Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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4 Free Excursion to the Capital of Wy
eming Next Thursday ,
Cheyenne U tlio Coming City of the
Went and , A Ointico Is No\r
Offered to Sco It and
Its Boom.
An excursion Is announced to Cheyenne -
enno , Wyo. , on tlio 25th of this month ,
next Thursday. The train will start
from Omaha In the evening , with hnlf
( arc tickets for round trip at nil stations
west of Grand Island , good for return in
thirty days by way of Denver.
On the day of arrival at Cheyenne.
Messrs. Moore & Jones , of that city , will
loll at auction , without reserve , to the
highest bidder , 300 beautiful lots In
"Lake Mlnnchaha addition , " with o'nly
one-fourth cash and the balance in six
months , one and two years. Every pur
chaser of | 300 worth of lota in this addi
tion will get his faro
bia railroad fare being deducted from the
purchase price. In addition all pur
chasers will receive a ticket which will
cntitlo them to one chance to draw a
prize in the shape of a house costing
Cheyenne Is a beautiful city of some
10,000 inhabitants , and Is the capital of
Wyoming. It is well supplied with rail
road facilities , the Union Pacific which i ?
now building u now depot , the Hurling-
ton & Missouri , which is just building in
and two other roads , one leading south
and the other north , besides the railroads
Cheyenne hits other redeeming features ,
among them the mines twenty miles
west of the city which have just been
opened. The mineral from these mines
Is assaying $100 to the ton and the end is
not yet. The little city at bnsc of the
mountains is on the verge of a genuine
boom. Heal estate values since January
1st have advanced fully iifty per cent.
Those who have been through the west
lay that Cheyenne has a ( Treat future in
iloro for it , greater in fact than many of
its own inhabitants anticipate.
The day is not fnr distant when
it will outstrip Denver and an
investment made there now will
pay big money.
Those desiring further particulars in
regard to the excursion can write or call
on Pace & 1lhoades , auctioneers ; Moore
& Jones and J. E. Shipman , Kearney.
Neb. , or Chcyonno , Wyo. ; Campbell
Bros. , 1509 Farnam street , Omaha ; or
U. S. Amcnt , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Take a week's lay off and visit this
beautiful city and the mountains.
The entire stock of diamonds , watches
and jewelry , formerly at 1512 Douglas
atreet , will continue to bo sold at auction
every evening at 1514 Dodge st. Every
thing must bo sold. C. M.Vllson. \ .
Don't fail to attend the Bricklayers1
picnio to bo held at Calhoun , August 21.
A. good time is anticipated. Tickets can
beliad at the depot and of members.
1) . II. UOLMES ,
No More Metallic Actions.
Chlckcring & Sous new repeating ac
tion in their uprights are a grand success.
Call and ECO the best piano made. Max
Meyer & Bro.
New Fall Millinery.
New Watered Plushes.
New Watered Ribbons.
New Goblin Blue Wings.
Now Fancy Feathers.
New Shape Huts.
Now Shape Bonnets.
Crape and Nuns veiling Bonnets at
109 and 111 15th St. , opp. P. O.
Borne Interesting Facts Relating to
Its Progress.
The oflicial daily programme of the
Tctorans' reunion , which will bo hold
during fair week , has already been pub
lished. The dally programme of the fair
association will bo made public this week.
Through the courtesy of Secretary Mo-
Shane , a BKK reporter was shown yes
terday the "copy" of the fair's daily bill-
of-fnro , and from it was pointed out to
him the nicety with which the special
events of both the fair association and
the veterans' organization have -been
dove-tailed so as not to interfere with
each other. There has been , it seems ,
eorao anxiety us to how this was to bo
accomplished ; but it has been done , and
done well. There is no longer any fear ,
. „ therefore , that any visitor , citizen or vet
eran who desires to see all which the gala
week of the year will have to offer
Will bo deprived of any opportunity to
take in the full scope of the joint cele
Another feature of the fair about which
there has been some misunderstanding
er misapprehension is the relation of the
Omaha Fair and Exposition association
to the Donglns county Agricultural so-
elety. They arc ordinarily entirely sep
arate organizations. This year they arc
united in the one common purpose which
has been mentioned heretofore in these
columns the giving to Omaha of tlio
Tery best fair and exposition which the
people of this section of country have
ever had a chance to see. It is true that
the coming grand display will bo under
the auspices of the Omaha Fair and Ex
position association , but this will not do-
tracUfrom the county association's inter
est in the happy issue of the result. The
eleven counties Dundy Cuss , Fillmore ,
Neruaha , Cheyenne , Keith , Hall , Wayne ,
JBnflalo , Howard and Sherman
which will appear in generous
competition under one roof , will com
pete only.for the premiums ottered by the
Omaha association , while the Douglas
County society will compute not only for
those general prl/.os but among them
selves for tlio pri/es offered by the county
nocioty. This gives the home exhibitors ,
us they may bu called , an appreciable ad-
vuntitgu. of xvhlcih thuy may bu expected
ti * uvail thuiu&ulvus. With u chance ol
obtaining two pmi's on ono exhibit , the
inrmcrs of the country inimcitiatoiy sur
rounding iimy bu expected to exhibit
their products on u llnural s-calo. The
si'orotar.v of thu coiiiuv association has
distributed ' . ' ,000 premium lists through
tais county and it behooves the farmers
to uoto them well. For their further in
formation it may be added that the sec
retary's name is John Biiumor mid that
Ills olllco is at No. 1,311 Farnam street in
this city.
