Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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a I rllhi OMAHA B1R : MONDAY AUGUST 22. 1s87 ,
_ _ _ !
: - _ _ _ _
flow Thorumona Actress pond.i Her Timo.
At That Besort.
lie Jeroy Ity and George W. CtiIId
- . -11I. Platonic ftegftrd tor 11cr-
Oilier Sc-SIdc Spco From
; Clara flelic.
. : eJEW YoItK , August 20.-Correspond. [
. llranchz EE.j-The 8Igtlts of Long
. SUiflrn.fttrip to that
; IflI8CC11ftflOU SUiflrn.
. riding in Ocean avenue Past tie 11ii. .
i 'vII1a , which Increase In number and
beauty as the years go by. it was mid.
day , nntl I saw two Iadio waltzing In
tlio parlor of General Thoma ! I. Eckert ,
goncral limnager of the Western Union.
: I fancied that they were casually prnc.
: tising some of the frequent now styles In
rounddancing. But the rythmio grnc
of their movements was not cotnpaUblo
i . . Witii the seeming lack of music. I looked
again and saw that one yas holding the
, receiver of a telephone close to her own
4 aml partner's car , and that they reversed
. often enough to avoid winding them.
aivcs UI ) in thie connecting wire. Later
, I was shown the other end of their ar.
rangemeut In a telephone directly over
the orchestra In the Vest End Hotel par.
T br , where a daily concert i given at
ioon , and dance music is altogether
. , played from eight to cloven every evcn
ing.Tho most distinguisnod belle at the
. - Branch this week-with one tremendous
OXCODtlOE-1t3 IAda harrows , who came
, .
s- from Hartford , and belongs to the Cole.
. tha famdy of that senuestored town.
. Shols pretty , but not wonderfully so ; she
lies cunning little ways , but so have the
majority ofthe na1dens seen at the seashore -
shore , and she Is in no way far above the
high American average of feminine at-
trtetivciiess-savo In her foot. Thom
members are not smaller than number
four , I should say , but they tire so
ahapoly In unlmpmrcd outlines , so fine In
comuloxlou , so utterly free from deform.
ity or blemish that , although people may
not go miles to 500 them-as they uld the
'Mikd& old maid's eloow-many doge
go dowuto th shore at bathing time to
'lmiretliem. They are famous. Lhia
stlie only girl at herhotel who goes Into
thourf without slippers and stockings.
Her modestuItcovers heranklos , but her
bandsoine feet are uncovered and bare.
Nearly every year therocomes an actress
to Long Branch who distances all unpro.
fessional compotion at the beach. but this
time tholittle barefoot from Hartford is
without rivalry , and that too , without
any sacrifice of the proprieties.
Mrs. Langtry Is the exception which I
mentioned in the other paragraph.
There is no use trying to ignore her. Slio
undoubtedly went to Long Branch for
advertiain'r ' as wofl as recreation pur
loSCs , ant'sho ( Is so interesting that she
commands the formerwhile enjoying the
latter. She began a week ago by hiring
one of the two gorgeous villas owned by
Philip Daly , the garnblerwho runs the
rean3rlvaiiiii club. Phillip built those
house several years ago for residences for
his own and his brothor's families. into
his own he put a Irivate chapel like a
miniature church. with an altar where
his wife , a pious Roman Catholic , might
say her prayers. 'rite decorations as well
as the architecture were unique , if not
gaudy. Philip lives there this season on
thO immense profits of his gambling
a establishment , but his brother baa not
occupied the other house , and Mrs.
Lantry rented It. 'rho price which she
is said to have paid was $1,000 for August
andSeptomber ; and the figure is roaaon
tblod considering that the premises are
luxuriously furnished. Mrs. Langtry
arrived like a circus. Her wardrobe
- and other belongings filled twenty-
four trtinks. and along with
them wore nine boldly labelled
'F. Gebhard , Now York. " Does ho
aocppipany her ? Rather , he Is not only
domiciled with her at the Daly Villa , but
the public rarely scci her without him.
The mutual admiration and devotion of
- the pair is conspicuous. They go to Man.
mouth park on three afternoons a week
to see lrcddy's horses beaten ; they go to
tlii noon concerts at the West End , and
also they occasionally drink with Jerry
Jerome and other fellows ; and frequently
thoywaitz in the hotel parlor , observed
. by eager throngs of men , women and
children , The mnnner is which the peo.
pie jostle and crowd to get n sight of the
: - Lily doesn't look lOlitO ; and yet assho is
, there for oxhlbitiou.why should they deny
themselves and her the pleasure of star-
lug ? 11cr acting on those occasions Is as
good as anything she iloes on the stage.
By no gesture or wince does she betray
3 her knowledge that she and Freildy
. are not off somewhere In the wilderness -
derness , with no human eye on
them. She is soif.possessed , calm and
Intensely lady like in deportment. Does
the gaze of the multitude really annoy
hen I guess not ; else why does she sub.
mit herself to It She goes to bathe
where there is the biggest crowd , which
. of course multiplies as fast as the word
. speeds that she is there. In the surf she
t. wears a conventional suit of blue flannel ,
the blouse coming to her knees , and the
trousers puckering at her ankLes. On
these occasions she shows to good advantage -
. tage , because her figure is first rate , ex
Cept fr large hands and foot , and her
complexion stands daylight and the
ocean's glare admirably. Discussion of
the question whether she is superlatively
beautiful waxes warm. My own opinion
Is that , while her features are not fine ,
' . abc is so clean , healthy and fair that she
may justly b called very pretty.
Now for a atartlor ? Whom do you suppose -
pose , of all the colebruted men at Long
Branch Mrs. Lnngtry has newly cap
tureQi bcorgo W. ChilJs , of tim Phila-
doiphia Lodger. Stay your scandalous
tongue. Mr. Chilils is no sentimental
rival of ( icbhard. Ills attentions to the
beauty are wholly platonic. She was
. taken up and boomed by the prince o
VaIea' mt in London. Why shouldn't
Uncle Childs follow suit ? The Prelilul.
nary approaches are understood to have
been made by Childa to the actress. She
intimated to him , through an obligin
. third person , that she wished to atten
divine services last Sunday In
the Elboron church-the one iii
which ho has lately placed a
Grant memorial window. Ho affably
placed a ow t. her disposal. Next , shc
met bun in a hotel parlor , whore ho wiu
presented to her. At the close of this Interview
torviow she Invited him to call on her ,
He did so on the ensuing day , greatly tc
the shock and surprise of neighbors whc
' had put her under social aboo. About
the time I am writing this , if the engage
Uft3nt holds , Mrs. Langtry wilt drive tc
. the ChilIda villa , and there dine with tb
great editor and pailantropist. And yel
, some folks wonder what the suninici
. residents at Long Branch find to talL
about. Cuiu. 111LLn.
