Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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On the Whole It ii In Pretty good
Early Corn line Been Greatly Helped
but Some Sown iinte Is Be
yond Iledomptlon Cropi
In Iowa.
Corn Is King.
The following reports on the corn crop
Irom the DEE'S correspondents Indicate
no radical change since the previous reports
were published. On the whole , however , the
outlook Is brighter and the Indications are
that Nebraska will ho ono ot the very few
states In the great corn belt where the yield
will fall leis than 20 per cent below the aver
age. The long is certainhas been
effectually broken by the rains ot the past
two weeks and corn , which Is not already
beyond redemption , will continue to Improve
until it Is gathered. These reports are in re
sponse to the following Instructions sent by
the BKK to Its correspondents :
"Please give us an honest report of the
present condition of corn , probable yield ,
estimate of acreage , etc. "
I Specials to the Bee. |
CKDAU IIAI > ID < * . Neb. . August 20. The In
creased acreage of corn is 10 IHT cent over Inst
year. The yield will be 75 per cent of a full
crop for thu county. A local hall storm , two
weeks ngo ono to two miles wide reduced the
percentage from the last report. Chinch buga
in the corn will rednce the average some ,
more yet , but It Is hard to tell bow much.
AI.RION , Neb , . August SO. In the north
ern part of Boone county , with few excep
tions , corn stands well and will probably
yield a full crop. In the center of the county
the corn is badly llrcd or else damaged by
chinch bugs. In thn southern portion of the
county , what the drought has not Injured has
been cut by hall. While the Increase of.acre
age Is fully 20 per cent , the yield throughout
the county will not bn more than half a crop.
Many farmers have already cut their corn for
winter todder.
KRAHNKY , Neb. , August 20. The pros
pects tor corn were never so good as at pro-
Bnt. Sixty bushell per acre would be a fair
estimate. Along the south line of the county ,
however , hail hns badly damaged corn. This
covers only a few sections ot the area ot the
BELLWOOD. Neb. , August CO. Owing to
dry weather the past and present week there
will bo a slight falling elf in the yield In
corn , especially In late planting ; but the
nveraee yield will yet fully reach sixty
bushels to thu acre , while last season it only
averaged forty-live. The Increase in acreage
is consldoiably over the previous year , prob
ably about 50 per cent
UitAiMAitn , Neb. , August 30-TaKlng Butler -
. ler county In all , corn will be between one-
lialf and three-fourths ot an average crop.
.Now that a good rain has come It will be
nearer the latter llgure. Oats , now being
threshed , yield about thirty bushels to the
Lvoys , Neb. . August 20. In this Immedi
ate vinclnlty there Is an increase of acreage
In corn of at least 10 per cent over last year.
The average yield per acre will be at least 25
per cent greater than last year , and will reach
Irom forty to fifty bushels per acre. Several
fields are estimated at seventy-live bushels.
There Is very little damage from drouth.
OAKLAND , Neb. , August 20. The condi
tion of corn all over Uurt county at present
was never known to be better. It Is in ad
vance ot previous years fully two weeks.
The plant Is strong and thrifty and the ear
ing Is lirst-class. A sate estimate for the
county Is sixty bushels per acre. The in
creased acreage is fully 35 per cent over last
joar. The farmers are very much exhilarated
over the outlook.
Lo.vo PINK , Nob. , Amtust 20. On account
of the dry weather during the earlier part of
the summer the corn in northwestern Ne
braska was kept back and allowed the chinch
bugs to gain such headway that there will
not be over half a crop. There nro very
copious rains now and it Is assisting the corn
very materially.
AiNswonTii , Nob. , August 20. The pres
ent prospect for corn is tnat it will be about
one-fourth of n crop In the county. The in
creased acreage over last year Is 100 per cent.
Early planted corn will not yield more than
15 per cent of a medium crop.
AINBWOUTII. Neb. , August 20. Late corn
Will yield one-fourth of a crop while early
corn will yield nothing. The acreage this
year Is double that of last.
SIDNEY. Neb. , August 20. In' Cheyenne
county corn Is in fair condition. The rains
have fallen in spots , and the crop will noi
mature In every section , but there will bo a
great many lields of good corn. It Is Impos
sible to make a reasonable euessof the proba
ble yield. Increased acreage is probably 800
per cent.
VALENTINE. Neb. , August 20. The condi
tion Is far above the average , with the possl
ble exception of the extreme eastern portion
ot the county , which has not been favored
with so much rain. The acreage is tully c
half greater than last year , and will average
about thirty bushels to the acre throughout
the county.
CLAY CKNTKH , Neb. , August 20. Corn In
tills immediate locality will make a three-
quarter crop. The Increased acreage is aboul
S5 per cent The probable yield , 40 bushel :
per acre. The corn crop in this county is it
a peculiar condition. In the central , north
and west part of the county there has been
plenty of rain to make good corn , and pros
peels were never liner. In the south am
noulhenst part but little rain has fallen am
the crop is almost an entlro failure. Tin
drouth line Is sharply defined two mile :
south and southeast from Clay Center.
llAUVAiti ) , Neb. , August 20. Corn Is ren
Ronnbly good. It will average nbout 41
bushels per aero. Increased acreage , aboul
ten per cent over last year. Corn will bi
coed hero if the fall Is favorable , but ter
miles south or west it Is almost an etitlru fall
uro. ,
EwoAn. Neb , , August 20. The late rain
have uruatly benolitusd late corn , which wll
yield from twenty to forty bushels per new
* here not badly damaged by chinch bugs
Thu early corn will not make more than one
.fourth of an average yield and ns the acre
* ngo of late corn Is only about one-third of th
whole corn nrea hero , nnd as it will bo abou
three-fourths ot an average yield , the entlr
yield In this vicinity will fall a little belo\
half a crop.
FAiitKiKi.n , Neb. , August 20 Corn In thl
Immediate vicinity and to the south and we ;
for many miles will be almost a eompiet
failure. Probably ten bushels to the acr
would bo a high estimate. A few miles t
the north of us corn is reported to bo tn goo
condition with a prospect of a big yield
There was plenty of rain during the pad
week , but Ifcame too lute to save the corn.
BUTTON , Neb. . August 20. In the north
east quarter of Clay county corn will aver
ge & ' > bushels per acre. It looks well nevi
Tno increase In acreage over last year I
nbout 20 per cent. The northwest corner o
the county will average nearly as good. I
the south half ot the county the corn crop I
almost an entire failure.
AVOCA , Neb. , August 20. Corn In thl
vicinity will average 35 bushels per acre , an
the nmillty will be good. The average I
smaller by H per cent.
NKIIAWKA. Neb. , August 20. Corn In thl
neighborhood will average 80 bushels ix
acre. There Is a decreased average of aboi
i * 6 per cent , which is in small grain prepar
lory to sowing tame urnss. The quality I
likely to be good and sound.
PI.ATTSUOUTII , Neb. , August M. Th
average of corn In this county Is 10 per cec
nt ve that of last year. In some sections tli
yield will be good , 55 bushels to tb ucn
while In other parts the yield will not ei
teed 10 bushels per acre. At a fair estlraal
the crop will not reach 45 to 50 per cent of a
average crop. Kate rains have helpud pa :
lurftge but will do corn no good.
