Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1887, Page 11, Image 11

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The Cross and Grown of the Jowlah People
Factors of Eellgton and Trade ,
Early Pioneers Je\vlnh Population
Relation of Church and Syna
gogue Liberal Jaws Itio
Promising Out Look.
nu Dr. A. S. haact tn American
- The traveler abroad who ts at all fam
iliar with history will find sad associa
tions connected with the Jews through
out Europe. There is scarcely a city of
uotu in which in olrtcu days they were
not expelled , after being first plundered
nnd outraged ; hardly a king or prince of
any prominence who regarded "his
Jews" in any other light than that of his
chattel ; not a land whoso statute books
did not abound with the crudest and
most odious discriminations against the
Jewish people.
The medlrcval atmosphere It would
almost appear , judging from Russia and
Roumania , that the dark ages have not
wholly passed has left its impress upon
the Jew and his surroundings. Up to
recent decades , proscribed as an alien
and restricted in his choice of trade and
profession savu at the cost of Ida tradi
tional faith , the amount of social and
political disability ho hns had to endure
lias not paralyzed his energy , it is true ,
but has checked his development to u
largo degree. The now light that has
dawned after a century of patient wait
ing gives him more hope , oven in lands
where his fathers were religiously tapped
by rulers and statesmen to provide coin
for the realm.
Hut the possession of equal rights can
not make him forgot tan past. The little
cemetery , often within the heart of a
German town , which contains the remains
mains of his martyred sires ; the old syn
agoguo. with its low windows and quaint
architecture , that served us fortress as
well as house of worship when the mob
stormed at its gates ; the hymns recited
on certain occasions , which were written
in those centuries of martyrdom these
recall the past , if every musty chronicle
with its fatal records of crijie against
his race were blotted from existence. Ho
knows that only a few centuries ago the
bell that strikes the hour from the Uom
was the signal for onslaught. The stream
llowing so smoothly , the sloping hills ,
the peaceful valley , each had a dill'eront
tale to tell when the Jew was hunted
from town to town. And the ivy-clad
castle , so picturesque in the moonlight -
which seems to breathe of love and ro
mance ah lit sounds a harsher note to
those who know the practices of "robber
barons" and their associates , when the
Jewish homo and private sanctitj were
never secure from knightly violence.
lias a difl'ercnt environment. He looks
ahead and around : ho cannot look back.
1'horo is little Jewish history to record in
connection with Hebrews in the United
States. A few months ago the suggestion
was made that American Israulitica com
memorate the four hundroth anniversary
of Uie discovery of America by publishing
n memorial history of the Jews of Amer
ica. It was favorably commented on at
the time * and may bo undertaken in ear
nest ; but such a history will be Incom
parably tame -it will bo but a record of
the settlements in the different colonies
prior to the revolution , a story of private
enterprise in various Holds. It will be
uneventful , spiritless , uninteresting-
contrasted with the history of the Jews
in a German principality , which can
point to the stake , the cell , the harsh
statute , the sentence of banishment. The
American record will be but a chain of
successive emigrations from the West
Indies , nnd from England. Holland , and
other nations of the Old World. It will
toll of the gradual growth of the commu
nity with that of its adopted country. It
will reveal no peculiar features ; its sta
tiatics will keep pace with those of other
denominations , Catholic and Protestant ,
that flourish on the American soil.
At the first glance , then , the history of
the Jews in America is disappointing.
There is not u single massacre to recount ;
not one instance of Jews being led to the
stake on the charge of slaughtering
Christian children for Passover , no di
verting incidents like Jews having their
teeth pulled out to gratify a president , or
their scrolls of the law burnt , or their
synagogues despoiled , or an entire con
gregation being ordered to dance to
death , as happened at peaceful Nordhau
sen only a few hundred years ago. What
an absurd state of affairs for an amateur
historian I How can he describe the sub
ject with any pretence to dignityl Where
are his flowing periods , his wealth of il
lustrations. Ills historic parallels , his pen
pictures of noted men , his sketches of
stirring events , wreathed in battle smoke ?
1 The real growth of the Jews in the
United States is of recent date. The
'German ' revolution of 1848-9 was the
'pivotal point almost contemporaneous
with the Irish famine of 184U-7 , which
lauded hundreds of thousands of Irish
immigrants on these shores. In the Ger
man landslide to America , the Hebrew
shared , and soon those of German nation
ality outnumbered the small but select
body of coreligionists who coulit point
with pardonable prldo to a family resi
dence hero of nearly two centuries. The
original Jewish settlers belonged to the
v- Sophardlo branch , of Spanish and Portu
guese lineage , They rapidly American
ized themselves in manners , dress and
character , while remaining inflexible in
their attachment to the traditional forms
and usages of the synagogue. They soon
took an active part in the all'airs of their
time , hampered somewhat by local re
strictions. Flourishing communities
sprang up in the south and east New
York , Savannah , Newport , Philadelphia ,
Hlchmoud , Charleston can' point to their
old oongrrgations. Chief Justice C. P.
Daly has begun a history of the Jews in
America , written in a gonUl spirit and
abounding in interesting information ,
Some scattered essays have boon pub
lished from time to time on the subject ,
but the complete history of Judaism is n
task still to bo undertaken. The early
pioneers among the Jews of Amorion
numbered men and women of note in
their day ; but their influence was limited ,
and certainly the names of no great
scholars , poets , -ncientistfi , etc. . have couio
down thence. They counted , however ,
merchants Of wealth and probity. Some
of Newport's inhabitants in stately co
lonial days left their permanent impress
upon the town , and the name of Touro
will always be regarded with pride. Like
Julius Hallgarteu , who when ho died a
few years ago , in his bequests to benevo
lent and educational institution without
( regard to creed , thought of the colored
people , so Touro gave his benefactions
lo ; all classes , Jew and Gentile alike. The
: ity of Newport preserves his memory
its well as his ashes. In 1845
of the United States did not probably ex
ceed. if it equalled , 60,000. To-day ft has
reached 500,000. New streams of oral-
ration from Europe have succeeded the
8 orman contingent of thirty years ago.
Hungary , Russia , Roumania , keep pour *
ing their thousands of all characters and
conditions. The Gorman brought with
him energy , skill , economy , endurance.
lie did not long remain in the Atlantic
cities , but pushed west. Ho was a pioneer
. In California and amassed wealth in San
Francisco. Ho started a small store In
the 'suburbs , waited bis opportunity , inV -
V treated his -.goods , tranif erred hW bu l-
ness to a clly lot and prospered. Ho did
not object to any kind of honest peddling.
