Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1887, Page 12, Image 12

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Eolation of Women With Money
Matters ,
i *
tamtnlno Industrie * A Blmrp Imna-
> Mo Gotham' * Tall GlrU-Fc-
MalcM Who Pcnoo A Girl's Trl-
uinpli Woman alltlea.
Wafhtnulon Critic.
luck Dlunt once loved a maid whose hair
With term cotti mlttht coin pare.
"My heartbeats for you. " ho said ;
"Ho matter If your hnlr Is red ,
With mo the color tins no heft"
And ho got loft ,
toreo Smoothly later came to wee.
ltd he with pnsslon tender , too ,
1 love you , and nil that M you :
Those lock * of dnlnty golden hair
Cho nunllittit kissed and lingered there
I'd give my nil for one wee curl. "
lie eot the girl.
Women and Blimey Matter * .
Wall Hamilton in Cosmopolitan : The
riation of money h butane of the many
delations that should feel the benign and
taping touch of woman. It is chiefly
japortant because of its ministering
power , because it is servant of servants
its brethren. It Is not to bo disposed
of by setting up a separate purse , any
more than by setting up a separate chil'l.
[ f a man counts a woman lit to bo the
mother of his children , it is little that she
should bo fit to expend money for their
rearing. If a man is gentle and soft
enough to cpmo into tender contact witli
his little children , ho must be malleable
enough to bo shaped right in regard to the
money that they and their mother require.
If course , if a man is over brutal , and
lie woman over sllly.thcrcmust be disas-
[ cr.whnthor there bo one purse or twenty ,
ir none. There may well bo women who
mvo no sense about money , just as there
ir women who do not 'know how to
[ bring up children. It is a defect of char
acter. Such women are a failure iu pro
portion to their defects , and their defec
tive work , it cannot bo denied , is evil.
But if both husband and wife are of the
common type , honest , sincere , devoted
Briu fairly sensible , a patient , continuous
and not unlovely process of consultation
nnd conciliation and compromise will
bring them eventually into a clear under
standing of relative values.
Requirements of n Hoolniy Woman.
Society is not the place in which to
preach woman's rights or temperance ,
and bliu who should undertake to set a
linnor table by the ears , so to speak ,
[ with an expression of her deepest convic-
Itlons , would bo pretty certain to receive
o second invitation. There tire those
rho go so far as to say that the society
Kirl should have no convictions but the
[ convictions of her own acceptability. She
Imay have interests , but no hobbies ; nt
the same time she must not bo shallow.
Btlll , the girl who ignorantly aspires to
flooloty puts clothes first and culture last ,
has more or less contempt for everything
but her fallals. It is manner that carries
the day , and good-nature and kindliness ,
oven in society the art of making others
haupy , of amusing without apparent
[ cflbrt , of being invariably agreeable.
Moods should not belong to a society
jirl if she would be a success ; she must
illow herself to bo bored with a smile.sho
nust submit to disappointments with a
jonrnot , for society has its price like
> thor worldly things.
Feminine ImliiHtrlon.
London ( triiphio : Feminine industries
[ of the world are to bo extensively ropro-
lontcd at the Glasgow exhibition next
pear , 'ihere will bo a special women's
section , as the lady presidents want-to
show exactly what share women bear in
the manufactures of the present limn.
Jot only needlework is to uo exhibited ,
out such mechanical branches as leather
dressing' , bookbinding , fishing taeklo
manufacture , glovomaking , and the like.
Decorative industries , including carving ,
brnsswork , painting and cnirravmg , will
Hud a place as well as female hygienic
A Maid or All Work In Society.
Detroit Tribune : "Last season my maid
of all work asked early in the spring if
she might not have the month of July. I
aaid yes , not realizing the trouble there
was in getting help , " said n prominent
Detroit lady , "As I could not find a ser
vant I decided to close the liouso , and gofer
for a month to one of the fashionable
beaches near homo. While watching the
bathers the morning after I arrived , 1
noticed one , a pretty-looking girl , pict
uresquely dressed , who struck mo famil
iarly. As she came near I recognized
her as my maid Julia , notwithstanding
nho had changed her hair from dark
brown to pale gold , and I spoke to her.
To my surprise she entirely ignored me ,
never showing by oven the rising of an
tyebrow that she recognized mo or the
BOlldren. On returning to the hotel I
found that she was registered under the
name of n Inond of mine , n well-known
society young lady , who.sonamo sue kept
( luring her stav there. Why didn't I
expose her ? What would havu been the
use ? She wore better clothes than I did.
was bright and pretty , and had gathered
around nor the cream of the society
there. The probability is that if I had
aid anything no one would have bo
lliaved mo.
I Pretty Sharp fora Lunatic.
I Baltimore Sun : An elderly married
Natty in Uyliold , who possesses property
Ha her own right , had frequently cx-
loressed a desire to make a donation to
Mho church with which she is connected
I when a suitable occasion offered , and ac-
Icordingly when the society determined
MB repairing and remodeling the meet-
ling house , the minister , as chairman of
he soliciting committee , called on her
or a contribution and was presented
With a check for $500. The good clergy-
loan went homo highly elated , but was
Merriblv taken back the next day when
he lady's husband and son called to pro-
Beit against her munificence.
fPtuiy declared that she had not boon in
Iher right mind for n long time and didn't
Know what she was doing when she
fielded to the undun mlluonco brought to
mar upon her. Though the minister
ew that she was as snno as. her htis-
Iband , to say the least , and the contribu
tion was perfectly voluntary , yet a dis-
Bclination to become mixed up in legal
proceedings , which were hinted nt , in-
Einccil him to send back the money. So
ar 10 good , but now comes the sequel.
