Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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    ' rwA ; " * - - ' .
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THE OMAHA DAILY ltOTSDAY. _ ; 'WST23.x 18877 ,
Advertisements under this lioad.10 cents po
Inn for ibe lirst Insertion , 7 tents lor each suit
sequent Insertion , andfl.fJQa line per month
ho advertisement taken lor iesstnan25 cents
Tor the Urst Insertion. Fuven wordi wll Jb
counted to the line ; they must run consccu *
Urelr and must bo paid In advance. All adver
tisement * mutt bo handed In before 1 :30 : o'clock
p. ra. , nnd under no circumstances will they bo
Uikon or discontinued by telephone.
Purlins anvortulng In the o column Mid nar-
Inp tlio answers addressed In cnro of THE HII
wlllplon/io / mk fora cheek to enable them to pot
tnclr Hitters. aft none will bo delivered oicent
on iiroscmtatlon of cheek. All answers to adver
tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In thosn column * nrq pub
lish o < l In lioth morning nnd evening editions
ir. It KB , the circulation of which aggre
gates more than ll.tWOpapon dnlly , and elves
tlio advertisers thn bnnollt. nut only of the city
circulation of TUB line. but aUo of ( .ouncll
Jllulfft , Lincoln and other cities and towns
hroughouttliU part of the wont. _
1,000,000 to loan. Cole , 316 S 1Mb.
Wo loan money on Improved property
MONEY any desired amount at low rates
of Inturost. tomn.froni two to ten years time.
Btotts , Cox * Houston. 1C07J4 Farnam. Vo9
ONEY To lonn at 0 per cent. Patterson
M Urn * . , inth street , op. I' . O. S28
7tO.COO TO LOAN at 6 per cent. Llnahan
$ Jlahonoy , IM'J Famam. KM
flFKll CENT Money ,
D 11. C. Patterson. 15th aT.d
WiO,000 to loan on real optnto. No delay"
$ Harris A Sampson , HUB Douglas St. C40
ONKV TO LOAN bTFTDaTls Co. , ica
estate and loan agents , 1506 Farnam st.
500.COO to loan in any amount nt lowest rate
of interest. II. II. Ircy , Frcnzor Wock. 307
600,000 To loau on Omaha city property atJ
per cent. 0. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex , Hid.
ONEY TO LOAN On city nnd farm property -
orty at low rates. No delay. Calm & Wool-
ley , 1TK Farnam st. M9o37
TV/f / ONRY to loan to parlies wishing to build.
JML B. 8. Campbell , iilO S 10th St. , Chamber of
Commerce , 613
To loan. Lowcft rales. No delay.
MONEY . llico A Co. , over Commercial Na
tional 'S7
ONBY to loan , cash on delay.
J. W. and B. L. Squire , 1413 FBrnara St.
Faxton hotel bulldlnr. " ' 4
ONEY TO LOAN on Improved city prop
erty In suras of ? 1,000to 15,000 at six per
cent Interest. Sliolcsi ! Qrinnb. 645
ONEY TO LOAN on unproved real estate ;
no commission charged. Leavitt Burn-
ham , lloom 1 Crelirhton Block. 641
In Burnt of IH > 0 and over to loan at
MONEY , llussell & Barrett , 312 S ICIli st.
MONEY TO LOAN-On city property In
sums of (500 and upwards at lowest rates.
Money always en hand. 8. B. Campbell' BIO
Eolith Sixteenth street. 647
LOAN Money Loans placed on ira-
. proved real estate in city or county for
Now England Loan & Trust Co. , by Douefoi
County bank. 16th and Chicago sts. 648
MONEY LOANED at C. F. Hood & Co.'s Loan
Office , on furniturepianos , horsenwagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. S19 S. 13th.
over IJInghatn s Commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 610
HONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
horscH , etc. , low rates. J. J.Wilkinson &Co , .
1324 Karnam , oor Burlington ticket ofllco. 41)7 )
MONKY TO LOAN by thu nndormk-nod , who
has the only properly organt/.od loan
icency In Omaha. Ii > ansof $10 to $100 rnado
on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons ,
tnnchlnery , Ac , without removal. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
nude that any part can bo paid at any imo.each
payment reducing the cost pro ratn. Advances
Biadn on flne watches and diamonds. Persons
ebon Id carefully consider who they are dealing
with , BS many DOW concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call
and POO mo. VT. H. Croft , Itooin t Withne.ll
Building 15th and Hnrnur. 651
flMlE OMAHA Financial Exchange.
JN. . W. corner of Ilnrnoy and 15th its. .
over Elate National bank.
If prepared to make short time loans on any
available security.
Loans made on chattels , eollaUral or real
Long tlmo loans made on Imcroved real estate
t current rates.
Purchase money mortgages negotiated.
Hccucod notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Bhort time loans made on second mortgag * .
according to marginal Interest , at collateral
Real estate to exeianfe for good Interest
bearlnff paper.
OenenU anolal business of all kind * trans
acted promptly , quietly and fairly.
Money always on hand for approved loans of
Bny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Cor belt. Manager. UB3
MIDLAND Ounranteo nnd Trust Co. , 160J
Farnam street Complete abstracts lur-
nlshcd , and titles to real estate examined , per
fected nnd guaranteed 678
"C1O3 8ALR AprofltiiDlo drug liuslnosa with
S ! good stock in a thriving city of 8,000 pee
ple. Oily tour drug stores In the ( dace. Ad
dress 11 5J , Boo ollleo Omaha. h7fi-23J
r ANTED Parties who desire to buy or seller
or exchange stocks of general merchan
dise , dry goods , groceries , boots nnd shoos ,
hardware , drugs , Jewelry Improved or unim
proved town or city property , improvedsr un
proved farms In any part of the United States ,
to address Kruuse 4 Foster , 318 S. 15tb st.
Omaha , jtfeb. C55
TXTANTED A thoroughly bright and export-
TV enced man with $1,000 cash or security to
take charge .of n business now payings,500 :
per month net. Address B 80 Doe offlco.
703 22J
"ClOlt HALE A Orst-olass hotel property doing
J- excellent business. Must sell in sixty
days. For price and terms address B , 8. Lilly ,
real estate dealer. Broken Bow , Neb. 311sll
1XT ANTED- One or two -business men with
TT capital of IW to 1150 to take hold of a bus
iness that will par from 15 to ! 0 per
dsy. Itoom 4 , Crounse blk , 118 N. 16th nt.
OH EXCIIANGE-Stock general merchnn-
dlso. about $1,500 ; stock hardware , about
S3BQO. Will take Iowa. Kansas or Nebraska
land for three fourths ; balance half cash , half
short tlmo. H A H. , box ( KXt , Bhonandonh , la.
6K1 22J
FOll SALE A well ostaollshcd and favorably
known general store t Hapld City , D. T. ,
( lllack Hills country ) . Stock about $12,000.
suitable and well assorted store making money ,
lloasons for sol ling , death of proprietor. Art-
dross J. 8. Holier ( son , administrator , St. Paul ,
Minn. , or J. U Spagle , Rapid City. D. T. 642-25
OH UBNT-ln Albion , Neb. , the largest ,
best oustomcd and oldest dry goods store ,
can have possession on the llrst day In Septem
ber. For Information apply to L W. Iloborts ,
the owner. 703 31 j
fTtOK SALE Drug store , doing a good busl-
J. ness. For particulars callon W. II. Green ,
215 South 13th st OW 2IJ
FOH HALE-l'irst-class hotel business in
Lyons , business $400 per mouth , good
reasons for soiling. Address The Logan.
