Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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AdvetllK-tnentB under this head , 10 cents pe
too for tbe first Insertion , 7 cents for each cub
Mquent Insertion , andl.Ua ) line per month
ho advertisement taken for less tnan 25 cents
for tha first Insertion. Seven words wll lb
counted to the Mi ; they must run consecu-
tlrelr and must DO paid In advance. All adver
tisements must bo banded In before 1 : no o'clocc
p. m. , and under no circumstances wllltkeybe
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Partins advertising Inthcio * column iMBaY-
In it the answer * addressed In care of T an
will pieRse nsk for a check to enable them to ret
tnclr none will be delivered xceat
on t > re ontatlon of check. All answers to adv r-
tisements should 1m enclosed In envelopci.
All advertisements In these columns are pub
lished In both morning and evening editions
of'Inn IlP.r. the circulation of which aggrr-
a-ntcs more than 14.X ( papers dally , and Rive *
the advertisers the bcnjflt. not only of the city
circulation of THE llr . but al o of Council
Bluffs , Lincoln and other cities and towns
hroughoiit this part of the west.
> 1,000,000 to loan. Cole , 318 3 Uth.
We loan money on Improved prop
erty for any desired amount at low rates
Of Interest , to run from two to ten years time.
Btotts , Cot It Houston. 1C07',4 Farnam. 960
ONKV To loan at 8 per ( ent. Patterson
Droc. , 1Mb street , op. 1' . O. 328
, TO LOAN at 8 per cent. Llnahan
$ Mahoney , 1809 Varna m. 818
ftFKR CENT Money.
U R. O. Patterson. 1Mb aid KJ9
6(10,000 ' ( to loan on real estate. No rlelajr *
$ ' Harris * Batnpson , 1518 Douglas st. 840
ONEY ' TO LOAN-O. F. Davis Co. , re
M' estate aad loan agents , 1M Far Bam st ,
, to loan in any amount at lowest rate
$600,000 . IL B. Irey. Frenor block. 307
MO/MO To loan on Omaha city property at !
$ per eent U. W. Day , s. e. cor. Ex. Did
TO LOAN On city and farm prop-
crty at low rate * . No delay. Cahn A Wool
ley , 182 Farnam it. 649a27
fVfONEY to loan to parties wishing to bullJ-
J.U. B. B. Campbell , 310 B 10th it. , Chamber of
Commerce. 83
ONKY To loan. Lowest ratei. No delay-
J. L. Rice & Co. , over Oommetclal IrV
tlonal bank. 267
MONKY to loan , oasb on delay.
J. W. and K. L. Bqulrt , 1413 Farnam St.
Pazton hotel building.
ONBY TO LOAN on Improved city property -
erty In sums of SItoo to 15,000 at super
cent Interest. Sholest Crumb. < 45
MONEY TO LOAN on improved real citatet
JU. BO commission charged. Leavltt Burn-
bam , Heom 1 Celghton Block. 8
M ONEY In iiims of f AGO and over to loan at
low rates , Kussell & liarrett , 312 B 18th st.
MONEY TO LOAN-On city property In
sums of WOO and upwards at lowest raffs.
Honey always on hand. B. B. Cunpbell.310
Bontli Birteenth street. 847
flPO 11OAN Money Loaos placed on im-
J. proved real estate In city or county for
Mew KBglaad Loan * Trust Co. , by DOU ) M
County bank. Uth and Chicago its. 849
MONEY LOANED at C. F. heed ft Co. ' Loan
Office , on furniture , pianos , horses.wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. Sit 8. 13th.
over Blngham s Commission store. All bust-
Best strictly confidential. 850
IMfONKY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
J--Lhorics. etc. , low rates. J. J.Wilkinson & Co. .
1824 Farnam , over Burlington ticket oftlce. 487
MONKY TO LOAN-bytho nndersigned , who
has the only properly organized loan
teener In Omaha. Loans of f 10 to J100 made
on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons ,
aachlnarjr , Ac. without removal. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Leant' so
node that any part can bo paid at any tme.each
payment reducing the cost pro rnta. Advances
made on fine watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as mtny new concerns are dally coming
tate existence. . Should you need money call
and see me. W. R. Croft , Boom 4 Vf nhnell
Building 16th and Ilnrney. 651
milB OMAHA Financial Exchange ,
* No.w- c/r.ner.of H mey and Uth its. ,
over Btate National bank.
I * prepared to make short time loans on any
available security.
Loam made on chattels , collateral or real
Long time loans made on Improved real estate
at current rates.
Purchase money mortgage ! negotiate ! .
Bcourcd notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Bhort time loam made on second mortgage ,
according to marginal interact , at collateral
rate ! .
Heal estate t exchaixe for good Interest
bearing paper.
General financial business of all Kindt trans
acted promptly , quietly and fairly.
Money always on hand for approved loaas of
ny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Oorbett Manager. 850
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . I BO *
Farnam itrect Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real estate examined , per-
feoted and guaranteed C7B
j.t SALE A profltaulo drug business with
- good stock in a thriving city of 8,000 pee
ple. Only tour drug stores In the place. Ad-
drcsmsu , Deeolllce Omaha. HTtt-831
WANTED Parties who desire to buy or sell
or exchange stocks of general merchan
dise , dry goods , groceries , boots and shoes ,
hardware , drugs , jewelry Improved or unim
proved town orcity property , Improved er un
proved farms In any port of the United States ,
to address Krause & Foster , 318 S. 16tb it
Omaha. Neb. C66
WANTKD A thoroughly bright and export-
encod man with $1,000 cash or security to
takocnarga of a business now paying $2DOC
per month net. Addrcsi 1136 Bee office.
O Wanted , partner with above amount
In Itvo stock business or as a loan. Wool
pay * all expenses. Cattle and sheep alwayi
under coutroUompetent men. and housed and
fed In winter. No oxponBo for feed. A sure
profit of 60 to 100 per cent. Address B 21 , thli
office. 738 20J
"ClOR BALE Fresh stock of groceries , with
X hones and wagon and everything com
plete ; store will rent cheap ; cause for soiling
other buumess. Apply 15S9 N. 30th it 800 20J
PERSONAL To business men of Omaha , thi
fair and reunion will soon be here , leave
your orders with us for all kinds of help and
wo will flit tt promptly. Omaha Employment
Bureau , 119 N 16tnst. 053 20
ARTIES wishing to dispose of good busl
ness chances at reasonable prices can fine
cash buyers at Mn. Drega * Son's , 316 s 15th.
050 20J
FOR SALE A Brst-class hotel property doini
excellent business. Must sell In slit'
days. For price and terms address II. S. Lilly
real estote dealer. Broken Row , Neb. 311sH
"ITlJAN'IIID-Oiioor two business men wltl
TT capital of $60 to f ISO to take hold of a bus
Inesa that will par from $5 to $20 po
day. Room 4 , Crounse blk , 111) ) N. 10th tt.
OK EXCHANOE-Stock general murchan
disc , about | 4NX ) : stock hardware , abou
$3,81)0. ) Will take Iowa , Kansas or Nobrnsk
land for three fourths : balance half cash , bal
short tlino. H. & K. , boxUOO , Slionamlouh , If
FOR SALE A well ostaollshcd and favorabl
known general store at Itaptd City , D. T
( Illack Hills country ) . Stock about $1S,00 <
suitable and well assorted store making monej
Reasons for selling , death of proprietor. Ai
dress J. R RobertBon , administrator , St Pan
Minn. . or J. L. Spaglo. Rapid City , D. T. 642-S
( Tit KENT-In Albion , Nob. , the largos' '
boit cmtomoil and olden dry goodsstori
can uavo possession on tlio first day In Septnn
bcr. For Information apply to L W. Koberti
the owner. 703 3IJ
plOR SALE Drug store , doing a good busl
Jness. . For particulars cell on W. H. Greet
15 South 13th et. 01 24J
FOR SALE-First-ulBM hotel business 1
Ljons , business $400 per month , goo
rcasousfoi selllug. Addrcu Tbe Logan.