* _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Personal Vara&raphi.
Messrs. N. Katie , chief of the fire department
partment , and B. i'adborg , chairman o
the aldermanio fluance coininitteo , of St
Joseph , Mo. are in thu city , the guest
, ; of Chief cailigan.
: . Lt. Phillip Reid , U. S. A. , who ba
beundotsiled by MaJ. thin. Terry to an
. , perintend the comIng ruic competition
i IntL for Chicago last night , but ruturiu
Wddnesday ,
? .1 . -
4 ,
slrDLn nr TniMT' ; TO.N1OUT.
At BOyI's opca house to-night S''m ,
Glhletto' Americin piay , 4'Ileld by the
Eneniy , " will kaugurato the fall and
winter season. The action of "held b
the Enemy" takes pliico in Virginia
( luring thin late war , but it Is not generally
ally rennrdet as a war drama , although
the leadIng characters represented an it
are soldiers on both sides of the line. It
will be presonteti in the satno inar
and with the same cast as nr" ,
- . . oquaro ese ,
theater , San
trancisco , and it requires twonty.twO
1)001)10 ) in the cast. The ciigngeinent Is
or thrno nights , and the sale of seats in-
dleates large houses for all the perform ,
ances. Mr. Vihliam Gillette , the author ,
vill positively appeiti hero with the
omuauy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1Ioctii , , . . , K. - or 1j. Delegates ,
Naw Y oni , AugusL -tistrlct Assembly
4D , Knights of Labor , met to-an ; elect
delegates tothie general assembly at Minne.
spoIls. Tue meeting beiran at 4 o'clock and
eflied at 7. but the eountlnr ot this 700 votes
cast wa still in prosress Iwo hours after
midnight. A. determined battla was waged be-
twecli the Home Club and anti-Itoino Club.
An Important WorkWhilch VfiI Ito.
doom Vast Areai or Josort.
I'rescott ( Ariz. ) Courier : Bates Broth-
era , projectors of the scheme to stou the
flow at water in the liassaynnipa Creek ,
store it in one lurge body. and , by means
of Iluines and PI1)CS , carry the water upon
rich : tgrIeuiturL1 niul zniniiig latuls , of
which thiuro are tans of thousands of
acres between the Antelope mouti-
tam and \\rIckeiiliirg , had good
knowledge of the country bcforP
they vent east to enlist capltalis&
It took them some tlmu to satisfy such
people. But they succeeded , and Mr.
Jiilhlngham and others advanced J5OOO9 ,
first mon y. Engineers and exports ware
sent out , inudo circfuL measurements and
examinations anti the actual work of
building a dam on the bedrock in a can-
you of thocreek just IebowthioGrove wa
commenced in August , l8Sti , and will , it
is thought , be fini3hod some thou this fall.
The darn is a great wall of masonry 135
feet thick at the base and 400 feet
long at the widest place. In height
it vilI be 110 feet. It is further
trongthencd by other walls above and
below. it is provided tatcs on
both sIdes , so that , when necessary'
water can be let out. This dam tins ai.
ready backed water a mile un the creek
and SOt ) or 600 yards across the valley. In
places the water is thirty feet deep anti Is
getting ( leaper 118 the dam is raised.
"Doubting Thomases" have predicted
that it would not "hold water , " bit it
holds welL Then it has been whispered
that the great reservoIr would never ho
full , all of which predictions were false.
The Ilassayampa has not been tilled
"Ui ) " this summer , but smaller streams
have , anti the "lake" is there to show for
itself. .
Men have worked night and day on the
"dam , " . and teiis of thousands of tons of
rock have been removed and put in
The next move wilt be to constr.uct
great flumes to convey water to Weaver
and below. As the gold exists almost
everywhere in the country that will be
served by these watarworks , the only
question Is as to its abundance. If the
gravel contains suflicient gold. hundreds
of men will for many 7ears be kept at
work washing It out. Small gardens and
farms svill be made in what is now a
seini.dosert , and domestic animals will
live aut thrive where , for want of water ,
they cannot now go.
'I'he success of the costly enterprise
will Induce other capitalists to make
like works elsewhere In our fair territory ,
and reclaim vast tracts that are at pres-
cut shunned by almost all. .
The Lawu Party in Montan * .
The refined and civilizing influences
of the cultured East ( says Tid-Ilits ) arc
gradually extending themselves to the
rowdy West. They now have lawn
parties away out In Montana. They had
one there recently , and the paper rub.
liahed in the town in which it was given
says :
The Lawn party at the residence and
grounds of our fellow-citizen , Bill Jackson -
son , WaS a dandy aft'tir and was attended
by all the big bugs of d city. This is a
new form of amusement imported from
the East , and it boats croquet all hollow.
There was a bag race between Jack
Svcnco and Tony Beggs , in which Tony
got beautifully left and Jack carried elY
half the gate money.
The greased-pole part of the entertainment -
mont was a glittering success. Many of
our leadiiig citizens made desperate attempts -
tempts to shin up It , but our mayor
knocked the rest of the crowd silly on
the climb.
Tue tatman's race would have made a
dog die laughing. The coutnstant wore
Fatty Parsons and Budd IJoble , aud the
way they waddled off wasn't slow. Fatty
tips the beam at 299 and Buidd at 304
pounds. Their 8IePd was somewhat no-
celorateti by the playfulness of some of
the ladies present , who prodded thorn
with their parasols. The race was a tb
and the contestants tossed up a quacter
to decide it. I3udd won.
'Lho plo-eating match between Birdie
McLaughlin and Lyddy 1)onahuc , two of
ovr most charming young ladies , was a
very exciting nod enjoyiiblo aflutir , and
ended in Birdbo eatiiig ten full.sized pies
in fifteen minutes , while Lyddy could go
but nine and a half. Birdie carried off
the prize-a nickel-plated revolver.
