71OR RENT Unfurnished rooms , 30 h and
J Douglas. 244 27J
F OK HUNT Furnished fiont room with
board ; brick houso. C03 N 17th st.
21 30J
POR RENT-Handsomely furnished suite of
front rooms , 171B Dodge 200 30
TPOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms In con-
-L trolly located brick block ; gas nnd city
water. Apply room 3,507 S. Uth st. 2011
OK REST Furnished rooms with board.
1W3 Furnnni. : i07s27j
WANTED Two coat makers and two panta
loon makers nt once : highest Hugos paid.
John SnnvoBtro , Lincoln , Nob. 3002U |
WANTKD-To buy an B or 10-room house in
good locality. Room 7 , Creighton block.
WANTED Gentleman and wife , without
children , to take partof liouso , centrally
located , parties oqcilpylng bouse will tuko
board for rant. Address C IP , lleo olllco.
. 2KI30J
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms with
first class bourd 2011 Hurt St. , on 20th
street car lino. 274-3 *
OH HF.NT-NIcoly furnished room , 618 S.
17th at , 20J
OK Iir.NT-Nicely furnished rooms In all
parts of the city from $5 to $40 per month.
Record Adtortlslnt ; Co , 151' } Farnam Bt. Cil
OK KENT The largest store room In town.
Inquire at tlio Argus ofllco , Albion. Nob.
i 481 sop 13 *
FOR RENT Elegantly furnished rooms sin
gle or ensulte , with use of bath ; electric
bells In every room ; . First class restaurant at
tached , at Norris European hotel , corner 18th
and Webster. CM
lOR KENT Oillu ) , 1612 Furuain Bt.
FOR RENT-Furnlshod room 1816 Dodge st.
S1 > son ! ft
TJ1OH 8ALK One of the moit prominent
J- corners m I ho business portion of the
city. F. U. Kennard , 114-110 b 16th Bt. 308
OR HENT-Nicely furnished room , first
floor , now house , now furniture , 1717 Mason
street. Cheap lo right parties. 82 < )
TD10R BENT Nicely turnlshed room with bay
J window. 609 B. 17th et , JTJ4 2J
FOR KENT Furnished rooms to adlosor
gentlemen , also unfurnished rooms , 311 N
12th , S7 20 *
OR RENT Large front parlor with oar
window , and alcove , also otnor rooms with
modern convenience * at 1821 Farnam st , ono
block west of court bo uso. B21
TCOH RENT Comfortable rooms en souto oi
- 1slnglo , with all modern convenience. 70c
South 18th st , 1M 31J
OIl RENT-3 or6 unfurnished .rooms suitable -
able for bouaeVeenlng.WJPadQo. 140
TpOR RENT A latge front alcove room , 1707
J Dodge st. 7 8
T7/OR RKNT-Largo nicely furnished room'wlth
J1 breakfast for ( fair wp ks , In private family ,
terms cheap , inquire Record Adv. Co. 151J
Farnam. 853 31
FOR RENT-Nlcrly furnished front room
with bay window and small room adjoin *
Ing suitable for 2 or 3 gentleman. 170 * Douglas ,
F OH RENT Nicely furnished front room
with r lo et , > I2. H06 South 22d. 2f > 7 2 J
F OR RENT Furnished rooms. 85IACumtng
St. 204s 5J
OR RENT Unfnrnlihc-d parlor nnd bed
room at S E cor 20th and Chicago , 770
ilOR 1 RI'.NT Furnished room Tory cheap ,
1120 Farnnm. 78S
FOIt ni'.NT I'uiniKhoil roonii m Oreunlgblk ,
cor 13th and Dodire st. Innillr * of Davis A
tctherlngton , Mlllard Hotel Ililllard room. 291
[ J1OR RENT Elegant suite of rooms , referen-
3 ces required , 1C07 Douglai st , 197
F ° H HENT-A nicely furnished room at 221
St. Mary's nvo. 421
F 1OH HKNT-3.rooms. 10J1 N 20th.
FOR KENT Desirable furnished room .for
gentlemen at 809 Howard st. 699
FOR HUNT Furnished rooms In
block , cor lith : and Dodge. Davis & llcthar-
ngton , Mlllard hotel hlllnrd room. 839
FOK KENT Furnished front room , near car
line at corner of Dodge and 2 < th streets ,
nnulro of A. H. Comstcck 1523 arnam st.