CI.AHKSON , Neb. , August 20. The presor
condition of the corn crop throughout tli
northern half of Colfnx. stanton and Ctnr
Inic counties never has been more encoui
aging , Most of it is beyond any dange
Tuo increased acreage is 20 to 30 per cen
Th prospects ore good for a yield of :
bushels-to the acre on an average.
MciiUTLKit. Neb. , Aueust .20. lu the ci
lire , northern half of this county corn Is goo
yield will be large. In nmittier b
Elbe about one-htlf the i-.ounty , an'
Ml in the soutb-ceutral part , the } lei
will be about 75 to 00 per cent of an average
crop. In the remaining part there will be
about hslt a crop. KXCCSMVO drouth and hot
wind acting on the sandy soil are causes of
the reduced yield.
DnouKN Dow , Neb. , August aO.-Oirlng
to the great number ot now farms opened
last year , the acreage of corn Is fully 100 per
cent greater than In 1S3G. The drought nas
not alfectcd the crops lu Ouster county , and
the conditions of the corn at present , gives a
very fair prospect for an average ot at least
40 bushels per acre. Chinch bugs attacked
the corn some ten days ago , but recent rams
have completely drowned them out.
COZAD , Neb. , August 20. The corn crop
M an assured success. It will average GO to.
20 per bushels per acre. The acreage sown Is
75 per cent greater than last year. Slight
hall storm hero a few dayy ngo did a little
damage In places , but will not alfect the out
put much.
OVEUTON , Neb. , August 20. Until the re
cent hall storm the corn crop was very prom
ising , Some farmers now report the crop
not much Injured , while some say tli oreIs a
loss ot 5 to lu bushels per acre ; others a loss
of one-half the crop. There Is no doubt that
late corn Is very much damaged. 1 have
seen several Holds ot earlv planted that I
think will yield 40 to GO bushels per acre.
Heavy shower last night.
WAKKPini.n , Neb. . Auzust 20. Corn In
plxon county will yield at least W bushels on
"he average , it Is the best crop ever had ,
iVlieiU will average 20 bushels. Increase In
crcage of corn is about 25 per cent. All
Inds of crop could not bo hotter.
Donni : .
FUEMONT , Neb. , AugustSO. The corn crop
n Dodge , based upon the yield of last year ,
vill certainly be more than 100 per cent. As
, sual there nro n few pieces that are backward
nd will not produce much of n yield , but on
ho whole thu total product will be the largest
ivor gatheted. There hns beeon an increase
n the acreage , and It Is safe to say that the
.verago . per acre Is greater than last year.
FUEMONT , Neb. , August 20. Judging from
ho present appcaranco of the corn crop , thu
irobable yield will bo larger than usualmore
specially In the northern part of the county ,
n the southern It will be fully an average.
CirAimoN , Neb. , August 20. A careful es-
I inn to of the corn crop of Dawes county
jhows an acreage of forty bushels per acre.
All agricultural lands are under the second
ear's cultivation , hence a inrxe crop
an not be expected. The yield Is entirely
atisfactory to the farmers. The increase of
creaco is 100 per cent over that of last year.
I3r.NKr.LMAN , Neb. , August 20. The pros-
.iccts for an abundant yield ot corn are not
as Haltering as they were a few days back.
The recent hot winds and lack ot rain will
jorve to materially lesson the the yield ex
pected , although recent rains will add greatly
to the yield of corn planted late. Taken al-
' .ogethor farmers can safely count on about a
, wo-thlrds yield In this county. This will bo
argely In access of last year's yield. The
irospects for an enormous crop ot broom
orn were never better.
DAKOTA CITY , Neb. , August 20. Good
udges say that corn will average over 65
bushels to the acre all over the county. The
acreage has increased about one-third over
ast. Prospects for a yield are unprecedented
over any other year.
EMEUSON , Neb. , August 20. The corn crop
never was more promising. .It will average
"rom CO to 75 bushels per acre , The Increase
.n acreage 20 per cent. Dry wenther is
needed now to ripen it before frost Farmers
are jubilant over the abundant harvest this
PONCA , Neb. , August 20. The corn crop
n Uixon county is an extra line oue this
, and its present condition tine. Rella-
Sear say the corn will average CO bush
els to the acre. The acreage this year Is 20
per cent more than last season. Wheat Is
nreshlng 20,25 and 30 bushels to the acre.
The averagofarmers claim , will be 35 bushels
to the acre.
BEATIUCK. Neb. , August 20. The late
rains have helpodcoru. The average yield
will be 30 bushels per acre. The increased
acreage over lost year is 20 per cent. Wheat
and oats turned out well , wheat mnkinc 16
bushels and oats 40 bushels per acre.
ULUK Si'iimas , Nob. , August 20 , The
corn crop in the south half of Gage countv
will yield an average of probably 35 bushels
per aero. The western portion got a splendid
lain just before the hot winds , while the
east half suffered greatly from drought The
acreage Is about the same as last year.
COUTLAND , Neb. , August 20. The prob-
nolo yield of corn in this section Is about 30
to 35 bushels per acre. The acreage is about
the same as last year.
AHAPAHOK , Neb. . August 20. Corn will
be two-thirds of a crop. It will probably
yield 40 bushels per acre. The increased
average Is at least 20 per cent greater than
that oi last year. Corn In the Beaver valley
on'tho first bottom Is coed , as a rule. On the
higher lands early planting Is fair and late
limiting very poor , some pieces being worth-
ess.ABAPATIOK , Neb. , August 30. There Is
every appearance of an abundant crop of
corn. Some scorched out Kansas farmers
stopped here last night They were very
much surprised at the condition of crops and
wrote home to their friends that they never
saw such corn as that In the Republican val
ley. Their estimate of the yield was 75 to 100
bushels to the acre.
OAMBitinoE , Nob. . August 20. The corn
in this section will not yield more than
three-fourths of a crop on account of the
drought and chinch bugs. The heavy rains
of the last week , however , are making the
farmers a little more hooetul for a better
yield. The Increased average over last year
is about X per cent.
EXETER , Neb. , August 20. Corn is in bet
ter condition than was supposed at the pre
vious report. There is a small increase in
acreage over last year in , this county , and
there will probably bo about one-half a crop ,
FIIANKMN , Neb. , August 20. The splen
did rain of this week has greatly helped the
corn , which looks much better than It did.
IJut for the drought the yield would have
been enormous as it is about 75 per cent of
on average crop will bo realized. Some Holds ,
however , will not come up to this. There Is
nbout 50 per cent Increase in this county.
Millet and pasturage are in good condition.
WOOD RIVER , Neb. , August 20. Corn in
this section is the best ever known here by
great odds. Travelling men say It is not
excelled In thu state. A cnrotul estimate of
the Increased acreage plnces it at 25 per cent
over last year. Noboay expects less than 50
bushels per acre and many 75.
GIIANU ISLAND , Neb. , August 20. The
damage to com by drought nnd chinch bugs
will reduce the yield fully 50 per cent , but the
prospects vary greatly. There are some lo
calities that have suffered severely , while
others close to them will exceul the average.
But from the present prospects the average
yield In Hall and Mcrnck counties will not
exceed 25 bushels per acre. Many places
show good stalks but no corn. The increase
of acreage over last year [ 3 very light
GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , August 2o. The
com crop in Halt county will be a full aver
age. In a few localities it will bo a little
short , but this made up by much more than
an average in other parts ot the county.