ETho husband recently sold a tract of
and ; the deed was duly drawn , signed
md sealed by the grantor , who passed It
o his wife to sign for rollnqulshment of
lower , but to his astonishment she inter-
Bx > * cd a slight objection. "No , I am not
n my right mind , you know , and my act
would bo void. " was her reply , and in
pito of all solicitations she refuses the
ourtesy of her autograph , and the old
gentleman still has the land on his hand ?
nitoad of the money Is his pocket.
I Tall Girls of Gotham.
I Now York Sun : Are the young women
> f this town at the present time taller
md stouter than its belles of twenty or
fchlrly years ago ? Old follows say they
mn. and the height and. weight of the
fctidonce which they introduce cannot
all to glvo strength to their assertion.
Bui these far-seeing old philosophers
klw want us to believe that our girls are
how less beautiful than the dames oi
Bormor times. Wo can't. The law of
fcallautry forbids us. Our girls are im-
tense , and arc still progressing with
Eiffmutlc strides : but that they arc in any
Bwpeci less lovely than the little
natures of long ago we must deny.
lflT ( out two iuobcs , wo believe , is the
exact height of one of the famous ittit-
utcs of Venus. If that statute , like some
of the imngoj that fro read of in fairy
.ales , could come to life now and got
rigged up in all the fascinating tocgery
of the present fashion she would only bo
n mite among the tall and stately beau-
les of Broadway. Five feet two may
lave been the standard height of long
ago , but not of this time. Every evening
wo empty out shopfuls of girls from live
feet six to live feet ten , and every one of
them carved like the statue of liberty.
Tall old gentlemen can't see this fe
male encroachment upon the stature of
man , but short and middle-sized old fel
lows are constantly remarking that they
have to look up or straight ahead now ,
where in former years they looked
down. The fact seems to bo that the
modern Now York belle Is a great big
girl with an enormous hat , small feet ,
and a tournuro Hko the overhang of the
Glrla Who Fence.
San Francisco Chronicle : It is said
that Grecian women would enter the
arena in the old Olympian days and
wrestle with one another to encourage
their children and strengthen themselves.
Thus Spartian mothers had Spartian
eons , and the name to this day Is synony
mous with bravery and physical endur
ance. In these modern days Indies , as a
rule , consider that their constitutions are
too delicate for any greater physical
cxcrclso than a gontta Htroll or a little
shopping , and so many a physician has
deplored the absence of proper bodily
uxerciso among the fair sex and has
preached wise though Ineffectual ser
mons about the nncd of it. Hut fashion ,
like a miracle , will do what preaching
will not do , and , as In thu cast fencing
has become fashionable , and the fashions
travel with the star of the empire , so
fencing is now being introduced in this
An American Girls Triumph.
Pittshtirg Dispatch : The ceremony of
defending a thesis is the final exorcise
which is exacted of a Parisian medical
student iiroparatorv to receiving the
college diploma. The occasion always
draws together the friends of the stu
dent , and is generally fringed and varie
gated with fun and frolic , with gifts of
flowers , and with a complimentary din
ner to the now-mado doctor of medicine.
Hut the chief feature of this day is a
severe examination of the candidates by
the college bigwigs , who sit in solemn
slate , arrayed in red bilk gowns anil
wearing hcarlot caps. The candidate ,
whether male or female , is dressed in a
black gown with a white lichii. And
when Miss Hradley stepped into the
arena , clad in this traditional garb , the
general comment of the audience was :
"How like Portia in the trial scene of
the 'Merchant of Venice. ' "
It was known to Miss Hradloy's collejro
mates and other friends that , her thesis
would be on "lodism , " and that she had
taken a year to write an elaborate book
on the subject , which will soon bo repub-
lishcd in English from the original
French. For an hour and a half she was
questioned with great shrewdness and
ability by four of the loading professors
of the Ecolo do Mi-decinc Drs.
Fournicr , Gautier , Porchet and
Hobin. Each of these gentlemen
had previously received a copy of Miss
Uraclloy's bold book and they had bought
their copies at the examining room , with
multitudinous interrogation marks on
the margins , showing that the now treatise
iso had not only been carefully read , but
had excited much curiosity and atten
tion. Miss Hradloy had the great advant
age of nn unhackneyed theme , which she
skilfully illustrated by a numerous array
of unfamiliar facts.
Her triumph was of a peculiar char
acter. Her foui examiners said to her ,
with admiring frankness : "You have
been working a new field : we cannot
agree with many of your conclusions ;
further Investigation may laad cither
yourself or us to different views ; but ,
meanwhile you have presented to the
college a thesis which does you uncom
mon honor , and for which we nnani
inously award you the maximum mark
of merit. "
After the announcement of the award ,
Miss Hradley was entertained at dinner
by Miss Augusta Klumpkc , the first fe
male physician who has ever been ad
mitted to practice in the hospitals of
Paris. Hoth these ladies are Americans
Miss Klumpkc from San Franeisco.and
Miss Bradley fiom Now York. The
granfathor of the latter , Henry Hradlev ,
was once a candidate for the Governor
ship of the Empire state ; her father , Ogden -
don Hradley. is'a banker , and the Itight
Uovcrond Bishop Nealy , of Maine , is
her uncle.
Fanny Koinlno Still Allvn.
Albany Argus : The other day I drove
from Pfttslield to Lennox- charming
ride , and at the head of the hill where
stands to ! old Congregational church , 1
gave the horse a breathing spell. The
day was hot and still , and the graveyard ,
with its turf closely cut and its towering
trees , wore an inviting look. In the dis
tance was the sexton , sickle in hand ,
levelling the struggling tufa of grass that
were climbing about the old headstones.