Iho pack on his shoulders became a
Monoy-bap m after years of honorable
toil , By thrift nnd enterprise the modest
clerk grew into the merchant of import
ance. J ho town which he entered as a
peddler Invites him to a seat in its cham
ber of commerce. Dissatisfied with the
limited Hold in the west , ho drifts towards
the east again , and soon swells the list of
Now lork's ' millionaires. The qualities
which made him successful were not
peculiar to the Hebrew. The same story
is generally repeated in each instance of
a rise from lowly beginnings to local or
national fame.
The prominence of the Gorman olo-
mpnt in American Judaism was main
tained by the settlement of German rab
bis of established reputation , who
preached in German , which became the
language of the synagogue. The last decade -
cade , however , has witnessed a general
cull for sermons In English , oven for
what wore deemed Gorman congrega
tions. The younger generation is Amer
ican to the core ; nnd it is hardly possible
that the Gorman influence will DC so par
amount that the general public will hereafter -
after assume every Jew to bo a Gorman
and every German a Jew.
For some years before 1833 there had
been n gradual increase in the number of
Russian Jews. The persecutions in that
year caused a startiiugcxodiis , and since
that date there has been a steady flow
from tlio lands of the Czar , as well as
from Roumania and Hungary , to the ex
tent of about 15,000 yearlv. Attempts
have been made to begin" agricultural
work for the newcomers ; few of the colonies
nies started prove successful , because the
settlers are usually handicapped by
want of means and thn requisite prepara
tory knowledge. When the proper agen
cies have been established to divert the
stream of immigrants from the largo
cities , and organize on a systematic plan
agricultural schools and colonies , a
powerful impetus will be given to Jewish
dovelomnont. The
is not to bo measured by more statistics.
The stately synagogues in the chief cities ,
that vie with the places of worship of
other crjjcds ; the institutions for charity
and educationorphan asylums , hospitals ,
homes for the aged , industrial schools ,
tell of a genuine growth. Now York
Judaism can boast of a chain of institu
tions second to none in the world the
Mount Sinai hospital , the Hebrew orphan
asylum , on a commanding height ovor-
lookjng the Hudson ; thnMontnfioro homo
for incurables , the homo for aged , the
united Hebrew charities , the Hebrew
technical institute , the Hebrew free
school , with O.fiOO children in its classes ,
industrial normal and kindergarten.
The Mount Sinla hospital is unsectar-
ian ; the Montclioro homo , when its now
edifice is erected , will admit a percentage
of non-Israelites. In the success of the
Hebrew technical institute , whore one
hundred boys of needy parents are
taught the science of eye and hand , and
graduated as skilled artisans , the new
education is recognized. Philadelphia
Isroal can point to u goodly number of
well equipped instillations. Chicago has
its Michael Reese hospital ; Cleveland , its
orphan asylum and homo tor the aged ;
New Orleans , its widows' and orphans'
home ; San Francisco , its orphan asylum ;
Ualtimorc , its Jewish hospital ; Cincinnati
has its Hebrew union college , whoso
graduates iill positions of trust through
out the country.
The attractive homo for the aged at
Yonkers is public testimony to the bonc-
voleut workings of the order of Benai
Bcrith. The Aguilar free library Is a re
cent audition to the charities of New
York , owing to its inception to Jewish
young men. The Maimonidcs library ,
under the auspices of the Benai Berith ,
of New York , will challenge comparison
with libraries older and better endowed ,
Jewish young men are on the teaching
stall' of John Hopkins university , the
university of Pennsylvania , Columbia
college , New York university , the College -
lego of New York , and other institutions
of learning throughout the country.
In literature , it must frankly bo con
fessed , the growth has not been satisfac
tory. Attempts have been made to de
velop a higher taste , but they wore spora
dic. There exists no publication society ,
but few weeklies of any literary merit ,
no general magazine or quarterly of wide
circulation. It is likely within the next
few years , now that there are several
American-trained young men in univer
sity positions , there will bo a revival in
this Held. Among the rabbis in America ,
too , are men of recognized ability , who
are abundantly equipped to appear more
often in print. Within the past two
years , the published works of the Rev.
Dr. Jastrow ( Tulmudic Dictionary ) , the
Rov. Dr. Szold ( Book of Job ) , and Prof.
Dr. Miolziner ( Jewish Marriage Laws ) ,
have been favorably noticed in the press.
It is not to be domed that the rapid in
crease in the Jewish population has its
dangers. Thn diverse elements partic
ularly the infusion of emigrants fresh
from Kuropeau bondage add to the
difliculty ot the situation. So heteroge
neous is the population , English , Ger
man , Dutch , Russian. Roumanion , Hun
garian , etc. , that the production of an
American tvpe seems retarded. But I
hardly think that
is loss hopeful than that of the coun
try in general under the play of similar
conditions. The children ot the immi
grant soon become Americanized. There
is now a largo contingent of American-
born Hebrews who will maintain their
preponderance , and gradually form a
homogeneous mass. Against them the
tide of foreign immigration will strike in
vain. The period of American suprem
acy has begun , and it is not too soon.
Time was when the Israelite was ex
clusively associated with certain trades.
Oppressive laws had restricted him in
his choice of occupation. He , could not
own laud or enter the professions. The
charge , then , that the Jews are traders
rather than producers is not without its
basis of truth. Happily the reproach it
being rolled away in America and in al ]
lauds whore emancipation prevails. In
our own country the Jew follows every
pursuit. Ho is not banker or trader only
ho is manufacturer , farmer , mechanic ,
lawyer , scientist , painter , college pro
fessor , physician , engraver , civil "engi
neer , architect , inventor. His powers
have free vent , and the results compare
favorably with the exhibit made by men
of other deno minations. He is not boas
ful and tlaims no .more than is justly hi
A recent writer in the Westminster
Review , in an article on "Tho Romar
Church and the American Republic , '
refers'to the great spectacle which that
church presents in America of assimilat
ing to novel conditions and adapting its
spirit and usages to the American idea
The same forces are at work in American
Judaism , although modified by the 'oir
cumstance that the Jewish congrega
tions are independent bodies , anu there
exists no hierarchy or synagogue gov
crnment. Each synagogue is a law to
itself. The adaptability of Judaism is
an element of growth. In every frosl
settlement of the race , the Jew manages
to assimilate to the now conditions , lie
is at homo wherever freedom and pro
gress are at work.
