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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1887)
4 ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : BUND AT. AUGUST 28. 1887.TWELVIG PAGES. , THE DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. nnvfl or Buuscnirrios : Bajlr ( Momlav Edition ) Including Similar . IM , One Year . $1000 For Sir Month * . 600 Vat Three Months . * 60 The Ota ah a Sunday HKC , mxllod to nny dUrew , One Year. . . 3 00 OMAHA OrrtCT , tfb. 5 ! W1 FAntAM M w VOMK orrtcK , ItnoM ( ' , Tniavxt HIMI.IIINU. ASBIMJTO.S orrira , No. OonnearoNURitctt AH Mmraanleations relating to nown find edi torial matter MiouUJ bo iid'lrojsod to the EDI- Ton or THE Her , nnsiNcna r.r.TTEast All tnrlnoM letters and remlttanoos Rhould be MdroM d IO.TIIK licit I'uni.isiiiNn COMPANY , OMAHA. Drafts , chocks and postotOua orders to bo ID Ado payable to the ordtrof the company , TK BEE PUMIlTSw PROPRIETORS , E. HOSEWATEH , Knrroit. THE DAILY DEE. Sworn Statement of Circulation. Btato of Nebraska. I _ County of Doiulas. j " " Oeo. H. Tz.schucic , secretary of The Ben Publishing company , docs solemnly swear that the actual circulation of-thn Dally Heo for the weekending AutustSO , 1887 , was as , follows : . . , Saturday. August 30 W > Sunday. Aneust Bl l-J.-MO BIondaV.AuKiist 2J H.W.j Tuesdav. August 23 M..II-I . Wednesday. August 24 14.02i Thursday. August 23 14.fi0 .Friday , August SO .14,025 Averairo U\M OF.O. i * . TZSCHUCK. Sworn to and subscribed In my presence this 27th day of August , A. 1) . 18.37. N. P. , fSKAL.1 Notary Public. Btato of Nebraska , 1 Douelas County. I" " Geo. B. Tzschuck , belntr first duly sworn , deposes and sn > s that he Is secretary of The Bee Publishing company , that the actual average dally circulation of the Dally Bee for the month of August , lte , 1B.4W copies ; for September , ItfcO , 13,030 copies ; for October , 1880 , 12,889 roples ; for November. 1SSO , 13H3 : copies ; for December , 188(5.13,2:17 ( : copies ; for . January 1887 , 10.2O5 copies ; for February. 1887 , 14,198 copies ; for March. tlWT , 14.400 copies ; for April , 1887.14,31Bcopics ; for May , 1887 , 14,237 copies ; for Juno 1M7 , 14,147 copies ; for July , 1887,14.093 copies. ( . ! KO. B. T/.scmrcK. Bubnerfbed and sworn to before mo this lllli dayot August , A. I ) . , 1&S7. fSEAL.1 N. P. FF.II Notary Public. ContontH.or the Sunilny Boo. Pngol. NuwYork Herald Cables to the HICK and other relcsranhlc Nev.-s. Paeo2. TelotiraplileiNews. City News. Advertisements. Page ! ) . Special Advertisement * . Page 4. Kdltorlat. Political Points. Editorial Comments Current Topics. Page S. Lincoln hotter Kearney's Big Boom Miscellany. PageO. Council BlulTs News Miscellany Advertisements. Paio 7. Society News General and Local Markets. Page 8. Oeneral City News Advertise ments. Page ! ) . Baby Gould's Wardrobe , by Clara Belfo Some Little Bits of Fun Book Rtvlewfl Echoes From thu Anto-Koom The Koad A rent Advertisements. .Pago 10. Ptcllic Coast Fortunes , by * O onte H. Fltch-Kesults of Electricity Bnmn Made Mummies The Sea of Oallilco The Style In Visiting Cards Advertise ments. PaKolL Struggle of a Worthv llace. by Dr. A. S. Isaacs Impieties Incidents of Matrimony Peppermint Drops Kduca- ttonal Musical and Dramatic. Pace 18. In the Feminine Domain Honey for the Ladles SlntnilMitlPs Quaint 8trt- ford-on-Avon , by Franz Sepel Kellgious Advertisements. OMAHA streets are badly torn up al ready. Don't , if you plcaso , make the nuisance any worse just .now when so ninny strangers are hero and thousands tnoro are expected. Now for the Grand Army reunion nnd Omaha fairl Omaha is preparing to put on her gala dress , and the multitude that turu coming to this city for the first tunu will bo treated to a genuine surprise. Omaha never does thincs by halves. Ouu Charitablu visitors are beginning to nmllzo that the representative of the board of trade at their reception did not exaggerate in the lunst about the magni tude of Omaha's commofcial and indus trial activity. Before they leave the city they may discover that the statement : made concerning Omaha's growth will if anything , fall short of the actual facts "WB do like enterprise. " An over enterprising local cotemporary serves no .tloe on its patrons , and the people o America generally , that it has Bocuroi the exclusive right to an "American Feu man , " nnd everybody is warned not U infringe on its monopoly. Wo don't bo- Hero anybod.7 will be foolish enough ti attempt such a profitless literary lar eny. THE lop-sided list of the 100 so-calloi most influential dailies in America whicl baa recently appeared in the Now Yorl Bun receives merited stricture at th < hands of the Kansas City Time * . Ou Kansas City cotemporary calls attontioi to tlto near-sighted selection which omit : some of the most prominent nnd widely known dailies in the west , and include picayune shoots that are scarcely kuowi ana read outside of the Now Englam Tillages in which they are printed. Ii Yiewof the fact that our Kansas Cit cotemporary is ranked on the Sun's lis among the moat iniluentlal of America' dailies , its criticism can be cousidorcd a unbiased. As n matter of fact , the make-up o of the Kitn'n list exhibits lamontab ! Ignorance of the relative prominence i loading American newspapers. One third of thu number quoted as gro : dailies are ' second-rate nnd supoi anmiatcd sheets that wt'ro promtnon twenty years ago , but hare tlroppo way behind in the race for leadership. TrtK Kukas. a secret society In Indi la giving thu English government in U cast some anxiety. ' It is feared that n npnslslng at an early datn is meditate nnd Lord DulVnroin has telegraphed hoii for reinforcements in orlor to supprci them. The organization is composed < fanatical disciples of Knm-Singh , a Sil reformer who bngan to preach his do trincs about thirty years