W * * * ' PAGE&W 1 0 THE SUNDAY BEE ! AUGUST 2h 1887. TWELVE PAGE& THE SUNDAY BEE. .COUNCIL . BLUFFS mOEl NO. IS , PEARL STREET. DtUrercd by cirrlcr in nny pnrt of tbo city at twenty cents per week H.W.TiLTox. - Manager , TELEPHONES ! BvtiHcdgOmcc. No. U MiaiiT EoiTon No , S3. MINOIt MEHT10X. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Shoes , Shoes , ' Shoes , 1 At Adams' , 417 Broadway. Rotter , tailor. Fall goods cheap. Adams will sell shoes cheapest for 20 days. Remember Adams when you are ready to buy school shoes. A special reduction In prices for 20 days .it Adams' shoe store. II. Shoemaker has sold a number of lots In Frcny's addition to Omaha par- tics. tics.Fine Fine coupes for ladles calling. Wm. Lewis , telephone 138. Ulllco 410 Broad- way. way.Machine Machine oil , needles , embroidery silks , publications , etc. Domestic agency 105 Main. Peter McCahnot , an old soldier , yester day received his pension , the amount being the snug little sum of $1,131. A. D. I'ortluck niul Sarah Atkinson , of Vlllisca. were yesterday afternoon mar ried by 'Squire ilrlggs In his ollico. The outbuildings back of the now court house should bo attended to , as the nuis ance is a terror to all in that vicinity. Emma Dye , daughter of Sylvester Dye , of Macedonia , died yesterday morning after a week's Illness. The funeral will take place to-day. The funeral of" Miss Edith Grahl will lake placn this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the residence of the family , corner of North Sixth and Mynster streets. The republican statn "convention opens In Uos Moines on Wednesday nuxt and thn railroads will carry those wishing to attend , at one furo for the round trip. A real estate deal was recently made through the agency of J. G. Tiptou by which C. J. Colby becomes the owner of a number of lots in Pluming & Davis' addition. In the shoot at the driving park , out of A possible 15 , Dr. West made a straight score , J. J. Shea took 11 and M. H. Brown 10. In the pigeon shoot , out of 25 liar- din scored 22 and Shea 10. The degree team of Hawkeye lodge Odd Fellows went to Malvern last eve ning for initiatory work and to visit their brethren In that locality. They will re turn this morning. As Judge Aylcsworth's time Is occu pied on the index to the city ordinances compiled by him and City Attorney Holmes , ho will not reach a decision in the case in which Justice of the Peace Schawrz sues the county for his fees. The only passeil r elevator In the city starts in with a fair patronage. It is lo cated in the Brown building , and hag ag gregated the past week 181 trips a day. Other elevators will now come into use , as it appears that there is public demand for them. N. E. Tyson , who failed to got reelected - elected janitor of the high school build ing , seems sadly disappointed and is try ing to got the board to reconsider Us ac tion by circulating a petition asking for his reinstatement. It is much easier to ge.t signers to any petition than to got the petition granted. Mr. Tyson has lit tle occasion to complain about being fa vored with public appointments , for ho has been in service in different positions for many years. Work is progressing fairly on the new county court house. lno of the ceilings of the court rooms is decorated and the decoration of the other will bo finished Monday. The slate has arrived for -the tower and this will bo out up on next week. There IB as largo a force of car penters and masons at work as can well bo used to advantage. It is expected that the building will bo ready for oc cupancy by the lirst of January. Harknoss Brothers have just received a few choice things in silks , which they will offer this week nt unusually low prices. Choice residence property a specialty. Cooper & Judson , 180 Main. One thousand head of one , two and three-year-old steers for sale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A. J. Greenamayor , 023 Mynster st. , tele- 211. 