Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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Jlcra. Patrick lagan's Opinion of the Proc
lamation of the League.
District * Where tbo League Was
Firmly Kntabllihcd Dlntln-
gulnbed For an Almost fin *
tire Absence From
Crime LlncolB.
The interest wns universal in Lincoln
yesterday when the BEE furnished the
complete report of the proclaiming of
the Irish National league by the English
government. At this city are located the
headquarters and offices of the Irish Na
tional league and in this city is the homo
of lion. Patrick Egan , who m both Ire
land and America has boon in the front
ranks In the league organizations and in
tlio struggles of the Irish people that
have csxiutcd public attention for years.
What the proclaiming moans and how
the Irish people on both smcs of the
Atlantic regard it and its ultimate cfl'ect
ro questions familiar to Mr. Eagan and
upon whirh ho can express an intelli
gent opinion. To present Mr. Egan's
views in detail to the BKK , that gentleman -
man was called upon yesterday and the
question discussed at length.
Mr. Egan said : "Tho proclamation is
based on a lie. The lord Hciitcnant goes
on to say , 'Whereas we are satisfied that
there exists in Ireland an association
known by the name of the Irish National
league , and that the said association in
parts of Ireland promotes and incites tenets
nets of violence and intimidation and in *
tcrfcres with tlio administration of the
law , etc. ' As a matter of fact , the league.
Instead of inciting to acts of violence and
intimidation , has always boon the
strongest guardian of peuco and order.
Wherever the league was strong and
active in a district or count ) , there waste
to be found an almost complete absence
of crime , but wherever the league was
weak , there you would find house-burn
ings and landlord-shooting. The fact is
the government have no need of this
coercion policy for the purpose of deal
ing with crime , as that term is under
stood iu America , because there is less of
It iu Ireland than in any other country
In the world. Its real purpose is to
coerce and intimidate the down.trodden
tenantry and to aid the landlords
to collect their rack routs. Noth
ing but the blindest infatuation
and the most ingrained stupidity
could have impelled the lories
to enter on such a policy. This stop has
done morn to advance thu home rule
' cause than all that the friends of the
movement could achieve if left to their
own resources during the ne\t live years.
It has insured the early and complete tri-
\impli of the policy of Mr. Gladstone.
Its effect In Ireland will bo to heal up
any dill'ereuccs that may exist in the na
tional ranks and to unite the whole coun
try as one man against the infamous at
tempt against public liberty. In Eng
land it will convert the wavering liber
als to the standard of Gladstone , in
America it will strengthen and conform
the rapidly growing sympathy for Ire
land amongst native Americans , while it
will bo the means of unitingand moiling
Irish in America to renewed and more
vigorous exerlions in behalf of the old
land. Proclaiming the league and sup
pressing it are two different things , us
the lories will very soon find out. The
league in Ireland will bo compelled to
. carry on Its organization on other lines ,
and ! know from long experience that
there is a charm for our people
in secret organization which will
stimulate them to any amount of worker
or saorilico that mav bo noecssarv to de
feat I lie government. In 1881 the Glad
stone government proclaimed the land
league , and the experiment taught them
such a lesson that Gladstone and nearly
all the loaders of his party have become
homo rulers. I do not anticipate the
conversion of the torics , because , like UIP
bourbons , they are incapable of learning
anything , but I do anticipate that within
three months of the opening of the next
session of parliament they will bo com
pletely and ignomimously routed by the
champions of Irish homo rule. Already
strong indications of the disruption of
the 'unholy alliance' are cropping out in
the secession of Chamberlain and Russell
from the liberal unionists.
Now that the government have com
mitted the blunder of proclaiming the
league ; they must , of course , take stops
to enforce their proclamation , and to do
that they will bo compelled to imprison
consfdora.blo numbers of the people , in
cluding , no doubt , many of tlio promi
nent leaders. This will undoubtedly stir
up thn passions of the people and as
many of the moro active and desperate
amongst the younger men of the move
ment arc in no frame of mind to tolerate
trilling these will , I very much fear , bo
bloody work rivaling if not surpassing
the deplorable scenes of other coercion
times and the responsibility will bo
placed by nil thinking men where it '
properly belongs , on tlio shoulders of '
the stupid and truculent lory government
of England. "
Since the calling of the republican
county convention tor the ! 3rd of Septem
ber county politics have assumed active
proportions and the different candidates
re as active us beavers each in his own
tndivlaual Interests. There are three or
four candidates for e , ch oilico and the
prospects for lively primaries is refresh
ing. Among the latest candidates iu the
Hold is Tom Carr , of the tirst ward , who
is running for sheriff. It is not devel
oped yet whether the Journal has com
menced its former policy of turning ever
subscriptions for work in the wards but
the ancient machine will undoubtedly
try to run things notwithstanding that K
was democratic four months ago.
A largo number of curious citizens have
enjoyed the past few days looking at the
Workmen laying thn concrete foundation
for pavements. Monday the work of inSi
ing blocks will begin anu a force of Si
men will utibh the work honcufourth ,
providing tlio stonu contractors act rea
sonably decent in supplying the material
for curbing. Tlio prospect of lifting the
city above the fearful mud that it revels
in , in rainy times , is a spectacle that
every man in the city onioys and it will
be K boom of immeasurable eood to hoof
At 10:30 : yesterday the in embers of
Stone Ballast lodge , Brotherhood of Lo |
comotive Firemen of Plattsmoutli , ac
companied by a largo number of friends ,
passed through Lincoln en route for Milford -
ford for the day. The engine , 105 , han
dled by Charley Simpson , was gorgeously '
decorated and five coaches accommo
dated the excursionist * . A lifteen-mln-
ute halt was made nt this point and ho
U. and M , baud of Plattsmoutli ed
the depot force iu elegant j > yK' . A mem
ber of the BKK staff was keeping a fatherly
erly eye over the merry crowd and pick-
nicked with them during the day.
