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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1887)
. * | , , * \'WIJV * " ! NWlT'WW ! * WJ'Wltl'Ijkwwi ! ' wws"1" * " " " " ' " " " " * " " " "W * ' ' . * ' " * " " " " - " - - , - - v PfPW1iJu'WIJV : . . . . . . . . . . . f THE OMAHA DAftsY BEE ; TUESDAY. AUGUST 23. 1887. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Wheat Oontinnea to Drag Along in the Slough of Despondency , OLD WORLD CROPS VERY LARGE. BtrortK Closing" Ilccordctl In Corn and Oati I'roTliloiiH Slow Cat tle Fftlrljr Active General Market Quotations. CHICAGO I' noiUJOK MAUKET. CnicAfio , Auciist ! ! . ( Special ( o the UKK.I Wheat Is still tlracRldg along In the slough of despond. It goes up a trllle one day and drops back the next , out the general averaito of prices Is lower than it was sixty days ago , when the collapse of the "Juno deal" plunged trade Into the depths of despair. The tenor of foreign advices IB bearish. Uld world .crops ol wheat are largo and producing countries keep crowding for ward supplies rrgardlesa of price. The friends of wheat are wondering If there will never be a turn to the lane. They figure that hncculatlvo money has suffered a loss during the last three years of 25 cents per annum on 50,000,000 bushels of whcnt and SO cents all told In the price , making the grand total of { 52,500,000 , and now that the price is at or below the cost of production they are trying to guess when the Inevitable reaction will not In. They think G9c. for cash wheat would be a good H tatting point and they want to see quick action. This was one of the days when the price took an upward pitch of ; Vc on a decrease of 771,000 bushels In the visible supply and a certainty that the returns would show that an enormous quan tity of wheat had gone out of the country during the past seven days. The speculative demand was limited , however , and as the ehort sellers have also practically abandoned the market for the present , operations were on a restricted scale and fluctuations within narrow limits. September opened atO'Jc , ranced at C8 c low and OOtfttCO c high , closing at CD 'iJ O c. October opened at 10 c , ranged at 70 Q71c , and closed at 70Hc. December opened at 74c , ranged at 7c : low and 74@74 e high , closing at 73 @ 74c. Corn opened rather tamely at a shade lower prices than thosu ruling at the close of business Saturday. Strong buying by Poole , Kent & Co. and others turned the market up , however , May advancing from 44c to 45 (4 ( 45 < tfc , October from 41Jfc to 41c , and Sep tember horn 40 < o to % 'c. "Old Hutch" seemed to be exerting him self to keep prices down without selling much , There was good general buying , however , and after a reactionary season of weakness followlne the first advance values again took the up turn , May solng to 45c , October to 41c and September to 41 > $ c. The closings were at 45 > ie for May , 41ffo for October and 41c for September , the several deliveries commanding full prices. After the tap of the bell the tons of the marcot averaged strong and private advices again tend to support the theory that the damage to the crop In the drought region has at no stage been overestimated. The public Is taking this view of the situation boy on d a doubt and the packers and their agents lean strongly the same way , The total visible supply Is now only 0,102.000 bushels and local slocks are 2,103,000 bushels. In the speculative market for onts there was a pretty steady tone and closing prices were substantially the same for all months as Saturday. in tiio piovlslou pit the day was passed In a slow manner aside from a low goua largo transactions In short ribs and lard. which are now selling at current prices for S onto in ber. The open cash trade was piactlcally stagnant , while speculation was even more restricted than usual. September short ribs was the most active article on the list , and after selllni from S7.1W up to 88. 00 closed Htiong at f © lOc higher than Saturday. Lard for Scutember was a little stronger , ranging at SC.42X@M"K aud resting at 80.45 , which was an advance of 2J c. October lard was 57 > ; c higher , and October short ribs 2X < < $ 7Hc ; lower than September. Winter de liveries \vero slow and unchanged , January closing at S12.i7 : } < tor pork , 80.0 tor lard , and 811.35 for short ribs. In the general mar ket there was very little luteicst shown and barring an upturn in September short ribs thrre was no development to disturb the quietude prevailing. CHICAGO Ij'lVG STOCK. August 32. ( Special lelcgram to the BKB.J OATTI.K The estimated re ceipts were 11,000 ; last Monday , 8,1)90. ) nTho maiket was fairly active , with an up turn o about lOc on the ordinary run of cattle , sucli as suited tiio dressed beef and shipping de mand. Among the 11,000 arrivals there were about 3,500 Tcxans and K train or two of rangers. Tcxans , when In good order and fat , sold as high as any time last week , but there were lots of poor and thin thines that sold very low. A consignment of Montana rangeis , averaging 1,085 Ibs. , sold at 83.80 , the hUhest priced and best rangers on the market this season so far. There was little or notlilne doing In the stockcr and feeder trade , which Is not un common for Monday , as country or outside buyers do not becin to arrive until Tuesday or Wednesday. Native butchers stocK was In fair demand , with little or no change in values. Shipping steers , 1,350 to 1,500 Ibs. 84.20Q4.95 : 1,200 to 1,350 Ibs , 83.654.50 ; 1)50 ) to 1 , 00 Ibs. S3.20 ® B.W. Stockers and feeders , f 1.7ft@3.80 ; cows. bulls and mixed. ( ! ; bulk , Sl.OOrt ( ) 2.00 ; cows , S1.75@3.40 ; steers , 83.6' > (3i.40. ( : Western rangers were strone. Sales : BOO Montana Tcxans , l,08.r Ibs , 83.80. linns Trade was active with an up turn of about 5o on the best heavy , which sold at 85.80(1(5.35 ( , and one lot of fancy butcher weights at 85.40 ; mixed , 85.15@5.25 ; common - mon packers , 81.00 ( 5.05 ; light sorts , 85.25 lavic STOCK. Chicago , August 23. The Drovers'Jour nal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , 10,000 ; stronger for good , common steady ; shipping stPorsS3.iOVi)4.y5 ( ) ; Htockcra and ti-eders , S1.75 ( . ' ) .30 ; cows ; bulls and mixed , 81.25Q2.CO ; Texas cattle , 81.75 03.40 ; Montana cattle , sauo. Hogs Receipts , 12,000 ; strong ; rou h and mixed , I4.70jt5.05 ; packing and ship ping , f5.10Q5.40j light , 84.C5Q5.35 ; aklps , 83. 