Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' V 'i '
Advertisements under tills head. 10 cents po
Ino for the first insertion , 7 cents lor each sun
sequent Insertion , and(1.60a line jier month
hoBdvcrtlfomcnt tnkcn for IOBS tnnn 26 cents
for the first Insertion. Seven words wll Ibe
counted to the line ; they must run consecu
tively nnd must no paid In advance. All adver-
tltomentH must bo handed In before 1 : So'clock
p , m.nnd tinder no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising Inthefe column ana BarIng -
Ing- the answers addrrssrd In care of Tnj B *
w ill plonso a k for n check to enable them to get none will be delivered except
on oroKentntlon of chock. All answers to adver
tisements should bo cnelo cd In rnvelnpes.
All advertisements In these columns nro PUD-
llhod In both morning ntid evening editions
ofUK IlKK. the clrculntlon of which aggre
gates moro than 14.000 pnpois tlnlly , and gives
the advertiser the benefit , nut only of the city
circulation of Tun HF.E. but also of Council
Bluffs , Lincoln and nth r cities and towns
hrnughout this part of the west.
d 1,000,000 to tonnx Cole , 316 S 16th.
. Wo loan money on Improved property
MONP.Y any desired amount at low rates
of Interest , to run from two to ten years time.
Btotts , Cox * Houston. IC07M Fnrnoin. 959
Tolonn at n per rent. Patterson
MONKV . , 16th street , op. P. O. 329
> 7tOCfO TO LOAN at 6 per cent Llnnhnn
> Muhonoy , 1609 Fnrnam. 638
6 H. C. Patterson. IBth and Hnrney.
( , to lonn on real eMnte. No delay-
$6in,000 * Snmpson. 1518 Douglas st. 640
ONF.Y T < rLOAN-0. F. Dnvls Co. , rea
estate and loan agents , 1606 Farnarast
, to lonn in nny amount nt lowest rnto
$600,000 . II. B. Ircy , Frenzer block. 307
/ ) To loan on Oinntm city property at !
$600/)00 cent O. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Km-
TO LOAN On city and farm prop-
MONKY nt low rnted. No dclny. Cahn * wool-
Icy , 1322 Farnatn st. 643037
. to lonn to parties wlohlns to bull.l.
MONF.Y Cuinpboll , JllU B 18th 6t. , Chamber of
Commerce. "
. To lonn. Lowoct rntes. No dclny.
MONF.Y . Itlco * Co. , over Comraeiclnl Na
tional Imnk. 267
to loan , cash on delay.
MONEY . _ ' . Squire , 141J Farnam St.
Paxton hotel bulldlnir. 64
OlTuY TO LOAN nn Improved city prop
erty In sums of ( l.OOOto (5,000 nt six per
cent InteroM. fcholcs& . Crinnli. 646
ONKY TO LOAN on iraqroved real pstnte ;
no commlPBlon charged. Leavitt Burn-
ham , lloom 1 Croltfbton Block. 641
ONKY In sums of (6f nnd over to loon at
M low rates , Russell Ic Bnrrctt , 312 S Kith st.
MONEY TO LOAN On city property In
Bums of f500 nnd upwards nt lowest rates.
Money ttlways en hand. 8. B. Campbell. 310
South Sixteenth street. 047
TO IXAN Money Loaiii placed on im-
JL proved real estate In city or county for
Now England Loan > V Trust Co. , by DOUBIRJ
County bank. 16th nnd Chlrngo Mi. _ B49
MONEY l.OANCOnt C. F. Heed & Co.'s Lonn
Ofllco.on furniture , plnnos , horfuis.wngons ,
personal property of all kinds , nnd all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. Hit S. 13th.
o\cr Itlnpham B Commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 850
MONI'.Y loaned on furniture , pianos , orcnns ,
horses , etc. , low rules. J. , I. Wilkinson A. Co , .
ir.4 : l-'arnnin , over IlurlliiKton ticket odlco. 407
MONEY TO LOAN by the nnclersiRnod , who
has the only properly orKanlzcd loan
agenoy in Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 mndo
nn furniture , plnnos , organs , horses , wagons ,
machinery , Ac , without removal. No delays.
All buflnoss strictly conBdentlul. Ix > ani so
nndo that nny part can bopatd nt any Ime.each
payment reducing the cost pro ratn. Advances
madn on flno watches nnd diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns are dally comlmr
mto existence. Should you need money call
and nee me. W. tl. Croft , Boom 4 WUhnfll
Building 16th and llurnoy. gsi
ri HR OMAHA Financial Exchange ,
btato National
over bank.
IP prepared to make short tim * loans OB any
nvallablo security.
Loans mndo on chattels , collateral or real
Long time loans mndo on improved real estate
nt current rater.
Purchase money mortgages negotiated.
Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Short tlmo loans made on second mortgage.
according to marginal interest , at collateral
Itenl citato to exchange for rood Interest
bearing paper.
Clenernl financial business of all Kinds tram-
acted promptly , quietly and fairly.
Money always on hand for approved loans of
ny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Corbctt. Mnimvcr. r < 53
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1605
Fnrnam Btrei-l Complete abstracts nir-
nlshod.niul titles to real estate examined , per
fected and guarnntcoj 8,8
FOR SALE Oood paying restaurant In Ko
location. livery til I lit : complete. Chen [ ) . JS
llonnwa \ Co. , 15th fit. opi > . P. 0. 200 30J
WA N T K IT I in m o dfaToly , n partner lifdl nTnp
room buslnoRS , small umouut of capital
required : will double moiioy during next
month. Splendid locution iinu rapidly incrcas-
liiir trade. ThH Is H splendid opening for small
Investment of a few hundred dollars and will
bear close inspection. Address 0 4 Bee offleo.
28928 1
_ _ _
BMH SALK-Stock of drug * , invoice (1,200 ,
avurairo sales ( U , rent $15 , bad henlth ren-
ion rorpelllnir. Onll or address 2lW7i ! Lake st.
102 sit
V\rANTii-lmmodlnteiy : n partner with fWO
' in an ostabllHlied buslnois puyliiK 150
per cent or moro. AUUrcss box 3Jfl , llontrice ,
Neb. Ih4 su *
SNAP A splendid paving ice crenm. cigar
and oyster parlor In the best town of 1.200
Inhabitants In the state. Best of reasons for
Belling. Address A 71 lleo onico. CO ) 2Cj
TjlOH SALE A KOOU paying restaurant ,
X1 newly ( It ted up , In good location. Cause
of selling sickness. Apply 717 South 13th st.
_ _ _ _ _ JI1J _
W ANTIIO A partner immediately with
from 11,000 to J 1,800 capital , in nourish
ing hotel business In this city , hnvo to enlarge
promises to accommodate rapidly increasing
trade , ono or the best locations In the city , 81
rooms , ciulck nnd handsome returns on Invest
ment. This will bear Inspection. Address C 4 ,
Bee Jifflcq. _ _ 147 28J _
"t 71 Oil SALE A clean small stock of groceries ,
X1 good location , two years lease on building ,
low rent. Address "C 7 , " lice offlco. li)5 ) ; iOJ
FOIt HALi : Restaurant doing a good Imsl-
need , HI lioardori ; In a good location , good
reason for selllnv. Inquire 1013 Harney.
_ 840 23J
W ' ANTED Hiilf Interest In furniture or
house fuiiilshlntr store , Involclnir $8.000 to
112,000. AddreisA , llco olHco , Council ( Hulls.
_ 174 1J
FHU BALK- First class meat market In best
locution In city. For nearer information
addrcsi II 15. lloo olllco. _ Ilia ,11J
V\r ANTKUParties who desire to buy or seller
or exchange ( tacks of general merchan
dise , dry goods , crocerlrs , boots and shoes ,
hnrdwnre , drugs , Jewelry Improved or unim
proved town orclty property , Improved r un
proved farms in any part of the tlnlted States.
to ad.lrcii Krause Jt Foster , 816 B. Uth et.
Omaha , Neb. C55
l.rlly : W. H Oreen. 215Touth 13th
street , stock of trrocerloton f-uunJcrs st.