"The growth of the residence portion oi
the city is marvelous , " remarked a Lin
coln resident yesterday , and the remark
P was entirely iu order. A gentleman
If whoso bus.ness takes him about the city
estimates that a thousand now residences
are .now in progress of construction , but
many bulluvo the estimate entirely too
c * ' The theatrical season is well under was r
ID Lincoln Monday evening W. C. Couf
wltu his trained iiorse * holds forth at the
iunko , and the Do Lormo-Ncal company
opens a week's engagement at the Pee
ple's on the same evening. The now
opera house Is promised for the near fu
West Lincoln has approached the
iicriod wherein the residents believe that
lire protection is absolutely necessary.
Accordingly , a company has been organ
ized thorc , and it will be incorporated , or
at least action to that end was taken.
The organizers elected a chief , an assis
tant , and n foreman of n hose company.
The Lincoln Street Railway company
has mot with another suit for damages
that has been instituted in the district
court. The suit Is to recover 95,600 from
the company for damages received by
Willie Myers , a minor , who was run over
in April by n car nt the corner of Kane
and Fourteenth.
End of the Kirnt Week's Moetlnz-A
I-iUt ofThosc PrcflOiif.
The first week of the teachers' institute
closed Friday and yesterday was do-
votcd to the examination of teachers for
ccrtillcatcs. Friday and Saturday of
tiext week will also bo devoted to this
same purpose.
The lectures are given by Prof. James
B. Brunor , Mrs. Jennie E. Kpysor , of tlio
high .school , and Miss Mary Strong of
the medical department of Ann Arbor.
In the afternoon from 4 to C p. m. the
teachers t rcce've ' instruction in bookkeep
ing and civil nt the Omaha Commercial
Below is a list of the various teachers
in attendance , ninnty-onc m all , the
largest ever known in the state :
Helen K Tremalne Ada Shirley
Kinniit Lonergan Mary Lonergtin
KKbyjr Jl&ttlo Hallenbeck
( i I ? Mlckel Hancock Mongto
J H liohrer James Ellis Ir
Koso U Kltell Annie Klcock
Mrs j Munroo Jessie King
JossloMcKlnuey Klla M Hess
Slny IngprHoll Mary Miller
Medlcla Miller Nellie Ireland
John U Whlsmond Kato A Wolcott
hawrnncn A lllcka Susan Hughes
CoraKlnkend Mnry Slbert
Nora Nelson C E McMorlls
D W Warner Lewis Kicliardson
Myra O llanman Sophie Cleveland
May Van Scyoc Nettle K Harrington
A H Hood Mary K Wolcott
Annie O Hrowne W K David
M L Sweeney Addle Doliprty
Klla V Hays George L Torrey
J A linialoy Clara Iliilinaker
Alice Dotmhoo Virginia H Patterson
Mnrtc&rrtMcLaughlin Curtlioso Hughes
KrasmtH 1 } Itowo K ClrTord
Mattlo Clirlstlancy Ida Meeker
Mamie Carpentur Amelia Hlumoo
Ktnllv Uorn Vena Wells
Alta I'eacocko Kv.i M Perrlne
AlicoMAvery KT Gilbert
Maud Hurr Edith Tobltt
Klla Slevcrllng Anna Martin
Augusta Whltmore Klla (1 Hates
Anna K Lt-ach Alice Klnz
Jennie Allen K Addle Uowerman
Mary B Meyer Kato Johnson
Mrs M P Sullivan MsuUv Halleo
Dollle Church KllaMGvers
Cora K Young Ollvo Cairlo Browne
Minnie 1'arrott Nettle M Prltchard
Klla Fogelstrom draco Kuan
Kmma Sallng Carrie M Kutuot
Apiefl llartman Mary If Vlggers
Alive It Erlon Kmma Nicholson
Dertha L Merman
How O. B. Srlilen Was Murdered
Yesterday Alfred Selden received a letter -
tor from his father D. J. Seldon , who is
at Lusk , Wyoming , attending to the dis
position of the remains of O. B. Seldon ,
who was shot dead a mysteriously last
Sunday night. In describing the murder
Justice Selden bay it happened about 9
o'clock in the evening while the victim
was seated at a table casting up accounts.
Two shots were fired through tha window ;
the first piercing his heart and kill
ing him instantly. la falling
he extinguished the lamp ,
so that the next shot which evidently was
meant for Mrs. SelUon , missed its mark
and struck the wall above her head. The
cries of Mrs. Soldon startled the neigh
bors nd they rushed to her assistance.
The lamp was re-lighted , and the form
of the prostrate man was lifted and
placed on the sofa when to their horror
they discovered ho was dead ! No trace of
the murderer could be found. The
course of the second bullet was traced
J through two plaster partitions , to the
ceiling of the summer , and
thence to the floor where a
plain indentation was made.
The ball could nowhere be found ,
however , and it is thought that ono of
the neighbors who was assisting in the
church had quietly thrust it into his
pocket. This has aroused strong suapic
ions that this person , whoever lie is , is
guilty of the murder. The town of Lusk
is greatly excited over the matter , but no
clew whatever can bo discovered as to
the identity of the murderer. It is thought
that the perpetrator of the deed
meant first to kill Mr. and Mrs. Selden ,
and then make way with the money and
other valuables in the house. It is also
thought the deed might have boon
prompted by proprietary troubles. At
the post mortem examination the fatal
minio ball was found lodged near the
spine of the deceased. As the ball did
not have sufficient force to go entirely
through the body it is thought it must
have been lircd from a ghotguu , or some
other weapon in which the ball fitted
loosely. The Inquest was hold Friday.