5 4.00 , Sheen Receipts , 0,000 ; steady ; natives , 83.75@4.40 ; western. * 3.20 i3.3.70 ; Toxans. 83.00 3.05 ; lambs , 84.00c5.W. ( { National Stock Yar < U. Kast Ht. IjouU. 111. , August 22 , Cattle Itucelnts , 3,800 ; shipments , 1,000 ; market steady ; fair to choice heavy native steers , S3.l Jttf4.20 ; butchers' ctceri , fair to choice , 83.30 ( 3.1)0 ) ; feeders , fair to good , f 2.70(43.40 ; otockers , fair to good. 2.0CK.s ! ) . HOIH Receipts , 900 ; shipments. 700 ; mar ket active and strong ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , S5.20 < V5.S5 ; packing aud Yoruers , medium to prime , f4.03C2S.20 ; pigs , common to good , 14.40(34.90. ( Knnnai City , Aucust - X Cattle Re ceipts , 3,000 ; shipments , 3,000 ; market e toady ; good to choice corn-fed , (4.00(34.50 ( ; common to medium , $3.25 ( 13.00 ; stockers * 2.oo ( < ? > .50 ; feeding steers , 52.00 ( < J3.kO ; covss , 1.40ct2.05. ( Hogs Receipts , SiOOO ; , shipments , 3,450 ; market firmer ; good 510c higher : common to choice , 4.N5.25 ; bklps aud pics , S'J.bO ® 4.75. FIMANUIAU Nr.wYonK , Aueust SB. [ Special Telegram to thoUKK. . ! STOCKS Demoralization char acterized the Now York stock market , and the bulls , who have lacked organization for a month past , were In the worst plight that atQ they have been In this summer. The Ira- vresslou Is that the other business has taken a now turn , which necessitates a Urge amount of liquidation on the part of the sev eral houses known to be heavily Interested. There wore also rumors of ' a big house being In tiouble , but no names 'were mentioned , and the sensationalists were unable to make capital out of It. It was said that a powerful bear pool has recently been organized by the big traders In Newport , and that Gould tied decided not to oppose them. Camtnack , , . Nowoombs , Ureen A Bateman , Deacon While , ana all the room traders told thi Uiukoi fr oiy. London MM also a teller , but It wa * one of these slumpy markets that had no support , and when fairly started on its downward course needed little hammer ing to keep It going. The Qould stock led the decline , Missouri Pacific * breaking 2 , , Kansas Jt Texas J < , Texas 1'aclflc 1 % Wabath l } ( and Western Union \H per ceut The rest of the list followed , and Northwestern , despite the Increase of 8102,991 In Us earnIngs - Ings during July , dropped \ % per cent and Si Paul broke lY per cent. New England , which was the weakest sister last week , broke K per cent. The rest of the list went qff J to IX per cent. About noon a small rally occurred , but It appeared to be merely a natural one after a sharp break and did not hold. The closing hour witnessed an ex pected change for the bettor throughout tuu list , and rallies of X to 1 point occurred , and were duo to covering by shorts. Last sales , however , showed a net decline from Satur day of ; < on Missouri Pacific , ! , ' { on Wabasb , lV on Northern Paclilo preferred , H on Western Union , % on Northwestern , Jtf on St. Paul and Louisville & Nashville , X 'on New Kngland , 1 on Lake Shore , 1 , ' on Union Pacific , on Omaha , 1V on Canada South ern and K per cent on Manhatan. Total sales wcro 253,970 shares. Operators were divided In their opinions , but a majority were bears. UovKH.VMF.NTS Government bonds were dull and heavy. YKSTKUDAT'8 QUOTATIONS. U. 8. 4's coupon .125 < C. AN. W 114 U. S. 4 'scoup. . 108 do preferred..147 Pacific Pa ot'05. . m1 N. Y. C Canada South'n. . 53 O. It. AN , Central Pacific. . 3 < 5 | O. T. . Chicago * Alton. 147 Pacific Mall 30' ' do preferred..155 P. , I ) . &K 25 | C. , 11. AO 138 PullraanPal.Car.145 D. , L. & W 130 Heading 53K D.AH.G 27 ; liock Island . . . .124 % Erie SOtf St. L. AS. V. . . . - ' ' do preferred. . . . 63)5 do preferred. . . . Illinois Central..118 C. , At , A StP. . . 81J i. , n. * w is do preferred. K. A T Brttf St P. A Ode hake-Shore 10 do preferred. . I * AN 82 Texas Paclnc. . . . Michigan Cenfl. . KiU Union Pacltic. . . . Mo. Pacltic 03 Jj VY.St , LAP. . . . No. Paclttc. do preferred. . do preferred. . . . 53 , ' $ W. U. Telegraph MONEY On call easy at 4 } < Q < J wr ? cent , closed ottered at 6 per cent PkittR MEKCANTII.H PAPKH CK < 3'J per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Dull and un changed. _ PRODUCE MARKKT8. . Auiruat S3. Following quota tions are the a :30 : closing tiicures : Flour Steady and nncliauKed. Wheat Advanced ? 6c at which the market ruled eteadv and closed > \c above Saturday ; cash 63 U-lOc , September 69 S-10 , October Corn Fairly active and Huctuatcd within a moderate range ; opened at about Satur day's close , advanced JfO c , inlluenccd some by rumors of prospects of frost In northen Iowa and reacted ; later advanced. closing W@Vc above Saturday : cash , 40 11-10c ; September , 4113-loc ; October , 41c. Oats Dull and easier ; near futures not materially chanced ; cash , 24J c : September , 2'jc ; May , GO 11-lCe. Kyo Dullat44Kc. Harley Septerabor , 65c. Prime Timothy 8eoa-Si3.20. Flax Seod-BS c. Whisky S1.1U. Pork Quiet , steady and unchanged : cash , 315.00 ; Otooer , 810.60 ; year , 511.70@11.75 ; January , $ l'J.i7K@l3.4U. : Lard Firmer enrlv , with slight advance later and closed steady : cash and September , 38.45 ( 8.47 ; October , S8.52X. Dry halted Meats-Shoulders , S5.5005.CO ; short clear , S8.0 ! ! # )8.i5 ) : ; short ribs , S8.00. IutterKasier ! ; creamery , 18@'J5c ; dairy , . Cheese Dull and weak ; full cream cheddars - dars , lOJ frijio c ; Hats and Young Americas , .Hides Unchanged' ; " heavy green hides. 