v1 ; * - ; ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY , AtJGUST 21 , 1887.TWELYE PAGHE JlffiE PASSIONATE POETESS , * * * Ella Wheeler Writes a Spicy Letter of Some Things Bhe Saw , All About fieauty In tbe Water- How the Olrla Bathe Home Spicy 1'olnta on BeMlde Pleasures. SnitLTurt ISLAND UEioirrs , N. Y. , August 19. ISpecial Correspondence to the BEB. | " . Fashion has decreed that ocean-bathing Is 'j ' , no longer "tho thing" to do. Tot so hcalth- 1 fnl and Invigorating a custom will be long In ! ; , wholly dying out. j Hero at Shelter Island , where two liun- < > * dred cottages and two largo hotels people I - -this little paradise with at least eight liun- , dred souls during the "season , " the beach Is ' well crowded with merry bathers every fore noon. Bitting In the pavilion and watching them sport In the briny wave , I could not help wondering why Mrs. Urundy , who Is so par ticularly critical In some things , should have v so long Ignored the vulgarities of the ocean * < bath. Here men and women , young girls j and youths half nude , and with the covered portions of tliair bodies plainly outlined by their clinging wet robs , mix and mingle and Indulge In familiarities which would not bo tolerated on land. A pretty younit lady svfam from the beach out to the diving pavilion yesterday. Then she clambered up on the pavilion with ten or twelve others of both sexes. Here , In full light ot all the spectators on shore and all her companions , she lilted her short skirts a trifle and adjusted the elastic of her long Stocking , which had become loosened with the effort ot swimming. Shu did this with tbe utmost nonchalance ; yet Just imagine the sensation It would cause If she should perform this same harmless little toilet act on the veranda , lu presence of the same audience I She would be cut dead by every woman , and quite likely requested to leave tbe hotel. Yell doubt It nny one beside myself noticed or commented on the little performance It Is such an overy-day occur rence. 1 do not wish to seem hypercritical , and 1 belicvo 1 have never been called over particular or prudish , hut 1 can't help won- faring why the same act Is deemed proper In one plnce and -vulgar lu another. Only last week , I heard a young miss de claring she would not dance with any man , unless ho were n relative or very dear trlond. i "I don't like nnd won't tolerate any man In such close proximity to me , " she said , "un- i less he Is a relative/ ' I Yesterday , 1 saw her swim to tbe shore I with a male escort who was not a relative. and it seemed to uio the situation held a deal moro of unpleasantly familiarity tgood any waltz ever contained. She sat down In the sand , and her escort leaned on his elbow close beside her. Ho wore a single f very thin garment , which exposed his brawny arms nnd bony neck and uulovely > ankles aim feet. The single garment clung i elose to his body , and displayed his entire anatomy with unblushing distinctness. Her ' pwn pretty arms were bare to the shoulder , and as she sat curled up In the sand , ono could train a very pleasing outline of her graceful limbs and rounded shape. But again 1 fell to making comparisons. "Suppose. " I said , mentally , "that young j lady should meet that young gentleman In tbe halls of the hotel arrayed precisely as he Is now she would run screaming to her fc room , Indignant nnd alarmed. It he should approach her In that attire on the lawn and i attempt to sit down beside her , she would , call a policeman to arrest him. Queer , Is > not UT" Some of the young ladles who have heard that bathing Is not as fashionable ns It used to be unwilling to be Independent , yet / more unwilling to abandon the delight of a [ v dsliy swim choose an afternoon hour when other people nre napping , and paddle about In pretty costumes with no male spectators , or at least only an accidental one. [ These were the young ladles who declared they would not be Introduced to or dance with any strangers at the hop given In honor of a Yachting club recently. v This led n happily married matron to discuss - * cuss the proprieties with me. "I like to see girls prudent , " she sald"but It snoms to me young people do not have quite as good tlmrs as they used to at these . resorts. No matter how well recommended < A a young man may bo , some ot these very par- tlcular girls declare they will not dance with any one save an Intimate friend. "it Is commendable no doubt and yet , " he added , with an arch laugh "why. I / shouldn't have been John's wife to-day It 1 had been so careful. I danced with him the 'first night I met him , and we found we kept stop s nicely we concluded to glide through life together. I am sure young folks had a better time In those years than they do now , and 1 really don't think any moro misfor tunes befell them than In those conventional flays. " Last evening the children wore dancing and 1 overheard an amusing conversation between a trio at the parlor door. A tiny young gallant In long stockings was begging two smaller belles not over ten years ot ago to let him Introduce a friend of his a nlno- year-old boy , who had arrived that day with his parents. ' "Oli. but we couldn't think of dancing With him , " said the two haughty young misses. "Wedon't wo don't know him at all , you seel" "Oh pshaw , now I say come let's make up a set and nave a good tlmo , " pleaded the boy. "He's a good dancer , and lie wants to get acquainted you know. .Let me introduce Elm. " . "Woll but really wo cannot dance with tuch a stranger , the girls insisted , and Iwent > - to my room to ponder over the wonderful prudence and decorum of the growing gener- r ftlon. ELLA WHEKLEU WILCOX. ARMY RlFLiE SHOOTING. j YeBterclay at Bellvno Range. BELLVUE , Neb. , August 30. ( Special tele gram to the BKK. ] The department compe tition closed to-day. On Monday there will be regimental team matches in the forenoon and bulls-eye tiring In the afternoon. The skirmish firing this morning was the best done yet. Sergeant Lewis , of the Seventh Infantry making 101 , the highest figures for Skirmish during the competition. This after noon the llriug was nt known distances , GOO aud WO yards. The shooting throughout the day was good. The following is a list of the > lirst fourteen men timing the competition ' consisting of the department team and the two alternates. 11 Leonard Dictz , private , Uth Infantry..607 -tieo. A. Lewis , private , 7th Infantry 490 AugustSchollo , sergeant , 7th infantry..48.1 James T' Kerr , lieutenant. 