WANTF.D An opening In a good live No-
hraska town of 1.200 to 4,0i > 0 Inhabitants
by u live tlrm , to OMUI | up a first-class stock of
general merchandise. Address with particulars
li 31 , Boo olHco. 80723
OH SALE- Drug ttort < .2t37K Lake ft. Poor
health reason for gelling. Chcao rent.
fTIOll SALB First-class resttiiirant , cigar
J- and candy business , best location In the
city , very cheap , only $500. duo of sickness.
AddreM It 41 Ueo offlce. 810 SJJ
\\7ANTED-Pa tnor with a few thousand dollars -
' lars -tho more the bettor In a good payIng -
Ing business in Omaha nnd Lincoln with aesur-
BiittioNowhcro In Nebraska ; oMublUhcd a year ,
work light , pay sure. Address A 60 Ueo offloe.
854 Z4J
rpo F.XCIUNUE-A stock of clothing and
X furnishing goods worth 115,000. Will take
nart in Omaha property , balnnco cash Chas.
K. W policy. iia South 15th st. OJOst
T710II SALK-Stock and Hxturos or ono of the
f host located groceries In the city ; sales (100
to 112.1 per day and growing bettor. Address
11 to. lice ollico. 8.SU-2JJ
\\7ANTED Immedlatitly , a partner In oitab *
T * llshed hotel bunlneM in one of the best
locations In the city with 6 > 1 rooms. Have to
enlarge promise * to ucconimodute rapidly In
creasing buslncis. From f l.uxHo H. HIcapital
nxjulrcd sura nd large returns. ThU U B
nan and will boar close Inipvetlon. Address II
4 , Bee office. 755 23j
TrT ° Ul THADE-15.000 stock clothing ( n good
JH Nebraska town , for farm without Ineuiu-
t > nuioo. U oord AdvertUiug ColiU FuriiHin
t. 688 t
FOH SALE A flrst-ctaM tncht market in best
location In city. For Bearer information
address n IS Hoe office. : 813 Z3J
* | > EHSONAL-Ladles we hare plenty of good
JL girls such as dining room laundry girls ,
cooks and girls for fnmlllos. Try us. iflth
Stioot Employment o 111 co , 220 N. 1 Bt h 11 91 c-MJ
IJEIISONAIThodato City Employment of-
X nee , 8I4V4 B 15th , supplies the best of Scan
dinavian and Gorman girls. P29
EHONAL-Prlvato homo for ladles during
ronOneraont , strictly confldentlsl. infants
adopted , address E42 , llcoulTlce. 107 scpt7
13EHSONAL Send for your sowing machine
X needles , oil and repairs to the Singer
Man'fg Co , 1618 Dougla ft. Omaha. 463 a26
EHSONAL Mrs. Dr Hannte T. Warren
clairvoyant. Medical and business Medium
Boon No. > 121 North l h it jOmaha. Neb.
- dollar * ' reward. Strayed or
stolen from icsr of 111 N 17th et , a largo
roan horse , about 17 hands high , weighing bo-
' .ween 1Xond ( ) 1.400 pounds , redlsh brown
nano nnfl tsll. iilnd ankle somewhat swollen-
JZ5 will be paid for return of animal to owners ,
at HO S 14th st.and If stolen the sheriff ofDoug-
Iss Co. will pay a reward of 150 for the arrest
and conviction of the thief. 636
TAKEN TIP Bay pony , two white hind legs.
7 years old.l mile west of poor farm. Fred
{ och. 10 6 IB SJ 29
1AKEN UP-DK H. Harris , 3 th nnd Lalk
. streets , a blacis broncho inaro branded on
left hip. OwnFrcan hnvo ninu by paying expense -
penso and ( irovlng pioporty. 8,15,2. , 2' ' ' , s"
MH.4. HATKIELDTrance business medium.
'I ho past present and future revealed , sick
milled , Ion ioiind , homes made nappy , sittings
daily nt 421 S. llthst. 457 27j
MBS. Ol'UANT Clarlvoynnt from lloston Is
reliable In all allalr.i of life , unites sepa
rated lovers , its n llith 1 84iisept3J
[ jintST-CLASS Citorugo at 110 N 13tb L
First-clans storagn tor nice rur-
nlturo or boTod goods , ut51. ) Dodce-at.
/CESSPOOLS , sinks nnd vaults cleaned , odor-
\J leas process. E. iwlnKbox427 : , oily.876S20J
T'O EXCIIANOE-For Omaha property n One
farm In Iowa. Chas. K. Woolley , 418 South
ill st. U20J1
IADIEScanlmvolcesonii In sel ntl4fo dress
t cutting free of thin go for fifteen days at
Iress Cutting school , 1013 Howard st , id ) tloor.
Visitors always welcome , 831 ; J
, buy or sell property. Call
on Stevens llros. , 1513 I arnain stroot. Wo
iavoalsrgo list of farms , city property , an.l
stocks of goods of nil kinds for sale or ex
change. List your property with us , 7.W'--
CESS POOLS and vaults cleaned , dead ani
mals removed W. II. Harbor , M)2 ) Leaven-
worth. Telephone 102. 8h7s-'l *
LIST your rooms and houses with the Ilocord
Advertising Co , 151.1 Farnam st , and wo
will rent them sooner than any ono else , ns wo
mo well known all over the city. Crtil
T > EHFO11ATEIstamping patterns made to or-
JL < ier nnd all the latest designs for sale at
Mrs. J. W. Morrison , 150,1 Davenport st. 45lsl2
EASTEHN Nebraska farms to exchange for
Omaha property. 1012 FnrnnM. 51J
MIO EXCHANGE-for cattle , Ihavo 600 and
JL forty acres of peed western land to trade
for cattle , nnd a good house and lot near the
capital will exchange for cattle. Adilref K. ( i.
Bryan. Ashland , t\ol > . 43(5 (
rilO THADE-tFor cattle or groceries 410 acres
JL school land In Hamilton countyNebraska ,
equity , f 1,510. Holdon & Mason , Central City ,
O MAHA LOTS-To exelmngo lor rattle. Pat
terson & Moore , 1612 Farnam. III7
rpHE Gate City Employment-onicoi4Vi : : S.
L 15lb street. Orders for all kinds of help
sollctod. ' U29
MAGNETIC Healing Mediums onro all kind )
of sickness lu connection with clairvoy
ance of the past , present and future. J. II ,
Pagoler , North State st , mile west of fair
grounds. P. O. box6ii3. 510 a'-'tij
JTIOKKHNI Square Piano U montnlr. A
J ? Hoipe.1513 Doncis . Wl
TflORIIENT Organs. * 3 per month. HOKDO ,
J3 1H3 Doutrhu. OGl
OL C.-Houso furnishing goodi , all kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices at J.
Bonner , 1U16 Douglas 6U 66)
F Ion KENT Square fiano , ft montolr.
Hotpe. 1513 Doucin s. 601
? OH BALE Furniture of n three room Hat ,
complete for hoiiHokooplnir ; a food c banco
for a couple. Cull at n w. corner of 17th nnd
darkest. , overgrocory , the entrance on 17th
street. HIO 2lj
FOK SALE-At a banrain , a 0-room house
with closets and pantry , etc. , lot 25 tuet
east Iront,5 blcckssoutu of court houso. Address -
dross Y 30 , Bee ollico , 620IUW *
FOH SALE Furniture , good will and lease of
the best paylna small hotel In Omana.
Constantly full of first-class boarders. Price
J1..MH1. Investigate this. J. I' , Hammond , 117
S. 16th. 76J
"IOK SAIiE-Cncnp , fixtures and tools of meat
f market doing a cash business , also horse
and delivery wagon , B good cluinco for riirlit
parties. J. J.Skinner , 1310 Harney st. , Omaha.
204 02 *
F IOH SALE Piano , almost now will bo sold
cheap , 1162 this offloo. W)8 ) St
'OH SALE Horse and wagon cheap. Apply
115 N 16th St ; 769 24
FOR BALE A blaolt mare. Inquire of Mr * .
