Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1887, Page 5, Image 5
- ? s - -jr-Tr > f--fT * IJ'111 ' . * V HWM * " 1H THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY ; AUGUST 24. 188ft THE STATE UNIVERSITY , Interesting Statistics Concerning the Growth of This Institntion. PREPARING FOR FALL WORK. General Manager IloltlrcRO Aski a Knhortrlntrlii the IiidlnnolnOtiso Oittlnu ! Heady For the Btatn Militia IJitcainptnent. fpnoM TIIK nr.u's M.VCOI.X noBKAti.1 ' The time is rapidly approaching when ( lie students will again congregate for llio work of the school year at the State uni- verslty. Tim dale for the coramoncemunt of work , thu beginning of the lirst term , is fixed for Thursday , the 15th of Septem ber , and the students nro expected to reach the city und bo ready promptly on the ( Into fixed. During the year last past thcro wcro enrolled a total of ! )81 ) fatu- dents nnd the reports to thu olllcials of tbo school indicate that the aggregate at tendance the coming year will exceed that of the year last past. It should bo remembered in the enrollment of the past year there were ninety-six students enrolled in tlio department of fine nrts , nnd that they came almost exclusively from Lincoln , nnd in contemplating the enrollment could scarcely bo designated ns students in the sense that tlui stnto contemplates attendants nt the institu tion. The College of Medicine that was connected witti the university the past year has been practically abandoned , nnd the nineteen enrolled in that dopnit- inetit wrll not probably appear on tlio records again. At the last session . of the legislature $15,000 was nppro- , ' -y printed for improvements on the main . ' buildi g and tjiu work is now practically < . finished. The expenditures have been i' , made in putting new interior foundation walls nndor the building in plauo ot the old sand stone ones that were put in when the building was first erected. The i work was expensive and laborious butte to all appearances has boon done in a satisfactory manner. The building has been papered and decorated throughout , j. the halls coiled and much painting done , "L all of which tends greatly to the appearance - ' - anco of the rooms and removes much of the cheerless aspect that has been notice- t , able heretofore. Sewerage has been put t in the building , thu basement laid with ' concrete ami a tow additional rooms created for special purposes. The reci tation rooms have been in a large degree supplied with now and improved scats j and the building entire presents an im proved aupcaranco to the view. In re gard to the new buildings little progress has been made nnd the contracts are not yet awarded. It is possible , however , that the work of putting in the founda tions may be completed the pesent year. IIOAUIJ OF TUANSrOHTATION NOTES. At the board of transportation rooms a letter was received from General Man ager llohlrugo yesterday asking for a re hearing in the IndiHiiola case , that was decided in favor of tlio citizens of the place n few days since. The board will hear what Superintendent Culvert has to ' say to-day nnd if the grounds arc suf ficient the bo although case may ro-opcned , though it is not probable that it will be. : Yesterday was the Uato sot for the hear ing of the case brought by the Lincoln Freight bureau against the Union Pacific railway. Tlio absence of the attorney for the Freight bureau from the city caused the postponement of the case , the stipu lation of continuance on the part of both Bides being tiled yesterday afternoon. Ono of the rules of the commission re quires the railroads to Hie the record of accidents on their individual lines with the board. A short time : i o the record of accidents occurring on the li. iV M. was published , but owing to the neglect of tlio Union Pacific , there is no record of accident on that road on tile. It is evident that in tins , as in every other case , that the Union Pucilio is intention ally refraining from complying with the rule , and it should bo brought to timo. The