Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1887, Page 9, Image 9
THE OMAHA DAILY BELTS' WESBAY. 23 18877 , SPECIAL NOTICES ; Advertisements under this head,10 cents paIne Ino for the Ilrst Insertion , 7 cents for each sub sequent Insertion , and fl.Mn line per month ho advertisement taken lor losstnnnZfi rents for the Ural Insert Ion. Pen words wll Jb counted to the line ; they must run consecu tively and must bo paid In advance. All adver tisements tnuft bo handed In before 1 ; HOo'clock p. m. , nnd under no circumstances will they bo uikcn or discontinued by tBlephono. Purlins advertising lnthr o column jnna BarIng - Ing the answers addressed In cnro of TUB HER will plofiBo ink fora check to enable them to get tiiclr lettersas none will bo delivered oicout on presentation of check. All answers to adver tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In those columns nro pillr IWiwl In both morning and evening editions ofliir. HICK , the circulation of which aggre gates moro than ll.oonpnppis dnlly , and gives the ndtcrtlscrsthn lixnellt. not only of the city rlrculatlon of Tun Unit , but al o of Uiuncll muffs , Lincoln and other cities nnd towns broiighout this part of the west MONEY TO _ $ l.OOO.UW to loan. Cole , 310 8 16th. C37 . Wo loan money on Improved prop MONV.Y any ilislrcd mnount at low rates of Inturest. to riin.from two to ten years time. Stotts , Cox & Houston , Ifi07't Fnrnnm. B59 ONIJY To loan at 0 per pent. Patterson M Urns. , ir.lh street , op. P. O. 7CO.COO TO LOAN ate per cent. Mnnhnn It $ Jlnhoney , ItO'J Tnrmun. KI8 PKll CENT Money. 6 H. 0. Patterson. 1Uh nr.rt TInrni > T. W ttiO.OOO to loan on real pstntn. No ilelay' $ Harris & Hampton. 151(1 ( Douglas St. C40 ONKY 'JO LOAN O. F. DaTls Co. , roa M estate and loan agents , 1505 Farnam st. riOOcOO to loan in any amount nt lowest rnto $ of interest. H. 11. Irey. Frenzor block. 307 600/100 To loan on Omaha city property utl per cent O. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex , Hid.CIS CIS ONKY TO LOAN On city and farm prop erty lit low rates. No delay. Colin * Wool- ley , ITSi Farnam st. 649o37 TVIONKY to loan to parties winning to build. .I'l. 8. B. Campbell , 310 8 16th St. , Chamber of Commerce. C1J To loan. Lowcct rules. No delay. MONKY . Rico & Co. , over Commercial Na tional bnnh. SB" jVCONEV to loan , cash on delay. IT ! . J. W. and B. Ii. Bqulro , 1413 Farnara it. Taxton hotel bulldlnr. * * 4 ONEY TO LOAN on Improved city property - orty In suras of J 1,000 to rn.OOO at six per cent Interest. Wholes.V Ciinnb. 645 ' ONKY TO LOAN on improved real estate ; no commission charged. Leavltt Huru- bom , lloom 1 Crchthton lllock. 64 * In siiin of Itffl ami over to loan at HONKV low rates , Russell A llariott,31'J S 16th st 704 ' ONEY TO LOAN-On city pioperty In sums of 1500 and upwards at lowest rates. Money always en hand. 8. B. Campbell.aiO 6oiith Sixteenth street. 647 flM ) LOAN Money Loans placed on im- M. proved real estate In city or county for New England Loan A Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank. Uth nnd Chicago sts. 649 M ONKY LOANKOat C. F. Hood ft Co.'s Loan Olllce , on furnlturo , pianos , horseswagons , personal property of all kinds , and nil other ar ticles of value , without removal. D19 S. 13th. over Illnghanvs Commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential , 650 HONKY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , etc. , low rates. ,1. .1.Wilkinson & Co. . 1324 Farnam , oor Ilurllngton tlckta oltlco. 407 MONKY TO LOAN bythu undersigned , who bas the only properly organized loan woncy In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , rnnchlnery , Ac , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so jnndo that any part can bopald at any Imo.cnch payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances made on fine watches and diamonds. Persona Should carefully consider who they arc dealing with , as many now concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call and POO mo.V. . H. Croft , llooso 4 WUhnell Building 15th and llnrnor. 651 fl HF. OMAHA Financial Kxchailgo , * * ? . * ' corner of Harnoy nnd IBth sts , , over Elate National bank ; It * Prepared to make short time loans on any available security. Loans made on chattels , collateral or real Long time loans made on Improved real estate t current ratei. Purchase money mortgages negotiated. Hi'curod notes bought , sold or exchanged. Bhort time loans made on second mortgage , according to marginal Interest , at collateral Deal estate to xeaang * for good Interest Ocneral financial business of all kinds trans acted promptly , quietly and fairly. Money always on hand for approved loans of ny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub licity. Oorbctt. Manager. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee nnd Trust Co. , 1505 Farnam street Complete abstracts lur- nlshed , and titles to real o&tato examined , per fected and guaranteed 678 BUSINESS CHANCES. BALK Aprofltnolo drug business with good stock in a thriving city of 8,000 people ple Oily tour drug stores In the plnco. Ad dress 115 J , Hen olllco Omaha. b7fi-2IJ ! W ANTKD Parties who desire to buy or seller or exchange stocks of general merchan dise , dry goods , groceries , boots nnd shoos , hardware , drugs , jewelry Improved or unim proved town or olty property , improved or un proved farms In any part of the United States , to address Krause & Foster , 316 3. 1Mb st. Omaha , Neb. C55 _ _ Kr ) A thoroughly bright and export enced man with f 1,000 cash or security to take charge .of n business now paying (2,500 per month net. Address B 30 Doe olllco. 708 22J TOOK HALE A Drst-oloss hotel property doing J- excellent business. Must sell In sixty clays. For urlco and torrus address II. 8. Lilly , real estate dealer , llrokon How , Neb. .Illsll \VTANTKD-Oneor two business men with TT capital of t&0 to 1150 to take hold of n bus Iness that will par from 15 to fto per day. lloom I , Crounse blk , 119 N. ICth HI. FOIl KXOHANCiK-Stock general morchan diso. about $1,500 ; stock hardware , about S.,8W. ) ( Will take Iowa , Kansas or Nebraska land for three fourths : balance half cash , half short tlnio. H H. , box IKXJ , Bhonandoah , la. 6'JJ 22J FOH BALK A well ostaollshcdand favorably known general store at Hnpld City , D. T. ( Hlack Hills country ) . Stock about $12,000 ultahle and well assorted store making money. Hoasonsfor sol ling , death of proprietor. Ad dress J , 8. Robertson , administrator , St. Paul Minn. , or J.I. Spagle , Rapid City , D. T. (42-25 T71OH RBNT-ln Albion , Nob. , the largest -L' best oustomed and oldest dry goods store ran have possession on the Ilrst day In Soptnm ber. For information apply to L W. Roberts the owner. 