Simpson , 4229 Nelson st , Walnut Hill.
704 25J
W ANTED 2 second hand barber chairs ;
also 1 barber. Address B 42 Boo office ,
815 25J
FOIt SALK Furniture of 8 rooms with privi
lege of loose of house , ,07 S. 14th St.
riMIIHTY-l'OUHsiiUttros of sheet steel rooting
X for sale cheap. C. W. t G. E. Thompson ,
314 S. 15th St. 234
fTKHlSALE-Grass , 43 acres near the stock
JC yards. MoCaguo , Omaha , 748 24
FOU SALE Furnlturo of n 5 room house ,
and house for rent. Inquire 151H Joins
street. 740 24J
WANTED Han and wife on farm and ono
for private family , Canadian Employ
ment oflice , 316 S. 15th. Telephone 884. 853 22J
WANTED A first class broad and cake
baker , none others need apply. At 2405
Cum Ing st. K5&23J
WANTED A man to soil organs and sewing
machines in western lowa > AddioAa
Hox4WoodbIno , la , 634 23
WANTED Man to take the agency of our
safes ; sUe 28x18x18 Inches ; weight 500
Ibs. ; retail prlco $35 ; other sires In proportion.
A i are chance to create a permanent business
at homo. These safes meet a demand never
before supplied by other safe companion , as
we are not governed by the Safe Pool. Alnlne
Safe Co. , Cincinnati , O. 591 31J
\VASTED-Mon for railroad work In Colo-
T T rado , watrcs for teamsters $ 10 per month
and board. Albright's LaDor Agency , 11-0 Far-
nam. 787
W ANTED A good boy to learn photo-
grapliy at J. O. Curde , 1402 S. 13th street.
W ; 'AN'JED-500moro agents to canvass for
copying and enlarging at 141O s. 13th st.
WANTED Men for Wyoming ; good wages.
Albright's Uibojr Agency , 110) ) Farnam.47
T\7ANTED-Boj- mall room. Apply bo-
TT tweon U and 11 a. m. a. J.
W ANTED-ActUo men to loll goods at the
fairs. OI4H S , 15th st , Hoom 5. 818
WANTED Young to middlo-agcd men of
buslncus ability , good salary , room 16 ,
block. J. M. French * Co. 6i H
\\7ANTBD-Agents In every town of Ne-
i > braeka for our SIO World Typewriter. J.
Speck , solo agent Nebraska and Dakota , Lin-
coin , Neb. 720 Z4J
W ANTED-Mon lor railroad work. Al
bright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnara.
iTANTEI ) Fbocraakcr , two broad ] bakers ,
I pBntimakor hotel clerk , stona auoar ,
shovefers.oanvBMurs. four lady cooks , girls
ior families , eta liith Ktroct Employment
iifllce. 22 North ICth st. 917-SiJ
AVASTilD-Tinner * n < l cornio * ea M
onoo. Theo. HucUo * BOB. FreaiOBt ,
.Neb. . .
"VTT NTED First c'R5s ' second cook , man
TT or woman , nt European hotel , 881 23
V7ANTKD4 k Oerrann boys to carry papers ,
697-609 a 12th , upstairs. 6 J
WANTED-Mnn to workln milk dairy. Hush
McDowell , Wnln t Hill noar. Holt lino.
_ _ Wi 3 < J
WANTEO--Tliono wanting help or situa
tion * at collector * , a lttnnt bookkeepers ,
fronornl otllco clerks , watchman , porter , janitor ,
engineers , Bremen , coachmen , tonmsters ,
farmers , bakers barbers io. , apply to the
Mutual Employment Agency , Sit south 16th sts
up Blairs. 003 2J
_ _
WANTED -Active men and women In every
town In the United States to sell our
book and Illblos ( Enpllih and Herman print ) .
Oood pay. Address at onoe , E. P. Joidan A Co. ,
St. Louis , Mo. _ KJQ.23J
WANIEO-Mllkor , Saratoga dairy , 411S S.
SnundorB. BUD S3) )
\\rANTBn-30 etoncmnions1. Wiigoi 14.60
* T per day of 10 hours. None but Rood
mnpons need apply. N. IS. corner 7th nml l.'hcst-
nut sin. , St. LouK Mo. _ 100 2J (
WANTED Two men to fell goods. Aoady
employment. Call 4C1 Smith luth st.
_ _ _ st.2U
ANTED-A1I these wishing helper situa
tions ns a Mtant bookkeepers , general
ollico clerks , collector. * , watchmen , jailltnra ,
porters , coachmen , teamsters , engineers , flro-
men , farmers , bartenders , etc. , apply to the
Mutual Employment agency , 211 S. 101 li at. uu-
stairs , Kll S2J
WANTBD Salesmen , n now Invention
needed In every IIQIKD ; 300 per cent com-
ml'Mon or n good itinry to right parties. Art-
dross with Mump for toiins the Weaver Manu
facturer , 31 K State St. , ChloiiKO , III. 73il *
\v "ANTED A gill for general housework nt
Jte93o,12thst. 8812DJ
" \\TANTED-Ecamstres9lntailor shop. Must
T understand bttslipllng , 111 ! ' rnrniim.
WANTED Cook nnd dlnluir room ( rirl for
pnmo hotel nt Hardy , Neb , ; two laund
resses , 4 ulrls for fniiulles of 8 ; U girls for
lioueowork In ncUhboring towns ; 23 girl * lor
housework in city ; 2 second glrlp , liltchon
helpers ; : i girl * to mind children ; 12 c'lnlnir
room girls. Mrs. Hrepn & Son , 310 S. 16th M ,
Telephone 881. MI-22 *
It/ANTED-Eldorlvlndyto take care n months
* old baby Wngos $ J ( ior week. Mrs.
Sclby,2rll Davenport. KT3-2J
\\7AN Tr.D A good girl nt the St.Jnmns hotel
opp. IT P. depot. HH-i2'
\\TANTED A good girl for general house
T work , Uohoinlan preferred. CIS S 17th st ,
WANTED-Good girl at U2 California , only
tliroejln family. H17 22J
\VANTKD A good girl for general hnu u-
> ' work. Callat20r > CallIoriilast. t2J 22
w ANTED 3ood strong woman to do house
work at 706 North Irth st. UTS 2JJ
WANTED Olrls to pack crackers. Apply
to . 03. Onrncau Cracker Co. 8J022J
"l\T ANTED A tlrptclaanglrlto general housework -
> work in n family of.I. Wagm. S4 [ icr week.
Apply at C. L. EilcKson It Co.-in N. irth st.
9152t _
WANTED Two experienced -ulesmdlcs Ira-
mediately , ( iurmaii and Kn'llsh. U'.iu ; tore.
U19 22
WANTED-OIrl for general housework , two
In Imnlly. nui t bo competent ; nKo
woman to ire on farm ranch ; must bo good
cook. Mrs. Albert D. Morse. 2'28 ! Ilarnoy st.