211.Why Why pay fabulous prices for Omaha property when cooper & Judson , No. 180 Main street , can sell you choice hill and glen lots so cheap. Personal Paragrapho. C. E. Chandler , of St. Louis , is at the Ogden house. Otto Vooglor rejoices In the arrival of a twelve-pound boy. F. G. Fletcher , ot Burlington , Vt. . is the guest of B. Mi Sargent. Charles E. Lynclmrd , of Mount Pleas ant , is visiting his brother , W. H. Lynch- ard. ard.Misses Misses Clara nud Lone Bedlson leave this morning for llortou , Kas. , to visit friends. Mrs. Day and Mrs. II. A. Thomas , of Costona , la. , are hero visiting their sister - tor , Mrs. James T. Anderson. Charlie Bray is paying a visit to his parents before going into New Mexico. Ho is paymaster for J. J. Brown , the contractor , and covers considerable ter ritory. Colonel Kohtloy. on receiving tele graphic notice of Ills appointment to a position in the United States treasury , asked for two weeks time in which to re port. Another message has boon re ceived granting the request , but urging him to come sooner if possible. Colonel Keatly now expects to leave hero for .Washington next Friday. See J. G. Tiptou , the real estate broker , for line business situs. Bargains in now choice silks at Hark- ness Brothers this week. Cheap tlrst-cluss storage at Nos. 23 , 24 and 20 Pearl street. Pacific house is the nearest hotel to the majority of real estate oflices in the city ; 93 per day. _ _ For Sale Harry Smith's photograph gallery cheap. Inquire of Harry Smith. Thn Smart Thins to no And say , just because you can't buy a homo by the side of Mary Ann or Peggy Jane , that you wont buy at all. The mart thing to ilojs to go and see J. G. "Tipton the broker and secure a homo Whore you can , Tiptou says that the N bridge will bo built by this time next unmior , and that property will go to double its present value hero before wo know It , and then Iiku the boy that wont a enlpln we will be loft to hold the bar. Buy now and get the bonolit of the ad vance. That's the smart thing to do. At the Pacific house you will save from 60o to if 1 per day. Try it and be con vinced. carpets and now goods at Hark- lieu Brothers. _ When you are in the city atop at the Pacific house. Street cars pass the door Bvery lit teen minutes for all tbo depots. Ueau 00 cents each. PREACHERS AND POLICE , What They are Doing to Eoguluto Conn * oil Bluffs , THE GOVERNMENT BUILDING. llcnsotia For So Slow Progress A Uubo Found In the Creole A Prisoner's Scheme For Got * Roast Cblckcn. Sunday Services. There will bo preaching nt the Scandi navian liaptlst church thii morning by Kcv. Mr. Lollyeroth , of Oakland , Cal. , who will preach In the Swedish language. In the evening the pastor will preach on "Tho Christian Sabbath. " The pastor of the First Haptist church will preach nt 10:30 : a. m. on "God's Jew els. " In the evening nt 8 n. m. on "Tho Intermediate Stale of the Dead. " No service nt Presbyterian church to day , Rev. Dr. I'helps being absent from the city. Snbbitth school nt the usual hour , There will bo preaching nt the North Main street colored church nt 8:20 : o'clock this evening. No services nt the Congregational church to-day. Sunday school as usual. The Second Adventists will baptize n number of new converts in Spoon lake , near the elevator , this afternoon. Topic nt the Methodist church this morninc "The Host Country. " Evening subject , "Rules For Christian Conduct , ' followed by the reception of probation- ists into full membership. Rev. C. Hoover will preach at Har mony this afternoon at 8 o'clock. Sab bath school ut 4 o'clock. Potloo Pickings. The usual numbur of nrrosted men worn brought before Judge Ayles worth yesterday morning. Among them was John Rnfferty , who claimed to have boon working for the Omaha waterworks for the past two weeks. Ho was booked as n vagrant , having been arrested m a box car the previous night. Ho denied the charge , saying he came to this city with the in tention of obtaining work on the scwets being constructed hero. He