ago. llum-Sinj and his followers believed that the tin wu near at hand for restoration of tl ( lories of 'their people in the Punjau The sacred writings of the Sikhs conta1 passages that uro regarded as prophet utterances of their future greatness. Tl fall of the Mogul empire and the aaokh of Delhi are believed by the Kukas to I the fulfillment of a part of the prophoi and the accomplishment of the rcmai der is believed to bo delayed only by I ins and perversions of the present go eration. When Uam-Singh was -at t height of his influence it was bullevi that ho had over n hundred tliousund f < ready to obey- bid orders with u nlacrlty , I . .1 Federation of Trade * . The effort of labor to find a plan of or- Kitnlzatton which shall have the fewest possible conditions inviting discord , dis affection , nnd consequent disintegration , and under which there may be secured , with permanence , the most effective power and influence attainable by such organlzatiou , will ultimately be success ful. What experimenting has thus far been done has not been useless. On the contrary it has all furnlshod instructive experience , sri't Is leading in tho'rlght direction. Those who have concluded from the unsatisfactory results thus far that labor organization is doomed to fail ure have fallen Into n grave orror. With all the mistakes of the past , the workingmen - men of America have learned too well the value of organi/.iitton to abandon it because - cause there still exists differences as to the best methods of solf-protcctlon. They have nn intel ligent faith in the possibility of overcoming or wisely adjusting thcso differences , so that they shall bo shorn of whatever danger they now present to united and harmonious action. Notwith standing the fact that many precipitate and Ill-advlsod strikes have failed , work- Ingtucn have continued to llnd in their organizations thu only means of defcnso against combinations of employers to depress wages. The conditions which jutlfy the organization of labor are as numerous and ay urgent as they have ever been , and are more likely to increase than diminish in the future. What labor requires is to find u basis of organizatio'n that shall bo permanent and substantial , and there can bo no question that this is attainable. Last year there was organized at Co lumbus , O. , the "American Federation of Labor , " . .whichhas since had a remarkable growth , its mem bership at this time being over half a million. The purpose was to unite in this federation the trades unions and assemblies of skilled workmen who desire to exercise as much control as possible over matters affecting their own occupations nud interests. The mem bers of these organizations naturally re sist a cast-iron will which would make the interests of widely different occupa tions , as for example shoemakers and car drivers , in all circumstances identi cal. It does not. seem an unreasonable question for tbo carpenter or other skilled workmen to ask why ho should put his hand in Ins pocket and pay weekly assessments , or throw up his em ployment in sympathy , when coal heavers or freight handlers are on a strike. At all events the evidence is that the skilled labor of the country has asked itself this question , and as a result there has been nianifostcd a ten dency to revolt against a system of organization which puts skilled labor and its interests in jeopardy as often as unskilled labor may choose to got into trouble and call upon it for assistance. A noteworthy movement in the cause of labor federation has just taken place in Massachusetts. A convention of dele gates representing many of the trade and labor unions of the state was hold in Bos ton the past week , at which a plan ol fqdcration was consummated that will unite those organizations for the promo tion and conservation of the interests and aims common to all. The spirit ol thu movement is set forth in a rcsolutior Adopted wliich declares that the "instinc1 of self-preservation demands the closei union of all bodies of organized labor in order that equality ol rights and privileges may bo obtained I for wage workers. " The proceedings wore marked by ability , good temper , and nn earnest desire to accomplish the end sought upon sound principles. Ex cellent counsel was given by the presi dent of the National Federation ol Trades , who among other things said referring to strikes : "Principle is a good thing , but you cannot win a strike on principle alone. If you lead a strike you must provide your mon with bread Broad will be found sometimes strongei than principle.- " The history of laboi conllicts will prove that most of then have failed because this simple , yet uiosi important , consideration was not re gurdcd. Labor organization is not failure , and is not going to fail If it appears in some direction to bo breaking up it sitr ply shows that mistakes have bee discovered which it is necessary t remedy , and not that the cauo is * bo in , abandoned. More mistakes will b found , and they will servo for instructio and improvement , as have these liithoi to discovered. Nobody can fairly question tion that the organization of labor is t tills time on a higher plane than ever before fore , and this being granted the cxpecta tion is justified that it will continue t advance until it shall have attained sound , safe and permanent basis. 3 The Marking System In School * . 