s OMATTA TYATT.V HHffl ! 8U'NDAAUGUST 21. 1887.-TWELVE THE HYDROPHOBIA SCARE , Bow It is Magnified and Mudo to Terrify the Timid. THE PASTEUR CR AZE DYING OUT , VtntlstlCH Manipulated to Dolitcrup tlio French Doctcr People Killed by Fear , /n concluding his article in the Con temporary Koviow , on Faith Cure and "Fear-Killing , Francis Power Cobbo , takes up the hydrophobia scare. The two pre vious sections of his article have ap peared in the Sunday BEE. Air. Cobbo ays : Wo must pass over many examples which might bo added to the fear killing prevalent in our time , to speak at some length of the most prominent of those of the last three years to-wlt , the hydro phobia scare. The history of this scare , and of Pastcunsm as connected therewith , will one day , I doubt not , form a very amusing , ( : md instructive chapter In u future continuation of Maokav a "Popu lar Delusions. " Wo can but glance over It hero. A rare dltscasc , which by its nature is exceptionally closely connected with and controlled by mental impressions , was announced to be suddenly manifesting itself all over the civili/.eu world , from Moscow to Chicago. Mad dogs became as plentiful as blackberries at least the reports of them in the newspapers were BO and it was difiiciUt to open a daily journal without finding a paragraph add ing to the general hue and cry. That a creator proportion of thcso newspaper stories belonged to the myth ical order of the gooseberry and the sea- serpent goes without saying ; and as re gards the hapless dogs registered in London as rabid after being battered to death on doorsteps by policemen's truncheons , it is permissible to believe that a largo proportion had excited pub lic alarm by simply crying when kicked or run over , or by exhibiting the harmless - loss tits common to teething puppies. On these occasions of popular panio there are always , as in the old witch por- ocntlous , two classes of enemies to the Tictims. There is the ubiquitous Mr. Matthew Hopkins , who obtains kudos , and perhaps moro substantial reward , for nvery case he detects ; and thorn is the stupid and terrified bystander , whoso latent instincts of cruelty coma out im mediately at the call to slay and torment either a miserable old woman or n mangled dog. Speakine of the hydrophobia bugbear , which spread consternation through America while our own scare was deE - riving us of our common sense and our E umaulty , Dr. Edward Spitzka tells us in the Forum for April , 1887 : "In order to dotermlnn how great the danger in the United States from rabies is , the writer has carefully followed up all the newspaper reports of alleged out breaks of the disease. In not a single Instance has satisfactory evidence of its existence been obtained. [ After detailIng - Ing the sham cases at Newark , Chicago , etc. , he continues : ] Scores of observa tion ! might bo added , all tending to [ > rove that during the past two years ilTrrm hnilirrn nornmrrf"nmnf * rabies in man in this country which could not be referred to nn error ot observation. Before scientific tests all the newspaper alarms are shown to have been cither fabrications , exaggerations , or mistakes. [ As an example of the exaggerations wo ratty take the following : ] In Pennsyl vania a number of nervous persons were rendered unhappy by a sensational report that-rabies had become opidomio , nnd that a large number of schoolchildren dren had boon infected by dog-bites. The nucleus of this report was an epilep tic fit in a Httlo black-and-tan dog , in duced by his having swallowed a chicken bone ! " " Wo are very far , indeed , from making light of the terrible disease of hydropho- bill when it ever really afillcts man , woman , or child. But the whole history of this false scare bears a false ring which provokes incredulity. In tno first place , wo all know how reporters.bV the hun dred nro daily seeking p'rovedddrto feed scores of newspapers whiqh.r naiie ; fresh supplies every mornlogjr.'fltfa.'Wc'know that the welcome givetffJ&fa&Utors & to every scrap of intelligeucQ.iDOftring on n subject which for the moment is "up" in public interest , secures tbo particularly careful supply of the article so in de mand. This alone accounts no doubt for a multitude of these mad-dog para graphs. But there has been at work In tuls particular instance something moro than every day press hunger. There has been wire-pulling going on from the side of that medical clique which is notori ously potent on the staff of some of the loading journals. As the Ucfcrco last August acutely observed : "One thing is certain. The present epidemic of rabies did not begin until Al. Pasteur was ready for it. If ho were to-morrow to abandon his experiments iu this direction , wo should hoar of very II few cases ot mad dogs. Tlio panio would have died out long : igo , but it has been fomented by the press in the interests of Pastcurism ; and when the mad dog has not boon available for sensational treatises , tbo mud dog lias been in- Tented. " Had no hydrophobia scare boon raised , and if it had been generally understood that many more man die every year from the kicks of horses than from the bites of dogs.t Pasteur would have obtained no such apotheosis as was prepared for him. IV But by carefully spreading the panic of "mad dog , " the successful viviscctor , as the great deliverer from mad dogs , was elevated to so loftv an eminence in public opinion that an English religious news paper spoke of him as a "God-sent healer , " and compared his virus kitchen. iu the Hue d'Ulm to the Mount of Galileo. Whcthen besides uxulting over every real or fictitious casu of rabies , Pasteur's admirers lire responsible tor actually causing the disease in some of the in fected animals , is a question not to bo , * dismlsseittiastlly. Mr. G. H. Lewes told , -f tbo royal ' .commission on vivisection , "Whon one man publishes an experiment thcro are people all over Europe who will get about to repeat it , and repeat it , and repeat it. " It is therefore excusable to surmise that some ol the physiologists who have been so loud in their praises of Pasteur , have repeated his inoculations , nnd that some of the dogs on which they have tried tht * preventive method have subsequently developed the disease , and have communicated it to other dogs through whole districts. Pasteur and his followers have been playing with a tremendous poison of which the proper ties are utterly unascertained , and wo may never know the evils they have let loose , both as regards the virus of rabies and of anthrax. ; ! * Perhaps it may be asked , What iutcr- % P.181. t Two hundred and lUty-ono persons died In IIM In cniiBQ'iutnco of acciUotits caused by horses and conveyances in tbn ntreoU ot Lon