Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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    ! > T mmj mi > ii - . > -
Dtlrrertd by rirrlcr in nnypArtof the city at
twenty cents per wosk.
B. W. TILTON. Manager.
Hionr KDITOII No. 23.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Rotter , tailor. Fall goods cheap.
' The steam heating apparatus for the
Brown building Is being put In.
J. H. Wlthrow has moved Into his fine
new residence on Third avenue.
Ofllccrs Tamissca and Covalt go on day
for duty now in place of Dyer and Beswick.
vS , Machine oil. needles , embroidery silks ,
11 publications. Domestic agency , 109 Main.
Fine coupcg for ladies callinc. Wm.
Lewis , tclephone'138. Ufllce 41U Broad
way.Only seventy burial permits have been
Issued by the city clerk since Juno 1. Not
an unhealthy city by any monns , this.
The democratic county convention
Will meet In Masonic hall on Thursday to
select delegates to the state convention.
There will probably bo a special meet
ing of the board ot education hold this
week to attend to the assignment of the
Two ten ox teams upon Broadway jes-
tcrday created a viuw seldom seen in
this part of the country nowadays. They
were with a ditching outfit.
Joseph Wells , the now county superin
tendent of Sunday schools , has orgaul/ed
n Hchool in Streetsvillo , which starts in
with the good attendance of fifty.
A street car has been put on for night
service , leaving tlio corner of Pearl
street and Hroadway at 10.30 p. m. , ar
riving at the transfer at 10:50 : , and leav
ing the transfer guts back to the dummy
depot at 11 o'clock.
The now street car snitch on Broad
way is nearly completed. On Wednes
day a new time table will take effect.
Cars between Pearl struct and the east
end of the line will run every 7 } minutes ,
f just cutting the present time in two.
The uniformed ranks , Knights of Pyth
ias , celebrate the anniversary of their
order on next Sunday. They will attend
church in n body and the Rev. T. J.
. Maokay , ono of their number , will prob-
i ably preach the sermon.
One of the gentlemen representing the
company who are thinking of purchasing
1 the motor line , Mr. J. D. Mills , of Atcln-
son , was in the city yesterday morning ,
I but left for Boone to look after some
business in regard to that lino.
f The sorrel pacer. Warren Dailoy , butter -
' tor known as Jumbo , has gone to Carroll -
roll to cntur the 2:28 : class and the free-
for-all to como off to-morrow and Thurs
( day. Ho is a green horse , this being his
first start. He is owned by Alult HnrTo.
' „ : , The Kov. D. M. Cooley , pastor of the
K. Baptist church , has received a dispatch
' & that his mother , who is eighty-two years
of ago , is in a dying condition at her
homo in Brockport , N. Y. Circumstances
are such that the reverend gentleman is
unable to attend her funeral.
A hack , in going along Fourth street
late Saturday night , in the darkness of
the gas lights , wont into the sewer ditch ,
the rain having caused the fresh filled
dirt to settle. The hack was overturned ,
the lamps went out , both horses wore
mired. The electric light on a mast
would have been a mighty help.
For some reason or other only one
building permit has been issued by the
city clerk since the ordinance regulating
building permits passed. That was
given to G. V\ . Wilson for a two-story
frame building. There is a flue attached
to failure to secure a permit , which
should be remembered by those about to
C. . Fricdmann , of Odoll Bros. & Co. ,
after spending a few days in this city ,
leaves to-day for the west in company
with a friend from the cast , who is also
in ill health. They will go to Cheyenne
and spend sometime on L. C. Baldwin's
ranch , and then make southward as the
weather gets colder. Mr. Friedman
hopes for much by the climate change ,
his eastern trip not having boon very
helpful to him. Ills many friends hero
hope for his speedy recovery and return.
List your property with Cooper & Judson -
son , No. 130 Main street.
Money to loan. Cooper & Judson , No.
180 Main street.
The Council Bluffs Steam Laundry
has been refitted since tliu lire and is
ready for business.