Yesterday the body was taken to Man-
villo and temporarily interred. Mr. D.
J. Soldon will possibly return to Omaha
the latter part of this week ,
'lianlan's Visit Here.
Nod Ilanlan , the oarsman , spent a fnw
hours at the Millard yesterday , en route
for San Francisco , whence ho will sail
for Australia on the 20th. His mission to
Australia ia to row Beach for the cham
pionship and $3,500 a side on November
20. In an interview Uanlan said that ho
was thirty-two years of ago , and has
rowed 150 racas , of which ho has lost only
ten. He will carry bis own bout , built
by Wariu , of Toronto , 81 feet 5 inches
long and weighing only twenty-six
pounds. During his brief stay in the
city lie was entertained and shown the-
sights by Messrs. J. R. Clarkson , P. H.
Allen and O. H. Gordon , a committee
representing the Omaha rowing club.
Ho left lust night on the 7:50 : train , ex
pressing himself well pleased with his
stay. _
Personal Paragraph ? .
W. H. Bonnison goes east this morning
to buy fall goods for Bennison Bros.
Miss Sue McVicker loft Wednesday
evening for her homo in Kewunoo. 111. ,
after a two months visit with her brother
ut'JUJO Charles street.
Doano CalVerty , an old-timed Omahan ,
and his wife , are at the Puxton. Doano
was formerly cashier at the Caldwull ,
Hamilton & Co. bank.
J. W. Fagan has tendered Ins rusigna
tlon as clerk at the Puiton to enter into
business in Kansas. Mr. Fagen has been
in the city for the past .year and by his
courtesy in his position has made many
friends who wish him success iu his now
enterprises as they bid him good-bye.
Mr. Juan Boyle , ono of Kearney's most
enterprising citizens is at the Paxton.
also Mr. and Mrs. George W. Frank and
Air. and Mrs. C. 11. Eliuondorf , who will
spend the Sabbath and a few days of
next week on business in connection with :
the auction sale of Capitol Hill lota into
Thursday , August35.
W. G. Albright has written a letter to
the G. A. R. reunion committee , offering
a line silk banner to the post of the G.
A. IL department of Nebraska , Knowing
the largest number of men present at the
reunion. Mr. Burmcstor , secretary of
the reunion committee , replied , accept
ing the offer.
Society Awaits the Antnmn Season.--
Events of the Past Week ,
The Ellis Silver WoiiaiiiK-Uccd-Cos-
grave MuptUls Mrs. MoCluro'a
Lnaohooit The Morse Juvo-
nllo Party Uoislp.
Society in Omnha.
The summer season Is on the wane , and
shortly the swallows will bo homeward
Hying , and society will again hold full
svray. The present season at the seaside
and In the mountains has been a very
gay and brilliant one , whtoh leads con-
noisseurs to predict untold good things '
for the approaching autumn and winter
season. A lively summer invariably
presages a resplendent winter , and the
programme at all the inland and seashore
resorts during the present season has
been ono uninterrupted of the most
recherche events and brilliant
festivities. Dancing , riding , y.ichting.
archery , tennis and hunting parties have
been indulged in with a frequency and
magnificence unrivalled in years past ,
and the hosts of all the resort hotels nro
reveling in the luxuriance of prosperity.
For Omaha , as well as other cities which
keep up with the times in society mat
ters , the coming season promises to bo
one of uncommon esprit , and the early
autumn air is full of engagements and
weddings , hops , parties and receptions ,
until the feminine heart is all awhirl with
anticipation and expectancy.
A Pleasant Picnic.
To the Misses Flora and Bessie Yatcs ,
daughters of II. W. Yatcs , esq. , belong
the credit for ono of the most enjoyable
fete champetrcs ever given In the Gate
City. The affair took place Tuesday af
ternoon at Hanscom park , and right roy
ally did the young folks take advantage
of the opportunities for pleasure. The
entertainment was chaperoned by Mrs.
Collins , Mrs. Cowin , Mrs. Rustin , Miss
Megquicr , Mrs. Wakoley and Mrs.
A splendid lunch was spread by the
ladles , and after doing full justice to the
good things , the young people indulged
m thn pleasure of Terpsichore , the Musi
cal Union orchestra furnishing delight
ful music. Throughout the ailair was
enjoyed by all , and the pleasure of
the occasion will bo long remem
bered bj these participating. The
following wcro among those present :
Miss Rustin , the Misses Balcombc , Miss
Collins , Miss Leila Shears , the Misses
Lionbergcr , Miss Maud Woolworth , Miss
Gentio Yates , Miss Margaret Williams ,
Miss Orchard , Miss Burns and her guest
Miss Lozcar , Miss Charlotte Kennedy ,
Miss Fannie Lehtuor , Miss Ludington ,
Miss Copeland , Miss Bessie Hall , the
Misses Dixon , Miss Lake , Miss Emily
Wakely , Miss Mary Pouplcton , Miss
Clara Brown , Miss Delia Chandler , Miss
Kin/.ie , of Fort Omaha , Messrs. Popple-
ton. Mcgqtiicr , Shears , Hall , Horbnch ,
Mellus , Be.ill , Patrick , , ReedRing-
wait , Hamilton , -Sanboru , Cowin , Berlin ,
Jordan , Voss , Wakoly , Will Doano.
