Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1887, Page 2, Image 2
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY , AUGUST 28. 1887.-TWELVE PAGES. four two-baggtrs , erate three men bases am lilt one man , Weaver had two passed ball ! Umpire , Webster. Score by Innings : Wichita 1 00000000- - Kansas City..Oil a 1 1 0 3 - National l caRtto Game * . WASIII.VOTON. August 27. The first gim between tlm Washington and Indlanapoil teams to-ila ) resulted as follows : Washington 0 00000000 i Indianapolis 4 1000011- BPitchersWhitney and Jlraloy. Uasn hll Washington 5 , IndlanapoliH 11. Krrors- Jashlngton fi , Indianapolis 2. Umpire- Daniels. The second game resulted as follows : Washington 8 0 1 0 0 0 a- Indianapolis 0 0 o 0 0 1 0 ( lame called at end of seventh Inning b , , mutual consent. r , Pitchers O'Day and Loltner. llase hlts- t Washington 19 , Indianapolis 15. Krrors- Waslilngton 4 , Indianapolis 2. Umpire- Daniels. HOBTON , Aueust 27. The eamo between tween the Boston and PlttsDurg teams tc resulted as follows : Boston 4 5 G 0 .1 0 0 0 4 2 I'lttsbiirg 3 0 0 ! ! 0 a 0 0 0-1 1'ltchersKelly and Madden for Hoston Fields and Oalvln for rittsbnrg , Base hits- Boston 30 , 1'ittsbnrg 23. Krrors Hostoi 10 , I'lttsburg 25. Umpire Doescher. NKW YOIIK , August 27. The eamo between tweon the New York and Chicago teams tc day resulted as follows : New York 1 00001003 Chleaso 0 01000000 Pitchon Welch and Clarkson. Has hits New Y ork 12 , Chicago 4. Errors Nav York . ' ( , Chicago G. Umpire Urady. 1'iiir.AiiEf.riiiA , August 27. The game bu tween the Philadelphia and Detroit team to-day resulted as follows : Philadelphia 0 00132030- Detroit 2 20000003 Pitchers Devlin and Omber. Uaso hits- Philadelphia 17. Detroit 12. Errors-Phllade ! phlaS , Detroit 2. Umpire Powers. American An nclatloit. CINCINNATI. August 27. The game between twoen the Cincinnati and Baltimore team tn-da\ resulted as follows : Cincinnati 'J 1 1 4 0 2 5 0 1 1 Baltimore 0 0001 100 0 ! LOUISVILLE , August 27. The game be tween the Louisville and Brooklyn team to-day resulted as follows : Louisville I 01002103 : Brooklyn 0 00010002 : ST. Loins Aucust 27. The game be tween the St. Louis and Metropolitan team ; to < day resulted as follows : .St. Louis 3 403300 2 11 Metropolitans 1 0000000 CI.KVELAN-I ) . August 27. The came bo fween the Cleveland and Athletic team : to-day resulted as follows : Cleveland 3 1 0 0 i 0 0 11 0 1 Athletics 0 00301140 The Northwestern Liongne. DKS MOI.VKS , la. . Aucust27. Northwosterr league games to-day : DCS Molnes 14 , Osh Josh 1 , at Des Molnns ; LaCrosse 7. Mil jvaukeo 0 , at LaCrosse ; St. 1'aul 5 , Kai Claire 0 , al St. Paul ; Duluth 4 , Minneapolis 19 , al Duluth. flnlntfvo Standing. Following Is the relative standing of tin clubs In the National league and associa tion : ' NATIOVAI. T.KAOUK. AMKHICAN ASSOCIATION. Topeka S , Kmporla 2. > i TOI-KKA , Kan. , August 27. | Special Telegram - [ ' gram to the BEE. | The Topekas and Km- { porlas played a brilliant game here to-day * the babies giving the leaders a close call , v Topeka wtnnlnc In the ninth Inning. Th < . following is the score by Innings : Topeka . 0 0001000 2 r , Empona . 0 0000002 0 ! ' lluns earned Topeka 3 , Kmporia 0. Two- base hits Wentz. Errors Topeka 1 , Km porla 1. Lincoln 4 , Hastings 3 , HASTINGS , Neb. , Aueust 27 ISpccla Telegram to the BEK. | Lincoln won to-day1 ! game by the following score : Lincoln . 0 2 0 o 0 0 0 1 1 Hastings . o i 2 o o 0 0 o o- ; Runs earned Hastings 2 , Lincoln 2 Errors Hastings 2 , Lincoln 4. Home runs- Whltohead. Batteries-Nicholson and t Iteynolas , Swartscl and Hoover. Saratoga Ilacea. 1 SAnATooA , August 37. The weathe : . " * Vras good. Three-fourths mile : Capulln won , Pen- ' ' dennls second , Tidal Wave third. Tlmo- r l:17K. Onoinltoanu furlong : liurcu won , Lit tral second , Frank Waidthlra. Time 1:58 * - One and one-fourth miles : Klwood won e Iloyal Arch second , Urown Duke third. Tlmi . Ono mile : Irish Pat won , Chlckahomlm i second , Sourmash third. Time 1:47. t One mile and furlong , over five hurdles f 'Wheally won , Justin ilack second , Percj J. third. Time 3:09. : The hast Day at Mon mouth Park. j , NKW YOIIK , August 27 This was the clos , Ing day of the races at Monmouth Park The attendance numbered 1,000. The weathe U was cool and the track fast , following I : I the summary : One mile Kollan won , Preclosa second I Hess third. Time 1:43. : j For two-year-olds , three-fourths mllo- ' F"Iy wonp r second Locus ! \Jfxlm \ , won- Ken , r fhlrd. Time 1:17. : j For three-year-olds , one mile Ksqulmau > \von , Stiiyvesant second , Bolvldoio third , , ' Time 1:45. I One and one-fourth miles : Kurus won tLong ( ; Knight second , Phil Leo third. Time r Ono and one-half miles : Rupert won ' 8ecoua > UoU : > atonie third. Tiim i j So'von pounds above weight for aw with u allowances su\on furlongs : Tipsy won Queen of Hearts second , Kdltor third. Time * 1:31. : 1:31.Threequarters of a milo : Cyclops won ' Favor hecond , Uralt third. Time 1 :15 : > . L ' At Island Park. * , TIIOY , N. Y. , August 27. The attondanci I Jlo day at Island park was fairly good am ; the track was In splendid condition. cV Free-for-all : Kitofoot flrbt , Astral second gpalTord third , J. Q. fourth. Tlmo-2:19. : i3:18 : class : Puritan first , Copaunett second ADuplex third , Salllo C. fourth. Time 2:18. : XlclM8AWl10 Ki' ! i wo"Skyllgh l'llot second , Hyitlo third. Others rulei p.p t. Time 2:2 : . Sl : class ; Judge Davis first , Klectrli second , liamll\\orth third , Tom Roger ; fourth. Time ! i Aland B HentH the Record. TAIWYTOWN , N. Y. , August 37. Rober Banner drove Maud S this afternoon , on tin three-quarter mlle track on his farm , tin fastest mile that has c\er been made to i wagon. The first half was made In 1OSJ : < and the last halt In 1:0 % making the mil in 3:13if. : Mr. llonner urged the mare enl ; on the fast half , whim she made the marvel I Idus time of l:0l : 4' to a wacon , on a three quarter mlle track. 