: : r . . . . . . . . . . . .H : . . . . . . . . . . . : , . - - - ME OMAHA DAILYI3EE : SUND. & AUGUST 21 1887.-TWELVE P , % 4 : I4 THE FENININE DONAIN. . . The Faults and V1rte of the Gentler Box. MRS. CLEVELAND DATHING 4 How MrA. Langtry fought Farm- , Vhat Every Woman Should Prac. , I . tIcc-Womans . Courago- ; , "WonlanaIltIc , . " . . ' 'TI. She ChkaoIIrratd. ' Who tntighL my wife her little tricks ? Vho iiiakes 1110 1iuit1u (110 ( coal Lthd sticks ? My niotlier-In-law. vl 10 my duty doth explain ? " . \Vito proveti to tub fly lack of brain ? My rnothar.ln.iaw , WI 10 ninlces me wish that I had diet Lotig ore I met my Ionz-tinio bride ? VIio ' ) rcscrIjs [ the close ot salts ? ) . 'ho tolls me of my many faults ? . - . Ny niotliet.in.law. I ' Yho Is it "My girl came dowa - 'I ( ) Itiarry you. you ugly clown ? " Who is It rings the chestnut hell r Wlion I a iood old-timer tell ? iy mother-In-law. WI 10 makes me got unon my ear AtUlidrives inc from my ducky dear : ° sy1iirc they baad the amber beer ? to you , i frIend , I make It clear- , y rnother.In.law. . 'I Th ( UI.1 oftho PerIot tid Marriage. San Jose ( California ) Times ; It's nil , ycry well to say that the girl of tlio period Is vain , given up to art , dress fr nnl not to trnctical borne duties , but thIs ' Isn't so. She is an eminently practical creature when she has to be. She bes haves In having a good time when It Is , possible , but when life's realities come , . to her aba meets them bravely. Every ono knows of hundreds of such cases * whore younr women have shown the ' atuffthey Were made of , and whuloyoung r Inca must not hug thu fond delusion that . , two can live as clicuply as one , yet ho can remember that tIm Arjca girl Is a treasure . in herself , who will , as the atter.dlnner spoakerasay , double his joys and haivo his sorrows. Squeoaod Up Froo' liar Dress. A LOndOn paper thus a story of a lady who. sit dressed for a ball , went to the f nursery to kiss her little daughter good night. The child looked at her mother . in astonishment , afld a moment after the tears came into her big blue eyes , and itho sobbed out , "I'oo' mammal Poo'w : nlarnmal Foo' Nellie's mammal" "What's the matter vItli your mammaV'o - asked her father , who was standing by. " ' ' ' "l'oo' mamma's all squeezed up froo' o , . tel ) of her dress ! " * Uod Too Tight. : Chicago News : The women of the Country should give more time 1 to rest and relaxation and less : : ' . . to routine housework , They should make fewer pies and loss cake and do more sitting down in the rocking chair - , on the porch. They would be far more - useful in their families as the years go . by. The woman who stays at home very dav but when she "goes to meetb ing" on 5undav , who Is always "doing for the famiLyr will soon not only have an idea beyond tim family circle , but none there to its advantage. She will bo worn out physically and mentally early in life , and her children will begin to Ignore her before they are gone. r Accomplishments. Toronto Globe : Shall our daughters be accomplished or not ? The most ac conpIisbed women are those who in . their special line of actIon-the line for i - which nature as well as education has fitted them-have accomplished the most. I nature Intended you to be a good bot. anist and a poor pianist , years of irksome li effort will scarce avail to modify L her Intention , and there Is reason to bed hove that those women who regret the } time wasted over a half-learned accomT , plishment far outnumbered those who s wish that piano nlaytnglike spellIng , was compulsory. lieware 0 ! accomplIsh- , nients and arguments , but once having ' taken them up see to it that the obstc1es \ and opponents in your way shall learn to beware of you. Recreations of the Girt of To-Day. San Francisco Report : Swimming , . rowing , walking , riding and tennis are among the toys of summer's recroations. Tennis might fitly be called the labor of pleasure , vet two-thirds of the girls who toy with the racquet would call heaven brutal if it demanded the same amount of exertion from thaw in another form. With tennis in summer and the German In winter the fra lie society blossoms do Riot waste much 1oom or perfume In the domestic kitchen garden. What. Women Are Ftt For. Pittsburg Dispatch : What , then , arc iromen lit for ? To be the mothers and mivos of soldiers , statesmen and scholars. * 'roin these several positions they vlrtu- ( ally rule the world. it is so written in the book of nature that man shalt resem- &ble & his mother more than his father in r disposition , taste and manner , and that ho shall listen more attentively to her 5 teaclilug and follow wore closoy her do. sires. Almost every distin"uishcd man , of modern times at least , las acknowledged - edged that much of his success has been duo to the care and discipline of his mother. in olden times women were not considered worthy of special credit for anything , yet they are occasionally p.llowett honorable mention on the pages history In most Instances it is on no- I tmnt of being time mother of some dis- : , ' -timguislod man. Mock lilodesiymuYoung Girls. : Voman's . Journal : A blush is something - thing sacred to pure womanhood , and it Is a sad spectacle for thoughtful eyes to . note a young wonuin So far gone in the - improprieties that alto pretends to be imimoeked at things which simplb , unaf- fectemi candor Is far froni thinking on at . . mill. 'liwro are otherwise modest and - virtuous young ndics who manage to . : conveybY8tmbtie Insmnuatithis that they i are(1oepy conscious of scenes which a remilly.nmodest woman would ignore. It .1. trgudeed. ! as a great writer has said , jtkttt fliOdOSt woman mnhit be at times both deal and dumb. Disagreeable Iiap ponings , olThnsivo to oycs and oars , are at times inciilentltil to almost every one's . life. The most sheltered young lmdy can , . tiot 1)0 entirely protected. She may timid herself in ulnees wI'cro irotano language rcmicIme her oars , where objectionable - sights greet her eyes. It Is then time I for tier modesty to take on an armor ci dignity. It is the time for her to be both deaf and dumb. Shoniti Practice Walking. There is no reason why the avcrag woman should not add tenfold to hem cimjoyiuent of life and out.of door ltvinL by cultivating the noble art of walking A delicate woman. properly dressed , aric & who knows bow to walk , can wall , twcnty.IIvo miles of a summer after . noon without iniury , when an cquivn : . lent amount of other exorcise might pro - . ducu serious injury. Vnlking is proa natural and normal exorcise' and hurt a 110 woman who mu rightly aiout it. ' . woman who is unaccustomed to vigor . omiM walking iii order to become a goo I , . ncdctrian should look first to her geoL Fhese sliouW be broad across the for forC svard part ot the foot , otThring not th C : least obstruction tO the tree movc . iui'nt of the toes. 