7(0 K
TANTED An opening In a good live Ni
braska town of 1,200 to 4,000 Inhabitant
by H the firm , to open up a first-class stock c
f oneral merchandise. Address with partlculat
II 31 , lloo office. 807 S *
4ToirSAT K-lrug store. . Pee
4- health reason for svlliug. Cheap rent
833 Z2j
FOR SALE First olnfi ro.uursnt , olga
and candy business , best location in tb
city , very cheap , only $500 , Caie of slcknosi
AdJreis II41 Bee office. 6162.
\I7ANTBD-Partner with a few thousand def
f lan -tbo more the better In a good l > a ]
Ing business In Omaha and Lincoln with assui
nee elsewhere In Nebraska ; cMat < | UhPd a yeai
work light , pay sure. Addles * A 60 liee otlci
- , a partner In estab
lished hotel tniMnoM In one of the best
locntloiiBln the city with M rooma , Hare to
enlarge premises to accommodate rapidly In
creasing bus tiers. From IIi W ) to | | , KK > capital
required sure and largo rcturni. This 1 * a
snnn and will bear close Inspection. Address II
14 , lice office. 7&6 23J
FOR THADK-lft.000 stock clothing In good
Nebraska town , for farm without Incuuv
hornncc. Record Advertising CoHl3 l arnam
FOR SALE A first-class meat market m best
location In city. For nearer Information
address n 15 lice office. (13 23J
I > EIBONAL ! The Gate City Employment of.
flee , 3I4H 8 Uth , supplies the best of Scan
dlnavlnn and Oerrnan girls. 939
PKRUONAL Private home for Indies during
confinement , strictly eonfldentlsl. infants
adopted , address K42 , ileeoffice. 107 KCptT
PEHBONAL-Frnd for your sewing machine
needles , oil and repairs to tbe Elnger
Man'fg Co , 1618 Douglas st. Omaha. 4Ca att
. - . Dt Nannie T. .
clairvoyant. Medical aid business Modlu
OB Ne. I Bl North 10t > st .Omaha. Nek
flVKaoiIarsTe-tard. Strayed or
tolcn from rear of 111 N 17th st , a large
roan home , about 17 bands high , weighing be
tween IJDOond 1,400 pounds , redlBb brrrwn
mane and tall , hind ankle somewhat swollen-
128 will be paid for return of animal to owners ,
at 110 8 14th st.nnd If stolen the sheriff of Doug
las Co. will pay a reward of $50 for the arrest
and conviction of the thle * . 68
rTIAKEN IJP-Came to the rssldenco of the
-L sub'crlbor In Union precinct , Douglas
county , about first of Julv , a red heifer wklto
on under Hide of body , part of one horn broken
eupposed to be 3 years old , owner Is requeitod
to prove property , pay charges or slio will be
disposed of Recording to law. Simon Uorts ,
Irvlngton. Neb. 30. 8,1.1. 20. 27
TV/TRf. / HATFIEM ) , Trance business medium.
lu. The past present and future revealed , sick
healed , lost found , homes madu nippy , sittings
dally at 421 8. llth St. 457 27J
MRS. DHRANT CInrlvoyant from tloston Is
reliable in all affairs of life , unites sepa
rated lovers. 322 n IBth 1. Hfiicpt 3J
THIRST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th n.
FlrM-cltBS storage for Bice fur
niture or boxed goods , at 1613 Dodge-it
/1ESSPOOI S , sinks and vaults cleaned , oJor-
\J less process. K. Ewlng , box427 , city.76S20J
STRINURR&CO. , 1518Dodge St. , can mane
25 to 30 per cent for any ono who will
build cottages in South Omaha. Have 2
splendid lots for sale at 1600 each , worth 1060.
DON'T miss this opportunity , furniture and
lease of 9 rooms , house J blocks west of P.
O. , at your own price. H. E. Cole , 316S. 1Mb.
| 680 gQJ
TADIKS can have lesson J In scientific dreis
-t- < cutting free of charge for fifteen dayi at
Dress Cutting school , InU Howard st , M floor.
Visitors alwayi welcome. 834 30J
mOEXCHANOR , buy or soil property. Call
JL on Stevens llroB. . 1513 Iarnam Btroct. Wo
have a large list of farms , city property , nnJ
stocks of goods of all kinds for sale or ex
change. List your pioporty with us. 73022
LIST your rooms and houses with the Record
Advertising Co , Iiil3 Farnam et , and wo
will rout tbom sooner than any one else , us we
nre well known all ever the city. CM
PERFORATED stamping patterns made to or
der and all the latest designs for sale nt
* Mrs. J. W. Morrison , 1603 Davenport st , 45tsl2
EAbTRRN Nebraska farms to exchange for
Omaha property. 1012 FarnaM. 643
TO EXCHANOK-1'or cattle , I have 00 and
forty actos of peed western land to trade
for cattle , ana a good housa and lot near the
capital will exchaniro for cattle , Addios ? K. U.
Bryan. Ashland , Nob. 4TO
TO TRADE-For cattle or groceries 410 acres
school land In Hamilton county.Nobranka ,
equity , $1,640. Holdon It Maaon , Central City ,
Nob. 76126J
OMAHA LOTS To exchange lor cattlo. Pat
terson A Moore , 1012 Farnam. 347
HIE Gate City Employment office , 314 ; > 8.
16th street Orders for all kinds of help
sollcted. D29
AONETIC Healing Modlums iira all kinds
ot sickness In connection with clairvoy
ance of the pait , present and future. J. H ,
Pageler , North State it , mile west of fair
grounds. P. O. box ( M. 610 a26J
TT1OK KB NT Square Piano ( it montalr. A
J espe.leiapouglat. ( mi
T7IORKENT Organs , $2 per month. Hospe.
1 ? lil3Dou | M. Ml
OL C.-House furnishing goodi , all kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices at J.
Donner , 1311 Douglas st M3
F I OB RENT Hquare Jflano , f Bonthlv.
Rospe. 1113 DouKlas. 681
FOR SALR-At a bargain , a 6-rooia house
with closets and pantry , etc. , lot 25 feet
east front , 6 blocks south of court house. Ad
dress Y 30 , lloo oHIca. 020a30 *
ICf OR SALE Furniture , good will and lease of
-C the best paying small hotel In Omana.
Constantly full of first-class boarders. Price
$1,600. Investigate this. J. F , Hammond , 117
B. IHth. 7H'J
FOR SALE Car of goodsaddlo ponies. In
quire nt } ard oflice , stock yards. 4S7 20
T OR BALK Your choice of the best lines of
J. buggies , carrtagci , phaetons , Rurroys , de
livery wagons , open and top one flu * hunting
wagon. Call and look through or Bend tor cuts
and price to Columbus Quggy Co. , 11U Harney
239 aJO
T71OK SALE Cheap , lease and furniture of
-U good boarding house , 25 boarders , 3 blocks
from postofDce. 20 N 16th Bt , room 9. 778 20
BALE Trotting stallion Lament , b y
Mammont ( sire of Lewis K , 2:23. : and bjy
Montgomery. 2:25 : } { . ) Standard bred filly bj
Wuvoland Chief , trial 2:23 : , sire of Otaf , 2:22)4 : ) ,
benylto , 2:29J : ! , Jouan , trial , 2:20 : , and others.