Silver Wedding. - *
Saturday evening , August 13 , a bril
liant assembly gathered at the beautiful
homo of Architect F. M. Ellis and his
estimable wife at Forty-third and Far-
nam streets to assist them in celebrating
the twcnty-tifth anniversary of their mar
riage. The fifty merry guo3ts who tilled
the pleasant parlors seemed imbued
with the spirit of the occasion and enjoyed -
joyed themselves thoroughly. Mr. aud
Mrs. Ellis are very widely and favorably
Known , both in this state and Iowa , n
fact most strongly attested by the largo
number and elegance of the tokens of re
gard sent them on this occasion. The
more valuable presents were received
from friends in this city and in Marshall-
town , la. The latter city being the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis for several years.
A most tastefully prepared and ele
gantly served simper was a feature of
the evening. The evening was en
livened by the sweet strains of in
strumental musio furnished by
the Italian orchestra. The homo of Mr
and Mrs. Ellis has always been the scut
of hospitality itself and an invitation
from thorn was a guarantee of a pleasant
time to these who attended. Saturday
evening was no exception to this rule.
Many and hearty were the congratula
tions offered. The occasion was a source
of enjoyment to the genial host and host
essnnd will long be remembered by those
who were privileged to bo present. The
following is a list of these present : Mr.A. .
and Mrs. J. M. St. John , Mr. and Mrs. A.
A. McFaddon , Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sloan
and daughter Bertha , Mr. ana Mrs , A.
H. Johnson , Mr. ana Mrs. E. L
Lyon nnd daughters , Hallic and
Maudie : Mr. and Mrs. J * . T. Rob
inson , Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Day ana
( laughter Flora , Mr. and Mrs. C. D.
Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Sutphen , Mr.
ami Mrs. J. T. Sitz , Mr. and Mrs. J.
Dois'sT Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Foly , Mr. and
Mrs. H. M. Hess ; thu Misses Clara , Ella ,
Ruth and Annie Day , Miss Emma Calhoun -
houn , Mr. O. L. Binford. of Marshall-
town. Ia. : Dr. G. W. Williams. Mr.
Irving J. Baxter , W. E. Findley , J. D.
McFaddcn , John Woodard , Henry Over-
llen.a-Co Kravc.
At the Holy Family church Tuesday ,
August 10 , at 8 o'clock a. m. , Miss Mary
E. Cosgravo was married to Mr. John
Reed , the Rov. R. A. Shaflel ofllciating.
Miss Mary Shannon acted as bridesmaid
while Mr. P. H. Cosgravo attended the
groom ,
The ceremony was witnessed by a
number of the friends of the contracting
parties and on its conclusion the happy
couple repaired to tholr new homo on
North Twenty-Second street where the
breakfast was sorved.
In the evening u largo number of
ladies and gentlemen assembled at the
now homo of Mr. and Mrs. Keed to ex
tend the happy couple the usual congritt-
utations and well wishes. The evening
passed off pleasantly.not the least feature
being an elegant supper suroad at 13
o'clock. The presents were numerous
and valuable.
AT THE residence of Mrs. Chedister ,
2307 Dodge street , on Thursday after
noon last , by the Rev. Joseph H. toy ,
LI , . D. , Prof. Preston G. Ibach. of Glen-
wood , la. , was married to Miss Nellie F.
Huntoon. At the conclusion of the im-
prcsslvo marriage survicn and the attend
ant congratulations the guests did :
served with elegant refreshments , and
shortly afterward the happy couple loft
on a weddincr tour. The contracting
parties are well known teachers in the
Iowa institution for the feeble-minded ,
and have a host of friends whoso
best wishes accompany them into their
new estate.
. %
THE EAKNEST workers of Dr. Foy's con
gregation gave an ice cream and melon
sociable on Thursday night last which
was well attended. The guests enjoyed
the occasion greatly and dispersed re
gretfully at a late hour. The receipts eof
the evening were highly satisfactory.
Tno mission at Walnut Hill rave a lit
erary sociable on'the .following 'evening
which cnmo u | < ttf the most sanguine ex
pectations. I
TUKSUAY EVJCNiNo , at 8 o'clock , the
marriage of Mns.Mllie Whltohorn to Mr.
J. U. Gridloy .will take place at the rest-
dcnce of the brldu's parents , 2012 Doug-
Ins street.
' *
* .
A LAWN party will bo given by Miss
Gussio Korty .Tuesday afternoon from
4 to 8 o'clock. ,
AT Atr. SA'INTS ' "this morning the boy
choir will render "How Lovely Are the
Messengers , " .from the oratorio of SI.
ON THURSDAY of last week Miss Mary
I. Buchanan wns married to Mr. George
E. Bcrtrand < n Xancsville , O. The groom
is I : a well known resident of Omaha.whilo
the bride made many friends hero during
her stay as a teacher in the public
schools. Mr. and Mrs. Bortrand will
spend several weeks visiting fricndx in
tlio cast , after which the couple will re
turn and take up tholr residence in South
A LUNCHEON was given Friday after
noon by Mrs. McClure at her residence.
Niueteeth and Douglas , to a number of
lady friends. Among those present were
Mrs. Beall , Mrs. Whitney , Mrs. Lee , Mrs.
M. C. Nichols , Mra. Lyinan and Miss
* *
ON TOKSDAY Miss Susan Springer and
Mr. Edgar Btgelow will bo married in
Grace church , Chicago. The bride is well
known iu ) maha.