FOH RENT A largo front room In now
housebntli , and latest modern Improve
ments , 1618 Webster street. 122
FOR RENT Newly furnished room , board if
desired , 1720 Dodge St. 704
jVm KBNT-14nicelyfurnfiheTrootimTn iTat
. heated by Pteiun , trom fid to (20 per month ,
Jocord Adv. Co. , 1513 Farnam. SCO-til.
FOR RENT-Vf are room cor. > 4th and Call-
Ifornla on Belt Line , lor particulars m-
gulro at Union Nat , bank. 1M
R KENT-Suite of furnished rooms for
gentlemen. A. Hospo , Jr. ,315 N. 17th.
TjlOR HKNT-Nlcely furnished toomi , to gon-
JD tlemcn only , 220 N. IBth St. . Room 2. 948
F OR RUNT-Furnished rooms , 1419 Chicago
street. 130 31
F I OR RENT-Sultof rooms on first Door , nil
modern conveniences , 2315 Douglas st.
H RENT Furnished llat,7 rooms and hath ,
Leslie & Leslie , 16th and Dodge ft. 151
FOR RKNT Furnished rooms , Single and on
suite , ever Leslie & Leslie's pharmacy. 16th
and Dodge sts. 152
F IOR RKNT-A newly furnished room.2025
Farnam st. 685 31
RENT Nicely furnished room , 1921
Dodge It. IBS
FOB , SALE HOUSES LOTS. Giron 215th So. 13th
str et :
Good house and \i lot In Armstrong's 1st
add , house rents for 938.50 per mo . . . . (4,000
$1,500 rash Dal. easy ; this is in ido of
the mile circle.
Full lot with 2 good houses with all mod
ern improvements In llorbnch 2nd
and full lot in K. V. Smith's add , with
ft no two story notice making a froutime
of Iri2 foci by 140 for 20,000
$ " ,0 < K ) cash tial 1,2,3 , yrs
Full lot ( Xxl42 ) In llorbach add , with two
good houses which rent for $05 per
montn 10,000
(1,000 cash bill 1 , 2. ! l , 4 , yrs.
Lot In Hoggs & Hill's 1st add. : tK x12 < lK.
with good house on Dodge st. cable line
tor 4,200
81,000 cosh , balance 1 nnd 2 > cars.
Fine house and all modern Improvements
In HitrrOatc , lot 1VX2W , price 10,000
Ono-tblrd ciish , balance 1 , 2 and ! J joars.
Full lot on 15th st , nem- Williams st , with
3 houses , renting for $41 per mo , tor . 4,500
(1,500cash , balance 1 and 2 years.
fcfxlH2 , splendid trackaue , lot on Lonvcn-
worth , between 10th uud llth , 5 buildIngs -
Ings on lot now 35,000
lU'Muct ' fiont nnd corner , 18th and Har-
ncy 38,000
1UJ loot front corner Kith and Leaven-
worth , good hou o on lot now ns.000
100 feet front on lot st , south of viaduct ,
perfrontfoot 90
70 fcot fronton Ifith street , south of via
duct , JbO front foot
94 feet front and corner on 16th street ,
south of viaduct 0,000
830 feet front , 2--0 foot deep on 20th near
Castellar. at (57.50 front foot
Northeast corner Cumlng uud Saundcra ,
70x88 2 .500
30x132 Cumlncr between 21st and 22d 8,100
txl32 Southeast corner 10th and Grace. . 10,000
17.1xl ) north Idtli street near Ohio street 1H.5JO
IF you want to buy , sell or trade , call on L. V.
Crum , 1JN l.'itnst.
100 lots M of a mile of U. P. depot
for sale or trade.
9-room house for rent. TwolO-room houses
for rent , sale or trade. Idlewildo. By
815 L. V. Crum , 120 N 15th St.
A FEW gonulno bargains In homes , care
fully selected from our list.
! > room houfio In Idlowlldo add. , within n
( ( tones throw from Luke Ft cars , charming
house , splendidly llnlbhod , beautiful location ,
only ( ' . .Six ) .