'Fbo heels should be lo 5' . and broad , and time shoe should lit ratha r . . snugly about the lice ! and instep. Tim e t * . , . . full tltcss equipment should weigh upo a f , . honest scales not more than two and halt or three pounds , and should han C r . from tb shoulder without any bant I , . pIimned or uttondd or laced iilout tim 0 . . _ . _ waist. No woman can walk In a corset. The walker must be comfortable enough to be unconscious of lint attire. A hat that shadee the eyes is in order. So prepared - pared , try any distance that does not nrovo fatiguing a an initial experiment. it will 1)robnbly be from a mile and a , Imaiftotwo mllesnnd must be walked at a brisk pace , three miles and a half being a good limit. When this can be done with. out backache or foot weariness , and a well woman outht to have no dililculty at her first trial , increase the distance during the leisure days of time summer VacatIon daiiyma intaIning the aawogait , and fifteen miles a day for a week or fornlght jflj SUccession , twenly.Iivo h a .Jay on any occasion that demands - mands it , will be found within any ordi. ! ary cmipmiolty with a month orsix weeks' t raining. Hnv Mrs. Langrey floughta Farm. Salt Lake Tribune : The Nevada papers 8a' Mrs , Langtry bought a lot in Carson ( .ity and loft ( orders for time p urchase of a lotat Lake Tanoc. doclar. i ng that the lake was the loveliest spot s he ever saw. By the way , Sam Davis , o f Carson sold her besides a forty acre s age brush farm. As he describes the t ransaction it Is not a bad story. He s ays : "I made the proposition to her lii t he green room of the theater wiillo the ' p lay'of 'Pygmalion and Galatca' was g oing on. She said she would consider I t ; , and asked me to make a dr iagram of the land and its r elatiye position to other points. Just t hen time call carried her to the front , where she had to pose as Galatca. I crept f orward just behind time fly where the a udience could not see me , and whore s ho could not help but look at me With a bit of charcoal 1 drew a p14 on a s cene , marked a particular block , and j ust as the fat and putTy Pygmalion was s preading himself in front I said In a s tage whisper : 'This is the lot. You c an have it for $ - ; If you do not want i t say no , or a shako of time fiend will do. ' S ue could not move , and 1 a moment l ater said 'Sold. ' She enjoyed the joke , a nd said she meant to sick an artesian ve1l on the laud and deed it to har n iece. " Mrs. Cleveland Bathing. ' Marion Beach ( Mass. ) Special : At 10 o 'clock the sun was gettmn. ' high , when a p rettylittic phacton , kindiy lent by Cap. ' t am t'eieg Biankenship , an old resident. d rove Ill ) by tim door amid time two ladies , o uch carrying in her hands a daintily d onc.up package , got in and drove oil. o stensibly for a morning ride. Here's w here time pickets of tim Marionites made an error. 'I'hoy had been roosting o n the bench for three days to see time f air Frankie disport herself in the waves a nd settle the long dispute about the bt athing costume. As she was only going t o rule , why , ho didn't need watching. T hus time ladea got away , followed by o nly a couple of sharp eycd correspond' e nts. 'J'hey drove over to the residence of G eorge Dolanoupon whose land Is a little s trip of sandy beach upon which is a cute li ttle bathing house. This was loaned t horn by Mr. Delano and at once taken p ossesion of. A few minutes later a 'c islon of white arms , waving hair andfl b lue bathing suit rushed poli-moll down th o beach Into the water with a cry of p leasure. It was Mrs. Cleveland herself , a nd tottoripg on behind came mater. T he bay is so land-locked that there is no s urf , and time water was thoroughly w armed bytimu sun. Like a child time first lady of the lanil d isported herself. She made a charming si ght with her statucsquo form and fi nely molded arms and neck , while over h er face hung little tendrils of hair , w hich only curled hIgher when they got W et. Time bust was magnificently sh aped , with head , neck and arnie to m atch. The foci. ' * iu , w..II u nru urn mbs ; like Mrs. Langtrv , Mrs. Cleveland Is most perfect from the waist up. not own. She swam like aduck. whim Mrs. ' olsoni Bopped around near the shore. T he new that they wore in the water pread , and at noon , as they wore return- in g , they met large crowds en route for D elano's. who looked much disgusted w hen they saw the pair returning. HONEY FOR TILE ZJD1ES . &dress reform-making it over. The bow necktlo has had its very short d ay. Precious stones will cage low corsages for f ull dress next winter. "Beef-enter" crowns are on the new hats I mported from London. Disnionds are not worn on the street any more by women of refinement. UA society girl wants to know on which fin g et a iold thimble should bo worn. Belts of gilt braid or passementerie are much worn with white wool dresses. Crushed roses and loops of tulle make time p opular trimming for Le.hurn flats. 4ew York women of the best class regard making up as vulgar , and do not do it , per- c aptlbiy. Coarse braids are more stylish than any of finer weave for dressy hats , either Lu black o r in colors. The excessive use of pertutnes , so long c onsidered vulger , has once more become f ashion able. Bracelets are never worn in pairs. It fact , i t Is the fashion to nianacle only the right arm at present. There Is quite a rage for diii ! Jet Just now. It Is considered munch more stylish than time glistening variety. Mrs. It. L. Hughes , or Lexington , Ga. , owns a butter mliaii which her English ancestor - tor ate out of In 1050. The wIdow of George Lorlilard races her horses and looks after tier stables and jockeys for nit the world like a imiami , 'rime French wore tlio nrst to attract attention - tion to thu beauty of good teeth and time first to Introduce the , mianlcuring ot tiigcr nails. Mrs. Cleveland Is making a collection of New England mosses anti ferns for the atlornatioli of time white house library aitem her return. It is said that a lady who It'ads the fashion at Saratoga this year tlellglmts notonly by the ) brilliancy of her Ulaimmonds but by her primitive - tive grammar. Cream-white felt tints , In sailor and. Span isli gypsy shapes. mire Just now In high vogue and nromnlse to be very popular through tlu autulmmn season. It is a pity that women do not have mon 3 individuality In time matter of dress. monr seem to think that anything that is fashion able must be becoming. Miss Edniunds is a great aid to her father time senstot. She rcts asimis private secretar ; a good portion of the time , and looks ciosel r after his law' business. A young female cricketer of Nottlnham England , Miss Grace. Lu a cricket mnatcit em both sexes scored til7 against time