Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1887, Image 1

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Two Brother * Shot Dead at a Bohemian
Ficnlo Near Exeter ,
the Murderer Arrested and Held to
Await the Action of the Grand
Jury Talk ortilnohlng In
dulged In.
Two Brother * Killed at a Picnic.
KXIITEU , Neb. , August 22. [ Special Tele-
tram to the JiKi : . ] Now.s was brought early
this morning of a terrible shooting affair nt a
Bohemian picnic and dance on the banks of
Turkey creek last night. Nothing definite
ould bo learned beyond the fact that John
Newer , an Inlluontlat citizen of Friend , and
bis brother Prank had been murdered by a
: rowd of railroaders , part of the construction
tanic of the Kansas City & Omaha railroad.
1'ho coroner and sheriff were summoned , and
I posse In search ot the murderer brought
In six of the railroaders. A jury was Im
panelled and during the Investigation ono
f the men , Thomas Rook , confessed to the
ihootlng , but entered a plea ot Eclf-defense.
As near as can be ascertained tbe Bohemians
were holding ono of their picnics on the farm
of George Newer , nine miles southeast
at here , One of the railroaders
Diesent tried to entice a young
Ctrl away from the dance into the woods and
the girl told Mrs. John Newer , who In turn
Informed her husband , lie and his brothers ,
Frank and George , Interviewed the man.
Words followcdand Frank promptly knocked
ono of them down , only to fall himself with
& bullet In the back of his head. John start
ed for the shootlst , who turned and ran , but
after going some twenty feet the fellow
turned and shot John Newer through the
head , putting another bullet tluough his
heart before ho fell. Both men were killed
Instantly. Hook Is an ex-cowboy and an utrly
customer , as his victims boar silent testi
mony. Ho was taken to Geneva this evening
by Sherllf Carson to await the action of the
grand jury ,
FIIIBNU , Neb. , August 22. ( Special Telo-
iram to the BEE. ] At n Bohemian picnic
Sunday night , held about ten miles south
west ot here , In Flllmoro county , John and
Frank Newer were shot and Instantly killed
by It Is supposed a railroad man. Beer was
the exciting cause. Six railroaders tried to
steal some of their beverage , which was on a
wagon In kegs , when the proprietor , John
Newer , Interfered with the remark that ho
was "On to their racket , " and slapped one In
the face. At the same tune John's brother
Frank came up and was Immediately shot
down , the ball striking him in tlio back of
the head. John , Newer , seeing his brother
lying dead at his feet , Jumped towards his
murderer with the remark , "The s of a fa-
has shot my brother , " when on the
Instant two moro shots were heard and ho
fell dead , ono ball striking him In the chest
and the other In the nose , ranging upwards
and lodging In the brain. News come * to
night that the murderer has been captured.
His name is Thomas Hook , living near Ex
eter. The coroner's jury has adjourned *
until to-morrow. Great excitement prevails
and lynching will not bo considered an un
natural outcome of the double tragedy. A
later report says they have taken the alleged
murderer to Geneva for safe kceplntr. A re
port which just came In says a mob of ex
cited men have left Friend for Exeter.
ProgreBB of the Klchardson Trial.
liour CITY , Neb. , August 23. [ Special
Telegram to the BEK. ] The Klchardson
trial opened at 9 a. m. The state began by
examining Coroner Kcttoll , who testified
concerning the wounds aud the latallty of
them. Thu state then followed by Introduc
ing three witness' who saw from the opposite
Bide of the street the latter part of the affray.
Then followed the barber , A.M. Bennett ,
who has up to this tlmo kept the piece of
metal that was thrown across the shop at the
tlmo of the killing. Bennett stated that
whorl Willard entered the shop ho expected
there would bo trouble and wiped
his razor to lay aside. Ho saw
Willard advance and noticed that
Ulchardson backed away a step or two , showIng -
Ing signs of fear or dread. The two men
then commenced a discussion. Ho ( Ben
nett ) then thought that matters were going
to be settled without much trouble anil re
sumed his work , when the metal passed his
chair , struck the back door and rebounded ,
striking the chair. Ho looked , and as he
looked the two snots were tired In rapid suc
cession. Benuett says that Willard had hold
of Richardson and had his head drawn down
BO that tbe top ot the head rested against
Wlllard's collar , or the upper part of his
chest , when the shots were fired. The de
fense take a great deal of courage
from Bennett's statements. The state
introduced several witnesses who evidently
harbor a stronr hatred for the prisoner , bul
the force of their testimony Is Invariably
broken by the scathing cross-examination ol
Senator Paul. Many fanners and stranger :
In town are surprised when they sco tin
state has so far tailed to uiako a plain un
nuostlonablo case , as they expected It would
from the rumors tirst set afloat. Just before
the close of to-day's session the state ex
pressed a desire to rest , and thu defense filed
a motion that the court require the state tc
produce their witnesses , three of whom arc
oye-wltucsses. _
Dragirod to Death.
DAVID CITY , Neb. , August 22. | Spedij
Telegram to the BF.K.J News reaches us to
day ot a serious accident which happence
near Bellwood yesterday. A son of Wllllan
Napier was riding a skittish horse. Tlio anl
nial became frightened arid threw tlio 6oy
whoso foot caught m the stirrup and ho wa
dragccd for a half-mile to the house. Whei
found ho was In an unconscious condition
Commencing at the eyelids , the scalp wai
torn almost completely from tlio head. Dr
Peebles , who was summoned from the place
devoted four hours to dressing up the wound
and savs It Is the most peculiar case ho ovei
Baw. U Is doubtful If the boy will recover.
Cimtnr County Corn.
Aitxoi.D , Neb. , August W. [ Special to th
BKK | . In the western pan of Ouster count ;
corn will yield 70 to 75 per cent of a full croi |
or 85 to 40 bushels to the acre. The shortas
li caused by drouth. Increased acreage 1
about 40 per cent , making an Increase In th
ttireregate yield. Copious rains have falle
lately , so that there can bo no more damag
Iroui drouth.
BitoKF.N Bow , Neb. , August 22. | Specr !
to the BKK ] . The present condition of cor
is excellent. The acreage is increased 75 pe
rent over last year. At present It promise
to yield from 50 to 00 bushels to the acre.