0 room house , ono block from Saunders and
Cumlng st9and Ioti3xl2 ! , 5lwo. :
One blouk from Saundeis near Cumlnir , good
5 room IIOUBO , city water , etc. , 40x120 , ( I.MX ) .
Uxl275. ) ! line 7 room house , well , cistern , city
water , and largo barn , lawn and bhiido trees ,
near street cars , lovely homo.only $0OJO ; ( .1,500
cash ,
Sjilcndld lot on Miami st near Lake , new 2
etory i > room house , well , cistern and outbuild
ings. ( D,500 , very easy terms.
3.1.1127 on car line 2 blocks from Saunders ,
small house and barn , etc. , very choip , ( J.500.
00xl27-i ! on Grnnd. near Bt eais , splendid
house. I'lonso look tiila up. A positive bargain
only (4,000.
ttMZ'\i \ on Sowonl near ; ilst , 5 room house
barn , etc. . outhousesl.Oij1) ) . f 1,0(10 ( cash.
Mitchell i. Lcyonmarck , 1510 Dodge St. 9C52'
TCTORSALE-Or trade , 25 lots in the western
J.1 part of Omaha near the Itonson cttr line ,
Rrice (400 each , (250 due on contracts payable
i 8 quarterly payments , will trade Interest In
contracts for Nobrasxa land. McCulloch Si ( Jo. ,
16 i Kamam st. 1000
1ST your property for sale with Charles C.
J Spotswood.UO'i'J 8 Ifith st. C12
\\7 E Can so tor a tow days onlr
W LotlOfl Oiso's addition for f J,4H
Lo 171 ( Use's addition , ( a,30) .
Jllockl Uoyd's addition , V > 0) .
One-third cash , balance 1,2 and 3 years.
Remington 4 MoCormlck , 220 South 15th st.
ASNAI'-ea foot on Douglas above 20tb , ( lr > C
per front foot , unimproved ; another shap
132 foot on Leavdtiworth nbovo "OthIUO per
front foot , impiovod. J. F. Hammond , 117 B
101h st. 235
fj > OR SALE Corner lot on Virginia ave wit *
J1 two good houses , cheap at 17,00) . Terms
easy. Ilo.ises rent for (70 per month. S. S
Campbell , 310 S. 16th Bt Chamber of Com
in tree. 2T5
GUARDIAN bALK-Mnrtha M. Ish will eel
at public auction at the north door of tin
courthouse , at 10 o'clock a in. , September J
an aero of ground , cor of 20lh uud Locust sts ,
adjoining KounUo I'lueo. C7'J s 3
SALE NewK-room house on Hamilton
St. , Oichard Hill , or might oxchanvo ioi
llret-rnto < n < ido property. Charles C. Spots
woodK)5'i : ) ' S Uth St. 194
"UMDH SALK-lxt In South Omaha noir bnsl
Jness center with one house ot 12 room
and one house of 3 rooms renting for ( to pe
month , a bargain at I4.UOI ) , ( Ioo0 , case , ball ,
2 and 3 years. Clma. H. Woolley , 418 8 15th st.
Omaha , Nub. 643 30
M1O HXCIlANfii : For Omaha property , ono
JL or inuroBxctlnnsof good Nebraska land.
Chas. R. Woolley , 418 South 15th st , Omaha , Nob.
048 JO
GUARDIAN Palo-Ontho3ddnyor Soptom-
ber at 10 o'clock a. in. , at thu north door
of the court house , Mrs. Martha M Ish wilt Boll
at public auction lo the highest bidder her rci-
Idunco and llvo lots , alio llvo lotit adjoining at
the northeast corner of Ampler Place. Some
one will got a bargain. i > 0 s 3
TT10R BALE Ton now houaits ono blook from
Jstreet cars , small cash payment , balnnco
monthly. Chus R. Woolley , 41H South 15th st. ,
Omaha.Veb. 64030
I7\01t \ SALE At a bargain , 20 acres near
J ? South Omaha. Chas. R. Woolloy , 418 South
] 6th et. IKOsl
TTUJRbALK gomo of the finest lots on Syndl-
Jcato Hill near the park In South Omaha
which 1 will eoll for the next ton ilnys from ? bOO
to (1,100 with email cash payment. Addrebd , II
69 Bee oniee. 912 31
FOR SALE-Threo lots In Ilod's add , U
blork from corner State street and Ames
avo. for (10 ouch ; one-third cash , balaccn omy.