_ _
iOR SALE A flrtit-cltiss hotui'propurtr doing
excellent tmslnffs. Mint sell in sixty
days. For tirleo and terinu nddrevi II , S. Lilly ,
re M estate dealer , llrnken llow , Neb. 3llsll
FOH ItHN'l'-.ln Albion. Neb. . thc iargeit ,
best cu toino.1 and oldest dry goods store ,
can linvn poicckilon on the flrst dnr in Soptnm.
ber. ror information uppiy to 1. W. Roburts ,
the owner. _ _ _ _ _ _ ? OS3JJ _
rpo KXCIIANUlT X stock of clothing and
Jrmnlihlitg goods worth 11.1,000. Wlil take
part In Omaha properly , balance cash elms.
ILWoollgy , 418 Suuth15tll _ _ M. _ "
l"It SALh. Or rent , saloon outllde city ilin-
* ' Us ; apply E. Savagv , Farmers' Host.Mlil. .
tnry road. 2j ; 29j
"l\ANl ED- Partner with a few thousand : lol.
lursthe more tbo butter In a good pay.
Ing busmesi in Omaha and Lincoln with aiiur <
ance elsewhere In Ncbrn kae ; tabll hed n yenr ,
work light , pay cure. Addrvits A S3 lleo eSc ,
_ S.14 s2J _
" | 7\OH \ SALII-Chenp , complet * pnlnt shop wftii
J. ' looUatid small stock ot wall paper. Ad.
dress C U. llco oltlce , . ' 3j |
* | T < OH SALK CiiFapT Meat "market7" " oed
Jtnide , tools , tlxturcs , horse and wniion ,
Cull at 2elh and Farnam
'I.VANTEU-Pnrtner in au sstablUhM office ,
f < business paring good li.come , wltb Wfl
And services ; limit real eitat * and
AJJrcsj ( < 17. ll oUlco , KiG If *
WANTF.D A manufacturing firm , wishing
to establish H branch bouso In Omaha , desires -
sires to arrange with an Intelligent and reliable
salesman on commission , who Is thoroughly
experienced In thu line of agricultural imple
ments , writ machinery and wind-mills. Address
John U. Wood,333 Chicago avo. , Chicago , 111.
OR 8 ALE-A dressmaking establishment at
a bargain on easy terms. The business
ncludcs 4 machines , capes nnd wardrobes com
plete , and ovcr40U first clnss customers , Best
location in the city. Good reasons for selling.
Address 0 M , Bee tilnco. 234-g8
FOU TRADH-f 5.000 stock rfothlng in" good
Nebraska town , for farm without Incum *
boranco. Record Advertising Co,1513 Farnam
st. 688
PEIISONAI/-t8.60 will buy a nlco decorated
dinner sot , consisting of 9 dinner plates.
B ten plates , D sauce dlshcs.O Individual butters ,
2 open vegetable dishes , 1 covered dish. 1 butter
dish , 1 gravy bont. 2 platters , 1 sugar , 1 cream ,
and U ten cups and saucers , at Moody's china
Store. 3f ( ! North 10th .
PEHBONAI-f2.50wlll buy a nleo banging
lamp at Moody's china store , 302 N 16th.
251 28
PERSONAL-Lndlcs. Mrs. M. E. Mltchcl Is
temporarily located at the n o cor ot
Douglas and IBtn st , where slio will receive all
orders for fancy-work. * ICO flu
PERSONAL Private home for ladles during
confinement , strictly confidential , infants
adopted , address E 42 , llco office. 167 pcpt7
MISS A. M. ALDRICII , mental healer , treats
diseases absently. Address 63 Watrtnton
St. , lloston , Mass. 1808 25J
FBlisoNAL Mrs. Dr Manme T. Warren
clairvoyant , Medical and business Medluqp
Boom No. 8 121 North 16th st .Omaha , Nek.
* C58
IOST JIaro , white feet , blind In one eye ,
J nbouttl yours old , dnrk buy : tinder plonso
ruturn to Ml3 Cumming and tret reward. ' . ' 4029J
LOST 1 white cow , about 6 years old. When
last seen lind ntout 10 feet of rope on her
bend. Any ono knowing of her wlioronbouts ,
will bo suitably rewarded. II. B. Wells , 1541
Hliermim avenue. . -M' ) 2 J *
LOST Dny book nnd ! ) ohoots of music. Re
turn to i : . W. Head , y.fUYt Franklin orSlth
nnd Dccutur. Get reward. 303-29J
SEVKNTY-F1VE dollnrs' reward. Btrnycd or
stolen fiom icnr of 111 N 17th st , n largo
roan liorpo , about 17 Imnds high , wclRhlntr b6-
tween li00ond ? 1,400 pciunila , rcdlsh brown
innno nnd tnll , bind nnklo somewhat swollen.
125 will tie pnld fdr return of anlmnl to owners ,
nt 1)0 ) H 14th et.iuid If stolen the pherlff of DOIIK-
l s Co , will pny A ruwurd of (50 fur the arrest
and conviction of the thief. C'JO
MHS. IIATKIELDTrnnco business inndlum.
The past piesont and luture revoiilcd , sick
honied , lost found , homes madu nuppy , slttlnRS
dally nt 421 8. nth st. 417 s 1HJ
Hits. DDKANT Clurlvoyant from lloston Is
rcllublc In all nlTnlrs of life , unites sopu
rated lovers. ! C2 n Ifith 1. 84Bicpt3j
S' TOHAOE ' Furniture , boxed goods , &c. ,
terms rcnsonnbln , 714 Pnclflc. 1.10
[ /1IHST-CLAS3 Storage at 110 N 13th ft
P 659
STOHAGK First-class stornge for nice tur-
nlturo or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodce-st.
120 acres of good land 3 miles cast ot VToon-
socket , Dakota , to trade for No. 1 mules.
Addros C20 llco onico. 297 3J
IjlOHTHAOE-Fino Improved nnd unimproved
. fnrms In Nobrnsku for Oinntin property ;
upply Record Adv. Co. , 1513 Fnrnam. 359 31
C ES8POOL8 , Pinks nnd vaults cleaned , odor
less process. U Ewlnjfbox 427 , olty.875E20J
TO EXCHANGE For Omnhn property a flno
farm in Iowa , Chns. H. Woolley , 418 South
15th st. B30s4
LADIis-Mlss : E. ll.Torrlll has opened fnsn-
ionnblo drcssmnklng pnrlors tit 1104 Cap
itol nvnnuo , Exposition building. Perfect sat
isfaction guaranteed. 051-29J
LADIES can have lesson * In selontllto dress
cutting free of chnrgo for ilftoen dnys at
Dress Cutting school , 1R13 Howard st , M Hour.
Visitors always welcome. 831 30j
CESS POOLS and vaults rlcanod , dead ani
mals removed. W. H. Barber , 802 Leaven-
worth. Telephone 102. 887s21 *
EIBr your rooms nnd houses with the Record
Advertising Co , 1513 Fnrnam it. and wo
will rent thorn sooner than nny ono else , as we
are well known all over the city. GOO
"PERFORATED stamping patterns made to or-
JL dor and all tbo latest designs for sale nt
Mrs. J. W. Morrison. 1605 Davenport St. 46lsl3
EASTERN Nebraska farms to exchange for
Omaha property. 1612 FnrnaM. 643
CANADIAN Employment onico-llcst pit ce
in Omnhn to get help or situations , male
mid female , orders promptly filled. Mrp. Breura
& Son , 316 S 15th. Telephone 884. 153 3j
fllO EXCHANGE-For cattle , 1 have 600 and
-L forty acres of good western land to tiade
for cattle , nnd n good house and lot nour the
capital will exchange for cattle. Address S. O.
Bryan. Ashland , Nob. 430
/1 EPS-POOLS and vaults cleaned , dend anl-
\J mnls removed , ilrst ward. W. H. Barber ,
f02l.onvonworth. Telephone 102. 887n21J
rPO agents ; the price of tax lot 12 , north IGth
.L street , Is (235 per foot after August 30 , ' 87.