708 31 j 171011 BALK- Drug store , doing a good busl- JL1 ness. For particulars callouV. . II. Green 215 South 13th st tiiM 3IJ FOR SALK-First-class hotel business In Lens , business ffUO per month , good reasons fet Boiling. Address The Logan. 76153 \\rANTKD An openlnir In a good llvo No TT brnnkn town of I.-XO to 4,010 Inhabitants by n Iho linn , to open up a first-class stock o general merchandise. Address with particulars n 31 , lion olllco. 807 23 T710R SALK- Drug store. SU27M Lake nt Poor J- health reason for selling. Choan rent. T71OR SALK-First- restaurant , clga A and uandy business , best location In the city , very cheap , only $500. Cuse of sickness. AddresslUllleo ulnce. 816 3J _ " \\rANTKD-Partnor with a few thousand dolT T lars -the more the bolter In a good pay Ing business In Omaha nnd Lincoln with ansur anco el e hero In Nebraska ; o tabllahed a year work light , pay sure , AddiessAW llee offloo niO r.XCIUNUK-A stock of clothing an. JL furnishing Koodi worth $15,000. Will take part In Omaha property , Imlunco cull ) Cbas. K. Woolloy. 418 South 15th et. _ Opal TCTOR 8ALR-Stock and Oxtures of ono of 7h X ? host located groceries in thn city ; sales $100 to $ I2A per day and growing better. Addrrs 11 to. llcooillc * . \\fANTKD-ImmodlatKly , a partner In eitab , TT llshed hotel bintlne s In one of the bos locations In tbo city with ( H rooms. Have to enlarxe premise * to accommodate rapidly In creasing business. From $ I , too to $ l,4noraplta required turo and largo returns. ThU It nap and will bear close InsiK'ctlon. Address U 44 , llee office. _ 755 23J TRADK-I5.00I ) stock nlothlug lit good rs ebraska town , for farm without Incun il4K > ord Advertising CoUU I'urnm 684 . FOR SALTi-A first-claps meat market In best location In city , For nearer Information ddrtss n 18 lloo office. 8)3 PJ PERSONAL. I > EHSONAL- Ladles we hare plenty ot good girls such ns dining room laundry girls , ooks and girls for families. Try us , tilth troot Kmploymcnt olllcc , 220 N. Ifith st. 8IC-23J 1 > KIISONAI. The ( late City Kinployment of- Dee , 1IU14 a 15th , supnllcg the best of Scan- Inavlan and Oorman girls. _ 929 PjiTllPONAL-Prlvato homo for ladles during JL ponflnrmont , strictly confldentlal , 'infanta adopted , mlil r MS K42 , llcoomce. 167 > ept7 PKHSONAL Pcnd for your sowing machine X needles , oil and repairs to the Singer iRii'tg Co. 1518 Douglai st. Omaha. 46i a2t ERSONAL-Mrs. Dr Msnnie T. Warren clairvoyant. Mfdlml nnd business Medium Boom No. B 121 North letb it .Omaha. Neb. LOBT. K dollBrs'"rcwnfiu Htrayod or Stolen from I ear of 111 N 17th st , a largo roan horen , about 17 hands high , weighing bt- : wern I.cOOonJ 1,400 rounds , redlsh brown ma no nnn tall , bind nnhle somewhat swollen- ! 25 will be pnld fur return of animal to owners , at 110 S14lh st.nnd If stolen thp shorltT of Doug las Co. will pay a reward of f 50 for the arrest and conviction of the thief. 636 rOUKD. TAKKN UP Hay pony , two whlto bind legs , 7 years oldI tnllo west of poor farm. Fred ioch. 10 5 in SJ SI ) UP-Hr II. Harris , 3 th nnd Lalk -L streets , a bliicit broncho mare branded on oft hip. Ownrrcan hiuosame by paying ex pense and proving pioporty. 8,15 , 2. , 2 ! > , s" > CLAIRVOYANT. MIM. HATKIKLD , Trance business mndllim. The pnstpiescnt and future revealed , sick healed , lost lonml , homes inndo nappy , sittings dally nt 421 S. llth st. 4.17 27J MHS. Dl'HANT Cliirlvoyant from Boston 13 reliable In all nflnlra of life , unites sopu- rated lovers , id n Ifith 1 84i ! opt itj STO11AGE. Till HST-CLASS titorugo at 111) ) N 12th ft. JS G59 S' TOHAOK ' First-dim stornifo for nice rur- nlturo or boxed goods , lit 15U Dodce-st. MISCELTiANEOUS. flESSPOOI.B , sinks and vnnlts cleaned , oJor- \J leas proco.-is. E. Kwlngbix427 , olty.875S20J 875-S20J H O EXCIIANOK For Omahn property n flno JL farm In lowiu Chns. H. Woolley , llb outh Mst. . 'JJOsI rADIKBcanhnvoleesond In sclxntNro dress I cutting free of thin ire for flttenn dnys at Dress Cuttlnir school , lUlUllownrd st , ild lloor. Visitors always wolcoma Ml ! KJ ) , buy or sell property. CM on Stevens llros. , l.'illl I nrmiin stront. Wo imvoalatgo list of farms , city property , nn.l stocks of goods of nil kinds for sale or ex change. List your property with us. 7 < M2J CKSS POOLS and vaults plonnod , dond nnl- mals removed W. II. Harbor , KB Leaven- worth. Telephone 102. Hh7'l * LIST your rooms and houses with the Hoeont AdvertlsliKr Co , l.'ill Farnnm st. nnd wo will rent them sooner than any ono else , ns wo m o well known all over the city. Mil T > KKrOHATEDstamping patterns made to or- JL tier nnd all the Infest dp lgns for sale at Mm. J , W. Morrison , lDOi Havcnport st. 4Msl2 E ASTKHN Nebraska fauns to oxchninro for Omaha property. 1112 I'nrnaM. 5 J rpO KXCHANOK-For cattle , 1 have 600 iiiid Jforty acres of pee < l westprn Innd to trnilu forpnttlc. and a coed housu and lotnenr the eapltiil will exchangi ) for cattle. Address S , u. llrynn. Ashland , Nob. 43(5 ( rilO THADK-For cattle or groceries 410 acres -I school land In llnmlllon countyNubraska , equity , $ lulO. lloldon & Muion , Ctntrnl City , Niib. 7612SJ O MAHA LOTS-To cxc-bnngo lor cattlo. Pat terson & Moore , 1B1Z Farnam. ! I17 nnilk Oate City Employment office , 314 S. JL IGth street Orders for nil kinds of help sollctod. lU'.i ' MAGNETIC Healing Mediums euro all kinds of sickness In connection with clulivov- ancc of the past , present and future. J. H , Pogoler , North State st , mile west of fair grounds. P. O. box 68.1 510 a-tlj TpOKKMNl Square fiano $ J montnlr. A JD Houpe.lBlSnonein . . Bll TilOR KENT Organs , * 3 per month. HOP no. -T KISDouirlRS. 061 Ol. C.-HOUSO furnishing goods , all kinds ; cash or installment ; lowest prices nt J , Bonnor , 1316 Douglas st. 66 ] ion KENT Square rMano , f t montnlr. 1 Hospe. IBlSDourlas. 