A PARTY of young folks have boon
camping out for the past week enjoying
the fresh country air. Among them are
Masters Charlie and Willie Gibbon ,
Frank Williams and Hartncll Murray.
THK MARRIAGE nt Miss Sallie H. Lowe ,
daughter of Gen. W. W. Lowe of this
city , to Mr. W. J. Bell , will take place
at the rcsldcnco of the brides parents ,
lUth and Harnoy streets , September 1 , at
3 o'clock p. ro.
* #
Mus. J. T. CLAUK has returned from
her visit to Michigan and will continue
in charge of thu choir of the First M. E.
MANV COMPLIMENTS are bolng paid
Mrs. Cotton and Nahan Franko for the
ollertory solo and violin obligate atTrin-
ity Cathedral last Sunday.
Miss ELIZAHKTII PKNNELI , is announced
to sing the offertory solo this morning at
AH Saints.
Omaha's young people gathered at the
residence of J. VV. Morse , No. 1721 Dodge
street. The occasion was the birthday
of Miss Miimlo Morse , and her many
voting friends wore profuse m their con
gratulations to the little host. The eve
ning was spent in dancing and social
games , and till present enjoyed them
selves to the fullest extent. Among
those present wore Misses Jenuio Moore ,
May Burns , .Helen Smith , Margaret
Brown , Maggie Hull , Lulu Dolan. Stella
Falconer , Nina Marshall , Mabel Taylor ,
May and Gertie Yates , and Masters Bur-
Icy Moore , Eddie ahd Franklo Smith , Jay
Boyd , GcorgoiMlner , Walter Minor , Dan
nie Fonda , Harry Stevens , Samuel
Burns , and WJIliani Cowin. Miss Mamie
was the recipient of numerous presents.
* *
THE GAUDS are out for the marriage of
Abe Lewis and Nellie E. Spicglo , on
Sundav. September 4. The ceremony
will take place in the synaaoguo and
the reception will bo held at Germama
hall. They'will-reside at 1311 Mason
street. ° F'
THE EXCKLSIOK. . formally endorses the
rumor of its .editor's coming raarriago by
n publication of the following :
The engagement is announced of
Mr Clement Chase , editor and proprie
tor of thu Omaha Excelsior , to Miss Lula
Edwards , daughter of Hon. E. E. Ed
wards , of Santa Ana. The wedding is
to occur at Santa Ana the first week in
October , it is understood. [ Los Angeles
( Cal. ) World.
THURSDAY EVENING a number of young
people tendered a surprise party to Master - .
tor Augurt Kuehn at his parent's resi
dence , 8'J7 South Twenty-fourth street ,
the occasion being the birthday
of the young host. A most enjoy
able evening was spent in social games ,
ono of the most pleasant features of the
affair being the rendition of excellent
music by the different young folks pres
ent. Among those present were the
Misses Steinhausur , Weulrich , Wuelnch ,
Wilde , Lehmann , Strieker , Gsant-
ncr , Fruehauf , Wittig , fcruoh-
auf , Spettman , Spottman. Messrs
A. Kurbach , J. Settzlo , ir. , E. Karbach ,
Boohl , Henry Rix , Everitts , J. Purvis ,
W. C. Kuehn , John Wittig , Picard , Ben
Wittig. Olson. Lncoom , Fred Strieker ,
Fred Kuehn , Chris Boss , Wcidt.
WEDNESDAY EVENING a number of the
friends of Miss Maggie Hill , tendered
that young lady a surprise party at the
residence of her parents in Council
Bluffs. A very pleasant evening was
spent by the young folks in dancing and
social games. Among these from Omaha
who attended wore the following : Dee
Patton , Will Stcinfoph , Vandcrpool , Allen , Dillon , Harry Douahay ,
Charlie Goldsmith , Maggie Hill , Annie
Dillon , Ray Smith , and Kato Schall , of
St. Joo.
A VEUY pleasant party was given in
Hanscom park on Triday evening by
Miss Jessie LeClair , who leaves shortly
for a three months' sojourn at Long
Branch. Dancing was the principle fea
ture of the evening. But to these not in
clined to indulge in that pastime , the
many "rustic bowers and shaded nooks"
afforded ample opportunity for sweet
communion with nature as seen by
moonlight. The music was furnished by
Garibaldi's orchcstrt. Amone these
present were the Misses Boycc , LeClair ,
Russell , MoKinstrv. Mamio and Carrie
McLain , Sanford , Moore , Sue and Mollie
King , Mount , Dade. Buresford , French
and Mr. andMrs. Day , Messrs. Craig ,
Ostrom , Woodburn , Smith. Sanford ,
Martin Crandkll Russell , Fisher , James ,
Ours , Sherman. ' '
' ' , %
Miss MINNIE EIUKSON eave a juvi-
nile party to several of her young
friends at her homo , 1523 Douglas street ,
yesterday afternoon , from 2 to 5 o'clock.
The occasion was Miss Minnie's birthday
and she was the recipient of a number of f
presents. Thd yotihg folks present wore :
Maj Morgan , Gertie and Dealia Pugsley.
from Florence ; Maud Duncan , Clod !
Duncan , Bordlo Gardner , Lottlo Brandt ,
Anna Small , Jennie Gardner.
j MrOfmonnti
Mrs. Joseph Gar.neau , jr. , Is in Dresden ,
Mr. E. W. Simpfal has returned from
Spirit Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick are m
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wasserman are in
Salt Late City.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gaylor are at North
Scltuate , Mass. ii
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Dunbar are at Soda
Springs , Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. W. IT. Scott have gene to
Ogden to reside.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Clarke have gene
to Philadelphia. 0a
Mrs. F. B. Brayton and daughter Ada
went east Tuesday.
