Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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AdvrrtlfcinontB tmdor tills head , 10 contn po
Ino lor the first Insertion , 7 icnts for each uu
Anqliftit Insertion. and tl.tVUn line per mo nth
ho ndvcrtl'nmcnt tnkcn for leMtUHtiM ccnta
Tor Uie lliet Insertion. Boven words wll H >
counted to the Hii' ) ' . they must run ronsecu-
lively and mint ne nnld In advance. All ndvcr-
tlfemcntK muM bo handed In before 1 : : o'cloc
p. in. , neil under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or die-continued by tolephonn.
1'artinf nnvprtiMnn inthrforoMimn and nay.
Inif thn answer * nddrcsfod In csro of Tnr n
will tiloHFoaak for n check to enabln thorn tnpet nonn will be dollvereil Mccot
on iiro'onlatlnn of chock. All ans word to advor
tifomontd should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All nilvcrtli otnoiils In there columns itro pub
lished In liotli moriilnu nnd evening editions
ofTlir. HIK : , the circulation of wlilch nrero-
nates more tlmn 14.000 pnpein dully , nnd Rlvp *
tint advurtlvirs the benefit , nut only of the city
circulation of TIIK HKE. but nlw of Council
Illntrs. Lincoln nnd nthor rllles nnd towns
hroiigliotit tlila part of Ilin west.
1,000,000 to loan Cole , 318 8. ICth.
Wo lonn money on improved property
MONKY nny dtslrtd nmount at low rntos
nf Intsrest. to run from two to ten year * time.
Btotts , Cox & Houston , IMJTSJJjiriiani < M
NI1Y To Innn nt 0 per cent , I'ntti r > on
llrop. , 1Mb street , op. P. O. ! CS
J0/'flO TO LOAN nt6 per cent. Llnnhan it
Mnlioimy , 1TO' ' 1'nrimni. 038
NT Money.
It. C. 1'nttorfon. 15tti nnd Hnrnoy. K9 !
. . . . . . . . lo loan on real relate. No delay
Harris 8ump on , 151(1 ( Douglas Bt. 640
ONKY"1O LOAN O F Davis Co. , rca
estate and loan agents , 1W5 I'arnam U
, to loan in nny nmount at lowest rate
$500rjOO . 11. U. Irey. Tren/or block. ! H)7 )
600,0o6 To loan on Omaha city property all
$ per cent. O. W. Day , B. o. cor. Kx. tlld.
ONIIV TO LOAN On cltv anil farm prop-
eity at low rates. No delay , C hn-v Wool-
ley , 1322 r'arnam St.
ONKY to loan lo parties wl hltiiTto bullJ.
8. B. Campbell , U10 B Iflth et , Chamber of
Cotnmorco. " "
ONUY To loan. Lowest niton. No delay.
.1. L. Hlco i. Co. , over Comracicliil Na
tional bank. 257
to loan , cosb on delay.
MONEY . and r. Ii. Squire , 1413 Farnam St. .
Faxton hotel bulldlnir. ' 4I
ONKY TO LOAN on Improvnd city prop
erty In sumo of fl.CntOto (5,000 utnUpor
cent Interott. SliolcsA , Crumb. 64.r
ONl'.Y ' 1O LOAN on imnrovrd real estate ;
no commission cbanrod. Leavltt lluru-
hnm , lloom 1 Crolghton HlucV fi4S
T\I ONKY In sums of JMO anil \or > to loan nt
I'l low rates , ltus > sell &llarrottai'J B llilb HI.
ONl'.Y TO LOAN-On city property In
sums of 1500 and upwards at lowest rates.
' Money always on band. B. B. Campbell. 310
Boulli Sixteenth street. 047
rr\O LOAN Money J.otiia placed on iin-
JL proved real estate In city or county for
Now England Loan A Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. 16lh and Chicago Mi. 649
ONKY LOANKDat C. f. Keod & Co/s Loan
Office , on furnlturo , piano * , liorRcs.waKOus ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. 819 B. Uth.
over HlnRliam s Commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. CM
MONKY loaned on furniture , pianos , onrana ,
hoiscs , otalow rates. J. J.Wilkinson iCo. .
1824 Karnam , o\cr Hurllngton ticket ollico. 467
MONKY TO LOAN-bytho nndorsiRnert , who
bas tbo only properly oriranlred loan
af ency In Omaha. Luang of HO to f 100 made
on furniture , pianos , organs , borios , wagons ,
Machinery , Ac. without romoval. No < lola > s.
All buslnoM strictly confidential. Loans co
made that any part can bopald at any Ime.each
payment reducing the cost pro rnta. Advances
mad on flno watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully .consider who they are dealing
with , DS many new concerns are dally comlnif
mtn existence. Should you need money call
and see me. W. R Croft , Itoom i WUbnell
Bulldlnf 15tb nnd Ilnmey. 651
milE OMAHA Financial Exchange.
- * - * * "V , corner of llarney and 15th sts. ,
over elate National bank.
1 prepared to make short time loans on any
BTallabl. iocurity.
Lonnsmnde on chattels , collateral or r al
Lonp time loans mnd on Improved rtal citato
t current rates.
Purchase money morticnsres noffotlated.
Pfcnrerl notes boujrht , sold or exchanged.
Bhort tire * leant mad * on second mortcwr * .
according to marginal interest , at collateral
Beal estate to ezohawe for rood interest
Oenornl financial business of all klndt trans
acted promptly , quietly nnd fairly.
Money always on hand for approved loan * of
ny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub-
llclty. Corbctt Manager. U63
MIDLAND Guarantee nnd Trust Co. , 160J
Fnrnum street Complete nbstrHCts fur-
nlshod , and titles to real ustate oxnmlned , perfected -
fectod and gunrantood 671
Tlioa BALU A profitable drui ; bualnens with
JL' gooil etook in a thriving city of H.OOO poo-
pi o Only tour drui ; stores In the plnco. Ad
dress II M , lien olllce Omaha. H7tt-3HJ
WANTED-l'artles who desire to buy or sell
or exchange stocks of general merchan
dise , dry goods , groceries , boots and shoes ,
hardware , ( trues , jewelry improved or ualra-
proved townorclty property , Iranrovodor un
proved forms In nny part of the United States ,
to nddrofs Kraute & 1'obtcr , 818 B. 15th at
Omaha. Neb. B55
T71OK SALE A first class hotel property doing
JL1 excellent business. Alum sell In Mxtj
days. l''or price and terms address 11. 8. Lilly ,
real estate doalor. llroken How , Neb. Ollsll
OH BALK A well estiiollshed and favorably
known general sloro at Kapid City , D. T. ,
( Illnek Hllla country ) . Stock about 15,000
nultublo nnd well ausortod store maklne money ,
Itonsons for selling , iloath of proprltitor. Ail'
drosa J. 8. HobertRon , administrator , St. Paul ,
Minn. , or J. K fil V\o \ , Hnpid City. D. T. C42-2J
jjlOH HIINf-In Albion , Neb. , the largest ,
JL boat cnstomptl and ohlejt dry cooda store
can unve. posnotslon on the llrst itny In Septnm
bor. For Information apply to L W. Huberts
_ Jhowner. 70S 31J
FOH BALK Truir ) store , dolnir n KOO < ! busi
ness. Kor iiortlculurscallon W. 11. Green ,
815 South Utll 6t. 093 24J
W ANTKD An opening In a ( rood llvo No.
broakn town of 1.20J to 4.OIO InhahltnnU
by a llvo drm , to open up n tlrst-clasn stock ol
uoneral moicluindliie. AilJroaaltb pm-tlculurc
11 31 , lien olllce. B'I7 23
\\7ANT 1D Partner with a few thousand do !