The dog and rooster fights and wrqst-
ling and juniping niatbbio , , wore greatly
enjoyed , and our first lawn party was
voted the dandy entertainment of the
season , We are gradually falling into
the ways of the olThtc east.
For Such Arc Wo Lawyers.
Boston Transeript Prosecuting at.
tornoy ( to wltness-And ) what did rnith
say in reply ?
Gpposiug counsel-I objecti
'rhecourt-Stato your objectian.
0. C.-i claim , your honor , that Smith's
reply is not relevant. Even it it wore , it
is not proper matter ta go in.
1' . A.-if your honor please , 1 claim it
Is perfectly competent. The witness has
said that ho asked Smith "How do you
do ? " and if your honor will turn to
I Binibbebeg vs Applecart 584 , Massachusetts -
setts Reports , your honor will find a decision -
: cision bearing out my view of the matter
In a precisely similar case. And your
Honor wilt remember in the somewhat
celebrated case of Hogg vs Swinesby
that Chief Justice lhmcher ruled that
such a question was admissable.
C.-iiut your honor wIlt remember
tliitt the Lord high Justice Bagwig of the
court of queen's bench has given a contrary -
trary opinion , and Blaucoke , Lu his history -
tory of the common law , lays down the
I priuciule that testimony cannot be
. sought beyond the purview of the subject
under consideration.
; P. A.-If your honor will please , the
weight of authority is entirely antagon-
istie to the view expressed by the lord
. high justice cited by my brother , and I
think your honor will decide that the
I principle laid down by Blackcoko Is In
L applicable totho matter in hand.
'the Court-The court is of the opinion
thutt tb question is admissible.
1' . A. ( to wltness-Now ) , Mr. Robinson ,
when you asked Smith "how do you
ito ? " what answer did lie make ? Now ,
. take time ; the exact words , It you can
I recall thorn.
Witness-Ito didn't say anything.
; 1' . A.-Tliat wilt do , sir , Call tim next
5 SwimmIng bath at Cut-Offlako 2c. ,
_ _
A fine lot of show cases for sale at ye.
duced prices. Etiholni &Akiu jewelers ,
opposite post 0111cc.
- - - -
- -
r3nau Baldwin Jumps rrom ilLs Baleen
a Distance of' One Mile.
A. GrItty , UrlaI Navigator-Landing
it the Sen-The Welcome Heap-
pearanon-Orand Ovation tea
a Courageous Fellow.
New York Times : A little before 5
o'clock Baldwin disappeared in the hotel ,
and In afow minutes reappeared , dressed
in pink tights and blue bospanglcd
trunks , with his feet Incased in a heavy
pair of slices. His line physique was
displayed to good advantage. lie
at once called for volunteers
to assist him in getting under
way. A score or more of strong fellows
seized the balloon robes whim the tero-
naut untied the neck of the balloon and
fixed the valve. Somebody asked him if
ho wasn't a bit shaky.
"Not a shako , " lie said , "I'll be back
hero in fifteen minutes after I o up. "
"That's the way to talk , I'om , " cx-
claimed a friend o his , who then tul-nod
to the crowd and shouted : "I'll bet 20
to 1 Baldwin will go up and coma down
safe. " he'll land like a oat , right side
Nobody took the offer , but thou it was
reassurIng , all thin same.
Baldwin saiL ho calculated froni the
direction and velocity of the wind , that
lie would land over in the bay , in sight
of the hotel. He StOlpcd into the basket
promptly at Ii o'clock , and five minutes
later told the men who had hold of the
guy ropes to walk slowly and steadily
toward him , after detaching the bags of
sand. The human circle contracted liii.
mediately , and the balloon arose per-
the ropes wore attached to a concentric
iron ring , ant then to the basket. When
this was done the toy of the balloon was
' 72 feet in the air. ihin wind struck tue
aerial ship and swayed it like the bough
of a tree , and the men scrambled in their
efforts to maintain their equilibrium and
prevent its premature escape.
Baldwin leaped to the ground and
made a last examination of the parachute -
chute , and wasespeelahly careful that the
cords were not in a snarl. Then he
climbed back into the basket after placing
in it a bag of sand ballast and a long
Luteher , knife.
"Let her go easy. boys , and all of you
got hold of the anchor rope and pay it
slow and steady , " was the Impurturabie
tg man's parting Instructions at
Tti , balloon arose like a cloud of
smoke , with a taut tension on the rope ,
and moved off over the unrippled water
of the bay. The band on board the
Grand Republic struck up "Dixie , " all
the steamers tooted their whistles , and
the multitude cheered.
it was an Inspiring scone. A hundred
foot up Baldwin stood erect and raised
his hand as if to hush the noise. It ceased
on the instant. and everybody watched
with breathless anxiety. The aeronaut
shouted nssuringly "Don't be afraid ;
there is no dangcrl"
The crowd again cheered vocifarousl
and watched for developments , The ba.
loon kept its perpendicular ami sailed
away and upwards like a huge kite with
the anchor rope for a tail. To those who
looked from below the beautifully pro.
portioned ballon scorned stationary , and
but for the rope slipping through the
block nobody could haVe told but the air
ship was a fixture between the placid
water of the bay and the azure dome ro-
fleeted In it.
Baldwin suddenly disappeared from
sight. When lie caine to view aoain the
knife blade flashed in the aunllgt like a
mirror , and a shower of sand fell from
the balloon at 5:17:30. : : The balloon
seemed to jump straight up at that mo-
mont. The voice of the aeronaut
was heard once more. Ho called
down to the men who had lot out
. 1 000 feet of rope , "Steady with the rope ! "
.1 ho men had barely ceascit their labors
when Baldwin was secirto make a quick
movement. IIe had cut the rope with
one slash , and down it fell with a swish
and rattle on top of the whole fleet of
The balloon , released from all re.
straint , hew up and away like a thing of
life , and in a few seconds the aeronaut's
movements beeniuc indistinct except by
the aid of a field glass.
At 5:20 : , when the balloon looked about
a quarter of its real size , there was a fiut-
ter of the white parachute and it was
suddenly torn from the side of the bal.
loon. The aerial ship careened as if on
the point of'callapsing and the basket
jumped half way up to the gas bag's
dome , fell back in place , and grow
smaller and smaller as the balloon went
higher and higher.