A. S. Billings. 193 28
rPO EXCHANOE-A two story brick business
JL house , rented for ( GO per month ; located
Inn county Bent town ; to oxchnngo for good ,
smooth , wild land. Address , giving price , loca
tion , eto , lock box 12H , Pnwneo City , Nob. 1)94 ) ! K ) *
o MAHA LOTS To exchange lor cattle. Put-
torson & Moore , 1012 Fnrnnm. 347
Gate City Employment office , 314'4 8.
15lh street Orders for all kinds of help
sollctod. 1)29 )
I1OKKBN1 Square Piano ( J montnir. A
Hospe.l6UlX > UKias. 6A1
TTUm KENT Organs , * 3 per month , rtonpo ,
J ? 1613 Douglas. Ml
Ol. O.-HOUSO furnishing goods , all kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices at J.
Bonner , 1315 Douglas st 683
F Ion RENT Square fiano , ft montnlv.
Hospe. 1513 Douirlmu 601
FOH SALE An old established millinery
business , the bast stand in Omaha. Ad
dress "C 21" Bee office. 203 29J
FOR SALE Cheap , a second-hand piano as
good as new , first-class in every particu
lar. C L. Erickson & Co. , 212 N 16th st.
FO3 SALE Furnlturo of a ten-room house
for salo. Cull at 1721 Dodge st. Saturday
or Mondny. 214 28 *
FOR SALE Parrots and canaries at 1209
Douglas street. 169 28J
OR SALE Splendid saddle horse , U years
old , 000 pounds , gcntlo for lady or bov ,
drives single or double. Also registered Jer
sey cow , good milker. Would take good new
phaeton In trade. W. J. Welslmns , 2608 Dong-
lasst 128
1OR SALE-At a bargain , a 8-room house
with closets and pantry , etc. , lot 25 feet
east front , E blocks south of court house. Address -
dress Y 80 , Bee office. 620a30
Ipnoit SALK Furniture of 8 rooms with privl-
JL1 lege of lease of house , 707 8. Uth Sb
I 209
rPH1RTV-FOUH squares of sheet steel roofing
JL for sale cheap. C W. & O. E. Thompson ,
3148. 15th St. 234
WANTED--25 laborers on ZJ-th and Howard
et . Sewer work. Dclaney , Murphy ft
\\TANTED-Man and horse to hoist brick
TV with elevator. Apply Monday to John F.
Coots , etc and Jones it * . , 298 2sj
\Y ANTED -A man to handle the city trade
> ' with a flue line of domoetlo hand-made
cigars. Ono wbo has banlltid clgura baforn
und Is ivqualnted wuh the dm ? trade prefer
red. Oooi'.s : iade in the cast und stockrartted
here. All goouE warranted llrnt-clitsi.
OH IKepfll e. ass 2 > J
" \\7'ANTKO-Saleimen , n now Invention
noede-i In every bouse ; COO per cent com-
ralislon or a goo 1 salary to right parties. Ad-
drnss with stamp for trim * the leaver Manu
facturer , 31 N State It , , Chicago , III , 734 1 *
\VANTKt ) At once , ihrc v-ood uphoUtercrT
' ' for parlor work , nnd two to mnke
lounges. ( Inoit wages ; McuiljworkVolt A
Co. tS'-M4 Cirun.l nvo , , Kanam City , Mo , 2J 28
WANTED-Man to take tde agency ef our"
tnfti ; llze 28x13x19 luubsi ; weight 500
His. ; retail price (11 ; other sizes In proportion.
A rare ckinco to create a permanent biislusu
HI home. The safes luuet a demand nrror
before supplied by other safe ctirapanlri , as
wo are not roT raed by the S ty I'ool. Alnm *
Safe Ca , Clicmntl | , O. Ml : nj
TA'NTrTD Klrit rl n"pfuinbcrs at once ,
_ 2 _ Bpflman .V l't > rc > , II3 Douglis st. Wi
\\rANTifli- leo for""railroad work In Colo.
' v r do , wsge for t % niElars (30 par month
and boatd. AltirlKbt'ii tacor Agency , 1120 Far-
naut. . - , . T87
- for necesiary household
WANTED-Aircnts terms. Frank West ,
821 N. ISth St. 138 80J
ANTF.n Parties In need of male orfe-
male help fet the coming fnir and ro-
tinion to send in thclrordcrs early to Onto C.ty
Employment office , 314)4 ) 8 16tb st. WO
ANTED-Agonts In Nebrnska for Gen.
John A. Logan's laU work "Volunteer
Poldlor. " just published. Address J. M. French
A Co. . Omnhn , Nob. 23tf
WANTED I want n , few experienced can-
vancrs to sell the newest and most at
tractive subscription book of thoyenr. Agents
who want a good thing for fall nnd winter work
should apply soon. Circulars ready. Win. H.
Alexander , general agent , 1408 Dodge ft. ,
Omaha. 877-30
ANTBD-A thorough furnlshlnir goods
man at 13OT IFarnum. 310-29
WANTED 4 good canvas orst5por week ,
18th st employment , 220 , N. 16th st. .
2762 Bj
ANTED-To engage for fair week nn ox-
soldlor of good character at 1309 Farnam.
4 good men with references to
WANTED on Installments , COS ) North ICth
street. 27330'
ANTED-Clork. must be good penman
and able to loan proprietor (100. gilt edge
security , wages (11 per week , permanent place
to right party. Call nt 805 So. 10th St. , bet 1
and5o'clock p.m. 2. 28J
" \XrANTED-3 men cooks. 3 dishwashers , 8
TV illnlngroom girls , (6.25 per week , 10 girls
for housework. IGth st Employment ofllcc , 220
N. 16th 8t * 212 28J
- In every town In this
WANTED-Agents Indestructible Fuel Cnrt-
rldgo ; send stamp for circular to J. K. ( Jordan
& Co. . P.O. Box. Omaha. Nob. 22 28
WANTED-Mrsscngcrboy. The Bradstrcct
Co. 230 28
WANTED All thee wishing help or situa
tions as collector ? , assistant bookkeepers ,
office clerks , engineers , llrcmon , watchmen ,
janitors , portcri , coachmen , teamsters , bar
tenders , waiters , etc. , npply to the Mutual Em
ployment Agency , 214 S. Ititn st , upstnh-s.
> ANTED 3 moro salesmen to sell goods on
the road. 3I4'iS. 15th St. , room5. 2492J
WANTUD 1 boy for offlco , must live at
homo , 1 flrst clnss oyster cook $75 per
month , 3 mnlo cooks for city , peed wnjros , 1
cook , 1 dishwasher , Omaha Iluromi , 119
N ICth St. 25028
WANTP.D-A flrst-clnss hotel COOK. Must
bo sober , steady nnd reliable Must fur
nish Orst-clus * testimonials of nbovo qualities
or need not apply. Address with testimonials ,
O. 1) . Marx , livnnston. Wyo. Tor. 813 s2
WAN'I I'D 2 Kood bakers , ono flrst ono sec
end hand , at 2405 Cummin ? street , Fred
I'otorscn. 258 2'J ! '
U/A / STUD Two boys with ponies to cnrry
the r.vcnmK Deo. Ono lortho western
pnrt of the city mid ono for southern part.
Apply nt thisollloo. 1-7
WANTEO-An Intnlllifont.rcllftblo boy about
1H years old. Pny 13 50 per week. Ap
ply to Theo. Wlllliims , 814 Furtmnv 2C2
I\ANTED Walter for hotel : three cabinet
' milkers ; men for ranch , ' . " > and board.
ICth su employment office. 220 N. ICth st.
yL'ANTED Carpenters nt north-onst corner
IDth nnd Davenport. 210 2UJ
\\TANTn A pnrtnor In a flour nnd feed
> business , with (200 nnd services. Mutual
agency , npply 314 South llith et , upstairs.
WANTED-Baker at 120 N 20th st.
197 28J
WANTED-Fivo traveling salesmen ; ealnry
and oxponsoj ; no oxpenonco necessary ,
address with stamp Palmer & Co. , La Crosso.
\Ms. 183 3IJ
WANTED An Intelligent hey with n good
pony. Call on Thco Williams , 014 Par-
nnm st. 231
The business men of Omaha to
know that wo can furnish them with
skilled help or nil kinds nt short notlco. No
chnnrcg. Omaha Employment Bureau , 119 N.