Illohnrdsnn County Farmers Happj
SIIJIIIKUT , Neb. , August 2i [ Special To
cgram to tbe Bun. ] A glorious ram bega
her9iibemt3:30p. : m. Saturday amlcontimie
through the afternoon and a heavy rain agai
( lining the night. There were reports of
hailstorm at balem aud Falls City , but thei
was Dona hero. Itlcliardson county h.i
been enriched thousands of dollars. Lnl
corn , vegetables and pastures will bu gieatl
Improved. Farmers are greatly cheered an
imbued with new life.
Troop * . For the Itctinlon.
Nonrout , Nob. , August ' , ' ! . iSneci
Tcfezram to the BKK.J A special ual
from Fort Nlobrara , bearing companies 1
V and II , Eighth United States infuntr ;
under command of Captain Porter , arrived
this cvenlnir to attend the North Nebraska
reunion. Camp Logan Is now In readiness
for the reception of visitors and loJge delega
tions are expected to-morrow.
At IJellnvuo Itancr.
' BKI.I.F.VUB , Neb. , August 22. [ Special
Telegram to the BEK | The contest for
places on the department team closed Satur
day. This forenoon was devoted to a regi
mental team skirmish match , with the fol
lowing results , the team being composed of
eight men each :
Seventeenth Infantry 04
Eighth Infantry 475
Seventh Infantry 415
Second Infantry 40. >
Ninth Cavalry 387
Twonty-lirst Infantry T3
Sixth Infantry 345
To-morrow the prl/.es will bo presented to
the successful competitors at 10.tO : a. m. by
General Slorrow , colonel of the Twenty-first
Infantry , U. S. A. A special train will re
turn from the ratigo about 2 p. m.
A Hemarkahto Addition to Science.
Mn.LAiii ) . Neb. . August 22. | Special to
the BEE.I On July 2:1 : last , while Mr. Albert
Scliroeder was stacking barley In his field ,
he found a bull snake about five feet lone
and noticed that It had live lumps In its
body. Ho cut Its head off and opened the
body and found liva uiilnea eggs in It. Those
egcs ho placed under a setting lion , and to
the Inliulto surprise and delight of Mr.
Schroeder's lamily and neighbors , the little
guineas hatched out , all five alive and hearty
to-day. _
Suicided Over Family Trouble * .
CI.AUKSON , Nob. , August 23. [ Special to
the BEK.J Ignatus Dlohl , a Bohemian resi
dent of this place , suicided Sunday evening
last by hanging to a rafter from the stairway
at his residence. Cause , family troubles.
A Newspaper Sold.
CLATIKSON , Nob. , August 23. [ Special to
the BEK.I The Clarkson Enterprise has
been purchased by MoFarland Bros. , ot
Stanton , for Pllger , Neb.
The Railway Magnate Tulkn About
the Pacific InvcHtlgatlon.
NEW "VonK , August 23. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEK.J Mr. and .Mrs. C. P. Huntington -
ington , Miss Clara Hutitlngton and Miss C.
D. HnntliiEton , returned homo from Europe
by the steamer Auranla last evening. Huntington -
ington looked as bronzed and rugged as a
sea captain , and said he had been greatly
benelitted by bis trip. When asked about the
Pacific railroad Investigation and rumors of
his indictment , ho smiled , and then , with a
graver look as ho shook his head , ho added :
" 1 have seen some accounts of the Investiga
tions from tlmo to tlmo-but I have not kept
up fully with It , and papers have not been
sent with details. I thought the appoint
ment ot the Pacific railroad commission was
a good measure when It was made , and I
don't know of anything to cause mo to
change my opinion. Wo have nothing
to conceal that relates to the business of
the Central Pacific with the government. Of
course , there are many business details ot no
Interest to anybody but the railroad company ,
and we do not care to gratify the curiosity of
prying Individuals In regard to Interests
which do not concern them and are of no
public Importance , but whlcn they wish to
extract through the commission , 1 aui quite
sure that the members of the commission are
Intelligent enough to perceive such influence
enco and to discriminate when an effort is
made to force them on the public. Wnjhavo
never used money to brlbo ofllclals and there
Is no evidence nor any circumstance that can
fasten such a Htlgma on us. What Stan
ford has done I am quite .sure was the wisest
thing to do under the circumstances. "
"Havo you formed any new public project
whllo on the other side ? "
"No : I itavo very little attention to busi
ness. " " * -
"Uavo yon made any further arrangements
for luivinz steamers built In England for the
new line between Newport News and Liver
pool for the Chesapeake & Ohio ? "
"No ; there has been nothing done about It
of any importance , yet there was some talk
of negotiations for the Monarch line steam
ers that did notcomo to anything. "
A Machine Company Attached.
ST. , Mo. , August 33. [ Special
Telegram to the BEE. ] The Champion Ma
chine company's branch house in this city
was attached to-day by the sheriff on a note
for 30,000 and Interest. The note was sent
by the president ot the Champion Machine
company , Amos Whltloy , of Springfield , to
his brother , William Wliltley , who trans
ferred It to the First National Bank of Bos
ton. The Fidelity bank failure In Cincinnati
is the cause of the trouble , Mr. Amos Whitley -
ley being security for a largo amount ot Fi
delity paper. The plant hern is closed , it
Is the largest machine house In the city. Mr.
J. U. Qulgley , agent for the Champion
house , says the attachment will amount to
little and not at all effect the business of the
concern. It Is a question as to whether the
Champion company Is liable for tbe personal
debts of ono of the company. Mr. Amos
Whitley's endorsement was to save his
brother , William Wliltley in the eastern
states and was 'given in his personal ca
pacity. _
Sinking of a Propeller.
DUI.UTII , Minn , , August23 | Special Tele
gram to the BEK.J The propeller A. Booth ,
owned by the Booth Packing company ,
which sank last year elf Grand Marias reef ,
Lake Superior , had been successfully raised
by J. G. Falcon , n well Known Chicago
wrecker , and was In good condition , th <
damage being but trifling. She was towci
to this port for repairs. The casus by whicl
she was floated were fixed firmly to her am
she had traveled about twenty-five intios o :
the distance whan a terrllic northeaster so
In , breaking several casks , so that the boa
keeled over on her starboard side and sanl
thrcc-qiiaitcis of a inllo elf Poplar river li
twenty fathoms of water. Ono minute and :
half alter she disappeared part ot her figure
head rose to the surface , indicating that sin
had struck on her "nose. " She will be i
total loss. Value , SltyxM.
ItoHenfold's Will Prohatod.