1i The marking system m our collegi 1a and high schools should bo abolishci a It is n puerile , incompetent and unju y devise. The fact is , our institutions ft itS imparting knowledge employ moi S absurd methods than wo are aware i .3 bccauso they are of ancient origin at wo have always boon accustomed to si if them. It is but recently that wo hai 0f begun to have a correct idea of the objo > f of instruction of the young. IIt The marking system in colleges Itr especially absurd. It is treating your rit * mon or women on the kindergarten pi a it There is no justice in it. An idler m : d by hurried "cramming" or by dishono expedients gain as good a standing the industrious student , and may evi surpass him in gaining college honors , bis status ia determined by the number marks that may stand opposite his naa It is notorious that most of the men wl have distinguished themselves in latt life had no conspicuous rank in school college. Marks may bo obtained by spoolos of mental jugglery or by actu sleight of hand , and the supcrlical "amart" student is usually more ade in obtaining thdm than thu real studui The object of u school or college shoti bo to train , guide and dovelopo the mil of the young , not to cram as large 3 number of facts into it as possible , r gardless of its power to assimilate the and then register the process by marl But it is thu latter instead of the form method which is practiced , and so tl country is full of children nnd youth w are mental dyspoptlci and physic weaklings. To plant an idea in t youthful mind ; to help it grow in t sarao ratio that the body grows ; to tra the mind into correct habits of acilon ; thcso should bo the teacher's task in schools or colleges. Probably nine-tenths of the younger pupils nnd a largo proportion of the elder indents study to pass the examinations , and have hardly any other object In vlow. The marking system fs largely to blame for this. The pupils know they have to have so many marks to pass , to bo able to advance with their comrades , and to that end they work. So the par rot who can repeat without uuderstaml- ng , the mcmomor who can recite thoughtlessly what stands in the books , proceed In triumph , while the actual student who has been trying to under stand to make the subject under consid eration n part of his mental equipment , falls behind in his olass. Every teacher of experience knows this to bo n fact. Thus the marking system is nn injustice as well as injurious to mental develop ment. And it is quite needless , Au in structor knows , if ho understands his business at all , whore each one of his pupils belong in the scale. Ho cannot help becoming familiar with the mental liber of each of those under his care , nnd unconsciously ho will grade them accord ing to this knowledge of them. Teachers are always embarrassed by examination papers. Hero is a notori ously ncgliccnt pupil with a paper in which all the questions are correctly an swered. Ho is certain that unfair meaus have been resorted to to attain this result , but he can not prove that such is the fact perhaps. What is to bo done ? If ho marks him according to the paper nn injustice is done the honest workers , if ho marks him according to his real acquirements he discredits his own system , nnd the ag grieved pupil can come forward with a protest which ho can not very well ig nore. The marking system should bo abolished ished in colleges and In the higher schools , and students should bo made to feel that they are working to equip them selves for the actual struggle of life , for rounding out and competing their own personalities , and not to pass the exami nations merely. Abnse of Convlrfts lu Georgia. The untold story of outrage and crime that have been practiced under the con vict lease system in Georgia will proba bly bo fully disclosed now that Governor Gordon has been compelled byrocent de velopments to interpose the executive authority for the protection of the con victs. Undoubtedly it will bo a chapter of brutality and barbarism almost with out a parallel in any civilized country. Casual evidence of the terrible abuses practiced by the lessees or their agents has been furnished from time to time for several years , but no detailed and author itative account of the outrages perpe trated has been made public. Four years ago the prison physician furnished the governor with a report setting forth thu facts that had como under his observa tion , but it was kept from iho public , and has only just now been given to the press. It is re ferred to as a shocking recital , and when what has since occurred shall bo added to it , the terrible character of the con nected story may perhaps bo imagined. The men who have controlled this lease system wore and are influential in politics and society. It has bcon a source' largo income to them , and most of them have become wealthy from the labors of the unfortunate victims of crimo. They have used their power to avert Investigation and silence criticism until the public oai could no longer remain deaf to the appeal : of the hapless victims of inhumanity nnd brutal cruelty , and the popular demand now is that the lessees , moro criminal than the poor wretches who they have mercilessly outraged , shall bo summarily deprived of their valuable franchises , Governor Gordon seems to bo in full ac cord with this fooling , and smco he can have nothing to fear and nc favors to ask at the hands of the mon who have so wantonly abused their privi leges and disregarded ovary dictate of humanity it may bo expected that the executive authority will bo fully exerted to put an end to the utterly disgraceful state of affairs that has existed. Heartily as Governor Gordon is to b < commended for tha action ho has taken , It is , however , not complimentary to the people of Georgia that they Imvo per mitted to continue so long a condition ol things of which the moro intolllgoni among thorn must have had knowledge for years , and which certainly has boon known to most of their ollieial represen tatives , It is fair to presume that Gov ernor Gordon himself has been long fa miliar in a general way at leas with the outrages practiced under th lease system , as wera his prcdc ccssors in the executive oflico for a num her of years past , ono of whom sup pressed a report detailing the crime ! committed upon the convicts