Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1887, Page 9, Image 9

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In a Point of Eleganca and Value It is
Unrivaled ,
Grandmothers ShoppInK A Rellgloua
Illumination lianqtry' * Shrewd
ness Clara flclle'i
lie tier.
NEW YOUK , August 25. [ Correspond
ence ot the JlKK. ] Edith Gould has a
boy baby. The telegraph told you so
more than a week ago , As the oldest son
of Jay Gould's oldest son , ho Is an inter
esting little fellow. Jay Gould oxpcets
to die leaving n hundred millions.
George Gould might easily leave five
hundred millions. Therefore the grand
son of the great accumulator might figure
his portion up to a thousand millions
when ho comes to make his will. Where
Is the baby girl who is destined to catch
htm ? Away with surmises. Let us deal
with thu plain , present facts of thu in
fant's wardrobe. All the information I
can giv o on that subject relates to the
laeo profusely used to embellish thu
wurdrobo. About six months ago , Mrs.
George Gould was talking in her father-
in-law's presence of a wonderfully
beautiful specimen of lace that she
had scon iu London , while she was
playing there with an American theat
rical company , just before bur retire
ment from the stage and marrlago. This
lace was , she said , a perfect oxumplo of
the most exquisite point d'AlOncon. It
had been the property of the Empress
Eugenie. It was unique on account not
only of the beauty of its floral design , but
also the perfection of its color. Tin ; tone
of tlin lace throughout was a delicate
creamy white , while the slight difference
in color between the flowers nnd the
foundation on which they wore worked
could bo apurcciiited by the connoiseur
In these matters. It had not been ob
tained by tinting , as iu the case of infer
ior laces , but it was simply the natural
result of the patient band labor ex
pended on its manufacture. This ex
quisite piece of point d'Aloncon con
sisted of ten yards of wide flouncing , be
sides a handsome garniture in two
widths to correspond.
YOUNH MHS. ( iouin
expatiated on the beauties of this lace
"Do you want it ? " Jay Gould asked.
"It would delight me , " was Edith's
' 'What would you do with it ? "
She gave an evasive answer. Hut her
desire to possess that particular piece of
lace was unequivocal , Mr. Gould said
that she should have it. Within two
weeks it was in thu house , for the order
to buy it was sent over the cable. The
price was 2,000 , or $10,000 , and the duty
nnd other expenses raised the cost to
about > ? 15,000. The bride know what she
meant to do with that laco. It was cut
up ruthlessly , and variously utilized in
cmbelishing the clothes for the baby who
has now come into the Gould family.
The youngster doesn't know it , but his
elegance of wardrobe is extreme. Ex
perts arc frequently deceived by clever
imitations of china ; and oven of the
paintings of the old masters , but it has
been proved over and over again that it
is Impossible to reproduce
Good antique lace is inevitably full of
intricate details , which were lavished on
thu work regardless of the labor and the
time expended Those laro-makors
thought nothing of their own trouble , so
long as thu result came as near to perfec
tion as possible. Perfect examples of
noodle-point lace , such as Point d' Alcn-
con , Venetian Rose Point , or Point d
Argontnn , will certainly last long and
look beautiful long after modern Brussels -
sols lace has worn itself out. The ma-
tcrails employed for antique Point
D'AJencon were the finest possible hand-
spun flax , together with the horse-hair
or silver wire over which the pattern was
worked. These materials render the lace
cxcpedingly strong and durable , although
the ruscau is quite ns light andgraceful
as that of the more showy proituction of
Jay Gould takes a peculiar interest in
unique workmanship of every kind.
This piece of lace has been studied by
him. He assured a friend of mine , iu
showing and explaining thu treasure ,
that such magnificent specimens as
these wcro rare even in those days when
point d'Alencon was a lace produced in
considerable quantities , ami Important
examples can iiever bo produced again.
There are but a few workers left who
can produce these extraordinary qualities
of needle-point lace , and it seems a
giiovous pity that the taste of modern
times should be in favor of effect and
quantity rather than quality and per
fection in design and execution. As the
lace-makers must of necessity work only
to suit the public tastethe art of making
this exquisite needle-point lace is no
longer learnt by the work girls. It does
not pay , in fact , to teach thorn , as they
would probably not be able to earn a
living , even when arrived at proficiency
In this most beautiful and interesting art.
Hurrah for the Gould baby.
A year or so ago every lady carried to
the theater a cut glass scout bottle as big
as a policeman's club. Hut pretty soon
it was discovered that n few lumps of
sugar usually accompanied the bottle ,
and that women dropped enough liquor
on the sugar to got up a comforting state
of booze during a live act play. There
occasionally an accident happened. At Ir-
vln's first presentation of "Hamlet"a lady
well down in front dropped her huge cut
glass truncheon. It broke squarolyiu the
middle and the place smelled like a bar
room away to thu last rows , for her scent
bottle was filled with choice old rye.
"Get thee to a nunnery , " advised Irving ,
uid the poor girl who owned the gaudy
jomfortor , departed smelling as if ho had
bidden her to gut to a distillery.
Now the latest fad is the lorgnette.
Ladies sit with the huge tortoise shell
thing * hold to their faces.