don , and nine from hydrophobia. ( Sou lloKli- trar-aenoral'a Annual Summary , pp. u. and zx vl. ) t A significant Incident occurred In Florence omo yoara KO , when opposition was raised to Professor Bolilff'g enormous consumption or dot for vivisection , lit was calculittud tlmt ho had "used" fourteen thous ml In ten VCUN , ad their ( kins were said to bu too much out to pieces to be sulablo for tnniUirncturhiK pur pose * . ) The Indignant phj sloloirlit threatened that the ungrateful city would bo shortly visited by au epldemla or rabies , and very soon don were seen on all aide * . In 0110 case a ttoher.iruo appealed to the Sooleta 1'rotot- Irlce , alleged that hi * dog had boon la the 1mmis of the great vlvUeetor , and bad cither escaped or b ea released from tbo laboratory nnd re turned homo , wfcero U exhibited such real or ipparent .symptoms oC raMet that Its owner put an end to iti mUery , Shortly cst can English scientific men have had in glorifying the French savant ? Ho wa ? of course ( we may speak In the past tense ) an "Illustration" of 'France , of which Ironohmon naturally made the most. But what concern was It of the chorus of English biologists nnd F.U.S.'s to join the reclame in his honor ? The reason , I fear , is not far to seek. For twelve years past the English advocates of experi ments on living animals have seized on ovcry straw to enable thorn to answer the challenges of their opponents to pro duce a case wherein human life had been saved by a discovery duo to vivisection. Over and over again thny made , with great flourisbeg/bttrumpets , in the col umns of the Times , announcements of the wonderful results of their practicowhich might , would , could , should or actually hud cured hitherto unconquerable dis ease. By some fatality , however , the discoveries ( If such there bo ) arrived at by this method always prove singularly unfortunate , and fail practically to touch the ills of mortality. Like the revelations of clalrvoyantcs , they sound Imposing , and are received by the initiated with rapture. But when ft comes to revealing cither the number of n bank-note locked in n box or the euro of a disease in the human body , the oraelo is cither dumb or fallacious. Now , Pasteur , if his recognition ns n successful healer of a dreaded disease could bo insured , would afford the best possible argument for doing away with restrictions on English vivisection. As the recent round robin to the college of surgeons showed , it was thought a good working grievance by the physiologists that they have "to go to Paris for experi ments on hydrophobia. " If Pasteur's vaunted remedy had been obtained with out any cruel experiments. If ho had pro fessed to euro hydrophobia by a method brought to light by clinical or micros copical observation , would ho have been hailed by the men of science of England as an "illustrious savant" ? Toll it to the marines ! The proof is conclusive. There are before - fore the world several other remedies for hydrophobia * carrying qulto suillciont testimonials of success to merit the patient investigations of medical in quirers. For example , thcro is the sys tem of vapor baths , whioh was known to Colsus , and was brought into promin ence by the late Dr. Buisson , who cured himself by such means , and afterwards nearly a hundred patients. But whioh of all the doctors and biologists who have glorified Pasteur has taken the trouble so much as to read the ovldonco in favor of thcso harmless methods of treatment , oven when , as In the case of the Buisson bathsthey have boon largely advertised at the cost of non medical benevolent per sons , and oflcrnd gratuitously to needy pa tients ? When Mr. Walter McLarenin April last , begged the homo secretary to issue another commission to examine into the results of the Buisson treatment , the suggestion was at once nogatiyod. None save a few unscientific people , who cared merely for saving men and animals , ex hibited the least interest in the subject. And what , , wo may now seriously ask , has been the outcome of the monstrous claque which has hailed Pasteur as a "bouofactor of humanity" ? Has ho saved life , or been responsible for the loss of It ? The statistics of hydrophobia in Franco have been of late so manipulated in the interests of Pasteur that it is not easy to clear up the first question. It appears , dowover , that the average number of deaths from the disease throughout Franco was 30 per annum from 1850 to 1873. Tardieu calculated them at 34 or 25 , and after giving his reasons , added the significant remark that "if these figures did not represent the exact truth they were certainly not far from it , " nnd that "tho public mind should not bo frightened with larger ones. " Previously , in 1603 , Boudin Bad presented to the Academic do Mcdccino a table in which ho estimated the annual deaths in Franco from hydrophobia at 30.f It then , wo nsBiimo this to bo a fair average , perhaps to bo somewhat raised of later years , we ask : What has M. Pasteur achieved in the way of lowering it ? Wo nnd that in 1880 the deaths in Franco from hydrophobia were 301 Of these 23 were of persons inoculated by Pasteur , and 17 of others not inoculated. Thus Pasteur had the opportunity of diminishing the mortality by moro than half had his method been effectual. In stead of this wo find that the total of deaths exceeded the average by 01 Taking the rest of the world into view , wo have not materials for judging of the average of former years to compare it with the last ; but wo know that of Pasteur's patients that is , of persons inoculated iu Paris , or by those who are carrying out his system under his dirootion olsewhora the number of deaths up to May , 1837 , has boon 70. On the other hand , how many lives has the Pastourian delusion actually cost ? For how many deaths are Pasteur and his supporters responsible ? Ho has failed to save moro patients than would have been saved , judging by averages , in the natural order of things. Of now many has he caused the death ? It would seem clear that ho has had two classes of vic tims : 1. Those who have died of the "inton- sivn inoculations , " whioh have created the now disease signalized bv Dr. Peter before the Academic des [ sciences last January , and named ominously rage do laboratoiro , or rage paralytlquo : the suf ferers dying ( like the rabbits from which they were immediately inoculated ) of pa ralysis , instead of the ordinary forms of hydrophobia , and fooling pain at the places of inoculation , not of the original bito. bito.Of Of this discaso eleven persons perished in three months after the introduction of the methodo intensive , and thirteen up to dato.J 3. These ( with whom we are moro properly concerned