His dispersion has been a poworfn
stimulus to his activity , and given him a
strength that has defied time and cir
cumstanco' . The poor , footsore emigrant
greeted with acorn and obloquy , has hi :
compensation in his descendantswho be
longs to the aristocracy of wealth , cul
ture and position. Will America inrlu
ence its Jewish population , as undenia
blr it has been influenced in other lands ?
The American spirit is already at work
but not In Jewry only : qll creeds feel the
effect of , American conditions. The
foreigner arrives hero with his traditiona
stockof usages good , bad and indiffer
ent his lares and pennies , from insigni-
leant towns abroad. These soon lose
heir interest and importance as ho ac
quires wealth and an American culture ,
i'ho second generation regards them
with coldness ; the third is almost ignor
ant of their meaning.
The past few decades hnvo witnessed
npld changes in American Judaism.
I'll ore has been a rattling of old armor ,
ind a good deal of undent scaffolding
las fallen io pieces. The essentials of
Judaism , however , are still untouched ;
upon the whole , there is a more intelli
gent spirit manifested than ever before.
Naturally Iho Hebrew is influenced by
pievalnnt tendencies of the ago. and his
spokesmen in pulpit , platform and press
can bo as liberal and defiant as their com
petitors. Occasionally , it must be con
fessed , these utterances lack insight and
spiritual grasp , for which no prodigality
of liberalism will atone. They hover
dangerously near the chasm of agnostic
ism , and would resolve Judaism into a
llabby and nerveless morality , without
history , prophecy , law , or a lawmatcer.
Such men are but apostles of reactlon--
their extreme radicalism soon evaporates.
One feature that illustrates
GENUINE vitomtess
cannot bo omitted. It is the kindly
relations which exist between church
nnd synagogue. In crossing the Atlan
tic a few years ago , I had a Catho
lic priest as companion. * Wo chatted
often about our respective religions and
showed the best points of each. On part
ing I said to him , "I shall certainly
never decrv the Catholic ; do you think
kindly of the Jew as well. " It is inter
course alone which promotes the genial
temper. If the chief rabbi had invited
Torquemada to a game of whist , there
might have been no expulsion of the
Jews from Spain. The fact , then , that
hero in America , Christian and Jewish
ministers frequently interchange pulpits
indicates the American influence. Whim
an Episcopal church in this city was
burnt , the Temple Emanual was tendered
for the use of the congregation. The
offer was accepted , and n a Sunday was
presented the novel sight of the Rev.
Arthur Brooks' church-members wor
shipping in the temple above , while , in
the school rooms below , the religious
classes of Dr. Gotthnil's ' temple were re
ceiving their usual instruction. When
the Cincinnati university was partly de
stroyed by fire , the Hebrew Union college -
lego was placed at the disposal of the
faculty and students. Frequent instances
have occurred of synagogues being
offered to Christian societies that were
unable tn worship in their own edifices.
Upon Thanksgiving day , Christian
preachers are often invited to occupy the
synagogue pulpit a joint service of Jew ,
Protestant and Catholic was held a few
years ago in a western town on such a
holiday. There seems to ho a special
sympathy shown the Unitarians on the
part of progressive Israelites , and rabbis
in their individual capacitv have attend
ed meetings of the Free Religious asso
ciation and love-feasts of the Unitarians.
America is affording a broader field
for the fellowship of sects than human
ity has' yet witnessed. The Israelite
shares in the good work ; his pulse is
quickened bv the atmosphere. I believe
that hero it is the spiritual , not the ma
terialistic , forces which are the more
powerful. Brain , not steel , spanned the
East river with the Brooklyn bridge.
Under these continued influences , Juda
ism is likely to attain a breadth and
strength hitherto unknown. It will
make progress as a religion of humanity
for humanity. Its texts : "Love thy
neighbor as thyself , " "Love ye the
stranger , " cannot bo outgrown. And the
Jew. if ho be true to himself , his faith
and his history , will prove as powerful a
factor in the world of American religion
as ho has become in the world of Ameri
can trade.
Teacher My dear little fellow , why was
the Sabbath day Instituted ? Buy To give pa
a cnaneo to change his shirt
The following advertisement appeared re
cently in a Liverpool dally paper : "A lady
who loves Christ wishes to meet a gentleman
who loves him , too , "
"Johnny , my son , do you know you broke
the Sabbath , " said Johnny's mamma , sadly.
'Thankheaven ! " retorted Johnny , vehe
. " John what do ? "
mently. "Why. , you mnnn
"I'm did the old thing is broke ; I uon't like
the Sabbath. "
'I ain't afraid of liehtnln ? any more. God
sends the lightning , and God wouldn't hurt
me : he only sends it to take away the bad
air. ' , The little one's brother who was of a
practical turn ot mind , remarked. "I want
you to understand that Uoil is pretty care
less sometlnins. "
"You were quite attentive to the sermon
this morning , husband dear. " "Quito so ,
yes. " "Which part of the discourse did you
think reflected the most human nature ? "
"The sotto vooe part , by all means. " "What
p rt was that ? " "Why , the part where he
said 'Darn that lly. ' "
"Grandpa , " said a little Harlem boy. look
ing up from his Sunday school lesson , "what-
are the wages of sin ? " "Tho wages of sin
in these days , " replied the old man earnestly
"depend upon circumstances and man's op
portunities and business capacity. But they
run up In to the thousands , my Doy run up
Into the thousands. "
"Do you swear ? " asked a ministerial lookIng -
Ing man of a sailor on the dock. "Partly
" the . "Drink ? " "
often , was wply. m
yes. I git dry onct In a while. " "Gamblel"
"When th' v'yace's over I shako a few
dices. " "Chew tobacco ? " "hook hero , ship
mate , ain't you gettln' klnd'r ciir'ous ? " "An
swer me that : do you chew tooacco ? " ' 'Wa'al ,
yes , I do. " "Gimme a chew , will you ? "
Tom a chit of four summers , was anxious
for a baby brother. Ills father , a minister ,
had taught him that It was his duty to pray
for what he wanted. Going to his father
with a very sober face , he said : "Papa , do
you suppose If I prayed to God right along
that lie would send ma a baby brother ? "
"Perhaps so , " said pat > a , "but whydovou
ask ? " "Oh , because , " replied ho , "I have
been praying oil and on this good while and
it don't seem to do any good. "
A clergyman sought to lead a congregation
of children to see that the wearing of a uni
form was a murk of distinction , making the
individual easily recognized , and Involving
responsibilities. "You see a man walking
very erect , dressed In a red and croen coat
who Is he ? " "A soldier , sir. " "Right. You
see a man wearing a sort of helmet , and
dressed In blue who Is lie ? " "A policeman ,
sir. " " . " Then
"Kight again. the preacher
braced himself up to sketch n parson. "You
see a man dressed In a black coat and wearIng -
Ing a Btllf white collar who Is he ? " "A
masher , sir , " was the triumphant rejoinder.