681 FOB , SALE MISCELLANEOUS. T OHSALK Furniture of n three room flat. JL1 complete for hoiihekocplng ; a good chance for a couple. Call at n w. corner of 17th nnd Clarke St. , over grocery , the entrance on 17th street. 1110 SIJ FOH SALE-At n bariraln , n iS-room house with closets and pantry , etc. , lot 25 loot east fiont , 5 blocks south of court house. Ad dress V 30. Ueo olllco 6200.U * FOH SALK Furniture , good will and lease nf the best pnylna Hinall hotel in Omana. Constantly full of first-class boarders. Price 1,500. Investigate this. J. F. Hammond , 117 S. Kith. 70J T7 < OH SALK-Cncap , flxturos and tools of meat JD market doing a cash business , also horse and delivery wagon , a good chanro lor rlirht parties. J. J. Skinner , 131d Harnoy st. . Omaha. 204 ' FOH SALE Piano , almost now will bo sold cheap , UK this otllco. l > 08 23 FOR BALK Horse and wagon cheap. Apply 115 N 16th St. 760 24 iR BALK A blaolc mare. Inquire of Mrs. Simpson , 4220 Nelson st , Walnut Hill. 704 25J W ANTKD 2 second bund barber chairs ; also 1 barber. Address D 43 Boo office. 815 25J FOR SALK Furniture of 8 rooms with privi lege ot loose of house , 707 B. 14th Sb riAIII HTV-FOUHsipuures of sheet steel rooting X for sale cheap. C. W. k Q. K. Thompson , 314 S. 15th St. 231 FORSALK-Ginss , 4 } acres near the stock yards. MoCaguo , Omaha. 748 S4 OH SALK Furniture of a 5 room house , and house for rent. Imiulro 1516 Jones street. 740 24J WANTED MALE HELP. W ANTKD Manand wife on farm and ono for private family , Canadian Kmploy- mentoflice , 3168. 15th Telephone 884. 853 S2J WANPKD A Ilrst class broad and cake baker , none others need apply. At 2405 Cum Ing st. 855 2JJ W ANTKD A man to sell organs and sewing machines In western Iowa * Addi ess Lock Iloxr4Woodblno , la. ( ttl 23 \\7ANTKD-Man to take the agency of our TT safes ; eUo 28x18x18 Inches ; weight r > uO Ibs ; retail price $35 ; other sizes In proportion. A i are chance to create a permanent business at homo. Thel-o safes moot a demand never before supplied by other sat e companies , as we are not governed by the Safe Pool Alnlne Safe Co. , Cincinnati , O , Ml 31J \\7ANTKO TMon for railroad work In Colo- T T ratio , waves for teamsters f SO pqr month nnd board. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Fur- nam. 787 WANTKU A good boy to learn photo- grapby at J. 0. Rurdo , 1102 B , Jlith street. H94 24" YVANJBD-500 more agents to canvass for TT copy Ing and enlarging at 14U ( S. 13th st KB S7 WANTED Men for Wyoming ; good wages. Albright's Ijxbof Agency , Ira * Y\7ANTKD-Hoy. Heo mall room. Apply bo- TT tweonOand 11 u , m. tc.1. WANrKD-ActiMimcnto soil goods at the fairs. SMS B. 15th st , Koom B. 818 WANTED Young to middlo-agcd m n of T > business ability , good salary , room 16 , nuxhrnnii block. J. M , French \ Co. 6X1M \\7ANTED Agents In every town of Ne- TT braska for our SIO World Typewriter. J. Speck , solo agent Nebraska and Dakota , Lin- com , Nob. 73124J VV7ANTEO-Mon for ranrond work. A ? T T brlght's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. 675 \\7ANTED Fhocroakcr , two broad baker * , ' pantimtikor hotel clerk , stone Btasone , shovelers , ouuvasnors. four lady cooks , girls tor families , etc. Ititlt btroot Employment office. 2Si North ICth st. 917-riJ \irANTKD-Ttnner * sqd carafe * BCO s > t TT onoo. Tbeo. Uuetto ft 8o . ffremoKt , Neb. WANTED-Flrst class second cook , man' or woman , at European hotel SSI 23 \\7ANTKD-4 Oermnn boys to carry papers , TT S07-JS09 & liilh. UpMairs. 6(1 ( WANTED-Man to work In milk dairy. Hugh McDowell , Walnut Hill near , licit line. _ t-irJ 3tJ WANTKn--Thoi > o wanting help or situa tions as collectors , asslttnnt bookkeepers , goncrnl olllce clerks , watchman , porter , janitor , engineers , firemen , coachmen , tonmstors , farmers , bakers , harbors ic. , apply to the Mutual Employment Agency , 214 south Kith stt upstairs. 003 gj WANTED -Actlrn men and women In every town In the United States to soil our book and Illbles ( Knpllih and Herman print ) . Oood pay. Addrets nt onoo , E. P. Jordan & Co. , St Louis , Mo. KIO-23J \7AN1Kn-Mllkor , Saratoga dairy , 4115 S. T Snundorg. euo 23J \\fANTEI3-no ftonomnsons' . Wages $4.50 T per day of ID hours. None but Rood mniions nccdnpply. N. is. corner 7th mid 1'licst- nut Its. , St. I.ouK Mo. POO 2IJ WANTKt ) Two men to fell poods. Aondy employment. Cull 4C1 South loth t. . ' M084J WANTKD-A1I those wishing hflpor situa tions ns assistant bookkeepers , general odlco dorks , collectors watchmen , Janitors , porter ? , coachmen , tenmstcrs , engineers , fire men , farmers , bartenders , rto. , npply to the Mutual Kmployinont agency , ill ! 8.101 h et. up- stnlrs. Kll 82j W ANTKD Salesmen , n now Invention needed In every homo ; 300 per cent com mission or n good ii'Hry ' to right parties. Address - dross with stamp for toi ins the Weaver Manu facturer , 31 N Slate Ft. , Chicago , III 73ljl WANTED FEMALE HELP. ! A phi for general housework nt * > 1621) ) SO , LUli St. 8f I 23 J W ANTKDFcnmstrcss In tailor shop. Must understand bu hrlir.g , 1111. ) Farnnin. WANTED Cook nnd dlnlnir room trlrl for painn hotel nt llnrdy. Neb , ; two laund- ri' ! e , t Klrls for families of ! ls i ! tflMs for honeowoik In ncUhborlnir towns ; 25 irlrK lor houpowork in city : 2 second plrls , liltchon hclpors : ! ) wlrls to mmd clilldieii : 1'J I'lnlni ! roomiflila. Mrs. llrftrn & Son , 3105 , IMIi St , Telephone Ml. HI-2J * \\l ANTKD-Kldoilvlndyto take care 0months ' old bnby Wn os t per week. Mrs. Solby,2.'ill Davenport. 87a-2J A peed rflrl at the St.Jnmns hotul U 1' depot. \\TANTKI > A good girl for general house Vt woik , Uohomlnn preferred. r 13S17thst H43 WANTED-flood girl nt 20 2 Cnllfornln. only threejln family. B17 2JJ \\"ANTKU A good girl for general bouso- work. Cull at SOl'i Calllornla st. Wi 22 W ANTKD 3ood strong woman to do house work nt 706 North IFth 8t. IJJS 2JJ WANTKD-Olrls to pack crackers Apply to 03. Oarneau Craokor Co. BJ'JilJ ' "I\TANTKD A flrFtclii snlrlto general housework - ' ' work in a family of. ) . War ( < " - $4 per week. Apply at C. L. KilcKson & Co. , 212 N. irth st. 111521 _ WANTED Two experienced silcsladlos Im mediately , Curimin and in'H3h. : Wc-torc. ! lll ! 2J WANTKD-OIrl for general housework , two In tiimlly ; mni bo rompctpnt ; nl-o woman to io on farm ranch ; must bu good cook Mrs. Albert D. MorbO , 2'.M ! Ilarnny st. WANTKI-A llr t-clBss nurse girl. 2210 Wobstor. 