Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1887, Page 12, Image 12

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    iwi ' ' *
Production of Elcctrecity Directly From
Coal Discussed by Edison ,
A Now Marino
Guide-Effect of Elcc-
* rlo Lie I * on IJooks-A Xow
' Electrical Device
Luumas . '
A. Kdison's
paper on "Tho
S3SiKeu ? Dnra " * ' *
producing clecriclty from
Fuel , " w P
W'Slr11 ! ? ! nb3nnco-b * ' '
1.'A. ' Bnrkcr.before the
. . section In pha-
t the meeting of the American w In
won for the advancement nu ;
of Is
* nn
New York last Monday. Foil ,
bstraot :
production of elect , * wio
i coal is n problem w'tho abloBl lii * >
i closest uttentlo .
ould tht ) cnor.
iformanyyearal bo mntlo to CO
nenrv lufnnt If . CO
would bo taken of
tens of , ogrcs8 , ea
which th nineteenth century so justly us
boasts. . . . , . .1 i niII
The mp' ' ° production of a potential
diffe nco by means of heat is as old as pr sti
LcoJect anil' ' Melloni. The science of
thJrmo-oleotricit.v tlius originated has
teen developed by Bccquorol , by Peltier , Ik
by Tliomson und by Tail , and the thcr- n
jno-battorios of Clamoud and of Nee hare
" -l important practical uses. Iho it ,
results alroauj- Attained in these generators
raters have Btimulated research marvel
lously , and many invstlgators have be-
lievcd that in this direction lay
tbe ' . follow-
philosopher's stone. Our - C
nombcr. Moses O. Farmer , worked
long and assiduously in this field , pro- 10 is believedthe most satisfactory ac
results as regards economy which have acci
everywhere obtained. But even these of
results were not very encouraging. Ho
never succeeded in converting one per tbo
cent of the energy of the coal into electric bowl
tric energy. Quito recently Lord Haloigh
has discussed with his well known ability eli
tbe law of ofllcioncy of the thermo-bat
tery from the standpoint of the second
law of theimodynamics. And ho con
cluded from a copper-iron couple , work a
ing between the extreme limits of tem cil
perature possible for those methods a th
conversion of not moro than ono three s
hundredth part of the coal energy can bo
hoped for. As a heat engine , therefore , o
the tnormo-ccll appears to follow pre of
cisely the law of Carnet , and hence can dc
hare at the most no higher efficiency than to :
the reversible engine of this cniincn t\i ;
philosopher. tim
If , therefore , the result hoped for is to siim
be attained at all , it must bo looked for m
in some other direction. In considering ar
matter , another line of investigation tr
'imM.-fc tnn thp results of vrMl
aa iuii boon known liiuir u\j Ml
magnatlsm of the magnetic metals , and n
especially of Iron , cobalt and nickel is nin
markedly affected by heat. According to ti
nocqqcrel , nickel loses its power of be tiF
ing magnatlzed at 100 ; iron at a cherry-
red heat , and cobalt at a white heat. ol
Since whenever a magnetic field varies olP
in strength in the vicinity of a conductor P
a current is generated in that conductor , m
it occurred to mo that by placing an iron m
core into a magnetic circuil , and , by "
varying the magnotizability of that core or
by varying its temperatures , it would bo ot
possible to generate a current in a coil of otat
wire surrounding this coro. This idea 01
constitutes the essential feature of the tr
new generator , which , therefore , I have lo
called a pyromagnetic. fr
. This principle of utilizing the varia Pi
tion of magnctizabllity by heat as the th
basis of electrical machines , though to
clearly applicable to the generators , was It
first applied to the construction of a sim tli
ple form of heat engine which I have ai
called a pyromagnetio motor. A descrip sc
tion of th's.motor will help us to under .fr
stand the 'generator subsequently con- .frP
trioted. re
Suppose u permanent magnet , having sii
a bundle of small tubes made of thin iron siibt
placed between its poles and capable of btw
rotation about an axis perpendicular to \
the plane of the magnetic , after the fashIon - 60
Ion of an armature. Suppose , farther , 60at
taat , by suitable means , such as a blast ct
Of * draught , hot air can bo made to pass cc
through these tubes so as to raise them to c
redbCRS. Suppose that by a flat serene ,
Tttnietrically placed across the face of
thll bundle of tubes , and covering one-
kali of them , access of the heated air to
tan tubes beneath is prevented. Then it
follows that if this serene bo so adjusted
that its ends are equidistant from the
two legs of the magnet , the bundle
M tubes will rotate about the
Kit , since the cooler and mag- el
Mile portions of the tube-bundle , th ;
thirt It , those beneath the serene , is
„ will be equidistant from the poles and ac
.Will-bo equally attractedon , the two sides. inw
But it the screen is turned about the axis inTi
f rotation P.O that ono of its ends is Ti
Marerono of the poles , and the other foni
fearer the \other , then rotation of the ni
fcundlo will'onsuo , since the portion un st
der the screen , which is cooler and , ;
therefore magnetizable , is continually
lore strongly attracted than the other b
and heated , portions. This device acts , tli
therefore , as a pyromagnetio motor , the isct
heat now passing through the tubes in ct
such a way as to produce a dissymmetry tlihi
la the lines of fprco of the iron.-fiold , the hi
rotation being duo to the effort to make
these symmetrical , The guard plato in
this case tuts , an action aualagous to that
of the commutator ii'an ordinary arma
ture. Tho.llrfit ; ivxpcriinental motor con
structed on tliis principle was heated by
weans of two nauJI Bunscn blowers , ar
ranged with an aii"blastand it developed
about TOO-foobrJuuncU a minute. A second
end and larger motor IB now about lin-
'Mttd. which will weigh nearly l.BOfl
JMMtBds , and is1 expected to develop about it.
three-horstv power. In both these ma-
fehinea olcctro-niagnots are used in place
t permanent magnates , tlir current to
energize them being derived from an
axternal source. In the latter machine.
the kir for UIQ combustion is first forced
'through thbuubes to aid in cooling them ,
and then goes into the furnace at a higher to
Eleotilolty versus ( ja * .
