s W * . . " * * * * * . ' " ( CHE OMAHA DAILT BEE ; / MONDAY. AUGUST ' 29 , ' . 1387 ; THE WRANGLE AT WHEELING Two Accounts of the Difficulty Between Governors Forakor and Wilaon. SOUND REPUBLICAN DOCTRINE. Ohlo'ft Gorcrnor Tolls I tow lie I'rrnchnil It to the Ilebel Soldiers of Virginia Tlio Citizens t .Mnko an Apology. i A War of Word * . * riTTSmmo , Augustas. tapeclal Tel CKrntn to the JJKiiJ 'i'fto clilot topic of conversation among the Plttsburg crand army veterans Who nttomlod tlio parade at Wheeling , Fri day , la over the w onln between the repub lican Kovernor , Forakcr of Ohio , and the , democratic governor , Wilson , at the serenade given them and Governor liuavcr , of Penn sylvania. General A. L. Pearson , vUio Is a democrat , saya ttmt at his request Wilson Bpoko after tlie other governors and adds : "Ills manner was qulto as objectionable aa Ills language , lla pitched his volco and chopped oil his sentences In a very bitter manner. Pointing down to the right , ho said , 'hook up this street ; there arc banners and flans and streamers ; look down that street and you will see lluifs , banners nnd streamers from houses of republicans and democrats , and : i creat many democrats. 1 tell you , and make no mistake , the blue and the prey are here together. The roy was en titled to as much credit as the blues. ' At this point , younc Lambert , a son of the 1ftto Comptroller Lambert , of I'lttsburg , said : "Hut were they not traitors ? ' Governor Wilson stopped and seemingly Catherine bitterness by the pausnsald : 'That is an Impertinent remark to make twenty yeais after thu war has boon ended/ Captain A. 11. Hay took exception to Governor \V11- fion's fipcech and Governor Forakor was brouirht back. Ho scored Wilson and ended by Raving that such talk troui that quarter inado him tired. "Wilson then shouted : ' .Wo will make you more tired. ' " Captain Hay to-dav said that Governor Forakrr explained his position upon the rebel flag business as follows : "It the southerners are loyal , what do they want with the nags ? Most of us think that the north should nave the Hags. If the south Is disloyal , that Is all the moro reason for our retention of the Hags. Let the south rome and take the llaxs If they wantthem. [ Cheers and hisses. ] The north conquered the south With bayonets once ; the north Is now con quering the south with capital and enter- prize. " "How about the time when Charleston was rocked In the throes of eartliquakeV' Inquired a southern sympathiser. Dr. Selp , another member of the Union Veteran loelon , says that the citizens of "Wheeling offered every apology for Wilson's remarks , saying It was only "Windy Wil son" opening his mouth and putting his foot ill it again. GoTornnr Porakcp's Version. COMJMIJUS , O. , August 28. [ Special Tele- grain to the DUE. | Governor Forakor was asked this evening about the trouble between Governor Wilson and himself In Wheeling , W. Va. , at the soldiers' reunion. IIo denied that the soldiers reiusod to walk uuder a pic ture of President Cleveland hung on the ban ners across the street. The picture , he said , hung to one side a little , but the soldiers paid no attention to It. As to the political fooling between himself and Governor Wilson , Governor Foraker said , "Thrro was a great reunion of soldiers there and a tremendous outpouring of the people. In thoovoulng , while sitting at our hotel talking to Governor Heaver , of Penn sylvania , and Governor Wilson , ot West Virginia , the latter Kcntlonmii was called on for a speech , and ho salrff amonii other things , that those who wore the grey wore as brave as these who wore the blue. Some one In the street said , 'Yes , but they were rebels , weron'tthoyy Governor Wilson answered they wore brought UD to believe that under thn constitution a state had the right to se cede. " "We shot tliot Idea to death on the battle field , " I said. "After Wilson got through they called on me. I epoko pleasantly awhile , as also did Governor Heaver. Governor Wilson again Bpokeand made a political speech , saying that the G. A. K. was a republican institu tion , and the republican party , a party of sec tionalism. I answered that when called on , and 1 bet I ttilued more republicanism to these fellows down there than they had ever heard before. There was a good deal of feel ing and loud noise , but no badges were pulled off , nor was there any lighting. " NEEDS UVKUUAUiaNO. How The Finh Commission Has De- iVaudett Undo Sam. WASHINGTON , August ! 3S.-Special [ Tele gram to the BEE. ! It Is expected that there will shortly bo a complete overhauling of the accounts of the fish commission. As a rule scientific bureaus of the government are dis posed to squander the public money lavishly and the fish commission has been no excep tion to the rule. For years there have been grave charges made against the methods em ployed by the uoputy commissioner , Major Ferguson. This gentleman Is an old-time democrat and an ox-officer of the confederate array. Ho has had practical control of the finances of the bureau. He owned a low marshy Island In the vicinity of Havre do Grace , Maryland , and because ft was an ex cellent location for a lish hatchery he 'loaned" it to the government. Since the 'loan" wont Into effect ho has succeeded in getting It Idled In two feet above low water mark at the expense of the United States and as It Is In the midst of thu celebrated Chosa- . peakQ ducKlng grounds ho nnd his friends nave line sport In the shooting season. Their shooting box , maintained nt nubile expense , Is said to be one ot the linost in the country. Ferguaon also succeeded In ' 'loan ing" to the government , for the use of tlio fish commission , a small Htenm yacht called the "Lockout. " The only consideration Is that the government must pay the running expenses and cost of repairs. The yacht is Of no value except to carry pleasure parties , yet It has been supplied with new boilers and machinery. Within the past year this jacht lias been cut In two , lengthened out , related In birds-eye maple and mahogany and Is now one of the Unest pleasure boats plyine be tween Newport and other pleasure resorts along the Atlantic. In short , It is charged tbat many thousands of dollars have been ex pended out ot the funds ot the commission ostanslbly for tint benefit ot the government , but really for tun bonetitot Major Ferguson. ANOTHER LiINIC { two Curious Specimens of tlio Ani mal llaoo Pound In