Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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favcrcd ty carrier in any part of the city at
twenty cents per week.
H. W. TILTON. - Manager.
MKTCB Orrtci. No. 43.
UtanrEDiTOit No. 20.
N. Y. rininbing Co.
[ , -Kcltcr , tailor. Fall goods cheap.
Jack VVitcher , a plain drunk last night
Poster's xlrug store is having Its front
The city schools open ono week from
The children of David Gray arc suffer-
[ inic from scarlet fever.
The A. 0.11. excursion docs not take
[ place until next Sunday.
' ' The board of supervisors of this county
[ meet on Monday , .September 5.
0.11. Bawes was arrested last night
[ and booked as a drunk and vagrant.
I' The union labor party hold a couvcn-
Ition in the city hall to-morrow night.
i Machine oil , needles , embroidery silks ,
[ publications. Domestic agency , 105 Main.
At the driving park this afternoon the
| M. & K. nnd the Glonwood nines cross
[ buts.
Fine coupes for ladles calling. Wm.
[ Lewis , telephone 128. Oilico111) ) Broad-
{ way.
Architect Ward , of this city , has ro-
[ cclvcd letters patent on an Improvement
fn drafting squares.
The faro over the Chicago , Burlington
i Quincy to the old settlors' reunion for
[ the round trip will bo $2.01.
M. G. Wells , Into of this city , died yes-
[ tcrday morning nt Huron , D. T. His
[ brother , Al. Wells , went to attend the
Harry Stcip , who has been employed
atholnn & Metzgtr's restaurant , is said
to have suddenly and mysteriously dis-
appcnrnd from the city.
The Indian crook nuisance cases will
como up before" Judge Aylcsworth to
morrow afternoon. All tiic ollondors
.will bo hoard at that time.
Complaint is made that nn inferior
duality of brick is being used in the
foundation of the new tire department
building , on upper Headway.
Orav Jim , the pacer , formerly owned
by L. Hoist , but now owned hy J ) . Carey ,
ftook second money in the froo-for-all at
'Cnoxvillo. the time being 2:201,8.2-1 : , 2:20. :
All members of tlio Uniform Rank ,
IKnights of I'ythias , are requested to bo
I at thn castle at 0 o'clock this morning ,
f to niako ready to attend church in a
City Attorney Holmes ami Judge Ay-
[ losworth yesterday afternoon completed
I the index to the ordinances. In a few
days the work will bo read v for inspeo-
I tion ,
I "Tho ladles of the Hnptist church believe
lln cleanliness being next to Godliness ,
land have thoroughly renovated their
( sanctuary on First avenue , corner of
( Sixth street.
Special policemen are wanted to main-
a'.n order at the Iverton mission. There
ro no great outbreaking but much an-
I noyanco is caused by mischievous fel
lows with no bump of reverence.
The lawn party to bo given ( by Manawa
lodge , I. O. G. T. , which was postponed
Thursday night , will be held Monday
evening , August 20. The arrangements
trill all bo complete and an enjoyable
time is expected.
The change in the outlet of Lake Man
awa caused by the steamer C. K. May no
crowding out that way has caused the
water in the lake to fall sovcral inches ,
boat club and others are hurriedly
putting in gums nnd other material to
f flam the water and prevent further low-
; erinsr.
The meetings conducted by the Seventh
[ 'Day AUvontists in the tent on Oakland
eavenuo closes to-night. It was the in
tention to hold another series of moot-
flings in another part of the city , but the
Kllato conference of this denomination
T.wanted the tent for camp mooting 'pur
poses , and so this place was abandoned.
t A number of Council Bluffs "best"
1 citizens maid up nil night last night for
ftho ; purpose of catching the first dummy
t train to Omaha this morning. They nil
fVput up three hard iron dollars" for the
( privilege of attending a "friendly meet-
ling" of "question" up the river a short
[ distance in a "squared circle" this morn-
_ Jio Methodist conference meets in
DCS Moincs , September 14. This will
close thn labors of Hov. Dr. McCroary as
pastor of Broadway Methodist church ,
bis term being up. Council Bluffs needs
another Methodist church , and it would
be highly pleasing to the citi/ons gener
ally if tlio conference would establish an
other church and put Dr. McCroary in
as pastor. Ho has a strontr hold on this
community , and would succeed as hardly
BO other man could in building up a now
.church. _
, ' Personal Paragraphs.