As regards the general exhibit there
f re several new points of interest.
Among them are thu facts that word has
already been received that the attendance
from Iowa will bu enormous , both 01
exhibitors and visitors ; that thu country
round about Maryvillu , Mo. , will send a
atroug delegation from their excellent
Mock-growing region ; and that there is
Memlntzly no cud to the string of ap
plications for exhibition space. The
Mate of Colorado will send a sumptuous
sUaplav of its agricultural resources , ant
iMkota will appear in a largo exhibit o
Meals , minerals , marble , coal , native
woods and curiosities , indigenous to the
territory. The exhibits from all points
. ! Jheep ana swine will bo choice am
MMprehenalvo and the lesser domestic
will be in unlimited array. Onu
Pals alone contributes thirty
UM of barn-yard compatriot *
Special Sale of Black Gros Grain Silk , Black Surah Silks and
French Dress Goods.
This will be the most remarkable sale ever made in this oily , not only as regards tlio prices which will be lower than any one ever dreamed of silks be
ing sold at , but in regard to the excellent quality of the goods , being of the manufacture.of Anthony Gurnet & Co. , the most celebrated and most reliable mak
ers of France. Luring the great dullness in the silk trade during the last twelve months , Guinet had accumulated a large stock , and at last was forced to
realize. One of our New York friends closed out our entire stock , andkindly gave us a show. The result ia prices Monday wo will never again be able to
Anthofty Guinet & Go's , 20-inch Black All-Silk Surah , at 89c , worth $1.25.
Anthony Guinet & Go's. 22-inch Black All-Silk Surah at $1.00 , worth $1.50.
Anthony Guinet & Go's. 22-inch Black All-Silk Surah at $1,25 , worth $1.85.
Anthony Guinet & Go's 24-inch Black All-Silk Surah at $1.50 , worth $2.25.
Anthony Guinet & Go's. 24-inch Black All-Silk Surah at $1.65 , worth $2.50
Favourita Black Gros Grain
Silk at $1 ; would be cheap at
Favourita Black Gros Grain
Silk at $1.26 ; would be cheap at
$1.88. It will pay any one In need
of a Black Silk to examine this
lot. We guarantee the wear of
every yard.
French Dress Goods
At 66c ; worth $1.28.
2 cases fine French Dress Goods
In self-colored stripes and checks ,
also plain Serge Suiting , 42 and
44 inches wide , that we have
aeen selling from $1 to $1.20.
Monday our price is 65c.
Scotch Plaid Suitings
At 8Oc ; worth 88c.
1 case Scotch Plaid Suitings , 42
inches wide , worth 88c. Our
price Monday Is only BOc.
Among the specially attractive shews
will be those of Otoe county , which will
contribute numerous herds of blooded
cattle of well-known breeds ana strains ;
that of J. M. Shulz of Utan , Neb. , whoso
draft horses are of the finest ; that of Dr.
Noble whoso taste in horseflesh runs to
Canadian productions ; that of Frank
[ Inrriman , of Blair , general stock
breeder ; and last but not least
that of A. T. Turney , of
Red Oak , la. Mr. Turney is one of the
largest importers of blooded stock , and
which show his own breeding and his re
cent importations.
Ono kindly arrangement which the
management have made Is that of pro
viding Swedish and German interpreters
to assist their fellow countrymen m
everything invhich assistance may bo
Beautiful Clifton Hill.
Agents will take notice that the prices
on all lots remaining unsold September 1
will be avanccd $100 each. Full commis
sion , but no deviation from above. The
developments now going on north and
west of the city will make this property
valuable and very desirable as a particu
lar lipo residence portion of Oiuahp. .
A. P. TUKEY , 1334 Farnam st.
LADIES' GOLD , $25 , | 30 , $40 , $50 and
$ CO.
