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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt FRIDAY , AUGUST 26. 1887. TOE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Wheat Rules Comparatively Firm and Valuei Show Some Improvement. CORN REGAINS LOST GROUND. Nothing or Ot > nnp < | ucnco Doing In OU and I'rovlslons Tradlne In Cnttlo aml Hog * Active Gnnnral Quotation * . CHICAGOPUOIIUOB MAIIKKT. OIIICACIO , August 25. ( Special Telegram to the UKK.I Contrary to general expecta tions the wheat market ruled comparatively firm to-day nnd values show an improvement Instead of an anticipated further deprecia tion. The market opened weak on the ten dency developed yesterday afternoon , tlrst trades being on a basis ot C8X@ < * c for Sep tember , 70'fc ' for October ami 73'fo ' for De cember. September sold M8o lower and Oc tober was quoted at TOc and December at 73Yc. Private cables were received to the effect that considerable California wheat was being offered In Liverpool lUc above the mar ket , but that holders would not sell to repre sentatives of the clique for fear they would not tret their pay and the same spirit scorns to prevail In San Francisco as well , Judging from the effect of this Intelligence upon prlcen here and elsewhere to-day. As a disastrous consequence the forced sale of California wheat has been measurably discounted. At and around ftSQCOc In Chicago there Is a good snipping demand for milling and foreign ac counts , with carriers and elevator people forming a substantial .support and back ground. There was unusual activity in the local cash grain market to-day and carriers are competing pretty sharply for the limited quantity yet remaining In the city elevators. Western points shipment * thus far this week are 300,000 bushels In excess of last week at' d Atlantic ports clearances for throe Jays foot up 012,000 bushels. Millers also report an ac tive demand for Hour and western primary markets do not report a pressure ot wheat from Interior points. The doling range ot prices was practically at the outside. Fluctua tions were within moderate limits and at no tlma during the session was there an overplus of offerings. September ranged at ceMQGS&c and closed at CS QCHtfc. Oc- tlber ranged at 70Q70c and closed at TOjKc. December ranged at 7a , ' < c low and : ) # @ > { o high , closlnic at the top. The latter strungtn was duo to some extent to the firmness of corn ; which cereal led In speculative Inter * est. est.Corn regained the ground lost yesterday and sold strong at the extreme outside fig ures of the day. Receipts run along in about the same channel , being iieltber very heavy nor very light , and shipping Inquiry Is MI III- clently active to prevent an uncomfortable accumulation of stocks. There was a brisk and at times urgent speculation Inquiry for corn to-day and the next most notlcable feature was the dearth of offerings. Septem low and 4'c high , closing at 4'Jc. ' May onenod at 44J c , ranged at.44Xc low aud 45tgl5Xc high , closing at tlio outside. The market was active and buoyant throughout , with strong , concentrated buying and a tiood general demand. There was a continuation of yesterday's dullness and Inactivity in the speculative market for oats. Not enough was doing to hold the trading crowd together , and prices fluctuated narrowly , closing barely 3 c higher for the day. The firmness displayed was mainly In sympathy with the strength In corn. corn.The provision pit was again a quiet spot on the floor. In the cash product there was , however , more doing than for some time past , and ot green hams , sweet pickled hams and shoulders and cured bulk meats , rather free purchases were made for shipment , ( speculation , on the contrary , was slow as Well as featureless. Outside orders for deliv ery ahead were limited , and for professionals the changes In the market were too unimport ant to awaken any Interest. In a speculative way trade was only "so-so. " Prices aver aged easier than yesterday , but the depression witnessed was Insignificant , and ns com pared with yesterday the closings showed a decline of only 7)c on January pork and 2)ic on the different futures for lard and hott ribs. For ( September , the pivotal month , lard sold and closed at 8 < 5.40 < K6,42 } < and short ribs sold at S7.W7.92 ) } { . closing at 87.92X bid. October Urd was 5&7Kc higher and October short ribs 2 > { c uuder September. January , the leading winter future , closed at 112.30 for pork , 80.55 for lard and 50.27 for short ribs. CHICAGO L.IVK STOCK. CHICAGO , August 25. [ Special Telegram to the UKE.J CATTLE Trade was active with just a turn stronger on good , useful and ordinary run of fat cattlo. Monroe paid 85.25 for one lot and several others sold within a range of S4.'JOS : > .eo. Of course those are the top figures. Other natives , quality consid ered , sold equally well. Low grade Krass and common natives , such as have to compote pete with Texaus and rangers , sold on their merits , but no higher than heretofore. There were about 4,000 Texans and rangers amouK the fresh receipts , soiling about the same as heretofore. The mocker and feeder trade was active. Nativebutchers' block re mains dull at extremely low prices. Shipping steers , 1,350 to 1.500 Ibs , 84.10 @ 5.25 ; 1,200 to 1,850 Ibs , S.G5 : ! 