bowling emf tour really good omen. Mrs. lr. Ellis , an American lath' , Is phy siclan to the queen of Cores. She has aparl mnents In time royal palace at Seoul , and re celves an mumnuat salary of $ tO,000. in a tiny girl's dress of cashmere the bed , and skirt ate in one piece , with shirring s t the waist , suraim sash with fancy ornament a t tIme side ; widecollar , andcuits of emnbromdmr A new freak .o ± fashion is to have tim ft dress , gloves.hat , boots and stockings of tim 0 551110 color as time wearer's hair. A red heads ( I girl would shIne in any society in that som t ofarig. Very mnaiw of time now costumes now hem g prepared In i'aris for the gay autumn seaso are made wholly of gray. followIng a sty ! Ia established by English ladles of royalty earl : y In the summer season. For fail traveling gray cashmere will rI e place gray aipacea. always combined with a jacket fitting tight behind and loose in trot It and worn over a blouse made of scarlet , blu 6 mauve pistil , figured or striped fouiard , Pivo or six abort heavy curls axe agalid worn in the nape of the neck. Abut id these are usually a soft braid or coil , bimi tr 5.- quoutly. whore more curia are added. tlu ly ate held In place by a jowl-hcaded pin r Small short curls are again worn on ti o backhar % , sometimes with a ecu or al'svci to kimot , and asmn forming all the bacg o ( U me COItIUtO. ets Of beid and oZ silver yr UII _ _ --------1 _ - _ _ ' - - T - cord ' for holding the back hair worn by l'arlsennes. It takes the crimps out of a society girl's hair to see the distinguished count she hat been desperately flirting with at a seaside retort snippIng around time head of a Boston macreheat " and urging a reluctant customer to "have a sea-foam. " 'rime light-weight basket braid hats itro ox- coediniy due and attractive. Their garnm tures are correspondingly dainty and ethereal. Soft tinted cranes , tulies , anti IllusIons are used , as weiiasfancy ribbons In gauze ned etamines , A very pretty dress for a young girl is of plaid surali and lace , made with plain skirt in side plaits ; peIoniiso body with plain sieeyes vest of lace that xtcnds around on the riglmt side to form a full sash drapery ; plain collar whim clasp. A female evanolist in indiana is toiling the girls that not five men in a hundred are goon enough for them to marry. 'rime girls go right along marrying , however , anti every tmiessed one of 'em thinks she gets one of those live white sheep. Almost oil corsages worn out of doors now are open In mine way , over a chenmisette of colored silk , a liroton vest of silk-emnbroid- ered cloth , or a plastron flat for day , and slurred and transparent for evening. But high close corsages viil rule this fall Pretty little pouches arc worn at tle side of the belt , these of velvet , lace , or membossemi leather , with girdle to niateli. 'I'Iio new leather pouches and card cases are In novel tints of Palo terracotta , en.bosseml with gold or delIcate sea-green figures in sliver araties- quer , etc. The newest atmzo fans are spangled-not painted-the spangles being of red tinsel , yellow , hllver or gray , and emotting the sticks as vell am ; the ipiuze. Light sandal-wood and time dark tragiarit violent sticks are used for gauzes of various colors , and are very dclL cateiy carved. The now bonnets remain small and close fitting , with lower crowns , and many have coronet fronts. Lower crowns and projecti lag brims springing out from the crowns are features of the new round hats. 'rime brims arc most capricously shaped. It is yet too early to mention decidedly what coloms vli1 pmevail the oomin season , though timers are not wonting certain imnilca- tions by which it may safely be predicted that now terracotta , golden brozo , dark Roman red , and mammy shades of gray will be eadiug colors. Margaret Iale Owen , grandaughter of the famous Englishman whom the early coimir mnunists gave a warm welcome to thIs counw try , is smaking and writing In favor of an original dress mefornm garb , whIch is called the DaloOwen robe. She has found hearers at parlor Ifleetmnts In New York mmd may prove a rival to Mrs. Jeuness Miller. Not mntich comfort is Indicated by the sup. pers Which fashionable women are wearing this simlimmimer. The articles are fammtastlcauly pretty , almost invariably with extravagantly High heels and pinclimmigly narrow toes. With these corn-pronmcimg ) slippers aroworn black silk stockings anti those of the fine Sea Is- l and cottonlenown as Irish baibriggans for morning , afternoon , and ovenhiig alike. Time woman's congress ot which Mrs. Julia Ward howe is president , will meet in New. York October 24-2. The original woman's rights convention at Senaca Fails in 1b48 whit be commemorated Dv an"internatlonai cacti- c ii of women" at Washington March 25 to April 1 next year. under call of the national Woman suitrago association. MIss Olga Neymann , daughter of time sveli known lecturer , Mrs. Clara Nnymann. anul New York's one woman dentist. declares t hat she is treated with the utmnost courtesy b Y the nicmocuiio ruombrs or limo protessioti , Who welcome her very cordially to their r anks and make her feel at imouimo in a busl. fl eas in vhicim she timinics a woman's deli. c acy of touch and care for details , of 8pCIt v alue. In autumn gowns , composed. of two fabrics a nn shades-golden-tan and terracotta-wili b e combined , palo strawberry and bronze , p each color and olive , dark blue and rcseda , e tc. 'rime tide has turned in favor of silk af nd the material which lmaslatterly been useji f or only special gowns vlhi be reinstated for i mmore general wear , as time lending i'arlsian h ouses are again tiringing it into fashion. I 'rlces are advancing , and a variety of new d esigns am already In the manufacturers' h ands. Ribbed silks amiut failius , both light a nd dark , viIl be covered with mInute iiorai p atterns , which viii be woven Into time main p LJO.ILQfliie fabric. showing , . t o relict effects , to lie combined with plainer f abrics of deeper color. - - CONNUBIAL1TIES. "Yon'hi please pardonmno"o lie glanced piayfui ' "If really my tire. 1)o you care for men tall Or those who are muinai- What kind of men do you admire ? " 11cr lashes quick fell And veiled her eyes wail. "No pardon forsucim a request ; I hike iuiankind all , 130th little and tall , iJut then I like Hymen the best. " A neat proposal of mnarriamie was made by a South Yommkcrs man the other night , who said : "Now , immy dear , you say you have o,0oo In your own name , wimy not put lii mniumoi" Mrs. Charles Palmer of California alleres in lmer bill of divorce that her husband has siept with his boots on for the last eighteen years , and sue concluded to stand it no longer. John C. Johnson an Arizona stocknman , married Jessie Felatlon and gave her in threc days 819,000 