Kith St. 2o028
WANTED 1 retail shipping clerk , must bo
thoroughly acquainted with streets of
the city and with the grocery business. Omaha
Emp Bureau. 119 N ICIli st. 250 28
\v Jf ANTED 4 ( lorninn boys to carry papers ,
637-500 S. 12th. upstairs. 080
\TI7ANTED A good , smart competent ghl for
V ? general housework , good wages , 1816
Donglns st. 281 31J
W ANTED-Sccond cook , 1001 N 10th st23S
TY'ANTED 0o0l dining room girl 1004 N ICth
AN ! ED-Competent girl for Ronornl homework
work , two In tarn lly. Cull nt 2205 Farnttm
WANTED-Oirl forgcnoral housoworkwatros
(5 per week ; reference required. Mrs.
R. N. Wlthnoll. f28 S 20th St. 2 = 10 28J
\V-\NTF.D-A B ° ocl K'rl ' nt the stJnraos Hotel -
' tel , opposite Union Pacific depot. 226 2SJ
WANTED A good girl at 2009 Davenport
street , Gorman or Bohemian preferred.
-First class girl for general house
work. Small house ; three m family.
Cell at 24.13 Davenport st. 183 28j
WANTED-1 cook for family of 3 , (4.60 per
week ; 1 second girl , Swede , tor private
family ; 3 cooks fur hotels , (10 pdr week ; 3
cooks for private families , (4 to ( fl per week ;
Ilrst and second girl , sisters , for private family ;
20 girls for goueral housework. Omaha Em
ployment Bureau , 110 N. 18th St. 250 28
WANTED A good izlrl for general house'
work In a family of three , wages (4.00
per week. Nlco place for steady girl. Inquire
ofC. L Erickson , 212 N IGth fit. 178
\ \ , ANTED-A girl at 604 South 21st St. 209-29'
WANTEO-A1I these In need of female heir
to send In their orders early to tbo Onto
City Employment oliice , : )14'i ) ! S. 15th st. 200
IANTKI ) Nurse Kirl. Apply to Mrs. A ,
W Hass , Mlllnrd hoteL 26.1 29j
The ladles of Omaba to know
WANTED Omaha Employment Bureau Ii
the most reliable plnce in the city to get girls. .
W ANTKD-Glrls for all kinds of work , at th <
Onto City Employment olllco , 31454 S. lot !
WANTED-Oirl nt 2210 Farnam 81.
129 29J
WANTED An experienced housekeeper
white woman preferred. Apply betwect
6 nnd 6 p. m. . 101 N Dth St. , Lulu Rogers. 131
WANTED Employment by a bright yount
man 1 ? , has bad ono year's experience li
grocery business. Will drive team or do anj
light work for moderate wages ( no onico fee )
Canadian employment office , 310 S. 16th st Tot
t84. '
WANTKD-Situatlon by a man cook with ox
porloncc and good rpfcrences ; acldresi
0 8 Bee offlco. 191 2SJ
Vir ANTED-Situation for one of thebest bake
Ti and pastry cooks In the city ; wants goo <
wages ; no olllco fee. Canadian Employmen
Offlco,318 S. 16tn St. Telephone 8m. 299.29 *
\\7ANTED-Sltuatlon fora girls to do xeconi
Ti work. Ono Is an excellent seamstress
Plenty of competent eastern girls coming ii
everyday. Canadian Employment olllce , Mrs
Brcga & Son , 319 S. 15th st. Telephone h 4.
287 28
WANTED-Stailors , highest wages ; rnea
cook , (40 ; Pastrycook , $40 ; farm hanc
( ( ) ; dishwashers. Mrs. Ilrega & Sou,318 S 15tb
Telephone b 4. 2ti628j
\\7ANTED-Sltuatlon. A reliable and com
T petent young man of 25 as general oltic
work or teacher ; graduate of normal school
Address W. K , 1H18 Farnnm st. 247 2b *
\VANTKO- Situations , by mule und femal
tv Dookkcopuis , clerks , copyists or ofllci
work , lloet of references. Call or addros !
Record Artv. Co , 1513 Farnam. ail 31
\\7ANTED-Sltuatlonfor man and wife 01
v T farm , ranch or In private family ; womai
understands housework thoroughly : man I
a good worker. This Is no snldo couple. If yoi
need them come nnd see them. No office fee
Canadian Employment Office , 318 S. 16th si
Telephone 8b4. SUIl 29i
\\TANTF.D-Positionas drug clerk. 2 ycare
' experience. Registered In Nebraska
Address H. L. Osborne , Stromsburg , Neb ,
215 sa
\\rANTED-Cook for Wymore. (40 ; pastr
T cook for city , (10 : cook for Merchants
lunch , | 5 ; : i for bonrdinir houses , (5 to (7
knchfin helpers , (1 : dl hwashers , (4 ; wait
ros e. , (4 ; 2 glrU for Wyomlav0 ; mtddh
B'-ed Htiman for nurse and seimstresi. (20
Debt place * and wages always nt Mrs. llreaa ,
Son , oU. S. Uth St. Telephone 84. ' 'M 26 *
WANTED Position In. grocery or omco o
on delivery wagon by experienced man
16tu st. employmsu ; o'llcu. 220 N. < 16th'8
1 ' '
. J17-2S
T\rANTnD-Fllu titi : . > Hie business P b-
' He and cnntraulorj ftiiiplloJ with reliable
nndcompetcnt help , as vatcnmrn , porteri , en- ,
frlncers , firemen , cxiacllmen , teamsters , cto.
freeof charge , city , or-county. Mutual Em *
ploytncnt Agency , 211 S.lOtU st , UDBtnlrS.
WANTED Work by the day by one of the
finest laundresses la the state. Canadian
Eracloymcnt Offlce , 318 a. 16tU st. Telephone
884. _ 2M2 t
WANTKD-Kngngeraonts to do dressmaklnn
In families , Address 016 , Bee office ,
t S29 82 *
WANTF.D Situation as coach and yardman ,
Irish , several years experience , Is bright ,
tout , active nnd work. No office foe.
'anadlan Employment 'office , Mrs. Ilrega ft
on , 310 S. 15th , tcltphono 884. S34 28J
A HARE OPPORTUNlTY-A beautiful and
well Improved farm of 1 < X ) acres , near a
hrlvlnir town : only IIEDO : or will nxebango for
itock of groceries , a restaurant or a y good
luMnoss chance. Mrs. Brega mid Son , 8188.
5th st. Telephone 884. 299 29J
Vt'ANTKD A position In porno retail hard-
wnro store in Omoha as clerk. For
urthor Information , address , 0 14 , Bco offlco.
WANTED Situation as bookkeeper , clerk
nnd general writing. Male and fomalo.
lest of references , Utcord Advertising Co ,
513 Farnam ct. 668
WANTED To rent on or before October
1st bouie. 4 to 0 rooms , near 25th and
Cats streets. Phil Stlmmol , 911 and 013 Jones
WANTED To buy or trade for buggy.
Mutual Agency , 214 South ICth strcotup-
italrs. 278 23J
\\7ANTBD-To purchase a good chicken dog ,
TV ono that Is well trained nnd not too old.
Address with prlco And particulars at once. 0 0.
llco oflico , ItO 2SJ
WANTED To rent part of warehouse with
track privileges , doslc room in offlco ,
&c. , 714 Pacific st. 157
WANTED Secondhand f urntturo.stovcs and
household goods for spot cash. Call nt
17 N 16th. 250 826
\\7ANTED-Bourder. Any gentleman with
> references can find oloxnnt bonrd nnd n
joom all to himself In n family of two on
Georgia nvonuo , nt C6 ! per inontb. No other
boarders , no children ; just u nlco , quiet homo ,
with best of victuals , for a nice gentleman.
Address C 9 , Bee ofllcc. 1S823J
\VANTEO-Tho Indies of Omuhn to know
' that ordoia for hell ) nro promptly filled at
.ho Onto City Employment Offlco , 314 ! } 8 15th
; t- 098
WANTED Nicely furnished nnd unfur
nished rooms listed with us. Record
Advertising Co , 1S1J Fnrnnm St. CM
WANTED A good loention to.gtart n nows-
pupor ii a good town : I will put in n
flrst-clnss olllce , also n good paper to Eoll. For
miticulars address C. 1. , cnro of this offlco.