New York World : A reporter inter
viewed Prof. Barrotl to get some facts
and figures as to the cost of lighting the
. Uy b.y electricity Prof. Barrett said : "II
Uaftfe to say that one electric light would
toplaco seven gas lamps , lint outside
tbe thickly populated sections wo woulc
M tower lights , which would displace a
Much greater number. Ono tower wouli
light a radius of one-fourth of a mile it :
. U * outer rcoidonce portions of the city
n would take about seventeen towers for
tfep south side , and an equal number for
HM north side , and twice that number
! the west side , or about fifty-eight it
aw. This would furnish about fourths -
ths of the light required for the city
nog about 1,000 electric lamps re
rir d to light tlio remainder of the city
Tbece lamps would furnish vastly mor
light to the city than it now gets from .tli
aaUmrs. and for'this reason : A ga
jpflkl te only about fifteen caudle-power
while an ctric 8
hun * a out
power , or mro than a
is now ltfanp ? and
city , counting the ic-00citv will civo
the 4.000 o lamps. { fyH times
plant 1 prnioso for t J
2,000,000 canilc-por3
as much light as nfjlehts.
- , -tVithln the last five
Now York r' ' o ( supplying electric
torcs otc fn lowns of
years the jhousami inhabitants has
light to h ? importanco. The Edison
less thatg , irst , theCA { \ \ wlth a com.
ntt.nin tcm , has.nalutally done the
? ? 'nnils business. IM to the present
I ' 9c has moro than eighty toWn plants
jilng , the oldest having peen in oper-
n four years.
ho system of the Wcstlnghouso com-
any. which now has largo plants in
'ittsburg , Pa. , Now Orleans , La. , Den-
or , Col. , Mlnnnaplis , Minn. , and Tron-
01Ol , N. J. to mention but a few of its
ioro important stations -dlfffM radically
rom that of Edison. In the * Edison sys-
ei the electricity is conveyed directly
re the dynamo to the lamp by copper
iro. In order that- the lamps may not
o destroyed by a current of too high in-
onsity , a "low1 ! current is used , neccssi-
ixting a largo copper wire , the cost of the
oppcr when long distances are to bo
overod , forming an important item in
ho expense of instalment. The Westing-
ouso company starts out with a very
mall : wire of comparatively trilling cost
nd a current of high electro-motive
arco or intensity. In order not to burn
ut its lamps with such a current , ro-
oiirso is had to , a "converter , " an ap-
aratus placed where the wires enter
ach building or group of buildings , and
iscd to convert the high tnnsion current
usni ono just right for the lamps used.
This converter works upon the induction
iriiiciplc the strong current in the
( root wlro inducing a weaker current in
ho house wire merely proximity ; there is
10 direct connection between the two.
letwcen the Edison and the Westing-
louse companies , moro than 100 towns
10n the United States now use the electric
ight , the total number of lamps in use
t present being estimated at 300,000.
MuRlo by Electricity.
Electrical Review : Organs , if used in
hcatrical performance , are placed in the
ccnes ( so that the organist cannot follow
hu movements ct the conductor , and
ionco experiences a certain dilliculty in
.ccompanying a chorus. This inconvcn-
once has been suppressed at the theater
Nantes. Thanks to the use of electric-
t\ proposed by M. Debierro the key-
toard will bo placed in the orchestra ,
rhile the pipes , etc. . remain in the
eencs. i The stops will be regulated by
ilectrical action.
A Ni-w Alarlno Guide.
San Francisco Call : Mr. Leon Sirinix ,
music i teacher and composer of this
iity , who devotes his spare moments to
ho study of the mysteries of magnetism ,
the inventor of a compass , which it ia
mid by a number of scientific gentlemen
oca ted hero , must supcrccdc the old style
f mariners' compass now in use. In
lemoustrating the ditlerenco yesterday
o a largo number of persons ho had Iho
wo compasses one of each kind
nountcd on an iron box to represent the
sides of a ship , having a powerful mag-
iet on each side , ono with the positive
ind the other with the negative side nou-
trali/iul. In the ordinary compass , the
variations of the needle were as follows :
IVIH ) , Hm ship on a northerly course , 48' '
southeast courao , w - Ua-i < it course < W' '
improved compass there was no varia
tion. The majriidlic variation in San
I'nmcisco is 20 1" east.
Mr. Sirieix in explaining the principles
of his compass said : This compass will
compensate < all influence derived from
permanent < magnetism and induced mag
netism. It will protect the compass
needle against the ( rouble known as
"running i crazy. " The adjusting is rend-
srcd most easy , oven for an inoxpori-
3nccd hand. It is also protected against
itmospherio disturbances. The "heeling"
tsrror is also overcome. It will be found
true in any state of temperature. Any
load of iron put on board of or taken
From the ship will not necessitate the dis
placing of any bars , but will require only
tno touch of a screw to readjust it. so as
allow the ship to continue her course.
can be set at any place on board ship ;
that is to sav , there is no particular place
in board where it must of necessity bo
jet. It does away with vertical burs In
Front of the binnacle , magnets for com
pensation around the binnacle , iron cor
rectors and boxes filled with chains out-
iiclo the binnacle. In cjio word , it will
bt found that under all circumstances , it
will point to the true magnetic north.