Max Brody , of Tabor , is in the city.
H. H. Van Brunt left for the west last
Harry Curtis , of the Y. M. C. A. , has
returned from camping out.
Mrs. W. C. Stqoy has gene to Minnesota
seta to visit her sou who is ill.
L. B. Crafts has returned from n four
WCOK'H trip during which ho visited the
Mrs. S. A. Shanafelt and son Eddie ,
with his wife , of Van Horn , la. , uro visi
ting relatives ,
- E. E. HarknoHS , of Harkncss Bros. , has
relumed from the east where he has been
purchasing goods.
Hon. John Y. Stone , of this city , will
the annual address nt the Old Set-
Blvo reunion at Macedonia next Wednes
' S , Fainsworth , of the First National
bank , has returned from Colorado. Ho
bM been absent throe weeks and has
gained m health greatly.
i W. G. Oliver and family returned ycs- from a pleasant trip to Minnesota.
George Ferguson and family , who went
with them , have concluded to tarry for a
week longer , and will enjoy themselves
t Spirit LixKo.
Charles S. Hubbard , the painter , re
turned yesterday from an oxtondcd trip
along the Atlantic constHo is looking
Well and has cnjovcd his trip hugely'
bavins ; fattened on the best tlio laud
affords and attended clam bakes until ho
tfon't care to see any more clams.
Whether ho shall start Another paint
hop or not he has not fully decided.
When you are in the citv stop at the
Jtacillo house. Street cars pass thi < door
flrery ilftecn minutes for all thu depots
Muals 60 cents each.
JM One thousand head of one , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will elvo
rudit to reliable parties. Enquire of A.
J. Grettnunmycr , O''S Mynstcr t. , Vole-
3 J. W. and E. L. Squlro lend money.
„ ' , 'At the Pacific house van will .savo from
Wo to f 1 per day. Try it and be con
-Honey to loan. Cooper < & Judsoa.
or Sale Hnrrv Smith's. . photograph
Jery cheap. Inquire of Harry bniith
Lilt your property with Cooper & Jud >
, No. 120 Main tueot.
The Saints Arrange For Worship While
Sinners Fay Their Fines.
Figuring on tlio Coat or Street Light *
Ing Captain Mcsslinor Want !
to no InvoRtlgatocl Hallway
Employes to Bo Examined.
the Captain.
"Tho light between Captain Mcsslmor
and the band seems to bo an everlasting
one , " remarked a member of company A
yesterday. "I do wish the colonel of the
Fifth regiment would como hero and in
vestigate the matter so we could have a
rest , If ho doesn't there will bo a contin
ual growl and matters will never bo any
better until an investigation. It becomes
tiresome to the public as well as the
hand and the member * of the company.
When wo wore in camp Messimcr
acted like a man ; wo were all proud
of him ; ho didn't drink nor do the least
thing that could bo found fault with. In
conscnuenca ho elevated himself in the
eyes of the boys , but the ill-will is begin
ning to show itself again. For some rea
son lie has not attended the drill lately ,
and the boys w&uld like the matter
closed by an investigation. "
The wish expressed in similar manner
by many , seems to have been felt by
Captain Messimcr also , who has written
the following letter to the commanding
ollicer of the regiment :
Colonel George II. Castle , commander
Fifth regiment , I. N. G. , bhenandonh , la.
My Dear Colonel : As there is a mlsunder-
HtnuditiK between a certain band and myself ,
the facts of which you are by this time ac
quainted with , and ns there hive been
charges mailo n .ilnst mo ot a serious nature ,
ami such tlmt 1 cannot overlook , 1 would
therefore ask that you appoint a committee
of ollicors to liivwtlsnto the same ami In
quire into the truth ot tlio matter. 1 am
ready nnd willing at nny time to appear bo-
f ore such committee.
1 liiuo the honor to remain your most
obedient servant , W. S. MnsslMr.i ! ,
Captain Co. A. , I. N. G.
\ Group ot'Hlntierg.
The police judge was rather tardy in
putting in an appearance yesterday
morning. But business was such that it
did not demand much of his valuable
time after all.