in treating of fear killing ) whoso deaths are duo to the panio whioh lias been created to bolster up Pusteurism iu Europe and America. How much deadly mishiof has boon done in this way willnovor be known , but may bo guossod. Before the Pastourian craze , grooms , gamekeepers , sportsmen , coun try ladies and gentlemen , wcro bitten perpetually by dogs and cats , and some times by ferrets and stoats nnd rats , and thought no moro of it than a hcdgor does of a scratch of a blackthorn. But now that the scare has prevailed every whore , there is a panio every time a frightened boost uses it natural weapons. If the ac cident occur in London and to a police man , the stalwart policeman marches to Scotland Yard , and solemnly reports that his well-gloved fingers have been pinched by a puppy. To estimate the mischief done in the case of hydrophobia by such a panio ns this it is only necessary to road the state ments and opinions of the writers who have treated ot the disease , and who , without exception , connect its develop ment with nurvoiu alarm. Dr. Burthol- afterwards a gentleman actually died of hydro- phoblti. mail so closely ilk ! the Horontlno popu lace connect the occurrence with I'rofo ser Schlfl's prophooy , that they hlssod some mem bers ot the Soclotu 1'rotottrlco , who nttondn-1 tbo funeral , as authors or thooulumlty } Wlille the so sheets are passing through the prcsslhiuo rooelved it letter from u medical man In a remote part of the kingdom , referring to a case of hydrophobia , on which I had inailu Inquiries. Ho quietly tells mo ( as if no such thlnjf as the vivisection nut had been hoard of ) : " 1 havosocurort the hound that has developed the symptoms , and myaclr nnd my colloanuos Intend to carry out some experiments by Inoou- latlnif other iinlmaU. i ml ir. us a result of our Invostliciitlons. wo como to any conclusion , I will end vou particulars. " As I write I observe In thn Farmiclstn Ital- lane of Naples notice of the alleged cure of sixty-Bit patients with already developed symp toms of hydrophobia , by mpans of thu Splrcva llllpendula , administered by Doctor rrlnco Jujjollos of Poland , who has ruado the subject a study for twenty years back. t 90 this question dlscuwod by Dr. Lutand , "M. I'ustemr ct la Itajro , " chap. xiL : and by Dr. Constaiitln James , "M. Pasteur SB nouveUe mollioilo , " eto.p. 16. * Namely , Itouyor , Rovoillao. Sodltl , Nee , Wlldo , rioffl , Gerard. Totamr. Qorlot , Foulap , Albert-Alfaud , uud Uey , otny , who cured hltnselt of an attack by sheer resolution , hold that the disease was "mainly duo to tbo imagination and irritation of the patient. " Professor Fleming says ; "Tho Influence of mental emotions on the development of hydrophobia would appear to bo almost unquestionable , and there Is every reason to inquire whether the greater mortality resulting from the bites of rabid animals in adult than in young persons may not bo attributable , to some extent at least , to this caso. The diseased mind may favor the generation and cxpedito the recrudoscnco of the mortal malady. " * "If It were understood [ says Dr. Spitz ka ] that fear and expectant attention may not only develop serious nervous symptoms , but actually cause death , many who are threatened with hydro phobia would cultivate healthful self- control. The moral management of per sons bitten by suspicious dogs is n most important matter. A number of cases arc on record in which patients suffering from the most agoni/.fng symptoms of "rabies" recovered on hearing that the doe which bit thorn was alive and well. ' The best authorities to-day [ say the same writer ] incline to regard the major ity of cases of reputed rabies in man as spurious. They believe that many of the sufferers who develop the imaginary dis case were bitten by animals suffering , not frum rabies , but from epilepsy or from gastro-mtcstlnal disease nay , oven by healthy dogs. That the serious and oft-tlmcs fatal influence of terror and expectant attention , fostered by popular nlurm , is attended by other epidemics of imitative nervous disorder , is a familiar fact to these who have studied the influ ence of the lUlnd on the body. From tbo fifteenth century , when Alsatian peas ants imagined they wore changed Into wolves , and ran on all fours , howling nnd tearing children to pieces , down to the present day , when these dreading hydrophobia bark like dogs and mow liloo cats , tlio records of hydrophobia are replete - plete to ovorllowlng with delusion , super stition , hysteria , anil unconscious simula tion. The tragi-comical case of a num ber of persons dying in the sixteenth cen tury after having ottten of a pig that had boon bitten by a dog , which in its turn had been bitten by another and rabid one , found Its counterpart a few weeks ago in Russia , where a medical editor , a follower of Pasteur , suggesting the treat ing of a number of persons in the Pasteur institute at Odessa for no bettor reason than that they had partaken of milk from a cow bitten by a rabid dog."it The Pasteur craze and the Hydrophobia bugbear will soon bo things of the past ; but it will bo well to remember for a long time to como that , so far as biological science has a voice in England , it was raised in hosannas to the French savant. These exports in whom the simple lay public is constantly asked to confide , as the only proper judges of thu utility of cruel experiments on animals ( and who would fain bo permitted at the same time to settle the morality of the practice ) , those very experts have proved them selves in this noteworthy case absolutely and even ridiculously mistaken. Either they were not clover enough , or they were not honest and single-minded enough , to discern the unscientific and and delusive character of a method which , once it has boon exposed iu plain language , appears the very climax of charlatanism. Not ono English vivssec- tor charged his French colleague with useless cruoltv. and the commission , headed by Sir H. Hoscoo , which was sent' from England last summer to inquire into the method , forbore for nine months to give its report , or warn the nation that it was being deceived into sending im perilled men rod children to undergo a delusive and perhaps 'dangerous opera tion. This was all that science did for us , in the face of this huge medical bub- bio. These unscientific people who could only apply common sense to the subject and who revolted from the monstrous character of the method , or relied on their religious conviction that by no such barbarous moans could real good come to humanity thcso people , deafened as they were a year ago "by the "Groat is Diana" chorus of the biologists , and in sultingly challenged in every newspaper to bow at