Cheap first-class storage at Nos. 23 , 31
nnd 30 Pearl street.
Pacific house is the nearest hotel to the
majority of real estate offices in the city ;
| 3 per day.
Notice of lilMNolutlon.
Notice is hereby given to whom it may
concern that the partnership heretofore
existing between Uapp & Allen , in the
investment business in the city of Council
Bluffs , la. , is hereby dissolved by mutual
consent. John Allen , of said firm , will
continue the business at the old stand ,
collect all debts due , and pa } ' all debts
owed by said firm , Fred Uapp retiring
from said firm.
FitKi ) lUi'i' .
Council Bluffs , la. , August 33 , 1837.
A. Loit Board.
What has become of the Council Bluffs
board of fradot Does any ono in this
city know if such an organization is in
existence here ? Several persons who have
exceedingly good memories are under
the impression that now officers were
elected at the last meeting of that body ,
but what became o ( them no ono Nccms
willing to acknowledge. They haven't
been heard of for nearly a year and it
might be well to advertise for them. It
is no fault of theirs , but for some unseen
cause Council Bluffs has been steadily
going ahead and everybody who has
traveled through Iowa says this city has
unproved by far , more than any other
city. Possibly it would bo better not to
awaken the slumbering board of trade
and let well enough alone.
For Sale Harry Smith's photograph
gallery cheap. Inquire of 11-rry bniith.
At the Pacific house you will save from
60o to f 1 per day. Try it and bo con
vinced. _
Choice residence property a specitxlty.
Cooper ite Judsou , 180 Main.
One thousand head of one , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A.
J. . Grceuauiayur , 023 Mynstor t. , tele-
Thu now steamer Nellie Keller , lust
K launched on Lake Manawa by Vic.
[ g Keller , has been carefully Inspected by
V the citizens1 committee and pronounced
w etauuch and perfectly safe for 100 pass -
s Eungers. The steamer is run by an en-
f gineor who does not drink a drop of
i liquor and who is licensed by the United
if Blatoi government. Under all ciroum *
L stances the safety of the passengers will
I1 bo made the ilrst consideration.
it- Thn leading heating stoves of this
U country are the lludlnnt Homo and
Btowart for hard coal unii the .blumoud .
iad Temper and Worse Whisky Give the
Police a few Oases.
'lie Board of Trade Lost , Strayed or
Btolin Item * From the Po
Hoe A New Trunk Pan-
torjr Started.
Too Noltthborljr.
There was a slugging game on Frank-
in avenue on Sunday which came to
ight yesterday morning In 'Squire Biggs'
It appears there is a row of four ten-
nicnls in which two sick ladies reside ,
ach In houses adjoining one another ,
n an adjoining house Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Clkoy reside. According to statements ,
Mrs Elkey has been exceedingly noisy ,
nit whether maliciously or naturally does
not appear. At any rate , two different
toctors attending the sick ladies have ad-
dsud quiet , but the noise arising from the
icxt tloor neighbor has been anything
> ut pleasant for those indisposed. Ap-
> arently without any cause , other than a
lollto request for quiet , the husband on
Sunday jumped on to E. C. Whlttlcsoy
when no was in the yard and beat him
unmercifully about the head. Mrs. Whit-
Icsey was up stairs in bed , almost unable
o move , but she exerted herself enough
o go down stairs and pull Elkey off her
Justice Biggs fined El key f 10 and costs
, 'estorday , and ho willingly put up the reHired -
( Hired amount. His only excuse was that
ils wife told him that Whittlesey had
alked to her in an insulting manner ,
vhich Whittlesey stoutly denies.
Potlno Court
Yesterday morning the business in the
) olioe court was very light. Several
drunks were discharged , while a couple
vcre fined , the time of the court being
iccupied principally in ferreting out the
ausn of so much trouble recently on Lin-
! oln avenue between the children of scv-
ral families.
