Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1887, Image 1

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in Expose Calculated to Create a Btir In
the Yajhting World ,
Nils Is What The Now York
Tribune Undertakes to ProYC
by Accurate Measurements
The World ot Sport.
A Frnnd from Scotland ,
NEW YOIIK , August ! . [ Special Telegram
to the HKE.J The Trlbuno solves much
mystery about the Thistle this morning , by
giving a correct measurement and description
of the Scotch yacht which her owners have
been so anxious to keep secret. It says : The
fact of the matter Is the Thistle Is a "nay de-
deceiver. " A writer In the Urltlsh Nautical
Journal shortly after she was launched ,
doubted her "champion fraud' ' and certainly
the appellation seems to the point. Appoar-
tnces are deceitful In the case of the Thistle.
Her greatest depth Is about one-third from
the stern and her bottom shelves upwards
gradually from that point to a depth of not
more than one foot at the bow and the stern
post has an Immense rake. Her length
over all Is just 113 feet , according
to actual deck measurement , but
no one looking at her from without would
Ima Ine thli to be the case. Tl > e Volunteer's
length over all lacks 5 feet of this. Her
length on the water line Is about 85 feet The
extreme beam for the deck amldshlp Is 20
feet , 3 Inches , and at the water line about 'M
feet The volunteer hare has the advantage ,
her beam measuring 23 feet on deck und 2a
feet at the water line. Owing to her peculiar
build , the Thistle's water draught varies ex
ceedingly. At one-third the distance from
the Btem It Is about 14 feet and forward It is
only 12 Inches. How extremely light Is
the resistance she offers to the
water may bo gathered from this :
Her bowsprit , In hoard , measures
13 feet out ot board S3 feet , total 40 feet : the
Volunteer's bowsprit out board Is 37 feet.
The length of the Thistle's mast from truck
16 deck Is 120 feet. The lower mast Is ac
countable'for 75 feet of that , as compared
with the Volunteer's mam mast measure
ment ot only C5 feet , The Thistle's topmast
is 44 feet , 2 inches , as against 48 for the Vol
unteor. The length of the main-boom Is bl
feet 0 inches to the center of the mast The
Volunteer Is longer , measuring 84 feet The
length of her caff it 48 feet
The Volunteer Is put at 52
feet. The Thistle has no keel In the com
mon acceptation of that term. The nearest
description that may be applied to her but-
torn Is that It respinbles a trough filled with
lead. The sail area Is not accurately known.
The mainsail has an araa of 4,600 feet and the
big topsail measures ( XX ) feet For light
winds , the Tblstlo has a silk spinnaker and
a silk jib topsail and her heavier sails are of
cotton. The briefest and best possible do-
acriptlon of the shape of the Thistle that can
bo given Is that she Is just like a mussel shell
on edge.
The Omnhas vs. thoMnynes.
About 200 people witnessed the game yes
terday between the Omahas and C. E. Mayne
nlno. If the previous hard luck or bad play
which has characterized the Omahas' filled
the Mayne boys with hopes of victory lu the
first two Innings , when only ono run was
scored against them , despair set In on the
third Inning when they found live runs
against their nothing , and lasting to the
cloho showing a score of twelve to one lu
favor of the Omaha club. The heavy rains
of Saturday night loft the grounds ver
heavy and made running the bases dlfllcul
for both sides. The dark drossy
uniforms .of the .Mayne nine con
trasted strongly with the white
suits of their rivals and made a picturesque
appearance. Some line field catches were
made by the Muyncs , and s a whole their
play was creditable. McKelvey. the old war
horse of the U. P's played with them on third.
Double plays were made by both nines , which
filled an otherwise spiritless game with ex
citement Tno game lasted nearly two hours
and was umpired by T. C. llealy.
Following is the scoie by Innings :
lnnlnes-1 1)3450789 )
Omaha 1 0 5 U 0 0 1 n * -l2
0. E. Mayno . . . . -OOP 00010 1
Denver 8 , Lincoln O.
DnNvr.ii , Colo. , August 21. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bui : . ] It took souio very hard
work upon the part of the Denvers to-day
to defeat Dnvo Rnwe's nlno of sluggers.
Ehrot pitched a good game and was finely
supported by Urlggs as well as his field. Ho
struck out the best of Lincoln's batters , Howe
Included , and was hit for only nine actual
hits and two phantoms. Swartzoll also did
well being hit for but eleven lilts and six
bases on balls. The audience was one of the
largest of the season and was very apprecia
tive. Uowe received his usual greeting.
Hagan called balk on Ehrot which was his
first decision that has displeased the audi
ence since he has officiated In Denver , The
score Is :
Denver..0 0 8 I
Lincoln..0 1 0 2 a 0 1 0 0G i
Kuns earned Denver 4 , Lincoln 4. Two i
base hits Herr , Tebeau , * McSorley. Three
base hits Ueckloy. Dolan. Errors Denver
1. Lincoln 6. Double plays Uowe to
Jleckley to Heir , llerr to Uowe
to Ucckley. Passed balls Brlrgs 2. Struck
out Khret 3 , Swartzoll 4. Wild pitches
Khret 2 , Swartzell 1. Left on bases Denver
6. Lincoln 7. Batteries Denver Khret and I
Iirlirgs , Lincoln Swartzell and Hoover. Base
on balks Sbater. Umpire Uogau.
Ilnln Spoils the Wichita Gamo.
WICHITA , Kan. , August ! ! ! . [ Special Telo-
pram to tlio UIE. : I The ball game was de
clared elf bore to-day on account of rain.
FnlU City IS , Hiawatha 7.
FAI.1,9 CITV , Neb. , August 21. | Special
to the HKK.-Tho ] Falls City Ulues met the
* Hiawatha , Kan. , nine on the grouuds of the
f latter und defeated them by a score of 15 to
7. Freeman and lUy , of St. Joo. were the
battery for Hiawatha , and Frazer and Kinzlo
for Falls City. The score :
Falls City 1 1140200 0-15
Hliiwatha 3 7
Umplie Iteavis.
American Atmoclatlon.