TT lars-thu more the bolter In it good pay
InirbusiiuiKsIn Omaha and Lincoln \Mthnimur
ancoolsowhero tiiNebrnsktt ; eitiibllnhed a yi ar
work IlKltt , pny eure. AdUiessAM llee oftlce
354 24j
rflO KXCIIANGU-A m > ok o7 elothlnp an.
furnishing goods , worth 115,000. Will take
imrt In Omnlm property , balance cash chat
It. V.'ooiloy , 41b .South 15th st P20sl
FOH SALK Stock und fixtures ot one of ibc
best locatml crocorlus In the olty ; gul * 110 (
to 112-i per dny mid growing bottur. Addres !
U IA , lira ofllie. 8f"J 2Jj
"l\7ANTiD-lmmedlati : > ly , ft partner In estmlT
FT llshcd holi'l liuHliKitdi in one of thu bun1
locntioiiH In theelty with IV ) rooms. Hnvn tn
enlarge premises to nccnmmodato rapidly In
01 easing bus'noss. ' From $ l"JOO to $ lSi l capita
required euro anil laro returns , 'Ibis is i
map nnd will bear close inspection. Addrow I
14 , Jcoiflleo. 765 2MJ
FOll'RADK-IS.tVM stock nlnthruir In geol
Nebrnskn town , fur farm without Incuio
boranec. Itcoord Advertising Co.lMJ rurnati
it , tts
HUNT or soo-Saloon
llmli , also grocery btuib. Appl > l'rm r
lU'it , Military road. VII K4J
" \\7ANTKD-lora gocxl business moil wit )
FF J30or $150 ctpitul , to travtiiwlth an nr
Itlcle nt county nnd stntfl InlrB. Cjit make f ron
$ IOto-fl per day 119 N ICth St. lloom 4
Crounsu block. 70 23
W ANTKD A young aotlvo iu a with uboul
$ IDH > aih to take hnlf latLrett in goo <
paytuv butlneti. 314 6. IStbuL , ItooniS.
B77 2t
_ _ _
I OR SALK AOrit-olnit * meat morkui m bet
A location In city. Tor nearer tnrormntiui
addrcei U 15 lien otticu. Cl j aj
Ladles we burn plenty of gmv
girls such as dining room liundry g'r\i \
cooks and girls lor fitmlllcs. 'Iry us. | ' ' > 1
Jju eet Ktaploytnent office , 2iO N. bt h , ; ' „ ; . - ;
PKHSOXAJPrlvato home for ladloi durlnir
conflnemsnt. strictly confidential , infanta
adopted. addrcM K 42 , llee ofllc . 18T sept7
IJEHSONAIi Fend for your sewlnf ? machine
nredlej , oil and repnlri to the SIncer
Man'fg Co , I5U Douglas H , Omahn. 46S tM
PBRSONAb-Mr . Dr NsnmVv. Warren
clairvoyant , Mrdlrnl and buslntsi Medium
Boon No. S 121 North 18th st. .Omaha. Neb.
LOST Sunday nttcrnoon a plnln Bold brnco-
let with unnln attached , finder will bo
iiltahiy rowiinlcd tiy loi\rnir | the snuio nt .Nov
elty Carriage worki. Sil N icth at. DID SIJ
K dollar * ' rewanl. Strnyed or
O stolen ftotn icnrot 111 N 17th ft , n largo
roan home , about 17 hands high , weighing be
tween 1,800 end 1,400 pounds , redlsh brown
innno und tall , bind atiklo somewhat swollen-
125 will be paid for roturrt of milnml to owners ,
at DO B 14th atand If stolen the sheriff ofDoug-
ls Co , will pny n rcwnrd of J60 for the arrest
and conviction of the thlof. 696
riVAKKW-UP-Dnrkred bull catTo" woo its oliH
J-O'Minr can Imvo same by culling at M.
Jackson' * , 3M street west of Hnnscom I'arlc.
MR3. HATKIULD.Trhnce business modlum.
'J hn pnst ilrosont nnd fmute revonlod , sick
icnlrd , In t found , homos miidu nappy , slttluxs
dally nt 421 B. llthsl. 4'i7 27J
M Iiy."TTpR\NT Clurlvojaut from lloston Is
rcllnblu In nil ntTntra of life , tinlm * copa-
rntoil lovers , if" n Ifith 1. B4ijopt ! aj
Srt Htorairo at 110 N 13th Ft.
TOItAOK Flrst-cluss stoinpn for mse rur-
S nlturM or boxed k'oodii , Htl51J DodKt'-Nt.
KS-VOOI.S , sinks nnd vnnlu chmnml , odor-
lesj piocuts. U 1-wlnpb < ir427 , olty.873S20J
rp ( ) UXCHANHU rnrOmnlia property n tine
J farm In lown. Chns. U. Woolloy , 418 t-outh
llth tit. . 20 < 4
ADIKB > H sK. H.Tcrrlll htis opcnpd fns
t-i lonablo diL'Ssmnklnu1 parlors at HOI Capitol -
itol nveiiuo , Hxposltlon building. 1'orfcctsnt-
'sfnctlon guaranteed. lijl .MJ
. _ 1210 Ilnrney St. ,
place for table or board mid rooms. 'JJ4 21
JADirs can Imvo lessons In Bclintlffo drpas
J cutting fice of tharco for llftenn ilnyfl at
Dross Cutting school , 1UIJ Howard it , dd lloor.
Vfsltors always welcome. SH4 : j
OHSS POOLS nnd vaults rlonnod , dead mil-
mnlfl ifinoved W. II. llurber , WW Lent en-
worth. Telephone 10J. nt'if.11
1ST jour roomi > ami houses with the Hecord
1 Advertising Co , 151J 1'nrhnm st. and wo
will rout them sooner than any one nlso , us wo
are well known all over the city. tail )
"OERFOHATKDstamping patterns tnado to or-
J- < tor nnd nil the Intfst designs for sulo nt
Mrs J. W. Morrison , 15)1 Davenport st. 451B12
EAHTKItN Nebraska farms to exchange for
Omnhn property. 1G12 rnrnnM. 513
TO EXCHAN E-For catUo , 1 have 00 nnd
foity acres of good western land to trndo
for rnttlo , and a good house nnd lot near the
capital will axchnngu for cattle. Address S. ( } .
llrynn. ABhlitnd. Neb. 4.1) ! )
TIO THADE-For cnttlo or groceries 410 acres
school land In Hamilton countyNnlmirtKix ,
O'liilty , $1,510. llolden Miuon , Centnl City ,
Nob. 61 aj
/ 1ES8-l'OOLSnnd vaults clonnud. dead mil-
\J mnls removed , tlrst ward. W , H. Barber ,
802 Leavonwoitu. Telephone 102. 83 < B21j
O IMAHA LOTS To exchange lor cnttlo. Pat
terson & Moore , 1012 Farnnm. 347
rilHK ( late City I5inplo > ment ofllco , 8144 S.
JL street. Orders lor all kinds of help
sollcted. oa )
MAONhTIC Iloallntf Mediums euro all kinds
of sickness In connection with elulrvov-
once of ( he past , present and future. J. II ,
Vapelor , North Ftato Kt , milo west of fair
grounds , ! ' . O. boy68.L f.10 a OJ
F IOnilHN'I Square Piano $ J jnoatalr.
Bo pe.l5m > ouiraa. ; Ml
F Ion KENT Organs. t per month. Jlome ,
13Douflat ( Ml
Ol. C. House furnishlnir froods , all kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prlco * at J.
Bonner , UI15 Douglas st. ( WJ
FOB RENT Hquare finno , i montnlv. A
Hoipe. 1613 Douirlan. 841
OH SALE Hotel furniture , ' , 'A rooms , rent
1 $ R5,70 boardors.ouus * for HnlllnK ulcknoss ,
Inquire raciCo House , N. 10th at. Old Z5j
FOH BALK Furniture of a three room Hat ,
complete Ior housekeeping ; a good chance
foraoouplo. Cnll at n. w. corner of 17th nnd
darkest , , ovorgrocary , the entrance on 17th
street. 910 1J
FOH BALI'-Span mares , ono first-class foi
bimcy or saddle , other good delivery
horse , also double harness and buiriry , bargain -
gain Apply St , Charles hotel , 1210 llarnoy Bt.