The Lincoln avenue didicultics were of
t triangular nature. Mrs. Mary Cran
ky , as near as the judge could got her
name , appeared with nor nine-year-old
laughter , who was charged with beat-
ng the daughter of Nick vV'augh. ' It ap-
> eared from the start that Mrs. Craneky
iad acted as second in her child's behalt ,
ind the judge continued the case for ono
week , hoping in the meantime the
notlior would sec that her child's bchav-
or was for the better. The child rlidn't
enow right from wrong ana
appeared as fearless of the judge as of
he children with whom she nail battled.
She told him that if the others would
top their fighting she would , but ho
must see that they behaved thnmsclvcs.
Mra. Craneky then turned plaintiff in
. case against the Fryo boys. She
harped them with lighting with her
3liihlren. As they had several witnesses
vhilo she hfld none , they were dis
charged after admitting having thrown ,
on one occasion , a chunk of mud at her
on , after which she came to tier son's
escue with a revolver. Mrs. Craneky
hot off her tongue in her native language
rory freely and the jud o suggested to
lie interpreter to "shut her off , if you
can , " but it had no noticeable effect.
The case of William T. Farrell , of Un-
lorwood , who was arrested by
Selective Price nt the Milwaukee
wsHongor depot for being disorderly and
/lockading the platform was continued ,
as Fatrcll , although in the city , failed to
nit in an appearance. If no does not
appear this morning his $10 appearance
nionov will go into the citv coffer.
A. Dillabough paid f 5 for the privilege
ot "smashing" one Joseph in the face.
Charles Spies loft $8.10 , fine and costs ,
or boinc drunk and asleep on Main
street Sunday night.
Jacob Miller from a prohibition town ,
paid $7.60 for trying to carry too heavy
a load of whisky homo with him.
A. L. Freeze will have his trial in the
police court at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
He is out on $50 bonds , on the charge
of being a vagrant. The police claim
ilm to bo a general "no good" and a
iaugor-on nbout the gambling houses
since the trade ho follows has been sup
posed to have closed in Omaha ,
When you arc in the city stop , at the
Pacific house. Street cars pass the door
every iifteon minutes for all the depots.
Meals 50 ceutseach.
A Trunk Factory.
Messrs. Zimmerman and Young Bros. ,
of Ulythcdalo , Mo. , have loiued the
building No. 5-12 Hroadway , and are re
moving to that location.
They are the owners of the Zimmer
man automatic trunk and anticipate a
largo trade in their line. They will man
ufacture their patent trunk , which is
made of trays. As the lid ol these
trunks are raised each ono of the en
closed trays raises with the lid , thereby
offering an opportunity to got at the bottom
tom of the trunk as well as at the top by
simply raising the lid , They have sold
In Kansas City alone seven car-loads of
these trunks since April 1 , and after they
are located hero expect to do a largo
lobbing business , this being such a hue
distributing point.
Besides manufacturing their own pat
ent trunks they will continue in the man
ufacture of other trunks , sample cases ,
etc.They selected this city fn preference to
several other locatiops which they
had investigated , and como
hero under no obligations whatever to
anyone , paying their way as they go and
asking no bonus.
They have boon busy making Improve
ments on their first patent and until now
have been unable to push business , but
expect to have several men start out on
the road , and show up their goods to the
trade. The automatic trunk is especially
adapted for the use of ladies and ono
sight ot it is enough to bring an order
from most any lady.
It isjust such institutions as this , that
this city is in need of and if more time
were occupied by trying to secure sueli
enterprises by those with the interest of
Council Utufls at heart it would only take
a few years before this would become
the greatest manufacturing city In this
region of the west.
J. W. and E. L. Squire lend moTioy.
Peroonal Paragraph * .
Frank Faublo is the happy father of n
now baby boy.
D. B. Thurston , of Red Oak , was in the
city yesterday.
Miss Jennie White is ill at her homo on
North Eighth street.
Sidney J. Wright , of St. Louis , was at
the Ogden yesterday.