CHICAGO , August33 , The will of the lati
Lovl llosonfeld was probated to-day. Tin
wilt Is dated December 3 , 18S3 , and gives
Maurlco and Harry , the two sons , handsomi
amounts In personal property and a fal
share of the realty , but a codicil , dated Juni
20,1S87 , directs that all bequests to Maurlci
be revoked , and that all such bo read as beini
made to his wife and be free trom all con
trol of his creditors. She Is directed to pa :
over to him from tlmo to time such Rums a
are necessary to maintain him In tlio statloi
to which ho had been accustomed , all to b
free from control by creditors. The large
portion of the ectnto Is left to the widow
with numerous bequests to children , grand
children and charitable Institutions.
Thn Work Not Interfered With.
WINNIPEG , August ! ! 3. The Injiinctlot
against the Ucd Ulver Valley railroad In
not Interfered with Iho work yet Nothini
more can bu done until Wednesday. By tha
time several contractors will have finlshoi
their contiacU and by Saturday all the grail
Ing will t > o done. Track laying will com
mencu right away , probably froia Morrl
s south to * ! io Northern Pacific connection
0 after which Irnii will bo laid from Morris t
il I .HC . llowan with u slim Id's ' party , visltei
T , "i- this moriiiui : tu servo an Injuuctloi
c .e grading of the Ked Ulver Valley roail
t id the contractors gone. Ho the :
Ll ( > nlrii'd the fence torn down which hart beoi
. btult alonir the tiack , but' was only laiuhe
1 at. lie anally left after threatening ever )
' body with arrest Thu grading of the llu
will bo completed this \\eulc ,
They Arc Pound In the Democratic Plat
form Adopted at Boanoke ,
An Able Addrcaa to Electors T\j the
Ilcimhllcnn State Committee of
Virginia Hollow Promises
Democratic Duplicity.
1'ETEiisuuna , Va. , August 82. The Vir
ginia republican state comuilttco has Issued
an address to republican elector : ) , the first
part of which Is an answer to the address re
cently put forth by the democratic managers.
After referring to the Indorsement of Presi
dent Cleveland and that his administration
will receive the cordial support of the demo
cratic party In Virginia , the address says :
"The democrats are Inconsistent and Insin
cere as they demand the repeal of the in
ternal revenue system and the passage of
the Olalr bill , when It Is known that Presi
dent Cleveland is opposed to the one and
withheld his Indorsement from the other.
Ills formal and expressed approval of Sec
retary Manning's views and rec-
mmendatlons upon the subject of tax-
lion and revenue are conclusive. Secretary
ilannlnic deprecates that there Is no
ongor auy duty or tax imposed upon tea and
olfee and while urging the reduction of
duties upon such articles of Import as are
produced In our own country , squarely op
poses any reduction of taxes Imposed upon
obacco , fruit distillation and whisky. Presi
dent Cleveland approves these views and
ecommondatlons of Secretary Manning.
That Cleveland's administration Is a bitter
disappointment to the managers of the dom-
icratlcparty of Virginia Is attested by loud
and deep complaints. It may * bo
hat the democratic managers sincerely
'lsh the repeal of the Internal roveuuo
ystein , from motives of self-preservation ,
but when they declare for the repeal of a sys
em , as part of the democratic faith , they arc
guilty of cltorts to deceive the voters of the
ommonwealth. That system Is hold by tuo
demociatlc party as a hostage to compel the
overthrow of the republican policy of protec-
lon to American labor bud Industries.
The national democratic platform upon
which Cleveland was elected promised to re
peal the Internal revenue system , but pledged
"ho party to the continuance ! of Internal
ovenuo taxes and their application
o the payment of pensions. Kvery message
of President Cleveland has Ignored any sug
gestion of a repeal of the internal revenue
system. Thu democratic majority of the
Forty-ninth congress , speaking in accord
ance with the views of President Cleveland ,
has given unmistakable respouses on behalf
ot the democratic party. "
Tuo address refers to an adverse report
, iion ) the bill to reduce the Internal rovuuue
taxes , submitted by Mr. Moirison ,
chairman of the committee on ways
and moans , July 10 , IteC , and to
an adverse report upon a rtisolution "repeal-
Ing taxes upon tobacco" submitted on the
same date by W. 0. Breckenridne , of
Kentucky , another leading representative of
the democratic majority. This Is the later
record of the national democracy now In
power , upon the repeal of the Internal revenue -
nuo system and the democratic party which
for ten years , excepting the Forty-seventh
congress , controlled the house of representa
tives and failed to act upon the subject.
"It was by the Forty-seventh congress ,
which was republican , " says the address ,
"that the taxes wereieduced fully S50,0uo,000 ,
the reduction on tobacco being from
10 to 18 cents. Yet othe leaders of the
democratic party In Virginia are trying to
delude the people into the belief that the re
peal of that system may now bo accomplished
hv the democratic party. The promise of
this repeal was made In 18S4 by siiveral dem
ocratic candidates to congress but the people
could not bo deceived. It remains now to bo
tested whether the same hollow pretext can
bo used In 1887 by the democracy with anv
more success than attended them In IbbO ,
Wo declare that at the moment
the republican party lost control
of the Government it was prepared
to act upon this subject , that President
Arthur had urged the lepeal of the tobacco
tax and a democratic house with a republi
can senate ready and anxious to rcduco taxes
declined to proceed. That the
party is now so practically united in favor of
the repeal of the tax on tobaeco and fruit
distillation , and If restored to power will re *
move the burden which those domestic pro
ducts liavo so long endured. Wn assert that
the democratic party in congress Is opposed
to the appeal of the Internal revenue system
as shown by the declaration or its
loaders from President Cleveland down.
Wo appeal to you to support the republican
candidates for the legislature and not waste
your votes on candidates whose iuctior )
favoring the repeal of theao taxes Is in a
hopeless minority In its own natural piftty.
The platform of the Hosnoke convention re
specting the tariff is at valrinco with the
record of the democratic party. It declares
In favor of a revenue derived from a tariff
op imports and In favor of the repeal ot the
Internal revenue system which the record ot
the party unanimously shows that the re
verse Is the democratic doctrine and we
arraign the platform as misleading and seek
ing to deceive the people upon a question
vital to their Interests and to the progress
and power of the strike. The Washington
Post and the Now York World , two of the
most Inlluentlal democratic journals in this
country , have declared openly that the rev
enue and tarltl planks of the Hoanoke plat
form are diametrically opposed to democratic
principles , and all over the cast , north and
west the orthodox organs of the democracy
have united in denouncing this platform and
Its frame. "
The address arraigns the democracy for the
Incompetoncy and unlriilttuliiefis which
cause the failure ot the act of the new re
publican legislature for the equitable icad-
justinent of the state debt.