13ouner weighs thirl pounds over the regulation weight. He say Maud S Is a better mare to-day than stj 1 ever was before. ' The Northwestern Regatta. f MINNKAVOUS , August 27. In the secom ' day of the Northwestern regatta at Mlnne tonka llcach the Minnesota club of St. Pau vron the senior four and junior double ! , th - 'former In 10:4 : % and the latter In 11I'J. : Th I chief event o ! the day and the regatta wa the senior single between J. ' F , Corbott , o ' ' 'the Chtcaeo Farraguts , amateur champion o America , and J. K. Much in nre , of the Mlune polls Lurlmes , amateur champlon'of th jiWthwesL Tueraco wase\en to the turn where Muchmorc lost two lengths , which b was unable to regain. Corbotu time , 10:41 : Muchmoro's , 10:43. The water was vei rough. Cricket. A game was played yesterday on the ol ball grounds , between the Ratidallltes an Mr. R. Shakoshafl's eloveu. The forme winning the tosa , sent their opponents to th bat. The ground being somewhat sodde with the rain , runs did not come as freely i might hare been wished , nevertheless , th "Shakes1' managed to put tin the falrl dceent score of 5 $ towards which the conlri butlons of Messrs. Turdon and W. Robcrl helped In no small decree. The Randalllte began their Innings In first rate style , but bi fore many runs had been made , a heav shower of rain necessitated a break for shel ter. When play was resumed the conditlo of the ground was such as to preclude a possibility of a finish , under pnythlng Ilk favorable conditions. This being evident ! was decided to make the pamo a "draw. This was done , but not before a "snak shooter" disposed of Mr. Taylor. Below 1 the score In detail. w. if. SIIAKKSHAFT'B EI.KVKN. W. M. Roberts , b.O. H. Vauehan 1 O. II. Pardon , b. O. H. Vaughan t W. Will" , not out 0. II. Roberta , b. rt. H. Vauehan Mir W. K. Orllllths , b. W. R. Vanchan A. Uayln , c. Smith , b ( J. H. Vaughan K. Strlmjer , b. W. R. Vaughau II. Roblnsnn.b. O. H. Vatishan H , Shakeshatt , b. G. H. Vaughan Extras Total j KANDAM.ITKS. < } p < "f ei West , c. and b. R. Shakoshaft W. R. Vaughan. not out 1 R. W. Taylor , b. R. ShaKeshaft .1. Crulkifiank " H.Vaughan .1. F. Mulr F. K. Smith ' "i Caldwell Toba C. W. Anderson C. C. Kasson James Leslie Extras , Total The I'loltwlcka and Maynns. The positions for the game this afternoo between the plckwlcks and C. E. Mayn base ball clubs are as follows : C. K. Mavne Position Pickwick Jtoville . p . Kin hhellds. . . c . Dyso Huminoll . ib . CatU loner . 3b . Hughban Shannon . 3 b . Hughban McCroary . ss . ( Jrcl. Wlthnell . rf . Dtshma Mlllott . of . Hughbnn Hart . it . Jsmlt This game is for 850 a side and the am : teur championship of the state. The Pickwicks have been beaten In bt ono game this season. Oay-Eye-Sou nnd Maud 8. OMAUA , Aueust 27. Editor BEK : Wl you please give In the Dally BEK the bes time Jay-Eye-Seo and Maud S. have made and oblige a reader of the BKR ? ( Maud S. , In narness , accomnanled by running horse , against time , SsObJIf. at Gler yllle.O. . July no. 1&S5. Best time in a rac 2:1 : ! % at Chicago , July 24. 18SO. Jav-Eyi See 2-10 % , at Providence. R. I. , September 1 ! WASHINGTON NEWS. To Confer With Colorow. WASHINGTON , Augusts ? . General Croo has boon Instructed to confer with the gov crnor of Colorado concerning the Ute troubl and It Is very probable that the settlement o thoditliculty will soon be transferred fron the civil to the military authorities. This I done at the suggestion ot Acting Secretar ; Muldrow , of the Interior department , and b ttie direction of the presldont. A dlspatcl sent to General Terry by the war depart ment reads as follows : The president directs that General Creel be directed to proceed to tno scene ot th Colorado trouble In Garfield county , Colo. , t confer with the governor of that state am fcecuro a peaceable return of Colorow nnd hi band. Iho acting secretary of war authorl zes General Crook to take interpreters , am otners supposed to be Influential with thesi Indians and who can aid In the purpose con tcmplated. The war department olllclals here feel con fident If the civil authorities will wlthdrav at once from the field the military will sooi persuade Colorow and his band to return t the reservation. ska and Iowa Pensions. WASHINGTON , August 27.-Speclal | Tele gram to the BKK.J The following Nebras kans wore granted pensions to-day : John II Yarger. Reel Willow. Increase : Willlan E. McNIel , Syracuse ; John Klngkaid. Nort Platte ; Aaron Genklns , Manly. Iowa pensions : Seymour W. Peck. Cai roll. Increase : James M. Johnson , Clarli da ; James W. Hlgbee , Mineiva Ridge { ( ? anza V. Chrlsman. Des Molnes ; Robei Wlllack , Sully ; Ell Matthews , Colleg Sprlncs ; Clement Miller , ( formerly Graves Newton ; Samuel Barnett , Macedon la. Mex lean war : Philip G. Dunn , Glenwood Mason James , Farnhamvlllo ; James P. Uarl Danbury. The Legion of Honor. WASHINGTON. August 27. At to-day' session of the supreme council of the Amerl can Legion ot Honor , a resolution providln , for the establishment of a guarantee of S500 , 000 was adopted. The fund Is to be raised b assessment and Is to be kept perpetually Ii trust for membership. * Presidential Preferences. KANSAS CITY , August 27.-TheTimes wil publish to-morrow answers received to In quiriessent out through Kansas and Mh sourl as to presidential preferences. Io Mis sourl 270 answers from democrats were re colved. Of these Sil were for Cleveland , for Thurman and 1 for Wade Hamptoi and the rest scattering. The republican sent 261 answers , of which IK were fo Blalne , 78 for Sherman , 41 for Lincoln am the rest scattering. In Kansas SM dumocrat answered as follows : Cleveland 300 , Thm man 7 , Hill 0 , the remainder scattering. Tin republicans sent 803 answers , of which Ib were for Hlalno. 