Forty to sixty bushels will be realized par
DANNcnnoK. Neb. , August 20. The corn
has been refreshened the last two or three
days with good showers of rain. Farmers
living on low laud and along the Lotip river
cay this jear will give them a larger yield
than ( her have had before. The yield will
probably be about CO to 70 bushels per acre.
Some of the corn planted early on high land
will not bo worth hushing. That of latei
planting Is fair , but the cars are small. Corn
In this county will average about 45 bushels.
Last year's average In this vicinity was about
50 bushels.
O'NKII.L , Neb. , August 20. Corn , such as
has not been Irrepamuly damaged by early
drought , was never in as good condition at
this time of year. It la now beyond all dan
ger. Some parts ot the county notablv the
western nnu northern parts have aulfered
almost an entire loss ot crops of every kind.
The south half of the countv , and a district
from about six miles west of O'Neill to the
east line ot the county , and within six nt
ciirht miles of the north Imp , will have a good
corn crop. The acreage Is 15 or 20 per cent ,
greater than last year. The county will aver
age three-fourths of a full crop.
CSTUART , Neb. . August 30.-Corn In this
Hfctlon Is almort a total failure. Farmers arc
cutting It for feed. Hot winds and lopz con'
tinned droughts are the causa
ATIUNSOX. Neb. , August 20. We are hav-
Intr an abundance of rain now and late com
will yield from 30 to40 bushels to the acre.
Karly corn is ncirly lost on account ot drj
weather. There Is sopor cent , increase In the
acreage over last year.
ALUM , Neb. , August 20. Corn In the
north half of the county Is obettrr than In
former years , an average ot forty bushels
per acre. In the south half ot the county
there Ii only bait a crop , . avepglnf twenty
bushels per acre. There Is about 20 percent
Increase In the acreage. The rain a few
days ago and the big rain we had last night
may change these figures some , but not
Prospects tor corn are better than the out
look Indicated last month. The majority of
fields will not average over 25 bushels per
acre. Some fields are entirely destroyed by
chinch bugs , whllo some river bottom fields
will average 50 bushels per acre. The acre
ngo planted In 1887 was about 25 per cent
over that ot last yrar.
FAIRUURT , Neb. , August 20. The crop of
corn. In this county will average one-third
better this year than last. There Is much
difference In different localities of the county ,
but the general average will be nbout 30
bushels to the acre. The condition now Is
good as there has been an abundance ot
rain lately. The acrengo has increased over
Inst year about 10 per cent
OOALALLA , Neb. , August 20. Oorn will
average about 10 bushels per acre. The acre
age Is about double that of last year. Italn
catno too late to do much good.
NORDEN , Neb. , August 20. Small grain Is
all harvested In this vicinity. The yield has
been , wheat from 5 to M bushels , to the acre ;
oats from 10 to 35 , rye about half crop. Thn
Increased acreage In small grain Is about 33K-
The corn crop was never better , many fields
going CO bushels to the acre. It Is lu fine con
dition and out of danger , unless we have
very early frosts. Thu Increased acreage Is
over 40 per cent. The hay crop Is about two-
thirds ot what It was last year.
CREIOHTON , Neb. , August 20. Corn In
this locality is good with prospect * of a largo
crop , but In the north and west part of Knox
county mauy fields are ruined by drouth and
hot winds. The Increased yield ot corn over
18SG Is about one-fifth. The probable yield In
this locality Is from 40 to 60 bushels per aero
but In the north and west part of the county
from 10 to 40 bushels per acre ,
add Phelps county crops
NOKT t'LATTK , Neb. , August 20. The In
crease of acreage of corn Is not less than 300
per cent , but a good deal of that is sod , some
pieces are doing well , whllo others will be n
failure. The crop will probably 'average 25
bushels per acre.
CENTRAL CITY , Neb..August 20. There-
cent heavy rain throughout the county will
help many corn fields , out drouth and chintz
bugs have nbout ruined a good many linhK
Corn on the high land north of this plnco Is
badly burned nnd will not be half a crop.
There uro some line pieces of corn on bottom
land. There is nn Increased ncrenge , but
drouth nnd bugs will reduce the crop to
nbout CO per cent. The late rain may bring
out some corn that was considered too far
gone to save.
NORFOLK , Neb. , August 20. The prospect
for a large corn crop was never beUor than
nt present The probable averaee yield will
be 40 bushels per acre , hate corn ts in espe
cially fine condition. The acreage Is about
the bamo as last year.
AURURN , Nob. , August 20. The prospects
for corn are not flattering and are contin
ually growing worse. Some pieces may pos
sibly yield 40 bushels per acre , while some
will not go more than 10 to 15 bushels. The
average , however , Is from 25 to 30 bushels
per acre. The Increased acreage ot corn Is
from 5 to 10 per emit over last year. There
have been rains all around recently.but none
of them have visited this Immediate vicinity.
FULLEUTON , Neb. , August 20. Tne har
vest Is finished and threshing commenced.
Wheat runs from 15 to 23 bushels , with an
average ot 17 bushels per acre for the county.
The oat erop U an nverago one. Corn suf
fered slightly for rain , but will turn out well.
A safe estimate Is 42 bushels per acre. Hay
is short
, FULLKRTON , Neb. , August 20. The corn
.crop in Nance county Is very extensive. The
ncrengo Is 20 per cent ereater than last yenr.
The average yield will bo nbout 40 bushels
per ncre. The corn on thn high ridge land
has been damaged to some extent by the late
dry weather. The corn In the vntloy land i ! !
nil that could bo desired. The best argument ,
perhaps , in favor of the Nanc county corn
crop Is the fnct that thousands of cattle nro
beinc shipped In from other states to be
wintered here.
GENOA , Neb. , August 20 The present eon-
lltlon of corn is good. It will probably yield
40 to 50 bushels per aero. The increased
acrengo Is 25 to 30 per emit over last yenr ,
Very little corn wns hurt by hall. There has
ixjen plenty of rain.
Pp.NDnn , Neb. , Air-ust 20. Corn In this
neighborhood Is looking first rate. It will
probably yield 50 bushels to the acre. The
acreage Is large , probably 40 per cent more
than last year.
DUNRAR , Neb. , August 20. Corn suffered
some by the warm dry weather two week ;
ago. In this Immediate neighborhood tnt
rains for the two weeks have been more fre
nuent than anywhere in eastern Nebraska
The average Is about the same as last year
The probable average yield will bo 35 bushel :
per acre.
HoLDiiF-nK , Neb. . August 20. There has
been some very hot , dry weather within the
past two weeks , but on the 15th a very hard
soaking rain fell throughout the county
Previous to this rain , corn was suffering
nnd a few days would have cut the crop U
less than half. The timely rain will make n
least a three-quarter average crop in Phelpi
BBTRAND , Men. , August 20. The pros
prospect for corn in the western part o
Phelps county In the vicinity of Bertrand an
good. The corn Is pulling well.Vo havi
had late rains that will make the corn. 1
we have no other U will average 50 bushels I
nothlnic happens. East Gosper and we.s
Phelps counties hns never had better pros
pects. ' '
PAWNEE CITY , Neb. , August 20. Thi
averaee of corn Is a big Increase over lasi
year and thn averaee yield about 18 or 2
bushels per acre. Corn is fast drying up.