Africa. NEW Yonic , August 'Ji [ Special Tele gram to the 13EK.1 Charles Holch , an animal . dealer In this city , recently bought In Lon don three children stolen from n trlbo of hairy savages near the 'Xamblgl river , South Africa , two maltu and ono female , but the female died before starting for this country. Their heads are about as well formed and de veloped as a two-year-old child's. The foro- hoau Is straight , the eyes brown , large and bright , tlin nose flat like an African's and the mouth much llko a Chimpanzee's. Thu body IS well formed , with a paunch llKe the Imnuna-fiHl children of southern countries. The hands and feet are human in suapo , but the toes are longer than a child's and more moveable. The back and limbs are covered with long rod h lr ot a spar.io growth , but the front of the body , which U of a tan color , is entirely hairless. They Imvo no sign of a tall , are extremely affectionate , and took quickly to Mrs. Sparow. thu colored nurao woo tends them. An elfort will bo rnado to teach them to talk. CAN'T GI2TTUE LOAN. The Platform of Virginia Democrats JlBi\Htrou to the Slnto'n Finances. NK\V YOKK , August 23. [ Special Telegram - gram to the HUE. ] A special to the Tribune from Itlchmond , Va. , says ; The chairman Of the tiu nco committee of the city council Bald last night that the city has no money in hand and has not been able to borrow on Its 4 per ( ent bonds In New York. In response to an Inquiry as to the cause of the clt'a In * ability to effect the loan it was learned thai the platform adopted by the democrats at 'Itoanoko stopped all credit to Virginia and ier cities. . A CONPNOnUM. What Coulrt Have Induced tiockwooil to Aooept tlio Trivial Position ? WASHINGTON , August 23. [ Special to the UKK. ] Politicians from western New York lave been guessing for months over a con- indrum which they are still unable to solve. That riddle Is : What could have Induced Dan Lockwood to accept the comparatively .nvlal position of United States district at- ; ornoy for the northern district of Now York ? Nock wood wanted a place In the diplomatic corps. Ho did not care for ono of the first class missions , but ho thought that ho could fill the place as minister to Spain ns well as anyone olso. Ho did not get the place and as a consequence he never called upon the resident after the week of the Inauguration. It was a longtime before ho was recognized at all , and when the president finally did nake up his mind to recognize the man who md nominated him tor every political of fice to which ho had been elected , ho selected ono of the mostlnslzntticant In the list. A gentleman from Builalo who is generally well posted on the Inside history of political events In the western end of the empire state solves the conundrum In this way : Lock- wood Is a staunch natty man. Ho lull rather disappointed over the manner in which the inesiiicnt Ignored him , but ho was not the lUnd of man to allow his personal feelings lo Influence his loyalty to his party. When it became evident that the president was fishing for a renomlnatlon Lockwood could ice that ho would be expected by these who < new him to mount the rostrum and to igaln present the name of the man of destiny for the votes of the delegates in the next democratic national1 ( invention. As a private citizen he could not \erv well refuse to do this when called upon. Hut the prosi- ilont had Issued positive orders to the federal ofllcD-holdt-rs that they must not mix up in | ) ollttcs. Here was the chance. He was ollered the position of United States district attorney and accepted tin * oilor. That re moves him from the political liold. To mnko the removal more emoh.itlc ho icslgnod his place as member of tlio New York democratic itate committee. After that ho was asked it lie would perform the nominating ceiemony Tor Cleveland In 1833. Ho replied that under the orders of the chief magistrate no federal onice-holder would be allotted to take any l > art In politics. For that reason .It would bo impossible lor him to do any moro nomi nating during his service to thu nation , If Cleveland is rcnomlnatcd therefore , he will iiavo to get some ono else to present his name. Ordinarily this might not make anv dlllurcnco , so long as his name Is presented jy sonic0110. . liut another Now Yoik poli tician Is authority for the statement that in the present Instance it will make a great deal ot difference. Soon alter the adjournment 3f congress the president appointed the Hon. "Dick" bchooluy. of Uochestor. to a small consulate In Canada. When Schooloy came on to Washington to receive his instructions lie was asked how I ho differ on cos between Lockwood and the president were patched up. He replied : "Well , you sco , the presi dent Is n fatalist and believer in foreordlua- tlon ( sic ) . Ho thinks that In order to bo successful next year ho must be nominated by the man who has nominated him for all the offices troui sheriff to president. So ho sent for Lockwood , ( who did not come , by the way ) , and his brother-in-law , Tom itrown , ot Rochester , and a truce was or- tanged. Lockwood was to bo the district at torney for the northern district of New York nnd Drown was to name the collector of cus toms for the Kochestnr district. Lockwood ' 'kismet' all accepted and the president's was right again. " It the Honorable Dick's ideas are sound Graver Cleveland Is doomed , and no matter who nominates him bo will not expect to bo elected. An Economical Move. WASHINGTON , August 28. [ Special to the BKIJ.J Within n short time the United States lias adopted a system for the transmission ot documents to our consuls which has resulted In the saving of a great many hundreds of dollars In the course of the year. Formerly t was the custom to send books and publlca- ; lens intended for the various consulates in Europe , Asia and Atrlca to the United States distributing a'ent In London. Ho would make up the packages for tlio different con suls , and would mall them in London , pay- up the Kngllsh postage rates on each bundle. This caused the bills ot thodlstrlbutln ? agent ; o bo materially Increased. It was discovered iti the department that United States postage stamps could toe printed at very small cost , and as these stamps would carry packages anywhere in the world if they were affixed in America and sent through the American uost- ofllce , It was determined to adopt a new sys tem. Now instead of paying into the British