li. & M. has tiled a statement with the commission of new statistics opened on its lines August 15. Must of these new places are on the Central City line north west , the now stations on the line being Archer , Palmer , Gushing , Urayton , Bel fast nnd Ureoley Center. It is under stood that the town of Palmer is chris tened after Captain H. K. Palmer , of Plattsmouth , who long ago has earned from the company such distinguished rec ognition. A coal tariff shoot on the B. & M. to points west of Umaha , that took oll'ect August 15 , has been liled with thu com mission. This makes the rnto from Umaha on hard and soft coal G cents per 100 , the rate from Chicago and com mon points to the river being u fraction over 10 cents. If Lincoln had n pro rnta mileage rate on coal from Chicago it would make the rate to this point about 17 cents instead of 23 cents undue the added local rate. Thu Stntu Journal will announce , however , to the Lincoln pub lic that the road , in taking ft cents per KM ) out of the pockets of Lincoln consumers , has done nil that the city could ask it to do and acceded to all requests for reduc tions. UUIEK ITEMS. The following new notaries have bonn commissioned by the governor : C. 11. llmnlin , York ; George \V. Mayer , Kimball - ball , Cheyenne , county ; K. 1) . Morgan , PlutUmouth ; Lewi * E. Walker , Benklo- man , Dund.y county ; Charles C. Stanley , Omaha ; Titus King Cone , Kearney ; V-JnimisT. Con way , Thayer , York county ; John llawksby , Freuwator , Harlem county. The north Nebraska reunion that oo- curs the precont week , will bo attended by Governor Thayer and a number of other Grand Army' men from this plueo. The governor will give the reunion two davs of his time , returning to Lincoln the latter part'of tint week. Yehterday the adjutant general had a delegation of military men at his ollico. it being a meeting of the field olliecrs. Brigadier General Colby , Colonel Phil lips , Judge Advocate General Major Watson , and oihor soldiers were m at tendance. The grounds selected for the coming encampment of the state militia are lo cated east of the city and adjoining the cemetery grounds. The location is a hlghtly ono and the militia have ample room for drill and other exercises. Un Monday next is the day for the gather ing , and the now uniforms will bu dis tributed at that timo. The Knights of Pythias of the city who have membership in the uniform division nro actively engaged in drill work , and nt the coming meeting of tlio grand lodge in Omaha they will bo on the grounds ready for victory. The now K. P. band from Opollo lodge will lead the proccs- tion. tion.C. C. II. Klmdorf , manager of Colonel Frank's grcnt sale at Kearney , was in Lincoln yesterday arranging for nn ex cursion party that will leave for that place to-day. Ben O. Rhodes and Cad C. Pace , the auctioneers , have taken an active interest with Colonel Hyde in hay ing Lincoln ably represented. Fred W. Gray nnd John T. Clarke , of Oiuuha , were in Lincoln yesterday on business. Captain A. Aller , of the B. & M. , was looking after his company's interests in Lincoln yesterday. The color line is being drawn among workman on ono of the now blocks in the city , and thu architect and contractor are ut loggerheads. An adjourned meeting of the republican county committee -was held at Captain Ullllngsloy's ollico yesterday. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. Mrs. Graham has returned from visit with friends in Oakland. The young people of the Proabyterinn church will give a lunch basket plcnto this evening. There is a rumor that Albright station Is to have an opera house with a seating capacity of 800. In Judge Ilcuthcr's court j-cstcrday throe plain drunks ami three vagrants wcro dismissed with ths admonition to "go nnd sin no more. " Harry Austin and Kugeno Stevens came down from the city and tackled South Omaha whisky , which they succeeded in keeping the best of until about 1 o'clock a. m. , when it got the best of them and started them on the downward path. They first began rolling