7H'c ; light do. 7Jffl8c ; salted bull hides. Oc , green salted calf78 @ 9o ; dry Hint , 12 ® 18e ; dry calf , 12@13c ; deacons 30c each. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 3 } No. 2 , 3c ; cakes , 4c. 4c.Kecelots. . Shipments. Flour , bbls 18,000 33,000 Wheat , bu 39.000 177,000 Corn , bu 103,000 254.000 Oats , bu 240,000 103.000 Uyo , bu 3,000 1.000 Barley , bu 33,000 4,000 New Xork. August 23. Wheat-Ke- r.eipts , IbO.OOO ; exports. 182,000 ; spot steady ; options varied but little for the day , closing steady after very llclit speculation ; un graded red , 75@Slfc : No. 3 red , 77 % : No. 1 red , nominal at 85c ; No. 2 red , BlJtfGJMlifc de livered , 803b'c f. o. b , , September closing at Corn Spot firm but raiher.qmot ; options opened a shade lower , later advanced Ji@ We , closing steady ; receipts , 60,000exports ; , ; ungraded , 49Jf@50iic : No. 2 , 49(3 ( 40 , 0 In store , 50K@50Jfc delivered , 40 c c. f. and I. ; September clobUiKat49x9ifc. Oats A shade higher ; receipts , 05,000 ; ex ports , none ; mixed western , 3l@33c ; white wester \ 85@40c. Potro'Him , Steady ; United , Olc. * EgiL > - Steedy ana In fair luquest ; western , 12lGKo. Pork Steady and in moderate demand ; family mbis , 817.50. Lard A shade lower ; western steam , spot , SC.80il6.8aW. ( Choose Quiet mit firm ; western , OQlOJfe. Butter Firm and In modeiato request : western , 12Q25c : western creamery. ColFee Spot , fair ; Hto lirm at Su .si > ij ; options higher and moderately active ; sales , 70,000 baas ; August , S18.iirlS.SO ; September - ber , 8lS.S5 < ai8..v ; ! October , 81 .45ai8.W : November , SlB.o5iol8.fX ) : Uocember , 818.55 ® 1S.70 ; January , Sli3.05@lS.75. Now Orleans , August 22. Afarkets unchanged Corn Demand lluht , but holders lirm ; In sacks : mixed. Sic ; yel low , 54c ; white , 54it55c. ( Oats Quiet but steady ; cholco western , in sacks , S4 } 335c. Corn Meal-Easy at 82.27 (82.30. ( Hog Products Hull and uncliauged ; pork , 815.52k ; lard , refined tleice. 0.ftJK. liulk Meats Shoulders , 85.73 ; long clear and clear rib , 80.50. Ginotnnatl. August 22. Wheat Easier ; No. ii red , r @ -\c. Corn In liberal supply and lower ; No. mixed , 45@15Vc. Oats-Weaker : No. 2 mixed. 27K@2Sc , Kye In good demand ; No. a , 60X51c. Provisions Pork steady at 815.UO ; lard , quiet at 80.30. Whisky-Steady at 81.05. BllnnonpolU , August 23. Whoat-Steady ; good demand for mllllui ; wheat ( old ) ; new dull ; old : No. l hard , cash and September , 72'fc ; No. l northern , cash and September , Tljfo ; No. 2 northern , cash and September , 0 ! > ? 4'o ; now : No. 1 hard , cash and September , 70 > jcNo. ; 1 northern , cash and September , Gsc ; No. - northern , cash nud September , 05c ; on tract old : No. 1 hard. 74c ; No. 1 northein , 3c ; No. 2 uorthorn. 71c ; now : No 1 hardTic ; No. 1 nonhrrn , Obc ; No. a northern orn , 05e. Flour Steady : patents , 84.00@4.20 ; bak ers , 33.10 < ! M.5. ; ! Kccelpts-Whrat , 62,000 bu. Shipments-Wheat , 21,000 bu ; flour , 27,400 bbls. In store-Wheat , 3,620,843 ; at St Paul , 105.000. aillwaukcc. Auzust 22. Wheat Steady ; cash , CSc ; September , 09yVc ; Oc tober , 70Kc. Corn-Dull ; No. 3. 40 < fc. Oats l < ewer ; No. a white,2iJ c. Hye-Flrmer ; No. 1 , 47kc Barley Lower ; September , 57c. Provisions Steadier ; metis pork , cash and August , repacked , 814.50. City , August 33. Wheat- Steady ; No. 3 soft , 65 > < c bid. Corn Steady ; No. 'A cash , SStfc bid , 85 o asked ; September , 35o bid , SS c aaked ; Oc tober , S5Vc bid , X > % c asked. Oats September , 23 c asked. Mvcrnool , August 22. Wheat Quiet but , steady ; demand poor ; holders oiler Ireely. Corn Steady ; demand fair. Bt. Lnuu , August 23. Wheat HlRher ; cash. 69 o ; September , OOKo ; October , 71-Vo. Corn Hotter ; cash , SS&S'JHo ; September , SSo ; October , 83 > < c. Oatt Firm ; cash , 34ci September , Ortober. 25Wc. Whisky - fl.o : . Pork-115.00. . Butter Firm ; craamery , 24 < g2fic ; dairy , 16 OMAHA. LIVE HTOCK. Monday , August 23. Cattle. The run ot cattle to-dtr was liberal for the first ot tUo week. 'CAara was a very fair du- , maad for corn-fnd gteera aud sovaralbunciies I 1 changed handii. The market was about steady at yesterday' quotations. A few stock * rrsand feeders were sold but butchers' stock was Tory slow. _ lloge. About the usual number of hots for Mon day * as roctlvtfd. In addition to the fresh receipts there were five loads of stale hoes on the market The average quality ot the hogs was better than on Saturday and the market was a shade stronger. One load of ho/js / sola lOc higher than anything on Saturday but It was a much bettor load than anything sold on Saturday. The market was fairly active and everything was sold. Sheep. There was nothing doing on the Rheep njaritet _ . Ilooolpte. Cattle. 2,100 llogs 1.000 Sheep 100 Shipment * . Cattle .Wears Sheep ( single decks ) Gears Provalllnu Prloai. Bhowlne the prevailing prices paid for lira stock on this market : Cholco steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . . .84.10(94.35 ( Cholco steers , 1100 to 130J Ibs. . . 3.1KXJ44.10 Fat little steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75WH.80 Corn-fed range steers 1200 to 1400 3.75 4.00 Good to cholco corn-fed cows. . . . 2.753.00 ( Common to medium cows 2.00(32.50 ( Good to choice bulls 1.75M3.W Lteht and medium how 4.90045.00 Good to choice heavy hosrs 5.00 ( 5.15 Good to choice mixed hogs 4.1)0 ) 5.05 Representative flale * . NATIVE 8TKKHS COnN FED. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 128..1337 84.00 WKSTKIIX 8TEEUS COUN FED. 07..1489 SM.yi 104..1445 84.23 350..12S8 4.25 BANOK STRKIIS TKXAS. W..1091 83.00 STOC1CKIIS. 24..C55 81.75 2..83.5 82.25 0..510 2.00 COWS. 20..010 51.8-j. 8..10S9 83.00 FKCDEIlfl. C5..8M ) 82.82Knoos. noos. No. Av. 8hk. Pr. No. Av. 8hk. Pr 40.105 4084.85 71. . . . 235 85.00 OS..216 4.00 09..23 < i 120 5.00 03..203 120 4.00 C5..25U 80 5.00 78..2J5 KiO 4.0.5 05..248 80 5.00 60.2.-k1 1'JO 4.05 05..230 40 6.00 ta..200 40 4.0J CO..250 120 5.02J < 70..224 120 4.05 CO..277 40 5.05 00..220 120 4.05 00..2 % 200 5.05 24..305 4.05 00..283 100 5.05 65..230 120 4.95 O8..2il : 120 5.05 75..227 200 4.05 08..208 120 5.03 64..3.15 80 5.00 79..242 5.03 61..201 120 5.00 58..239 40 6.03 80..233 320 5.0U 55..245 80 5.07Jtf 67.i53 ! 100 5.00 C7..274 40 5.07& 77..221 40 5.00 00..283 123 6.10 07..220 40 5.00 53..3W 5.15 Iiivo Stout Sold. Showlncthe number ol ! head ot stock sold on the market to-day : CATTLK. G. H. Hammond & Co , 330 Local ( X ) Shi ppers 552 Feeders 103 Total J135 itoos. Anglo American Packing Co 1000 G. II. Hammond & Co 1K5 Armour * Co 1070 Total rrrT ! * . 23-17 AH sales ot stock m this market are made per cwt. live vvel ht unless other who stated. Dead hotcssellat Ho per 11) . for all weight ? "Skins , " or hogs woUhtnc less than 100 Ibs. no value. Prtunant sowsara dockad to Ib-s. and sta sSOlb-i. br theoublio luspaotor. Lilvo Stock Notes. II. It. Falkner , Plum Creek came In with a load of lioirs. John Qulnu , Wood Illver , was in with a load of hops. James McGulre , Wood Ulvcr , was at thu yards with a load of hots. E. H. Cowlcs , Gibbon , marketed 350 head of corn fed western cattle. O. llaloy. Kawllus. Wyo. , was at the yards with twenty-six loads ot cattle. A. Tracv , Pine lilulTs , came In with a load of cattln which sold on the market Sims it lioughton , Portsmouth , la. , mar keted a load of IIOKS which topped the mar ket. ket.Mclntosh Mclntosh & Sutton , Chapman , were both here and marketed riovon loads ot cattle of their own feedlnit. Mr. Williams , of the lirm of Dell & Wil liams , Ida Grove , la. , \ . as here and marketed two loads of hogs. John Wiggins , the genial secretary of the Live Stock Shippers' Association , was In from Columbus with a load of hoys. Among those In with cattle were P. P. Johnson and son , of lied Oak , la. , who had six loads ot cattle on the market from Green wood , Neb. G. J. Campbell , foreman of the Day State Cattle company's feeding establishment at Noith Dend , came in with six loads of corn fed cattle belonging to the companv. The company also marketed four loads of cattle trom thurauge. Aiuoni ; others having stock on the market were the following : D. Anderson , Colum bus ; Taylor & G. , Shnlton ; Nye W. M. Co. , CoItonT. II. Cole , llartington ; J. Dower , Dlaiichnnl ; Dank of Coin. Coin ; J. Deg- inan , Marysvllle ; L. Anderson , Mead ; P. A. Darsh , Oxford ; W. N. Hichardsou. Red Cloud ; F. Aldrltt , Friend ; Gilford & W. , Cowles ; James Danloy , Ashland ; D. F. Glcason , DloouiingUm ; p. D. Smith , Mead : J. C. Welch , Clarindarll. Gund & Co. , liladcn : C. M. .Manly , Afton ; Acnow & W. , llubbell ; Leo Lnrmon ife Co. , Kansas City ; Patterson & li. , Vail ; E. S. Kentncr , West Siuo ; Meuaugh Jiro.s. , Denlson , UMA.I1A \VIlUjlSS.\IjlS MARKETS. Frodtioo. T/ie foltowliifj arc tiio prices at which round hits of produce arc sold on this market : Monday August 22. GENERAT- The produce market to-day was the same as usual on Monday , it being neither brisk nor dull. The demand for choice butter and good eggs have not du- creased , notwithstanding the attempts ot the commission men to Increase their receipts. About 50 cases of eggs , two carloads of pota toes and one carload of melons were re ceived. Eggs advanced Ic per dozun , other prices are thu same. Koos Scarce and prices firm , go as soon as lecelvod at 13@itJ : < c. HUTTKU Cholco l Scarce , prioes ifalr ; West Point creamery , 24c ; other creamery , 22c ; choice dairy , lH , ' < c20c ; medium grades , l @ 16c : ordinary , 9@10o. UHKESB Market good. Fancy full cream Cheddars , .slnirlo , 12ntull ; cream , twins , 12c ; younu America * , WK lSc : brick cheese. 100 bs In case , new , 1-c ; Llmburger , 1UO Ibs In cane , now , I3c ; Swiss , fancy Ohio , now 19e. POUI.THY Market fair , iirlcosnrm. Sprint ; chickens 81.75Ci3.75 ; old lowls 82.50M3.25 , There is no demand for ducks or turkeys , though the former , when in good order , sell a 82.25(32.75 ( , and the latter 6 < 37c per pound. GAME. There Is no game coming in , the weather being too warm to handle It POTATOES The supply Is light and good stock Is moving at 55a. ( < c ; lancy , 70c. CAIIUAQE Firm at 75o pur dozen for solid heads. ONIONS Scarce and flrm ; good stock , 00 ® 81.00 per bushel. POTATOES Scare a and firm at 55(3G5c ( ; best 75c. MELONS Watermelons bring 510.OtK515.00 per hundred ; cantelopes , S0@75c per doz. TOMATOES Th local gardeners are sup- plyli the market ut SOfiate per bushel. Eo : o PLANT Only a few being bandied by the commission men ; 81.00(81.25 ( per dozen. CELKIIT The demand Is not very heavy so early In the season. Good stock suitable for eslupment is sold at > 5@JOc per bunch. DEANS. Hand - picked navy beans are quoted at Jl.bfXSLTO'per bushel , and the other grades are selling from that llguro down to 81.25. POP Conx There Is v ry little sale for pop corn. An occasional saoit 1s sold at lH@2 > ( c per Ib. _ Kraut * . Orders from the country requiring se lected stoat and extra ewe In pn&clng can- tiot alwayk be flUtf M " ama pVlce * Quoted to the tooql trade for rrfmon JKJCJv. General Tfcoxe wet * BO fr | h turrlvals 91 OallWfpla frWts to-dV. and IhrmarW was very dull , but there will be three loads la to morrow. The market ( t well "nppliea with both the Gross aud silver pruuea. Goad stodk 11.6M [ 1.78. ri.UMs-The receipt * ot duni art , not M heavy as of other fruits from California. Prices are firm , good stock tiovlng at 11.50 ® 1.75 per box. . . . GitArr.s The supply , oi home-crown and California prapes continues liberal. Califor nia , 81.75 per 20-lb box ; home-grown , 5c per PKACHBS The market Is well supplied with very cholco sMck from California. Choice-stock Is going at 31.5pOl.78. PKAns-Calltornla Hattletts , 33.253.50 ( ; other varieties. 