W ANTED-A flrst-clnss nurse girl. 2210
Webster. 503 SJ
WANTED tfook and dining room girl for
llrokeu How , 510 nnd f20 : same for lliirdy ,
$40 and J20 ; 4 cooks In city , f5 and $7 ; 2 wait
resses In same house , $ 17 ; f > dining room girls ,
' . ' " > girls for housework. Pome very nlco plaeijg
trom S3 to $ . ' ) . Mrs. llrrga 4 h'on,316 South 1.1th
street Tcluphono RS"I. " Ml S3 *
WANTED At once. Oood practicable wo
man for housekeeping. Inquire 116-118
N. nthBt. _ _ _ _ H2421 *
\\rANTED-nntton-holo makers. 1112 Far-
' tiaiii. LSI 2JJ
w ANTED A good seamstress. S ' cor
IStli and Jackson. 7m
WANTED-An experienced housekeeper ,
white uoniiin prororrud. Apply between
K and 6 p. in. . 101 N 8th St. , Lulu Hrgors. 131
WAN'l ED Good girl to do tronBraTTioriso-
work. Apply n w cor. California nnd
20th. _ 732
WANTED-Sltuation by a nrst-clas * baker ,
middle aged Address II 5Hoe ] office ,
K l 23J
WANTRD-Sltuatlons , good reliable mon nl-
wayson hand ready to go to work , o.ty
or country , wholesale or lottill firms supplied
frco of charge Apply to the Mutual Kmnloy-
ment Agonoy , 214 fc 16th , upstairs. 001 3,1J
WAM'EO-Plaeo for bright boy of IS H hero
ho can work tor his bourn nights ami
mornings. InqtilroofMrs Broga& Son,3fl ! S
1Mb. Telephone t4. 852-23 *
\S7ANTED--Situation for n bright young
' Swedons a coachman , etc. Good rctor-
enco- . Have any amount of rollablo voiing
men onrcgistor. Noolltcofno Mis. Druga
& Son , ! II8 South 15th St. Tclophono 8S4. ( B | 23
\\ANTED-Bv a lady , situation ns bookkeeper -
' ' keeper of light sot of books or us assist
ant bookkeeper. Thorough Knowledge of both
single and double entry. Ooodruloronces D. L ,
1605 Farnam 775 2"3J
WANTED-Sltuntlon in private family by
smart young Irishman ; Is thoioiighly
aciiulntnil with handling horses , tuiidlnir lawns ,
etc. . and capable of making him > tlf goncrallv
useful. ( No office fee. ) Mrs. llreirn ft Son , 316
So 15th. 870-22J
WANTED Drug clerk. Oood situation for
comnetont niAii that speaks Herman.
Apply to Blake , llrnce A Co. 871-22
WANTKD-Sltuntion by n lady of three
years experience In stenographlo and
general office work. Expert t-allgraph onei-a-
tor. First-class references. Address box 72 ,
SodSjia.Mo. 857.28 *
WANTED-Sltuatlon as pastry cook In a
hotel by an experienced bidy COOK. Heat
reference. Address li. 52 , Hoe olllce. 8S. " > 2t ]
WANTl'.D-Sltii'itlon by n young lunrrloil
mnn In wholosala or rotn.l . store. Steady
work main object. Address B 54 , Bee olflco.
fc07 U\ \
WANTF.D-Situation to take cnro of horgus
with private lamlly ; best references ; H
M. Bee olUce. " 7M 22J
\\rAN"TED-By a stou-ly , sober younir Oor-
man , npoalllon as coachman or gtirdonar ,
can give good rolerunces. Address B 4tf , Bee
offloe , 847 22J
WANTRD-Posltlon us clothlnir salesman by
mlddlo aged man , hare had long export
cnoe , city reference , address II 43 Boo ollleo.
84S 26J
WANTED-Bltuatlons for engineers , llro
man. collectors , assistant bookkeepers ,
general offlco clerks , watchmen , porters , jani
tors , coaohmon , teamsters , and generally use
ful men , supplied free of ohariro at the Mutual
Employiuont agency , 214 S. 16th n , upstairs.
WANTED Situation as bookkeeper , clerk
and general wrltlnc , Male and female.
Best of rulorences. Htcord Advertising Co ,
1513 Farnum et. eta
TXTANTUD A young man of aoout the ago
TT of 18 or 19 , who would like to lonrn tno
photovrsnh business. Apply at Grand Contrn
Gnllory,317 North Ifith st. 5.W
WANTED-Sltuallon as drug clerk , regls
tored In the slate of N br skn , speaks
German nnd English. Address 11 33 , line odlco
75'l 22J
WANTED Situation by lady , pastry or moa
cook , (10 per month. Address or Call 2798
Hurt st. 727 2-1 *
WANTED Position by young lady who U
experienced ponolllce clerk , as stenog
rapher , copyist or other ollleuwork ; best references
orences furnished. Address M. S. , 610N. Itfth
594 23J
w ANTED Furniture for dining room ant
kitchen. Address 0 37 , Dee olllce. RCJ
\\rANTED.-SInele gentleman expecting to
T T remain here B few weeks ueslrcs room am
board lc nloo Jewish family. Address" U. & 3 thu
offloo. 87 23
\\rANTED-TbolBdles of Omaha to know
' that orders forh lpare promptly nllod at
the Oato City Employment Offloe , 314M B 16ttt
\\TANTED-Nlcely furnished snd Onfur
TV nlsbod rooms listed with u * . Iceoord
Advertising Co. Itl3 Karnam st. 6M
\\7ANTED-A creamery and canning Too-
lory. Will assist the rlarht parties , Adl l
dress Banfc of VBllef. Valley , Keb , ITOiU lei
\iAKT D-oront , or 7-room house , noa
car lino. AddrtlS , 2204 Farnam rt. J. U
Illanchard. 79083
isotttl PaW -
" " " " * "
W ANTED-A gentleman to assist B lady"
fnrnlsfc flatorhousuofaboutairoo'KH exton-
, AMNM B H , BM o c Water on
tffl t
w ANTED-To lease fbr1 B term of jrnrs a
building for llahlrinmnnfacturlng pur
poses , about 6fix6 , three Stories anJ basement.
\ddro 8 A 30 ; , Dee offlca. . ! S582J
\v ANTED" Tobuyot rrnt fixtures for res
taurant , address V M Uco office.
| * ' 906 t3
\VANTED-t2BOO for ow year , Have Im-
TT proved property infimaha that pays 10
per cent on a f 43,000 valbntlon , that Is Incum-
bered for f 10,000. Will Altb second mortgage
BJ collateral , Addrossnsihtlng interest rc-
qulrod. AS , Hoe office. , n VfO
WANTED A grain ftxilor to locnlo at this
place. Best graw region In Nebraska.
Address Hank ot Valler. alloy. Nub. 270 < ' .l
ANTED A few bosad rs nt 1720 Doduo st ,
HefrrcncosrequetOf. 703
WANTKD-A harness maker to open a shop
Hero. Address Dank of Valley , Valley ,
Nob. 2TO-B-/ '
W ANTED Factories of all kinds. Address
Hank of Valley , Valley , K b. S70a9
\Y \ 1'uplls In'lfuirlTsh branches
and music , n , w , corner loth nnd Farnam.
7.T , * l
Foil lil'NT Wo have n number of 8 room
houses iith | water hot and cold water biith
nnd your rout reasonable. Uonawn * Co. 15th
stoppoiltoP. O. 877-2.1.
FOK ilKNT T'eslrnblrt S-rootn oottat'O ! hot
and cold wntnr , bath room , t'tdt ItUinlro
on prumlsos , No. 8)i ) ; I'urKnvo , or room 4 army
F'Oll HUNT 10 room house , $55 ( > r month ,
furnlturo for sale cheap. 10 room housn ,
t ? 5 , furnlturo at n bargain. Two B room houses ,
furnltuio for sale. 10 room houso. $70 per
month , furniture for "nle. 7 room house , CIO
ppr month , furnlturo f i" > 8 o-i h. Hroom house ,
f'M ( ier month , furniture $ 100 , 9 room Hat , * 7. > ,
luinlturu tln < JO , , ' | his U a bargain. Must be
sold at onco. 22 room home , Jino per month ,
Iivo year's lea o , furnlturo M.iiOO. 18 room
liuii'o , fin. furniture for smlo , tI.WO. Heitiiu-
rant tor runt , doing a lame butlncsq. Fixtures
for ale. Hotel , JplTor'on , flrecn Co. , Iowa.
flO.nio. 2 boarillntr hoiiooi In Kani City , n
teem lint , and Webster street , vacant ; 4
unfurnlihod rooms. Co-operative Land \ Lot
Co.0 , - . North Itithsl. f02 2.1
Fuu HENT-3 room cottngo , 1919 Nicholas st
I poll HENT 0 room house almost new , with
peed barn , well and cistern , ; l block" outh
from s w corner of Hanscom Perk. John H.