beer ke.csuown Mil and becoming tired of this they be- , 'an to sing. On being brought bo- ere Judge lleuther yesterday , hey said that they had drunk a little , ludge Kouther assured them that ho jolioved them , us uu was awakened by heir nolso , and that he would forgtvo hem for getting drunk and rolling the ccs , but would be forced to tine them f 5 nd costs each fordoing what they called iJnglng. The HOST depot will bo commenced in bout two weeks. Miss Klla Kiley , an Interesting young adv of the West Side , will soon goon a fls'il to friends in Kansas City. J. S. Catterson , a resident of Urowns- iury , Ind. , was a guest at the licnson louse. The salvntion army has rented the K. _ f L. hall as a barracks , and soon the dis cordant notes of cracked voices , bass Iriim ami tamborine will bo another tor- . .ure to our citizens. South Omaha Lodge 118 , I. O. ( F. held meeting Monday night and put on for he first time their new regalia and initi ated two now members. This makes the membership number twontv-uine. Misses Dot Camp and Kmnia Gold smith and Master Sam Goldsmith , of Umaha , spent the , dny visiting friends. Tlio well to furnish water for the 'owlor packing house is now down to a depth of 585 feet. The largest stock train ever received , amo in this moining behind a single on- ; ino. It contained fifty cars. Wednesday night a mooting will bo icld in the hall over the Iowa saloon , for ho purpose of organizing a shooting ilub. Already a petition for its organi zation has been circulated , and received liirty signers. It. K. Jones , a citizen of St. Louis , was n the ciiy buying real estate ! . LasfFriday H. Kalish started a clothing and gent's furnishing store on Twenty- sixth street , and put in a young nwa as manager. Saturday at night-time the manager closed up and went into the city and has iiot been heard from since. Mr. Kaliah came out hero and said lie would opened it up again yesterdaybut failed , probably not being able to get a clerk. The amount stolen could not bo ascer tained. "Ho wise with speed ; A fool at forty is a fool indeedl" So said Young. Straws show which way the wind blows , nnd there nro a score of symptoms any one of which shows the existence of catarrh. Neglec ted , it will rob the blood of its purity and the system of its strength. Get lr. ) Sage s Catarrh Itcmcdy. It cures oven long standing cases , as thousands testify , and should bo used for colds in the head , which often result in continued catarrh. * BIG TRANSFER OP PKOPK11TY. Tlio Sale of the "Kiilooner" lllock ConmimniiKctl. It will bo remembered that bids were opened some time ago for the purchase of the property on the southwest corner of Fifteenth and Douirlas , known as the Falconer block. The highest bidder was Low Hill , who offered $87,150 for the property , and planked down $5,000 to secure the sale. The ground on which the Falconer property stands was owned by the heirs of Dr. Milan Hunt and Elizabeth Hunt , his wife , who were well known and pioneer citizens of Omaha. These heirs consist of Mrs. W. A. Richards , now of Iluflalo , Wyoming territory , Charles and George Hunt , of Oakland , CaL , and Edith Helen Webb , a minor grand-child of the parties first named , now residing in this city. On the 21st of September , 1877 , N. H. Falconer leased the ground for ten years , at an annual rental ol $500. Ho Erected the fine build ing m which ho is now doing business. with the privilege of buying tlio grount : at the expiration of the lease , or the owners of the ground buying the build ing. It is said the owners of the property would ut that time havu sold ttiis prop erty for $5,000. and think they had a bar gain. Mr. Falconer finally concluded to sell his block , and the Hunt heirs pur chased it the other day and sold the en tire property to Mr. Hill as aforesaid , about eighteen thousand dollars being ncttci to each heir. Yesterday the ( lends were made out. Mr. Hill paid | SJ,150 , the balance of thu purchase money and the deeds were transferred Mr. Arthur C. Wakoloy acted for the Hunts