Geo. D. Barton , Perry , la. 884 20
TpOKSALE-Cueap , fixtures and tools of meat
-D market doing s. cash business , also horse
and delivery wagon , n good chnnco for rlitht
parties. J. J. Bkinnor , 1J10 Harnoy it. . Omaha ,
204 SS
FOR SALE Horse and wagon cheap. Apply
115 N 10th St. 769 24
FOR BALE A black mare. Inquire of Mn.
Simpson , 4229 Nelson et , Walnut Hill.
794 25J
WANTED 2 second hand barber chairs ;
also 1 barber. Address B 42 Bee office.
815 25J
"C1OK BALK-Furnlture of Brooms with privi-
-E lego of loat.e of bouse , 707 8. Uth St
rplIlrlTY-iOUK squares of sheet steel roofing
-L for sale cheap. C. W. & G. B. Uhompsen ,
314 B. 15th St. 234
" | J < OK8ALK-aras3 , 43 acres uear the stock
JL yards. McCague , Omaha. 748 24
T71OK SALE Furniture of a 5 room house ,
-L. ' and houbO for rent. Inquire 1516 Jonn
Btrect. 740 24j
W ANTRD Mannnd wife on farm and one
for private family , Canadian llmploy-
ment olllce , nid a. 16th. Telephone B84. WL.IJ l
W ANTED A flrst class bread and cnk
baker , none others neeJ apply. At 240 !
Cumlng It , 8oS23J
WANTED A man to sell organs and sewing
machines In western Iowa- Address Loci
1)0x14Woodbine , la. 6J4 23
WANTED-Man to take the agency of oui
safes ; size 28x18x18 Inches ; weight fXX
Ibs. ; retu.ll price | 35 ; other slzeiIn proportion ,
A rare chance to orento n permanent buslnesi
at home. These safes moot a demand nevei
before supplied by other safe companies , ni
wo are not governed by the Safe Pool. Almni
Bafo Co. . Cincinnati , O. 69131J
\X7ANTr.n-Mon for railroad work In Cole
' rado , wapoi for teamsters $ JO per month
and board. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Far
nam. 787
WANTED-Oood office boy. Co-operatlv <
Land and Lot Co , 205 N ISth st : 7 20
w 1 ANTKU Flrst class bread bakor. Itoa Cum
Ing U 781 3JJ
WANTED At once , two good tailors at tbi
Globe Clothing 4 Merchant Tailoring
Home , So Omaha. 75 * 201
\\T ANTED 1 land brick moulder. Call on 01
1 T addreii Fremont Contlnous Kiln Co. . Fremont
mont , Nob- 72620
\I-ANTKL-dO men for 'Wyoming , worku
* near Rock Springs. Uooru'l btoploymenl
agency , 801 South Wit it , ' W 20J
\X7AJ < T D-Men for Wvom > ng ; areed wage * .
TT Aurrlgafi Labor Agonoy.1itfFatnara.477
ANTRD.-Man cook at onoe at 1007 Varn-
a St ,
W'ANTRD-riHck masons on N. T. Life In
surance Co'i llMlldlng , cor 17th ant * Far-
nan. Wages Wo per hour. Norcrosi Ilros.
82d M
WANTF.DShovclers cor S2d and Leaven *
worth sts , and teams cor tOth and Man-
derson ave , near Inlr giounds. H. Hull
_ 832 gpj
AV ANTED Capable and reliable agents to
TV canvas Omaha and vicinity on Ren :
Forley Poore's famous book , " 1'orloy's Komln-
Iscencei , " also "Bamantha at Saratoga" by Jo-
slah Allen's wife. A remarkable opportunity Is
offered to agents who are reliable and energet
ic. , Full particulars on application. Address
wit h details of experience Huhbard nrothcm ,
Kansas City , Mo. 71730
ANTED-Uoy , Uee mall room. Apply be
tween 9 ami 11 a. m. 822.
WANTED- Active men to Bell goods at the
fairs. 314'jS. 18th it. Booms. 818
VVANTKD-4 Herman boyi to
carry papers ,
V > A27-M9& 12th , upstairs. Otis
Xl ANTED Voung to middle-aged men of
v ? liuBlneBS ability , good sHlnry , room 16 ,
nushmim block. J. M. French & Co. R83 24
WANTKD Agents In every town of Ne
braska for our $10 World Typewriter. J.
Ipeck. sole agent Nebraska and llakota , Un-
om , Neb. TM 24j
W IANTED-Men tor railroad work. Al
bright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam.
WANTr.D-Tlmicrs and cornice men at
once. Tbco. Huetto & Son , Fremont ,
Nob. 765 24J
WANTED-A1I those wishing helper situa
tions PS a Mstant bookkeepers , genornl
me * clerk * , collectors , watchmen , jnnltnrs ,
lorters. coachmen , teamsters , onglnceis , lire-
nen. farmers , bartenders , etc. , apply to the
'luiunl ' Esuployment agency , it4 8.10th Bt. UD-
talrs. I-3182J
WANTR1) Salesmen , a now Invention
needed In ovcryIKMISC-TOO ; percent com
mission or a good salary to right parties. Ad-
Trees with stnmp for terms the Weaver Manu-
'acturer ' , 34 N State St. , Chicago , IlL 734 > 1
WANTED Cook and dining room girl for
same hotel at Hardy , Neb. ; two laund
resses. 4 Klrls for families of 3 ; 0 girls for
housework In neighboring towns ; 25 girls for
housework m city ; 2 second girls , kitchen
'iclpen ; U irirls to mind children ; 12 dining
oem girls. Mrs. flrega & Son , 316 S. Ifith St ,
Telephone 884. 851-22 *
W ANTED-Oirl about 14 to assist with
house work. 112 N 28th HI. ) 20j
A pantry girl for R hotel In the
city. Mutual Employment Agency , 214
Eouth IGtu St. , up-stalrs. 792 20j
WANTED- for dish washing. Pacific
restaurant , 1013 Barney st 701 20J
W ANTED-Glrlto do general housoword at
815 8 18th It 80J20 *
W ANTF.D-2 Swedish girls at boarding house
2031 078 20j
W Girl to work In kitchen Kmmot
houso. 728 20
VfTANTED ( lood general cook and second
TV girl , reference roiiuircd. Apply 1911 Far
nam st , 673 20j
"llfANTED Oood girl for house work , 440
TT Convent street 702sOJ
WANTED Girls at Wilklo'B paper box fac
tory , 1405 Douglas st 774 2IIJ
W ANTE D-Eldorly lady to take care Omonths
old baby. Wages $ ! per week. Mrs.
Sclby , 2541 Daon port t > 73 !
W ANTED A peed girl at the St.Jamcs hotel
opp. U. P. depot. 88S22'
\\TANTED A good gill for general house
Tf work , Ilotiomlaii preferred. 618S 17th st.
WANTED-Onod pill at 20 2 California , only
threejln family. 817 S2J
\ v'ANTED A good girl for ircncral houpe-
work. Call at Ml. ) Cnlll'ornla Ft. 828 2J
W ANTED 'Jood strong woman to do house
work at 70B North 16tli et 678 2JJ
WANTED Girls to pack crackers. Apply
to Jos. Garncau Ciackor Co. 83U2.'j
WANTED air ) for general housework , two
In family ; must be competent ; also
woman to ire on farm ranch ; must bo good
cook. Mrs. Albert D. Morse , 2628 Harnov st.
MO 22
W I ANTED-A first-class nurse plrl. 2210
Webster. 663 23 *
WANTED Button-holo makers , 1112 Far-
nam. (2122j
W ANTED A peed seamstress. S w cor
16th and Jackson. 704
WANTKD An experienced housekeeper ,
white woman preferred. Apply between
6 and 6 p. in. , 101 N 9th Bt , Lulu Hrgorg. 131
WANTED Good girl to doponeral house
work. Apply u w cor. California and
20th. ' 782
WANTED Place for bright boy of 13 whore
he can work for his board nlghti nnd
mornings. Inquire of Mrs. Irogn& ) Soni)16 ) S.