VU5 25J
mWENTV Dollars will buy an extra fln
JKngllsh pug bitch , four months old , ad' '
dress BC1 Hoo. OJS 25J
FOH SALE Ilorso , bugiry and harness , vorj
cheap. lUlOUurtst. 9M 24j
FOH SALE-At a bargain , a C-room housa
with closets and pantry , eta. , lot 5 lect
east front , 5 blocks south of court house. Ad <
drosi V 30 , Hoe ollice. 6JOii3U
TT1OH SALE Furniture , good will and lease ol
Jthe best paying small hotel In Omaha ,
Constantly full of Orst-clau boarders. Price
J1.500. Investigatebit. J. F , Hammond , 111
R ICtli. 78
FOH SALK Piano , almost new will bn sold
cheap , 1163 this ollico. DOS M
FOH SALE Horse and wagon cheap. Apply
115 N 16tU SL 763 S4
SALK-A black mnre. Intiuire of Mrf
Simpson , C.-9 Nelson st , Walnut Hill.
WANTRD-2 second band barber chairs ;
also 1 barber. Address II 4J Hco offlce.
m 35J
FOH SALK Furniture of 8 rooms with privi
lege of lease of bouse , 707 3. 14th St.
rnillUTV-rOUHs < iuares of sheet steel rooflnt
X for sale cheap , ( i W. A O. K. 'Ihotupson
3148. 16th at. an
TCXH3ALK-OragJ ) , 41 ai-ros near the stool
JU yards. McCaruo , Omaha. 7lS 21
1011 SALT. Furnlturo of u . " > room house
und house for rent. Inqulro 15HI Jonti
street. 710 4J
\\7ANTKn 'llirno compositors , one compa
FF tent Job compositor , 1207 Farnam et.up
stnlrs. VH2 ' 'Ij
WANTKD A first clans broad and cHk <
bakur , noue others nee 1 apply. At 2401
Cumlngst. '
WANTED A rann to sell organs ami sewlnji
machines Inwoaiurn lowu- Address Loci
Hoi ? 4 , Woodbine , la. tM 23
W ANTED -M n to take the agency of out
safes ; alto 28x18x14 Inchon ; weight 500
Ibs ; retail price $ Ti ; other sliosln proportion.
A rare chance to create a permanent buslnosi
at homo. Thone aafoa most a demand nevei
brforo Hiippllnd by other sure companies as
wo are not governed by the Safe Tool. Alomi
Safe Co. , Cincinnati , O. 591 31 j
\\7 AN FED -Men to soil Shetland Mountalr
F F ponlPH. Knncy colors. Largust herd Ii
America 8i\roj < l9 pony free. Incloso stiimpnc
s lf ad'lreitiuJ onvolope. Ilyion Van Kauli
liourue , KauiUU Co.Toias , KoO Uuj
W ANTKD A bread and cake baker Immo.l
lnt > 'ly , wapos * J a day nnd board. Cat
on or address C. L. Johnson , 'JOJ I'ourth stiovt
Sioux City , la. 31J 24J
WANT EU-Man I'ftiik for IVahoo , ono To
Hrokeu How , ono for llnrdy , Neb. . 21 :
city. Mrs , llrogrt \ ton. Ulfl 80. 15th . 055 i !
\\7ANTKD-A hr t cUsscablnet maker o
F nnUber. steady omplormont , fall
Ilr'inonlek Illako Collundcr Co , 407 , 4in t outl
laih St. . up stairs. _ Ml 31
\\TANTUll Teauu and K nvol rsoornor I3tl
and Jones at. II. Hull 87a ' . ' 41
\\7ANTni ) lltvrkceiier , Goriuau pr fprrodn
> F City hotel. 07 aaj
vo t fliiUher ? an
FF ( Klrt-niakcrf. Apply to Mrs. Btoln , 111
Douglas it. dti" ;
WANTED Nfen for railroad work In Coin
rado , waves for toMiislors t-U per i"i-i |
and boanl. Albrlglu'd J.uwir Aren y , \ \ H j.-nl
P ' - . _ . _ _ T
\\7-ANTFn Az a Voy to If aTn"pho"t7
F i Br pn Bt j , a curiJfc , HtK S. 13th street
L'ANIEU-S'X ' ) more agents to canvass to
' copying and enlarging at 14 & loth e
v 7ANTKll-Mfn for Wyoming : tooj wagei
w .ANTED-Actlvo men to soil goods nt the
fair * . 3UK S. 15th st , Itoom 6. 819
\\7ANTED Young to middle-aired men of
TV business ability , ( rood salary , room 16 ,
llughman block. .1. M. Fioncii A Co. oil 21
AX7ANTKD Agents In every town of No-
TT braskn for our $10 World Typewriter. J.
Bpork , dole ngcnt Nebraska nnd Dakota. Lin-
coin , Nob. 72j"4j
W AMTKO-Mon tor railroad work. A
brftfht'a Jjibor Agency , 1120 Farnam. _ _
\\rANTriD-Stronjr , honest boy of 18 to lourn
T clothing business nt I'.WJ 1'arnnni.
9G2 23
w ANTKD Hey to tnko euro of hon > o nnd
cow lit 713 N 2lBt st. Cnll liot 0 and 7 p. in.
Ml 25
WANTIID 2ood ( brond anil onko b ikors ut
oiico.310-1 Ciltnlng st. P53 25) )
WANTUU A Rood ftronff boy to work In
linker shop , or Icnrn the trndc , Innnlro
bnkcr shops , 1'iixton hotel. Vj3 2lJ
\\TANTnU-Tlnncrs nnd cornlco men nt
' onco. 'llico. Huotto ft Son , Fremont ,
Nob. 765 2IJ
WANlTJD First clnss Fccntnl cook , mnn
or womnn , nt Kuroponn hoteL MM 23
17ANTI3D Carpenters at southeast corner
T llth and Howard. '
* ANTr.D-4 Oermnn boys to carry pnpors ,
637-5098. 12th. upstairs. 01
Mnn to wcnk In milk dnlry. Hugh
McDowell , Walnut Hill near Unit lino.
8W 21J
WANTK1)--Those wantlnsr help or situa
tions ns collectors , usslttntit boolikoepers ,
Boncrnl olllceclorks.wntchmnn , porter , jntiltor.
cnirlncerg , llromcn , coachmen , toiunstors ,
fnrrnprs , linkers , bnrbors Ac. , npply to the
Mutual nmplojmcnt Agency , 214 south 10th-st :
upBtnlrs. OOJ 21 *
\\TAN'IRD-Mllkor , Snrntosn dnlry. 4tirs !
> > fnundors. ton 2J ; )
\\rANTUn-4 conks. 1 bnr Keeper , 1 dish-
'T asherl ynrd mnn , 2 eworid cooks , 10
shovolcrs f- per dny. Omnhn Kuin. lluicnu ,
ll'JNlBthst. ' IW.J 23
TSfANTKD-in stonomasons. Wipc9 I4.M
F per day of 10 hours. None but irood
masons need npply. N L. coiner 7th und ilhrst-
nut sts. , St. Louis. Mo. I'OO ' 2IJ
WANTUI-2nd cook. SH per month , nlso la-
liorera , trncKmon , etc , for Iowa , Mis-
Fourl and Nobrnskiu O'Kcofo , V Mi'llorr. ' 109
f4. llth st. IUI 2lj
V7 ANTND A llrst class harbor at 412 H lHh ,
> 1)3124 ) *
" \\7ANTKD 4 o\porlnncpd boohfolders nt C.
FF r. Whitney's Hook bindery , 1121 rainnm
Street. ri 23
\\7ANTRO-Twomonto soil ( roods. Steady
F > oniploymont. Call 421 South 10th St.