Beyond and below the abandoned air
ship was the white parachute. no larger
than a boy's top , and the nervy aeronaut
clinging to the iron ring. Ttieobject can
only be imperfectly distinguishieti , but
the contour is quite plain. The fact that
It is falbng is apparent from the widening -
ing space between It and the balloon ,
now no bigger than an ordinary Bartlett
The parachute with its human freicihit ,
oscillates in an alarming degree , but Falls
steadily. 'l'ho umbrellalike top seems to
be caught in a snarl of some kind , and
there are suppressed cries of alarm
froni the spectators , who fear there is
Imminent danger of a tragedy. Back
and forth the rigid athlete swiugi , like
the pendulum of a clock tints been newly
started. Gradually the parachute becomes -
comes regular and steady and the pcntt.
ant regular , until bothifallgraccfuily and
rotilarly Into full view.
Fho drop is estimated to be about
twelve feet to the secondand at that rate
Baldwin will strike the water before the
small boats roach him
At 5:21:20 : : lie falls straight Into the sea
with a 8jltSti : and in a moment is seen to
rise out of the shallow water on a bar
near Little Egg Mash and extricate him.
sal t from the collapsed parachute.
It is the signal that he is alive , and all
the whistles in the bay toot in unison.
Edward Tracy and James Griffin go in
small boats to the rescue. and at 5:40 : tim
aeronaut is landed nmidthochcers of tao
crowd , while the band plays "Soc the
Conquering Hero Comes. "
Ho was assisted to the hotel , and half
an hour later joined his friends In the
parlor , physically as sound as ever and
ready to cat a hearty meal. Ho said he
estimated that he ascended a mile , and
the sensation in falling was like an
elevator trip. He landed lightly where
the water was two feet deep. lcfore ho
parted with his balloon the Grand Re.
public looked as laro as his hand , and
lie could not distinguish the individuals
cxcept en niase , lie explained the ap
parent snarl of the parachute by saying
there was an irregular pressure of air.
How l'oopln Siiowthelr PeculIaritIes
to the Man with the Forcepi.
New York Correspondence Phlladel.
piiia North American : "This is the great
Profession for encountering noculiar peo.
plo , " said a Union square dentist. ' Not
a day passes without bringing a patient
possessed of seine personal peculiarity.
A dentist soon becomes familiar with
human nature. ho can tell a person's
character and occupation by the way in
which he acts while In the chair. An old
maid will never trust herself in the dcn
, that's hands unless she has a friend with
her , while elderly ladles insist in sitbng
, before a mirror s that tho7 Can
. .
see that they arono disfigured for life.
The bettor a girla 'the more confidence
she has in our profosaional skill. Young
girls and boys ai Auutry people always
watit to take gas while the dudes con-
alder it a brave * to face the music
without the use otbtier.
"It Is a popiilatsupcrstition that a den.
tist is as anxious to become a millionaIre
as a Plumber ; soit-ybody except those
who never oxpectdpay , lies to make a
bargain before the , work is done. Besides -
sides bad debtsi we lose money by
having people rofflt to take acts after
they are mado. . . . . Most of thd objec.
tions raised are 'trivial. Women leave
them on our hand1itcatiso they thought
they would have lb ked better In them
than they do look. Moan people gut
teeth drawn free of charge by promising
to order a sot in a day or two. But alter
all the dentist gets square on the human
race iii the long run.
"The queerest patient I've hind in a
long time came in today. lie was a
strapping big fellow , anu no doubt
ordinarily of a jovial dhsposftjon , but
the torments of thq toothache had coin.
plotcly soured him. lie never noticed
me at all , but threw liiinselfbaok In the
chair and pointing to three badly decayed -
cayod molurs , said laconically : 'See
them teeth ? They ache ilko thunder.
Pull 'cm out. '
"I've never hail any one die in the
chair , but I got such a scare once that I
wouldn't again leave a patient with a
half drawn tooth if the house was on fire.
I was once attending to an old lady ,
when a little boy caine in. his face was
badly swollen and lie howled with pain.
I had just given the old lady gas , and
was waiting forlt to take cfThct , so I left
her In charge of my assistant and led the
suffering boy into another room. his
tooth was hard to get at on account of
the 8wclling. I had just got a grip on it
when the assistant rushed in and said the
old lady had a lit. The boy yelled horn-
bly when I nipped him , but I never gave
him a moment's thiroughit in my anxiety
for the old lady. Wnen I got her around
all right and returned to the other room
the boy had tlisappaarod. There was
nothing very strange about this because
people often have teeth : drawn , leave an
order for a set , and then never show UI )
again until all rernonibrance of pain has
gone. But when thb morning papers
published an ncoount of the body of a
bhy with a swollen jaw found in the
river I fainted dead away. All that day
i : suffered the torments of the damned ,
and expected to be uhrgctI with murder
every moment. I bIt sure that 1 had
hurt the boy so much that In his agony
he had committed suicide. % Viicn my
assistant wont to the morgue anti failed
to identify the boy I was somewhat ye-
lieved , but I wentthero myself before my
mind was at rest. If it Is true that a
murderer Is attracted to the body of his
victim , it is the very reverse with : one
who has killed another accidentally.
The body was that of another boy and
the swollen jaw was proved to be the ro
suitor a blow. "
8omo Expert autilteassuring Oh-
servattons on tW"Utn Outbreak. "
Bill Nye in Nowto'rk World : The regular -
lar form otannual hjtiropliobia known as
the Ute outbreak hs1ol1owed the sea serpent -
pent , the paragrp about thiu watermelon -
melon and othareourrent itenis. As a
matter of fact the tJtes have done more
to make nowspa1 1 life desirable than
"Constant Readr , ' "Veritas" and
"Taxpayer' . all put.toetiier. You can
always bet on a U93'butbreak , and write
it up when you feel like it , as long beforehand -
forehand its you wish , and the Ute will
not ask you to retract.
Old Man Colorow is like the regular
army. lie is bravo ; 'but he hasn't got
help enough. Hq,1 a man of great
nerve. and enjoys crnage , provided it is
furnished by some one else. Ho is said ,
by those who have met him , to be a "low-
sot" man , with a powder-burned face
and a desire to outlive as many white
men as possible.
But the Utes are not strong enough to
do any special damage , and it Is very
likely they have no special uotion of it.
They are a measly set , and still they are
not likely to break out.