CI.P.VILANI : > , August 21-Tho came between
tlio Cleveland and Metropolitan teams to-day
resulted as follows :
Cleveland 0 00003210 R
Mt-tropolltans. . . . ! 5000001 * 7
ST. Loris , August 21. The game be
tween ttiu St Louis and Athletic teams to
day resulted as follows :
bt Louis 0 1000 * !
Athletics 1 3 1 0 0 5
Came called at end of fifth inning on ac
count of ruin.
LOUISVILLE , August 21. The game be
tween the Louisville and Baltimore teams
to-duy resulted as follows :
LouUvillo 1 00100100 3
Baltimore 0 0300320 * 8
CINCINNATI , August 21. The game be
tween the Cincinnati and Brooklyn teams
todaresulted as follows :
Cincinnati 1 0 2 Ifll 2 0 1 1 0
Brooklytu 4 0000065 -14
A Drue Cleric Suicide * .
WICHITA , Kan. , August 21. [ Special Tolo-
frram to the UEK. | Frank Iloiirgewall , a
drugclcrk , took ISO grains of cocMuo In wine
with the Intention of committing suicide ,
and will dlo from the effects of the dose. Ho
had been on a drunk for some time , and this
morning when the proprietor ot the store
chlded him for belli , ' intoxicated he took tbo
drui ; , and was found about noon In a coma
tose state.
Yellow Jack In key West.
Kr.v rt'KST.FIa. , August 21. There has been
ono new case ot yellow fever and one death
to-duy. The total number of cases to date Is
! 54j Htm sick. 40 ; discharged , cured ICO ;
tenths , 53.
No Material Change In Corn Weather
Crop nulletln.
CHICAGO , August 21.-Tho following crop
summary will appear In this week's issue of
the Farmers' Review : Our reports do not
indlcatft any material change In the condi
tion of the corn crop In different states as the
result of the recent rains. Corn on hlph and
dry lands was too far gone to be recuperated
by rains , but low lying and late planted
fields have been somewhat helped. These ,
however , are notof sulllclcnt acieaeo to affect
to any appreciable dearre the general aver
age of condition. Dakota alone reports the
condition of the crop above the average.
The averaeo yield of wheat and oats re
ported Is not materially different from last
week. Hecent rntns luivo much refreshed
nnd Invigorated pastures.and a fair supply of
tall feed Is now anticipated. Potatoes gen
erally are turnlne out a poor crop on account
of the drouitht , hut lain varieties have been
helped by rains. Cattle are beginning to
pick up In condition nnd are reported IP
good health as a rule.
Weather Crop Bulletin.
WASHINGTON , August 21. The following
Is n synopsis of the weather crop bulletin of
the signal office for the wtek ended August
20 : Temperature During the week ending
August'JO It has been slightly cooler than
usual throughout the l.tko region and upper
Mississippi and Missouri valleys. The
average dally temperature In the last named
dlctrict ranged from two to four degrees be
low normal. Rainfall The rainfall has been
in excess generally throughout the
corn and potato regions and the
north-east poitlon of the cotton
region. Well distributed rains have occurred
throughout the drought region and reports
this morning show that rain continues in
this section. General remarks : The weather
for the week has been favoiable throughout
the corn belt , the recent rams having greatly
Improved the condition of that crop , but ow
ing to the lateness of the rain In principal
corn-producing states , the yield will probably
bo below the average.
KanflDB Corn.
WICHITA , Kan. , August 21. [ Special to
the HKK.J Diligent Inquiry among farmers
and grain dealers throughout the counties
tributary to Wichita develop the tact that
the acreage of corn this year Is fully W per
cent greater than that of last year. The con
ditlon of that acreage , 75 per cent of an aver
age crop. The avorairo yield will be about 30
bushels per acre , although there are large
areas which will yiuld CO to HO bushels per
acrn. Seasonable rains have kept the pas-
turns In good condition and cattle are In line
Improved hy Recent Rains.
KUSIIVILLB , Neb. . August 21. [ Special to
the UEK. ] Corn , under the Influence of late
rains and favorable weather , Is looking well.
Farmers have generally planted too thick.
The average Increased fully 100 per cent over
lost year. Hall has stripped the leaves In
certain localities. The average yield will
probably bo 20 bushels per aero. Isolated
pieces may go 40 to SO bushels.
The Average Quadrupled.
CiiAnnoN , Neb. , August 17. [ Special to
the BEE. ] Corn Is doing nicely , llecent
rains have refreshed It. It will probably
yield 20 to. 30 bushels per acre. The acreage
lsquadrupledas this Is a new country. There
was not much planted last year. All crops
have been fairly In this county.
The Corn Crop About Norden.
NOKDKW , Neb. , August 21. [ Special to the
HEE.I The corn crop will average about CO
bushels to the acre In this neighborhood.
The acreage is Increased at least 00 per cent
Knu OAK , la. , August 21. ( Special to the
BEK. | The corn crop Is passed any assist
ance from rain and will average about 20
bushels per acre. The eraln , too , Is of a poor
quality , owing to chinch bugs. It will be
light and chaffy. The acreage shows a slight
increase over last year , owing to the favor
able spring for planting.
A New York Cashier Steals $24U7O
and Then Admits It.
NEW YORK , August2l. | Special Telegram
to the UEK. ] The Putnam County Savings
bank ot lirowsters is In the grocery and dry
goods store of W. T. Lobdtill & Company.
Ferdinand A. Uoyt was secretary and treas
urer and cashier of the bank , and an equal
owner In the store with Mr. Lobdell and Ed
ward Storm. Mr. Storm died week before
last. The store Is draped In mourning for him
and the bank Is also In mourning over i de
ficit by the cashier. The state bank examiner ,
O. P. llichaidson , made the discovery In
going over the books of the bank last Tu es-
day afternoon , and 'on Wednesday he spoke
to Cashier Hoyt about It Mr. Uoyt told Mr.