last at the shrine of benehcicnt vivisection thcsoafter all , prove to have been right. ' When next there is question of condon ing cruelty on the plea of bencfitting humanity , it is to bo hoped that this in structive history will Jiot bo forgotten. Of the moral injury done to the commu nity. by.sanotioning cruelty there can be no question at all. Of tlio physical ad vantage's to bo purchased byTt wo have a sample in Fastcurism. An "infinite num ber" of miserable animals have died in the unutterable agonies of artificially producud rabies ; an aggravated form of that awful disease whioh Mnyhew toll a us amounts to being inflamed all ovor. And the result of tills burnt offering in the tcmplo of the Rue d'Ulm has boon the death of sovonty-ulno patients , of whom at least a dozmi have died unques tionably of their inoculations. Old Seldon says in his "Table Talk : " "To preach long , loud , and damnation is the way to bo cried up. Men love the man who damns them , and run after him to save thorn. " The secret has , I fear , been bequeathed to our modern priests the doctors. It is right and proper tor them to warn us In moderation ; but they do it beyond , all reason. "Touch not ! Taste not ! ilixndlo not ! There is death in the pot. 'Ware microbes here ! ' \Vnre bacilli there ! All tho"world's a hospital , and all the mon and women merely patients. " There is no end to the "host of spectres palo" which beleaguer us , summoned bv their spoils and clothed with double terrors by their alarming now scientific titles. But there should bo some limit to this perpetual cry of "Wolf ! Wolf ! " Wo must die sooner or later , whether with scientific advisors or without thorn ; and it would , after all , bo better to die sooner , pursuing noble ob jects , performing natural duties , nnd enjoying innocent pleasures , than a Httlo later , amid pitiful anxieties and odious messes ami inoculations of filth , loading the lives of Molioro's malada imagmairo. Perhaps wo may nnvor , alas ! discover the secret of faith healing ; but at least wo can avoid fear killing dying by inches of sheer anxiety to live , and being slain at last bytho very dread of death. HEALED BY FAITH. Remarkable Testimony to the Effi ciency of Prnyer. Springfield Republican : The Holiness camp meeting , at Old Orchard , Me. , witnessed most remarkable scones on Friday. It was tlio day announced for healing by faith. The meetings were under tlio direction of Rov. A. B. Simp son , of Now York , who was assisted by a largo number of other clergymen. The afternoon mooting preceding the anointing service at the tabernacle was largely an experience meeting of those those who had boon healed by divine faith in years past. Among those who gave extended accounts ot their euro were Mrs. Kimball , of Holyoke ; Mr. Adams , of Manchester , who was cured of utter nervous prostration , and Hey. J. S. Haugh , of Sandy Hook , Conn. , who experienced a very remarkable cure from threatened brain paralysis. A hun dred or moro others apoko briefly of the cures they had experienced , and among the aflcctions enumerated wcro the fol lowing : Nervous prostration , Bright'a disease , dyspepsia , hay fever , tumors , aflcctions of the eyes , spinal trouble , brain trouble , pneumonia , neuralgia , rheumatism and heart disease , the last Rabies and Hydrophobia , p. 3(4. t Tbe Forum , April , 1887 , p. 170-180. t ' -Tba neutralization ot an already received rabto virus , by successive Inoculations , not of an antidote but ot rablo virus of progressive virulence , tad th'f ' unaccompanied by the vnry smallest morbid symptom ucb. U the great mystery of the new reunion. " ( M. faileuret U uag , by Ur , Luuud , p. 61. . named testimony Moa given by a phy sician from Now Vk , who said it was Hereditary in his fnlly. On adjourning t the tabernacle at 4 o'clock these whwishcd to bo healed wore given seats iiho front of the house , while their friondshd these who wished to witness the sorcns were allowed to occupy what was It. The building was crowded nnd a markablo spirit was manifest. The atlntlng and prayers were done pithily , a row of scats directly in front t the platform being reserved for thlsiurposc. As soon as these who first ctupicd the scats wcro attended to othcrsook their places until 270 people had bei anointed. At the be ginning of the excises Rov. Mr.Simpson named as these uo were to aid him in the service of th anointing : Rev. Dr. Peck , of Boston ; toy , Dr. Cookman. of Now York ; Rov.H. 11. McBrldo , ot Brooklyn ; Ruv. M Marrow , of Canada ; Rov. M. Scovillo , f Brooklyn ; Rov. C. Ryder , of Providcco ; Rev. A. K. Funk , of Now York ; RevDri Kimball , of Holyoke eke ; Rov. I. CrcKor , of Providence ; Rev. J. S. Haugh , I Sandy Hook ; Rov. H. Chase , of Oaland , and Rov. Mr. Oakcs , of Manchitcr. Each was pro vided with a smn bottle of oil , with which ho anointed ho foreheads of these persons kneeling in front of him before the altar , meanwhile offering prayer for the cvino blcssinc to bo cranted to tbo'sopllcants. . While the first row of suppliants were thus being ndministorcd , thcaudicnco sang , "Tho Great Physician low is Near , " after whioh prayer was fferod by Miss Carrlo Judd , of Buffalo , \ho was herself a few years ago healed b faith of a long-stand ing Infirmity. Pr'ycr also was ofl'ored and a hymn sung at the closu of each anointing service. A number of romrkablo cases of relief were oxporionccd. Miss Florence Mar tin , of Syracuse , NY. , who had not been able to raise herscl upon her feet since she was n child because of a spinal trouble , whoso natiro had baffled all the physicians , rose t her feet and stood alone after she ha ! boon annointud , and when the exercises were closed and the people were Inavhg the tabernacle she walked out of tin building and to her boarding place , asastlng herself by tak ing horn of the hanls of a gentleman nnd lady on each sldo cf her that she might not fall , for , as she said when she loft her chair , she had ugo ; to learn to walk , " not having done x > bcforo for thirteen years. Another caio of remarkable cure was that of Miss Lia Moses , of Old Or chard , who about three years ago , was so severely injured in her left hip and knee , whllo coasting In the winter , that she had ever since been obliged to go upon crutches. Yesterday at the camp ground she threw her crutches away , and , at the anointing service , she walked to the altar nnd , for the first time since her injury , found herself ablrt to kneel down. She also walked from the building at the close of the services. When Miss Martin was asked just before she left the build ing if she felt any relief from infirmities , she replied that she "felt tlio warm health' giving glow of Christ's presence