15th. Telephone 884. E52-22 *
WANTI'.D Situation as nss't bookkeeper ,
references furnished , address answer ,
II 27 lice office. 742 20 ]
W ANTED Position ns second girl , good ref-
crencps. 1310 Calltornla. B--9 20J
' \X7'ANTED--A permanent situation of any
T > kind by an energotla younir man , under
stands bookkeeping and speaks the Entrllsli
and Scandinavian luiiKUiiges. Inferences. Ad
dress II 31 , lleo office. 7cO 20J
WANTKD An experienced cashier and
bookkeeper wants situation. Best of city
references. Address B 21 , Uco olllco. ai 20J
WANTED-SowIng In private families by a
young lady with good loforonoos. Ad
dress II 25 , Iteo office , 033 20 *
W'ANTED A position as copvin In an Ollico ,
can also typo write. Audrosg H. K. II. ,
General delivery , city. ' 622 20J
\I7ANTED-lly a lady , situation as book-
it keeper of light sot of books or as assist
ant bookkeeper. Thorough Knowledge of both
single and double entry. Oood reference * * D. L ,
1605 Farnam. 775 22j
WANTED-Bltuatlon in private family by
smart young Irishman ; is thoroughly
acqumtcd with handling horses , tondlng lawns ,
etc. . and capable of making himself generally
useful. ( No office foo. ) Mrs. llroga * Son , 316
Bo 15th. I 70-22J
WANTED-Drug clerk. Good situation for
competent man that tipoakt ( lermau.
Apply to Blake , Bruce & Co. H71-22
WANTKD Situation by a lady of three
years experience In stenographic and
general office work. Export taligraph opera
tor. First-class references. Address box IS ,
Sedalla.Mo. 857.22 *
WANTED-Sltuatlon to take euro of horsui
with private family ; best reference ! ; B
35. Bee oflice. 7U9 S2J
WANTED By a steady , sober youutr Gor
man , n position as coachman or gardener ,
can Klve good relerencos. AUdicss It 46 , Boo
office. 847 22J
ANTr.D-Po ! tlon as clothlnif salesman by
ml-fdlo aired man. have had long experi
ence , city reference , address K 43 Bee office.
842 20J
WANTKD Situations for engineers , fire
man , collectors , assistant bookkeepers ,
general office clerks , watchmen , porters , jani
tors , coachmen , toamiters. and generally use
ful men , supplied free of chartto nt the Mutual
Employment agency , 214 S. Itlth it , upstairs.
WANTKD Situation as bookkeeper , clerk
and general writing. Male nnd female.
Beit of references , tttcord Advertising Co ,
1513 Farnam et. 664
\\7ANTED-Ayoungman of aoout the airc
TT of 18 or 19. who would like to learn the
photograph business. Apply at Grand Central
Ualery,2l7 ) North IMh st 5.VJ
\\7ANTED--Sltuatlon ns drug clerk , rogls-
TT torcd In the state of Nebraska , spcaki
Gorman and English , Address II 33 , line office.
7VI 22J
WANTED-Sltuntlon by lady , pastry or mraf
cook , $40 per month. Address or ml ) 2791
Hurt st. 7272J *
WANTED Position by young lady who Is
experienced postoffice clerk , as stcnog >
raphor , copyist or other officowork : licit ref
orencei furnished. Address H. 8. , 619 N. lOih.
594 23J
ANTED To rent small homo beptlsl
with city water and gas In good localitj
within H mile ol P O. Reference given. Address
dross Bee 29 Bee office. 763 go *
WANTED-Becond-hand blcrcle. flfty-twc
Inch , state how long used , Kind , terms ,
Address B 30 , Bee office. 785 20J
WANTED-Nlcoly furnlphod room wltl
board In private family , ten minutes
walk from I' . U tate price. Addreti B 89. tali
- for dining room nd
W kitchen. Addren D37 , Bee ofllce. tO
WANTKD A good second hand ono horse
lumbar wagon , 8 lath Bt. planing in 111 ,
bin 20 J
WANTED.- Single gpnilrman expecting to
rcmnln hero a few works desires room and
bnlrd 1C nice Jewish family. Address B. 43 this
office. 87V-22 *
\\TANTKD-To rent'for , tlio winter ft fur-
* ' nlslied hou o,8io8 roomljor4 or 6 fur
nished rooms suitable for light housekeeping ;
must be dcslrnblo locttlon. Can furnish any
reference desired. Address 11 Mlllard hotel.
Al'ANTBD-Tholadlei nf Omaha to know
that orders forhelonrp promptly filled at
ho date City Employment'Office , 3M > ( 8 16th
- furnished and unfurnished
nished rooms listed with us. Itecord
.dvertlslng Co , 1613 rarnam Bt. 068
\ \ ' ANTED -A creamery and canning fac-
' > lory. Will assist the rljtht parties. Ad
dress Bank of V alley. Valley , Nob. 270s
It ; ANTED To rent , or 7'room houcc , near
" oar lino. Address , 2204 Farnam ft. J. 1) .
Dlanchard. 790 25
A gram dealer to locate at this
plnco. Dent grain region in Nebraska.
Address Uanl < of Vailey , Viuley. Nob. 270 9
W ANTKO-A few bourdors at 1720 Dodge st
Hefircnces requested. 703
WANTED-A harneM maker to open a shop
ncre. Address Bank of Vnlley , Valley ,
Neb. 270-1-9
ANTED Factories of nil kinds. Address
Hank of Valley , Valley , Neb. 270a9
WANTED To lease for a term of years a
building for Unlit munufacturliiR pur
poses , about 6txf ! > 8 , three stories and basement
Address A 35 , Dee office. 2M 23
AI/ANTKD-f2,500 for one year , Have Im-
V proved property in Oiniitm tout pays 10
er cent on n $45XX ( ) valuation , that Is Incura-
iercd for $10,000. Will give svcond mortgage
s collateral. Address stating Interest ru-
Ulrcd. AS , BieotDce. 080 '
l7ANTED-Puill | In Engllsn branches
and music , 11 , w. corner Ifth and Farnam.
ll't sl
WANTED A store , or will buy out a good
confectionery , cigar and tobucco stand ,
must be In good location. Address 211 South
12th st , Omaha. KM20J
WANTKD To trndo , U section NobrnsKa
land for trade for Omnhn property. Ad-
TOPS W. N. T. , B. E. Cor. Uurdott and 2 < tth Me
513 20J
F I OK KKNT Store , good location , 20th and
Clark Bts. Inquire 1813 Clark St. 4K ) 20J
FOR I1EKT One lot near reunion grounds
with privilege of nine acres , about ono
block from main camp. Call se cor llth & Cnnltol
100 ) J
OK KENT fl-room cottage on B. IGth street ,
opposite old Browncll Hall. Inquire A. C.
Powell. 1505 Farnam. C81 29 ]
FOK RKNT-2211 Douglas st , line now tun
room brlok dwellinir with all modern con
veniences. Apply to W. F. Clark , 408 N 18th st
M7 30
TTlOfl RENT Wo have it number of 8 room
-I ? houses with water hot nnd cold water bath
and your lent reasonable. lienawa&Oo. 15th
Bt opposite P.O. 877-3 ; ! .