CO.GKKTS' GOLD , $35 , $40 , $45 , $50 , $75
and $100.
LADIES' SILVEH , $7 , $10 , $13 , $15 , $18
and $20.
GENTS' SHYER , $10 , $13 , $15 , $18 , $20 ,
$35 and $35.
NICKLE. $3.50 , $0 , $7 , $3 , $10 and $13.
Cull ana see our splendid stock and see
low prices before going elsewhere.
Obsequies of C. A. Fried.
The funeral services of C. A. Fried
were held yesterday arternoon at Ma
sonic hall. They were largely aetcndcd
by the friends of the deceased as well as
by the diflferent Masonic lodges of which
ho was a member , n delegation being
present from Fremont. The funeral ar
rangements wore under charge of Drexel
i\i Maul. The following gentlemen acted
as pall bearers : Messrs. C. F. Goodman ,
G. W. Liningor , E. Davis , and II. G.
Clarke of Capitol lodge , Omaha , and li.
M. Keono. D. C. Hull. W. II. Mungor and
L. I ) . Richards of Fremont. An address
on thu Immortality of the soul , inter-
spcrsudwith many allusions to the good
traits and Christian virtues of the de
ceased was delivered over the remains at
the hail by Rav. C. W. Savidgo. The
floral tributes were many and appropri
ate. A lock and key four feet high were
sent from Sioux City ; a double-headed
eagle with the figures 33 worked on the
breast in violets by members of the
thirty-second degree Scottish Rite and an
open book , cross and crown , and broken
shaft by individual friends. The re
mains were escorted to 1'rospcct Hill
cemetery by the mounted coinmandery
of Knights Templar. Semper Fildelns
lodge of Scottish rite masons and the
Capitol lodge.
Kleunnt New Good *
Wo ask you to conic and see and note
our lo\v prices and line goods.
MAX MEYKK& ltio. ;
Oninlin Commercial College.
Wnto Kohrbotigh Bros , for circulars
ami specimens of penmanship. Over 50 (
students hist ,
Urc.H Cutting School , 101.H Howard
Lcbs < ) n < > clvon In scientific dress cut
ting free of charge for .filteon dayi.
Visitors luvilcd.
At 42e.
2OO pieces 88-inch All Wool
Tricot will be placed on our
counters at 42c per yard. They
are worth OBc.
We have just opened our fall
stock of Ladies' Medium and
Heavy Weight Jackets. There
are a great many novelties
amongst these Jackets. The
prices are lower than last year ,
and the styles and quality of
goods are better.
We make a few special prices
on Jackets at $2.8O , $4.28 , $4.78
and $ S.OO , which will be found
to be very cheap.
Heavy Weight Jackets
And Nothing But n Cyclone or an
earthquake will Cause Him to
Move. "
For some time W. H. Green , the real
estate agent at 215 South Thirteenth
street , has been laboring under many dif
ficulties on account of the building of the
new bank adjoining his office , but ho has
at last got things in shape and now has
one of the cosiest and best appointed of
fices in the city. Mr. Green has made an
enviable reputation for himself as a
square dealing real estate agent , not
being a dealer , but gulling
exclusively on commission , ho
has always boon able to please both par-
tics to a sale. Ho makes quite a spe
cialty of selling stocks of goods in addi
tion to handling only desirable city prop
erty , Mr. Green is "a rustler and when
ho undertakes to make a sale nearly al
ways succeeds , lie is constantly adding
to his already largo list of property and
stocks and those who want to buy will
find the best and greatest variety of bar
gains at his oflico. Those wishing to
sell will find him reliable and a hard
Sold for $ U1OOO.
The north half of what is known as
the'Patterson &Gnylord block on Twenty-
fourth avenue between Douglas and
Dodge streets was sold yesterday for
$21,000. Thi. ? is considered a great bar
gain by those who should know , as it
pays fourteen per cent on the investment.
The property was sold by W. II. Green
to Mrs. Augusta J. Uabcook , of Iowa , who
knowing a oargaln when she sees ono ,
took this at thn first offer , without any
hesitation. This sale speaks well for Mr.