Ho proved to bo a remarkably agreeable
and intelligent man. and 1 accosted him :
"Can you tell mo whether Fanny Kcm-
bio is buried hero ? " I asked , glancing
around for such an imposing monument
as should mark her final resting place.
"No , sir , " ho answered , and after a
paupo , which somehow piqued my curi-
ositv , ho added : "She isn't dead yet sir. "
"Not dead " I
! stammered.
"No , sir. For the past three or four
years 1 have been asked this question a
dozen times every season. Some puoule
toll me that they havo'come a long dis
tance to see her grave , and n few huvo
appeared not over pleased to learn that
she was still alive. Miss Kemblo is quite
old now , seventy-live or seventy-sixth at
least , but she it * living in England. Not
long niro wo got a letter from her saying
that very likely she would visit Lennox
this fall. This created quite a flutter ,
but since then wo have heard nothing
further. Wo have had the old clock in
the tower there , which Miss Kemblo pre
sented to the church , overhauled and re
paired. If she comes hero she will got a
warm reception you may bo suro. "
Nolllo Gnulil'd Iiovor.
NKW YOIIK , August 20. A young fol
low , said to bo employed on a railroad at
King's Crcok , W. Va. , and who calls him
self J. M. Ttabor , has been trying to
captivate Miss Nellie Gould , oldest
daughter of .lay Gould. Some time ago
ho called at Mr. George Gould's otlice
with a letter of introduction , purporting
to have boon clvon by Frederick Geb-
hard. . His letter did not appear to bo
genuine , however , and ho loft suddenly.
Very soon after that Miss Gould re-
ceiroa markeil copies of papers in which
Traber hail contrived to have favorable
notices of himself printed. He followed
these with letters of a cra/y nature. , nil
of which wore confided to the waste
Recently ho got the following notice
of himself printed in a western paper :
The ciungoniont Is announced of .Miss
Nellie. Could , eldest dnnuhter ot the Now
York millionaire , to Mr. .1. M. Trnber , a
bright young railroad employe at King's
CrcokV. . Va. It Is said that the nuptials
will be solemnized early next yoar.
This was copied into the Graphic and
called forth this card from Mr. Gould
yesterday :
Hear Sir : The inclosed cannnl crept Into
yestontixy'8 Graphic : This Traber Is un
doubtedly a halt crazy crank , who has b en
writing letters for the past year or two to my
daughter , though a total stranger. I should
11 KO to know how such a report was set
afloat Yours , truly , JAV GOUI.D.
Mr. Gould's reply to inquiries last
night was that ho had nothing more to
say than bo had snld in his note.
Gentlemen Callers for Pafttlmc.
As to a ) lowinH gentlemen to call merely
as pastime there can bo no serious ques
tion raised. Every lady has the privi
lege of choosing her company , and If she
llnds among her gentlemen acquaintance
Ivro or thren who are able to entertain
her she certainly has the right to oncour-
ngo them to call. If , however , she leads
them to think that she is in love with
them , and Is playing for keeps , she will
bo doing wrong. No sensible lady would
do this , but would , o conduct herself that
the gentlemen would understand that
they were merely calling for the pleasure
there was in it , and that whenever they
found something worthy of more serious
attention they would bo excused.
flow Women Talk of Each Other.
Women are never satisfied. Thny are
forever picking at cacli other , criticising
and finding fault. When one cots a new
gown nearly every other one jumps on it
and metaphorically tramps it in the mud.
So It IB when she gets a beau. Her dear
girl associates will tell her awful things
about him , make remarks about his feet
and his hands , criticiso the style of his
clothes , smile sweetly before his face and
laugh at him bchldd his back. You know
you do , and there is no use denying it.
You may not mean any harm by
it , but how would you like to have your
best young man treated in this way ?
Were women a little more philosophical
they would find It possible to get along
among themselves without so much
clashing. Their glasses appear to bo
adjusted to sec only the faults in e.ach
other , and none of the good traits. This
adjustment is quite fortunate , no doubt ,
for the men , as it show ; their follies quite
dimly and makes their virtues shine with
creat brilliancy. Dear knows ! May bo
it is best as it is. Were women able of
seeing all the virtues in their own sex the
poor men might have no show at all.
Blotting paper nlnk la a new color.
Sailor lints are all the rage In London ,
as tliev nro with us.
Crepon Is a new French fabric , looulng
like crinkled vclllnc.
The latest fad In Michigan Is to wear a thcr
mimieter tor a bronstpln.
\Vomeu will bo Interested to know that the
bustle Is of Persian origin.
Twelve women do Inspectors' duty In the
New York custom house.
A 1'avorlto French combination of tints Is
that ot Hun blue with lavender.
A pretty Polish clrl i.s the olllcial Inter
preter in a liullalo jiollco court ,
The rounh cottons of last year , with boticlo
and f rise ellects , are entliely out ot syle.
A new trimming Is made of six nr seven
rows of extremely narrow ribbons , called the
baby ribbun.
Theie Is a fashion of feather stitchlnc the
K.itize sleeves and jilastroni of many light
dresses this season.
There aio women of artistic taste who
make a living by paintingt < cieciis nowadays.
Tuey nro done on satin.
Mrs. Ole Hull Is In New Hampshire for the
summer. She Is 1'alrly well-to-do , and Is
growing old trnccfuly. !