Jr < OIl UKNT Desirable t-ronm oottaire ; hot
' and cold water , bath room , etc. Inquire
on promlBes , No. 8431'arK.uve , or room 4 army
hcadquartera. ) 809-22 *
F'Olt KKNT 10 room house , 155 pormonth ,
furnlturofor Bale choup. 1(1 ( room house ,
(85 , furniture at a bargain. Two 8 room houses ,
furniture for sale. 10 rdotn IIOIIRC. $70 per
month , furniture forxnle. 7 room houso. 130
per month , furniture SIS' ) cash. Groom house ,
J10 per month , furnltuio (4UO. U mom Hat , $7i > ,
lurnlturo $1,000. 'I Ills Is'a ' bargain. Must be
sold at once. - " room house , $100 per month ,
nvo year's Ica'-o , furniture Sl.flOO. 18 room
hU n. ( iu. furniture for , ale , H.'iOO. Kestnu-
rant tor rent , doing a laiiio business. FIzturcB
for pale. Hotel , JrtTorKon , Croen Co , Iowa ,
$10,0(0. ( 2 boanllni ; houses In Kansas Cltr. U
room lint , inth and Webster street , vacant ; 4
unfurnished rooms. Co-operative Land & Lot
Co. , = 05 North Wh st. t02 23
TC1OH HENT-U room cottage , 1'Jl'J ' Nicholas st
"ITOH ItnNT 0 room house almost now , with
-1 pooil barn , well and cistern , : i blocks south
from s w corner of Hunscom Park. John II.
Hedge , ll y.'J
F OK KENT Snow window and 35 fcot shelf
room In 303 North IBth. 572
B1OK KENT 7room houso. peed locution ,
stable and yard. Apply 1012 Farnam. ! M6
FOR KENT Good office , ground floor , fine
location. Apply to Llurkbon tc Ueatty , 219
B 14th Bt 771
TjlOK KENT Store room , onn bloefe from
X ? postofllco. Inquire of Theodore Williams ,
at Bee ollicc. 735
FOK KENT Throe 0) ) new houses , situated
on King and Corfman streets , In A. S. Pa
trick's add. Inquire nt Koora 2 , Arlington
block. Patrick tiros. 423 26
FOK KENT 5 elegant brick store rooms on
Park a\enue , opposite park. Will bo com
pleted In 3C days. Apply on the premises from
D to 12 a.m. A. H. I itch. 979
FOR KENT A now 8-room lion so.closetpetc. ,
(2(1 ( per month. Inriutro European Hotel ,
Bfi Foutli lOtli St. 804 23j
FOK RnNr-6-room hoiiso , 1113 Davenport ,
f.10 per mouth. 1'urnlturo for sale on
monthly payments , cheap. Co-oporallvo Land
and Lot Co , 205 N 16th st. 704 22
TJ1OK SALE le taurant doing a peed liusl-
-l-1 nc ° 4 , 411 boarders ; in a Rood location , good
reason for selling. Inquhol013 Homey.
846 2tj
fjlOK KENT Elegant brlek residence , 10
X ? rooms , modern conveniences. Inquire
Morse & llrunnor , 1605 Farnum St. OM
FOK KENT 5 brick tits of 6 rooms each on
Park avenue , opp. park. Will bo complet
ed InlXlilays. With modern coiuenlences. Ap
ply on the promises from 9 to 12 a.m. A. A.
Fitch. 512
FOK KENT Two large now stores apd two
flats of live rooms each. City water and gas.
On Saunders st. C. W. Cain. 2S10 Ohio st. 8U
F"oit RENT New store amMlving rooms on
Cumlng st near Saundcrs et Apply Har
ris Kill Kstate & Loan Co. , 320 S. 15th st. 8S9
F > OK KENT Harn suitable tor four horses.
Inquire at 617 8 13th St. 611
TJJIOK RUNT New 10-room house ; all 1m-
-C iirovoments , steam lieat. C. W. & ( I. E.
Thompson , 314 S. 16tb st 1000
FOK KENT Office space on ground floor at
1500 I'urnam. Apply in rear office , J. S.
Richardson- 602 a'W
C HOICK Lol for Lease. Southeast corner
48x8Vi Lcavenworth and Patk ava.or will
build to suit tenant Hobble tiros. 35'J
TJ1OK KENT-Nlcely furnished rooms from | 6
X ? to $20 pot month piano included. Modern
Improvements. B. W. earner of 20th and Web
ster. H1U-23 *
F iOK ( Itr.NT Furnished rooms , $8 to (14. 1-00
Fouth22d. 280 20J
FOR KENT plea nntfuriilshed room , board
If desired. Address D-40 lloo olllro. 812 ! MJ
FOR KENT FurnlBhed hod room with use of
sitting room. 301N 1 itti st. 827 20J
OH HCNT-Furnlshedroom-'OM , Hnrnoyffi
J 25U 201
F KI'.Nf Furniehcul rooma at 6K > 8 Ibth Bt
003 20 *
FOK HUNT -Kletfant furnished front parlor ,
with lied room ndjomlni ? and luth , all
modern Improvements. , . i'lOJ St. Mary'i nve.
711 * AI
F ull KKNT Furnlsbod1' rooms , cheap. 161'J
Chicago. . Ui ) 20 *
F01I KiNT-Koomnnd6mco8lnolloitv : h it
tiulldlnir. inquiro310 : 18 ICth , Chamber o
Comrocrco. , 705 20J
_ _
FOK KKNT 2 furnished rooms one $10 and
( .1) ) per month , 1021 1 urnain. 737 20j
FOK HKNT-rieneant furnished rooms slncli
or nn sulto , Bultablo tor two or four uon-
tlemen.ull modern eonvenlcnco , terms moderate
ate to permanent parties , references required
1918 Dodge St. 885 2.'J
FOK RENT-Furnlsbod rooms , 310 N. IBth it.
887 22J
I OR KENT To gentlemen , nicely furnished
J1 room , first floor , nuw house on Mi.son st ,
between Uth and 18tb. References required.
FOK HKNT-Nicely furnished room , (118 ( S.
17th st 20.1
OK KKNT-Nlcely furulshed rooms In all
parts of the city from C > to $40 per month.
Itecord Adertl.lng Co , 1513 Farnain st. tw
T71OK RENT The largest store room In town.
-L' Inquire at the Argus office , Albion. Nob.
4 loop 13'
FOR RKNT Klegantly furnished rooms sin
floor ensulte , with use of bath ; electrU
bells la erery room. First class restaurant at
tached , at NorrUEunpeuR hotel , corner loth
Tf OH BENT Blegaottr furnished parlor , all
JC oOnroilenccl. near builnew , prlrato fam *
lly. 16 Cajltal ave. _ < I4 J
OR RBRT LarRe front parlor with oar
window , and alcore , also other rooms with
modern conveniences at 1W1 Farnam it , one
bloc. ; west of court house. EH
TTKIK HRNTrA nicely furnished room at 2511
JD 8U Mary'i ' are. , 421
-I ha\e had plfieed In HIT
hands for snlo twenty acres , about three
miles west of the court house , on the M. P , rr ,
Just opposite the crossing- the O. A N. W.
ry. , nil level f round , covered with a beautiful
Krowth of shade tree * . Admirably adapted for
a mimitfacturlnir slto. Can offer this at ft/riires /
that will make It n splendid investment If taken
quick. Oco. N. Hicks. 21n 8. iStk St. 620 20
FOR RENT A nice , large front room , fur
nished excellent , lovely location , moclprm
oonvonlenccs , on street car line , 11)17 ) Cass it.
AVER V cheap lot for $700 In M > ers , Rich
ards it 1 lldon's add. , cloff to Rrdford
I'laco. Htrlnger * Co. , IMSDodicest. IW20
FOK SAL.R At n bargain , section I , township
1C , range 11 , In Howard county , this state.