Green and goes to show that , he handles
bargains , fie does not sell any other
Thu Great Rnllrnad Accident
has nothing to do with the selling of gro
ceries at rcasonalo prices. We sell 0
loaves of bread for 25o , not eleven ounce
doughballs and continue to sell other
things in proportion :
100 Ibs best Minnesota Patent 52.75
4 Ibs prunes >
ISest hams , per Ib 14
Picnic ham * , per Ib . . 10
0 Mb cans salmon. . . . 1.00
OlbsOloss starch. . . 60
4 Ibs fancy Kio collee . . . . .1.00
5 dandy brooms - >
tf Ib can baking powder 05
} < Ib can baking powder 10
1 Ib can b.ikinc powder 15
27 bars best laundry soap 1.00
Ohcesu tier Ib 15
lz. Mason's trultiais , ( its ! . " * >
Dz. Mason's fruit jars , K cal 1.50
CoovEit il WATTS ,
N. E. Cor. St. Mary's Avo. and 19th St.
Now Importation.
Just arrived and in stock for sale , the
largest stock of tine diamonds ever offered
before in Omaha. Wo buy direct so our
customers have only ono prolit to Day in
stead of the middle man's , which you
have to nay wlion buying from smaller
houses , Wo guarunteu all goods.
Remounting diamonds n specialty and
work warranted.
To 609 N. 17th street , where I will bo glad
to sec my old friends and patrons in
dressmaking. Cutting and fitting a
specialty. KATIE O'NEAL.
u. s. M. it.
will give a lawn social at Mr. Medina's ,
1113 N. U5th St. , Tuesday evening , August
I'D. leu cream and other refreshments.
All are invited.
No More Metallic Actions.
Chickerinp & Sons now repeating ac
tion in their uprights are a grand success.
Call and see the best piano made. Max
Meyer & IJro ,
Omaha Commercial College ,
Write Kohrbough Bros. ' for .circulars
and specimen of penmanship , Over 600
students last year ,
Silk umbrellas | 3 50.
Bno ,
At $2.5O
Ladies' Medium Weight Jackets
In a large variety of checks ;
wort $8.7O.
At $4.25
Ladles' Medium weight Jackets
in black and Fancy Checks ;
worth $5.5O.
At $4.75
Ladies' Fancy Checked Jackets ,
satin lined Hoods ; worth $6.BO.
At $5.OO
Ladies' Medium Weight Jackets
in Blacks and Fancy Checks.
These Jackets would be cheap at
We show a line of Kersey Jack
ets in all the new colorings , fin
ished in strap and.welt seams , at
$7.BO , $9.OO , $1I.BO and $16.OO ,
and an assortment of Jackets in
TheatricalrAttraotions of the > Coming
Season In the Gitjr ; < >
Next Monday evening will signalize
the inaugural of thu fall and winter the
atrical season , which promises to bo the
most enjoyable and successful within a
long series of years. For weeks the staff
of Boy el's popular opera house have been
assiduously engaged making the neces
sary preparations , and : it last have every *
thing in most commendable readiness.
Amoug the many improvements notice
able is the removal of the wooden railing
around the orchestra and its replacement
with handsome bronzed circlets , with
hoary maroon drapings. The whole in
terior of the building has boon thorough
ly renovated , and now presents as bright
and fresh and attractive appearance as
any house in the country. The boxes are
coy.y , comfortable and beautiful , with
rich upholstering and furniture. The
balcony , and even the gallery , are also
handsomely treated , and the ventilation
of the whole house most perfect. Now
rubber matting has been laid on the
exit stairways and the vcstibufa
bus been garnished and touched
up with exceeding taste and at
tractiveness. The hydraulics connected
with the house are complete and in the
best of repair , with numerous water'
plugs and an abundance of hose to reach
the most remote corner. In addition to
tins , so perfect are the precautionary
measures observed , the management
have a detailed lircman , ono on each side
of the stage , to bu ready to act in u mo
ment's warning. In fact , there is cvnry
preparation for any emergency , and it
seems as if there should bo actuullv no
danger huro from fire. The exits from
the building are ample , with ono on the
east , lire csoipes on the west , and the
main exits in the front.
As previously mentioned , the house is
to be formally opened to-morrow even
ing with William Gillette's great Ameri
can play , "Held by the Enemy , " which
created such a furore in the theatrical
world last season.
Following will bo found a list of the
bookings already made by Manager Royd
for the coming season , and speak in em
phatic terms for themselves :
September 2 and 5) ) , Evans & Hoey's
Parlor Match.
Fair week , the first thrco nights , Me-
Intyru & Heath's minstrels , and on the
last three , Frank Mayo , in Davy Crock-
e't , Nordeck , niuJ the Royal Guard. For
the balance of September theru is Hart
ley Campbell's My Goraldine. with the
charming Agnes Robinson in the caste.
Marie Prescott , Rag Haby , Milton No
bles , and Mr. and Mrs. Florence * in two
now plays.