130 31
U'ANTED A creamery nnd canning lac-
tory. Will assist the rizht parties. Ad-
drees Bunk of Valley. Valley , Neb. 270s9
WANTED-A few boarders nt 1720 Dodge st'
References requested. 70J
WANTED A gruln dealer to locate at tills
place. Best grain region in Nebraska.
Address Hank of Valley , Valley , Neb. 270s9
\\7ANTED-A harness maker to open a shop
> v dero. Address Bank of Vulley , Valley ,
Neb. 270-S-9
W ANTED Factories of all kinds. Address
Bank ot Vnlloy , Valley , Nob. 270J9
\ \ 1 ANTED Pupils In EnglUn branches
and music , u. w. corner IStn and Farnam.
' ' 725 sl
T710H RENT-Do3lrntlo' 8-room coltnto ,
X' northeast corner Pnrk avo. nnd Mason st.
nqutro on premises. ' * 300-2'J '
TI1OH KENT 0-room house , cellar , well , els
JL tern , lawo ynrdflbarn'nivl all conveniences.
" ; tent (5'pcrmonth.i ) Furniture for sale (70J.
i-room house , cellar , well , cistern , largo birn ,
yards , etc. Rent 40 ; lurnituro ( .100 ;
one-half cash. . 20-room tint , enev terms.
22-room house , (109 ; furniture (1COO. First
olnss restaurant , good loention , doing good
business. 8-room housj f.10 ; furnlturo (4X1.
15-room house , JG.1 ; furniture tl,400 , terms easy ,
a good bargain. Tm > 8-room bonces , furnlturo
cheap. 10-room houso. UO boarders ; ront(55 ;
furnlturo ( VOO. Houses and lots for rent or
sale In all parts of the olty , Co-operatlvo Laml
& Ixit Co. , 205 N. ICth st. 291-3)
FOR HENT Two 7-room Hats , furnlturo for
sale , stcnm-beatod , gas , hot and cold
water , bath room , Ac ; boarding bouso , 1 ?
rooms , furniture for sale , rent only (40 per
month ; two restaurants for sale cheap. S.I ,
Uoidon , K. E. agt. , No. 205 N 16th st , room 7.
251 29J
TJlOR RENT And furnlturo for unlo , nlco six-
.C room bouse , with barn , a bargain If tnkon
at onco. Inquire 814 N 19th St. 2U 29j
FOR RENT Houses. 0-room house , besides
bath room , hot and cold water , speaking
tubes , oloctrlo bills , etc. , corner Colfnx and
Jackson sts , (51 per month.
o-room house , city water , cellar , corner 2Sth
and Charles eta , (22 nor month.
1X13 F. L. 0 rosory , ICO S 15th st.
TPOR HENT 0 room lint with modern con-
J. vonlcncos , 1201 Park avenue. Apply on
piomlses from9 to r.'tt. m. A. II. Fitch. 032
TjXR ) RENT Brick store room and collar ,
-L suitable for restaurant and confectionery
on Pnrk nvo at entrance to Hanscom park , call
on tbo promises bet Ound 12 m. A. If. Fitch.
FOH RENT " .room house , good location ,
stable and yard. Apply 1012 Farnam. 340
TTlfiU HENT-Moat market on Pnrk ave , opp.
-L pirk. Apply on premises bet , U and 12
A. ILFItoh. 101
TT1OR RENT-Store room , ono block from
JL1 postoflico. Inquire of Theodore Williams ,
at Bco ollico. 735
FGU RENT And furnlturo for sale , elegant
10 room house two blocks frompostolllco.
Address II67 Bee olllco. 005
[ TUMI HENT Elegant brlek residence , 10
Jrooms , ( nodorn conveniences. Inquire
Morse & Brunnor , 1605 Farnam St. G2 < !
FOH KENT-2.M1 Douglas sl..nne new ton-
room brick dwelling with all modern con-
vcnlonccs. Apply to W. F. Clark , 408 N. Kith st.
687 28J
F > OR HENT ! 1 room house , 14th and Pierco.
Apply at 617 S. 13th et UI4.
FOR RRNT-5room house lltb between Far
nam nnd Ilornoy sto , ( A ) per month. J ,
F. Hammond , 117 S 16th st lin
FOH RENT-Ono-hnlf of offlco 117 S 18th St. ,
ground floor , and ono of the best loca
tions In tbo city , 115
FOH RENT-Cottagoof4rooms for rent to
party who will buy the f urntturo. Inqulro
032 North 29th avo. ( Division st ) , 203 2 ! >
TT10R IlKNT A nlco cosy 7-roora cottage.con-
JL1 trally located. Rent 1)0. ) Furniture-
ealo cheap. Apply 1810 California st. 264 28 *
FOH HENT An elegant private residence on
Fnrnnm st. It , C. Patterson , J5th and
Harney st. 118
FOH KENT A n room house nnd furnlturo
for sale. 8 B cor Georgia and Popploton
aye. 104 30
FOR HENT Two Urie new stores nnd two
Hats of five rooms each. City water and gas.
On Saunders st. 0. W.tCain , 2230 Ohio st. 813
FOR RENT New store and living rooms on
Cumlng st near Saunders st. Apply Har
ris Rial Kitate & Loin Co. , 320 S. 15th st. 889
POR HENT Barn'tultablo for four horses.
Inqulro at 617 Slllthet. 611
FOR RENT-Fine warehouse on track : apply
to Cunningham & Her , room 7 , Arlington
block. j 17728
FOR RENT Ten room' brick house , modern
improvements , ir.'l Dodge , inqulro 172 :
Dodge. „ [ 28 28
FOR IlKNT New 10-room house ; all Im
provements , stbam'hcat. C. W , & O. K.
Thompson , 314 S. 15tn st , 1000
FOH ItBNT-OmcerHpaee on ground floor at
1609 Fnrnam. Apply.In rear office. J. S.
Richardson- 602 a30
Lot for Lease. Southeast corner
\J 48x8W Loavflnwortn and Park ave. , or will
build to suit tenant. Hobble Bros. 353
TjlOH HENT-Snap ! Tilx-room lint , wlth al
JU modern conveniences , to party who wil
buy tbo furniture. Apply 420 S. 15th st , room 7
VR RENT Neatly furnished ro.ims , SOOT n
floor , by week or month. 316 S. 15th. 309-28 ,
F 1011 RENT Furnished room , 1613 Dodge st
056 l"J
FOR lir.NT-FurnUhed looms with orwltli
out board , HIH N I5tll 61. U95 30
FOR P.KNT-Desirable suite of roonui will
ail conveniences at 2227 Dodrfb. win 30
FOH RENT-Very desirable furninneil room
all conveniences on tame door. Three mln
utctp walk from post offlce. Apply at 1712 Capl
10 ! avuBu * , . ' ; Wtft *
FORRBNT A miltoof three Urge rooms ,
parlor and two bedrooms , handsomely
furnished , steam heat , gas , bath 4e , four flrtt *
class gentlemen wanted as occupants. Address
C 22 , Bee office. 29328
RF.NT Furnished front room with
board ; brick house. 603 N nth sf.
233 30J
FOH RENT-Hnndsomoly furnished sulto of
front rooms , 1719 Dodge ZUO-30
FOH RENT Nlroly furtil n"ed roomsln cen
trally located brick block ; gas and city
water. Apply room 3,507 8.1'.lth st. 8011
1/OR RKN'T-Furntshod rooms with board.
-T 1003 Fnrnam. 307 s 27 ]
WANTED Two coat makers nnd two panta
loon makers at once : highest wao-ospald.
John Snnvcstro , Lincoln , Neb. 806291
WANTKO-To buy nn 8 or 10-room house In
good locality. Room 7 , Crelghton block.
FOR HENT Desk roo-u , ground noon good
location. Clarkson 4 Ilciitty , 219 S. 14th st
972 2S
ANTKD-Gentlomati and wife , without
cnlldren , to tnko part of house , centrally
located , parties occupying house will take
board for rent Address C10 , Bro office.