It ha boon customary to have an Indian -
dian scare in the Rocky Mountains every
year until it is almost thdispunsibe. ! For
several years , also , the circus was kept
out of Wyoming territory by a high ii-
cense which amounted to prohibition and
if the people of Wyoming hadn't hind an
Indian scare that they could turn to they
would have suffered.
The Indian is the nation's ward-kind
of a doubtful ward , as it were-but he is
a great boon to the newspaper mali , who
naturally gets tired of pun1 and picnics at
this SeaSOn and pines for almost anything
that will give him a chance. it is safe to
say that the tJto outbreak will turn out ,
upon close investinatlon , to be nothing
worm than prickiyieat.
It is not presuming too much to say
that human life will be perfectly safe as
far west as St. Louis , and even those who
dwell as far west as Omaha and Denver
will run no risk of being killed by the
Indiana if they will come home by 11
o'clock p. m.
Indians arc not so ferocious as many
suppose them to be , any way. We have
anon the Indians of Bullalo Bill , and they
were very pleasant to meet. They are
not intellectual , of course , andthiey want ,
to ride in a hotel elevator all the time
when they are not drunk , iut they have
behaved well hero and won the English
heart. It is claimed that by another
year the common frontier American
blue cycd flea wilt be as common in England -
land as it is now in the territories. And
yet it is claimed that tim Indian is cold
and backward in society and desirous of
inaugurating an outbreak.
The Ute has boon almost always friendly
to the whites and has repeatedly assisted
the white man in fighting the warlike
Thin price of good. available lots facing
south ought not to be reduced either at
Kansas City or Omaha on account of a
pending Ute outbreak , and the St. Paul
loan who refuses to bring in the washing
from the clothes-line after 9 o'clock bc
cause he is afraid of Indians is just simply
trilling with thu tonderor feelings of his
wife. _ _ _ _ _ _
A Tucsoi Judge ,
San Francisco Iironicle : The old
judge looked at him : i
"I think I see you b foro. no ? "
The culprit admitte& that h list ! been
there on several occasions.
"Vel , I joost sonWnie you toforty lash.
Os. You take twenty of them to-morrow
and then you vas r1asod on your own
recognizance , and .yeu conic back in a
week and take the Oilier twenty , "
The fellow had twenty lashes and ho
hasn't been seen in Tucson alnce.
Another little oxalfllle of the judge's
way of doing tlingsbWas the case of a
man brought up before him for firing oIl
a pistol in tlm atreetor something. 'Ilicy
had taken p340 frohiw , when ho was
arrested. 7' 1
"Iloost fine you $200 , " said the Judge.
"Why , " sait the prisoner , "in San
Francisco they would only fine me $5 or
$10. , ,
"You vita in Tucson , mine friend :
200. "
The man was complaining bitterly
after he patl the fine.
"Don't kick , " said another. "You
were lucky. It he'd known you hiatt
on you be'd'have lined you all of it. "
Some fellow who was being tried
moved for a change of venue ,
"You vant a change of venue ? What
for ? " asked the Judgo.
"Because this court is prejudiced
against me and I won't get a fair trial , "
"You say this court is prejudiced
againstyou , and you won't get a fair
trial. iou vant a change of venue , mum
friend ? I joost tine you $300 for contempt -
tempt of court begin with , Now , we'll
proceed yitti the trial. "
_ _ . _ _ _ ,
- - - - - - - - -
aMstT't = : : :
.19w. inthe English ArlNtocrncy.
Every year and every season bring
some fresh clement some iniiovntion ,
some reversing of oh established ideas
or a return of obsolete traditions , l
ninny of these social revolutions are at.
feetod without any apparent commotion
and steal on us , as it were unawares , it
is yet mipossible to look back even one
decndo without being struck with the
radical changes that have taken place in
the English world , and razed so Inmuly of
its bulwarks. In the first instamico it may
be truly siltI : that English sochoty
proper no longer exists , anti that
its exclusiveness Is a tliitmg of the past.
In no other country , nominally less
proud , less fastidIous and less conservative -
tivo is there such a nitngllug of all races ,
all crccds and all origins. The double
thirst for money and excitement may be
at the root of this straiigo overthrow of
long-estahhiiiied tenets , but the fear remains -
mains that the same famiLy touches the
higher cIrcles by some of its members us
well as the humblest ones of trade nmi'l
toil by the others. Scions of a noble race
have been known in imyniaklng and hop
gathering time to crave from : : time taint-
owner a day's work in the lield with :
other wandering tramps , and a queen's
son-in'law has a brother behind
a tea counter. The once Impassable -
able barrier of religion which separated -
arated the Anglicmtn from the
Catholic , the christian froni the Israelite ,
are swept down evor.tu be sreotod
again. The time is for"otten when
umuicr Disraeli's mninistr y , 1r. Goldwin
Smith , a stout Uliuistouian , wrote the
much-discussed pmunIIiict , ' Can a Jew
be a l'atniot ? " Gladstone hImself gave
a public aflirrnatlvo answer in his edo-
bratod article of a few months past in
the Nineteenth Century. Emighish anisto-
cracy. so contemptuous of the nobility of
other countries , so infatuated with the
grandeur and purity of its descenV ,
growth and alliances , is Profoundly
penetrated and infused with the Semitic
strain ; it lis : opened its arms to tile
klebrcw , and tim blood of both races
llows united in the veins of time ablest in
the land. 'l'ako Bush's l'eerage , that great
Domesday book of time British. Its latest
and forty-ninth edItion will show how
many of the high fanitlies of England are
united by the closest ties wiLl : the wealthiest -
est hebrew families , and it records to
what supreme dignities the heads of the
latter have reached. Lord Rothschild
has become a peer of the realmGold -
sniid , Jessol time late master ci rolls ;
Monteiiore , the rich centenarian and Sot-
ornon were created baronets within the
last twenty years ; the foreign titles of
Baron Lousada and Baron do Worms
have been recognized ; Ellis , Magnus
Samoa and others were knighted the mt.
ter for buiding a hospital at ? alcutta
and erecting a statue to the prince
consort In England. Blum Pasha Is
a C. B. , and Collins Levey a G. C. M. C.
