Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1887, Image 1

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Additional News Concerning the Bloody
Engagement With the Utes.
Ibo Indian * llenortcd to Do Hack
On Their llcscrvatlon and
Ilic AVnr Considered
Virtually Over.
RrHiiUoftho First Fight.
CAMP ADAMS , MEEKKII , Colo. , August 20 ,
11:35 : a. m. ( via Glenwood Springs , Colo. ,
August27,8 a. m. ) [ Special Telegram to the
BEE. | A ccurler from the pcouts has just ar
rived from Hangeley , sixty-live miles west of
Meeker. Ho brings news of the llrst fight ,
The Utes opened lire lirst at 0:50 : a. in. or
August 25. Jack Ward , of Kendall's party ,
Is killed and llvo men are wounded , two ol
the sheriffs party and three of tlio Coloradc
National guards , but whether mortally or nol
can not bo learned. There were forty of the
troops and forty ot the sheriff's men who en
gaged about U5 ! Utes. Three Utos are known
to have been killed certainly and how many
moro Is only surmise. The Indians are attacking -
tacking the ranches below and butchcrinc
ranchers and It Is expected that troops will
have to go to their assistance. Pray , the
captain of the scouts , had a horsn shot from
tinder him , but ho Is unhurt. Dr. Dumont
Meeker , was wounded.
12 o'clock , noon Eight Indians won
killed , three In the earlier part of the ll''h
and five later. The hospital is well arranged
and ready for occupancy In the Mockoi
school house. Meeker Is as quiet as n funeral. .
Ltttlo groups on the streets have got wind of
the news nnd are running with bated breath. .
Many who assorted last night with great
gusto that the Utes were escaping and on the
reservation nro now thoroughly ashamed
Anoillclal dispatch states that the mtllti :
'went Into action calmly and fought coolly
When the Utes opened lire seven troopers
with more pluck than discretion , charged or
them. It Is believed by Pray that there wll
bo no more walking after Indians. The Utes
will make a standing fight The tight lastci
all day on August 25 and when the scout
courier loft at 11 p. m. rifles wcro still crack
ing. It Is probable that another light has oc
currcd to-day ( the 30th ) . It was expected thn
the Indians were largely reinforced , butPra ;
reported at 11 p. m. that the victor :
was with the whites. Both the troopon
scouts nnd posse were absolutely on fool
with no forage for their horses but sagi
brush. Reinforcements are urgently am
quickly needed. Tlio light was forced by th
Utes , who are aggressive nnd mean blood.
business. The condition of the ranchers win
laughed at this "Indian farce" and startei
on their remote ranches alone down tin
AVhllo ilvor isovcry plllable. I expect ths
the ranches on the Glenwood and Moeke
road will bo raided any moment , as there I
nothing to prevent it. Wo may now loot
for Indian murders on small parties of rail
road graders , timber cutters , prospectors
surveyors , camping parties and every small
unprotected bunch of whites every where
The Indians usually travel easily sevontj
live to 100 miles dally , stealing fresh horse
as they go , nnd killing exhausted ones to pn
vent thorn from falling Into tlio hands of tli
enemy. They can subsist on raw moat alon
for weeks and this is what nukes It so liar
for men to follow and overtake them on on
mount. Till later news comes from th
frontier It cannot be predicted whothc
the Utes will follow the policy c
a running , raiding lighter not. Whatove
the result of their light may be. it must bo ri
membercd that the troops had nothing to on
for two and one-half days , and their horse
are nil played Besides this , there wcro s
few ot them and so many ot the enumj
Those who should know that country , claii
that the light occurred only about liftce
miles from the reservation line , and that tl
lountry Is very broken and full of deep n
vines and gullies. Opinions of people hei
at Meeker vary greatly. A great many thin
that the Utos wcro on their way to the loscrv
tlon , and there would have been no light
they had been loft alone. Others dcclat
that the Indians wcro nearer the roservatlo
at the tlmo than Is stated In the last report :
No report has been received other than who
the light occurred , and that the li
Alans were heading for the Blue mounl
ilns , n better fitted place for the
kind ot warfare , and that the
laid In ambush while en route lu the hof
that they might strike an olfcctlvo blov
Jack Ward , the courier says , was sh
through the body , a-bmiot driving a vest bu
ton through him. Ilo also Is authority fc
the statement that Dr. J. J. Dor mon t , (
Meeker , ono ot the sheriff's posse , was dar
rerously wounded. Three of the Asm
boys and three ot the Colorado Nation
tuard are reported wounded. The flag In tl
public park lias just been lowered to h.i
mast In respect to the memory of Jack War
A'ard Is well known all over the stal
laving resided In Colorado for many year
Ills family are now at Grand Butte , who
e has lived for several years. f
KANOBI.EY , Col. , ( via Glenwood Spring :
\ugust27. Noon [ Special Telegram totl
BEE.J The situation hero since the ball
rcsicrday Is growing moro serious in son
cspects. Flvo of our men are wounde
Lieutenant Folsom , of Aspen , is ir.oital
ivounded. Ho Is shot In the arm. T\
iolorod soldiers from Fort Duchosno ha'
> ccn sent in. They icport about '
Indians in the field. Jack Wa
jvas burled this morning. The wounded ti
Lieutenant Folsom , of Aspen ; Ed Fol
/Vspen / ; Stewart , Leadvillu : ttio latter n
leriously , and Dr. Dermont of Meeker. 1
Foltzas shot through the cheek. Maj
Leslie has just started with the two color
messengers to have n talk with the cover
ment troops , who are camped below thei
llvo companies strong. Nona of the boys t
seriously wounded except Folsom. The bf
Information to bo had shows four India
killed nnd three wounded. The bodies
throe of Iho Utes were stacked up In a p
and some of our boys approached the bodl
to pick off souvenirs when the Utes on
Adjoining hill burned the ground urou
thorn with bullets , There Is n llttlo st <
owned by Hill & Co. , which the boys clean
out lu two houis. Thu militia are lit oxc
lent spliits , but arc nearly out of ammu.
tlon , Flvo companies of re.-ulars nro I
twcen this camp and the Indians , holdl
them lu check. Leslie wants them to lea
BO wo can finish the Utes. Ho will ins
upon our i enforcements. Supplies i
eagerly looked for.
citEATun A 1'iiorouxn SEXSA.TIOX.
GLEN-WOOD Srw.Nos , August 27. [ Pres
1 ho arrival of a courier at 10 p , m , will
report of the light with the Utei In will
' ouo white man was killed and several se
ously wounded created a profound sen sat I
bore. Governor Adams , who was on
way to meet General Crook near Meeker
thu purpose ot holding a pow-wow with Cc
row , was making a speech at the hotel wll
! io received the news ot tbe light.