wore over- nils itnd had the appearance of being n working man , but ho was without money or property , which did not please the judge. His case was continued nnd ho went back to jail. William Tripp claimed he was not a vag ; that he'd left home in Itochester be cause of his inability to agree with his stop-mother. Ho said hia f.ithcr gave him | 00 to come west on nnd he had just run out of money in Omaha nnd came over the river with Itafl'urty to hunt tor work. He also was remanded to jail after a lecture from the jiulgo In which lie was given some sound advice. Frank Cooper , ns ho claimed his name was. ndmitted that during his drunken spoil he probably gave n fictitious name. His case was continued until to-morrow in order to give him a chance to get out of town in the meantime. Ho has been arrested four times for drunkenness within the past forty-five days. His first sentence being live days , his second five , and his third thirty days. Ho got out of fail and within a low bourn was again arrested on the same charge. A man who was arrested in Bayliss Dark charged with drunkenness wiis al lowed his freedom , ns the otlicer who took charge of him after the park police made the arrest , believed him sick. " A. Li. Freeze , a hanger-on about the gambling houses since Omaha gambling lias supposed to have been stopped , ap peared after having spent the night ont if jail through the assistance of a friend , who put up 150 for his appearance. Ho pleaded not guilty nnd his hearing was continued. 8. T. Kearns was fined $ 7.GO cents for canvassing without a license. Nelso Jncobson charged with fighting with his neighbor George Ross , had his ease continued in order to allow him to procure the necessary witnesses to exon erate him. In the nfternoon the trial took place. It proved to bo a neighborly row caused by chickens and children. Jacobson was fined $5 nnd costs. Undo Snm'a Slowness. There has been much wondering at the slowness with which work on the government building is proceeding. Ex- Congressman Pusoy recently wrote to Washington about the matter nnd in re ply received the following report : THKASUHY DEIT. , WASHINGTON , August 10. The Honorable , The Hecretiry of the Treasury : Sir Koforrlnir to letter from Uon. W. II. M. Fusoy , of the 12th Inst. , addressed to vou , I have the honor to state that this ofllce has used Its best endeavors to wish the work on the government building now being erected at Council Hluirs , Iowa. Bids were recently opened for the iron stairs , but being in excess of the oflico estimates , they were rejected and a modilicatlon ot the drawings has been made , and the work will l > e ro-advertlsod as soon as possible. The drawings for the plumbing and eas fitting have been completed , nnd the speclticatlon Is now bolng prepared and the work will bo ad vertised In a short tune. Urawlntrs for the joiner work , plastering , and the Interior linlsh of the building have been completed , and tbo specification is now being prepared , and this work will bo advertised as soon as possible , and every effort made to have the building In such condition that active opera tion may go on during the win ter. The delay In the work on this buildIng - Ing Is not nearly so serious as on mnny others , which Is occasioned by the fact that the appropriation for the working force ot this ollico is entirely Inadequate to em ploy a Bulllcient number ot technical men to push the work ns rapidly as U ought to be. Although congress has made appropriations tor the construction of many new buildings , thereby ure.itly. Increasing the volume of work In this ollico , there has been but n very slight Increase ot the appropriation to em- plov the necessary force to perform said work. Respectfully yours , IUWIM B. LIHTON. Acting Supervising Architect. The new steamer Nellie Keller , jus launched on LakeMauawn by Vic. Keller , has been carefully inspected by the citi zens' committee and pronounced staunch nnd perfectly safe for 100 