exchccquer several thousand ot dollars each year in postaeo upon public documents , the department orders an additional supply of postage stamps , and every book Intended for American consuls in towns on the European continent In sent directly by mall from Wash ington instead of through the distributing office in London. Tradu Dollars. WASira'aTON. August 23. [ Special to the BER. | Although the flow ot trade dollars to ward the treasury of the United States has practically coasua , It Is believed tlmt there are still a great many ot these coins In the hands of the people which will probably never bo redeemed. Up to the present time there have been about 7.r 00,000 "trades" ex changed tor standard dollars. This sum ex ceeds by only a few thousands the figures which were estimated to represent the num ber held In the country. The date for the final redemption ot the coins wns fixed by con cress , and the time cannot be extended except by concessional action. This will , in all probability , not bo civon , and holders of tno debased coins who fall to return them to the treasury beioio next Saturday will have to sell them for old silver. It is be lieved that the greater number of those which will not come in by next Saturday are hold by people who hoard their savings in old stockings and other outof the way places , and that those people will not be heard from because of their ignorance of the law. No ono can judge with any certainty of the number so held , but good guessers tieuro that there will bo several hundred thousand unre deemed "trades" after September 3. Successor. WASHINGTON , August 23. [ Special to the BEE.J Scientific circles are greatly stirred up over the problem , "Who will succeed Prof. Balrd as commissioner ot fish and fish eries ? " The law Is such that the field of eli gible candidates is exceedingly circum scribed. It is thought that the only man who can fill all the requirements of the law is Major Ferguson , and It he Is appointed he would have to servo without any compensa tion whatever. Ho Is at present tbe deputy commissioner and his salary Is paid out ol the general appropriation. Tills could nol bo done If ho were promoted. In consequence it Is thought that me vacancy may not bi filled until congress amends the law. TROU11LE IN KEY WEST. Probability That Havana Will Be Declared In n > State of Slogo. NKW Ont.EANS , August 23. A. special tc the Plcayuno from Key West , Fla. , siys : A.A- vices received hero last night state that the greatest excitement prevails In Havana , oc casioned by the receut acts ot Captain General oral Marine in taking possession ol the custom house and placing the of flclals under arrest. The city ii In charge of regular troops and the situation becomes dally moro desperate , recall inn events In 1S71. A rolgn or terror prevails and it la expected that Havana will ba do dared In a state of siege. Already several conflicts have occurred bctwnou troops and civilians , resulting In the klllluj of some and the wounding or others. Cap tain General Marine has Issued a proclama tion calllug on the rioters to maintain order Otherwise severe measures will bo adopted to uphold the taw. The volunteers , wlu are opposed to Marln , and are oncouraget therein by political bodies desirous of his re moral have joined the rioters. Several meet tugs have been held In the park , whore cheers ot "viva Salamanca" were given , am ) cries o t "down with Marlu. " "Tho city i ; placarded with a call lor a goii er l moss meeting at . the park to nlcut and requosltnc all to brlni nrm.3. .The call Is believed to have emanate * from the volunteers , and terlous trouble L expected. So far the captain general con crob the situation wltu regular troops which have been distributed throughout the city prepared for any emergency. Troops stationed In towns adjoining Havana are kept under arms ready to move at a mo * incut's notice. These acquainted with Gen eral Marln state that ho will carry out his policy of purifying the public sorvlco regard less of consequences , and a feeling of un easiness permeates every branch thereof. AGAIN QUIT 10AU Fears That the Utca Will he Joined lljr the UncntnpabitrGS. DHNVKII , Colo. . August 23. [ Special Tele gram to the BER. ] As far aa can bo learned , the Ute war is unchanged. A courier ar rived from Meeker yesterday , bringing tlio information that COO Utcs were camped on the lUngloy battle grounds nnd were being held back by two companies of colored troops from Fort Duchesnc. General Hear- don has obtained Infouuatlon that there wore four tribes of Ulos In tha battlo. They nro White river , Ulntah , true Utos nnd Uncom- pahgres. There arc 1,800 bucks on the reser vation. Some of the Indians In the battle were UncouiDaligro policemen , and If any of them were killed trouble will result , as the Uncouipihgros are n wild , excita ble trlbo and would readily show light. Estos , the chief ot the Uncompahgre reservation Is expected to turn out as soon as Information of the light reached thorn and as the tsvo places are only thirty miles apart t has already been carried. Tim situation s really critical and the requests of officers n tin ) field and General Huardo'u , for troops are justified as the Indians are nearer rein forcements by a hundred miles than the state troops arc. If further trouble can bo avoided until Governor Adams and General Jroolc arrive to-morrow they may possibly ret the Indians to consent to go b.tck to Jlntali without fuithor war. Some think if Colorow does go biol : to Uintili ho will re main only until the soldiers return to tholr > est and the inllltii men to their homes when 10 will descend upon the unprotected settlers and avenge death of his oUht bucks. Lieu- tfnant Folsom who was fatally wounded Thursday died at 11 o'clock Filday mornliu. His body will bo taken to Aspou for btuial . JREPUBLICAN CIjUR CONVENTION. The Project For It Talcing DullnHo Shape In Now York. NEW YOUK , Austujt 23. [ Special Tele gram to tlio UEE. ] The suggestions for a big national convention of ronubllcan clubs has crystallzod into definite plans. It has been decided that such a gathering shall be had shortly after tin ; election for the purpose ot discussing the plans and the platform ot next year's campaign. The convention will > e hold here , probably in the Academy of Music. In a talk with Henry Gloasou , secre tary of the special committee on the subject appointed by the New York Republican club , the fact was