603 J WANTKD- nnd dining room girl for llrolcpn How , ? IO nnd t"0' Riiran for Hardy , $ 10 ami JS ) ; 4 cooks In city , f5 and t7 ; * wait- reuses In same house , $17 ; n dining room git Is , 2" > girls for housework. Fomo very nice places Irom $ ) to ? , - , . Mrs. llrrga k Hon.Uin South Ifith street. Telephone 881. Wl ? J W ANTKD At once. Oood practicable wo man for housekeeping. Inquire 116-116 N. mil st. _ _ I J8 AX ANTKD-Hutton-holo ninkors , 1113 Far- ' > littlll. 1,21 Sij W ANTKD-A peed seamstross. S " ' cor iEth and Jackson. 704 WW W ANTKD-Aii experienced housekeeper , white woman preferred. Apply between 6 and 6 p. m. . 101 N Uth st , Lulu Hrgers. 1IU WAN'I KD Gooil girl to doifoTTeral TIOIIBO- work. Apply n w cor. California nnd 20th. 732 SITUATION WANTED. W ANTKD-Sltuatlon by a first-class baker , middle aged Address It 51lloo ollico. WANThD-Sltuatlons , good reliable men al- wuysonlmnrt ready to go to work , c.ty orcounlry , whelp aloor lotull firms nuppbed free of charge Apply to the Mutual Krnnloy- mont Agency , 214 t > 16th , Uit-tilrs. | : IW1 S,1J \\fAN1KD-Plneo for bright boy of U where TT ho can work lor his bonrn nights and mornings. Inquire of Mrs Ilroisa A ? on , Hid B. 15th. Telephone t4. K12 22 * \S7ANTKD- Situation for a bright young T > Swede ns a coachman , etc. Good refer ence' . Have any amount of reliable .voting men on register. No olllco fro Mrs. Itiega & Son , : H6 youth 15th st. Telephone SS4. Oil 23 \\'ANTKD IIv H Tarty , situation ns bookkeeper - ' * keeper of light set of books or us assist ant bookkeeper. Thorough Knowledge of both slnirloanddoubloontry. Oood rolorences D. L , 160r. Farnam 775 2-JJ WANTKD-Sltuntlon in private family by smart young Inshman ; Is thmouglily aciiulnted with handling borsos , tending lawns , etc. . and capable of making himself generally iisofnl. ( No olllco foe. ) Mrs. llrojrii A Son , 316 go 15th. H70-S3J WANTKD-Drug clerk. Oood situation for comnetont IIIAU that speaks Ocrman. Apply to Illako , Itruce A Co. 871-22 WANTKD-Sltualion by n ludy of throe years experience In stonogiaphlo and general oftlro work. Kxpert callgrnph opera tor. Flrnt-class references. Address ( JOT 72 , .lS * , Mo. 857.t.2 > WANTKD-Bltuatinn as pastry cook in a hotel by an experienced lady COOK. Hest reference. Address H. 53 , lloo olllce. 8ST > 2)j WANTl'.D-SltUMtlon by a young married man In wholesale or retail stow Steady work main object. Address 0 51 , llee nfflcn. 107 SHj WANTP.D-Sltuatlnnto take care of horsuS with private lamlly ; best references ; H 35. Reo o 111 to. 7M 22J \\7'ANTKD Hy a sto'i-ly , sober younir fler ' ' man , a ponlllon as coachman or gnrdonor , can give good rolerencos. Address II 46 , Dee Office. 847 22J W'ANTRO-PbjItlon ns clothlntr salesman by mtldlo aged man , have had long oxpdrl enoe , city reference , address II 41 Ueo olllco. B 20J W ANTKD Situations for engineers , flro man , collectors , assistant bookkeepers , general office clerks , watchmen , pnrters , jani tors , ooaohmon , teamsters , and gonnrully use ful men , supplied free of charge at the Mutual Employment agency , 214 B. lith ) rt , upstairs. KM ' 'JJ W ANTKD Situation as bookkeeper , clerk nnil general writing. Male and female. Host of references. Record Advertising Co , 1513 Farnum Bt. MO \\rANTKD Ayounginnn of uoont the ago TT of 18 or IB , who would Hko to learn tno photoirranh business. Apply at Orand Central Oallory,217 North IMIi st. 55H WANTRD-Bltuatlon as drug clerk , regis tered In the state of Nebraska , spcak German and English. Address H 33 , Hno ofllco. 751 XI W ANTKD Situation by lady , pastry or moat cook , ( (0 ( per month. Address or Call 279t Hurt st. 727 2 > WANTED Position by young lady who H experienced pottnttice clerk , as stenog rapher , popylst or other oltlro work : best ref erences furnished , Address M. B. , 019 N. lIHh. 614 i IJ MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. W 1 ANTKD Furniture for dining room ant kitchen. Address 0 37 , Doe ollloe , BOO T\rANTKO.-SIngle gentleman expecting to T T remain here a few weeks desires room nnd board Ic nice Jewish family , Address' U. & 3 thu offloo. 879-23 * \\rANTHD-ThoIftJlos ot Omaha to know T > that orders forbeln are promptlr filled at the Data City Employment Office , 314H B 16th WANTKD-Nlc lf furnished and unfur- nUbod rooms llstM with ua. Iceoord Advertising Co. Ills farnara st 666 WANTED A creamery and canning foo- tory. Will assist the rlh parties , " J dress Hank of Valley , Valley. Keb , W AKT D-To rent , < or 7'room honsd , neir T > car lino. Addrfgl , 2201 Farnam st. J. & nianchard. 700 2S/7 W ANTED A gentleman 19 assist a t nrnls ft t flat or bonsu of about SO AMnM B H , DM oal WA TED-Toloaiiofbr a term of years a TT building for llghljnyinufacturlng , pur- pnsos , about 66x66 , three 610rles anJ basement Address A 36 , Boo office. " ' SM 2-1 W ANTKI7 To buy 01 rrit Ilituros for res taurant , address O. M Ueo office. ' * 90613 \VANTKn-t2,6O ) for win year , Have Itn- ' T proved property tnjTrnahn that pays 10 per cent on a $45,000 valuation , that Is Inenm- bered for 110,000Will 4ttt second mortgage ai collateral. AddressiiBthtlng Interest re- qulred. AS. DnoolTICO. rn PSO W ANTKD A grain 4fc ilor to locate nt this plnco. Ue t griiWTfglon In Nebraska. Aildress Hank ot Valley , \ alloy , Neb. 27Qs'l ANTKD-A few bo rt .rs at 1720 Dodso ! t Reftronces roquefO * . 70J WANTii-A : linrnoM maker to optut n shop ucro. Address liank of ViUloy , Valley , Nob. 270-8-'J \v TANTF.t ) Factories of nil kinds. Address ' Hank ot Valley , Valley , Nob. STOiV \ \ TANTEi > Puplls in" IfniriTtb branches and muilo , n , w. curnor loth nnd FarnHin. 7.TISI * FOKKBNX HOTTQE3 nnd LOTS , FORHKNT * Wohnve H number" 8 Tpom houses tilth water hot nnd cold water bath and your rent reasonable. llonnwu ft On. 15th st opposite P. O. _ _ _ ST7-'J.T. 17 < OR ilKNT IJcslrnbln S-ronm cotlairo ; hot 1 nnd cold wntiir , bath room , ctm Inquire on promises , No. $4,1 Park ave , or room 4 nrmy Headquarters. _ _ , _ 6'-23 ) _ Ir > OH Hr.ST 10 room house , $ V > jwr month , furniture for mile clieup. Id room house , $ ' 5 , furniture at n bargain. Two 8 room houses , furnltuio for sale. 10 room house ; , $70 i > or month , fnriiltiiro for spin. 7 room house , f.W per month , furniture Jl'A ) oi h. Broom liouso , $ M PIT month , furnlturo f 100. 