17th Infantry..4fi3 Boaino Walker , corporal. Uth cavalry 4 < M Harry Annln , private , iilst Infantry 45ti James Kelly , cornoral , Oth Infantry 4iS Frank Fechter , private , Unit Infuntry 454 Joseph Manard , lieutenant , Uth cavalry..4M Luke Itomlg , sergeant , lUtli Infantry 4W Gee , W. KlHott. private. 2mt Infantry..45 : Lewis W. Handy , corporal , 8th infantry.,45'J ALTKIIXATKS. Charles H. Mutrle. sergeant , 17th lnfantry.44S Augustus Writonberg musician , " 1st " 44 ; At Fort Snolllne. BT. PAUL , Minn. , August 'JO. Wind and weather were favorable at Fort Snelllngto- day , and scores lu the department shoot were the highest yet made , lu the regimental hoot this morning over n distance ot 200,300 600 and 600 yards , out ot u possible 2,00 ( points , the following totals were made : Third Intantry 1,01 ! Fifteenth infantry l.coi Fifth Intantry l.co : First cavalry 1,57 ! Twentieth Intantry 1- * Twelfth Infantry v 1M ( Twenty-unit Infantry l.'J * In the Indlvldval s > corus ot thu wlnnliu team Lieutenant Avery led , his score belnt 175 out ot n possible SOU lu the afternoot members of the third infantry shot over tin amo distances for the I'loneer-l'res ? badge Lieutenant Avery again making the bes KOTO , 170 out of a possible two , thus wlnnini the baa go. Lieutenant Avery Is stationed a Fort Shaw. Montana. He graduated at WVs Tolnt In 1878. Henry George Talks. NKW YORK. , August 20. Henry Georgi was seen by a reporter to-day and inter viewed in regard to the Syracuse convention , ' peaking of the exclusion of the socialists George said that personally he was ver ; sorry for tha matter , as uiany of the social UU were friends of his. "Hut , " he salt "We had to get rid of the element ot social tsa and make clear our position. Wear ot socialists. We are going to make a win Ing tipnt. We don't boast that wu will bi uooeaaful. but we will como mighty near It Iwill tak the stump myself and go througl THE SPOUTING WORLD. Urent Victory. MO.NMOUTH PAIIK , N. J , , August 20. Fol lowing Is the summary of the races to-dny : Mile Mooa won , Cyclops second , 1'rectssa third. TImel:40 : { . Throe-quarter mile Specialty won. Now- or-never second , The Cndoncefitty third. Laggard won the treat omnibus stakes with 910,000 added money at Monmouth park to-day. Flrenzl was second and II an- OTcr third. Time 2:41. : Dwjrer liros. publicly declared they would win with Hanover. After one false start they got a flag and started away with Lag gard In the lead , Esquimaux second , llano- vet next , and Kingston and Flronzl follow ing. Hanover moved up as they went around the turn and was only half a length behind Lagcard , who doggedly made the pace. Tlio Esquimaux was two lengths be hind Hanover , Kingston and Flronzl trailed close behind. As they strung Into the near stretch , Laggard led by half a length , and Hanover was' two lengths ahead of Esqui maux. who was directly In front of Kingston and Flrcnzl , As they passed tha Judges' stand Laggard and Hanover were nose and noso. As they rounded the lower turn Laggard was In the lead , but Just as they reached the quarter post Jimmy gave Hano ver his head fora moment when ho Jumped to the front with n lead of n Ion iith. At the stables Langard once moro showed his front , and headed Hanover around the upper turn by ahead. Esquimaux was still third , but Flrcnzl moved up a place. Laggard wan still to the fore as they swung Into the homestretch stretch aud Flrenzl was at Hanover's saddle girth. Then began onn of the grandest finishes ever soon on the race course , tilde by side , almost , catnii Lageanl , Hanover and Flronzl. The grandson of Hindoo was In the center of the trock and his enemies on each side of him. Whip ana spur were vlied on all these. The excitement became Intcnso and men screamed and shouted at thu top of their voices. On they came splashing the mud us hleh ns their heads. At thu sixteenth pole Garrison , who was on Flrcnzl , dropped his whip. The "Snapper" has a bono felon on his linger and the pain made him unable to retain ( t longer. It was anybody's racn for a moment and one blanket would have covered all three horses. A moment more nnd they passed tha judges. Lneicard leading by a neck and Ferenzl and Mead in front of Hanover. Mlngster finished last. Tli other races were : One and three-eights miles : Long Knight won , llarnum scciind , Argo third. Time 3:30. : 3:30.Threequarters of a milo : Leather Stocking won , Fred D. second , Laura Brown third. Tlme-l:19. : One and one-eighth miles : Strathspey won. Editor second , Uelax third. Tlmo a:0l : f. Steaplo chase , full course : Hercules won , Sam Emery second , Tennessee third. Tlmo Racine at Haratoga. SARATOGA. August 20. The weather was hazy and warm , the track dusty in places nnd attendance large. Three-quarter mile Ueraldlno won , Los Anicelcs second , Belinda third. Time 1:17. Ono mile and furlong Gnsette won , flag eolet second , Freycloud third. Time 1 :5S. : One mile and live hundred yards Volanto won , Brown Duke second , Tellle Dee Uilrd. Three-quartor mile Miss Ford won , Cas- satt second , Dudley Oaks third. Time 1:10. One mile Queen Elizabeth won , Queen Bess second , Columbine third. Tlruu 1:40 : M. Nnttonal Lontino Games. riTTsnuito , August 20. The game be tween the Flttsburg and Chicago teams to day resulted as follows : Pittsburgh . 0 0 1 0 1 oo 0 0 2 Chlcaso . 1 0000002 * 3 Pitchers Morris and Nanhattren. liase hits Chicago 8 , Plttsbur * 8. Errors Pitts- burg 2 , Chicago 1. Umpire Powers. 1'iiiLADKLPiiiA , August 20. The game be tween the Philadelphia and Now York teams to-day resulted ns follows : Philadelphia . 0 1 0 0 U 0 0 0 2-5 .Xew York . 0 0001040 * .5 Uamn called at end of ninth Inning on ac count of darkness. Pltcliprs Casey and Keefe. Base hits Philadelphia 13. Now YorklK. Errors- Philadelphia 2 , New York 1. Umplro-Sul- llvan. INDIA.XAPOI.IS , August 20. The caino between the Indianapolis land Detroit teams to-day resulted as follows : Indianapolis. . 0 000000302-5 Detroit . 2 001000100 4 Pitchers Leltner nnd Gruber. Bnso hits Indianapolis 13 , Detroit 18. Errors In dianapolis y , Detroit 4. Umpire J. lirennan. BOBTOJO Auirust 20. The came be tween thu Boston nnd Washington teams to-day resulted ns follows : Boston . 0 1000000 0 1 Washington . 1 0000020 0 3 Pitchers Stemmever and Whitney. Base hits Boston 8 , Washington 9. Errors- Boston 11 , Washington ? . Umpire Doescher. Afternoon game. Boston . 0 00000210 3 Washington . 