COLUMRUS , Neb. , August 20. The pas
ten days has made bad Inroads Into the cori
prospect. The Intense hent has given largi
fields a red nnd shriveled look , and after i
careful inspection the corn crop tn Platt
county will bo about two-thirds of a yield ,
lu the northwest part of the countv cori
never was better , but In the south and north
east the shrinkage Is one-half. There is in
increase of acrengo this yenr.
PLAINVIF.W , Neb. , August 20. The pres
cnt condition ot the corn crop is very gooi
and will be Increase . over last year's croi
of about 10 per cent The Increase ot acreag
is about 5 ner cent over that ot last yoai
llains came in good time to keep the groum
in excellent condition. The present outlool
is that this vicinity will have above an aver
age crop of corn this year.
SHUUEUT , HeV. , August 20. There ha
been no materiel change since the report o
August 5 In anything except corn , which i
not so promising. Two lleht rains hav
fallen In the last two weeks. Corn stll
promises 25 bushels per acre with acreage In
creased over last year.
FALLS CITY. Neb. , August 20. A wee !
ago the average crop of corn In this count
was estimated by careful experts to be ai
average of about 25 bushels to the acre. Th
recent rains will tend to Increase the avei
age. Some fields will yield 50 to 60 bushel
per acre , while across the road the crop ma
be scarcely worth the gathering. There I
not much difference in acreage from la ;
FALLS CITY , Neb. . August 20-For theeas
orn two-thirds of Klchardson county the Ind
cations point to from half to two-thirds ot a :
nvera t < crop of corn. We have had tw
light rains In the past two weeks , which wl
Increase the yield some. The west end c
the county will yield but little corn. Th
acreage Is about an average. The yield fc
this vicinity is 20 to 40 bushels per acre.
McCooK , Nob. , August 20. The Increase
acreage of cereals in this county , Is about '
per cent. The wheat will yield about 8 busl
els per acre on an averaee , and oats 10 busl
els , of a very fair quality. Early corn 1
somewhat dammed by dry weather an
chinch bugs , but will yield half a crop. Kaf
corn will make two-third of a crop. We ai
having plenty ot rain now. The damage I
crops is only In sections.
McCooK , Neb. , August 30. Corn In Re
Willow county Is good in some IocallUeswtl
a large Increase of acreage and will ylel
fairly well. In other sections It is very pee
especially In the eastern and southern pa :
or the county , where it U dried out ( or lac
of rain and will At yield anything of any
consequence , afil-tnany farmeri are becom
ing discouraged.In localities where there
Is a crop corn > 1U go from 25 to 40 bushels
per acre. ,
\VAnoo , Neb. ! A\ignst 20. The corn pros
pect grows worse every day. Under favoia-
ilo circumstances It will not yield over 20
ushels per acre and will not make over 15
usheli per acr junles rain comes soon.
The acreage Is about one-sixth greater than
'ast year. Farmers are feeling very blue and
he depression is already noticeable among
he merchants , pastures are brown and
lock suffering. Tha broom corn and cano
TOPS are a failure ;
VALPARAISO , Nob. , August 20. Several
. .fids of corn in this nelctiboihnod will make
40 to 45 bushels per acre whllo there are oth-
rs which will' ' make almost nothing. The
rep will probably average 25 bushels per
, cre. There Is nu Increase In the ncrengo ot
robably 10 percent. Corn Is looking better
ere thnn cast and south ot us. It is not
iirod so badly.
ToniAH , Neb. , August 20. Com In this
ection is much damaged by drought and
hlnch bues. It will probably nvcrnge 95
ushels per acre. The Increase ot acicagc l.-t
about 10 per cent over lost year.
CHKTE. Neb. , August 20. Corn has Im-
iroved since the rains of two weeks ago and
lnc . In this vicinity at this wrltlne the
oudltlon of corn is good. Many well tended
fields will give ns good a yield ns Inst year.
The yield will rench SO to 40 bushels per acre.
Them Is an increased acreage of at least 20
percent There Is no need of crying crop
'allure ' In Saline county.
FRIEND , Neo. , August 20. The condition
ot some fields of corn has improved bomo
ince the last report. The recent rains will
! ieip the stalk green nnd' therefore the corn
will fill bettor. The probable yinld will not
exceed 'M or 25 bushels per acre while once
in a while n field will go 40 or 45 bushels.
Some fnrmcrs sny that the chinch bug lias
done more harm than the drought The
ncroage Is about the same as last year ,
ralrie has Improved some since the rains.
SEWARD , Neb. , Auust 20. Corn looks
well throughou 'the county nnd bids fair to
Meld three-fourths of an average ciop. The
ncreased acreage Is not over 10 per cent
bove last year.
STANTON , Nob. , August 20. Corn In tbls
ocallty Is a splendid crop , better than an
average. It will probably yield 45 to 55 busn-
ols per acre. There Is about one-fourth morn
acreage than last year.
i'iiiNflFiELD , August 30. The different
ralu showers within the past week have
greatly Improved corn In this section nnd It
Is now admitted that there will bo n good
half nverago crop. Corn planted on fall
plowed or stubble cround Is nlmost n com
plete failure. The acreage Is Increased about
GORDON , Neb. , August 20. hate heavy
rains have put corn in excellent shape. The
ciop on old ground will yield from 40 to 60
bushels per ncrn. Sod corn gives promise of
yielding 25 bushels per ncre. The Increased
acreage over last year Is fully 100 per cent.
HEIIRON. Neb. , August 20. Corn Is much
mproved since it has bad ram. The acreage
is " < J to 25 per eent greater than last year.
A bout 40 per cent of this year's accr.ige will
not produce any corn. The remainder of the
ncerage will yield from 30 to 50 bushels per
acre. Lute corn where not Injured by bugs
's coming forward rapidly since the rnlns.
ilr.iiRON , Neb. August 20. In the past two
weeks there has bron an nbundance of rain.
The corn In of the country Is by
far bettor than heretofore. In many places
it is very poor. The rains during the season
were usually locaUmly. We are safe In sayIng -
Ing that corn will nveroge 40 bushels per aero
throughout. ftmaU gialn Is entirely worth
less. In man ) : Instanced the holds wore en
tirely destroyud byUlio chinch bug ; in many
others by the dryweather. The acreage ex
ceeds that of last year by 20 per cent
HEIIUON , Neb. , August 20 For the year
1880 the total * number of acres of corn In
Thayer countv was 58,093 and for the yenr
1887 it is 01,944. < In regard to the average
yield thn estimates vary from one-half to
two-thirds ot n drop.
ORD , Neb.,1 August 20. Th e condition of
corn has been very seriously slTected In tlili
county b ttlie appeal an ce ot the chinch bug ,
owing to the-dryweather. The prospects
nro much less encouraging than they were
but a few weeks ngo. It Is estimated that the
nvernge yield will bo about 25 bushels per
acre with nn Increased acreage of probably 10
per cent The heavy showers ot the few
days have helped the corn considerably by
destroying the chinch bug , nnd the } ield may
yet turn out bettor than is now expected.
BLAHS , Neb. , August 20. In noino locali
ties the drouth has liiiured the crop to such
an extent that the yield will only bo ono half.
In others no mateilal damage has been done.
The corn crop of riio county will bo nbout
two-thirds of nn average. The increasm !
acreage over last year is about 20 per cent.