While In Vnl Verde county , Tex. , In thn
summer of 1880 Investigating some lane
titles , I attended a camp meeting. The min
ister who presided invited those who wlshec
to be prayed tor to OCCUPY the front seats. A
green-looking young "knight of the lariat , '
nmong others , made his way to the front
He WAS taken In charge by one of the dea
cons , who thus addressed him : "Now , my
dear young friend , don't you love Jesus-
Jesus who died that yon might live forever
in the world beyond ; don't von love him ? '
"Wa-al , " was the answer , "I've hearn tel
on him , an' I guess 1 hain't got nuthlo * agin
him. "
An Inducement to Early Marriage.
Harper's ' Magazine : Constance is very
young , but she is also better worth quot
ing than most grown people. Her envy
was somewhat aroused by the tact thai
a wedding was about to take place in the
family of her little playmate , and that
the playmate thereby had the advantage
of her ; so she remarked very complacent
ly , to her little friend's mamma :
"Mrs. , did you know that 1 was
engaged to be married ? "
"Why , no , Conny. Is that so ? "
"Yes , ma'am ; I'm engaged to Fitz
Ward" ( small boy of her acquaintance )
"He doesn't know it , but I've got to ex
plain it to him. "
"Well , Conny , do you expect to be
married soon ) "
"Well. I hope so. The fact is , I'm
tired of being spanked , and I think wo'l
be married pretty soon , "
Richard Mansfield' * traveling season begins
at the Chestnut street theatre , Philadelphia
October ' under the management of K. D
rrlcf , , , . . .
A Promising Bride Who Ooraposod Her Wed >
1 iftng March ,
* .
A Tombstone for a MarrLigo Fee-
Moaning You , She Answered No
A Starring Wadding
' i Occurrence.
Meaning "Yea , " She Answered "No. "
We stood there at the garden gain ;
The moon and the stars were shining
bright ;
1 know It must be very late ,
I Jut still ho would not say good night.
lie held my hand in his and said ,
" 'TIs growing late , but e'er I po
Qlve mo your answer now , " ho plead ,
"Will you bo mine , love , yes , or no ? "
Ills dark brown eyes looked into mine ;
So full of love they seemed to bo ; * .
My heart boat wildly , but no sign
I gave that he could see
1 loved him yes , I loved him well ;
Ills pleading words had thrilled mo so.
lot why it was I cannot toll ,
Instead of yes 1 answered no.
TIs three long years since then , and lit
Is married now , they say , and well ,
I wonder If lie thinks of me
While he's so happv , as they tell ;
And does his mem'ry e'er recall
That summer night so lone ago.
When standing by the garden wall ,
And meaning yes 1 answered no.
Mnrrlngn ns a Partnership.
Marriage is still only too often n bar
gain , but at least it is no longer an en
tirely one-sided bargain. It is tending
toward the only true ideal of lifelong
companionship a partnership on equal
term ? , witli equal give-and-take on both
sides. Women no longer feel bound to
render that implicit obedience which was
considered do nguoiir in our great-
grandmothers' days , and men no longer
universally demand it. Husbands , more
over , are beginning to learn that their
prime duty is not "to look after" their
their wives. The very sentence is indic
ative of the most ghastly misapprehen
sion of the whole idea of matrimony.
The general feeling of society condemns
a man who lives to rule his wife on the
samp principles as u Pasha rules his
harem. And indeed the whole scheme of
modern life makes it practically impos
sible for him to do so. A married woman
enjoys as a rule complete liberty dunnjj
the lifelong day , and even at night it is
frequently impossible for a busy man to
escort his wife. Thus everything turns
on the relations between the married
couple. If a girl is really in love with
the man she marries , she may bo trusted
with any amount of subsequent freedom.
If not , not ; and therefore wo say that the
injudicious and worldly parents who are
responsible for the great majority of ill-
assorted unions are also responsible for
the many evil results which are to bo
seen in society at this day. For it is a
fact that rows t > f English girls are as
much forced into.marriage ) as the French
girl , whoso Husband is selected while she
is yet in her convent. Not by main force ,
no but by tfio whole tone of her educa
tion , by the exaggerated fear of being an
old maid , by the obvious necessity of
making way.for a younger sister , by the
persistent scheming of her parents , and
by' her own' ' longing for emancipation ,
tor marriage undoubtedly does mean
emancipation tomost , women ; and it is
precisely those who look forward to it
most who ace likely to make the worst
use of it. " ' '
The Butcher Won the Girl.
SAN FiiANgreco , August 23. Deputy
'County ClerkV'Groora was sitting in the
ollico of the old city hall yesterday ,
smoking an after dinner cigar , when two
ladies entered the room and glanced
mournfully around. They hesitated , and
worn about to retreat , when the older of
the two cleared her throat and in jerky
tones inquired if Judge Murphy was at
"He is engaged at present , " replied
Clerk Groom , as he carefully placed his
cigar aside and advanced 'toward the
visitors ,
"This young lady , te-he-he. wants to
got married , and she is in a hurry about
it , too. "
" 1 will see if the judge is at leisure , "
answered the clerk. "But where is the
groom ? " ho added , noticing that the
ladies were without an escort.
"Oh , he's out at the new city hall pro
curing the license , " replied the. bride ,
taking part for the first time in the con
The bride , Fracos Augustine , a belle
of Santa Cruz , was attired in a neat tit-
ting suit of blue , and wore a bat with
the same colored trimmings. A few min
utes later a telephone message was re
ceived from the new city hall that the
groom was hurrying down with the
needed license. In the meantime a mes
sage was sent after Judge Murphy , and ,
while they wore waiting for his arrival ,
Mrs. Ella Jojou , who acted as escort to
the bride , imparted the secret of the
b.astv marriage.
"Y/ou / see , Miss Augustine was engaged
to be married to Sigmond Hoager , a
wealthy merchant of Santa Cruz , but she
never loved him. Ho was too old , and ,
moreover , the match was made by her
parents. The young lady did not have
much to say in the matter , for her rela
tions took entire charge of the court
ship. "
"I pity her , " interrupted Groom , "and
if there is any way I can assist in the
matter just let mo know and I will be too
happy to oblige her. " '
"Thank you for the deep interest you
betray , " said Mrs. Jojou , while the bride
watched the door for the coining of the
groom. "Miss Augustine came huro two
weeks ago to visit some friends , " said
the speaker , resuming the narrative ,
"and formed the acquaintance of Thomas
Cornell , a butcher , but still an estimable
young man. They became engaged , and ,
just think , this morning Miss Augiihtine
received word that Hoagor and her par
ents wore coming up on the afternoon
train. Of course , it meant that the poor
girl w'as to marry Hoagor , and against
this she rebelled. Mr. Cornel' ' was in
formed of this faet and now they will bo
married before the train arrives. Won't
that bo just too line ? " she concluded.