0 00001102 4 Pltchers--Stemmeyer and Wlielno y.fBaso hits Boston 14. Washington 8. Errors- Boston 0 , Washington 7. Umpire Doe- scuer. _ American Association. CINCINNATI , August 20. The game be tween the Cincinnati and Brooklyn teams to-day resulted as follows : Cincinnati . 0 00000010 1 Brooklyn . 0 00000000 0 ST. Liouis.l August 20. The game be tween the St. Louis and Athletic teams to day resulted ns follows : St. Louis. . I 00301000-9 Athletics . 4 1010021 * 20 o LOUISYIITK , August 20. The game be tween the Louisville and Baltimore teams to-day resulted as follows : Louisville . 0 1 0 3 2 4 0 * 1 10 Baltimore . 0000 00010 1 Northwestern League. Dis : MOINKS la. , August 19. The North western league games to-day resulted as tol- lows : Milwaukee. 2 ; Oes Molnes , 1. At Milwaukee , Oshkosh.JS ; La Cross , 0. St. Paul. 7 ; Minneapolis , 8. At Minneapolis , Eau CIalre,4Duluth23at ; ; Duluth. J _ The Knln Spoiled It. DEM vnu , Colo. , August 20.- | Special Tele gram to the BKK. ] The postponed gome be. twcon Hastings and Denver was called at the end of the fourth Inning on account ol rain. The score them stood 8 to 3 In favoi of Hastings. _ North IMatte UU , Cheyenne O. Nourii PI.ATTE , Neb. , August 20. [ Spec- clnl Telegram to the BKE.J The Cheyenne base ball club played the North Plattcs to day , resulting In a score of 20 to 0 In favor ol North Platte , making the fourteenth consec utive game In which North Platte has beer victorious. The Lincoln leiguo club play ; hero next Thursday. A good game Is ex pected. i The Illflo Shoot. The Peurose and Uardln rifle club helc thnir usual target practice at their range yes terday afternoon , 200 yards oft hand , the tel lowing scores being made , a light soutt breeze blowing transversely over the range detracting somewhat therefrom : bpragup . 0 07085578 7-5 ! PonroSO . . " .S 40054040 4 4 Kitchen . u 04040090 0 2 : Klchards . 0 05400040 0-11 Hughes . 4 0577 5 000 4-4 ! Pltty . 4 7580G508 7-0 The range Is now In splendid condition and the club , by shooting across the river will bo enabled to get a 1.20) yard range , ant preparations are being made for a trial at till : distance. _ The IjofaTer Shoot. The Lefover gun club shoot took place yes terday afternoon at the Omaha grounds twenty-live blue rocks , eighteen yards rise , with the following result : Small. . . . . . . .11100 11101 10101 10001 11011-11 Nason . 10011 11110 11110 01001 10111 1' Kctctmm . liooo loioo oioil OHIO lOOli i : Townseud. . . 01111 11110 11101 llioo liuo-r AtHTComblo , ,00001 01000 11101 11001 10100 1 JlerU . 10101 11111 11111 11101 01111 2 Mr. Mctz , with a score of twenty-one car rltul otf the medal. Sporting Notes. Constant Header Certainly : If the umplr calls a balktho' batter takes his base , ant should the bases be full U forces a ran In , Tim next league games on the Omahi grounds will be with the Hastings , and thi boys will struggle hard to make It thra ntralght. They will bo hero September 3,4 andO , Base Balllst-Qeortco Shaffer , tight fielder ot the Llncolns , Is dubbed the orotor from the fact that ho occupies much of his tlmo In the Hold soliloquizing , something after this still : "Now , Gcorglo , If a ball cotnesout your way take It In Just like you used to when tramping down the grass on the old Boston grounds , nearly n hundred years ago , and then listen to the music by the Jays In the grand stand. These follows don't know ball from croquet. Just glvo them a few lessons and show them how the game Is played by players , and they'll go right back to their plows. " The directors of the Omaha base ball elub held their regular weekly meeting at Penroso tc Hardln's sporting headquarters last evenIng - Ing , nnd from all reports had a regular mon key nnd parrot time. It seems , ns the BKK has previously spcclllcly stated , the manage ment Isn't swimming along as hrrmonlously ns It might. It now turns out that the con stitution and by-laws ns well as some of the books have mystcrlonsly disappeared , and that some undeslraqlo trouble must be ex perienced In straightening out the financial condition of things. Who Is to blame Is not deflnntely known , but there Is no doubt of Its pclng a case of too much management. Parker to Be Drought to Omaha. NOHTH PIATTE , Neb. , August 20. ( Spe cial Telegram to the BEE. I Charley Parker , alias Jim Harris , who robbed Paymaster Bash at Antelope Springs , Wyo. , was sur rendered by the civil authorities to-day to United States Deputy Marshal Carr and will be taken to Omaha to-day. ANOTHER MUntlEROUS ASSAULT. William Nunti Shot Down In his Tent Door Near St. Joseph. ST. JOSKPII , Ma , August 20. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. | Early last evening another murderous assault was perprotrated In Buchanan county. The victim this tlmo is Wm. Nunu who Is working In the timber for a number ot St. Joseph men and who Ilvrs In a tent on the Chicago , Burlington & Qulnoy railroad thrco miles east ot the city limits. Nunn was standing In front of the tout when he was approached by a party of four mon headed by n man nam'od Jnmos Fltzoll who was armed with a shot gun. The party cnmo to within a few foot of Nunn when Fltzull without a word raised his gun nnd tired Into tdo broasj of Nunn. The as saulting party then Jltui. Nunn Is a man of nbout thlrtv-iive years of ago. Over twenty shot are in his right lune and breast. An old grudge was the cause for the shooting. Nunn will not Ilvo through tie [ night. Now York Irishmen Talk. Nr.w YOIIK , August 20. [ Special Tele gram to the BIE. : | The news from London that the government has nt last proclaimed the Irish National league created intense excitement among the different classes of Irishmen In this city. They say that the gov ernment plainly sees that a majority of the English voters have turned against them , nnd they might as well have the satisfaction of doing as much as they can against Ireland while they remain In ollice. The same ob servation applies to those whom Gladstone refused to call unionists , but persists In callIng - Ing "dissident liberals. " One thing seems certain from the collective opinion of those whom your reporter talked with from fcnlan nnd dynamiter down to conserva tive members of the parliamentary fund association , li'licro never was a proclama tion of a national organization issued before in Ireland which will meet with such de termined resistance as this one. They say that it will bo simply impossible to put down the national league ; that If money flowed Into Ireland before from this country in thous ands , it will bo certain to do so now In In creased volume. Michael Giblln , vice-president of the Homo mile elub , said : "As them Is no reason to doubt that the government Is determined not alone to put down the league but to put It down with an iron hand , you are certain to see bloothhed nnd slaughter more horrltylng than what wns witnessed during the worst days of the Forster regime. The result will bo a more determined and general resistance to evictions. The stubborn tights all around to keep the nationalist mpctlncs < golnff in si ) I to of the well appointed armies of Great Britain will be terrible. " A Blystcrlous Shooting Affair. CHICAGO , August 2u. At 9 o'clock this morningthoChlcngo& Alton train stopped at Twenty-third street ana n stretcher , on which a middle-aged man lay , was removed from It to Ms house , No. 3 Park Place. The man was Walters. Babcock , senior member of the firm of Babcock & Wheeler , lumber deal ers. Ho Is suffering from a wound In the breast received some time early this morning at Gardner. 