"What bo they ? " said a real old Joshua
Whltcomb , who was taken by a city
friend to the theatre ; "they look like
razors for nil the world. "
The long handled shell lorgnette is
fitted with perfectly plain glass , nine
times out of tenthe occulists will tell you ,
but it is trying to the eyes to sit a whole
evening as many women do , and loot
through two shell hoops , though tlu
glass maybe plain and clean. However
it is the fashionand wilt encourage weal
eyes , to the benefit of that class of hu
manity who deal in ipectaclcs as well as
lorgnettes. N
Our mothers and grandmothers made
of shopping. The quantity of informa
tion they demanded about the birth and
education of a piece of black silk , before
they bought it , is not looked for now ,
The taking home of a sample to see l\ov \
a calico was going to wash is ai
obsolete custom. I remember m :
dear old grandma Hitting on i
chair iu a Washington street store , it
Ikuton , chewing vigorously with thu feu
teeth Unit ! had left her nn A little rag t <
see if the colors were "going to run , " be
fore she bought mo a dress off u puttcri
ill French cHlco. The other day sonii
lady said in nvy hearing : "Oh , neve' '
ouy corduroy. It is something dreadful
It never wears out. "
There is going to be a curiously ro.
igious illumination of fashionable tinory
. In vour visit to New Yorl \ Hroadway ha
if "cour&o bccu your chief
Lw ,
ground. That being so , yon hrvvo soon
irnuu church standing tit the head of the
lower section ot Broadway * right where
a bund In the famous thoroughfare lots
its site seem to block the way as approached
preached from the south. Adjoining the
church enclosure on the north has stood
a business building with its side faced
with masonry corresponding to that of
the sacred edillco. Tlio view or sordid
trade was therefore chut off from the
cccluslastllalplcturcsquoness. This sum
mer thn old house hns been demolishedto
clear a site for n liner structure. The
question was what to do about the wall
exposed to the church. At ono tlmo n
controversy seemed sure. The ware
house needed light , and the owner asked
leave to put in windows overlooking the
churchyard. The churchmen wished n
chiirchly wall , ns before , with no windows
dews or slgn-bords to mar the admirable
scone. Of course , they might erect nn
independent wall on the edge of their
own ground , thus shutting UD the mer
cantile windows ; but the builder might
retaliate by running his structure higher
still , and defacing It with huge inscrip
was reached. The church agreed to the
wlndows.provulcd that they bo of stained
gfass . ut in walls of churchlike architec
ture ; and thu man bound himself to for
ever keep that side of his property clenr
of any indication of trade. The result is
now iu place. Gazing at Grace church ,
one sees just beyond the seeming side ot
a cathedral , or something of that kind ,
with windows through which the light
stream , in vari-colored rays , not on the
worship of God , but on dry goods , which
women may bn worshiping. Thus does
religion got crowded when it insists on a
place in Hroadway.
Uneu moru must n little space be given
to the self-advertising
She is a shrewd business wonan. When
rilio hired almost the most magmllccnt
villa at Long Uranch tor Auirust and the averted price of $1.000 ,
she had made her calculations , and know
precisely what she was doing. The
Brunch was without nn object of sensa
tional interest. Since the splurging days
of Jim l-'isk and Dr. Ilclnibolil , the
character of the resort had steadily
changed from riot to quiet , until this
year the proprieties were unbroken.
Wull-bred elegance is general there , and
It is rarely that anything socially startling
arises to break the monotony of pro
priety. So Lnngtry could count surely
on gcittinc into notice , if she put herself
on exhibition. She showed her beauty
illustriously , but always with a cool ,
ladylike manner that betrayed no con-
Hciotisncss of publicga/.o. faho went surf-
bathing in so many different costumes
that It was no wonder the reporters' de
scriptions coullicted ; she sat in lliu grand
stand every race day at Monmouth park ,
wearing stunning colors , betting on the
events , and focussing all eyes : she went
to the noon concerts at the West End ,
to tlio Klboron Casino to dance ,
and to all the big hotels during
the evening dance hours ; and
Ocean avenue saw no glossier carriage ,
drawn by prancing horses , than the one
which Freddy Gobhard put at her ser
vice. Hy thu wav , Gcbhard will bo more
alllticnt next summer than ho is now. Ho
cannot touch his fortune , the income
only being dealt out to him by trustees.
The legacy is invested in I y York city
real estate , and at present it viclds to him
only about $23.000 a year. That is not
itiough to buy all he desires. He is often
n debt.and his quarterly duos arc nearly
ilways anticipated. The leases from
vhieli Ills income is derived have been
mining nearly twenty years. Most of
hem will expire next May , and their re-
luwals will be made at doubled figures ,
so Freddy will have $50,000 to spend per
fear , and he'll dp it.
Langtry is ricii , too , nnd
That brings uio back to the topic of her
iirit't. As soon as all Long Hniuch eyes
lad been fixed on her , und crowds wcro
ollowing her wherever she appeared , it
vas announced that she had reluctantly
consented to appear m Amusement hall
it the west end. For a fact she had en
gaged her company to begin rehearsals
it the branch , anil give performances
here if desired ; and the extra scenery
mil costumes were sent there before her
own arrival. Thus she got the actors for
the cost of their board and fares ; thu hal *
kvas given to her free ; there was no bil
jesting or newspaper advertising to pay
'or ; and n few lithographs , placards ant'
circulars sulliccd to till the house at $
to $2 per ticket. She cleared the rentti
of the villa nnd its maintainanco by this
ono performance. Thus she gets a sump
; uous slay at the seashore free of charge
Besides considerable of such new pub
lieity as this letter is giving to linr.
The silliest looking thing at the water-
ng places this summer is
around his waist. Ilu has become n fre
quunt sight. At the beginning of July h
discarded suspenders , along with his vest
and put on a narrow leather belt to lioli
his trousers up. The device was nca
and decorous , liufore the end of the
month the belt had turned to
silk and become bright m color. Early
in August it grow wider , and assortci'
hues were seen iu the same scarf. No\i
the poor , decorative idiot wraps n silken
rainbow around the junction of his bril
liant shirt front and white flannel
trousers , nnd looks like nn imitation
man made of Noopolitan cream , lie is
numerous at Long Branch , Newport and
Saratoga. It is hopefully recorded here
that he will die with thu end of the sea
son nnd never bo resurrected.
A fashionable kink ready for next win
ter is to bo a smoking room , provided , by
the ladies of the household for their male
callers. Thu example has already been
s-et in several swell Newport nouses.
Thu smoking is done on the Persian plan.
\n ornate pipe < bowl of rare china is set
on n table. Thu very strongest tobacco
is used , but the smoke passes through
perfumed water before reaching thu lips.