Hodge. 611 22J
F . . lUIN'T Snow window and 35 feet shelf
room in 303 North 16th. 572
1 JMIH HUNT 7room hnueo. good locution ,
stable and yard. Apply 1012 Farnam. illrt
FOH HENT-Opod olHco , ground floor , nno
location. Apply to Clarkson { c Hoatty , 21U
S Ulh st. 771
Tj OH HHNl' Store room , ono WocK from
-L ( lostolllce. Inquire of Theodore. Williams ,
at Ueo ollleo. 735
ITIOU HUNT Thrt'ii (3) ( ) ile v houses , situated
JL on King nnd Colfman strents. In A. H. Pa
trick's add Inquire nt lioom 2 , Aillnuton
) loclt. Patrick llros. 423 M
FGH HENT And funilturo forsnlo. elegant
10 roam house two blocks from postolllco.
Address 11 r > 7 Hco ollleo. K
FOIl HF.NT-Tlirco loom cottage , 1121 North
20th btrcol. Apply to 017 South 13th street.
FOH HENT & elegant brick store rooms on
Purk avenue , opposite ( iark. Will bo com-
iloted In ! W days Apply on the premise * from
.1 to 12 a. m. A. H. I-itch. . 07
FOH KENT A now fi-rrfom liousu.closols.elc. ,
? 2)pcr month. In < | UIro Europo.ui Hotel ,
n..i South 10th st. NJ123J
FOIt HUNT 0-room tTiiRo , 1113 Davenport ,
$30 pei mouth Furniture for snlo on
monthly pn ) ments. chenij. Co-opcrallvo Land
.ot Co , 20 : . Nllitlut d 7PI 22
IT OIt SAI.i ; Hestauuintxloing a good busl-
JIIOSK,4' ) boarilcis ; in , rooi1 location , good
n lor soiling. Inquire 1013 Hniney.
840 21J
IjlOH HENT ' "Icgant "trick residence , 10
f ! looms , .iiodorn conjbilloncos. Inquire
Morse \ Hiunnur , 1B05 1'iliiiiin st. ( U'l '
| 7\OH \ KENT n'bricK lltsyf 0 rooms ouch on
J2 Park n\cnuo , opp. p'inK. Will bo complet
ed InlWdiiyrt. V 'itli inodi'H conveniences * AV
ply on the promises fromMo 12 a.m. A. A.
1'ltch. C12
JJ'Olt HUNT 2111 Dougln St. . flno now ton-
1 i-oom brick dwcI'lTHf.wlth ' nil mortem con
veniences. Apply to TV. F.iClurlc , 40H N. Kith st.
M7 28J- .
roll IIENT-it room IIOIMQ , 14th and Pierce.
Apply at 017K. IHlli st. ! 4.
FOIl HENT 7-rooin house , ST5 a month. Ap
ply to Wells & Hall , under Pazton hotel.
W5 23J
[ 71OH HUNT Two largo new stores nnd two
- - llatsof live rooms each. City water and gas.
On Sounders St. O. W. Cain. iKM Ohio St. 8U
FOirilENT New store ind"TlviUK rooms on"
Cumlng Bt near Saundora at. Apply Har
ris IUil FftntoS Loan Co. . ita 8. 15th St. 89
TT\OH \ HENT Barn suitable for tour horsos.
-13 Iniiiilro nt HIT 3 13th st. Ml
OH HVNT-Npw"lb : room" hoilsnr'lm ; \ -
proi-cmonts. steam huat. C. W. & G. E.
Thompson , 3U S. into st. 1003
POK IIENT Office spnce on irround floor nt
l.'iO't ' Karnam. Apply In roar office , J. S.
Hlchardsou- Mi ii
LoL for Loasu. Soutlioast corner
V / 4'ixb"i ' i l.cavenwortti nnd 1'ark avo.or will
build to suit tnmuit. Hobble Iro3 35J
HENT-Nlcely furnished rooms from S
K tof2U pot montn piano included. Modern
Improvements. S. W. corner of 20th and Web
ster aV-22 ) *
FOIt HENT Plonfiint furnished rooms single
or on HiilU , ' , suitable tor two or ( our gen
tlemen , all modurn convoulunco , terms moder
ate to permanent parties , references rcqulrod.
1B10 Dodge st. 86) 2.'j
FOIl HENT Kiirnlshod rooms , 310 N. 18th st.
867 2-'j
JTOIl HUNT To uenllomeii , nicely furnished
room. 11 m tloor , now bongo on Mason st.
butwc n 17th and 18th. ( Inferences required.
1J1OH HENTNlcolf furnished room. 818
17th St. 803
i 710H HENT-Nlcoly furnished rooms In all
parts of tliocuy from J.lto Sin per month ,
ocord Advertising Co , 1513 Fariiain at. ( ! ' ! !
FOll HENT Tne largest ttore room In town.
Inquire at the Argm offlco , Albion. Neb.
FOH IIRNT Elegantly furnished rooms sin
gle or ensulte , with IIEO of bath ; electric
bolls In every room. First class restaurant at-
( ached , at Norrls European hotel , corner 18th
nnd Webster. Ud
F iOH KENT Nicely furnished room. In
quire at cottage , 501 South 20th. 8S. ) 2JJ
TpOH ItENT-Oinco , 1612 Farnam st.
J- X98
FOIl HUNT Two neatly furnished rooms ,
very dcslrablo location , private family.
Also room for two or three nloo table boarders.
S. B. corner Twentieth and Karnam. 419 a % *
FOH HENT-Furnlshodf'rdom 1814 Dodge St.
-i , 953 sept 6
TOOH HKNT-3orO untarnished rooms , sult-
-1. able for hoiisekeepln ' { 7ll Paolflo st , tf'i
1T1OH HENT n unfurnMtff.l roon sultablo
-L1 forhousekoeplng , soSi'f 20tti and Nicholas
st $ I2.M amoiilh. < > 635
"Ij OH HENT Nicely litrnlshod front room ,
X1 aNo suite , bath , gus , watei , etc. 2it'J Doug-
Ins st. " ' , , r.5'J 23 *
"plOH HRNf 4 unfurnished rootng suitable
J-1 for housekeeping. 4JliSonUi 1'nh ' st. 65j
11011 HENT-For itont'leinen. Nicely furL -
-L inilied rooms with modern convenience ,
1J2I2 Fnrnam st. ; t' 212
FOK HENT A nice lirrjrfc front room , all
modern Improvement * itnd nicely furnlshod
501 8 20th St. f' 213
FOll SALE Ono of the most prominent
corners in the busur s portion ot the
city. F. II , Kennard , llt-UBS 16th st. SQj
TT1OK HENT-Fnrnllhed rooms in ( Jriienh/
X ? block , cor l.ltti and Dodge. Drtvls & Ilether
infttou , Mlil rd hotel bllUrd room. 839
F OK RENT Furnished rooms 1615 Dodgo.
TmOH HKNT-Larjro front room furnished for
-L' gentlemen , ground floor ; maple trees ;
grass ; pavement ; street cars every nvo mln-
utrs. W)9 ) Howard st. Also rooms furnished
and unfurnished for light housekeeping. * ftM
KENT Furnished front room , near car
line at corner of Dodne and 24tn streets.