111. , where he had been spending th.e night. The wound Is a fatal one , nnd the bullet , which was probed for , cannot bo found. Babcock Is lifty-tivo years old and Is n prominent republican in the Seventh ward. His friends are very reticent about the shoot ing. He went to Gardner to trade his prop erty , Lake Park Place , for n farm. At 4 this morning he entered a physician's ollico In Gardner and had his wound examined , re fusing to explain how ho received It , Ko- porters are refused admittance to his house and his friends refuse to say anything In re gard to the matter. Atnhlaon Struck By Hail Storm. ATOUISOK , Kas. , August 20. The most territic hall storm that ever occurred In this region swept over this city at 4 o'clock this afternoon' Hailstones measuring nine and ten Inches in circumference fell. The wind was from the north and half the windows In the city on the north sldo of the houses were broken. Twenty or moro heavy French plate windows were broken. Several hand some Illuminated windows In the Baptist nnd Episcopal churches were destroyed. The loss in broken class will aggregate 54,000 01 85,000. The storm appears to have been ton- era ! throughout northern Kansas. Cars on the Incoming passenger train on the Central Branch of thu Union 1'acllic and Omaha ex tension ot the Missouri 1'acllic had theii windows on the north side broken by hall , H. C. Patchor , a printer , was struck by onn of the hailstones and the bridge of his nose flattened. His Injuries are severe. An Unlucky University. UTICA , N. Y. , August 20. The supreme court this afternoon decided that Cornell university at the date of the death of Jennie McGraw Fiske had reached the limit of Its charter and was not entitled to take or holt ] any property and funds given to It by hei will. The surrogate wns directed to make t distribution of the property nnd funds re malnlug In the hands of the executor , to gether with nny advances or payments here tofore made Dy him to Cornell university t < appellants according to their rights as they shall appear , with costs to appellants , paya ble out of tne funds ot the university. The legacies to the university aggregated S 1,131,570. A BurcUr Fatally Shot. PiTTSHUKO , August 2rt A Chronicle-Tele graph Indiana , Pa , special says : Last nigh Alonzo Kelly.a young son ofiPostmasterJohi Kelly , ot Black hick , Pa. , twelve miles fron here , fatally shot Charles Uodgors. a burglar who was caught in the attempt of robbing tin postofllce. Weather Indications. For Nebraska : Local rains , followed by fair weathnr , variable winds , cooler In west crn portion , stationary temperature In east ern portion. For Dakota : Local rains , followed by fall weather , variable winds , slightly cooler. Tried to Drive Across the Track. NASHVILLE , Tenn. , August 80. J. C Usury and sou and Fetor Henson tried ti drive across the track ot tbe Nashville i Florence railroad near Lawrenceburg today They were struck by a train and both uiei were killed and the boy fatally Injured. Cholera Causes a Riot. ROMK , August 20. During a riot yesterda ; In Sicily , growing out ot the efforts of th authorities to enforce the quarantine regula tlons , two gen d'armes were Killed. 0 Many of the rioters were arrested. Bulgaria Orders Rifles. PARIS , August 20.-A dispatch from Vi ennato the . 'Journal DesDubats says tha the Bulgarian government has orders 900,000 repeating rlllea from an Austria ) ttrm. WHERE IHEJHKS SQUEAL , ABrief Resume "of OnrJNew Suburb on the South" , I FACTORIES AffD WAREHOUSES , 11 Ibo Wonderful Development Which TtatB Thriving Hoctlon of Town Is Now Maklfi/c.In / Excellent Style. Very llttln has bean said nbout Uio work that is actually progressing ut South Omaha at tlio present time. So many now enterprises are being brought forward and so many largo establish ments from the cast are socking loca tions there , that thu minds of the people are tilled constantly with what is coming and they lose sight of what is really being dono. Aside trom the work being carried on in the packing houses already established , which includes the slaugh tering of from three to ilvo thousand hogs per iltvy , besides cattle , and in the other manufacturing establishments , such as the brewery , carriage and sleigh factory , etc. , there is a great amount of work going on which receives but little attention. One of the first things to at tract the attention of the visitor to South Omaha , is the long procession of teams tiling by the Exchange building , A little inquiry will gain the informa tion that these teams , 100 in number , are employed to grade down the hills west of the exchange building , and to 111 ! in the low grounds adjoining the railroad tracks. Over $0,000 willbe expended in this grading alone. The removal of the hills is to make room for the extension of thu yards , and packing houses , and the filling in of ths lower ground is to pro vide moro room for trackage facilities. This work is under the superintondoncy of Mr. Dorrnncc , a woll-kiiown railroad man , and the plans which hu is now carrying out include twelve miles of side tracks. The laying of these trucks will cost an additional forty or fifty thousand dollars. This docs not include the cost of the three mogul engines which are now being built for the stock yard com pany , to bo in readiness by the time the tracks are completed , in sixty to ninety days. Besides the grading being done by the stock yards company , many teams are employed by the city and county au- theritios and by the different railroad companies , malting a total of about 300 teams engaged in grading within