UANOKJ.Y , Col. , August 27. By conrlei
Blanwood Springs via Meeker : Thu li :
lectured at a place six uilks west of Kai.v ,
In a llttlo canon between the mountains.
The Indians had planned nn ambush , but the
scouts discovered It and , retreated in tlmo.
The Indians then opened fire , and
Major Leslie , who commanded the scouts ,
which were augumcntcdby the Aspen volun
teers , returned the tire from behind the rocks.
The Indians showed themselves and fought
desperately. Two Indians were killed and
ono white man , Dr. Dunmont , of Meeker ,
with Kendall's band , was wounded. For
two hours the battle raged Incessantly and
then the Utos retreated for the timber and
only skirmish shots were fired during the
rest of the day. It continued until 11 o'clock ,
but nooone was Injured. The Indians say
eight Indians wore dragged behind the line.
They were dead. There were five whites
wounded , mon of the national guard , and In
fact all the whites are on foot , the horses
being played out. A courier passed hero this
morning bound for Meeker after supplies.
There Is an Immediate demand for them , the
men having barely had enough to cat.
QI.EXWOOD Si'niNfis , Colo. , August 27 ,
4SO : D. in. [ Spsclal Telegram to the BEE. |
The Utes are on the reservation and the
commander of the forces at Fort Duchcsne
has agreed to assist the United Stales marshall -
shall In restraining Colorow and his twc
Indians that are wanted by Sheriff Kendall ,
It has been agreed to hero by Lesllo ami
Kendall nnd a courier has been dispatched
> headquarters for an endorsement there ,
ho war is virtually over.
L Firm of null Operators Unable tc
Keep Their Promises.
SAM FIIANCISCO , Augujt 27. The nn-
ounccment was made at 11:30 : this morning
hat Drosbach & Rosen f eld , bull operators Ir
rheat , could not keep their agreement to ac
ept all the wheat tendered them , nndthocal
ward was at once adjourned without any
ales being oltcctod. This was accepted as t
lomplcto collapse of the wheat ring , but wha
ffect It will have on the street Is not yc
nown. The full significance of the crasl
will prooably not bo known for several days.
iVhlle Rosanfcld & Drosbach were supposed
o bo acting for John W. Mackay , James 0
? lood nnd other large stockholders ol
ho Nevada bank , the debts were all made
n tbolr nnmo , and MI contracts won
made personally with them without add !
lonal guarantees. When the corner broke
August U. Dresbach A Rosenfeld agreed t <
pay the difference between 3307 and SlTOcen
tal , or 37 cents per cental In four nionthl ]
payments , the first payment to fall duo Sop
' smber 1. The price of wheat fell steadily to
1110 , but ho bull clique was expected to be
ment was made two days ago that the firs :
installment of money would bo paid a <
nirrced. The announcement to-day , therefore
'hat the two big brokers would repudlnt *
holr paper was the last straw and wns ac
cpled ns a final surrender , and Illustrate
hat all the enormous losses , with the excep
Jon of ' . ' ,000.000 advanced by the bull cllqui
early in the deal , is to fall upon the broken
and others who had dealings with these twi
representatives of other men , whoso Idontltj
has not neon , disclosed. There Is cons'der '
able excitement on the street , but no failure *
have yet been reported , and whllo many o
' .ho big houses have bean hit very hard , the
lope is expressed lliat they will pull through
The feeling Is very bitter among dealers anc
'ho entire deal is spoken of ns one of tin
oist In the history of trade.
As near as can bo estimated , after return
ng the original deposit money of buyers am
sellers at the rate of 34 a ton on the 10ioo : <
tins named in the acrcement of Aueust U
and which reduced the mar.'lm fiom 82.15no
cental to 82.05 , Dresbach & Rosenfoldfurthe
nmrglne'd down nbout 40,000 tons to , $1.70
They paid out large sums for this
imrposo during the last few days am
. - was the dav on which the romalndci
'ell due. It would require about $400,000 ti
ueet this part of the agreement. The Ina
blllty of Dresbach & Rosenfeld to pay ou
any moro money therefore. leaves about GO ,
000 tons of wheat In the hands ot holders
standing them In S2.05 per cental , which cat
not be sold except nt panic prices. Toi
thousand tons of wheat placivl Dy Drosbacl
& Rosonfeld in the hands of the diioctor
of the produce exchange ns sccurit
were In fulfillment of an aziocFnent of Aii
gust 3 , nnd nbout 0,000 tons now remain
having been released ns the margin nionc'
was returned. This 0,000 tons , which coult'
not he sold to-day nt over SiOO a ton , o
S1./C,000 , Is all that the holders ot the 0,00.
tons cosling S2.05 per cental , or 81,2'i0.030
have to secure thorn a.'alust loss. William
Dresbach has made r.n assignment to C. II
Stone of all his property for the bcmellt o :
Ohcckinii the Northern Pacific.
TACOMA. W. T. , August S7-C. C. Frost
official agent of the Interior department , at
rived here from the C.iscadu branch of thi
Northern Pacific railway this afternoon
where he reports hnvln : clojad down sever
saw mills that were cutting timber fiomun
surveyed lands. The special ngont claim1
that those mills are cutting government tlm
ber In building and other mitertal no
for use In the original constructloi
of the railroad. According to the terms o
its.chartor the rout Is permitted to make us
of the timber along Its line where the lam
arounsurveyed , whether upon its own i
government lands , for the original constrtu
lion ot the road bed , but for no other pu
pose. The claim of the government Is tha
whereas , trains are regularly running ovi
the Cascade division and that the woi
now being done does not con
under the head of original construclloi
The mills have been culling lumber fa
depofs. snowshcds and timber for use in th
great Cascade tunnel. The closing of U
mills will stop work on the snowshnds an
on the Kennewlck brldso and in the tuun
as well , until timber ran bo procured fro
Tacoma. In the mills closed yesterday , bi
twoen 303 and 375 mon were employed , nn
those to close on Monday will throw i
many moro out of employment.
Homo nnd Cattle Thlovea Corralloi
CHEYENNE , Wyo. . August 27. [ Sped
Telegram to the BEE.I Doc Howard in
two other men known as Lavalio and By :
were arrested yesterday at Horse Shoo , th
county , by Stock Detectives Boswell at
Pash charged with stealing horses and cattl
The prisoner * ; have been suspected for sevo
al years of systematically stealing the
neighbors' cattle , but positive proof of the
guilt has not been obtained until recent 1
Despite the poor condition of the cattle bus
ness they were rapidly boooiuiiu rich. The
chauccs nro now good for the penitentiary.
Heavy Ilalna In Hnuth Carolina.
RAI.KKIII , N. C. , August 27. The hoavle
rain of the season foil hero early this mor
lug and extended over n largo area , 'iheral
fall from three to nine o'clock was 4 > j Inch.
Some streams rose at the rate of tweutv-ni
inches per hour and flooded the crops. Wns
outs on the North Carolina railroad and t !
Raleluli & Augnsla road prevented tul
from leaving this city this ov nln < , Gre
damajo has been done to all low grout :
In Favor ol' Commercial Union ,
DETIIOIT , Auirust27 , To-night a meetli
In favor of commercial union with Canai
was held under the auspices ot the board
trade , merchants and manufacturers o :
change and business men's association
this city. Kraslus Wyman , of New Yor
Professor Goldwin Smith , ot Toronto , ai
Congressman Buttorworth , ot Ohio , wcro t
principal speakers.
Canadian Kuluhts or bailor.
TOKONTO , August 37. District nssemb
No. l \ Kn'ghts ' of Labor have decided
call a convention of the order in Canada f
the purposu of considering the advlsabill
of taking Mlep * to srcuru the autonomy of t
order in C.viadn , without lu any way Imp *
lux their connection with the general asset
Ainsworth Again the Scene and Another
Fireman Killed ,
Collision With a Oar Caup.s the Ac
cident An Alleged MUftourl
Ilandlt Escapes Benton
By a Sharper.
A Fatal Coincidence.
CHADIIO.V. Neb. , Aueust 27. [ Special Tel-
gram to the BEE. I A stock train on the Elkhorn -
horn road was derailed near Ainsworth to
day at 3 p" ui. The endno and seven cars
wcro wrecked , doing considerable damage to
the engine andcars and killing Fireman Burl
LUtlc. Engineer Wnsty was considerably In
jured. The train was In cnargo of Conduc
tor Illnes. The accident was caused by tlu
train running Into n car loaded with iron.
This U the second accident on this division
this wceb in which a fireman lost his life.
Said to Bo a Poapcrado.
FAIBMOXT , August 37. fSpcclal Telegrair
to the BKE.I This busy llttlo city wai all ex
citement to-day over the escape of ono of Its
citizens who Is accused of being a murderer
and horse thief. For the past three weeks f
detective has been here watching certain par
ties. Uobert Franklin has been a citizen 01
Fairmont for the past three years , and dnrity
that time has earned the reputation of beinj
an honest , hard-working man. It seems thai
before coming hero Franklin was a resident
at Missouri and Is said to have belonged t <
[ \n organized gang of horse thieves and In re
slstlng arrest on one occasion shot and klllec
two deputy sheriffs. From there ho lied t (
Nebraska , loeatlne hero. About seven cltl
zcns of this place , including the city tuarsha
and deputy , armed with warrants , surrounded
his home. They claim to have scon bin
enter , but In some way ho escaped. Horse
men nave been sent in every direction , bu
can tlnd no trace of him. Franklin is t
, 'ouug man about thirty years old , with f
Ight complexion , smooth face , largo jav
bones , largo grey eyes , nbout llvo feet liv <
'nchos In height and weighs about 15 <
ounds. _
Butler County Democrat * .
DAVID CITY , Nob. , August 87. [ Special
Teleeram to tha BEE. ) The democrats held
heir convention hero to-day nnd placed In
nomination the following ticket : For treas
urer , John A , Cook ; for clerk , Nichola ;
Miller ; for sheriff , James Fenton ; for judge
John Kavanaugh ; tor superintendent , L. E.
Cooley , for clerk of the district court ,
Charles A. Brlsor ; for coroner , Dr. Avery , o !
Ulysses : for surveyor. 1 > . C. Patterson. Tl'ht
convention was the result of a general dem
ocratic melee , and all the nominees have
their bass checked for kingdom como via
Salt creek.
They Endoracd His Check.
NKIWASKA CITY , Neb. , August 27. [ Spe
ial Telegram to the linn. ] Several days age
i traveling man giving the namn of S. W
Adams , nnd claiming to represent Emerlch
Ncwhousoifc Co. , of Kansas City , visited
Nebraska City , took several largo orders for
goods , nnd worked the conlidcnco racked on
overal merchants , getting them to endorse
ihecks for several amounts. Word has jusi
been received trom the Kansas City lirm say
'ng ho Is n fraud. Blckford Ac Co. , who art
iinong the fleeced to a considerable amount
; iavo otfored n reward for bis arrest.
The Delegates at Ivlncoln.
LINCOLN , Neb. , August 27. About 250 o
ho delegates attending the convention 01
ho national board of charities and correc
ions , in session at Omaha , reached this clt ]
it 10 this morning. They were Immediate ! ]
akon In charge by a committee of citizens
and shown over the city. They proceeded t <
the state Insane hospital and state pen Hen
tlarv on a tour of Inspection. They will returi
to the city this attcrn on , when an add res
will bo delivered by Dr. 11. Brlnkcrhotf , o
Manstichl. The delegates leave for Omah
this evening.
Close of the NoVl'olk Reunion.
NOIIKOI.K , Neb. , August' . | Speclnl Tele
gram to the BKE.--TIO ] ! closing day ot tin
reunion at Camp Lonn was devoted t
breaking camp , and to-night the camp I
nearly deserted. The attendance would hav
been more than double had the weather bee
favorable. Tno Indians loft for Fort Nla
brara to-day nnd the Eighth Infantry goes U
Omaha Monday.
Fairmont Jubilant.
FAIIIMOXT , Neb. , August 27. ISpecIo
Telegram to the BEE. ] The coming of the
tracklayers of the Kansas City & Omah :
railroad , giving Fairmont a direct route ti
both Kansas City and Omaha was an adveu
much looked for by citizens of Fairmont
Hundreds of citizens were at the now depot
This makes the third railroad for Fairmont
They will cross the B. & , U , to-morrow.
Fire at Colon.
FrtEJioxT , Xeb. . Aueust27. [ Special Tele
gram to the BER. ] T.ho general mercliat
dlse store at Colon , belonging to Fran
Hoa''land of this city , burned to the groun
last night. Loss , SM.SX ) . The stock an
building were Insured for 93,300. Thoorlgi
of the lire Is unknown.
Held to the District Court.
COLUMIIUS. Neb. , August S7. [ Spocii
Telegram to the BEE.J The case of Job
W. Early against James McDonald on
charge of perjury involving some vei
peculiar legal points , was heard befoi
Justice Cowdury to-day , resulting in tl
holding of McDonald to the district court I
the sum of 8500.
Poisoned Dy Canned Reef.
BEOOUI.VN , la. August 27. [ Spec !
Telegram to the BEI.J FranK Eckoland ,
tinner , nnd his wlfo , were badly polsonc
last night by eating canned beef and dices
The doctors worked with them nil night at
they are now out ot danger. The patient
when taken sick , turned cold ,
them to believe at first that they had an t
tack of cholera.
Moses Bloom Defeated.
IOWACITV , August 27. The democrat
county convention to-day defeated Mosi
Bloom for the senate and elected a dolcg
tion Insuring C. S. Itancks nomln&tlo
George W. Wager defeated George W. B (
for representative for the second term.
D. & O. Wires Jlomovnd.
CHICAOO , August 27. The instruments
the Baltimore Ac Ohio Telegraph compai
were summarily removed from the Exchani
hall ot the board of trade tills afternoon , at
'the officers ot the company were Inform
that the privileges of the floor would bo tl
mod them until such time as they agree
sever all connection with bucket-shops.
Thn Proclamation Denounced.
LONDON , August 27. Under the auspic
of the liberal league and radical and Irl
temperance clubs a procession contain ! ;
10,000 men , matched to Trafalgar square t
nltfht to listen to speeches In denunciation
the government's action against the Irl
National league. Four platforms had be
erected and from th6so four speakers n
dressed the multitude simultaneous !
Among the orators were Messrs. Blirgar , >
Ian , Quinn and bliirley , members of parl
ment , and Socialist Leader Morris. A re :
lution denouncing the proclamation of t
league was carried by acclamation.
An Earthquake Shock' In Georgia. .
AUUUSTA , Gs. , August 27. A Slight eart
quake tremor was felt at midnight follow
by a distinct shock at 4 o'clock tula uiornit
They Are at Present All Focused On
Bulgaria ,
[ Copl/rtoTit 1SS7 bu J < ' M Gordon JIoiilfff.1
PAUIS , August 27. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the UKK. | The weather
is again hot nnd sultry with Intermittent
showers. Huge , vaporous clouds hang like
nightmares over Paris. Through them the
sun looks llko a huge red cartwheel. Straw
hats , fans nnd perspiration reign supreme.
The boulevards are deserted by Parisians ,
but thronged with tourists trom ovcry Imag
inable corner of the elobo. Political tele
scopes are all focused on Bulgaria , nnd
Prince Ferdinand , of Coburf , must nt last
realize that ho has got Into a hornet's nest ,
out of which ho will bo lucky to escape with'
out meeting a fate less tragic than thai
whlcli bofcll Kaiser Maximilian In Mexico
The whole Russian nation , from thoczai
down to the lowest candle-eating Cossack , h
firmly resolved to stand no nonsense in Bui
garla. The body of KntkorT , llko thatol
John Brown , Is mouldering In the grave
Bulgaria was created by the gatlanl
deeds of the Hussian army. In the eyes of i
Russian the patriotic aspirations of the whole
Bulgarian nation do not weigh a feather Ir
the scales against the sacred memory ot tin
men who fell In any one otSkoboloff's vallos
charges. There are only 2,000,000 Bulgarians
men , women nnd children , all told , and thoj
have cost Russian taxpayers nearly S500 t
head , so that the Russians naturally feel
that they practically own Bulgaria and pro
pose to do what they please with It Pnnc (
Ferdinand has been told In the clearest pos
slble language by the Tsar that ho has m
uslness whatever In Bulgaria. Forty thou-
iand Russian troop ? are nt Odessa ready tc
and. Varna makes good the Tsar's words
Bismarck agrees with the Tsar , so doe
ranco , so docs thn sultan. Italy Is hike
warm. Austria may growl and England ma ;
ilustcr , but Bismarck , oven ii
: nso of Russian occupation of But
aria , will take care that tin
Austrian growls will not become bites. Tin
scapo of Yakoop Khan from Persia Is llkcl ]
> o glvo England ono tun to do to keep At
Imulstan quiet without troubling hersol
bout Bulgaria. Prluco Ferdinand has al
eady committed many mistakes in Bnl
garia. Ho cannot even talk to his Bui
< anans In their own tongue. Ho has woundoi
holr national susceptibilities by removing
popular commanders of Bulgarian regiment !
nd giving soft places to his owt
iermin and Austrian favorites , Ho I
nerely n puppet In the hands o
he StamboulolTs. Karavoloffs Stamatoir
nd scores ot other olfs , and t <
ap the climax ho is unable to I'm
n all Germany nnd Austria a Ufa Insuranci
company reckless enouzh to civo him a pol
cy of insurance on his life. Llko the frog
h the fable the Bulgarians have been croak
ng for a king. Russia may glvo them on. .
iomo day , but why Prince Ferdinand of Cc
inrg should go tliero.hcavnn only knows. A
.11 . events Bismarck and the Tsar and tin
Sultan and oven Austria are firmly rcsolvoi
hat peace to Europe shall not bo dlsturboi
) > a handful of discontented Bulgarians aiv
heir exotic princelings.
The premature disclosure by a Paris pape
f the fact that the Seventeenth army corp
had been singled out by the French mlnlsto
f war tor a mobilization experiment has , li
ho opinion of mo4t Vcoplo , conslderabl
essoned the value of the proposed test o
iTronch Illness to meet a mUifary emergonoj
f indeed it has not altegether annihilated II
nstcad of beinz suddenly required to mustei
> r In case of a hypothetical foreign Invasion
he mon composing the Seven teeth corps wi
low have boon given sovaval days for Bn
paratlon , n very different matter. Unlea
lonoral Ferron alters the whole moblllzatio
ichemo by substituting another corps fc
hat command by General Breart the who ]
.hing will bo unsatisfactory.nnd as an ovonln
paper says , will rather shake confidence tha
.strengthen It. The Germans are always o
he lookout for a pretext for scoffing :
France. and _ here they have one.
Indications ol * a Hotter Fooling R (
twcen Them Other Forcljjii Nows.
opurlyMal ISS'/bu New York Associated I'ms ,
BEIILIM. Ancust 27. The prospect of so
tloment of thu Bulgarian Imbroglio Is mor
la/.y than ever. Nothing definite is know
as to Prince Bismarck's policy. It Is ccrtali
that ofllclal circles retain absolute belief th :
whatever is happening , the Austro-Germa
alliance remains Intact , It is believed thei
is better en'tento , but no special approacl
mcnt with Russia as a result of Prince Bit
marck's deslrln ; ; to co-operato with th
Czar In his present police of securin
respect for the treaty of Berlh
This has been Bismarck's persistent nh
but not Russia's. The change of the rel ;
lions between the two governments Is due t
the efforts of M. Do'Glors , who , freed fro :
the oppression of the pan-slavlst party slm
M. Katkoff's deathseeks Germany's co-ope
ation within the limits of the Berlin treat
It this friendly attitude continues the mtitu
national aversion may abate. In the meai
time the German press shows no special coi
Udonce In Russia.
The best proof ot the full restoration of U
cmperor'ti health was his apuoarauco at Pot
dam yesterday at the mamcuvrcs of tl
cavalry division of guards.
Jubllasum prels , the most valuable raclr
prize contested for In Germany , was won <
Thursday ry the Hungarian colt Bulga
which Is the property ot Count Festotlc
The races brought tozethor a great itathorli
of German and Austrian turf magnates. Tl
emperor and empress of Brazil , the king ai
( [ ueen of Naples and several Bourbon priuc
wwro present.
Advices from Tilsit state that the omlgr
tlon of Russian Jews to America has bei
resumed with vigor. Baron .Nathaniel Roll
child has been ordered to leave Vienna fi
making insulting remarks , about the arc
duke , Charles Luis , brother , 'Of the emperor.
Kcorine the Ftfgaro.
PAitts , August 27 The Mpubliquo Fra
caiso says the moblilzatkm chome has bei
spoiled in consequence of tl\o \ Figaro's Ind
creet and premature publication ot the nui
ber of corps selected. The Petit Journel sa
another corps will soon bi chosen for t
experiment. The Xa tl final , shy .s Inquiry
regard to the disclosure ot the government
plans for the mobilization .experiment h
shown that the Informationwas divulged I
an employee of the typographical departme
of the war ministry. The press demand th
the culprit bo severely punUocd.
Mandevllla Summoned.
Duiu.ix , August 27. The government hi
summoned John Maudevllto , chairman
the Mltchellstown board of poor-law iniar
lans. for making a speech Inciting toy
lenco on the occasion of William O'Brlei
visit to Mltchellstown. Mr. Mandevl
leads the plan ot campaign movement
county Cork. Ho Is a nephew of Colonel
Mahoney , the late Fenian leader In Anierii
It Is expected that Mr. Condon , member
parliament for cast TIpporary , will bo pro
ccutcd simultaneously with Mandovlllo ni
O'Brien. [
A Carpenter Killed.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. . August 27. [ Special Ti
egram to the BEE. ] A. Jone * . a carpentt
while at Work on tlm Terminal compaii )
round hou > u this afternoon , was stntck by
falling niter mid had li'is skull nisslfcd , i
suiting lu his death. . . '
Among Other Things a Roue. Adulterer ,
* Usureri Liar and Porgor.I
A Bennatlounl Attack on the Kcputod
Dard of Avon By Ignatius
Donnelly nnd I'rof.
Thomas Davidson.
Who Will Care For nilly Now ?
NEW YOHK , August 27. The World to-
nioi row will contain a very elabor.Ua oxposl
tlon of Ignatius Donnelly's attempt to ilo
throne Shakespeare , and award the honor 01
the authorship of the so-called "Shakespearo1
plays to Lord liacon. The nrtlclo Is wrlttor
by Prof. Thomas Davidson , a well knowr
icholar , philosopher and critic , whoso opln
on as to Donnelly's work cannot fall t <
carry great weight. Before examining Don
nelly's work , Mr. lavUlsnn was an onttn
skeptla In regard to the It aeon theory , but lit
now admits ho Is very nine !
shaken in his belief that the play :
ivero written by Shakespeare , am
leclared If they hint coma down to us with
out any authors namu attached they wouli
liave been unhesitatingly attributed to Bacon
lie says he reached this conviction altogctlic
apart from the cipher. The articles glvo i
brief summary of the results reached In Mr
Donnelly's book. The book Is divided Inti
two parts , an aigument and a domonstra
tlon. The former collects , arranges and sum :
up all the argument * that nave been pu
forward In the last thirty years in favor o
the liacon Ian theory nnd adds a lar o mini
ber to them. The author llrst endeavors t <
show that the education nnd character o
William Shakespeare were such that II
is even ildlculoiis to Imagine hi
could have written plays which are distlllet
fiom all the wisdom and learning of tin
world. Ho shows that his education mus
have been extremely nieasre , wnllo that o
the author of the clays was broad and deep
He emphasizes the fact that wo have 111
record of any study on the part of Shake
spoaro. Ills account of Siiakespearo's char
ncter will certainly bo a surprise to moj
readers. Ho shows him to have been stcopei
In almost every kind of vice , to have been i
fornlcator , an adulterer , a usurer and or
pressorof the poor , a drunkard , a systemati
liar , and forger ot pedigrees , dyini
in the prime of life from the results o
a three ( lays' drunken spree. Ho next show
that we have no record that Shakospean
ever owned a lilirarv , or oven a book , am
not a single scrap of manuscript of his ha
over coiiio down to us ; uot even a letter t <
any of the numerous men with whom he 1
known to have been acquainted. Nay , more
that there is extant no letter addressed tohiii
except ono asking for a loan of money. Tlicr
Is nothing to show that Shakespeare was no
very nearly Illiterate. Mr. Donnell
next proves very clearly that whil
the author of the plays was an accoin
pllshcd lawyer , there is nothing to sho\
that Shakespeare ever opened a law book o
was inside a lawyer's olllco except on usui
Ions business.
Having demonstrated to his own satlsfac
tlon that the author of the plays was no
Shakespeare , Mr. Donnelly next proceeds t
prove that ho was Bacon. Aftar ndducin
evidence to show that liacon was a poet , am
the authors of the plays , a profound an
learned philosopher , ho treats of the geogra
phy of the play. Anu her
no brings out some mo-
tell-talo facts. Wnllo neither Stratford
wliero Shakespeare was bori nor Avon I
ever once mentioned in the plays , St. Alban ;
the homo of Bacon , Is mentioned twent ]
tnrmj times. He next allows that the politic
and religion of tha writer of the plnya at
Identical with Bacon's politics and religion
and that what Bacon declared to be Ms grea
life purpose Is fully exemplified In the plays
A chapter Is devoted to Bacon's reason
tor concealment , and hero comes out som
startling facts. It appears not only tha
Bacon wrotfi works which ho never publlcl
acknowledged , but that lie is addressed b
one of his friends as the greatest wit in Knt
land , though not known as such by his ow
name. Among the reasons for concoalmcn
Donnelly puts the political tendency of soiu
of the plays which was to encourage trcasoi
After the argument making the authoralii
of Bacon probable , comes the demonstratlot
that is , the cipher narrative , which has a !
ready aroused so much public interest.
Interest In the Mysterious Traced
Continue * Unnbalod.
, 111. , Auzust 2) . | Special To
ogram to the BEI : . | Interest In the Babroc
shooting alfalr still continues hero and n
ports of the proceedings at the Inquest i
Chicago yesterday wcro read with great ai
tentlon and are tlio untvcisal subject of coi
voisation and discussion , The prevaloi : expressed here , Is that the ev
denco civen throws no now light on th
tragedy and Is wholly tnsufliclont to cannot
Miss Dodge with it directly or in such a mat
nor as would convict her of any criminal ne
It is held hero pretty generally that all th ;
has as yet been discovered about the shoo1
Ing Is entirely compatablo-with the theory c
Miss Dodge's innocence advanced by h
friends and those in whom she is undt
stood to have conlhled. Opinion is nl
pretty generally expressed that the propose
Investigation by the grand jury will I
equally void of result and is almost ccrtal
to end in the return of no bill against Ml
Dodge. The of Colonel Babcoi
to make any explicit statement
how ho got shot , and his asserth
to Dr. McMann that If ho had not grabbi
the pistol ho would not have been hurt a
held hero to oxonoiatu Miss Doduo from :
blame in the matter. Kven should thn grai
jury lind an Indictment against her , it is L
Roved thn trial would be certain to result
her acquittal. It is asset ted that no jn
could bo obtained to convict her , and. :
though MIssDodco Is by no means a favorl
here , popular opinion and sympathy are alt
getheron hersulu in this Instance. In Ui
c.igo a lunortcr called to-d y nt the re.sldoin
of Mr. Whuoler , Colonel Babcock'h busine
partner. In the absence of Mr. and Mr
Wheeler ami of Mr. C.ildwell. Mrs. C. 1
Owens daughter of Mr. Wheeler , inforim
theropoitor that her parents , .Mr. C.tldwc
nnd the other friends of the deceased gentl
man wcro of the opinion that the shootli
was accidental.
"Iluvo they expressed satisfaction or dl
satisfaction with the verdict of the coronei
" 1 do not know. You may say that we a
thlnic the fatal occunenco accidental shot
Ing : that is all I know. "
"Von are all convinced of that ? "
"Yes. "
CHICAGO , August 27. The coroner's jui
in the case of the death of Colonel Walter
Babcock returned a verdict yesterday to t
erfect that the deceased came to his dea
from shock and hemotrha'O cause 1 by
pistol ball wound In the abdomen ; and th
while theio was no direct testimony to tl
fact , tlio jury believed from what teatlmoi
It had that the wound was Indicted by San
Dodiro the night of August 1'J at or ne
( iardner , ( Irnndy county , Illinois , and recoi
mnndcd that tha grand jury of ( irnn <
county moro fully lnv slliuto thu ca <
After the jury had retired , niter hearlnc t
testimony. Coroner HerU informed Us imii
bers that Miss Dodge had lofused to ma
any statement whatever in the case , and I
had not subptenacd her because ho knew a !
would not come.
The Inquiry was conducted In Uiocnrone
olllco. Dr. McMann , of ( iardner , belne t
tirst witness called. He related the clrcu
stances of being rung up by Colonel Uahcu
at 5.V last Saturday morning , who t > tat
that he had been shot. Thu wounded mm
vest was open and tliero was a stain on I
shirt. In response to Inquiries Colonel Us
cock refused to tell how or when or where
was shot , though ho said ho would tell t
doctor later. The doctor then described I
treatment of tha patient , how h had li
carried to the depot from his ollico on
lounge , an < l that , ho accompanied him
Chicago at the. wounded man's earnest
quest. The bandage around Colonel llabcock's
body , which the patient said ho had tied him
self , was n towel , but had no dlstlneutsh-
ne marks upon It , except that It
had no frlngo upon It and was ot co.irso
linen. The doctor told Colonel Babcock ho
could not have fastened the towel himself ,
but the Colonel Insisted that ho did. The
doctor saw no buzgy nor heard one about his
house that morning'previous to Colonel llab
cock's arrival. Sauud.iy afternoon ho saw
Miss Dodge nt Clover's house , havine boon
called there by Mr. Clover , who said she was
sick , She was looking badly , complained ot
n hcadacho and n vain In her back. Undid
nut speak of the shooting to Miss Dodge nt
all. The witness then handed Colonel Bab-
cock's ' revolver to DcDUiy-CoronVr Barrett
and took his departure.
Marshal Bull of Gardner , who arrested Miss
Dodge , said that when ho told her ho had n
warrant for her , she answered , "Well , 1 ex
pected It , " but would say nothing more. The
warrant was not read to her because it was
Fred \i. \ Chase , the Allen conductor with
whom Col. Uabcock went down last Friday
nleht , saw the deceased get < > IT nt the crossing
bovo ( iardner , and itlso noticed that a lady
; ot oil' there too , though the two wern not
.ogolher on the train. Ho would not know
.ho lady If ho saw her attain. She wa cvl-
.lently about twenty-eight or thirty years
3f ace. was barnhcadod , and wore a shawl.
She boarded the train at llncovllle , the first
itatlon above ( Iardner. When the train left
.ho crossing the two were standing some six
'eot npatt , and did not act as though they
knew each other. The conductor had carried
Jabcock to Gardner several times before.
Henry 1' . Caldwell , the boarder at No.
MKo I'ark place , n leal estate dealer , w.i
he ono who burned the towel bandnKO and
Jolonel llabcock's shirts because ho thought
hey were of no use to any ono. Ho told
limply what the newspapers have already
Mr. Silas I' . Wheeler , Colonel Babcock's
business partnes , said the dead man had
never told him anything about the shooting.
He did not know that Colonel Babcock hail
any acquaintances in ( iardner. Ho oncnhncl
a business transaction with a Dodge at Card'
ner , and he had once seen n party called
Mis ? Dodge In their olllco seine Unit
'ast February. Ilo did not know tilt'
latino of her business in the olllce , but she
nnulrcd for Colonel Habcock , He was not
: here. She sat there and waited for him t
iltlo while , but loft before hn came. The
.vitnoss told Mr. Babcock that she had been
[ here , but the colonel made no particular ro-
jily. Once some hay was purchased In Gard'
ner for the lirm , but Mr. Wheeler did nol
know of whom it was bought.
Dr. McMann asked to correct his statomenl
by adding that while ho and the colonel won
talking the latter ha.l said once or twice thai
if he had not crasped the revolver he woult
not have been shot.
Two reporters for city papcis who wen
sent down to Gardner to look Into ttio cast
were also examined. One ot thorn said thai
n Mr. Gorman , a neighbor to the Dodires , hac
told him that ho saw Sarah Dodge driving
toward Gardner about 4 o'clock Salurdaj
morning but was not certain any ouo wai
with her. The women folks of ono of tin
neighbors had also told him that a mat
named Babcock came to see Sarah abou
once a mouth , and that ho was there las
Friday nlulit.
The assistant state's attorney of Grund'
county was present , and occasionally bllmei
suggestions to the deputy coroner. Messrs
Wing and Stough , counsel for Miss Dodge
wore also about the room , but did not say i
word at any time during the taking of tin
An Alleged Otnnhu I > ady KulU ii
\\lth n Chicago Bigamist.
CHICAGO , August 27. Two detective
strolled leisurely Into a coal olllco at the cot
ncrof Dearborn and Htuuiolpnstreets yester
day afternoon , nnd approaching a younj
man seated at a high desk , one of them salt
In a quiet voice : "Mr. C.irringford , w
have como to arrest you. "
"YouJmvo made n.iuistake . ; My n me I
Clnni Charles G. Clum , " was the tinn re
joinder of the young man.
"Wo may bo mistaken In the name , bu
not in tlio mau , " said the detective. "Youi
wife , Mrs. Molly Carriugford , charges yoi
with having stolen a typa-writor from tin
lirm of Wickersham & Co. , and there is i
warrant out for your arrest. "
"But my wlto , who , by th6.r Vi la Mrs
Clum , lives at .YM7 Dickey street , Englewood
wood , nnd can bo found there now with ho
little child. " Clum became excited whei
the detective persisted In addressing him a
Carringford , and he finally admitted that h
was once known by that name. The olllcer
were omowhat staggered when Clum toll
them that ho had a wife and child living ii
Knglewood , and they lost no time in con
( inning the stoty. Ho was taken to th
Armory police court , whore ho had his cas
docketed and a bond for his release signcc
and than ho accompanied the detectives t
Central police station to talk over his affair' :
The unexpected denouement in his dbmest !
affairs troubled him a good deal , for ho an
his second wlfo have been moving In goo
society in Englewood. where ho passed for
model husband. Besides , ho Is well know
on the west side 'thiough his relations to se\ \
eral prominent families and his coniiectio
with a number ot social clubs. While llvini
on West Adams street , three vears ago , Uonu
a young lady named Mary Buru'cs :
of Omaha , who was hero visiting frlcndi
Miss Burgess obtained n situation In th
olllco of Wlckmsham & Co. , Metropolis
block , as n typo-writer and stenographer , nn
on account ot her brltrht appearance an
pleasant manner excited a L-reat deal of In
terest , especially from Mr. WIcKcrsham an
his wile. Ono day Miss Burgess turned u
mlssitig nt the olllce , nnd when she linall
roappoaied bho told Mr. Wlckorbham tlu
she had gone to Milwaukee with CharU
Carringford , nnd was married to him by He'
C. F. Dlotz , n Baptist minister. The youn
couple set up a type-writing and bhoit-han
business at l.Vi Washington street , under tli
lirm name of Carilngford A : Co. , and wei
doing well when they hcpainted. Mrs. ( 'a
rliutord declined to live with her husban
any longer tor some reason known only t
herselt , ami they driltcd apart. This was I
the tall ot > . and trom that time until ye <
terday they never laid eyes upon each othe
Mrs. Cnrringlord seemed employment I
buvcial olllre.-J , working only a few mouths i
eachuntil she went Into the olllco ot the Moot
Manufacturing company. A few ilavs au
her typewriter got out of icpalr , nnd slio ha
It sent to a repair shop , wliero Itas iduiit
lied as a maeliiiiH that Imil been stolen seven
years ago from Wicker.sham A : Co. Thu o
tlcors of the Moore company were apprise
of the discovery , and they in turn lutoriut
Mrs. Cnrnngford , who s-ild her husband gai
her the machine shortly after thuv weio ma
rled. The police \\ero called In and instruct *
to lind Catrlngtord If ho was still In the clt
and they arrested him under Uin name i
Clum , as stated In the forOioinVery litt
could bo learned fiom him about his si'M-
marrlauo , but his statements to the olllcu
led them to bcllevo that it was n love r.llal
and that ho chanzed his name to piotect h
wlfn more than hlnisclf. For over n ye.ii pa
Clnm has lived nt .WI7 Dickey street. Knjjl
\M > od , supporting his wife and children I
ciiinparntlvo luxury.
Mrs. Clum No.'H a prottv llttlo wnuia
and very Intelligent , and she has miU'erc
keenly os-erslm-e bin ) learned of her hu
band's cntanglumtnts. Mrs. Carringford
a tall brunette , ot iliishliiL' nppnaniuco HI
rather dressy , but of a taciturn dlspositloi
lieloro her marriage li'ir fil | ids say she wi
ono of the brightest and most vtvacloi
young women on the west sldu , and was f
that reason courted everywhere. She claln
that her brief experlonco with Cainngfor
or Clum , has forever RliaKen her laith I
mon. She was as much Rurprlsed as air
body when she heard of his second mnrrlag
but she did not express any opinion nbout
especially atter ho calliid to see her with
view to establishing peace nnd cutting (
bigamy proceedings , ( . 'liim was dcjecti
when lie parted trom the detectives who n
tested him last night , and ho haid nioodl
that ho thought ho would have to 'go dovi
lor his wroiu-dolnz. "
Mr. Charles ( ioodrich , whose wlfo is tl
only Burgess in Omaha , with ono oxce-ptlo
snys that the Miss llursiois mentioned In t
telociam Is no relative to bis wife , T
exception \ that of the grand-dauirlite.r
O. H. Selden , lately tragically deceased , li
thurojs no orrtalntv'that themily pientlon
in the telogfiiiu U H ) auy way rtiiatcd to AJ
Suldeu , . , ' , . . . - %
A Project to Combine tlio Best Cities i (
the Western and Northwestern ,
Other Guinea In the Western Icngu4
Un n flail , the Itnocd nnd
Othof SportH nt
All PolntH.
A New
KANSAS CITY. Mo. , Aiuust 27. | 8prclal
Telegram to the UKF. ) Some six weeks ago
a movement was quietly inauguratcl | by Sec
retary K. E. Menges , of the Kansas City
base ball club , looking to the formation o !
a now ami powerful base ball organization.
This crow out of dissatisfaction with tha
constantly shaky condition of the Western
league and the gancratly weak condition of a
majority ot the clubs that have visited her *
this season. Kansas City's experience in
the western league has boon far from satis *
factory to the base ball public , which has
shown Itself amply capable of supporting t
club In n first-class organl/.atlon , nnd whlcli
demands bettor ball playing than can bo put
up by clubs with the iltiaiv
clal back 1111 ; the majoilty of Hit
Western league nines have. The whole trou
ble In the Western league has been that the
smaller towns cannot support losing teams
and the natural couseaucnco has been thai
unless their clubs are well up to the top talk
of disbandmcnt Is at once Indulged In. Thla
Is shown lu the eases of Leavonwortli and
St. Joseph. The former could not oven keep
up a winning team , while St. Joseph , which
had previously supported u club of pomiaul
winners , dropped out when Its icprcscntaJ
lives on the diamond met n series of defeats.
In order to preserve an eight-club organiza
tion and thus prevent general demoralize
tlon in the schedule , a couple of dum'
mlcs had to bo put in ta
( ill the vacancies. Kvon now
It Is not a certainty that there will bo clxhf
clubs In the Western league when the seasou
ends. With thu end In view of placing Kau-
sas Cltv In a league next season in whlcn
the club.1 ; will be financially on an equal with
Kansas City , Secretary Monges opened up a
correspondence with thu representatives oC
clubs In some of the leading cities In the
Northwestern nnd Western leagues. Tha
dea ot thu consolidation ot the strongest
members of the two organizations was ro- >
celved with general favor. Mr. Mcngo3
found ono of the strongest friends of ilia
scheme In Sccretaiy Sam Morton , ot thoClil *
cage National league teiim , who Is A. ( { .
Spauldlng'.s rJght-hand man. Mr. Moiton
at once said Chicago could bo counted In tin
scheme. This does not mean that tha
National league's champion will be a memboi
but another nnd distant club In which Mr.
Spauldlng ami Mr. Morton will bo the princi
pal stockholders. The former would not ob
ject to a second club In Chicazo. i.s It would
not bo likely to hurt the other club and a rich
harvest would bo reaped trom Sunday gnmca
and other privileges which me not permitted
In National league cities. The cities which
will gu to make up the now organization ; ]
and which have already sUnllied a willing
ness to come In are Kansas City , Chicago ,
St. Louis , Milwaukee , St. t'lxul , Dos Moines ,
Minneapolis and Omaha. 1'ieslucnt Threw ,
of the Llncolns , Is desirous of having his
town represented , and the choice for the
cliilith member lies between his
town and St. Louis with chances
slightly in favor of Lincoln , from the
fact that a club in St. Louis In opposition to
thu Browns would not bo likely to pav. A
glniico nt the cities enumerated In this list
will convince people familiar with base ball
mattorn that theio Is not u sinelo city In It
that Is not capable of keeping up a losing
club. Moreover , every city can support a
liist class club and with such linanclal backIng -
Ing the standard ot playimr would bo greatly
elevated. Tne new organization will doubt
less break up both Western and Northwestern
leagues next season , although It Is possible
that they rriftv ontani/.o with six clubs. The
new organl/.dtion'wlii net ellccteithcrleaguo
this season , as thn cities roproscnteuvlI ! fin
ish theif tcheilujes. However a meetIng -
Ing wfll bo held nt the close
of the present season , at which the cities
spoken ot will bo represented and the proper/ /
steps taken tor thu onrani/.ation ot the new
league. Secretary Menges said to-night :
"When wo were dropped trom the National
league last spring , I ( Irmly resolved never to
asU for admission again. Kansas City Is too
far west for the National Icau'tie , and the
eastern clubs cannot r > a blamed for objection
to our admission. 1 did think of trying to
get Into the American association next boa-
Ron , but when the Idea of thu now oiganiia-
tlon mot with such favor 1 lelt It would bo
better to go into It. It will bo n strong nsso-
tlon , and will undoubtedly bo next to the
American association as an organization.
Wo will begin at the close ot this season to
secure a team for next year , and expect to
have our players signed by spring. 1 cannot
tttato.tho pcrsonel of the nine at present , hut
wo have several good players In view. We
will make it a point to secure young and am
bitious players , and hope In this way to build
up a strong club. "
Omaha U , Jlunvnr 4.
Dnxvi'.n , August ! i7. | Special Telegram let
the Bii : : . | Bartson won to-day's game for
Omaha by his etfectlvo pitching. I'lilllips
Tebeau or McSorluy could have won the
game tor Denver had they been able to lilt
Bartson when mon were on basos. Om\ha
played a great lieldliu game also , Walsli es
pecially making good plays. Fit/.slmm MIS
seemed to have an Idea that ho had a snap at
the start , but after Omaha made live mns lu
the lirst Inning ho cot over It and pitched a
good game. Krelimeycr and Dwyer made
live double play ; , as did Brlgirs and Mcioi-
ley. Hngan'd umpiring was the worst lu ; hts
done flnco coming here , and the bleaching
boards gave him a reminder throughout ilo
uamo. Two games will bo played to-mono w ,
one In the morning , the other In the alter-
noon. The attendance to-day was about WJ.
Iir.NVEII. l'TS. All7lt. 111. TO. A. K.
Sllcl rf 5 1 ! J ii o
Tebeau n i i o 2 c
Smith U ) S 10 0 0
Kin/.lo cf 1 4 0 0
Got man If Ft 0 1 1 0 0a
McSoilny 2b 5 0 3 < G a
1'hIIUpS PS ! I 0
Brings c 4 0 a 1 1 0
Flt/.simmoiis p 4 i 1 1 U 0
Totals 4i : 4 10 at 15 3
O'.JAHA. IH. AII. ) : . In. ro. A. K.
w'nlsh ss .ri 1 U 7 a
Mea.sltt 1 3 1 2 i uo
Dwyer lb 4 2 I'i o
Fussolbach Sl 4 i 0 9
.lantzon uf 4 i 0 U
Handle rf 4 0 0 0u
Jennings It 4 8 U u
Krehmeyer c 4 o a 0
Bartson. . . p 4 0 4 0
Totals JIT tl U 2T 18 4
SCOI ' t K Jl VI _ .V SIX < JJ ?
Denver . .I a 0 0 0 0 ( 0-4
Omaha . _ . _ . . .1 . . .5 o 0 001 _ _ t * u
Jfuhs mriTnd Denver - , Omaha 7.
TWO-IMSO hits Sllch 15.
Double jilays Phillips to MeSorlny to
Smllh , Dwyer to Kre.h mover to Dwyer ,
lia-os on' Halls Kil/.simmons.
Hit b/ pitcher Kiehmnyi.T.
Posted balls Krehmeyur a.
Wild pitches llaitson 2.
Time of tame 1 hours and t' < minutes.
Umpire Hawaii.
Knnttnn City N , Wluhita 1.
WICHITA , Kan. , August -Special [ Tele
L-ram lu the BUE. | The Kansas City club
to-day played a perfect fielding game and
defeated Wichita , which made ten errors , by a
FC'oip. of b lo 1. ilolford and Ringoiit
their but lei y. Theloriner wns hit for eight
.sliut'i's , uul n double , gnvnonu man almsu on ,
balK iiii-l hit one man.Rlngo hud no passed <
b.uh. r.'Ulford'wai hi ; for sevenblnglce ,