82.50(33.7.5 ( per box. LKMONS TOe supply liberal , with fair de- mana. Common stock , * .M per case ; choice , 87.0007.50. t Ari'LKs The market Is almost bare and good stock Is very * scarce. Cholco apples suitable for shipment are , quoted at 83.25 ® 83.50 per bbl. OnANOES There are few good oranges on the market Kodl , SG..V ) . BANANAS The market Is full of bananas at Sl.50@3.00 per bunch. CHAD AITI.KR The demand Is very light and Is supplied for the most part by the local farmers. Choice stock , 81.CO per bushel. Grocer' * Mst. fair , and ss@ ' 30c ; 'interior Java , 25&2Sc ; Mocha , 88@30c ; Arbuckle's , roasted , SflMc ; Mclaughlin's XXXX , SO c ; Dilwortffs , 2Cc ; lied Cross. SUOAB Granulted,6)V@8Vcconf.AO.V@ ; ; white extra C , 5 M5c ; extra C , ol < (3 _ ; yellow C , 5)$5jlic ( ; cut loaf , C @ 7c ; powdered , 77Vc. CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , per case , 83.00(33.10 ( ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 32.8592.90 ; raspberries , a Ib , per case , 9i.b5@ ! a.OO ; California pears , per case. ? 4.50rtI4.CO ; apricots , o r cuse , 83.70ii3.75 ( ; peaches , pur case , 84.50@4.GO ; white cherries , per rase , 85.60 plums , per case. S&60@3.70 : blue berries , per case. I3.l0t3.0 ! ; ecg plums. 3 Ib. per case , 83.60 : pineapples , a Ib , per case. 83.2U@5.75 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz. 81.50 : l Ib salmon , per doz , 31.85(31.90 ( : 8 Ib gooseoerrlex , per case. 82.R.Vi .90 ; a Ib string beans , per case , 81.7P ; a Ib lima beans , per case , Sl.fiO ; a Ib marrowfat peas , per caset 82.40(32.50 ( ; 2 Ib early June peas , per case , 2.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , 82.40@2.50 ; aibcorn , 82.50. I'uovisioNs liams , 13@13 > c ; breakfas bacon. llotllKc : bacon sides 9(310c ( ; dry salt , 8Jf@9c ; shoulders,7@7c : dried bcof hams , I2di3c ; dried beef regular , hams.plcnlc , * r\v4 * ' . fJi vou iiuiiau , * imfAuuvnvii a , new , M's. 7) e ; evaporated peeled peacnes , c ; evaporated , unparcd , cnew curuints , 7 @ 7Ko ; prunes , 4W ( < < cr citron , 25 < ! * rai sins , London layers , tl.GT ; California , loose muscatels , $1.50 ; new Valenclas , 7Xc. KRFINBD LAUD Tierce , 6c ; 40-ib square cans , OJ < c ; 50-lb reund , 7 fc ; 20-lb round , 7 > . ( o ; 10-lb nails , 7Hc ; 5-1 b palls , 7 c ; 3-lb pails , IHc- I'ICKI.EB Medium , In bbls , S6.50 ; do In half bbls , S3.75 ; small , In bbls , S7.50 : do In half bbls , 84.25 ; gherkins , In bbls , S9.50 ; do lu half bbls , 84.75. WoouENWJkJiu Two-hoop palls , per doz , tl.45 : 3hoopalls , 91.70 ; No. 1 tub. S6.50 ; No. 2 tub , SB.50 ; No. 3 tub , 34.50 ; wash boards , $1.75 : assorted bowls , 82.25 ; No. 1 churns , (9 ; No. 3churns , S8 ; No. 3 churns , * TOBACCO Lorlllard'sClimax. 44c ; Splen did , 3Sc ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c : Lcguett & Meyer's Star , -lie ; Cornerstone , 34c ; lrum- mond's Horse Shoe , 41c ; T. J. , 87c ; Ser 's Spearhead , 44c. S.S1.75 ; heavy stable , 84 t SYISUP No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs. J1.32@1.35 ; New Orleans , per gallon , tlS ; ( ICc ; niaplo syrup , half bbls , "old tliniv'Tior gallon , 70c ; 1-gallon cans , per doz , S 10.00 ; hnlf-eallou cans , pur doz , S5.50 ; quart cans , 93.00. CANDY Mixed , 8@n ° ; stick , 8H@9 > tfc. CKACKEIIS Garneau'.s soda , butter and picnic. 4 } c : creams , 7Hc ! einger snaps , 7Xc : city soda , 7Xc. TEAS Japan , 20@55c ; gunpowder , 20@60c ; Younic Hyson. 2.5@ojc ; Oolong , 20@00c. JcrT.iE8-30-lb pails , 82.00. HOPE So ven-sixteenths nch , lie. General Markets. SPIRITS Cologne spirits , Ibs proof , 81.10 ; do 101 proof , 81.12 ; spirits , second quality. 101 proof , 51.10 ; do 186 proof , 81.09. Alcohol , IbS proof. $2.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled whiskies , S1.OOO1.50. ( Jfii blended. 51.80 ® 2.00 ; . Kentucky bourbons , S2.0U@0.00 : Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , S2.0096.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , SL50@3.oo. Brandies. Imported , 85.00@8.50 : domestic , S1.SO < 33.00. Gins , Imported , 84.50@ 6.00 ; domestic , $1.2533.00. Champagnes , Im ported , per case. S2S.00@33.00 ; American , per case. JIO.OQ@JG.OO. Co.\.i.-Egg. 59.00 ; nut , 59.25 : ranee , 89.25 ; Iowa lump , & 3.00 ; Iowa nut , 52,75 ; walnut lock , $8.00 ; Illinois. 84.25 ( 4.75. HEAVY HARDWARE Iron , rate , S2.70 ; plow steel , special cast , 4 > 4'c ; crucible steel , 6 > c ; cast tools , do. ! 215c ; wa on spokes , per set , 82.0003.50 ; hubs , per set , 51.25 ; fel lees , sawed dry , 1.00 ; tongues , each. H > c ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuta , perlb , 6@7c ; coil cliain , per Ib , O QlSc ; malleable , B@10c ; Iron wedges , 60 ; crowbars , 6c : harrow teeth , 4Vc ; spring steel , 4fui5c ; Burden's horse shoes , $4.75 ; Burden's mule shoes. 85.75. Barbed wire' in car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron nails , rates , 10 to 50 52.40 ; steel nails , 62.50. HIDES Green butchers' , 6X < 3 < > c ; green cured , 7Kc ; dry Hint , lie : dry salt , 9c ; green calf skins , 7J'c ; damaged hides , two-thirds price. Tallow He. Gre.iso Prime white. 3c : yellow , Sc ; brown , lfc. Sheep pelts , 25Q 40C. _ Dry Goods COTTON FLANNRI.R IO per cent trade dls ; count-LL , 6fc : CC , 7Ku ; SS. 8'/o ; KK , UJ < c ; GG , lO c ; XX , I2c ; OO. 14c ; NN , 16c , HX , 18c ; ] { . 