worth of jewelry and dresses end $3,000 pin money , immediately whereatter simo eloped with an eastern drum- amer. amer.Do Tompkyns-Wliat's become of that ill tie Sumyttie 1 used to see around so mccii ? lie seenms to hiavO disappeared entirely from view. Wiilowboy-iIo lmas married an actress you know. lie Is imow only .ilss Clara ( ic Veto's husband. "Why do you not get imiarried I" said Do Fldgett to a bacticior friend timim otimur day. 6.0 , 1 detest woman , and getting uimarriout would seriously interfere with my literary labors. " "What kind pf literary vork do you do ? " "I write hove stories. " Frank Moxie of Dakota was about to be married , but was busy with a rnumw ot poker. Thu minister who was to perform time ccrc mommy went to inform Iulumi that time couuipany was waiting got interested mind took a baud , and the weddhuig had to be postlOneul. Mrs. Flaiuutrty--l'hwat's this , Mrs. Mc- ( luinness ? Yem're but Just married to a sec onut immisbanui , amid It's cumin' omit iii a new mumouruutn'dress ye are ! Mrs. McGuinuess- 01 alwlz hunt to wear mournium' for poor Mute. but 01 never bait time money till now. ? ticGumlflflesS is veli fixed , praise the saints ! On couming out of time mayor's office , where they had just been uumarrieti , sue throws hmer- suit into lihi arms exclaiming : "ForJve inc dear , but I've kept soumietimluig Irouim you-L (110. not tell you I didn't know how to cook. " 'Oh , never mind , .hiar don't cry about tiu , for you'll iiave but iltti3 cooking to do--i'm a poet. " A Spriugileid. Mass. , clergyman , reading aim item Wimicim stated that a coupie desiring to get mumarriod called at time houses of term ministers before they could find one to nmarry thorn , suggests timmmt lImo daily apers should run a list. of "ministers at houtmo ' dur- lug the vacation season imuider the head , "A Guide to Waytarars in l'ursult of Connubial Bliss. " "Hasn't been a stray young woman pl ked up aunt brought in to-day ? " he imuquiirctt at police headquarters last night. "No , sir. " 'An ) reort of anybody being drownetir "No. " Anybody run over and killed ? " "No. Sommmo of your friends immissmur ? " "Veii 1 agreed to meet my girl at the office of them justice of tim peace at 10 o'clock this mornIng and we were to be ummarried. but she didn't snow imp. " "rhat's very strange : was she well ? " "Yes , in tip.top hesitim. " "And you are greatiy disanpointed , of course ? " "Not so very uimcli. 1 lcinler thought if she caine around there we'd kinder get married , but I hadn't sot any hopes on it. She's the third one who imsajumummeel me inside of twa weeks anti i've learned not to bet my hat on anything going to happen in no such world 3 Oh-hum. hartford Courant : There's an eccentrkI old gentleman in a Connecticut town wh' ' I recently married a somewhat hoydeniat young wife , anti who baa been quoted is at awful example of senile folly over sInce Sborfiy after his return from the honeymoor he was waited on congratidatorily by quiti deputation of his fellow townsmen ant magnaths. He had been apprised ci r the Intended visit , and was very much an . noyad that his girlish spouse was not om hand when the visitors arrived. Inquir , eilcited that her whereabouts was the garden ' and no thereupon invited his guests out to is IntrodUced to her , .s they moss to scoop the invitation , his son , a lad of fourteen ox : - clpmuodi ! "Don't do It dadi" "WhyI'1' oxmm deaianded , aurflv. "iieeause. " answere I the boy , halt spofogeUcally , Vhe is up cherry treo" , . ' : TilE SARAICA OF THE \VEST. \ Tims Beauties Ohaxmt of' the Boa Sjgaaaho. , " . A DEA. . . ' LUNG FOUNTAIN. ' Sunmmner lou oarders-An Immense Bottling J bilahiunont-An En- Chanti Spot-A Corn- 1 0 hotel. SoDA Srnu. Idaho , August 17.- [ Special Corrc ndcnce of time flun.- ] As you alight n the Pullman at Soda Springs , Idaim rapid glance of time surprised eye 4passos one of the most delightful andjarmimmg spots in North America. Brnt blue skies above , aimti t he softest bro Imaginable blowing oyer plain , mumitoulid range after range of mngumitlcenlmow dotted mnountalmis ; s ome silvers' 16t blue in certain glances of the sun , oths deepening fromum clark blue to sounbu black. Only ammoit fort- r esses are fit taurrommnd these stretches o f undumlatinp sweeping anti flower- s pangled pins in whiMi such wonderful spags of mineral wzmters h ave but latelnmught the poimmilmir attoit. t ion , and whicdestinos it to become time g reat Saratogof time west. Its phuenom- et nmi : natural ejects lend a very nttrac t myo feeling oluisecurity as wo fail to wondering to lint ulark mechanisms of i lmuttiro Wo aretanding over , Time usual c omplement o SUMM } hOTEL IIOA1WEItS meet mis at th station , as whim lmtmigli t or and light words , they start for the h otel , % o gully follow them not far. f or hero , rightetore you in the fairest o f these platns the decidedly pIctures- q uo , thrcc-stortti , timid dcciii V porticoed i motel , ' 'Tii Id aiim , ' I ntiian im amne for LLho. Shall we , after a r efreshing nipit's rest liemm four blankets w ere none to many , enter a path to w ender and dtnk frunm time many health- g iving locutions , and hCiiOld ) these S trange workbgs of nature ? Our intel- li gent guide much driver is Mr. ViIliatns , w ho kimows m'ell time re'moii from long a cquaintance with it. With a crack of t imowhip ofive go to time 90 per cent s pring1 of weii every one now knows , a nd drink of e delicious soda water bumbling - ti ling up , anulbrmnmming over its natural c iii ) of metier cucth. : 'rums retresiming W ater is shipped by time "Natural Mimi- o ral Water cunpany , " wimosu bottlmn us. t ablishnient ii at time fountain imend. I'tmo p elite nmutnncr , Mt. henry Senimaiter , w ill kindly slvw us over it all where busy m achinery wtlm time help of a dozen mcii o r more , emgloyed in . BOr11NO TIlE WATER , w iring mmd labmiung the bottles , as well it s vastmiIIg them , succeed in bottling e very day front ( ,000 to 7,000 and when t ime new pummnr. arrives time bottling will go I a s lilgimas 10,0)Oper day. Aboce the din a nd noise of this busy place is heard the a ngry explosion of bottics wimich have b een somuewhat rudely shaken. These w orks % vcre established about mu year ago -m ud aroniready doing an extensive btisi n es , "hipping the water to all Western c ities as , ce the east. Toreaeli n ext , the Ilooper ire , , spring , oiio must g o a mile or two through the breeze s wept meadow lmtoraliy blue with Imipin , u ntil a ) atcil of vivid green grass is dig- C OVCrtih frtmning : this sparkling spriuc' N ever before has iron beeii so agreeibr3 : t aken with inyrlads of soia bimb b ios enlivening it , making ml O tto of the most delint _ . . , ituro th meso many . . .wtmmr1Co In caumsing o xenutntl.mm. Crmn'o foci f ci. ; . , o.r..g , A mmonia spriAg to bubble up ; so cuiieth : fr om t'rS lALEEUI imiuE.