pervad ing hci fultro buJjMlaa Muaua , uii being similarly questioned , said that "tho joy she was experiencing was beyond words to express. " The meetings will bo continued till the Oth inst. , and other healing services will bo held. AVIll Power Under Ncoc ยง lty. Philadelphia Ledger , Aug. 12 : Many faith euros got no newspaper mention or report of any kind. Wo do not refer to cases such as that reported from North- port , Long Island , wnoro an invalid girl named Webb , under strong excite ment and the prayers of her brother , the Rov. Mr. Wnbb , was enabled to got up and walk. How many tired folks have pulled themselves out from sheer ex haustion to go about their day's work in the lost six weok8"The tale or count of these fathers and mothers' , for instance , who know that thoy'can walk or work simply because they must for others that are dependent QP .them , would far out number any ofthq , miracles performed by Minister Webb and his confreres. It has almost required. . n act of faith in the past July to belioyo that a day's work could bo done under the terribly exhaust ing conditions. . .With so many every day miracles around us of cheerfulness and plucky resolution , bqthof which are good prayers for sucgcs. ; the only wonder is that the excitement cures of nervous in valids get any nfentipn or notice. Handicercttlefii 'for thn Angela. A little girl , four'years old , asked her father ono day : ' ' ' "Papa , whoro- does the rain como from1' ' ' . "It is the tear's of the angels , crying when Edith has been naughty , " said ho Edith pondered over this explanation. Ono night later on , after Edith had boon making a very stormy time on going to bed , and had boon told that she was very naughty , she was missed from her bed. Her mother , frightened at her ab sence , made a rapid search , and foftnt that a bureau drawer had been opened and everything in it thrown out , but no Edith was to bo found. Just at this mo mcnt the door-boll was rung violently , and when it was opened a neighbor rushed in , exclaiming : "Do you know that your little girl is out on the roof ? . " The mother fan , breathless , up to the attic , where a stairway led up to a scuttle and then out upon the slop Ing roof of the house. And there Edith sat , perched upon thoodgo of the scutllo , with a lot of poclcct handkerchiefs sprout about her. "My child ! " her mother shoutod.catch ing her in her arms. "What arc you doing here ? " "Why , mamma , I brought up some han'k'uhicfs for the angels to wipe their eyes with , 'cause I's so naughty , so it wouldn't rain awfully 1" Type Writing to Some Purpose. Indianapolis Journal : A daintily elai little woman she was one of the bos operators as well as tlui prettiest whom I had noticed several times In a down town typo-writing ollico , was missing from her desk the other day. The plump prosperous-looking head of the establish ment smoothed down somn rebellious reddish-brown locks as she explained. " 1 didn't expect to keep her long , " aho said. "Sho came to mo a year ago to learn the business , and her mother who were diamonds came with her , hal apologizing for her daughter's whim Tbo two of them wore gowns that turnei the heads of the whole office , and lookci as if they had money enough and to spare. It turned out when I was m m1 now apprentice's contidonco a Httlo that she was engaged to a law student an impecunious one and they wantec to marry as soon as he was admitted to the bar. Papa had absolutely refusot his consent , and mamma frowned on the whole thing. So what does my lady debut but got permission without assigning any reason for the freak , to learn typewriting she is studying short-hand , too havinj taken the idea into her head that if she and her law student choose to marry when the time came she could supper the family until the appearance nf some foes. They had the knot tied a couple o days ago , the household powers to the contrary notwlthslandlng.and uro taking a week's holidaylsoruewhoro'.down on the shore. She told mo she should bo read' ' for work when she came baok.and 1 thin ! she will. She has been earning 17 a week , and is about expert enough to go $10 now. That will help them out for a while , though 1 fancy her husband won' leave her here long. _ IF the stomach performs its function actively and regularly , tha food of whlcl it is the .receptacle , is transformed inti blood of a nourishing quality , whlcl furnishes vigor and warmth to the whole body , the 'best remedy to' give tone , to the stomach is Ur. J..H. . McLean' Strengthening Cordial anil Blood Purl Her. ' ' ' AN INTERESTING LETTER , Written by Thomas Jefferson One Hundred Yean Ago , NOW FIRST MADE PUBLIC. The Statesman Discusses Religion , Philosophy. Travel and the Study of Languages for the Benefit of Peter Cam NEWror/r , R , I. , August 10. The fol- owing letter , written by Thomas Jotter- son ono hundred years ago to-day , whllo n Paris as minister from this country , and addressed to Peter Carrof Newport , whoso descendants are still residents of his island , has never before appeared in > rint. The letter Is the property of 3corgo W. Carr. PAIUS , August 10,1787. Dear Peter I have received your two letters of December 80 and April 18 , and am happy to find by them , as well as by letters from Mr. Wytho that you have been so fortunate as to attract his notice and good will. I am sure you will llnd , his to bo ono of the most fortunate Inci dents of your llfo.as I have been sensible t was of mine. I enclose you a sketch of the sciences to which I wish you to apply , In such order as Mr. Wytho shall advise. 1 mention also the books In ; hem worth your reading , which submit : o his correction many of them are among your father's books which you should have brought to you. As I do not recollect those of them not in his library you niucf write to mo for them , making out a catalogue of such as you think you shall have occasion for In eighteen months from the date of your letter and consulting Mr. Wytho on the subject. To this sketch I will add a few particular observations. First , Italian. I fear that the learning of this laneuago will confound your French and Spanish. Being all of them degenerate dialects of the Latin , they are apt to mix in conversation. I have never scon a person speaking the throe lan guages who did not mix them. It is a delightful language , but late events have rendered the Spanish moro useful ; lay it aside to prosecute that. Second , Spanish. Bestow great atten tion on this and endeavor to ticquiro an accurate knowledge of it. Our future connections with Spain and Spanish America will render that language a val uable acquisition. The ancient history of a great part of America , too , is written in that