20e : No. 10 , 6Ko ; 40 , 10 0 : CO- ISKc : bO , 15c ; BO , colored , lOc ; 50 , colored , I2c ; 70. colored , 15c ; Bristol , 13' ej Union Pncllic. ISc. CAKPKT W Anr Bibb white , Ib'Xc ; col- ore < l , 20 } c. UATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , lie ; Beauty , 12Mc : Boone , 14c ; B , cased , 8(5.50. ( PIUNTS SOLID Coi.ons Atlanta 5J < ; Sla ter 5 ; Berlin Oil Ukf ; Garner Oil 0 to 7. PINK ANDlltoiiRS Hichinond 0 ; Allen 6 ; Hlver- noint5 ; Steel Ulver ( ' : Richmond 6 ; Paclllc OH1. INDIOO BIAIK Washington 0 ; Ameri can 6K ; Arnold 0 > t ; Arnold B 10M ; Arnold A 12 ; Arnold Goldseal V > X. DKKSS Char ter Oak 4K ; Uamapo 3 % ; Lodl 4) ) ; Allen 5K ; Richmond 5X ; Windsor 6 ; EddystoneO ; Paclllc 0. GiNOHAM-Plunkett checks 7J { ; Whltten- tou 7 } : York 7'f ; Normamllo Dress 8K ; Calcutta Dress 8K ; Whlttonton Dress 9 ; Renfrew Dress 0 to 12 ; KENTUCKY JEANS Memorial 15c ; Canton 18c ; Durham 27Kc : Hercules Ibo ; Learning ton 22 > c ; Cottswold 'tic. CBASII Stevens' B Oc ; bleached 7c ; Ste vens' A 7Kc : bleached 8 > < c : Stevens' P 8 } < c : bleached tXc * ; Stevens' N UMc ; bleached lOWc ; Stevens' SRTlSWc. Misoii.iANEOU8 Table oil cloth 82.65 ; plain Holland 8Kc toUc ; Dado Holland 12 c. FLANNELS Plaid Raftsman aon ; ( ioshon Maple cit , 37Ke ; ( Juecheo No. 3 , Jfrajifc ; Anawan lae ; Windsor 'i2 c. Ked-C , 24 inch , I5 > { e : K , 24 Inch , 21c ; GU , 24 InohflSc : H. A. F. , Jf , 25o ; J. H. P. , JJ : , aT > < o ; Gir J35& COMFOUTEHS BLANKETS Wlilte , Sl.00@7.50 ; colored 81.10 ( 8.00. CAJIIIUICS Slater 4U ; Woods 4 } ; Stan dard 4K ; Peacock 4K. COKSET JEANS Andrqscoggln 7JKear ; sago 7 , ; Rockport 6W ; Conestoga 6 . DUCK- West Point 29 in. , 8oz. , 10 : Wes Point 29 In. , 10 oz. . 12K : Weht Point 29 In. 1'J oz. . 15 ; West Point 40 In. . 11 oz. , 1C. Checks Caledonia X , OK ; Caledonia XX , Cordls No. 9 , OK ; Cordis NO ; 4,11. DENIMS Amoskcag V.OE. . 10 ! Everett , Creek CC , 10. BIIOWN SHEETINGS Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7/c. Atlantic H , 4-4,7cjAtlanJe ! 1) 4-4 , 6X0 ; At lantic P. 4-4 , 5 fo : Ailrora Ll 4-4. 6 c ; Aurora C , 4-4,4Wc ; Crowp XXX , 4-4. O c ; Hoosler LU 4-4 , 5fc : Indian Head , 4-4 7ko ; Lawrence LL. 4-4 , 6fc } ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 6Kc ; I'epperell It , 4-4BKc ; Peppereil O , 4-4. fie ; Peppereil , 8-1 , lOc ; Peppereil. 9-4 , Ibc : Peppereil , 10-4 , 20e ; 6ilca C. 4-4 , 4Jfc ; WAcliuMtt , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora K , 4-4 , o c ; Aurora 11 , 4-4 , Be. BLBACHGD Sur.ETr5O-Ocrkeloy cambric. No. 60 , 9Koj Bett Yet , 4-4,6 > ( o | butter cloth 00,4fcTKtbot ; , 7Kc : Karwell , bo : Fruit of Loqm , 8fo ; Grnone G. 6d ; Hope , 7 > < o ; Klua rhllllp cambric , lie ; Lonsdale. lUc ; ljns- dale , bjfc : New Yofk mills , lOXc ; Pepperell. 3 Inch. lOWe : Peppereil , 40 Inch , liHc ; Pep- perell , 0-4,15cf I'epperell. W , 18c : Peppereil , D-4 , fiOc ; PepperelL 19-4 , Kc : Canton. 4-4 , 8 > 4 > ; Canton , 4-4 , OJ j Triumph , o ; W.ara- uttaUc ; Valley , Sc. Dry Lnrabor. DlilltNHlONS AND TIMUBUg. No. l , com , sis moo No. . com , 1 1 s 817.00 No. 3 , 515.50 No. 4 , SWW ' No. 1 , 4 AC In , 12 A lilt , rough. . . . . . . . 119.50 No. 1 , " " 10 " " . 1H.50 No. 2 , " " 13 A 14 " " . 16.00 No. 2 , " " 16 " " . 17.60 A , 13 , 14 and 10 ft.SO " " C. 815.50 B , " " 20.50 1) , 12.50 CKIMNO AND l t com , Jf 111 White Pine Cclllns . $34.00 2lltt " " " " . 2KOO Clear , tf In. Norway PlneCcllIng . lfi.00 2ndcom.flu " " . 14.00 0 FI.OOHINO. A 6 In White I'lne835.w O 29.50 H " " " 83.50 D 21.00 E " " " ( Scl. Fonclne ) . W.OO STOCK BOARDS. A 13 inch o. Is . in50 No. 1 , com. 13 In s. l s. , 13 ft . 20.60 " . 14 ft . 19.00 " " " joft . 1H.50 No. 3 " " " . 10.00 " ' ' 10ft . 17.50 Inrli ( iroovcd nooflng Sl.OO per M. more han 12 In. Stock Hoards snmo luncth. SHIP LAP. No. ll'laln. 810 in . S13.50 No. 3 " . 17.50 No. 1 , O. . . 8 Iff . 19.50 FINISHING. 1st anil 2d , clear , l , l < { incli , 2 a . J50..fX ) 8dclear , 1 lncn,8.2s. , . 45.50 " " IK , IK , 2 In . 4(5.f ( * A select , 1 inch , s. 2 a. , . 40.00 " " Wi W , 3 In . 44' ° ° b " 1 inch , 8.2s. , . 30.CO SOUTIinnN YELLOW I'lNK. Com.4tfcGln. Flooring 817.50 Star " " 21.50 Clear % In. Celling 21.60 " % In. Partition " Finish , 1 A nf In. s2 s " Corrugated Ceiling , 4 In " Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . . 27,00 1'01'I.AH I.UMIlEIt. Clear Poplar Bx. Bds. Jtf in. , s , 3s S3.S.50 r' M In. Panel , s. 2.s 27.00 " " Corruitated Ceiling , % 28.50 WKLL TUU1NO. PICKETS. OG Butts , 2tfin fOO.75 " HxSln , s. IB. 00.45 3 lu. Well Tublnc. I ) A M and Bcv. . . . . 2:1.00 : Pickets , D & U Flat 20..V ) " " Square 21.00 BHINOM'.S. I.ATH. XX clear . .83.10 Extrn * A * 82.00 * A Standard . . 2.75 * A UB&1J 12.55 C In. clear No 1. . 1.50 Lath 2.65 PO3T5. White cedar , C In. , s. , 12c ; 0 In. qrs. , He ; 8 In. qrs. , 10c:4 : in. round 15c ; Tunnessuu Ued Cedar , oplit , 15c ; Split Oak , 12c. LIMK , KTC. Quincy white lime , ( best ) OOc : Akron cement , J1.75 ; Hair , 30c ; Plaster. 82.75 ; Tar board , 81.75 ; Sail ) , 40p per ct. : Doors. 40c p r ct. ; Blinds , 40cper ct. ; Mouldlugs. 40o pur ct. ; Tarftlt. per cwt , 82.25 ; Straw board , 81.75. BRIGG HOTEL" BEST HOUSE. AMERICA Union National Bank OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital $100,000 Authorized Capital 500,000 W. W. MARSH , President. J. W. RODRFKR , Cashier Accounts solicited and prompt attention given to all business entrusted to its care. Pay 5 per cent on time deposits. No 206 Masonic Building , cor.Capitol Av enue and 16th sts. Telephone No 842. . U. S. DEPOSITORY. Capital $6OO,000 Surplus 1OO.OOO Herman Kountze , President. John A. Creighton , Vice-President. F. H. Davis , Cashier. W. H. Me < rQuier , Asst.