The llrbt exclamation of a hello on enter
ing the cathudtal at Milan was , "Oh , what a
church to get married In. "
The leg-of-mutton sleeve , it appears , Is
slmplv the lesnlt ot a conspiracy niiiniiz
fashionable dressmakers to iliivo out the jer
White muslin vest or flastrons are mailo
very lull In pull's m-ro-s the chest , separated
by tucks thronsh which narrow ribbons are
The first Danish lady physfelnn , MissNeil-
son , has just begun to practice at Uopenlia-
um. : Shu look hur ilcgiees with the highest
Miss I'lekett , a sister of the famous leader
of the char.-t ! at Oi'ttysbing , has heen promoted
meted In a 81,000 place In the Inturiorde-
Theio Is only one woman employed as
station agent on the wholit Grand Trunk
roan. Hut she Is described as a "hustler" at
iho business.
Sailor collars , combined with a tichu or
scart emK ere mailii of palu-blnn cotton or
rcarletsllk and worn with \\liitu\vool 01
China .silk dresses.
One of the prominent pcnplo In Paris is
Jtosnia Yokes , who is there to < i-cure a stun-
ni ng wardrobe. When .lack Frost Begins to
colu. the leaves she will return.
"Can it be trite , " said a temalo filetid to a
feinaln medical student , "that you havu act-
uallv dlisected man' " ' " "
n "Ohlyes , was the
reply , "hut it was an old man. "
Nine hundred and httv women In Town
own nr.d m.uisco tarms. Six more huve stock
faimsand twentv dairy farms. The Iowa
women propose to keep the pot boiling some
The Princess Plenat.ile N now n waiter-
girl In a second class Vienn.i cafe. .She
qn.ineled with her telatives las-t winter and
tried life In a London music hall for a Inlet'
The elegant Indian woman , "Hrlght
Kvei , " now Mrs. Tibbie * , Is m.ikin ar
rangements for a scries of lectures in Lon
don on the wrongs ol the Ninth American
The young man who wants n coed wife
should skirmish mound WuHculey colli-L-c.
There me : ,00linnet wives iu the institution ,
and they are nil taught to sew on buttons
nnd boil potatoes.
Cocks' illumes are arranged In most varied
ways tor trlicimliu autumn lints and bonnets ,
nnd there nrc also some ostiich feathers in
clusters ot tips and dunii-loni : plumes which
will bo used later for \ \ inter hats.
Mrs. Lena Hall of St. Louis , lias implied to
the health commKsioner of that city ( or a
burial permit. She says t-iie Is 107oar . old ,
bnnnot live a great while and is anxious to
make her funeral preparations during lite.
The very last chances of fashion arc being
made for the summer ot 1SS7 , which Is going
into history asn season of which dressers
need not bo aslu'iued of. save in the ono mat
ter of bustles. Already the dimensions ot
that monstrosity are dwindling.
Ribbons will continue to be used for bon
net trimmiiiL's in widths varying from two
and n half to four or live inches. Double
stripes of satin nrc along the educ.s of double
eros- rain ilbbons , while others represent
ladder stitches , ami others have crepe-like
The following advertisement appeared in
a recent number ot the London Morning
Post. "Young I'll 1 , who cannot oDIaln em
ployment and desire * to keep respectable ,
needs help ( about 1U for outlit nmi passnfe )
to co to America , where she Is endued to bu
married. "
Kmlyn A. btawardson , son of Thomas
Mewnrdsun ot Johnstown , Pa. , has just won
the high distinction of ranking f ° u > t r t the
examination for admission to the school of
Sculpture In the llcaux Arts nt Paris. There
were seventy contestants gathered from al
most every clvllued country on thu earth.
The latest crnzo among the Indies Is n "hair
album. " Vonng men are besoudit for n lock
of hair , < uul the request Is such a Mattering
one that they are only too happy to comply
when the right damsels apply. The contribu
tion Is tied with n blue ribbon and goes Into
the hair album along with the halrot a crowd
of other fellows.
The triumph of the qulck-actin t camera Is
complete. A successful photograph has been
taken of a lady's features nt the instant she
was telling another lady ot h < > r trouble with
the now girl. Thu outlines of the spcakei's
lips nnd chin \vcro clearly dulined , although
the movement made by these must havu been
Inconceivably rapid.
Amateur dressmakers nro anln advised
that thiee breadths of silk nre nitaln used
for the entire back of the skirt , drapery nnd
lower skirt being thus combined. These
Are cut halt a yard longer tbnn the founda
tion aklrt , are set In many lapped plaits ,
meeting In the middle nt the top , nnd are
then turned over in two pointed ends In the
tournuro. The greatest latitude is allowed
In arranging .inch draperies at the top.
Miss Knte Kldor Is a bright , bravo Kln-
inundy , .111. , girl. She has taken up two
claims nearbanU Fe , Kas. , and Is living
upon one. Her residence Is a sod shanty.
She Is enduring n deal of hardship to get her
land , but she knows It will pay and is de
termined to win. She Is about twenty-four
years old , tall , plump as n partridge , nnd a
brunette \\hoso ready wit never tails her.