For October , the now Irish comedian ,
Charles E. Vcrnor , in Shaiuus O'Uriun ;
the Hanlons , "Un Voyage en Suisso" ;
Sol Smith Russell , Macgiu Mitchell , Nat
Goodwin , In "Turned Up ; " Rico's Evan-
goline , and W. J. Seanlon.
For November : Joseph R , Grismor ,
Wilson & Rankin's inimurels , Wo Us &
Co. , Michael StrogolV ; LouU James and
Marie Wainwright , Natural Gas combi
nation , A Tin Soldier , Abbott Opera
company for Thanksgiving week , and
Alone in London.
For December : Funny Davenport ,
Kiralfy Brothers. Lillian Olcott , Now
Boston Ideal Opera company , thu
Dailvs , Newton Beers , and Lost in
For January the attractions are great ,
commencing with Bartholomew's hquine
Paradox , and followed by Dixoy in
Adonis. Conrad Opera Company , The
Ivy Leaf , A Bunch of Keys ,
Lotta , Arthur Kenan's company in Daly's
successes and on the Oth , 10th and llth
Booth and Barrett.
Altogether the management has al
lotted dates for ouu hundred and fifty
nights , and is still negotiating , and ex
pect to to fill in at least fifty more.
Just Arrived.
Call and see the great $3.50 silk um
brellas at MAX MEYEU < te Buo.
Wherry ft Eaton , sign painters , have
removed to 14.0,8 Dodyo struct.
Fancy English Cloth at $9.OO ,
$1O.OO and $12.OO.
Special attention is called to a
line of Black Astrachan Jackets ,
serge lined , at $7.BO. They are
worth $1O.OO.
We show some extreme novel
ties in Misses' Jackets for 12 , 14
and 16 years.
Men's Underwear
At 5Oe.
WORTH $1.80.
FROM $1.25 TO
$2.8O EACH.
We offer this lot of odds and
ends of different lines of Men's
and Ladies' Merino and all wool
Underwear at the wonderful
price of BOc each. In this lot will
Great Glavo Sale , 152O Douglas St.
All summer gloves and mitts sold at or
below cost. Ladies and misses "mitts m
all shades , cream , pink , blue , mode and
black. Gloves at 15o worth 25o , gloves
at 80c worth OOc , gloves at 50o worth 75c ,
gloves at 75c wortn $1.00. Now is the
time to buy and save money. All the
different styles of silk and Lisle thread
gloves and mitts must bo sold out.
1530 Douglas st.
No More Met nil lo Actions.
Chickerin i & Sons now repeating ac
tion in their uprights arc a grand success.
Call and too the best piano made. Max
Meyer & Bro.
Dress cutting school , 1013 Howard st.
Two Divorces.
Two moro divorce cases were filed in
the district court yesterday. Josephine
Hondricksen after n wedded life of twen
ty-two years asks for a divorce from her
husband Louis. She charges him with
extreme cruelty to herself and four
daughters , aged twenty , sixteen , four
teen and eight years. She also asserts
that ho heaps upon them the vilest and
most obscano epithets , and boats them in
a most inhuman manner. She. there
fore , asks for a divorce and custody of
her children.
In the second suit Mattle Wilkins
charges her husband John Wilkins , with
being a drunken sot , and wantonly neg
lecting to provide for his family , she ,
therefore , asks to bo released from her
In Tlmo of Hhne | Prepare for Rnln.
Call and sec the clcgaut assortment of
silk umbrellas just received. Great bar
gains. MAX MKVER & Buo.
Notice Tor Proposals.
Notice is hereby given that the school
board of the Independent school district
of Villisca , la. , will receive scaled bids
for the erection of a school building in
said Indp't district up to Sep. 1 , 1887 ,
when nil bias will bo opened and con
tract let to the lowest responsible bidder ,
the board , however , reserves the right to
reject any and all bids. The plans and
specifications may bo seen at the store of
J. T. Inginan , president of the board at
Villisca , la. , and at the office of F. M.
Ellis , architect , Omaha , Neb.
Secretary. President.
Death of nn Old Settlor.
Mrs. R. D. Poironot , one of the oldest
citi/ens of Omaha and mother of Thomas
Peironot , died on Friday evening at No.
824 Virginia avenue. She was in her
eightieth year and maintained , almost
until the last , a consciousness which kept
alive the beautiful traits of character
which had distinguished her through life.
Four years ago she celebrated with her
husband , who still survives her , as also
with a number of children and grand
children , as also a host of appreciative
friends , the fiftieth anniversary of her
marriage. Death came to her calmly
while she was surrounded by deccndants
and friends. The remains wore convovrd
lust night to Amboy , Illinois , her old
home , where they will bo interred to-day.
A Word to the "Wise.