a radius of'about a milo from the exchange building. Another big enterprise , and one which usually calls forth from visitors the exclamation , "what's that ? " is the sewer which is being constructed from the little lake , near the exchange building , to the river. Beginning at the lake it extends south along the old creek bed for a dis tance of about half a mile. This part of the sewer , ton feet high and eight feet wide , is made by the driving of a double row of piles , drivenfouf feet apart , heavily timbered and covered with plank. When the grading Is completed it will be entirely covered > from view. This section of seJwen is already nearly finished. . _ At a point a short distance south of the Swift pack ing house it will connect with the tunnel which is being constructed through the hills to the river. A large force of men r.ro already at W9tk qpon the tunnel , having started in at the , river , it being necissary to begin at the lower end to seas as to lurnish an outlet' for the water ns the wont progresses. 'iuo tunnel itself which will bo constructed of brick , will be five feet in the clear , and at tl.e high est part of the hill-will , bc eighty feet bis- low the surface. 'I'ho-total length of the sewer will bu about22,000 feet , and will furnish drainage for the stock yards and all the packing houses. < . Swift & Go's packing house is well under way , there being a force of 150 men employed on the work at the present time , and as soon as the work has pro gressed a little farther this force will bo doubled. The beef house , to bo completed so as to bo used in October , is 250x289 feet and four stories in height. The work men are now engaged on the second story of this building and push ing forward as rapidly as pos sible. The foundations for the other buildings are being laid , The tank , oil , bono and fertilizing house will bo 75x300 foot and four and five stories higo. The hog house , which will bo situated close bv the beef house , will bo 200x2-10 feet. a four-story building , - The foundations for the engine and boiler houses are already laid , the size of the former being40x70 feet on the ground , and of the latter 40x05 foot. These build ings will be of brick , with the exception of the beef house , whoso upper stories will bo frame. A car and repair house will bo added as soon as the other buildings are completed. Altogether there will DO an expenditure of from a quarter to a half million of del lars. lars.Armour Armour & Co. have already com menced work on the extension to their packing house , and there are now about 150 men engaged in making the neces sary excavations. As lias already been mentioned , this now addition will have a capacity for the handling of from 3,000 to 4,000 hogs per day , and will be the largest house thus far located here. There is a great amount of work in progress of minor importance to that mentioned , but which , in the aggregate , would ronko a big showlnff. Among other thinirs , the stock yards company have a largo force of builders at work upon a barn which will bo 150x30 feet. It will bo of brick , with iron roof and doors , and lire-proof throughout. This will bo used for storing the hay and feud needed at the yards , and will have cost when completed ยง 0,000. Workmen have just put the finisning touches upon a stand pipe that is 20 feet in diameter and 75 feet in height , and that cost ? 0fiOO. Two companies are engaged in putting down artesian wells , one at the Fowlur packing house , and the other at the pnmp house near the exchange building. The latter has already reached a depth of 700 feet , and a good ( low , of * water has been obtained , but the bcfrwg will not be stop ped until at least .it 1,000 feet has been reached.JTJjoso improve ments , representing Jan outlay oi hundreds of thousiirrtls f dollars , do not include the thousands- being expended by private enterprise 'in the building oi lots , grading of lots anM other general improvements in SoiitlfOmaha. yr tl 1 An AttomptoiliQoiifltloncc GmiiP. Frank Willard , a suspicious 'character who has been hanging -around the depot lately , took in tow , rt country youth named John MillsJwhp was bound tc Montana to seek1 hisjfortune , and whc confided to Willardthofact _ _ that he hail his entire fortune , something loss than $100 , in his pocket' Williard took him the round of the various saloons , anil when ho got him to the proper degree ol mellowness , iiroduccd n well worn bank check for $750 , asking for a loan on il and saying ho would pay it back whor they arrived in Montana. Mills drew oul his wallet and was in the act of turning all his money over to the confidence man , whan Charley Mars interfered Willard skipped , but appearing again ir the evening was arrested and locked up The Cupn and Conductor. The police commission yesterday hold a session on the charge against Officer : Coruiack , Green and Moyston , and al though for reasons comprehensible tc themselves thu commissioners will no report the proceedings , it Is undorstooc that Dunbar admitted his share of blumo and thu case was ( li V STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. Destruction by Fire In the Western Suburbs Last Night. At about 11:30 : last night during a lull in the thunder storm a bolt of lightning struck the barn in the rear of the promise.1 ! occupied byV. . D. Sloan , ( of Sloan , Johnson & Co. ) at the corner of Catherine and Mason streets. The ( structure Instantly broke into flame and the tire wns almost immediately communicated to the car penter shop of George Woodard adjoin ing. The fire ruado a great display against the low-hanging clouds and in the apprehension of a considerable con flagration , a double alarm was turned in. The locality , lying ns it does , two blocks west of llanscouio park is attainable only , by way of Lcnv cnworth street , but was almost utterly inaccossablo last night , owlnp to the heavy ram which had churned the un- pavcd roadway into an impassable strip of quagmire. Several pieces of appa ratus responded to the alarm , but the now chemical engine was alone able to finish the trip and that after such painful and delaying efforts that the lire had burned itself out when the scene was reached. The remaining apparatus with drew after sticking fast and falling into ruts a few times. No. 4 hose cart was pushed on , however , until within n half milo of the lira when the wheels sunk over the hubs and the floundering horses could move their load no moro. The mon and horses waded out , leav ing the truck until morning. Mr. Sloan's barn was stored with a number of wagons and a largo Quantity of furniture and implements so that his loss will reach $3,000 covered by nbout $2,000 insurance. Woodard's carpcntor shop shared the total destruction entailing upon the owner tin uninsured loss of about $5,000. Mr. Sloan's residence narrowly es caped the flames and was saved only through the devoted efforts of his neigh bors who faced both the fire and storm to form a bucket brigade. THE G. A. K. REUNION. Programme of Exorcises For the Veterans' Meeting. The following programme of exercises and entertainments has been prepared for the Ninth annual reunion of the G. A. H , department of Nebraska : Monday , September 5. Arrival of veter ans and assignment of quarters. 