0 room lint. * 7. > , lurnllure JI,0 < X ) . . 'I his Is a Imrirnln. Must be poMnt once. " - room hoii i- , $ lix ) per month , llvo yi'nr's leii o , furniture M.Mn. 1H room lioii'o. Jlii. f urnltitro for snlo , $ lriOO. Itpitnu- rnnt Inr vent , dolni ? n Inrao bimlnesi. TlxturO'S for li > . Hotel , .Irirnr'on , ( IrnenO ) . , ( own. ? ! UfMO. 2 boanllnir houios In Kana-i" City , fi room lUt , inth and Webster street , vnciint ; 4 unfurnlOiod rooms. Co-operaUvo Lund AT Lot ro.a"i ) North Ibth St. 102 2.1 TL'K ' lKNT-3roomcottngo,101'J J. IKi _ IfOll HUNT fi room house nlmnst nnw , with - peed burn , well ami elstorn , : i blocks oilth from s w corner of HaiiEcom 1'aik. John II. CU 2-JJ TJiOi T Snow window nnd 86 foot shelf J"r H1303 North IBtb. fi72 " 71(111 HT5NT 7room hnueo. peed location. -1 Btuble and yard. .Apply 1012 Farnntn. 'MA Foil ItKNT tlord oineo , pround lloor. flno locHtlon. Apply to Clurkson Ac llentty , 2IU S nth St. 771 IjiOH HKNT-Store room , ono bloeK from postolllce. Inqnlroof Theodore Williams , at Dee olllce. 735 "ITlOlt HUNT ThriMi (3) ( ) new houses , situated ) L on Klntr nnd Cnirmnn Rtiontl , In A. S. 1'a- trick's mlil Inipilro nt liooin 2 , Aillnvtou block. 1'atrick llros. 4JJ M FOH HKNT And furniture for sale , olvirnnt 10room homo two blocks frompostolllco. Address II r.7 Ilco olllco. ! V > FOIt lir.NT-Tlireo loom rnttniru , 1121 North 20th Blruet. Apply to 017 South 13th street. FOH 1IHNT & olBRnnt brick store rooms on 1'iirk i ennp , opposite park. Ulll bo com- plotrd InJO dtiys Apply on the premises from II to 12 a. m. A. H. 1 Itch. - U7U FOH ItnNT A now fi-rffom houso.closols.i'lc. , ? 2J per month. ImiUtro Hotel , C2J South lUlh St. Mil 23J _ FOH HCNI' C-room htisu. 111 : : Davenport , J.W poi month Kurnlturo for snlo on niontlilv pnj mi'iit * . chonu. Co-opurallvo Land nnil Lot Co , SOI N Kith d 7PI 2J "JJIOH SALP. lloMauuiiitMiunK a ( rood busl- J- no ? , ) hoardeis : In.j j'ood Incatlnn , jood lor sollinjr. liiqulio IOW Hainey. 840 21J JjlOH IlKNT ' 'ipKimt Tirlck residence , 10 J looms , aiodoin coiijoilloncos. liuiulro Morse \ Diunner , 1800 rilAiiun et. fi-'fi FOIt IMNT ft'lulcn tltsyf ll rooms ouch on I'm It M emit' , opp. p' * ! < . \ \ ill bo complet ed inUDdayM.Vith inortt'H convunlonco Aw- plv on the promises from1 > lo 12 a.m. A. A. ritch. _ _ _ tl Ij OH HUNT 211 ! Dougln et. . fine now ton- 1 i-oom bncltdwclHnif.wlth nil mortem con- \cnlLMiuts. Apply to W. I'.iCliirlc , 40H N. Iflth St. 6i)7 ) 2SJ- FOH HUNT it room homo , 14th and Pierce. Apply atfl7.S. tilth st. HI4. FOIt HKNT 7-room hon o , ? 'i ' n month. Ap ply to Welu & Mall , under Puiton hotnl. WI5 2JJ POIl HKNT Two Iar o new Morus and two llatsof five rooms each. City water mid irus. On Saundrrs st. O. W. Cnln.ZM Ohio st. 8li FOlFlinNT New store ind'llvliiB rooms oil CumhiK st nenr Saundoragt. Apply Har ris lUil I'stnto & Loan Co. , ( tS > 8.16th St. 69 F ° 111 HKNT Darn lultaMo for tour homes. Imiulro nt U17 Slllthst. All FFH FH HUNT New 10-room house ; all Im- provcmnnts. ntoam hent. a W. A G. K. 'Jhompson , 3U S. 1MB st. 10JJ POH HENT Office space on ground floor at 1'iO't Farnam. Apply in roar olllco. J. S. Hlchardsoii- 502 a Lot lor LOHSU. Southeast corner i Lcavpnworth nnd 1'ark ave. , or will build to suit tnnant. Hobble Bros. 35) FOB KENT ROOMS. If OH RENT- Nicely furnished moms from S < 1 - to ( S ) pot month plsnit included. Modern Improvements. S. W. corner of 20th nnd Web- Ptor. AVW2- FOH IlKNT Pleasant furnhhed moms single or mi snltc , suitable tor two or four gen tlemen , all modurn conveulunco , terms moder ate to permanent parties , relercnces required. 1B10 Dodge at. 861 2.'J FOH RKNT-Furnlshoa rooms , 310 N. 18th St. 86T 3 J JfOIl HIIN'T To sontlomen , nicely furnished room. Ilrst tloor , new houtto on Mason St. butwcvn 17th ami 18th. References rorjulrod , 514 IilOK 1 HKNT Nicely furnished room , 618 S. 17th st m 17IOR RKNT-Nlcoy ! funil8lied rooms In all J. parts of the ony from J.'ito SIO per month. Hecord Ad\ortlslng Co , 1513 I'nnmin st. U'il ' OH RKNT Tne largest store room In town. Inan Ire nttho Argus office , Albion. Neh. _ _ _ FOH HKNT Klcgnntly furnished rooms sin- gloor ensultc. with use of bath ; electric bolls In every room. First class restaurant at tached , at Norrla Kuropenn hotel , corner 16th iiNd Webster. 066 F iOR IlKNT Nicely furnlxhcd room. In quire at cottage , 501 South 20th. 8S. ) 3SJ R RKNT-Olneu , 1612 Farnam st. X98 iflOH RKNT Two neatly furnished rooms , very desirable location , private family. Also room for two or three nloo table boarders. S. E. corner Twentieth anjl Kurnam. 419 a36 * TOH RUNT-Furnlshodi'rpom 1816 Dodge st , JP , 953 sept 6 FOH RKNT-3orO unfmnlnhod rooms , suit- nine for housekeeping , " 711 Paolflu st e'rt FOH HKNT 3 unfurnbrff 1 rooms suitable forhoiiHokoepIng , s e cot 20th and Nloholaj " ' st t3.Mn ! month. 635 _ OK RKNT Nicely tiiVnishod front roomj nl-o suite , bath , gas , wu.tei , cite. 2-il'J Doug- las St. > f,5'J ' 23 * _ _ OR HKNI-4 unfurnU'tfud roota suitable for housekeeping. 4.11 , South 1'Jth st , 653 1POK HKNT-For gentlemen. Nicely fur- U n'ished roams with modern convenlenneg , 312 Fnrnam it | ( f 242 FOR IlKNT A nice lirrgfe front room _ "all modern Improvement * und nicely furnished 501 B 0lh St. < T ( 213 | _ _ T710H SALU One of the most prominent -L corners in tbo busuMes portion ot the city. F. II. Ktnnard. 114-116 Bleth st 803 TTlOH RKNT-Fnrnlshed moms In Ornenlg X1 block , eor Mtn and Dodge. D vl A llethtr- tngtou , Mlllsrd hotel bllUrd room. 839 F OH RENT Furnished rooms 1615 Dodge. 621 FORRKNT-Largnfrnnt oem furnished for gentlemen , ground floor ; maple trees ; grass ; pavement ; street cars every ave min utes. H)9 ) Howard st. AUo rooms furnished and unfurnished for light housekeeping. KW HKNT Furnished front rtora. near car X < line at corner of Dodge and 24th streets. Inquire of A. U. Comstook 1KU arnara st. _ KM TOH RENT Two nicely fnrulehcd .rooms JJ 105 North tKth st _ tntSj TTOH RKNT 1 handsomely furnished room , JP with or without board ; ale furnlturo of tnree rooms , almost new , $ v and rent of four room cottage. Inijulre at 15. 