The nnmbcr of cases bcforo his honor
was small , compared to the business dur
ing the week just ended.
The case against Dill , nn uncle to the
bootblack , in a disturbance on Friday ,
was concluded , the judge remarking that
he was guilty of the offeaso charged. But
ns ho had procured the services of such
nn able attorney , and had cone to such
an expense to defend himself , ho con
cluded he would discharge thu prisoner.
Ho didn't doubt but that Bill had inter
fered and tried to see fair play , at least ,
but thought as ho was related , to ono of
the principals , lie became somewhat ex
cited and didn't remember how far ho
did go in the matter.
Fred Harter and William Jones were
each lined $10.00 for disturbing the peace
about the canning factory.
Ono guilty drunk forfeited his appear
ance money.
L. Smothers , a common carrier , was
brought to the front for not having a
license. Ho told the judge ho had been
advised by counsel that ho could work by
the day without a license and for that
reason had not obtained the necessary
permit. Thu judge , after learning the
name of the attorney who gave such
advice , remarked , "the lawyer is off. It
is the ordinance ns l find it and I can do
nothing but enforce it. "
The Chnutnuqaa.
These who are soliciting subscriptions
for the Chautatiqua have boon meeting
with fair success , and between $12.000
and 1(15,000 has been secured. The whole
$30,000 should have boon raised before
this. It is getting late for arranging for
next year , nnd tiio people should bestir
themselves if they want to secure this en
terprise and make it the success which it
ought to bo. If those who expect to give
would promptly dcculo what they can do ,
the matter can bo quickly sot in motion.
The entcrpriso is too valuable a ono to bo
allowed to bo established elsewhere , as it
surely will bo if Council Bluff : ) docs not
improve its present opportunity. By a
liberal support on the part of those who
can aid the enterprise easily , it can bo
started on a basis which will ensure sac
Points of Piety.
The following are the announcements
of services to be held in ttio several
churches of the city to-day :
Thcro will be a religious service at the
North Main Street Baptist church at 10:30 :
a. m. by-Rev. Mills. Sabbath school at
8:30 : p. m. Evening services at 8:30 : p. m.
Dr. Fholps has returned from his vaca
tion and will preach at 10:30 : a. m. Sab
bath school at 12:80. : No evening sorvico.
The pastor of the First Baptist church
will preach at 10:30 : a. in. and 8 p. m.
Baptism in connection with evening ser
vice. Seats free.
Services at Harmony Mission chapel
i-day at 3 o'clock conducted by Rev. J.
i. Lemon. Sabbath school nt 4 o'clock ,
prayer mooting Wednesday evening.
Topic , Gal. , Oth chap.
Topics nt the Methodist church to-day :
Morning , "Tho Unity of God and Man's
Work. " Evening , "Tlio Divine llequiro-
raento. "
No preaching services to-day. Sunday
school as usual. Services will bo resumed
next Sunday.
Horsn Notes.
To-morrow afternoon there will bo a
roadster race at the Council Bluffs driv
ing park between some of the best horses
in the city. It is the plan to try and have
a roadster race like tins take place every
week or two , to keep up the local excite
ment , and if this proves a success it is
quite likely others will take place. A
good deal of local interest is ta ken in
this race and a large crowd is qxpected
to b In attendance. Admission will bo
free and a good tithe is expected. It is
thought that better than 8:50 : will bo
mado. There will bo ten starters , and
possibly eleven or twelve. The entrees
are :
C. Haldano , trotter.
L. Wells , pacer.
L. Hoist , pacer.
Davis , pncor.
F. F. Seibcrt , pacer.
Theodore Btay , trotter.
George Westier , trotter.
J. J. blioa , trotter.
Sam Frum , trotter.
The race is to be the best three in five
lumU , and is at 3 o'clock.
Wade Cary returned yesterday from
Knoxville , la. , with his pacer. Gray Jim.