Richardson that ho would find $ .24,370 miss-
lug , and gave him a memorandum of separ
ate amounts he had stolen ana
dates. Tbo defalcation wax principally
confined to the years 1834 and 18& . Uoyt
said lie had lost money In speculation and
had not been able since to square himself
with the bank , Mr. Hoyt told the president ,
Morgan llorton , and a meeting of the trus-
tees was held. Mr. Uoyt made a clean
bruast of everything , nnd said ho would make
good thn defalcation ; that the bank should
not lose a penny. He surrendered to the
l.ank his Interest In the store , worth , he said ,
815,000 , then he gave away all his wife's pos
sessions , mortgaging for J 11,000 their homo.
which Includes a farm about one and u half
miles from Urowster. and deeding two houses
and lots In the city valued at 95,000 each ,
with the understanding that whatever was
left over after satisfying his debt to the bank
was to couio back to him. An effort was
made to keep the defalcation quiet , hut It
leaked out and there was a run on the bank.
About SV,000 ) was withdrawn by depositors
whose coulldunco lu the concern was shaken.
The Sorvla Arrives at Quconstown.
( CnityHuM ISS7 b\j \ James doiilin Beimclf.1
QUKKNSTOWN . August 21. [ Now Yoik
Herald Cable-Special to the UKI : . | The Sor-
via arrived to-day. She had splendid weather ,
She had seen nothing of tbo missing City ot
Montreal. Tbo Umbria sailed for New Vork
with twenty-live medical doctors to attend
the International Medical congress at Wash
ington , September S.
Indignant Irishmen.
LONDON. August 21. The Irishmen of
Liverpool at a meeting to-day adopted reso
lutions protesting against the proclamation
of the Irish National League. Similar reso
lutions were adopted at the meeting of
rrullc.xU held In London Saturday afternoon.
Numerous branches of the leas > un in Ireland
held their weekly meetings as usual to-day.
An Aztec Btntue Unveiled.
CITV OF MEXICO , ( via Oalvestou ) , August
21. The unveiling of the statue of Cuan-
toinac , the last of the Aztec emperors , this
morning , was an occasion of unusual Inte
rest and slcnlticanco. Thousands of Indians ,
many of whom come from miles around the
capital , brlnclug with them creat quantities
of llower * , attended the ceremony.
Snlcldn of An Actor.
ST. Louis. August 21. The d ad body ol
Austin II. Morris , well known In theatrical
elides throughout the country , was found
in his room at the Lacludo hotel thU after
noon. Ho evidently committed suicide.
A Town Almost Ilurnod Up.
Sr-niNQFiKLD , 0. , August 21. The village
of DtOraif , Logans county , a puce of 1.20C
Inhabitants , was almost entirely destroyed by
tire last night. Loss , SCO.W
Strict Sunday Seclusion.
Nnw BEUFOUU , Mass. , August 21. Mrs.
Cleveland had strictly a < lay at home In
Marlon to-day , not even attending a church ,
and devoted a large part of her time to
answering correspondence.
It Was Exceedingly Unsatisfactory Prom
A Speculative Standpoint.
Ho Was Expected to Buy Hoavlly and
There Was Much Disappoint
ment Dcoauso lie Didn't
Operators Nonplussed.
Governments Loio a Point.
Nnw YOIIK , August 31. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKK. | Taking the week all In
all , It has boon a very unsatisfactory one
from a speculative point of vlow to both bulls
and bears In the stock market. The spurt ot
activity and buoyancy which characterized
last Saturday's closing dealing led to a very
general expectation of a brilliant opening
on Monday , which made the disappointment
all the greater when these features were only
consplclous by tliolr absence , and a dullness ,
and what might bo called , Inerla , was felt
upon exchange , continuing with occasional
Interruptions all through the week. The
treasury bond purchase was nealn awaited
with no little Interest and whan over eight
millions were ottered , chiefly at 110 and
under , the street jumped to the conclusion
that the secretary would accept the great bulk
of the proposals ; hut when he took only32 , -
600,000 at 109 , 44 being the lowest
price asked , the second disappointment of
the week was experienced. Manhattan ,
Missouri Pacific , Now England and Pacific
Mall , all of which were Influenced by special
causes or movements , fluctuated to 4X
points , but changes In other leading shares
were , as a ruin , much less , The market was
strong when London bought and ths shorts
covered and weak when It lacked these stimu
lants. During most of the tnni speculation
was completely under the control of room
traders , who were divided In sentiment until
the close , when they all sold stocks and thus
brought about a general reaction.
Summing up the operations of the week , It
can be said thev present no clear Inslzhf as
to the future of values , and outside of ex
change , operators are at a loss tor any basis
on which to proceed , The action of the sec
retary completely demoralized the covern
inont bond market and 4V < s fell oil over
a point and 4s about half as
much. The offerings of the former were
large to the prominent bond dealers , who
were overwhelmed with solicitations for bids
and holders were willing to accept lower
prices day after day although at the close the
anxiety to sell diminished. Another unset
tling influence on the governments was the
appearance of some 4s held for California
account and It was feared that the collause of
the great wheat deal might yet bring oul fur
ther amounts. The market for railroad mort
gages was fully as dull as that for stocks , and
changes were correspondingly slight. The
foreign exchange , after a spell ot weakness ,
hardened some , only to fall oft araln. The
market has been well supplied with security
bills , the volume of which has been sufllclunt
to keep rates down to tbo gold Importing
point during the greater part of tlio week.
The money market was comparatively easy ,
although some attempts wore made to manip
ulate It.
Monetary Transaction * In the Coun
try During the Past Week.
BOSTON , Mass. , August 21 , ISpeclalTele
gram to the BEE. | The following table
compiled from dispatches to the Post , from
the managers of the leading clearing houses
In the United States , shows the gross e *
changes for the week ending August SO ,
1887 , together with the rates per cent of In
crease or decrease as compared with those
of the corresponding week last year :
New xork 5505,507,70-J 17.C
Boston G9,003,7S > 7 1.3
Chicago 51,488,140 9.5
Philadelphia 63.343.030 , die
San Francisco 10 , 50,578 C < M I *
St Louis 10.946,302 12.6
Baltimore 11,010,091 7.0
Cincinnati si !
Pittsbure 8,737.639
Kansas City 6,700,431 41.0
Louisville 21. b
New Orleans 4,515.133 11.3
Provldeuco 4aVJ,500 27.7
Detroit 8,737,390 27.9
Milwaukee 8,712SOO 8.2
Minneapolis 3.0
Cleveland 3,090.205 26.9
Omaha 2,8712,860 41.7
Denver 2.282,600 73.4
Columbus 2,035,440 7.8
Indianapolis 1,008,341 30.0
St Joseph 1,600 , : 5 73.5
Hartford L2 < JO,544 1.5
Ouluth , 1,2114,102
New Haven. . . . 1,230,852 20.