Of the nobility some families are of
Jewish extraction , others have contracted
Jewish alliances. Amongtho former are
the licracholls , raised to the peerage in
Isso , and the Lopez and Samuelsone ,
created bitronets in 1882 and 185t Sir
Francis head is a descendant ot Moses
Meniles , who had niarriod the daughter
and heiress of another Sir Francis head ,
and whose sons bore their mother's
name A jzrnnddauiiter of Moses be'
came Mrs. herbert , sister-in-law of the
earl of Carnarvon. A woman of an
other branch of the Mcndeses married
'Admiral Keith Stewart. brother of the
scveutecnth earl of Galloway , and her
great-granddaughter is the present
marchioness of Tweeddalo. Viscountess
Galvay lelongs to thin same family ; so
did in a direct line the well known Lord
The wife of the Earl of March , heir to
the dukedom of Richmond and Gordon ,
is the daughter of Percy Iticardo. Another -
other Jewish : family , Abuoientes of Gideon -
eon has intermarried with the British
nobility , and Mr. Cliilders is both on his
mother's and father's 51(10 ft descendent
of the celebrated Sampson Gideon who ,
after having formerly adjured Judaism ,
registered in liii ; will the desire of being
buried in a Jewish cemetery by the aide
of his Hebrew ancestors.
TIe Countess of Desart is a Bishofi"-
shoim ; the countess Oraiicy was the widow -
ow of Baron do Samuel ; the duchess of
St. Albans is a daughter of Ralph Bernal
Osborne ; the coumitss of itosobery of thin
late Baron Meyer do Rothschild , and her
son , Lold Dalineny , . bears the hebraic
names of Meyer. Lady Coutta Lindsa
is the datighter of a certain hlanna
Rothschild , married to the Right Honorable -
able henry Fitsroy. brother of Lord
Southampton ; Lady Charles Du Cane is
the granddaughter of Louis Goldsmith ,
author of the "Crimes of Cmiimets , " anti
Lady Owen Lanyon s'ns the daughter of
Mr. Joseph Levy , ofthie Daily Telegraph.
'I'hero mire two examples of the fusion
of royal mid Jewish blood in these pa-
trican imomises i'lw duke of Richmond
and Gordon and Viscount Cage quarter
their escutcheon with the arms of the
1'lnngemiets in virtue of their descent
from King Edward 1. Time families of
St. Albans and Southampton have likewise -
wise a royal , if more Irregular origin.
In France we see the Do Vlsmes , who
claim to descend from the sovereign
house of L'onthies having Jewish blood
by nmarriage. The Lousnies in England
claim relationship by an alliance with the
reigning family of Great Britain.
it must be remarked that with many
members of the Rottmsohiilti family in
Enaland and abroad , the stromig aversion
to interrnarrying with : christians , the
jealousy of seeing their wealth pass into
alien hands , ( toes not trovent them from
including Catholic timid l'rotostant poor
in their charities. M. do Bleichroedor ,
the Berlin financier , the friend of tim
emperor , time constant visitor of Ills-
marek , whose daughmter is engaged to a
Prussian ollicer , makes no distinction in
his charities , and is blessed by all ( ho-
nominations. In closing the lrst of the
English houses allied to time Seruetic race ,
we must mmot forget the earls of Lisburn
and the barons of Titlpolo M. in ; S.
Causes its victims to be miserable , hopeless ,
confuaed , and depressed In mInd , very Irritable -
ble , languid , and drowsy , It Is a disease
which does not get well of itself. It requires
careful , perMstcnt attention , and a remedy to
throw oft the causes and tone up the digel-
the organs till they perform theIr dutIes
willingly. Hood's Sarsapaniila has proyen
just the requireti remedy In hundreds of cases.
I' have taken flood's flarsapanilia for dyspepsia -
pepsia , from which I have suffered two years.
I tried many other medicines , but none proved
so satisfactory as hood's
TiroxAs COOS , Brush Electric Light Co. ,
New York City.
Sick Headache.
I , For the past two years I have been
afflicted wIth severe headaches and dyspel-
sia. I was Induced to try flood's Ssraap&-
ntila , and have found great relIef. I cheer.
fuiiy recommend It to all. " MU. Z. F.
AawAni. , ew haven , Conn.
Mrs. Mary 0. Smith , Canibridgeport , Mass. ,
and sick head.-
was a sufferer from dyspepsia -
ache. She took hood's Sansapanlhla an
found it tim best remedy bhe eTer used.
Hood1s ' Sarsaparilla
Bold by all druggists. $1 ; iii for $5. Mads
only by C. L 11001) & CO. , Lowell , Mass.
loG Dee $ One Dollar.
1415 hiarney Street. Telephone No , 593
Ce i'ools and Vaults thoroughly cleaned by
- thu
Odorless Proce.
Orders promptly filled.
_ f- _ _ -
The Ex.ChIy I4nntpllglitcr Fur
nhslics ii Nomowlimit Remark.
able Narrative.
How lie Found Omaha antI Its Surroundings
Eight Years Ago-Notable Chapter from
His Own Experience-A Deaf
Man Who hears.
"Eight years ago , " ronarkei Mr. W 0. lien-
at his homo , corner of Saunders and
Manderson treotR. to a roprIor "I cams to
Omaha from New York city. Eight years , it
Is natonlshlnK what changes have taken piece
in this city anl the surrounding coumity slimco
that tirno. Eight years ago this city was but a
town 01 : about 15,00) InhabItants , To-day it
numbers chose to 100,00) . Eiiht years ago the
county hereabouts waq sparsely ottled ; to-day
within a circle of two imlindroti miles about
Omelet are nearly two ) muntiroii towns , moors
thsn I contained In thowliult , Itumsian miumpiro. "
Mmitenshsw was standing before li cent-
fortimble iiomnowbtoh ho vima fortummuto i'nouitlm
to buy wiiito Omaha iota wore still sciIIn at
town pricos. and sinno whIch by Industry Mr.
1Ientiimw iium , enhanced Its vaino by thu om'oo-
tlon of ml Uhstuntlni home , Few moon In Omaha
arc better known than
, w
tin. w. 0. IIZNSnAW.
lie was city Iampiightor for a number of s-ears
and is now employed by the Harbor Asphait
Paving company.
"For theiast sixteen years , ' he continued to
time reporter , " 1 hnvo had an uphill thno in
o1or to keep at my work. White a boy anti
iirtngat my father's country residence on Long
island Sound , New York. I made a practice of
going In swimming from ton to twenty times a
day when time weather was uItabie , by this
mosna I developed catarrh in its worst form.