&TH , w hile close ti this Is Vinegar spring p oseng the bolor and tuste 0 ! tiuitl ii eccsstry : : t iti.1 Quito near , in time midst o f bushes , itI 1'Jew's harp spring , Sc c iullcti frotmm its "rescmublaitce iii simape tc t hat imniqtutmiustrtimeuit. Quito tiiq most w onderful fr9n and soda spring us time ? m inmrnotim , femuliied after a drive of foul m iles over iiosv ring ilmuimms amid timrou'l t ime rieiiest hi amo country ; along tc b anks of a stiam literally alive with m e very variety of fat duck ant s warming , . vth fish. " Later Ic t he season , hunting will hi e xciting , for tiotieor cross hero in lierd a nd tim feathered ganie fail : sppetIzmn v Ictims by time humulrcd , and hind I spaci it a s well us itmycntlve power , could , tei many a boar story. ltlghmt itt tlmet muds o f this luscious country is the Manimoti s pring. covering a large tract of land One could not count time number of irom m s prings whmlchm comae boiling tumid seatlmimmj t o time surface. Deceptive ground sur : _ r ounds this wonderful sjmring , for ovum h mmmtig by long grass mire (1C131) holes , on I ; c oumtnining fresh water , while another m S a spring of muddy water. AN ENChANTING S1'OT I s Formation spring , with its cave. 1Io F c an I catch a ripple or twe ) of it with many ripples c i nspiration to place it wortimil before you ? Clear as crystal it spring t romu yonder mommntaimm's depth , runnin i ii narrow boundaries for half a it then overflowing itself , etrifyiim every , - tlmimz that comes before it , sweepitig eve t : long 'rasses , chtaimging them luito fair crcatrons of smurkiimtg : , wimito Simear s forming delightful , laughing cascadc 5 , turnin. ? it l5 it tumbles over time mo , s mill sha'os of "recti amid ycilow. lIei . ( grows a 1lowerimg 1iluutit bearing a fet leaved yellow blossonm uvimicim it gattiom within its cool embrace petrfyimmg : ti : me beautiful thing. One is umow in my hO 3- session , slitdium : ° from pink to whit 0. Look iuitO its clear depths , beumtifi : at loaves , branches and fallen cntttuls I mc limo covered before you. cimanging coli ) r under your eleliglitoil gaza. Benching 'rilE MOUTh OF TIlE C.VVfi a little womanly shiver runs aroumu id the company , with weakonmug hmands v Ce light our candies and stumblingly folio my our guide down , perimaims , tweumty ste its into thmig dark cave where time wiut or once gurgled amid striuggicul to free itsolflt ] Hero it is high enough to 1)Crmit mu porsi flt porsitim to stand erect , and to examine wi tim candles time line stalactites hanging i iii over the cave like drooping viiitu corn LI , To thin loft it cxtonuls thirty rods , to ti lie right fifty , where we slowly grope o ur way stooping to avoid timis great bum : uit of formation , and timmit de ] II- nato plant of blossoming wiul to coral winch so temptingly scums to gre IW by your side. Great bowitle irs ox lime almost block time pa ssago butsum elm wonders arc being revealed timmit onwa rd we our caiuiies twinkling like fir 0- flies. The air soon becomes heavy wI tim ammonia so that we are forced to lout ye this encimanted cave. This locality Is more like YellowStone park titan a umy other place here. As twilight is ang on we drive away from this spring aertad the purplin" plain with eiiow-spott ad Mount Sherman facing us 12,000 fi e high , monarch of this country. how ploitsant Is the greeting of I h brlghtiy lighted hotel as we return to it iii tim darkening world ab ) U us ; how glad we arc to en te Its vestibule stopping from I Into wide , airy halls opening side in trances into porticos filled with tenipti a easy chairs. These hails are covem c with time finest of white matting covemb b lend such a cool aspect to time house. Directly emi tim left of time entrance w step into the beautifully furnished par lo possessing to the apparent i casuro o the ladies clustering around it ' a billit ir table as y011t it piano. Mr. 'young , ' Lim CouI'tCous manager , wihil open the dmn la room , a large , imali(1sfltC ( ) room , wIt' ' or the most fastidious appetite can be i mu peasod us the cooking iscxceflont.t , im m - , the great variety of tiellencies are tonipto i ngly liacetI before you by ycll trained waitresses. rnnsii FISh , tickle the paiato.twlcc a tiny caught in time winding streams round about us. A broad1 Iiaumdsomo stairway makes two rcstfui turns before reaching similar wide hails tibove flooded with pure mountain air , anti commnaintung glimpses through the broad windows , of mountains and plains. Open onto it tue ttofumliy fur. nished and comfortable sleeping apart. mcutst a Ifirge number. of which are added bath rooms. Electric boils tlnkio from every room. For the entertainment of time gentlemen is proviuted a well imp- pointed rending amid writing room a barbers' shop , and a billiard room with sparkling bar attnciuiuoimt , Thu whole is brilliantly ligittod by electricity. Thought . not quite completed , we ioumnd timis delightful house courteously opened to the inibiio by the lcsscc. the I'aciilo ho. to ! eomnpmmny , Messrs. Markol , Swobo & ( ] oblo. A formal opening will , I believe , be uiven on the 121h1 of this month , by these entiomen. Wonders it Is said , never cease , so on we go this brigimt niornhlig to Limo STE.tMBOAT 8I'iliNG , whmisli is a jut of hot soda water , most cimarnuingly sprouted on time banks of time wiimding , romantic Bear river , ii river , stocked with tishi , and utilording relief to thirsty , grizzly bears , 'This soda spring lots pusimeti Its way with the help of uniter groimnul forces , up through hard , reddish formnmitloit and time imoiso of its efforts is likened to tbo laboriuig nmachinory of a stemnutboat , Mound Spring , of a similar imMure , is within a stones throw of the hotel , this warm jot springs ill ) timrotigh a mound forty or iifty feet high. At time base of it tt temporary bath houses , which will oo mmmcli improved upon in course of time , as indeed time surround ings and amid all the springs will be. l'hie only spot horn to be a little dreaded is Dry Gas Spring , a trimly formidable - idablo opening through a iiigli mound into time bowels of the earth , .l'o inhale its iiiiicous ammonia breath is almost sliro death. Birds , unsuispiciously flying over it will drop thmnd. Octagon Spring , near the hotel , on tim bank of Soda Creek , furnishes delicious satin und Iron water to time timirsty visitors. This was time foremost spring hero until recently , vhemt mt had to give way to muoro powerful ones , A pleasant drive of seven miles will take oume , to ItethaPs time romantic spot of timis section , Swan Luke. A body of water filling a basin wimmcim was once probabiy.n crater. Up we wind to It through nmnadows Ilileul with living game and milliomis of Ilomvors , while far to our right vIntt.s Bear river. At last it Is rcmtcimed lying alone , far imp iii time grim Rocky inaunummius. its depth is umukumowim but looking clown into It from time bank calm be seen fifty or sixty feet through time clearest of uvater with fish darting hither , and timither. i'lowers without endfringe : its banks in yellow , pimik , white anti bimuo. A beautiful , limiprisoned speit. Comite to 'it , in time cold winter days wild white swami , to live oim its peaceful smmr face , front whence is derived its name , lteluctumntly we slowly tirivo away , but de'ate from our straightforward cotmrsc to visit Cold Sulphur springs. half au micra is made wimita by them , so busy iii their seotlminmz and foaming. hero mvii ] sometime be rommiuurkiblu : baths. About ii nub from the hotel is what is called tbr Lower Town , where Till-i EA1Y snrrrs.rcm made tlmuir luonme , aumd hero is porimaps tlmt m most delicious iron anti soda sprmug o mf f nfl. It is known as thu D Iower Town spring , buj. . 