4 N. 19th street. ' -S furnished rooms , gultablefor throe gentUmeu , 1621 Farnam. U01 HJ FOR RENT niegnotly furnished parlor , all conveniences , near business , prlrato fain- ly. ini ) Capital ave. 614 ) j IT iKNT-Furnlshoa rooiuTniTlrh arlcs. Jlj 1W yj H HKNT Small front room , lorcly loen- JljF tlon , nicely furnished , 1B17 Cn s st bW F OH HKNT 21mnd ome rooms 1 block from postolUce , call K05 Capitol ave. Wll SI FOH HKNT Largo" front parlor with Day window , and alcove , also other rooms with nodern conveniences at 111 Farnam st. one > lock west of court houso. 834 _ * F OR RKNT-A nicely furnished room at 2M1 St. Mary's ave. . 421 . . . . RKNT t'nfurnlshtvl parlor and bed room at 9 K cor 20th and Chicago. 770 FOH RKNT A laigo front alcove room , 1707 Dodge st. 768 FOR HKNT Furnished loom very cheap , ll.'Q Fnriinm. 7M FOR RKNT Furnished rooms with or wlth- out boaid , fiOO N. 17th st 77 25J " 171011 REl < T FuriiT8hod"Tooin , 1915 Fnrnom JL1 st. 747 TflOK RKNT F.iintsliod rooms in Olrennleblk , Jcor 13th and Dodge Rt. Inqitlrn of Davis & Hotliorlngtoti , Mlllurd Hotel RilllitrJ room. an FOR HKNT Elrgnnt suite of rooms , reforen- cos required. K07 Douglas st ll > 7 FOR HKNT Desirable furnished room for gentlemen ntSJU Howard st 5S9 "I7IOK HKNT A largo front room In now JL1 houpo tmth , and latest modern Improve ments , 1013 Webster street. 122 FOR HKNT 3 or 4 nicely furnished rooms suitable for 2 or 4 gentlemen , 412 N. Kith St. 810 S3 "JTIOH HKNT Newly iitrnlshed rootiH , Irom Jfluto fW , north t > ido Leuvi'uworth , bo- ween 17th anil iHh. 6IJ Mj Foil UKN'T Larpn iilfiisuitt rooms , shndy lawn , IV ) , " ) Cnpllol n\o. Sil 2.1J FOH HKNT Newly nnd elegantly furnished roomn for rent , slnglo or en-suito , nt f X > Doutrlus. 814 2'1J ' "I/1OH HI5NT > t nru room eor. 14th and Call- JIfoi nla on Dolt Mno. tor particulars on- lulront Union Nat bank. 183 F 1OH Hl'.NT Furnished looms , 1707 Ca s. 115 T710H HKNT Ncwlv fuinlshod room , boiud if -I ? desired , 173) ) Dodio St. 7U4 F OH 1IKNM Suite of furnished rooms for gentlemen. A. IIospo , Jr. , U15 N. 17th. D6Q FOIt HKNT-Nlrely fnrnlshoa 1001113 , to gen- tlpmcn only , 2J ) N. Ifith St. . Itoom 3. 943 TjlOlt HKNT Furnlsheil rooms , on suite. In J3 private family , mrKtern conveniences. Apply to Losho A : Leslie , 18th nnd Dodge sts. FOH KKNT TnoulOKnnlljr furnished rootrts , 170J Douiflna streot. Cb8 JIJ Oll IlKNT A newly furnished rnom.20J.i Fnrnnm Ft. 08fi ill _ _ F OH HKNT 2 elegantly furnished rooms with board. Inounont 1U14 Farnam st. 072 21 * FOH IlKNT Nicely furnished room. 1021 Dodge St. IBS FOB SALE HOUSES LOT3. IIS ! ' your property for Srtlo with Charles Spotswood , MjVi B ICth st. C4 ! \\7KCntiRt ) tor n tow days only > > Lot 10'i ' Ol < o'4 addition for * ,411. Lo t71 Olso's addition , $6.303. lllock I lloyd's addition , SS/iH. One-third cash , balance I , 2 and 3 years. Hemlnictrm & McConnlck , 220 South 15th st. . . SAI.K Corner lot on Virginia nvo with - twogooil houses , ohonp at 7,00) ) . Terras easy. Hoiiscs rent tor 870 per month. S. S. Campbell , , ilO S. 16th st Chamber of Com- luerto. 2TJ POH SALK -Or traclo , 2S lots in the western part of Omaha notir the llonson cur line , price f4K1 ( eiich.'J-'nO duo on contracts payable In S quarterly payments , will trade Interest In contracts for Nebraska land. McCulloch AV Co. , nrnam bt 1000 _ _ F OH SALK or Trade Mv Swan Lake prop erty In Holt county , Nob. Will nnue nil excellent summer resort or stuck much. Lake fed Dy springs , water clear as crystal and full of llsli. Flno grouse , duolPand KOOSO shooting. R02iioic8liind completely Biirrounillnir the lake. Three cottages on the plnco. A. II. Noldlg , ( Irimlte block , Omaha. 519 J1BT your property for anln with Charles C. Bpotswood , ; J1 , B inth st. 612 TF you want to buy , sell or trade , call on L. V. Crural20N IStnst. 101) ) lots M of a mite of U. P. depot for sale or trade. D-rooin house for rent. Two 10-room housed for rent , sale or trade. Idlswlldo. By 815 L. V. Crum.lSO N 15th St. FOH SALK B room house InCatalpa Pluce,2 blocks from street car : lot JJ'ixllW , south plrto on alloy : nan ! and soft wntor. Price $ -V KW : Sr > 00 cash , bnl. f W per month. Also hoimo ( if il roams for | , ! ,50J. J. F. Hammond , 117 B. 10th. 58S _ GtTAHDIAN BALK-Martha M. Ish will neil Kt public auction at the north door ot tlio court house , at 10 o'clock a. m. , September J , an nero of ground , cor of 20th mid Locust sin , adjoining Kountzo Place. 079 s 3 FOH SALK- I < ot In South Omaha noir busi ness center with ono house ot 1.'rooms nnd onn house of 3 rooms renting for f 40 per month , u bargain nt * 1,000 , II.IMO case , bill 1 , 2and 3 years. Chas. H. Woolloy , 418 8 15th St. . OmHlm , Nob. fl48 0 FOH SALK- House and lot on Bnunders St. , north of Lake , owner oan't moet.paymnnt duu on fame , and wo nre Instructed to soil this propoi ty before August 2'i for J2,8a3 , Morton- son A Chrlstenson , 1411 Farnam. 617 23J GUAHDIAN Falo-Onthe.'lddayof Septem ber nt 10 o'clock a. m. , nt the north door of the rourt house , Mrs. Martha M Ish will soil nt public auction to the highest bidder her res idence and tlvo lota , alia flvo lots adjoining at the norlhonot corner of Ambler Place. Borne one will got a bargain. fiSO s 3 FOH BALE Ton now hauius ono block from street cars , annul cash payment , balance monthlv. Chas H. Woolloy , 418 South Ifith St. , Omaha , Neb. 6188) ) HUNT this up , An elegant 50 foot lot on 2sh st , north of Lcnvonworth Street cars , water , otai,000onf ) py forms , locality best in town. Kvnns A Illackbiirn. 7062.1 Fll BALK At n bargain , 20 aorus near Houth Omaha. Woolloy. 418 South 15th st trjOs4 FOH RALK Klcrnnt b'lna lot on itroetcixr line , where cars run regularly. Will gelt nt a siicrillc. Pnoo f 400 , cash fH > , balance somi-annually , Prlra to house 40 N. IMhst. 819 23 * TT OK SALK or exchange Two nice 4-room -L cottagcri , both rented Will exchange for ono , with li'tle or no back payments. Address 1047 Sontn 20th street. K8H-21J FOR SALK Some of the finest lots on Syndi cate Hill near the parkin Ponth Ornnha which I will Roll lor the next ton duyrfrom ( so. ) to f 1,100 with small cuth payment. Address , I ) fill liuo ( iHioo. 912 ill * rr > OK SALK-Tlirro lots In Hoyd'g add , 1' Monk from onrnor State street nnd Amos ave f or JUWniicli ; one-third cuth , liular.coiuifiy. Addiosn tXl , IJeo onico. 