Whnn a vessel is on its way north or
south , each degree passed creates a dcvi-
Mien , which must bo corrected by the
saptian by moans of a screw. Tlie old
lompass cannot be corrected , but the
captain : has a table of deviations which
keens him busy making calculations.
The principle is collecting all of the
magnetism on board the ship , either of
vessel or cargo , and neutralizing those
forces , thus allowing the needle to follow
its natural direction of magnetic north.
Electric Lighting in Europe.
Electrical WorldK The i prospects of
electric lighting m Europe are brighter
han they have been for some time. There
a demand for apparatus in Spain ,
\ctivity prevails in Austria , some largo
installations are progressing in England ,
while In the land of the "unspeakable
Turk" n "powerful syndicate" has been
formed to push electric lighting , begin
ning with a QO-years' monopoly in Con-
ituntinople. In England , especially , important
portant work is ahead : and we j'udgo ,
from the stray accounts of the work
being done at Leamington , that the plant
there will bo an unusually largo ouo. It
high time that Eucland had several
central electric lighting stations ; and
their construction is evidently nearer til
hand than seemed possible a few months
Effect of Eectrlo Light on Boots.
Prof. Wiesner of Viunna has just called
attention to an inconvenience attending
thu use of electric light in libraries , it
1ms been found that a largo number of
work in the library of the Technical
School had bccomo very yellow , and this
led the director of the establishment to
ask Dr. Wicsnor to ascertain the cause of
. Experiment has shown that the col
oration is duo to light , but' that it 'occurs
only with paper containing ligneous sub
stances , such as wood , straw , and jute ,
and that it docs not take place when ,
through some chemical process , the lig-
nine that forms the essential part of the
wood is removed. The yellowing is duo
a phenomenon of oxidation. Solar
light acts moro energetically than dis
persed daylight , which itself exerts but a
very slight action wheni it is much dif
fused , and especially in. a , ivory dry room.
Uaslight is nearly twinles by reason of
the few refrangible .rays th&t it contains.
On the contrary , asthe are electric light ,
and , in general , ail intense luminous
sources , emit numerous refrangible rays ,
they favor the yellowing. As regards the
preservation of papers , then , it will bo
well to choose gas raiher than the elec
tric light fortlio illumination of libraries.
A New Electrical Device.
Now York World : The omnipresent
aggressiveness of applied electricity is
ono of the most startling features of
modern science. Not content with cre
ating a revolution in the useful arts ,
electricity has entered the domain of
sport. A device has been perfected1 in
hngland whereby an angler is no longer
obliged to watch his tackle nor keep his
lingers on the fish-lino. A small- elec
trical contrivance Is so arranged that a
slight pull closes the circuit and rings
the boll. The fisherman Is thus enabled
to flirt , take a pap , read a novel or oven
play poker with no danger of losing his
But will the true sportsman care to
make use of this remarkable Invention ?
Will ho bo willing to pose as a central
ofllco to bo "called up" at Intervals by
tinny victims at the other end of the line ?
Anglers arc. as a rule , a conservative
class and will hesitate , mnko
an ally of electricity In their piscatorial
sports. In fact , the present administra
tion at Washington has profested indi
rectly against what may bo called pro
gressive ideas in angling. Mr. Cleveland ,
U will bo remembered , never uses manu
factured flics when ho fishes for trout.but
loyally baits his hook with worms. It is
probaolo , therefore , that ho will look
with favor on a dovlco so radically mod
ern as an electric bell attached to n fish-
lino. And , indeed , it would hardly bo
dignilicd for the president of this great
republic to sit on a bank and , like a mes
senger boy , fool obliged to answer a sud
den summons from a boll near at hand.
Altogether , there seems to bo little
doubt that the now device will fnil to find
a footing in this country , unless nn icon
oclastic regime at Washington should
succeed that which now sots the pisca
torial fashions of the oiuntry.
When a rnnn attends service and squares
himself for a good snoozw when tlie prenclicr
commences his sermon , especially it It Is ono
he delivered a few Sundays previous , he is
not coins to regard the whimpering of a baby
In nn ad Join I UK pew ft. " a musical treat.
"And now. " concluded tlio clerzvmnn ,
after a long dlscoursu , "wo have seen tlmt
millions on millions ot people have been beu-
elited by following this sciliitmal Injunc
tion. " .lust then Lawyer Stulibs woke up
lomr enough to say In a sleepy manner :
"Move that tlie Injunction bo miulo perma
nent. "
"Where did you get nil those buttons ? "
asked a iadv of a little buy who Mail 10X ) or
. " " the icplv.
moro on astrinc. "Why , was
"don't jou know pa Is a minister ? " " "i es. "
returned thn lady , "but wlmt 1ms that potto
Ho with 11 ? " "Kver.vthlm : , " said the boy ;
"Liecaiisu ho hns the boning of the collectiou
basket. "
A clergyman calling on a Washington
stieut family was Ushered into the parlor ,
where MUs Hetty was seated at the piano
forte , lleaskudtho youiiij lady , a member
of his bible class , to "play ono of her favor
ites. " "I'm not playing favorites any more , "
she said. "I'll take the Held ngaliistthem
every time. "
Clerirvmhn "How In your health this sum
mer ? I trust you hnve been well during tun
Miltry weather. " Undertaker "pretty well ,
thank you. " Clergyman "And how is busi
ness' " ' UudertakeiPoor , poor. 1 havn't
burled a living soul for weeks. "
"Come , Hobby. " said the old eeiitletnan ,
"you must go to church this morning. When
I was a boy , your ngo. 1 had to go to church
twlcu every Sunday. " "I s'posu I'd go to
chinch twice every Sunday , too , " said Hobby ,
beginning to get ready ' -It 1 had to. "
Minister's wlro ( packing the trunk for va
cation ) ' 'Now , dear , Live me all the heavy
aitlcles lirst , as I want to put them In the
bottom of the trunk. " Minister "Ail right.