Mrs. Frank Clapp , of York , Is visiting
friends in this city.
Mrs. Adolpli Meyer returned 'from
Spirit Lake Wednesday. ;
Bennison Brothers. , Monday
Grand Early Fall Dress Goods Sale of New Dress Goods.
On Monday , August 22d , We will Place on Sale Some of
the Best Values Ever Offered by Us. i
50 pieces 30-inohall wool Ladies' Cloths in now grays and mixtures , 28c per yard ; worth 40o.
76 pieces 40 inch all wool Ladies' Cloths , in all now 'fall shades and mixtures , 48o per yard ;
worth G5c.
60 pieces 38-inch Fancy Mixtures , an elegant cloth , 39o per yard ; worth 55e.
100 pieces 40-inch Tricots in every shade made , extra quality , 50c per yard ; worth 75c.
80 pieces 54-inch Tricots in every shade made , extra quality , 85c per yard ; worth $1.25.
80 pieces 54-inch Ladies' Cloths in every shade made , extra quality , 85c per yard ; worth $1.25.
An elegant line foreign novelties in Fancy Chocks , Tricots , ifec. , at prices that beat them all.
Monday only , 1 case White Shaker Flannels , hot weather price , GJcper yard.
Monday only , great job of all kinds of Summer Wash Fabrics and Cotton Dress Goods , allop >
one counter to close the lot Monday , 5c per yard.
1 case Fancy Stripe Crinkle Seeisuckciy , 5c per yard.
1 bale Unbleached Muslin , extra heavy , 1G yards for $1.00.
Monday , 10 pieces Solid Cardinal Table Damasks. 50c per yard ; worth 85c.
Monday , three Special Numbers of Bleached Table Damasks ? -
No. 1 , GS inches wide , at GSc per yard ; worth 95c.
No. 2 , 68 inches wide , at 75opor yaid ; worth $1.10.
No. 3 , 72 inches wide , at 89c per yard ; worth $1.25.
Remember , wo are leaders of all popular prices. New goods arriving daily , and bought
strictly for cash , enables us to place before our customers fiwt olaad goods at very low
Mrs. A. W. Saxo has returned from a
visit to Marshall , Mich.
Mrs. B. Lootnis , of Lincoln , is the
guest of Mrs. E. Morony.
Miss Jennie Samson is visiting rela
tives in Montgomery , Vt.
Mrs. Otto Lobcck has returned from a
pleasant visit to Missouri.
Mrs. General Crook and her sister , Mrs.
Rcod , are at Garfield Beach.
Mr. Wrill S. Balduif returned Thursday
from a hunt on the Elkhorn.
Mrs. D.r. . Van Cott has returned from
New York and Long Branch.
Mrs. E. B. Branch and daughter have
returned from Colfax Springs.
Miss Emma Howell is visiting Miss
Lillian Russell Is DCS Momcs , Ia.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wakolield have
arrived homo from Colfax Springs.
Miss Dundy and Mrs. E. S. Dundy , jr. ,
returned from Spirit Lake Thursday.
Miss Anna Fees and Mrs. Walter Par-
'rottc returned Monday from Loadvillo.
Miss F. Davenport , daughter of A. B.
Davnnport , is visiting at Kearney , Nob.
Mrs. H. P. Jensen and children loft on
Monday last for a trip through Colorado.
Miss Anna J. Truland , principal of the
Farnam school , returned to the city yes
Mr. and Mrs. M. Kastman left Tues
day for Europe , whore they will remain
for three mouths.
Mrs. Eugene Knrsh and daughter ,
Genie , of St. Louis , are visiting Mr. ana
Mrs. G. S. Movorson.
Miss Carry Hams has been passing the
summer with licr friend , Miss Deering ,
nt Kinnebunkport , Mo.
Mr. B. B. Young will shortly arrive
from thu east \yith Mrs. Young and their
children and his sisters.
Mrs. Albert Thompson , of New Yurk
city , is visiting her sister , Mrs. C. Bald
win , on California street.
Rev. and Mrs. Willard Scott spent
last Sunday m Chicago on their way cast
for a five weeks' vacation.
Mrs. Boulter , and her daughters , Mrs.
Koch and Miss Georgia , are visiting Mrs.
W. D. Thomas at Frnmont.
Miss Sara Matthowson , ono of Omaha's
popular young ladles , went to Colorado
yesterday to visit her sister.
Mrs. Herman KounUe , Miss Kountzo
and her brothers are on their way homo
from the Yellowstone region. t
Miss'Clara Roedcr , accompanied by
her brother , Mr. Julius Roedor , left fora
trip to St. Paul on Wednesday.
Mrs. D. V. Tou/alin returned Wednes
day from a visit in San Diego , Cal. . to
her son-in-law , Mr. W. H. Clarke.
Miss Jessie and Edith Niles and Mary
and Maggie Martin are visiting in Den
ver and vicinity for a few days.
Mrs. E. Angel and son , Master Arthur ,
have gone to Do Soto , Iav to spend sev
eral weeks with tncnds in central Iowa.
Mrs. J. S. Wolfe , and daughter , Miss
Minnie , of Denver , arc the guests of Gov
ernor and Mrs. Saimdors .on Sherman
Mrs. Gore , of St. Joseph , Mo. , is in the
city on * a visit to her daughter , Mrs.
Brady. The latter has recently returned
from a visit to the Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Smith and son ,
Master Evert , left this week for Los An
geles , Cal. , their present home , after
spending sevcial mouths with old friends
in Omaha.