) lythroat and head was stopped up at times. I
coughed and hawked up phlegm , bad to blow
amy nose constantly , I had a constant dull foolIng -
Ing in my head , roaring In the ears , then 1 got
deaf graduai.y but so surely that
This was not all. I found that I talked
through nmy 0050. and at night I could not
breathe through my nostrils at all. I saws
doctor and be told moo I had a tumor growing
in my nose caimsod by the catarrh , wbich ho
called a polypus. I trmt.d all manner of remedies -
dies to no avaii , and whoa six weeks ago I
catmght a fre1i cold , which caused time catnrrh
to go tiown on mi lungs , my condition was not
olmlynntmoymng. butgreatly ftiarmned my wife.
Why , sir , 1 feit at times like choking , then I
coughed so much I could not Bicol ) t night. I
would iitvo , violent spoils of coughing which
would causomo to vomit.
"As I said bofoo , my condition so alarmed
my wire thaton time 15th of timl month lm In-
slated thet I go and coneultadoctornoxt dny. I
was loth to stop work , but mit iatconsontedand
last Monday I consulted Dr. J. Crcsap McCoy ,
Itatngn liiock , timis city , who said ho could cure
me. This I was wiiiiugto beilovebutdid not
droaw of how quick part of my troubles could be
relieved. Why , removed this entire poiv-
pus In two or three mninutoa : here , you see it In
the bottle I have , and then made an application
to my diseased throat. I breathed tlmrotigh my
nose at ommco something I bvo not done In
years. , I have been onoonstant treatment ainco ,
and now liavn In a large measure regaIned my
aemmse of .moii. i hyo not been able to smell
anything betore for oiglmt yosra. My oatarrb
I , greatly benoatton. my soaring Is coming
around all rlghtand I am certain the doctor
will aoomm have me as woil as I ever was. I wont
lmomuo Monday train the doctor'aoflioe and slept
ai night a qmIet , sloop. something I have not
done for so lormg a unto I can't remember , My
strength ammil do.Iro for work lies retutnod. I
don't get up In the tmiornlng recilnmr as itrd aa
before I wont to bed , as I used to do. I feel
han a restored man. "
Mr. lionshaw a woii known about town , and
time truth of hI story can casliybo verified by
caliliguponor , addressing him at hia addrtas
above vlyell.
Intercsiirg Evidence of a Condition Not to Be
Trifled With.
Vimen catarrh bts oxlstcl in the head end tIme
uncut. part of time iiirn&mt ruramy , length of time
- tre patiemit il'lmg , Iii a district witoro pcoiie
are subject to cittarrhnl affotiomm--and the die.
ease imu been bit ummeured , the caemrrh Iuvmmri.
ably , somotitimes slowly. extends dowi the
wimmdpie , and into the bronchial tUbes , which
tUbcconvotho air to the different p.trtsof
the iminga. Thu tubes becomno ahlected from
the swelling and the mucous arislmg , from
catarrh and , in sonic lnstnncei , becoma plugged
up , so that the air catmimmt gtt tim as freely as it
should. Shortnos4 of breitlm , Omilomy , . , mtnd the
patient biothe with iaIoraum , difliculty.
in either cao thorn i a sound of crackling
and vboezing inside lime cimost , At this stage of
tim disoasotim hrcatiiimg , Is usually macre rapid
than when In imettith , . The patient has also hot
daqhoa over lila body.
Time 1,11111 whIch accompnnita , this ecndition is
or a dull character. Ivlt in limo behnd thi
breast bone , or tinder the shoulder blade. The
pain omay come and go-Isa : few days and then
ho aIient for several others. The coimgtm that
occurs In the first Stayt'S of lroflChIai oatarrh is
dryconm on Ut Intervals , hacking tim chcrao'
tom. and is tmemmahiy macst troublesome in too
morning on riSilmg. or going to bed st night and
it nmay be in the lint evidence ottimo dteo extending -
tending Into the lungs.
SometImes there are Sta ofcouglming Induced
by the tough mfllmclit so violent as to cause vom.
iting. I.mtter cmi the mucus that Is raisod. is
tnuntl to contain small particles of yellow mat-
tsr , wimlah lnhtcSteA , that tim small tmmbso In the
itmxmgs are nw affecteO. Witim ilmia there are
orulim streakS of blood mixed will , the mucus.
in some cases the patient becoimmos very pale ,
1m118 fever , and ozpoctoratoa before any cough
mmjpeltI 0.
In . , olne cases small masses of cheesy flab.
atanc are siit up , whmlclm , when Imvoscd between -
twoon the Cogent. omit a lmti , odor. In other
Cases , prttcic of a hard. chalky nattmro are
slit jip. Time raising of choosy or chalky lump ,
Inilleato serious misimief at vork in the iqnga
II Cresap M'Coy '
Late ofBellevue lIospital , N.Y
Have offices in
Cor. 15th and llarney Streets ,
Omaha , Nob.
Where itli curabie cases are treated with alma-
ce. Mcdicai IIISOUSOS troitttI * aimlifuliy. Comm.
uinpiloil , Iiright'U 1)IMtLso. iyspo.eilt , lUmuim-
matiem , ulml , nit NiHtVOUII IlSt'.AitS. iiI 'iI
seasee pecnltarto time sexes a specialty. CA-
TAttlili CUltiti )
CONSIIL'I'ATIdN at office or by nmaii $1.
ornce hours ; 0 to 11 a.m. ; C to 4 p. w. 7 tO
p. m. Sundays Included.
Correspondence reocivos prompt attention.
Manydleasea are treated euctessfuiiY by Dr
McCoy through the baud. and It is thus P035 ! .
bie for those ummabie to maim a louril. ' ! 10 ob-
tabs successful hospital treatment at their
bomsu. No letters anaworod unless acoomps
nlsdby4 :
? Dr. 3. 0. McCoy. rooms
$10 and 511 Barago Building , Omaha , Neb
. . _
- - - - - -
' - - ! -n.--l
. ,
Office in Arlington Block
Ropms 28 and 29.
Rcctal and Genito.UrhlnryDl , '
scases a Specialty.
Ilomortholds or Plies. cured In all cases , no
mustier of how longstanding. ItchIng i'IIee , so
called Fissure , Fistuis In Arm , Cotlatipimtion1
itoetni mmiccritmon anti mmii Chronic lmaeaaov or
the Itoctum otmecosatuily treated ly it
system of itcetal 3le-iictinn slut dIrect applies- ' -
thin of remeiice , Without the use of the KnitO.
i.lgatmmte or Caustics. No delay to busitmesa in
Orcimmnry eases. Olfico hommns aa : a.mmi. to 15:00 : so.
at , ) a , ttl,17 , to 8 p.m , Ilosltlcnco , con. ! 'Gtb and
' .