developed that already theio are assurances of an attendance of from H.OiX ) to 10,1'DO delegates , representing over 200 clubs. An important tact In connection with the movement , and ono which has greatly en couraged its promoters , Is that since the sub- | oct has been acltatod , between thirty and forty now republican clubs have been or- TanUed , all of which wrlto In onthusi.istlc terms of the Idea nnd promise icpreaeiit.itiou. l-'OH HOME 11UIJ5. A Reception Givoii To the Ifon. Put- rick A. Collins In Itomou. BosTON.August 23. A recoutlon under the auspices of the Municipal Council ot the Irish National league was tendered the lion. Pat rick A. Collins , In Boston theatei to-ulght. Collinswho made a lengthy address upon the Irish situation , predicted a triumph foi home rule and a change In the government in lie- land within two voars. Uefenlng to the pres ent condition ot Ireland , ho sild ho found It much improved since his previous visit. Besolutious weie adopted dnnounclng the proclamation ot the league by the Kngllsh Government , pledging the meeting to the support of the home uile movement and de claring linn faith in thi'comingoverthrow of tjie "sfiiftlesj , shuffling , shany , tory govern ment. " During the evening Piesldenc Brady , of the municipal council , announced the start ing ot another popular 51 tuud to be known as the "autl-cotfrciou fund. " 0 > A UOMAN SHOOTS TWO MEN.1 Jiow Mrs. lintta Dofondcrt Home and Honor atChadroii. CIIAUHON , Neb. , { August 23. [ Special Telegram to the BEK. | Tills place was thrown Into great excitement over .1 shoot ing affair which took place this evening at 7 p. in. Two men , bndeo workmen , attempted an entrance Into a house occupied by John Bolts , a barber. Mr. liotts noi belli : ; at home , Mrs. Bolts told them to keep out , but this they rctused to do , andjupon their continuing to force an entrance into the bouse , she fired at them with a 44-callbre revolver and hltjthem both.the same bill passing through both men In tlio neighborhood of the groins. The wounded men were taken to Dr. Jackson's office and attended by him. Sheriff Clark investigated the matter , and lie and the public are ot tlio opinion that the lady was justified iu shooting two strangers who thus attempted a forcible entrance into a private dwelling. Tim Firm Train. AUBUISN , Neb , , August 23. [ Special Telegram - gram to the BEE. ] The first through passen ger train on the now branch of the Missouri Pacific from here to Lincoln arrived at 2:33 : p. m. to-day , and Is side tracked awaiting thu St. Louis express. This will ba the southern terminus of the Nebioaka , Southern & Lin coln extension , also the Talmage-Crete branch , and movements aio on font to build extensive sidetracks ana warehouses. It is hopiui that ground will be broken for a round house and repair shops before many months. Thu facilities for furnishing water and fuel for locomotives , etc. , are baing improved and repaired. A new well has been dug and the wind engine replaced by stoiin power. Rail road men and capitalists from nil directions are" turning their attention to this point. Franklin County Fnotival. FIUNKLIN , Neb. , August 23. | Special to the BUE.J A harvest homo picnic of the farmers of Franklin county , yesterday , was attended by a large crowd. Kx-nepresenta- tlve Bush , of Napoull , Franklin county ; Uev. Mr. Harrison , Mr. Lo Clurj and ex-Senator VanWjck delivered addresses. General Van Wick was received with great enthusi asm , lie spoke of Representatives Bailey and Calkins , who were present , in the high est terms , saying that they were men who had passed through the fire unscathed. In the evening General VauWycfc was sere naded nt the Commercial hotel. Ho re sponded iu a brief speech. Tha Nebraska City Camp Montinir. AUIIUUN , Neb. , August 23. [ Special Tele gram to the BET. | The Nebrask-j City dis trict camp meeting Is attended to-day oy a very larco crowd. Owing to a recent rain the grounds are cool and pleasant. Jud.Mng from the present Interest It will probably last until next Sunday. Tno grounds are cov ered with tents and tomporury shelter and present ix very picturesque appearance. It the number iu attendance continues to In crease by next Sunday the woods will bo fulU - > A Wreck OH tlio Wont Shore Iload. UTIOA , N. Y , , August 23. A passenger train on the West Shore railroad collided with a freight train near Port Byron to-day. The express messenger was killed and Ku- ginoer Miller of thu passenger train , and Ludwig , ot the freight train , were injured , Three Finlandorg Drowned. MiNNE.vrous , Aujust 23. A Special from Duluth , Mlun. , to the Tribune says : Four Fiulanders wore cap-sUed In n sail boat on the Wisconsin shore near Connors Point to-day , drowning three of them. Ono body bas been recovered. Firemen Arrested for Arson. NEWAHK , N. J. ( August 23. Eight men , all members of No. 2 englno compnnyol Plalnfleld , were arrested in that * city to-day on a charze of arson. One of them , George Jackson , confessed that'he hail set fire to I umber ot places by using kerosene. JUDGE LltTLiEIt INTERVIEWED. Ho Thinks the Pobltlo Commission \ Accomplishing Something. CHICAGO , August K9.-tavld ) T. Littler , of the Pacific railroad .commission , arrived In the city to-day withjlils , family from Call * fornla. To a reporter ha said the commis sion was getting along- with Its work as rap idly as possible , mid , he thinks Is accom plishing something. The president Is giving them his hearty suppttVt.1 Being asked how they got along with Senator Stanford , Littler said : "Tho commission , found him a very pleasant gentleman. , ' Of course ho acts under the advice ot the best counsel on the Paclltc jgoast , and they are maklnz a very hard flitlii , but wo are giving them the best wo havo.Mr. . Littler said he would hold nn Investigation here September 12 Into the affairs of tlio old Sioux Cltv & Pacific road. The commission meets in Now York about September 20 , when a few more witnesses will bo heard and the taking of testimony will then c a < < e. After th.it day the report will bo made to the president ns speedily as possible. PASSED TliliAvHUtbPOUL. An Adventurous fainter Hides Safely Throueh Niagara's Kaplds. BUFFALO , N. Y. , August 23. Charles Alexander Percy , a young man twenty-seven years old , and by trade , a wagon-maker , rar- riaso trimmer and painter , made a safe trip through the whirlpool rapids to-day In a life joat built by