Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Plainly Visible on tbo Snrfaco of Society
Xlie Urldloy-Whltchorn Nuptials The
Shropshire Surprise Party Miss
Guiulc Korty'a Lawn Party-
Society In Ocnnral.
Hocletr In Omaha.
Tito past week , notwithstanding the
autumnal suggestiveness of the atmos
phere , was another dull and uninterest
ing ono in Omaha society circles , yet a
decided Improvement on the inert sum
mer season. In addition to the brilliant
recaption given by Dr. and Mrs. Brown ,
nt the Fort , thcro wcro several lessor
lovcos , a high tea or two , children's par
ties , picnics and so forth within metro
politan limits. Thcso are all undeniable
precursors of n very general and decided
Awakening in society afl'ulrs , nnd a month
hence the social world will bo all aglow.
The opening of the theatrical season gen
erally murks the inaugural of society
pleasure , and already the holies and the
beaux are bostirlng themselves In prepar
ation for the whirl of pleasures , the
party , the wedding and the hop , which
illuminate with dazzling refulgence tha
.pilgrimage of the drear fall and wintci
months. Fall dress goods ara arriving in
bewildering profusion , the dress-makers
and the milliners are fortifying
themselves for an unusually thrifty sea
son , and m fact everything indicates nn
early inaugural of the gay season. In
terpflichoro this winter there will be
many now innovations introduced , in
cluding a charming now waltz , a mixture
of the ripple and the two-stop , very pop
ular this summer at Capo May aud At
lantic City ; several now figures in the
lanclcrs and a number of unique changes
in the gorman , Another thing that will
be conspicuously observable in the ball
room this winter will bo its excruciating
oxclusivoncss , and ladies will indulge in
the round dunces with only the most inti-
tnato gentlemen friends. This has boon
another closely adhered to rule at the
watering places this season , and the decree
croo of those summer centers is alirayi
the mode during the succcoding fall run
winter mouths in the sacred precincts o :
the ton. Thcso are but shadows of thi
events to come , and in another week tin
BEK will more fully expatiate on matter :
but briolly hinted nt hero.
A Brilliant Affair.
Ono of the most pleasant society event !
of the season , occurred Friday oveninf
at Fort Omaha. The occasion being r
complimentary hop given to the mem
bers of the tnlVerent rlllo teams partici
pating in the late contest of the Bellevue
vuo range , by Dr. and Mrs. Brown
The company was comprised of the oil !
cers of the dllToront rifle teams , the elli
cors of the Fort and a sprinkling of thi
ell to of Omaha society people. The residents
dents of the Fort have an enviable repu
tation for happy social events. Friday
evening was ono of the best and wai
passed enjoyably with music , dancing
and social intercourse. Among thosi
present wcro noticed General and Mrs
Crook , General nnd Mrs. Kcnnon , General
oral Wheaton. Captain and Mrs. Hay
Major Earnest , LigtUefifint Gruon , Lion
tenant Jones , Lieutenant Garrard , Lieu
lonnnt Kcrr. Of those from the citi
were Hichnrd Berlin. Mr. Sanborn , Mr
Vellum , the Misses McClintock , Miss Bui
combo , Miss Morse and Miss Berlin.
A AVooUeu Wedding.
Perhaps the most complete , iu the wa ;
of surprises , was the gathering at tin
residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Shrop
shire , iu Windsor place last Wednesda ;
evening. It was the occasion ot the lift !
anniversary of their wedding. The recipients
cipionts ot tlio honor had been invited ti
a neighboring house for tea and to spent
the evening. This invitation had booi
prearranged in order that the surpris
might bo more complete when the plai
of the scheme was dually and fully do
It scorns that the idea was concoivcc
nnd first suggested by one of the mime
diato neighbors. Of course it bccam
necessary to impart the purpose to ih
younger members of the family , so as t
bo able to carry it out as devised. For ;
wcok or ton days the schemers had beoi
quietly working at the details of thi
affair , with not a hint to give rise to th
least suspicion in the minds of victims o
the foil design. Imagine the surprise o
Mr. and Mrs. Shropshire ou entering
thojr homo. Fully sovonty-livo happy
joyous , and altogether self-ooniplaceu
neighbors greeted them with most heart
congratulations , while trie largo dlninj
table in the cnnter of the room wa
loaded with oyory variety of woodou
willow , and Japanese ornaments , man ;
of them rare aud valuable.
It would bo impossible to attempt ai
enumeration of the very many useful an
beautiful articles , the moution of tw <
which scorn to call more loudly for recognition
ognition will sullico. One of tlieso wn
a stout , stool-tipped snow shovel. Th
person who submitted this practical oll'ei
ing is known to possess a truly practice
turn of mind , which , however , is nr
without its complement of humor , as I
fully evidenced by the token itself. Th
other was about live feet nit'of the bu <
, end of a huge but hollow log , which wa
taken into the parlor , where itwasapprx
priatoly labeled , extending the "Conipl
rneius of S. J. Megcath. "
Among the guests present were M
and Mrs. G. W. Holdrcgo , Mr. and Mr
Montmoroncy , Mr. ana Mrs. O. L' . Mi
Carty. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell , Mr. nn
Mrs. Motcalf Mr , and Mrs. Jell Mogeatl
Mr. and Mrs. Moll Hoornor , Mr. an
Mrs. Pierce1 , and a largo number <
others , including young ladies and got
tlemen whoso names were not procurci
Refreshments were served about 1
o'clock , after which came cigars for tt
gentlemen without , nnd dancing for tt
young folks within.
On the whole it was a most cnjoyab
altair and n complete and pleasant su
prise to the host and hostess.
A largo number of guests assembled
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Whltchor
2613 Douglas street , on Tuesday nig !
The occasion was the woddmg of W
James U. Grulloy , of Rapid City , Dal
and Miss Lillie Whitohorn , of Omah
The bride was attired iu a white surr :
silk , on train , aud trimmed with beau
ful point lace. Diamonds sparkled fro
her cars and throat , and in her haud w
n pretty bouquet of niph < utin rose * inti
mingled with maiden-hair fern.
The ceremony was performed by lie
J. L. Mailn , and after-trio ceremony n r
( option was hold at which were prcso
the following pcopla : Mayor ami Mi
liroatch , Mr. nnd Mrs. A. V'un luirc
. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hall , Mr. nnd Mi
O. 0. Campboll. Mr. mid Mra.V. .
UTslbbans. Mr. aud Mrs. N. J. Kdlioli
Dr. and Mrs. Hyde , Mr. ivml Mrs. 11.
Meisel , Mr. and Mrs. William Cunm
Mr. James Cournd , Mr. and MM , C.
. Hnrrla , Captain \NooJ aud wife , Mr. m
Mr * . K. Robertson , Mr. and Mrj. F.
FitehoH.-Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Ilayiu'i.A :
and Mra. Chss. 1'ocr , Mr. and. Mrs. A.
Rees , Misses Williamson , Cook , Emma
Savage. Georgia and Mnggio Boulter ,
Connoll. Fannie nnd ( Jarrio Herbert ,
Agnes McDonald , Nellie Hall , Kdlth
Pratt , Maggie Latoy , Bertha lUirkett ,
Kiltie Woouand Fannie Savngo , Messrs.
J. B. Martin , James Preston. Finloy Grid-
ley , Hurry L. MaoLorn , Will Goddnrd ,
Pnlno , Kasttnan. Foslcnncr. Sargent ,
tetzcr , Wilson. Wllklns and Williamson ,
Mrs. General Kstcrbrook , Mrs. Manches
ter , Mrs. Loo. Mrs.C. P. Burkott. Mrs. C.
Morrow and Mrs. Coo. Ttio bride Is a
popular member ot Omaha society and
the groom a prominent business man of
Rapid City. For both their many friends
will wish a lifo of peace , prosperity and
Mini Ou slc Korty'a liawn Party.
A very pleasant time was that thor
oughly enjoyed by the young folks who
assembled , in response to invitations is
sued by Miss Gusslo Korty , at tlio beauti
ful homo , 2503 Poppleton avenue. The
affair occurred Tuesday and was ono
which will bo long remembered by all
participating. The young pcoula
present were : Misses Marie Cofl'man ,
Tot Moorcs , Delia Jonas , May Lawrence ,
Gertie Cuswoll ; Mutllo Clayton , Lucy
iVorloy , Ella Ring , Gortlo Ring , Marion
Inllor , Lena Rehfehl , Hannn
lehfcld , Bessie Putnam ; Ednn
ml Annie Howell , Nellie
nd Ratio Craig , Allio Rcitor , Mary Man-
hosier , llattia Dodge , Edith Crouch ,
Scorgio Patterson , Florence Grldloy ,
Amelia and Annie Nuhrbnss , Jessie-
"Jickmson , Mabol Detiol. Mary and Ado-
Ino Nash , Mary , Edith and Bessie
[ lor , Louise Doherty , AdaCockroft , Lillie
and Ncttio Bushman , Gcorg'.o ' and Nellie
Read , Poarlio Loy , Fannie Blandish , Mary
Stanton , Jessie Lawrence , Vivian
Wooloy , Lulu and Minnie Ilornborger ,
* 5dna and Lyle Burns , Minnie and Lucy
5cchcl , Kittio and llopio Richardson ,
Margie Logan , Noalio Kcssler. Lidn
Unrpstor , Li/.zio Campbell , Lidia Rhecm ,
Nellie and Flossio Randall , Elva Fisher ,
Uiura Brtinncr. Toodio nnd May Wclty.
lena Jensen , Gortio Goodrich , Helen and
Stliol Wilcox , Grace and Clara Northrup ,
icorgio Miller , Hattie Reed ,
lattio and Jcnnio Audi'
dojdy , Sadie Leisonring , Annit
* Vildo , Maud Kimball , May and Kate
Jrown of Council Bluffs , Dovio Ucchcr ol
Jolumbus , Nob. ; Masters Wier Coll'man.
icrnhart Rchfold , Eddie and Dwigli
Swobo , Jimmio Wallace , Frank am :
Willie Manchester , Louie and Bola Horton -
ton , Albert Dickinson , Bortio Balbach
Frankio. Charlie and Frcddiy Dot
woilor , Gcorgio Mcigs , Louie Bushman
Milton Read , Louie Sholcs , Paul Bellis
Jakio and Albert Krug , John W. Griffith
r. , Sammie Bums , Willie Bochcl. Eddu
IJavis. Frank Alexander , George Tliomp
sett , Nod Kcsslor , George and Rova
Rhcom , Lovollo Dunn , George and Bcr
Hoorner , Freddie Hartman , Artie Parr
Percy Jensen , Luther Lciscnring. Join
Jacobs , Willia Hanoy. J. Jordan Dickey
Vernon White , Harry Jcnnison , Ro' "
pvol of Council Bluffs , Walter Serena"
Jincinnatl , Gus Bcchcl of Columbus
Nub. ; Charlie Gibbons of Kearney , Neb
Ail old'Fashlonod Picnic.
The picnic given at Pries lake by thi
old members of the Burns club , of thi
ity , on Saturday last , was a docidot
success in every way. It had been do
cidrd to omit the annual reunion of tin
Burns club this year , and a pleasant fum
'ly picnic of old Scotch folks took it
) laue. The parly loft Jefferson sriuan
at 8 o'clock in the morning in four larg (
wagons , and when they reached Sara
'oga school house tlio wagons wen
illod with passengers taken up bi
the way , but nil managed to crowd ii
somewhere. About ono hundred wen
present , p.nd on arriving at tbo lake tin
party proceeded to enjoy themselves
The lake was not in so good conditioi
as on former occasions for boating , ;
part in the middle of it being thickly cov
ered with weeds , but great sport was lint
ou the water nevertheless. About :
o'clock a shower of rain fell which dump
cncd the ardor of the party a little , bu
they found refuge in a building providei
for such emergencies , where a numbci
of songs were sung and recitations given
By this time the rain had coascd and tin
sun was shining brightly. The following
races were run and prizes given. Girls
under 10 years of ago 1st , Emily Wig
man , a lamp ; 2nd , Mabel Cheney , a dolT
Girls' race , 10 to 14 1st , Linda Wigman
a handkerchief ; 2nd , Maggie Meldrum , :
bottle 'f cologne. Boys' race , under 10-
1st , Robbie Morrison , a looking class
Boys' racot 10 to 14 1st , Charlie Morri
son , a knife. Young ladies' race 1st
Katie Wigman , a calico dress ; 2nd , Han
nab Wilson , a bottle of bay rum. Married
riod ladies' race 1st , Mrs. Cheney , 3 Ibs
of tea ( presented by Mr. Fleming.g'ocer )
2nd , Mrs. Hazlot , 2 Ibs. of tua ( prcsentei
by Mr. Fleming ) . Men's race 1st , Join
Muir , a driving whip ( presented by Mr
W. R. Drummond ) ; 2nd , Peter Brown , i
walking cane. Old mou's race 1st , W
ML Fleming , Sr , , a now style briar rco
pipe ; 2uii , nir. Knox , a Missouri moor
sclihurn. The prize for the game o
quoits , a box of cigars , was won by Join
Muir. Several of the ladles got the !
dresses rather wet in the boats , and on
young man accidentally foil into th
lake , but was quickly rescued by two o
the bystanders.
Miss PENNKLI , will sing the offortorj
at All Saints church this morning , "
Hear the Voice of Jesus Say , Come Unt
Mo. "
Ox TIIUKSUAV evening a musioalo wa
given at the residence of Mr. W. 1 :
Kocuig , 210 North Nineteenth stree
Among those present were Mr. and Mn
Muontcfering , Mr. and Mrs. C. li
Schmidt , Mr. Guion.Mr. and Mrs. Boschi
Mrs. llugus , Mrs. Boall , Messrs. Beat
Mrs. William Stophnns , Miss Pound
Mr. T. J.Pcuncll.
TUB F.NOAGEMENT of Miss Alice Rogoi
to Air. O.scar Williams is formally ar
nounced. The wedding will occur Se [
toinber 27 nt the residence of Milto
Rogers , Esq.
AT TIIK Christian church Tuesda
cvcing a very quiet wedding took placi
the marriage of Mr. Charles J. Frico t
Mibs Annie Dunham. Dr. Joseph I
Fey olliclutnd. The happy couple woi
to Colfax Springs after the coromon ;
Both of the contracting parties are we
known and have many warm friends i
tint city , who will wish them much jo
aud happiness.
AT TUB residence of Mr. B. D. .Jlonj
1414 North Eighteenth street , Tuesda
last Mr. Fred L. Brldgoman and Mh
Emma J. Bennett were married by tl
Rov. W. K. Copt-land. The bride is
well known and grnatly loved young latl
of Saginaw , Mich. Tha groom is
trusted employe of Cram * Bros. , in th
city. ' 1'9 the nappy couple , in commo
with their many fnonds , thu HKI : tendui
its oniiics' cougratuliUiou ! ) and wa
TUBSOAV v.VEUNC r Angust 8) , Mi !
Lizzio R. Callnlinn and Mr. C : H. '
Rinpen will bo married. Thu coremoi
will take place at the of M
1 { . li. Lucm , 2317 Douglas street at 8 : !
Mic. RiciiAun lii' gave a dinner !
honor ot Lieutenants Abururoinbio ar
Wilton ot the Second mfuntrv. Tlio
y.resuiil were : Lieiilunaut iVIIson , Lie
tenant Aberorumbic. Ltcutuu&ii' Kinzl
LIcutcuMit Wr.glit ! , l/.cutiinaiit Hutohl
von , Lleutonun' ( rjorgit K : While , M
dcnco on South Thirteenth street. Games
were Indulged in until a Into hour , when
n bounteous repast was served to which
the children did justice. The following
were present : Miss Clara McCann. Nora
and Stella McAnliffo , Llzzio Miihoney.
Hanna Croft , Julia Kclloy. Maggie nuj
Annie Brcntian , Elian ana Teresa Mo-
Ardle , Mabul Garvoy , May Galwan , Katie
Garvoy , Katlo O'Koofo , Liazio McDonald ,
Maggie Kane , Agnes Moanoy , Charles
Garvoy , Allen McCann , Rhodio Kennedy
and Robert McAuliffo.
A pleasant sociable was given by the
teachers of Douglas county at the rooms
of the county superintendent nt the court
house Wednesday evening. About two-
hundred pet sous wcro present , including
local visitors and educators from neigh
boring cities.
" *
H #
Tlio Hillside Congregational church
was lillcd Wednesday nlglit by an audience -
once assembled to witness the porfor-
miuce , by the Young People's Missionary
society , of the humorous cantata , "Tho
Grasshopper. " The programme opened
with a piano solo by Mrs. L. B. llollnn-
bock ; declamations by W. K. Holler and
W. E. Hurlbut. n dumb speech by Mr ,
Van Zandt and a reading by Miss Jennie
White. After the performance refresh
ments wore served.
ON NEXT Tuesday evening , thcro Will
bo a party under tbo auspices of the
Omaha Lawn Tennis club , on Scnatoi
Mandcrson's grounds on Park avenue ,
The exercises will commence early in the
evening and close with a hop to the
music of the Musical Union orchestra.
TUB marrlago of Miss Sallie Havens
Lowe to Mr. W. Boll , of London , wil
take place ou Thursday next , the first ol
September. The married couple wil
visit at Guelph. On the 21th of noxl
month they will sail for Australia where
they will spend tlio winter , whence tlioj
will go to London , their future home.
Mrs. Alfred Sorensen aud children arc
in Denver.
Miss MlMniu Kcanc has returned fron
DCS Moincs.
Mrs. C. E. Squires has returned frou
Helena , Mont.
Mrs. J.H. McShano and family have re
turned from Lincoln.
Miss May Bickoll of Nebraska City , i
visiting friends hi-ro.
Mrs. Winn , nco Rath , lott for hcr.honu
in Salt Lake City Friday. v
Mr. and Airs. George M. Darrow havi
returned from Bayliold , Wis.
Miss JonnioTounscnt of Fremont is thi
guest of Miss Eva Manchester.
Mrs. Whitosldo and family have returned
turned from their western trip.
Miss Kate Ur.own , of Chicago , is visit
ing Mis ? Lake on Dodge street.
Miss Itoss of this city , will tench in thi
public schools at West Point , Nob.
Mrs. Joseph Barker and Mrs. Saiuuc
Rhecs have returned from the cast.
Mrs. G. W. Meyers is visiting R. M
Henderson and family at Fullorton.
Miss Edith Rogers , of Washington , i
the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Milton Holers
The Misses Vinyard and Stollo of St
Joe are the guests of the Misses Hoag
Mrs. J. E. Baum , of Lincoln , was th
guest of Mrs. D. II. Wheeler , jr. , thi
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Hilton and Mr. am
Mrs. A. Castcttor , all of Blair , are in tin
Mr. and Mrs. Himcbaugh and Mis
Grace Himobaugh have returned fron
Spirit Lake.
Mrs. Dr. Hanchott and her children
Riod and Hope , are sojourning at Colfa
Springs , Iowa.
Miss Ella Thorngato , of Wnqpini
Water , has accepted n position in th
Omaha public .schools.
Miss Annie Elcock , of Omaha , 1ms at
copied the intermediate department u
the Wlsnor High school.
Miss Lulu Smith who has been visitini
her cousin , Miss Gracie Anderson , a
Plattsmouth ; has returned homo.
Miss Mary P. Dakin , of Omaha , Neb.
has boon appointed ono of the teacher
of the public schools at Georgetown
Arthur Wakoloy has gone on a fou
week's vacation to Lake Champlnin
Now York , and other places iu that vi
Mrs. F. N. Jayncs returned ycstorda ;
from the lakes of Northern Wisconsin
She joinos her husband at the Paxton
where they will make their homo for th
Miss Ella Calhoun has just roturnci
from a pleasant visit to her parents i
Murshalltown , la. , and will resume ho
duties at the cashier's of Georco W
Cook. _
A Building Erected Oror the Ga
Spring Last Night.
The proprietors of the newly discovered
ored gas springs commenced work las
night by enclosing the springs with
temporary struoturo. It is of wood un
will bo a building to comnol the curiou
from meddling with the water and gn
and also allow experiments to bo carrie
on without intorfcronco. So muc !
publicity has boon lately given to thi
natural cas sprinjj , so many visitors ar
calling at the grounds every day , and s
many queries been made about pcrtinan
mutters , that the owners of the spring
have bccomo extremely reticent. Ou
thing is certain , that material for tlio dc
velopmont of tlio spring will bo on th
ground to-morrow.
Sixth Ward Republicans.
TnoGuruold Republican club of th
Sixth ward was organized at the cornc
of Saunders and Clark streets with the fo
lowing olRcors : O. C. Ludlow , president
ident ; W. A. Grant , vice president ; J. ft
Page , recording secretary ; C. A. Golatt
William Marrow , Miles D. Houck , P. (
Hawos and D. T. Redman , oxccuth
committee ; P. O. Hawos , William Mai
row and Charles Rowoll , county contri
committee. The mooting adjourned ti
the call of the president.
Irish National LIPORUC.
This afternoon there will bo a rousiti
mooting o ( the Irish National league i
St. Philomona hall at 3 o'clock. Tt
mnctng : will bo addressed by Hon. Jot :
Fitzgerald , Hon. A. J. Sawyer , Mayi
Broatch , Hon. Patrick Egan , and other
Mr. J. B. Doolo will sing "Fatlu
O'Flynn , " Miss Dowthwill render "Stc <
My Bark for Erin's Isle , " and Mr. Jam
Murphy , assisted by a miartotto , will sin
"God Save Ireland. " The affair pron
ises to bo a pleasant ono , and should t
attended by n largo assembly.
Died at the Hospital.
Thomas Lovlnsky , a man about thir
years of ago. died at St , Joseph's hospit
yesterday afternoon. His remains wo
borne to Barrett & Iloafey's where tin
now lie awaiting information from tl
brother of the deceased , who has bee
telegraphed at Iowa City.
" "
WALLKlt-Anguit 26. Caroline Waller , wl
of U. U.S alien at ed 50.
Funeral at 2 p. m. Sunday from Ute re ;
drnce. Seventeenth and Vluton street. .
I'dend.'i Invited.
Fair Exhibitors.
Partfe * wishing thilr pictures frumi
for exhibition 'wll | please call
avoid disnppciuttuunt. A. Iloiper , * i
1513 Douglas. .
V. ,
The Absence of Speculation Quo of the
Principal Bear Features ,
" " "
A Quiet Qloilng of the Woe It In the
Provision Vit The Hog Trade
Varied General Market
if .
CHICAGO , August 27. | Special Telegram
to the BKK.-Tho | wheat market was Inox-
ptflsslbly dull to-day. Tlio absence or specu
lation and a forced liquidation of stock of
about 5,000,000 bushels ot California wheat In
Liverpool constitute the boar features. Tlio
rest of the news nr rattier the facts , for there
Is no news arc favorable to tha bull side.
Recelptsat primary winter wheat markets
continue light and the forward movement
towards eastern and old world markets keeps
up without tlto .slightest diminution. Clear
ances from the throe principal Atlantic ports
for six days foot up to 1,49 , OW ) bushels
( about the same as last week ) . Western
points receipts tor the same period abrogate
lSOOnoo bushels against l,9tr ,00l bushels last
week , and western points shipments for tha
week exceed those ot last week by nearly
300,000 bushels. The movement from lake
Doluts has been especially liberal and
promises to continue so. Toledo alone
reporting engagements ahead for 410,0j (
bushels. ' There Is a prospect for another
decrease of nearly 1,000,000 bushels In the
visible. Every hour and mlnuto of the day
brings continuation of the bad harvest re
ports from the northwest Tlioro was some
quiet buying by good houses to-day , but not
enough to Hit the market out ot the rut. The
tone was too stronr , however , to deter short
selling , and In the absence from the close ot
between fifty and sixty of the most active
and influential local scalpers and speculator !
trading In the pit was reduced to It * nariow
est limits. Fluctuations In prlco were onlj
itfc. The average and close was , however ,
higher tiian yesterday by } fc. September
spoiled at C'Jc , rangeit at OSJ feiKte and cloecl
at 09o , , October opened at 7U > fe , ranged al
" - " - - " -
. . . _ bare
suggestion of activity In cnrn. and after the
first hour the tone of the market was weak.
September opuncd at 41Vc , October at 41 Jfc.
and May at 4" > c. The market c.isod otf a bare
shnde and then firmed up on good local buy
Ing , September advancing to 41,1 ( < $ liat'c , Oc
tober from 41 > c to 42c. and May from 44K <
to 4r > Ji'cAbout 11 o'clock news began to cir
rulato that the receipts were exceeding th <
estimates , that the anticipated receipts lei
Monday were nearly 000 caw , and that Tues
day morning's returns for two days wouh
run up to fully 1.000 cars. Kaily uticrs : be
came sellers , and those who had beun douif
nothing turned bears. The market workei
olT c , September going to 40jJ i : . October tt
41c , and May to 44Jfc. Last quotations wen
at 40XW41c for September , 4l ? < c for October
and 44e for May. The market was saf a
these figure's. Jhe receipts and shipment !
tor the week have kept along about even. Ai
Increased foreign demand forerun atcuiren
prices is noted as one of the hopeful features
The d'ullnuts In the speculative market toi
oats to-day was most profound. Trader
showed no fntt-rcst In the deal and the llm
Hod business transacted was at a very low
range ot prices , the irencrnl tune being p.isv
and In buyers fiwor. Leading features closcc
} e under yesterday's latest bids.
In the proviMhn pit the wenk closed" In n
quiet manner. Traders of all classes showoi
leirmikablo indifference and thu day passed
with little or , no stir , or even a sulllciein
ch.ingo In , ) values to occasion comment ;
Fluctuations witro also contined to a smal
range , January closed nt 312.2JK for port :
S0.53K for lard and Sft.2j bid for .short ribs
Near trading as IIMII ) . was coiilitnm to lau
ana short fibv , with September thu leadliu
delivery. For- that month lard closed a' '
yestciday'.s price. SC.40 and short ribs 2 > c
easier , or at S7.90. October lard was .V
higher than September , \\liilo October shoi
ribs rested ut the ruling quotation tor Sep
CmcAoo , August 27. iSpecIal leleram
to the BKK.J CATTLKvNearly nil the f renl
receipts were Totans. The tew loU of
natives sold equally as well as yesterday ,
but Texans wore quoted a good lOj lower ,
During the week closing on Friday there ha ;
been a slight upturn on big native steers ,
Some salesmen quote au advance ot I5c
others say 10c , and aaln others aay then
was really no substantial advance , yet uduill
that sellers had matters worn their owi
way than heretofore. Shipping steers
Si.25@VOO. Stockers and feeders , 9'i.OOO
3.30 ; cows , bulls and mixed , Sl.GOCtffUO
bulk , 32.00i.40 ( ; Texas cows , S1.75@i4'j
steers. 8i.40frtn.3V
Hoes Trade wan varied according to loca
tlon. In some of the divisions It was brisk
with prlcns as strong as yesterday , then It
other parts of the yards slow and prices i
shade otf. A few lots of prime heavy mad :
S5.35g5.40 ( ; good packirii : sorts S .SSQs.a.'i
common , S5.00K5.IO ; 1-ht sorts S-VAit5.3
for Yorkers , and S4.75@5.10 for BMssers.
Chicago , August 27. Tha Drovera'Joui
nai reports as tollow > :
Cattle Heceipts. S.OOO ; nominally steady
shppilnjr stenrs , S3.25rd5.00 ! ; stockera and leei
< > rs , S2.OOQU.SO ; cows , bulls and mlxui
Sl.00ai.10 ; Texas cattle , S1.753.35. (
Hogs Itecolpts , 7.000 ; sttad > ; rouzh , 54.7
05.10 ; packing and shlpolng , 84.10,3..4 :
liglit , g4.a @ - > .40 ; skips , S3.25@4.GO.
Shenp Kneel pts , 1,000 ; steady ; native1
S3.00@4.20 ; western , 83.1033.75 ; Texan :
82.80 ( < $ A70 ; lambs , S4.2-J5.25. ( !
Nation ? ! Stock Vanls. Kant Si
IjoulH. Ill , , August 27. Cattle Kecelpt
400 ; shipments , 500 ; market strong ; tate
to choice heavy native steers , S4.00@4.SX
butchers' steers , fair to choice , 83.JOW4.K
feeders , fair to good , ? 3.00$3.GO. (
Hoes Ilecelpbi , 400 ; shipments. 40 (
easy ; choice heavy and butchers' sclei
tlons , 85.30(25.50 ( ; packers and YorKers , nil
dluin to choice , 34.0005.25 ; pigs , common f
good , 84.40(34.95. (
iCanaas city , August 27. Cattle-
Ilccelots , 2,700 : shipments , 2.500 ; mark *
Rood but firm , nil others slow and weak : goo
tocholce corn-fed , 81.20@4.75 ; common to mi
dium , 83.50 ® 1. 10 ; stockers , S300@2.05 : feet
Inesteors , 8ATOO3.25 ; cows , 51.40@2.05.
Ilogs Kwalpts , 5.000 ; shipments , 7 (
market opened btroni ; , closing weak : con
mon to cho6i ! 'S4.8o@5.45 ; skips and pis :
32,604.75 , *
NKW YortKjfAtjzust 27. ( Special Telogra
to the J3KK.1TiTOCKS The Increased actli
Ity in 8to k lwas accompanied by he.iv
llquldatlon bypjtho various large and Sinn
pools , whowereT.forced out by constant rail
Ing by the NewWt bear party that had co
trol of th . ' ' 'trmrkot and worked It up ai :
down mostly down. Sensational ruraoi
were freely circulated and the failure of on
stock house a jut a largo gas fixture manufa
luring firm materially assisted In the dopro !
slon. The tlofrld stocks weru vlgorouslj a
tacked , ospcfinVx the Miasouil Pacific , ar
those , with other causes wore used to brea
the market/nnA after being pounded Revere
they wore cast'aslde. It was the harde
week for the "Fancies , " especially those
the south , witnessed this year. From all ou
ward appearances there was n determlni
effort to shako out several largo holders i
Heading , Richmond Terminal , the Urogot
and the Northern Pacifies , and although tl
trading was the heaviest In those atockj , tl
big operators held their securities despite tt
fact that the prlcoi of a majority of the
were forced lower than at any previous tin
this year. Several small rallies occurftO" b
they were only natural and duo to the cove
ing by shorts who u d largo profits at
deemed It advlsabltr to take thorn , Deaco
S. O. V/hlto , who was with the bears at tl
opening , changed ( o the bull side Thursd :
ana it was said that' the deacon and. the lial
man party bid fallen'ouMh6 former foruili
a bull pool with Work , Warmsor and Poir *
salt to buy stocks on all slumps. It was also
assorted with considerable poiltlvencss that
a big bull pool had been formed , chiefly by
Londoners , with 820,000,000. The shorts who
made the big drives at Heading and the
Gould stocks rushed to cover and as their
tradlrig was the chief feature of the market
Saturday , and a better feeling prevailed and
rallies extending to 3 percent were recorded ,
but on the general list they wore only VJ to Jf
icrceut. Th bank statement was a fair
ne , snowing an Increase In the reserve ot
I090.00. The amount held above leeal re
tirements is low , being $4,805,700 and the
otal reserve $91,2" 6,400.Compared with
ast Saturday's close the not declines extend
o 5 points , Oregon Transcontinental 4J < ,
Missouri Tactile 4 % , Northern Pacific pre-
e.rcd \ } { , Heading .1 % Lackawanna 1K <
Northwestern 1-tf , St. Paul IS and Western
Union lpcr cent
OovKUNMENTi Government bonds were
till but steady.
MONRV Ou call easr at 3@5 tx > r
cent , last loan 4 per cent , closed offered at 3
per cent
nnd unchanged at 440 } for CO day bills , and
ii tor aoiimnd.
Chicago. Auiritst 27. Following quota
tions are the 'J:3U closing tiirnrcs :
Flour Quiet and unchanged.
Wheat Dull and quiet but steady , clos-
ne about JtfWJ c above yesterday ; cash ,
GSVc ; Septointfer , OS 15-10c ; October , 709-lOc.
Corn Moderately active ; opened a shade
weaker than yesterday's close , and closed
about Jfe below yestcrdav ; cash , 40Yc ; Sep
tember , ( % ; October , 4lc.
Oats Very little If any change took place
n the regular market ; cash , 24c : Soptem-
u'y < T Dull at &AC. '
11 uloy Steady ; September , „
Primp Timothy 8oea- ! > 2.2J@'j.3j.
Pork Dull and a shade lower for
lannary ; cash. Sl.l.OOQlS.av Octooer.
SI0.00 ; year , 8H.05@11.70 ; Jauuary , S12.2.J > $
@ 12.25.
Lard Dull , quiet and easier ; cash , Sfl.tO ;
nptetnbor , Sr..37X@ ( > .40 ; October , 80.45(3 (
Dry halted Moats-Shoulders , $5.4i ! > * 5.50 ;
short clear , SiSO S. ; short ribs , S.7.0JK . ®
" .95.
IJuttor Weak ; creamery , 18jf25e ( ! ; dairy ,
10@ic. )
Cheese Dull ; full cream Cheddars 10 %
@llc ; flats and Youne Americas , 10K@Uc.
KBBS Steady at 14@14Hc.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy ? rocn hides.
7k'c ; llfiht do , } { ® * salted bull hides ,
ic , green salted cait , 8 > @ 9c ; dry flint , 12Q
I3c ; dry calf , 12J813c ; deaoons 30c each.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 3J c ;
Np. 2,3c ; cakes , 4e.
Kocnlpts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 10,000 13.00C
Wheat , bn 61.000 7 ! > .00 (
Corn , bu 205.000 290oo (
Oats , bn 211.000 243,00 (
Rye , bu 4,000 l.OOC
Barley , bu 40.000 17,001
Now York , Auijust 20. Wheat Ue-
eliils , 100,000 ; exports. 107,500 ; spot lots
quiet and generally steady ; options openet
( < j c lower , later recovered from decline
mil closed firm ; ungraded led , 70WSl } c ; No
1 ted , ! ? 4e , nominal ; No. 2 red , Tfl'fiasOc In
elevator. 81@Sl , ' c delivered ; beptembei
closed at 80c.
Corn Soot lots steady snd riuiet : nptlom
llrni ; receipts , 42OJO ; exports , b.1.000 ; uu
Ciadcil , 49 { i51 } c ; No. 2 , 49 @ 50o ll
htoio , 51Ql > Jc delivered ; September closet
at COc.
Oats Were n shade stronger ; recolpts , 44 , '
000 ; exports , 500 ; mixed western , 30W33c
white , : i.40c.
ColToe-Spot.falr ; Ulo firm nt 820.00 ; op
tlons lower out active , closing steady ; sales
10 ,000 bais ; Ancust , S17.B5 ; September
S17.83@ltUO ; October , S1S.30@18.45 : November
ber , 818.3a@l8.45 : December , S18.65Q18.G5
January , feis.60@ 18.05 ; February , S1S.C5J
187 .
* < )
Petroleum Steady ; United , 02c.
Kirss bteady and In moderate request
westem , 13@lOc.
Pork Dull and unchanged ; family moss
quoted at S15.00@25.00 old ; 315.50@15.7i
new.Lard 2@3clower ; dull and heavy ; west
cm stea'n , 0.77 } .
Uutter Quiet and generally steady ; west
ern , ISQA'ic ; western creamery , lOVti3.x ( ! .
Cheese Dull and unchanged ; western
Minrieapolla , August 27. Wheat-
Steady and Urm ; No. 1 Hard , old
cash , 72c ; September , 73c ; Octobei
70jfc ; Mo. 1 northern , cash , 71o
September , 72c ; October. 07Jfc ; Kt
7s' o. a northern , cash , COJfc ; Septttmber , 70c
October , Gl > ; c. On track ; old No. 1 hard
74c ; No , 1 northern. 73o ; No. 3 northuin
7lc ; newNo. 1 hard. 71c ; No. 1 northern
Otic ; Na 2 northern , 65c.
Flour Firm ; patents , 84.00@4.30 ; bakers
Kecclpts-Wheat , 7,200 bu.
Shlpmenta-Wlieat , 24,000 bu ; flour , 24,00
bb's. '
St. IjouK August 27. Wheat-Dull
cash. O'JVi ; : September , C9j < c ; October , 70J < c
Coin Lower ; cash , 3SJ'j ; c ; Octobei
O.Us Lower ; cash , 24J c ; September 24fc
Octolier , 2'L'c.
Pork bull at 815.00.
Lard 0.20.
Butter Firm ; creamery , 22@25c ; dairy , 1
@ 20e.
Kansao City. Ausnst 27.Vheat -
Stcadv ; No. 2 , soft , cash , C5c bid , 67c asked
May , 70c bid , 7bX asked.
Corn Lower ; No. a cash , 3ic bid , 3C
asked ; September , 35 } c bid , : > 5c asked
October , BOc asked : year , 35c asked.
-22ic bid , 23 > fc asked.
Now OrluniK , August 27. Corn qnlc
but steady ; In sacks , mixed , file ; yellow , G
@ 55c ; white , 55c.
Steady ; choice western , In sacks , 33 (
Corn Meal Firmer at 82.40.
Ho/ Products Quiet but steady.
Pork S15.37K.
Lard Uetlned tierce , SO.C2K.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , 555.05 ; long clea
and clear rib , 88.12 .
Milwaukee. Animst U7. Wheat
cash , C'Jc ' ; October , 70i < , 'c.
Corn-Dull ; No. 3 , 40Jc.
Oats Kasy ; No. 2 white , 23c.
Hye Nominal ; No. 1 , 47c.
Uailey Steady ; September , 57 c.
Provisions-Dull ; pork , August , 515.00.
Cincinnati , August 27. Waeat-Steadj
No. 2 red , 72c.
Corn Dull and lower ; No. C mixed , 41c.
Oats lieavy ; No. 2 mixed , 27tfc.
Uye-Steadys No. 2 , ftlc.
1'rovislons btrong but unchauced.
Whisky Active and hrm at Sl.Ui.
Ijlvorpnol , August 27 , Wheat Qulol
holders oiler treely ; red westoin wlnter.Os'J
( f 0s 4d per cental ; rod western ! jprliit ; , Cs ]
(3.0s ( 2d.
Coin Firm ; demand f.ilr ; holdais ollc
moderately new mixed western , 4s 2)/d pu
Saturday , August 27.
The run of cattle was nut as heav * s yc
terday by 400 head. Tim ir.r kct was aboi
steady on sooil fed natives. Uutche
Bloc * continues , slow and dull. A few fee
t and stock cattle chaiiKod hands.
The receipts of hogs were liberal for Satu
day and show a gain as compared with yr
terday of 300 head. The market opened fal
ly active but at a decline of about 5o fro
yesterday's market. Tlio general quality i
the hogs was not as good as yusturday ni
taking that fact Into consideration , the d
cllue wus.uot a ? great as tUo sale j
seem to Indicate. There was a good demand
aud everything offered on the market was
taken quickly , the pens being cleared before
There were a tow loads sold.
Cattle. 700
lloxs 3,100
Sacep 100
Slilpmciita ,
Cattle 40 cars
Ho s .58 "
Sheep a "
Prloo * .
She wine the prevailing prlcoi paid for II va
stock ou this market :
Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 lbs..S4.2.V34.00
Cholco steers , 1100 to 130,1 Ibs. . . 4.ooc < il.25
Fat little steers WOO to 1050 Ibs. . . . ! UmC.UX )
Corn-fed ranso steers 1200 to 1400 . .7r4.3'i
Qood to cholco corn-fed cows. . . . 2.'Art3.oo
Common to medium cows 2.00612.3. )
4Uood to cholco bulls 1.7.V < * 3.00
l.luht and medium IIOM 4.yOM5.05
Hood to cliolce heavy hoijs 5.105$5.20
Good to choice mixed hogs 4.90viC5.10
Boprosoutnuvo Hi ln .
No. Av. Pr. 'No. Av. Pr.
20..1124 84.25
45 . . .1407 54.20
1..1000 81.50 IS. . . . 005 S2.10
2. . . . 810 2.10 8 . . . N15 2.25
12. . . . 015 2.25 ' 17. . . . Vil 2.35
120..10b3 U.90
3..1575..1.25 1..13'.W..2.00
23. . . . 793 82.55
03. . . . 45 'iOO 101. . . . P5 2.75
10. . . . 70 2.25
Na Av. 8hk. Pr. No. Av. 8hk. Pr
CO..220 80 84.00 73..257 10085.0754
08..220 200 4.90 79..245 M 5.071 <
70..193 40 4.00 OK..254 80 5.07J *
04..203 40 4.W C7..2TJ 120 5.07H'
74..230 ICO 4.1O 00..240 120 6.07Ji
6'J..223 120 4.U5 OJt..aa 2-10 5.07K
70..320 240 4.95 72..2.11. ! ) 1W 5.07J
70..222 100 5.00 (15.273 ( 120 6.07&
07..214 40 5.00 74..243 100 5.10
01..2. . " . ) 100 5.00 59..203 bO 5.10
09..200 200 5.00 71..253 100 5.10
ft.QOt ) 200 5.00 70..280 . . MO
70..235 40 5.00 05..270 40 5.10
OIL..248 000 f > . ( Xi 72.248 &IO 5.10
71..253 240 5.05 07..253 100 5.10
07..UTS 120 5.0-1 C'J..350 120 5.10
00..340 120 5.0-i 77..2.'ttl 240 5.12
O'.l..23.'i ' 240 5.0" 00..2IU 100 5.1214
72..2.59 80 5.05 01.259 120 6.13
78..231 80 5.05 67..8W 40 6.12H
5S..240 200 5.05 0 . . . .2Tl > 8) ) 5.15
70..2.58 120 50"i OO..S05 40 5.15
7.J..20I ! 120 5.05 6U..3NS 80 5.15
68..242 120 5.07 > < 03..381 40 5.15
tire Stock Hnld.
Showlnctlio number of head ot stock sold
ou the market to-day :
G. II. Hammond & Co 45
ipora 151
ocal 44
Total 210
< ocal 20.1
Shippers 22C
Total lss
Anglo American Packing Co 125S
R. 11. Hammond A Co 19
SqulresACo ir.77
Total 3134
All silos ot stock in tins market are made
per owt llvo weUht unless othurwUn stated.
Dead hogs soil at K P r Ib. for all welzliti
"Skins , " or hogs woi rilnii less than 100 ins ,
no value. Pru nant sows are decked 40 ID * ,
and stagsSO Ibs. bv the nublio inspuotor.
Iiivo Stock Notes. S
Cattle stoady.
Hozs t > c lower.
S5.15 top on hogs.
Uogs averaged 00 to the car.
A heavy run of range cattle Is looked fo
Hogs did not average as good as the da )
K. II. Mitchell , Sloan , la. , was In am
marketed hogs.
W. H. Errott , Harlan , la. , topped the mar
ket with a load or 279-lbhngs.
T. D. lllckey , Gretna , came In again yes
terday with three loads of cattle.
Squires tt Co. bought 120 loads of hogs ot
this market during tlio past week.
lon ) Majors , of Majors & Atkins , Hawlins
was here with nine loads of cattle.
Fuller & Paten , Fullerton , marketed i
load of 288-lb hogs at the top price ) , 85.15.
A. M. Spooner A Co. , Hooper , Neb. , mat
keted a load of 205-lb hogs at the top price.
L. M. Gallup , liockford , III. , n well knowi
stockman , was In looking over the market.
Mr. Huff , of the firm1 of iiutler A Huff
Crescent , 1 * . , was In and marotcd a load o
J. B. Arthur , Fort Collins , was In wit )
twenty loads of cattle shipped from 1'in
A. Uarrow , the well known comtnlssloi
man of Lincoln , was among the visitors a
the yards.
S. Anderson bsughtsix loads of feeders 01
the market which will bo shipped to his fee (
lots at Columbus.
Squires * Co's. hog buyer at Kansas City
Is here and will assist In buying hogs her
the coming week.
The duty on lard Into Mexico is Oc per Ib. ,
and to avoid paying U parties are buyini
heavy bogs in Kansas City and shippin
them Into Mexico. The duty on live ho .s I
only 75c per hundred which gives them
wluo nmrgjn.
Among those having stock on the marke
were the following : F. liockafellow , Shenun
doah ; A. D. Sears , Clarks : C. S. Look. Kcar
ney ; Drrsuy ( Bros. & Co. , Weston ; Nelson i' '
Y. , Oakland : Farnam&Son. Lyons ; O. Al
Young. Berlin : Self i K. , Brock : A. . 'on '
kins , Manly ; A. Mandlebaum , Blue Hill
J. Cannon , Hampton ; J. K. Hunt & Co
Lament ; Uell fc Cross , Carson ; Bank r
Coin. Coin : Al Dexter , Blair ; Slater F. ;
B , Kandolph ; J. Buck , Crete ; Toogoo
llro1Crate. .
Spelts A K. , Bell wood ; Wilson It. & Co
Ubbses : < ! . ( I. Veerland , Junlata ; Keplo
Bros , Dorchester ; F. Aldiltt , Friend
Walker Bros. Wavcrly ; W. Woyant , jr
Germaiitown ; W. W. BarnhouRe , Adams ; ' !
H. Christy , Lawrence ; A. L. Williams , agt
Malcolm ; C. L. Jones , Hastings ; J. M
Blown , Uioointinld : T. S. Pearce & So
Aurora : Morsj A ; Co. , Hen ton ; SwcdebuT
KlovatorCo. , Swedeburc ; Njo W. M. Co
Cedar lllulTs ; Nlhart it Co. , Surprise ; Slot !
t r& B. . Dodzo ; Schotield A L. . Walnut
Wm. Vlckory , Marue ; Dorn & P. , Mlnden.
Saturday , Angust 27.
The following arc the prJcci l u-lilcl
round lots of proiluc arc sold on M
market :
As usual on Saturday the receipts WPI
light and the market quiet. As will bo nt
tlced below game Is beginning to arrive quit
freely for this tlmo ol' the year. A croi
many shippers am under tlio impression tin
the season for pnxlrlu chickens began on An
gust 15 , but the last legislature chiiigod tli
date to September 1. Tliuro was \ery llttl
cliange In prices to-day , the market belli
about steady on most llnui. Brick and llm
burner cheese has advanca.t a cent p <
prKoos Se.ircoand prices ilrin , EO as see
as received ni lCtf17c.
HUITKII Cholco Is f-c.irco. prices fall
West Point creamery , 24c ; other creamer1
22c ; choict * dairy , 18f < t20c ; medium grade
13@l8c : oidlnary , lvalue.
CHIKHK : Market good. Fancy fnllcrGrtii
Cheddars , single , We ; lull cream , f.vins , Ki
younif Ameriras , I2 > j@l3o : ; , ick choose , li
Ibs in caso. now , 14n ; J uiburcor , 100 Ibs I
case , new , 13Kc ; Jiwls-t ; fancy Ohio , now 19
I'OULTIIV-Market fair , pricesnrni. bprin
ehlcn3 S1.7W3 50 ; old towls SJ.50 % 2. '
ducks. S2.35@'J.75 ; turweys , 07c per Ib.
GAMIC. The season for game will ope
September 1. Tliero am already a good mm :
nriiirio chlckniu arriving , packed In Ic
which meet with leady tain at 82.W ) pi
dozen. Shippers should draw thmn and flu
with hay koforu packing. A fuw Mallai
ducks \\oro received , aim , being a novelty c
thu market , brought 33.00 per dozen. It\vou
nut do , howuvnr , to anticipate over $ -.M ! i >
do/en from now on.
POTATOKS Scarca and firm at 70@S
CAIIIIAOIS Hirui at 75cfa81 per dnzvn-f
solid heads.
O.vio.NH-Scarco and Urmj good atopk , W
Sl.W per bubhcl. ,
MKI.O Watermelons brlns $3.0aiA tl
per hnndrra ; c ntclop < w , 60@75o per dux.
TOMATOKS The local Rardonors arosu *
plying the inarket ut 75co.t9l.oo per bushel.
CEI.SHT The demand M not very heavy !
early In the season. Good stock suitable I *
esliipmcnt Is sold at 3.VJMOc rnir bunch.
BKANS. Hand picked , navy bean-
are quoted at 31.80@1.H ( ) per bushel , and thi
other grade * are selling from that flgur
down to f 1.2. " > .
Poi-couN Cholco for stands , 2 Q3o pef It
l''r nits.
Ontcrt fivin the country rcijiilrlnf/ . _
lectctl MOCK find r.rtru euro in jmcAlwj C3n l
1IO ( IlIltxIlM In' Jilted lit t lC MUM JirlOftt 1
quoted to the local trade for common * locJe ; |
The market Is fairly welt supplied wil
California fruits , there boliiRn fresh car n
celved to-day. Dealers have stopped the ar
rival of crapes as far as possible , on Mcounl
of the low prices , but the market Is still Wi'
supplied. Parties who aru tOilpplnir. ( Trap
lor nalo on this market must understand Mi
It Is neccs ary to take extra rare In pre.pal |
their stock for the market , In order to cot
pete with the home grown grapes , which ar
selected and packed with the grcntcstofMr
I'l.uuH The receipts of plums are lint i _
heavy as of other fruits from California *
Prices are linn , iood stock moving at SLIT
per box.
PitUNi i Thu market Is well ii | > plie < i'wlHi
both thu Gross and silver prune * . Go
stock 81.50.
I'KACIIKS The market Is well
with very cholco stock from California , I
Cholco stock Is point : at 51.60. Mlchlirai
poaches havu put in an appearance on thi
market and ara selling at S3.00ttf3.25 pel
crate of 4 baskets.
NKCTAIHNKS There are n few Callforali
nectarines on the market. Cholco stock
81.25 ( < * 1.50 per box.
GIUIMIS The supply of homo-grown andl
California grape.s roiitln liberal.
liia , $1.00 per 20-lb box ; humc-jjrown , 4o
: > er Ib.
PKAiis-Caltfornla Bartlotts , J3.2.V9S.50 ; !
ithor varieties. 'i50 per hox.
LKMONS T.'io supply HtxTal , with fair da
liana. Common stock , SaoOxafl.BO per casoa
holcc. 87.00 7.50.
On ANO KS There are 'a few good orange
ilithemaikot. Kodl , S0.50.
BANANAS The market Is full of b n
t Sl.fiO i.oo per bunch.
APIM.KS The market Is hardly as firm _ .
it was , owing to the Indented recolpts fron
ho local orchards. Choice apples sulUbli
'or shipment are quoted at 83.25ter bbl.
CrtAit Arri.K.s T hn demand 1s very lljdik
nnd Is supplied for the most part by the local
'anncrs. Choice stock , $1.00 per bushel.
Arbucklo's. roasted , S0o ; McLau hlln _
XXXX , aiifc ; DtlwortfiVs , 20c ; Itod Crosa.1
J C.
SUOAB Granulatcd.G rW cjc. .
5 c ; white extra C , 6 ff < 5jic ; extra C.B
i lc : yellow C. 5X@5/Vc ; cut loaf , C (
KKFINK.I ) LAUD Tierce , C > Jc ; 40-1 b squat * |
cans , OKc ; 60-lb round , 7&c ; 20-lb round , !
7 c ; 10-lb palls , 7Ho ; 5-lb palls , 7c ; 3-lb
palls , 7c. .
PICKLES Medium. In bbls , 80.50 ; do
mlf bbls , S'.75 ) ; Hiimil , In bbls , 57.50 : do
mlf bbls , $4.25 ; gherkins , In bbls , 88.50 ; do In
mlf bbls , $4.75.
WOOIIKNWABK Two-hoop palls , per
41.45 ; 3-hoop palls , S1.70 ; No. 1 tub. $8.50 ;
to. 3 tub , 85.50 ; No. 3 tub , 84.50 ; wash-
> oards , 81.75 : assorted bowls , 83.25 ; No. 1
churns , S9 ; No. 3 churns , 88 ; No. 3 churns ,
TOHACCO Lorlllard'sCllmax. 44o ; Splendid
did , 38c : Mechanic's Delight , 41c : Legeett A
Meyer's Star , 41c ; Cornerstone , 34c ; Drum-
mond's Horse Shoo , 4lo ; T. J. , S7c ;
Spearhead , 44c.
STAKCII Mirror Uloss , 5 fc ; Graves Corn ,
> Mc ; Oswejio ( iloss , 7c : Osweno Corn. Tc.
iJitooMS-Kxtra 4-tle.82.CO ; No. 1,82.00 ; No.
A 81.75 ; heavy stable , 84
Sviuii' No. 70 , 4-gallon kcps. S1.35@L38 ;
Now Orleans , per Ration. 3S$40c ( ! ; maple
svrui ) , half Ibbs , "old tlmo. " per gallon , 80e ;
1-gallou cana. per doz , 810.50 ; half-callo
cans , per dor , $ o.oo : quart cans , $3.35 ,
CANDY Mixed , SKWHo ; stick , s ;
CKACKKIIS ( Jarneiut's soda , butter ant
picnic. 4 } c : creams , 7' c ; gitiKcr snaps , THO
rtlfy fiQClft T tfC ,
TitAs-Japan , 20(355c ( ; Rim powder , 30@00c
Yoiinz HJROII. 25@55c ; Oolon i 20 ( < 400c.
JKi.T.iKS-JiO-lb palls , 52.00.
OANNRD Goons Oysters , standard , po :
case , 83.00J3.10 ( ; strawberries. 3 Ib , per case ,
32.8.v < $2.tK ) ; raspberries , 2 It ) , per casn. 8a.a5 ( ?
J.90 ; California pears , per case. S4.50rtJ4.00. ,
apricots , tier case , 8..70 < u3.75 ! ; iwachos , pel
case , S4.00@4.70 ; white cherries , per case ,
S5.SO plums , per rahc. S3.00Q3-70 : blu&
berries , per case , 82.lOfe2.20 : e ( ? plums , 'i
Ib. per case , 82.50 ; pineapples , 3 Ib ,
per case. 83.30Q5.75 : i Ib maeuorol. per doz.
81.55 ; 1 Ibbalmon. per doz , gl..n@g.OU : Bit
noosoberrie.s. per ca i > , 33.5 ( < W.85 ; 21bKlrlnc
beans , per case , $1.70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , Per
case , $1.00 ; 3 Ib marrowfat , per easel
82.50 ( 2.00 ; 2 Jb early Juno pna ? , per oas i
$2.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , 32.W32.50 ; 2 Ibcoru ,
PIIOVISIONB Hams , 13 } < @ 13c ; brcakfaa
bacon. IlWllS'c ; bacon Hides UK@10o
dry salt , SJifisJc ; shonlders , ? ,1 : dried ben :
haiiid , 12@i3e : drle4 beef niular ( ,
hams.plcnle , 8XMic.
DitiEi ) KBUITS Apples , now ,
ovaporatml , 60 Ibrlnic , ! 5 > < @ 10c ; raspberries ,
evaporated , 2SQ29C ; blackberrlos , evttX | > r ted ,
xWc ; plttwl cherries , iTQlHc ; oeachesJ
new , > rs , 7 > fc : ovaporatea peeled peacnes.l
evaporated , unparoil , o : now currants , !
7Kc ; prunes. /W4Hc : citron , 35c ; ral- |
sins. London layers , : California , loosa
muscatels. 31. M ; new Valcnclos , 7X
HOPE oevcn-slxtcenths inch , ll
General Markou.
SPIUITS Cologne spirits , iw proot , 81.10 ; !
do 101 proof , 81.13 ; spirits , second iiualltr.l
101 proof , 81.10 ; do 134 proof , 81.09. AleoholJ
188 proof. 83.10 per wine gallon. lUdlstllle
whiskies , 81.00C4l.fiO. Gin blended. 81.SO
3.00 ; Knntucky bourbons. S3.00@o.OO : Ken-l
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , ; !
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whlAklwu
81.50@3.00. Brandies , Imported , S5.00a3.50d
domestic. 81.30 ( < i3.00. Gins , Imported. 8l50
0.00 ; domestic , 81.25(93.00. Champagnes , In.
ported , per case , 838.00 ( :13.00 : ; American , pet
caso. 810.ooiytO.00.
CoAL-Kgg. 89.00 ; nut. 89.25 ; ranee , S9. d
Iowa lump , $3.00 ; lown nut , $3,75 ; walnut
lock , ? I.X ( ) ; Illinois. S4.25K4.75. ]
JIKAVT IlAKDWAnr. Iron , rate 83.70 ]
Plow steel , special cast , 4 c ; cruclblostet
o > 4'c ; cast tools , dn , I2 < 31 ! > c ; wa on spoke . ,
per set , S2.00W3.50 ; hubs , per sot , 81.35 ; feH
Iocs , sawed dry , $1.00 ; tongues , each , SOca
axles , each , 7i ; square nuts , rn'r Ib. 6a7o ( ;
coil chain , per Ib , 0 ! # i3c ; malleable , waiOo ;
Iron wedges , Oc ; crowbars , Oovharrow teeth ,
4k'c ; .spring steel , Wic ; Bnrdon'n hone
shoos , 84.75 ; Burden's muln shoes. 85.76.
Barbed wire' In car lots , 84.00 per 100lbs. ,
Iron nails , rates , 10 to 60 S3.40 ; stool nails ,
HIDES Green butchers' , t X(3 ( < V > ; ETMH
cured. 7Kc ; dry fltnt , He : dry salt , Oc ; Kreeu
ralf skins , 7c ; damaKod nidus , two-thirds
price. Tallow 3c. U re aso Prime white. 3o :
yellow , 3c ; brown , 1K& Sheep polls , 25(1 (
Dry ( J'O U.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 iwr cent trade dls-
count-LL , OJfc ; CO , 7 > 'c : S.S. " '
NaniHless , 5Xe ; No. 5 , Oc ; UK. > ( p ;
< 5 ( } , lOHc ; XX , I2c ; OO , 14o ; NN , Wo ,
UX. ISc ; K30c ; No. 10 , 8Xc ; 40 , 10) ) c ; W-
13J'o : 80 , 15c ; 30 , onioicd , We ; M. colored.
12o ; 70. colored , 15c ; Bristol , 13 > fc5 Union
Pacific. ISc. ,
CAKPKT WAnr-BIbb white , U oi , col
ored , 20 > < c.
| { .vrr < Standard , So ; Gum , llo ! BeaUty ,
12Kc ; Boone,14c ; B , cased. S0.50.
PRIKTI Soi.iDiCoi.ons AtlnnlaSWejBIa
tor 5c : Berlin Oil Kc ; Garner Oil OtoT , rmi
AND UoiiKs HlchmondOc : Allenfto ; Hlver-
point 5c ; Steel Hlverfo : KIciimonUGc ; 1'aclllo
o ) c' I.NDKioBi.iiK Wmhlni'tonrc ; Ameri
can 0 > ; c ; Arnold 0 c ; A mold B 10V < e. ; Arnold
A 13e ; Arnold Goldseal lOXc. DUKSH Chart -
t r Oak4 > fc ; UamapoSXc : LodU'/jfc : Allqa
fiWc : Ulciimond 6 > Jc ; Windsor Oc ; Kaay Wni
Oc ; I'acllicOc. _
Market CionnliiKS.
Calkins A H uutnln Is the style of n now
wholesnio , broknraKo nnd coiriniisiion firm
Vihlch has opened up for business at 413
South Kluvonth ittroet. Whllo they will
n < ako a specialty of handling flour , mill fttult ,
hay and cured meats , they will bo prepared
to haiidUi any kinds of ( foods that can bo
Mild to thu jobbing trade , or will III.IKO pur
chases of and ship anything needed from
this market.
In New y/ork the dealers Iu crockery are
making a protest against the te.i men , who
are giving away or .selling crockery btlow
cost. Tlio Painu ilft ; * chenio has been prac
ticed to siiiuu extent In this city , but moro
speclall > by tnu duilurrt In baking po\Vd rs.
The crockery ilnalers. hownvitr , have not
full tha competition , If It may to called Kuch ,
BO ( .BVerely as their brethren In Now York ,
rthlch Is due to the rapid growth ot the
crockery business Incident to the rapid duvol-
opinnnt of the country. There Is , however. ]
n crowing sentiment among dealers in all
lines aualust the vlft System , which has ! x n
destructive to so many business enterprise *
aud la deiuot'ttllzluK to thu trade { eu