WAYNE. Neb. , Aueust 20. Wayne county
has had abundant rains all through the sea
son , and the prospect for corn Is the best that
has ever been known In thu county. The
estimate of the nverago yield made bv the
best posted farmers , raises from 40 to Ot
bushels , though the smaller number Is prob
ably more nearly correct. There are many
fields that have received eood care that are
estimated at from 75 to 85 bushels per ncre.
The acreage ts largely Increased over tnat oi
any prevlyus year , and as nearly as can be
determined from present observation and re
ports from different parts of the county , II
will be from 35 to 50 per cent greater than
last year.
YORK , Neb. , August 20. The acreage ol
corn in this vicinity is Increased by about 1C
per cent with the prospect of about three-
tilths of an average crop. Knins In the last
week have helped It materially.
YORK , Neb. , August 20. There Is some as
fine corn in this county as ever grew and
some almost a failure. There will bo two-
thirds of a crop.
DES MOINKS , August 20. Ilaln In the past
few days lias bettered the corn prospects in
many parts of Iowa. The average this yeai
shows to percent Increase , and the crops will
bo IK ) per emit of an average , in the north
west the corn Is all good and above the aver
age. In the west It is good. In thn south II
is lair. North and east it Is good , und bouth-
east and northeast the crops will Uu lleht.
In and around les Molneson ever'hand the
crops will be about 1)0 ) per cent and a gooil
CRKSTON , la. , August 20. Early corn Is
fine and will yield up to the nverage , even In
the sections most nflected by the drouth ,
Late corn will not nverago over half a crop
In sections whore rain has visited thorn corn
was never better. The acreage is about thi
sumo a.s usual , yet not ns large ns n few yean
ago , as farms here nre mostly seeded down
The recant rains will do much good to lati
corn and pastures.
NF.OI.A , la. . August 20. Corn will maki
about 30 bushels per acre In this section.
The number of acres is about the same as
last year ,
UKNNISON , la. , August 20. The acreage
is estimated at fully 35 percent more thai
last year , In Crawford countv. Good judge *
put the average yield at ft > bushels to tin
acre. Manv fields will yield 50 to 00 bushels
but chinch bugs lureoino quarters bring dowi
the average. jyjf *
HAMUURG , laviAugust 30. uorn Is no
burned In this vWnmy ns badly as farmere
generally proteiu&iThe average yield wil
probably be 30 buxels. There is no Incroasi
in acreage overjtaetpast yenr.
SuENANDOAOrffa. , August 30. In thli
vaclnlty corn wUivjeld a half crop. The lu
crease ot acreage ft about 7K per cent.
LEAN no , la. , .August 20. This is thi
worst drought. ) vw witnessed in Van Burei
countv. There or * thousands of stock ben
that cannot W "watered. " There U a ver :
great scarcity Un'tho ' water supply. Man :
springs and wowave dried up. The wate
in Chequest creek-is confined to the rteepo
holes. The Immense herds of cattle that an
turned loose on It from the prairies am
ridges threaten to soon drink It up ani
tramp It out The water Is rlflllm
over the sand and pebbles in the DCS Moine
river bed.
A nice little shower tbls morning , butthcs
local showers disappear In a few hours unde
the scorching heat that .has prevailed for
long time. If thera Is any feed and room to
more stock In Nebraska , stockmen shouli
come to Van Bureu county. They can buy |
at their own price.
AVOCA , la. , August CO. Corn Is In ba <
condition owing to dry weather. It will no
yield more than half u crop. . The acreage 1
about the same as last year.
MISSOURI VALLEY , In. , August 20. Cor
In this vicinity Is fairly good. It will ylel
50 bushels to the acre. This Is a shade bette
than the average. If we had had a good ral :
one month , ago the bottom lands would hav
yielded 75 buaheU to the acre. The acreag
is about thu sauiu as last year.
An Increased Speculative Activity in
Wheat and Oorn.
Oati Drag Heavily nnd a Light
Trade Reported No Life IB
' Provisions General Mar *
ket Quotation * .
CIIICAOO , August 20. I Special Telegram
to the BKH. | There was Increased specula
tive activity In wheat and com nnd prices
avenigod slightly lower , wheat suffering A
decline of } ( ® } ( o nnd corn K@ c. Cables
failed to InUlcnto any change In the situation
abioad. The statistics continue to show a
healthy through movement of wheat. Ex
porters nt the seaboard nnd shippers hi the
Interior who have orders to lilt just n fraction
below the market tnlk very gloomily nml ex
hibit beat Ish dispatches from all quarters of
.ho habitable globe. They can see no good
n the market while they have business In
Ight but not yet In hand. That there
, ro bids In at the nnrket Is shown
iy the dally reports of lakn
barters , and that wheat 1 $ going abroad Is
lumonstrated by tuo table of Atlantic ports
: lcarances.c A quantity amounting to nearly
.00,000 bushels has been shipped out of Clil-
ago this week ntul during the past rive days
ho shipments tiom tide water aggregate
,500,000 bushels. Kecelptsjit primary mar-
tcts show a slight increase on the week-
bout 5 per cent September wheat opened
sere to-day atO'Jc , ranged at C9J@03Xe ' ( , and
losed at CS ( JICSX - October opened at
' 0c , ranged at 70is70 ( > , , nnd closed at 70K
0Xc. Decnmber opened at TS c , ranged
nt TS QTCtfe , nnd closed nt 73 > . < @ 5F3 c. A
eaturo Of tnu market was rather tree , but
: iot aggressive , Hulling by lending opeiators.
The market sagged under these oilerings.but
reacted , and n linn undertone developed.
Jtitsldo domestic markets were dull nnd
'eatureless. Ijiikn ongaaemcnts reported for
.o-day were 0.2 1,000 bushels. There wore ic-
ports of two or throe round lots being
worked" In addition , but tills talk Is evi
dently piemnture.
Tht'io was rather a lively deal In corn ,
witli llutchmson soiling from start to finish *
Estimates ot the extent of his unloading
vary Irom 1,000,000 to 1,600K ( bushels. Tlio
market , though active , was not btoad and in-
dividuul operations ot that magnitude natur
ally attracted attention. The offerings were
absorbed much more readily than seemed
possible under the circumstances nnd the
bottom was found % @J c below yesterday's
closing range ol prices. Uelow this limit
vnlues refused to go nnd Inst quotations
were K@ifc aoovo the inside figures leallzcd.
May opened nt 434'c , sold up tp4Ti Vc , closing
at 4Wj4.r c. October opened ht 41 Jfc , ranged
nt41J a41tfo nnd closed at 4ls41 ( ! } c. Sep
tember , thu least active delivery , opened nt
4U.fc , ranged nt 4140c and closed at
40Jfc. New York gnvo the mnrkct liberal
support , nnd It was floor talk that the bear
ish element ol granger stocks is
working the bull side of corn , lit Is
may or may not bo mure idle
rumor. Increased receipts nro looked for
next week by many commission merchants.
Local stocks will probably show n small in-
: reaso this week. Lake engagements to-day
were 00,000 bushels. Estimated receipts lor
Monday , 835 cars.
Tne market for oats dragged heavily In the
war of speculation , there being a light trndo
all through at weak nud > tf@ c lower urlces.
The cash market for white oats was again
dull and only n limited Inquiry tor futures.
Thn feeling was one of depression.
In provisions there was no life whatever.