Miles Scoliolct left last evening with
Charlie Bray for the west.
A. E. Buchanan , of the Wabash road ,
was in the city yesterday.
Charles W. Russell , of Glnnwood , was
at the Puciflo house yesterday.
D. J. Uutohinson , of Shonaudoah , was
at the Pacific house yesterday.
lion F. Weil left last night for a few
days' visit to hit parents in St. Joe.
Clmrho Huntincton , one of ( ho DEB
carriers , has returned from Chicago.
Mrs. T. A. Clark and daughter , Sadie
loft last night for Hot Springs , Utah.
MUs Julia Fleusoh ana Temple Tipton
Imvo returned from a visit to Greenwood
Fred Keller returned yesterday from
Jolfnx and now takes his place again in
D. W. Bushnell'a.
Miss Holbrook has returned to her
ionic in Missouri Valley , after a visit to
Miss Julia Olliccr.
Mrs. C. W. Bryant , of Oakland , was in
ho city yesterday anil rontetl a hotiso.
She will remove to this city shortly.
Mrs. L. Mooncy and her two sons , of
St. Joe , who have been the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Taylor , left for their homo
M. I. Soars has returned from Daven
port , where ho has been visiting friends
since the encampment , at which ho was
overcome by the heat He has iibout re-
alncd bis strength.
The New Map.
The now map of Council Bluffs and
Omaha , prepared by C. U. Allen , the
well-known publisher of this city , is now
Hit , and delivering to subscribers will
jcgin to-day. The now map shows up
30th cities in very convenient and ac
curate shape. Every lot is marked
clearly , and all the now additions are on ,
together with various other features
which have never appeared on any pre
vious map. The now map is particularly
valuable bocausn it shows the relative
distances and positions of all the points
in both cities. Ono can HCO at a glance
how one city 13 located in relation to the
other. The map Will be gladly received
in both cities , and already enough sub
scriptions are taken to nearly exhaust the
entire edition. The few surplus ones will
readily bo takcn'up. Mr. Allen has done
so much map work that it is needless to
Iwell upon the accuracy of the map , or
its completeness. It speaks for itself.
and the subscribers cannot but be
[ ) leascd ,
General Howard llrcfilvoH Important
Aid From nn Indian Olrl-
The next day , waiting for the scattered
companies to come together , says Major
[ icneral Howard in the Overland
Monthly , 1 was sitting with Captain
Bernard at about 5:80 : p. m. , in a little
room at the station , when it was reported
: hat a mounted party was coming
; owards us from the west It soon proved
a bo our messenger to the Piutos , Sarah
Winnomucca. with her companions. She
came ahead of them , riding very rapidly.
At first she could hardly speak for cry-
"ng , she was so weary and excited.
The following condensed account was
crowded into a paragraph and recorded
"n the journal of the day :
"About 5:3 : ! ) p. in. Sarah Winuemticca
came in , riding fast ; had been to hostile
camp ; brought out her father and
irothcr ; others followed and wore pur
sued , overtaken and taken back. She
icard firing and fears her brother Leo
was killed ; says Natches aided the white
men to escape from tno camp
and went with them. She reports
Uytes and hgan , with their bands , still
Ictailed in hostile camp ; says arms and
ilunder were offered to tempt them to
oin the hostilcs ; then threots and coer
cion were tried , locates camp near Juni-
icr lakes , Stein's mountain ; gives nuiu-
jer at about 700 : brought her sister-in-
law into our camp , and implores help for
lor father , whom she left behind with a
few men and guns guarding the fugitive
women and children. "
1 may now acid that Sarah's story , so
far as subsequent information and evi
dence could afliriu it , proved to bu
It is of sullieiet historic interest to in
troduce hero a few of those graphic in
cidents winch she hcrsolt lias since re
corded :
Wo ( Sarah and the Indians ( iconro
and John Pintes ) followed the trail down
the Owyhee river as much us littcen
miles , anu then came to where they had
camped , and where they been weeping
mil cutting their hair. So we know that
liuffalo Horn ( the Bannock leader ) had
jeen killed. " There were other indica
tions of great grief , besides the locks of
liair on the ground ; namely , piedcs of
niauta and clothing and numerous beads
broken from the Htrinirs ntid strewn
around. They found on tiie trail the whip
of the stage driver who had boon killed ,
and other articles from time to tuuuwhieh
made the blind trail when crossing the
rocky beds easier to follow.