Thu single bowl holds four ounces of to
bacco , and half n do/.en long , flexible
stems radiate from it. Hostesses who
have big houses appropriate a small
room to tins use , and I know of nt least
four residences in or near Fifth avenue
with apartments now being furnished
with divans and fitting decorations. The
ladies go to the smokery , as the room .is
called , light the big pipu , pass u stem to
each smoker , and sit to chat while the
air becomes thick with smoke. Their
dresses get thoroughly impregnated with
the odor of tobacco , nnd oven their hair ,
when let down and brushed out for the
night , gives otV the smell of the smoke.
It is not in thu least nice , and
but , in the gamn of rapid society , what
ever is stylish goes.
Wo get the news that Mrs. Whitney.
wife of the secrotnry of the navy , will
next winter attempt to amalgamate New
York and Washington society to some
extent. Mrjs. Whitney's position in this
city is right up at the top. The Astor-
Vanderbilt sot is the ono she figures in.
Her house is exceeded in sb.o and beauty
by only throe in Fifth avenue. Her
money is abundant , her skill as nn en
tertainer is famous , and her husband is
willing. Although her receptions in
Washington hnvo boon brilliant.they have
by no means equalled those in the Now
York mansion. It was presumed that the
Noiv Yorkers of diz/.y exaltation who
throng her parlors hero would make
visits to the capital , but they have not
done so. During this fummnr the sub
ject hai boon liscussod heavily and
thoughtfully by the persons concerned ,
nnd the decision is that .Now York
"society" may mix with Washington
"society" without contamination.
Uev. K , G. Chntterjt'e , of Indin.'w'now
atSarntogu. JIu stiyjftlrat he .has'suf
fered rnora from the , heat in America
m hit native country , , . V
His Folks Dealt With the Doctor-"With
Verdure Glad- "
An Awful Situation llbode Island
Prohibition MlnMrels of tbo
Night Ilullng Passion
The Minstrel * of the Night.
When thn flowers are calmly sleeping
And sweet silence reigns o'er all ,
When the first torn cat ot evening
Climbs upon niy tardcn wall.
There ho meditates on Nature
On her quiet beauties round-
lint his reverie Is broken
By a form upon the ground.
Then he sings In notes op'ratlc ;
Sweet Maria hasten here ;
Nature waits her queen to welcome
And the stars are shining clear.
Then Maria's sweet soprana
" Greets dear Thomas on the wall ,
And the sisters , aunts nnd cousins
Come together one and all.
Now the concert strains delightful
All tlio echoes round prolong ;
Mortal bolit3 Inck the power
Yet to value feellno song.
Every solo Is repeated
Clearer , louder than before ,
And the curses , shoes , nnd so forth
From near windows glvo encore.
When the morning light's anpearlnsr ,
Creamy visions conio and go ,
Kitchen maids preparing breakfast ,
And the cook stove's ruddy glow.
Then the son esters all arc silent ;
Sober thoughts in each arise ,
And they make a hasty parting
Each ono to n back door hies.
Into breakfast now thny scamper.
Mnitest ) , tortoise Nhull. and whlto :
Hushed until another Rlorunine
Are tlio minstrels of the night.
How. the Hoodlrt-H Cnmn Down.
Brooklyn Eagle : The "boodlers" came
own like the wolf on the fold. Ami
hey scooped in the silver and greenbacks
xna gold ; From the town on the lake to
ho town on the sea , They raked m the
'boodle" from A nnto Z.
The people wcro stupid and silly and
crccn , And the "boodlers" the cheekiest
hiuves over seen ; In the street , iu the
ollico , by night , and by day , They grab
bed what they wanted and took it away.
They lautrlicd when the newspapers
; ave them : i blast , And they winked in
ho face of the judge ns ho passed ; For
'hey knew , while this land should bo poo-
iled with niuti , That "boodlers" who'd
'boodlcd" would " "
"boodle" again.
People put them in prison , but then ,
ill the same , Elected now "boodles" to
ceep up the game ; From Tweed to
dcGariglc who but believes , It's the I'ato
of the land to be governed by thieves.
Pickpockets and gamblers , thieves ,
Irunknrds , and toughs. Ex-convicts and
iluggcrs.bartenders und roughs , Forgers ,
ences , and liars , and cqnlidcnco men
iVc'vc elected to ollico again and again.
And we'll do it again ; we'll let people
MOO There's n chaiico lor the thief in the
and of the fr o , Long lifo to St. Barab-
> as ! A pledge let us borrow To thu
icalth of good Sodom and righteous
Must llnvo Been Awful.
Now Orleans Picuyunc : It was mid-
light , nnd an impassioned lover in an
up-towu drawing-room kneeled at the
loot of his heart's choice and exclaimed :
'Gerty , 1 will do anything in the world
o iiiaKn you happy. " "Do you mean
t. George ? " "I do , I do , darling. "
'Then for heaven's sake go home and let
me go to bed. "
Prohibition in Hliorlo Island.
Pittsburg Chronicle : New York man
to Rhode Island man ) What is the ef-
"cot of prohibitory law in your state ?
Hhodo Island Man It promotes pedes
New York Man How Is that ?
lllipdc Island Alan Everybody walks
mile or two into Connecticut foi
A Parting
M. P > Units ill tlie Century.
We badn each other a long adieu ,
With looks and tones regretful ,
"Whatever happens , " 1 sadly said
"Wo never shall bo forgottul. "
"Ah , never ! " replied my laitliful friend
"Our past Is a pleasant story.
And , oh , 1 hope we shall meet again
This side of crematory. "
The Killing Passion.
"My dear , " said a husband , gently
rousing his wife the lady was danger
ously ill "Mrs. Dollobson called a little
while ago and loft her love and sympathy
for you. She seemed deeply afTecte'd. "
" .John , " said the sick lady in a very
weak tone of voice as she slowly un
closed her eyes , "what did she have on ? "
"With Verdure Clad. "
Little Hey Please , 1 want the doctor
to come and see mother.