3 p. m.-Battery drill by Battery "F. " Second end United States artillery , Colonel Carl A. Woodruff commanding. G p. ut. Uress parade by United States regular Infantry. 8 p. m. Turning over of camp by reunion committee to commander of camp and camp lire. 10 p. m.-Tattoo. Tuesday , September 0. 0 a. m. Itcvollle. 7 a. in. Breakfast call. 8 a. m. Sick call. 0a.m. Guard mount by United States regular infantry. 10 a. m. Assembling of the several state associations at their headquarters. 10 a. m. Battallion drill by Second , Eighth and Twenty-first United States regular in fantry. 13 m. Dinner call. 3 p. m. Battery drill by Battery F. Second U. S. artillery , Colonel Carl A. Woodruff commanding. 0 p. m. Dress parade by U. S. regular In- fn"tr < - . 8 p. m. Usceptlon to the commander-In due ! U. A. It , General Lucius Fatrchild , and tittiup me. 10 p. in. Tattoo. WEDNESDAY SEI'TUMBEH 7. Oa. m. Itnvollle. 7 a. in. Breakfast call. 8 a. in. Sick call. 9 a. m. Grand parade through the city of all troops , veterans by state associations and sons of veterans. 13 m.Dinner call. 2 n. m. Meeting of prisoners of war asso ciations. 5 p. m. Dress parade and review of all vet erans. 8 p. in. Grand musical entertainment , ren dered by a cliorus of the best singers of the city and the regimental bauds of the Second , Eighth and Tneiity-lirst infantry. Camp fire. 10 p. ra. Tattoo. TJIUIWnAY , SKPTEMBEIt 8. 0 a. ra. Kevellle. 7 a. m. Breakfast call. 8 a. m. Sick call. 9 a. m. Guard mount by United States regular Infantry. 10 a. m. Battallion drill by Second , Eighth and Twenty-first United States regular in fant rj. 10 a. m. Iteunion and election of officers of state associations. 11 a. in. Reunion and election of officers of prisoners of war association. 12 m. Dinner call. 3 p. m. Battery drill by battery "F" Second end U. S. artillery. 6 p. in. Dress parade by U. S. regular in fantry. H p. in. Grand naval display on Cut-off lake Ktinnlng of the batteries at Vlcksburg by the Mississippi Flotilla of union gun boats. Camp lire. 10 p. m. Tattoo. FIllltAV , SEPTBMnKIl9. Oa. m. Hoveilie. 7 a. in. Breakfast call. 8 a. m. Sick call. 9 a. m. Guard mount by U. S. regular In fantry. 10 a. m. Battery drill by battery "F , " Second end U. S. artillery. 1'J m. Dinner call. 2 p. m. Great sham battle In which all the regular troops nnd veterans will tnko part. 5 p. m. Dress parade and review of all veterans. 8 p. m. Camp lire. 10 p. m. Tattoo. Oa. m. Itovellle. 7a. m. Breakfast call. 9 a. m. Guard mount by United States roeulnr Infantry. Grand farewell ! Shake , Boysl Wo will sen vnu next year. With the exception of Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon there will bo band concerts dally at lu n. m. , 2 p. m. and 7 p. m. A Falling Timber. Yesterday morning about 11:30 : Mrs. Alfred Sorensen , with her two little daughters , Blanche and Grace , narrowly escaped a serious accident while passing .tho Now Byors building , corner of Doug * 'las am' ' Fifteenth streets. When Mrs. Sorensen and children had nearly reached the north end of the building , a mason throw to the ground a Pine board nbout nine feet in length. The board struck the ground endwise and then fell forward toward the sidewalk , striking Blanche and Grace as it tended toward the sido- walk. The former was bruised on the cheek and had her dress badly torn. A PARACHUTE CRAZE. Qulncjr , III. , Unno Daft , or Nearly So , Over Baldwin's Great Feat , Chicago Herald : Quincy is a veritable city of parachutes over since Tom Bald win made his great leap on the Fourth ol July from a balloon at a height of 5,000 feet. Parachutes are in everything , even dangling from the telephone and tele graph wires , new brands of goods are called "parachute , " and tno grand army of cranks is engaged in cudgelling their poor brains wherewith to cast Baldwin's unparalleled performance completely in the shado. A consumptive-looking black smith , Bartholomew by name , is re ported to have sold out his business in order to devote his time and moans to the building of u balloon from which ho intends to jump at an altitude of two miles , as nearly as ho cau guess. A physician nam Ifonney has also caught the craze , and is now design ing and constructing a balloon and para chute , which are to bo built , as ho claims on. strictly scientific principles , ant wherewith ho hopes to show in midair not only his own shapely form , but the difference between luck Haldwln and science Ills owu achievements. Many others are engaged upon similar schemes , and there H sincere talk of founding a xirauhuto club , some of thu enthusiasts relieving that pnrachuts will furnish eventually the first stop toward aerial lo comotion. But "parachuting" is by no moans confined - fined to the solcnttols and cranks of the city. Every other boy in the city has the craze , nnd it is no uncommon thing for a i > oy to jump from the roof of a pin/.zn or an upper window by the aid of a huge umbtolla , which occasionally turns inside out and lets the youth down with a speed that is not enjoyed by by the infantile cronaut. Then the boys have invented toy parachutes , some of paper , others of jloth. These are caught at the corners by strings which converge to a muill weight. By throwing them into the air they spread out and sail smoothly down. So general has this practice become that parachutes hang on wires nnd trees nil over the city. Of course there have been numerous ncci- lents and there will bo moro broken limbs and heads before the youth of the town emulate Baldwin. Perhaps before the surgeons cease reaping their harvest among the boys the undertakers will be gin reaping theirs among she adult para chutists. Baldwin has been the lion of the day , weekend month in Quincy , and is now in Chicago arranging for another jump to bo