"Too fine ifor anything. " answered
Groom , who wont out in search of Judge
Murphy. His Honor was found in his
chambers , and being informed that his
services were required to assist Cupid in
getting two of his victims out of a tix , ho
kindly consented > to do his share of the
work as soon las -the groom arrived. A
few minutes later Cornell appeared , out
of breath , but triumphantly holding the
marriage license over his head. His
clothes were all spattered with mud , and
there was /suspicion of a few grease
spots on his coat sleeves. Clerk Groom
ushered the party into the judge's cham
bers , and then modestly retired , expect
ing that ho would bo invited to witness
the coreraonv. Assistant District Attor
ney Josnph'Quirk happened along just
at that moment , and he installed himself
in a front seat , nearest the judge. The
bride ana groom stood up m front of the
desk and in a few minutes wore declared
to bo beyond the roach of Hoager and
the other relatives who wore expecting
to attend a different marriage ceremony
later on.
Hold a Tombstone to Get Married.
Boston Glohoj There is a little lady
on the Back Bay who was a widow only
a few years ago , but who now manages
with consummate grace one of the finest
establishments in the city and the richest
sort of a devoted husband. For some
time she bestowed her nflections upon
' her first husband , who died two years
after-marriage. She purchased e. .mag-
Bilicent lot ib the most aristocratic ceme
tery of the neighborhood and eroded a
marble monument.
She had little idea of the cost of burial
accessories and when the hills came in
the widow found herself sorely pressed
to meet them. But she paid them all
without regret. Finding herself in strait
ened circumstances , however , this enter
prising woman cast about in her mind
how to raise moro money. She finally
decided to have the body of her husband
removed to a small cemetery and sell her
lot and the costly monument. Tills she
did and with the proceeds betook her tea
a fashionable summer resort , where she
succeeded in securing a second husband
who is numbered among Boston's most
successful bankers.
The marrlago occurred a little moro
than a year ago , and a few days since a
loading Boston monument maker re
ceived n order for a costly tombstone to
bo sent to a distant city.
The wife had remained true to her first
Composed Her Own Wedding March.
Now York Journal1. The wedding of
Miss Louise Arnhoim and Mr. Trafton
Kent , which was celebrated on Thursday
morning , brought quite a number quite a
number of fashionable young people into
town. Miss Arnhoim was married at the
homo ot her aunt , Mrs. Honrv Ivelton , on
Washington avonuo. The Ifov. Hawdon
Poroy , of Quebec , olliciated , ana nl
present the young couple are at the
Thousand Islands enjoying their honey
moon. The bride , who is a very pretty
girl of the blonde type , lias been educated
abroad and is a finished musician. She
composed thn music for her own wed
ding march , which was played on the
violin and piano by her sisters , Miss
Clementine and Miss Aida Arnhoim.
A Bridegroom In Jnll.
NEW YORK , August 130. There was a
big wedding feast , a ciowd of guests ,
and a very pretty and happy bride in
Fairviuw , Bergen county , N. J. , to-night.
The feast was given by Squire Jorolc-
man's 18-year-old daughter Klla. The
groom was to bo George E. Hastings , of
Pntorpon , a son of Arthur Hastings , au
engraver. The wedding was to have
taken place at 8 o'clock , but there was
some delay in the arrival of the minister.
While everyone waited a carriage drove
up on a gallop , and the guests , crowding
around to welcome the dominne , saw
Justice of the Peace George B. Lemon ,
and Detective Albert Aliigio , of Paterson.
alight instead , The detective had a war
rant for Hastings' arrest , and served it
without moro nilo. By the time ho should
have been well married thn groom was
behind the bars in i'atcrson jail. The
charge against him was of obtaining
goods under false pretenses. Hastings
was a young man ot rapid proclivities ,
with no regular means of support , and
had evidently been anxious to rival
"Banker" Ives. He bought a $250 piano
from Speaker Brothers , on which he
paid $28 in a check on the First National
bank , and arranged to pay the balance
in installments. It proved that ho had
no account in the bank , and that the
check was worthless. In the same man
ner ho bought $300 worth of furniture
from Fagan & Co. , of Paterson , $75
worth of crockery and glassware from
James R. Hodges , and several hundred
dollars worth of other things from other
dealers , giving bogus checks in part pay
ment. All of these parties to-day re
moved their goods as soon-astho.yMis- |
covered that tne checks wore worthless.
Rov. Mr. Russell , of Patersou , had been
engaged to perform the ceremony , but
at the last moment declined on hearing
that Hastings was a minor. But for this
the wedding would have been over by
the time the olliccrs arrived. Squire
Jorolcman followed his prospective son-
in-law to Patersou , and got Garrett
Nyrawiegan to go his bail , but Recorder
Greaves , who issued the warrant , could
not bo found , and so Hastings remained
in jail. On the way over Hastings told the
oflicers confidentially that ho had quietly
married the girl BOIHO weeks ago , and
that to-night's ceremony was to bo only
a matter of form. But the story is not
believed. Young Hastings took the matter -
tor coolly , but the bride was overcome
by a combination of shame , grief , and
anger. The wedding guests quietly took
their leave and the wedding feast re
mained untouched.
Married on a Itnllroad Train.
TOI.KUU , O. , August 21. On the Balti
more & Ohio train , which loft Chicago
last Friday , a farmer named Newman
Whittaker was married to Mrs. Nancy
Russell by Elder Ichabod S. Jones , all of
Wolf Lake , Ind. A license was obtained
at Albion , Noble county , Ind. , Saturday ,
and the parties wore married at noon
between Albion and Avilla on the train
in the presence of a carload of passen
gers and twelve friends , who made up
the bridal party. Congratulations and
kisses wore abundant and the bride's
cake was passed to the party and pas
scngers. The wedding party left the train
at Dufmuse , O.
Startling Wedding Occnronce.
A wedding party whitfh was reveling
in a restaurant at St. Mamiesays a Paris
correspondent , had a terrible fright.