She Is known as "the Princess of Tlnney
county. "
A London correspondent writes that she
has been much struck when attending wed
dings and other afternoon celebrations at
which smart costumes are the order to observe
that.Jewelry is being worn again on all occa
sions. Thu fashion has been rminlne In the
direction slnco the beginning of the season
and now that tint Princes * of Wales has an
nounced her Intention of encourauluir It ,
with a view to stimulating the manufacture
ot jewelry , the fashion will spread more
rapidly. Ladles wear jewel * literally morn-
Inr , noon and nUht. For toma time past
the diamonds nnd pearls and other gems worn
lor personal adornment wvro onlv produced
on state occasions. Now , howe\'ef , nt con-
vonttal dinners among the well-to-do classes
ono sees the Indies blazlmt In the glory of
jewelry. The most notnblo Incident of the
new departure Is the fashion ot wearing
costly brooches In bonnets and In dresses for
morning wear , and jewelled Hops at all
Ever since Eve first pnt on corsets there
have been flippant allusions made to a sup
posed fondness that young ladles cherish of
having their waists squeezed. No visible
proof of that weakness has ever bten offered
to the public's gaze niuil icoentlv. Hut it's
hero now. anrt the girls can't dodge It. The
silver cirdlo business has become fashion
able , and young men who are addicted to the
arm act are as blue as policemen. It's hard
enouKh to make an Impression through
corset armor , but when a sliver log chain is
added humanity gives up and takes to lamp
posts. Naturallv , It Is worn around the
waist , because Us too big for the neck-and a
girl couldn't grab her skirts with ono hand
nnd her back hair with the other If she were
It around her arms. A smelling bottle , a box
of caramels , a powder pntr , or , in factalmost
anything can bo hitched to the front end of
the gifdle as an excuse for wearing It. It Is
n convenient place to carry surplus hairpins.
Within the last week or two Fifth avenue
and Madison avenue girls have bloomed out
with girdles. They are an expensive
London tailors and Importers furnish
hints of the cloth gowns In preparation for
the tirst cool days of autumn and tor early
winter. Smooth cloths will be used again for
dressy suits , two colors In rather marked
contrast appearing In one costume. For
these combination cloth costumes the lighter
color w'll ' be used for the lower skirt nnd
vest , with a dark basque and drapery ; the
ttimminz Is braid on the vest and lower skirt
of the dark color used for the upper part ;
thus serpent cloth will be draped over
a skirt of gray cloth which Is elaborately
braided with green like that of the overdress ;
another gown has a skirt ot tobbacco brown
cloth with a polonaise of dark blue cloth , nnd
the brnldlni ; on the light brown vest nnd the
sklit border is of dark blue like that of the
polonaise. When a laeket is added It
matches thu color of the upper p.iit of the
gown ; small mantles nnd still smaller shoul
der canes are made of combinations ot the
two colors softened by the nso ot braid In
complicated designs , nnd of fringe made of
the build. Pinked edges nre uc.iin seem on
Imported cloth gowns , forming side bands ,
yolks , boideis anil vests , made of alternating
rows of dark and light cloth' , as iiinsy color
with tawn , or Havana brown cactus red.
Ills reported that a woman sixty years of
age , nt Itoseville , Ark. , recently gave birth to
A Paw Paw , Mich. , hen , nineteen years
old , Is complacently sitting on twenty-two
egi-s of her own production.
A young lady In West Greene , Ala. , Is
seventeen yoirs old , weighs 'orty-ono
pounds , and measures thirty-nine Inches in
( toldon trout nro found in but ono plnoo In
the world that Is In the hronks of Mount
Whltnev. up near the banks of everlasting
snow. They have n golden stripe down
each side , and are thu most beautiful fish
that swim.
The toads of Westlield , Mass. , run n rl * k
of dyingot starvation. They collect at niulit
in great numbers under thu eleeti ic lights on
the more quiet streets and there chase the
shadows of the countless Insects that flutter
around the licht ahove thorn.
During a conflagration which raced In thn
woods near Salem , III. , a Hock of i-hi'op of
about 150 vmo feeding In a pasture over
which n tire was swceplutr. Thev uished
pell-mell to an elevation in the Held and im
mediately bunched thuuiclvcs with their
young in rt circle and began moving in a clr-
elc , tieadiiii ; the woi-ds and crais into the
dry earth until tlm liiu was out.
A Uoclielle (111. ( ) has a falsu tooth set on a
ptvnt , and sneezed out the other dav while
feeding the chickens. The old hen thought
it was a train ot corn and swallowed It as
noon as it stinck thu ground. Alter a long
chute the fowl was cnptnied , beheaded , Its
erop opened , and the tooth found and rr-
stoied to the young lady's month , where it
ntterward helped to mtisticatntliu old lieu.
An Orlando ( l'I.\ . ) tirm-while having a
number of lemons squeezed Kiiilny , cumo
across a very peculiar ircak of nature in the
shape of a perfectly torincil lemon growinz
inside nf another. The Inside timt is about
the size ot a walnut and is peitect In every
lespeet , the only difference between It nnd
tint oiititdu fruit boin. : that the color of Its
skin Is of a lighter and clearer jcllow than
Us outside or parent.
A novel contest Is reported ns havlnir oc-
ctinedn few da.\s airo atMerrhnncpint , .Mass.
William N. Currier has n duck pun on the
banks of the Merrimac river , In which nro
seuerai ducks. On the day referred to n largo
rat \ sited the pen and beuan an attack on
the inmates , which was repulsed by the old
bird , who won several roundsbut alter nearly
nn hour of hard lighting the rat i.-ot a hold on
thu duck's neck nnd wounded it so that it
died soon niter.
There is on exhibition in Now York a
llowcr called the "insect-catcher. " Its petals
are white and it is about the slx.u of an npplo
blossom , which it somewhat resembles. Its
interior formation is such thnt the proboscis
of anr insect , sturchiiut tor tuo ( lower's
lionov , once Inserted cannot bu withdrawn ,
and the harder the captured inset struggles
the tighter it I.s held. One of the plants on
view held cap.vo a butterfly which , unless
ideated , will bo held till it starves to death ,
It will then dry up and bo blown away by
the wind.
The county clerk of Lonoke , Ark. , says
that ongoing into his irarden latelv ho no
ticed n jaybird cutting queer antic"and soon
discovered that it was lighting a snake , ilo
watched , nnd as the bird darted at it the
snake , which was Ivlnir at full leuu'th , would
tuck Its head under Its bodv. Thi > continued
some time , until nt last the blid lalsi-d the
snnko up that Is , about six feet of it and it
tell dead. Ilo describes the snake ns some
twelve teet Ion * and eight inches In diameter
arid uite u'recn.