80 for Sherman , 44 for Lin coin and the rest scattering. * 0 Soldiers' Homo Crowded. QUINCY. 111. , Aug. 27. ' 1 here are now 45 Inmates of the soldiers' and sailors' home Ii Qulncy. The cottages are well filled and a present there are no accommodations fo others. Applications come in dally. Genern Llpplncott has issued an order Informing al soldiers that they cannot bo admitted untl the additional colleges are completed. Thel application will bo placed on file am applicants will be admitted when the cottage are completed In accordance with the appll cations. _ A Riotous Church Gnttierlne. ATLANTA , Ga. , August 27. An altercatloi occurred In Decatur , brought on by an unrul colored man at a colored church gathering The ) ollicers \ \ ere called In. A riot followed when general firing ensued , In which Towi Marshal Hunt was killed and an unknowi negro was also shot dead. Tom Shiver ( white ) Is mortally wounded. . 1 The Death Record. SiihT.TKii ISLAND , L. I. August 27. Car tain Silas Bent , of St. Louis , died hero las night of heart disease. Deceased was craduate of the naval academvot Annapolis Md. , in Ib54 , and served In Perry's Japanes expedition. He had a distinguished nava career , and retired In 1S81. Look Out Girls. BKAUMONT , Tex. , August 27. An Ic cream festival was given last night at th residence of George Carroll , for the boueflt o the Baptist church. Atter partaking ot th cream about sixty persons wore soked wit ! Symplons of poisoning. No one has as ye died , though several are seriously 111. Game Back and Surrendered. CINCINNATI , August 37.-John J. Scully the late Infirmary doctor \ylio was indlrtei seine time ago for confiscation of publi money , and who has been In Canada ere since , to-day surrendered himself , pleadei not utility to two Indictments against hlu and wuut to jail until he can give eaU , WEEKLY BUSINESS REVIEW The Demand For Money Good For Thl Time of the Year , INTEREST RATES RULE EASIEF New York Exchange In Good Suppl ; With Moderate Demand For * elgn Ullln Dnll and Weak Anxious. nrlentenlng tTp , CincAao. August 27. ISpeclal Telegrar to the IEK. | Bankers Generally report good demand for money for this season o the year , with a good supply of loanabli funds on hand. There Is some little Inqulr ; from board of trada operators who antlclpat very considerable grain and hog pioducts 01 the 1st of September , but these demand , ar not pressing and applications are readily a < commodatcd. Shippers of eraln and prov slons nave been moderate borrowers , malnl In the way of sales of exchange or loans fc short dates. There Is considerable mono ] being forwarded to the Interior , chiefly ti grain and live stock districts In the west an outhwest , with a good proportion consigns through commission houses. Lumber dealer wore not Inclined to borrow to any extent a trade Is dull and they are not enlarging the ! stocks much at present prices. Wholosal merchants are offering a little more pape and are readily accommodated. In other dc partments of trade there Is some Inquiry fo money but generally In the way of sma loans. Hates of Interest are little more favorable to borrower of large sums , but no concessions to amoun to anything can bn noted , ranging at 5@G pi cent for call , and 4@C per cent for tlm loans. Very tittle paper Is offered on th street and rates of Interest show little chang from those current at the bauks. Advices from eastern financial centers In dlcate a steady feeling in money , markt rather Jinn , with rates of interest ranging a OWn per cent European advices denote n particular change In that quarter. Mone apparently is In good supply and Interes rates unchanged. Reports of the condltio : of government banks In Europe show sllgh reductions In specie. Now York exchang was in good supply throughout the week while the demand was moderate. The mat kot was easy and sales were made at 50@80 discount per Sl.OJO between banks , an < closed with sellers at 50c. Forclen exchange has ruled dull and weal throughout the week and sales were limited Considerable gold was ordered from Europe Shippers sixty days documentary bills 01 London sold at S4.7934.79 > i and closci steady at S4.79. The New York stock market was grcatl unsettled during the week just closed am prices ruled Irregular and lower for most o the leading properties. There was consldei able desire to realize on behalf of the/'longs' ' who have been carrying stocks on borrowei funds , and this has been a decidedly weal feature "Shorts" added their assistance t the depression and enlarged their lines t some extent during the early part of th week. Trading was confined almost e * cluslvely to Wall street , operators as outsld parties wt-re not Inclined to trade in stock to any extent The earnings of the leading railroads still show an Increase over the coi responding time last year , yet there is no much disposition to purchase stocks , ospe dally of railroads extending through section1 of country where the crops have sufferoi from drought and bad weather. Foreign op erators ate trading sparingly at present am American securities are quiet and easy In thi leading markets abroad. Sale ? on the Nav York stock exchange for the week were onlj 1,605,000 shares. Up to last night there lim boenhold 87,000 shares Western Union ; 30,00 shares Union Pacific ; 16,000 shares Omaha 44,000 shares Northwestern ; 353,000 Reading and 135,000 Delaware , Lacluwanna & West ern. ern.As far as speculation Is concerned , the pro ( luci ) market has exhibited less life than dur Inganv