Bplondld loll , can plow at least four-fltthst
seven miles from Klb , station , and about same
distance from B. V M. station. Price f 10 per
acre : N cash , balance , t,2 and 3 years. Also
640 acres of need land tielnar section 2& , town
ship 111 , range 9 west. This land U situated In
Howard county , this stnto. close to the U. P. ,
nnd new station on tbo 11. & M. branch. Can
plow at least three-fourths , bullanco excellent
pMturago. No hotter soil In the state , a rock
bottom creek runs across the extreme south *
west corner. Splendidly adapted for general
farming or stock purposes. Price f9 per acre ;
K or innro cash , bnlnncn long time. The corn
crop and grain growth thl frasou In the vicin
ity WHS never bet'er. and Is the best advertise
ment of Its soil. Address Oco. N. Hicks , 215
youth 16th Bt. 520 20
J'LACR-I can offer for n
few dayi three beautiful south front lots
on Puppleton avenue In Hanscom Placo. Pop-
plcton avenue Is now being graded , and these
lots will bo just rlgbt for grade ; water and gas
already on street : a perfect grade : two lines of
Btrnot cars. A beautiful pirk and a splendid
neighborhood nil combine to make this nn ele
gant site for n cosy homo. Price only (2.700 ;
7W cash , balance on long time. Cleo. N.
Hicks. 21' . S. litli ! St. 62020
A GOOD lot for $2.V ) , where lots no bettor arc
elllnpfor $376 and firo. A splendid lot
to build on ; lies high Btringer It Co. , 1618
Dodge St. KM 20
F ° K KKNT-Onice , 1012 Farnam st.
FOR RUNT Two neatly furnished rooms ,
very desirable location , private family.
Also room for two or three nice tnbk < boarders.
8. B. corner Twentieth and Farnam. 41 ! ) o2j *
K RENT-Furnished room 18in Dodge st.
962 sept 6
THOU HRNT-3 or 0 unfutnlshod rooms , mit-
JC ? abioforhousnkeoplnir. 7111'aclflo Ht 855
T710II KENT-3 unfurnished rooms suitable
-L' forhousckooplnir , s e cor 20th and Nicholas
st. (12.50 a month. 8r > 5
> OH HENT-Nlcely lurnlshed front room ,
also suite , bath , gas , water , etc. 2.11'J ' Doug-
lasst. . CtU23
"EftOIt KENT 4 unfurnlsned rooms suitable
J for housekeeping. 4-l ! South l th St. CVi
FOK KENT-For gentlemen. Nicely fur
nished rooms with modern conveniences ,
2212 Farnam it 243
"ffiOH UKNT A nice lariro front room , all
-L modern Improvements wnd nicely furnished
601 8 20th St. 218
TOOK BALK One of the most prominent
J ? corners in the business portion of the
city. F. 11. Keunqrd.llMlU S Itnh st. 308
FOR HUNT Furnished rooms In nruenlg
block , cor lltth and Dodge. Davis & Mother-
Ington , Mlllard hotel blllnrd room. 83
OK HUNT Furnished roams 1615 Dodgo.
F Odl
T71OH lir.NT-LarirB front room furnished for
JP ( rcntlainon , irioimd floor ; maple trees ;
gias ; pavement ; street cars every five mln-
utoH. N)9 ) Howard st. Also room" furnished
and unfurnished for lleht housekecplnpr. ! > 2S
FOK KENT Furnished front rtom. near car
line at corner of Dodge and 24th streets.
Inquire of A. H. ComstocK 152.1 arnam st.
i3 !
_ _ _
TT > OH ItnNT Unfurnished parlor and bed
TTX1 room at S HcurCOth and Chicago. 770
FOK HUNT A lattfe front alcove room , 1707
Dodge st. 708
FOK HUNT Furnished loom very cheap ,
1K-0 Farnnm. 78S
KENT Furnlshel rooms with or wlth-
out board. flOllN. 17th bt 7711 2" > J
OK KENT-Furnlsbod room , 1V15 Farnam
Bt. 747
| 7KK KKNT VurniBhed rooms m nreunigblk ,
JP cor 13th and Dodeo st. Imiulro of Davis &
Hetherlngton , Mlllard Hotel Milliard room. 291
F I OK KENT Elegant suite of rooms , refaren-
cos required , 1K07 Douglas Bt 1U7
"C OK KENT Desirable furnished room for
JL' gentleman at 8J9 Howard Bt 5 = 5)
FOB KENT A largo front room In now
house bath , and latest modern Improve
ments. 1618 Webster street 122
FOK HUNT 3 or 4 nicely furnished rooms
suitable for 2 or 4 gentlemen , 413 N. 16th
Bt. 810 22
FOR KENT Newly turnlshcd rooms , from
flOto ( K ) , north Eltlo Loavcnworth , between -
twoen 17th and 18th. MO 2fl ]
F 1011 RUNT Largo pleasant room' , shady
lawn , 1505 Capitol avo. 8 ) 2j )
TT10K KENT Newly nnd elegantly furnished
-L rooms for rent , single or en-BUito. at 2205
Douglas. b4 ! 2dj
FORKENT-Wareroom ror. Uth and Call-
tfornta on Belt Line , tor particulars en-
qulro at Union Nat , bank. 183
FOK HUNT Furnlsticd looms , 1707 Cass.
Tf\OK \ KENT Newly furnished room , board if
X ? desired , 1720 Dodge St. 704 :
KENT Suite of furnished rooms for
gentlemen. A. Hospo , Jr. , 3l > N. 17th.
V.K KENT-Nlcely furnlshoa looms , to gen-
tlemcn only , 2JO N. 16th St. . Room 8. 948
T/1OK KP.NT Furnished rooms , on suite , in
-E private family , modern conveniences.
Apply to Leslie & Leslie , 16th and Dodge BIS.
FOK lU'.NT Two elegantly furnished rooms ,
1708 Douglas street. Ot > 8 21J
F I OK KHNT A newly furnished room. 20.J5
Farnam st. OSli : il
F CHf KKNT 2 elegantly furnished rooms
with board. Inquire at 1014 Farnam st
67J 24 *
FOR RENT Nicely furnUhea room , 1921
Dodge it 191
T IbP your property for i lo with Charles C
U Spotswood. 305i ! BlfltliBt. 64 !
\\fKCan sn ror a tow dayi only
T T Lot lOtl GIse'K addition for (6,4)1.
lo 171 Glse' * addition , 8,3M.
Block 1 Boyd'S addition , 3,500.
One-third cash , balance 1,2 and 3 years.
Remington & McConnlck , 220 South 15th st
Ij ORBALE Corner lot on Virginia ave with
J1 two good houses , cheap at t',000. Termi
easy. Ho.ises rent for (70 per month. 8.8 ,
Campbell , 310 S. lOtu st Chamber of Com-
mcrce. 2TO
FOK 8ALE-Or trade , 25 lots in the western
part of Omaha near the Benson c.xr line ,
price f 400 each , Si'iO due on contracts payable
in 8 quarterly payments * will trade Interest In
contracts for Nebraska lan'l. McCulloch .V Co. ,
160U Farnam bt 10X )
FOK 8ALK or Trade My Swan Lake prop
erty In Holt county , Nub. Will make ar
excellent summer resort or stock ranch. Lukt
fed ny sprlngH , water clenr as crystal nnd f ul
of flsti. Kino grouse , duck and goose shooting
602 acres land completely surrounding the lake
Three cottages on the pluco. A. II. Noldlg
Granlto block , Omaha. 519
1 1ST yourproporty for pnlo with Charles C
J Spotswood. 305JJ S l th Bt , 1112
OOD Nebraska farms to trade for Oinnhi
real citatu : also , farms to soil on loiu
time. Ono with n ecction , good Improvements
20 year lou.o , for f 1,00) ) . Or will soil for f 10 pin
aeroand girodocd. Rccoid Advertising Co
IMJFarnainnt. O
F OK 8ALT.-9 room house luCatalpa I'laco. i
blocks from street car : lot 42 x1(10 ( , Boutt
side on alloy ; hard and soft water. Price $ " > ,
000 ; $500 cash , bal. $50 per month. Also houBt
of l ) rooms for $ J,5UJ. J. F. Hammond , 117 8
16th. 688
GUARDIAN BALK-.Martha M. Uh will eel
at public auction at the north door of tin
courthouse , at 10 o'clock a. m. , September3
an acre of ground , eor of 20th and Locust Bts
adjoining Kounuo Placo. 67'J s 3
IjlOK HALU Lot In South Omahu near busl
-L neaj oonter with one hou'.e of l-i rooms
and ono house of 3 rooms renting for 140 poi
month , n bargain at $4,000 , Sl.OuO case , bal 1
2and 3 years , Chas. K. YVoolToy. 418 8 15th et.