and thi hardships and privations to which the ; ns were subjected. The political power o nsd. the lessees doubtless explains the silence ist of these oflicials , who could have hac or little faith In the people , but shall we reef look to the same explanation to aceotin of for the silence of the press and the pul id pit ? Has the voice of the humanitarian oo and the philanthropist boon hushoc vo until now by the same sordid and heart ICt less powur ? If so Georgia has little tc boast of in the awakening to the neccs is sity for reform it has so tardily oxporl enced , duo perhaps qulto as much to ox n. ternul influences now so generally n work such , ( or example , as the confoi once of charities nnd correction as t as an internal growth of bettor principle on ami sentiments. Still the awakening i if to bo welcomed , and it may bo hoped th of demand it has aroused will not bo .satii 10. fled until the needed reform is thorough ! 10.ho and permanently accomplished. tor or ProfcuBor Balrd. era In the death of Bponcor F. Balrd , secretary ml rotary of the Smithsonian Institute i iiy Washington , the world of science hi pt lost one of its chief lights. An indefat nt. gable worker all his days , he had workc lid himself to the front ranks among tt nd naturalists of the age , and ho had n a equal in his knowledge of Ichthyolog ] Ho wrote an immense number of wort 3111 on varied scientific subjects , nn ks. being a man of unusual executive abillt , lor ho made the Smithsonian Institute his model of its kind. 'ho Professor Balrd was born In Road In L-al in 1823 , and was a graduate of Dickinso Lho col lego , m which Institution he became the professor In 1815. lu 1850 he was a ) iln pointed assistant secretary of the Smltl tu 'sonian Institute , with which he has slni elp been connected. 1I was chosen seer tarjr in 1878 and IB 1871 was made lii commissioner by Priisldont Grant. Ills collection of llsh took the lirst prize at the exhibition in Berlin in 1830. Professor Haint1 was both a teacher and a student , boljug Always ( ready to im part Information ntuf never too old or wise to laarn. In his personal relations ho was ono of the most gonlal ot men , and a charming conversationalist. VInn It Improper ? The paper which has boon hired to pro mulgate the otllclal proceedings of the National Conforo'nco , of Charities and Corrections goes t out of its way to ar raign and denounce mo for remarks made at the reception given to the conference board Thursday evening. Passing by the malicious and slanderous flings of that paper in this connection , I propose to discuss the propriety of my remarks which have been branded as discredit able and disgusting. Wo are told that "for the purpose of satisfying a low and depraved appetite Rosewater so far for got the proprieties of the occasion as to introduce politics and to attack some ex- state ollicials. " Now wherein can any part of my speech at the reception of the conference bo tortured into an attempt to gratify a morbid appetite for slandering political opponents ? Those who were present will remember that my speech was chlolly devoted to H review of thn marvelous growth of Omaha , coupled with a cita tion of facts and figures m support of her claims ns a great industrial and com mercial center. The only reference to state affairs made by mo was to recall the fact that in Nebraska the press had been largely instrumental in arousing public senti ment in behalf of the reforms In penal nnd charitable institutions for which the conference is now laboring. In support of my assertion I cited the fact that twelve years ago our convicts were subjected to a system of torture , which was only broken up by exposure through the press , compelling a legisla tive investigation that was followed by the prohibition of the cruelties then prac ticed at the penitentiary. Although this reform was brought about by my per sonal efforts and these of the BEI : , no reference was made by myself to that fact and the credit was given to the press in general. My assailant shows even more ig norance than malice' when ho attempts to arouse sympathy for the ox-state ollieial who introduced the torture policy into the Nebraska penitentiary. For his bene fit I will quote from the journal of the Nebraska house of representatives , ses sion of 1875. During that session charges wore preferred by myself , through the BEK. ' that convicts were being brutaily iprtured , hung b.y ' their wrists and' thqmbs , tied down in bull-rings and morcilosaly starved in dark cells. Am investigation of the charges was ordered By the legislature and the tcstimony takctn , which is printed with the House Jpurqal , not only sus tained the charge.butibrought out facts more damaging tlian were published bv the BKK. It was Shown that ono convict had been hung up * by'tho ' wrists for nine days , and his health cpmpletoly broken. Others had been .maimed for Ilfo by tor ture in the stocks/i'I'hd following extract from the reports of the committee , page COO , will sufllco : "Your committee find from the evi dence herewith submitted , that cruel ant ! unusual punishments have boon infiictm upon the convicts confined in the non itentiary of this state , since the present warden has had charge , and that bar barous and inhuman practices have been resorted to in the management ol the prisoners. Wo further lind tha Nobcs , the deputy warden of the prison andKalkow , Freeman and Coehrau guards , should bo promptly disiihargct for cruel , barbarous and inhuman treat ment of tbo convicts , nnd never ugalt employed in or about the prison. Then should bo a thorough and complete reformation formation in the treatment of convict and the voice of Humanity and reasoi heard and heeded in the prison disci plino. The stocks and the bullrinc should bo abolished. The prisoner ! should not be confined on Beats in on < position during