Peorla 1,100,152 53.4
Springfield , 879,752 7.2
Memphis 865,068 9.7
Portland , 860,892 9.4
Worcester. 831.040 3.4
Onlveston 730. WO 11.9
Wiehlta , 610..VM 84.8
Syracuse , 679,571 29.0
Lowell c. . 545,56.5 6.0
Grand Uaplds 408.83H 34.1
Norfolk. . . 440 , P 2.1
Total 3S > 00,509.876 9.3
Outside Nnw York 801.OjU.174 13.4
* Not Included In totals.
Precocious Youths.
WASHINGTON , August 21. Harry T. Cook ,
aged twenty-one , and Charles T. Cook , his
brother , some > ears younger , wore arrested
hare this afternoon , the eldur for forgery and
thoyounger.for collusion. Harry was discount
clerk in the Columbia National bank , where
ho had access to the signatures and accounts
of the bank's natrons. It has been shown by
the Investigation that he soinu time ago dis
guised tiim.solt and , under an assumed
name , opened an account In an
other bank. He then forged the
name of ono of the Columbia
bank depositors to a series of checks , pay
able to himself under his assumed name and
got his younger brother to deposit them to
his account. The checks , after they had been
returned to the Columbia bank for collection
and after they had been paid and entered in
the books , were secured by ilio forger and
destroyed. The culprits are sons of the late
Prof. Cook , of this city. Thn name forged to
the checks is that of John It. McLean. The
amount secured was 52,024.
Violated the Injunction.
CHICAGO , August 21. A special from Win-
nlpeg says that the contractors on the Ked
Hlver Valley road put on a large force of
men yesterday and rushed the grade tlirnueh
the land disputed by the Canadian Parlho In
spite of the Injunction. There Is great re
joicing in Winnipeg.
A Mlsfllni ; Jeweler Heard From.
HEW Yomc , August 21. Robert Ilahn ,
the Maiden Lane jeweler , who went away
last week with a quantity of diamonds
belonging to other persons , has just been
heard from In Canada , lie promises to
return soon add straighten things out.
Died Without Uttering a Word.
CHICAGO , August 31. Wlllard G Babcock ,
who was mysteriously shot at Gardner. III. ,
died this afternoon. Nothing had been
learned about the affair before his demise.
Death of a Processor of Hygiene.
ATLANTIC CITY , N. J. , August 2U Dr. N.
A. Archer , professor of hygiene In the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania , was drowned while
surf bathing near here to-day.
A Murderer Confesses.
I/UNDO * , Augun 8L Murderer Llpskl ,
who Is to be hanged to-morrow , baa made a
full confession.
. THE WIllSKg ; TUU9T.
A Distiller Tells Something About
It * Inner Workings.
I'KOUIA , 111. , Auguet ai.-Srcclal | Telfl-
gratn to the DKK.I Some particulars In the
great Whisky trust were given to a reporter
this afternoon by a prominent distiller ot
this city. No man can tell what any one else
Is securing until he gcti Into the trust. In
answer to a query of what the trust is , the
distiller said : "It Is to bo run the samons a
cotton seed and oil trust. In the first place
the distiller puts a valuation on his house ,
then a committee IP appointed to examine
Into It. After a man's distillery has been
appraised the owner tnrns It over to nine
trustees for their usa for twenty-five years ,
and receives In lieu thereof , trust certificates.
In some Instances ho receives 12 In certificate
for 81 of valuation ; In others , dollar for dot-
ar , and in others a less sum. After a man
urns his property over to a trus-
ce ho ceases to operate It. It
s the Intention lot the trust to
egulato the production of whisky so that
hese certificates will pay from 0 to 10 per
ent. The capital of the trust Is pretty well
.ip In the millions ; sotno say as high as forty
millions. Yesterday all the employes in
' ouses that ao In the trust were told they
jiust look for their wages to the trust , as they
were no longer working for Individuals.
Wages will probably be reduced from 10 to 20
icr cent at once. It Is supposed by some
netnbers of the organization that It will tend
o a large amount of Illicit distillation and
raffle In whisky , as it Is the aim of the trust
o put the price up so hleh that it will , In re-
lltv , bo a bid for smuggling. It Is not to be
jresumed that a distiller who has a house
worth 9300,000 will keep 8600,000 worth of
on-paying stock In his possession , but will
aturally unload It at bis convenience. "
Sheridan Plays a Double Game In
Connection With Boodlera.
CHICAGO , August 2L Lawyer N. H. Han-
chette , who was employed by tbo Citizens'
association to wring from Prlvato Secretary
Sheridan the inside of the aldermanlo boodle
deals , Is quoted as practically admitting that
Sheridan has not been taken In charge by
officers of the state , but has sold out to
reeked aldermen , ngalnst whom ho has
agreed to become a witness. Mr. Ilanchetto
aid that he had been' made aware that cer
tain aldermen and others Implicated had
within the past few days made up a consid
rablo sum of money ( or Sheridan in order
o buy him off , and possibly to send him
tway to prevent him from testifying
iicalnstthem. Sheridan bad put himself In
heir way to the extent of letting them know
hat he would otherwise bo compelled to fur
nish evidence against them One man , he
said , had come down to the tune of over $500.
Others had paid him small sums , and In this
way he had accumulated a considerable
purso. He was a shrewder fellow than ho
was taken for by those who have counted up
on securing him as a. witness at Alight cost.
Apparently ho was open to the highest bid
der , and knocked himself down to the gang
party at about 51,000. Iteports regarding the
street-car franchise Investigation are more
definite to-day. In and out of th < > city coun
cil Alderman John Colvln was the champion
ot Charles' ! ' . Yerk&s , the cableroad magnate ,
who has had such a meteoric career Isi Chica
go. Colvln has been In Austria , for some
reason , over since about the time the first
boodle Inquiries were begun. It Is now
assorted that Dateetive Mooney , of
Chicago , accompanied by Detective Fern , of
New York , lett for Europe Tuesday ncht. !