. m 24j
W ANTKD i-alesmon , n now invention
needed In overvhousi3iX ; ) per cent com
mission or a good su'dry ' to rlUt parties. Ad
dress with stump for terms the Weaver Manu
facturer , 34 N State St. , Chicago , III. TJ4sl * '
W ANTUD Sowing girl , must bo used to
working In tullorHhop. Inquire 1110 Par-
nnm. UtO 24 _
W ANTKD A competent COOK and laundress
for the Urst week In Suptombur. 1821
Davenport st. 97327
WANTE D-A cook nnd a second girl. Apply
at 2021 Chicago st. 959 25
W ANTKD 1 lady booklteopor , $40 per
month , 1 Gorman cook for private fam
ily of 3 , $1 50 per WOOK , 1 nuiso girl for small
child , mustspcak German , 20 girls to work In
factory , good wages , 4 cooUfl for restaurants
nnd hoarding houses , $4 to C ! per week , 0 din-
lngrooingirlB,2chuiubor mulds , 4 ( linn wash-
erg. 2 pantry girls , girls for Kitchen work , S5
girls for gonerrl house work. Omaha Employ.
nient Iliirouu llu N ICth Bt. \ > a 2J
\\"AN rin > Girl to work sowing mechlno for
' tailor and loarnvont making. Apply 50(1 (
N 10th st. 071 83
" \\7ANTKD-Good cook nnd dining room girl.
TT ! i.10Ciimliir ( street. ' . ' 47 2riJ
W ANTKD Rood Klrl for Konernl bonso-
work , German preferred. 1U24 Douirliis
Btroot. OH 25
W ANTKD At once , girl for general house-
work. 323 N. 17th St. OC124'
"IV'ANTKD A girl forgonoru.1 housework at
" \\7ANTKD-A good girl for general house
TT work , llohonilnn preforrod. bltf tt 17th st.
\\rANTED-Hood strong woman to do house-
T > work at 70 North Kith st , U78
\\TANTED-A flrBt class girl to general house-
TT work in a family of 3. Wages $4 per wook.
Apply BtC. L. Kilckson &Co.,212N. IMhst.
WANTED At onco. Good practicable wo
man for housekeeping. Inquire 116-118
N. Oth St. 1U2Z4 *
WANTED-Man end wlfo for cook , and
dining room girl for hotel In western
town ; 2 women cooks , 2 dlnlmr room girls for
Iowa ; 4 Inuiiilrcsscs , 2Recond girls. Mrs. llrcga
& Son , 31rt s. 15th , telephone B84. 951 2.1 *
\XTANTED-A good seamstress. B w cor
TT 18th and Jnckson. 704
\\7ANTKD-An experienced housekeeper ,
FF white womnn prnferred. Apply between
6 nnd 6 p. in. , 101 N Oth St. , Lulu Hrgors. 131
WAN'lliU Good girl to do general house
work. Apply n w cor. Californln and
20th. 732
\Y-ANTKD Situations for 4 flrst-claxg Qor
F F man girls : arc good cooks , cto ; will bo In
our olllcu until employed , ( load help of all
kinds constantly on hand. Mrs , Ilroga & Son ,
Jit ) 8. 15th , telephone 831. 05624 *
W ANTKD Situation by reliable young man
In a wholesale or retail house as general
olllce cleric or porter , II 64 , Hoe ollico. 9-7 24 *
WANTED-Sltuatlon by young man from
the east. 5 years experience In general
merchandise , boat references. Address K. C.
Crout.Junlata , la. , box 15 $ . UJ7 25J
W ANTKD-Situatlon by n flrst-cUvu baker ,
middle agoil Address H 51Hoo ofllco ,
WANTKD-Bituatloiis , good rollablo mon al
ways on hand ready to go to work ,
or country , wholesale or retail nrras supplied
free of charge. Apply to.the Mutual Employ.
rocnt Agency , 214 8 16th. upstairs. rot 3ij :
WANTKD-Sltuntlon for a bright young
Swe < ] o us a coachman , etc. Good reference
once- ; . Have nny amount of reliable young
men on register. No office fee. Mrs. Hropf
& Son , 310 South 15th St. Telephone 884. 921
\\rANTED-Sltuntlon as pastry cook In I
FF hotel by an oiporlnncod lady TOOK , llusl
reference. Addioss H. 52 , Hoe olllce. 8S. " > 24J
WANI'KD-Sltuution for man and wlfo or
farm , ranch or in prlvato family. Wo
man U good cook and laundress ; man thor
oughlv understands handling horse * etc. ( Nc
onice fee. ) Mm. Uroga & bon , 316 S. 15th , tele
phone 844. 057 24 *
" \\TANTKD--Sltui\tlon by a young niarrlix :
FF man In wholesale or retail store. Stead )
work main object. Address 11 54 , Uro otnco.
807 23J
'ASTKD-l'oMtlon as clothing salesman bj
middle aged man , have had long otpcrl
cnco , city reference , address 11 43 Hco ollioe.
B42 2IIJ
TirANTED Situation ns bookkeeper , elorl
FT and general wiltlnc. Male and female
float or relerouces. Htcord AdvortLslng Co
1513 Farnam st. 666
\\TANTRD A young man of about the age
F F of IS or 19 , who would llko to learn Ui (
photozraphbmlnoss. Apply at Urand Contra
( lallory,217 North ICth Bt. 559
\\7ANTBD Sitinitlon by lady , pastry or mea
F F cook , $10 per month. Addrois or call 279 !
Ourt at , 127 23 *
VXMNTED-I'oMtlon by younur lady who I
FF oxperlonced postoflico clerk , as stenographer
raphor , copyist or other olflcu work : best rej
eronccs furnished. Address M. S , , Ul'J N. lUth
W ANTKD Furniture for Mining room am
Kitchen. Address n 37 , lieu ollico 8U9
\\TAXTii ) Good second hand luiKcy orbucl
lioard ohoiip , t-tate price nnd when
can l > o aeon. Address 1105 , lluo ollico. 950-24
\\TANTnD-Tho ladles of Omaha to knov
' ' that ordeis forbelp are promptly niioil at
the Gate City Kraploymeut OOloo , 314 ! ; 8 1511
W-ANTBD-Nlcoly furn J-ra and unfur
. . n' ' o.Ljoom * ; ; , teir ltu us. Itecor ,
AJTBftlilnit Cc. HIS rarnam SL 608
\VANTF.D-A creamery and canning fac
' ' tory. Will tiMist the riarht parties. Ad
drM Hank of Valley , Valley , Nob. i70ai >
\\ANTBD Torcr.t. Cor 7-room bouse , nea
> ' carllno. Adurrs , 201 I'arnamKt. J. U
. 23
. . . . few toarderl at 1730 Dodire si
T T Hofi roncei requested. 70J
\VANTBD-rltjr nan and wife , room an
TT boardwitamM minutes walk of pr.
offioo , laddreu U til , this offio * . M > 0
WANTKD-To lease for term of yesM a
bulldmiffor lltht njfijlufacturlnir pur
poses , about 6fU6o , throe storlbs and basomnnt.
Adilrem A 35 , Hoe ofilco , ' ( . ' KSZ\ \
WANTHD-A gontlomin fo assist a lady ( o
furnish a flat or hone ? ur about SO rooms
Capital "required. Address H 5S , Hoe offlc v
17ANTKD To buy or refit fixtures for resT -
T taurnnt , address 11 Ml Hoe olllce.
X IHJ623
\\7ANTKD-A praln deaWto loonto nt this
TT plnco. Best Kraln r f lon In Nebraska.
drt-M Hank of Vftllor. Vn'Aey. ' Neb. ! i70a'J
"Y\7 AN1TD-A harnoM mnVor to open n * hop
hero. Address Dunk of Vnlley , Valley ,
Nob. ' 1 STO-s-'J
ANTr.n Kactonoi of lr kinds. Address
llnnk of Valley , Vnlloy , Nob. : ; o
K"TKI-l'upll in KnuTTili iirnnches'
nnd muslo , n. w , otirnnr Idtb nnd Karnam.
F OH HKNT Meat market on Park ave , opp.