Frank Darker , of Providence , is the pos
sessor of a litter of kittens which can well
claiir. front rank among tint freaks ot nature.
The four living aio suit of imitation of thu
Siamese twins.the qnarteto holn gnttnehed to
gether by a ligature , which connects the ab
domens of thu lour little ereatmes. The
spnen between thu kittens is about one Inch
and a half , and the cords form two triangles
joined at thenpex. the four ends connecting
with thu kittens. Three of the fulincsu nre
of thu color known as Maltese , whllo tlm
fourth is jut blnch and smaller than his
Three miles trom Monroe , Gcorgln , Is a to :
house , the home ot Dennis nnd lietsy
lirou hton. Seven weeks ago n child was
born to them , which weighed nt birth baiely
two pounds. The child's full immo is Mar
tha Ann Mary Magdalen Frances Cleveland.
At lirst ultiht tlie littlu ono'.s featiues seemed
slichtlv drawn , but form nnd features nre
aliku perfect. The head Is the size of nu or
dinary npplu , the hand not HS broad as a
man's thumb , and n small coffee pot would
mike a commodious aboilu for it. The
mother savs there is nothing the matter
with It < l.les' small , dat's nil. "
A man In Norwich , Conn. , Das a bull-dog
that Is not In nny sou HO Ktyllsrt. Kxternnlly
and eternally he makes bi < t one Impression
on the mind , and that is that he Is a typical
relic of savagery. When ho rets ready for
business he slips Ids muzzle off his nose and
casts It around near his ear nnd goes In , nnd
when the conflict Is over ho slips It back with
his paw , replaces his nose la thu loop and
trots nlong so demurely that no one would
dream that ho ever had a canning thought In
his cranium. Slnco his trick , has been dis
covered by his owner , ho has felt a harder
pressure on his nose , and ho travels now
.like a dog that docs not think "that life is
wortk liviny.
As Ceorgu E. Hobbs , brnkeman on the 8:30 :
a. m. train from Portsmouth to Doston , was
passing through the cars one morning he
thought ho heard thu twitter of a bird , which
he finally traced to the stove. On unlocking
ana opening It he discovered an English
sparrow's nest , on which was a sparrow sit
ting on foureggs. He took the bird out In
his h.uid , and , on putting It back , It settled
down on the eggs again as though the Inter
ruption were the most common thing In the
world. Tlm car , No. 20. is In constant use ,
and the stove has been locked since the ad
vent of warm the birds must have
carried the material for the nest down the
funnel and llonu hundred1 } of miles In doing
One of tlm four first prizes awarded at the
Vienna conservatory was taken at the recent
annual examination by an American singer ,
Miaa Ida Schnyler , of this state. MUs Schuv-
ler went to Vienna I wo years ago after studyIng -
, Ing with Max MareUuk At the College of
Music in Cincinnati. She Is * dramatic so
prano and h r .register reaches up to D In
" * * * * . * t > * 1 ' *
A Bee Correspondent's Visit to tha Tomb
of Bhakipoare ,
The Old Cemetery The Kcnllwortb
of Victoria A Gllmpso at
Oxford Franc Bepnl
* '
V Abroad ,
LONDON , Avigust 10. [ Special Corre
spondence of the BEK. ] My last letter
ended with nn account of our visit to
Warwick. Thus far in our sojourn in
England wo had made stops only in
the towns. Wo were now very glad to
get it good opportunity to see English
country and village life on an excursion
on foot front Leamington to Stratford-
oil-Avon. The dlstanco is about ten miles ,
but the temptation was so great to ride
the first two miles on a train , that we
really walked only eight miles. "It's not
well to walk immediately after breakfast
any way , " the professor said , und I was
not slow to agree with him.
Our breakfast was perfect ! ( Polly
looked particularly sweet. ) It was chops ,
of course ; every other meal is chops at
an English Inn ; but they were excellent :
1 never before know why English chops
were so famous. And the morning was
beautiful ; too beautiful to last Polly said ,
so we took umbrellas. Wo enjoyed the
train ride to Warwick all the more be
cause wo had laboriously followed the
map over the same road the day previous
and wo know the principal buildings and
streets perfectly. English train cars arc
shorter than our hosro cars , but they are
provided with seats on the roof , so that
the number of passengers is no less. We
took scats on top to get a better view.
The walk to Stratford was somewhat
tiresome , but we enjoyed it little less on
that account. It is more of n pleasure to
walk through the country hero than at
homo , because the roads are provided
with gravel walks for persons on foot.
Scttuus are also provided at conveni
ent intervals and on the whole the path
of the English tramp , or of the Ameri
can tramp in England , is not altogether
unpleasant. There are many inns along
the road where a prim miss would slake
onn's thirst for a two pence. We walked
leisurely , often resting under a fine old
elm , or .stopping to watch the farm
hands make hay with their clumsy old
scythes and quaint looking two wheeled
carts , with three or four horses hitched
Stratford-on-Avon the immortal
- - , where
tal Shakspearo lived and where his re
mains lie buried. The village , which
contains about i',000 people , like most
villages in England , is old .mil quaint.
It has the same mouldy looking stone
buildings , the same crooked streets , the
same poky inhabitants , the same number
of ale houses in fact it has nothing to
distinguish it except Sliakspeare.
The people of Stratford ought
indeed to love Shakspeare who has done
so much for them. If the great poet ever
did a charitable act it was lobe born in
that town where the great great grand
sons of his neighbor'.s descendants might
eke out an existence from the pockets of
the unwary pilgrim.