week previous , mainly In sympathj With the general dullness which prevails Ir all the lending produce markets In this conn try and Europe. The adoption of tlio new commKsion rules may tuivo curtailed bus ! ness slightly , but the general impression pre vails that the absence of the leading operator ! from the principal markets , the imsottlei feeling In stocks , and the conflicting wilt statements regarding the yield of grain it European countries , have combined In i measure to check speculation operation : temporarily at least. Operators evidently an Inclined to hold off until a more settled state of affairs exists. The shipping demand , how ever.has been well maintained , and stocks o ! wheat , corn and provisions havi been further reduced , while sup piles of other small grain wen enlarged owing to producers selling freely The export movement In grain and provls Ions continues on a liberal scale , and al articles were widely distributed. Tin weather was unpropitious forthreshlng oner atlons in the northwest , but no serious re Rults to grain have been reported. Advice regarding the benefit to tne corn cropb ; rains are unsatisfactory and conflicting , an ! apparently of little interest to trade. Ar rivals of grain are moderately free at al western markets , and live stock also hat arrived In liberal numbers. The packing o the west is progressing slowly and same what below the returns of the correspoudlni time last year. Killed. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , August 27. [ Soecla Telegram to the UEK. ] Hen Scott and J. II Hall , two laborers at work digging a tunne for the waterworks company north of th city , were killed late this evening by the cav Ing in of the dirt on them. Brevities. The first through train that will take ii Nebraska City over the new line leave hero this morning. Rev. J. A. Henderson will preach a : his church on Park avenue this oven on the subject of charities and corrcc lionS. Hereafter the train on the Missouri Fa cific that loft here at 11:10 : in the morninf will ilwpart at 10:45. This order will g ( into effect this morning. It has been determined by the board o public works not to allow any of tin paved streets to _ bo cut up by any com pany or corporation during fair ami reunion union week. At the Trinity cathedral this mornim Rev. Dr. Uoherty , of lirownall hall , wil deliver a sermon upon the the text , "Tin Mission of the Ninety and Nino. " Rev J. W. McHrido , of Sioux Falls , wil preach In the evening. The explosion of a gasoline larno on i fruit stand at the corner of Tenth am Harnoy streets called out the fire depart niont last night. No further damage re suited than the destruction of the stand A few minutes later another lire from i similar cause occurred at the fruit stand corner Thirteenth and Fur n am streets resulting in nominal damages. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Glennan hav < sustained a gront loss in the death of thcii two children , Eddie , aged ten years , am May aged sixteen years. Tno boy dice Tuesday night at 13 o'clock and the gir Friday ovoninc at 10 o'clock. The funeral noral of the latter will take place fron the Church of the Holy Family , cornel of Eighteenth and Izard streets , at i o'clock to-day. Two car loads of finely upholsterci chairs from Grand Rapids , Mich. , for thi Grand opera house arrived yestordai and will bo put in place on next Monday Others will follow in a couple of days sc that the whole house will bo seated it time for the opening , Monday evening September fi , when the Paxton Coniii Opera company will appear. The sarni company will sing every night durinj the weuk. Slain By Dlptlinrla. A most distressing case of mortality ha : occurred in the family of Paul Thompson n Dane , living atlrvington. Of his sever children ( our have died in loss than < week , of diphtheria , and the remainlnj three are at the. point of death with thi same difloaso. , ' AtlMY MARKSMEN. Second lllu * ConfctUlon. at Bollovui Range 'AIns Week. The second of the great army rlflo con tests in this "department takes place n the Bellevue range , commencing 01 Tuesday next. This is known as the di vision competition"and will bo taken par In by four teams , namely those ot the do partmonls of the Platte , Missouri , Texa and Dakota. These were determined b ; the recent departmental contests wluci closed last wcok , and the membership i as follows : i Departmental tlio Plattc First Lieu tenant Joseph Garfard , Ninth cavalry Second Lieutenant James T. Kerr , Sov cnteenthinfantry ; Sergeant Gcorgo A Lewis , compariy J , Seventh infantrv Sergeant August Scholia , company K Seventh Infantry ; Sergeant Luke Romlg company D , Seventeenth infantry ; Cor poral Uoaman Walker , troop A , Nmtl cnteenth infantry ; Private Ilnrrv Annis " company C.Twenty-lirst infantry" ; Privati Frank Tcchter , company E. second in fantry : Private GcorgoV. . Elliott , com pady D , Second infantry. Alternates- Second Lieutenant Charles W. Mulr Seventeenth infantry ; Musician Augusta Wirtenberg , company A , Twenty-firs infantry. Captain of team First Lion tenant James B. Jackson , Seventh in fantry. Department of Texas team Firs Lieutenant George II. Morgan , Thin cavalry ; Sergeant Walter F. Garling house , troop E , Eighth cavalry : Ser geant Sabine F. Randall , troop L , Eight ! cavalry ; Corporal Frank D. Powell company A , Nineteenth Infantry ; Cor poral irank Sigerist , troop L , Thirc cavalry ; Corporal henry Ohlschlager company D. Nineteenth infantry ; I'ri vate James E. Morgan , company C , Nineteenth teonth infantry ; Private Reinhard Miller airy ; Private Charles Kuhlman , compam U , Nineteenth infantry ; Private John Garvin , band , Eighth cavalry. Alter nates Corporal John O'Brien , troop II Eighth cavalry ; Private S. H. Dahlqnist troop M. 1 lurd cavalry. Captain of team Captain Edgar Z. Stoever , Third cav airy.Department Department of the Missouri team Firs ! Lieutenant A. C. Macomb , Fifth cavalry Second Lieutenant C. B. Hardin , Kigh < teonth infantry ; First SergeantThaddeu ; Wild , company I. . Sixth infantry ; Ser geant Stakes L. Newton , company 11 , poral John Peterson , troop A , Fifth cav- . _ . . T- - - At * wtWB | > WI1 tSttl * * M. Eighteenth infantry ; Musician David B , Holliugor , company A , Twenty-second infantry ; Saddler Josef Machon. troop I , Hrst cavalry ; Private FranMuench , company E , Eighteenth infantry. Al ternates Secona Lieutenant W. W Hugos. Thirteenth infantry ; Private William Preston , troop I , Ninth cavalry. Captain of team First Lieutenant C. J. Crane , Twentyyoucth infantry. Department oi Dakota Captain Uou tclle , tirst cavalry , captain of team , Lieutenant llojbrook , Lieutenant Clark , Lieutenant Avery , alternate , Private leenoy , Fifteenth Infantry , Sergeant Growl , Twentiqth infantry ; Sergeant Under , Third infantry. The other mem bers of the team have not yet boon an nounced. All of tht'so men , as well as the following bflicors , will bo on the ground to-morrow , c The stan" and rang6 officers are as fol lows : OmcprinjBhargo , First Lieutenant Phillip Reado , Thirdinfantry , inspector of rifle practico.'diviHion ' of the Missouri ; executive range bilicor , Captain George D. Wallace , Seventh cavalry ; camp com mander. Captain Cyrus A. Earnest , Eighth infantry ; adjutant. Second Lieu tenant Edward N. Jpnos.Eighth infantry ; A. A. Q. M. nnd ordinance oflicer , Second Lieutenant Lewis D. Greene , Seventh in- fantr ; A. A. C. S. , Second Lieutenant George W. Mclvcr , Seventh infantry ; statistical ofliccrFirst Lieutenant Harvey D. Reed , Twenty-fifth infantry ; financial otlicor and assistant statistical ofllcor , Second Lieutenant Charles H. Cochran , Seventh infantry. Range oflicors First Lieutenant Harry Rondo , Twcnty-hfth infantry , senior : First Lieutenant George H. Roach , Seventeenth infantry , assistant ; First Lieutenant Charles B. Hall , Nineteenth infantry : First Lieutenant Oskaloosa M , Smith , Twenty-second infantry ; First Lieutenant Leven C. Allen , Sixteenth infantry ; First Lieutenant Charles R. Taylor. Sixteenth infantry ; First Lieu' tenant Thomas M. P. Dofrees , Fifth \ \ \ - fanfry ; Soooud Lieutenant Charles L , Steele , Eighteenth infantry ; Second Lieutenant Matthew F. Steele , Eighth infantry ; Second Lieutenant HatryFreo land , U'hird infantry. The result of this competition will be the formation of the division team , which will compete with all the other division teams for the formation of the army team. At the conclusion of this compo' tition that between the distinguished marksmen of the army will take place. This is for the accomodation of excellent marksmen whoso skill and record as such is to place them beyond eligibility to the highest organization of marksmen , namely , the army team. The medals arc now on exhibition in Max Meyer's window , and will bo cn- gravad by him when the contest deter mines to whom they belong. The first pmo is of massive gold , two inches in diameter , with a mounted marksman in bas relief ; the second prize is also oi old , and three-quarter mchos in § iamcter , with a marksman bringmcr hla rllle to his .shoulder : the third-class pri/e is a silver modal , two inches in diameter , with the head of Minerva in alto-relievo. The reverse of these is embossed with a laurel wreath which will surround the victor's name and the date of his victorv. In connection with these is the skirmish medal , the same si/o as the latter , on which is the raised figure of a soldier tiring while on one knee in ttkirmish at titude. Personal Paragraphs. T. J. Albright 'of 'St. Louis , father of E. S. AHbrightiVon ; a visit to his son in this city. Mr. Will CalhQun11. arrived in the city from Kansas City ; nAlr. Calhoun will rtf main in the city jqn\o ? timo. S. II , II. Clarkrgoneral manager of the Missouri Pacific-arrived in the city last evening. Ho is t'tup Millard. A. H. Stonohill , a business man ol Marshalltown , jlgwa is in the city and may conclude toiromaln permanontly. Mrs. Elmer D , Frank left last ovoninc for Rock Island , Wyo. , to join her husband. Mr. 'Frank , in a company 01 which Judco Dumiy s the central figure , is enjoying all -tlio pleasures ot a boar hunt in that rojson/ and the friends ol both gentlemen can expect to hoar some thrilling tales upon their return. A farmer who has known of twenty- eight forest trees being struck by light ning says that nine were oaks , seven poplars , four maples , tiireo willows , and the others were b chestnut , a horsu chestnut , walnut , h.-yvthorno and elm. Maxwell , who murdered Prellor in St. Louis , was photographed last week in a great many positions , among which was that of nn oarsman with an oar in ono hand and a river scone In the back ground. A brass key , used as sinker by a Yarmouth , N , S. , citizen , was' carried awny by a tisli , and sevprtltlars later was found lu a lobster pot one mile away. , ' , THE CHARITY CONFERENCE Trip of the Delegates to Lincoln Yes torday. THE CAPITAL CITY'S GUESTS VUltlnR the Charitable and Penal In slltutlons of iho Stnto Ooncral BrlnkerliofTs Speech The llcturn Lmit The VIMt to Lincoln. LINCOLN , Neb. , August 27-fSp claI Tok cram to the DKK.J When the oxcuislon trail from Omaha yesterday reached Lincoln I found a thousand people and carriage enough to accommodate five or six hundroi people waiting with open arms to receive th national convention of Charities and Corroc tlon. When , therefore , this largo concours of people saw that not over one hundred del egates comprised the excursion , they wen