himself , and upon the construc tion ot which he lus been engaged during the past summer. The boil Is seventeen feet long with air chambers at this nnd , In one of which Percy made thu vovnge. This Is ringed with it seat , so that a navigator can .strap himself - self in It and travel outside It ho wishes. The keel Is weighted with 240 pounds of Iron and bags or sand carried In tlio hold so chat It will right llself. An Iron weight Is attached to a long rope trailed from the stern so as to keep the bow straight ahead. Thouirh It keeled in a threatening manner , the cr.ift rode thu brcakt'is and great waves without once upsetting. The sight was a very pretty ono to those in sho'D. After eiiteilng the whhlnool basin Peicy came out and loued himself ishore. His object Is notfor glen % lie sajs ; the jourupy was simply nn experiment and the bout having come through all rizht ho will now model a life boat nn a largo scale ftom It and apply lot a patent. Condition of tno Orops. CHICAGO , 111. , August 23. The following ciop summary will appear In this week's edition of the Farmers' liuvlew : Reports now Indicate , as expected , that only late planted corn has been materially btmelltted jy the rains. The average yield of winter wheat In the different states as shown by ; hreshlng returns Is as follows : Sixteen Illinois counties , lo ; bushel" ; tan U Isconsln counties , 1C 7-10 bushels ; ten Indiana coun ties , 142-l5bushtl3 : thirteen Michigan coun ties , 12 1-0 bushels ; thirteen Ohio counties , 13 3-W bushels ; eleven Mlssouil counties , M li-ll bushels , and eleven Kansas counties , 13 7-11 bushels. The average yield of sprlnir wheat : Seven counties in Mlniiesata , 10 1-17 bushels ; seventeen counties in iowa , 11 3-4 bu < < iiols , and nine counties In Nebraska , 107-U bushels. The average yield of oits : Eight Illinois countlesJ3oi-10 bushuls ; ten Wisconsin counties , 31 'f-6 } bushels ; ten In diana counties , ! ' , ! ) 1-15 bushels ; twelve Mich igan counties , 277-llibimhels ; eleven Mis souri counties , 30 011bushels ; twelve Kansas counties. 291-3 buihels ; twenty- two iowa counties , ,31 10-11 bushels ; seven Minnesota conntln4117 ! bushels and nine Nebraska counties 2'J ' 2-0 bushels. Av erage condition of the coin crop : Seventeen Illinois counties reporfthe average condition of the crop at 54.7 percfcrfl : ten counties in Wisconsin , 7i percent ; ten Indiana counties , 51 pot cent ; twelve conuHcb In Michigan , .7J percent ; thirteen couutles In Ohio , C/.7 per cunt ; ninu Missouri enmities. 73 pel cunt ; nine Kaiibas counties , G-Yi per cent ; twenty- two Iowa counties , 7J.7lrtr | ; cent ; nine Min nesota counties 70 per cent aim ten Nebiaska counties , 01 per crfnt. The pistures me now doing well and the prospect tor full feed Is consequently better. ' ° Bocchor'a So' NKW YOKK , August 23. Kov. Dr. Parker , of thu City temple , London , who for joais was a boaoiu friend of Henry Ward Beechor , arrived hero this morning on the steamer Uinbrla. Ho was driven from the dock to the Everett house , where he was met by Mrs. Beechor. They breakfasted together. Dr. Parker denied that he had come over here In response to a call to till the pulpit ot Ply mouth church rendered vacant bv Mr. Ucejh- or's death. He said : "I was under contract betoio Becchoi's death to come ovei this fall on a lecture tour. Pilmarly , my trip Is for the purpose of delivering an eulogy on Beecher at the Academy. Brooklyn , on Oc tober 4 , next , under the auspices of the Beecher status fund. 1 left Kiulaud amidst n chorous approval of my mission. Our people ple feel that Beec'ier's memory nhould bo willingly commemorated. The day 1 luft I iccelvod a letter from Gladstone \\hlchhe closed with the following vtotds , 'I sincerely wish you a sate and happy expedition.1 " Wcnthov Crop IHilli'tin. WAHIIXOTON , August S3. The weather has been unusually cold In tne central valleys and lake leu'lon. The dally average of temperature ranged trom 0 to 12 degrees below normal. During the week the rain fall has been in excess on the eastern slope of the Rocky mountains , ns far east as the Missouri valley and Aikansis , and from Lake Erie westward to lowu. During tlio past month over 100 per cent of the usual amount of rain occurred In thu districts of tint Atlantic coast , mid In Nebraska , Colorado rado , southern Minnesota and Northern Iowa. The Bulgarian Trouble. BEUI.IN , Auzust 23. It is rumored here that Russia has decided to take independent action in Bulgaria nnd to send a governor there unless Turkey intervenes quickly and puts an nnd to the crisis. According to a published Interview , Pi 1 nee Ferdinand com plains bitterly that ho Is In a difficult posi tion , having been deserted by those who ad vised him to go to Bulgaria. Btld Knohbors In Court. ST. Louis , Auirust 28. A dispatch from Ozark says twenty-three of the Bald Knob- bers who pleaded guilty of misdemeanor were brought into court yesterday and fined. They ranzed from sevonteun to sixty years of age. ami represented the best families In the country. They were lined an average of $20 each and put under bonds to Keep the peace. Bulgaria Krady to Pay Tribute. CoxsTANTiNoi'r.K , August 23. Vulkooltch , the Bulgarian represontat.lv e , has informed the porto that the Bulgarian government is ready to piy IMl.OOO pounds' ' on account and to negotiate Cor the remainder of the Rou- mellan tribute and contribution to the Tuik- ish debt charge. < > Weather Indlqationa. For Iowa : Local showers , southerly winds , blowing , variable , warmer , .followed In west ern portion bv a fall In temperature. For Nebraska : Local ! > fiowors , southerly winds , becoming variable , pooler. For Dak ota : Local rainsy cooler , callable winds. Wisconsin : Local rains , warmer , southerly winds. , r „ " . * n y Starting For the ( Encampment , CIIADUON , Neb. , Auul24. | Special Tele gram to the BEi.l : Company 0. , Nebraska national guards , leaves licro for Lincoln at 10:30 : p. m. to attend the state encampment nt that place. _ _ Huslnoss Failure. ST. Louis , August 23. Rodney D. Wells , proprietor ot the oldest qucenswaro and gloss house In the citv , maile an assignment yesterday. The assets consist ot stock valu d at 920,000 ; liabilities not stated. Tlio Death Itecord. CUICAOO , August 28. Hon. George Gard ner , tor several years a jud e In the superloi court In this city , died to-day aged sixty- one. _ . Blichacl Davit t Speaks. DUIU.IN , August 23. Michael