013 3IJ rpo KXCHANliK For Omaha property , ono L or moro sections of irood Nebraska lanil. Chas. It. Woolloy , 118 South lathlt. Omnha\ob. fljh .H Oil SALK ortradolot2. blk 11. Improve- nienl Ass. ndd,82xlUJ. Has house 4 rooinn nnd kltclion , rented to good tenant , Apply to Charles C. Spotswood , : n.iH K 16th. 73) rpo oxcunngo for unlnoumbered land or farm -L In town or Nobraitkn n number ot lotP In Omaha. Chas. It Woolly , 418 815th st.Omaha , Neb. 648 80 rpo KXCIIANCK-Housusniid lots In Omulm -L to trade for farms m Iowa or Nebraska. Chrts. K. Woolley , 4J3 Honih 15th streetOmiihn , Ncli. 018 30 POR SALK A desirable full lot near Joffor- eon Square. Address It 8 this olllco. OOD ( Nebraika farms to trade for Onaim ) G ru Lcstato : also , farms to sed on long time. One with a section , good improvements 20 year lease , for * i,00) . Or will sell for $18 per nore , and give deed. Hocord Advertising Co 151J Farnam st , * TF VOU want to buy , sell , or trade your prop- Jerty , call on Charles H , Bpotswood , 3H6V ) B-jetbst 40f rPO KXUHANQK Ono large now 10-ronii JL house and two lots , only t blocks from street card , will tatro partly In land or other good property , balance on easy terms. Chas. H. Woolloy , 4141 South 16th it , Omaha , Nob. 64H 30 r J , O KXCHANflK For improved Omaha proiv. -L ettylOgood Kansas farms. Charles U Woolloy 1418 South 15th St 84.1 3D LIST your property for f ale with Charles 0 Spotswood.Saatt 816th st 643 FOR SALK Ta nnet resljeuo * lot on Dodge street 3 block * west of poai ofDoo FO feet south frontage , a corner , f. 1 > . Ken- nurd , ui.ii , a. FOH SALK-At n Mrgnln.Virt acres of land at ( Nillon Btntlon , U. P. H. H. , il miles from Sidney , Cheyeuno county. NrUn The railroad niHwttmn a mlle or Collon , nnd thn Lodge 'olo creek runs within 2'j miles through this ertllo bottom land : good water power with am ; Uonrlmr , intli , brick yards , lime nnd emetit Viln , and sugar 01110 press nro all leeded ntthis pi re and would dn n good bus ) , less. ThU land Is especially adapted to both took raising nnd agriculture : 100 acres drained which Is treed hay Innd : 10J acres under culti vation ; ! W acres In orchard. Laud nearly all under wlro fence ; house and outbuildings reeled ; 3spnns of hordes , agricultural Implo- nontsote. : n town should be established brro and would grow foot , ns wo have a postonirn. rug store , blacksmith shop , and a general tore. Wanted also partner In mcronnndlso business. Address W. Kueger , Ilox3 , Mdney , < ob. 8.5 S8j _ _ [ 710R fl ALB One million acres of land In No- C brnska. Speculator's lands.rallrond lands , ranches , and farms In all parts of the tate. Send for pamphlet containing desorlp- lun and price of over ono thousand farms. A lue topographical map of the state lent free iK > n application. K. H. Andrus , for 10 years Gcn'l Land Agent II. AM. R. R. Klghth and P treets , Lincoln. Nebraska. " 4J VanBeuren&Co Dougla * and 14th Streets. rt-jnr per font , lots.S3 . nnd 2P , Clark Plnco. tills. jj j- j or n Ixt 4. block 10 , Plulnvlow. Worth nt leiist f 1,500. Tor2 acres In Cote llrllllanto , near M400 1' . K. ,1 K. V. lly. depot. for ft ncros In Cote Ilrllllnnt , worth M500 f IRO per acre. Tor lot U , block 7 , Plalnvlew , ono ) IGOD block from cable lluo. House nnd lot In Hnwtlioruo , east M7QO front , on irrndo. fOfinn . House . nod lot ( rfixlOJ ) on Cnss , noilr Ulth street. For 1M fppt trent on Lowe Avenue , 200 near llnmtlton. A hiu-Kiiln. South lionl on SpuiH-pr St. , ICount/o $2400 Pluco. Cni'iiposl lot In the addition. Lot n , MOCK 2 , Hillside No. 1 , south $2500 front. T elvo lota , La Taj ctto Pnrk. Will $2400 tniclo. Corner 17tli and Center streets , ( OBr $5000 150) ) . A simp < t I I nnn ForM feet south front on Cumlntt pi I UUU near 25th sticnt. Notice to AlarulinntH nnil ImbororH. On and after this dUo I lhall not bo rospon- Iblo for any lu-itnrlnl dolivurotf to or work pur- ormodfor Fred MlUnaclit on house ho | R now niilillnff for mo on lot 4 , block 211 , Son tit Omaha. HKHMAN ' 1OMUU1NCK. Omaha. August 18. tf Notice to Bridge Bu'lders ' , S F.ALKD Proposals will be received nt the olllco of the county clerk up to noon of August 30th , l S7for biilldlnif nSO-loot wooden irldgo nnd K'O luc-t of trostio work , north of the ron bridge , ninth of Waterloo. Bpooltlcntions ol above work can bo soi-n at the county cliirk's ofllco. A dejioslt of twenty-flvo dollars will bo eqiiliod wltliiMii'li bid. The right Is ruecrvud o i eject any oriill bids. lly eider of the Hoard. 0. P. NKKIillAM , County Clorfc nS-10-15-17-22-21 Notice to CnntrnotorH. IN pursuance of an act of tlnv. cglslnturoof the Ptntu of Nebraska , approved March 31 , 1887 , notlco Is liiTi-by glxon that settled propo. sals will In ) rni'ulvcd by the Hoard of Public Lands nnd Hulldings until Saturday , the 10th day of Beptembor , 18b7 , at 2 o'clock p.m. , for the erection of one two-slot v brick building with stone basement , on the grounds of the Nebraska Institution tor feeble minded youths , situated near the city ol lleatrloe. Bald building to bo elected and completed , ncltidlng htoam heating , plumbing , sewerage , water service and tunnels , according to the lilans mid stioolllcntlons now on ftlo In the illlcn of the Coininisalonor of Public Lands and ilnlldlngs , made by C. F. Driscnll , archltoct , and the BUpplcmontal and additional spoclllcatlpns innoxod thereto , miukod respectively "A" nnd Said building to bo completed on ci before September ) . l SS. The contractor to rocolvo , iluilng Its drectlon , H ) iec ci'nt ol monthly estimates anil the balance of the contract [ nlco when the building Is tully completed and iccoptcd. A bond or other security In the sum of f.T.dOO will be required to accompany ouch bid. made payable to Ihostato : on condition that If the party making the bid bu awarded the con tract ho will within Illtoon clujs execute and [ lion good and ncpoptnblo bond ns required by law. conditioned for the faithful purformanco of the contract. The board reserves the right to reject any ly order of the Board of Public Lands and Diilldlngs. JOSEPH SCOTT , Lincoln , August 10,1887. Commlssiouor. Notice of Incorporati on of the Nebraska Sav ings Bank , Notice ishcrouy given