Omaha , Neb. 64830
IPOIt BALK- House and lot on Saiuiders Bt.
J , north of Lake , owner oan't meet pay in endue
duo on tame , and wo- are Instructed to sell thi
property before Au unt 2.5 for$2,800. Morten
IBPLRNDID lot In Walnut Hill for 1700.
Strluter A Co. , 1613 Uedge st. K)020 )
TIO-KXCHAN(1R ( For Omaha property , ono
or mere lections of good Nebraska land.
Chas. R. Woolley , 418 South 15th st , Onmha , Neb.
643 JO
FOR SALE or trade , Iot2. blk IS , Improve
ment Ass. add , KJxIui , Has house 4 rooms
nndkltrhon , runtod to good tenant , Apply to
Charles C1. Spotswood , 305H H 18th. 730
rpo rxcnmige for uulncumborcd land or farm
JL In IOWA or Nebraska a number ot lot * In
Omaha Chas. R. Woolly , 418 815th st.Omaha ,
Nob. 04830
mo nxCHANQK-lloutosand lots In Omaha
L to trade for farms in Iowa or Nebraska.
Cbni. R. Woolloy , 418 South 15th strootOmaha ,
Neb. C48 30
F I Oil SALK-Adeslr.iblo full lot near Jollcr-
lott Square. Address It 8 this oltlie ,
6113 M
GUAnniAN Halo-On the M day of Septem
ber at 10 o'clock n. in. , at tliu north door
of the court IIOUSP , Mrs. MnrtlmM. Ish will sell
at public auction to the highest bidder her res
idence and five lots , also tire lots adjoining at
the norlhoait corner of Ambler I'lnie. Some
one will get a bin gain. ( HO § 3
FOlt HAM Ton now houses one block from
street cars , Kin ill cash payment , balance
monthly. Clms. II. Woolley , 418 South 15tl < St. ,
Omaha , Neb. 81830
rrtl.NT this up. An i-ltgant 60 foot lot on
XUL 28th st , north of Lcavenwonh. Street
graded.Bt cars , water , otc.f " < ,000 on easy terms ,
locality best In town. L'vans at Blackburn.
70S S3
TP YOU want to buy , sell , or trade your prop-
Jorty , call on Clmrlos K. Spotswood , 30V,4
8-JOtbjt. 40/
rpo EXUIIANOK-Ono arge now 10-room
-L house and two lots , only 2 blocks from
street cars , will take partly In Inud or other
Seed propcity , balance on easy terms. Chas.
L Woolley , 418 South 15th It , Omaha. Neb.
848 itO
FOIt 8AI.B The choicest lots In Orchard
Hill. If desired will build houses ou these
lots to suit purchasers. Now It the time to
gfltaboauuful boms on onsy terms. Apply to
Charles K. Spotswood , 305JJ 8. 10th St. 408
IF you want to buy , sell or trade , call on L. V.
Crum.f.M.N IStbSt.
10U lots H of a mile of U. P. depot
for sale or trade.
0-room house for rent Two 10-room housei
torrent , sale or trade. ldl wlld . By
811 L. V. Crum. liiO N 1Mb St.
FT .O EXCIi ANOC For improved Omaha pron-
Jorty 10 ( rood Knnsas farms. Charles it.
Woolley , 418 South 15th Bt 618 30
F IOlt BALKAt a bargain , 2.V50 acres of land
at Collon Station , U. P. H. II. . n miles from
Sldnuy , Choyunne county , NoU The railroad
run ! ) witmn a mile or Collon , and the Lodge
Polo creek runs within 2H miles through this
fertile bottom laml : good water power with
dam ; lloininir , mill , brick yards , lime and
cement Wili ; , and sugar onno press are all
neoilod iitttiis pi re and would do a good busi
ness. This litnd Is ( specially adapted to both
stock rnlslng and agriculture ; 100 acres drained
which Is vood hay Innd ; 10J acres under cultl-
vatioii ; ! : o acres In orchard. Land nearly all
under vrlro fence ; house and outbuildings
cu-ctud ; 3sunns of horses agricultural imple
ments , etc , ; A town should bo established hero
and would grow fast , as wo hare a postofflcc ,
drug store , blacksmith shop , and a gunoral
store. Wanted also partner in mcrOBnndlse
business. Address W. Kucgor , Hex 34 , Sidney ,
Nob. Bis'aj
LIST your property for sale with Charles C.
Spotswood.aOSK SlBthst 643
OR SALE The finest residence lot on
Dodge Btreet J blocks west of pott ollloo ,
fO feet south frontnge , n corner. F. 1) . Ken-
nard , 114-118 , P. 16th st. 809
E1OH BALE One million acres of land In Ne
braska. Speculator's lands.rallroad lands ,
ranches , and farms In all parts of th
state. Send forpamphlct containing descrip
tion and price or over one thousand farms. A
fine topographical mapof the state sent free
upon application. K. II. Andrus.for 10 years
Gen' ! Land Agent U. & M. R. It Eighth and P
streets , Lincoln. Nebraska. 240
Notice to Merchant * and Imborera.
On and after this dto I shall not bo respon
sible for any material delivered to or work per
formed for I'rod Mlttnaoht on house ho Is now
building for me on lot 4 , block "J , Suuht
Omalin , August 18. tf
Chicago , Mil waute&St , Paul Rj
t *
Tlie lie t Itoutc from Omaha and
Council Bluffs to ;
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha and
Council niutl's
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , ( Minneapolis , CedarRapids
Rock Islan'd , Freeport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesville ,
Beioit , Winona , I-a Crosse ,
And all other Important points Knet , Northeast
„ . . , and Southeast.
lor thiough tickets call on the ticket agent
at 1401 tarnun , Gt jn Paxton hotel , or at Union
1'nelBo depot
Pullman Sleepeis and the finest Dining Cars
In the world are run op the main line of the
Chicago , Milwaukee & 8f 1'uul Hullway and ev-
tiy attention Is paid to passengers by courte
ous emploj eos of the company.
1C MM.I.KR. General Manager.
J. F.TtiCKKit , Asslstautauneral Manager.
A. V. H. CAUPENTEK , Qencnil 1'usscnger and
Ticket Agent
GEO. K HiAFFonn , AssUtantQeneralPassea-
ger and Ticket Agent.
J. T. CLARK aenoral Superintendent
N.W. Harris & Go.
115-117 MONROE ST.CHICACO D 111 If C D C
> o ( Conntlcs.Cities , TownsWater ,
Ons , Utrcct. U.K. Co.'a a cpoc-
lulty. CorrcBpuudeuco solicited.
into ii rxActjvirxTiD WITB IH oEoaatrnr er tms
By reason of Its central ponltloa c.Qi relation to Ilnri
> ast of Chicago , and cuntlnJ-vjl Unas at terminal
points Writ , Northwest and So.itli nt , IB the tru <
mlrtdlo link In that Iran-continental pyittm which
li\f Itrs anil facilitates travel and traffic between tbe
Atlantic anil 1'acltlc.