Always go to headquarters if you want
the bust , and wo are headquarters for
fine diamonds , watches and jewelry.
The following licenses were issued
yesterday :
I Charles Ewlng , Onuha 4
i Mrs Adille SUIey. Oinalm 'M
I Jacob Anderson , Omnlia 40
| Mrs. Martha Russell , Omalia 'M
Kllk Urnhrnllnti , $ : > . ( > to S1IO.
The finest stock of cold and silver-
headed umbrellas for ludica and gents
ever shown , in Omaha. Call early and
have full benefit of thu great selection.
MAX MKYRK & Buo. ,
' ' . 1024 Furonm at. >
be found .Men's fine all wool
Drawers , Men's Norfolk and
New Brunswick Merino Shirts
and Drawers , large sizes ; Men's
Merino Shirts and Drawers ;
Ladies' Merino Vests , and Ladies'
Norfolk and New Brunswick
Drawers , full regular made ;
Men's Fancy Striped Shirts and
Drawers. As there is only about
about 36 dozen in the lot , we ad
vise you to come early and get a
good selection.
Boys' Shirts & Drawers
18c Each.
1 case Boys' White Merino
Shirts and. Drawers atlSceach ;
worth 2Bc.
Ladies' Merino Vests ,
1O dozen Ladies' Merino Vests ,
at 2Bc each ; worth BOc.
Men's Lisle Thread
Half Hose , 19c.
26 dozen Men's fine French
Lisle Thread Half Hose , at 19c ;
worth BOc.
This evening the Messrs. Baurois &
Puls , managers of the German theatrical
company at this resort , have outlined
three pieces of a most entertaining order.
These will bo produced , introducing for
the first time the Davenport comedian ,
Gustav Hartzhcim. The pieces selected
are "Der Wei Mir , " produced for the
first time in this city , "Als Velobto cmp-
fohlcn soi"nnd "Shwort dos Damocles. "
In some of these pieces there are n num
ber of pretty , tuneful airs , which will be
sung by Mrs. Puls-Ahl ana Mr. Hart/-
hoim. This will bo the first appearance
of Mr. Hartzlteiin , who is reputed to be
an excellent comedian.
Thrco weeks ago n number of the lead
ing young German ladies and gentlemen
produced , with remarkable success , a
very interesting comedy , for the benefit
of the German-American school. Ar
tistically , the entertainment was an une
quivocal success , though the dampness
of thu evening precluded the attendance
of the audience , which the playing and
the object demanded. On Thursday
evening , September 1 , the same ladies
and gentlemen will appear In "Din
Blindekuh , " at the garden mentioned ,
and for the purpose specified. There are
reasons to believe that thu piece will be
as successfully produced as was that in
which these ladies and gentlemen origi
nally appeared.THE
This evening , the Casino will bo thrown
open for thu entertainment of guests as
usual. The Musical Union orchestra ,
which lias now established itself the most
entcrtaing body of musicians which has
yet appeared there , will render a very
entertaining programme supplcmcdtcd
by some of the finest instrumentalists
from the Omaha Musical band. Weather
permitting , with its waving trees , cool
ing atmosphere , respectable patronage ,
sensible refreshments and delightful
music , the Casino will allurd an excellent
opportunity to spend a pleasant evening.
All the Untie East.
Just received an clczant line of the
latest styles in Irtdirs' solid silver pins ,
chains , bracelets , fobs , bonibomlors and
book markers. Call and sec them.
MAX MEVIU : & Buo.
John Fitzgerald , wno was arrested
yesterday morning on the charge of va-
cranov , was sentenced to liftenn days.
Since receiving his sentence it has tians-
pircd that ha has stolen a clock from thu
residence of Dr. Glun. lie will bo rearrested -
rested when ho serves Ills term.
Byron Rccd is still trying to evict the
squatters from his lots near Cut-off lake.
The last suit entered is against William
O in linn Coiniunrcttil College.
Write Rohrbough Bros for circulars
and specimen of ponunmuship. Over
GOO students lust year.
Ilcnnoy Buggies at Armstrong , Pcttis
& Co.'s 1308 I/nnl st.
Fall goods arriving ilaily. C. Schmitz-
berger , merchant tailor. 410 S. IGth st.
DUclplcH oCCIiriHt.
The state convention of thn Di < cplrs !
of Christ ( or Christion church ) will beheld
held In FairlioH , Nub. , on the P.Oth ami
aist inst. An interesting session is an
ticipated as thn work of thut denomina
tion is spreading rapidly throughout the
state ,
A fine line of opcira and liuld glasses
just received.
MAX MIVKU : & Buo.