"As to federal aid on the debt , " says thn
address , "tho question , If It Is ever given ef
fect , will bo through the liberal construction
contended for by the republican party.
"Tho republican party will cheerfully unite
In every effort to aid disabled soldiers ttnd
widows , "
The address denies that the democratic
party founded or are responsible for the
the efficient management of the tree school
It says : "The republican party has always
been faithful to the agricultural Interests of
the state , and wo remind the people that Secretary -
rotary Manning recommended the repeal of
the tarltl on wheat , corn and other tarm
products , and that tea and cotleo should be
taxed as luxuries. As Mr. Cleveland endorsed
this and the democratic party endorsed
Cleveland , we ask the farmers to consider
what this declaration of trlondshlp Is worth.
Wo feel that our party , whose proudest motto
Is , 'The Dignity of American Labor and the
Protection of American Industries , ' needs
no rapid asseveration of friendship for the
laboring man. "
The address arraigns Governor Lee
for his many shortcomings , and then
touches upon the finances by asking whai
becainu of thn 51,600,712 which was in the
treasury In IbSi. whou the democrats reentered -
tored the capital , and what lias been done
with the taxes since collected , amounting tc
over S 10.000,000 , and why there I ;
now so little money In the treasury ,
with yet an accumulation ot over
due and unpaid Interest In th <
same period , Increasing thostato debt 84,500-
000. The people have a right to know whj
thuanmnl costs of administering the govern
nicut have Increased from SbO1'000 to eve ;
| t.2.VOCO.
TUB balance of the address deals wttli
many questions which are only of local in _
Relocates Opposed to Pcnvilcrly.
NEwYoKic , August 22. District Assem
bly49 , Knights ot Labor , lias elected elevei
delegate * to the general assembly whicl
meals Minneapolis In October , ten o
whom re opposed to General Master Work
man Powderly's administration.
How Cleveland Kocfm Ills I'romlscH.
WASHINGTON , August H [ Special Tele
gram to the BEK.-Chttlw ] McComber Is
lie was not a statesman1 , neither was ho a
jurist of profound ability but ho
w s n whole-souled good fellow who has
done a great deal for the democratic party In
his day. Twenty years ago no democratic
meetlnifln Erie county or western New York
was complete without the presence of
McComber. tie was one of the best 1m-
prompte speakers In the western end of the
state and ho was always called upon for a
speech whenever the regular speaker ot the
evening found himself In atlght hole through
the questions of the opposition. Ho was a
lawyer by profession but has had several
political positions of trust In Buffalo and
served as post wardun In' ' Now York for
Foveral years and no man did
moro to secure the election of
Orovcr Cleveland to the shrievalty
of Erie county than Charley McComber.
our or live years ago ho came to Washlug-
on , and during the time that ho has been
here he has been engaged In the business ot
lalm attorney. But ho has been 111 a great
leal and aged dulled his eloquence and af-
'ectcd his memory. When Cleveland was
lectedto the presidency "Mac" applied tor a
iilnor position , lie asked that no be ap
ointed to a place where he could support his
wife and child in moderatecomtort , and stig-
: estcd that a place then filled by thn ex-post-
uastor of Buffalo , Schemerhorn , be given to
ilui. This place was a special agency In the
ustoins service , and McComber could have
illcd It with credit lie was endorsed by
he solid democracy of Erie county.
There IH every reason to believe
"liiit he has an absolute promise
ram the president that ho should
tiave the position or one that was equally
; ood. But he did not get It or any other
osition at the hands of the president He
was taken with a stroke of apoplexy on Sat
urday and to-dav ho died. Last week the
president heard of McCombor's destitution
and sent him 50 and a quantity of provis
ions. It is reported to-night that the presi
dent has notified the widow that ho will take
: are ot the funeral and that all expenses
ivlll bo paid by him. The treatment of Mc-
Jomber by the president Is not an isolated
: aso. Every Bulfaloian or almost every ono
ivho has appealed to him for an office soon
if tor the election hasbcen treated In the same
tiny. Soon alter the election ot lbS4 , an
elector on the democratic ticket called on
Governor Cleveland and congratulated him
on the successful outcome ot the election.
Cleveland thanked him and asked It he could
do anything for him. The minister said ho
wanted nothing for himself but that ho had
n old nncln In BulTaio whom he wou'd ' like
o see settled in a comfortable berth. The
uncles name was Henry Zlolglo. Cleveland
new him well and ho would bo willing and
{ lad to appoint him to any place which ho
might desire in the consular son Ice. Xleglo
hearing of this wrote that he would vciy much
like to iroas consul toStutgart. The piusldcnt
answered in his own handwriting that as
as soon after his Inauguration as president
us ho possibly could , ho would appoint Mr.
Zicglo to the place. Within two moutlls
after the inauguration ho appointed , not
Xleglo , but a Mr. Klmball. of Chicago. Of
course there was a row. 'The president said
that it was all a mlstaka and that ho was
very sorry. Mr. Bayard had made out the
papers and he .had signed them without re
membering that ho had promised this another
place to his Buffalo friend. Was there not
iilace which Xleglo would like ? Xlegle said that
he only other position for which ho would
: are a straw was the consulship at
Mannhlom. Mr. Cleveland did not
"Ike to remove tho. Incumbent
Kudolph Wollfshon , also a resident of Buf-
: ale , who had only occupied the place for
about a year but If there was a change Xlcgol
should bo icmombercd. Ho hud to bo con-
' .ented with this. A few weeks after Wollf-
ihoii resigned.Zelirel thought surely ho would
; et the place now but ho did not. Before it
tad been vacant two weeks James C. Mon-
qscan , of Uliode Island , bad been selected to
'ill the vacancy.
It Is bad enough to have an ollice
which has been promised to ono Dutch
man given to another Dutchman" said Xei-
cel. "When it is given to an Irishman It is a
Uiousandtimes worse , lam disgusted and
; uad. "
Cleveland and Pacific Plunderers.