Servant Doctor's out. Where do you
come from ?
Little Hey What ! Don't you know
me ? Why , wo deal with you. We had a
baby from hero last week.
Papa's Tec Hi are Doing Fixed.
Put away the beefsteak. Mollle ,
Chop the cutlets Into hash ;
Turn the solids Into salads ;
Crush uotatoef Into mash ;
Bake the rice In llttlo patties ;
Have the mush with dressing mixed ,
For the hour Is fraught with danger
I'apa's tooth are being fixed.
Mix the festive pancake batter ;
Chop the lobster Into bits :
Fry the soft and plastic doughnut
That the grinder never grits ;
Cut the bread In yielding slices ,
Lay an oyster In betwixt ;
Banish all the pleasant solids
Pupa's teeth are being fixed.
Homo Mttlo Bits of Fun.
A poet writes : "I am saddest when I
sing. " So is a cat.
The days of thn book agent are num
bered. A German firm has invented a
steel-clad bullet that will penetrate four
inches of brass.
lieforo marriage the question a girl
nsks her lover most often is : ' 'Do you
really love mo ? " After marriage the
query becomes : "Is my hut on
straight ? "
Captain Norris was telling Colonel
Mooney about a friend who had been
injured in a railway accident. "Ho
ought to got heavy damages said the
practical colonel. "Ho did , " said the
captain ; "ho got both legs and an arm
broken. "
"My father is A splendid arthmctician , "
remarked the banker's daughter to her
swain , Alonzo Cako. "You should see
him foot column. " "If
up a you mean a
spinal column , " replied Alonzo , tbo sa
gacious , "I am willing to forego Iho
pleasure at whatever cost to my future
pcaco of mind. "
Mexico arrests women for wearintr
mother hubbard dresses , and has passed
a ukase , which wo believn is Mexican
law , that no citizens must walk the
streets without trousers on. Wo don't
want to get into any international
trouble , but we must nay that Mexico is
getting a trillo "linnicky , "
The bull-dog In the play , whoso part
was to seize the villain by the throat and
hold on for dear lifo , succeeded the other
night in Buffalo in drugging from under
the plnvcr's1 collar the piece of liver which
coaxed him on , nnd , taking It before the
footlights'ho sat down and quietly ate it ,
while the villain escaped. ' . ' . '
Throb Frenchmen \yho \ we're stud/lug a
volume of Shako poaro in their native
language endeavored to translate into
English the well known opening to Ham-
lot's ' soliloquy "To bo or not to bo. "
The following was the result : First
Frenchman * To was or not to am. "
Second ditto "J'o where or is to not. "
Third ditto "To eh6uld or not to will. "
There was a young belle of Ky ,
Who said to her lover , "Yes , dy ,
Too long we hkvo tarried ,
We'll shortly bo married. "
So the youth was uncommonly ly.
"Sir , " said the aniry citizen to Mayor
Hewitt , "I havd fallen on a coal hole on
Hroadway and'injurbd ' my back. " "All
right , " said the mayor , "I will send a let
ter to the board of aldermen at once. If
that docs not remedy the evil , you had
better apply a porous plaster. "
"Carpet" rhymes with no single word ,
but some bold poet dared to evade the
dillicultv thus : ' 'Sweet maid of the inn ,
'Tis surety no sin , To toast such a beau
tiful bar pot ; Heliovo mo , my dear , Your
feet would appear , At homo on a noble-
- man's carpet. "
"Did you tell your daughter that I
would give her one-half of all mv prop
erty if she would .marry mo ? " said a rich
old widower to the father of a sweet six
teen. "Yes , I told her. " "What did she
say ? " "Said she.would have the whole
hogornono. "
Mr. H "Can you nlay any tunes yet
on your now piano , Bcssio ? " Hcssio
"Oh , yes ; I have Just learned 'Gayly the
'Juspador. ' "
In a Hebrew school : "What crime did
' brothers in him ' '
osoph's commit selling ?
All the miplls in chorus : "They sold him
.00 cheap. "
A young correspondent wants to
\now : "What is the critical period in
man's life ? " * Well , my usually
icgins about six weeks after ho is rnar-
iod , and lasts some time.
I began with nothing , " boasted a
millionaire who had made his money in
srooked ways. "And that is the condi-
.ion you have left those who have dealt
.vithyou . , " was the blunt response of a
Wo see that Hob Hurdetto , the humor-
st , has "become a deacon in a Haptist
ihurch in Lower Merlon , Pa. " Hob.says
ho Kentucky State Journalmay bo saved
by water out there , but ho coul du't do it
' 11 Kentucky.
CALAMITY JANI : is an interesting tale
f lifo in the Black Hills woven by Mrs.
.ioorgo E. Spencer , nud published by
Jassoll & Co. , Now York. The story ,
vhilu somewhat on the order of the lurid
uulodrama , is mute an interesting one
o those who follow it closely. Meg , a
oung New York ollico girl , marries the
lophew of nn old lawyer , who thereupon
libiuherits him. The young couple , Mr.
uid Mrs. Do 1'ow , determine- sock
heir fortunes in the Black Hills region.
Ju the journey they have a very excit-
ng time with road agents , nnd when
hey linnlly settle down and Iho young
uisbaml begins the practice of the law
hey meet with many disappointments.
De I'ow engages to light a claim for an
old miner , nud has opposed to him a
rich nnd unscrupulous company , which
stops at nothing short of murder to suc
ceed in its plans , lie would havn failed
mil it not been for Calamity Jane , who
iclps him because the has taken a liking
'or hi. ? wife. Calamity Jane is a sort of
Dick Tiirpiu and Cfaudo Duval coin-
.lined. At ono time site appears as Char-
"ey , n famous road agent , and at another
n' her own proper person , joining un-
iskcd a picnic of the society ladies of
Deadwood and compelling each of them
to give her a lock of hair , or playing faro
in one of the gambling saloons with
which the filled. She dies , of
course , to slow1 music , the old minor
secures his claim and , Meg and Do Pew
become millionaires. * '
A HOOK which promises to bo of valu
able aid to men in all branches of busi
ness has just been isfticd by H. V. & H.