'tuuiii great Stipporter iaciiic railway. i ; forever hear time hoimor ol imis caine. Mutty : of Limo early settlers gave ut thou' ioruon Imoro : ts time niglmts were tue frosty for furuning : , but now time frosts tie ioimgermuolcst time gardens. 'lIme enmper attire ) is ; Rmrfect , from 70 to 8) , tiuring titi sulmmnuir lfltmltitS arid is teniporcut by thu 3 most sultiiriomms : breeze inmmgmnmmbLe , soft like the wmrnm : soula sDrlngs , springimm ; UI ) like magic lucre anti there. Gumtci : Dn.tNn IIIJNT. AOMETB.ING NEW. hl'rUtti for the Sumnmlay flrr bji 1 , 0. Ol im. : In the city of New York one sees man ; y an eager'Iunfly a preoccupied , many yit tilsiressed face , butt it is rarely a real ! ; y happy face is seen. One such , Imowevom might have been observed a few suir mom ago. 'It belonged to a youimig man , lmurryitif ' griSaCIC in Imaud , toward time centre ml station. He was "oil on a vacation , " but that was hot time secret of his hmtpp IeS SO much as time fueL thmat he hind , a simort time previously , completed aim mm ventiofl tliOit whielu ime imul : labored fc it years. Time man's numb was Alvahm Eumgehui A rather queer umnmmmoone which lie womil not himself have chosen , perhaps , but t me had imot bocu conammitad in regard to ii is persona ! nppeiiation any inorem ttmtn : h 0 had bocum consulted with roferunco to tt mu other facts of his ctistencu. \\'lmumn cab reflects upon it , thmomo see 01 to be few tImings umbommt us that are the r 0 stilts cd our own deliberate choice. W rum Wof find ouIr4elveS ticketed across time bri of span of comiscioums existence , obscurely I .5- holed , and we must content ourselv Cs with Smmflily wondering whither ci Lit tickets are tmmkiuig us , arid whmat is ti Lie meuttng : of outr labels. Alveuhi Eugulse wets of medium statum 0 with black hair tumid eyes amid an eve r- hanging forehead. Ills profession w its timmut of mu pimototrrajmhmer. lie was udoi 10 in time world , his parents find left hint motlerate fortune , but an imnioderatem ii Ie sire to discover sonmotiilng new imutior lie sumit , : und now , tufter years of toil , tuft .mmr imaving nearly oxliatisted his immeans. lie Immuti acconiplisimud what mn sought to ci a. Ills Invention souumetimlng that hiatt Ito predecessor amid is umo likely to have I successor-reason enoiugii timat lila fit Co shmouht shine. It Imati bcon his theory that em , l)110t 0- graphic pimtu : might Lie prepared an whuicim could he left a record of a sittei L.'s tiiouights its sveil its a likeness of his fm : me. lie huud mnifltainel ( tiiumt arm ocemuit jail mm- CrieD emanates from time bract with eve ry act of ctmrebrmtioum : as far.reaciming olThin - follow clmtmuiilcni disturbances iii time an in To prepare a ll'LtO soumsitive enough to record time results of mental activity hi lii been his task. Forycars ho had dabbi et with chemicals , and for years lie had n lo witim nothing but disappointment. nlu I - success came at last. Ic be suire tI imi was eflected in part thmroughm a forttmnm it accident , but the result wits , none I it less pleasing. All time photographs ho had taken af te his discovery aponrcd like ordinary p ic S tuiresbuut on timeni were characters wit ] ic Ito alommo observed and understood. t In timis way some startling secrets Fto come into his possession wimhle pimo to e graplminga New York olilcial , , 'I'bo photographic artist , as it will b t PFOPOt to designate him mu these tin ys r Pr0000dlu3gon his way struck ofl ft ur t tint ustial route of summer travel fo - New Yorkers anti set out for time west. g lie had heart ! much about Omaha , a Ln d in that enterprising city he stopped. k One day lie took a walk beyond th suburbs , so far did ho go , indeed , that , It e left the staked lots of the real est at t agents bohuimd him , and , wearied out , va f on the point of turning to go back wi lC d lie came in sight of a comfortable-look lu o farm house , that , with its surroundin gs g pleased hts artistic eye , e As ho walked along towitd the ri Ds - denco ; In time gathorln dusk , botwac iii d fence on QO eldu anti t th4ckct on , th - - ' - - _ - - - - - - - - ; , . . ' - F- _ -f------ 3. _ o ther , l ; = : _ . _ _ 1 : ? , at t sudden ap- ' i n one coming out of time 1 t ime other a pailfi of berries sf large an.bonmiot lit I of p resence mm of time ' iwitro t he bonnet out was wholly lost 1r1 sne hItStUg pmutOOu tint , lar ace They procoedeti a . l ouco , Alrah wlthm doptums. his face. Then Ito asUU3tti00 in S - "Wonid you be so kinad smile on who lives In that house ? ' ' , , "Mr. Elting , " was the re ? , Omt 1110 not foci wehidiWOtod towarul. . u man , for she haul on a fauloti cat amid she turnodiicr head away.OUflC "And you ard mtlss Eltmg , if I ? ' so bold ? " ' "Yes sir. " "Io you suppose I could stay ovi night with your folks. I aiim very tired , " 1 dott'tkmiow , sir" sue glanced at liiit furtively aunt added , "we hmavo plenty room. " "If you wiiiapenk a good word for n may be I shutmil not have to return to tl city timis evisiming. ' ' lime girl muncie no delin1t ply , bi shyly quickening lme , Ieps sh grmiulummtll3' heft hint beiijptl ; Vimon si had reached the doorsluu'boundcd into itutti out of sight. Alv.dh , in time Inca : time , seated Iminiseif ml a rumstlc bench c time lawn and awaited uicvclopttemit Very soon ho imgimrmt footsteps near iii antI turning itqbohel't a portly man , mvii a pleasant ' otmntonnnco , approacimin , Time pliotorapimr arose and oxteittim his hand. 