4.75 ; 1)50 ) to 1,200 Ibs , 83.00@4.SO. Stackers and feeders , 82.00@3.B5 ; cows , bulls and mixed , S1.25 < $ 3.00lulk ; , 81.00CW.H5. Texas cattle and lu- dlau steers , 82.500j3.50. Wusturu rangurs , 27 cars , sold steady. lions Trade was active and prices steady when compared with the downturn of yester day. heavy sold at 85.25@5.30 , one or two lots at 85.35 , Good packing sorts , 85.10(3 ( 6.20 ; common packing sorts and grasserg , 84.WXif5.05. IUht sorts sold at $5.205.3u foi best and S4.'JO < 5.15 for common and gras.s- ' FINANUIAU NKW YOIIK , Aueust 25. [ Special Telegram to the UEK. I STOCKS The period of llqul datlon In stocks that has been going on In Now York for over a month has not passed way , and to-day witnessed the heaviest sell Ing of any day since the June panic. Con tinued Indefinite reports derogatory to tin standing of hull houses In Wall street have caused an uneasy feeling , and the suspension ot Orovestcen A Pell , with liabilities of 81 , 365,000 .ot which S 105,000 is due on the stool exchange , went far toward shattering wlia llttlo coulldcuce remained. The Now per bear pool , which has controlled the markel all week , were largo traders , and the deal men were the heaviest than on any preced Ing day this week. They sold everything 01 the list , and aald that the liquidation ol numerous small pools In fancies and wild cat properties must be made thorough , ant judging from the way these stocks came out the llttlo and big bull pools had n thorough Blmklnis up and undoubtedly met with heavj losses that will materially crlpplu them fo : some time to come. The short Interest wa coiihldorablr Increased on the bharp declines as thu sinall bears and Londoners were fro sellers. The Newport beam severed big line : of stocks to prevent the market from golni all to pieces aud took lu enormous prolita Reading was thu leading In activity and re cclvetl a heavy drubbing at the hands o liatnman. Northern 1'acllic Hold 105 shares 75 going at 53. The price broke 'ift and li ton minutes 25,000 ennrea changed bands The weakest slock on the Hit , undonewhlc did more to demorallr * the list tnan an other , was Missouri Pacific , which w left without support. Traders regard tup rt r.unt heavy Issue of Its bonds ai a menaci and prices declined 4. per cent , but qulckl ifctlledafevr cents. Lake Krle A Wester hroke 4K points on the selling ot 500 shaiei but rallied 3 points In short order. S. \ White said ] "The era of tyiiiK Is upon ui f ukt now. the stock nxchange seems rtatiy t rise to any lie that may be cast at It , with Ihe alertness of a trout to a tly. A f w week ilnce 1 ttougnt 1 law good .OU8 lot ni buying stocks and I said so. Now the money situation under the disbursements ot the treasuryseems to tno to be radically chang ing and aside from rbe market declining on lies 1 tlo not see any good reason for much lower prices. " The Vandurbllts and St. Paul and several other properties were but slightly affected by the break In Northern Pacific and Missouri 1'aclllc , and daring the last hour , when all the stories about the latter re- duclng Its dividend and the reported suit of the Missouri , Kansas A Texas against It for SSOJO,000 were denied by Insiders , there was B decided change for the better , and sharp rallies followed. Despite all the hammering nnd bear talk , the net declines ot the whole list were only moderate. Missouri Pacific led with 'Itf. Roadlnr. was 1'f lower. Texas 1'acllic and Missouri , Kansas A Texas IK , Omaha ! , ' { , Northwestern % , Western Union } ( , St. Paul V , Lackawanna V and Union Paelllc-V per cent. Oregon Transportation and Pacific Mall' were steady. The total sales were 310,709 sharos.agalnst 230,054 shares yesterday. QovKf.NMRNTS Government bonds were weak and heavy. YESTKflDAY'S QUOTATIONS. MONKY On call loaned from 5@1U r > or contrast loan 5 per cent , closed ollered at 4 per cunt PHIUB MERCANTILE PAPKH 6X@9 per cent. STKRLINO EXCIIANOK Dull , but Rteitdy and unclmugud at 4SUU for CO day bills , and 4S'J % for demand. PUODUCE MARKETS. August 25. Following quota tions are the a:30 : closing ttcures ; Flour Steady and unchanged. Wheat Opened , * c lower , rallied Kc. In fluenced partly by reported stormy weather In the northwest became steady and closed chlKher than yesterdaycash ; , iWVc ; Sep tember , 08 IMOc ; October,70iic. Corn Opened about the same as yester day's close , was firm and advanced and closed % c above yesterday ; cash , 4lVc ; Sep tember. 413-lOc ; October , 42c. Oats Quiet and steady , with no mate rial change ; cash , 24Xc : September , 24c ; May , UOJic. Rye-Steady at 44K@5c. t : . Uarley Steady ; September , 07c. Frlnin Timothy Seoa-82.26@2.27. Flax Seed 81.04. Whisky 81.10. Pork Kasy early , closing lower ; cash. 815.25@15.50 ; Octooor. 810.00 ; year , 811.05 ® 11.70 ; January , 812.27) ) iB ( 12.30. Lard Active and easier ; cash and Sep tember , S0.42J0.45 ; October , SH.45@fi.47K. Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , 85.45 5.50 ; short clear , 88.30C < S.35 ; short Jrlbs.J S7.BK@ ( 7.95. 7.95.Hutter Weak ; creamery , 17@24Hc ; dairy , Cheese Dull and weak ; full cream cheddars - dars , lO OJllc ; flats anil Young Ameri cas , 10 > QlUc. } KBKS Firm at 14X@15c. Hides Unchanged ; heavy trrcen hides. 7 > fc ; light do , 7J8c ; salted bull hides. Cc , green salted calf , 8XQ9c ; dry Hint , 12@ 13c ; dry calf , 12@l3c ; deacons 'Me each. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , SJ c ; No. 2 , 3c ; cakes , 4c. 4c.Receipts. . Shipments. Flour , bbls 21,000 0.000 Wheat , bu 53.000 209,000 Corn , bu 218,000 4 .ooo Oats , bu 254.0001 83,000 Rve , bu 4ooo 13.000 Uarloy , bu 50,000 10,000 New rork , August 25. Wheat Re ceipts , 036,000 ; exports. 348,000 ; spot lots & < fflWc lower and moderately active , closing steadier ; options opened X@Kc lower , later ruled stronger and rallied M ( % c , closing firm at about highest rates : ungraded red. 76 @SiHc ; No. 3 red , 77tfc ; No. 1 rod , nominal at 84c ; No , 2 red , Tfljfo In elevator , 6081c delivered ; Sljfc old do delivered ; September closing at 71c , Corn Spot lots JfOXo lower and moder ately active ; options opened weaK , later ad vanced ? s@Mc and closed firm ; re ceipts , 83.5UO ; exports , 00,000 ; unnradod , 4'JJi@5ic ; No. 3. 