Mr. I ) . O. Mngonn , son of Uev. Dr.
Magoun , of Iowa college , a printer and a
journalist , who has figured m numerous
newspaper and literary enterprises , has
received great. Inducement * from the citi
zens of Sllvitr City. Ta. . to establish a
iiper ) there , nd probably will do so in
the hear future. . .
citunoii NOTICES.
Central United Prosbytcrlun church. SOTJ
rntocuth street between Do-duo and Capitol
avenue Services t 10:80 : a , in. and 8 p.m.
Services conducted by Kov. < > . < \ Vincent ,
I ) . I ) . , of PlttsburK , ronn. Weekly tirayel
meeting on Wednesday ovcnlnps a ! 8 o'clock ;
YouiiK peonies' prayer nieotinR ou Sunday
evenings nt 7:15. : All are Invited ,
First United Presbyterian , 012 Nortji
Eighteenth struct , Itev. I'M u In U. ( Iralmtn ,
pnstor. Public worship at 10:00 : a. m. nud 9
p. in. '
First Baptist Church , corner Fifteenth and
Davenport streets Kev. A , W. l.anmr , pns
tor. Proaelilnftnt 10Wa. : ! in. niid Sp. in. by
llcv. W. L. Brown , of West Plains , Mo. Sat
tmth school nt 13 in. Prayer incctliit , ' Wodnrs *
dny cvenliiK nt 8 1 > . in. All are cordially In
vited. Seats free.
Cnlvnrv Baptist Chinch , Snumlers streeM
Kev. A. W. Clark , pastor. 1'rcnchlnn Sab.
bnth mornliiR at 104. ; > , and cvenliiK nt 8:00. :
Sunday school at 1'J m. Kev. F. W. Foster ;
Itnptistclty missionary , will in each morning
and ovonliiK. Public cordially inItccl. .
German l.uthcrnn Church , 1005 South
Twentieth street Service every Sunday al
10 a. m. Sunday school at 3 p. m , K. Jj
Fresn , pastor.
Pnrk Avenue United Presb > terlnn Church. '
corner Pnrk avenue and ( irnnt Directs ? *
Preaching by the pastor , Kev. J. A. llenilefJ
son. Morning service at 10:30 : a.m. Evening - '
ing Fervlco at 8 , Sabbath school at noon ,
i'ouaru Invlled. , ,
South-West Presbyterian Church Preach /
Ing nt 1050 : ! n. m. by Kev. J. N. Boyd. NO
evenliiL' service.
Cnstellnr Street Presbyterian Church- * '
Preaching nt b p. m. by Kev. J. N. Do ) d. No'
morning service.
Deth-Kclcn Baptist Cliurch-K < iv. 1 1. L. House
pastor. P/cacliIng by the Kev. W. L. lliowp
of Missouri at 4:15 : p. in. nt St. Mary's Aveuuo
Congregational church. Sunday school at 3
o'clock. Prayer meeting Thursday evening
at 8 o'clock. Strangers welcome.
St. Mnry's avenue Congregational KeW
Wlllard Scott pastor. Morning service a (
10so : : , prcacliing oy Kev. , Iames lonipklus of
Chicago. No evening service.
Presbyterian Church , corner Dodge anfl
Seventeenth sttcet Services nt 100a. ; : ! m :
nndSp. m , Pieacldm : by tlio pastor , Kov. '
W. J. llarshn. Sunday school nt noon.
YOIIIIK peoples meeting nt 7:15 : p. m.
K.OUIU/.O Memorial l.utheinn Church ,
corner of Sixteenth and llnrnoy streets
Kev. J. S. Dotwoiler , pastor. Church ser
vices and prenchlng by the pastor at 10:30 : a.
m. and e p. m.
All Saints' Church Twenty-fifth and How
arcljstreets Morning piaycr nt 11 n. m. , even
ing prayer nt 7 P. in. The choir will sing the
To Deuni niul Jtibllats In K , by Oarrctt , and
for the anthem How Lovely nto the Messen-
ccrs | lunii the oratUm ol bt. Pnul. It Is ex
pected that Miss KnVabcth 1'ennell will sine
the ollertory solo. The very Kov. Dean Hart
of St. Johns -Cathedral , Denver , will prca b.
First Christian church. Twentieth and
Capitol nvpiiua Dr. Fey will preach to-day at
the usual hours , 10:30 : a. m. and 8 p. m. Seats
First Congregational Tnbernncle Preach-
In ? at 10:30 : a. m. by Kev. M. L. Holt , ex-pres
ident Gates college. Dlblu class at 1'J m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Young
people's society Friday evenings.