Inquire of A , IL Oomstoon 152J arnura st.
nicely fnmlehcd .rooms
\ * "dsomoly furnlihcfl room ,
iI " > rd ; al o furniture ol
I , t * V and rent of four
15.4N. 10th st root.
KOOi ,
larRt ) ms. suitable for
ably lnt MI. 901 tij
'tor auppi.
FOH BENT Elegantly furntshed parlor , nil
conveniences , near business , private fain-
ly. 11115 Capital iivo. 014 SJJ
ENT FurnUbod room , 24i9 Charles.
I710H HENT-Small front room , lovely loca-
V tlon , nicely furnished , 1917 Cats st , P99
flOH RENT 2hand ome rooms 1 block from
1 posloince , call IHTi Capllol ave. H S4J
FOH BENT Largo "front parlor with Day
window , and alcove , also other rooms with
nodorn conveniences at 1X11 Farnam st , one
> lock west of court houso. C21
F 'on HBNT-A nicely furnished room at 2M1
St. Mary's nvc. . 421
UENT-rnfurnlshtvl pi\rlor and bed
room at 8 E cor 20th and Chicago. 770
FOH KENT A latgo front alcove room , 1707
D'ldKOSt. 703
FOH HENT I'lirnlshed loom Tory cheap ,
ll.'O Farnuin. "M
FOH HUNT Furnished rooms with or with
out boaid , ( W N. 17th 8U 7711 2JJ
FOH KENT Furnished room , 1015 Fiirnain
el. 747
FOIt HV.NT rmnwhod rooms in Grounlcblk ,
cor inth ami Ooditont. Innulrn ot Davis A
lotliorliiKloii , Mllinrd Hotel llilllard room. Jl
F I OH IlKNT Elegant ulto of rooms , reforen-
tfilllroil. K07 Douglas St. 1V7
POH HUNT Desirable furnished room for
gentlemen ntSJU lldwurdat. SS >
"II1O11 HUNT A larpo front mom In now
-L' IIOUPU bath , and latest modern Iniprovo-
mmts , IfilS Webster street. 122
71OH HF.NT 3 or 4 nicely furiiNhod rooms
. bllltublo for 2 or 4 KOiitlnmon , 412 N. IfHIl
St. H10 23
Poll KENT Newly furnished room * , from
$10 to $10 , north t > ldo Lciivonwnrth , bo-
ween 17th and 18th. 61D 2J )
FOH HEN P Larfro pleasant rooms , Rlmdy
lawn , I.'i03 t iipltol iivo. KMtj
OH HRN-F-NciwIy" elegantly furnished
room * for rent , slnglu or un-euitu , t " 2J5
Dousliis. 814 2'1J '
FOit HUNT U am room por. 14th and Call-
Ifoinlitou Dolt I.lnu. tor particulars 011-
iiiro | ( nt Union Nat bank. 184
J10H HENT Furnished looms , 1707 Ca * .
F HENTNowly furnlshod room , board if
desired , 1720 Dodge et. 7U4
F Oil HEN 1 Suite of furnished rooms for
gentlemen. A. Hospo , Jr. ,315 N. 17th.
FOll HENT-Nlooly fiirnHhoa looms , to gen
tlemen only , 2Ji > N. inth St. . lloom 8. 94S
1/1011 HENT Furnished rooms , on suite. In
1- private family , modern conveniences.
Apply to Leslie A : Leslie , 18th and Dodge ets.
POll HENT Two elegantly furnished rootrts ,
1703 Douglas street. P il' '
I71OH HHNT-A newly furnished room , 2025
L1 Farnam Bt. 686 ill
F OH HKNT-2 elegantly furnlshod rooms
with bonrd. Inquire nt 1914 Farnam st
672 21 *
FOH HENT Nicely furnlihoa room. 1921
Dodge st. 109
IST your property for sale with Ch""les
< Spotswood , 395 1 B 18th st. 64 !
\\7 E Ciiii KM tor n low days only
> Lot 10H Oiso'.s addition for ffl1) ) ) .
Lo t71 OHo'o addition , $6.3i)0.
Block I lloyd's addition , lS.rW.
One-third cash , balance 1,2 and 3 years.
Hemington Hi McCormlck. 220 South Kith at.
Ij Oll HALE Corner lot on Virginia ave with
JP two good houses , cheap at * 7,00) . Terms
easy. HO.ISIM rent for J70 per month , S. S.
Campbell , ; ! 10 S. 10th st. Chamber of Com-
luuruo. 2TJ
FOll SALE -Or trade , 25 low in the western
part of Omaha near the Benson car line ,
price f 41(0 ( each$2nO duo on contracts payable
in 8 quarterly payments , will trade interest In
contracts for Nebraska land. McCullocn & Co. ,
1609 Farnam ht. 1000
FOH BALK or Trudo-Mv Swan Lake prop
erty In Holt county. Nub. Will maice an
excellent summer , resort or block ranch. Lake
foil oy springs , water olear as crystal and full
of llsli. Flno grouse , duotfand goose shooting.
fi' ' notes land completely siirroundlnf the lake.
Three cottages on the place. A. H. Noidig ,
( Irimlle block , Omaha. 510
LIST your property for sale with Charles C.
Spotswood , M5ii a Ifith st. 612
IF you want to buy , sell or trade , cab on L. V.
Crum,120N 15tbst.
101) ) lots 4 or a mile of U. P. depot
for stile or trade.
9-room house for rent. Two 10-room houses
for rent , sale or trade. Idlswlldo. By
815 L. V. Cntin,120 N 15th St.
FOIt BALK 9 room house InCatalpa Place , 2
blocks from street car ; lot 42'ixlOO , south
side on nlloy ; hnrd nnd soft wator. Price $ V
110) ) ; SrAi cash , bal. f M per month. Also honno
of U rooms for $ , I,50J. J. F. Hammond , 117 B.
ICth. 5S1
GlTAHDIATTsAI.E-Martha M. Ish will sell
at public unction at the north door of tliu
court house , at 10 o'clock a. in. , September J ,
an aero of ground , cor of 201 h and Locust st-s ,
adjoining KounUo Place. 679s 3
F [ 8ALK-Lot In South Omahii near bust-
Jness center with ono house ot li rooms
nnd ono house of H rooms renting for $40 per
mouth , u bargain at * 4,000 , f 1,000 case , bal 1 ,
2 and 3 years. Chas. U. Woolloy , 418 8 15th st , .
Omaha , Nob. 648 30
FOH SALE- House and lot on Saunders St. ,
north of Luke , owner can't meet-payment
due on ( nine , and wo are Instructed to soil this
property before August 2 * > for $2SOD. Morton
son A Chrlstcnson , 1414 I'arnam. 617 23J
GUAKDIAN Halo-On thettddny of Septem
ber nt 10 o'clock ft. in. , nt the north door
of the court house , Mrs. Martha M Ish will sell
nt public auction to the highest bidder her res
idence and ( Ivo lots , also nvo lots adjoining nt
the northeast corner of Ambler Place. Some
one will got a bargain. 630 9 3
FOU SALE Ton now houses one block from
street cars , small cash payment , balunco
monthly. Chas H. Woolloy , 418 South 15th st. ,
Omaha , Neb. 618 3)
ri'UNT this up. An elegant r > U foot lot on
JT2 th at , north of Loavonworth Street
gradedst ears , water , olo.i,000 on onsy forms ,
locality bust In town. Kvnns & Blackburn.
FOH SALK At a bargain , 20 acres near
Houth Omaha. Chas. li. Woolloy. 41H South
15th st ( I20S4
TJiOH SALE Elegant lying lot on streetcar
-T line , where cars run regularly. Will sell
nt a Biicritlc. Pnoo 400 , cusli f-8 , balance (51
soiui-Bunuiilly , 1'rlra to hougo.40J N. Kthst.