language. I send you a dictionary. MOKEL SENSE INBOKN. Third Moral philosophy. I think it lost time to attend lectures on this branch. He who made us would have boon a pitiful bungler if Ho made the rule of our moral conduct a matter of science. For ono man of science there are thousands who are not. What would have become of them ? Man was des tined for society. His morality , there fore , was to be formed to this object. He was endowed with a sense of right and wrong merely relative to this senso. This sense is as much a part of his nature as the sense of , hearing , seeing , fooling ; it is the true foundation .of morality. The moral sense'or conscience is as much a part of man as his leg or arm. It is given to till human beings in a stronger or weaker degree , as force of members is given in a greater or less degree. It may bo strengthened by exercise , as may any particular limb of the body. This Hoimicu is submitted-in-som&dcgroo-to the guidance of reason , but it is a small stock which is required for this ; oven a less ono than what wo call common senso. State a moral case to a ploughman and a professor. The former will decide it as well , and often better than tie ( latter , because - cause no has not been led estray by arti ficial rules. In this branch , therefore , road books because they will encourage as well as direct your feelings. The writings of Stcrno , praticularly , form the the best course of morality that over was written. Beside these , read the books mentioned in the indorsed paper , and , above all things , lose no occasion of ex orcising your disposition to bo grateful , to be generous , to be charitable , to be true , just , linn , orderly , courageous , etc. Con sider every act of this Kind as an act which will strengthen your moral facul ties and increase your worth. CAUTIONS ABOUT RELIGION. Fourth Ilelicion. Your reason is now raaturn enough to examine this object. In the first place divest yourself entirely of all basis in favor of novelty or singu larity of opinion. Indulge them in any other subject rather than thai of religion. It is too important , and the consequences of error may bo too serious. On the otho'r hand , shako off all fear and servile prejudices under which weak minds are servilely crouched. Fix reason lirm , in her seat and call to her tribunal every fact , every opinion. Question with bold ness the very existence of God ; because if there bo one , Ho must more approve the homage of reason than that of blind folded fear. You will naturally examine first the religion of yourfown country. Huad your bible , then , as you would road Llvy or Tacitus. The facts which arc in the ordinary course of nature you will believe on the authority of the writer as you do those of the same kind in Livy and Tacitus. The testimony of the writer weighs in their favor in ono scale , and these , not being against the laws of naturedocs not weigh against them. But those facts in the bible which contradict the laws of nature must bo examined with moro care anil under a variety of faces. Hero you must recur to pretensions of the writer to inspiration from ( iod. Examine upon what evidence his pretensions are founded , and wlmthcr that evidence is so strong that its false hood would be moro improbable than a change of the laws of nature in the case ho relates. For example , in the book of Joshua wo are tokl'tho sun stood still several hours. Wore wo to road that fact in Livy or Tacitus wo should class it with their showers of blood , speaking statues , boasts , etc. But it is said that the writer of that book was inspired. Examine , tkwroforo , candidly , what evidence there is of his having been inspired. The pretension - tension is entitled to your inquiry because millions behevo it. On the other hand , vou are astronomer enough to know how contrary it is to the laws of nature , that a body revolving on its axis , as the earth docs , should have stopped , should not , by that sudden stoppage , have prostrated animals , trees , buildings , and should , after a certain timo. have resumed its revolution and that without a second gen eral prostration. Is this arrest of the earth's motion , or the evidence which alllrms it , most within the law of prob abilities ? "A I'KKSON'AGK GALLED JESUS. " You will next read the Now Testament. It is the history of a personaco called Jesus. Keep in your eye the opposite pretension ; lirst , of these who say ho was bcgottan by God , born of a virgin , sus pended and reversed the laws of nature at will , and ascended bodily into heaven ; and second of those who say ha was a man of illegitimate birthof u benevolent heart , enthusiastic mind , who set out without pretensions to divinity ended in believing them and was punished capi tally for sedition by being glbbettod ac < cording to the Roman law , which pun ished the first otlenso by whipping and the second by exile or death in tunca , Hoe this law in the Digest , Lib. 48 , tit. 10 , 28 > 3 , and Lipslus , Lib. 3. Do Cruco cap , 2. Those questions are examined in the book I bad mentioned under the head ol religion and several * others. They will assist you m your luquiucs ; but keep your reason firmly on the watch in read ing thorn alL Do not bo frightened from this inquiry by any fear of the cense quences. If it ends in the belief thr.t there Is no God you will find Incitements to virtno In the comfort and pleasantness you feel In its exercise , and the love of others which it will procure you. If you tind reason to bcllcvo there is a God , a consciousness that you are acting under His cyo and that Ho approves you will bo a vast additional incitement ; if there bo A future statn , the hope of n happy exist- mco In that increase , the appetite to do- dorvo it ; if that Jesus was also a God you will bo comforted by a belief of His aid and lovo. In fine , I repeat , you must lay aside all projudlco'oh both sides , and neither bcliovo or regret anything bo- jjauso any other porsorror description of persona nave regretted or believed it. Your own reason is the only oracle given by hniivon , and you are answerable , not 'or the riahtness , but for the uprightness jf the decision. I forgot to observe , when speaking of the Now Testament , hat you should road all the histories of Christ as well as those whom a council of jcclcslastlcs have decided for us to bo ; ) scudo-ovantzollst as these they named jvangollst. Bucausd these psoudo-ovan- gollsts pretend to inspiration as much as the others , and you are to judge of their pretensions by your own reason , and not " iy the reason of these ecclesiastics. Most ol these are lost. There are some , how ever , still extant , collected by Fabrlclous , which I will endeavor to get and dcnd you. you.DOUBTFUL