: ioss , isii st. , Omnirn , Ncb. ,
Capital , $3OOOOO
I1onis Mndo on caI Estate.
School , County and Municipal Bonds N.-
% VM. A. I'AXTO4 , WM , 0. MAuI. . "
I'rosklent. Vien l'rol.
flour. 1. . OAnm.mCts , I' . Ii. Joimssow , , ' . ,
bccroUli7 . Treasurer , '
Wit. A. 1'AXTO , flicsnv T. Ci.Aax ;
v. a. MAulS. L. U. 'Vir.e.t&ss.
Roar. L GARI.icfls 8 It. .lonmssog.
F. 11. JOiiNeozf.
"Wo do hereby certify that we supervise the
arrangomonta for all the ! .Ioimthiiy and Semi
Annual Lrawings of The I.ommislana State ' Lot
teryCompamiy. aimti In person manage and conS
trol the drawings thoniselvos , and that tim
same are conducted with honesty , faIresa and.
in good faith , toward cli parties , and we author
Ire time Ccmpny to use this certilieato wmth tao
simlles o t our algmmature attached , in Its advor
tisoments. "
WetS. undaraIgnoks and Dankcrs wiU '
pay all Prizes drawn In The Louisiana 5ta14
bottories which may be presented at our coWt.
ters. - '
.1. U. OOLESBY , Pros , LouisIana Nationfl , uk.
I'IEflRE IANitIIN , Prc. 5tto National Bk
A. BALDWIN. l'ros. New Orleans ) tat'Iflaak
CARt. OiIN , Pros. Union National Hank.
rouIsan1a State Lottery Company
incorporated in 1S5Cor2syearIby the leg islittr
for educitlonil and charitable purpoes-wIU a
capllsi of Il.tiX.OtX-to ) which a rose , , . fund of over
; uo.suhai atnce been Odde(1. (
imyami overwhelming popular , ote Its trnncits was
mide a partof the oro.enttatoconsthtuiioaailopted
December 2nd , A. 3) . 1575.
The omiy lottery over voted on and endorsed
bythe peopleof any state.
It never acaIo or pctpobe5.
Its 0 rand Single Number Drawings takal'Ieco
monthly , and thin Semi-Annual Irmwines rest-
iarly ovary sIx imonths ( June anti Locenbur. )
FORTUNE. Ninth Orand irawing , claSs I ,
ii the Academy of Music , New Orleans. Tues
daySep 15 , 1887-206th Monthly Drawing ,
5'Notice.-Tckets , are Ten Dollars only.
Halves , $5. Fifths , $2. Tenthi , $1.
i.isv ow rnzzas.
I CAPITAfIPILIZH 0) 5150,000. . . . * 150.0011
I ORANI ) l'1tI7.ll OP 50.000. . . . 50,01)0
1 OR/IND P1117.11 Oil JfQt ) . . . MO,00Q
a LA1IOIS l'itiZRSOtS 10,000. . . . 20,000
4 LARJX PRIZIlS 01' 5,000. . . . 20,000
201'IUZIfS OF 1,000. . . . 20.000
so " 000. ascee
100 ' aoo. . . . 00:000 :
500 . ' 200. . . . 40,000
500 " 100. . . . 50,000
l00ApproxiniationPrlzeaof $310 : : : : $30,000
100 " I' 300. . . . 30.000
1tiolTerminai . .
2,1Prizeaamountlng to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ApnhIea.tlon for rate. to club sheds be made only
to the ofliro or the company in New Orlese. .
icr fnrthpr lnIornintl'll write clearly , giviOg tail
id.lre.I. i'OSTAL. NO'i'I5 , express money erder.or
New York Kichanto in ordinary letter. Currency by
express ( at our ,
Naw Omu.L&Ns , LA. ,
Or 51. A. DAUPHIN ,
Addre3.s Reglsterel letters to
Nzw Oiu.aAnd
P fl That thi proermos or
J- Qeneraia Heauregard Intl
ari7wboareinohargo ot the drawtng.t , aguar.
Intel of Ibointe fairness nd intogniy , tbsi thi
okanScsare&iieqiiiti. and that no on. can possibly
divlsewbatnumber wilidraw a Lrie.
mtrMaMIlmcit that thu paymeni of all prizes i
Oriean.ftnd thu Tieketsflresigned by the presiden $
sian tntiltlofl. whose Chsrter.l rtihita arq r005-
nised In the hitiet court , : therefore. beware ot say
iLitatlon. or anonrmoul , cbenei
_ _ '
1 lII1
S - ' I Iqilld"a. . at , I.p I , a
S Ia.iCstC.nst.
OwtIE t4 thQ DIAOONAL ULASTiVITT of k. cloth lwlich
our pstn. rev. , eiclu.lyii ) will Ct p..rf'ly llr..I
tim. wirn. R.qlr. . no breking In. .0511 ayicssi.
by , , ll.r aft.r bate worn t. d&j. if lint f.Ufll II , , null
, INd C.iaf.rlmbIa Corset ev.r worn. bold by all
Oral-class . .
dei.ler.T BROS. . Cbiragu. Iii-
.1l. fl. .flISDO.N
Merchants National hank Himilding , iloomut
Teiophono No. 575. Ommimiha , Nebraska.
itxrita SENT :
PhoenixLondon , itnpiand. . . . . . . . . . $3,721Zf4.II
Firemen a Newark , N. J . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,551,81MM
Giun's aih. Clen's Fails , N. Y------ i,4P2i.M
OtrartI , I'hliar1ehitml , l's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . i,2U/M.7Q
Woetchbator New orK N. Y . . .
OffieeSoutlm OmahI floomni. iiunu iiulidtng.Ninth ,
" ; : ito.m 6 , over Commercial Natiouzl liomk.
Carpenter aud Builder ,
'relophiune COo.
209 SouhIs ? iixloesitii Street.
Gnera1 1llsuallce Melts ,
( Fire , Lightning and Toriia'1o.'r
N , W. Cog. Utlm and Ilarnoy Sti. , Omaha , Nek.
. TeisphwuG21.
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