The lirtt ranch the party camp to bad
been owned by u frontier settler , Mr. G.
B. Crawloy. Everything combustible
had been burned , and there were still
considerable lire auu fresh tracks about
thu premises. After delaying hero to
take a little food and rest tiiey deter
mined to follow the fresher of the two
branching trails. This led them toward
Stein's mountain. That day they picked
up a clock nnd a fiddle intl shot a moun
tain sheep , some strips from which added
to their supplies. They wore then near
Juniper lakes. For live miles further ou
they caughtxa glimpsu of two people ,
dressed like Indians , on the slope of the
mountain. Sarah's account of this meet-
inc is unUiuo : "As wo came nearer to
them I said to ( ieorgc , 'Call to them. '
He did .so. 1 saw them rise to their feet.
I waved my handkerchief at them again ,
and ono of thorn called out , 'Who are
you ? ' 1 said , 'Your sister Sarah. " It
was Leo Winnemncca , my brother , who
had called out. * * * iCu said , Oh ,
dear sister , you have como to save us ,
for wo areall pnsonersof the Bannocks. "
Her brother represented that her father
had been
that his friends had been stripped of
guns , horses and blankets , and that there
was great peril to life to her and her
companions. "For , " he said , "they will
kill everyone who comes with messages
from the white people , tor Indians who
como with messages are no friends of
ours. They say so every night. " Im
mediately Sarah and her companions
were transformed by thnusingof bankets
and putting on of warpaint , into Indians
proper ; then ail together they wont on to
the grand encampment. "Tho moun
tain wo had to go over was very rocky
and stoop , almost perpendicular : Some
times it was very hard for us to climb up
ou our hands and knees , but wo not up
at last , and looked into the hostile en-
campmeut. Oh , such a sight my eyes
metl It was beautiful ; 8J7 lodges and
450 warriors. " Greater numbers were
close at hand ; they were down in Little
valley catching horses , and some were
killing beef. This was part of the united
camp of the Bannocks and Plutcs.
, A little later Sarah had worked her
way into her father's ledge containing
several Piuto men and women. She says
"Everyone in the ledge whispered , 'O
Sadies , you have como to save us.1 " She
and her brother succeeded in communi
cating with most of her father's friends.
By concentrated action , quite a number
estimated at seventy-live m all , left the
camp in the night *
They had stopped for a little rest and
food , when of a sudden , they saw ono of
their roar guard
toward thorn , Ho cried out as ho approached
preached : "Wo aro.followed by the
Uannooks. I saw Leo running and them
firing at him. I think ho is killed. " Of
course they mounted at once and rode on
At this tlmo , finding Winnnmucca's
column too slow to suit her impatient
spirit , Sarah took her sister-in-law and
two Indians , saying to her father :
'Come ' , father , give mo your orders , as
lam going back to the troops. What
shall I tell General Howard , as I am
going to where ho is this very day ? "
Wfnuomucca repliedt 'Toll hru | to
tend his soldier * to protect me and my
people. " ,
With this me'iico theao brave women
iiisdo the remainder ot the distance to
the sheep rauoh , and reported to ni , M I
have previously statod. Bernard's chief
of scouts , n Mr. Hnbbins , was Immedi
ately sent with his men to meet the old
chief and his party , nnd bring them to
the protection of the troops , to facilitate
wlucti Sarah sent Piuto Joe as a guide.