For the dltfeient deliveries yesterday's prices
suffered little or no change , yet there was no
intei cst to speak of shown nnd thn day's
market was purely featureless. For Septem
ber , the pivotal month , lard sold at SO. 40 ®
0.45 nnd short ribs nt S7.87U7.i K , closing
at 80.4 Kafi.45 ( nml 87.00 < a7.ft ! respectively.
August lard and short tics were nominally
the same as Septemt > or , while October Inrd
was 7KuUu ( ) ) hleher nnd October short ribs
the same to 2 } < c under September. For
winter deliveries the favorite month was
January , which closed nt 812.40 for pork ,
gO.C'JK for lard , and 50.33 for short ribs.
CIIICAOO. Ausust 20. | Special lelegrnm
to' the BKK.J CATTLE Trndo was active
for Saturday. The few natives among the
fresh arrivals sold quick and at better ad
vantage than yesterday , some salesmen
claiming a slight advance. The great bulk
'of arrivals , however , were Texans and
rangers , mostly of laiy to good Quality , and
parties who had round lots seemed entirely
satlslied with their sales. Native butchers'
stock sold substantially higher toward the
close of the week. Stockers and feeders
were well sold out , prices ruling rather
stronser at the last end of the week. Feeding
bulls are hlirher. Shipping steers , 83.25 ®
4.00 ; stockers and feeders , 81.9.X33.25 ; cows.
bulls and mixed , $ l.2.-i@2.bO ; Texas steers ,
$2.80B3.3.V ( cows. S1.90@.J.25 ; . bales : 240
Nebraska Texan , 1150 Ibs. S3.40 ; 57 Nebraska
half-breeds. 1240 Ibs. § 3.70.
Moos. The demand was fair , with an up
turn of about r > c on heavy nnd light sorts un
changed. Beat heavy sold at J5.iO@5. : ; : fair
to good packeis , S5.10@ri.35 ; common Packers.
S4.0U@5.05 , largely nt * .r..05 ; best light , 85.3001
5.i5 : , nnd from these figures down to 84.80 ®
4. IX ) for grassera am ) culls.
Chicago. AuwsttO. Tha DrovoH * Jour
nal reports as follows :
Cattle Uecelpts , y.OOO ; shipping steers ,
S3.25@4.90 ; stockers nnd feeders. 81.75O.VJo ;
cows , bulls and mixed , 3l.B5ia2.80 ; Texas
cattle , ? 1.90O@3.av. Nebraska Texans , 83.40 ;
Nebraska halt-breeds. S4.20.
Hogs Receipts. 7.000 ; stronger ; rough ,
and mixed , $4.Gr > r > .00 ; packing and ship
ping , S5.15C45.35 ; light , 31.75 ® ' ) . 35 ; skips ,
Sheep Uecelpts. 800 ; muttons , S2.rxxa
4.85 ; western , 83.10@3.70 ; Texans , 83.00
3.C5 ; lambs , 84.00(25.00. (
Nation. ! Stock yards. Knst St.
Louis. III. . Augu'it 20. Cattle Uecelnts ,
1,000 ; shipments , 700 ; market strong ; fall
to choice heavy natlvo steers , S4.00W4.20 ;
butchers' steers" , fair to choice , $3.40 3.113 ;
feeders , fair to good , J2.75$3.40 ( ; stockers ,
fnlr to good. * 2.00@3.KO.
lloes Receipts , 500 ; shipments. 1,500 :
market strong ; choice heavy and
butchers' selections , 35.20(35.40 ( ; packers nnd
Turners , meulnin to prime , $5.00(35.20 ( ;
pigs , common to good , ? 4.40@4.9j.
KnnsnH City. Aueust 20. Cattle Re
ceipts , 3,000 ; shipments , ( otllclal yesterday ) ,
3,000 ; good to choice corn-ted , S4.00@4.50 ;
common to medium , S3.25@j.90 : ; stockert
82.00 ( 2.50 ; feeding steers , 32.COQ3.15 ; cows ,
81.40(32.05. ( , , ,
Hogi-Rppelpts.Tj.OOO ; shipments , ( official
yesterday ) 200 ; iiood to choice. 85.10C < $5.20 ;
common to medium , S4.70@5.00 ; skips and
pigs , S2.80@4.00.
NEW Yonic , AueustSO. [ Special Telegrarr
to the Br.K.I STOCKS On the stock ex
change business to-day was small and the
general feeling one of weakness. On re
ports that the bulls had all the stocks the ]
cared for and were not disposed to supper
the market , room traders thought there wai
a chance to Knock the market ofT a few frac
tlons and sold fairly. Heading , Now Knp
land , and cotton oils worn traded in to thi
greatest extent and showed the largest do
cllno , Rending being sold by several larei
holders , but only broke Jf , New England y
and cotton oils \ } ( per cent , but rallied y
percent. Grangers were a fraction lower
but the chances in the rest of the list we n
unimportant , except In Omaha preferred
which broke 3K points , with only thre
trades , and Northern I'acllle M to 1 point
The total sales were only < Vi,817 shares. Th
bank statement was expected to show an in
crease In the reserve , owing to the disburse
ments of the treasury and the Imports of gold
The general Impression has been that th
statement Is madeup from the condition o
banks Friday night , compared with the pro
vlous week. This Is a wrong Impression , n
It Is more upon a system of averages am
does not give the condition of the banks a
they actually stand Friday night. The plan
Is to take the Horns as they are on each night
In the week , add them together and then di
vide by six and call this the average for the
week , This average ts the bank statement
that Is given every Saturday. It can bo
readily seen that the actual condition on nny
given Friday night may stop largely irom
this average. The weekly New York bank
statement shows the following changes : He-
servo decrease , 8407,050 ; loans decrease ,
32,215,100 ; specie doorcase , 81,537,200 ; legnl
tenders decrease , $4,313,000 ; deposits decrease
crease , 85,529,000 ; circulation decrease. 874-
800. The banks now hold $4,205,075 lu ex
cess of the 25 per cent rule.
GOVERNMENTS Government bonds were
n shade firmer.
U. 8.4'scoupon.120 , 0. AN. W 1
U. S. 4X'scour > .103 do preferred. . .145 *
MONEY On call easy at 4 per cent
changed. _
Chicago. August 20. Following quota
tions nre the 2:30 : closing figures ;
Flour Unchanged.
Wheat Dull , ruled steady within ? s range ,
nnd closed nbout V@1 below yesterday ,
cash 07 Kl-Wc , September 08 13-10 , October
70 1MO.
Com Huled easier , opened about Js'C ? !
under yesterday's close , closing X@ % lower
thatu yesterday , cash , 40 U-lOc ; September ,
4013-16c ; October , 41-Ju'c.
Oats Dull , demand moderate , arrivals
continue heavy : cash , .MlMCc ; September ,
2415-lOc ; May , SOJfc.
llye J4c.
Barley September , C7c.
Prime Timothy 8oott- i.23@2.34. !
Pork Dull , trifle lower , cash , 815.00 ; Oct-
tober , S 1(5.00 ( ; year , 31L70@11.75 ; January ,
Lard Quiet , comparatively ensv ; cash
Srt42 > j ; September , ? 0.424H0.45 ( ; October ,
0.5'J .
Dry baited Meats Quiet , unchanged , short
clenr , S7.W.
Butter Dull ; creamery , 18@20c ; dairy ,
Cheese Dull ; full cream cheddaro , 10K@
I0c ; flats and Young Amoiicas , llf@lic.