excusable If a shadow of dlsappolntmen crossed the united face of the reception com mltteo. Lincoln had , In fact , made ojaborati and careful preparations to receive the dclo gallon , and many labored under the Impres slon that even the preparation made wouU bo insufficient , and as a result Lincoln wai more than prepared to receive Its dtstln finished visitors. The carriages , or as man ; as were required , were at once taken for i drive over tlio city , and a magnificent drlv It was. with good streets free from dust , am tlm brightest of skies overhead. It was tei o'clock when the excursionist's reached th city , and from that time on a long anc pleasant drive was indulged in , in eluding a visit to the Ilome for th Friendless , the state penitentiary and tin state hospital for the Insane all of whlcl were carefully noted In all their working ! and were subjects of many favorable com monts. Dinner was furnished by committee ! from the different churches at the Metropoll tan rink and It was as great In amount as al other preparations , three times the amoun sufllclcnt for all requirements. The mem bcrsottho convention of charities held i short meeting In the afternoon and spceche1 were made by prominent citizens and bj leaders in the numbers ot delegates. Con ! cral lirinkuriiolT delivered an address on thi subject of convict contract labor In which he said substantially : The contract system of prison labor , as n rule , Is more profitable to the state. In dollar' ' and cents , than any other , but on the other hand , tor reformatory purposes , It Is more objectionable than any othur. No change from theconu.ict.system shoulo be attempted until the conditions for an Ini proved administration shall be establishes by the abolition of partisan politics from tlu prison and the organisation of the entire management upon the basis of Integrity , ca pacity and experience. Prison oil leers , like army olllecrs , should have a special training for their work , and promotion should comu solely through honorable and meritorious service. All the prisoners of a state should bo clas sified and each class should bo assigned n prison of its own. In a prison set apart for those serving life sentences , which should also include incorrlglblos and convicts oVei thirty years of ago , the contract system verj appropriately could be retained entire , foi there is no reason why this class of prisoner ; snould over be made a burden upon the tax pajers. In the prison set apart for yount men under thirty years of aeo and convicted Dt their first offence the state account system , is a rule , would bu found the best for rnform- itory uses , although the piece-price plan would sometimes be found eqmilly available and more profitable In dollnrs and cents , but under either system educational and tech nological training should have the largo i : on * > lderatlon. In reformatories for boys and girls the Idcr } f pecuniary profit should not bo considered tny more than in our public schools aud cello lo cs , and the system of labor adopted stioult t > o solely a part of an educational cunlculum Legislators acting upon these principles will be in the line of safe precedents , ami will be more likely tlmn In any other way tr obtain rosnlts satisfactory to themselves ami useful to the state. Ilnturn from Lincoln. At 7:40 : last evening , the excursionists : > f the Charity and Correction conference returned. There was not an accident to bo recorded on the whole tri but mmv jrous incidents of good will and welcome nt cvory place through which the train passed. At Lincoln the reception was right royal. The different state institu tions were visited , lunches wore served , i dmnor given and in fact the guests oi Lho capital city of Nebraska , yesterday huvo not words at their disposal to ex press their appreciation. At the Homo of the Friendless Mrs. Manloy , the super' intondent , made an address winch h highly suokeu of by all the visitors. The welcomes of Governor Thaycr , Mayor Sawyer , Hon. T. M. Marquette were in accordance with the well known ability of these gentlemen. In the afternoon session when General BrinkcrholT's paper on convict labor was discussed the delegates report a decided opposition tc such employment. They said in inter views last night that tlio unanimous opinion was in favor of General Brinker boll's views. In fact the convict laboi system , thuy said , was the only objection tlio.v had to the conduct of the Nebraska penitentiary. As the excursionists alighted the Second infantry baud played EI few tunes. I'rof. GillesjMO , of the deal and dumb asylum , and his estimable wifo.congratulattid themselves cm thosuc < BOSS of the excursion , for they we.rc prominent in having thu conference meet aero. Smith on Prison Contract Lmuor. Nicholas Smith , of Jonesvillo , Wis. , iiombor of the state board which hns the management of all the charitable , penal mil reformatory institutions of the state , is attending tlio national conference oi charities and correction , and on the jucstion of contract labor in prison , lives the experience of his state as fol lows : Wo have tried both the public ac- jountand the contract system in Wlscon- sin and the advantages are altogether on Lhe side of the contract system. For in- Jtanco , buforo the latter plan was adopted , it required an annual appro- priatkm of from $25,000 to $10,000 to pay ill' the indebtedness of the prison. It sost about $150 pur year for each con- net's support per annum , ami during the nine years when the public account system was in vogue , the state lost in the manufacturing department about $30,000. but since the adoption of thu contract jystom , the account stands differently , [ n the past nine years under that plan , the total earnings of the