O. by the way , here are my sermons , which
1 am golnc to take along ; wheto will you put
them ? " Wlfe-"Well , I euess I'll put thorn
In the bottom. "
Ideas of duty differ according to the at-
uiospliuro In which we are living. It is re
ported in a Richmond paper tlmt the mali
nger of a wrestling match In the I'avitllon
thertro opened the exercises by saylnc : " 1
want all of you people to enjoy yomsclvcs ,
and as wo ate p.issing on thiough life's Jour
ney toward eternity it is our duty to indulgii
In recreation and pleasure. 1 hope you will
nil remain < iulet. " We have freijuent reasons
to observe tlmt general religious work among
nil classes of the community has greatly In-
familiarity with ntlUious Ideas and
' ' "nee much iuconuiuity that
- or nbiiird.
When cigarettes their vapors blow
In people's throats and clioko them ,
It Is some comfort slight to know ,
They kill the dudes that smoke them.
There Is no usfi crying over spilt milk. It
may bo three parts water.
A New York dog lunches on tacks. Ho must
be a pointer by this time.
A half grown slmik is said to bo coed eat
ing. The full grown Is admitted to be a good
Fine feathers In a chicken sala'd nre apt to
make a mini at dinner feel down In nis
Animals have pretty much the same gait
They all walk , trot , run or lope , uut there's
only ono goat.
A. school-girl upon being asked by the
teacher to define a hollow mockery , promptly
replied , "a bustle. "
Wbilo the summer glr.1 is at Xantasket
breasting the wave her good old mother stays
at home and steins the cm rant.
The most economical man has been hoard
from. He tried to pawn a of tar and
leathers , the gift of his neighbors.
A Colorado girl mistook her lover for a
boar and tilled him with shot. Hit weighs
more than he did , but is not handsomer.
"John , " said the wife of a Kentucky edi
tor , -'your patent combination poukui knife
Is ull rusty all but the corkscrew part. "
Some of these days tlio American toy ulstol
will bo Introduced into Fionch duelling
warfare , and then somebody will get hurt.
A man In Clare. Mich. , was told that dogs
would not .o mnd if given plenty of water.
He threw his neighbor's dog into the well.
An Indiana woman put her foot down nud
prevented a railroad company building on
her property. This speaks well tot the In
diana foot.
If wo would annex Canada , where would
our cashiers go ? It would make some of
them seasick to cross theoceanto say nothing
of the expense.
A Spanish olllcnr has Invented a war boat
that will stay under water four days. Our
navy can bent tlmt. Wo have boats that can
stay under water for months.
The railroad man who loses'hls ' position
iccauso of "color blindness , " will not bo
sent to the store by his wlto to match silks ,
and tlmt will atlord him some consolation ,
It never rains but It pours on the farm of
Myron llusklngs , of Maple Grove. Mich.
The other duy Mrs. Huskings gave birth to
triplets , two of Ins owes to uvo lamps.and tlie
family cat to seven kittens.
Owing to the persistent call for "white
meat , please , " at thu summer resorts , a down
east farmer is practicing on his chicken's in
hopes of Inventing u breed of fowls that are
double-breasted In the back.
Early citizen Horrible murder across the
street during the nlirht , wasn't It ? 1'ollro
( who Is supposed to have been.on . all night )
lon't know anything about it ; I Haven't
seen tlio morning papers yet ,
A machine 1ms been Invented that will sew
on 3XH ( ) buttons In a dav. No one seems to
know yet whether or not a marriage license
for that sort of a machine costs moro than
ono for the other kind.
The foolish vligin In the scriptures name
with no oil in her lamp. Now she cornea
with a four-gallon can of kerosene to pour on
the kitchen lire , and her funeral expenses
are added to the loss of the oil ,
"My friends , " said a temperance lecturer ,
lowering his voice to an Impressive whlpper ,
"If all tiie grog-shops were at the bottom of
tlio sea , what would bo the result' " ' And
tlie answer came : "Lots of people would
get drowned I"
They were talking about expenses and how
come men gel rich. Said ono : "My butcher
and baker have made money enough out of
me to build themselves splendid house * . "
Responded the other : "Tho barkeepers1 !
patronize have bulH whole blocks out of what
1 owe them. " <
A Dakota paper thus stabs Its hated rival :
"A man living about twelve miles from here
died from poisoning Monday afternoon. It
seems he ate a luncii that had beeu wrapped
In a copy of our loarhcd and disgusting con
temporary , and it killed him. Others should
take warning. "
An Iowa editor closes an rhapsodical eulo-
glum of his state In the following style :
"When the roll call Is sounded on the judg
ment day , and the heavens are rolled to
gether as a scroll , and the reverberations of
wrecked and ruined worlds peal forth the
liato of eternal rest , f want to bang my
weary bones on the gally-rack of Immortality
and register In tour-lino pica aa a uiau from
Iowa. "
On Wednesday , August 31 , 1887 ,
' 208 and 212 S. nth I St. ,
A'lO a , m. . at Our Warehouse , , 210
Neb. Paddock's Building.