the Sabbath day ; tin prison inspectors should bo moro diligon and watchful. " This report was signed by L. Enyant chairman of the committee , John Bau mer and Henry Fischer , members. A minority report recommended no only the removal of the subordinates but the warden also. The warden was promptly removed . but Nobos , the deputy , who was th father of the torture system , was pro 0 ' moled to his place and retained in charg of the penitentiary until Governo Thaypr made the change last wintoi Right hero at Omaha the Inmates of th 9 ' deaf mute institute wore subjected t cruel and brutal treatment- and an itt was followed by the removal of the supoi intcndont and the appointment of th present otUelout head of that institutiot Prof. Gillespio. Cruel exposure of th boys confined at the reform school by it sufficient clothing and lack of shoes i midwinter , was brought to public notic , tnrough my personal visit at the institi tion four years ago , Humane trcatmct was demanded and'promptly socuroa. Was there any impropriety in my a ! lusion to these historic facts and tt abolition of abusesIn ptato institution ! t If so , I mistake the object of the confo ; once of charities and corrections. 01 - I lE. ROSEWATEK. THE rush to Europe this season hi been unparalelled. Tjio trans-Atlant steamers have been , unable to uccomnu date all who wished to cross the ocoa and many have already engaged pass a j for 1888. This oxodns lias become a ragi a craze and is as ( nonsensical as rae ; 5It crazes are. In tliOj , first piano a larg ; It part of these who spontl their vacatic IS or leisure In this way are unacquaintc Iid with their own country , and in tl id second they are tasing an immon : 10o amount of money out of the circulutlc o at homo and uddigg it to that of forei r. countries. The sum spent abroad th r.s : season will probably not bo far froi id 1100,000,000. There is no adequate r ' 7 , turn for this outlay. The manner : a which American tourists spend their tin and money abroad is almost as prolltlc as it can bo. They rush from one platte to another , are always tired , and alwa ; in a hurry , almost always discontontc with tho' present situation and thorofoi anxious to go forward to some mo' 30 satisfactory place. . From almost ar 0111 . point of > low'this craxe is to bo depr 111 cat'ed. A Formidable Third Party. Chicago Tribune. Although condncd to the cities the united labor combination Is by all odds the most formidable third party In Now York. Its field Is narrow and It cannot possibly become a national party , but tt It retains its hold on the wajte-worklnic class of Now York City It may exert a controlling inllitenco on the presidential election of IMS , since Its recruits number at least two democrats to ono re publican. A Cross-Kytfrt Policy Insufficient. IVilMiMpMtt ttfraia. The question of reduciue taxation has been forced upon the country bv tt.o danger of treasury endorsement. Money. Is piling up In the government strong-boxes that U noodcd In the channels of trade. Democracy cannot meet this Issue by a declaration which ono man will understand la ono way and another nun In another. Withdraw thn Charge. Chttnyo If em Mow that President Cleveland , Governor Hill and other prominent democrats are of fering prizes to bo competed for at a rural baby show It Is tlnu for the opposition or gans to stop cliarjinx them with bolng hon- tllo to the Infant industries ot the couutry. A Shameful Kquallzatlon. Mtnnrait ill * Trllmn' , In Its editorial comments on the Chats- worth horror , the London Dally Nuwa says : "It is sulllclcntly startling to le.irn that rail way bridges are still made of wood. " Ye.s , they are on many American roads but the hearts of the managers are mada ot Hint , so that things are equalised after all. 11U Heart Not on Ills Sleeve. Chicago llemlil , Senator Allison Is wiser in his generation than Senator Sherman. Ho will not wear his heart upon Ills sleeve for daws to peck at. He had friends In the Iowa convention who would eladly promote his ambition to stand * as apresidential candidate , but ho declined to have thulr strenztli tested. A Marvelous TrntiHforniatlon. I'ltlnbutv Chronicle. "When you consider what Ivcs was six years Is Incomprehensible that he should have become so fast , " remarked the snake editor. "What was he ? " , asked the. horse editor. "A musseneorboy. " A Itnpuhltunn Axiom. Providence Journal. It is an axiom of republican government that the ueoplo should be Uxml no more nor farther than Is necessary for a proper and economical carrying on of the .itfalrs ot the nation , It Would Be a Vnln Attempt. ffew Orleans 1'lcai/unc. Science Is tryini ; to lind out how quick a man can wink. The Instantaneous photog rapher should try to catch the eyn of a Con necticut deacon in front of a temperance soda fountain. A Stronir Argument. Qiitnci/III. ( ) Herald. The over-Increasing surplus , the terror ot the business men of the country , has made more tariff reformers than has all the argu ment of the free-traders. Sontomber. Franfc Dempster Sherman , in St. Klcliolcu , Hero's a Ivric for September , Host of all montlis to remmnber. Month when summer breezes tell What has happened wood and dell , Uf the joy the year has brought And thn chances she has wrought. She has turned the veidure red , In the blue sky over head She the harvest-moon has hung Like a silver boat among Shoals of stars bright jewels set In the earth's blue coronet. She nas brought the orchard's fruit To repay the robin's lluto Which has gladdened half the year With a music liquid clear ; And she makes the meadow crass Catch the sunbeams as they pass , Till the autumn's lloor Is rolled With a fragrant cloth of sold. CURRENT TOPICS. Jay Gould's grandson is said to bo already cryluK for a railroad to play with. * * * The oyster which has been spending hh vacation at the seaside Is now