and Mr. A. C. Troup as attorney und guardian , appeared for Miss Webb. It is said that Hon. John A. McShane is interested m the purchase. It is also un derstood that Mr. Falconer will continue to occupy the building ut a rental for years in connection with the store ho is building on the forty-four feet front ho owns next south of the present Falconer block. In case he should not make terms for the occupancy of the old buildings ho will have his own store to occupy. This is an important transfer and shows wha ten years had done for Omaha property O. A. H. Decoratlonn. The solicitors for funds to aid in decor ating the buildings und streets of the city during the G. A. K. re-union , report gooi success so far , but they wish to impress on all citizens interested , that prompt ness is necessary in deciding on the ) contributions , as it will take considerable time to procure the proper decorative material , and do the work properly. CREAM Its iuporlor ozoellunce prnrea in milllooio homes for moro thai a quarter of a rnntury Itlnutedby the United 8tato Ooverninent EndorseU by the heads ot tht Great Unlveril tlei , as the Strontest , Purest * nd Host Health fill. Dr. Prtoe'i tbo only llakinsr J'owder tha does not contain Ammonia , Lime , or Alum Bold only ID cans. 1'UIOK IIAKINO PO\T13EK COH JISW VOHJC CitlCAQO. , ST. LOU15. THE GREAT TEN DAY CUT PRICE SALE MHMM MM H B MMWMH These Prices Positively Good for Ton Days , Only. Thcso Prices Positively Good for Ton Days Only. . TAILOR-MADE SUITS , M TAILOR-MADE SUITS , Fo r 9.75 That were made io order for 18.00 For 16.50 That Were Made to Order for . 30 .00 " 10.50 " " " 20.00 I " .17.50 " " " . 85.00 " 11.50 " ' . " 23.00 20.00 " " " . 40.00 " 12.75 ' " " 25.00 " 22.50 " " " 45.00 " 13.75 " ' " . . " 20.09 " 25.00 " " " 50.00 " 15.00 28.00 S " 81.00 60.00 Consider these Prices , Consider the Quality of these Garments. CAUSE. MISFIT TJotwithstandlng our immense sales The effect of having too much light this summer' , wo have still too many weight clothing Is n tremendous break light goods left. Our eastern buyer con in price of the remainder. tinually writes , "MAKE ROOM. " " 1 have bought stacks of goods , and WE MUST , WE WILL , WE SHALL they are on the road/ ' SELL THEM. We stop at no sacrifice , however gront , In order to attain our Now , we have got to do one of three object. WE MEAN BUSINESS. things Sell the goods , throw them away or stretch the walls. The easiest 1119 Farnam Street Our Goods Look. Like Business. to do , is to , in T n i 11 i IA r * I 'It ' sv 11 I A * * Cut the Prices and Sell the L' Itatwcoik lltli and 12tU Sis. flB MM BBIU WVmM > Thcso Prices only Good During this ? Ten Day Cut Sale. These Prices Good only During this Ton Day Cut Sale TAILOMADE PANTS F TAILOR-MADE PABTS For 3.00 That Avero Made to Order for 6.CO For 4.75 That were Made to Order for $ 9.00 11 4.00 " " . " 7.00 6.00 " " " 12.00 " 5.00 " " II 8.50 u 7.50 " " " 14.00 5.50 Cl II ( I 11.00 It 8.50 " " " 16.00 7.00 II II II lil.50 II 9.00 " " " 17.00 8.00 " " 15.00 and Can't ' be to Our Styles are Unique Compared 14 Hand-Me-Downs. " Positively Perfect Fitting , This sacrificial 10 Day CutSaie includes every article in the house. Gents' Furnishing Goods and Hats , are cut just as hard and deep as the clothing. MAYOR AN1 > MCRNSI3 BOAUD. tt'Iint tlio City Kxocutivn nnd City Clerk Say of tlio O'Malley Cnnc > . Mayor Uroatcli said in regard to tlio O'M'illuycaso ' yesterday , that tlm only interest ho hail in the matter was to sco that the laws were properly curried out. and tlmt in regard to licenses the board having such matters in churpe did its business in a formal and strictly legal manner. In the O'Malloy ease the mayor held unpquivooally that his colleagues on the board had not acted legally in the lirst phico , because there was a transfer ot license , which required a new appli cation , a new petition and new bonds men. Moreover , there was undue haste , no time being given for protests , etc. The mayor also claims that , although ho is apparently on tbo license