I have been this particular in recalling
some of the incidents of this ride because
of its extraordinary' nature. It was n
rldo of over two hundred miles made be
tween 10 a. m. of June 13 and 5sO : p. in.
luno 15. Sarah say ? truly : " 1 went for
the covcrnmont when the officers could
lot get an Indian or white man to go for
love or money. " '
How Hchurz Kcaoucd a Prisoner
Friend .
Ono of the romantic Incidents in the
life of Carl Shcur/ connected with the
daring escape from the Fortress of Span-
dcau , a Prussian prison nine miles from
Berlin. Spandau is famous us being the
prison from which Baron Trcnck cs-
oaped about a century ago. Schurz and
Dr. John Gottfried Kinkel were promi
nent actors in the revolutionary move
ments which agitated Germany in 1848.
In that year Kinkol occupied the post of
Art History at the University of Bonn ,
and Schurz. then a youth of nineteen ,
was his pupil. They both entered hear
tily into the political movements of the
time. When the revolution was put
down Schurz got away , but Kinkel was
captured , tried , and sentenced to death
by u court-niaJtial. At the earnest and
persistent intercession of his wife Kin-
kel's sentence was commuted to impris
onment tor life , and after some time ho
was convoyed to permanent quarters at
Spandau. Schurz had lied to Switzer
land , but when ho heard of the fate of his
friend lie secretly returned to Prussia ,
determined to .secure his release. The
prison is on an island in the river Havel ,
and Sohurz succeeded in secreting a boat
and suitable disguises on the river not
far from the uitadol. Kinkol's wife and
her waiting-woman wcto permitted nt
times to vl.sit him. When all had been
arranged on the outside so that ho could
escape easily from the island he went
out one evening in November , 1850 ,
passed the guards in his wife's clothes ,
accompanied by the waiting-woman.
Uoing to the appointed plaeo ho found
Schurn ready for him. They successfully
made their way to the seacoast , and
thence passed over to Scotland.
Cor. 5th Ave. & 7th St. , Council Bluffs.
Ono of the best Educational Institu
tions in the west. Boarding and day
school conducted by the Sisters of Char
ity , B. V. M.
Board and tuition for a term of five
months , $75. For further particulars
St. Francis Acedemy ,
„ Council Bluffs , la.
Attorneys at Law *
Practice in the State anil Federal Cotir t
Roams 7 and 8 Shugnrt-Ueno Block.
J'rtces Tci'it Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
XO. 23 ALA IH ST. ,
J PosrrivnLY CUHE ALT , Svi'iniiirio
Will in All Cases Cure This Disease.
Since the history of medicine a trite Sperlnc for
Fjphllltto DI Fiio liii neon iiiiB'it ' fir l it iij-vcr
fniiml until thoilUco\en of our MA.I11C JlI.MI.Dr
ni-haiocvtry re * oto l.cllove . Unit H Ii ijluo-
lutely unkn iwn tonn ) i > hy lcUn. ipei l.ilin or clicm-
lit MxliiK. cither In this or the oil world.
llwMrtl c-fiveredb > moie -cld-nt thirteen jcnri
ngotii n man of no lUwnc'IM nioaiii but n im'uial
riit-Mi " wlm only need t I'l < i niilet way In L.ISH
? ! ! n "ill notlcr whenutToiurJ could got no
relief , thoiiRhtli'irouKlilr tryln > { i-u-ry hnonn teiii-
i-drnnd ( Mnpln > lnB il.f niiit ( Ulllful pliulrlann In
the Intnl. whu hia ultlm itely prououuccd these c.iaei
' " f heSr'em"dy lieic d r-ttlspd has been ginrrleil with
In dneoiury. until u tear
iiiinoi. ilncf
the " " sctrecj
t . 'il""iitliliichcinl ' t dlc.lpoor , . fie l Milj J
funnuli imreha'cd of nil
horn an I the orlitlnat
wiaSw Thl ; In btlef 1 * the true hUtory of thli moil
I'IIF ' COOK UEMKOV CO. thcicf.trc havepoBiPi-
ilo'i nf the only medicine In Hie world that \U1 cura
thin Drexdfd DUeaie In all ! > furiui
Ihev ire 111 ! ni-tl In lhl "talunent for the reason
that the latr"t mertlcKl < > rH. publl.hed by the best-
known auihorltlea i ytn el ni trup | > eolnc.