Hundreds of people , and many of them
are Americans , visit Stratford every
week. On the day of our vlit the inns
wore all crowded and wo had a dillicult
time getting a dinner. The
mi : > iioitsK INN' ,
which Irving has made famous in his
Sketch Book was cspcially well patron
ized. The most intesting building ; in
Stratford , ot course , is the house in
which Shakspearo was born. The pic
tures of this building give a very good
idea of it. There is nothing to mark it
trom other equally old buildings in the
Vicinity , except the carriages and throng
of visitors usually seen at the doors. The
windows of the room in which the poet
was born are covered with diamond-
scratched To mo the barely leg
ible W. S. , placed there by Walter Scott ,
was most interesting. Wo had the
pleasure of watching Shakspcaro's
noor old chair while it was gently "sat
upon" by about one hundred and litty
from a neighboring boarding school. I
must also mention the old desk which the
pool iifcud when attending the grammar
school. There were numerous pen knife
engravings on the desk , but Shaks-
pcare's own name was no where to be
seen. This shows that vVilliam either
win a good boy and didn't do the carving
or that ho did do it and didn't want his
name to bo known. Leaving the house
we walked down past the tumbling old
grammar school to Stratford church
where the poet lies buried. His grave is
in the chant-el of the church , marked by
a plain llag-stpno on which is written the
familiar inscription winch has kept it un
disturbed so many years. The bust near
the grave is the best ono known and rep
resents Sliakspeare as more of a ruddy ,
round-faced Englishman than do most of
his pictures. 1 have not time to mention
many interesting little relics which are
shown in the rooms of the house or in the
different parts of the town. Our visit to
Stratford was highly satisfactory and it
is n visit which no one going to England
should fail to make. Wo waited until
train time on the banks of the Avon in
near the church. There is room for much
of the sentimental in writing of a delight
ful rest under the branching elms
of such a hallowed spot ; but 1 am
not much given to sentiment now ,
especially when I remember how quicKly
our condition was changed "from the
sublime to the ridiculous. " I said we
waited until train time ; and wo did most
literally. In other words wo saw that Iu
order to catch the Leamington train wo
must eel to the station in less than no
timo. In a second wo were giving the
villagers an "exhibition of a good 220 yards
dash. They wore horrified at the Ameri
can way of "catching" a train. English
men don't "catch trains" as a rule. They
walk liesuroly to the station an hour
ahead of time and wait.
Next day wo took our accustomed train
ride to Warwick. This time our objec
tive point was Kcnilworth castle , the
ruins of which are on the Strat
ford and Coventry road , four
railo3 from Warwick. Wo were
again advised to walk , being assured
that wo would onjov the walk exceeding
ly. The road from Stratford to Coventry
has long been famous. Two Englishmen
once bet that each could name the most
delightful walk in all England. Ono
named the road from Stratford to Cov
entry , and the other the road from Cov
entry to Stratforu. From
is but a part of this road , but it is
enough to give ono an idea of the whole.
The road lies between two historic
places , and through the most beautiful of
English farming country.
It is as clean and well paved as the
streets of any city , while rows of well
trimmed elms and sycamores stretch
away in graceful curves for miles on
either side. A wide , shaded walk on ono
side is reserved for pedestrians , and on
the other side the turf is kept soft for
riders on horseback.
From the road could be seen farm
houses of ovcry description , including
the lowly hut of the commonest laborer ,
the neat cottage of the small farmer , und
the lordly mansion of the earl.
Amidst all this variety wo could not but
notice on every unmistakable signs
And Maud S. Has Retired from the Track
But we have the Largest and Finest line of Carriages , Harness , llobes ,
Blankets , Horse Clothing and all kinds of Turf Goods , ever carried \
bit ana firm in the elf// / .
200 Sets of Team , Farm , Express , Coupe , Light , Double P Sinylc Jfitri
neu , for talc , regardless of cost. Sole agentu for the California Iforse
< * JVonc genuine unless atamned , " . / . A , McKcrron , S. F. " Western
Agents for the celebrated Toomey Sttlltl/ . Step around and when yon ra
ready to buy call on MlTVllKLL < C 1IAINEH ,
S > W. Corner 16th St. and Capital Avc. , Omaha. (
Furniture , Carpets , Stoves and Household Goods
Of every Description , on Credit at Cash Prices.
613 N. 16th St. , Between California and Webster.
BOSENTHAL & CO. , Proprietors.
rw ( Opposite Falconer's , }
Real Estate and Loan Brokers ,
310 South Fifteenth Street.
oils lots In Patrick * nilil . , from (1,000 : $100c 3h Porno ileBlrnlilo trncknge lots.
( Hm'M , bulniK'l ! to fUlt.
th. elty.
Nice acres In IlimlleUl cliciip. A flno nero In Wjishlngton Illll
121J and liilX
Carpets , Stoves ,
House Furnishing Goods.
Weekly and Monthly Pay
of thrift. Everything looked cleanneat ,
jinil in its proper plnco. The wixlk over this
roud was so charming that the live miles
seomcil no more than two.
Passing through the one long street of
the village of Kenilworth wo saw on an
eminence to the left , the inajustic ruins of
the castle. So many far worthier pens
than mine have written the past glories
of Kcnilworth that I feel abashed nt
mentioning the nlace at all.