Addrces H CO , lleo olllco. _ 913J1IJ
rpo exchange for unlncuraborod land or farm
-L In lonaor Nohrueka a number ot lots In
Omaha. Chas. R. Woolly , 418 S 15iu St. . Oman a ,
Neb. 64a 30
faF your property for sale with Cbarlei
Spotswood,305Si S 16th Bt. 64 ?
rPO EXCHANGE-Housosand lots In Omaha
X. to trade tor farina in lown or Nebraska.
Chai. U. Woolley. 41d SoutU 16lh btrcot. Omaha ,
web , tasuo
FOH SALE or Trade Now K-room house In
Central Park. Charles C Spotswocd , 805H
SlCth. 194
OR SALi : 8 South Omaha SyndlcMoTntTat
n sacrifice. Terms easy. Charles C. Spots-
wood , aO-tH B 16th st , 218
GOOD Nebraska farms to trade for Omaha
real estate : also , farms to sell on long
time. Ono with a section , good Improvements ,
ZO year lease , for $5OOJ. Or will soil for $16 per
acre , and give deed. Record Advertising Co ,
1513Fatnamst. CM
BAHGAlNS-LotsH. 15,1 , block 11. Clifton
Hill , corner lloulevunl avcnuo , halt block
from motor line , $1,700. $740cash.
10 acres , house , etc , , near Fort Omahn , $2it
per acre , only $71)5 ) cash , balance 0,2,3 and I
years , worth at least $4UO per acre , must bo
sold by September 1st.
Vnn Uouren & Co. , Douglas nnd Uth streets.
V70 28
LIST your property for sale with Charles C.
Spotswood,305i ! SlOth St , 043
IF YOU want to buy , soil , or trade your prop
erty , cull on Charles E. Spotswood , J0.v (
8. IBth st. 40 ?
TO K\CHANOE--Ono largo now 10-room
house nnd two lots , only 2 blocks from
street car * , will take partly In land or other
good property , balnnco on easy terms. Chas.
R. Woolloy , 416 South 15th st , Omaha , Neb.
FOR HALK-Hy Sholos\ Crumb , 1400 rnrnam
FlnoO-room house. Park nvo $ " ,000
Flnocottugo , Virginia ave 5,000
Fine cottage , Georgia ave 5.000
2 lots , corner Georgia ave , bargain 8,000
3 lots. Georgia ave , north ot I.oavcnworth ,
each : ' , VX >
3 lots. Clark Place , 01x121 , ouch 0,100
1 lot on lOlh street , near KounU's resi
dence 4,000
1 lot , track In alloy , line warehouse lot.
( fl\1J2 fl.OOO
Slots , Fosters , south and cast corner , 5,600
239 20
FOR SALE Ono million acres of land In Ne
braska. Speculator's Ituuls.railroad lands ,
ranches , and farms In all parts of the
state. Send for pamphlet containing descrip
tion and prlco of over one thousand farms. A
fine topographical map of tbo state sent free
upon application. K. H. Andrus , for 10 years
Gcn'l Land Agent II. .V M. R. R. Eighth "ad P
streets , Lincoln. Nebraska. 240
FOR SALE The finest residence lot on-
Dodge street 3 blocks west of post oftloe ,
) feet south frontage , a corner. F. 11. Ken-
ttrd , 114-110 , S. 10th St. 309
ft .O KXCI1ANOE For improved Omaha prop-
-L erty 10 peed Kansas farms. Charles It
'Voolluy , 418 South 15th st. 018 30
Notice to Merohnnta anil Ijnborora.
On and after this dote I shall not bo rcspon-
ilblo for any material delivered to or work per-
'ormed for Krod Mlttnacht on kouse ho is now
uildlnir for mo on lot 4 , block " 1 , Souht
Omaha. August 18. tf
Capital $6OO,000
Surplus 100,000
Herman Kountze , President.
John A. Creighton , Vice-President.
F , H. Davis , Cashier.
W. H. Me < rquier , Asst.-Cashier.
Milk Crust , Duiulruir , Cexcmii
and all Scalp Humor * Cured
by Cutlciira.