Valentino Tumnortli , the well known
superintendent of Motz Bro.'s brewery ,
lias returned from a trip to Bavaria ,
where ho spent nine weeks among his old
time friends.
Mrs. J. M. Woolworth and .Miss Monio
Woolworth , returned homo Sunday mornIng -
Ing , accompanied by Mrs. Lieutenant
Howard and her two children , who will
spend some weeks in this city.
Mrs. John E. Davis and her hlstor , Miss
Maggie T. Brosnan , of 7J3 South High"
teonth street , were among thu west
bound passengers Tuesday for Maditou
Springs and other pleasure resorts in
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Leonard of Lin
coln are visiting Mr. W. C. Ballantino
ana family of this city. Miss Lulu Bal
lantino , who has boon making a tour of
the northern lakes , returned with Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard.
Rov. J. K. Reid , formerly pastor of the
Christian church in Gallatin , Mo. , has
bought a residence and located himself
and family in Walnut Hill. Ho will have
charge of Cynthia chanol vice Dr. Saw
yer , who resigned and went back to his
former home in Missouri some time
The Paclllo KxpreH * llobborr
A telegram received from F. C.
Gontsch , the superintendent of the Pa
cific Express company , at Pocatello ,
Idaho , announces the recovery of f8,2r
of the $10,000 stolen from that company
a few days ago. No particulars are given
but it is generally believed that the thief
has been captured also.
John Pnlcravo Hlmpson Doad.
LONDON , AujfustSO. John PalgravoSimp
son , the eminent author aud ulayrlglit , Is
dead. ,
News and Gossip of the Various Secrat Or
ders of the Stito.
Kcsolutlons of the A. O. U. W. The
Slono BallaBt Picnic Se
lect Knlehtf * A. O. V.
W. WhlKpcringa.
The BEE is desirous of making this
column ono of interest to the members
of the secret orders of this state. To this
end it is urged upon the ollicors and
members of the diflVrent organizations ,
to send in each week , items which maybe
bo pertinent aud of interest to their re
spective orders.
IT is now an assured fact that Omaha
will have ore long a splendid Pythian
temple. Already $35,01)0 ) has been sub
scribed and it is expected that within a
cry few weeks the entire amount ,
WOO.OOO , will bo made up. Friday
light a muss meeting of Pythian
( nights of this city was hold nt
Metropolitan hall. A largo number were
iresent and considerable enthusiasm was
muufostcd among the young and old in
Pythian councils. General Smith presided -
sided , and D. Kaufman acted as score-
ary. The subject under consideration was
the now castle hall , and the commitcu ap
pointed to select a site reported several
ocations visited and .snots offered with
heir prices and availability. After some
Jlscti&sion it was decided to accept the
recommendation of the northeast cor
ner of Sixteenth and Davenport streets
as the most advantageous mto proposed.
Stops wcro at once taken for the purchase
> v calling on the subscribers for cash
payment on their stock. It was also de
cided to incorporate the subscribers
indor the corporate name of the Omaha
Pythian Building association , and com-
mtteu.s wcro appointed to act as iucor-
oorators , and prepare a constitution and
STONE BALLAST lodge , No. 328 , of loco
motive firemen of Plattstnouth , had un
excursion to Milford , Nob. , yesterday.
The train loft this city at 8:15 : , carrying
about 200 people , the number being
largely augmented by Omaha parties.
CIIETF LODGE , ! 57 , A. F. and A. M. , and
Mount Zion chapter , No. 17 , R. A ; M.givo
a Masonic picnic at Assembly grounds ,
CretoAugust 21. All mombersof the order
in Saline county , witii their families , are
expected to participate. Sojourning
brothers are cordially invited. Good
speakers will bn present. Good musio
will bo rendered , and a good time is ex
pected. Somc-of the grand ollicors will
bo present.
AT THE last mooting , U. P. ledge , No.
17 , A. O. U. W. , passed resolutions upon
the death of Win. M. Mayall as follows :
Whereas , It has pleased the ( iood Father
to summon from among us our late Brother
Win. Mayall , and
Whereas , It is ouyleslro that a rcmem-
braiicn of his many \Trtuos be plnccd on the
records of the lodge so that these who are to
follow us in our work may bo mindful of
tnose who ha\o departed. Therefore be It
Kcsnlvi'd , That in this bereavement wo
aio solemnly admonished of thn extreme un
certainty of death's hour ot coming , and
while within the ledge thu emblems ot sorrow
row remind us ot our loss , lie It iurther
Kesolvecl , That wo tender our sympathies
to the sorrowing wife and child , and that the
charter and altar of tlio lodije bo draped In
mourning for a period ot sixty days and that
a copy of these resolutions be sent to the wifn
of our deceased brother , that a copy be spread
upon the records of the lodge , that they bo
published In the dally i npors of the city of
Omaha , and the Western Workman , of Lin
coin , NebrasKa.
( Ji'.o. CiiinsToi'FKiisoN'Committee. ( .
KuwAitn K. SI.OMA.X. )
THE ODD Fellows are experiencing
some diflluulty in securing satisfactory
rates for members of the order over the
different railroads to the annual session
of the sunromo ledge , irhich convenes
at Denver next month.
JAMES SCUM.EN has boon elected urand
ledge representative for Omaha ledge
Noril.S. M. A. A.