board , he should not bo ignored us far as his pros- unco is concerned at its meetings , when it is w.oll known ho is m the city. Ho says ho was not notilicd when the case of O'Malloy was lirst considered. " \Vhon ho met "with the hoard to-nay and all matters connected with the trans fer of thu'liccnsc wcro properly arranged Mayor liroatch said he had no objection to uigning the transfer and did 80 willing ly. In faet ho thought Mr. O'Mallev in tended no wrong and as tar as he was concerned ho had no feeling whatever against the applicant. What ho wanted understood was that the license board and all other city boards and oilieers should do * their business formally und legally. Ho did not thii-k City Clnrk Southard and Mr. Hcchel had done so in this instance and in fact had not done so in other instances. In one case where the law requires Iho city clerk to Neml to the mayor all ordinances passed within forty-eight hours after passage Mr. Southard hud not complied with the law. In faet nu ordinance was re ceived yesterday which had been passed on Tuesday of last week. Clerk Southard being asked about the alleged interview with him published in the Herald yesterday , said ho npver recollected using any of the expressions attributed to him. Ho may have said the mayor was a little excitert. As far as ho was connected with the O'Malley case ho thought ho and Mr. licchol acted pro perly. Ho had looked all over town for the mayor and could not liiul him and as Mr. O'Malley claimed it was Saturday nud ho was losintr Ins best trade Mr. liechol and ho ( the clerk ) being the majority of the license board determined to act. If it had been an original license porhans more time for consideration should have been taken. Pnizont. No inline is bettor nnd moro pleasantly nnd widely known than that of Mr. J. A. Pozzoiii. 1-or fears ho has made him self famous by thu elegant perfumes and complexion powdur that bcara his name the latUirhaving found its way to tlio belles of L'aris Germany and London , Kvorybody admire beauty in ladies. Nothing-will do more to produce or en hance it than to use Mr. Pozzoni's pre parations Presentation of A Manner. The following correspondence between Mr. W. ( J. Albright of this city and Sec retary Burmoster of the O. A. U. reunion committee , will explain itself : OMAHA. Neb. , Aiucust 18. S. B. Jones. Esq. , ClmirniRn Committee of Arrangements (5. A. K. Ituunlou. Omaha , Neb IJuar Sir : 1 have Mwnys taken n roat Interest in tlio Grand Army of ttie Itepubllc and desire to contribute to the success of the reunion here In September. 1 think some sort of reward Aiiould bo given for the time and trouble members of the organization take | to attend ; end to carry this idea out , 1 proposewith the approbation of your committee , to offer as n special urize to the posta of the department of Nebraska from outside the city of Omaha , appearing In the line of march HeptemberT , with tno ciratesl number of members , an elcuant ellk banner , appropriately Inscribed , and herewith submit a sketch of It , It win be gotten up In ax elaborate stvlo and finish as possiDle , and will be a truphy worth pre serving. Should mv pronoslt'.oa ' be favorably con- Bidored , will you take measures to niakn It known to all ( K A. It. post * , in Nebraska ? Yours very truly , W. O. ALBIUOIIT. OMAHA , Neb. , August IV. Mr. W. O. 'Albricbt , Omaha Dear Sir ; I have tno honor to acknowledge receipt of your esteemed - teemed luvor dateit 18Ui instant , and on behalf - half of the io-imi < m committee accept your very Generous oiler to piascnt a trophy to the jmstB of the department of NebrixskaU. A. K. , showing the la'-gpst number of members present at the ninth annual re-union. A copy of your hitter and a description of the baunur have by me bucn forwarded to department headquarters , nud will be pub- lUliod In next eneral orders , Tiustini : that your offer may bo the moans of an increased attendance of old soldiers , and tnnitorinic you the sincere thanks of tlio committee for your liberality , 1 hnvo thu honor to remain very respectfully , your obedient servant , GIIAIII.KS Hmmr.sTKK , Secretary lle-unlou Committee. The liver and kidneys must bo kept in good condition. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a great remedy for regulating these organs. KmniiHT Ii1. Atkin. Sunnier F. Atkins , more familiarly known as "Sam" died at his room No. lyil Davenport street yesterday of typhoid fever after an illness of two weeks. The deceased was ono of the oldest mechanics connected with the Union I'acilic shopn , having entered thu company's employ about .sixteen years ago. For some time ho has been foreman of the wheel department and was very popular with his associates both within and withou t the railway employ. Ho was forty-two years of ago , was u bache lor and leaves a mother and married sister in Dixon , 111. , as his only bereaved relatives. The deceased had been paiti- cularly unfortunate in railroad accidents. Some years ago ho lost a lug while railroading reading in Illinois and since coming here ho suil'ercd a loss of n hand. Ho was a prominent member of Omnha lodge No. a , I. O. O. F. and of the A. O. U. VV. of this city. The funeral wll : bo in charge of those Hocietiesand thu rumams will probably bo taken to Illinois for inter ment. _ From the Dmtrlot Attorney of Wost- Chester County , Now York. WIUTE PLAINS , N. Y. . April 10 , 1880. I have received many letters in refer ence to my testimony , lately published , commending ALLCOCK'S Pouous PLAS- TKIIS. 1 cannot snare the time to answer them in writing , therefore would say , through the press , that 1 have found AI.LCOCKS Pouous PI.ASTKUS invaluable as chest protectors and shields agniiist coughs and oolds. Furthermore , 1 have found ALLCOCK'S PI.ASTKHS unequaled for pains in side , back and chest.H. H. UAKKB. In the JlnndH o Notices have been placed on the store on Fourteenth street near Douglas , for merly occupied by T. W. Kcad , announc ing that thu stock of mantles , etc. , at onetime time controlled by said Head had passed from his hands into that'of mortgagees. The latter nro the John Vann range company and L. G. SchaofTur. Mr. Head had given the lirst named a mortgage on his wants for $1,051.38 dated August 23 , 1 87. Ho gave a second mortgage tp L. G. Schaeli'er & Co. for $ l,7ttt.GU , dated Augusti JJ3 , 1837. The debts secured by thcso mortgages wcro payable on demand. No attachment was issued. It was simply a turn over. For travelers it is a necessity. The genuine Hrown's Ginner. Frederick IJrown , Philadelphia. New Copartnership. James Casey and O. L. Campbell have formed a copartnership for running the Arcade hotel , to continue fifteen years from May 0 , 18S < J. The building owned by Mr. Campbell is leased to the firm at the rate of f 4.800 per annum for the first live years and , at the rate of 8 per cent of the fair appraised valuation of the property for the next ten years , suid ap praisements to bo made tit the commence ment of each live years and to be paid in advance. , _ Electric Lustra Starch will .not Stick to the iron. It is the best ataroh. , CAPITAL PRIZE , $950,000. "Wo do h ere by certify tlmt we supervise tUe RrranKoinentR for nil the Monthly nnd Semi Annual Drawing * of The Loulslimu Stuto Lot Itrv t'oinpnny , anil In poi'sou IIIHIIHKO nnil con trol tlio drawings thcintohus , nnil tlmt the Mime uro ennductod with honesty , liilrncss and in ( rood fnitli towunl all ( mrttcs , nnd wo author l/o the Company to use this oertlllcuto with lao similes of nur signature attached. In Its ndvor liscmerits. " COMMISSIONERS. Wo the undersigned Flanks and flankers will pay all Prizes drawn In The Louisiana State lotteries which may be presented utour coun ters. .1. H. OOLESIIY. Pros. Louisiana National nk. rilviuti : IA.VAUX , Prca. State National Ilk A. IIALinriN , Prep. Now Orleans Nat'lllank CAUL KOII.V , Pros. Union National Jlank. U NI'RECEURN'J'KirATBTACTION ! OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. Louisnula Stnto Lottery Coiiiiuny | IncorpuruteJ In ISW.for'i.i ycnrsbf th Lei Ul tur for oducntlonnl nntl rlinrltabla uurpnspi wltli a inpltnlof ll.MUIXU-to ( which nreaorve fund of over ivViJU } IIKB ttlnca been added. llvHii orornhplniloi ! popular vote Its franchise wai inuuo ft purt of the ure cM Btitto conitltutiua adopted Di-ci'inljcr 2nd. A , 1) . 