WASHINGTON , August 23. | Special Tele
gram to the BEE.J There Is very much sur
prise expressed hero as to the apathy of the
president towards the Pacific railroad plun
derers. His Indifference to the Interests of the
people shown in his dispatch to the commis
sioners Is freely commented gupon. Said a
piouiinent politician hero to-day : "Had the
president seen some of these same robbers in
the cloak rooms at tuo capltol during the dis
mission of the Tluirman act ply ing their trade
In 'explaining' to gentlemen why the acl
should bo defeated ho 'might ' change his
mind and act decisively In' the Interest of tin
people. It ho saw tit he might also dlscovei
the amount ot money paid and to whom paid
In the spring ot Ib78 when Gould was an ac
tlve worker with Huntln'-'ton In trying tr
< ] ofcat Uip passage or the Thurman act. He
might also discover how much money was
hipped by express to this city from the
Jnlop Pacific office in NowYorK prcsum-
ablytwlti | the object of 'explaining' to getv
tlenidi $ y\y the Pacific railroad robbers
shpiUdhavo a nuw lease of life by the defeat
of trio act of 1378. "
Iowa and Nebraska Pensions.
WASHINGTON , August | )1 , | Special Tel
cgram to the BIK. : ! The lollowini : Nobniskc
pensions were granted to-day : Mary ,
widow ofJohn II. Packott , Falls City ; 12va-
llne , mother of George li. Drown , Geneva
Increase , Joe Clark , Battle Creek ; Charles
S. James , Junlata : Itoduoy Conner. Osce-
ola ; Henry Miller , Wahoo ; Charles Cool-
Idee , Central City ; John A. Duwolf , Bur
Iowa pensions : Margaret , mother 01
Charles W. Shaw , Beacon ; Falvln A. An
dtirson , liussell : Darius C. Qiiiuby , Monti
coll' : Joshua L. Morris.Clarinda. Increase
Elijah Ernln , Tlmyer ; Daniel Finnoy
Corning ; William 11. Pollock , Mt. Avr
James Shipley , Creston ; W. B. Harris , liv
illanola ; James K. Doaton , Carlisle : Genrgi
P. Morris , Ottumwa : Martin L. Mikesell
Muscatiue ; Sauford S. Biown , Milo ; Kd-
win A. Ward , Sheldon ; John McLuon , Keo
Tnliauoo Mori Air Their Grievance *
WASHINGTON , August 23. A committee
of Western and Southern tobacco men
called on Commissioner Coleman this morn
ing , headed by ex-Congressman Willis , tc
set forth their grievances regarding tin
recent report of Statistician Dodge upon tin
acreage of tobacco , etc. Commissioner Cole
man replied , warmly eulogizing Prof. Dodge
If any mistake had been made it would b
found to be a mistake of the head alone.
I'nnrla Invite * trw President.
WASHINGTON , August S3. Assistant Posl
master-General Stevens called at the Whit
House to-day and presented to the presided
an Invitation from N. & . Worthlnaton , o
Peorln , 111 , , nil behalf of the citizens o
1'eorla , to visit that city while on his Wast
ern tour. The president expressed a ilesir
to meet the people of Peorla and said li
would accept the Invitation If he found I
possible to do so.
Hln Ijnst "JIO. "
ST. Josnt'H , Mo. . Aiuust 33. ISpecla
Telegram to the Bm-W. : | D. Mills , a tele
graph operator employed by the Wcsteu
Union of this city , died at 7:30 : last evenln
of typhoid pneumonia ] nod nineteen yean
His remains will bo sent to Havatina , 111 ,
for burial. A handsome harp made of i\o\\ \
crs , with the lizurcs " 30" irk the center , wa
the tribute paid to his memory by th
Western Union employes here ,
Stenmtjhlp Arrivals.
Nr.wYoiuc , Augu3t22. [ Special 1'nlegrat
to the BKK.J The Fulda from Bremen ; tli
Spain from Liverpool ; the Bassano iroi
SOUTH HAMPTON , August S3. The En
from New York for Bieiuen.
QuKi'.N.siowN , August SJ. Tho. City <
Chicago from Xiw York for Liverpool : tl
Lord UoiiKb trom ' lor Live
pool. '
The York Oity Arrive * tit Qiavosond With
the Montreal Passengers ,
Ho TolU of the RoBoufl and How Ills
Wore Kntortatnod lie
Believes an Incendiary
Fired the Vessel.
nic-llenrtetl Onntalu Bonn.
ICopj/rfyM ISS7 by Jamc-t ( Ionian llennttt. }
LONDON , August 3X ( Now York Herald's
Special Cablegram to the BKE. | 1'ho Fur-
ness line steamer , York City , which brought
the City of Montreal's burnt-out passengers
and crow to Queenstowti arrived elf Gravo-
satul this morning. It was Imuindtatoly
boarded by tlireo American ladles , Mrs.
Falrbank , of Ohio , and two friends who wore
curious to Know how the Montreal living
freight had been accommodated aboard the
YorK City. After Captain Bonn had ex
plained everything to them , the vessel pro
ceeded for the Victoria dock and drew last
to her wharf at 1 p. in. where the crowd had
assembled to see the much talked of rescuer.
1 wont aboard at once to got an Interview
with Captain Benn whom 1 found to bo a
bluff , hearty Yorkshlreman speaking -
with broad Yorkshire accent. He said :
on the llth I sighted what appeared to bo a
vessel on lire , bearing twelve or fifteen miles
away. 1 Immediately furled all sails and
111 ado towards her , thlnklug and hoping I
might be of some service , At80p. : : ! m. with
a strong wind , and I think a small rain , Igot
close alongside and made her out au Inman
Hue steamer , all ablaze fore and aft. Iwent
close alonsulo to windward , when 1 found
all her boats gone and tackles hanging over
her sides. I presumed all hands had either
been taken otf by some other vessel or wore
still adtlft on the water. In the meantime
I made every preparation for picking up
the crew. The passengers had stationed some
hands aloft to look out while others stood
ready with life buoys , ropes , ladders , etc. I
cruised around unsuccessfully until 9:30 : p.
in. , when my look-out man sighted a brldgo
light to the northeast , distant about live
miles. 1 at once made for It , and they must
have seen my vessel , for thu next moment
they burned torches which kept waving to
and fro. The light proved to belong to a
small bark laden with petroleum , sailing un
der an easy canvas. 1 wont close under her
stern and hailed her :
"Have of the burnt '
you any tidings ship's
crow'i1" I asked.
Ho replied :
"Yes , I have them aboard , " and
asked me to lay to by hi pi until daylight ,
which 1 did.