Their destination was either Havre. France ,
or Hamburg , two ports-from which Colvln's
present resting placp n > e slly accessible by
railroad. The dcpartnre ot the detectives
was unexpected because Mr. Mooney bad
given it out that he intended to spend his va
cation , if he took one , In the Kocky moun
tains. It Is understood that ho has a com
mission from the Citizens'association , which
Is furnishing the moiiey to carry on the war
fare against the dishonest alderman , to look
after Colvln and perhaps General Manager
Trlpp , ot the Underground Klectrlc company ,
who Is credited with engineering the noted
conduit jobs , resulting lu a mammoth mo
nopoly for the gas trust. '
A Georgia DridcKrooiu'n Horrible Dis
covery at a Country Funeral.
GAINSVILT.E , Go. , August ai. From jackson -
son county comes a story of a singular end-
Ing. Near Jefferson , In that county , there
lives Jasper Porter , a popular young farmer ,
who has been very successful In his business ,
While In this city six months ago he me
Miss MattleVard , a beautiful young lady
the daughter of a well-to-do farmer In th
northern part of the county , some twenty
miles distant. A warm attachment sprung
up , and several visits were made by th <
youne man to the home of Miss Ward.
At their last meeting , three weeks ace , I
was agreed that they should got married or
the 2Sd , and that Mr. Porter should make hi :
appearance at the mansion on tlio Saturday
preceding and remain until the ceremony
was over. It was thus that , after having his
affairs set in order , leaving his new Home In
charge of a trusted colored woman , he set out
on his trip to Mr. Ward's home on horse
back. He bad almost readied the end of ML
journey , when , passing Walnut church , ho
saw that It was crowded. He decided to
enter , and found that a funeral was In
progress , the preacher being at the time in
the middle ot his discourse.
At the conclusion of the sermon the coffin
was opened and all were invited to take a
last look at the deceased. Amid the waillne
sounds it was hard for the traveler to distin
guish who it was , but curiosity prompted
him to push his way up In order to see the
dead person. He stood at last by the coffin ,
looked Intently and began to fall. Ho saw
there the face of the lady whom he was
journeying to marry , ami of whose death ho
had not been appraised. The discovery that
the dead girl's lover was in the building but
added to the excitement of the occasion. It
boems that the young Jadv was In the best of
spirits up to the night before her death , and
that she fell dead from heart disuasa.
Stnninnhlp Arrivals.
NEW YORK , August 21. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE.j Arrived : The Auranla ,
from Liverpool ; the Ilohomln , from Ham
burg ; the Anchor ! * , from Glasgow ; the
La Champagne , from Havre.
QUKKNSTOWN. August 21. The Servla
from New York arrived to-day on the way to
LONDON' . Anzust 91. The Norniandlofrom
Now York for Havre passpd Ll/ard Point
to-day. The Itugla from New York for
Hamburg arrived at Plymouth.
Ferdinand U rano to Accede.
ruiLLiroroMR , August 2L--Prlnce Fer
dinand has refused to accede to the request
of foreign consuls for an unofficial Inter
view. The French consul has Insisted that
the Catholic bishop lower tlu < trl-coior wnich
he displays. Uadoslavolf and ToncholT have
refused to form ministry.
DtBcuBslon Postponed.
LONDON , August 2L It Is rumored that at
the request of Parnellltcs the government
consents to postpone the discussion of Its
action in proclaiming the league.
Curious Result ofa French Duel.
PAIUS , August 21. In a duel to-day grow
ing out of of a private quarrel the combatants
badly pierced each other In the lunzs.
The principals In the duel wcro M.
Labruyore , a writer on the Crl Du I'euplo ,
and an oQicer named Melville.
A Missionary' * itelonte Requcnted.
MADIIID , August 21. The United States
government has requested the release of
Missionary Deane , who was arrested on the
Island of Ponape , contrary to Spain's agree
ment to respect the Protestant missionaries
In the Caroline Islands.
Allleou for President.
CHICAGO , Ausust SI. A Dally NeWs
special from Des Molnes asserts that Senator
Allison's name will ho Mi-a-Lsti'il In the state
republican convention Wednesday aa a.presi
dential candidate.
TheMan Charged With Bobbing the Army
Paymaster in Custody Hero.
A Human Attempt * to Ravish A Sick
Woman Art-cut of a Batoontat
Yesterday' * Picnics Local
Parker in Omaha.
Jim Harris , alias Uliarllo Parker , who
is charged with the famous robbor.y of
the array pay watcon at Antelope Springs ,
March 18 , last , m consequence of which
Major Hash , the paymaster , was cash
iered , was brought to Omaha by Deputy
United States Marshal Carr on the 7:50 :
train yesterday ruornln < r. Ho was con
voyed to the county Jail and locked up in
the solitary.
Parker , who has been heralded as a red-
hand desperado , proves to bo a farm-lad
in appearance , and it seems incredible
that ho should have been the terror
which reports pictured him. Slight of
figure , with a shock head of yellow , sun
burned hair , and with an almost timid
countenance , fringed by a scrub- growth
of fcoblo beard , ho is the picture of inof-
It Is evident that the United States an-
horitles were guided by some secretive
policy in handling tlio man as ho was
taken out of North Plutto without the
knowledge of of the citizens there and
was landed hero In such guarded fashion
that the discovery of his presence was
duo solely to an accident. Instructions
had been left with the jail authorities not
to permit him to converse with visitors ,
so the UGK reporter who visited him yes
terday had but little opportunity for ex
tended conversation with the prisoner.
Parker , at the same time , although good
nattircd enough , was not much inclined
to talk. Ho stated , however , that hn had
nothing to do with the robbery
of tlio paymaster's wagon and
could prove that at the time ho was
not in Wyoming but in Nebraska , south
of the Cheyenne river. Ho admitted that
ho was robbed by Lucas , Itagncll and
Johnson , who represented themselves as
United States deputy marshals , but
claimed that ho only had with him about
$1,500 , which was rightfully his own
The prisoner says of himself that ho is
twenty-six years old ; that ho was born
and reared in Arkausaw and moved into
Nebraska about two years ago. Ho says
that this was the trouble he was ever
n and disclaims being a terror of any
xind. _
A Brnto Criminally AssanltH a Sick
Womnn In Her B-d.