919 23 *
"liUU ) SALE or oxchaugo Two nieo 4-room
-L cottages , both rented Will oxchnngo for
onn , with li'tle or no back payments. Address
1047 Houtn 20th street.
FOB SALE-Somo of the Onost lots on Syndi
cate Hill near the park In South Omaha
which I will sell lor the next ten duys'from f0 < :
to $1,100 with small each payment. Address , II
WIBco ollioo. 012 ill *
fJ > OH SALE-Thrro low In lloyd's aTid , < 4
I1 block from onrnor State strtot mid Ames
ave forSiiOOoach ; oncvthlrd cash , bnlaneoeusy.
Add ! ess H IX ) , Boo ofllce. 913 31 J
T110 EXCHANGE For Omaha property , ono
L or mnro sections of icood Nebraska land.
Chas. H. Woolloy , 118 South 15thtt , Omaha , Nob.
FOIt RALE or trade , lot 2 , blk 15 , Improve
ment Ass. add , 82xlbJ. Has house 4 rooms
and kltchon , rented to good tenant. Apply to
Charles C. Spotswood.Wi'/i S16th. 73J
rpo exchange for iinlnoumborod land orfarn :
A In lownor Nobrimka u number ot lots In
Omaha. Chas. IL Woolly , 418 B 15th st..Omaha ,
Neb. ma 80
rpo E\OHANGE--HoiiSe9 and lots in Omaha
A to trade for farms in Iowa or Nebraska
Chas. It. Woolloy , 4H Noutb 15th streetOraaha
Nch. MS 30
FOR HALF A doilr.iblo full lot near JofTor-
ton Siiuaro , Address II 8 this ollico ,
wa 22 *
GOOD Nebraska farms to trade for Omaha
ru0Jl.o8tatu : also , farms to seil on long
time. Ono with a section , good Improvements
20 year lease , for f i,001. Or will sell for 116 per
acre , and give deed , Ilocord Advertising Co
I.IU Farnam ft , ( M
IF YOU want to buy , sell , or trade your prop
erty , call on Charles B. BpoUwood , & * > ] , '
S.J6th st- _ _ | 4W
rpo EXOIIANGE-Ono large now 10-roon
* house and two lots , only t blocks frou
street card , will take partly In land or otlior
goo > l property , balance on easy terms. Cnus.
H. Woolloy , 111 South 16th it , Omaha , Nob.
t4H 30
rjO r.XCHANOE For improved Omaha proii-
J. oitylOgood Kansas farms. Charles K
Woolloy , 418South 15th st. en 30
LIST your property for lo wtth Charles U
Spotswood.MSK 316th st 6
FOK SALK The flnert reildouoa lot on
Dodffii street : i blocks west of POHI olTioo
POfPot south frontage , a corner , F. U. Ken
imrd , 114-1K , 8. IttUi st. . " 3UJ
FOll SALE-AtnMrtfaln&M acres of land
at Collon Station , U. P. It. IL , nillos from
Idney , Cheyouno county. NeU . - > The railroad
unsKltnm a mile or Collon , aM the Ledge
'olocrtek runs within 2li miles through this
crtllo bottom land : good water power with
am ; llonrlinr , mill , brick yards , llmo nnd
emuiit kiln , and sugar oano press are all
coiled at this pi ro and would uo n good bus ) ,
ess. This land Is especlnlly adapted to both
lock raising and agriculture : 100 acres drained
which Is rood hay land ; 10J acres under culti
vation ; 'M acres lu orchard. Laud nearly nil
tiller wire fence ; house and outbuildings
reeled ; 3spans of hor'es , agricultural Implo-
nonts , etc. ; a town should bo established hero
ind would grow fast , as wo have postolllco ,
rug store , blacksmith simp , and a general
tore. Wanted also partner In merchandise
itslncss. Address W. KlH'gur , Box 31 , Sidney ,
S'ob. 8-5 'J
71011 SAIjK One million acres of land In No-
13 brasKa. Speculator's Innds.rnllroad lands ,
ancbes , nnd fnrini In all parti of the
late. Bend for pamphlet containing desorlp-
lon and prlco of ovur ono thousand farms. A
no topographical map of tno state lent free
| > on application. B. II. Andrut , for 10 year *
Ocn'l Land Agent It. A M. a H. Klghth and 1 >
trcets , Mnadln. Nebraska. " 4J
Jtonglait atnl 14th Streets.
nor foot , lots 28 nnd W , Clark Place.
$125 Investigate this.
Lot I , block 10 , Pluluvlow. Worth at
$1250 least * 1,500.
'ror3 ' In Cole llrllllanto near
L Inn I nores ,
i I 4UU F. R. A K. V. Ky. depot.
For ft acres In Cole Brilliant , worth
$1500 f 150 per aero.
For lot U , block 7 , Plain view , ono
ilGOO block from cable lluo.
I Ion 10 mid lot in Hawthorne , cast
) I700 front , on grade.
House and lot ( KxlOO ) on Cass , near
Ulth street.
tnnfl ForUWfoottronton Lowe Avenue ,
3 'ZUU near Hamilton. A bargain
PO/nn South trent on Spencer St. , tfount/o
t > Z4UU Place. Cheapest lot In the addition.
Focnn Loto.blocu 2 , llillsldo No. 1 , south
10 / fl n Twelve lots , La Fayctto Park. Will
t > Z4UU irado.
tnnnn Corner nth and Center streets , ( COx-
bOUUU 150) ) . A snap
t I I nnn For 54 feet south front on Curnlni ;
[ ) I I UUU near 25th stioet.
Notion tn AlorohniitH nnd ImborurH.
On and after thin ( Into I fhall not bo rospon-
Iblo for nny nrvtnrlul dolivorort to or work per-
ormodfor Fred Mlttnacnt on house ho IB now
iiiildlng for mo on lot 4 , block 2l. ! Souht
Omaha. August 18. tf
Notice to Bridge Bu'ldcrs ' ,
SEALED Proposals will be received at the
Oolllco of thu county clerk up to noon of
Mlgust aOth , 1SS7 , for biilldinif ft20-loot woodun
irldgo nnd ItiO feet of trostio work , north of the
ron bridge , ninth of Waterloo. Bpnoltlcations
ot above work can bo seen at the county dork's
ollleo. A deposit of twonty-flvo dollars will bo
re'iuliod ' wltn oiioh bid. The right Is ru orvod
o i eject any or nil lilds.
llr oidur of the Hoard.
0. P. NKniiHAM , County ClorK.
Notice to Contrnotors.
INpursuancoof nn act of tlio' cglslaturoof
the state of Nobrn-fka , approved March 31 ,
H 7 , notleo Is In-ruby given that coaled propo
sals will bo rucolvod by the Hoard of Publlo
Lands nnd Hulldmes until Saturday , the 10th
day of Suptembor , IShT.nt'J o'clock p.m.tor
; ho erection of one two-Htoi'v brick building
with stonu basement , on the grounds of the
Nebraska Institution tor fceblu mlndod youths ,
situated near the city ol llealrloo.
Bald bullillng to bo oroctcd nnd completed ,
ncludlnghteam beating , plumbing , suweriigo ,
water coi-vico and tunnels , according to the
plans and fmoulMcatlorn now on niu In the
illlco of tlio Coininmslonor of Public Lands and
tiilldlngs , miido by C. F. Drlscoll , arohltuct , and
ino Hupplcmontul nnd additional spoolllcatlpns
innoxou thereto , marked respectively "A" and
skill building to bo completed on ci before
September 1. 1S8S. Tlio contrautor to rocolvo ,
luting Its ( frectlon , ho ( tor cent ol monthly
estimates and the balance of the contract
pilco wbun the building Is tully completed and
A bond or other security In the sum of
F3.000 will be roqulrcd to accompany each bid.