Tbe Hoc * Island main line and branches Include Chicago
cage , Joltct , Ottawa , l.a Ralle , Teorla , Ocncteo , tlollne
and Hock Island , In Illinois ) Davenport , Muscatlne ,
Washington , J airfield , Ottumwa.Ostalooia , West Lib-
erly.IowaClty.IiesJlolneii.Inillanola.Wlntersft. Mian ,
tic , Knoivllle , Audiition , Ilarlan , Outhrle CVntro anil
Council llluffs , In Iu a : Onllatln , Trenton , Bt.Jclcpn ,
Cameron nnd Kanias City , In Missouri ! Ixavcnworth
and AtchUonInKaniasi Albert Lea , Minneapolis and
Bt.I'aul , In Minnesota ! Wntertown anil Blonx Falls , Is
palcota , and hundre'l * of Intcrmedlato cities anil tovrni.
' , 'Tho Craat Rook Island Route" '
Guarantees rpeed , comfort , certainty and ( afrty. Ill
permanent uar UrilstluiruUludfcrUiiriccllenre. Hi
bridges are of stone and iron. Its tiack Is of solid
steelIts rolllAKStock perfect. Its pinenKerequlpmi > nl
Las all Ihutafetjrappllunecs that ripsi Unco liaspro oJ
vieful , and for luxurious accomniml&tlons Is uuar
pascc-d. Its Express Trains consist of superior Uij
Coaches , elegant Pullman t'alace Parlor mij Sleep ug
Cam , supcib Dining Can , providing delicious meals
and ( bctwoin Chicago ana Bt. Joseph , AtcliUon and
Kansas City ) rottful ll clinlng Chair Cars. Its man
agemeut ts conservative , Its dlnctpllne oiactlng.
"The Famous Albert Loa Route"
Bttwec-n Chldito and Iflnneapolls anil fit. i'aul ts thi
favorlt . Ornr this line Sulltl rast Kipre s Trains rur
dally to attractive rr.orts for tourists In Iowa ant
lllnnesota , and , \Yalttrtownand81onK Falls , to thi
rich wheat and grating lands of Interior Dakota. Vli
Btneca ami ICankakee , the llock Island otters superloi
Induvemints to traveler ! between Clnclnuall , Indian
polls , Lafayettv and Cuunell ItlulTs. Kt. Joxenh , Atchl
son , I avenworth , Kansas Cltj , Ht. Paul , and Intermit
dlate points. All patrons ( e < p cUllr ladles and cbll
6renr ielv pr Uctloncourtesy ami llndlf attention
Tor tickets , maps , foMers , copies of Weitern Trsll , c
any deslre < l information , apply to principal offices Ii
tut United Htalea and Canada , or address , at Cblcagg
. K.I. . _ CAtlC , [ .ST. JOHN , E. A. IIOIU09I
atilO. 1 I . , t. Via.niarui.if
Lincoln , Neb.
The lic.t known utul mobt popular hotel 1
thnBitto. Location ccntu ) , appointments flu
cl&is. Hcad'iuarters for commercial men au
all political and publlo gatherlnici.
. B. P. KOaOBN. Proprietor.
Oiiiiiliii ,
The only rontl to take for Dei Molnei '
iballtown , Ovdar Rapids , Clinton. Dlxon.Cklcl
go , Milwaukee and nil points east. To tlie pec
pie of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Ctsh.
Idaho , Aovai'a , Oregon , Washington , and CalH
fornlH , tt offers superior advantage ! not petsw
bio by any other line.
Among a few of the numerous pelnt * ef tu
Drrlorlty enjoyed by the patron * of this roai
Deiween Ouiaha and 0'ilcago ' , are III two train
a day of DAY COACHES , whleh are the Bnet
that human art and Ingenuity can create , lu
PALAOKRBLREP1NU OAKS , which are motel
of eotniort and oleganco. Its PARLOR DRAW
INO ROOM CARS , unnurpasscd by any , an * | t |
widely celebrated PALATIAL DININO CAR9
the eiiual of which cannot be found elsewhon
At Council Illufrs the trains of the Union PaolH
Hy. connect In Union Depot with these of thi
Chicago It Northwestern Hy. In Chicago thi
trains of this line make close connection wltl
those of all eastern lines. '
For Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis. Clncltt *
natl. Niagara Fall * . Buffalo , I'lttitiurr. Toronto1 ,
Montreal , llnstort , New York , Pblltdolphlsu
Ualtlmorc , Washington and all polBtl 18 thf
cast , ask for n ticket /la the
If you wish the best accommodation , All ticket
agents sell tickets N la thla lino'
Oenl. Manager , Clenl. Pasi'r Agent
Chicago , III.
Western Agent , City Pass'r Agent.
Omaha Nebraska.
For all kinds of business at the
New Town of Harblne ,
Midway between Falrbury and Beatrice on th |
C. K. * N. It K.
Lot * Cheap on Easy lerms.
Address C. B. LK'tTON , Falrbury ,
Or W. II. BAKKY , Harblne ,
VARICOCELE Instant . Won )
cases cured. N o knife , Ki or clamps uioal
Add. Y.O. Supply Co Box tltt. H LJuls.MoI
' *
Depot 10th and Plcrco sts.
PaclDo Express 80p. : m. m.
Denver Kxprrss 0:56 a. in. 5:20 : p. mi
Local Expiesa G.Ojp. m 11:00 : a. ni ]
Except Sunday.
n. & M. K. It R.
Depot loth and Pacific sts.
Mail and Express 10:05 : a. m. 6:33 : p.
Night Express 7:43 : p. m lOiUOa.
C. B.&Q. K. It
Depot lutn and Pacific sts ,
Mall and Express 0:00 : p.m. fl0 : n.
Chicago Express 8.40 a. in. 6:55 : p.
K. 0 , Bt. J. * C. H.
Depot 10th andPaclfiu ets
Mull 8:40 : a. in. 6:55 p. m *
Expiess 8:50 : p. m 7:00 : a. nv
C.,8t. P..M. &O.
Depot 15th and Wnbstcrs
SlouxClty Express 8:11 n. m :41 : p. ml
Danoroft Express , ' 4:4S : p. in. ( UMOa. ml
Illalr Passenger 5:35 : p. m. 740p ; i. mj
Except Bunday.
Depot Uth and Webster st
Day Express 11:10 a. m. 6:25 : L
Night Express 0:10 : p. m 5 : In p. m
Lincoln Express 8:10 : p. m. 11:10 a. m !
Running nctween Council Bluffs and Soutl *
Omaha. In addition to the itatlOBS monttonodj
trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourtM
streets , and at the Summit in Omaha.
ui naiiuiuii ua
Paid up Capital . $350,000
Surplus . 42SOQl
H. W. YMos , President.
Lewis S. Ilijoil , Vicu-Prcsulont.
A. E. Toiualin , Stl Vico-i'resiiiont.
W. II. S. JIiiujius , Cftsbior ,
W. V. Mor o , Jolin H. Colllni
H. W. Yatnt , Lewis S. Jtced
A. E. Touv.alm.
Cor. 12th itnil Purnnm 15ts.
A Gontsral Baukiiitr liiisliuisa Transacto
Fliyolcian. and. Svirtjecn. ,
OlTlcc , Cor. 15tli anil Farnam sts.
Rcbidencc , 2 < 52l Karnain fct.
' Hours , tt to 11 a , m , , 2 to 6 p. nv