P'irk. Apply on promises bet , 9 nnd 13
A. II. Fitch. ml
IrOll HKNT-8 room lint with modern eon.
vcnlenccs , 1201 Park axcnuo. Apply on
itemises from U to 12 a. ru. A. H. Fltbfi , P.H
FOll RUNT Ilrlck store loom nnd collar ,
suitable for restaurant nnd conluctlaiiory
in Pnik ave nt entrnnco lo Hnnscom park , call
on the promises bet V and 12 hi. A. If , Kltcb.
FOll HCNT Wohavo a number of 8 room
houses with water hot nnd cold wntorbnth
ird your rent reasonable. IJoiiawn & Co. 15th
st opposite P. O. 877-21.
irOK HUNT New 4-room house.cellar.closets ,
Jnnd all conveniences , 1 mile smith court
iOtl o , rent $15. Apply Mr. Wm. Kriiir , Omaha
jrowery. 075 25J
FOH HUNT-fl room Hit , $2. fio" ; furnituin for
Bnlo cheap ; all now. Co operative Lnnil
* Lot Co. , 20'i N. 16lh St. UU4 3 >
FOH HUNT Honsca. O-room house , besides
bath room , hot and cold water. speaking
: ubes , electric bills , oto. , corner Collax and
laeksoti BIS , ? , ' > " ) per month
0 room house , city water , cellar , corner 2Sth
anil ( 'hallos sts , ? 22 per month.
WM 1' . L. G regory. ; t.'Q S 15th st
17 < OIl HUNT 10 loom house , ? r > 5 per month ,
furnlturo for sale cboiip. ID roojn house ,
$ S5 , turnlturo at n bargain. Two 8 room bouses ,
furnlturo for snlo. 10 room house , | 70 per
inontli , fiiriilturo for sffle. 7 room bouse , f.0
ior month , furniture $ l > 0 cash. Oroom hou o ,
tiO per month , furnlturo $100 U mom tint. f7. " > ,
Itunlturo 111,0)0. ) 'HiIs la a birgaln. Must bo
poldnt once. 22 room hou o , find per month ,
Ivo year's lonso , furnlturo ri.BOo. IS room
bou o. $115. furnlturo for snlo , $ lr 00. Hostuu-
innt lor rent , doing a largo business. Fixtures
for Niile. Hotel , JoHflrson , GroouOi. , Iowa ,
f lO.OfO. 2 boarding houses In Kansas City. H
room Hit , Kith and Webster street , vacant ; 4
unfurnished rooms. Co-operative Land .V Lot
Co. , 205 North lUth St. t02 23
HUNT-Snow window nnd 35 fcotchelf
room In 303 North ISth. 672
" 171OR RUNT 7room house , good location ,
-L stable and yard. Apply 1BI2 Fnrnnm. 3IG
TjlOR HUNf-Store room , onn blopic from
-L postoflk-o. Imiulroof Tlioodoro Williams ,
at Dee ollico. 735
" 171OH RKNT Three (3) ( ) new houses , situated
-L1 on King nnd Colfmnn trcots , In A. S. Pa
trick's add. Iminlre nt Koom 2 , Arlington
block. Patrick llros. 43J1 28
ail RENT And furnlturo forsnlo , elegant
-L lOroombouso two blooka frompostonioo.
Addioss U57 lice ollico. , n. P05
171OH KENT Throe loom cohairo , 1124 North
-L 21th street. Apply to USouth 13th street.
"I71O11 SALV Itostnurant dwinp a ( food btisl-
J nojs , 40 boarders ; in n Rood location , good
reason for soiling. IiiiulrolUJ3 ( Harncy.
- 848 231
FOH Iir.NT EIcKaut brtak residence , 10
rooms , modern convonloncos. Imuilro
Alorso & llrunncr , 1C05 Kariiain Bt. ( till
TT'OH ' HUNT 2J11 Uoiitrlasifll. . flno now ton-
X1 room brick dwelling with all modern con
veniences. Apply to W. K Clark , 103 N. si.
' 557 ! MJ
FOH HKNT-3 room housc.14th , nnd Pierce.
Apply at 617 S. 13th bt , ' 014.
FOH HENT 7-room house , $35 a month. Ap
ply to Wells & Hall , uiufor Pnxton hotol.
FOH KENT Two larKO new glorea and two
Hats of live rooms irnch. Olty water nnd Kaa.
On Saundorn st. C. W. Calli.3-lO Ohio st. D18
OirilKNT Now store and living rooms on
Cnmlincst near Saunders st. Apply Har
ris n ul Kstate & Loan Co. , UiO S. 15th it. BHU
F I OK HUNT Barn suitable for four horses.
Inquire at 017 S 13th st. 511
FOK HUNT New 10-room house ; all Im
provement * , steam boat. C. W. Sc O. E.
Thompson , 3H S. 15th st. 1000
FOH KENT Office space on ground floor at
1509 Farnam. Apply In roar offlce , J. S.
Rlohardson- 602 oJJO
/"IHOICK Lot for Loase. Southoant corner
\J 48x854 Loavnnwortti and Park avo. , or will
build to suit tenant. Hobble Uroi. S6'i
1OH HKNT-NIcoly furnished room , niB S.
nth Bt. 20. )
FOH Iir.NT-Nicoly furnlshod rooms In all
parts of the city from into } 40 per month.
Uncord Advertising Co , 1513 Furnam st. CtVl
F IOH HUNT The Inrgost store room In town.
Innulro at the Argusoflice , Albion , Nob.
FOH KENT Elegantly furnlshod rooms sin
gle or ensulto , with use of bath ; olectrlo
bolls In every room. First clast restaurant at
tached , at Norris European hotel , corner 16th
and Webster. 6M
F IOR HENT-Nicoly furnished room. In-
iUlro | at cottage , 601 Soutli 20tb. 833 S8j
FOB Hr.NT-Offlee , 1612 Farnam St.
FOK ItKNT-Two neatly furnished rooms ,
very deslrablo location , private family.
Also room for two or three njoo table boarders ,
b. E. corner Twentieth and Karnam. 41R o25 *
F ° H RBNT-Furnlshed room 181R Dodge st.
952 sept 6
T71OH HHNT 3 or n unfurnished rooms , sult-
-V able for housekeeping. 71V Paclllo st. 655
FOK IinNT-3 unfurnished rooms suitable
for housekeeping , s o cor 20th and Nicholas
st. $12.51) ) a month. 655
FOH HENT Nicely furnished front room ,
also suite , bath , gits , water , oto. 2119 Doug
las St. 650 23 *
FOH KENT For gentlemen. Nicely fur
nished rooms with modern conveniences ,
2212 Farnam at. 248
FOH BALK One of the most prominent
corners in the business portion of the
olty. F. 11 , Konnard , 114-110 S 16th su 003
FOH HENT Nicely furnished room , first
door , now house , now turnlturo , 1717 Mason
stroot. Cheap to right parties. 923
FOK HBNf-Flnely furnished rooms with
hoardgn8bathcuywcll and cistern water , 5
minutes trom postolllco , Kit-Onus st. 0.1) ) 27j
FOH HENT A largnfronb room nicely fur
nished , 1811 California. ! Oil 25 *
F"0lt TtKNTTwiT'ii'ieoly furnished looms ,
very cheap , at 1017 Chicago street.
HI6 2 > J
T710H KENT Dctk roo-n , ground floor : good
-L1 location. Clarkson A. iloitty , 21 < j S. 14th st.
tea as
OH KENT Furnished room , 1013 Dodge Bt
_ . ( - ) JI50 ! flt *
OH HENT Furnlshod romaa , 2315 Douglas
" 909 27
OH IinNT-Filrnlshed rodlm In r.riienlg
block , cor 13th and llodgo- Davis & llether-
Ington , Mlllard hotel blllard room. 83D
OH RBNT-Furnlshed rooms 1616 Uodgo.
FOH HKNT-Large front r Wii furnished for
gentlemen , giounJ fl < M4 ( ; maple trees ;
frass ; pavement ; street car * TI very five inln-
titrs. S09 Howard st. Also room * furnished
and unfurnished for light housekeeping. 923
TCTOll KENT Furnished front rtom , near car
X1 line at corner of Dodge and 2ltb streets.