[ iiado payable to the Htiito : on condition that If
the party making the bid bo nwardod the con
tract ho will within Illtccn days execute and
[ lla a good and acceptable bond at required by
law , conditioned for the faithful purformiinco
of the contract.
The board reserves the right to reject any
Hy order of the Hoard of Publlo Lands and
ljulldlrigfl. Josci'it HCOTT ,
Lincoln , August 10,1887. Commissioner.
Notice of Incorporatl on of the Nebraska Sav
ings Bank.
Notice Ishoroby given that the NotirnskaSav-
Ings Dank ha * this day tiled lu article * of In
corporation In the ollleo of the county clerk of
Douglas county , Nebraska , and will heioaftor
d' ) business under nald article * In the city of
Omaha , Douglai county , Nebruxka.
First , The narao of laid corporation Is "Nft
hraska Savings Hank. "
Second , Tno principal plueo of business of
Raid corporation shall bo In thu city of Omaha ,
Douglas county , Notirnska.
Third , The gnnnnil nature of the business
of mild corporation Hhall bo the usual business
of a savings bunk nnd the usual business of a
bank of discount and loan and trust company.
Said bank will rocolvo money on deposit and
pay Interest thereon ; will loan and Invest
money on approved security both real and
personal , and will buy and sell notes , mort-
traiL'Snnd otlior negotiable Instruments nnd
bonds and stooks , nnd will act an trustee and
Fourth , Tlio amount of the authorized capl <
tal stock of said corporation , Is four hundred
thousand dollars , divided Into four thousand
shares ot ono hundred dollars ouch , but said
corporation may oominouco business when two
hundred thousand dollars of enld capital stock
is subscribed.
Said capital stock la to be paid In nfl follows !
Ono-fourth as soon as called for by the board
of directors , and the balance In Installments as
called for by said board.
Fifth , The tlmo ot commencement of Raid
corporation la the fifteenth day of August , A.
D.liW.and Its termination shall bo the llf tconth
day of August , A. D. 10.
Sixth , The highest amount of Indebtedness
or liability to which said corporation shall at
any ono tlmo be subject shall not oicood two
thirds of the amount of Its subscribad capital
stock , except deposits In the bank nnd such
other oxcoptlons nn are provided for In chap
ter soventnon of the acts of the leglMatlvu as
sembly of the state of Nebraska of 1SH7.
Seventh , The atfalri ot said corioratlon |
shall bo conducted by aboard of fifteen direct
ors , fl vc of whom shall bo elected annually on
the second Monday of January of each year ,
and who shall hold thclrolllce for the period of
three years ; and by a president , vleo-prosldont
and cashier , elected by the board of directors.
Donf at Omaha , Nebraska , this 13th day of
August , A. D.1887.
F. li. JOHNSON ,
.1. II. EVANS ,
lilO L/Ulllli
Cor 13tti and Doiifflas sts.
Capital Stock . $180OOO
Liability of Stockholders . 8OO.OOO
The only regular snvlmrs bank m the utato.Flvc
percent IntoroHt paid on dopoaiu.
Loans Hade on Real atato.
UtirC. IlAiiTOW. President ; J. J. IliiowK. Vloo
President ; L. M. llKSNBTr , Maiuixinr Di
rector : JOHN B. WiLiiuit , Cashier.
& 10 North Kith Street ,
Paid In Capital , . . . . $100,000
CEOE. . BAHKEH , President.
BOUT. L. OAKLICIIS , VIco-Prosident.
F. II JOHNfiON.Cajhlor
n. JOHNSON , ( Iro. E. I
Hoin. L. ( lAiti.icnc , WM. SKIVCHS
A general banking business traniactej.
Interest allowed nn Imudeuo
of Ibe bodcnUjktxl o4 itrcugtUtutd , full paltlc-
ai n ( Mslel ) tri * . JtltUt MKO , CO. , liuitulo , N. T.
11 Lf III Ilk/
And Chicago
Tlio only road to take for Dos Molnes ' nr
hulltown , 0 edar Utuil.l.i , Clinton , Dlxou. Chlca-
[ to , Mllwiinkeo and all ( mints eint. To tlio pee *
ilu i < if Nobruakii , Coloriulo , Wjoinlnir , liuih ,
dnho , isuvm'a , UregnnVHshlnKton , mid Call <
forula , It otters superior advaiitugos not possb
bit ) by any otliur lino.
Among n few oT tlio numerous polntu of ml
nrrlorlty enjoyed by the patroiii of this roa4
( ftwoori Omahii and Chicagoaro Its t\o train *
a tiny of DA V COACHES , which luetho tlnosl
hut hnmiinart and Inir'ntilty can croitto. Its
'At/AOiK : HI.KI'.l'INd OAKS , \t liloh urn uiodoU
of eomtort and Hcpnneo. It * I'AHI.OH 1)HAW ) <
NO HOO.M CAHS , uiHiiipimt'd livany. and Its
vMcly oololirati-il l'AI.A'1'IAlj IMN ) ( ( > CAIIS ,
he enuiil of which cannot bo found t > Nmrht < rot
\t Council lllulTstho ti-Hlns of the 1'iuoii 1'iicina
ly. connect In Union Dopol with tluxn of the
JhlcBiro * Norlhweiti-rn Hy. In Chlcao the
raliiofthls Hun miiko cloeo CKinncctlon with
bo oof all eastern lines.
Tor Detroit , Columbus , Indlnnnpolls , Clncln-
mil , Nlnnarn KnllM. llulTalo , I'ltlslnirirToronto , ,
Montreal , llo lon , Now York , I'hlUilelphla ,
Inltlmoro , Wavhlneton and all points In the
cast , iwk for u ticket /la the
" "
If you wish the best accommodation , All ttckol
agents sell tlckoU via this line'
Gcnl. Manager , ( lonl. Pass'r Agent
' "L.H. IIOLLE3 , .
Western Agent , City PasVr Agentf
Omaha Nebraska.
A ) ? '
For all kinds of business ut the
New Tom of Harbine ,
Midway between Falrbuiy and Beatrice on till
C. K. * N. H. H.
Lot.t Cheap on Eay 1 cnns.
Address C. B. LETTON , Falrbury ,
Or W. II. llAHHY.nnrhliio , Nob.
Running ; Between Council Bluffs nnd South
Omaha. In addition to the stations mentioned ;
trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourtsl
streets , and nt the Summit m Omaha.
Chicago , Milwaukee & 1 Paul Sj
The licst Route i rum Omaha anil
Two Tiaiiu liaily lictvruen Omaha anil
Council IMull'i
Cliicayo , AND Milwaukee ,
St. 1'aul , Minneapolis , CcdarUapid *
Hock Island , I'rccport , Uockford ,
Clinton , Dubuine | , Uavcnport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janrsville ,
llcloit , Winona , I.a Crosne ,
And all other Imporlant points Eugt , NortlitMst
, , . . und Soutiicnit.
for through tickou rill on the tlekot
P1'Ifl d"ro't" > ' * ' ' ' " l'"ll"n 'I0ll ' > 1' or " L " ! < 1U
Pullman Sleepers nad II > finest Dining Cni-i
In tlio world are run on the main lltio of tliii
Chicago. Milwaukee Ji at. Paul Hallway and er.
eiy attention M ( laid to puHjuiiKtir * by cuurto-
oub innployeug of the company.
It. MII.I.KII. Uenornl Manager ,
J.I' TUUKKIU AxlHlantduiliirul iUnncar.
A. V. K. tiAiii-KNTcri , Uoneral Pusiungur Rivt
Tirknl Agent.
Hen. K llBAfmiui , Asalitantdenorol P
vtr and Ticket Aisout.
J.T. CL.AKK Quucrnl Suptrlntoudeut ,