passengers. The steamer is run by an engineer who does not drink n drop of liquor and who is licensed by tbo United States govern ment. Under all circumstances the safety of the passengers will be made the first consideration. Threatening the Police. There have been numerous complaints made about manure nnd rubbish being thrown into the crook. Several times , suits have been commenced , but they have never resulted in any apparent re lief , Lately Mayor Gronoweg has put a. special odicor on the wateh , nnd yester day morning this ofilcor claimed to have discovered a boy who Is in the employ of Maso Wise , wheeling manure into the creek or depositing it on the bank. Ho arrcclcd the boy and soon after Mr. Wise wont in hot haste to tUo mayor's otlico , whore there was a storm of words. Mr. Wise made some wild threats ns to what ho would do to nny policeman who came on to his promises. Mayor ( irono- weir afterwards went to Judge Ayles- worth's court and filed nn information charging Wise with making threats. Mr. Wisn appeared in court and explained hlmsolf. Ho claimed that ho should not bo hinglcd out for prosecution , ns there were others who were coruuilttinii a nuisance there who wcreuevermoleitcd. Ho' had made arrangements for havlnj nil the manure from his stables liaiildt nwny. The city attorney examined Into the matter , nnd finding that the threat ! were conditional ones , thought this r fatal defect in the c&ss , so it wns ds ! < missed and Mr. Wfso walked forth enc < more n winner. The Old nnd the New. Ho was n short term rann , nnd ns he settled down to nn acquaintance with the other bony * inside the big rcuolvina cylinder m the county jail , ho began drnwln comparisons between the the old nnd and tno now. "I was In the old jail twice. Wo used to have some prettj good times here , too. For quite a time the boys llvod on roast chicken. Pretty good feeding for us follows. The way o"l It wns this. Shontz , who wns jailer then , used to let us short time follows bring in coal. When wo needed some for the stoves inside he would tell one of us to take the bucket nnd go out to the shod and bring it in , Well , wo soon got od to it that there wore n lot of line chickens which Shont/ was keeping for future use. Wo would just take one of those chickens , wring its neck nnd put it in the bottom of the bottom of the bucket nnd then cover It over with coal. That's the way wo would got it inside. Then wo would ronst that chicken , und you bet yer wo lived high. " "But wouldn't it smell so as to put him on ? " "Smelll I guess you never was in the old jail. There were more nor n thousand diflbrent smells , nny ons of which would knock the smell of a roasting chicken dizzy. A fellow who stayed there a week couldn't smell anything. Democratic Defecates. The democratic ward caucuses wore held last evening to cheese delegates to the county convention , which meets Au gust 28. FIKST AVAKD. J. H. Jackson , chairman ; U. F. Woods , secretary. Delegates ,1. H. Jackson , C. M. Maynard ; C. D. Walters , F. II. fiiianolla , Robert Rain , E. T. Waterman , William J. Connor. SECOND WAItl ) . W. L. Pnttou , chairman ; A. T. Whittle- soy , secretary. Delegates William Groneweg , J. N. Casady , A. T. Whittle- soy , W. L. Patton , George Holmes , J. C. DeHaven , W. H. Heck , D. F. Kicher , P. D. Uurko , Dan Carrigg. THIHDWAHU. . L. Swoaringen , chairman , I ) . S. Mack , secretary. Delegates L. Swearingon , George Dlnxsim. William Maloney , W. Ii. Thomas , Pat Lacy , J. Sullivan L. /urmuohlcn , W. F. Spctman.C. A. Ham mer. Fouuxn WAKD. , . W. C. James , chairman ; W. S. Wil liams , secretary. Delegates W. H. M. Puscy , W. C. James , J. H. Kuatloy , John Schcentgen , E. E. Aylesworth , "W. D. Usher. James Madden , J. R. Deidorich , W. S. Williams , J. A. Murphy , Brooks Reed. Find. Yesterday morning a fully developed boy baby was found in Indian creek bv the Scott street bridge. A piece of muslin wns the only covering upon the romnnnts of the body , part of