about to re turn. * * San Francisco Is a Iso to have a statue ol liberty. The Californlans who are In the c grip of the confederated monopolies think II better to have moro liberty and less statues. * * A largo shipment ot arms and ammunition from San Francisco to Honolulu was made last week. Here Is another outfit for the toy gun market. * * llev. Father Cronln , of Buffalo , who has just returned from England , thinks that the house of commons has the brains and the house of lords Iho fat of the British parlia ment. , The Inhabitants of New Ulin , Minn. , las : week celebrated thu twenty-fifth anniversary of tlio successful defense of the city against the attack of the Sioux in 1SOJ. The story ol the massacre already reads like a iiuirkj romance of centuries azo. * * # The Prison Mirror Is the name of a papoi published by convicts In the Minnesota pent tentiary. The most prominent editorial Ii 10 the copy which reached us Is headed "Gc . Slow. " This Is good advice In various senses 0 For ono thing that Is the best way of main 1 taining the lock step intact. * * r10 The Nero type of physiognomy , says ai 10 American naturalist. Is becoming frequent i , among the members of wealthy clubs In the to largo cities. Tills Is quite reasonable , fo 1- these men are following pursuits similar tr 1,0 those In which the tyrant indulged the gratl ,0 I flcatlon of their senses. l' | A statue to Cuanhotomoc , the last of the Aztec emperors , was unveiled In the City o : Mexico last week. A significant fact In con ncctlon with the ceremony \Vs the small number of Mexicans ot Spanish aoscent wlu wuro present and the largo number of Indian descendants. Tlio event shows that the lattei still cherish the memories ot their patrlotli ancestors. * * Thomas Davidson , who has been perusl ni isle the manuscript of Ignatius Donnelly's worl lo on the Bacon-Shakspoare controversy , ha jn come to the conclusion that In a few year : n the plays of tha bard ot Avon will b je familiarly called the works of Bacon. Si o , here seems to bo another convert. There I 5t one consolation In connection with this dis 5tm pute that sflould not ba lost sight of we sill m have the plays. id | * * Evolution Is said to be at work upon tli 10 tall of the modern dress coat and It may hav sen to go. The startling Information comet > n from the east that young society mon have jn bcon seen lu evening coats of brilliant coloi is but abbreviated Mils. From a scientific poln ism m of view this seems satisfactory onoujrh , bu 0- the Innovation must strike the drawllni 0in wearer with a chili. What It evolullo no should attack and dispose of him next'- ' * # S3 "Blind Tom , " the negro musical phenome BO non , who has been the subject ot much Iltl ys gallon of late has returned to New York 1 3d company with his mother Charity WIgtgin ro and Mrs. Bnthune , his newly appoints ro guardian. He Is now thirty-nine year * ol' ' roy and has been before'tho public about thirty o- four years. He U fat'but has not lost an of his old time power of mimicry. The ebo.n musician , has bcon managed alt these years br "General" Bethuuo and his eon John who have had a source of considerable wealth n him. Not much ot-thls ha * beneflttcd Tom , however. What ho earns hereafter will bo put Into the hands of his guardian for his own benefit. Ho begins a concert season next month at Checkering hall , Now York. Itov. Myron W. Heed , ot Denver , Col. , has been prominently mentioned In relation to the vacant pulpit of Henry Ward Bencher In Brooklyn. He Is an active man ot about fifty , a deep thin ker and a forcible talker. He has preached In Indianapolis , whore ho had charge of the same church that Beochor presided ovnf , In Milwaukee and In Denver. Ho Is a progressive man In rollglos , politic * ! and social matters. * Visitors to the national capital who expect to take a broad vlow of the city nnd Its sur round Ings from the W ashlURton monument , are grievously disappointed. The door of the monument has * been closed since the Oth of May last. This Is the fault of Chairman Samuel J. Handall , of the house committee on appropriations In the last congress , who used his intltiauco to prevent congress from making the nocossarj ? appropriation for oper ating the elevator and the electric lights , which had been put Into the shaft under the authority of con < res the ymr before. The monument Is finished ; the elevator Is In place , and so Is the plant of tin ) electric light ; but there Is no money to run the en- gluts of tlio dynamos nor to pay the neces sary watchmnn. Our congress always shows great ability In the way of saving at the spigot wlillo a wasteful stioam flows from the bunghole. * * A good many years ago when an Omaha mllltla company went out on a three months' scout on the plains thn bottle-scarrcfl warriors failed to llnd a single hostile Sioux whoso scalp they could take with propriety. So they turned In to get their trophies from their own camp , and gallantly cut the ears otf two or throe Pawnee * bucks who accom panied the militia as guides. These cars were brought back to Omaha as proof of the daring and bravery of our volunteer protec tors , and although the Pawnee ears were not largo enough to cover them with glory , they served their purpose , for a time at least , until It leaked out that they had never oiiuuneutcd the head of n Sioux brave. The Colorado mllltla are evidently taking their pattern from the renowned Omaha scouts of 'Ot , and wo shall not bo surprised If their trophies prove to bo nothing moro than the oars ofsomo Inoffensive Indians who happen to be on the trail ot the militia. * * One llov. Mr. Pentlcost , ot Now York , has made himself somewhat notorious recently by n dream he related at an anti-poverty pic nic lu the metropolis. A part of It was as follows : " 1 knew it was morning bucause all the ucoplc ware going to work