prison have uten about ? ; i.V,000 , the labor being leased for TO cents a duy per each convict. The Wisconsin prison is now not only nearly self-supporting , but the fact remains that there never was a time in the history of the state prison when it was in a butter condition in every respect than can bo named than it is now ; aud everyone who is acquainted with the prison will cor roborate the statement that the work of reform , if reform is a possible thing in prison , has beuii as progressive and hope ful under the contract system as under thu old system when the prison labor was practically non-productive. Wo liavo no trouble with the prisoners who work for the contractors. The latter are not allowed to ill-treat the prisoners in my manner. The discipline of the prisoners is entirely in the hands of the prison authorities , so that the convicts io not feel that they tire under the domi nation of task-masters. This is the way ; he contract system works in Wisconsin , mil it is by all odds the best over idopted , both for the state and the con- riots. _ Ijocnl Charltli-s , tlio Themes. . Addresses' , upon , the organisation of local chanties will bo delivered this even Ing as follows : In the Kountzo Memorial church b Mr ! W. S. Hosctiau , secretary of tlu Duffalo Charity organization society. In the Dodco street Presbytorlai : church by Mr. Wm. Alex Johnson , secrc tarv of the Charity organization sociot ) of Chicago. In the First Baptist church by Mr Charles D. Kellogg , grand secretary ol the Charity organization society of the city of New York. UKAti K8TATK. Trannfora Filed AugitNt 20 , 1887. John A Ilnrbach to the public streets and alleys In sub division of HorbAcn's 1st add , plat 9 Oeo W lloldrego trustee to the Omaha & North Platte railroad company , part of so } { no & of see G.llWnc d IOC Omaha Leal Estate & Trust Co to Wm K Cady lot 4 blk 14 Saunder * & lllmebaugh's Highland Park add. w d. . . . . 350 00 William K Cady and wife to Mrs. Susan Kelsy , lot 4 blk 14 Sauu- tler.s & lllmobaiigh's Highland Park add , w d. . . . ' . 40000 William Latey et al. to Harvey J. Wells , lot 4of Latoy'ssubdlvlslon of s 1M4 feet ot subdivision of lot 24 , in lot 4. Uagan's add , w d 8,000 00 Mlclianl Duffy aud wife to Alexan der McUavock , a K lot 4. block S. L. fi. Kogors' addW d. 2,000 00 Gertrude Williams to John Will- lams , lots 10 and 17 , blk 457 , In ( irandvluw , together with 8 acres in Norwood park , consisting of lot-s M to oo inclusive 1,000 00 Omaha & Florence Land & Trust Co. to Ptuoba A. Whltlock , lots 1 , 2 , D and 4 , blk 1U , In city of Klor- qcd 100 The city of Omaha to Adolph Uou- kal , u x44 tt adjoining sw cor. lot 5 , Dlk 258 , In clto of Omaha , n.o . d 140 00 Victor II Coffman and wife io Ed ward D Modirnber , lot 45 Auburn hilt 400 CO Larmon P Pruyn and wife to Uenj M Nlcolson , lots 3 , 4 , D , 0.17,1H. 10 and 20 , blk 11 of Pruyn's sub- divot blk n Hyde park wd 2,500 00 William Latey etal. to Uenj M. Nlcolson , w. 84 feet lot 7 , block S , Foster's addition , w. d 5,70009 Frederick H. Davis and wife to Nets. Kreksoii , lot 45 and M. 25 feet of lot 45 , Falimount place. w. d 1,10000 Lardlns C. Hrewster and wife to the county of Dotigliis , 2 73-100 acres located In sw f of sw { sec 85 , setf of seK sec 34. 10 , 12 o , w d 433 00 Edgar D Hough et al to Charles Corbott , lots 8 , 0 and 10 blk 43S in Orandvlew , qcd 100 William E llawley and wife to Franzi K Moses , an und , X Int. In lot 22 , blk 1 , lots 10 and W , DJk ! ! , and lot 11. blk 4 In Cottier & Archer's add to South Omaha , q cd 80000 M S Scanlon to Charles A Nelson lot 2 , blk 30. Uanscom place , w d. 1,703 00 E A Uenson and wife to Margaret Wad lot 30 , blk 1 , llrjegs iiiace , wd 1/jOO 00 Wm Ueirmann and wife toldchard S Ueilln 10 1V100 acres In sw X of n w X of swi 18,15,1:3 : , e w d. . . . 11,105 00 Frederick 11 Davis ot al. to Jerry Mciuhanlots ( aud 5blkODruid Hill add wd 1,000 Francis 1 McKenna and wife to Wm H Gates * lots 22 aud 23 , Pat terson's sub w d 1,400 Francis I McKenna and wife to Wm 11 Gates , lot 12 , blk 3 , Haw thorne add wd 1,700 James M Hose to John 1 McMan- nls , ui of o 45 feet of s } ot lot 3 blk 14 , Improvement association add , w d , 1000 Henry Ambler and wife to Charles F. Harrison , lot 4 blk 3 , Ecker- man place , qcd 1 00 Charles F Harrison to Howard II Ualdridge , lot 4 blk 3 , Eckerman place , w d 50000 Weather Indications. For Nebraska : Fair weather In southern portion , local showers , followed by fair weather In northern portion , winds generally southerly , sliglitly warmer. For Iowa : Fair weather In eastern portion , local showers In western portion , winds gen- ornlly southerly , slightly warmer. For Cential nnd Eastern Dakota : Local showers , slightly warmer , winds generally southerly. Products of Coal Tar. Hero is an extract , credit for which is due the Pittsburg Dispatch : "So you eat coal , do you ? " said n smart High school girl in Hagati's a few nights ago to the beardless young man with n high collar WHO was buying the ice- Bream. "Aw , cat coal ? What do you mean , Miss Ethel ? " replied the unsophisticated youth with astonishment. "WUv. I see that you take vanilla fla voring , ' * replied the High schoolgirl with ii smile. "Wcally , Miss Ethel. 