which had become badly decayed. It was sent to the undertaker's for burial , Coroner Faul deeming it unnecessary to hold an in quest. Near by the remains wns a package contniniug'n shirt or two which nt the time wore thought to have some connec tion with the find , b'ut as they appeared o.uite fresh it was concluded they had been thrown into the creek by innocent persons. The conclusion from the position of the body and its condition indicated it had been either washed down the crook or had come out of tbo Scoti street sewer , which is nn outlet of the Broadway sewer. Sadden Donth. Coroner Fnul early yesterdny morning received n telegram from Carson saying n Mr. German , of that place , had died nnd an inquest was necessary. He re plied by telegraph to Justice of the Peace J. G. Stadler to hold an inquest , the cor oner concluding the expense of his at tending it being greater than that of the other method. Stop I'nylMjj Kent. Stop paying rent , go nnd see J. G. Tipton the real estate broker , and buy a homo while you can get one cheap , and on easy payments. The amount you pay put for rent will soon pay for it , besides it will double in value in a short time. Ho has nice little homes very cheap just now. ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY Cor. 5th Ave. & 7th St. , Council Bluffs. One of the best Educational Institu tions in the west. Boarding nnd day school conducted by the Sisters of Char ity , B. V. M. Board and tuition for a term of five months , | 75. For further particulars address SISTER SUPERIOR , St. Francis Academy , Council Blufls. In. JOHN T. 8TONB. JACOB 8IMS STONE & SIMS , Attorneys at Law * Practice in the State and Federal Cour t Rooms 7 and S Shugart-Beno Block. COUNCIL BLUFFS CROCKERY , LAMPS , GLASSWARE , FINE POTTERY. Prices Very Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , ' NO. 23 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL II LUFFS , I At FOR SALE Bt ALL UAD1NQ WHOLESALE \ AND RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS. * nul64-ivoU-eiiusuu WEAK MENi ii | * rmi tur0 Ii lln f ic.r ulticgfrom lixllicrctloiifor txrr ? . rurwd wltbMt I out * r It M * > dl t .br ill * GUKAT JIAHSTUN TUKAT.MKNT. Hr l j kook fro . Should U read by Fathtn MADESTRONG ' wllb InformMlon of ralue to * ! ' mn. Special nflvcrtUomonts , uch is Lost , Found oLrnn.For Bale , To Hint , fxintg , Bo rillnr. to. , will bolniorttd In tljla rplumn t the loir rttcorTENCKNT8PBnitNRforth flr tlnier. Ion and Vlv Centiroi'Lln fore ch lubiequnnt Iniertlon. I-caro OTell nl6nts nt our offlc * Ma U Vctrl iticet , ni.if Brodir r , Council Blutti. 1 " _ _ 'ANTED-A ( rood Rlrlforicook. , Apply nl once to Sirs. J. I MoPUcrson , No. 12J1 Fierce street. _ TTlOlt BALK A now cherry bed roam sots nlio J- ' carpet , ourtnlng , ohaira find complete fur nlshlnps for room : room tor rent nnd buyer ol furnuhlnirs cnn rouin It If , desirable. Mri. S. M. Hnyt , No. 623 Fourth street. Council Illuffg. On HKNT Four unrurnHhrd rooms , to tonnnti without chlldien. No. 437 Bouth First gtroot. _ TilOK 8ALK-On cosy terms or will tr do for A ? city property , n complete itock of furni ture. stovti , also building. It U nltuntcd ZO miles en t on Wnbwh rnllronrt. Good town : no opposition. Ooed remain for rolling. Pos session given nt onco. Will invoice nbout 2,600. Cnll or address Merchant , 328 Droadwny , Coun- ell Bluffs. _ FOH HENT-Omnhn merchants wishing to open branch store in Council HluITi , have now the opportunity of ( rotting a tlrst- class store room 18i60 feet , In the henrt of the city at very low rent. J. C. DoHnvcn. 1/OR SALE Oil THADE.-For Council niuffi crot'ery V'ff0 acrea ° f T ° wa Bnd N - brnshn land.J , , HlOc-,110 MalnHU Council ClUug. ANTED - Situation ns bookkeeper By young man who can plvo satisfactory ref erences ns to experience , habits nud responsl- bihty. G. D. Bee office , Council tlB > ff , _ TIT ANTED Situation as snlcsmnntn sroeery TV store. Koferonees given. 