The bride and bridegroom , tradespeople
in the neighborhood , wore , after : i good
dinner , waltzing and polkaing with their
relatives and friends. Midnight was
fast approaching , and the fun as is usual
at this sort of entertainment , was of a
most lively , not to say boisterous , kind ,
when suddenly a flower girl made her
appearance nnd oflcrcd bouquets for
sale. The ladies and gentlemen of the
company , taken with her winning ways ,
eagerly bought up her nosegays , and at
last the girl walked up to the happy
couple to present to them as everyone
imagined , the prettiest bouquit of the
lot. What was the consternation of the
bystanders when the young woman , by
a rapid movement , drew a vial from her
basket and throw its contents into the
faces of the newly married pair. The
roars of laughter gavu plaoo to shrill
screams. The bridesmaids fainted and
their attendant swains , with horror and
dismay depicted on their countenances ,
strove to bring them round. The
bride and bridegroom , surrounded by
their parents and the elders of the party ,
fancied that their last hours had come ,
and , believing that they wore irretrieva
bly disfigured , opened and shut their
eyes to rind out if they had boon bereft
of sight. A few of the hangers-on ,
rushing up to the flower-girl who had
converted all their enjoyment and festiv
ity into anguish nnd mourning , held her
fast pending the arrival of the police. In
a few moment , the bruin's faihur , coining
up , took the girl into n corner , anil
learned from her lips that she had been
for three years the mistress of his now
Eou-iii-law ; that their intimacy had boon
productive of the usual result , and , in
short , that she had been basely deserted
by her lover , -Such was her story. In
the meantime a doctor who had been
hastily summoned pronounced that the
"vitriol" was the most innocent of liquids.
The llower-girl surprised and much pul
out , declared that she had bought it at a
chemist's shop hard by. A policeman
was immediately dispatched to the shop
in question , but soon ascertained that tin
woman had merely been supplied with
tinted water , as her manner Was so
strange that it had aroused suspicion.
IJUVIM ! thn I'liotnuraph.
DELVWAHB , O. , August iiO. The unex
pected and rather romantic marriage of
a prominent young man of this city is
the sensational talk of the town. The
groom is Edward G. Lybnuid , scion of
onn of Delaware's wealthiest families
and son of Samuel Lybrand , president ol
the Delaware chair company. The bridt
was Miss Pauline Carr , a petite , beauti
ful and intellectual young lady , daugh
ter of a prointnont contractor of Wash
ington , D. C. The marriage terminatui
a love at first , sight and six mouths
courtship. ' The bride , . 'who is
eighteen years of age , was a pupil at the
convent of the visitation , Baltimore , Mil. ,
Whore Miss Nellie Lybrand , cousin ot
ho groom , also attended school. Among
ho photographj iu Miss Nellie's collcc-
, iou was one of her tall and
ather distinguished-looking cousin
Sdward. Miss Carr was at once
: aptivatcd by the photograph , and so no-
cuowlodgod. During the school term at
the Visitation frequent ga/.ing at the
photo but strengthened Miss Carr's : ul-
uiiratlou. and when at the end of the
year , July 1 , she was invited to Dela
ware ns the guest of Miss bnydcr , an
other class-mato , she accepted. Her
friend is the daughter of Edward Snyder -
der , a prominent miller of this city , and
moves in the first society. The arrival of
the young girls was quietly followed by
an introduction between Miss Carr nnd
Mr. Lybrand. A personal acquaintance
seems to have kindled an Instantaneous
admiration between thu young people.
The residences of Mr. Lybrauu and Mr.
Sn.vdor were only across the street , nnd
the lovers met frequently , and yet car
ried on their courtship so quietly that no
one suspected a betrothal. On Saturday
last Miss Carr packed her trunk osten
sibly to return to Washington. At the
depot she was joined by her lover and
the two hurried away to Columbus. Hero
a marrlago license was procured aud the
services of Dr. Washington soon made
them man and wife. They remained nt
the capital until last night , and are now
at home in this city , receiving the con
gratulations of friends.
Betrothal of a llotlmoIilUl Girl.
London Truth : The marriage of Mile.
Helen Betty do Rothschild with Baron
Stephen Gustavus van do Harr were pub
lished in Paris last week. The bride has
a fortune of 0,000,000. which will be
greatly increased at the death of her
mother , so she is decidedly a catch for
her Belgian bridegroom , who has no for
A Strange Wedding.
A woman who was well known in the
demi-monde , both m Paris and in the
provinces , took a fancy to a man called
the "champion skeleton , " who was ex
hibiting himself with a giant in a local
fair. The marriage ceremony was of the
lirst class order. The "atomy" and his
bride came out in gorgeous apparel , and
wore accompanied to the altar
by all the montebacks of the fair ,
including the giant , the lovely Circas
sians , the manager of the waxworks , and
the "artists" of the various itinerant tem
ples of Thespis aud Thalia. The bride ,
an interesting woman twenty-four years
old , was given away by her quondam
protector , a person ago with a princely
title and a plethoric purse. Ho it was
who paid the reckonings for the bride's
toilet , the faultless evening suit of laven
der , kids of the "champion skeleton , "
the marriage ceremony , and the wedding
breakfast. The church was filled with
flowers ; a crimson carpet was spreadand
rice was thrown by admiring mounte
banks along the whole route of the bridal
procession. In the evening , after the
hanpy pair had departed for their honey
moon , there was a banquet at which fifty
sallimbanqucs sat down. This was suc
ceeded by a ball , which was unique of it *
kind , the bride's former protectorhaving
giving orders that no expanse was to bo
spared in order to celebrate the auspi
cious occasion in a befitting manner.
Never use blue ink In writing to a red
haired uirl.
The sore-eyed goatess of reform Is a Ken
tucky animal.
Man is 90 per cent water , but to look at
some men one wouldn't think it.
Some of the best blood iu the land now
runs through the mosquito's veins.
Think twice before you speak , excepting
wiion you are talking tlirougU the telephone.
A philosopher of our acquaintance says :
"Now York Is , Chicago is to bo , and Boston
has bean. "
A small hand is said to bo a sign ot refine
ment. How vulgar , then , must bo a man
who holds four aces.
Some of the milkmen hang palls of milk
down the well to keep the milk cool. Some
of them use too much rope.
In a week's time thn earth travels over
cloven million miles. Fortunately there arc
no wooden bridges on the line.
A Connecticut man by the name of Peach
overfed his children with watermelon and It
is feaied that the peacU crop Is ruined.
They have got a calf on exhibition over in
Bethlehem with two heads and 11 vn legs. It
is a cross between a monopolist and a base
ball kicker.
The Cincinnati police eclipse the record.