We ar now wr have a lavt bPEOlFio-o.NK THiT
. ' { ' evciy other known rem
edy wllhout beneiltinhould gUa us a trial.ocur
So pay. and no expense to patient In any way.
3J'O .
Wn do not ell the liemi'dy , or aend It oat. under
it'l.Uiwi.of ' thta . - t ourUU-
rensary. or nt the patlenfi realdenco either .In
Omaha or rlicwhire In ca ei wheie ttio patient t
U ' ' '
w'i'l'.VtTa Rciulnr rhylrl n InaUeml-
Bi , , . who ln crailimtK . 'raevrral c lieKe.
mid him Iniil ever 3 .Y.l 1Jlf'n ' } ; < ' ? Vipr\iFllilvco
. .
. \ [
rHVuVB Nvi , f 1iSi7wFreVilhVdirlrncS , ,
" o'ff ' c nVr'iel'r m'VS'l'ndor.ed ' by , . .
per nn and to the entire tl facile of pitlriili.
Old chronic ca e ot ( tonoirhcn and Gleet perma-
nentlr cured , ailf by maittc. In n > e ilayt
Thli Remedy acti Immediately upon the Dlood ,
removln * from the y tetne\ery trier of potnon
Kev r 8or n. I'icorn. ' Kriiiillniia , Sure
Mouth. llnlr-Fuimitf. wnil nil hUlii Uii-
en-oa cnrcil In a mr lou ly ulinrt 'l' t > ; ,
No other known Hcmeity In lb nurldran do In ill
montht whnl we guaranty to do In two weeU
All we n k Ii a trlaU Do NOT ronotr IIIAT wi
riiTAKivriit A cum OR ao PAT. No bpeclallit ol
1'hyilclan will do thf . You know from na l experi
ence , If you arc ono of the afflicted. Theierhyil-
claniknowtboy hive po remedy with they
OAK cure all Chronic C.ues of Sjphllli. ami will , aia
matter of course , tay It U Impottlhlntu effect a per
mancnt cure , IlutV e dif J any of tntm to brlnn u > a
case that we will notcurtPpertnanenlly Inaihuriei
time thsn It reiulred for the mont recent laid with
any other knoMrn remedy In th orld
Correipondcnce and a critical lutc.ttentlon tollc
Ited tiotii ai to our financial itindluR andveradty.
Addreii- " .
DltriXliBT , noOWU , HlLLMAN Ill'ILDISU.
B nr lidy who detltc * Mrfcttfun In it Tie and form
ikoufilwwr It en. MaouActured only br U o
ti < ; 4 rr li * .7aod lAKuVet meetCUUig
RT'flNHpOp.V < v tUim | > ImpT
a I uiluucQ.lTcrt&utDebmtycaufce
uTroSlrh errors aoil b * < l PTtctiCA *
Special dYcrtliements , such M test , Found
Sol/innFor Bnlo , To Rent , Titntu , Bonrdlnr ,
tc.i lll bolnierttd In thli column t the low
rtteof TEN CENTS PEUM\K forth nmln f-
ton and r'l Y Cent * Per Line f or eiob iubuquenl
Iniertlon. I/cure dre-llsemcnti t our offlc *
tin. U 1'cirl Itreet , njar lro ) dw 7. I'ouucfl
WCANTED Ono cook nnil ono dlsliwnsber at
tfeott houeu , North Main street.
TXTANTKD Olrl to do Koncrnl hmipowark In
TV emiill family. Mrs. K. C.Ulcwon , 421 Ulou
WANTED A KoocT frffTfor cook. Apply lit
once to Mrs. J. H. Mcl'hcrion , No. 1331
I'iorco strCL't.