Ono of the most desperate crimes of re
cent occurrence in Omaha followed by
an almost successful ellurt to lynch the
criminal , created the wHdest excitement
in the southwest portion of the city ycsj
About 3 o'clock in the afternoon , Mrs.
Bertha Kosondolph , who resides at the
corner of Fourteenth nnd Leavenworth ,
was alone in her homo , lying upon a bed
of illness to which she has been confined
for the last three weeks. Her hus
band , who is a railroad man ,
was absent from home , while
her children wcro at Sunday services ,
having loft all conveniences at hand for
the invalid mother and locking the door
so that she should not bo molested pending
ing their return.
Charles Blue , a young laboring man ,
boarding in the house adjoining ac
quainted himself with these conditions
and in a spirit of flendishncss ditlicult to
ascribe to a beast , determined to lake
advantage of tlio woman's powerless-
ness. Ho aflectcd an entrance readily
enough but was blocked as her bed room
door. Ho demanded that she should
open it and upon her failure to comply
at once lie forced the locks oil' and en *
tercd. The startled woman too fceblo to
make an outcry tried to raise
herself in bed with a view to
attempting escape. With a deliberation
and calculation which bespeaks his cool ,
premeditated purpose , ho nailed up the
door from within and attacked the bed
ridden woman. Fceblo and ill as she was ,
Mrs. Ilosondolph was inspired with des
perate energy as she comprehended the
intruder's purpose. In the struggle
which followed the unfortunate woman
was dragged from the bed , beaten over
the face and head and crushed
against the furniture and floor until
every shrud of her scant clothing was
torn from her and she was fainting.
Meanwhile neighbors had been attracted
to the noise and a crowd of men burst
into the house. Tlio would-be
ravisher at this jumped through the
rear window , cleared the fence ,
and running into his lodging house ,
hid under the bed , in the belief that his
flight had not been witnessed. Oliicer
Ucorgo Rayworth was shortly afterward
attracted to the scene , and after a brief
search discovered the culprit. As Itluo
was brought from his hiding place und
while awaiting the arrival of the patrol ho
was with dillioulty defended by theoillcer
from the vengeful purposes of the indig
nant neighbors. A largo crowd was
gathering and the cry ot "lynch him"
was already raising when 'lie patrol ar
rived and was whipped away with tlio
Mrs. Rosendntpli was left in a very
precarious condition.
The Clot hi nu Salesmen.
The clothing salesmen hold a picnic at
Russer's grove yesterday , returning last
evening at 0 o'clock. The day passed
delightfully in dancing , bowling , etc.
Unc of the most interesting features of
the occasion was the basu ball match
between the clerks of the Nebraska
clothing store and those of Helltnaii's
clothing house. Thn contest was a
spirited one , and resulted in a score of
20 to 10 in favor of the Nebraska clothing
clerks. The musical union band and
orchestra furnished the music for the
occasion. _ _ _ _ _
rirlck Masons and Plasterers.
The brick masons and plasterers gave
an excursion to Calhoun yesterday. The
day was in every respect a grand success.
The jolly crowd returned about 10 o'clock
last night ,
From Sion.v Clly.
Three passenger coaches of Sioux ( Jity
excursionists arrived in Omaha about
noon yesterday , anil passed the afternoon
and evening most pleasantly in viewing
the wondt-rs of the date City. They re
turned at 1) ) pm. .
Tlio Excursion to Milford.
The excursion of the Plnttsmouth lodge
of locomotive firemen to Milford Satur
day wa ? n delightful success. The train
of live coaches , with 150 passengers , was
handsomely decorated , Engine 105 , with
C. Z. Simpson at thq throttle , James Mo-
r' Hrcttlnn Wn wreathed in flags ,
streamers , u . . , , , tfcb ;
bronze ileuro of '
a dark'Oi .
a bou
quet on the platform , It was the pret
tiest piece of locomolivo decoration scon
In Omaha , and was admired by all. The
votoran.Conductor Ualliiigcr had ohargo
of the train , assisted by the following
committee of the brotherhood : 11 L
neatly , V.Ann , W. M. Collccot , W. K -
guson , J. Thomas and C. P. " . \ia. ,
The train reached ' ord at noon and
was Kront < " < n mi a shower of rain , which
) ntii the dust and slightly dampened thn
ardor of the pleasure seekers. The sky
soon cleared , however , and tlio party
marched to Shogo island In the Hluo
river where the afternoon was spent in
various recreations.
Shogo island is a delightful spot.
About ton acres in extent , covered with
timber , it Is a natural picnic ground. It
is .surrounded by the famous Blue river ,
a beautiful body of water , from nix to
eighteen fcotin depth , furnishing facilities
unequalcd in the state for yatciiing , sail-
'ng or rowing. A small steamer and a
limber of row boats wcro in constant
so by the excursionists , and the rarity of
.lie sport fully compensated for the long
ind tedious journey. The island is owned
by Miller Thompson and leasnd by Mr.
Upton. During winter it is proposed to
ixpend about Jf.'i.OOO in improving and
icautifving the island , dredging the
tumps and driftwood out of the river ,
ind providing a largo steamer and a licet
if row boats for the accommodation of
xcurslonista. A now lauding close to
ho railroad will also bo built , so that vis-
tors can reach the island lu a few min-
.itcs walk. Next summer Mr. Upton
proposes to run a series of excursion
.rains at low rates from Omaha and ad-
acent towns , and give the pccned-up
: > eoplo a taste of mimmor resort at n
rilling cost.
The train startcd'for home promptly at
' p. m. nnd arrived in Omaha in the
midst of the storm at 11 , making the
ninety miles in the magniliceut stage
coach time of four hours. The railroad
company did its best to make the trip as
disagreeable as poosblo by kicking the
train into side tracks at the stations , and
wasting three quarters of an hour feeling
its way through the dismal yards at Lin
coln. _
Jhlcf Seavcy Finds the Means of Seiz
ing the Snloonlat.