T AfcTNOVEMIinilmy llttlo boy. aged three
iJyc'ars , fell against the move wlulo ho wa
runn'ng , itnd cut bis head , end , light after that
" : io broke out all oor Ills head , and lutt oar. I
md n good doctor. Dr. , to attend him. but
JIH got wow , and the doctor could not euro him
His whole head. fac" . and loft ear wcro In n
fearful stnto , and he Buffered terribly. 1 caught
tbo dlsenso from him , and It spread all ever my
face and nook and oven got into my eyes. No
body thought we would ever get bettor. Tfclt
surono woredUtlgitrod for life. 1 hoard of the
: UTICIUA ) Itr.MKiiiE-J. and procured a bottle of
irricimi ItEhor.vENT , o box of CUTICIIIIA , and
arakoof CUTICUIIA SoAl' , and used them con
stantly day nnd night , alter using two bottles
of RKSOIAKNT , four boxes of CUTICUIIA , and
four cakes of SoAr.wo nrn perfectly cured with
out a scar. My boy's skin Is now lluo Patln.
3710rand Srtoot , LILLIE EPTING.
Sworn to before mo this 27th day of March ,
85. GII.UF.KTP. Roni.sBUN , J. P.
Have boon In the drug and medicine business
twenty-llvo yearn. Have boon Belling your
CUHCUKA Ilr.MKPiEB since they came \Vett.
They lend all others In their lino. Wo could not
ivrito nor could you print all o have board said
.n favor of the CUTIOUKA HEMEIIIKS. Ono your
ngo the CUTICUIIA nnd SOAP cured a llttlo girl In
our house of the worst sere head wo over saw ,
and the RE-OI.VBNT and CIITIOUHA are now
curlnjrayounp gentleman of a sere leg , whllu
the phyulclans nio tiylny to liuvo It ampututod.
It will save his leg and perhaps lilt ) Illo. Too
much cannot bo said in lavoriif the CCTtrt'UA
KKMHIII-S. S. 11. SMITH to into.
CUTICUHA RKMBDIFS aio a positive euro for
every form ot Slflu nnd lllood Discuses , from
I'lmplosto Scrofi'.lu. Sold ovorywhoio. Price ,
CUTICttKA 50C. ; SOAI' , 250. ; ItESOLVKST. (1.
Preptircd by the I'OTTCH Duua AMI CIMMICAJ.
Co. , ilostou , Mass
Send for How to Cure Skin Diseases.
niomlshea , Plmplos , lllackhoads , and
lluby Humord. use CuncuiiA SOAI- .
Ache ! Ache ! ! Ache ! ! !
Sharp Aches and Pains icllovod in
ono minute by the Cutlcurn Anti-
Pain Plastor. A pcrluct iintidoto t'i
pain and Inllammutlou. At druggists.
Sfio : llvo for f\ \ . Potter Drug uud
Chemical Co. , lloston.
li\ \
OfficesSouth Omahn IloomJ. Hunts Bullainir.Nlnth
Omahn Bo mC. orer Commercial National Hank.
Funeral Director & Einbalmer
111 North Gth Street.
Copper , Brass , Lead , Zinc , Etc ,
Will pay good prices. Also bottles bought
and sold ,
114 South llth Street.
FRMKO. ! ,
Carpenter and Builder ,
Tulophono CGO.
UOO South SUtuciilli Street.
For nil kinds of business nt the
New Town -of Harbine ,
Mldnny between Fnlrbury and Beatrice ou the
C. K. * N. It. R.
Lots on J-'dsu Icnns.
Address C. II. LKTTON , Fulrbury , '
Kunnlnir tletweon Council HlulTs ntul South
Omaha. In Addition to tlio stations mentioned ,
trains stop nt Twentieth Kim Twonty.fourts ]
streets , and nt tlio Summit in Omaha.
Notice to Contractors.
TN pursuunoo of nn nct'of thol oglslnturo o <
JL the utato ot Nebraska , approved March 8lJ
1887 , notlco Is hcii'by given that sealed proposals <
sals will bo received by thu Hoard of Public1
Lands nnd llulldings until Saturday , the lOtU
day of September , 18H7nt2 o'clock p.m..fog
the erection of ono two-story brick bulldlntf
with stone busoiiient , on the grounds of tha
NnhrasKa Institution tor foeblii minded youths }
situated near the city of Ileatrluo.