"At 5:30 : a.m. on the 7th , " continued Cap
tain Benn , " 1 again wont close to the barque
and learned ho had 140 passengers ana the
crew of the City of Montreal. Tlioy asked mo
would 1 take them aboard which 1 readily
agreed to do. 1 at once ordered my boats
out and commenced to transfer them to my
vessel , with the assistance of ono small boat
belonging to the City of Montreal. The
weather being line and having great assist
ance from the Montreal's ofllcors everything
was accomplished safely and comfortably.
At S u.m. all wera aboard. My crow In the
meantime had unbent all our sailstook , off
the tarpaulin awnings , and maila tents
for them on the deck. I also
used up my spare timber in matting several
bunks under the forecastle head. 1 loained
they had been very much cramped on board
the barque as only six or seven could go below -
low at the same time and owing to the nature
of her cargo they could not smoke , so I at
once gave everyone free access to my cabins ,
berths , etc. i distributed ton pounds ot to
bacco and some pipes among the men and
thn women 1 put into the wheel house where
I sent my stewardess to brighten them with
her colfeo anc brand , etc. They were all In
fairly good spirits but sopping wet
through , and all expressed them
selves delighted at our coming to take them
elf the baro.uo which they heartily cheered as
wo parted company. My head steward
boon prepared a feast and all ate heartily as
If they were hungry. They continually
talked about their marvelous escape , but
fairly well cnioyod themselves. Ono pisson
ger who had losi everything except tils Unto
played every evening while others danced ,
sang and gave recitations. To whllo
away the time 1 gave them all
the books cards and draft boards
1 hail , for which they wrero
very much pleased. The Montreal's captain
and olUcars shared everything I had In my
quarters. Luckily iny cargo con
sisted of n quantity of edibles
So , to help my own ship's provisions
last out I broached rny cargo to the extent of
twenty sacKs of Hour and ten cans of corn
beef. Everything else I had plenty of. In
fact the steward has just told mo ho has over
ton pounds of tea still on hand. We were ,
when wo loft the barque , 155 miles
from Queenstown and did It in seven days.
in my own mind I feel certain the
Iho was not an accident but the work
of some malicious person or persons ,
because the tire broke out fore and all
at the same time , and the two bull heads
were untouched between.
1 was very much pleased with thei
address of thanks presented to mo and
from the number of letters I received
this morning from friends congratu
lating me and asking lor a copy. I shall
have to get It lithographed for distribution. "
Part of the above Interview took place
while wo were riding to tlm agent's olllco tu
report , after which the captain lott to join
his wife and children at his home in Whitby ,
famous for its jot ornaments and ti3h.
Another City of Montreal Victim.
[ f.'opi/ifuht 1SS7 hu Jainei GnulinJcwiflt.1
QUEU.VSTOWN , August 22. | Now Yo.rk
Herald Cable Special to the BKI : . | A
steerage passenger , John Collet , lauded Frl
day from the City of Montreal , died In the
hospital hero to-day from congestion of the
lungs. On the alarm of tire he got Into r
boat partly dressed , and sulTcrcd from expos
ure to thu cold for nine hours. The names ol
the doctois who sailed on the Umbrla yester
day are K. S. Bailey , G. F. Blandford , Y. K
F. Colbes , II. W. Dearborn , George Doug
las , Dr. Dalton , Farmer Davis , Dr. Doran
Dr. Gallon , Dr. Murphy , Dr. Mansell , Nen
Mitchell , Hlcliard Moiling , Dr. McGregor
Ashmore Koakes , A. (5. Price , F. 11. Stuart
1 Dr. Sprenele , Dr. Snelllnge , E. P. Timing
' George Walker and two dontflfe.
Death of Aaron Vanderpooln.
lCoi/HuM | | 18S7 by Jnmea Gonl'iii llennett. ]
PAIIIS , August 21 r.N'ow York Herali
Cable-Special to the llKil-Aaron : Vauder
poelo died hero at 1 o'clock to-day suddenly or
Twenty-sixth avenue , Frcdelaiid.
HiiMHnll ArralutiH the TorloH.
n LONDON , August 22. Uussell , member o
parliament , who left the llbcral-tinlonls
party because of the proclamation of the Na
tional league , has written a letter to explali
his resignation. Ho says : "I have don
my best to porsuadu my part ,
anil the government from proolalmln
the Untrue , but have failed , The govern
incut. In my opinion , have sped ( heir last bul
let , and have hMidod over Ulster to Parnell.
Iconlessthatmy hcartburucd with Indigna
tion to see my fricuds sacrificing the union
and sacrificing loyal trusts to a handful ot
unreasonable landlords deserving of no
body's consideration. "
Won't HoooKnlro Ferdinand.
ST. I'KTnitsiiunei , August 2:3. : It Is of
ficially announced that the government has
sent a circular to the powers declaring that
It Is unable to recognize the validity of
Prince Ferdinand's election to the throne of
Bulgaria. According to the circular Prince
Ferdinand acquainted the c/.ar with the fact of
his election , and requested permission to
visit St. Petersburg In order to learn the
czar's wishes before going to Bulgaria. The
czar replied that the prince's election would
not be recognized by Russia and the prince
could by no pretext justify the journey to
Bulgaria. The circular , In conclusion , cx >
picsses the hope that the people of Bulgaria
will coincide with Russian views and not
permit a llazrant violation of the Berlin
Solid With the Queen.
LONDON , August 22. Mr. Collier , of Chicago
cage , was granted an audience by the queen
this afternoon At Osborno house , when he
presented to her majesty the jubilee address
of the British residents of Chicago. The
queen accepted the address with a few
gracious words and handed Collier a written
reply expressing her appreciation. The
crown prince of Germany was present. The
reception was extraordinary , In view of the
( uieon's absolute rctusal to personally receive
the English addresses published here.
AVroncly Interpreted.
Pmi.oriPOMs , August 21. According to a
einl-ofllcial statement Prince Ferdinand's
reclamation has been wrongly Introprotcd.
. 'lie Prince never proclaimed Bulgaria's
lolltlcal Independence. He has at ways been
eady to respect the Berlin treaty.
Ijenjiuo BrnnchoM HUM Meet.
DtniMN , Auitust 22. The Loughrca and
( \rniaugh branches of the National league
.net yesterday and resolved to continue work
notwithstanding the proclamation of the
league. _
Kmperor William Improving.