1) . U. T. , Doe office , Council Bluffs. lUi sell two carriages on long time or will trade for houcs. William Lewis. _ OFFICER & PUSEr , COO Broadway , Council Bluffs.Iown. Established 1367. Hag a complete line of r * i i fit * M Large batKtuwhlto , black nnd all colors. Pattern torn bonnetg , IIHIJ and toques , n specialty. No 1611 Douglas flt. , Omaha. Creston House , Main Street , Council Bluffs , Only Hotel in the City with Fire Escape , Electric OaUJBells. Accommodation * tflrrt ClUMi , And Kates kftcnoonnblo Max Mohn , Proprietor C. R. ALLEN , O A . EngineerfSunreorMPubllsher } ; i Over 2fo. 12 JTortp Main , St. Maps , ol cltlos and counties ESTABLISHED 1889 D. H. McDANELD & COMPANY , Hides , Tallow , Pelfs , WOOL AND FURS. Highest Market Prices. Promp Return * . 820 and 822 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. _ _ E. S. SARNETT , Justice oi the Peace , 416 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank or business house in the city. Collections a specialty. X. SCUURZ , Justice of the Peace. Ortico over American Kxpress. No. 419 BROADWAY Finest Landaus Coaches and Hacks in City. WILLIAM WELCH , OFFICES : No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan , i Telephone No. 83 Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 9 LATEST NOVELTIES In Amber , TortoiseShclI 3ctc.HaIr ! On laments , as vcll as the newest nov elties iu hair goods. i- Hair ( jooda tiiadcto order cL. Gillette 29 Moiu St. , Council lu s. Iowa. Out of town work solicited , and all mail orders promptly attemied to , „ . . ! t r Star Safe Stab/es and Mule Yards IJroadvrny , Council Bluff * , Opp. Dummy Depot , . - M v * ' " mm * * * i I- Horses and mules constantly on hand for sale at retail or in car load lots. Orders promptly filled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission Telephone 114. SHLOTEU & UOI.KV. Opposite Dummy Depot , Counoi IJIuffs HARKNESS BROS , BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. CLOSING OUT ALL Summer Dress Goods , White Goods Parasols , Gloves , Mitts , Hosiery , Etc. , Etc. STOOK : CARPETS , Are and Well Selected Our Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best , New Goods are arriving and invite inspection A FULL LINE OF Curtains. , CURTAIN DRAPERIES , SHADING ETC. , ETC , Work Done by Competent Workmen. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , N. B. Special attention given all orders by mail. BEST MAKES AND HIGHEST GRADES OF Pianos and Organs Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to call on us. . . IiiktrumcntR Tuned nnd Repaired. We never fall to { five ftatUlacllon. . Over 2O ycnrs' Experience In Pltiiio and Organ Work. Swanson Music Co. No. 329 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa BECHTELE'S ' NEW HOTEL. Best $2.00 a day house in the west. LOCATION , THE BEST , FIBST CLASS TABLE , SAMPLE ROOMS and ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES ! Regular : Boarders : : Reduced : : Rates. NO. 336 & 3 8 Broadway , council Bluffs. No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Fancy and Staple Groceries Efoth Domestic and Foreign , BEST LIGHT LIVERY The tine.it of driving horacs land and for sale by . . . . . . MASE.WISE. REAL ESTATE , Vacant Loll , lnnd , Cltr HoJldcnces and 1'urmi. Aero property In western pnrt ol city All soiling clieap. K. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , it com fi , over Officer Ic i'uspy't IlauV , Couucl llluiii. S.S.S. . . . < The Tlicutrlcnl Vrofeeeton. Iterlt will win and recelro puWla recognition and praljo. Facts , which nro the outcome of general c4 > I'trlence , crowing through jcars of critic * ! anA practical test , ticcomo M rooted and Immovable M the rock of Gibraltar In public opinion , nml henca- forth need no further Ruaran' < ra nito their gcnu Incneu. The Indisputable fact that Swift's Specifics Ii the belt blood runner In the world , Ii ono of thna Immovable Gibraltar rock facts of which wnhtra anokvn , and everyi ay. experience rootn thlncon" yiclloii deeper aiid