2tO 30J
FOR KENT Flro rooms at 1819 Davenport
st. Owners would like board. 28.1.28'
TTlOlt RENT Nicely furnished rooms wllh
JL1 first class board. 2011 Burt St. , on 20th
street car line. 274-3'
OR HENT-Nlcely furnished room , 618 8.
17th st 803
"filOR HENT Nicely furnlihed rooms In all
JU parts of the city from (5tn (10 per month.
Record Advertising Co , 1513 Farnam st. 603
FOR HENT Tne largest store room In town.
Inquire at the Argus ofllce , Albion. Neb.
481 sep 13 *
FOR RENT Elegantly furnished rooms sin
gle or enculte , with use of bath ; electric
bolls In every room. First cla i restaurant at.
tached , at Norrls European hotel , corner Uth
and Webster. 668
UH HENT-Nlcely furnished room. In
quire nt cottngo , 601 South 20th. 8SJ 28J
C10II HENT-Omco , 1612 Fnrnam St.
FOIt ItENT-FurnUhcd room 1810 Dodge it.
963 sept 6
FOK SALK Ono of the mo9t prominent
corners In the business portion of the
city. F. n. Konnard , Ill-lias 10th st. 303
FOU KENT Nicely furnished room , first
floor , now house , new fuinltuic , 1717 Muson
street. Cheap 10 rlnht pnrtlos. B2j
FOH RKNT Nicely ItirnlMiod room with bay
Window. C09 B. 17tll 8t , g'Jl 2J
OH HUNT Furnished rooms to Indlert or
irentloincii , uljo unfurnlsliud rooms.Ull N
12th. 87 2'J
FOH HENT Lnrire front parlor with Day
window , and alcove , nlco other rooms with
nodorn conveniences nt 1821 Farnam st , ono
tlock west of court houso. 821
HENT Comfortable rooms en souto or
FOR , with all , modern conveniences. 708
outh 18tn st. 1M 31J
HENT 3 or C unfurnished rooms suitable
able for housekeeping.70' ) Pacific. 140
"H10K UUNT-3 rooms. 1021 N 20th.
FOR HENT Desirable furnished room for
gentlemen at 8JO Howard st , 6b9
FOR "RENT Furnished rooms In Oruenlg
block , cor 1'lth nnd Uodgo. Davis * Hethor-
'ngtou , Mlllnrd hotel blllnrd room. 839
HENT Furnlshod front rcora , near car
line at corner of Dodge nnd 24th streets.
Inquire of A. H. Comstock 1523 arnam st.
FOR HENT Furnished room , 2429 Cbarlcs.
90U 28J
FOH RENT Furnished rooms at reasonable
rates , bath and modern conveniences , 401
N 15th st. 19.J 28J
FOH HENT Nicely furnished front room
with bay window nnd small room adjoin-
as suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen. 1703 Douglas ,
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room
with closet , ? 12 , 800 South 23d. 257 23J
FOR HEN ! Furnished rooms. 351A Cumlng
St. 204 s 6J
FOH HENT--Handsomely furnished front
parlor and bedroom , with use of bnth
room. In an aristocratic locality. 2402 St.
Mary's nvo. 205 28J
FOR RBNT-A nicely furnished room at 2.111
St. Mary's nve. 421
FOR RENT Unfurnished parlor nnd bed
room at S E cor 20th and Chicago. 770
FOK HENT A laigo front alcove room , 1707
Dodgost. 768
FOR REST-Lnrco nicely furnished roora'wlth
breakfast for ( fair weeks , in private famllv.
terms cheap , inquire Record Adv. Co. 1513
Fnrnnm. 25S 31
FOR HENT Furnished loom very cheap ,
11.0 Farnam. 78S
fjlOH HENT Nicely furnished Irontroom on
JU ilrst floor , also sldo room. Will furnish
breakfast If desired. Pleasant neighborhood ,
paved street , 8.J1 South 20th st , a few doors
south of Lenvonwortb st. Private family.
References required. 107 28J
FOH RENT Furnished rooms m Grounlgrblk ,
cor 13th nnd Dodao st. Inquire of Davis k
Hetherlngton , Millard Hotel Billiard room. 291
FOH RENT Elegant suite of rooms , referen
ces required , 1107 Douglas Bt 197
FOK HENT A largo front room In now
house bath , and Intcst modern Improve
ments , 1C1S Webster street. 122
FOR HENT Newly furnished room , bonrd if
desired , 1720 Dodge st. 704
T71OR RENT 11 nicely f iirnirticd"room Tn flat
JO hcatocj by stentn. from (10 to (20 per month.
Record Adv. Co. , 1513 Farnam. MKfl.
FOB HENT arc room cor. 14th and Call.
Ifornln on Belt Line. For particulars en-
qulro at Union Nat , bank. 18 <
"OR RENT Suite of furnished rooms for
gentlemen. A. Ilospo , Jr. , 315 N. 17th.
FOR HENT-Nlcely furnished looms , to gen-
tlemen only , 220 N. IGth St. . Room 2. 948
FOR HENT-Furnlshed rooms , 1419 Chicago
ttreot 130 31
flOR HENT Suit ot rooms on flrst lloor , nil
modern conveniences , 2315 Douglas st.
FOIt RENT Pleasant furnished room at 637
Pleasant st. 161 27
FOR RENT Furnished llnt.7 rooms and bath ,
Leslie & l/oslle. Iflth and Dodge t. 161
FOIt RENT Furnished rooms , slnglo and on
suite , over Leslie It Leslie's pharmacy. ICth
and Dodge sts. 152
FOH REN P Nlooly furnished front room ,
Inqulro 2120 Haraoy st. 237 28j
FOH RENT A newly furnished room. 2025
Farnam et. 686 31
FOH HENT Nicely furalnhoa room. 1921
Dodge st. 19 (
T710R SALE by W. II. Qieen 216th So. 13th
JU strset :
QoodhoiiBo and H lot In Armstrong's 1st
add , house rents for * 3H.50 pur mo . ( 4 ,000
(1,500 cash bal , easy ; this is Inside of
tlKi mile circle.
Full lot with 2 good houses with all mod
ern improvements In Horhach 2nd
and lull lot in B. V. Smith's add , with
flno two story house making a frontage
of 152 foot tiy 140 for . 20,003
(5.000 cash bal 1,2 , 3 , yrs
FulllotiXxl'21n ) Ilorbsch add , with two
good houses which rcnl for (85 per
montn . 10,000
(1,000 cash bal. 1 , 2. II , 4 , yrs.
Lot In Hoggs & Hill's lit add , 38WX1WW.
with good house on Dodge st , cable line
for . 4,200
(1,000 cash , balance 1 and S years.
Flno bouse and all modern Improvements
In llurr Oaf , lot IVJrJK ) , price . 10,000 ,
Ono-thlrd cash , balance 1 , 2 and 3 years.
Full lot on llith st , near Williams st , wltn
3 housus. renting for (15 per mo , tor. , 4,000
(1,600 cash , balance 1 and 2 yours
88x132 , splendid trncknue , lot on Lonvcn-
worth , between 10th and llth , b build
ings on lot now . 3S/100
W Icct front nnd corner , IBth und liar-
ney . 38,000
13J feet front corner Ititu and Leaven-
worth , good house on lot now . 35,000
100 fcot front on Hit st , south of viaduct ,
porfront foot. . . . . W
70 feotfionton Ifith street , south ot via
duct , ( CO front foot .
94 feet tiont anil corner on 18th street ,
south of viaduct . 0,000
330 feet front , 220 foot deep on 20th near
Cnstnllar. at 1.17 .M front foot .
Northeast corner Cumlng und Saunders ,
30x132 Cumin ? between 21st nnd 22d. . . . . . H..V.O
Sxl32 Southeast corner 16th r.nd Orxcc. , " 0,0X1
17'JxlM north ICth street near Ohio street H.500
IF you want to buy , sell or tradn , cab on U V.
Criira , 1-.M.N 15tnst.
100 lots U or a rallo of U. P , depot
for stlo or trade.