Gray Jim was formerly owned by Law
rence Hoist , and as Wiulu'nr.v ( yesterday
I remarked , "he is a good horse , and has
the making ot an awful good horso. " Ho
\a \ being educated now and is paying o < -
pcnscii. He is n gelding ot 15) ) ' numb
high , weighs 1,000 pounds and. is eight
years ot ace. Hu has novel" been handled
until two mouths bofon ; lie WEI sold , and
t.\ry ' then did the handling for Hoist ,
lie wa entered m the 2.05 pace m this
city and was distanced. His second entry
being on August 18 in the same class ,
when ho made 2:82. : 2:32 : , 2:311 : , and tak
ing second place. On August 23 ho r.galn
paced in the :05 : class arm mndo second
place with 2:80 : , 2:31 : and 2.341. On August
! 2."i ho received second money in the free-
for-all pace , making 2:201. : 2:21 : and 2:20. :
lln iscntored In the 2 : ° 8 pace nt Omaha.
The Carroll races after Tuesday were
decided off. Thcro were several special
races , among them being ono between
Little Em and Hcssio Moore , which Little
Km won in three straight heats.
Among those nt the Council Bluffs driv
ing park ore Matt Colvin , an old-time
trainer with five horses. They are pre
paring for the Umahn races.
Alexander Carson , of Kansas City , is
working niuo horses at the driving park.
A Call for Oonrentfon ,
We , the undersigned voters of Kane
township , have declared our adhesion to
the principles enunciated in the platform
of the Union Labor party , hereby call
upon all voters of Knno township who
bavo like opinions nnd sympathies to meet
in convention in the city building in
Council Bluffs , on Monday , the 2th ! ) inst. ,
at 8p. m. , to elect delegates to the county
convention at AvocuWednesday , August
31. These who participate are expected
to sign the platform adopted at Cincin
nati February 22.
G. E , H. T. Hunter , Hugh Carling ,
Arthur Xipp , J. H. Egelsbcrger ,
Chris Jensen , Peter Jacohson ,
Martin A. Morin , Morgan O'Brien ' ,
John Anderson , James Sullivan , lirst-slass storage at Nos. 22 , 21
nnd 20 Pearl street.
A Uullillnu Boom.
tour now residences are about com
pleted in Squires' addition near the
transfer. They are till sold , C. F. Solicit-
folo purchasing the lanrcst one. There
are lateen to bo built , as well as three
store builningd. These store buildings
are to be given to occupants rent free for
one year in order to encourage the
speedy settlement of that part of tno city.
On property near there C. J. Colby is
planning on beginning this week "the
erection of a number of houses , which
wH ! bu sold on easy terms or leased. The
building boom on the bottoms seems to
bo just opening.
I'ncilic house is tlio nearest hotel to the
majority of : real estate olliccs in the city
f2 per day
Itotntlvc Coat of
Investigation ot facts in regard to
street lighting continues. The territory
covered by the electric lights on the
court house has been pretty well estab
lished by actual observation night after
night. To light such n district tile city
would pay under the new oil lamp con
tract , $320.80 , for gas for the same dis
trict , under the reduced bid for gas , $920.
To light as well as by the electric light
system is estimated to cost ? 1,057. The
cloctnc light company proposes to do
this for fcDOO.
Under thcso estimates it appears that
electric light will prove cheaper , as well
ns bettor. In view of the pccition of
property owners it appears tliat the
council will not hesitate in deciding to
close some contract for electric light.
Cole & Cole have just received the
largest single invoice of btovos uvcr
brought to the city , consisting of the cel
ebrated Hadiaut Homo base burner , the
Stewart heaters and Diamond Oaks. 41
lain street.
Ilallronil Civil Service.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , in
accordance with its secret rules govern-
ng the moving trains , has given notice
o its employes to bo ready for examina
tion. The examinations are to bo rigid ,
and those passing ( irst grade will stand
n show of promotion. These who hold
second grade certificates will simply be
retained in present positions. These who
fall below this fall out entirely. The
boys have therefore been posting them
selves on the now rules pretty thor
The Council Bluffs Steam Laundry
das been relittcd siuco the lire and is
ready for business. _ _
City Council.
The city council met last night with all
the aldermen present.
There were present a number in the
lobby interested in the electric light or
dinance , but the matter was postponed.
Petition of John Million and others for
damages on account of change of grade.
Petition of T. Bray for replacement of
lamp post. Referred.
An ordinance was passed ordering
paved the following streets : Fifth nvonuo
from Fifth street to Bluff street , Story
street from Filth street to Fourth strcot ,
Worth street from Fifth street to Fourth
street , Ninth avcnuo from-Fifth street to
Sixth street.