Omaha , . , _
ver $25,000 worth of clothing , montf youths' and boys , Overcoats , odd coats , vc&ts and
pai in great variety ; also a large line of Hats , Caps , Suspendersttieiia' blurts , Drawers ,
Ovi Us and Furnishing Goods of all kinds. Large line of Shoes , regular sizes and oases ,
Th : sour opening Fall sale , and wo wish the support of all retailers , both m and out of town
We aim that we can save youfrom 25 to 33 1-3 per cont-on regular prices , besides freight ,
am to annoyance of having to wait for goods. You can buy from us as you need the goods.
will be sold as such , and wo t i
and damaged goods
All , ods will be represented as they are
if sold as perfect We buy no goods ; nil are con-
wi ake back any goods which are damaged j V
FOR SALE. Each and every LOP OF-
sig fto us by eastern manufacturers , and they are
FE rD WILL BE SOLD. From Sept. 1st , we will" hold , every Tuesday , a boot and shoo
and notions. The trade at large is
in d every Wednesday , a sale of clothing , dry goods
cor ill v invited to attend our opening sale. We Have Come to Stay.
/ .1 . in v
Results of Occult or Talentc-1
A Safe Burglary Soon i Bleep I'lo-
turcsquc Spook Story from Den
mark How the DP U hooks
Fragrant An eld.
A Burglar Scon In i Prpnm.
Chicago Alail : "I'm 10 believer in
spiritualism , and I'm not iiiporstitious ,
said Dr. F. U. 1-oiida , of offorson perk ,
but the warning given mo about the
burglary of my pafo is souiotliinu I can
not explain at all. Twice Jlns summer I
have boon prostratud wiiii the heat , und
lust wcuk from Thursday until Sunday , I
was quite ill , and conlinctlto my house.
These abnormal conditions probably pro-
( lisiosed ) mo to rocuivo the warning. Sat
urday night t dreamed three times hand
running that 1 caught a man stooping
over.tho back of my proscription desk. I
druHiucd that I got hold of him and
turned his face up. 1 saw his face but
did not recogni/.o him in my dronni " *
daughter , who is also niv t"--h < -0i > er ,
. ami I had a
bur .tiion ,
was away on v ; ;
young man nnmed Thomas acting m her
"Sunday morning 1 came down to the
dm" store to hulp him straighten put the
ash , which had got in a snarl. Curing
thi ! afturnoon I wns consulting with Law-
\or Mark Reynolds about some papers
Vthii-h hu had'drawn up for me. when I
the oiir t u au inipiilsn to go down o
HO .lori > to Tie nttiiu , I..J Nuit ] , 'I must
wrong with the safe , ' 'iTli,1uuiurfliMj : -
said ho.
"Then 1 told him about my dreams
and he laughed at me , bntmothing would
do but I must go down to the storv. On
the way I mot Mr. Louis Woven , lind ho
wanted to stop unit tiilR for a minute ,
but somehow I couldn't. ! I found the
frontdoor locked. 1 opened it , and just
as Centered 1 t = aw a man'siiead over the
top 01 tlio counter. 1 thought it was Mr.
Thomas , thu clurk , so i said : 'Hello , Lou ,
what'aro you doing lions' ? " Hu made no
answer. I said : 'What did you lock
yourself in for ? " Still no reply. I wont
baok and toynd a man crouching behind
tlio counter with his hand * full of inouey
just in the attitude Ihadsarm In my
dreams. I turned him around , and there
was the samu facu 1 had 'seen. I was so
taken aback that I didn't know what to
do , nnd she man broke away from mo.
Reynolds caught him , and with the
assistance of some gcntlumun who wure
passing by hu was secured.
"Ho was my own hostler , Charles
Williams , whom I had n my employ for
two years , lie duclarod that ho and my
bookkeeper were in 'collogue , ' anil that
the bookkeeper had given him the com
bination , and that they were to divide
up. That is an infamous attempt to ruin
the reputation of a good honest young
man. The safe was on thu quarter turn ,
and a man didn't need to know the com
bination to get it opon. I woat on
Thomas' bondmysolf when ho was ar
rested on suspicion. Williams was taken
to jail yesterday. All the money stolen ,
$211.07 in cash , and about * 1M ( in notes ,
was recovered and all right. Thu marvel
though , will bo my wonderful impression
of the event. I'm not n prophet nor the
son of a prophet , and never have taken
any stock in mediums or'aatrologists , '
who , according to their advertisements ,
'foretell the past , present and future. ' "
Denmark Spooks on Iho Rninpngo.
The Medium and Daybreak contains
the following from Iho pen of II. L. Ilun-
scn. of Kiogo , Denmark : The haunted
house in Ny Tolbndgado is , perhaps , dcs-
lined to act a similar , if not superior ,
part as a matter of sensation , as was the
case some years ago with tlio well known
house in Laxcgudu , whuro 'the devil was
loose. ' Thuro , if wo are corruct. the
haunting only lasted for somu days ; but
in Ny Toldbodgado it has now gomi on
for months , goes on till this day , mid the
story of thu little boy , amusing himself
by chiming thu door-bulls and then
running away , is now unanimously de
clared to bo npochryphai. Almost ( ivory
evening and nvory night the family in
the said house are troubled with stranco
sounds , partly in the rooms , partly on
the staircaso. Knockings are hoard in
the walld , loud scratchings apparently
issuing from the same ; piecus of furni
ture aru hurled about all on a sudden ,
two iron chairs , which stand on the land
ing , are literally Hung up and down
stairs , otc. The inhabitant of the house is
a goodly situated merchant , Norwegian
by birth. Several witnesses have been
present , among thorn people of indisput
able veracity , who most positively con
firm the truth of those mystical phenom
ena. A high policeman has on ono oc
casion boon present and heard various
sounds mentioned , and ho himself saw
ono of tlio iron chairs being hurled down
stairs by an invisible power. Ho was
accompanied by a spiritualist. This
person invoked the 'spirits' and made
them manifest their presence through
various sounds , knocking , scratching ,
etc. Tlio policeman sot watchmen
around the house and investigated per
sonally the dllVeront phenomena without
discovering any natural cause whatever.