49fc in store , 50K@ . ' > oc , deliveredjSSXQ.W'i'e to arrive ; September closed at49Kc. Oats Shade higher ; receipts , 45,000 ; ex ports , 900 ; mixed western , 81@33c ; white western , 35@40c. Coffee Spotfalr ; Rio quiet at 820.00 ; op tions lower and less activu ; sales , 63,000 bags ; September , 817.35(318.10 ( ; October , 81 .15 18.30 : November , 818.2B@18.50 ; Decem ber , S18.25Q18.00 ; January , S1S.W(218,00. ; ( Petroleum Firm ; United , fll.ttfc. Kirgs Steady ; wesiein , 12l Xc. Pork Steady but quiet ; family mess quoted at $15.00@25.00 old ; 815.50315.75 new. Lard A shade lower and heavy ; western stram spot , SO.bO. Butter Quiet and about steady ; west ern , 2 @ 25c ; western creamery , VM&SM. Cheese Quiet and unchanged ; western , Minneapolis , August 25. Wheat- Market dull and Inactive ; No. 1 hard , old , cash , 72Kc ; September , 7ic } ; October , TOc ; No. 1 northern , cash or September , old , 7l } < c ; October , 04 ; No. 2 northern , old cash or September , 6'JKc ' ; October , G4c. On track ; old No. 1 hard , 74c ; No , 1 north ern , 73c ; No. 2 northern , 70c ; now No. 1 hard , 71c ; No. 1 northern , C9c ; No. 3 north ern. 05c. Flour More active ; patents , 84.00@4.20 ; bakers. 83.10 ( < 13.35. Receipt ! Wheat , 59,000 bu. Shipments Wheat , 20,000 bu ; flour , 20.25G bblf. bblf.St. St. LoulR , August 25. Wheat-Firm ; cash , 09 > f ; : September , C9 fc ; October , 71. Vc. Corn Strong ; cash , 39 < s40c ; September , 37Kc ; October , 38 c. Oats Firm ; cash , 24 (3 ( 24 J c ; September , October. 28fc. Wblsky-81.05. Pork-Steady at 815.00. Lard6.25. . Buttar Firm ; creamery , 24g37c ( ; dairy , 1G New Orleans. August 25. Corn quloi but steady ; In sacks , mixed , 54c ; white , OIC C 55u ; yellow , f > 5c. Oats steady and firm ; choice western , In sackn , 35 35Kc. Corn MeM-Qulet at 8X35. Host Products Dull and drooping. Pork-S15,37 > < . Lard-Ueiined tierce. 80.C2X. Uulk Moats Shoulders , V5.J5 ; long ckai aud clear rib , J8.12X- Olaalnnatl , August 25. Wheat Dull No. 2 red , 73c. Corn Moderate demand ; No. 8 mixed Oats Fair demand ; No. 3 mixed , " K4ye-Firm ; No. 2. 51i\ Pork-Quiet at 815.00. Lard In good demand at 16.40. Whisky-Steady at 81.05. Milwaukee. August 25. Wheat - Firm ; cash and September , CSc ; Oc tobur , 70.VC. Corn Steady ; No. 3 , 40 } < c. Oats Firm : No. 3 white,23 > < c. Rye Dull ; No. 1 , 47c. Uarloy Steady ; No. 3 , 67tfc. Provislous Steady ; mesa pork , Atuust 815.00. Kau.iia City , .fiuust 25-Wheat- Weakur ; No. 2 sott , 65 > c bid , GGc asked. Oi track , C7c. Corn-Stronger ; No. 2cash , 85Vc bid,35 % asked ; September , 36c ; year , 30 0 asked j May , 9c bid. 89 > < c asked. ' Iilverpoo ) , August 25-Wheat-QuIot holders offer freely ; red western wintenOaft u i 4d p r cental ; ted wMtern sprlug , da 1 (30 ( * 1M. Oorn Firm ; demand fair ; holders ofTe moderately ; ce\r mixed western , 4a 2 d pe c ntl. lava Tooif. . Aifuiill The rirorerVJout D I rotjoru as f ! ! : ' Cattla H * lfiu , .10,500 : iteadr to shad ' j 't&lfiiiii itttii , I8.wa5.23 1 and fwdero , 2.ooaa35 ; cows , - mixed. 81. ' .1.00 ; Texas cattle , S2.W ® 3.50 ; Montana Texan § . 83.aHg3.25. Hoes Receipts , 13.000 ; stronit ; rough and mixed , 84.75(35.10 ( ; packing and sblpolng , 85.15(35.35 ( ; light , 84.80Q5.30 ; skips , S3.2. ) ® 4.CO. Sheep Receipt * , 7.000 ; steady , for best , 8S. xauo ; common dull at sa.rxxSa-O0 : : west ern lower. 83.10Q3.75 ; Texani , 8'i"0 < a3.(0 ; lambs , 84.25g5.00. ( Nationnl Stock Yard * . Kant Ht. Louli , 111. , August 25. Cattle-Hecelnts , 1,100 ; shipments , 2,100 ; market strong ; fair to cholee heavy native steers. 84.00(34.90 ( ; butchers' steers , fair to choice , 83.40tf4.00 ; feeders , fair to good , (2.75(3 ( 3.50. 3.50.Hoes Rprelpte , 2ono : shipments. 100 ; market active and steady ; choice heavy and butchers' selections. 85.20(35.35 ( ; packers and Yorkers , medium to urline , 54.90(35.15 ( ; pigs , common to good , 84.40(34.05. ( Kaneai City , August 95. Cattle Receipts. 3,000 ; shipments , 4,000 ; corn- fed strong ; grass range strong and lOc higher ; good to cholco corn-fed 8 .20@4.75 ; common to medium , 83.50(31.10 ( ; stacker * , 83.002.CO ; feeding steers , S&70 < 3 B.25 ; cows , 81.40@2.05. liofs- Receipts , 4.000 ; shipments , 1.200 ; market strong and a Hhadn higher ; common to choice , 84.90@5,40 ; skips and plus , 83.00 ( a4.JO. ! ( OMAHA ItlVK STOCK. Thursday , August 25. Cattle. The run of cattle was very light to-day. The market was strong on good fat corn fed natives but slow on other grades. One very line bunch of cattle brought 84.57 % Butchers stock was slow and very little changed hands. There was not much doing In the the feeder market. Hone. The receipts of hogs was light again to day. The market opened strong at yester day's prices and was fairly active. Two loads of choice heavy hogs brought 5c more than anything yesterday but they wcru of better quality. The demand was Better than the supply and there was not cnoueh hogs to fill nil the orders. Good heavy hoes are In good demand and prices lirm but rough lighter or even course heavy are not In as good re quest. Sheep. There was nothing doing on the market Iteoelpu. Cattle , . 300 liogs . 2,400 Shipments. Cattle . * . . Scars 11 os a . 18 cars Prevailing Price * . Hhowlngthe prevailing urlces paid for live stock on this market : Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . . .84.10(94.35 ( Choice steers. 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . . 11.90 4.10 Fat little steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75WI.80 Corn-fed range steers 1200 to 1400 3.lofitVM Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.75(33.00 ( Common to medium cows . 2.00(32.50 ( Good to choice bulls . 1.7503.50 Light and medium heirs . 4.95ftf5.05 Good to choice heavy hoes . 5.101 5.25 Good to choice mixed hogs . 4.90&5.10 Representative Halo * . NATIVE 8TEEIIS COKV FED. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 18..1 ( 6 84.00 30. . . .1243 84.40 20..12W 4.12) ) 10. . . .1271 4.57)4 WKRTKnX BTEB11S COIIN FED. 37 . . .laW 83.70 ItUTCHKUS1 STOCK RTKKH8. 23. . . . b78 S2.75 21 . . . UJl 83.25 HULLS. 1..1570 81.00 81.00STOCKKUS. . 7. . . . 845 82.05 1..1090 83.00 1. . . . 820 2.C5 COWS. 1..1130 S1.25 4. . . . 002 52.50 CALVES. 13. . . . 333 83.00 BOOS. No. Av. 8hk. Pr. No. Av. Hhk. Pr St. . . . 200 100 S4.U2X 13. . . . 213 85.10 Lire Stock Sold. Showlngtbt ) number of head of stock sold on the market to-day : CATTLE. G. U. Hammond & Co . 140 Shippers . 90 Feeders . 48 Total. . ! . ITS lions. Anclo American Tacking Co . 140 G. ft. Hammond & Co . H'.il Armour & Co . 524 Squires & Co . 1090 Total . . . 2157 All sales ot stock in this market are made per owt. live weight unless otherwise srate.L . Uead hogs sell at Ko P ° r Ib. for all welghU "Skins , " or hogs weighing loss than 10J Ibs. no valuo. Pregnant sowsara dockuJ 40 IDs , and st aits 30 lln. by tlui imblio Inspector. Live Stock Notes. Hogs strong. Light run of stock. P. Unltt , So ward , markatnd hogs. Ed Gllmore , David City , was In with hogs. O. A. Johnson , Greenwood , was hero with nous. 85.2" was the top on hogs and S4.57K on cattle. James Long , Friend , was down looitlng for feeders. C. J. Ulam , Corley , la. , marketed a load of 15c hogs. John Lomke , Millard , was here and mar keted hogs. James Earloy , Wlntersot , la. , was In with two loads of hogs. E. M. Johnson , Charter Oak , la. , was here and marketed hogs. Fred Clarke , of Clarke Bros. , was a buyer on the cattle market. Mr. Newell , et C. II. Parmele , Plattsmouth , brought In a load of cattle. BK. C. Goodell was In and marketed twc loads ot 1242 Ib cattle at 84.40. Mr. Farnhara , Hlalr , was hero and mar keted two loads of little steers. O. Bureess , Weeping Water , marketed a load of 1232-lb cattle at 84.12K. J. J. Hall , Gibbon , came in with a load of hogs which sold on the market. E. C. Anderson , of Iowa , has accepted a position with Palmer , Richman < fc Co. W. E. Maley , Stanwood , la. , is the guesl of hi * brother , C. S. Maley , at the yards. David Anderson yesterday shipped 15 ( head of feeders to his placu at Columbus. Among those In with hogs was K. W. Black , Plattsmouth , who marketed ono load M. Half , San Antonio , stepped at the yards on his way to LuskVyo. \ . , where IK has cattlo. A. D. Kenyon came In with two loads ol feeders from Oskaloosa , la. , and will shi ] them to Dannebrog. O. A. Wolcott. Waterloo , was at the yards aud marketed two loads of I'-OJ lu cattle ol bis own footling nt 83.70. Judge Laramlc , of Laramle , Wyo. , a wel known ranchman , was hero looking eve the market preparatory to shipping In semi cattle. Mr. Kendall , of Kendall & Smith , Lincoln wan at the yards and marketed a load of 1271 Ib. Hereford steers of their own feeding a the top of the market for this season. Thi : cattle were shipped from Woodlawu , whew the lirm has a mill and feed yards. J. E , Spiers , Lyons , Neb. , was In to-da1 aud marketed 90 head of hogs of his owi breeding and feeding which averaged 37 Ibs. and topped the market. Mr. holers has ; section of Und near lown and has made i specialty of breeding line hogs , and has beei very successful , as the two loads marketei would prove. The following had stock on the market p. A. Hale. Newman's Grove ; O. J. Byaui Corley ; Askwle * Co. , Oakland ; JM. Cum mlnga.TaltaatTo ; . L. Willis-Madison ; M Klllner. Madjtoa : Hale < fc Way , Ord ; Janrlr llrois.NofUi LOUD ; Molqtoshifc S.Chapman E. P tys. JjbelBf ; Lobman A R. , .Waverly I SterllDK * " . . -Avoca : Doin A P. , Neola ; .A i JUeiUr , Ul ) r | U , A , : Wftleot > JiltooiuiMoi rls A 11. , Fremont ; John Dcrn , llonpcr ; Gnrdlnet A. A Co. , , DddBOJ F. Wlllott Albion ; D. Holsteln. Hcrlbncr : J.T. Clill- rnat , llowells ; I'latts L. S. Co. , Drokcn How. W. It. Saop A Co.Vllcox \ ; Allun A F. , OMAHA WUULKS.UjE MARKETS. 1'roiluoo. Thursday , August 25. Tlie follou'lny < tre./w / price * ( it u7ile/i / round lot of produce iirc sold on this iiinrlitt : The rains to-day caused the markets to be rather dull. Rocoluts were fair , but sales poor. A few turkeys were received and lound ready sales , altlmiuh the demand Is limited. Inquiry was nr.ulo for young ducks. This morning the price of eggs was 15c a itn/.en , hut In the afternoon they raised Ic. There Is still a demand for choice butter. Yesterday's prices on everything , except eggs , were steady. Several hundred pound cases of cheese were received. Watermelons were dead goods on the ham's ot dealers , and were almost unsalable at any price. Trie market Is full of second-class apples , but there Is very llttlo cholco stock. * Eons Scarce and prices lirm , go as soon as received at 14@15c. UuTTKit Choice is scarce , prices fair ; West Point creamery. 24c ; other creamery , ° 2c ; choice dairy , 18 < 20c : medium grades , 8@16c ; ordinary , 9@10c. CHKESE Market good. Fancy full cream heddars.slnitlo , 12cfull ; cream , twins , 12c ; oung Americas , 12x@13c ; brick cheese , lot ) bs In case , now , l"-Kc ; Llmburger , 100 Ibs In ASO , new , 13c ; Swiss , fancy Ohio , new Itfc. POUI.TKY Market fair , prices lirm. Spring hickens 81.7.XWJ.50 ; old lowls 32.50 3.25 ; ticks. 82.25@2.5 : turKoy.s , C7c per Ib. ( IAMB. There Is no came coming in , the weather being too warm to handle it , POTATOKS Searca and firm at C5@75c. CAIIUAOE Finn at 7.x : per dozen for solid cads. ONIONS Scarce and linn ; good stock , 90 ® 1.00 per bushel. MELONS Watermelons bring SS.OO@12.00 jor hundred ; cantelopos. 