Br.HMN , August 23. The Official Bulletin
? ays that Kmperor William continues to im-
irove , and that his rheumatism has dluiln-
_ _ _ _ _
Deputy linnr Libelled.
Attcust 22. Deputy Laur has sum
moned Paul do Cassaguac bo fore the courts.
anr charges that his character was defamed
by De Cassagnac In connection with the
"ioulanger coup d'etat story.
An Appointment Cancelled.
MADHIU , August 2i The Gazette to-day
publishes a decree cancelling the appoint-
nent of Senor Salamanca as captain gen
eral of Cuba.
Expelled Prom Oerinnny.
BKUI.IN , August 22. The government has
xpelled two Russian families who resided
n the environs of the city.
Hoportcd Duplication or Ijnnd Olllco
CJIalinn tie I UK InvestlcatiMl.
( SNnw YOIIK , August22. { Special Telegram
0 the BF.K.I The Tribune's Washington
special says : "It was stated In the Tribune
recently that certain drafts had been Issued
by ttie treasury department for the payment
of claims on account of surveys of public
lands In California , which accounts , In some
cases , were not properly certified by the com
missioner of the geneial land office In ac
cordance witli the law.aud that in some cases
1 rafts had been thus Issued for the benelit of
claimants whoso accounts had been all eady
once paid. These statements were denied by
Comptroller Durham , \\lio , it appears , U the
treasury official on whoso cortiiicato drafts
are Issued for payments on account of pub
lic land service. Now , as to duplicate
payments , the Tribuiin correspond-
itnt a.nin asserts that they were
made and that the records of the treasury
department will show that they wore nindo. "
The correspondent then goes on to Itemize
the accounts of deputy surveyors In Cali
fornia which have been paid twice and the
duplicate largely in excess of foimer claims.
Ho gives dates and particulars with great
care , and adds : "The attempt of the comp
troller to sweep away by a quasi denial the
statements made by the Tribune , have not
been successful. On the contrary it Is known
thai thu matter Is the subject of official cor
respondence between the head of the in
terior department and the head of the treas
ury department , and there are the best of
reasons tor asserting that the action ot the
comptroller Is undergoing a ciltical exami
nation In the latter department. For reasons
which scnui sufficient to the officials con
cerned the Inquiry is conducted with great
secresy and the utmost circumspection , but
tl < ere is no doubt that all the essential facts
will become public In due time. "
Hritish Grain Trade Review.
LONDON , August 22. The Mark Lane Ex
press , in its review of the British grain trade
during the past week , says : The rainfall has
checked the threshing and delivery of wheat ,
and consequently has arrested the downfall
course of prices , although values In London
and some provincial markets have continue !
in favor of buyers. Estimates based on the
government statement as to the acreage ol
crops for 1887 place the net yield of wheat at
about 8,2r > 0,000 quarters , alter deducting 000- ,
000 quarters for seed. Sales of English wheat
during thu week wuio 21,0i2 qu.irteis utu2j.
iigalnst 48,0.riO quarters at His
7d. during the corresponding week last year
The foreign wheat trade is devoid of feature
Russian and American samples aio compet
ing at lowest rates. Two caruoes of whea
arrived. Two cargoes were sold , two were
wlthdiawn and two await orders. There is
only u dragging salt ) of flour. Corn Is firm.
Barleys are quiet. To-day i with a return o
bright httnshlno , the matket was weaker
Ne.w Enu'llsh wheats were lu small supply
but values were lower.
Gone1 to Arrrosr ilio Two TJtes.
MIKKIU : : , Colo. , ( via ( lion \\ood bpilngs )
Anuust 22. ISpec'al ' Telegram to the BKI : .
Sheriff Kendall left tills morning to arres
the Utes iiumed "Blst Frank" aud "S.ilto.1
Ho had seventy-live well-armed men will
him and tluee ( lays' rations. The Indians
are located tweuty-Ilvii miles up the Whlto
river in a dense timber on high ground am
are strongly tortuled , The number Is i-sti
mated at from Via to 2.V ) aud It will take tei
times their number to dislodge them. NIIWH
trom Kendall Is expected to-morrow. It I
thouuht that a battle U Inevitable and th
result is anxiously awaited.
A Nebraska fCvoiirslon to St. .loo.
ST. Jon , Mo. , Aiistfst 22. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKKJ. An excursion party
of 200 puopltfc uiSideuU of Nel
son. Nuckolls county , Nebraska ,
arrived in St. Jon to-day over the now Chicago
cage , Kansas it Nebraska railway ( Rock
Hland ) . Nelson is tlin pi eseut terminus ol
thu Rock Island's northwest line. The part )
wab received by the board of trade and wil
return homo to-morrow. Its object U simply
to oecomo better acquainted with the clt )
and Its people.
Must Produce the Itonki.
Xr.w Yonic , August 2J.Tlio hearing bolero -
lore Jiulgo Hookstaver , in the court of com
mon pleas to-day , lu the Ives & Co. , assign
incut , resulted In the direction from tin
rourt that I VMS it Co. must appear beforu tin
referee nnd dl closu \\huieubouts of tin
\VII1 ItCHiimei Dividend * .
NKW YoiiK , August 23. Tuo Taclfl
Steamship company's executive committee
decided to-day to resumii payment of ijlvl
dcnds. The directors meet Wednesday Mil
will declare a dividend ot 1per cunt. Itia
decided inexpedient- reduce the cap'ta
stock ,
' . " .
Mitchell Vnnce & Oo. of Novr York ar {
Seriously Embarrassed ,
lo Admits the Company 1'ald Onf
JLmt-Ko Sums of Money on Wllonx'a
Account Itut Will Not
Matters Moro Fully.
A Tragedy ICecallod.
NEW YOUK , August 23. [ Special Telegram <
gram to the UIR. : | Dennis U. Wllcox , at
that tlmo president of the llrm ot Mitchell ,
Vance A Co. , manufacturers of gas tlxturos
at 030 Broadway , after a year of 111 health ,
duo to Immense losses In stock , grain anej
other speculations , shot himself to death li
his luxurious homo early on the morning ol
April 111 , 18SO. Ho was llftv-sevoti years oldi
Ho had begun life as a manufacturer o <
bronzu goods In a small way In MerldoUi
where ho was born , ami had developed groaj
ability for conducting business of that sort.