mauo hero. Ills Fourth of July plunge did him up for a week , for , al though ho appeared all right , ho was dazed and so sore that locomotion was difficult. In tao meantime honors wcro flying in noon him. Society friends dec orated him with a medal , and others out side the veil on Saturday presented him with another medal-tho size of a silver pad. This latter was studded with diamonds mends , nnd in case of necessity will bo highly respected by his "uncle. " To cap the climax another "set" of friends on Thursday presented him with a check for f 100. In presenting the money a prominent attorney of this city said among other things : "The most casual observer cannot fail to catch a glimpse of the great Held of research and discovery lying In your pathway. The countless ships that shall sail with electric speed through the trackless air of the twentieth century , laden with human and commercial freight , may owe to the discovery of Thomas S. Baldwin the principles that shall insure their triumphant success. Their hosts of passengers may pursue their aerial voyages with the ever-present restful thought that Baldwin has pro vided a safe descent to mother earth in times of accident or poril. No man who has given thought to the progress of physical science in our day can say with knowledge or truth that hero or there is a point or line beyond which human in genuity may not go. The limit may seem to be hero or it may seem to bo there , but it over recedes with each now discovery , and beckons us onward , and I was about to say upward , with Bald win. " _ JESSE JAMES' PHYSICIAN. Dr. Redding Tolls flow the Desperado Lived and Died. Chicago Mail : Dr. A. J. Redding , now a resident practitioner in Aurora , with an office on the island , was the family physi cian of Jesse James during the last two years of that desperate outlaw s life. James was known in his St. Joseph homo as Mr. Howard , and there wcro probably not a half a iloz.on men living in or near the little city who knew that Howards nnd the famous desperado wcro one and the same person. Dr. Redding , who is a heavy-sot , shrewd-looking , middle-aged man , braced back in his chair yesterday afternoon when talking to a reporter for the Mail and said : "lean recall Howard now just aa ho looked when I hist saw him. I think that was about three years apo. A slight man of your build , who would not turn the scale at 140 pounds , quick and miile , and the last person in the world I would have taken for the desperate Jesse James of whom j had read. 1 was physician for thu family for nearly two years , and I knew him as 'Mr. Howard. ' Ho lived just two blocks from my place , on the top of a bluff , in a one and a half story frame houso. From his house he had a good view of all parts of the city , the surrounding country , and clear over into Kansas. My house was at the corner of Eleventh and Lafayette streets. The state ot Missouri , through the governor , had oil'ored a heavy reward for Jesse James , dead or alivo. Bob Ford went to James' house and stayed with him two months without getting a chance to kill him. Then Boo sent for his brother , and ono day when the two wore in the room with James , my 'Mr. Howard1 was led into a trap. Bob remarked to Jesse , who was in his shirt-sleeves , that he'd better take oil' his belt of pistols , as there were people passing on the street who might see them and think that all was not right. Jcsso complied , and climbed upon a chair to brush tliu cob webs from a picture , when the two Ford brothers covered him with tholrJW-caliber Smith & Wesson guns. Jcsso James fell dead , a bullet entering the head at the base of thu skull , through the occipital bono , and coming out through frontal bone at the forehead. A neighbor flow to ray ollico nnd announced that 'Mr. How ard' was shot. 1 ran to my patient's house and found him dead , there being a hole in his head that admitted my linger. The Ford brothers , after telegraphinz to Governor Cnttonden that they had killed James , went to police headquarters and gnvo themselves up , saying they had Tdllod Jesse James. ' City Marshal Craig , who had heard of thu murder n few minutes before , did not believe that thu dead man was the far-famed desper ado , but the prisoners insisted that the otlicers would find all the marks on his body to tally with the description sent out , the missing finger and the scars. When the truth was known the wildest excitement prevailed in the city. Mrs. James broke down in the presence of the otlicers and said : 'Yes , this man is Jesse James , my husband. ' Un known men patrolled the town on horse- buck during all that night , and a largo force of olllcers guarded the jail in which the Ford's wcro. The next day the carpet - pot on which James was killed was cut into little chunks by momonto-liunteru , and weeks afterward traveling men and theatrical people visited the house. The woman who owned the house kept it as a show , and charged 25 cents a head to show the room whore thu outlaw full. She made a lot of money out of thu show. James' friends would have killed the Fords if they had got at them , for the outlaw had many admirers among those southern people. James dressed in a neat business suit of clothes , and I took him for a railroad conductor. Ono day I asked Mrs. James if her husband was not a railroad man , and slio said : 'No ; wo are hero from thu east looking for a farm ; we expect to go into the cattle business. ' A peculiarity of the man was that ho went to Sunday school with his family every Sunday reg ularly at a little Bapilstchurcli at the foot of the lull. Abbott , the horse breeder at St. Joseph , know who Jcsso Jutncs was from the time ho settled in St. Joseph. Ho frequently missed his fastest horse , but Jumes left a sign tolling him who had called for the ani mal in the nights. James was with thu Younger brothers when the woven made a raid on the Northtlold ( Minn. ) hank and shot down the cashier in daylight. The citizens killed two of thu desperadoes in the sticcts of the town , but Jesse and Frank James got away , making their es cape into Missouri , whore thus Know they were safe. The Younger brothers tire now doing lifo sentences in the peniten tiary of Minnesota for that crime. ' ' ' HIS WIFE DID IT. The Ex-City Litnitllglitor | Fur * n Somuwlint Ilcmnrk * nblo Narrative. How He Found Omaha and Its Surrounding ! Eight Years Ago Notable Chapter from His Own Experience A Deaf Man Who Hears. "Klgla yenr HKO , " remarked Mr. W. n. Hen- pliruv , nt his homo , corner of Snmulers