ilci iwr In public opinion. Kverr class of our | > .plo In America nml In KurotX every trade , vailing nnd profculon , Including the mrdlcnl profession , hare berne loluntnry testi mony to thu remarkable virtue * of a a 8. an * tt Infallible efllcary In curln all dlsracrf of th blood. Thrss testlmunlali are on fllfl by the thou. RanU .nndoi > cntutlio Innpectlonof nil. Now com * unsolicited , two dl Unmil 1ic.t members of the tlirac ! rlcalprofesilun , who Knitcfully testify to the wonder ful curatlro qualitlei of the Snocino in their Indt- Ili.VJi fffTMr t tlmonloi n" herewith tub. . f ? L r'1110 without further comment-let them * peak for i icimclves. The lady Is n memlrof auurornurly nfiho V , " ' " , ' . " ' Companjr. Tncatrp of , Drrlln New Vi.rlr. , Oer" TiS ? ' * * MMc1"l < keff | stock Comi uy , > f Chlcaxo. ! SiR52H nlSP u " wc" known niemlwr of the New v i uric Tnaila 1 neat ret Company. ' Iloth are well known la theatrical clrclciln th'ljc ntry JudlnEur ? ! t'hnrlotto Itnudon's Tcmlmonr. * 1 ' NBW YORK , Jlny S , 1M7. Bwlft Specific Company , Atlanta , da. i < l Orntletiien-HaTlng ; liocn nnnojcil with rl > " ' " ! f r * r.uiitlone and loiixhnessof the kltl.Jr m lid'conJ i"amSn.iren \ , . - V ' woiullnl n prom. ona from hls treatment rrnlred ' . ' . ' " 'l " > neludcd to try the H. S. s/rern- * , „ _ CIUIILOTTE lUNnow. I 153 Donerj , near Canal street , ' Huso IlnxflUrrl'n TVMlmonr. The Swift Specific Company , Atlanta. Ua. t Oentlemen-For two > < > ani I had n c\ere ciuaof . I uinl tar onw , sulphur TarlouJ ecjuiua. ; | oap , nml other remedied , undwa. | > n > icrlrml r&rW nunilmni SLl > hJ'i.lc''u'nl.t fol 111 norolli-f. Allan I Hi ter- mined to try the B. B. H. romfay. and n-vvi or clRht uSi iK.h"Yfinh".roUfllllr | rellev l ' < . HIM You can u c thlacertlUcato In any manner j on | kh HtOd lUsn.r.Hi , " 1 ° f TUa"u T"tl > lr Hew York. May 3. l TrcatUo on Blood and bkln Diseases mailed free. Tun BttiKT farucmo Co. , Drawer 8. Atlanta , Q.1 U.S.L CAPITAL PRIZE , $159,000. "Wo do horobj- certify thnt wo mincrvlso thi arrnng-uinonts for nil the Monthly niul Somt Annual DrHwInKS or The Louisiana Miito Lot tery Company , mid In person munairo nnd con < tiol the drawing thomxohci. nnil Unit tin fame nro conducted with honesty , lull ncgR nnd In good fnlthtownrdall p rtlu < ) . nnilo nilthot l/o the Company to u o this ccrtlllcntuwith fno Flmileg o t our FlgiuUiiru attached , In Us udvoi tlsemcnts. " coMMissioNnua Wo the undersigned tmnk * and Hankers will PBJ nil Prizes drawn In The LoulgUna Stnt lotteries which mny bo presented at our coun- .T. H. OOl-rSMY , Pros. LonUlnim Nntlonnl Ilk. riKUHK I.ANAHX , 1'rcB. Stuto National Bit A. HAMJWIN , l > rc < ) . New Orleans Nnt'lUnnlc CAUL KOII.V , Pros. Union Nntlonal llnnk. UNPAECEDRNTfiiTATR'rAGTION ! OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. Lonisania Stnto Lottery Comjmny Ineorporntoil In If'\fnr2ojr ' nr9ly the Jog Islnlur * for ( luciitlonal anil iliarltublo purpim-n-wlth n "Pit" ofuwiow-to winch aro.erTOfundof OTC" t.'O.lM ) hit nlncp been xlilon. Bvnn OTcrwholnilnu populur vote Us fninchlio wai rnmle u pnrt of the nreiicnt stulo constitution inlopleJ IJccfmber 2nd. A. 1 . I8T1I. The only lottery over rotcd on nnd cndoreod by the people of nny state. It never scales or postpones. Its Quiml Slnk'lo Number Ornwlnirs tiikoplnc * monthly , and the Scml-Annmil Ilrnwlniri roiru Inrly every six nionth ( Juno nnd Dcruinbnr. ) A SPLENDID OPl'OUTUNITV TO WIN A FOUTUiNK. Ninth Orund Hrnwintr , clnss I , ID the Academy of Mnslo , Now Orleans. Tues day , Hop. 13 , 1887 ZOStli Monthly Drawing- . CAPITAL I'llIZE , 8150,000. "Notice-Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves , S5. Fifths , $2. Tenths , $1. LIST Of IMIIZB4. 1 CAPITAL P1UZB OF $150.000. . . 150OOQ i cuANu ritix.i : OF w.ooo. . . rajoot 1 ( JltANDPHlXllOK 'AI.OOO. . 2 iAitaK i'itmsoF : 10.1100. . . 200011 4 LAHfJKPItlXES OK 5,000. . . W 000 20 PH1/.ES OF 1,000. . . iUOOU M " 600. . . 