On Saturday it was discovered by the
police that the saloon at 221 South Six-
ccnth street had been transferred into
he hands of Richard O'Malley. They
therefore declared that a new license was
necessary , and closed up the saloon.
O'Mally , therefore , secured a new license
which bore the signature of the city clerk
and Alderman Bcchcl , and opened his sa
loon again yesterday morning. The olli-
corshad their oycs on himhoweverind he
was arrested last evening on the charge of
keeping his saloon open Sunday. John
Connelly made a deposit of $105 for his
release until 0 n. m. to-day , when ho will
be arraigned for trial.
Much bitter fcqling is evoked from
O'Malloy's friends and it is freely stated
on the street that the police are perse
cuting him for reasons best known to
themselves. _
Preparations for the Coming Division
Content at Uolloviio.
On Thursday next five commanding of
ficers will arrive in this city from Texas
for duty in connection with the coming
division competition in army rifle prac
tice. Their names are : First Lieut. ( Jims.
B. Hall , Nineteenth infantry ; First Lieut.
O. M. Smith , Twenty-second infantry ;
First Lieut. L. C. Allen , Sixteenth in
fantry ; First Lieut. Charles Taylor , Six
teenth infantry and Second Lieut. Mat
thew F. Steclo , Eighth cavalry. These
ollicors are not out as competitors , but as
members of the orgam/.atlon. The detail -
tail is upon the nomination of Gen. D. S.
Stanley , commanding the department of
Texas , who selected them by reason of
their interest in this specialty. On the
same day there will also nrrive five olli-
cers from the department of Dakota ,
from General Ruger's command and an
equal number will arrive from the De
partment of Missouri , Wesley
Merrit's command. A selection of a like
number of ollicors will bo added from
General Crook's command , making a
total of twenty officers who are to act in
the capacity of umpires. This organiza
tion , which Is selected with great care to
represent tho. division of Missouri , com
manded by General Alfred Terry , will
supervise the contest to bo held at lielle-
vuo.The Texas team , comprising eighteen
olllcer.s und privates , under command of
Captain Stover , will reach hero next
Saturday. The Missouri team of equal
number under Captain Crane , of the
Twenty-fourth infantry , and the Dakota
team under Captain Botitollo , will reach
hero on the same day. Captain Houtollo
Io4ft Fort Custcr on crutcho.s in order to
give the benefit of his services to the
Dakota team. He is an old veteran and
the most expert master of modern rifle
practice in tlio army.
Tlio result of last Saturday's competi
tion under Colonel Henry at IKslIe-
vuo determine j the twelve ollioors and
men and the two alternates who
are to represent the department of the
platte in the company com petition. The
object of these forty-eight competitors is
to determine the twelve best shoU in the
division who will constitute the Missouri
rifle team and will receive from Major
General Terry a number of gold and
silver medals manufactured at the U. S.
mint in Philadelphia. In vinw of the
fact that the division of thn Missouri
comprises over 15,000 men , more than
than half of the regular army , a position
among the twelve best is n soldierly
honor indeed.
( icn. Terry has detailed ono of his staff
olllcers , Lt. Phillip Reid , to whom all
competitors are to report and who wilt
have charge of all the shooting up t'j and
including the Oth of September.
Hurelarn Vlsli On pin In Ruotln ,
Shortly after midnight yesterday morn
ing , Captain Ilustin , No. 1023 Harnoy
street , was awakened by the operations
of a burclar in his residence. Rushing
out to where ho thn suspicious
footsteps , ho found a thief piling up his
silverware in the center of the room , pre
paratory to doing them up in a bundle.
The crook was even more Ntartlcd than
the Captain , and quickly Miatching a pair
of opera glasses , a couple of silver card
cases ami a number of solid silver spoons
ho sped through an open window. Tlio
Captain describes him asr a dark com-
pluxioned man with : i black mustache ,
and about live leet eight inches in
Thr\Wnnther \ To-day.
1'or Nebraska : Cooler , fair \\eatlter , fol
lowed In western portion by rislni ; tempera ,
litre , Variable winds , shifting.
For Dakota : Local rains , followed bv ) lair
weather , cooler , except In northern D.ikot-i.
lUslnn temputiituru , northern winds , becom
ing variable.
Kurlnua : Kair weather In western portion
tion , local rains In rnstorn portion , cooler.
Variable winds , bhlftlngto northerly.
A Reporter's Attendance Upon a Pecullol
Omaha Church Last Night.
now Alton \Vnftlo Han Fits and Ilclpf
Along a NolHy Worship Pro-
tcstH | or the Neighbors
Against the Church.
Queer Ilcllloii ,
Over the hills on South Eleventh fltrctt ,
vhero the festive contractor Invuls the rldgei
and Illls the hollows by day and the belated
pedestrian lloundors by night , there stands a
little white mcetlng-house. It Is the Fret
Methodist churclf. Its Inaccessibility at pros *
ent would not attract pioselltos , and were l (
not for the religious uproar of Its congrega- '
tlon the wayfarer would pass It unnoticed ,
Clilet among Its shunters ts a young lady ,
Alice WtUlle by name. Her religious conv
tortlons are so demonstrative as to attract
unlver.Mil attention and render her a draw lint
card for the church , and occasionally she becomes - ,
comes HO violent that It requires the
united arms of seven men to hold nor.
The report of the young woman's strnngo
peiformanues have gained such wide cur *
rency , and statements so often reached the
BKK , that a reporter altcnded the church ser
vices last night tor the purpose of seeing hot
and bearing printed witness of the facts.
It WHS said that she was subject to a KJnd ot
cctasy Induced directly by religious Demotion
and that the conurcgatlon employed her ,
while In this condition , to otllclato on the
altar as a sort ot living shrine for voo-doo
worship. It was In the expectancy ot sensa
tional disclosures that the reporter entered
the humble and somewhat scantily furnished
The congregation was at prayer on his ar
rival with the good pastor U. D. Shepherd
remlndluc the Lord of the many sinners
needing repentance , oven to two men In par
ticular , whom It was likely He might over
look. The members of the white church me
not millionaires In any sense ; they am meek
and lowly and varied. There were n dozen
men lu earnest thought nnd muddy boots , a
couple ot elrls In bangs who made faces
at the reporter , a woman w Ith a baby In her
arms , young man with low forehead and shirt ,
who kept his arm about the shoulder of the
lady accompanying him , an > old lady lu the
Amen corner , who sighed and a mob ot
hoodlums who chewed tobacco on Sunday.