nicely dressed , hapuy looking people and the stores were Just opening at that hour. And then I looked for Jacob Sharp's cars , aud I saw cars rolling along run bv electricity , and nobody paid any fares. The policeman said the road belonged to the people and was free. Elevated roads had gone , but there were un derground roads , run by electricity , too , and nobody paid any faros. Public buildIngs - Ings were magnificent ; private dwellings modest , but comfortable. There wore no tenements. Poverty , I was told , had gene out of the world years ago. Now York , Jersey City , Brooklyn , even Hoboken , were alt one , with ono mayor and 10,030,000 of people , who worked from 9 a. m. till 4 p. m. , with an hour for lunch. There were great theaters and concert gardens open , but any body could walk In without paying a cent. I looked for saloons but couldn't find any. But the saloons died out because when the tax was taken oft liquors It made them so dirt cheap that no ono wanted them. There was no Inducement to treat. " Jlko many dreams this Is a fair vision , but the element ot reasonableness Is wanting. Who Is to maintain a people In such a holiday sort of existence ? What about the farmers ? Suppose drouth or floods , or storms or grasshoppers make their toll use less , how are they to go about smiling , work a tow hours a day , go to theaters and all that ? The reverend gentleman should try again and see If ho can't dream something less Utopian. POtilTIUAti POINTS. Among republicans in Tennessee , there Is us antagonism to Mr. Sherman whatever. Judge Thurman Is physically unable to take the stump for the democratic ticket ID Ohlc this year. The Louisville ( Kv. ) Commercial ( roo. ) says that In that city many have noticed considerable changes from Blaloo to Sher man In the past tew weeks. Caldwell Is the place selected for Forakci to dellvei his first speech In the Ohio cam paign. Hayes opened the campaign of 137.1 and Gartield that of IS79 there. Buffalo business men have invited Erastus Wliuan and Benjamin Buttenvorth to dis cuss the Canadian commercial union ques tion In that city on September 1. Mr. Foster , ex-minister of Madrid , coin cides with other well-informed observers tlia Indiana will go republican next year whom soever the party nominate for president. Congressman Briimm , the greonback-re publican from Pennsylvania , says Mr Blalno's friends do not look with upoi : the outcome of another defensive campaign When Ohio goes for frco trane Mlchlgat will probably be ready to vote to return thi rebel Hags , with an apoloity for ever havlni taken a hand In the union war upalnst th1 rebellion , Speaktnc about the disgrace which Senate Rlddlcbi-rger has brought on Virglul , naturally suggests the disgrace whicl : Virginia brought on hciself by making i senator out of him. * Nomination to oflico Is the prt' of al public functions. But that Is just the depart ment of politics in which the people ar weakest , If they have not been reduced t < positive Insignificance. Governor Itusk , ot Wisconsin , wants I understood that the allesrud Interviews will him saying that his state deltuatlon wil support him for president or vlco prcsldun In the next republican national convention nro false. The San Francisco Bulletin ( rop. ) , claim Ing that It does not know whether Mr. lllalno will bo a candidate next year , ex presses the belief that "thi-ro will bo a lalre Hold for all republican candidates In 13S1 than tlieit ) has been since IbT'J. " The Philadelphia Record ( Ind. ) calls thi platform of the Pennsylvania republicans "a strance mixture of shrewdness and fncapa city. " "Its Bhrowiinps.V the JJccord ex plains , "consists In the avoidance of run Issues ; Us Incapacity , In foolish Inveracity and childishness ot statoment. " At thu recent vote In Utah on Urn Monitor constitution 13.3TJ ballots \vurn whicl IS i ji.oai w ro 1'or the constitution. The lien i tiles refrained from voting. Yet thu Sal Lake Herald ( Mormon ) says : "Tlio people have the right to uxncct that their appeals foi justice and full cltr/enshlp will be grantci ! ami statehood conferred upon the tvnltory.1 All the Philadelphia ilcloirates to the Penn sylvania republican convention received cir culars Inclosing tickets tn ll.urisburg . and return. The circulars wuro signed with the namu William Ii. Hart , hut as that guntlc man Is a candidate for state treasurer , it I ? suggests ! flint some enemy of Ills must have Hindi ! usu ot his nauiu In the trutmetion. Says tUo1 New York Sun : linn. Johr Sherman Is comhu to New York when tu : comes back from AlaiUa. .Havlug not i technicolor putatire possession o ! the Buck ctyo country , ho pants for new soils tl conquer , and has Uxed the cold and llshj eye of ambition upon tha small but modest < , , state ot Now York. Illinois didn't pan out very well , so eastward the star of Sherman taxes Its way. BUMMKIt Boston Transcript : The gardeners In India are all Buddhist ? . Now ABO : Hanging Is too gbod for painting that Is badly executed. Boston Herald : The Indian scare looms up without any reservation worth tpcaklng of Springfield Mirror : J. Gould Is proptlntof ot the largest watering place In the world-- his office. Philadelphia Inquirer : Tan Is the fasli- lonablo color now. Mrs. Cleveland has line coat of it Boston Transcript : The school vacation Is almost over and the schoolmaster will soon rattan to business. Pittsburg Chronicle : "Tho spoil U broken , " remarked the foreman , as Slug Tcu dropped a handful of typo on the tloor. Sioux City Journal : Of course people In Iowa can drluK. They can gut drunk. But they are not permitted to init on any style about It. Lowell Citizen : The man who loft homo to spend the summer with his family has just returned. The summer Is not yet spent , but his money is. Utlc.t Observer : The birth of a son to Ccorgu and Kdlth KliiRtloti ( lould Is proba- ably put down In the diary of Its paternal grandfather as a new Issue of preferred stock. Washington Critic : A Harvard savant was recently mistaken for a lunatic lu Con necticut. This Is a delightful relief to the monotony of having lunatics mistaken for savants. San Francisco Alta : In the effort to Chris tianize Africa the United States leads Oreat lintlan. Wo send to the African annually UJl.