and MntiUerson street ? , ( o n reporter , "I cmneto Uiimhn from Now York city. Klyfit vcnri. II Is natontalilnr vrlmt clmnKos hnvo tiikun | tlnc In till' clljiiiul thu surruumUiitf county slnca Hint tiino. KlKlit yenrn niro lliH oily was but town of nbout lr > , ooo Inlmbltimtn. To-dny M numbers close to 1WI.OOKlvbt ) ycm-s ago tha county burcntuuits was apnrsoly settled ; to-ilur nltbln n circle of two liumli-oil miles about Omnlm ro nnurly two bumred ] townj , mor tliau l < contained In the wholn ItuMlan oniplro. " Mr. Htmstiaw was Handing before tils com- furtablo homu which ho was fortiltmto enough to buy vrbtlo Omnlm lots were Mill fclllni al town prices , nnd Mnoo which by Industry Mr. lloiislmw has oiihnnccd Its value by the preo- turn or u substantial home. Feir men lit Omaha are. bettor known than MH. TV. O. IIKNSIIATT. Ho wns city lamplighter f or n number of yonr < and Is now employed by tbc Harbor Asphalt Faring company. "For the last sixteen years , " ho continued to the reporter , "I UHTO hud an uphill time In order to keep at my work. Whlionboy and Urine at my father's country residence- Urn * Island Sound , Now York , I made n pructlco of Kolntr In gwlmmliiK from tun to twenty tlmus day when the weather was suitable , by tbltf means I developed catarrh In Its wont form. My throat and head wns stopped up at times. I coiiKhod and hawked up phlepm , had to blow my nose constantly , I hud a constant dull fool * ( UK in my head , roaring In the onra.thcn I rot dent gradually but so Huruly that I 1IKCAMK MUCH ALAHMKI ) . Tbla was not nil. I found that I talked through my nnso. nnd at night I could not bteatho through my nostrils nt alL 1 saw * doctor and be told mo I had a tumor growing In my nosn caused by the cntarrh , wnlch b called a polypus. I tried all manner of romot dies to no avail , and wbon six weeks * go I caught a fresh cold , which caused the catarrh tope down on my lungs , my condition was not only annoying , but greatly alarmed my wire. Why , sir , I Iclt at times like choking , then I coughed FO much I could not sleep ut night. X would have violent spoils of coughing whlcU would cniiBomo to vomit. "As I BHd | before , my condition so alarmed my wire that on the 16th of this month aho ini sistcd that I go nnd consult a doctor next day. I was loth to etnp work , but nt last conaentod.anQ last Monday I consulted Dr. J. Crcsap McCoy. Kamgo niock , this city , who said bo could cure me. This I was willli.g to believe , but did Dot di earn of hnw quick part of my troubles could be rollovod. Why , sir. ho removed this entire poly pus In two or throe minutest hero , you sea U la the bottle I hnvo , and then made an application to my diseased throat. 1 breathed through my nose at once , something I hnvo not done In years. I have boon oncdnstunt treatment slnoo , and now have In a largo moiiMiro retrained my sense of smell. I have not been able to smell anything before for eight ycnri. My cntarrh Is greatly benofltted , my hearing H coming around all right , ami I am certain the doctor will aoon have mo as well as I over wax. I went homo Monday from the doctor's ollico nnd slept nil night n quiet elncp. something I have not done for so long a time I can't remember. My strength and desire for work has returned. I don't cot up In the morning feeling nt tlrud aft. before I wont to bed , ns 1 used to do. 1 foe" IlKo a rustorcd man. " Mr. Henshiiw is well known about town , and the truth of his story can easily be verified by calling upon or addrcsjlug him at Ills addreii above given. LEADS TO CONSUMPTION. Interesting Evidence of a Condition 'Not to Bo Trifled With. When catarrh has existed In tbd head nnd the upoer part of the throat for any length of time tre putlont living In u district where people are subject to cutarrhal ntfeotlon and the dis ease hag been loit unourod , the catarrh Invari ably , sometimes slowly , extends down tha windpipe and Into the bronchial tubes , wbloU tubcHconvoy the nlr to the different parts of the lung * . The tubes become atfcnted from the swelling and the mucous arising from catarrhand , In KOmo instances , become plugged up , so that the nlr cannot got In as freely as It should. Shortness of breath follows , and the patient breathus with laboraml dlraculty. In either case thoio Is u sound ot crackling1 and wheezing Inside the chest. At this stage of the disease the breathing la usually more rapid than when In health. The patient lias also not dashes over his body. The pain which accompanies this eonrtltlou Ij of u dull characterfoil In the chest , behind the breast bono , or under thu shoulder bludo. The pain may come nnd go last few dnys and thun be absent for several others. The cough that occurs In the first stages of bronchial catarrh la dry , comes on nt Intervals , hacking In charac ter , and Is usually most troublesome In tna morning on iliing. or going to bed ut night and It may bo In the Hist evidence of the disease ox * tending Into the lungs. Sometimes there are fits of coughing Induced by the tough mucim so violent ns to cause vom iting. Later on the mucus that In raised , Is Icmnd to contain small particles of yellow mat ter , which Indicates Unit the small tubes la the lungs are now alTectcd. With this there are utten Htrcaks of blood mixed with the mucus. Insomo cases the putlont becomes very pale , has lovur , nnd expectorates before any cough appears. In some cases email masses of cheesv sub stance nro spit up , which , when pressed bo- tHoon thollngorfl , emit u bad odor. In other CIIHCH , particles of a bard , chalky nature are spit up. The raising of cheesy or cBalky lump * Indicate serious mlslilcf at work In the lung * . DOCTOR J.CresapM'Coy Late of Bellevue Hospital , N.Y AND I i\KY : HUTO olllcci In 310-311 RANGE BUILDING Cor. 15th and Harnoy Streot&f , Omaha , Nob. Where all curable cases are treated with B no- cuss. Medical ( lUoaH-s Ircutod BKilfully. Con sumption , llrlifht'H Dlacaio , Dyipopila , Hh u niHtlsm.umlul ! .MMIVOUS DIBKAHKH. All dU oa o4 peculiar to the BOXUS u bpoclulty. CA TAKHfl ClIltKI ) . CONSULTATION at office or by mall SI. Ollico hour * : U to 11 a.m. ; to 4 p.m. ; 7 to 9 p. in. Hunibiyx Includotl. Coricspomloiice receives prompt attention. Many illseawis mo truatod Hucpesnf nlly by lc Mct'oy through thomalld , and It la thus poail , ble fcir thoseunalilcito muko alonrner to on-r tain Miccfsstiil hospital trcutmoqt At tUfclf homni. No letters answered unlcaa aocoini ) * > nio'l tiy. 4c inMuinpi. Adilrc&s nil loiters M Ir , J. C. McCoy. roOutt UlUuntlUll