60@75c perdo * . TOMATOKS The local gardeners are sup- lying the market ut 75c@Sl.00 per bushel. CKLEIIY The demand Is not very heavy so arly In the season. Good stock suitable for eslnpmcnt is sold at 35@lOc per bunch. HKANS. Hand - picked navy beans TO quoted at 81.80@l.l 0 per bushel , and the ither grades are selling from that figure lown to 81.25. Poi-coiiN Choice for stands , 2 > - $ @ perlb. Fruit * . Onlcrs from the coiuifri/ requiring * e- cctcdittocknii'l extra care in packlwi can- lot nlwiius lie filial at the satnc prices noted fo the local trade for common stock. Thu supply of fruits to-day was made up or the most nart of crapes which are very bunriant. Although the weather In mi- avorablo there Is a very fair demand for California fruits and stocks are moving reely. PMJMS The receipts of plums are not as cavy as of other fruits from California , 'rices are lirm , good stock moving at SI.50 > or box. PHU.NKH The market Is well supplied with mtli the Gross and silver prunes. Good lock 81.50. I'KACHF.Saj-The market Is well supplied with vi-ry cholco stock from California. Choice stock is going at S1.50. GitAi'KS Thu supply of homo-crown and California crapes continues liberal. Califor- ila , Sl.OOper 20-lb box , ; home-grown , 4@5c per Ib. ' PKAHS-Callfornla .Harrietts , S3.253.50 ; ither varieties , S2.50 ( < t2.75 per Oox. LKMONS T.'io simply liberal , with fair de- nanu. Coinmon stock , S0.00@0.50 per casu ; choice , S7.0U7.50. Arri.KS The market Is almost bare and good stocu is very scarce. Choice apples ultabla for shipment are quoted at S'.i.25S4 53.50 per btil. OiiANons There arc a few good oranges on the market. Rodl , SG.50. HANANAS The market Is full of bananas it S1.50@3.00 per bunch. CRAM APPI.KS The demand Is very light and Is supplied for the most vart by thu lucal 'armers. Choice stock , $1.00 per bushel. Grocer's List. COFFEE Ordinary grades , 20X@21o ; fair. lH@22c ; prime , 22 < ir.J3c : fancy green and rellow , 2og25c ( ; old government Java. ' Oc ; Interior Java. 25 2Sc ; Mocha , 283 Arbuckle's , roasted , 20/c ; McLauchnu n XXXX , 20 > ic ; Dllwortlrs , 2Cc ; Red Cross , irt i s SUGAR Grantilated,6K@OKoconf.A,0 ; } @ , < c ; white extra C , S t SJic ; extra C , nKM jc ; yellow C , 5j @ 5 c ; cut loaf , 67c ; wwdered , 7@Ii'o CANNED ( loons Oysters , standard , per case , $3.00 ( 3.10 : strawberries , 2 It ) , per case. S2.85 2..K ) ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per casn , S'J.85 ® J.OO ; California pears , per caso. ? 4.50(34.00 ( ; apricots , nrr case , 83.70C < i3.75 ; peaches , per case , 84.GO@4.70 ; wlilto cherries , per case , 85.00 plums , per case , SS.OO@3.70 : blue- jerrles , uer case , 83.10@2.20 ; egg plums. 2 b. per case , S2.50 : pineapples , 2 Ib , per case. S3.20@5.75 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz. il.50 ; 1 Ib salmon , per doz , 8l.90Jil.05 : 2 Ib jooseberrics. percaso , 32.90(33.00 ( ; 21b string jeans , per case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , uer case , 81.00 ; 2 Ib marrowfat peas , per caset S2.40@3.50 ; 2 Ib early June p as. per case , 2.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , 82.40ftS2.50 ; 21bcoru , 2.5o. 1'ito VISIONS Hams , 13(213J ( c ; breakfas bacon. H@llKc : bacon sides 'JKi'rflOc ; dry salt , 8K@9c ; shonlilcrs,7@74/'cdried ! : boot liams , 12@Uic : dried beef regular , ll > 12c ; hams.plcnlc , 8 } < ( ( t c. DKIEU FBUITS Apples , now , # 's OJ ci evaporated , 50-lbring. 104l7J ( < fc ; raspberries , evaporated. 27@28c ; blackberries , evaporated , 9ffl9 c ; pitted cherries , 17@lSc : ueaches , now , X'n , 7) ) o ; evaporated peeled peacnuw , c ; evaporated , unpared , c : now currants , 7Ji@7Kc ; prunes , 4/4Kc ; : citron , 25c ; rai sins , London layers , 81.05 ; Calll'ornia , loose muscatels , 81.50 ; now Valencins , 7J < n. RuFiNKt ) LAUD Tierce. 0c ; 40-lb square cans , oc ; 50-lb round , t c20lb \ round , 7Kc ; 10-lb palls , 7Hc ; 5-lb palls , 7 c ; 3-lb palls , 7Jfc. 1'iCKi.r.S Medium , In bbls , SC.50 ; do In half bbls , 83.75 ; small , In bbls 87.50 ; do In half bbls , S4.25 ; gherkins , In bbls , $3.50 ; do lu halt bbls , 84.75. WoouENWAnE Two-hoop palls , per doz , 81.45 : 8-hoop palls , 81.70 ; No. 1 tub , 80.50 ; No. 2 tub , $5.50 ; No. 3 tub , Sl.50 ; wash boards , 81.75 : assorted bowls , 83.35 ; No. 1 churns , SU ; No. 2 churns , S3 ; No. 3 churns , TOIIACCO Lorlllard'sCllmax. 44c ; Splen did , 88c : .Mechanic's Delight , 41c : LegL'ett A Meyer's Star , 41c ; Cornerstone , 34c ; Drum- mond's Horse Shoe , 4lc ; T. J. , 37c ; Sore's Spearhead , 44c. STAIICH Mirror Gloss , 6 fc ; Graves Corn , 6c ; Oswego Gloss , 7c ; Osweco Corn. 7c. HitooMS-Extra 4-tle.I2.CO ; No. 1,83.00 ; No. 2,81.75 ; heavy stable , S4 Svnup-No. 70 , 4-galIon koRS. 81.35@1.3S ; New Orleans , -per gallon. ii8 < $46c ; manlo syrup , half Ibbs , "old time , " per Ballon , 80c ; 1-gallon can , per doz , 810.50 ; halfallou cans , per doz , (3.00 ( : nnart cans , S3.25. CANDY Mixed , 8Kllc ; stick , 8K@OXc. CBACKEIIS Garneau's soda , butter and picnic , 4Kc ; creams , 7 , > < c ; ginger snaps , 7Kc ; city soda , 7Kc. TEAH Japan , 20 ( < { 55c ; gunpowder , 20@COc ; Younz Hyson. 35 ( < ' J > > c1 ; Oolong , 20@60c. JEl.l.IES-30-lb p'alls , 82.00. KopK-Soven-slxteunths nch , lie. General Market * . SFIKITS Cologne spirits , ibtt proof , 81.10 ; do 101 proof , 81.12 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof. 81.10 ; do IBs proof , 81.09. Alcohol. lb proof , 93.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled whiskies , 81.00C41.50. Gin blended. 81.53 ® 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , 83.00(30.00 ( ; Ron- tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.00(10.50 ( ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , 81.50(33.00. ( Brandies , Imported , S5.XK3i.50 ( ! ; domestic , 81.30 .00. Gins , Imported. 84.50(7 ( $ 6.00 ; domestic , 81.25 < ! t't.OO. Champagnes , im ported , per case , SiS.WX333.00 ; American , per case. 810.0Wc9lfi.OO. > , COAL-EBK. SSI.OO ; nut , 89.25 ; rancre , S9.35 ; lo wa lump , 3.00 ; Io\Va nut , 83,75 ; walnut lock , 3.00 ; Illinois1. $4.25(34.75. ( HEAVT HARuwAitE-lron , rate , 83.70 ; plow steel , special cast , 4'Cc ; crucible steel , 6 , ' c ; cast tooli. do , liWl/x / ; ; wajon spokes , per Bet , 83.00@3.50 ; hubs , per set , 81.35 ; fel lees , sawed dry , SI. CO ; tongues , each , Mc ) ; axles , each , 7lc ; square nntB. per Ib , C@7c ; cell chain , per Ib , C ) ( § 13c ; malleable , tiCtjinc ; Iron wedges , Co ; crowbars , Co : harrow l etb , 4Vc ; nprmg steel , 4(35c ( ; Uardeu'H liorse shoes , § 4.75 ; Uurden's mule iihoe.s. 85.75. BarDed wire' In car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron nails , rates , lo to 60 83.40 ; stool nails , 83.50. HiDF.a Green butchers' , SXQOc ; green cured. 7tfc ; dry flint , lie ; dry salt , Uc ; green calf skim , 7c ; damaeed hides , two-thirds price. Tallow 3c. Grease Prime white. 8c : yellow , a ; brown , iKc. Sheep pelts , 25@ 40c * Dry Good * . COTTON FI.AHHEI.S 10 p r cent tr de dls ; cbunt-LL. 0 c ; CO. 7 > tfc ; 8S , Bl/os EE .9Wc ; GO , JOWc ; XX , 12c ; OO , 14c ; NN , I6c , KX. I8c ; jiTeoc ; NO. 10. svc ; 40 , lOHc : 60- i 3Q , , colored , tOcao , colored , I2c ; 70 , colored , 15c ; Bristol , 13Kc ; Union 1'aclllc. 18c. * CAHPKT WAnr-BIbb white , 18KC5 col ored , iioXc. BATTs-Standard , 8c ; Gem , He ; Beauty , 12i < c ; Boonc , Ho ; 13 , cased , 80.50. iMiiNTs Soi.inlCoi.oii' " AtlantafiXc : Sla ter 6c ; Berlin Oil CHc ; Oarner Oil Cto7. PINK AND HOIIKS Richmond C > c ; Allenfic ; Ulver- point TH ; ; Stool lUverCGilllcnmondGc ; Pacific CKc. iNDiooBi.ur. Washington Cc ! Ameri can Ct'c ; Arnold 0Wc ; Arnold B lOXc ; Arnold A 12c ; Arnold Goldseal 10c. DUKSS Char ter O k4Xc ; Hamapo We ; LodMKc : Allen 5 ; < c : Ulchmnnd 5Kc ; Windsor Cc ; Eddystone fie ; Paciiic Cc. GINOHAMPlunkett checks 7Vc ; Whltten- ton 7/e , ; York 7l/c ; Normandle Dress 8Vc ; Calcutta Dress 8' < c : Whlttenton Drcs ? l > e ; Uonfruw Dress Do to 12 < < c ; CAMnitic8-Slater4Jfc ; Woods 4Xc ; Stan dard 4 } < c ; Peacock 4We. COIISKT JEANS Androscoggin 7.Uc ; Kear- sago 7\'c ; HockportOfc ; Concstoga C4'c. DUCK Went Point 2U ln..8oz. . lOHo : West Point ! H In. . 10 oz. , l2Xc ; West Point 29 In. , 12 oz. . 15c ; West Point 40 In. . 11 oz. , ICc. Checks-Caledonia X. I'Kc ' ; Caledonia XX , lUWc ; Economy 9 to * ) c ; Otis 0 to 9Xc. TICKS l.KWlstonJW In. , 13Xc ; Lowlston 3-3 In. . 13Wcork ; S3 In. , 14c ; Swift Klver 7S'c ; Thorndlke O O , 8Vc ; Thorndlko E F.HKc ; Thorndlke 120. rfc : Thorndlke XXX , 15c ; Cord Is No. 6ui c : Cordls No. 4 , He. DE.NIMB Amoskcag Ooz. , 1M : Kverott 7 oz. , 13c ; York 7oz. , ISc ; Haymaker 8K" ' . ' 'aff- ' rey XX. HHc : Jaffrey XXX , 12Xc ; Beaver Creek AA. 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , He ; Beaver Creek CC , lOc. KENTUCKY JEANS Memorial 15c ; Canton 18c ; Durham 'J7Kc ; Hercules 18c ; Leaming ton i Xc ; Cells weld 35c. CrtAHii Slevoiis' B Cc ; blenched 7c ; Sto- venB1 A 7Kc ; bleached 8Hc ; Stevens' P 8 } < c ; bleached OKc ; Stevens' N O c ; bleached lOWc ; SteveiiB' S HT laVc. MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth 82.M ; plain Holland 8Kc to PC ; Dado Holland 12H'c. FLANNELS Piald Haftsman 20c ; Goshen 33Kc ; Cli > ar Lake 32fc : Mapln City 3GS'c. Whlto-G. 11. No. 2. JX. 21c ; ( } . U. No. 1 , Jf , S7Xc ; B. II. No. 2 , jtf , iBXc ; B. U. No. 1 , 5 ( . 30c : Quecheo No. 1. f , 4''c ; Ouecheo No. 2 , 587Uc ; Ouechee No. 3. , ; J3Xc ; Anawan l Xc ; Windsor 3Kc. Ked-C. 34 Inch , l5Kc ; E , 34 Inch , 31c ; GO , 24 Inch. 18c ; II. A. 25c ; J. K. F. , Jf , 37k'c ; ( ! . , 5f , 35c. COMFOI'.TEltS 80.50 ® 35.00. BLANKBTs-Whltc , Sl.00@7.50 ; colored , 81.10ftJ8.00. BHOWN SIIKETINOS Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 c ; Atlantic. 11. 4-4 , To ; Allan tic 1) , 4-4 , 0)ic ) : At lantic P. 4-4. 5 > fc : Aurora LL. 4-4. 5Jic ; Aurora C , 4-4 , 4 o\ \ Crown XXX , 4-4 , C ! < c ; Uoosler LL , 4-4 , 5 c ; Indian Head , 4-4 " Lawrence LL. 4-4 , 5J c ; Old Dominion , - , 5Kc : Peppcrell II , 4-4 CKc ; Peppereil 0,4-4 , Cc ; Peppcroll , 8-4. ICc ; Pepperell. 9-4 , 18c : Pepp roll , 10-4. 20c ; Utica C. 4-4 4c ; Wachusctt , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora 11 , 4-4 , C c ; Aurora B , 4-4 , Cc. BLEACHED SHEKTINO Berkeley cambric , No. CO. OJic ; Best Yet , 4-4 , Ce ; butter cloth OO,4 > 4'c ; Cabot , 7HcFarw tll , 8c : Fruit of Loom , 8jfc ; Greene G. Cc ; Hope , 7Hc ; King Phillip cambric. He ; Lonsdale , ll c ; Lons- dale , 8Kc : New York mills , lOWc ; Papperell , 42 inch , lOHc : Pepperell , 4G Inch , like ; Pep perell , C-4 , 15c ; Pepperell , 8-4 , 18c : Pepperell , 0-4 , 20c ; Pepperell. 10-4 , 'JS ci Canton. 4-4 , 8 > fc ; Canton , 4-4 , 9 > < c5 Triumph , Cc ; Wam- sutta , He ; Valley. 5c. Dry Liiiiuber. DIMENSIONS AN1 TIMIIEIIS. HOAItDS. No. 1 , com. s 1 8 518.00 No. 2 , coin , sis 817.00 No. 3 , 815,50 No. 4 , 813.00 FENCIXO. No. 1.4 &Gin , 12&14 tt , rough 819.M ) No. 1 , " " 10 " " 19.50 No.2 , " ' 12&14" " 10.00 No. 2 , " " 10 " " 17.50 SIDl.Vfl. A. 12. 14 and 10 ft. 821.50 C , 815.60 B. 20.50 1) , 12.50 CEII.INO AND I'AUTITION. 1st com , f in White Pine Celling 834.00 2nd " " " " " 28.00 Clear , ; V in. Norway " " 10.00 2udcoui. ? BMn. " " " 14.00 FLOOHINO. A C In. White Pine 35.50 C , 829.50 B 33.50 D , 21.00 E " " " ( Sel. Fencing.17.00 ) STOCK IIOAI1DS. A12 inch s. Is 845.50 No. 1 , com. 12 in. s. 1 s. , 12 ft 20.50 " " " " 14 tt 19.00 " " " " 10 ft 18.50 No. 2 , " " " 19.00 " 10 tt 17.50 Inch Grooved Rooting 81.00 per M more than 12 inch Stock Boards sarno length , sun * LAP. No. 1 Plain. 8 & 10 in $19.50 No.a " 17.50 No. 1 , O. G. , 8 lu 19.50 FINISH i.vo. 1st and 2nd , clear , 1,1 Inch , . 2s 850.50 3d , clear , 1 Inch , s. 2 s. , 45.50 " " 1 , IH.ain 40.50 A select , 1 inch , s. 2 s. . 40.00 " " 1i } , 1V ' { . 21n 44.00 B " 1 fncl'i , s. 2 s. , 30.00 " " 1)4 ) , Di , 2 In 37.00 SOUTHF.HN YELLOW PIKE. Com.4&Cin. Flooring 817.50 Star " " 21.50 Clear % In. Celling 21.50 " Ji lu. Partition ar.00 " Finish , 1 & Ik In. R.3 s 29.00 " Corrugated Celling , 4 In 25.00 " Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . 27.00 I'OPLAH LUMIIKIl. Clear Poplar , 15x. Bds. % In. , s. 2 s..835.20 " M In. Panel , s. a s 27.00 " " Corrugati'il Ceiling , ; < . . 28.50 11ATTENS , WELL TUI11NO , PICKETS. O. G. Bates , 2K in 800.75 Kx3 in. 8.1s 0(1.45 ( In Well Tubing. 1) & M and Bev. . . . . 23.00 Pickets , D. & 11. Flat 20.50 " " . Square .21.00 SIIIKOLES. LATH. XXclear , .83.10 Kxtra * A * 82.90 * A Standard * . . 2.75 * AI1B&B 2.55 C in. clear No 1. . 1.50 Lath 51.05 POSTS. White cedar , C In. , s. , Wo ; 9 In. qrs. , He ; 8 in. ors. , 10c4 ; in. round 15c ; Teniiesseo Red Cedar , opltt , 15c ; Split Oak , 12c. I.IME , ETC. Qulncy white luno. ( best ) 90c ; Akron cement , 81.75 ; Hair , 30c ; Plaster. 82.75 ; Tar board , 81.75 ; Sash , 40c per ct. ; Doors. 40c per ct. ; Blinds , 40c per ct. ; Mouldlncs , 40o per ct. ; Tar felt , per cwt , 82.25 ; Straw board , 81.75. antljr nir.dInthrtt nonUil. Rrtlot p > m kltl c. tUm i * Sinden Ekctrio Co. IC9 LiSilicst. , Ohiesja SCIENTIFIC GLUCX & WILKINSON. RUPTURE CURED Ily Dr. Snodlkor's method. No operation ; no pain ; nodctuntlon from business. Ailuptuil to vhllilrcn us well us grown people. Hundreds of iiutogruph tnstlmomaU on Illo. All business strictly contldcntlal. Consultation free. PROP. N. D. COOK oem 0 , 1614 Douglat St < , Omaha , Neb. V ARICOCELE ! a Ji" : cases cured. No knllc , drups or clamps used. Add. V. O. Supply Co Uox7l'G St. l.oula.llo. UnionTrustCo iiOS. I5lhst.,0ninlia . Capital , $300 , 000 L.OUIII Itlaclc un Real r.tate. School , County anil iMunicipal lionils Ne \VM. A. PAXTOM , WM. 0. Muu Preiiiienu- Vlc I'rea. ROBT. L. OAKI.ICIIS , F. O. JOHNSON , Eecretnrj. Truaiurir. , DIHKCTOH3 : WM. A.FAXTOK , . lUNiir T. CLARKC. W. < 3. MAUL. . - , .1. \Viij.iAiaq. . ' UOBT. L. QAat-icnx. s. It : JoiiNsox. . . -F , a. JOUHBOM , , . . . ' . " OHM JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements. CHURCHILL PARKER , WhaliUUPcaUrl * Agricultural Implements , , CrrrlMCt nd Bunl s. Jones tr U bctvcao Vtb unUlOth , Omaha , Mat , LININGER ci > METCALF cot Agricultural Implements , Wa.iims.CarrlMPS , rtuttlM , te. , Whol a.l > , Oimha. PARL1NORENDORV& MARTIN Wholesale IXalers la Agricultural Implements , IT ons and Buinlei. Ml. W , WX1 and w ; , Janti it Artists' Material. A. HOSPE , JR. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 IHjOflll Ptr t , Omaha. Builders' Hard mart nnd 5cali $ . HIMEBAUGH& TAYLOR , Bnilders'Hardware A Sea le Repair Shop lltchtnlca' Tool ! and Buffalo Sfalts. 1(0 * Donf las it , Oajaha. Nth. Books and Stationery. A. T. KENYON cfl CO. , WhotaJalo niul Reltll Hooksollora and Stationers , 1522 Douglas At. , Omaha , Not ) . Telephone tOI. Corrrxpotulonrn Boott and Sheet. w. r. MORSE e co. Jobberi of Boots and Shoes. Ull Farnam tt. , Omaha , N h. Uanafactor ; , Buram strxt. llollon. X. T. LISJtSMl' ,1) ) CO. , Wholesale Rubber Hoots and Shoos llubuer and Oiled Clotlimir and Kelt Hoots and Phoci. 1111 Ilimu'v Strf-rt. Beer. STORZ P ILER , Ltjrer Beer Brewers , lirt North ISth Strift. Omaha. M b. Butchers' Teolt. LOUIS HELLER , Butchers' Tools and Supplies , Jausaf * Casings or all klndi always In stota. 1111 Jeans ll.Omaha Ceffee , Spices , Etc. Omaha Coffee and Splee Mills. TMs.Oorfts,8plees , Baking Powder. FluTOrtngl tract * , Launirr nlu . Ink. Bte. U14-IA Uanur Street , Omaha , N * . Cernict. l AGLECO NicEWORKS John Epancter , Prop. Maomfaetmrcr or OalTaalied Iron an * Cera I * * . IK > d * and IM aad Ut N. 1Mb it. . Oasaka. Nab. RUEMP1NG cC BOLTE , Manufacturers ot Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Windows , Klnals.llelallcBkjllght , * tc. 319 B. nth it. . Omaha. _ _ WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Spc-cht , Prop. Gnlrnnlitd Iron Cornices , etc. Bpect's Improved lat ent tlptiille Nkyllght. ( OB and 610 B , Hll > M. . Omaha. Carpets. Jobbers of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Mnolmimi , Mattings. Etc. 1111 Douflai atreet. Crockery and Notions. WRIGHT Agent for 'he Mauufacturen and Importer * of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , etc. OHce , Jl" Bouth 18th it. Ouiaba , Neb. CLOTHING M. ELGUITER'S Mammoth Clothing House. Corner Karnum and Tenth BtreuH , umaha. Neb. Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing : . Batter , Erifsand Produce. Conilgnmeoti solicited. Uomlqu > rUrs for Htonttwar * . Iterrr Bolts and Uraoe Baikeu. lilt UedgestreetOaaba. RIDJtELL < C RIDDELL , Stora o and Commission Merchants , tpecUluos-Uimer. KRKS. Cbeeso , 1'o.iltry , Uame , Outers , etc. , etc. 1L1B. lith BL FEYCKE BROS. , Commission Uerehants. FnrtU , rrodvcp and ProTlilons. Omaba , Neb. " WIEDEMAJf & CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , HulUr , Qnme , Kiults , etc. XM H. Utbit Omaha. Neb. Coal ancf Lime. Qio. v. tiAiixan. Prcs. C. F.aoontiAN , V.Pies. J. A. SUNDEKLAHD , Seo. and Trent ) . COAL , COKE .9 LfME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 309 Routn Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb. J. J. JOliXHOlf if : CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , And tfhtppttrn of C'niil and Coke , Cement , I'luster , Ume. Hilr , Flro nrlck , Iirnln. Tile ami H mur Plpo. Offioo. Pniton Ilotdl. fsrukm ft. , Oiuaha , N b. Telopnonf * 11. C/gart and Tobacco. MAX MEYER ( C CO. , Jobbers of Clears , Tobacco. Guna and Ammunition , 5Ii toM3 8. llth St. , 10M to 1IR4 rarnamst..Om haNeb. WEST & FRITSCHER , Vanufaeturers of Fine And Wholesale Dealers In Leaf Tobaccoi , No * . IN anil 110 N. Uth stieet. Omaha. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH < C CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing : Goods & Notions 1IU7 and 1104 loul > s , eor. Uth St. , Omaha , Nfb. Distillert. blitllYen of Liquors , Alrobnl und Spirits. Importers anil Jobbers of Wines anil Liquors. WILLO W SVRINGS DISTILLE' CO. and ILER J& CO. , Importers and Jobbortof Fine Wines and Mqnon. Balemanufioturersof Xenuiidr's Knst India Ull- Urs anit Domesile Mqnors. 