Inquire of A. 1L Comstock 152J arnaQ ; ; .
_ . _ 933
F'OH HF.NT-1 iinflsomely furnlshal room ,
wlUi -without board : also furnlturo ol
mrce rooms. Hltnost now , ttr > , and rent of foui
room cottage. Inqulreat 1514 N. 19th street. .
_ _
FOH HKNT 2 furnished rooms , suitable foi
three gentlemen , 1621 roriiatn. 001 23J
TOH KUNT-FurnUhed room , Z4M Charles.
Ij _ 1M-J gjj
Hill HKNT-Small front room , lovely loca
tlon , nicely lurnlstmd , U17 Cats St. 8U !
TC1OK HENT-ahdndsoni * rooms 1 "block fron
J-1 postotflce , call W > Capitol * ° - 81 * Z < J
POH HKNT- Large front p ror | with DM
window , and Hlcove , ! n > nthpr route * will
modern convenience at Itil tar mm t. oni
bio k w tof oounbout * . , M
TJUIH RfiNT Elegantly furnished parlor , all
JC conveniences , near business , private fam
ily. 1015 Capital avc. 6M E1J
"I710H HENT A nlcoly f urnlshod room al 2511
J.1 at , .Mary's avo. 431
FOR lir.NT Unfurnished parlor and bed
room at S U cor 20th and Cblcago. 770
Foil HKNT Alatgo front alcove room. 1707
Dodgost. 768
T7TOH HUNT Furnlshod room rory. cheap ,
-E IU-0 Farnntn. j 7M
FOR HKNT Furnlshod rooms with or with
out board , 00(1 ( N , 17th St. 776 2'iJ
T71OH HCNT-Furnlshed room , 1915 Farnam
JL1 st. 747
FOll RENT I'mniihed rooms in Graunlgblk.
cor 13th nnd Dodgost. Inquire of Davis A
Hothcrlngton , Mlllard Hotel Hullard room , 291
IjlOH HENT Klcgant suite of rooms , roforou-
JL1 ces required , U07 Douglas st. 107
fjlOH RENT Desirable furnished room for
J- gentlemen nt ROD Howard st. 69
FOB HUNT A largo front room in now
bouse tanth , and latest modern Improve
ments , 1018 Webster struct. 122
rOH HKNT Newly turnlghed rooms , from
$ IUto-TO , north side Lonvcnworth , bo-
twcon 17th and IStli. MO 2oj
HENT Largo pleasant rooms , shady
nIfiOS Cupltol ave. 8-M 2Jj
T71OH linNT Newly nnd elegantly furntshed
.L rooms for rout , slnglo or nn-suite , nt ? 205
Douglas. 814 2dJ
Oil HUNT-Waro room cor. 14th nud Call-
Ifornl.i on Ilelt Lino. 1'or particulars en-
( | tilre at Union Not , bank. Igi
F OR RKNT-rurnlshod looms , 1707 Cn-sn.
1 Id
JLAIOR HHNT-Nowly furnlshod room , board if
JLA ilenlrwl. 1720 Dodge st. 70J
JLAF OH llliNT ? ullo of furnlshoil rooms for
gentlemen , A. Hospo , Jr. , 315 N. 17th ,
1T10H HKNT-Nlccly furnlshoa looms , to con-
J2 tleincn only , 2JJ N. Ht. . Room 2. 043
"I/tOR RUNT rurnlsboJ rooms , en suite , In
-l prlvatn family , modern ponvtinlencoa.
Apply to Lusho & Lojllo , Ifith nnd DodRU nt .
"IT OIl RHNT Twnoloffiintlj' furnished rooms ,
J-1 170 DoiiKlai stroot. tM 21 ]
furnished room , 2035
1IKN r Four now store rooms on Saun-
iIersJ4th ( ) street near Seward. Kino loca
tion lor dry goods store. Also hunlwaro , clothing -
ing , boots ami shoo store , moat market , pnpnr
bunging , plumbing and KUS titling storn. Hunt
low. iuquIro012N. : IBth et , F. T. Androws.
9(8 (
FOR RCNT-2 eloirnntly furnlshod rooms
with board. Inquire nt 1'JH r nmm st
672 24 *
FOH KENT Nicely furnHhoa room. 1021
Dodffo St. 198
LTRT your property for sulo with Charloi
Hpotswood. ! (05i' ( S ICth st. 041
\ \ " 1' CAN 10 for a loir days only
F > Lot 10H Olso'l addition for $6,40 } .
Io 171 Gist's addition. $6.iOD. :
Illockl lloyd's addition , SS.WX
One-third cash , balanoa 1,2 nnd 3 years.
Keralngton i McCormlok , 220 Souttt 15th it.
j > OH hALK Corner lot on Virginia nve with
' two peed houses , chonp nt 87,003. Terms
easy. Hoitscs rent for $70 per month. 8. S.
Campbell,310 S. 16th Bt. Chamber of Com-
moicc. 273
FOR SALK-Or trade , 25 lots in the western
pnit of Omaha nenr the lionson line ,
prlco { 400 each , $250 duo on contracts pnynble
In 8 quarterly pnymonts , will trade Interest ID
contracts for NubrnsKa Innd. McCulIoch & Co. ,
15OT Fninarnjt. 1030
LIST your property for sale with Charles C.
Spotswood.aOJH Sinth st. C42
IF you wnnt to buy , soil or tinde , call on L. V.
Criira,120N loth st ,
100 lots U of n mile of U. P. depot
forenlcor trade.
0 room house for rent. Two 10-room houses
for rent , sale or trade. Idlewllde. Uy
816 L. V. Crum. 120 N 15th St.
j-IOIt SALU B room house InCatalpa 1'lnco , 2
F 1 blookn from street enr : lot 43'JxlOO ' , south
Bldo on nllcy ; hard and soft wntor. Price $5-
000 ; S.'iOOcash , tial , ISO per month. Also house
nf U teems for $3,603. J. F. Hammond , 117 3.
18th. 653
HALK-Afartlm M. Ish will soil
nt public unction at the north door of the
courthouse , at 10 o'clock a. m. , September3 ,
an acre of ground , cor of 20th and Locust sts ,
adjoining Kountzo Flace. ( > 7V s 3
FOH SALK Lot In South Omaha near busi
ness center with one house of U rooms
nnd ono house of 3 rooms ranting for $40 per
month , a bargain at 14,000 , 11,000 case , bnl 1 ,
2nnd II years. Chas. K. Woolley , 418 S 15th st. ,
Omaha , Nab. CW 30
FOH SALE- House and lot on Suunders St. ,
north of Lake , owner oan't meet payment
duo on Fame , and wo uro Instructed to sell this
property hoforo August 2 > for$2,80D. Morten-
Hen iV Chrlstonson , 1414 Farnara. 017 2JJ
GUAHDIAN Salo-Ontho3ddayof Septem
ber at 10 o'clock a. in , nt the north dooi
of the court house , Mrs Martha M. Ish will soil
at public auction to the hlehost bidder her resIdence -
Idonco and tlvo lots , also live lots adjoining at
the northeast corner ol Ampler Place. Someone
ono will get a bargain. ftSO s 3
FOH SAME Ton now houses ono block from
street cars , small cash payment , balance
monthlv. ' Cbas H. Woolley , 41S South 15th st. ,
Omaha' Neb. 013 3U
HUNT thU up. An elegant DJ foot lot on
2rithBt , north of Leavonworth. Street cars , water , etc , f > , OUO onoaay terms ,
locality best In town. Evans & lllackburn.
7M 2IJ
FOH HALE At a bargain , 20 acrus ncai
South Omaha. Chas. H. Woolloy , 418 Soutli
15th St. H2094
FOR SALE Ulegant lying lot on street cat
line , where cars run regularly. Will sol
at a sucrlQc. 1'hoo (400 , cash M. balance (51
somi-annually. 1'rlvato house 401 N. 15thst.
019 iU
FOK BALK or exchange Two nice 4-roora
cottages , both rontod. Will exchange foi
ono , with li'tlo or no back payments. Addros !