0-room house for .rent Two 10-room houses
for rent , tale or trade , IdlenllO.o. By
81i . L. V. Cruia , U'O N 15th st :
LT3T your property for l lo with Chsrles C
Bpotswood. 305i < 8 Iflth St. 84.
FOH 8ALK-Or trade , U lots in tbo western
part ot Omaha near the Benson CAT line ,
price (400 each , ( J50 due on contracts payable
In 8 quarterly payments , will trade Interest In
contracts for Nebraska land. McCulloch .V Co. ,
I8QB Farnam t loop
LIST your property for snlo with Charles C.
Spotsirood , i 5H 8 Ifllh at. 643
TTIOH SAITwo Hue trackage lots In Pad-
JL1 dock Place , very cheap.
1/017 , block 2 , Ambler Place , only | MO , 1300
Two acres In Ilrookllne , Adjoining West Sldo
plat , where lots are selling ( or ( ittJ each , only
1,600 for both.
A fine rcsli'.once lot In Dupont Place for
11,700 , one-third cash.
House and lot In ralrraount Place on 2th Pt
for 1)00 less than actual cost.
Three-room house nnd good lot In Improve
ment Association addition , (1,800 , (400 cash ,
balance (15 month.
The two best lots m Lavotn Plnco on I.owo
avenue. Call and get price. These are positive
A splendid residence lot on 2Hth ave , between
Douglas and Dodge Sts. , for (3,000 , ouo third
cash. All graded.
Elegant c-roora house only 10 minutes f'om
P , O , Water , gns , bath and all modern con
veniences. Sewer connections. Paving taxes
nil pnld. If you are looking for n cozy homo ,
location , price and terms will suit you.
Six tine lots on Bristol St. near State for 11,200
each , Easy terms. Call nnd 1 will tie glad to
sbow this property. F. K. Darling , 416 S. 15th
Mrcet. 2M.28
FOH TRADE Farms In Nebraska , Iowa and
Kansas for Omaha property. Omaha prop
erty to trade for farms , moretmmll e , etc.
Larco bouse nnd 2 lots on Franklin street to
trade for good unencumbered farm or stock of
merchandise. Conu & Johnson , 7.4 N. 16th st
! M2 23
VVF. Can so for a tew days onlv
VT Lot 108 G Uo's addition for ( d,4)X
Tx > t71 Olse's addition , ( Anx :
Block 1 lloyd's addition , $ JM3.
One-tblrd cash , balancn 1,2 and 3 years.
Remington & McCcrmlck , 220 Soutu 15th st
A SNAP TO foot on Douglns nbovo 20th , (150
porfront fuotunimproved ; nnothcrshnp
113 feet on Lonvcmworth nbovo 20lhlCOpor
front toot , tmpiovod , J. F. Hammond , 117 S.
101 h st. 235
FOH SALE-Corncr lot on Virginia ave with
two good homes , cheap at 87,001 Terms
ensy. Houses rent for (70 per month. S. 9.
Campbell , 3W 8. 18th st Chamber of Com
merce. 273
AHO.MN-Lot 00x70 , within n mlle of post-
olllca , only (1,100 , C50 Must bo
tnkon nt once. 2 lots , ono nml ono-qtmrior from
postolllce , (1'iOJ rnebi cnsy terms. Lots In
Cone & Johnson' * ) subdivision , (3-V ) to ( too ;
only * IO cash. Cone & Johnson , 724 N. Iflth st.
303 28
ITARDIAN SALE-Martlia M. Ish will soil
at public auction nt the north door of the
court house , nt 10 o'clock n. m. , September J ,
nn ucrc of ground , cor of 20th and Locust Bts ,
adjoining Kounlro Place. H7i > s 3
FOR SALK New H-room house on Hamilton
St. , Orchard Hill , or might pxchnnco for
first-rule inside property. Chnrles C. Spots-
wood.301V4 S Uth St. 1 4
FORSALE-Lot In South Omnha near busi
ness center with ono house of U rooms
and one bouse of 3 rooms renting for (40 per
month , a bargain nt (4,000 , (1,000 ca o , bnl 1 ,
2 and 3 ycnrs. Chas. H. Woolley , 418 S 15th st ,
Omaha , Neb. 048 30
fl O EXOHANOE For Omaha property , one
JL or merosoctlons of irood Nebraska Innd.
Chas. H. Woolley , 41S South 15th st , Omnha , Neb.
648 ;
GUARDIAN Snlo-On the iirt iliiy of Septem
ber nt 10 o'clock n. m , nt the north door
of the court house , Mrs. Martha M Ish will sell
at public auction to the highest bidder her rcs-
dcnco nnd llvo lots , nlao IIvo lots adjoinlnir nt
ihe norllicast corner ot Amtlor 1'lace. Someone
ono will got n bnrgnln. fi O s 3
FOH SALE Ton now houses ono block from
Rtrcct curs , sinnil cnsli pnytnont. balance
monthly. Chns H. Woolloy , 418 South 15th St. ,
Omaha' Nob. 013 30
IjlOR SALE At n bargain , 20 ncies near
JL1 South Omaha. Chas. It. Woolloy , 418 South
15th st. 020s4
TTIORSALi : Some of the durst lots on Syndl-
Jeato HIM near the pnrk In South Omaha
which I will foil for the next ten days from 5800
to $1,100 with email cash payment. Address , B
60 Bee odioe. } 012 31 >
FOH SALE-Threo lots In Tloyd's add , J4
blonk from corner State street nnd Ames
avo. for f'00 ' ! each ; one-third cash , balance easy.
Addioss B ( .0 , Bco olllco. 013 31J
fT O oxchnnge for unlncumborod land or farm
- - In Iowa or Nebraska a number ot loin in
Omnha. Cha . H. Woolly , 418 Sl'nh Et.Oinahu ,
Neb. 048 30
rPO F.XCIIANCE-.Houses and lots In Omaha
JL to trade for farnia in Iowa or Nebraska.
Chns. R. Woolley , 414 South 15th streetOmuhn ,
Neb. 018 ! W
BriOR HALE lly SliolosA : Crumb , 14011 Parnam
Flno 0-room house. Pnrk nvo f,000
Flnocottniro , Virginia uvo 6,000
Fine cottage , Georgia ave 5,000
2 lots , corner Georgia nvo , bargain tl.OJJ
2 Ion , Georgia ave , north of I.c-avcnwortli" ,
each 3,500
31ots. Clark Place , 4xl24 , ouch 11,400
1 lot on 10th street , near KounU's resi
dence 4,000
1 lot , trnck in alloy , flno warehouse lot ,
( iflxlW fl.OOO
2 lots , Fosters , south and oust corner , 5,500
238 20
CHOICE East front corner in Plain view $000
(500 cash : 7 room honxo nnd full lot
praden In Orchard hill , S1FOO , $200 cnbh. I-M per
month , 6)1x143 ) with 2 houses corner 18th and
Grace on cur line , and both etroots to be pnvod.
Active Heal Estnto and P. Ex , 1524 Dodge st.
213 28
OOD Nebraska farms to trade for Omnhn
VJT roul estate : also , farms to sell on long
tlmo. Ono with a section , good Improvements ,
20 year lease , for ? 5OOJ. Or will sell for (16 per
acrennd plvo deed. Record Advertising Co ,
1513 Farnam st GO I
BAUOAINS-LotRl4 , 15,10 , block II , Clifton
Hill , corner Boulevard avenue , half block
from motcrllne , 11,700 , $740cnsh.
10 acres , IIOIIHO , etc , , near I'ort Omaha , (225
per acre , only (70i onsh. balance 1,2 , 3 nnd 4
years , worth at least (400 per aero , must bo
Bold by September 1st.
Van ricuicn &Co. , Douglas nnd 14th streets.
FOH SALE or Trade Now 6-room hoiipe In
Contrul Park. Charles C. Spotswood , : W.1'/
S16tb. 101
OH SALE 8 South Omaha Syndicate , lots at
n sncrldco. Terms oasy. Charles C.
wood , 3J.V/i S ICtb 6t.
CLAHKSON & Bontty'B Special Bargains.
Highland Place , block 20 , corner , 140x155.