FOIl KENT Four unfurnished rooms , to
tenants without children. Mo. 127 South
First street ,
TjKK BALK-Onon ; ? tormior will tr do for
-L city property , u complete itock or furni
ture. stOTfi , nltio building. It Is iltuntcd 20
mllet cast on Wtbiih railroad , ( lood town ; no
opposition , ( lood reason * for soiling. 1'os-
RflMlon Riven At once. Will inrolce nbout (2,500.
Cull or iiddrcsB Merchant , 825 Broadway , Coun-
ell Illulfg.
RAM : OH TltADK.-For Connell Uluffg
J property 40,000 acroi of Iowa and Ne-
hr SKB liinil. J. U. lllcc , 110 Mam St. Council
Blufff ) .
WII.l. toll two cnrrlRpei on lonjr time or will
trnde for hortcs. William Lewis.
The Sutler house In Missouri Valley : fur
nished llrst-t'lms tliioiiffhout and wltli n InrKO
business t'stitbllsliocl. Will bo rented on llbornl
tciiTiB to responsible puritan. Call on or ad-
dices Ill'dll PEHCV ,
_ Missouri Valley.
600 Broadway , Council BlufTsJowo.
Established 1S5T.
Has a complete llnu of
11 1 fill *
Largo hats In white , black and all colors. Pat
tern bonnets , hfti.i and toquet , u specialty.
No I6U Uotiirlag St. , Omuha.
Creston House ,
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel in the City
with Fire Escape ,
Electric Call Bells.
Accommodation ! * i/irl C'la < * ,
Aiitl IJalCH KciiNonable
Max Mohn , Proprietor
EngineerlSunreorMapPubllsher ; ,
Over 2Vo. 12 Forth Main St.
Maps , of cities r.nd counties
Hides , Taitaw , Pelts ,
Illfjhcat Market 1'rlcea. Promp
Return * .
820 and 822 Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
K. S. BARffETT ,
Justice oi the Peace ,
415 Hroadway , Council BlulR
Refers to any bank or business house in the
cilv , Collections n specialty.
Justice of the Peace.
Office over American Kxpross.
Finest Landaus
Coaches and Hacks in City.
No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan ,
Telephone No. 33
Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 9
In Amber ,
etc.Hair On
naniciits , as
well as the
newest nov
elties in hair
Hair poods
madeto order
. Gillette
20 Mnin St. , Council lilulFa , Iowa. Out
of town work solicited , and all mail
orders promptly attended to ,
Star Safe Siab/es and Mule Yards
Broadway , Council Uluffu , Opp. 'Duiamr Depot
S 5
CT > * *
c/i fa
g S. .
> rt
p. a
Horsci and mules constantly on hand
for sale at retail or In car load lots.
Orders promptly filled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission
Telephone 114. SHLOTKU & Uouir.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Counw illufls
Summer Dress Goods , White Goods
Parasols , Gloves , Mitts , Hosiery , Etc. , Etc.
Are Large and Well Selected
Our Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best ,
New Goods are arriving and invite
Lace Curtains ,
Work Done by Competent Workmen.
Mail Orders Promptly Attended To
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
N. B. Special attention given all orders by
Pianos and Organs
Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to
rail on us.
Imtriimciiti Tuned and Repaired. % Ve never Tall to giro unturneliour
Over UO years' Experience InPlauo und Organ Work.
Swanson Music Co.
No. 329 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Regular - : Boarders : - : Reduced : : Rates.
NO. 336 & 338 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Both Domestic and Foreign ,
The finest of driving horses always on
baud and for Hale by
Vacant Lots , l.nmls , Cur lMiatico ( ( apd
rnrtns Aero inoptrty In rcit rn p U'f ) oltr
All Bdlintr chrB | > ,
Real Esiaia & Insurance Apt ,
Itoow 6 , o r CSJ r A I'UM/'I itaivlwua t /
WuSJ. '