DOUBTFUL UTIMTV OV THAVEL. Fifth Traveling. Tills makes mun wiser but loss happy. When men of sober ago iravol they gather knowledge , which they may apply usefully for their country , but they are after all subject to recollections mixed with regret ; their nf- Jcctions are weakened by being extended over moro objects , and they learn now habits which cannot bo gratified when they return homo. Young men who travel are exposed to all these inconve niences in a higher degree to others moro serious , and do not acquire that wisdom for which a previous foundation is requi site by repeated nnd just observations at ' homo' . The glare of pomp and pleasure is analogous to the motion of the blood ; it absorbs all their affections nnd atten tion ; they are torn from It , as from the only good in this world , and return to their homo as to a place of "cxllo nnd con demnation. Their eyes arc over turned back to the object they have lost , and its recollection poisons the residue of their lives. Their first and most dulicato passions are hackneyed - noyod on unworthy objects hero , and they carry home the dregs insufllciont to make themselves or anybody else happy. Add to this that a habit of idleness and inability to apply themselves to business , is acquired and renders them useless to themselves and their country. These observations are founded in experience. There is no place where your pursuit of knowledge will bo so Httlo obstructed by foreign objects as in your own country , nor any wherein the virtues of the heart will be less exposed to be weakened. Bo good , bo learned nnd bo industri ous and you will not want the aid of tra velling to render you precious to your country , dear to your friends , happy within yourself. I repeat my advice to take a great deal of exercise , and on foot. Health is the first requisite for morality. Write to mo often and bo assured , of the interest 1 take in your success , as well as the warmth of these sentiments of attachments with which I am , dear Peter , your affectionate friend , TII. JEFFERSON. MIJSICALi AND DRAMATIC. Joseph Jefferson has no Intention of retir ing yet. Mine. Christine Nilsson was forty-four years old Wednesday , August 3. Minnie Uauk Is to sine "Carman" at Mos cow and St. Petersburg In NoveiuDer. Henry Irving has been made a trustee of Shakespeare's birthplace , succeeding the late Dr. Initelby. Philadelphia Is golnt ; to have a theater en tirely for amateurs. Probably it will bo all stage and no auditorium. With the exception of Kyrlo Bellow thcro will be none but Americans In Mrs. James Brown Potter's company. During Pattl's forthcoming tour of Amer ica 815 in gold will be charged for orchestra seats and 85 to the galleries. Maude Banks , daughter of General N. P. Banks , will star in her own play , "Joan of Arc" under Boston management. Buffalo Bill Intends to give a fall season In Paris and a winter season In the Coliseum in Home. Ills European engagements extend over three years. Ono hundred ballet girls left New York city last Tuesday In charge of Edmund Ger- son , to take part In Bolossy Klralfy'a "Siege of Troy , " to be presented In Chicago. The recent open-air pert'ormanco of "As You Like It" at Manchester , N. H. , netted 32,800 for the actors' fund , Ilose Coghlan and the satire cast sutfered from the intense neat Sarah Bernhardt has gone to Cauterets by order of her physician , ller physical endur ance has startled her friends , and a new triumph Is anticipated for her , no matter lu what play she may appear. A musician In Washington , D. C. , says that he Is prepared to prove that the Boulau- gor march Is nothing moro nor less than the l'Mnrgherlta Polka , " written ubout fifteen years ago In honor of the Italian queen. Miss Anderson will open the Lyceum thea ter , London , September 1 , with a production of the ' 'Winters' Tale , " for which she and her company have been for sometime In native rehearsal. During the Reason of lbS7 aim 18SS she will play on the other bide. Lawrence B.irrott. owing to his coalition with Kclwln Booth , will this season have no use for "Franccsca da lUmlnl , " and Codric Hone contemplates taking it on a tour. E. 1 , . Davenport did that with it thirty odd years ago. and soon abandoned the task. A cable message from Kuropo announces the engagement of 11 err Boctl , ono of Ger many's foremost tenors , by Mr. ( Justav Am- berg , of the Thalia theatre , Now York , for a series of ten performances to begin on Octo ber 10. liorr Boetl will receive 51,000 per night. Maud ( Jranzor will pro bably appear at the Alcazar In San Kranclsco with Jeffreys Lewis , whoso new play has a part that Is just in her HUP. This will bo the llrst appearance of Miss Lewis and Miss Grainier together since they played in "Diplomacy" at the Cal ifornia tlieattsr iu August , Ib7& If Verdi's "Othello" bo heard at all In Now Vork during the season of lt > ST-8 It will be under the management of Slgnor Cam- paninl , and the performances will bo glvon early next sprint : . In that case several of the principal parts will be sustained pythe ar tists who created them In Italy. Tamagno will assuredly DO the Othello. "Held by the Enemy" will open the fall season of the Star theatre , New Vork , August 2U. Henry Miller and Ben Graham will both be In the cast and Mr. Ullletto will assume the character of the war correspon dent. Louisa Dillon continues In the pait of Susan , so successfully enacted by her last season. A new third act has been added , the value of which Is yet to bu determined. "The Dominie's Dnughter"a drama found ed upon the revolution by D. D. Lloyd , and which scored a success at Wallack's theatre , New York , is to bo revived for a tour ot the country. Mr. Lester Wallack has selected the cast with great earn , and the manage ment has been Intrusted to Mr. Byron Douz- las , a young actor , late nf hdwln liooth'a support Miss Marlon Booth , a niece of the tragedian , will play a leading role , Mrs. General Tom Thumb. Count Jl.isri , her husband and a number of equally clever little folks will make a two years' tour of the world under the management ot Shumonds and Brown. The count and countess have been provided by their new manager * with a miniature carriage , drawn by two Shetland ponies thirty-live inches high. Alex. Davis , ventriloquist , the Tissota and Sylvester Bleecker will also go with the company , Josef Hoffmann , a little Gorman boy ten yeart of age has been astonishing the musici ans and musical critics of London with his wonderful skill as a piano player. lit ) Is a quiet , hoalthly Httlo chap not at all Ilka most youthful prodigies. Ho plays the most dllU- cult pieces by Mendelssohn , Mo/.urt , Chopin and others with remarkable accuracy and ux- presalon , Mr. Maver la ot the opinion tlmt American musicians should have a chance tt ) hear Uofmann. Operatic concert companies are multiply ing. A now efco soon to start out consists q Mine. MnrleOodlnl. soprano , who wm will Drlgnoll In his lost operatic , tour nnd saui with him when ho appeared In Ids favorlU opera , "Don Pasquale , " for the last time. U San Antonio , May f > , 1834 ; Mine. Cosenza , contralto , of the Angelo opera company ; Slitnor Jo vine , tenor , and * va , baritone , from the Bellini theatre , Naples , who tiara lately arrived here , and Signer Clcconl , pianist. The Florences open at Mrs. McYlckor'i theatre , Chicago , August 2i > , in "Our duv'- nor. " Of Gaylcr's new play , "Uncle Bob , " Mr. Florence says : "This play Is not a a western drama , but a four-act comedy In which 1 play the role of a cattle king who gets rich in the mines and then buys a ranch. When n boy 1 am supposed to IIAVO run way from home , gone west and become wealthy , as 1'vo already explained. 