The reporter's eyes sought but ono object.
Miss Alice , and the now story of the hand
writing on tlio wall as told by Uiothor
Shepherd was lost on him.
"Is she hero to-night , will she perform do
yen think ? " ho asked ono of the hoodlums.
"Who here , what where ? " replied the lad
addressed as ho spat on the Inquirer's boot.
"Please , " said the reporter , as ho turned
towards the man with Ins arm where it
shouldn't be , "can you show me the lady
who gets excited , has tits and all that. "
And ho of the low brow and shirt paused In
his ghost tale to the girl to say , "Naw , you
uecher your sweet life this iral don't git tits"
and the. arm never dropped. Anxiety grow
intense , time was flying , hymns wore sung ,
the girl with the baby said she liked the
slneln' better'u preitcliln' and the chief ,
performer expected did not arrive.
The slghlnc old lady was found outside
lecturing some unruly boys and to her the re
porter breathlessly said :
'Mother , can you tell mo anything about
this girl who gets tits fourteen arms to hold
bur. shouts like hallooing through a tele
phone , jumps , hurrah , you know "
"Young man. " said the old lady , you'ro
lost ; you must have a mother , how she would
grieve to hear you talk about a true Christian
woman as spends her days and nights pray-
In' and as she gets the snlrlt "
"Well , where Is she , I'll got the spirit with
her to-night" replied the. HKK man quickly.
"She's tcndin'to her jutynt camp meet In'
many miles from here and you'll not see her
to-nlcht You better eo up on the sinner's
bench and get converted. "
Thus was hope hlghtened dispelled. Na
Alice Watllo to give life to the meeting and
avoirdupois to male arms and the services
were tame cnomih. It was determined to
Interview the neighbors and hear about
her from their standpoint The houses about
the white church are not exactly terraced.
They will be some day , but at present they
are on hills lett trom excavations made tor
stteets ; the steps to them are steep. A young
lady with a tilx dog on ono of the hills said
to the leportcr , who made an inquiry about
tlio shouting and absent Allca :
"Come up ; I'll toll you about hnr. "
"lint your dog ; does ho bite ? " said the
UKI : .
"Sometimes ho docs , particularly after
dark , " wns the calm lejily.
It was after dark then , and the reporter ,
fumbling for the ulhtol which he forgot ha
had lent to n gentleman whoso duties keep
him out late to protect him from policemen ,
said : "I'll ' stand down here. You toll me
up there , " and the young lady began her
story :
"I know that ' ac'r- '
girl. Shu's as good as -
ens , 1 was ovei at the church once to tee
her. When everything Is quiet the spirit
moves her and she begins screaming nnd
kicking likea lunatleasvliimon flro and then
the brothers and sisters , thlnkli ) ; she's get
ting religious , stand over her and howl glory ,
glory , and pralso Cod. I've often seen her
carried up the street , still as a corpse and to
tally Insensible. "
"What a plttv ; is elio young and pretty ? "
"Pity''No pity at all ; she's a nuisance ;
the neighbors have all complained about her
and something's got to bo done , we can't
.sleep on account of her. No , she's not pretty.
She H about twenty and as ugly as sin , and
I'd set this dog on her and the whole blamed
lot If I trot a chance , " said the young lady
spitefully , and the dog erowled a responsive
retrain to her words AS the reporter moved on.
"Freedom of religious worship is guaranteed - >
teed by the constitution , " snld a voting man
reading Blackstone with a view of admission
to tlrj bar , "and I don't see what redress wa
have against those people in the whltn
church. They continue their meetings oftort
till midnight , and annoy the neighborhood
with their Hhnuts. As for the girl you speaK
of , poor thin ? , she's demented and her propel
plnun Is an asylum.1
"Or jail , " hissed the man's wife with
clonrheil teeth.
"Youne man , " said a railroad
fireman , " 1'vo just been rcadin'
about Gideon's tutee hundred men
and how they shook their lanterns lu
Ditchers. You may Imagine the noise. It
Reared the Philistines and won n battle. lint
that Is nothing to what the white churchfccta
up. Tlio girl you speak of bents them nil.
Khc's a poor , emaciated thing , but good Cod ,
the lungH.she's got. Sim's a curiosity. It takes
strong men to hold her sometimes. She's1
been quiet or nw.iv all summer , lint last Sun
day night she broke nut again and the nolte
Is worse than ever. I'm sum If It began to
night I'd ring for the patrol. "
"Wlmt'd you come here lor , an > how , " sold
a man with a game eve.
"To pray and see the girl , " replied the
"How d'ye pray , loud or soft"
"Medium , " replied tha reporter.
"Well , von got no business tn the while
church. Yon nnit he a shouter to go there.
They bclluvo that Cod can't hear unless
loss 3 ou holler. Co somewhere else.
The girl's uoiU. to ciimp mceMnit
yon f > ay : Coot ) . I hope shu'll stay there.
Kverseohei ? Why she's a terror to the
neighborhood ; silo's worse than n lunatic let
looic. You can hear her for blocks when
Him gets started. Mm upsets chairs nnd people
ple L-enerullv nnd plays hell In the inectln'
nnd when they can't stand her any longer
Bin : goes Into n swoon and Ims to bo carried
nrnnnd to nlr. Oh I she's a daisy , but slie'a
depreclatln' property In this neighborhood ,
sure , " and the cross-eyed man grow excited ,
A Stunmnr Ilollnvcrt to Have Hurtle
With All on Ilonrcl ,
Piiii.\iiiriii.v ) : , August 21. The English
6teamslilp Madrid , which sailed from thl ?
port May 25 for London via Hull river , South
Carolina , \\hero she loaded n cargo of phos
phate rock , has been given up for lost with ,
nil on h'onrd. She was commanded by
.L'.iptalli Matthew Carson , who had with him
n ciew of twentv-fivu men. The steamur and
cargo were \alucil at 61