He then sent the said 'spirit-conjurer'
off together with all present , and how ho
himself communicated with the 'spirits'
and got their answers through knocking ,
etc. The Norwegian gentleman tells
horrible things of what hu has witnessed.
One night came suddenly a largo and
hoary iron stand from an adjoining
room , floating through mid-air into his
'and his wife's bodroom. Ho nroso , and1
moved with gome . ditlictilty the > - " \ * '
curious night-bird back to its place. Both
his wifu and two children witnessed this
occurrence. What here hasbeen , told
will , of course , seem highly incrcdib o
to the readers , but wo repeat that fully
reliable eyu-witncsscs linvo given con.
lirmatory report as to the facts. Ihc
hauntings have caused quito a rumor ,
and are discussed everywhere and by
everybody. It is said tlmt circumstantial
precautions will bo arranged for fully
penetrating into this mystery
The Devil Scon nt l
Pittsbunx Dispatch : Ono man In this
couiitry is' hourly expecting tlio destruc
tion of tlio world. His iiamo is frnnz
Kulnor , anil ho lives at Alluntown. * ran/
is a man of moru than ordinary intelli
gence , and lias bcun employed for more
than a quarter of a century .in working
about breweries , at gardening and at
other kinds of labor that would enable
him to sustain the hvrgo number of child
ren ho has. , .
His storv , as told in the prcsunco of at
least twenty other reputable persons , is
ono of the strangest on record. About a
year a"o hu was employed in love ing oil
the estate of a man named Harshlngor.
in Wcbt Liberty. On a bright summer
morning hu wont out to rake a section of
this place. Hu worked along , according
to ills own tCSllinony , until 0 o'ulock 111
the morning. At that hour , as ho was
fixing up a pilu of fallen rails , ho was
htjirtlud bv a sulphurous smell and the
uppftranco of an Individual ho had not
known before. Mr. Kulncr's description
of this individual is bettor than the state-
mou't of any chronicler , said ho
"I ' was working peacefully away
whnn the apparition came. It was first
clothed in llamcs of a color unknown to
mo. Out of these came a voii'o saying to
mu : 'FraiiK , follow mu. ' Wlier in my
stupefied condition 1 made no endeavor
to carry his ruquest into etVect a change
came over the individual. All super
natural evidences vanished , and for mo
ments it revealed itself to mo as being
perfectly natural. It could not , lipw ;
which nt lirlrfiriiiervcrt mo. WhchJ I
approached closer I found that this
emanated from ono of the foot and head
of the indclinablc thing. Upon close
scrutiny I ascertained that , though its
garments varied with the moment they
disappuarud at thu upcx and extremity
mentioned. I was induced by this fact
to almost conic in contact with the
thing , and learned that however zealous
waji'tho endeavor of the spirit , his apparel -
parol was consumed at one foot and at
HID head by lire. "As often as this oc
curred a cloven foot and horns were dis-
clo.sen. In desperation 1 asked him what
hu wanted of mo. He replied , 'Thy
soul'extending while doing so a hand ,
the palm of which was nearly filled with
"In anguish I cried out , 'Arc you the
devil ? ' and ho answered 'Yes. ' Droo
ping on my knees I prayed to heaven for
him to depart. When I finished my ap
peal he said : 'I will go if you promise
to meet mo again. ' Rather than eiiduro
his presence I gave my consent , asking
him when ho would come again. He re
plied : 'Soon , and to toll you that the
world will bo destroyed. ' Ho thought
to embrace me as ho uttered these words.
° I fled and lull prostrate at least two
miles outside of the woods. Since that
tune the demon has haunted me and 1
believe ho wUlcomo again. "
Tlio mon employed' Nusscn's malt
house , on the UrownsvUlo road , say that
Mr. Kelner has told them of this daily
for thu past year , nnd warned them to
make ready for the final destruction of
the earth. One of them told the re
porter that Mr. Kelner had induced him to
go off one night and dig for gold , saying
that a spirit had come to him and told
him whore the potent stuff could be
found. All night they had labored , the
person in question being the lirst to give
up , saying that ashes wore moro numer
ous than nuggets of wealth.V hen
lately questioned by the reporter , as to
whether ho autuollv underwent the ex
periences related , Mr Kclnur said : "f
will raise three lingers to heaven and
swear it is true. I marked the day and
date of the appearance of his satanio
majesty on one of the trees in the woods
in welch ho appeared io mo. I am ex
pecting him every hour , and am prepared -
pared to ward off his approach by things
known to myself , but not to bo revealed. "
A I'roHeiiliiiiciit.
Cincinnati Enquirer : While in com
pany with a number of neighbors who
had gathered nt a country funeral , and
were intending to convey the remains to
tlio villagp of Patterson ' , O. , for burial ,
the daughter of th'e deceased lady , who
had just arrived from her homo in In
diana , broke upon the silence of the oc
casion with the statement that the death
of her mother had come to her in a pre
sentiment the night before she received
the telegram announcing it. She had
been unusually sad all day , and she could
not shako from her mind the impression
that she was going to have trouble. She
attended to her work with a heavy heart ,
and received visitors in a formal , listless
manner. Thus the day dragged on and
dusk arrived. She was sitting alone at
last in her room , and wondering when
iicr husband would return.
All at once her little son came running
to her and sat down by her sido. Ho was
prattling gleefully , when her mother's
form , slothed in a dark shroud slowly
passed in'from ' another room , and ap-
jiroacning the child throw her arms about
him and oeforu the daughter could over
come her bewilderment tlie sable form
had vanished. The young lady knew
that her mother was not within 100 miles
of homo and she at once imagined
that she would soon hear some
thing explanatory. When she rocovorcd
the telegram announcing her mother's
death it was just what she expected , and
after she arrived at the side of her
mother's corpse the very shroud resnm
bled what the shadow had worn in the
presentiment. The relatives were much
impressed with the statement and re
garded the incident as remarkable. ,
The Aims , Methods and Prospects of a Great
Educational Enterprise. )
The-Course of ItemllnR .fop 1887-8
How ana When" to Beam
How Ornat Itesults Can
bo Accomplished.