1S7 ; ' . The only lottery over yoted on und endorsed bythe people of uny htate. Jt never ocalos or postpones. Its Urand Kinilo NumborDrnwInKAtakoplaco monthly , and tlui Soml-Anniml Drawlnirs regu larly every six months ( Hune und Ueooiubor. ) A SPLENDID Ol'POUTUNITY TO WIW A roHTUNK. Ninth Grand Drawing , cliiss I , In the Academy of Music , Now Orleans , Tuci- day.Sop. la , 1B87 208tb. Monthly Drawlntr. CAI'BTAI. PRIKE , gI5OOOO. la Notice-Tiokets are Ten Dollars only. Halves , S5. Fifths , $2. Tenths , SI. MST OF IMIIZKS. 1 CAPITAL PU1/.K OF 1W,0W. ( . . . $150,000 1 GRAND PUIKU OF 00,000. . DO.OOO 1 UUANUPHIZIiOP SO.OOO. . 20,003 3 LAHQK PUIZKSOF 10.000. . 20.03J 4 IjAKGK PHIZES OV 5,00(1. ( . 20,0(10 ( 20 PHIZES OF J.OOU. . 20.000 W " 500. . 100 " OX ) . . 110.000 ao ' sou. . 40,000 COO 1(0. ( . 60,030 AI'PIIOXIUATIO.f IMII7IS. 100 Approximation PrUes ot j : )0. . fSO.OOO . . . 20,000 100 " 100. . . 10IOO ( l.WJO Terminal 60. . . . 60,000 2,170 Prlos amountlnar to . . ApDllrntlon for rntos to club thould bit maae onlr to the oniru of the company In Ne r orloann. For further Information urito clo.iriy. ulvintf full arldri'n. POSTAL NOTICS. eiprm nioner orders. or Now York Kxchnnguln nrdtnnrr Intter. L'urroncj b/ ezpiau ( at our oiponie ) adrtonsPd AI * A. DAlll IIIN , NK\T OUI.CANJ , LA. , Or M. A. DAUPHIN , WASHINGTON. D. C. Address Itcgtstered tetter * to NKW OKLEANS NATIONAI. HANK IV V. i AT V. ill Tl ill IV ueoerttla That the lia&uregard pretonc * and of Karlr , who ura la oharue ot iho drawlniti , is xii r- anuc of absolute fMrnait aod lotetrnr , thnt taa c aneciaroall qu l , and teal no on * eau ponlblr dlTtna what number will draw a I'rtte. KKMKMUKIl tlmt the luriueul of all prlzea U nUAIIANl > .KI > UV rillTII NMTlONit. IlANKHOt New Orleans , and thu llckotiare ilznid lir the proildaot otan Initltutlon. whoit clmi-tern 1 rluhu arc racof nlied In the hliheit courm therelore , bawara ot aar Imltatloni or anoarmoui icliomai For Adults , For Children , For Both Sexes When ontbe anltry 'utnmer'i day Tlio un isciuj > 0i ce mllunwarl \Mian comeihlik lloiJ.t ho tuoppron Anrterorr moment Ij-litfjill'troM , TtienTAkUA-NT.S hilTXBIl prorfl a frlial , Tlmt Urui''liH all can rorouimvnd. W l DEVEWJED rARTS ot tht bed 7 tnUrjed aal tr ngtttntJ , Full Uvi ( Mtita ) fr i. BU > Uf.V. CO. , IluOklo , H.JF , STECK PIANOS Remarkable for powerful sympa thetic tone , pliable action and ab solute durability ; 30 years' record , the be > t guarantee of the excel lence of these instruments. WOODBRIDGE BROS , EDUCATIONAL. PENNSYLVANIA CUKSTEU. With year upon * SKl'TKMUKK It. AMIMTA11V COM.r.ail. DEGIIKKS IN CIVIL KNOINKKItlNG , CHKMISTKY. AUCIUTKOTUKK , AKT3. Preparatory Courses. Thorough TuuhnluiU Work. All Department * conducted by nble 1'HOFBSSOHS. Military system second only to tlmt of U. M. M. A. Annuals of Lieut. 8 T. Ilnrt- lott , UOfi Sherman Avo. , Oily : or Chief 1'uy- master's ODIce , Aimv ] | adiiiinrlnrfl. COL. THEO. IIYA'lT.l'icgMont. INSTITUTK Freehold , Now J Jersey , 41th year. Prepares for I'rlncoton , Yale , Columbia , Harvard , and for Jlov. A. (1. Chamuors , A. M , Principal. Morgan Park Military Academy A first-class Rnullsli , Cias ical and Commer cial hchoul. Send for Ciitalopuo. MORGAN PARK , COOK CO. , ILLINOIS , lllinois Gons8rvatoTylf Music Unsiirpo ail iirtv nt isiii In all PapurtninnU of Jlii lc1. I.Uonitiirn. Mucli'n I , uiKiiaies , iin-ullon. : Addrom i : . K. HUl.hAlU ) , Suiit. , J.U'knonrllle. Ill - THK - lIMVDIt.SITV of M > TKI2 oUors unciiuallod advantage : ! to Impart to yonr sons nnd wards u thorough education for eith er cotmnorelal eourso. or u lull coumi.cciinpris- Inir classics , luw , eclenco , matlieniatlus and ( St. Kdwurd'a Hull ) for boyK under Uilttocm yours of ago. Ilotoro eoncludliiK where to sunn your Rons send for iicatalOKiKuiontiiinlnir ilhiF- t rations at the buildings of Nntrn Damn und full particulars as to terms anil ennrio ot study The UTtli fiosslon opens Tun duy .September 6tli , 4K87. Addrom Her. T. U. Walsh , C. S. U , Pies. University , Notre Dame , Ind. ALBANY LAW SCHOOL , Thltty-sevcnth year bejrlns Sept. Cth,133T. For circulars or Hpooiiil Informutlon addro s Horncoi : . Smltli. LU 1) . Doitn. Albany , N. Y. TOUNG LADIES' ' INSTITUTE And I1OMR. SCHOOL for KANSAS CITY MO. Tull corps of iicconipllMi Tcachern. 