THE EXCLUSION to Fremont to bngivon
by Harry Gilmore division O. of R. u. ,
promises to be n successful nil air. Au
gust ! H is tiio date fixed and the managers
are exerting every effort to make this a
memorable occasion. The following is
the comniilteo : Mara Nobbs , George
llalrd and J. H. Ralston ; on transporta
tion , F. J. F.iirbrass , William Kecno ami
Harry Gilmore ; on printing , Mark
Suitor , J. W. Inlow and Arthur Blnkcly ,
* %
A rFUMANKNTorgnnl/atlon , of a grand
lodge of S. K. of A. O. U. W. was offoctcd
in Oniuhn Thursday with the following
ollicera : James W. Carr , Omaha , grime
commander ; A. W. Woddlngtou , Ne
braska City ; Hugh W. Cole , McCook , ,1
and A. 1' . Johnson , Holdrogo , all past
crand commanders. B. F. Rawalt ,
Hasting , vice grand commander ;
B. F. Cleveland , Ewing , lieuten
ant grand commander ; John Haw-
lev. North Plattu , grand marshal ;
William S. Phillips , Ituiiunolo , grand re
corder ; W. R. MeAlliUer , Gratia Island ,
grand treasurer ; George F. Mllboarne ,
grand standard bearer ; F. M. Wolf ,
Crete , grand senior workmen : W. E.
( ireon , St. Paul , grand guard ; W. Man-
derson , McCook , H. \ Warren , Lincoln ,
and E. P. Johnson , ijj rrego , trustees.
It was decided to hold the next moot
ing at Ha tmgs the third Tuesday ia
October , 1SS3. The meetings after feat
to bo held bienially.
# *
GEOiir.E W. KDDV , a conductor from
the Now York Central , was the guest of
Harry Gilmore , Division 120 O. of R. 0. ,
BEACON LODGE No. 20 I. O. O. F. hold
an important mooting at R. E. Waugh's
ofllce Friday night.
CAIMTOI. LODGK No. 3 A. F. and A. M.
and Mt. Cavalry Com man dory K. T. ,
mounted , attended the funeral of Carl A.
Fried yesterday.
H. J. WELLS has received his commis
sion as qnurnmstur general with the rank
of colonel on the staff of Brigadier Gen
eral Daytoii. of the uniform rank of the
Knights of Pythias in this state.
ELKS O rr , Havnes , Eddy. Hunter and
Mills are expected back to-day from their
mountain trip.
ELK I. W. MINEII entertained a number
of his brother Elks at his residence Moo-
day evening.
iii-uider-in-chicf of tbo G. A. R. will ba
entertained by the local posts of that
order in this city , Tuesday , September 0.
A Daughter and mother Prefer Doatb
to n Mad IlotiBe.
NKW YOIIK , August 20. The door laths
room In the tenement at SI Charles street ,
occupied by two women Mrs. Payne and
her daughter Anna and from which a sick
ening stench issued , was broken In by the
police today. Both women were found
lying dead on the bpd , which was spattered
with blood , and their bodies In an advanced
state of decomposition. The women
dad been lylnj ; dead blnco Monday. A razor
and empty laudanum bottle were found on
the chair beside the bed. They had cut the
arteries In the elbows and ankles and bled to
death locked in each others arms , but death
had unloosened their crip and they lay facing
each other when found. Letters were found
on the table besldo the bed spilnkled
with blood , OUR of which was
addressed to Miss Weed , daughter
of the late Thurlow Wcod , and who was
known to bo an old frloud of the 1'aynos.
The letter asked that they bo buried In Al
bany cemetery , In oaken caskets.
Another letter said : "We are both of us ,
my mother and 1 , insane , and
dread the mad house. Wo want
to bo with our family. Tell
our relatives where wn live. " It then went
on givlm ; the names of several of tholr rela
tives. Mrs. Payne was sixty years old , aud
her daughter was thlriy-livo and was a
teacher In the Kast Side public school. It
\\as not known by neighbors that there wan
anything unusual about thorn.
Six of tlio Ijpadera of tlio Mob In *
WOODSTOCK , Va. , August 20. In the
county court yesterday a special grand Jury
Investigated Senator Ulddlober er's Jail de
livery of last Saturday morning. After spend
Ing the entire day in secret session and ex
amining seventeen witnesses , they brought
In two indictments. Ono wns against the
following parties : John Ludwlg , Milton
Cooper , William Dinges , Joseph llolt/.lan and
Charles Kuby , of IMInhnrc , th'i former homo
of the senator , and L. M. llnshour , of thla
place , churned with bolm ; the leaders of the
mob who rescued ItlddltiuerKer. Tbo other
Indictment was made against Deputy Sheriff '
llottel for misdemeanor , llottel , who was
Htaylnu In the hsmo room In the jail with
Ulddletjener ; when the mob came and de
manded thu keys and tlien piled the door olf.
ofTored no resistance , thoiuh armed. The
general opinion hero U thJk no ono will ba
convicted ,
Htanloy'H ImicHt fitters.
LONDON , August RO In letters of Henry
M. Stanley , written at ( lamlmya , near the
rapids of the Aruwlml. June 19 , the exploier
najstho natives evacuated lliu place unon
I ho anlval of thu expedition , owluic
to the fright produced ny UIH vlroroun
blowing of the ( steamboats' whistles They
returned afterward , evincing \cry nndcablo
depositions , and promised to supply the ex
pedition with provisions. 'Ihey inlormeJ
Stanley there were other rapids hlgtiuc lip.
morodllllcultot navigation , and that further
progress by the river would hn Impossible.
CliumliorlRlii Will Talk.
LONDON , August UO.-ChamboTUln will Ids electors at a garden party at U *
residence In Birmingham to-dty. . .