Wlthout.leaving his Interests In bronze gooda ,
10 went Into tno manufacture of plated \vnr <
and became secretary of the Merldcn BrlttanU
company , and eventually was Interested la
about a dozen dltfciout manufactur
ng concerns , all of which proved
verp prolllablo. In 1871 ho cumo to Nuw
York as the representative of the Urlttanla
company. Ho lost heavily on James K.
Kcena's big wheat dual. Then he wont Into
stocks and thu panic that followed the fail
ure of Grant & Ward crlpolcd him badly.
His losses preyed upon him. Ho could not
sleep at nlirht. Finally Hftoi passing au en
tire nightof wakofulncss , ho went to the
jllliard room of his home , cast himself upou
a sofa and with a small siwou-sliootor ro-
volversent a.bullut through his brain , Al
though it was said , at the time , that none ot
the manufacturing companies in which hn
was Interested had beau affected by
his operations , it now appears that
Mitchell , Vance & Co. , witli a ciedit rating
at commercial agencies of 551,000,000 and
more , and a capital ot $1,200,000 was com
pelled Immediately after His snlcldo to
a largo sum of money , and that business
since has not been pioutablu enough to inako
up this amount. It was reported Sat-
uiday that tlio stockholders had been
called together , and had decided to apply tu
have a receiver apolnted. On this point Mr.
Edgar M. Smith , treasurer and malinger of
thu company declined to speak yesterday ,
and of the cause of the company's dllllcul-
tles ho would only say , "We had a largo sum
to ralsn In cash immediately following Mr.
Wllcox's death. It was a heavy drain on tlio
funds of thu linn. "
"It Is intimated then that he had used tha
company's name to raise money ? "
"No , not at all. 1 do not wish to in alt of
any explanation of matters. It Is not neces
sary. It is enough to say that wo had to pay
ouHarge sums on Ills account. "
"Was that all the trouble that the company
"No , prices have ruled very low , for ono
thing , and labor troubles have hurt us. A
great deal ot biislne-ss lias not boon as prolit-
ublo as It should have been to meet our
losses. "
"Will a receiver bo appointed1
"I do not know ; that lias not been deter
mined. "
"Do vou.thlnk the assets of the company
exceed the liabilities ? "
"Yes , tlio company has stood at the head
of those onaaged in making gas fixtures. Its
capital Is 81,200,000.
A Woman Arrested For Murder.
( Uiin.VKii , 111. , Aiiiust23.-MIss Sarah II.
Dndgo was arrested to-night on tlio charge * ot
being the murderess of Babrock , of Cnloago. j
who died yesterday from a mysterious pistol '
shot received at Gardner. Miss Deulgo Is thirtyy y
live years of ago and lives with her mother on
a farm. Babcock frequently visited them , anil
seems to have paid marked attention to the ;
daughter recently. There IB a rumor thai
Babcock hemmed considerable money from ,
one or both of the women. Tlio possessions
of Miss Dodge and her mother io estimated
at STJ.OO'J. Nothini ; of consequence , wan
brought out In thu prollmlnany examination
of Miss Dodge. Piactically nothini ; 1ms bred
been made nubile concerning her connrctlou
thu tragedy , except that she met Babcoclc
at thu depot when ho arrived from Chicago
and is believed to Imvu convoyed him In a
bu gy to Gardner alter ho was wounded.
Took Chloroform and Died.
KKOKUK , la. , August 22. ( Special Tolo-
grain to the BKE. ] Last Sunday ulcht about
U o'clock Charles U. Foster secured a room at
tlio Allison house aud retired. There was
nothing straugo in ills actions but ho did not
arise this morning. At the dinner hour ho
hcd not yet come down and an Investigation
was made which revealed tlio ( act that ho
was dead. A chloroform bottle was lound
by his bed and a towel was grasped in his
hand which had evidently bet-n saturated
with the fluid. Those who know him think
It. was not suicide but an accident as ho la
known to have used the drug on several oc
casions. Ho leaves a wife and nix small
children. Ho was a good musician and
had been training with Heath Jk Mclntyru'a
Will fixohango For Now Hand * .
BOSTON , August 23. The news bureau
says a majority of the Wisconsin Central !
second mortgage bondholders have agreed toi
exchange for securities of the new corpora *
tion. Enough of the now first mort'iri ;
bonds have been sold at par to iissuiu tha
completion of the contemplated Improve- '
ments. Tlio now reorganization was for tha
purpose of securing bonds Unit could bo fiolil
tot.improvements , which , under thciold plan ,
could bn made only out ot Urn net earnings * ]
Thu ollicers of Ilio company hay they now *
see their way clear to pay r > per ouut on the !
now income bonds , ulillo It was Impossible !
to pay on the old 7 percent second mortgage !
night Dairy Market.
ELGIN , 111. , August2i.-With lower prices1'
elsuwhero aud numerous showers ( mites'
jumped 2 cents to-day , but was hold steady aft
a decline , with sellers disposed to hold thelq
goods. Only 8,000 pounds wern sold. OHIV
Hale was at 20 cunts , tlio remainder fit "A ,
Thn Vlnitilo Supply. f
CHICAGO , August S3. The visible supply
of grnm for tlio wcok ending August 20 , as )
compiled by the secretary of tlio Chicago )
board ot trade , is as follows :
Wheat 31.l 08.0a ;
Corn 6.100,0001
Oats 4,4'iiooo : |
Kui ill I , ( MI
Barley 154,000)
and May llnrnnll.
HASTINGS , Minn. . Autjust 33. Two laigo
barns of William Mies and Son were struck
by lightning last night and biirnitd to tha
ground. Twenty Norman horses perished
In thu llamas ami saventv tons of hay wuia
burned. The loss Is $ : ; oooo.
AVentQcr liidloatloiiM.
For Nebraska : Goneially fall weather ,
northerly windsshifting to easteily , hlightl/
warmer In northern portion , stationary tem
teruturo In southern poitlon.
For Iowa : Fair weather , northerly wlmli *
becoming variable , cooler in southeast per
lion , slightly warmer In northwest poitlon. '
For Dakota : Generally ( air we.itliur.
variable wlrulsjbjll ht rise in temperature.
A Short Cashier.
ClIAitl.KiTo.V , S. C. , August 22.-C. E.
Bartlett , cashier of the Suintur National
bank at Stimter , disappeared this morning
and It was subsequently ascertained that ln
had absconded with about t30,0'X ) . The bnulc
has Kusponiled temporarily , but can stuutl
the low.