Eggi-Flrin. 1415 ,
Hides Unchnnged ; heavy green hides ,
7M'c ; light do , 7V@8c ; Halted bull hides.
Gc , green salted cnlf , 8X@ ! > o. ; dry flint , 12C4
13c ; dry cnlf , 12@llc ! ; deacons 80e each.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 3Xc ;
No. 2 , 3c ; cakes , 4c.
4c.ilecolnti. . Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 18,000 10,000
Wheat bu . 88.000 53,000
Corn , bu . 101,000 81.000
Oats , bu . 211.000 330.000
live , bu . 2tX)0 ) 1.000
Barley , bu . 30.000 1,000
New York. August 20. Wheat Re
ceipts , 20,000 ; exports. 232,000 ; spot firm ,
and on spring H@lc higher ; options opened
strong and @ > fc higher ; later weakened
and lost advance ; closing steadier with slight
recovery ; ungraded red , 70@8lJ c : No. 8 red ,
77KNo ; , 2 red , 79J e ; In elevator , 80 ? o ;
t. o. b , , 81@81 c delivered ; No. 2 led ,
September closing at 80's'c. '
Corn Spot firm ; moderately active :
options opened .Ja X0 higher , Inter fell
back WOLHc , closlns dull and weak ; receipts ,
47,000 ; exports , 55,000 ; ungraded , 49j50c ( :
No. 8 red , 4'JMo ; f. o. b. , 60Ko delivered ;
No. 2 , September closing at 4'J tjc.
Oats Dull ; receipts , 80,000 ; exports , none ;
mixed western , 2Ug33c ( ; whlto western ,
Coireo-Spor , fair : Rio firm nt 810.87K ;
options higher , fairly active ; sales. 43,000
bags ; September , SlS.O'jOlB ; October ,
Si8.2.i@i8.o : ; : November , fel8.3. > ; December ,
Petroleum-Quiet ; United , 59 'c.
Egcs Quiet but steady.
Pork In modernte demand.
Lard A shade lower ; dull nnd heavy ;
western gleam , spot , 80,80.
Butter Finn : western , 12@35c ; western
creamery , I0@2-"x : .
Cheese Quiet ; steadily held ; western ,
OQlO c.
Glnolnnatl. August 19. Wheat Strong ;
No. 2 red , 7 ! ! ( $74c.
Corn Firm ; No. Z mixed , 45 } c.
Oats Active ; .easier ; No. 2 mixed , 27 %
Hyo-Steady : No.2,60@51c.
Provisions Steady : unchanged.
Whisky-Steady ; J1.05.
St. lionlfl , August 20. Wheat Steady ;
sh.eo c ; October , 71c.
Corn Firm ; cash , 3S@39c ; October ,
Oats Unchanged ; cash , 24 < c ; October ,
hard -6.25.
Butter Firm : unchanged ; creamery , 24 < g
28c ; dairy , 16@24c.
Kansas City , August 20. Wheat-
Steady ; No. 2 sol t , C7c.
Corn Steady ; No. u , cash , 84Jfc bid ; 35J/ <
asked ; September , 35)4'cbld. ) 35 > jc asked ; Oc
tober , 35kc.
Oats-2c : ! bid , 23tc asked.
Milwaukee. August 20. Wheat Quiet
rash , C8 c ; September , 09 0 ; October
Corn Steady ; No. , -
Onts-Quiet ; No. 2 white , 28
live Firm ; dull.
Pork * 14.50.
Now Orleans , August 20. Market !
unchanged Corn Demand light bui
holders firm : in sacks : mixed. 5lc ; yellow
low , 54c ; white , 54i ( 55c.
Oats Quiet but steady ; choice western , In
sacks , 34i ! < ! 35e.
Corn Meat-Easy at 82.27K@2.30.
Hog Products Dull and unchanged ; pork
815.52K ; Inrd , refined tleico. O.GliW.
Bulk Meats Shoulders. $5.75 ; long clcai
and clear rib , 80.50.
Ijivorponl , August 20. Wheat Steady
demand fair ; supply good.
Coin Steady ; demand fair ; holder ;
offer moderately.
MlnnonpoUH , August 20. Wheat Mar
ket closed quiet ; No. 1 hard , cash , %
No. 1 northern , cash , CSo ; No. 2 northern
cash , 62c ; On truck : No.l northern , 70c
No. 3 northern , MSc ; No. 1 hard , 70e.
Flour Steady ; patents , $4.00(34.15 ( ; bak
ers , S3.00@3.25.
Receipts Wheat , 80,000 bu.
Shipments-Wheat , 102,000 bu ; flour , 20,00
Saturday , August 20.
The nm of cattle wns light to-day nm
there were not many loads of good entile here
Good prime corn fed natives wore higher ani
one load uf fancy cattle brought 84,40. Othe
grades of cattle do not show any advance
Aside fiom the corn ted natives sold , then
was very little done on the market
About the usual number of hogs for Salui
day was received. In addition to the fres
receipts there were four loads ot stale hog !
making the total number ot hogs on the mai
ket nearly four thousand. The markn
opened fairly early In the morning with a
the buyer" on hand. There was n good d <
mand and the market was brlsK at n declln
of fully lOc from yesterday. The bulk of a
the hogs wern sold out early and only liv
loads were left unsold.
She i'i > .
There were no aheep on the market
Cattle 4t
Hogs. . , . , . 3Ct
Hhl | > mciita.
Cattle , , ir.cai
Hogs , Ccai
froTalllni ; I'rlom.
Showing the prevailing urlcoi paid for llvi
Block on this market :
Choicesteerd. 1300 to WOO Ibs..31.10(34.i (
Choice stma. MOO to tSOO Ibs. . . 8.0004.10
Fat little stners 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75(43.90
Corn-ted range steers 1200 to 1400 3.7V 4.00
Good to choice corn-foJ cows. . . . 2.75MS.OO
Common to medium cows 8.00&M.M
Good to choice bulls 1.7WW.M
I Jght and medium hors 4POf.t.VOO
Good to choice heavy hoits C > .OOQ9.03
Good to choice mixed hogs 4WM .00
Representative Bales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r.
S8..H27 84.15 20..1239 $1.40
7. . . .610 82.00 17. .S80 89.M
5. . . .1005 $2.2- .
No , Av. 8hk. Pr. No. Av. _ Pr
ICO. . . .231 84.90 04..245 120 85.00
. .205 COO 4.00 207..2.V 470 6,00
07 ! ! 4.90 M..3M 120 JV.OO
CO. . . .313 4.00 05. .247 120 B.OO
on. . WO 4.W 78. .247 200 5.00
75. . . .23:1 : 40 4.UO C3. . .21(7 ( ICO 5.00
08. . . .B5S 120 4.DO 08..2M 210 5.00
81. . . .190 200 4.1K ) C7..248 ( V.09
60. . 100 4.U5 7H..2C.1 80 5.00
75. . ! ! ? I3 SO 20..291 5.00
70. . . .1233 120 4.ltt 57. . . .49 40 5.00
M. . . .aw 120 4.9" 03. . . .241 80 5.00
77. . . .21 * VJO 4.0-1 07. . .8.VS 120 5.00
70. . UX ) 4.1IA .2) ) 200 5.UO
01. . ! ! 5w 80 4.05 .240 100 8.00
00. . .Ml 4.95 00. . .2A5 ICO 6.00
70. . ' ' 40 4.05 60 . .280 6.06
72. . . .ya ICO 4.05 04. . .247 40 5.08
69. . . .223 ICO 4.05 Oft. . .275 2SO 5.00
04. . " ICO 4.95 69. . .205 1206.00
57. . "an ! X 4.95 04. . .253 ICO 6.00
79. . " 120 4.95 CO. . . .803 80 5.08
60. . "aw 80 4.05 13. . . .405 B.05
7H. . , . .834 N ) 4.W M. . . . ' .US BO 6.05
CO. . . .253 80 5.00 01. . . .270 120 5.03
. .257- 40 5.00 Crt..870 190 6.05
71. . . .201 120 5.00 59..U01 100 5.05
IilTo 8took Sold.