W. Poor , of New York , under the title of
"Poor's Directory of Railway Olllcials and
Directors. " This work
Railway is ro-
plcto with interesting and useful information
mation upon thu railroads of the world ,
und will be found nn almost indispensa
ble companion to the business man.
THE PANSY for August , by D. Lothrop
& Co. , contains forty pages of stories
und pictures for boys and girls.
WIDE AWAKE , that popular periodical
published by D. Lothrop & Co. , Boston ,
proves itself worthy its name in the. Au
gust issue. Charles Egbert Craddock ,
Elbridgo S. BrooksMargaret Sidney and
other wull known writers contribute to
make this issue an unusually interesting
* *
THE LKADIXH place in the September
number of the Popular Science Review is
given the third article on "Tho Economic
Disturbances since 1873 , " by David A.
Wells. Under the bonding , "Sleep and its
Counterfeits , " Dr. A. do Wattovillo de
scribes lethargy , catalepsy , somnambul
ism , nnd various phenomena of hystero-
cmileusy and hypnotism. Mr. George P.
Morris gives n description of nn attempt
made by the Rev. Thomas Build to found
an industrial school iu West Jersey two
hundred years ago. On "Social Susten
ance , " Air. Henry J. PhiUpot discusses
the centralization of energies. A series
of lively ethnological sketches in Annam
and Toiimun is given from inf9rmation
furnished by French olliccrs in those
regions. The nature , manufacture , and
uses of cork are described by Arthur
Good and William Anderson. "A Botan
ical Bonanza" is described by F. E.
Boynton. The speeches of Professors
Stokes and Tyndall , Sir Lyon Playfair ,
Lord Lytton , and the Earl of Derby , nt
the banquet recently given to Professor
Tyndall in London , are published in full.
"Some Human Instincts , " Professor
William James considers the instincts of
acquisitiveness , coustructiveness , play ,
curiosity , sociability and shyness , score-
tivcness , cleanlinessmodesty and shamo.
lovo. jealousy , and parental love. Dr.
von Nussbaum gives i\ paper bearing on
"Tho Physiology of Freezing. " "Culture
and Character , " and .other topics of the
time , are discussed in the "Editor's
Table. "
THE AMKUICAN Alaga/ine will here
after be published u lid or the manage
ment of the American Magazine com
pany : a corporation abundantly equipped
m finances and business exporionco.
Readers are proraUed a continous im
provement of the magazine in nil its de
partments , including several now and at
tractive features. The September num
ber of this magazine ; promises to be a
decidedly attractive ono.
THE FOUUM for September will bo one
of the most attractive- , numbers yet pub
lished. In nn article un "Tho Sixteenth
Amendment , " Senator Ingalls will sot
forth the arguments derivable from his
tory nnd from political science which go
to show the impolicy of extending the
right of suffrage to women. Other con
tributors to the September number of
the Forum nro to bo : the Hon. Thomas
White , minister of the interior of Cana
da ; Mrs. Craik , author of "John Halifax.
Gentleman" : ' Dr. Jcssonp , iho well
known English essayist : President Bas-
com , of Williams College ; Professor
Young , the astronomer ; Andrew Lung ,
Professor Cope , Bishop Coxo , Nicholas
P. Gilnian , and Professor Wmchell.
A VEKY interesting porlodical is the
American edition of the Illustrated Lon
don News. The Illustrated News Co. ,
Potter Building , New York , is an Ameri
can corporation , and reproduce the News
under special contracts with Messrs. In
gram Bros' , , who protect tienin | > the ex
clusive right of toe reprint. ' '
News and Gossip of tha Various Secret Or-
dora of the State.
Institution of the Tr < xl ii The Harry
Gllmoro Division Vow Oflloora or
Success Iiodeo n. of 11. U.
The Orders Iu the State.
The BEE is desirous of making this col
umn one of interest to the members of
the secret orders of this state. To this
end it Is urged upon the oQlccrs and
members of the dlfleront organizations
to send in each week , items which maybe
bo pertinent and of interest to their re
spective orders.
TKOJAN DIVISION , U. U. K. of P. was
instituted Wednesday , August 21 , m the
afternoon at Castle hall of Nebraska
lodge No. 1 , K. of P. by Sir Knight Col.
Thomas Hurrill , assisted by Sir Knight
Lieutenant John W. Louusbury.
There were thirty-two uniformed
knights in line when presented to the
colonel' for institution , by the sir
knight captain elect , W. S. Spencer , who
has with untiring zeal recruited this the
Oth division in the Omaha regiment.
The officers of 'ho division as Installed
were :
Sir Knight Captain.-W. S. Sponcor.
Sir Knight First Lieutenant G. A. Kin-
kle ; Sir Knight Herald John A. John
son ; Sir Knight Recorder H. K. Galbraith -
braith ; Sir Knight Treasurer John P.
Edstrom ; Sir Knight Guard A. F. Han
cock ; Sir Knight Sentinel H. C. Hartry.
Trojan division will commence active
drill at once and endeavor to do credit
to themselves in the active display of thu
regiment at the meeting of the grand
lougo in October.
The timber with which Trojan divis
ion is constructed makes it reasonable to
expect a decidedly favorable showing on
the part of the ucw division.