1 don't , aw , ex actly understand you , " the young man with the high collar reponded. "Why , vanila tlavorinc is made almost ontirelyfrom coal tor , * ' said the smart high school girl , and she was just start ing with : "Why" , wo learned all that in our chemistry class last " when the fire bell commenced ringing , and she stopped for some reason or other , and an inventory of all she know was lost. The vanilla idea was a good one , and a re porter asked Dr. F. L. Slocum , the chemist - ist , about it. "Is vanilla extract a uroduct of coal tar ? " said Dr. Slocum. "Why , of course it Is , and a bettor nrticlo is furnLshoJ from coal tnr than from tlio bean itsolt Vanilla is made from tolulo , ono of tin products of conl tar. It is used for flav oring ico-crcnm nnd confectionery , on is 5 chemically pure product , whloh vegetable vanilla extract is not. ' "Jhoro nro n Rood many products iron conl tlmt the mnjorlly of people know nothing of , " continued Dr. Slocum. "Thoir number will co Into tlio thoU' Riimta , and research into this purticulni brunch of Inorganic ahoniistry is bring ing now and rich rcwnrds to scientist ! every ycivr. Ono of the hydro-carbons distinctly produced from conl fur is ben zole. This it ) the base of magenta , red nnd blue coloring mutters , and of tlio oil of bitter almonds. This oil fortnorly cnruo entirely from the vegetable product from which it takes its naniu ; but now it is to o largo extent made from bon/.olo , and a < clioniicnlly pnro product Is secured. The veritable oil of bitter almonds contains . n curtain amount of Prussia acid , which is a poisonous substance. Toluene or tolulo is niiothcr product from coal tar , which is the base of a great many chemical * . Hen/oie add , which , used to bo made almost .entirely from j plants , is now readily made from tohinno : Carbolic neld is another nroduct of tolulo. The latter is a colorless fluid with a smelt very much like crude petroleum , while rarbolio aoul and salicylic acid , two of its products , nro far from being sweet- smelling compounds. Yet this same tolulo is the basis of a number of very fragrant products. Wlntcrgrcon oil. much purer than from the plant , ana generally preferred by confectioners and others who use it , is ono ; oil of cinna mon , cinunmio acid nnd oil of doves arn among tno middle products which tire in gruad demand. " As yet the products of coal tnr have not been made use of for medicines to any extent , except as disinfectants : great experiments now going on , it is hoped to procure pure quinine from Chinoline , one of the coal tar products ; and scientists say that it is only a ques tion of time when all alkaloids known , and probably others not now known , will bo made from coal tar. It would take a good-sized book to oven begin to give an idea of the commercial products alone of coal tar. Nearly every know color , except cochineal red and in. digo blue , are made , and the latter was produced after nine years of experiment by the eminent German scientist , Byor , of Munich , but the manufacture ! was so expensive that it has never been done ex cept for scientilio purposes. Tlio Ice- wood and madder dyes of our grand mothers' days nro rarely seen in the mar ket now owing to the cheapness with which they are manufactured , lied ink , which formerly was made almost exclu sively from carmine , is now made from cosine , ono of the numerous coat tar progeny. Our MIMIoitalroB. M ancliester ( N. H. ) Union : The num ber of millionaires in the country has steadily increased , and the number of poor men has been made to increase with them , though in a ten-fold ratio. The nlmshouso records show this latter fact , and a recent statement of the num ber of millionaires , oven u Now York city alone , indicates the cor rectness of the former. There are scores of men tlicro whoso wealth ranges from $1,000,000 to $10,000,000 each , and many who go beyond cither of these fig ures. John Jacob Astor is probably tlio wealthiest man in the metropolis , his possessions being estimated at $300,000- 000. Jay Gould is thought to come next in rank , and there are those who judge him to bo the wealthiest of the two. Es timates aa to other New Yorkers nro in- terebting. Cornelius Vanderbilt $100,000- 000 ; W. H. Vanderbilt , $00.000,000 ; Uus- sell Saco , $ ( > 0,000.000 ; Wmslow , Lanier & Co. , ? ; 50,000,000 ; D. O. Mills , Whitolaw Reid's father-in-law , $20,000,000 ; Piorro- pont Morgan , $18,000,000 ; Bob Garret , $ ' . ' 0,000,000 ; Fred Vandorbilt. $15,000,000 ; Sidney Dillion , 410,000,000 ; Addison Cammaek , $8,000,000 ; John Ilockafollop. the Standard oil man , $10,000,000 ; HI Uockafoller , his brother , $8,000.000 ; Au gust Hohnont. $20,000,000 ; Cyrus W. Field. $10,000.000 ; Deacon S. V. Wnito , member- elect of the now concross , $7,000,000 ; 11. P. Flower , $ ( { ,000,000 ; Wash Connor , Jay Gould's ' old broker , who has lust married the divorced wife of thu ex-lottcrv king Simmons , $3,000,000 ; Victor Nowcomu , $1,000.000 ; Henry ilart , who is manipula ting Pacilic Mail , $10,000,000 ; Oswald Ottondorfer , editor of the Staats Zoitung , $5,000,000 ; James Gordon Bennett , of tbo Herald , $10,000,000 , Austin Corbin , $30- 000,000 ; Ernstus Wiman , $3,000,000. Every day the value of newspaper ad vertising becomes apparent. Only n day or two ago a lost canary bird flow into the composing room of the Republican at Darlington , Wis. , while n compositor was setting up an advertisement for it. There is a sandwich war in New YorJf. i' The abundance of free lunches has j drawn trade awav from the sandwich dealers , for a man will not pay 6 cents for a sandwich when ho can go next door and for 5 cents have a sandwich with a glass of boor and a pickle thrown in. Rates are now 3 cents , with a strong supply and weak demand. ' M. A. BERLIN , 1520 DOUGLAS STREET. . Ladies'Suits , Cloaks , Gloves Millinery and Furnishing Goods. All Colors- Cream , Pink , Blue , Brown , Red .and Black. Infants' and Children's Cloaks Of Every Kind and Description. A New Line Just Received from 1 to 5 Years Old. CUMMIMGS & NEILSON , . .10 it in : us or POLISHED PLATE GLASS CATHEDRAL and and WINDOW * * - ' * - * J < - > ORNAMENTAL Paints , Oils , Varnishes , Brushes , Etc , iii8 Farnam Street , , . , - - Omaha.