This Is In the sumo block with liogcrs & With-
neil , and wp can sell It cheap.
Saunders itrec.t.3 lots , 120x110 , nnd ono lot
50x120 just otr Snundors. Wp can sell these
way down below market valuo.
lloyd's addition , lots 0 , 7,8 , 0 and 10 , block 15 ,
(1.000 , on Belt railway and side tractrlrcadj
In , chenpe t trackage In the city.
Boyd'g addition , block 7 , w Ith track guarnn-
teed , (0,500. Also 6 lots In block 14 , wltb side
tnicK already in , (1,000.
All of this trucuago Is on level ground nnd
nhovo nny danger of overllow , nnd only ono
fourth the prlco asked for truckage in the
K loth st. 60x150 , new cottage paved street
only (4.500.
(00 will mnko u pnymont on a lot In Omnlii
Heights , several houses already built , nr
money required if purchaser will build at once
P.lkhorn Valley depot on grounds and trains bj
Druid Hill , right on State st , ndjolns llcdforc :
plnce. lots (700 to JSOO nnd only 1 5 down. Thli
Is the coining property nnd wo nre leady tt
sl t purchasers in building. The tines' '
irg In the city. Wo are solo ugonts.
Some South Omaha Syndicate lots , first nddn
2.1 per cent below their prices if taken ntonco
Clnrkson & Boatty , 210 S 14th St. I'M 28
L 1ST your property for sale wltb Charles C
I Spotnwood05Vi : ; SICth st. 042
IF YOU want to buy , sell , or trndo your prop
firty , cull on Chnrloj E , HpoUwood , 30.1 i
8. 10th st. 4CK >
rPO EXCIIANOE-Ono largu now 10-roon
-L house and two lots , only 2 blocKs fron
street cars , will take partly In Innd or othei
good property , bulance nn easy tornis. Chas
H. Woolloy , 418 South 15th St. , Omnha , Neb.
FOR SALE Ono million acrcrt of land In Ne
brasUa. Speculator's lands.railroad Inndi
ranches , and farm * In nil part3 of tin
state. Send for pirn phlot containing duscrlp
tlon and prlco of over onu thousand farms , t
fine topographical ranpof tnn atato s nt fro
upon application. K. H. Andrue , for 10 year
( len'l Land Agent B. & M. H. It I.lghth aad I
streets , Llnzoln. Netraskn. 240
TJ OR SALE The finest residence lot 01
J Doilgo ttrcet 3 blocks won of post oifloc
80 feet south frontage , n corner. F , B , Ken
imrd , 114-110 , S. ICtb st. IkW
ft , O EXCIIANfiK For improved Omuhn pror
-L nitylOitoail Kansas farms. Charles 1
Woolloy , 418 South 15th nt 618 30
Notion to Mcrutmntn nnd
On and after this dntn I shnll not bo
Sbia | for any rnntcrlal dolivoied to or work pci
formfnl fpr Fred Mlltnanht on houio ho 1s no
building for mo on lot 4 , 'block 2J , ! : our
Omaua , August , IS- ; tf
Notice to Contrnctorn ,
IN pursuance ot nn not of thol o lnlnturo of
the Plato ot NoljrnMtti , approved March 31 ,
18\7 ( , notlco Is hereby given thai t-eulcd iiropon
sals will bo received by the Hoard of I'ubllo )
Lands and Buildings until Saturday , the lOthi
dny of September , 1S 7 , nt 2 o'clock p. m. , fen
the erection of ono two-story brick building' '
with stone basement , on the grounds of th
NohruMiu Institution tor feeble minded yoilthsv
situated near thu city ol Hcatriao.
Said building to bo erected and comnlctoclf
including stctun hentliu , plumbing , foworngo <
water service ami tunncU , accord I litto tha
pliins and Biioclllcntioiis now on Illo in tha
ollico of tbo Commissioner of Public Lands and ]
Buildings , miido by C. F. Drlocoll , aiobltoct , nna
the supplemental nnd iiildltionnl Bpecltlcatlonf
nnnoxod thereto , niarkud respectively "A" nna
Suld lnjlldlntr to ho completed on ci lioforO
September I , ll-8-i. The contractor to rciolvo ,
dining Its erection , M per cent ot monthly
estimates nml the balance of the conlrucO
prlcn when the building is Hilly completed and ]
A bond or other security In the Ruin oj
(3,000 will be required to accompany ouch hldj
Hindu payable to the Mate : on condition tljat 1C
the party mnklnirtho bid bo awarded thu con *
truct ho will within lltturm days oxneiito line ]
tllo u good and accoptnlilu Dond ns required by
law , conditioned for the faithful pciToi maiictf
of the contract.
The bonrd icsorves the right to reject nn
or nil bids.
lly onlor of the Hoard of Piibllu Lauds nnd ]
Buildings. Josr.i'iiScorr ,
Lincoln , August 10 , If ST. Commissioner.
_ [ _ ul Ud m '
Notice of Incorporation of the Nebraska SaV *
ings Bank ,
Notlco Ishorohy i-'non that the NnbrnsknSnr *
Ings Bank hiHthls day lllud Its articles of Inj
corporation In the ollico ol thu county clerk ol
Douglas county , Nebraska , nnd will heioaftol
do business under said articles In tbo city ol
Omaha , DoiiKlns county , Noliruslca.
First , The immo of said corporation Is "No
braskn Savings Bunk , "
Second , Thu principal place of Imslno-s of
Hnldcorporailon i-hnll bo in the city of Omulm
Douglas county , Nobraskn.
Third , The Konoral nature of the buslnos *
of said corporation shall lie the usual buslncsl
of u savings bunk nn < ) the usual business of
bank of discount nml loin and trut.1 compnnyj
Said bunk will receive monny on deposit and ]
pny Interest thereon ; will loan nnd loves !
money on approved Becui'lty bnth real and
personal , and will buy nnd sell notes , mort
gages , ami ether nojrotlabb InstriinientH anil
bonds nnd stocks , and will act nn trustee iinol
fiscal agent.
Fourth , The amount of tbo authorized capf
lal htock of snUI corporation , is four hundred ]
thousand dollars , divided into four thousand
shares ol ono linn IroJ dollars ouch , but , saldl
corporation nviy commence business when two )
hundred thousand dollars of said capital stools'
is subscribed.
Said caplt'il stock is to bo paid In ns follows :
One-fourth ns floun as called for by the board )
of directors , and tbo bnlanco in Installments art
called tor by said bonril.
Fifth , The tlmo ot commencement of said ]
corporation Istho fifteenth day of August , A <
D.liW.nnd Its termination glmllbo the 111 teen tli
day of August , A. I ) , low ) .
Sixth , The highest amount of Indebtedness
or liability to which said corporation Khali as
any ono tlmo be subect | shall not oxcocd two
thirds of the amount of Its subscribed capital
flock , except deposits In the bank and HiicM
other exceptions us nro provldoil for In chap
ter seventeen of the nets of the Ictrlclntlvo u
/emldv of tbo stnte nr Nohrusku of 1887.
Seventh , The alTalm ot said corporation
shnll bo conducted by n bourd of ( Iftcun dlrooU
ois , live of whom shall be elected aiiuually art
( ho second Monday of January of each year ,
ami who shall hold tholr olllco for the period ot
thren years : nnd by n president , vlco-nifililonl
nml cashier , elected by the hoard of directors.
Donont Oinnbn , Nebraska , this Uth day OS
August , A. tt 1W
RAMIIMI. ; ; Muunnt ,
rpO Whom It May Concern-I huvo this day
Jtnumlorri'd ull book accounts , notes und
moneys duo mo to I'nxion , ( iallHKher Co. , ol
Omaha , Ncn. , nnd 1'iuton , ( inlluflicr i. Co. |
ulouo are nuthuikod to collect aunio.
II. 0. MAHK'I'.L.
For nil kinds ! of binlneM nt the
New Tom of Harbine ,
MlJtray between Pulrhury acd llcAtrlcy ni ) th '
C. K. Ii : < . It. 11.
Cltraji on K * ti 'Icrin * .
ss C. B. LUTTUN , Fnlrburfc _ . ' , . . . ' _ '