Among all the educational movements
of the present day none have become
moro widely known or accomplished
better results than the Chautauqua liter
ary and scientific circlo.
This organization aims to promote hab
its of reading and study , in nature , art ,
science and in secular and sacred litera
ture , in connection with the routine of
daily life ; to give college graduates a re
view of the college course ; to secure for
: ho e whoso educational advantages
tiavo been limited the college student's
[ jeiieral outlook upon the world and life ,
and to develop tlio habit of close , con
nected , persistent thinking.
It proposes to encourugo individual
study in lines and by text-books which
shall bo indicated : by local circles for
mutual help and encouragement in such
studies , by summer courses of lectures
and "students' sessions" at Chautauqnir
and by written rcuorts and examina
tions. . , .
It is for busy people who loft schoo
years ngo , and wiio desire to pursue
some systematic course of instruction.
It is for high school and college gradu
atcs , for peonlo who never entered eithe
high school or college , for merchants
mechanics , apprentices , mothers , bus ;
and for people of'loisuro and wealth wh _
do not know what to do with their time
Many college graduates ,
ycrs , physicians.and accomplished ladies
are taking the course. They find the re
quired books entertaining and useful
giving them a pleasant review of studio :
long ago laid aside. Several of the mom
bcrs are over eighty years of ago ; com
parativcly few are under eighty.
Moro that sixty thousand names are'en
rolled in this so-called "People's Col
lego. " Although not a college at all , i
has put educational influence , atmosphere
phore , and ambition into the homes o
the people , which will lead many thou
sands of youth to seek the education
which colleges and universities supply.
Beginning in a small way some four
teen years ago , the society has spread in
all directions , until now the great ma
jority of intelligent people are moro or
less familiar with the cnautauqua move
mcnt , and while some hesitate to com mi
themselves to so large an enterprise as a
few year's course of systematic reading
still many thousands of busy men am
women have profited by wisdom and th <
disinterested labor of the founders o
Chautauqua. The circle has received the
hearty endorsement of William Cnlleu
Bryant , Bishop Simpson , Dr. Mark Hop
kins , 1'resideiit Scelge , of Amhurst , Dr
Lyman Abbott , and other loading educa
tors of America.
All members of the circle , as' well as
others who may wish to know somothinj
of the course of reading , will b <
interested in f olio wiug outline ofij studies
for 1887-8.
History of the United States. By Ed
ward Everett Hale , D. D.
American Literature. By Prof. II. A
Beers , A. M. , of Yale university.
Physiology and Uygiono. By Dr. M
P. Hatliold.
Philosonhy of the Plan of Salvation
By J. B. Walker , LL.D.
Headings from Washington Irving.
Classic German Course in English. By
Dr. W. C. Wilkinson.
History of thu Modhevtil Church. Bv
J. F. Hurst D. D. LL.D.
Headings in Thu Chautauquan. A
series of papers on the following sub
jccts :
1. American industries : Tlie Manu
facturu of Salt , Flour. Glass , Pottery ; Oil
Producing and Helming , Car Works ,
Electric Lights , Ship-Building , ' ami
2. Questions of Public Interest : What
are Pure Politics ? Civil Service Reform ,
Co-operation , Municipal Government ,
Duties of Citizenship , Monopolies , The
Apprentice System.
8. Current Literature : American , two
papers ; English , two papers ; French , ono
paper ; Scandinavian , ono paper ; German ,
ono paper ; Russian , ono paper ; Italian ,
ono pupor.
1. Homos of American Authors : Now
England Authors , Now York and Vicin
ity , The South , The West.
'G. Botany : U. History and Literature
of the Far East , 7. Great Events of the
Middle Ages ; 8. Life and Manners ; 1) ) .
Health Papers ; 10. Uut-of-Door sports
11 : Sunday Headings. I '
The course embraces simple , entertain-
and instructive rtmdrjig in nnciont
modern h"ist,6ry''l > nriil litera
ture , in physical rauiltiil Una moral sci
ence , and in all mutter.- ; that pdrtain to a
true life physical , intellectual , indus
trial , domestic , social , political ami re
ligious. It is uiibectarinn and unsec-
tional , promoting good fellowship and
fraternity , inspiring hulp to thu home ,
the church , and the stutu. All are alike
welcome to its fellowship.
Four years ago the movement gained
an orgain/.cd existence in Omaha by tlio
formation of the "Omaha C. L. S. C. "
The iuombors of the class of 1887 are now
numbered among the list of graduates
but they will long rutnember the pleas
ant hours spent t.t the Chautauqiui
round table , at their homes , and at memorial
orial and other special services. Some
' 87s the after-course nnd ki'oj
up their connection with the local circle
The places of others will bo filledb , ,
new readers , and those , with the classed
of 1888 , 188 ! ) and 1800 will continue th
organization. An ull'ort will bo made tq
have the coming year moro successful
than any that have gene be'
foro. The year's reading will bej
gin the 1st of October. Before thai
time n mooting will bo called for organ-J
ization. The cost of books and the ma-j
gazine for the year will bo $0.50. All
readers are urged to send in early order *
for books , and thus bo prepared to begin
the work promptly , and iollow througn
the year the reading recommended foB
each particular week. To fall behind tyl
the start is a source of discouragement
which is not sufliciontly appreciated.