Davltt ad- dresed the Bray branch of the league to-day. .Ho said If Rutland Imprisoned men for re sisting the' Injustice of landlordism and ex ercising the rights of free speech the country would bo bteoiicd to Us lips Iu crime. ' BOUm OMAHA NEWS. The city was thronged with visitors from Omaha. The Union Pacific received 150 cars of stock this mornlnjr. A Uoliomlnn picnic was hold to-day about eight miles southwest of the city , mid hnu n InrRo attendance. Dr. StniTor. of Tomplcton , In. , wns n guest of Dr , Glasgow. The frame-work of tlio second story of Swift's beef house is up. Several ilnnccs took plnco nt the nnnox Saturday night. Six hundred tlukots were sold at ttio Union Pncllio ticket olllco Sunday. Lnst evening HOT. Air. lllltou deliv ered nn eloquent pcrmoii on "Prohibition In Politics. " The Prosbytorlnn church society hold services in the sclioql house Inst evening. The Odd Fellows will hold a meeting to-night. Four nnd n half acres lying south of O'Borno & Hoosnc's packing house worn sold to nn eastern syndicate wnloh will soon establish n new packing houso. The real catnto transfers for the pnst Week nggregatcd $ J7UOO. There nro now In tlio city eighteen hotels , cnch with nn average of thirty beds nnd still nil the transients cannot bo accommodated. A ton-montli-olil child of S. U. llnthn- way wns buried .ycstcrduy. Union and Cnrpentcr nro nboutto orcct n no xv food nnd sale stable C0\150 , on Txvonly-sovonth street. Invitations for bids for grading N street have been published , the money being secured by tno council. H. Hardy , of the Oil-cent store , has pur chased property , and xvill soon erect n double two story store room , 50.\GO , on Kast N street. Mr. ( Jotild , of the city , wns out hero looking over his real estate interests. A few drunks were picked up on the streets Saturday night nnd given quar ters In thu hotel De Rico. ! \ Foxxvorthy , of Lincoln , is visiting her father , C. M. Hunt. A larue mini her of young men had an nuiiitcur .shooLing match on the summit west of the stoekyanlsSiinclay afternoon , and n few coed records were irwde. M. H. Ish , who recently sold out his stock of merchandise to J. E. Freeman , lias engaged himself exclusively in the real estate business. A small sensation exploded last week at n prominent hote in this city , which will keep the gossips in something to talk about for a _ fexv weekto come. Like all sensations it was kept in the dark until it leaked out. On Sunday last a man called at the hotel , accompanied by n woman , whom he olnimcd to bo his wife , and occupied the s.uno room. They departed in tlio morning , and a few days after the same man returned , accompanied by another woman , but not the same one he had the first evening. No one paid attention or noticed the transformation , until the de velopments that followed recalled to the hotel guests the fact that the women were not the same in any particular , excent that both were claimed by the man as his wito. A loom was assigned them and they retired for a time and woio forgotten until a loud noise was heard issuing from their room , the man callimi for assist ance. On going to the room the proprie tor found the woman prostrated either from the efleels ot liquor or by an epc- letic lit and the man nimble to do any thing for her. Then the denouement name when ho acknowledged that she xv.is no relation of Ins. The woman was restored and botli were bounced fiom the hotel. ( Justuv Ilart/.hoim , the German come dian , entot lainod a eroxvdod audience last night at Mot/'s garden in German comedy. "Die Schwabin1 ; played for the first time in Omaha , proved n success. After the entertainment , proper , a ball was held until midnight. At the Casino , Mr. llaydon Tilla sang various songs. Among the number most eliective was thu solo "La donria o Mobile , " from Verdi's Rigollotto. The zithcrsolo , by Uxvor ak , was thoroughly enjoyed. Married , At Atelmon , Kns. , August 18 , 1887 , Ur. Mary B. Chapman , of Omaha , to Air. J. S. Fri tolicr , late clerk in the auditor's of fice of the B. & 15. railroad. They will reside at S.iu Diego , Cal. , wluiro Mr. Kitcher takes a similar position with the Atchison , Tonoka & Santa Fe railway. Poumled at Lmkn Vleiv. Last night a light occurred nt the Lake View house on the northern boundary of the city , in which it is stated half a doen hard customers tooK patt. A cigar- maker and tobacco dealer named Smith is reported to have been badly pounded. TIIK ENGljlSIl MISSION. A Denial of the Report That lhelpa Will lo Displaced. NEW Yomc , August 23. ISpecial Tele gram to the BKI : . | Speak'ng ' of the report published to-day that Minister Lathrop was about to roilgn his post at St. Petersburg and be assigned to the Kngllsh mission In place of Mr. I'hclps , Don Dickinson , of Michigan , who seemed the Russian mission for La throp , said to-day : "I've heard nothing whatever on the subject , either from Minis ter Lathrop or his sons , who I see almost dally at home. There has been some tnlk about Mr. Lathrop cumin ; back before the end of his term , but It is untrue that he Is on hl'j way to the United States , and I don't be lieve he has any designs on the Kngllsh mis sion. In short you may quote mo as saying that the whole tiling Is a jam. " Morno Bros , liurnod Out. Cr.Kvr.i.ANi ) , August 23 , Tne extensive bridge works of Morsn Bros. , at Hazteton , a suburb of Youngstown , O. , woio this morn ing destroyed D > lire. Loss 3100,000 , with in surance c'J3,000. JudiO Hale , of Gooruin , Dnad. ATLANTA , Ga. , August 23. Judge Samuel Hale , of the state supreme court , died nt midnight at his sumncr residence at Mt. Airy. _ DYSPEPSIA Causes Its victims to be miserable , hopeless , confused , and depressed la mind , very Irrita ble , languid , and diowsy. U is disease which does not get well of Itself. It requires careful , persistent attention , and a remedy to throvf oft the cau es and tone up tlio diges tive orgms till they perform their duties willingly. Hood's Sarsap-ullla lias proven just the required remedy In hundreds of cases. ' Sarsaparilla for dyspepsia ' I have taken Hood's pepsia , from uhlch I have suffered two j cars. I tried many other medicines , but none proved ' . " so satlsfactoiy as Hood's Barwparllla. TIIOMAB COOK , Brush Klcctric Light Co. , NBW York City. Sick Headache Tor the r t two years I hare been afflicted with severe headaches and dyspep- eh. I was induced to try Hood's Baisapa- rllla , and have found &ct relief. I cheer. fully recommend it to all. " M" . K. * ANHADLE , New Haven , Conn. Mrs. JIary C. Smith , CambrUlgeport , Mass. , and sick head- was a sufferer from dyspepsia nche. She took Hood's Harsaparllla aud found It the best remedy she ever used. Hood's Sarsaparilla ' Bold by ill druftsliU. lislxfores. Made . only by 0. 1. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass. .100 Poses One Dollar. TIMELY ADVICE. Unheeded Mny Cause AnyAmount of Trouble * More Important Testimony Voluntarily Offered by Ono Who Has Been Through the Mill , 'Tor the liutt sixteen years "snldM'r.W.O.lIon. shaw.w ho wa Uty InmpllKlitcr for a number of yonrs and ts now omplo > od by the Harbor As- plinlt Pavlnff company , to ttio reporter , " 1 Imvo Imil nn uphill tlinu In onlor to komi nt mv nork. \ \ lillo a boy and llvluir nt my fntner'a country residence on I/oiid Islnnil Sound , Now York , I mode a practice of itolnir In swimmlnn from ton to twenty tiroes n dny vrhrii tlio cnlhor was anltnulr , by this mo mil developed ontnirh Iu IU' worst form. My throat nnd licud wns stop ped up at ; time" , t couched nnd hawked up phlORtn , Imd to blow my uoso constantly , I ! md n constant dull feelltifr In my licnd , rotuliiK In tlio onrs , then I got donf gradually but so sure ly tlmt E Munr ALAIIXII-D. wns not nil. 1 found that T tnlkod thrmiKh my 11080 , nnd nt night 1 could not breathe through my nostrils nt alt. 1 snwn doctor and he told mo I Imd n tumor KrowliiK1 In my nose caust-d by the cnturih , wnleh ho cnllcd n polvpus. I tried nil innnnor of reme dies to no n\nll , nnd when sit wcoks nuo I ciuiRht a fiosh cold , which caused tlio catnrili to KO down on my limits my condition win not only mimnliip- , but irrontly nlmmcd my wlfo. Why , sir , 1 felt nt tlmos llko ohoslnir , thnn I couched PO much 1 could not sleep ht nl htI would liuvc violent spells of would ( Miiiooine toomlt. . "Ail mild bofo.'o.mv condition so nlnrmed my wife tlmt on tlio 15th or tliM month she In sisted tlmt I KO nnd consult n doctor next dny. I wnsloth to stop wet k , hut nt lust cunsoiitudnnd ln t Monday 1 consulted Dr. J. Ciesap McCoy , Ilningf Illotk , this cltv.ho ald ho could cmo tno. Tlili 1 wns ulllliiK to I'ulkno , but ( Ilil not clrontu of how quick part of my trouble * * could bo roliovod. Why. slr.ho remmrd this cntlio polv- pus In two or thrco minutes ; luiro , jou see It In the bottle I Imvo , mid then nmdu nn implication to mydlpniisedtlnoat. 1 brent tied tin OUR ! ' my no-u nt once , something 1 Imvo not done In jeiir * * . I hn\o been onconstnnt trontmont slnco , nnd now Imvo in n l.trKO moiiuro roenlnod my sense of Miinll. 1 hn\o not boon nblo to Miiull nm thln heforo for eight yeurs. My cntnirti la ittoutly beiiclltleo , my noiilnf ? Is cmnlnir nround nil rlsiht.nndl nm ( Oitnln the doctor w 111 BOOH Imvo me ns well ns 1 nviT wns. 1 wont homo Monday Irom tlio doctor's ollico nnd slept nil nltrht a quiet slotp. bninctliliiK 1 hnve not done for o lonp n time 1 can't remember. My stienffth anil de-lro for work hni icturned. I don't get up In the niornlnir foolhiff ns tired ns before I went to bed , ns 1 usixl to do. 1 tool UKO a restored mnn. " Mr. Henah > w ii well known nbout town , nnd the truth of hi * * story can cnslly bo voilflcd by culling upon or addressing him ut bis address nbovoi/Uen. LEADS TO COXSUlttPTIOX. Interesting Evidence of a Condition Net to Be Trifled With. When catarrh fans o\i tcd In the head nnd the upucr part of the tlmmt fnrnny length of time tie cntiont living in u district where people are subject to cntarrlial nlTcctlon and the dlh- enso hni been loit unciiipd , the cntnrili Invnrl- nbh. sometimes slowly , extends down the windpipe nnd Into tlio branchial tubes , which tubesconvoy the air to the lUiroront pirtsof tholunirv 'Iho tubes become nflectcd from the swolllng und the mucous arising from cntnrrh , und , Insomoinstuutus , become plugged up , eo that the nil cannot gel iu ns Ircoly ns It should Shortness of breath follows , nnd the pntlont bionthes with lubornnd dltlleulty. In ollhnr enso there is 11 sound of crackling nnd wheo/lng lu&ldo the cbest. At this stngo of Ihodl"ciih0tho breiithhurls usunlly mete rnpld limn when In hunltli. 'Iho pnticnt hns uho hot dnshoHover bli body. The pain which nteotnpnnles thla condition is of u dull character , felt in the clien , bolnnd tha In east bone , or under the shoulder blndo. The puln niuy como and go lust few dnys nnd tbcn be nbsont for sovorul otheis. The cough that occuis In the Iht-t tit apes of Inonchlal catarrh Is diy , comes on nt Intervals , hacking In chiirnu- ter. nnd is ifaunlly most tioublesoino In the mot nlnit on rising , or going to bed ut night nnd it may bo in the first evidence of the discnso ex tending Into tbe lungs. Sometimes tbi re nro flts of coughing Induced by the tough mucus so violent ns to cause vom iting. Later on the mucus thnt Is raised. Is lound to contain small particles of yellow matter - tor , which Indloitos Hint the small tubes In the lungs are now affected. With this there nro elton streaks of blood mixed with the mucus. In some cases the patient becomes \ery palo , bus lever , and expectorates before any cough appears. In some onsen small massei ot choosv substance - stance are spit up , wlilUi , whan pi eased between - twoon the lingers , omit n bnd odor. In other cacs , pnrtiUes of a hnrd , chnlky nature nro spit up. The lalslng of oheusy 01 chalky lumps Indicate soiious mlshlef at woik In the lungs. TIIK PI AIN TRVTIl. A Candid Statement on a Rather Delicate Subject. When n person with n dohcato constitution 1ms n tendency to cntnrrh or consumption whether this tendency Is Inherited oriosults from tnklng cold easily , it Is nottconblo that thnt person Invarmlilj loses llosh nml lo < .cs strength , showlnjf thnt the nutrition Is lutoi- ferod with. In such n case the sufferer should nt once be placed under Influences that , will icetaio the dotcctlvo nutrition nnd tend to Imlgornto the constitution. His to bo remembered that In every case the presence of cntnrih is 1111 oUdoncoof predis position to consumption , and no mutter how sllirhttho attack may bo , It nlionld bo tionted with the ereatcst enro und the treatment should be continued until all tiacos of the catarrh hav dii-appenred. If the catarrh Is allowcd to roach tbe smaller tubes in the lungs which condition Is Indi cated by the spitting up of a yellow material then Immodluto attention to the malady U