Showingtrm number ot head of stock sold
n the market to-day :
G. H. Hammond A Co SS
iocnl 51
hlppors i !
Total 14fl
Anglo American PacklngCo 3201
Snulre-tACo 13(1 (
/ . 11. Hammond A Co 823
Armour A Co 07U
peculators 83
Total 3711
Unsold : 300
All sales ot stock in this market are made
per cwt live , weight unless otherwlao stated.
Dead hogs sell at Ko per Ib. for alt weight * <
' 'Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 100 IBs.
.10 value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 ID * ,
and stagiSOIlH. bvthonubllo Inspector.
Weekly Ilouelpt * .
Showing the official receipts of cattle and
ogs nt the yards during the past week.
londny , Aue. 15 12ft
fucsdnv.Aug. 10 769
iVednesday , Ausc. 17 018
L'hutsday , Aug. 18 WA
'rldnv. Aim. 19 433
aturday , Aug. 20 783
'iotal. , .3,641 25,541
Live Stock Notes.
Hogs lOc lower.
Good cattle stronger.
Five loads ot hogs unsold.
Hogs active at the decline.
84.40 was the top for cattle and 85.05 foi
F. H. Parks , Bancroft , was In with n load
ot hoes.
Dodco Bros. , Wood Itlver , had 13 load of
cattle on the market.
A , C. Illlzzard , Malcolm , In. , was hen
looking over the marKet
A. F. Nlhart , Posen , Neb. , was hero and
marketed a load of hogs.
George Yarnes , Missouri Valley , was licra
nnd marketed a load of hogs.
11. Hammer , Mlnola. la. , was at the yards
and disposed ot a load of hogs.
C. F. Huenoteld , Aurora , Neb. , was nt the
yards and sold a load of hogs.
M. llutton , Randolph , was at the yards
nnd marketed a load of hogs.
G. D. Dnwson , Mnwood , came in with a
oad of hogs which sold on the market
H. i ? . Pnlmerton , Holdredgn , came In with
n load ot hogs nud to take In the circus.
Thu recepts of hogs durlnc the past week
were 5,400 heavier than the week before.
Mr. Powell , Grand Island , Neb ; , WTS in
with three loads of good feeders from Iowa.
Mr. Kopler , Dorchester , wns at the yards
with two loads of cattle nnd one load oi
George Carleton. a well known stockman ,
was iu from Fullerton , looking over the
Fred Clarke , of Clarke Bros , , a well known
stock man , was in and bought some very line
John Kilter of Morse , linger & Co. , North
Bond , was at the yards mid sold a good load
of hogs ,
G. W. Wlrt York , was hero and marketed
a load of very line 1,239 pound steers at 84.40 ,
They were ono of thn finest bunches that baa
been in , In a longtime.
A number from hero went to Sprlnfield
last evening to attend an entertainment
given by Arthur Spearman , the popular
stockman. The following were among Ihow
from South Omaha : J. V. lloyd and wife.
Leroy Hough and wlfo , W. B. Wallwork and
wife. John Moss , T. K. Sanders , W. U.
Bradrick.S. U. Fen no , Harry Nash , Frank
Boyd and wife.
The following had stock on the market :
Nye W. M. Co. , Howells ; Shophard. &B. ,
Plnlnview : A. M. Sponsor & Co. , Hooper ; F. "
C. Bliss , Howells : C. C. Clifton , Colon ;
Thompson * Co. , Wnkefleld ; . H. Enrrot ,
llarlan : O. J. Bryan , Corley ; Sims & H. ,
Earllng ; Dorn & P. , Neala ;
A. T. Mihalt , Gardiner A. & Co. , Dodge ; W.
F. BlndKett , Leigh ; Dover & G. , Newman's
Grove ; A. Arriens , Howard ; W. H. Beagle ,
h'oup city : D onge Bros. , Aldo ; T. W. Lowry ,
Firth ; G. 11. Wnrren & Co. . Uraflon ; M. A.
Judy , West Union , In. : .1. S. Judy. West
Union , In. ; Nelson & Young , Oakland ;
F. 11. Parks , Bancroft ; O. Burgess , Weep
ing Water ; Wilkinson & G. , Avoca : Wost-
cottG. &Co. , Loup City ; U. Ewin , Exeter ;
S , A , Kidd , One. ; A. Maudlebaum. Camp
bell ; Conk & C. , Ohlown ; James Cannon ,
AnmptonC. ; Hunter , Innvnle ; Strlckler &
G. , Wnco ; J , W. Jones , Stromstmnc.
Tlie foUowlnii ( ire the prices at which
rmaui lots of produce arc sold on Mid
Saturday August 20 , , ,
GKNKRAL The produce receipts to-day
were about ns heavy ns. usual on Saturday ,
Eggs were In ( Ionian d ns were nlso ) > otntoot < .
The apple market was spoiled for the com
mission imen by tanners who brought , tn
wagon lords hnd sold them on the streets.
One car load of watermelons was received
nnd two more nro on their way. vegetables
are In demand nnd command good prices.
But few changes were made In prices.
Enos Market good , prices linn ; stocks
moving at llfllSXc.
iiu.iTKit Cholcu Is scarce , prices fair ;
West Point creamery , 2-lu ; other creanieryi
2Un ; choice dairy , 18 ( ( < 20c ; medium grades ,
lC < 216c ; ordinary , 9@10c.
market Gleanings. .
Hams are lower.
Hope has advanced l ) c during the past few
The reduced state of the temperature has.
caused n small boom In the heavy hardware
Canned goods continue to grow firmer" ai
will bu noticed in thn quotations ; strawber
ries , raspberries , salmon and oysters being
quoted higher.
1'he rapid Increase In.thn acreage ot tilled
lands In Nebraska and the opening 'up ot
thousands of now farms has created a con *
Bluntly growing demand for farm machinery
of all kinds. During tills season the dealers
In agricultural implements have , In addition
to the usual trade lu the older counties , done
a thriving business westward along the
Plntte river nnd In the southwestern and
nortliwuitern portions of thu Mtate. thus fol
lowing up an u were tl.e advance of the home
steaders. The demands of the now settlers
mo mostly for wagons , buggies , plows , cul
tivators reapers and mowers. At the same
time a irood many threshing machines , hay
presses and other heavy farm machinery have
been sold. Farm machinery Is much cheaper
thnn formerly ; a good heavy wagon cart b *
purchased for 8 < S" , bugeles for from 975 to
S200 , cultivators Irom 820 to 823 and plow *
from 310 to r O. A larger trade than ever It
Jnokuit for next season in all kinds of V *
hides and machinery *