Those wishing further information , ot
desiring to order books with the circle ,
are invited to communicate with thd
president , Mr. H. F. Buiuly , Hoonify
Omnhu National bank building.
The only chair of sanitary engineering
said to exist has just open established ntthe
Imperial university of Japan.
Dr. MIUT Taylor Ulssoll , slstor of the
dent of Vassar , Is Interested In the project of
a college of phyvical training fort'lrls , and ,
though notlimtc Is definitely concluded , tlio
outlook Is fauorable.
The Mcadvlllo theological seminary Im3
conferred the decree of bachelor of arts upon
Miss Marlon MurdocK , pastor of the lluiu-
boldt ( Kas. ) Unitarian church. She ia
thirty-six years of ago.
Thu terms of the draft charter for n ncvf
university , to bo named the Albert university
of London , and designed ( o Include a dls-
trlctof fifteen miles' radius from Somer
set house , have been acreed upon by the
councils of University nnd Kind's colleges.
The Hungarian anatomist , Prof. "Louis
Arabyl , died recently at the ago of seventy-
live. Ho became a professor of pathological
anatomy In the unlvUrslty of 1'csth as early
as 1884 , and wrote a number of worke on
topographical and descriptive anasomy , aa
\vull as one on "Typoplastlk. "
Apropos of the present uonoral move to In
troduce Into schools the steady of alcohol In
its relation to physiology , let us suggest a
wider application of the notion. According
to n wide-spread doctrine , most diseases are
duo to the presence of genus. Let children.
then , be taught all about ferments and
microbes , sch ) zomycotes and bactdrla.
The public free library has come to stay
with us. It will soon be reckoned as neces
sary for public education as the common
school , and will bo as generously supported
from tlio general funds , where Individual
conerosttv has not endowed them. They
will greatly enlarge and Improve the reaJIng
or the community , broaden the general In
telligence and quicken the Inventive spirit
of our active and intelligent nation.
Miss Marian E. Sheldon , daughter of W.
E. Sheldon , has recently admitted to the girl
school of which she Is principal In Adabezar
Turkey , the lirst Molsein girl who ever en
tered the lists for a regular education. Miss
Sheldon began teaching In the language
after being In the country live months. She
has translated two American text books Intd
tlie Armenian. Adabazar , where she Is lo
cated is 100 miles cast of Constantinople. The
lurkish government of the province lias ,
through the agency of Miss Sheldon become
much interested In the education of girls.
A special meeting of the board of trustees
of Princeton college has Just been held at
Princeton to accept and put into operation a
number of additional followslilos. At the
last meeting ol the board \vliolonjstcin
of Instruction and study at Princeton was
so shaped as to give practical ell cot to Presi
dent McCosh's long cherished views in re
spect to a typical American university. The
system In short , Involves the Introduction
either In the undergraduates or post-itradu
ate couran of all the branches tnimht in anx
of the universities of the world , but without
undue disturbance of the time honored cur *
Sam Jones receives S.W for three day s'
work at Itound Lake , N. V. , durine which
time he preached nine round .sermons.
Thu summer school of Christian philosophy
Is holding sessions this year at Key Kast ,
New Jersey , from August 10 to AugiiNti'i.
Kussla will celebrate the POOth anniversary
of the Introduction or Christianity by thribipt
tisra of the Grand Uuke Vladlmlron July 15 ,
Bishop Perry of lown , has been chosen by
the Church ot England Provincial Synod at
llnilfrx to tlio vacant bishopric of Nora
Ulshop Walker , of tlio Episcopal church ,
since going to Dakota ono nnd a half yearn
ace , has built eleven new churches
ports his church as prospering.
The general synod of American Lutherans
has1 condemned the "Intciaatlunal Sabbatii
School Lessons'1 because tltev'riri nut reco - '
nlzo the chinch festivals of that denomina
tion , i j
Fourteen thousand openly < prtrtcss'rl
Protestants belong to the sixty I'rotesur.t
organizations In Spain. It Is just eighteen
years since the lirst Protestant chapel wai
opened In Madrid.
The national association of local preacher *
of the Methodist Episcopal church will bold
Its thirtieth annual session m llnrrli-burir ,
Pa. , September 17-20 , In the KlUge Aytnui
Methodist Episcopal church.
Over 8100,000 lias been contributed by
Catholics over the country to mnko needed
repairs on church property In Charleston ,
South Carolina , damaged uy thu earthquake.
There was S7.ii'- 9,20 raised In Now YorK city
and S-t.W7.77 In lirouk.yti.
BKNTO.VVIU.K , Ark. . August 12. Sam
Jones and his brother John imvu caused it
lo made a definite postponement for a meet *
Ing at Kim Sprint ; * , twelve miles south of
tills place , on Friday , September U. This
will occasion ( lie assembling ot ono of th <
laigcst crowds ever seen in Northern Ar *
Some of the newspapers haviiiir spoken of
the Order of Deacoue.isus as having beei
recently revived hy a prominent clergyman
In New York state. Ulihop A. Cleveland
Coxo makes in a ItutTalo paper tlio following
statement , with rrferenco tn the subject :
"Deaconesses , " ho says , "havo been In
charge of tlio Church Homo In this city , liuf.
falo , for many years , and are recognized bj >
the cannons as an Institution ot thu church.
The order exists among thu French Protestants - "
ants and the Lutherans of Germany. They
have lung existed Ir. Lone Island and other .
dioceses. Thirty years airo , tlio writer , then
a clergyman In iinlUmoru , look an active. ' I
part in thu establishment of uYncniio.ssca "s , I
there , and .Mrs. Tyler , a lady of family nucf . ' / \
culture , wns tliii lirst 'deaconess ordainoj by ' \
thu bmhop of MarjJuud , at tl'ut time. " , J