Said building to bo elected and completed1)
Including Hteam heating , plumbing , oworugo
water service and tunnels , according to tha
plans and BpoclllcattoiiH now on Illo In tha
olllco of the CommiHslonofof Piiblio Lands and
Hulldlngs , made by C. F. Drlseoll , arohltcct , nnd
the supplemental and additional spoclllcntlonl
annexed thereto , marked respectively "A" and
Sold bulldlug to "bo completed on ci boforA
September I , 1688. The contractor to receive ,
during its erection , HI per cent of monthlK
estimates and the balance of the contract
pilco whun the building Is fully completed and
accepted. , >
A bond or ether security in the Bum of
(3,000 will bo required to accompany each bid ,
made payable to tbo Btatu : on condition that II
the imrty making the bid bo awarded the conj
tract ho will within llttoon dajH otocuto and ]
tlio a good and acceptable bond as lomilrcdbjl
law , conditioned for the faithful puuormuuc *
of the contract.
The hoard reserves the right to reject any
or all blilH.
Hy order of the Hoard of Piiblio Lands and
Hulldlngs. JOSEPH SCOTT ,
Lincoln , August 10 , lbS7. Commlsslnncr.
Notice of Incorporation of the Nebraska Sav <
ings Banki
Notlco IB hereby given that the NebraskaSAT <
Ings Hank has thU day tiled Its articles of Incorporation /
corporation In the olllco of the county clerk 01
Douglas county , Nebraska , and will hoiooftoi
d > business under i-ald articles In the city oi
Omahn , Douglas county , Nohraska.
First , The niirau of said corporation la "No *
brusko Savings Hank. "
Second , Tlio principal phicoof business of
Bal < t corporation sliull bo In the city of Oaiuua ]
Douglas county , Nebraska.
Third , Thogomiral nature of the buslnosf
of Bald corporation shall bo the usual business
of n savings bank and the usual business of ij
bank of discount and loan and trust company *
Said bank will roeelTO money on deposit l > nd |
pay Interest thereon ; will loan and Invest
money on approved security both real and
personal , and will buy and t-ell notes , rnorN
gagesand other nogotlnbla Instruments and
bonds and slocks , nnd will act as trustee and
llsral agent.
Fiiurth , The amount of the authorized oupli
tnl block of said corporation , la lour hundred
thousand dollars , divided Into four thousand
shares ot ono hundred dollars each , but salA
coi poratlou may commence business when two
hundred thousand dollars of said capital stock
Is subscribed
Said caplt il Block Is to be paid In as follows :
One-fourth as soon as called for by the board
of directors , and the balance In Installments ad
called for by eulil board ,
Pitth , The tlmo ot coinmoncomont of said
corporation Is the llftoonth iliiyof AugustA.
D.lsST.and Its tormlnation shall bo the fifteenth !
dnrof August , A. D. 10SC.
Sixth , The highest amount of Indebtedness :
or liability to which said corpoiatlon shall at
anv ono lime bo subject shall not ozcoed two
thirds ol thi ) amount nf Its subscribed caultul
stock , except deposits In thu bank and nUcU
other exceptions us are provided for In chap.
ti r sovcntpiin of the oetsof tlio leglflutlvo as-
Bonihlv < iC the Btato of Nebraska of IH87.
Seventh , Thu alfulrs ot Haul corporation
shall bo loniluatud by a board of Illteon direct-
oifl , five of whom shall lin elected annually on
the second Monday of Junuary of ouch year ,
and who shall hold their olllco for the poi led ot
three jmr ; and by president , vleo-nionldunl
and cashier , elected by tbo board of directors.
Donout Omahn , Nebraska , this Uth day of ,
AugUBt , A. D. 1S87.
( iKoitoi : i : . iiAiticrn ,
nt7d 814
Union National Bank
Paid Up Capital , $100,000
Authorized Capital 500,000
W. W. MAKSII , President.
J.V. . UODKFKR , Cashier
Accounts solicited anil prompt attention
given to all business entrusted to its caie ,
Pay 5 per cent on time deposits.
No 206 Matonlc IluildiiiK , cor.Capilol Av.
enue and Ib'lii stt ,
Telephone No 842.
* -