6 , lee " : oo. . . M 200 200. . . 40 , WO " 100. . . 60,000 ArrnnxiMTIO.V r 100 Approximation Prizes , or JltOO. . . . 1.10,000 Joe 100 " " 100. . . 10000 l.WX ) Turmtnnl " DO. . . . 60.000 2,178 Prlres ninottntlntr to . Anrllcutlon for rnto' to club rlioiild tie ninno only to the cifllt oof the company In NowOrlcin * . For furtlior Inlnrniutlnn urrtto ( lenrly , ulvlnf ; full Rddrrsl. I'OSTAIiM ) ' ! ' ! " * , exprem money onlurn.or Now York Eiclmnco In ordhuirr letter , Uuircncy br express ( at our cxpcnsol ntlilouail At. A. HAITI i III i , NEW OlU.CA , t * . . OrK. A. DAUPHIN. WAKIIINOTON , D. G Adtlresa Rwistcred letters to SEW OKCKANS NATIONAL HANK NEWOIU.CANB _ R , E M E M . R Tl il ( That jenernu the llonurenard pro ono and of Itrlr , who are la ohnrKO of the drawings , is afiiHr into * of absolutn fnlrnex and Intonrlir. that tn * sbuicciaroalleuimt , and that no oua can poulbiT llTtne * hat number will draw a I'rlin. HKMrcMllKIt tiiKt tbu pujrment of all prizes Ii IITAIIA.S'IKEI ) 11V Flltril .NATIOVAI. IIAK S of NOW : ) rlenn .nnO the Tlcketnnro Blsnoil tiy the president > t an Initltutlon , whoso churtcrpd ilvhti lira rncoj- ilied In thn hk-hent rnurtH ; therefore , bowuro of ar mUatlon > orunonrmou > tchemoi wno ii rxicQCAixTin WITH THE oxnaturiir or rm * COGNTBX ILL BKK BT EUJUNUia 11110 MAT HUT Ill CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND&P CIFIC RAILWAY Ily rrason of Its central position u'.o e relation to lints East of Chicago , antl contlnJ ai h.ies at ttrmlnal points West , Nortln it and Sojthwrit , Is the true middle link In that transcontinental rystcm which Inrltts and facllltatei trartl and trafflo betvteen the Atlantic andracltic. The Itock Iilanrt raatn line and tranches Includs Chl- caro.Jollet , Ottawa , La ha lie , I'eorla , Opnoeo , Mollno snd Itock Itland , la Illlnolii Datenport , Muscatlnc , Waililiieton , ralrflchl , Ottumwa.Oskalooia , Went Lib- erty.Iowa Clty.Des Mulnos , Indlanola.Wlntrrtot , Atlan tic , Knoxilllo , Audtibon , llarlan , ( luthrlu Centro and Council Bluffs , In lowai Oallatln , Trenton , lit. Joscpu , Uaneron and Kansas City , In Missouri ! I.carcnworth and AtchlsonInICanrasi Albert L ftlllnncapolls and Bt.I'aulInlllnnciotti Watcrtown and Sioux FallsIt UaLota , and hundreds of Intormcdlato cities and tow ns. . ' 'The Great Rock Islnnd Route" * nusrantces ip'fd , coniTort. certainty and safety. Ill permanent way ladUtlotfuuhtd forltsexcc'llcnre. Its bridges are of stone and Iron. Its track U of sollJ iteellts rolll/itritockix.rfect. ltspaipen 3ro ulpmnc lias nil the kafoty appliances that expoilenro has prjvxl useful , and for luxurious accommodations Is uuur- ranged. Its Express Trains consist of superior Uuy L'oschei , eletrsnt rullnian 1'alaco 1'arlorand sleepluc Uars , superb DlnlnK Care , prorUlnff delicious meals , nnil ( between Chicago and St. Jotcpb , Atchlscn and Kansas City ) restful KcclInlnK Chair Cars. Its man- itremcnt Is conservative , lu dl clpllno oxaetlnff , "The Famous Albert Lea Route" t Detwcen Chlcoifo and illnncapolls and St. 1'aul Is the rarorlto. Oter this Una bolld Kutt Kxpress Trains run dally to attractive rosoiti for louiltts In luwa and Minnesota , and , vln Wutertgwn nndBloux Fal ) , tutb rich wheat and crailng lands of Interior DkoU. Vis Seneca and Kaukalceo , the Itoclc Island orTers superior Inducements to traveler ! iMtwuon Cincinnati , Inillaa. ipolls , Lafayette and Council llluBsSt. Joseph , * tcht- ran , Uavenworth , Kansas City , Bt. Taul , acd Inttrms. Hate | olnts. All patroiu ( esrx clully ladli s and ctll. Jrcnjrccelve protectioncourtesy and kindly attcatlga , I or tickets , maps , folders , copies of Weilcrn Trail , r kny desired Information , apply to principal tSv s hi the United States and Canada , or Kddretn , at Clilcsg' ) , I. 8. CACIC , f. ST. JOHN. I. A. HOHK8I , rml40.s1Vu.4 < .l illlQultiuwit. Oil , tU t tut ta * ' _ _ . iiclinc.'u , > erviiale.llllty'c ii eU tlirouu-li i rrota nnd liinl pructlcAH CURE ! ' " bKAfc COl Locml .i"n