THE srAi'K of General W. L.Dayton ,
brigadier-general of the Uniform Rank
K. of P. , in this state , has been completed
andA \ as follows : Adjutant-general ,
James Irvin , Lincoln ; inspector-general ,
John S. Gibson , Omaha : quartermaster-
general , Harry J. Wells , Omaha ; sur
geon-general , W. H. Hanchett , M. D. ,
Omaha ; aide do camps with the rank of
major , August Uhtolf and J. E. Smith ,
Omaha. General Dayton has shown ex
cellent judgment in thu selection of his
staff and has secured P.ythians who are
earnest and industrious in the cause and
will very materially aid him iu the dis
charge of the important duties of his
* *
WEDNESDAY MoitNiNO , August 31 , at 8
o'clock , the members of Harry Gilmoru
division , > io. 125 , Order of Railway Con
ductors , accompanied by live hundred in
vited guests , will leave the Union Pacific
depot for Fremont. The Musical Union
band and orchestra will accompany the
boys. The train will bo made up of first-
class coaches and a baggage car.and will
be placed in charge of two of the oldest
employes of the road as engineer and con
ductor. The affair promises to be a very
enjoyable one.
* *
PAKK LODGE has at present enrolled
on its roster uinety-live good solid mem
bers , including all the band boys , twenty-
one in number , of Fort Omaha , Ne
braska. Everything is in good running
order at present. Knights Charles L.
Connor and W. W. itinglmm were
elected to represent us at the grand lodge
to bo held in Omaha in October. Wo
trust that "Echoes from the ante-room"
will meet with the approval and hearty
support of all the Knights of Pythias
lodges. Wo will send you everything of
interest. 11. A. MACLEOD ,
K. of R. & S.
4 ft
SUCCESS LODOE No. 135 , Hrotherhood of
Railroad Hrakomcn , have elected the fol
lowing officers for the term beginning
September 1 : Harry Hopkins , master ;
Hen Miller , past master ; William McCauley -
ley , vice-master ; G. II. Benson , bocro-
tary ; W. H. Cahill , financier ; T. Me-
Tiguo , W. A. Smith and W. F. Ormsby ,
trustees , Harry Hopkins , delegate to
the Grand lodge at Hinghamton , 'N. Y. ;
Hen Miller , alternate.
THE GRAND lodge of Knights of
Pythias of Nebraska , which meets
in Omaha , October 11 , will havea
membership of 120. The programme for
the exorcises in connection with their
assembly is being carefully prepared and
the event will bo ouo of great attraction.
As in commercial matters Omaha is now
the centres of attraction in Pythian circles
and many members of the order from a
distance will bo present to participate iu
the festivities.
The executive and financial committee
for the grand lodge entertainment will
meat at the ollico of Grand Secretary E.
E. French this morning ut 10 o'clock.
AT IT.S meeting Friday night the
Omaha regiment of Knights of Pythias
decided to have two battallion drills each
month , the time and place to be hereafter
designated. It was further decided to
extend an invitation to Major General
Carnahan to be the guest of thu regiment
during his visit here in October at the
Nebraska grand lodge and the state en
campment of the uniform ranks.
THE SECKKTAUY of the Grand Lodge ,
I. O. O. F. , Ne\y York , reports for the
year 4.401 initiations , reinstatements ,
401 , amount paid for relief of brethren ,
1124,534.02 : paid to widows and orpans ,
$13.804.21) ) ; paid for burial of dead.
$02,741 25 ; making a total for the past
year of ? 201,4U1.D3.
# 4r
THE EXECUTIVE committee for the
grand lodge entertainment Knights of
Pythias , has its hands full just now mak
ing arrangements for the reception of that
body. The members of this committee
are as follows : E. E. French , chairman ;
Jno. T. McMannis , secretary ; 11. J.
Wells , assistant secretary ; Henry Horn-
berger , treasurer.
HAKKEK POST No 51 , Grand Army of
the Republic , gave a picnic Friday at
Wilbor. Adjutant Davis , Hon. J. H.
Prcsson and Dr. Duncan delivered ad
dresses during the day , and Department
Commander Russell spoke in the
A PUIILIC MEETING of tlio regimental
officers of thu Knights of Pythias will beheld
hold at the hall , corner Dodge and Four
teenth streets , September 'J ' , at which
some important business will be trans
acted , and to which all interested in the
order's prosperity are invited.
t *
men of North Platte are arranging for an
entertainment at Lloyd's about fair time.
Details are not yet decided upon , but a
good time is anticipated.
THE QUAHTEitMAbTEu's department of
the Omaha regiment K. of P. has suf
fered quite a loss in the death of several
Valuable steeds belonging to thu old vet
eran who presides over that department.
* *
SOUTH OMAHA I.ODUP. 148,1.0.0. F.hold
a meeting Monday night and put on for
the first time their new rcjrulia. and. initi
ated two new members. .This makes the
membership number twenty-nine. '
* 4r * . .
THE MASONS of Saline , enmity held a
picnic on'tlio assembly grounds at Crete ,
Wednesday , August 34. About thrco
hundred people wgro present.
Mn. M. L. YOUNG , a prominent mason
of Wisconsin and grand lecturer of the
order in tuatstatcs ! spending a few days
iu Omaha.
OMAHA LODGE No. 1 , I. 0. O. F , con
ducted the funeral services of Suuinor F.
Atkins iu this city Thursday-
OH YRsmnuY a foiigo of Hrothorhood
of Rallwav Porters was Instituted in this
city by James D. Miller , Grand Master
Porter. This order is a now one , having
its origin iu Chicago , and there are but
three lodges now in existence , the ouo in
Chicago , the second in St. Louis and.
this the third , iu Omaha. Thuro is of
course no reason why this order should
not prosper as It Is made up of Pullman
palace nnd other car porters , than whom
there are no bettor heeled monopolists in
the laud. The order will naturally bo n
select one , the qualifications for member
ship being a railway portcrship , nnd as a
consequence , the possession of those
qualities which carefully nurturcd'enablu
"kniehts of the berth" to roll in atlluouco
and luxury. The officers elected and in
stalled yesterday are as follows : tioorgo
Franklin , master porter : Win. Basy.
second master porter ; A. W illiams. third
master porter ; W. W. Drayton , fourth
master porter ; J. H. King , corresponding
) rnyton , Charles Watkins and Jordan
i ranger' .
The Itniitl
Mini Ktmlile.
Out on the silent plains ho stood ,
A Ion n with his jaded steed ,
ho ruffian's face beneath tlio hood
Concealed some daring deed I
S'ever a sign of lifo went forth
From a man or beast so worn ;
Us eyes were fixed upon the north-
Ills look was one ot moni.
lo'd rlddo.T hard nnd swift that day
borne forty miles or more ,
he old stage coach was ou Us way ,
But ho was on befoic.
Ocelli : his horse , ho tethered him ,
And then .stidtclit'd Idly by ,
Noting ertnvhllo. with visage grim ,
K.icii dark'nlng change ofsky.
. 'ho evening suroad its gathering
And all around \\as still-
Still as the dead In the silent tomb ,
S.ivo tin ) note of a whlppoorwlll.
Vhen up through the vatloy the stage coach
winging nnd blinking Its light ;
Yuil old Bob's voice could Do heard just the
s.nne ,
wearing with nil his might.
I'lio leaders snorted and plunged , In vain
( Tlio road was heavy hero )
Joti piled his lash with might nnd main
They btaggercd thro' very fear.
No use ; tliey'r stuck ! " nnd down they lay ;
A volcn rang out close by :
'Tluow ' up your hands I Don't move , 1 say 1
No tricks , Hob , or you dlo ! "
'How many have you there Inside' . '
Throw down that leather b.ig 1
toiiicmber , I can till your hide
So full you'll never brag I"
A. piercing sereatu was heard a cry :
'Oh ' , ( ! od , It Is rnvsoul"
The rulllan ( altered , dropped his eve
Bob reached back for his gun.
A. moment's pause a scared white face
Looked out tiuon the scout' .
V shot ! a Htauger to retrace
'You've done tor me. Bob Keene ! "
The ruffian sank brv/c as ho cried ,
And elutdied his wounded breast.
I'lio scared white taeo s-tood by his side ,
Confronting all the rest.
Frenzy was plctuied In the look
Shu turned upon her boy ,
And , stooping down , she gontlv took
Ills hand and sobbed out : "lloyl"
Speak to-uio-darllng ; say something !
bay what 1 taught you. lloyl
Say only , 'Mother ! ' ( ! od will tiring
Ills rest to my wayward boy I"
And thorn she knelt and kissed him there ,
To .staunch his lite blood tried.
He whispered soft : "Mother my prayer !
Our Father , who " and died I
Terrn-Cottn Tables Prom nahylon.
London Times : A collection of Baby
lonian antiquities of great interest is at
the present time iu the hands of a private
collector in this country. The collection
consists of a a scries of about three hun
dred inscribed torra-cptta tables relating
to the revenues and tithes of one of the
most ancient Babylonian temple. In
1880 Mr. Hormu/.d Rassam , when en
gaged on the work of exploration in
Babylon on behalf of the trustees of thu
British museum ; discovered about thirty
miles from Bagdad the site of the ancient
city of Sippara , one of the chief centers
of the religious life of Chaldea , in which
was a great temple dedicated to the sun
god. On the return of Mr. Rassam to
England , native overseers were retained
on the site for a short time , but were
last year removed. No sooner were these
men withdrawn than Arab antiquity
hunters from Bagdad commenced their
irregular digging on tlo site , and
the collection which has just
reached this country was thus obtained.
The majority of the tablets relate to thu
collection of the revenues of thu temple ,
which were derived from tithes and dues
impo.sed on corn and dates , as well at )
contributions from religious donors.
Thn now collection of tablets allords
very clear indications of the wealth of
the land of Chaldea iu the seventh and
sixth centuries before the christiau era.
Thus from one tablet wo learn that -l.iiOO
sheep were given to the temple as sheep
dues in one year , the owners being al
lowed to redeem them on payment of
certain sums. In the reign of Darius we
have the entry of fifty-four shekels of
gold a metal rarely mentioned in these
tablets. One of the mo.sst interesting
features of these tablets is the great cure
with which the accounts are kept. The
names of thu payers are entered in full ,
and sometimes thu nanio of the father
and the trade are given. The amount is
entered in ruled column , and .separate
payments in otncr columns , the total
being given at the foot , and the whole
sometimes countersigned by witnesses.
Independent of their value as indicating
the flourishing condition of the land of
Chaldciutnd the richness of thu temples ,
some ofthese tablets are cf great histor
ical value us connecting links in thu
chain of documents on which Babylonian
and Assyrian chronology. Every one of
them is dated in month , day , and regnal
year of the king's reign when thn trans
action took place , and are , therefore , a
most valuable aid to the construction of
the chronology of the period.
Southern Mocklnu lllrdn.
Mauncc Thompson in Scribncr for
September : All along thu charming
gulf coast from Mobile ) to Bay St. Louis ,
or , in the oilier direction , to St. Mark's
and Tallahassee , there is not a cot , no
matter how lonely or lowly , provided it
has a fig tren , that thuru is not a pair of
mocking-birds to do It honor. Thu bcrup-
iicrnong vineyards , too , aru the concert-
hulls ot this famous fc'nmor. Neur thn
homu of .Mr. Jutforsoii Davis , and , 1 bu
liovo , upon the estate of the ovconfodor
ate chicftlau , 1 sat in the shade of a
water-oak and heard a mocking bird
sing , over in a thrifty vineyard , the rare
dropping song of which naturalists ap
pear to have taken no notice. It was a
balmy day iu March ; the sky ,
thn gulf , the air all ha/y and
shimmering , thn wholu world
swimming in a purplish mist of
dreams , and I felt that the hong was the
expression of some .such sweetpisiomUo !
longing as exhales from "Kuat'ti "Odn to
u Nightingale. " Uiutor tie | low hanging
boughs and over thn level , daisy xprink-
led ground I ga/.cd upon the slicony
reach of water , half convinced that I was'
looking through
"Maelo casomentx , opening on the foam -
Of portions sea * , In f.ilry lands lorloru. "
. and the , very tones of thu bird's.voice'ac-
corded with the feeling in which the dtl
was stcopcd. ,
Genuine bird-song Is simplv the hlgN <
cst form of avlnn vocalization by whTol
Instinctively , if not promedilatcdly , tM
bird finds expression of pleasure. Thfl
absence of the true rythin probably U
significant of a want of power to appro *
ciato genuine music , the bird's compre
hension compassing no more that thi
value of sweet sounds merely ns such.