'ltir. Eiing , I think ' " hue sal "Mynamo is Engoise , from N'aw Yor I beg your pardon for ' trespassing ) your pronmisosbiit I slmou'ld be vary mmmi mnutobted to you If you would take me for the night. " " 1 am glad to see you. Mr. Engoiso replied time other cordially. "You , mm not trespassing , anti as to tue other mm ter I thInk that can be arranged. " 110 WflS invited into the house and w there presented to time wife and daughmtt Tiuum fernier was a slight , dark worna with cultivated nmaimners-shue imad been I teacher in mm female setiminary in her ant mnurrieti days. The girl mmptoare.1 . old titan when imo first saw her in the ron Site haul brown hair and eyes , and was little below the mcuiiuun height. Quui imttiuhsoiimo : 'mlvahm thought her. On time following morning he disciosi his desires of lolutgahnhittoI ( tothe fami circle PtO temporo. This rcqmiest dud mm meet time gnontmummeotls umecordanco of I petition of the evening before , but w made tim subject of family conforenc It resulted in his favor , however , mu Mr. Biting soon after sorit to time city I ' hus baggage , which iucluuled a phot grapimer's outtlit. Time next day was Sumulay. In the foi noon a smmn.brownctt youth drove up in L carriage , lie ftstemmcd : his Imorso to post nt the gate , entered limo hmoumso a : was slmown into the parlor , where he still iitltt ( ) until Aurora Alting , t before mentioned daughter of the houi joined him. These young people had been "kee , hug company" for sonmo time. ' 1' j youttlt's name was John Alvine , anti was "vell oil , " having inherited a go farmu in that viemumity from imis goitt fatimor , recently deceased , John was tirossoL in a black suit good material , but It was quite ovidu that these clothes was umot his emistomnt : tpparol. They were creased a ill-titLing , and ho appeared to ab oxtreummely conscious of thmein. lb mv ) glossy , white culls withm bright ooiti Ii touts , hut thesmi contrasted _ . . . . , ; - iij cOutrae.'iIltthu rest1mlaCO , His in iikomvise , glowed tmncomfortnbly above hmigim white colimur , rivaling a gorgec in imecktie in color. Aivali , its soomm as lie saw lmtrnfolt a clited aversion toward him. Aurora and her caller soon after tcreti the carriage : unti rode away. Times' returned , imowever , mmmcii soot tiutr' Engelso hind expected , Lime result a lover's quarrel. About mutt imoum- after John Aivuno I ma drivoim furiously away , Aurora came upoui time lawn with a 1)00k in her him mind scateti herself on a bunchi not from time imamnmook in which Alvahm v still swimiging. Site at once began earnest perusal of time voluume. "Well. diii you have a pleasant ridi m asked Alvab , after eyeing her for a U In silence. . Aurora was so conscious of hay in had an unpleasant time that she blmmsi very red at the question , but replied : "Dii , yes , sir. " "Your escort seems to bo a nice yam in man , Does lie live near hero ? " "Yes , sir. He owns mm Jarm close b y.is "A1 , a rich yoummmg man its mveli is niccoime-and all the girls in love v i'i hilin , I smippostu ? ' ' She tcmrnctl to her book again with ou replying. 'l'lmo phuotographier was atm a ho hud : ofl'encdcd her , but lie would mm let slip tim opportunity for further to versatloit. lie changed the snbect amid also'o tone of voice mind asked , "What bin ' tire ynum so umitent Upon , if time questic in permissible ? " "J'ennyson's IOefl)5. " "lo you : like poetry ? " "Yes , sir very vell. Tiien our pr fessor recommended reading Tonn3 rs duirinn' vacation. " " \'flat school do you attend ? You I I mint detcrniimed to'ask ulmlestions. " \r.ussmirIm Alvah strutighttencui himself invo 1mm tmmruly , tutu ltokrnl at her iii mm'onuier. - imnu m4tliPOSOi ( she mvzis a rustic imlmti' ' de whmoso exIerienelm of time world imlmti'n titus far exteimdcd beyond time coulini s time fuirm. They we're ranidiy becoming qumlmmted : anti they chttteui : as men , WOifleti only chat when Lucy are yo imn - wlioum bye is new anti tim earth yomo fair. , On time following Smundtmv John Al vi a ngmmnm : tippeul reel 'itim imLs iuorsa and tinge iota good clothes. lie foumid torn mund time artist : ilotie on tim lam et53' : summer attitudes. lie soenmo rjm imavti talmum specimul pmuins in mimakiuig . toilet , for ito umppeu'ed : evemi more aeloLis mmmcl mmutcommmfortibiu thmami bum r It mitid his htlr : mvns lonuteti down poinntmuimt , and very fragrant. Ho te sent near Bumgelse tutU bctiim uskiumg ; - about the luutest fashions In nien's c la lug , meaning to be bitIntiy cis lit , , like many othiorrurni folk was o I . oinlon ; thmmut every vulL dressed oou - man trout thiti city knomvs little and i a little for utnythming but time clotime wears. It was not long before Alvat I h . hint in an awkward plight and lie tii abruptly antI asked Miss Eitium . ' i shim mvoimkt like to take a ride , Simm I l emiseti herself on the llea of a heath : t .Johum rose. angrily , and once tiara ii t furiously from the scene of his dote : it s "It that young mmn : shmouhti ( lie 11 o anti go to heaven , wimiut sort of an i ui o would lie umako , I wontiorl" said A' iiv ' Aurora immughucci. , Jolmn lmc'.trd her , r 8tmpnosiiigtiiit thioy were mimkinm.r a . ever hint , bet swore to be revenged. h Two week-mi vassed plc.umantiy. evening as Eugeise wits returning ft om d phmotogramhmie tacit about time comm - through time grove from wimicii Aiis hind first conic without tint orbit of ii is e istonca ho felt a sudden , stinging ps in , his head. Time trees about him seen : c n reel into nothingness. Whucmm her ag r opened his eyes and looked eoumsci around Ito was much smmrprisetl to (1 lmimnolf in his own room wltiu A uir seated umoar him. e "What has hmapponed ? " lie asked. o "Vo fommntt you hurt In tue grov C e brought you to your room. " s "Wlmat hurt mem fl "No one knows , Somoboitystru : k g froni behind. " 1 lie Involuntarily Put tus hand t boid. : lie found lit bandaged , L"Vhen diti. this imappen't" "About . " " a a weog ago. e "GoOd lmeaycn8i A wcbk ago. V ri through time woods. A ra s just comitig n mimcim immirt ; ? " "l'imo doctor tid you wore-but you , " imi mat not talk any mfllTO. ' ' "Well , you ) make inc atop. They ' amiti from oclm other's cyct o kcd into . It ' fell to tireatuing. momneitt they : hm at ' wi ts lovo's yOUfl1 dream , a swect , It bean' Lhl ut vision. Alvab cx- lmtrlng lmi convalesCCimCO , aineit imis imivemitloli to Miss Elting seat pl ' thoughts could read people'S th at she too with their recorded along as they were ph Ono otographs. day lie siu1 lie wished to have lilt li keness taken so ( limit he mmtighmt see how hIs lilacs haul cimugoli recotmt u mucli hilt time manipulatoui n pOariUtco. Atmrora resull tlto looked ever . They c amera. with their lmcuult' in close PToZ % ogcthor , sweetlY bltmthod ity , nimmi tiueyitmlg ( girl ma , " urora , I love yell. ho : I t iivo limo ? " The wotuit wore like a ? 