-ll'J tra lions of rum , white Kuglaud sends only Gfti,3e3 gallons. A PULLMAN CAR EPISODE. Mr. William Nye Recalls Hnnator fjolaml Stanford'a 1'urt In In. New York World : Some years ago a big , fat and pompous man strolled Into a sleeping oar on board u Union Pacific train with thu air of a man who owned things. After he had looked at every body till he had gratified his curiosity , ho settled down in a sent and began to watcli VOID the window the swiftly changing andscapu. The sleeping car conductor put his hand on the shoulder of the largo , globular tnnn aud asked him if ho had a Pullman ticket. Tliu wide man spread 'iis legs a little wider , so as to take up a little moro room , breathed in about 3.700 cubic tout of Nebraska o/ono and salt ! ho did not have to have a ticket. "You have fo show a ticket hero in this car or go into the ear where you belong , " said the urbane conductor who assists Sir ( Jcorgu Pullman in giving his beloved sleep. "We are not carrying people this sum mer just to cultivate a friendly feeling between man and man. " "Do you know , " said the largo man as ho threw back his coat so as to show a two-pound diamond , "that I can have ) you out of a job in three minutes and hang your pelt on the fence as soon as wo get to Omaha ? " "No , I didn't know that , of course ; but I know that if you don't show me your authority for riding in this car I will call the porter and we will use you to lubri cate the young and growing state of Ne braska. You may bo an eminent man , but you have a way of concealing it that would baffle any conductor in the United Slates. " "You will tind out who I nm when wo get to Omaha , " said the large , purple man , looking at his seven-pound watch and snapping it so that a nervous woman nearly jumped out of the car. "You will then know who I am , but it will bo too late. " "True , true , " said the conductor , mus ingly. "It will then bo indeed too late , for nobody who comes to search for you will know who you are , and you will bo a very shocking sight. " "Young man when you are my age I hope you will know p\ore. " "Yes , sir , I also hope .1 will know more. And I wish you had bcon blessed by knowing more1" "Sir , my name is a household word from New York to San Francisco. If you had ever traveled much you would not huve to ask for my ticket. You ought to buablu to recognize a man who has boon in public life as long as I have. " "Possibly so , " said the conductor , tak ing oft' his coat and culling the iiortor , "but somehow you do not rominil moot any gruat man 1 over saw. You look more to me like a man who has atrnck a popular chord in leaf lard or quelled the national cry for an earnest and tenacious style of glue. As 1 said before , the rules of this company require that yon shall produce tha currency , pass or ticket or get oil and walk. Will you show us your credentials or earn the everlasting enmity of the road by falling olVthe plat form and mussing up the right of way. The largo man's breath caiuu quick and his brow grow black , as he ground his teeth and went out of thu 'car. I sup posed ho had gone out to pluntro ell' the platform as we spctJ * swiftly down tbo grade. 1 went back to sue him do it , for I had never scon n man distribute him- pulf ov r a monotonous sweep of country thai way ; but , much to my surprise , ho went into u large , yellow special cur that was attached to the train , and we after wards learned that he was I.ehind .Stan ford , who has since that filled to over flowing a seat in thn United States .sun- ate. ate.Tlio conductor continued to hold hii position for years after , though several times he made this sad error of not roc- ogni/.ing some of our most eminent men in politics , art and letters. Twice he missed It on me. But 1 did not report him , for ho ought to maintain discipline , I claim , and besides , I had shaved otf my mustache since wo last met. met.Wo ought not to ask too much of a con ductor. Our great men are constantly changing their appearance by putting on different huts or getting tlutir hair cut , nnd a conductor is almost forced to de mand a ticket or name other guarantee of good faith from everyone who travels with him. Governor Sanford is a very large man physically , aud this gives his bruin a wondurtul amount of .sea-room and a good chance to stretch itself. Ilu enjoys being in the senate very much , for it gives him an opportunity to moot other wealthy men and helps him to forgot about tlio low , common people who eli'cted him. Hu is sorry now that he did not go to the .senate years ago. It is the best place to go to recover from brain fug that ho knows of , and he says that his fag hasn't looked so well for years , The Conrad family of Perry ville , Mo. , have lived a good many years between them all. David It. \a \ seventy-seven , Eli/abctli fiuviiiity-Hvo , Jacob seventy- three , William seventy-one , ( Jltira sixty- nine , ( icorgo sixty -.sovon , Mary M. sixty- five ; total , -1U7. The family are all fn good health. Tlio reiont : rams have washed nil * much of thu lar and hand that was us < < d to ulug up the cracks In thu now I'lfih nvenuu pavoinont in New York , mid in gullies ol Iho gutter * thnru ore now little pot-tots of sandy tar that look us if a snu.ll gis : factory had passed that way. The .Siamese prinon drank while In Now York H compound of biier and lemonade , which the I'oinpnundor behind the bar duolariid to be the "ratiVcbt" ia bit c * > purienc * .