A patrolman went to sleep on his beat Mon
day night and had his hat , badge , revolver
and baton taKon.
Information comes from Now York that
the torrid wave has been arrested. We hope
It will be put Into the cooler and kept there
for the rest of the season.
Opio Hold says : "Do man who sits up
nights and loses his rest ter rob trains am
simply a tool , when ho can go ter congress
and git his little \vorK in on de surplus.
Professor Proctor figures that the earth is
shrinking about two inches a year. That ac
counts for the nervous anxiety manifested
by some people to possess U while it Is of
some size.
" ( Jerty , did I show you this engagement
ring of emeralds and diamonds that Charlie
Brown save me ? " "Oh.Pvo seen it boforo. "
"Seen it before ? " "Yes ; I was eni.raired to
him the lirst part of July. "
A Philadelphia barber displays a sign
which announces that ho is "proprietor of
facial decorating saloon , tonsorial artist ,
physiognomical hair dresser and facial op
erator , cranium manipulator and capillary
abrluger. "
"Vat you makes dare ? " hastily Inquired
a Dutchman of his daughter , who was De-Ing
kissed by her sweetheart very clamorously.
"Oh. not much , just courting a little , that's
all , " "Oho , dat's all , eh ? 1 thought you
was fighting. "
"Tlio word 'Synonymous. ' " said the
schoolmaster , "is easily explained. For In
stance , 'drunk' and 'Intoxiuatud' am synony
mous you all understand that. " "Rather , "
grinned a large headed lad at the bottom of
the class. "Why iny father gets synony
mous every night.
Comstock's wife discovered the old hen
sitting In the back yard and "bus up" her
nest. Soon alter tlio good wlfo cainti In ,
much melted , nnd said : "My dear Coin-
stock , 1 took tlioeggs Irom 'Brownie , ' and
now she has gone and sot onto an old moat-
axel" "hat her set , " said the bilious old
fellow : "It she sets on au axe. maybe she'll
hatchet. "
" 1 s'pose vou'd take a man's last cent for a
drink huro , " exclaimed a respectably dressed
Individual with a red nose , as he walked In
and leaned on the bar of a railroad place sa
loon yesterday , "With pleasure1 replied
the allnbla attendant. The speaker or
dered n drink of brandy , which ho qualfuil
with an appreciative nurslo , followed by a
smack of his lips. Huachlng down into the
comer of his pocket , the customer ii-sur-
rected a red penny , laid It on the counter ,
and astonished the bartender with the two
\ > ords : "Last one. "
The council of the Mnlbomnu university at
Its last sitting decided by a larce majority
tnat ' .vouiun should bo admitted 'us
S. C. Hartlett , son of the president of Dart
mouth collpirc , will next fall hc'-oiuo an In
structor In KiiL'llsh in the Amiirlcan Mission
ary Training school at KloU , .lapan ,
IiiHtc.ul . of the incdlca ! college for women
In Russia , at lirst cimiposed , live siierhi
courses or lcctuit'8 will buopcneil , four lor
theoretical and one for practical work.
Mile. Itenuotto ot Louisville , has arcoptei
the chair of natural science In tlio colluvo
I'lrrvcl-Cabano , the largest Protestant institu
tion of learning In thu empire ot Bni/il ,
In Germany and Switzerland the princi
pals of schools are required to dismiss their
pupils at noon every day on whlcii the ther
mometer at Ki a. in. reglsturs 77 degrees.
In Italy until six or seven years of ape the
sex'is are educated together , tliuu separated
and not until courtship and nmrriHge UOOH
custom again allow them to imocUtu to
'Die line huildlmrs of toe nniveralty'iuiMi-
cal college , thu medical'duuartmuut of tUo
inlveralty of the city of Now York , In *
alncothoMuliigsosilon been comiu uurMH
constructed Interiorly.
Punishment of the Italian school bey ) *
icver corporal , but consists in extra tasks ,
leprlval of liberty nt noon , sometimes wtiK >
os.s of dinner or a few hours' lnc rcoratl 2
n a daik room at the close of the aay's ses
sion.Of . >
Of thoftVieollrrc.1 and universities in th " "
United States , ! )7B ) are church schools , aver * *
nglng thirteen teachers and 103 students to " *
school ; eighty-seven are uon-sootarlMT
schools , averaging fifteen teachers and IMl
students. -
Great stress Is laid on regular school t > *
etulaiice In Italy , aud those pupils who r9'i ,
not on hand at roll-call are promptly senru
for nnd lined unless a very good excuse forj
absence can bo furnished. School hours-are.
the same as Iu this country. < J
Last Thursday occurred the annual {
academy dinner at Ashlleld , Mass. , ovwj
which Prof. Charles Knot Norton presided , \
and at which Pru. ident Carter , of Wllllamte
[ > > llcio ; Illsliou Dartlngton , Mr. CharlM'
Dudley Warner , and Mr. George WIIIla i *
Curtis made addresses. \
Of the year's college rominencemont , th l ,
most remarkable must be conceded to be Ml
ono at Chantaiimia. It Is true that only nbeul j
two thousand of the graduating class h v f
been present at the Institution Itself thli
summer , but the class Is very much largw.1
The number of "university men" that Cban-i
tauhua annually adds to thn community Hi
enormous , and quite leaves old-time aemlna-u
rlcs of learning like Harvard and Vale In tha ,
background. Instead of confining its ttea ' *
tlonto striplings of twenty , some ot IMJ
graduating lads and lassos are fifty or slxtj 1
years old. %
Friends of Princeton college have glrea t
thu money for four or five fellowships for Uri' ,
next college year. Trio college 1ms already f
half a ( to/.eu permanent fellowships , and >
proposes. If practicable , to open them to tht
graduates of any approved college In Amers
tea. Holders ol fellowships must live al .
Princeton through the acmlemlo year , aud '
coniino their studios wholly to the depart- ?
iiioiit which they have chosen. At present !
applications can bo made by bachelors oil
arts or of science who have graduated from
Princeton within live years. The election >
will take place October 1 , nnd application ! 1
and credentials must bo sent to President \
McCosh before that date. t
,1. K. Emmot's loading man this year wit ! [
be William Q. Paul. J
Sarah Bernhardt will appear In Paris U .
November In a new play by Sardou. i
"Allan Quatormaln" Is shoatly to bo proj j
duccd In great form on the San Francisc *
stace. - . i
Miss Nadngo Dorec.owlng to Janaiischok's i
illness , will nut KO with the tragodluune's {
Ada Adiul , the handsome American prlmi
donna , has lately made a hit as V alumina al
the Paris grand opera.
An Immense theatre , to cost 81,000,000 , It
to bn built by Mr. Stetson In the vicinity ol ;
the Fifth Avenue , Now Votk. j
Jennie Vcamans has completed nnirotla- i
tlons for an eight weeks tour on tlui Pacillt ,
coast in her comedy , "Our Jennie. " i
Miss Kflie KUslcr will open her Reason on *
the illst at Long Branch , appearing tn t
"Egyiit ; or , A Daughter of the Nile. " <
Mr. Dunlap , Colonel McCulI's late pnrtner , 1
Is organizing a comic oncra company for ttn '
road , with Louise Paulln al Its head. _ '
MlssKmma Fernow , a piano player of"
Berlin , who is well spoken of will come to
this country with Professor KlludwortU.
A late letter from Bologna , Italy , says incompatibility - !
compatibility of temper caused the recent
separation of Uorster from her husband.
The first American appearance ot Tereslna
Tua , the violinist , has been arranged for
Monday , October 17 , at Chlckering llall.New
Miss Adelaide Moore will go to Paris
shortly , and will make Sardou an oiler fo
his now play , which is to bo made known
this fall.
Mrs. James Urown Potter will play three
weeks at the Fifth avenue as Manager Jlarry
Miner has rented the house for that period at
82WO a week.
Mr. W. J. Scanlan , tlio Irish comedian , will
commence his campaign next week at the
Bush stiect theatre. San l < rancisco , opening
" . "
with "Shancno-Luwn.
* liss Ksther Jacobs , the handsome con
tralto , Is Hinging at fashionable Parisian
concerts with much success , and will sail Io :
New York on thelilst.
Miss Lilian Olcott begins her tour on Sep
tember 12 nt the Leo avenue academy ol
music In Brooklyn. "Theodora" will remain
a feature of her repertoire.
Miss Maude Granger has made no arrange-
merits for starring this season. She recently
played at the Alcazar , San Francisco , and U
now open for engagements
Madame Ueleno llastreitcr. contralto , will ,
leave Paris for America about the middle ol I
.September to till engagements iu this country - '
try during the coming season.
Louise Hallo , under Henry Grcenwall'i ]
management , will start for her Texas tout j
September 10 , to appear In the "Planter * ! '
" " " "Miss Moulton. "
Wife. "Dagmar , and
A banjourlne is an Instrument designed
for lady players , and several actresses will i
use It in musical comedies next season. It la
a banjo with a big body and short neck. {
It has been finally arranged that Mr. Gil- j
lotto's version of "Sho" will be produced al ]
Nlblo's , Now York , In October. The stirring ,
drama will require seventy people on th
stage. '
.lohn Matthews , Harry Hawk and W. J.
Ferguson are the only survivors of the "Out i
American Cousin , " company which nlayad i
at Fora's theatre on the night of President
Lincoln's assassination.
Fred Lubin Is negotiating with Ohlng Foo.
a Chinese manager , to Import fifty celestial
actors for the. purpose ot presenting a one-
oct drama entitled "Yong Ohoe Lou. " Theli
waidrobe is valued at SiW.OOO.
Kile. Rhea will open her season on Sep
tember 12 In Belfast , Me. At present the
actress Is stopping with friends at Flint ,
Mich. , but buforo tl'o summer shall be over
she will probably bo seen at Newport.
Among the new features to be added to
the Eden Mimoe , Now York , collection
ate lour distinct groups representing Eu
rope , Asia , Africa and America nnd atableau
Illustrating Ouster's last ihht ; on the Littla
Big Horn.
A musical entertainment of moro than or
dinary inti'roat took place at Mr. Cornelius
Yanderhilt'H Newport cottage on Tuesday ot
last week. EminaJuch , Maud Powell , Ra
fael JosolTy and Ferdinand Dulckeu wert ,
tlio artists engaged. <
After her New York reason Kmma Abbott
will probably go to London fora short time >
under onzaioment ; with Carl Rosa , or tnkt J
her entiie company for a season ofKnellsh I
opera at Drury Lane , under the management {
of Augustus Harris. '
The American Opera company will bo i at the Academy of Music , Now York ,
during the week beginning November 7 , j
under thu management of Messrs. Xlmmor- ]
man & Nixon. "Tho Queen of ShiibV and !
"Nero" will bo produced. j
Frederick Wardo'b season opens on the 1st I
of September In DCS .Moliie ? , Iowa , at tlia 1
rccunlly constructed opera house. His re i
pcrtnry will Include "Virglnius , " "Damon
and Pythias- ' "Kathorlno nnd Petruclilo , "
"Itichanl 111"and "Galba. the Uladlator. "
The production of "Conrad , the Corsair , "
at thu llollls Street theater. Boston , on Sept
ember V will , It has been estimated , cost
fully S'iO.OW. The sum of C10.0UO Is to bo
expended on the costumes , fcs.noo on the
soeiuiry , and 2,000 on the prouurtk's and In-
cMeiUals. j
thn great French comedian
Couquolln , , i
will beu'iu his American tour south of the
equatorial line In tno spring , going tt.onca to '
Havana anil Mexico , and arriving In New |
York some time In October a > car henco.
Ho will b supported by his own French
Tint Mondulsshon Quintet club , of Boston ,
will extend its tour into Texas during the
coming season. The rlub will consist ol
Gustav lllllB , of Berlin , solo violin ; Paul
Monde , second violin ; Philip Uf&clbcmt'r.
llutH ; Thomas Ityaii , viola nnd claiinet , aud
Louis BluuuMitx'ri : , violoncello-
Wairni'r's "Fhlnz Dutchnnn" has been
Klvi-n for the lirst lime t the I'crgola thea
ter , In Floronoi' . Italy , aud gained a magnlli-
ociit sur/'iv ! ( . This Is the third of Wagner's
operas that has been produced In Florence.
"Lohensrln" was Urn lirst. In Ib71 , "Itlnnzl"
R.IUIO surond , in H77. tuid now thn "Flying
Dutchman" In 1W.
Mr. Henry K. Abbey lias'ellpctud arrange-
muiits with 1'ioi. llofumi , father of the now
musical phenomenon , .loit'f Hofiiian , for s
si-iii's of concerts durinc Hie coiiiini ; season.
The little fellow who hits just mudu a musical
cououuit of l.nndou , U tut ten years old ,
yet ui > iilayn Ik-elhovtu's clllllnilt composi
tions In a manner to wn | from Rubinstein
ttie testimony llmt bo is "onu oi UM uuuf ll. ,
ot Uie