Petition of TOO citizens asking the coun
cil to adopt the electric light system of
lighting the city. The committee to
whom the matter was referred reported
favorably upon the twenty-lifth propo
sition of the company to light the oity.
Much time wis occupied with discus
sion of the proposition.
Aldormun Wells wanted the light ,
while Keller didn't care to have to buy
the poles at the expiration of the con
tract. Ho thought ho had hunted the
matter up nnd his figures would stand
with any others. If his figures didn't
como right ho offered to buy a hat for
each member of the council.
Lacy wanted it postponed until Mon
day and Keller said that would suit him
as no couldn't vote for it as it stood.
The light matter was then postponed
until Tuesday at 1:40 o'clock , the council
to meet as committee of the wholo.
Committee reported favorable upon
.matter of remitting takes upon Harmony
'Mission. Concurred in.
The tax levy for 1887 was agreed upon
as follows :
. mills.
( General fund , municipal punioses . 10
For extinction of Intersection paving
bonds . 3
For interjection paving bonds , Interest. . 3
For Intersection sewer bonds , interest. . . 3
lionds ana Interest , regular Indebtedness 3
Library . l
Water tax . 5
Parks . 1
J udgments . 10
Total .
Alderman Metcalf brought up the
matter of a house for the patrol wagon.
A resolution was passed appointing n
committed to provide a suitable house for
the snnui on the city grounds.
Tim inlinance granting to C. II.
MitcliDi ! and others the right to lay n
tramway was passed ,
The ordinance changing the parking
on Bluff street to inside the sidewalk was
passed. _ _
A Farm Hand ConUdenccit.
Again the well-worn confidence ex
press racket was played yesterday morn
ing upon a green farm hand to the tune
of tiro.
It appears the farm boy , aged about
twenty-three , came to this city from
Sioux Oily on the train yesterday morn-
iiu > . On tun train ho nude the acquaint *
unco of a slick-kougucd "con. man , " who
explained that ho wished to liiro jUsUuch
it young man as Ins , and that ho
would willingly pay thu highest wages to
such u < htind. After arriving in this city
they proceeded as fur .as the Chicago ,
Burlington & Qniuoy depot , thu "con.
man" carrying the grip , of his "fiiuud. "
They were' unexpectedly met by Mr.
"con. man" number two , who presented
nn express bill. "Con. man" number
ono didn't have tlio necessary "money ,
but ho was well piovldcd with checks.
Ho asked his friciid , ' tlio farm
hand to loan him $150 , nml
handed him n clibck. for $800 ,
which ho suggested , ho hold as security
until he could get a check on ono of the
city banks cashed. He'wont ' to jrsi the
cash nnd the green hand i'ninks no was
eccuro to ths extent of $ SQO , having a
o'lcck payable to bearer in his possession ;
didn't care pnrticularly'if ha didn't re
turn. It finally dawned upon- him that
ho had been done up , after awaiting the
return of "con maa" number one.
The police hunted in vain for the con
fidence men all over the city.
A Burst Window Light.
Last night nbout 10 o'clock two boys
got into n row on Broadway in front of
the clothing house of Joe Bncharoch and
smashed ono of the plate glass windows
into smithereens. Ono of thorn was ar
rested and gave the name of Charles
Mitts. Thn building is owned by L.
Kirscht & Co. , and until four months ago
the pinto glass was insured. The light
costs about $75.
The now steamer Ncllio Keller , just
launched on Lake Minawa by Vic.
Keller , has been carefully inspected by
the eiti/ous' committee and pronounced
staunch nnd perfectly safe for 100 pas
sengers. The steamer is run by an en
gineer who docs not drink a drop of
liquor and who is licensed by the United
States government. Utuler all circum
stances tlio safety of the passengers will
bo made the iirst consideration.
White Horses nml Hetif.
Philadelphia News : "Did you over see
a white or gray horse overcome by the
heat ? " asked a well known livery stable
keeper yesterday.
The gentleman to whom the question
was directed put on hib thinking cap.