'tout time hetut of his Picture. me grap.isted that she nmtmst be phtotO mc swer talso at 01100 , nut-I timink mmli ftfl with. . ithmotiglit. at ant so hmue"ortralt ito read : "Yea , oh , I 10 arms , but . Alvaim clasPed tier in his 10 situ hunt not'ixoteStetl and teniumrodthltt It But her pretended to think all that. a , The foliowilas of no avnii. in formed AuroradaY Mr. lsngelso mn aronts thiimt imo nd 8 , timoir daughter ni hoped time , could .Tm. 0t8l' , and Ito and him their bless tig. hIoVirconsont % . ot im litth0 surer - tr. priseti to find timem ti or this information a'10UY ummprcatad ' instead 0 con' ci sentthoro oppi's1tm ; , Was hind not p. expe ted objectioums , for 1 it very frIendly and cordiai\9) had been limit him. I iii they still regarded Auro child. in however , a commipromisu wam.ffCCtOd by t1 Alvah's promising that . , , , not be any thought of marriage their to daughter's education was flniu.0d sn ut- lie was in possosslon of a income , To fniiill this vt. . of as the contract , he began at once timimking r.a . how his Invention might be made a , daily profitable fl A few days before tim photographmr c- was to return to Now York city or a "farmers' festival" ord. was Imeld i - d. the "grove. " To onhummnco Ifne a merriment of the _ to operated his magic photoirap tic flPparft tums , takIng itkcnessos of a 1 who desired itt to be photographed. lie and his camera ly were continual y surrounded by a circle 01 ; of laughing delighted patrons ; bitt no Ias OflO the occas on more thoroughly - as oughly titan time nrtiat.imimaelf and Aurora - me. ra , wimo acted as his assistant. As they ml scanned cach now pictuiro and road thereon - 'or on thuo record of time sitter's thoughts io . they had a source of enjoyment the rest of the world knew not of. What glances 0 of mumtual understanding they exchanged , 8 what pleasure it all was to have such a a secret in common. umil A crop of irn ortant events followed ma t this da of iura pleasure. A number of lit ' sitters ml loft secrets upon Alysh's sen. mc , sitivo plates that were fruitful in couse- qmlences. _ ) One lovesick swian had confessed ate - t o dent but timid love for the blooming hoi o beauty who liming umpon his arni that day , oi l mind time latter hiatt left herself on record itt - as wondering why her tardy lover tie- lmmyed the important question. To tImt t o f famnthemirtud gallant , A vaim subsequently ni t sent an OttIflOU $ letter sLitting that ho y hail it trout time best of sources that d ho shmoultt propose to lila inarnorata he b e would lie something to his advantage. r O ' 'rhe result was a itt - , , r-tmmL'0wor a : "I gave you -fr i a goomi blow , -omm untIe. but Ce , will finish you. " 1-tmis couiruive but a interprctttlon. : John wastho culprit s sviio ha , in such cowardly nmannor , struck down the artist In time grove. To - hint the following note was sent : "It has . canto to amy knowledge thmmit Aivaim en Engelse has t iscovercil that you tire the P' ' ° who assailed him recently. lie ic r intends taking measures to have von log. o f : mlly dealt mvtlm ! at once. Leave Imme - iately for parts unknown is tue advice of ' d . t a Time community was shortly astonished \ d at .Tohmtm Avilno's suduiomi disappearance. ' fa r What was of indirect Importance to s 4tivaim himself symis time surprIsing a n disclosure mentally made by a , midulie aged man of benovohont Imp. ? pearance , that ito Was about n in n commit a fraudulent act involving a hieav loss of money to Mr. Biting. In a g few nys he expected to be a member of t I time Canada colonly-an embezzler. Mr. Eittng was at once made acquainted with his imonest ) intentions , time fraud was g prevented and the culprit allowed. to die- , ' appear , but without tim intoflded booty. . After his return to Now York City , a Mr. Engelse was still more fortunate , tiu As before intimated , a high official of the mctroiohls had disclosed to him mt certaium corrupt dealings of himself and iui associimtos. Alvnh now took this matter ot . in earnest ; obtained likenesses of n.many of time suspected officials , and then laid his timseoverics before time lrOPOr is authorities. Time city was soon shaken ok to its very center by the revelations he Is imad made , but no one wondered more thimmn time culprits timemsolves how their wrong doings hind coiiio to light. Aivaim was xmext engaged to take pho. o- tographis of time suspected officials in oii Cimicago , where lie was likewise orni- neiutiy successful as every one knows. S OC Titus lie is reaping it riehm harvest. His reward for those particular services was ' not only comninensurato with their lm- - portanco , btmt lie Is constantly in do- 1 ii nmand by time poilco mnmthiorities thmmoiigh- im , omit time liuni to plmotogr'ipim criminals n ot for wimouti important revolttions : cannot of be obtaitied iii aumy other way. hlankt employ him to take likeness of their ac- I casimiers anti cierks , whose speculative nt souls are thus laid bare to suspicious g , directors. Newspaper editors are be. ms giniming to niake use of iuis invention for obtaining imformuition in cases where ne time orthiuimiry flesh and blood Interviewer r : fnl9. . camera turned upon forgetful. but- wmtnessushmas , been tomcat to be . . va cable. In short , there seems to be no Ills Iifltit to the usefulness of Engeiso's inven- - Lieu anti lie is ott time hmigim road to pros. ' . l Porit'.1 untlerstooui that Mr. Engelso took a good nmany lmortrmiihs of Omaha th- PeoPle. Anioumg timesmr Is a amunbor of - city ollieials who thusuloft themselves on tle. record as beintr lii the "jobbing" bust- time Should there ever him a trial In ng ivimicim Ermgeiso's pictures of them simoulet ri ? be placed in evidence , sonic interesting iatt nweluttiotms unity be expected. ' thuimig , however , Is certain , . 10 Aurora's PirefltS : lowe no longer any oh- . jection to Aivah as a son.in.liiwmntt : in a ? x. not far distammt future tiwre will be pro- Paratlofla for a wedding itt the Elting . hmomiicstcad. 0W goi 'lmy You Simouhdum't Stiuti a Boy. nii. lou't smnib a boy btmcumumse ho wumars ha Ithy ClOthes , Wiioui Edison , the in- venter of the telephone first entered O ne Boston lie wore a paw of yellow linen It a brecchms in time depth of mvintor. lon't snub a boy because Imis home Is cxplaum antI tmumprctcndiimg. Abraham IAn- iii coin's early lmoino was a log cabin , d to lon't snub a boy because of a duliasas ain lit his lessons. ilogartim , tic , celebrated painter ittid engraver , was a dull boy at era liii ; books. Don't mmiii ) it boy because of time Ignor. 111100 of hum parents. Shakespeare , Iket atid world's poet , was the son of a ulman who' sm'rms mmliii. he to write hits own halIte. 1)on'L snub it boy because ho dm00505 a youm luimble trade. 'rime uutlior of 1'iigrizn' l'rogross wtmts ii tinker , his loum't snub a boy because of physical disability. MiitOu was blind , - Pon't snub a boy becaimati imo smtutters. , DothoSthiciteit tho- great orator of Greece , . tj. , , 1 ovo9am0 aimarshm mind 8tttimmmuuring you. , . , - . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - : : - _ - , _ - . . . = * T-g- '