Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1887, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMAHA DAILY BEfe : FKIDAY. AUGUST 26 , 1887. THE DAIIiY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS NO. 13 , FEA&L BTKEXT. Btirt tied by c rrl r to in ; part of U oltr M rwtnty c oU per WMt > . W. TILTOIT , Man tw TKLKP110NH3I BtTMKiM Omci. No. U. M IOBT EOITOH MO. M. M1NOU MEHT10N. ' K. Y. Plumbing Co. Reltcr , tailor. Fall goods cheap. Tbo Ncnmuycr hotel Is being improved In various ways. The funeral of the Into Henry Meyers took place yesterday afternoon. Machine oil. needles , cmbroidory silks publications. Domestic agency , 105 Main Permit to wed was Yesterday given tc S. D. Harris and Ada Ellen Munoy , bolt of Lincoln. Fine coupes for ladles calling. Wm , Lewis , telephone 128. Ullico 410 Uroiul way. Justice Barnett has lied the knot between twoen Klanius Uachman , of Minonn county , and Kstolla Dollarhide , ot this city. city.Tbo Tbo lawn social arranged for by the Manawa lodge I. U. G. T. has hecn in- ileflnltcly postponed on account of tin weather. J. ( T. Tipton , the broker , yesterdas Bold a five-room cottage at the corner ol Eighth avenue anil and Sixteenth struct tor W. B. lleed. George Stronc , who lives near the Third street school , is raising home cot ton which has blossomed out well. Those who have never aeon cotton growing look upon it with great Interest. Judge Lynchnrd , of the Inferior court has decided that Judge Carson erroi greatly in the Drown contempt cnic Lyuchard should wait until the case reaches him on appeal , which U nevei will. will.T. T. D. King & Co. yesterday presented Colonel Keiitley an elegant tneerschaurr pipe , with the wish Unit when ho geti through with his daily labdrs in his new position , ho will enjoy it , and between whiffs think of Council Blurts friends. The heirs of Michael Mithen are claim ing of the city $3,000 damages on account of dirt taken from their farm to build UK levee. The petition has been in the citj clerk's ofllco , by their attorney , and wil be presented at the next meeting of the council. The city council meets to-morrow oven ing. Home Important matters are undci consideration , among them the qticstiot of how best to light the streets. Ther < are many citizens who are urging the ' council to adopt the electric lights foi the main portion of the streets , at least William Kastner yesterday entered complaint against Henry Hoist for as sault and battery , claiming that Holsl nit him over the head with a club. Holsl says that Kastner was raising a row al the St. Jqo house , and ho had to use ft lit tle force in self defense. The case will be heard by Justice Uarnett this morn ing.Tho The now hook and ladder truck being built in Chicago is nearly ready for the paint shop. liuforo the brush is used the truck should bo thoroughly examined , and It is suggested that some of the lire committee and this chief go to Chicago and see what sort of u truck they iiro get ting before any possible blemishes are hidden bj paint. Mr. Brijwrs , whoso son had Bob Hunt ii'gton arrested for assault , says ho did not pay the costs and drop the case because cause ho thought his son was the uggrcs- eor. Ho did so because ho did not want to Imvo any more trouble about the affair - fair , which was a boyish scrape , amount ing to nothing of a serious nature , ill though Huntington had no business tc treat his son in the way ho did. The steamer C. E. Mayno was yester day taken out of the lake by the outloi into the river. An attempt was made bj the boating club to keep the steamei from going out that way , lest it shouli cut out the dam and let the water fall it the lake. The hull of the old Manawi was sunk in the outlet to prevent tin steamer going through , and a rush wai tnnetn for an injunction to restrain thi owners. The little steamer slipped on just tiio same before any injunction couli be served. Those who want to snpply thomselve : with a cheaper volume of views of Coun cil Blull's than those recently issued ii the $5 form , can now do HO by calling a W. \ \ . Chapman's. Ho has had a do/oi of the best views , bound in neat form and Is soiling thorn at a merely noiulna hum. The views selected by him for this purpose are suoh as present a very crod liable showing of the city , and give ont a very accurate idea of how Counci Bluffs appears , as viewed from difforon standpoints. The cheapness of the bool places it within the reach of all , am niukes It easy for those desiring to sent extra copies away to f rionds. A strange revelation of family life such us Is revealed not so uncommon ! at the police station , came to light yci torday morning. Mrs. Alice Johnson who fives on Tenth street , applied for as sistanoo from the ollicors in finding ho two daughters , May Boyd and Alii Shields , the former sixteen and the latto eighteen years of age. They had beci at Nicholson's place the night before but were not to bo found , and the mothe was peculiarly anxious because Alllo' ' child had died the night before about 1 o'clock. It was about noon when th girls wore discovered and brought horn by the sad news. List your property with Cooper & Jud eon , No. 120 Main street. The Council Bluffs Steam Lanndr , has been rotitted since the tire and J ready for business. _ Cheap first-class storage at Nos. 22 , 2 nnd 20 Pearl street. _ Personal ParncrapliH. C. S. Chase , of the Atlanta Dcmocra was hero yesterday. Mrs. Dr. A. P. Hanchott loaves thi morning for Denver to visit friends. Mrs. J. W. Chapman and daughtei Miss May Chapman , expect to soon stui for Europe , and are planning on bein absent two years. Kon. B. II. W. Rotliort , the new supei intomlcnt of the institution for the den dumb , arrived yesterday. Ho will tak charge on the 1st of the month. One thousand head of one , two an three-year-old steers for sale. Will civ credit to reliable parties. Enquire of . ' J. Grcenamayor , 023 Mynstor st. , lelt When you are in the citv stop at tli Pacific house. Street cars pass the doe every fifteen minutes for all the depot Meals 50 cents each. _ J. W. and E. L. Squlro lend monoy. At the Pacific house vou will save froi 60o to | 1 per day. Try It and bo coi viuced. The now steamer Nellie Keller , jus launched on Lake Manawa by vi < . Keller , has boon carefully inspected b the citirons' committee and pronounce staunch and perfectly sufo for 100 pa ; congers. The steamer is run by an ei clnoor who docs not drink a drop < liquor and who is licensed by the Unite States government. Uudor all circun stances the safety of the passengers wi bo made the lirst consideration. Honey to loan , Cooper & Judson. A CLUMSY CROOK CAPTURED. Be Laja His Troubles to Trying to Woii While Drunk. _ , _ _ , * PLAYING DEAF AND DUMB , A Saloon Informer Indicted For Per jury The Democrat ! Select the Unlucky Thirteen Onlogatea The HoeolutlonB. A Burglar Cnught By The police day before yesterday ar rested a drunken fellow who was taking i snooze In au outbuilding in the rear o : Mrs. Mallard's residence on first avenue , Ho gave his name as U. J. U'Urien , and since ho has been under lock and koj the otliccrs have been hunting up hli ccord. They are now satisfied that h < s the fellow who went through Mr Stork's house the other day , and that he also broke Into J. M. Phillips' house. It was in the day time when lie broke into the residence of Mr. Stork , the family be- ng away. He got , among other articles , a pair of gold bracelets , which ho sold tc Jharhe Licbold for $1. Lie-bold sav ; Stork's name on the bracelets , and re stored the property to the owner , thii Jehig the first knowledge that the brace eta had been taken. After O'Urlon'e arrest Licbold was sent for to look at him in the hopes of identifying him , but he said O'Brien was not the man who sold the bracelets. After ho had gone the noli co began working O'Unon , and gave mil to understand that Licbold had given him away , and ho then admitted laving gone through Stork's house. Ho liad hidden in his coat a cold pin , stolen From the same house. There wus also found upon him a meerschaum pipe , and this was identilied us ono of two pipes which had been stolen from Mr. Phillips residence. The fellow admitted htivinj ? been through that house also. It was discovered that he had sold the other pipe at Goldstein's for half a dollar , it having been broken. He claimed that in getting over a Tencc , the pipe being in his pocket , it was in some way squee/ed and cracked. Al Mr. Phillips' house the fellow had enl } ot into an outroorn , and m ransacking Lnat ho had a narrow escape from firing the house ana blowing himself up. There was a pile of paper on a tea chest , and this ho had evidently been burning , as : ho charred fragments were there. Neat by was u six-pound can of powder. Had Ihis got a snark the result can readily bt imagined. Ho also took from this rootr a roll of velvet , six yards or raoru. He says he cannot remember what he did witli this. The police have not yet dis covered his jimmy , with which ho forced open the door of Mr. Stork's house , but the marks indicate clearly that lie usei ono. The fellow says that lie has been one spree , nnd that he did not realize fullj what he was doing , and cannot rotnom- bor all that he did. The excuce is noi readily received , the oflicers holding tin theory that he is H regular housebreaker , iiitl that ho has by au imprudent use oi whisky acted so bunglingly as to be caughi Since his arrest ho has been identified a1 : iaving boon suspiciously prowling aboul other premises , which rather sustains the jchef of the police that ho is a profes sional. He is a comparatively young man , and has the usual appearance ol the average sneak-thief. Democratic Delegates. The county democratic convention mot yesterday to select delegates to the state convention , which meets in Des Moines , September 1. Mr. ( i. Uiederich , of Avoca , ' was chosen chairman , and A' , T. Whittle sey secretary. As committee on credentials , William jronowee , F. Benjamin , of Avoca , John Sells , of Valley M. McKenzlo , of Silvei Creek , and W. W. Gardner , of Knox , were chosen. As committee on permanent organic tion , G. A. Holmes , W. O. James , and H , Mendel , of Ncola. A committee of seven were appointed to select thirteen delegates to the state convention. This committee consisted of G. A. Holmes. F. Benjamin. R. W Uriggs , of Carson ; II. Mendol. J. H. Die trich , J. B. Matthews , of Washington H. Uishton. of Crescent. The following delegates were thus chosen : E. E. Aylesworth , G. Duiderich of Avoca ; W. C. James , Robert Currier of Norwalk ; R. W. Brigga , of Carson ; J E. Collett , William Gronowig , E Reich art , of Neola ; 8. H. Underwood , of Kei Creek ; R. S. Hart , P. Lacy , F. M. Hun tor. As a committee on resolutions , E E , Avlesworth , William Gronewig am W. W. Gardner , ot Avoca , reported th < following , which was adopted : Whereas , The democracy of this couutj hear with reuret of tne departure of Colono JoliU II. Keatlov \Va3lilncton to accept ; responsible position In the treasur > ilcparl mont under a democratic administration tlinrefore Unsolved , That this convention , wliil congratulating him for the coniidence givci him by nil administration which has kept It promises to the people , expresses Its slncer regret that the democracy of this county ante to lose ono in whom they have so oftei placed confidence , and whose fidelity has a ! ways been equal to the confidence of his as sooiates and o ( the people of the county ; Uesolved. That wo heartily Indorse tin administration ot Urover Cleveland for hi unflinching fidelity to the best interest of th people and lor the manifest Integrity and abll Ity with which ho has discharged the duties c the responsible olUco of president of th United States. The resignation of John Schcontgon a chairman of the democratic county cen tnxl committee was received and ac copied. Mr. Schcuntgou's reason wa the lack of time to give to the dutes. G A. Holmes was selected to till the vn cancy. _ _ For Sale Harry Smith's photograp gallery cheap. Inquire of Harry Smitl EnnlerThan Working. Ollicor Boswick came across a suspi clous follow who wanted to know when he could find some cheap hotel. The officer ficor showed him the cheapest ono h know of , and after getting him there pro cocdcd to search him. Ho found soon letters and other documents whicl showed that the follow was engaged ii the lucrative business of a profession : ! beggar and fraud. The fellow gave hi name as Harry Andrews , and ho h n documents evidently used in his busin ei which informed the public that ho Wf deaf and dumb , that ho was lame by re : son of ; xn accident , and that it would b a great charity to give him a little mono toliolp him get to his mother , who wa very sick. 1 hero was also a letter whio ho liad just written , apparently to partner in Omaha , telling him that h had "struck something which beat wort ing by the day all to pieces. " With thi sort of a showing ho will bo kept ut Mar shal ( Jtianella's cheap hotel for furtla treatment. Pacific house is the nearest hotel to tli majority of real estate oQices in the cif f3 pur day. _ _ An Informer Arrested. Last March the grand jury found an Ir dictment against A. R. Smith forperjurj He U onu of the lirst pair of saloon in formers who made a business of goiu , from place to place gathering Inforraa tion for the prohibitionists in the prase cation of the drinking places here. Srait baa never been brought in , although has been generally understood that bo was still m the state and within easy roach. Deputy Sheriff O'Neill has now been after him with a warrant , and yes terday brought Smith in. He promptly gave bail in the sum of f 500 , Cojqnel Till- leys being the other signer of the bond. . Varieties of Hear * In the flock I en. Soribner's for September : There ia among western men much controversy as to the various kinds of bear Inhabiting our western Alps ; but the number of those who , ) from personal observation , are capable of forming an opinion Is very small. In the first place , for all the sanguinary talk around the stove , there are not a great many men who bavo made a practice of hunting bear nt all. Ono snch incident as that which occurred two years ago in the Big Horn scares a good many. A poor fellow there came on a bear , a small cinnamon , feeding on an elk ho had killed. Ho fired and wounded It ; the bear retreated and he followed. Coining up with it , again he fired , when the bear charged him. frying to reload ( he used , 1 heard , a single-shot Sharp rille ) . the extractor came off the empty shell , and , of course , ho was defenceless. Ho evidently drew his knife and used it desperately ; for when they found him the boar lay near him , dead , with many knife wounds in it , but it had killed him first. In short , both on ac count of the danger and by reason of the great dilliculty in seeing them , it scarcely pays to hunt bear alone. There are comparatively few men , I say'whose opinion is worth much , ana spine of these seem to have an idea that , for the credit of the mountain-land they love so well , they are bound to people it with as many different species of boar as they can. Now , as u matter of fact , I believe that almost all the bears ranging in the Rocky mountains occasionally breed together ; certainly , brown and black sometimes do. Our party once shot a black boar with n large brown cross , extending from the tail to back of the head and down each shoulder , Just as certainly the brown and grizzly on occasions Intermarry. My hunter as sures mo ho has shot gray cubs with a brown sow. I sm bo wrong , but I cannot myself see any difference sulHciently marked to warrant the idea that the cin namon bear of the Rockies is not the coarser , larger brown bear , the result of some crossing between the grizzly and the brown. Then , some men insist thai among the gray bear there are no less than three dis tinct varieties siivertio , roachback and grizzly. As I have said before , 1 cannot say any thing about the California grizzly , though Ido not think , from skins I have examined , he differs materially from his neighbor of the mountain : but as to these differences of color indicating a distinct variety , 1 cannot believe it. Tbo Rooky Mountains for Kecroatlon Scribnor's for September : Why do so few of our young men go west for recre ation ? There is no land whore nature recreates a man as " "he does thoro. You literally renew your youth. The climate is invigorating beyond words. For nerv ously exhausted men , for weary brains , there is simply nothing to touch it. I have gone to the ( Rocky ) mountains thoroughly fagged out , unable to sleep well or eat well life a bunion and work an impending horror. In a fortnight I have been eating as manv meals a day as 1 could prevail on my men to cook , and have been Khul to till up chance spaces in my internal economy with raw bucon. Yes , many a time , after a monumental dinner , when we have gone into camp at five in the afternoon , have I oaten witli relish that almost lasting of all provis ions a piece of raw bacon before turn ing iu. It is truo. Botun , at lirtt , find the rareficld atmosphere of the mountains trying to chest or heart , ana many also complain of loss of appetite and loss of sleep ; but if the man is sound in limb and lung , and if he does not overdo it or overexert himself at the very beginning , but does take regular exercise , in ten days or so all life seems to awaken within him ; he may not sleep so long or so heav ily , for he has probable camped ut an al titude of eight or nine thousand feet ( ex cellent camping places are some times found at a height of ten thousand feet or over ) ; and ho docs not need as much sleep as though he wore at sea-level. He may puff and blow like a grampus as ho faces a moderate hill ; for he has scarcely realized yet that the atmosphere is so rare that he imibt boil his potaloes I if ho is lucky enough to have any ] for at least two hours , and he will dp better if ho boil them all the morning , and that he cannot , by twenty- four hours' ( .boiling , make beans soft enough to feed his horse. But he is grow ing younger , not older. The world of work and care seems very fur away , walled out bv the heavy mists that roll up from the plains. What a fool ho waste to bother his soul , as he did , with a thousand useless thinga ! ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY Cor. 5th Ave. & 7th St. , Council Bluffs. Ono of the best Education til Institu tions in the west. Boarding nnd day school conducted by the Sisters of Char ity , B. V. M. Board and tuition for n term of five months , f75. For further particulars address SISTER SUPERIOR , St. Francis Academy , Council Bluffs , la. JOHN r. ITONI. JACOB S1M8 STONE & SIMS , Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State and Federal Cour t Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block. COUNCIL BLUFFS CROCKERY , LAMPS , GLASSWARE , FINE POTTERY , Prices Very Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , JVC. 23 JHAIX ST. , COUNCIL H LUFFS , IA : x. scnuRZ , Justice of the Peace. Office over American Kxpress. No. 419 BROADWAY HOUSEKEEPERS' IDEAL KETTLE Something entirely new and sells at sight. liar- .ton's Stenmlesa. Odor- Plcss , Non-oll ! over-Kot- 'tl ' . Has deep raised cover and water Joint , and an outlet wblch car. rlesall stenm and odor of the chlinner. Patent Steamer altAohmam alone worth ttin price. - - Agents wanted , male or female In every town In Nebraska. Fronts 15 to f 10 per day. Liberal terras and exclusive terri tory glT n. Bend stamp for circular and terms. ' 10 W. B. COOMBS , doneral Anent , Omaba N t > . , P. a Bole l a [ M H ( xkutB. u * MukoodrnrruH.TtHMt u tzJaSffi iH > rin * r re-T 'S 3Mim4JlJ' > " ' * u < > " inci.aJ'tuMiirrvMOisMlwunKtvita L.S.L OIPITIL PRIZE , $158,000. "Wo do hereby certify that we upervlso the arraifrcmetfti for all the Monthly and Serai Annual Drawing * of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company , and in person manage and con trol the drawings themselves , and that the panic are conducit-d'wlth honesty , fairness and In food faith toward all ptrtlei , and we author lie the Company to use thi certlllcato with fao similes of our signature attached , In Its adrer tisemcnts. " Wetlie underslf ned nankn and Danker * will pay all Prizes drawn In The Louisiana State Lotteries which may be presented at our coun ter * . .T. H. DOLESIIV. Prei. Louisiana National Bk. PIBRKB LANAtl.X , Prei. Bt te National Bk A. BALDWIN , Pres. New Orleans Not'lBank CAUL KOHN , Pres. Union National Unnk. UNPRECEDENTED"ATBTACTION ! OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. Loniganla State Lottery Company Incorporated In 18MforZ yartby the L f Itlatnr * ( or educational and charitable purposea-wltb a capital oftl.ixrj.OOO-to which a reserve fund of over tyB.OU ) has since been added. Bran overwhelming popular rote Itl franchise was made a part of th * nrenont constitution adopted December 2nd , A , 1 > . IBW. The only lottery over Toted on nnd endorsed by the people of any state. It nerer scales or postpones. It * Grand Single Number Drawings tnkoplttce monthly , nnd the Seral-Amnml Druwlnir * regu larly every six months ( June and December. ) A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Ninth Orsnd Drawing , class I , In the Academy of Music , New Orleans. Tues day , Sop. 13,1687-208th Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE , 15OOOO. Bs Notice-Tickots are Ten Dollars only. Halves , 5. Fifths , $2. Tenths , SI. 1,19T Or FHIZK9. 1 CAPITAL PIUZE OF 1150,000. . . . 1160,000 1 GRAND PHIZK OP " 1 GRAND PRIZE OF t LARGE PRIZES OF 4 LARM * PRIZES OF to PRIZES OF 100 " 200 ' 600 APPnOXJMATION 1'llIXlg. 100 Approilmatlon Prizes of 100 " " 100 1,000 Terminal " 2.170 Prizes amounting to $535.000 Application for rates to club should be mane onlr to the office of the company In New Orleans. For further Information write clearly , giving full artttrrss. POSTAL NOTES , ipresn moofj orders.or New Vork Exchange In ordinary letter. Currency b/ eipreu ( at our ezpenie ) addessed ' ' ' > &W ° "LE'A N8' U" Or M. A. WASniNOTON , D. a Address Registered letters to NKW OKLKANS NATIONAL HANK NEW ORLEANS 17 "R M R M R R I ? That the presence of IV III JIL JU 01 O Jj ! 11 neaerals neaiirozard and KarlT , who are In clmriB of tae ilrawlnrn , is auiiHr- ante * of nbnolutii falrnesa and IntenrttT. that taa chances are nllcquKl , and that no on * can posslbir divine what number wUI draw a Prli * . HEMISMIIUU that thu payment of all prUen Is OtTAltA.NTFItll IIT tOIJll NATIONAL lUNKSofJNOir Orleans , and the Tickets are slened by the preMdetU ot an Institution , whose chaitercil rlvlits are rncog- Diced In tbo hlchont courts ; therefore , beware of any Imitation ) or anonymous schemes OR RSO PAY. OUR MAGIC REMEDY POSITIVELY CUBE ALL SYPHILITIC DISEASED OF RKCENT OR LONQ SrANDINQ IN PROM FlVH TO TEN Dxya. NO OTHER REMEDY ON EARTH Will in All Cases Cure This Disease. Since the hlttory of medicine a true Specific for Syphilitic llie o has bcm sought .for W never foiind until theciUcoverjof our MAdlC KEMEDY. We have every r < * OD to believe Hut It Is abso- InUlr unkmwn to any phyilclan , ipelllit or chem- litTIVIoR. either In ttili or thf old world It w u ( Uncovered by mere accident thirteen yeara affobva man ot no financial mean * tout .1 natural cnVmlut , i > ho only uicrt It In a quiet way ; In ca ei cotnlntto till notice wueie | uflerera roulii get no relief , though thoroughly trying every Itnown rem edy and employing il.e mmt iklllttil rhv lclan l thu land , who had ultimately pronounced the e cme "the'rcmi-cly here advc ttlif d ha been guarded with thcutmoitiCLrcty flncc In dUeimry. until rear ago , whentliliohemt't died roar , nt lie alwayihad hern , and the erlc.nal formula rurcliawl of hit widow Thin lu brief U the truu liUioiy of tbU moil WTHhfCOOK TlF&niT CO. thereforhavepos.e , - ton of the nnlv incdlalne lu the world that will cure thl Dreirtcd fiUciKr In all Its form * ThfyariMuiiiard In thl atalement for the reason iiicdlialworVi. pjblUlicil hy tbe belt- known f a > thrre Is uo truu pp clllc. Wtrarnowwp liivc a TKUI bi-Edtuc-oiK mvr } hour who have employed every other known rem edy vllhout hcnent * should Elvin a tilsl Nscure no ray , andnoeipenvetopatleutln any nay. We do not tell the Remedy , or tend It oat , under KB will treat all t gei of thli dleeaic , at our lilt , or at the patlint'i residence elthur In Bsnsary ehewhere In caiei where the patient U nnaiiletocome toui . . , , . Wo IIHVP a llccnlur I'hvulrtnn In uttend- aure n lin It n crudiiattt of i\cr l college * und h * hud oVcr 30 yvtirt' * Prr.VlcJ'V./ ' ? Ir w Fill. TO ci'B * . TUB OOOIv KEHLDV CO W1I L KKrUND il L MOtEV ANDPAY FV rlRK iHccRKKii IN \ UITIMI OMAHA , whether the dlttauus be tenor ten thousand mllri. Our coitrac ( wilt be cn < Jor eil by a reiponslblo penon and to the entire natltftctlon of patlentt. Old chronic cages of Uonorrhrea and Ulcet peruia n ntlycnred.aslf b } IUIKIC. In nyc d r This Remedy acts Immediately upon th * Blood , removing from the system ev rr trace nf pouon t" v r Korea , ulcer * . Kruptlnui , Sore Mouth. Halr-irulllnt ; . anil all HUJn Ul - eatca cured In a marvelouilr ahnrt time. No other known Remedy In the world ran do In Us months what we a-uurinue to do In two weelu All we aik Is a t tal. Do NOT ronoxr THAT wi OCABANTII A ci * ( ot > .o rAY. Nu Hieclallit ol Physician will do tills. You know from prut ejperl t fite , If TOU are one of th * affllctad Tluse Physl elans know they bate no remedy with wldch they CAX cure all Chronic C e of hvphtlls , ana will , as I matter of roars' , ti It Is Impossible to elfeet a per cianent cure , nut we defy any of them li > bring us s case that we iMll not cure permanently In ashortei time than Is required for the most rcent cases with any other knon n rcuiejr In the world Correspondence and a critical investUatlon solic ited bath as to our llnsnclal ttandlng and > eraclty , Address COOK REMEDY CO. , OMAHA. NEBRASKA. T. ROOM 17 , V _ n j YIELDS TO EVERY MOVEMENT OF THE WEARER. Owing i. . _ . to . the . lUSOiUI. . . . . lUITiUTT . . . _ . of - th . * clotn , t hlch , rfet ) , Brt r - i7i.mi * AAI W , amcAa-.aavrtJi uil r inror ble Corset erer worn. Bold by all CKOTTT HKO * ) . , Cklest * * , III- HoiKBpathicPhysician&Sur on , .y ceBnd re idenoe. Room IT trllnrton Bock lB4DodeBt. 1 t > ulidlnf VTM ol P ( tgBc * SPECIALNOTIOES. _ fcTOTJOS. Ppeclt ] idrertlMmenti , tuck M toit , Found o Loan , For Sale , To Rant , Htnts , Bonrdtar , etc. , will bolBMrttd la thli column nt th low rat * of TIN CENTSPER LINK forth * first lasor- k > n nd VlToCcnUFerLlntfofcachtubi qu nl InMrtlon. Letre dvertlMin nU t our oflo * No , U Vearl Itieet , natr Broadwty , Counett BluBs. WANT * . FOlt SALK-Ptock of driifri In central Ne braska. Will Invoice Rtxnit $1.000. Inquire - quire of Hitrlc , llaia A : Co. , Council Bluffs , In. J An active younir man eipcr- ' icncrd In city soliciting mid collecting , Permanent position , moderate salary. Mutt furnish reference * . Address Grocer , llec olllc * . WANTED One cook and ono dishwasher nt Hcott house , North Main Etn-ut. "IllTANTED-GIrl to do general housework In ' T small family , lira. K. C. Ulouson , 421 Glen avenue. ; \X7"ANTBb A ( rood girl for cook. Apply at TT once to Mrs. J. B. Mcl'horson , No. 12U1 Pleroo street. FOR 8 ALE-On easy terms or will trade for city property , a complete stock of furni ture , ( tore * , also building. It Is situated 20 mile * east on Wabash railroad. Good town t no i opposition. Good reason * for sclllnir. Pos session given at onco. Will Inrolce about f Z.rxw , Cnll or address Merchant , 336 Uroadway , Coun- ell Bluff * . P OR BALK OR TRADK.-For Conncil Illuff * property (0,000 acres of Iowa and Ne- tiraska land. J. R. Rice , 110 Mam St. Council Bluffs. WILL sell two carriages on IOIIK time or will trade for horse * . William Lewis. HOTEL FOR RENT. The Sutter houeo In Missouri Vnlloy : fur nished first-class throughout and with \nrgo \ business ostnbllshoil , Will bo rented on liberal term * to responsible parties. Call on or ad dress III'HII PERCY. Missouri Valley. OFFICER Jb PUSEX , fiOO Broadway , Council BlufTiIowa. Established 1857. Hai a complete line of M I LargebatnliMThtte. black and all colors. Fat tern bonnets , haul and toques , a specialty. No 1511 Douglas st. , Omaha. Creston House , Main Street , Council Bluffs , Only Hotel in the City with Fire Escape , Electric Call Bells. Accommodation * rimt Clans , And Kale * Reasonable Max Mohn , Proprietor O. B. ALLEN , Over 2Vb. 12 Forth Main St. Maps , of cities and counties ESTABLISHED 1SC8 D. H. McDANELD & COMPANY , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , WOOL AND FURS. Highest Market Prices. Fromp Returns. 820 and 822 Mnin Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. E. S. BARNETT , Justice o ± the Peace , 416 Broadway , Council Bluft's. Refers to any bank or business house in the city. Collections a specialty. Finest Landaus Coaches and Hacks in City. WILLIAM WELCH , * " " OFFICES : No. 41S Broadway The Manhattan , Telephone No. 33 Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 9 LATEST NOVELTIES lu Amber , ToHoiseShell etc. , Hair On nnnicnts , na well as tiio newest nov elties in liair Hai.r niadcto order Gillette 29 Main St. , Council Ulufls , Iowa. Out of town work solicited , aud all mail orders promptly attended to. Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards , Broadway , Council llluHe , Opp Dummy Depot Horses and mules constantly on hand for sale at retail or in car load lots. Orders promptly filled by contract on short noflco , stock sold on conimissiou eho 114 , BHLUTJEB & ISo mpmy Depot , Counoi HARKNESS BROS. , 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. CLOSING OUT ALL Summer Dress Goods , White Goods ( ; a Parasols , Gloves , Mitts , Hosiery , Etc. , Etc. our * . STOOK : CARPETS , Are Large anil Well Selected Our Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best ; New Goods are arriving and invite inspection A FULL LINE OF CURTAIN DRAPERIES , SHADING ETC. , ETC , Work Done by Competent Workmen. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , N. B. Special attention given all orders by mail. BEST MAKES AND HIGHEST GRADES OP Pianos and Organs Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to call on us. . Instruuiciili 'fflined nnd Repaired. We never fall to give satlsfactlonr . Over 2O years' Experience In Piano und Organ Work. Swanson Music Co. No. 329 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa BECHTELE'S ' NEW HOTEL , Best $2.00 a day house in the west. LOCATION , THE BEST , FIRST CLASS TABLE , SAMPLE BOOHS au < J ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES ! llegular : Boarders : - : Eeduced : : Rates. NO. 336 & 338 Broadway , council Bluffs. No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. , . A C < mi LCTC A.SS Fancy and Staple Groceries Both Domestic and Foreign , BEST LIGHT LIVERY The Himst of driving horses alwuv ou baud aud for eulc by MASE WISE/ REAL ETATE , jt 3 Vacant Lots , Lands , City Tteildunces and Farms. Aero property lu western part ot city * i All bclllnir chtHp. Pt i\ \ § B R , P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Uoou 6 , over Officer A Putsy's Bank , Ulurif ,