1 am educating the duuzliter of an old partner who had Dcen killed by road agents. She la Infashlnable society In Mow lork , ami the Boones take place at the homo of my brother , who Is a wealthy banker thero. 1 come on from the w wt to MO how my adopted daugh ter is Eottlng along. Mrs. Florence is my brother's sister-in-law , the widow of a ma jor In the army. A number of very funny scenes lay between us. Shn affects military airs on account ot her duad husband's posi tion , and my rough , peed n turcd ways please her , for of course we fall In love. Ono of the banker's confidential clerks Is about to marry iny brother's dauihtcr my niece and 1 save her by discovering that this clerk , who is the villain ot the plar , has forced tlio combination of the bank safe. Ot coursa everything ends happily. Mrs ; Florence and myself have never before hM' 'characters ' like those to portray , and wo are well pleased with them as well as .sanguine of success. Our season will last thirty weeks or so , up to April , anyhow , and wo slmll gene no further west than Lincoln , Neb. , " Tnlmaeo on Iinntli. The Brooklyn Tabernacle pastor re cently discoursed thus on the "King of Terrors : " "One mlnuto after the vital unctions ceased , the little child that dicdl last night in Montague street know moro than Johnathan Edwards , or St. 1'nul himself , before bo died. Friends , the exit from this world , or death , if you please to call it , to the Christian is glorious ex planation. It is sunburst. It is the open ing of all the windows. It Is shutting up the catechism of doubt , and tin unrolling of all the scrolls of pos itive and accurate information , Instead of standing at the foot of the ladder nnd looking up , it ii standing at the top of the ladder and looking down. It is the last mystor.v taken out of botany , nnd geology , and astronomy nnd theology. Oh , will tt not bo grand to have all questions answered ! The perpetually recurring interrogation point changed for the mark of exclama tion. All riddles solved. Who will feat to go out on that discovery , when all tha questions nro to bo decided which 'wo have been discussing all our lives ? Who shall not clap his hands in the anticipa tion of that blessed country , if it be no better than through holy curiosity , cry * ing : 'The time of my do parturo is al hand1 ! To increase the stamina of an en feebled system the nourishing properties of the blood must bo increased. Dr. J. II. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier enriches and purifies the blood and fills it with strength giving constituents. Illinois Conservatory of Music Unsurpassed advantages In all Dcportmonti ot Muilc , flMratnro , Morton Language" . Rlocutlon. Address K. F. DULL.AHO , Supt. , Jackionrllle , III OMAHA MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE. Cor , 13th St. and Capitol ui. , OMAHA , NEB. TOn THE THKATHK-ST OK AM. CHRONIC * SURGICAL DISEASES BRACES AND APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES. TRUSSES. Ate THE NEW YARICOCEIE SUSPENSORY CLAMP CaMPsas. Beit facilities , apparatus anil remnllet for inoeetiful treatment of every form of illMMM rpitilrln. ! MMicat or Hurflcal treatment , WBITB Ton dnn/tAni on OtfurmltlM and llracea , < 'lub Peet | Curvature of the Hpme. IMIei. 'I umort , Canonr. Catarrh , IlroiieMtt & , . Inliatattoii. l.lerlriclly , Pnralril * . Kullrittr. KUner. UlaJJcr. Eve. i Ear , Bkln , and Illnxl , aii.l . all Burjtcal O | > eratl < mt. Hook on Viscoses of Women FIIEE. ' Only Reliable MEDICAL INSTITUTE MAKINO A 8rF.CUl.Tr OF PRIVATE , SPECIAL and NERVOUS DISEASES. All ni-vxl Tll ftw * tucfCMfuHy trcalrrl. flyjihllltlc Vnlwn rrmortHl from Hir jttcm without mercury. New lUtlorallro Irrottiitnt for IJOM of Vital 1'gwcr. IVrwn * ntuulo to vUttutniar bctrtitctl at hem , by Curmiiwrwltnpfl. All commun I callous CVtnticteDiIal. M 4U riiMiur IniinimeDtiKiit by mallorexprmt , s > .ur ljr packed , n * markalo in'llcat4 Ctxitentior aandrr. Oue iMfbuital yitrrvl iT pr * > f r d. Clt ami ootwult UB , or aeiitt hl < 1ory of your e , till tttutp. u4 no will * eti4 lit j > l < Un Mrajitwr , uur BOOK FREE TO MEN ! Upon Prime , flpoclal ctvt Knvoiu PIM W > I , Ifmtnal Mfilncti , Spenuatnrriiva. ImrwteiKf , SyttliUI * , Cujwrrltaa. Ulctt. awl Varl * coceU , Uooii.4 lor patloull * AJJreu , OMAHA. HEOIU.Hi A SUIIGICAL 1NST1TUTK , or Dr. HcMenamy , Cor. 13tli si. & Capitol AT.Oraaia ! , M fUalTalMtliaipU H laildl of I'cr.tl. YIELDS TO EVERY MOVEMENT OF THE WEARER. OwlliK to tlio DUOOXaL ILASTII ITT uC tha cloth ( which our patents cover vxcluklvely ) * lll fit tiArfrcttv Di t time worn. lu > iuirrs nu blinking In. rw.T null H.1H > br upllvr after brlnr worn ten da ) * If tint fuiim ) DicmoU PEKFRCT tVl'TINM. IIK A I/I'll fill. , nnd Conilurtailile Uormit CTcr nnrji. Hold \ij \ all dealer * . CKOTTY MltOS. . Chlca : o. Ill- FOX SALE BY AIL UAOINQ WHOLESALE. AND ttCTAIL ESTABLISHMENTS. ' ' J DR. OTTERBOURG. Cttmtr Illk ul . SO. . OMiHi , His. AIKUUI CUOUATt IN fcUDIClHf.AUD IPIC1AL Aull.orlwJ lo trrat all CltroriU. Xtnrow * ! * * Ap c.al UUMM' ( wtMihtr * 4 by Imtrufamii , ! * mr oaUffl1) ) tteiiitna Weak ! * * * * ( iitKht lotMt ) , * * iufc ) IfeUllir , ( lot * of Mul wwtr ) Nvrvuua DeUlfcy , Hk d D. Jxi , Ac , Cum STUB r * ( ! or tiwv7 ' . Tr * > u * * 4 * ot < cured. > n and iM * i M * r lintmUul . All bwdiciuM M ) * Ut.y ] fr f > ra f * * acli in * livclnal CM. No InjurtsMt or . but | ' * U nU * l ditUuc * UMlt ty MUr anil e | tr Mrf 7 frwr ft * fnjtn IBM or br * k .r ) < I or a 1-eimt wtU mll rRKL "UUT w MA * , n1iroiT * T 0 * .tiu > , " . tMI'IOil Kxon whicHIa KH a Ml bub/ * * ifiw * i. MI tMtr < and K" < * for l&JttisV Itrdon Altai pronely , A - / MMurved. stWlw ! IMTWJQ or b Or * ic * a * . * 1J * .