The rarity of such an occurrence had
never before suggested itself to him , and
although ho was among thousands of
horses every day : md had seen hundreds
overcome , lie could not recall a blnglo
instance in which a white or a gray
horse hiiS been prostrated by the sun's
ravs.The cases of prostration among white
nnd gray horses are very rare , " con
tinued the horseman. "Wo have forty
or fifty among the one hundred and fifty
we employ , and I never knew of but ono
that gave out from the effects of the heat
in myexpcrienco of twenty years in a
stable. This , too , was hardly a fair case ,
as tjic horse was pulling a heavy coupe ,
which was overloaded , up ono of Fair-
mount's steep hills. His illness was only
momentary , and as soon as he received a
little care he was nil right again.
"dm I account lor iti"
"Well , not exactly. But I suppose
white or gray doe ? not attract the lieat
like darker colors. You have probably
noticed this in your dross. A black
shiny-surfaced coat seems to burn into
your vpry llcsh , while a garment of light-
colored cloth seems 090 ! and brec/.y.
This is probably why white o- gray horses
stand the heat better. They , are not so
susceptible to the sun's r'uys ) ,
"Keep a sharp lookout : aftur this , and
you will see that cases where white and
rray horses succumb to the heat arc as
rare as the "dead donkey" in England. "
A veterinary surgeon , 'speaking on the
same subject , said that 'Ihc4 liveryman's
hoory that the light colors did not at
tract the heu : so readily as. the darker
ones , was correct. i
"This is well known , " said the sur-
; eon , "in many of the countries where
io climate is warm , and fo this reason
alone horses' dark color' are rarely
scon , in Cuba white , .gray or sorrel
bring high prices , while blacks and dark
bays can be bought for a song , The people
ple of the wealthier class will not buy
them at all , and as a consequence no
dark horses arc brought into ttio coun
A colored man of Hopkinsville , Ky.
thou ght to scare 11 deaf mute of the plac
by suddenly rushing out on him us h
passed. Ho was successful , for the mut
was so alarmed that ho drew a revolve
and shot live balls into the pructica
joker , killing him.
Thnvlfe of Albert Xieinann , the toner , I
a much mltnlred Berlin actress , Frau Nle-
inauu-Knabo. Sliowili nccomp.iny lior hus
band to Now York In the fall and play a star
ongavcinent under the management ot Mr.
Conrled , who has also engaged Ludvvip liar-
nay. A note In the Borst-n Courier , of Ber
lin , says that Mr. Conrlert Is in that city en-
In .suppoitlug companies.
To get out of a thunder storm J. II.
Doolittle rode Ins horse into an old
school house ncarEckcrty , Intl. In doing
so he disturbed a hornets' nest , and they
attacked the horse so savagely that ho
died within an hour from the effect of
the stings.
Cor. 5th Ave. & 7th St. , Council Bluffs.
Ono of the best Educational Institu
tions in the west. Hoarding nnd day
school conducted by the Sisters of Char
ity , B. V. M.
Board and tuition for a term of five
months , $75. For further particulars
St. Francis Acedemy ,
Council Blurt's , la.
Attorneys at Law *
Practice in the State and Federal Cour t
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugdrt-Beno Block ,
Prices Very .Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
NO. 23 MAI % ST. ,
Justice of the Peace.
Otllce over American1 Express.
Star Safe Stab/es and Mule Yards
Uroudnay , Council Bluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot
W co
S *
Horse * and mules constantly on ham
for sale at retail or in car loud lots
Orders promptly tilled by contract on
short notice. Stock .sold on comrn issiou
Telephone 114. .Sm.imit it Uoi.vr.
OvpoiU ) Dummy Depot , Counoi liluffa
Special adrortlsomonti , such ns Loit , Found
o Loan , For Snlo , To Rent , Rants , Hoarding ,
etc. , will tioltuottod In thli column at the low
ate of TEN CENTS PJ5R LI NK for th flrlt Insor-
2ton. ! Lcare advo-llsemonU nt our offlc *
( a U I'curl iticct , Bjar Urotdwar , Council
Uluff * .
I vil.lj soil nt pnbllo nuctlon Tuesday nTtrr-
nociti , corner ot Main ft and llronau ay , ray
ntlro lot of household furniture. 1 hl turnl-
ure Is of the very latest quality. t > . 11. LaUue ,
I. II. Inman , Salesman.
FOR RALK-Chonp , a wnll tent 12x24 , nearly
new. Address C. Q. Croful , cnto lto\cro
FOH SAI.K-Ptook of ilriiff * In central No-
braakn. Will linolco nhout 11,000. In-
qulro or llnrlo , llnss A : Co. , Council hlulT ? , In.
\\7AN7KD-An netlvo younr man eiper-
' * fenced In city soliciting mid collecting ,
'crmnncnt position , modcrnto sntiiry. Must
'urntsh references. Address Oroccr , UeooRIc * .
WANTKD Ono cook ntul ono dishwasher nt
Scott house , Xortli Main street.
"IXTANTEn ( Jlrl to do pcnernl housework In
" small family. Mrs. JJ. C.UIcason , 421 Ulon
WANTKD-A peed ulrl for cook. Apply nt
once to Mrs. J. H. McPhcrson , No. 1881
: 'ierco ttroct.
FOKSAIiK-Ononsytermior will trade for
city pioperty , a complete gtoclc of furni
ture , stoves , also bulldlnir. H la situated 20
miles east on Wnbaih lallroart. Good town : no
opposition , flood reasons for Boiling1. 1'os-
so < loii iflxen ut onco. Will invoice ntiout 12,500.
Cull or address Merchant , U-5 Uroixdway , Coun
cil ItlulTs.
SAM : on THADE. For Conncii niurrs
property 41,000 acres of town nnd Ne-
iraska land. J. K. nice , 110 Mam fct. Council
soil two carriages on lonif time or will
trade for hoiges. William Lewis.
The butter lieu = o In MNsourl Vulloy : fur-
ilshcil flrot-clnsi tliroueliout and with n largo
Utislness o tublHioil. Will bo rented on llliorul
cims to icsponslblo jiurtlos. Cull on or nil-
uroii piutcr ,
Missouri Valley.
fiOO Broadway , Council BluflTs.Iowa.
Established 1S5T.
llns a complete line of
[ 1 1 I'll'
LnrcohatR In white , black nnd nil colors. Tat
tern bonnets , htuj nnd toques , u specialty.
No 1511 Douglns St. , Omahu.
Creston House ,
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel in the City
with Fire Escape ,
Electric Call Bells.
Accommodation ! * Firnt Cla § ,
And ICiiIcs Reasonable
Max Mohn , Proprietor
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Highest Market Prices. Proinp
820 nnd 812 Mnin Street , Council Blufis ,
Finest Landaus
Coaches and Hacks in City.
No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan ,
Telephone No. 33
Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 9
In Amber ,
Toi toiscShcll
etc.Hair On
naments , aa
well as the
newest nov
elties in hair
Hair ( fee
niudeto order
Mfi. d. L. Gillette
29 Mnin St. , Council HI nil's , Iowa. Out
of town work solicited , and all mail
orders promptly attended to.
Justice ot the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
6x6 ! feet In 4lzc , colored by addition , fchonlnk
All lota aiHl8iil-llvlUii3 Included In tciltorj |
0 miles noitu und south tjy 10JJ mllM ciin uiul
west.PKICE $10.
Address C. H. ALL8N , Publisher.
. Offlco-No. 12 , Main St. , Council Uluffs , U.
Summer Dress Goods , White Goods
Parasols , Gloves , Mitts , Hosiery , Etc , , Etc.
Are Large and Well Selected
Our Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best
New Goods are arriving and invite
Curtains ,
Work Done by Competent Workmen.
il Orders Promptly Attended To
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
N. B. Special attention given all orders by
Pianos and Organs
Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to
call on us.
. .
IiihtriiniuntN Tuned and Kcpnirud. Wr never fall to give satM'acfIon.
Over SO jcniV i\pcrieiice In Pinno nml Organ tYork.
Swanson Music Co.
No. 329 Broadway , Council Ulufls , Iowa
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Regular : Boarders : : Reduced : : Rates.
NO. 336 & 338 Broadway , council Bluffs.
No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Both Domestic and Foreign ,
The linefit of driving homes always on
band .met lor c.ilo by , .
' "
- . / V M ABE. WISE. "
Vacant Loin , I-nncM , CltHefidontFi nod
I-'IIJIIIH. , Urc property In western | jiut of city
All iulllMsr ihenp.
Real Estate & Insurance Apt , /
llooia " , . Ki , eJ'
over Officer .V lUju , Coun > '