10i7 South 20th street. Mi-UJJ
FOR SALK-Somo of the flnest lots on Syndl
oate Hill near the park In South Omaha
which 1 will neil for the next ten days from ( SOU
to $1,100 with email cash payment. Address , II
6'J Boo onioe. 912 111 *
f0ll SALB-Threo lots In Hoyd's odd , ii
-T blonk from corner State street and Amot
nvo. for ( iJOO nach ; ono-thlrd cash , balance easy ,
Address H IX ) , Hoc olllcu. 013 3IJ
rpo EXCHANCJE-For Omnha property , on (
i. or more sections of good Nebraska land
Chas. 11. Woolley , 418 South 15th st , Onmha , Mob
643 JO
f pO exchungo for unlnoumbored land or farn
-L In Iowa or Nebraska a numbur ot lots Ii
Omaha. Chns. 1L Woolly , 418 S 15tri st..Omaba
Nob. 648 30
mo nXCHANQK-Housosand lots In Omahi
Jto trtiilo for farms in lown or Nebraska
Chas. H. Wooliey , US ouib 15th stroot.Otnnua
Neb. C4S 30
Nebraska farms to trade for Oniahf
real estate ; nlso , farms to sod on lorn
time. One with a section , good Improvements
SO year lease , for * SOJJ. Or will sou for 116 pen
acre , and give deed. Hoccml Advertising Co
1513 r'arnnin ut . uO-1
IF YOU want to buy , soil , or trade your property
orty , call on Charles E. Spotgnood , UOTiV
8. IBth St. 4JT )
rpo KXOIIANOK Ono large now 10-roon
X house nnd two lots , only S blocks froti
street earn , will take partly In land or othoi
good property , balance on onsy terms. Chas
1U Woolloy , 418 South 15th It. , Omaha , Mob.
_ ] _ _ 1118 30
FT iO EXCHANGE For improved Omaha prop
X orty 10 good Kansas farms. Charles U
Woolloy , 418 South 15th ft , 618 UU
F OH SALK-Lot In Orchard Hill ? must soil
J.U. Haynos,37 Chamber ot Commerce
D74 25'
AFRW ponulno bnrtr&Ins In bomos , care
tully sclectixl from our list.
9 room house la Idlowllds add. , within
Mom n throw from LnKO Pt cars , charmlni
bau o , pnls55 iy Dnlshod , beautiful location
' ' .
il room bouse , ono block from Saunders an
Ciimhur sts , ana lot a.lxl2S , $ I K ) ,
One block from Saumiors near CumlnK1. coo
5 room hoime , city water , etc. , 40x120 , f.ntO. !
00x127' ; . One 7 room homr , "oil , cUtern , oil
water , and largo burn , lawn ami Rhmlo treoi
near street cars , lovely bome.ouly (0,000 ; M.Vi
Hplondld lot on Miami st near Lake , now
story u room house , well , eletorn and outbullJ
mits , 1 6,500 , vury eany torini.
21x127 on oar line 3 blocks from Baundon
small house and barn , etc. , very cheap , f,5' ! '
6iJxlS7 ( in ( Iraud. near nt cars , splcndl
bouso. 1'leasolook thljup. A positive bargttl
only t4.0UO.
6irxlJ7H on Boward near 31st , 6 room nou *
barn , etc. . ou tuuuso * , ri.CKO. SI ,000 caili ,
illlcbull A Lcyoumsrck , I5ie Dodg * L 1)6527 )
FOn SALE Tb floeit rotldenct Jot o
Donee ptreet S blocks went df POH olf.o
SO f * t aulh frontage , a corner , y. U. Kti
oard , 114-U1 , : i. lettx it , . HO
, IBT your property for sale with Charloi C.
J 8potawood.305H SlCtb Bt. 6U
( Alin. < TlNd-Ix > tsl4 , 15,16. block 11 , Clifton
> Hill , corner Houlevard aveaur , halt block
from motor line , I1.71KI , | 74 < 1coih.
10 ncroK , hou o , ate , , near Port Omaha , f ! 2ii
per Hero , only JV.1) onsh , balance I , : , 3 and 4
roam , worth at lonut HW per aero , must be
lolil by September 1st.
Van Ilouron & Co. , Dotijlai and llth streets.
76 28
1710H 9AtK Ono million acres of land In No-
JL' braska. Sprculntor's lands.rallroatl lands ,
ranches , and farms In all parts of the
state. Send for pamphlet containing denorlp-
Ion and price of oror one thounaml f nrms. A
fine topographical map of tno itato sunt free
ipon apphcntlon. K. II. Anciruj , for 10 years
len'l Land A front H. ft M. H. H. Klghth and i >
ftroets , Lincoln. Nebraska. 240
Douglas and 14th Ntrrct * .
er foot , lots 23 mid 29 , Clark Tlnco.
$ I25T vcstltiUo thli.
Lot 4 , block ID , rialnvlow. Worth at
$1250 lonit { 1,5(10.
For2 ncro * In Tote llrlUltinto , nonr
$1400 1' . K. ,1 K. V. Hy. depot.
ForftncrMln Cote nrllllant , worth
$1500 f 4W per ncrc.
Tor lot 0 , block 7 , I'lnlnvlow , one
$1600 block from cable line.
Hoilio nnd lot In Hawthorne , rnst
$1700 front , ou Kindc.
House nnd lot ( .VxlO ! } > on Cnss , near
$2000 Ulth striiot.
' Tor Illl feet front on Lowe Avenue ,
$ > 200 nenr Hamilton. A bnrKnln.
South front on Spencer St. , Knuntzo
$2400 I'lncc. Clienpost lot In the addition.
l.otU , bloux 2 , Hlllsldo No. 1 , south
$2500 Itonl.
Tnelvo lots , Ln Fuj otto I'nrk , Will
$2400 trade.
Porncr 17th nnd Center streets , ( COv-
$5000 ir > 0) ) . A Pimp
ForM foot south fiont ou Cumin ?
$11000 nunr 2.ith stioct.
INTIIU Olitrlct Coiutof Douirlns County. In
the imUlorof the estate of Huu C. l.iusnn ,
loooii-icd. This cause cnmo on for litmrlnff
upnn thu petition ot Amclln I.iirscn , ndmlnls-
rntrlx of the cstnUi ot Hans O lnr on , do-
aiirtod. pi'u > liir | for u llcoiij-o to poll lot Biivon-
teen il7'lti ' block uli'vcn ( Hi In Hnnscom I'laco ,
in nildlllon to tlie citv of Omnhn , forthu pay
ment ot the otiNlnndini : Inilclitedui s ii ulnit
iho nfi.toMiId ostHto.uud the costs of adminis
tration , them not bolntr Kiilhu'ont personal
nopuity to pay the BHld dolila and expanses.
It l tliriofoiu onlori'd thnt nil persons Intor-
ofitcil In said cst.ito npponf before one of tlio
ludifc ? of the district court , at tlio court hoiiM ) ,
.n Omnhn , on tlioJi-'iid day of Soptoiubor , IS8T
nt 10 o'clock a. m. , to showoauso why n licon o
should not bo KI anted to said iidinlnistralrlx to
loll the ubovnili > ipilnpd ronl estate of said deceased
ceased , to pay mi debts und expenses of the
snld Until U on , deceased , and thnt this
order tin published onn day caoh week for four
coiisecntlvn wcol.s in the Oinnhu linily Hoo.
D.itiul this Sth day of August , 1357.
Hy the i " nt.
Ilunnlne netwoen Council llluffs nnd South
Omaha. In addition to th stations mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth
streets , und at the Summit in Omaha.
Chicago , Mil waite&Sl Pan ! R ;
The IScst llouta from Onnilid tint
Two Train * Daily lie ) ween Omaha an
Council lilulU
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CcdarKapid
Hock Inland , Freeport , Huckforl ,
Clinton , DubiKiui ; , Uavenj > orl ,
Elgin , Madison , Iaue villc ,
IJcloit , Winona , I.aCios'e ,
And all other Importi-nt points Kuit , Kortlicu ;
nd Houtlifust.
* . ? Jtr.roUBh ? t'f ' nt call on the HownToi
ftl21 { I'arnamst m puxiou li-.o : , or HI Unlo
I'MClflO tllpot.
Pullman SlcOPc i nud the finest Dlniuvr Cai
In the wona are rim on thn mala Una of th
Cbltii .i.M.liTuuVceftSt. Paul Hullway ami n' '
ly attention I * paid to p-iv-en--eni by court
oiii inpljyi'CH of tbo rompaoj ,
K Mi i > u. tttnornl Manager.
J , K TiiCKfit , AsiUtiuitOjuera ! Vainii.'tir.
. A. V , H. Otiii'ENTiR , Geaerat I'dbtuicor un
OKO. K iliArront ) , An'.stant Qeneral I'ainoi
rsr and Ticket Agont.
J.X , CuutK Qsneral SujrsriuUudcui.
The only road to tnko for Uos Molnri nr
lalllon n , O ednr ItnpldK , Clinton , Dlxon , I'hlca *
.n , Mllwnukfo nnd nil points ou t. To tlio pco >
ilo of Nobrnska , Colorado , Wyomlnir , Utah.
ilnlio , M'vm'n , Utv'Koti , WashliiKton , nnd Call !
fornln , It ollt'is superior iulMintHces not possl
bio by nny other linn.
AmotiK n low of tliii numerous points of
Apriority enjoyuil by the patrons of this road
irt\\eon Omnhn nnd C'tlcniro.nro Its two trnlnl
i day of DAY COAUIIKS , which nru the Iltioi )
hut hunmiinrt nnd liurjnulty cnn iTont . 1(1 (
AIiAOKK SLHr.l'tXtl CAH , which nro tnodeU
it comtnrt nnd nlepHtlco. Its I'ARLOIt HltAWl
Ntl IIOO.M CARS , uinurpimsed by any. nud 114
vldely celebrated I'AI.ATIAI , DINING CARS ,
he t'tiunl of which cannot bo fouml cloewhon
At Council lllulTsthu trnlna of the Union I'nclfll
ty. connect In Union Depot with HIOM ) of thi
jhlonso \ NurthufHtcrn Hy. In Chlo.uo tin
ruin * of this llt : make cloio connection wltll
hogonf nil rastcrn linos.
Tor Detroit , Columbus , Indlnnnpolls , Clnolai
intl , Nhm'iun Tails , llutfalo , rill liuriToronto ,
Montreal , llo ton , Now York , I'lilliulclphla.
Inltlmou1 , WnshliiKton nnd nil points In tht
cast , nk for n ticket /In the
f you wish the box ! nccommodntlon , All ticket
KontssolI tlckotsvla this line *
n. Hur.iiiTr. K r WILSON.
Uctil. Mnmiffor , flonl , 1'ass'r Aifonl
Chlcngo , III.
Wostoru Afiont , t'lty 1'ass'r A ont ,
Omaha Nalirnska.
tmo is vxicgciurriD WITH Tim nrnantriiT or
Dy renion of Ita oentr * ! position. QOM raUttoii to Itn
Kit of ChlcaiTo , and contlnaiui Un i nl tormln
points Wcit , Korthm-it and B > > .itliv > vit , Ii tb * tnM
mlJilIo link ta th trantronllnonUi pyatcm whlei
InMtri Mid fadllUtcs traT l anil trafflo betvreta Ui |
TUo Hock Itland main linn nnAtiranchMlnclniUC&I
cage , Jollet. Ottawa , l.a Hallo , IVortu , Orntico , Mollaj
ami hock IiUnJ , ID Illinois ! DaTrnport , tlutcaUnf
Wmhlnston , CalrflcM , Otturawa , O-knltion , Wtittitf
rtr.IowaClty.DeiiUolnM.Indlanola.Wlnttrfiot. Atlaa ,
tie , KnciiTllla , Audul.on , Harlan , ( lulhri. Ocntr * aa < ,
Council mufti , in lowai ( lallatln , Trenton , Ht.JoMpB ,
Carafiron unit Kaniai fitIn lltllourl : Loarrnwortl
cind AlcUUon , In Kanian Albei t Ia , Mlnuoa | > elli KM
M. l'adlnMlnnpsoUVatrrtonn | and
Dakota , and liundrcdi of Intermediate cltlr J and towd
VTho Great Rock Inland Routo"4
Guarantees vpccd , comfort , certainty and ? nfcty. It |
permanent war lacllstlnL-ultlii'dfor Itacicfllrncs. lit
brldget are of stone and Iron. Ito traok In of lolld
( tccl.llsrollloeBlDckiicrfi'Ct. Hi { taiuiniccroiiuliim'a
liai all the nafoty appliance ! Hint rx porloneo has pivr
TiBAful , an < t for luxurlotin accommodntluna !
paired. Iti Kxprta * Trains conilit ot tlp rl
Coachrl , l Kant Tultmaa 1'nUce Parlor and BlrgplU
Card , luperb Plnlnff Can , ptorldlng dellclottB mealE
and ( between Chicago and St. oxpli , Atchhon and
KansaH City ) restrul Rocllrdnt Chair Can. Iti
vp ment U consorraltTo , ita dUclpltno oxactloff.
"The Famous Albert Lea Route"
Patwten Chicago and Mlnncanolli and St. Paul U tkt
farorlte. OT rthlilln * Solid Fa > t Kiprcil Tn\ln rH
dally to attractlie morti for tonrltU In Iowa at
Minnesota , a nd , via WatortownandHloux ralln.tot
rteb wheat and gracing lands of Interior Dakota , t
Benoca And Kanliakrv , thoKock Inland offers supertif
Indueemtntft to trarttlern between Cincinnati , India * *
ftpolls , Lafayetta ajid Council I'lufTs , St. Joneuh , AtoU.
on , I.mTf nworth , Kansas City , Ht. Taul , and Intermna.
dIMe | iolnts. All patrons ( rupicUlly ladles and 0 > U
dren ) recelre protection , oourt py and kindly alttBUaat
For tickets , maps , folders , copies of Waxtera Trail , vt
any dc'treU Information , apply to principal oftlQM.M )
tae United Btato * and Oana4v oraddrr > i , lCLIc Jr\
cases cured. No knlle , ( Inigsor clumps
Add. V. O. Supply Co Hoi 725. St. Louis ,
Copper , Brass , Lead , Zinc , Etc.
Will pay good prices. Also bottles bought
and sold.
114 South llth Street.
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy
St. Louis , Mo. , University College llospu
tl , London , Gieten , Germany and New
York. Having devoted their attention
More especially tliof.e .irising from Impur-
dence , invite all so suffering to correspond
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured salcly and speedily with
out use of dangerous drugs. Patients
whose cat , s have been neglected , badly
treated or paonoundcd incurable , should
not fail to write us concerning their symp
toms. All letters receive immediate at- *
And will be mailed FRIJE to any address
on icccipt of one 2 cent btamp. "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility nnd
J'lnsical Exhaustion , " to which is addvd
an""Esiay on MatriajeMlh Important
chaptcu on Diseases of the Kepcdi < ctive
Organs thn whole foriiivng a valuable med-
icp.l treutiEC which should be read by all
youii ; ; men , Address
1707Oli c St. , St. Kouib , Mo.
Olllce , Cor. 15'h nnd Fnrnani itk.
Rcbldcnco , 2'i'Jl ' Farnam fct ,
] | . < rs. ( i to 1 1 a. m. , 2 to C p. m.
Notion to Atorutiantu nnd
On n-nlaftorthhdite I shall not bo re po-i- ,
tiblv fur any uiiitnrlnl < loiiTure < i to or work pur.
foriribil for I'red Mltlnaobt ou boino lie Is unit
nuililliiK for iae on lot 4 , ttrnck ? . ! , Houlit
( ) , nnhn. HKKMAN'IOUUIU.NCK.
Aiiguit It , > It