North Presbvtcrian Church , Twenty-fourth
street Kov. William K. Henderson , pastor ,
will conduct service at 10 : : ) a. in. No evenIng -
Ing service. Sunday school at noon. Young
people's meeting at GHO : p. m. Strangers
made welcome at all the services.
The Kov. Charles W. Savldgewill preach at
the Seward street M. K. church Sunday morn
ing upon "Doing Good. " In the evening tlio
subject will be "A plea for Closed Doors. "
Hillside Congregational Church , Omaha
View Kov. II. C. Crane speak : ) nt 11 a. m.
Sunday school at 3i0 : ! p. m. Ex-President
Holt , of Gates college , preaches at 8 p. m.
Park Place Congrccatlonal Sunday School
Ex-Presldont Holt speaks nt 4 p. in. In
Guild's Grove , California and Thlrtfourth
Presbyterian Welsh services will bo held
Sunday. August 21 , t the lesldnnco of Mr.
James Grinithi , 1718 Douglas street. Preach-
Ine by the pastor , Kov. William K. Willlnma
( formerly of Doano college , Crete , Neb. , ) at
7:30 : p. m. Sunday school at ' 2:30 : p. m.
Ambler Place Presbyterian Ctiurch-PrcacJi-
Ing every Sabbath evening at 'A p. m. by the
pastor , tlio Kev. G. M. Lodge. Sabbath school
nt 4 p. m. Park street car line two blocks
from the chinch.
For Sr.lo5,000 tons of Spring lake ice ,
Gustavo Kocliler , Grand Island , Neb.
Meeting of the Board Ijast Night
JjrmlH Hcimroil's Joke.
The board of public works met last
night and transacted bus ! ness of a routine
nature in reference to bills and their re
lation to the council. The city engineer
announced his intention hereafter of
passing upon no final estimates until
reasonably assured that the board would
accept the work as submitted. The board
fully approved of his action in the mat
ter. Mr. Squire , representing the Barber
Asphalt company , whoso contract for
paving Davenport street between Ninth
and Tenth streets calls for the laying of
sheet asphalt , said he promised a certain
coal dealer in the vicinity to substitute )
nine feet of granite on a given distance
to facilitate thu passage of his carts , if
the board would approve the
change. He inquired if such an
action would vitiate the contract. The
board suspended action until they could.
view the place indicated and fixed to
morrow at 1:30 : o'clock as the time tor
McArthnr , the ex-inspector , was not
present as expected to enter certain pro
tests , but Mr. Helm rod told a funny
story about him to vary the dullness , as
follows : Desiring to gain pointer ? and
discover terrible revelations of miscon
struction as promised by McArthur , ho
ascended the man } * ladder steps leading
to the top of one of thu viaducts and ex
pressed no surprise because he saw
nothing wrong in thu work. Ho wan
then promised thu actual sight of cracked
iron in the bridge , and ascended more
stei > . Much fatigued , he strained his
vision but could discover no flaw In the
iron. Turning to MbArthur ho said in
quiringly :
"My friend , ( see no crack in thu snot
"Oh yes , but there will bo a crack in it
soon , " replied McArthur assuringly.
Tlio Steamer Itcnlou Floelnjt From
the Unprofitable Upper Waters.
Last uvunlng the steamer Ucnton , ar
rived at the foot of Farnam street and
put up there until this morning , nlicn
nho continued her journey to St. Ixiuis.
The llcnton passed up thu river during
the great freshet of 1881 and many of the
clti/.ons of Omiha of that day will re
member that the Missouri was so high at
the time that thu boat steamed into the
Union I'acilio shop yards and coaled up
there before continuing her journey.
Since that time , shu has been , with half a
( lo/.en other boatc , plying between His-
marck and Fort Uunton , a distance of
about eleven hundred miles.
In thisvorK , thu boat , with
live or six others has been making
about four trips a yenr. Since the com
pletion of thu Manitoba road , however ,
tin ; uusinosb of the steamers has greatly
decreased ami as a consequence at least
live of them will return to lower waters.
Tim limiton Is tlio second of these which
has already started for homo. The
other * are expected at intervals of a few
duyu. Captain MvOcary was in charge
of the boat as she wont up the river , but
lie has been called to Davy Jones' locker
and been succeeded in command by
Thomas Mariner.
Tin or Iron , Repaired ,
'nlntoil , mid frnammnoil tight for mimltei
ot 3 curb. I'nliitri MOV ur hitter.
MnmifnUincil niul nipiilrH. Klro Proof Pnlnl
implied KI 8llni | lun , 15 years oxiiorloiicii. .
2111 8. in et , im Arbor uud Yimou.