If the reader would get an idea of the
former magnificence of 'Ins ' castle let
him read Scott. The his'pry ' of Konil-
worth in its glory is the history of Kng
land for that period , just as the history
of Versailles is the history of France dur
ing the times of Marie Antoincttn. But
the Kenilworth of Victoria is not much
iko the Kcnilworth of Elizabeth. Noth
ing is left now but
which lift their battered towers to the
sky and cast n gloom ever everything
which surrounds them. It's court dillcr-
ing from that of Harwick castle , is
divided into an upper and n lower part
by an abrupt hill which rises in tlm
centre of the yard. This makes the eastlo
walls very uneven , and adds to the sol
emn grandeur of the sceno. Notwith
standing the rough treatment it received
from Cromwell , the ojd pile is stately and
magnificent even in its ruins , and will
probably stand the storms of centuries to
To reach Leamington was hut a matter
of ono hour by coach , and the next morn
ing , ut ten found us locked up in one of
the stuffy old carriages of the Great West
ern company , thundering along for Lon
don. Of the many noted points along
the way , Oxford was the only ono at
which wo hail time to stop ; und indeed
our visit there scarcely deserved the
name , since our hours might have been
changed to weeks nnd then we should
not have seen it all. Hawthorne truly
says that it would take n lifetime , and
morothan one , to comprehend und en
joy Oxford satisfactorily.
Ho had , however , the ono consoling
thought Unit no ono over saw moro
square foot of Oxford per minute than
we did.
The buildings of the various colleges
of Oxford university uro so vast and so
numerous that I shall not attempt to de-
scriho any one of them.
First let mo say that the Kuglish or
European idea of n university moans
something more than the American. Ox
ford university is an immense institution
comprising fifteen fully equipped col
leges. Jv.ich college has n separate build
ing or set of buildings , built liKe most
European residences , only much larger.
in the shape of a siiuarc. with a largo
arched gateway winch leads from the
street to the court-yard. The dormi
tories , recitation and dining rooms are
in the various parts of this building , all
facing the court or quadrangle. .Somo
colleges are larger , some smaller , many
of thorn greatly resembling thu eastlos in
point of ago , size , and architectural
beauty. Sometimes there are moro
than ono court , the nxtra buildings
consisting of chapels , libraries , labra-
tories , halls , etc. The chapels of some of
the colleges were extremely beautiful and
were oven as grand ns the old gpthjn ca
thedrals wo had seen at the beginning of
our tour. One can got something of nn
idea of the vastne'ss of Oxford from thu
statement of , ouu of the , proctors who
said that the town was not so full by 7,000
as when the colleges were all in session.
\Ve left Oxforil in dcspairal being unabla
to spend more time in her noble old hallti
where so many men of letters have spent
their student days and where the only
Tom Brown cut capers which are familiar
to every schoolboy.
Then wo thought of the comparative ;
insignificance of our institutions ol
higher education in Americawhero every
other school house is called u college :
nnd every other college a university.
The Hov. Dr. Kdichlll has declined the
bishopric of Nova Scotia.
Australian Presbyterians are raising
S'iWjOOO lor church extension and education. i
The African Methodist Episcopal churcU
proposes to relebrato the centenary of Its or *
ganizvtion In November.
As many as twenty Congregational
churches have been organized within two
years in Southern California.
A force ot'J.000 colporteurs distribute ser
mons among the non-cliiirch-fjoins people ol
Berlin , tiermany.Moro than 100,000 tori
nions are thus distributed each wenk.
UIMiop Tut tie , who has been missionary
bishop of Utah. Idaho nnd Montana tui -rr
twenty years , has become blhhopof the Mis <
sourl and will henceforth resiilti In St. LonlfU
The archdiocese of Philadelphia has con
tributed 811,007.01 to the nouro and Indian
missions , thu laiu-ust amount collected In any
diocese. New York coining next with
Of the 270 Lutheran chnrnhni built In 18S < 5 ,
li ! { were Commit , 02 English , 117 Swedish , 'J'- !
Norwegian , 2 Danish. Besides thi'so there
Slavonian , Finnish. Iceland and Bohemian
Lutheran houses of worship.
A banker at Sendla , Jauan , a non-Christian
has civon 10,000 yen lover SSOOOJ to the
school established by the American Hoard
In that city , with the distinct understanding
tnatltls to bo a thoroughly chrbtlan Insti
The great canio meeting of tlm season
opened at Ocean Crovo on last Tuendny , and
will coiitliined iliiririK the following tun
days. Thc'c meetings have heen attended
In former years by upwards of 100,000 peoulu
dnriiiK the sessions , and thi ) attendance thin
year promises to equal If not surpass thnt ot
the last few years.
A couiilo of I'rlnceton students have been
canvabolni ; ninety-two colleee and semi-
narles for the names of students willing to
become missionaries. The volunteers In
clude twenty-live trom Amherst , Williams
nineteen , Andover fourteen , llaivard nine ,
Coanell thirty-live , Obcrlin 110 and I'rlnceton
NUiiiinary nnd collefu forty-el'lit. (
The ( 'atnolics of Lawrence , Alass. , con
nected with thu AiiKiistliilan churches , havu
formed a church debt society , which now
numbers upward ot lifleon hundred members ,
who pled.e hums niirilirfrom 51 to S'i > each
aiinnally towaid piylim the dnpoiltor.-t In the
band ot the AiiKiistlnian friars , who bec.unu
bitiikrupt In IWI. It is expected by this
means to pay otf the entire debt in tun years.
Sarah I'urnhard's object in making : v
put. of u tiger ( sat lias ut k'ligth bucn
made public. It is unnounceil in tlm
Parisian pajiern that her tl er is a most
intelligent animal and has learned to tell
a creditor as soon as it sees one. It in
further remarked that the tiger is gener
ally at largo in Mine , llcrnhardt's draw
The post-mortem examination in the
casi ) ot the famous Russian editor , lint-
koir , revealed the fact that ho died of
cancer of thn stomach.