-Cathler. JOHN NELSON , 1415 Harney Street. Telephone No , 693 Cess Tools and Vaults thoroughly cleaned by the Odorless Process. Orders promptly filled. Union TrustCo 8O8S. 15th St. , Onmlm , Nob. Capital , - $300 , 000 Made on Real Gxtatc. School , County and Mimicipnl lionds Ne gotiated. WM. A. PAXTOX. WM. 0. . President. View 1'ros. Itonx. L. OAHI.ICIIH , F. O , JOHNSON , Secreur ? . Treasurer. DIHKCrOKS : WM. A. PAXTOX , HENHV T CLARKE , W.G. MAUL. L. II. WIM.IAMU. KOBT. L. QARLICIIB. B. H. JOHNSON. F. B. JOHNSON. FRANK 0. NEID , Carpenter and Builder , FINE CABINET WORK A SPECIALTY Telephone OGO. 300 South Sixteenth Street. cTf. HAYNE. c. H. TAYLOR" TAYLOR & MAYNE , ( Tire , Llghtaiiur and TornanoJ N. W. Cur. IStU ana Ilitrnvy Sis. , Omaha , Nub. Telephone GUI. WEAK , NERVOUS PEOPLE And cth ri luftcrlnir from hntrroui detUUy xhaubliiiic ehfonlo difc a l , premature Jlm of younic or old > ro iltlTclrured bj Pr rliA't fanioui Klrctro. -/X - - M nctlc Kelt. Tlioui ll.l In trerr ailStJit In lt > , vnlon h fe bun curid. ElMtrlrl % KU Ir.itaotJj te\l. \ l' lent l nd olil IO > r r * . Whew fAmttr c n wear ft iutt btlt , EUvtrla lluiBHaarlMrm | tiinalet > clU ATOM wartlililllin < Itatiuaa ana t/ofa * rumptnlci Elrrtrlo Trti > fur Kvpture. 7ftO icreil Ur8 . fceno stamp for py11 ! luet. OtW. J. HfliHt , INVENTOR. 191 WAEWH Av. , CHICAGO. Instant ro- VARICpCELE _ . _ Nokalle , dryprinrcl used. Add. V. O. Supply ( Jo. Box J2S , St. Luulv.Uo. JOBBERS' ' OIREGTORY Agricultural Implements. CHURCHILL PARKER , Whotomlt p al rln Affrlcitltural Implements , Wnfrong , Cwrlmre nud Rural * ) . Jonr mcot , tctwou 8tb ml Iffth.Oniaka , Nth , LINING EllMMETCALF CO. , Agricultural Implements , i , Hnulf , , Ktf , , WholtMle , Om'h . PARLINOREN1)ORF A MARTIN Wholf lale Utalern In Agricultural Implements , ( Tiffoi * and Bngf l i. 901 , SW , WS nnd 907 , Jonco at Artists' Material. A. HOSPE , JR. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , JM.l Domini ptroet , Omfth * . Builders' Hardware and Scales , ! TAYLOR , Bnilder8'Hnnlwnre& Scale Repair Shop Mechanics' Tooli i nrt Buffalo Sralea. KM Do\ilti it , . . Oroalia. .Nrb. Books end Stationery , A. T. KENYON .C CO. , Who'eiilo and Re H Booksellers and Stationers , 1522 Douglni 8t.,0mnhn , Nob. Telephone (01. Corrnpondpncn nllt'itnl. Beefs and Shoes. W. r. MOJtSE cC CO. Jobbers of Boots and Shoes. 1111 Ftrntm it. , Oman * , Neb. Manufactory , Siimmot trt l. lloitun. . T. LtXltHKL' , f CO. , Wliolcnnle Rubber Hoots and Slioon Itubocr anil ( Hied Ctntlun and Foil Hoots and Shoes. 1111 Hnrnnv Street. _ Beer. STORZ iC ILER , Lusrer Ueor Brewers , 1U1 North 19th Street. Oranh , Nth. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS HELLER , Batchers' Tools and Supplies , ! tui > ( a Cailnfi qt all kinds alwaya In atoek. Ult Jonntiii.ui ha Coffee , Spices. Etc. CO. , Omaha Convo and Spice MillH. Toai.Oofffet , Spleen. Baking Powdar. FI TOrlneB tncti , laundry Blue , ink , lite. 1111-16 Haroor Slreot.Oniaba. H t. Cornier. . EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Eponcter , 1'rop. Hannfaotnrcr of OalTanlted Iron and Cornlc * . VH Dod < * and 103 and lOi W , 10th at , Omaha , Nab. RUEMl'IXG C BOLTE , Manufacturers of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer VMndowi , Flnali.MelnllcBkillKlit.elc. 310B. iu it. , ( Jumna. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. . 3al7anlt d Iron Cornlcpii. etc. Stircl'slmproTed Pat unt Meuillc t < kyMiilit. MW and 510 H mti nt.lmalia. ( Carpets. OMAHA CARPET CO. , Jobbers of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Hues , Linoleum * , MnttlnRfl. ntc. 1111 Douc'ai ' itri'et. Crockery and Notions. Agent for 'he Mauufacturcrn and Importon of Crockery , Glasswnro , Lamps , Chluiuiijn , etc. once , 317 South 13th it , Omaha. Neb. , _ _ CLOTHING M. ELGU'lTKR'S Ifninmotli Clothing House , Corner farnum and Tenth Stici'ls Umahn. Xrb. Commission and Storage. Commission and Jobbing1. BntUr , Kcgaand Produce. Conilfnmama aollcltod , lloadquartera for Stoneware , Ilcrrr llnxca nud Urapo liaiketa. 1411 Dodge utreet , ( Iruaha. R1DDKLL RTDDELL , Storapo and CommtRsion Merchants , Ppcclaltlei-Butter , EUKI , Clice e , Poiltry , Qarao , Ojttcrs. etc. , etc. 112S. lUubt. PEYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Fruits , Produce and Provisions , Omaha , Neb. * co. , Produce Commission 3fercliants , Ponltrj , Butter , Uame. Fruits , etc. XM B. 14th it Omaha. Nb , Coal ancf Lime. tluo. r.lMUAUU. Pres. C. F. HoonuAN , T. Ploa. J. A. HUNDtKI.AKD , Sec. and Treaa. OMAHA COAL , COKE .4 ; LIME . COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 2 South Thirteenth Street , Omalm , Nob. J. J. JOJINSOX id CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And Shippers of Coal atul Coke , Cement , Plantsr , Urne , liHlr. Flru Brlt-i , Drain , Tila ni > Sewer Pipe , nfllou , Pajtton riotot. yarnan rt. , Omaha , Nub. Telephone ll. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYER rC CO. , Jobbers of Cip/ars , Tobacco , Quna and Ammunition , 315 toZM S IHh at. , 1CCO to imi Farnnin St..OmihaNeb. rf WEST C FRITSCHER , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wboletalo Hovleri In I/cnf TubKCcoi , Not. 109 itndllUN'Mlh itr * t , Om b . Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH C CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions 110J nd 11M Douxlnn , cor. IItb Ht. , Omnhit , Neb. Distillers. _ - * vw . - . . ' . DlstllUrBof I.lquorB.Alcobninnil Splrlti. linportern nud Jobber * of Wlncinm ) l.lquore. WILLO W SPRINGS JISTILLE' CO. and ILER C CO. , Importer nd Jnbbcrtof Kino Wnes nnil I.lqiiorj , Sola nmnufaetureriof Kmnedr'a ltit Indln Ult- Uri mil Dmneitlo l.liuor . ill : Hnrn r M. Furniture , DEWEY < C STONE , Wholesale Dealers lu Furniture. Parnam et. . Otnahn. Neb. CHA RLES SUI 1'ER ICK , Furniture , Keildiiiff , Ujiliolstcry , Wrrori , etc. 1MW , 19J3 nnil 1210 Fnrnnm it. , Omahti. Groceries , PAXTON , GALL A ( TlllCIl f ; C'O. , Wiiolpsalo Orocerics and Provisions Noo. 70S , 707,709 anil 711 P. 10th St. , Oranhn , Neb. Mc'JORV , It.dADY LV CO. , Wliolesale Grocer * , 1Mb nnd I.enrenworth Pt . , Orfinhi. Hardware. LEE , FRIED ct1 CO. , Jobbers of Hartlwuro anil Nails , Tinware , Hhfet Iron. Ktc , Aiients for Howe f-cului , unit Miami 1'itwilorl o. Onnihu.Nfli. it' . , r. IFcavy Harilwuro , Iron uiul Stool , BprluKB , WnK"H Stock , Ilni'lwntu Lumber , etc. VJX anil 1VI1 lUrney it. , Omalm. JSDNEY. (0 GIltHON , AVliolcsnlo Iron nnil Sl ol , Wacon and Oirlana Wood filcxH , Ilearr llnrdwiro , lite. IJ17 tinil 121'J Loivcnworlb rt. , Omulin , Neb. MfLTON HOG IitS C SONS , Ktovns , Jtantros , I-'nrnaccp , 'liles , Mantlet , Uratat , ltr . ( ioodi.m iua U23 l' rna m OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTOR ! I 1 1 Iron Works. CWVNS * * vi" i > " > ni -i n iii i i i - ni ii. _ 11 IT i"i * > i i"\i fto < . < rf IMJETOJV cC riERLINQ Iron Works , Wrontht * n < 1 Oil Iron lUtMlm Work , Iron PUInfl UallYui , Dram * ami ( Jlrtt rt , Steam Rnilnta , llrati Work , utniril ffo n < lrr , Machine ind Illirkimltli Vint. Oftlcf anlWorat. P. I' . Uy. dmt > Mir t. n. K. SA MHnnfhrturlnsr Dealer in Smokestack Urllcblng * , Tnnk . mid ( irntnl Boiler Uepalrlnt , * Ml ) I F. It. MrMANtI ! " . C. SULLIVAN. OMAHA WIRE , C IRON WORKS , Manufacturer * of ire nnd Iron Kalllnes , DcsX Tlnilow ( Juard * . Klowcr SmaiU , Wire flint , 13N. 10th. Onlerg by mull promptly i tl * Lumber. | OMAHA TUMItER CO. , lrale' ' _ All Kind * of Bulldinir Material at Wholesale , Uth 8tr ct and Onion Paotno Track. Omaha. LOUIS BRADFORD , ) calor in Lumber. Lath , Limp , Sash. 3oor , Kte. YanlCorn r7tli and Uouglaii Corn * * } 9th and Douglaa. CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , ( II8.14th trttt.Oro h , N b. F. Colpftter. M n ir r | C. JV. D1ETX , Lumber. 13th nnd OMtforrln Btrcrti , Om li , N t > . FREIi W. GRAY , Lnrnber , Lim Cemeat , Etc. . Kto. C'.r.tth nnd nouilai ili Ornatm. N X HOAGLAND , Lumber , T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Offlc , 1 OS r rn m strrtt.Omth * . . CHAS. R. LEE , Hardwood Lnmbtf , Wood Carptti and Tarquel Flooring. SUi and Dondnf Omaha. JOHNX. WAKKFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. InpoHed and American Porllnnd Ccmtnt. Btatf AianlfarMllwBiikee IlTdrnullc CeBivntand llist ljulncj WbltuLlrae. Lire Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John P. Bojd , Bup rlnte o . Lite Stock Commission. c. n. iAi.Miit. N. r. HICIIMAN. j. it. PALM Kit , ' R1CHMAN cC CO. , rAve Stock Cointtiiitsloii liooin ! ! ! . Opposite KxolmtiKn . . . - Union Stock Vimls , Suuth Oinnlin , Nob. McCO 1' BR 0 > Live Stock Coniiiil.Hsion Merchants. Inrkct furnlnhoil ( reoonHiiplltntlon. tilockarinin feeders furnlshml on KOWI terini. no'erence Oniihn Natlonnl Ilnnk nnil Siutli OmHhi .Nation 1 Union block Yards , Sniitli oiimlin. M. BURKE , C SONS , Live Stock Coiuinission. fleo. Ilurkr. Uannger Pnlon Stock Tardo.B. omnha. Tolfptione MJ. Live Stock ConiniiBsion Merchants , Shipment * of anr nnil nil kinds of Stock nulieltcd. Union Stock Yantu , Omnha , Ni'b. Millinery and notions. I. OBERFELDER , C CO. , Iniportera nnil Jobbon of Millinery and Notions , 1313 and 1215 Harnor PtvCOt , Onmlm , Nob. Notions. Wholesale Don Ion In Kotions and Furnishlm ? ( Joodg , SI nod < 05 B. TenlU St , Omaha. Overalls. MANff COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jean * Pants. Shirts , Ktc. 1102 and 1104 Donjlus StrcoL Omnha , Nob. PAPER CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wliolesalu Puiier Dealers. 'arry ' a nice mock nt I'rlnllnit , Wniipln | < nndVrlt Ins p | ier , Hpcrliil ntlcntlon t'lvon to cur load at orders , which will lie shipped ilTr < > ot from mills. All orders will icrelvn pemmnl nttontlim. Wouuar ? nnteo food goods Ond low prtco . 1111 mid Hill Printing. REES PRINTING COMPANY" Job Printers , Blank Book Makers , And Hook Hinders. lOrt und 1CW Poiitll Fourtvonttl street. OmnhnNeb. WESTERNNEWSPA PER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers In Type , 1'rcnaa and Printer * ' tiuppllea. Wif Foutli Twelfth f treet. Pumps. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wliolosalo PunipH , 1'ijic , Fittings , Btoamnnd Water Supplies. H niliiidrtarH fur M Fo 'i ( Vi'i ( Joo'U. 1111 Knriiuiii it. . Ocnnhii. Neb , U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMP COM 1'A NY. [ InlladiT Wind Mlln ; rlcnm and \VMOr Pilprllo * . PlumblrifcCtocrtH , nultltitr , lln.o. t'lit ' mill WO i r- naui at. , Ouirihu. 8 R. Feltnn , Aluuitx r. Tiili'i'linneNo.210. A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pines and KiiginoB , Steam , Water. Railway nnd .Mllllni : Ruppllec. K'A 930 , ! 3andltt4 Furnatu et. , Usiaha , Neb. _ BROWNEI.L ,0 CO. , ifaiiufactnrcrs and Dcnli-rn In lioilors * ( ionoritl Mnchlnory Hheot Iroa work , Mteam 1'umpr.Hnw Mllli , Aciqa HnaftlBgDodgi Woodtpllt fallart , Balitog , ij , Altawuconi , scrapon.audb ulatlva. UU-UU ! < , nworth nt. Omnha Rubber Goods. OMAHA ItUllllKit CO. , lluuulucturer and llenler" In all klndiot liitbbcr ( iootls , OlllothlHK ; Hri'l Leiiihci llclinj | { . MB 1'nrnini "t. Safes , Etc. ' ' CO' , Aponts Cor Hull's Sale < t Lock Co.s' Fire and Hurtr'nr Proof Htfji , Tlma Ixirku , Vault * and .ivl Wor < . .Oil Hinmra ktn-rt Onmlm , Neb. G. A XI iRll EN , Onirtlui .Safe Works. Jliinufncturcmof rironrnl llnrnlni I'rciorHn'ns , Vnul | l > our > , Jall Wcirk.rihut cm nndViro nik , 1'ur. lltliuiiilJnckionhtn ( irni.'m. ' N b , Sash , Doors , Etc. " M. \V-olcmlu Manurnctiiremot Snsli , Duors , Pillnds and Mouldiuq-a , llranch oilce.UlIi nnd lirrd .ts. , < miis ! , . ? ! . JiOIIX MANUFACTURING CO.t Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinda , Mould'nk-s.MuIr ' Work nnd Inlrrlor llHnl Wo.i Juf.luyclioJ. N. U.tnr fctli nd J.fuvt'iiw Omnhit , Neb. J. B. HAYNBS t/i OFKIUUL STE NOG- APH. 'R TIUUD JL'UIUIAL , Dl.S'l'iiHir. 91 Chamber of Cuoucuieo.