1'uplU received ul anr tlniK hnrclnuln apply to , Miss K ilcCOMAS. I'rlnclpnl. Howard Collegiate Institute , I'or Yuunir J.ailioH reopens Sopl "I. I'ropiinitor } , Clusaiciil uml Scieutiltu ( iriuluut' inecnuipGg , 1'or clruulurs address 1CMMA o. ' II. II. HOWAIII ) CONItO.I'rincipHl.or . booro- taryVuttt Ilrldsruwitter , Muss. J > ituwMt ; . Sr.MIN'AHV PH1LADKI.PH1A roit VOUNd I.AI > IKSiU : > North IlromHt 1'hilRilulphlu. ITtb year btivln. ' Hepl , 'Jim , IH-a. Address Mls It. I' . .MIDKIN.S , 1'rinclpal , wbo rrloia by apoolul permission tu Mr. HIII ] MiaJohn N Juwutt , I Mr. RnU.MrK. I'lillipl ) . Armour , > C Mr nnd Mrs Ilornoo F Wuite , ) WEAK MEN ! . Ko , . . , fo o < r vtaiM , _ : :5.l3r : 1 "limiTI * TO llilb lhi K rlNro u , jr. uout , ml'd ' , loolhlot currmU of Itj dirtfllIhrougU ill u..k f > tlir..tor. Mif tb nrv \ .to lirallh ui a Vlcuioui'h. tl.clilo - O ] mpre minUovf r ill cthir btlti. Wont nntbtntly rurtdlnttirr0u % ' > DtbB Sr l -t pimuhl tbo Binden Electrio Co. IS ) USillc IM FOR SALE. and on tl.o Southornroast nf MiUMeliu patl Ctood tlslilnt nnd lieaoh for bnthlnx' . li < > cated In thu bfst Hummer ( 'limato In the world For full partUhus ad'lrn s , EDWAIID. H MnitHlIJ , . M utuul Lite lIulldlnK.Si t\kmu St. , N. Y ! " ' ' ' " " "lrud. ; wnumnn M rrrrauiua ! > / , hxrrvun ! > Witr.I : > i < M iiho < xirlr.lbaTtiittrl4Ui Tula rrry Known wanni L % iliiMjovAr * . K lmplu ABSOLUTE PERFECTION IN BAKINCi AND MEATS ROASTED IN THKIR OWN JUICES , BY USING THE WIRE GAUZE OVEN DOOR JDUN1 > XCLUSIVELY ON TUB MARVELOUS RESULTS LOSS IN SHRINKAGE OF MEATS. Ye > rr fuwponpln know tlmt tlio Bhrlnkngs of Mratt 111 arloianvun U from tlilrtj-llinto fnrt ? p l omit. Allinn trnnl lnmin iitj.lfoi | roeiit.orw t t nndonlr twenty Uvomr o-nt. of Holla tuatuir. nnd tL losHlhntl miV'ln In Iho roiutlngl * nmdoln thneTnpo. ration orthajulo .vriilch UtlmVITAL i-imior t ix Effect of the SOLID OVEN Door. A TEN rxiand blrloln , rar lliimnr woll-don * . will o RCDUCCUlo Hl poumlHnnd fuur ouaucn ot Uousleq minit , honlniii lonof linn" pn'Hiil ' nihl twolTnouncoi of juico. Clio the Ion U 37'i ' rrrront. ot the tolal trrlubt. It fliinin tlio luarmuui L.USH or tins ru or TUB JUICP , _ Effect of WIRE GAUZE OVEN Door. A TFN pound Hirluiii , uiudlum or * f > lld < jnb.vrUl t reduced to nlnepon cl andeUht ounwuof ll > > it a mint , FIIOWDRU | lo Hof lilbt ounrm of Jlllca. Wlilll thliloHtli flvn Mr i tat. nt the tntul w UliU Itihoin U < o erj tmnlllxmiioriitrrBtvrMi'rHCILnT.or JUIC * SEHD FOR ILIUSTRATEO CIROULACJ AND PRICE USTI. CHABTEE OAK BTOVE3 and RANGES ar BOLD IN KZBRA.SEA as lollowi : MILTON ROCr.US&SONS OMAIIA. 1' . KKNNUV. COKI.OM. . DALLAS ft I.KrSON , HASTINGS. E. C. KKKWr.K lUvSrxiNr.i. H A1KD&CQ Nui > KASKCirv. W. F. IP.MI'I.RION , NrisoK. 1 II. STURDKVANT &SON ATKINSON. 1. KASSftCO. . CIIAUROM. KRAUSE , 1.U1IKI1R& WELCH , . . . COIUMBUI. OLDS IlltOS. . . EDGAR. TANNF.I.L&SWr.L'NKY , KAIB URV. CilCTI Lllft TAOLR KKANKUN. N J.inilVSON , KOUTII IlrNO. IJ MrCAFKBUTY O'Nuu. CITY. K. I1AXI.KWOOD OSCKJIA. J S. DUKK I'LATT MOUTH ( A. PKAKSON. SrrKiiNO. j O ORr.r.N. SmnMsiiUKO. 1 A I'AlinFN&SON. Tl.MMEKMAN M RAKER. VKKUOM. BOYNTON FURNACE GO , Sale Manufacturers of IN'S RANGES THEATERS , With All MODEnN litiprovemoiit > > . 47 and 49 Dearborn Si. , J. H. MANNY , MANAGER. CHICAGO. K nr II ENRY IJ COX. Omaha , Neb. OMAHA DEPOT BASE-BALLSUPPLIES , LAWN TENNIS AND ATHLETIC UDDDS. PlMffll t COLLINS Gu.v COM TAN v , Agon In Streift. F o u NTAIN C CUT AND Incomparably thu BoaU. '