Go It Uull , Go It Stallion.
A fierce and novel battle was wllnescod
on the farm of a Mr. McGregor , in Ohio ,
between n valuable stallion aud n short *
horn bull The animals wcro grazing for
hours in adjoining fields , when some *
thing aroused the ire of the bull. He
jumped the fence and engaged the
stallion in a terrific combat. The
stallion , which was a Clydesdale and a
beautiful animal , displayed considerable
pluck , and fora few minutes the struggle
was simply terrible , the earth being torn
up for yards by the huge animals. All
efforts to separate the brutes were futile ,
and the battle continued unabated for
ton minutes , when the bull pored his ad
versary in a vital spot , killing htm in
stantly. The bull showed thu effects ol
the struggle in biles and bruises all over
his body received from the horse.
Unfurtunntely Hltunted.
Detroit Frco Press : A big newsboy
was insulting a small bootblack in the
alloy back of the postolllco yesterday ,
when a letter carrier said to the llttlo
cliaii :
"I wouldn't stand It if I were you. "
"I'm obliged to , " answered the boy ,
ho trotted along with Iho carrier.
'I'm out of condition this summer , my
rainer Is out west , and the police
wouldn't let us go beyond ten rounds.
unyhow. Wait till I catch him In Chi-
About where to buj-
For l.ucllo ? , Men nnd Children.
TDT tills nslito for fnturo reference wliou laX -
X dies' , scutb' nnd chtlilrcns' ehoi's you wuut
to liny ,
HAVK tlio kindness to ciillnnd ln poct injr
selected Mock , jou'll II ml my pilce * arc
not .
T N liulU'B' nitil chlldronV flue fhoci t cnrrT
JSliuw .V AHirlulit mill Time. 1C Irk goods and
every IcHillnir innko nscll. .
LADIES , von CUM Hfinl 1110 , or leave your or-
ilcia whether ttioy are small or Inrgo.
Idl'AltANTUi : you courteous nttomlance nud
delivery , 11 nceils bo , free of dim go.
PAV1NO strictly ranh to Iho timmifacturcrt
whuii 1 buy , getting larKo dmcouotn , 1 snvo
liy unliiK M > .
I'AVINU to my cuMoinris tlioso discounts ,
J la my niciins of making liuslni s grow.
I.I , 1 solicit Is n slmre of vour pntronniro , n *
L In fltio tumtH . .V shoos , 1 lutvo now on Imnd
"VTOT only till the Icndlnir Rrndes , liut the finest
-L > styles In summer nnd lull goods Unit custt
that uMi'lcmt hum ! nnd much IHO innko
GIVE ' shou oC U. C. YuunK iV-Co.or Itoaton ,
11 trlul.
SUl'KltUm North Stnr Hoot nnd Shoo Co. .
Minneapolis , Minn. , t hnvo o\ury Kfndoou
nAVINd but strictly ono prloo , nnd thiU-llio
lowest , tlio tinotb nnd stious you tiny of 11:0 :
ON nil occasions nro Just ns loproscntcd , pur-
Tool Iu lit , trnulu And qiinUty.
EVKIIY tlmo you inquire l.ndles' , Gouts' ,
.Misses' nnd ChlUK Shoe ? , or rcpalrluff done
both well nnd itont ,
) or cull nt Plillip Land's Old Itollablo
Shoo titoro. No l.'i"U 1m uaui street.
1'viiry pnlr of boots or hl.ou * t-uld by Lnng Is
ivnrrnntod to lit nnd to lie ns rnprct-oiiKd. 01 ?
ho money will bo lotundcd. .lust boar this In
mind. nd goto I..UIK , 1UO ! Kuriium , for any
thing nooiU-a hi his lino.
in bT siouic IN OMAHA TO HIIICT :
Men's Hooti . f J M )
MIMI'H Working ihoo9 . 1 (
.Moil's FiioCoiw ! < i > nor t.nco Shoos . - 00
.Mi'ii's Kmo Congri'-a or l.uuo French Calf ,
Machine' Make . 4 CO
rn'i ? rinoCoiiKtessor Inco Trench Cnlf ,
Hand Make . 0 (0 (
Lulled' Full Coat Ilntton Shoos , C , I ) , I'
widths . 200
I.ndloV Kid Iluttou Shoos C' , 1) , K wldlns ,
wotth els-owlioro. i , ut . . 160
I.iullcs' I'lunuh Kid itutton ShoeI ) , K
widths , worth elsewhere , { , nt 400
Ml 6c > ' und Children' ) ! School Shoos ,
wotth from $1 to JU . 100
I.ndk'h' Opoia Sllppors . " < io
Chillis' Shoos in Kid or Goat . r > 5u
For low prices como to the Old Hollnble ,
Phili ( i Lang , 1320 Farnam Sf.
/ : Will Open n IMNpcimiry at '
Is. E. Corner of 13th !
$ and Dodge Sis. -
u' \
Architects and
26 Iron Bank.
I Minneapolis
Branch Oflkes.
I Katuas City
Tin or Iron , Repaired.
And Pointed , and Kimnintcoil tlxlit tor number
oljcarp. I'litnts iiovvr liliMnr.
Maiuifucturcil anil repniiuil. Klre.Vioof I'l'ilnt
Uliplloa t0.tlillu lfii'l.1 } irr l Xipl | | Mro
. , ' . ' > VM. tl. Ol'UKAK A CON.
Sill B.l'it St. utt. Arlior anrt-v' ' " ' "