that the NubrngkaSnv- Ings Bank has thin day filed Its articles of In corporation In the olllco of the county clerk of Douglas county , Nebraska , and will heioaftor business under said articles In the city of Omaha , Douglas county , Nebraska. FirstTho name of laid corpoiatlon la "Ne braska Savings Hank. " Second , The principal place of business of said corporation shall bo In the city of Omaha , Douglas county , Nobrn ka. Third , The gnnnral nature of the business of mild corpoiatlon shall bo the usual business of a savings bunk nnd the usual business nf a bank of discount and loan nnd trust company. Said bank will reeolyo money on deposit and pa- Interest thereon ; will loan and Invest money on approved Bccurlty both real and personal , mm will buy mid sell notes , mort gages , and other nogotlablo Instruments nnd bonds and stocks , and will act as trustee and Uscal agent. Fourth , Tlio amount of the authorized capi tal stock of snld corporation , Is four hundred thousand dollars , divided Into four thousand shares ot ono hundred dollars each , but said oor | > orutlnn may commence business when two hundred thousand dollars of said capital stock Is subscribed Said cuplul Block Is to be paid la nfl follows : One-fourth as soon ns called for by the board of directors , and the balance la Installments as called for by fiiilil board. Fifth , The time at commencement of laid corporation is the fifteenth day of August , A. I.1887.andlts termination shall bo the fifteenth day ot August , A. D. 1M. ! Slvtli , The highest amount of Indebtedness or liability to which said corporation Khali nt any ono time bo subject shall not oicoed two thirds of tbo amount of Its subscribed capital stock , except deposits in tbo bank nnd ucb other oxcoptlona as are protldod for In chap ter Bovpnteen of the acts of the leglnlattvo o - Bemblv of the state of Nebraska of IhHT. Bnvnntli , The affairs ot said oorjiortttlon shall bo conducted by n board of fifteen direct ors , five of whom shall tie elected annually on the second Monday of January of each year. umlwhORhall hold their otllco for the period of three years ; and by a piesldout , vice-president nnd cashier , elected by the board of directors. Done at Omaha , Nebraska , this 13th day of August , A. D. 1887. JiL > M1MW § DKXTKH L. THOMAS , JOHN BUSH , ALVIN SAUNOKHS. KHAtmiB A. IlENrtON , F. H. JOHNSON , ( lEOHflK E. HAItKKIt , SAMOHLI ) . MKUOKII , MOIUIIS MOIlKlhON , .1. H. BVANS , BAMUKL COTNE1L al7il-8l4 U Cor 13th and Douglus att. Capital Stock $1BOOOO Liability of Stockholders 3OO.OOO The only regular snvlnir * bank m the utato.Flvc percent Interest paid on dopoaiu. Loans Hade on Real state. nmccits : OtirC. lUitTOH. President ; J. J. linoWK. Vloo President ; L. M. llEvsicrr , .Mana itiT Di rector : JOHN B. WILIIUU , Cashlur. THE BANK OF COMMERCE 610 fiorth Kith Street , OMAHA. Paid in Capital , . . . . $100,000 GF.O K. , President. ROUT. L. OARLICHB , Vlco-Prosldent F. II JOHNSON , Ciuhlor. S \MCFTi H JOIIIJtOt , OtO. K. IHllKrtI , Hour. U GAIIUCIIR , Wu. SKIVERS Y , 11. JOHNHCIN. A general banking buslnets transacted. Intcrvst allowed on line deun . . . ; DADTQ W3D.A.XE. rAlf I O of tbc body BlwgoU ana ilituitlicu ; a. Full purtlp * altrs tMtled ) BM. KUUt MKU , CO. . UufUlc. tt , T , CHICAGO * Nortli- NortliWestern Western ( UKl Tlio only rend to tnko for Dos Mollies ' nr > shitlltown , 0 ednr Haiilits , Clinton , Dlion. Chlca- KO , Mllwitiikon and all jMilnts mt. To tlio poo- > lu of NebrusKa , Colorudo , Wjomlnir , duih , dnho , ixeviu'n , OrPk'on , WnshlnKton , nnd Call < fornla , It otTerSRuporlor udvantiiKes net posst * jlo by any other lino. Among n few of the numerous points of sit- wvrlorlty enjoyed by tbo patron * of this roaj Jutnoon Oniahu and CMiciigo.iiru Its t\\o tnilna a dny of DAY COACHED , which ntotlio tlno t Unit hunmnart nnd Intr'nulty pan rroitn. Ita L'ALAOr.HSIiKIJriNO CAHS , liloh nio model * of pomtort nnd clpjrnnco. ttt I'AllI.OH 1)IIAW < .NO HOOM CAHH , tinsiirtiiiiiitMl liy any. and Ita vMely oelobriiti'd I'AI.ATIAI , IN1NO ( CAHH. he cqunlof which cminot bo found i Nowhi < ro At Council lllnrTstho ti'Hlmof the I'nion I'liclfia ly. connect In Union Depot with tluxo of the ThlCKKO > V Northweiti-rn lly. In the ralnoof this Hun miiko cloeu connection wltU ho uof all oastprn luu's. Kor Detroit , Columbus ImllnnapolK Clncln iintl , Nhiifiiru I'nllit. lluiralo , I'lttsliurir.Toronto , Montreal , Boston , New VorU , I'htmilitlplila , llnlttmoro , Wnohlnirton nnd nil points In th * cast , ask for n ticket /In the "NOHTmVKSTKHS. " If 5-011 wNh the best ncuommodntlon , All tlckol aKcnts sell tickets via this linn' H. Hucniirr. i : r. wii.soN' . Ocnl. MnnaBcr , Oonl. 1'nssr Agent " * " . . . "In. nouxs , . Westorti ARont , City 1'HiVr Agent , Omaha NohriisWiu For all kinds of business at the New Town of Harbine , Midway between Falrlnny and Hcatrlco on th < C. K. * N. H. H. Lotn Cheap on Easy 2 cr is. Addrosg C. D. LKTTON , Fulrbury , Or W. H. HARRY , Ilarblno , Nob. 1 > UM 1Y Tit AIMS. Running Between Council Illuffs nnd Boutb Omaha. In addition to the stations mentioned ; trains stop at Twentieth nnd Twenty-fourth streets , and at the Summit m Omaha. Wrafward. KaBtwurd. CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF T11K Chicago , Mil waukeefi'St , Paul Rj 2'hc Vest Route /rom Omaha ami Council inttjl' to' . THE E.A.ST Two Tiains Daily Kelvrcen Onulia anil Council U In IU Chicat'o , AND Milwaukee , St. I'aul , Minneapolis , CedarKapidi Hock Island , Krceport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubinins , IJavcnnort , Elgin , MailUon , Janesville , Jleloit , Winotia , I.a Crnsiie , And all other Important points Kast , Northeast , , , . und Soutncint. ° r through lCk | u rsll nil the lluk t at 141)1 ) I'lirtnin , gi j , , | iAXti > n hotel , or at L nUm Puulno dopot. Pullman iiltoi | is and th finest Dining Cai'J In the world are run on the main lluo of tun Chicago. MIliMiiikim it St Paul Hullwuy and er. eiy attention Is paid ID puiiioiiuorii by courto- oiiBi'inployeug of thu company. H , Un.l.bii. Uonoritl Manager. J , F TUOKKIU Ai lntanllunurul lUanfor. A. V. R. OAUPKNTCK , Uonarul 1'iusongcr ivl TirkBt Agnnt OEO. K lluAKHinii , A93latsntaonorall' ' t3lia- ger and Thjkol Atioiit. J.T. fi.AiiR Oouuml Supsrlatoudeut ,