1112 Hirnty Ht. Furniture. & STOXE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. Farnnm ttOmaha. . Neb. CHA11LES Furniture , Bedding , UphoUtery , Minors , etc. HOH.1K3 and IMP rarnam t. . Omaba. GroctrltK , I'AXTON , GALLAGHER .6 CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Nos. 106,707,7W aud Til S. IWIi at , Omaba. Neb. McCORD , .H.KADJf Jc CO. , Wholexalo Urocern , Jfm and Ie TenifOrUi sts.OiuaaA. Hardware. LEK , FRIED < K CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sae t Iron , Hie. AfnoH for llnwa c U , anit Mlaral PuwlerCo. Onuhi.Nfh. W. J. JBROATCU , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Bprl ES , Wagon Block , Uail ar Lumber , u. 1391 apill''ll lUrnr.- . , Omnhs. _ EONEY , R GJTtBOy , Wholesjtle Iron au4 Steel , W on and Carriti : * Wood Sto > , Hciry Uardwara , f 1C. 11H ac < l f jA'aY awe ii t | . , Oirjulu , He > . Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , MaBU s'aral , ilr M < J09 i. Uai'aaA UtS fama ; . . atrest. OMAHA JOBBERS' ' DIRECTOR ! Iron Work * . VIERLINQ Iron Works , Wr nikt nd Cut Iron Building Work. Iron Slulr * Milling , BfiKin ml ( llnlori. linm ltn ln r , llrmu WorMlon rl ttjndrj , Unckli * n niickimlM Uork. omc lWorkt.D. P. nr. n < 117th Hffi. U. K , SAWYER , Alnnufanturinjr Dealer In SiuokeStackg , Urltvblngi , Tnnk" . tnd Orncral Bailer lloptlrlnf , m > oil lrfct.t > m li . r. It. MCMANUS. OMAHA WIRE , C IRON WORKS , Mtnufgcturon ot I ro tnd Iron RalllncrH , Dcek Rails , Window Uu f . Klowkr 8t J . Wlr * Pltnt , ! 1MM. ICtk. Order , by i ll promptly lUnMlt . Lumber , _ OMAHA TXTMRER CO" , UetlarU AIIKIidtof Building1 Material at " " LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sath , DOOM , KM. T rJi-Corn rTth and Dou Ui | CornM ttb pil _ CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , 114 S. lllh itrctt. Om k , N b. r. Colp U r. M ti a ' C. N. DIETZ , Lumber. _ 1Kb H OUIforaU ftnttt , Omohm , Nik. fRED W. GRAY , Ln mber , Lime , Cemeat , Ete. , Etc. HOAGLAND , Lumber. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Offlee , 1 U rarnam street , Omaha. " COAS , R. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpets ted Parquet Flooring. Mb and Doailii JOHN A7WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Ete. bsvorUd aid America * Portland Cement BUM Aieat trMllwa ee jtranlie Cement and De * < JmlacT WkUeLlnie. Lire Stock. UNIONSTOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. Joka r. Bajd , 8 p rlnt ndBt. Lire Stack Commission. C. K. I'ALMKIt. N. p. IlICnMAN. J. II. PALMER , R1CHMAN tC CO. , Live Stock Coininlxsfon JWct c7i < mf > , OIBce Hoom 21. Opposite Kiohnnito UulldlDgl Union Block Yanli. Bouth Omaha , Nob. ' ' MCCOY XROS' Live Stock Commission Merchants. Market furnlnhed free rnippllcatlnn. Btocken 4 fpedrri furnlibed on nooit ttrmii. lter r ( > ie ( Oiniliii Nmioniil llmk : ncl Houtk OnithH N UcB I U lu Stock Yurdl , Sniitli Omaha. \ M. BURKE Jt SONS , Live Stock Commission. _ , Oeo. Ilurke , U niRr. Union Btotk Y rdiB. Omaha. Telephone NO. GRKKti , Live Stock CommiKsion llerchantB , EUpmenti of any and all klndi or Slock tollotud. g _ Union Stock YarJi. Omaha , Neb. Milliner/ and fnt/ons. lmport r ami Jobber ! of Millinery and Notions , HIS and 1211 llarnor St.'Oet. Omaha , Neb. Notions. J. T. ROBINSON NOTIONCO. . , Wboltsale Dealer ! In Notions and Kurnisliiugr Goods , IH and < 0i B. Tenth St. . Omaha. Overall * . CANflELDCOMPANY COMPANY , Mannfacturera of Overalls , leaai Fanti , Sblrtt , Kto. 110 ] and 1104 Uouglag Street Omaka , Nek. CARPENTER PA PER CO. , Wholesale Pajier Dealers. Carry a nice tock of 1'Mntlnit , Wrapping and Writ Ingpapcr. Bperlal attention Rlren in car loader orderi. wh eh will he ihlppe.1 . rtlrnct from inlllj. All orden will recelre penunal nttentlon. Weguar' ? ' " food Boodl and low price * . Ull and 11111 Printing. TINa Job rrinters , Wank Book Makers , Anil Book binder * . 1M aud 1M ( Boulli Fourteenth itreet.Omnlm.Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers In Type. I'reisei and Printers'Supplies. CM Bouth Twelfth Street. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittiuffs , Bteumind Water HupnllDi. lUaduumteri for Mart Fo tCn'i Uoodi. Till 1'urnaru it. . Uuj ha. Neb. i U. S. WIND ENGINE mid PUMP COMPANY. Hulladar Wind Mills ; nteam and \Vhler Ruppllw ; I'lumblni Goods , lulling , lint * . ilB and WU f r caoi st. , Omaba. B. K. Fulton , Maunuur. Tulrpluine No.lilt ) . A. L. STRANG Co7 Pumps , Pipea and Engines , Steam , Water , Railway and Milling Supplies. KM no , * 22andK4 Karnam St.Ooiaha , neb. _ JtROWNEl.L < C CO. , Manufacturer ! and Dealers In , Boiliiraft.General . Madilnery Hbeot Iron work , Bteaos Punp . Saw Mills , Acme IkafllsiDaige Woo4i m r-atlojs , Helling , ele. Alsewageai , serapen.aada aleiles. UU-Ulli > Teuwortbst. Omaha Rubber Goods. OMAHA ItUBIlEii CO. , Manufacturer and Dealers In all klndi of Knljbur d'ootlH , Oil Clothlne HIK ! l.ruilirr llnlllne , IW ( I'ninim fit. Safes. Etc. . . _ t fv P. . . . . . . . Agents for .Hall'a Safe & Jjuck Co.a * fire and llumiar Proof Safui , Tltuo Ixickt , Vault ! _ and JMl Wor * . 10W Varimm lr et Oiinlin. hb. _ G. AND RE EN , Omaha Safn WorkH. UinufailurFnof r'lreand Ilork'lor I'riiufS ( fi , Vaall Uoort , Jail Vfcirk,8huti ra nm ! Wlro Work. Cor. ' Uth and Jackson Bis. , Omaha , No b. Sath , Doors , Etc. M. A. DISBROW .C CO. , Wholesale Manuf Mur r of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldlnr5 , Hranch omce,17th aud luril itt.Omr.he.- . BO UN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Peers , Blinds , Unuldijigs.RtalrWbrkund Interior Hani Wood rialstl Jnsl ui > u 4. N. K.cor. Ith and 1/uircuvM/rlhBll. Omalia , Neb. J. B. HAYNES ifc 3 OKK1CUL STENOGRAPHER TJIIUJ ) JUDIQ1AL DISTBlCT , ' ' Commi-rco. " '