de manded or rerlous lung trouble will loriilt. Cutnrrh , It Is said , is nine timcsout of ten the onuso that produces couaumptliin. and hunoo no ono can ulford to neglect a ease of oiitnrrh , however slight. It Is easily cured It taken in time and tiented legularly and correctly by u specialist. If loft to Itsoll it Is larely cured without n clmngoot ollmatc , but with ouch new oold it gets moro and moro tioublosonio , ex tending always n little deeper into the lungs , until n euro becomes dllllcult aud sometimes linposslblo. In such a climate as tills , the thront should bens ns carefully and Jioquently looked nftor nstbo teeth , Vcs , much moro eiuefnlly looked to , la tro iblosof the thioiit nro moio numoroua thnn dental troubles ; und\\lillo tbo latter cause only annorance and pain , lung disease , usunlly the result of catarrh , kill ono out of every seven human beings born on tbe ontlro globo. DOCTOR J , Cresap M'Coy Late of BellovuG Hospital , N.Y AM > BH > CaOK Have Offlcos 310-311 RAMGE BUILDING Cor. 15th and JIarnoy Streets , Omalia , Neb. Where all curable cases uro'troHtcd with sue- ae i Medical dlseat-es treated skilfully. Con sumption , Ilrlght'rt Disease , Dyspepsia , Itlioii- matisui.undttllNIIKVOUS DIUKASIH. All ill- BORses ncunilarto the 6eie9 u specialty. CA < TAUHIl CUHKD. CONblJLTATKlN at olBco or by mall M. Olllco hours : 0 to 11 a.m. ; Ute 1p.m. ; 7to 0 p. m. Sundays Included. Correspondence receives prompt attention. Many diseases nrs treated successfully bv Ur McCoy through the nialU , and H Is thus po l. bio for those uiiublo to make a lournov to ob- tuln suocomtul hosplUil troutmeilt t tuolr bomcs. No letioM answered unltss flcoompu- njed by 4a In etuuips. Address Hllletturj to Dr , J. C. McCoy , room * 310und 311 JUjiib'O JJuiHluir , OuuiUu , Nub. HACAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM , For thn VIICP. NcrU , Arm * mid Hnnil * . U H inatclilFM lilqiilil. lluanmtccil 1'uro ntui Ktrlcllv llnrniloii. ln > lanllu Applltil nml KeV r IMivteJ. ulusnMimlcrfulh Hinuolb , Boll , I'lliilili. nml llHIrntrMilii. . A 1'cnrl llko Complexion tlnnul \ > lth the blush ot tlio Koiu. Alnbnitcr Necli , Arm * nnd Unmix. llj-IU use Pimpled. Hlotchm. Sunburn , JVuterlHiinlitibrnnb , Uuuuliiit'NN , ilnrno , SnllontirKo , and till HK.1N K.lIlMlIKS nnd aflllctlona nrn rcmmul , titurnliiR ( rum n hot wnlk nr drlvo , nno U mimdlnUlr ruled and nfiouhect nftortulug t. LaillisMiouM lu.vi r lie without It , filvo Iho 1IAI-.1I n Trl.il I I Witt Nor UNHOOK WHILE.BEINQ WORN. Krcry ladywlm ilisiios perfection In st vie and form should wear them. Minufacturca only by the , WORCESTER CORSET COMPANY , Worcester , Muss. , nj iib Market strict , Chicago ALfAYS TELL Mil About whoio to buy BOOTS and SHOES For Ladles , Men and Children. riTT this nsido for future roloienco when In dies' , giMita' nnd chlldroua' shoes you wont lo buy HAVK thu Kindness to call nnd Inspect my selected stocK , jou'll llnd my pilous .110 not hlRh. IN Indies' nnd chlldioni' flnn shoe * I curry Sbnw & AlbrlKbt nnd Tims. Kirk goods and u\ery Icudlnir mnko ns ucll. T AIM US. voti cun send mo. or loiuc jour or- J-J dors whether they nrosninllorlnigo. T GUAltANTCC you courteous nttondnnoo and J. delivery , It needs be , fieo of ohniKO. PAYINd sti Icily eitslt to the manufacturers when I buy , Getting large discounts , 1 biivu by dobiif LEby to ray cuMomois Uioso discounts , Is I my means of makliujr busriicws grow. A LLI solicit li a Rhino of vour patronage , us XV In line boots \ shoos , I have noon huud N OT only ull the loading tirades , but the finest styles Iu summer and lull goods that easii NG ouu command. IVK that oxcolont hand nnd innchlne inulta NS gent's shoo ol li. C. VOUIIK X Oo.ot lloston , atiial. S UPKUIDH North Star Hoot and Shoo Co , Minneapolis , Minn. , t hiuo every Kiudooti ilnpluy. HAVING but stuctly ono prlco , and that the lowest , the bootH and shoes you buy ot meN / \N all oLciislous nro Just ns represented , por- \-S feet In lit , jruido and iiuallty. EVI'.IIV time you 1011,11 Ire Ladles' , dents' Misses' und Chllds' Shoesor lepairlnir dona both well and nont , . ) or call at Philip Land's Old llollsble Shoe Stoio , No. 1320 1'ainam Htreot. Uvorypalrof boots or st.oo-j sold by Lanff Is warranted to lit and to bo as represented , or the money will bo refunded , .lust bear this In mind , and go to L.uiif , 13JO Furnam , for any thing needed In his lino. HLbT STOCK JN OMAHA TO SKIKCX FKOM. Men's Hoots Si & 0 Moil's WorUlntf Shoos 1 ( XJ Men's rinot"oiiKr' " < ser Iiato bhoos " 00 Men's l-'mi ) Conxieis or I.ULU Trench Calf , .Machine Mttkn 450 Men's Tine UoiiKiehS or lace I'renoh Gulf , Hand Make G CO IiudloV 1'itll Clout Itutton Shoes , C , I ) , E widths 200 Ladies'Kid Huttou Shoos , 0,1) , K wldtlifl , woith elaowliuio , ? _ ' , nt 150 Liidles1 I'lench Kid Ilutton Shoes , U , I' widths , woith claonhero , f5 , ut 4 00 Mliso.V und ( "lilldion's School Plioes , worth from $ I to f. 1 ( X ) Ladles' Openi Slippers ? 5o Chllds'Shoes In Kid ( ir Uout GSo Tor low prices como lo the Old Ilollable , Philip Lang , 1320 Farnam Sf. OMAHA DEPOT BALDING BASE-SALLSUPPLIES , LAWN TENNIS AND ATHIjTlC OOODS. PUHTINCCGODIG COLLINS GUN COMPANY , Agents 1312 Doticrlas Street. -Y ? HEALTH PRESERVING CORSET. CAUTION-DO not let othrrs lead jou Into burlntr worthlett Imlta * tloni atthitltiheORini MALCOIIEIJ \VR ( SPRING 1 LAST1C bbC * THIN cOKSKTami money will \te \ refun lf l to wrarer tft/J four weeks wcar.lt not perfectly taiUf.clory. For sale by DRY Coons DBALitP * or If not ol ta will mall , twitftrr imid IIUALIM PicasBiiviNn. $ M $ , ( iillllrif rorrel Compnny , PotroU , 2IIrlu M-ni - tuT rlnc fron r. * i Victor. iT f > rott > h ItrltJlllfM It ut II < f > rlujiIUe > it * I'miiMtufi rcMnrei > , niultntfrora | Iu * ruml > vht "M | f.lotnooti 3 > rwi'1'l"ifi hjr th" BfAT HARSTCH tjljatMTi . If F lhcr it plncM In Iho hwll liifllitlrhraK try ItflMiwIlli _ _ | lirnroitlonr Trillin II nil mm MAHSIDt t.lMlVI CO. ID Park I'lace New Yolk. JOHN NELSON , 415 liarncy Street. Telephone No , 59 Cesi Pools and Vaults thoroughly tlcnncd by the Odorless Process. Orders iirompth filled M. Jl. JiiSJWS INSURANCE x AGENT , Merchants' National llanU Hiilhllnif , Uootul Ui. St.ilrg. Telephone No JTi. tlmuhii , N Ptoenlx. London. Knuhiud , . t&,7AJlt ( U KIreinen'M. Newark , N. J . 1.M1.HM Jl Olea'B 1'ulU , ( iliMi'i ! 1'alU , N. V . ( ilrurd , I'hilailolptila , I'a . . , W dUlit > Bter .Norr VUIK N. V . . . .