_ _ - - - * . ? 4 _ : : -r ; - - : " - -r-- u&ii rca' - : ; -j _ i ( S THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. _ _ _ , ! SEVENTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA0 SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 21 i887b'-TWELVE PAGES. . NUMBER 64 : iiio BRUTE LYCIIED , . , . Bixty 'aakct1 Men at Valentine Take the Law Into Their Own Uand. A SHERIFF'S POSSE POWERLESS. I Swift Juetico Meted Out to Jerry White , the AaftIIant ot Mr. . Hoffman..Tho Vomnn'e Ito. : covery . , Met a I1oerVC(1 Fate. VAI.ENTINi , Nob. , August 20.-ISpeclal 1'1egram to the BE.I-Jerry : Whtte , the negro who brutally assaulted Mrs. hoffman two nights ago. breaking In the house In the t absence ot her husband , beating her over the head anit taco with a revolver into state o - Insensibility , and only prevented from corn- ; initting his crime by the arrival ot neighbors , , was captured in Long Pine yctorday morn- , leg and brought hero by Deputy Sheriff Clino. At 1 o'clock this rnorninm sixty dO- tnrmined mnen armed and masked , formed on the outskirts of the village and marched in a body to the Jail. A detachment wasm pont to Sheriff Coimnolly's store to secure the - keys from his brother. lireakthg iii . time . 'store , they failed to find the keys after a . thorough search , young Counoliy declaring . . the keys were at time house of time sheriff. This was ronorted to the crowd , who at once , , broke In the door with sledge hammers and y . . axes. The locks of time steel cage were thou cut front their ftstqming and time prisoner m taken out. 'rho masked band took . their prisoner some 400 yards east of the village. The rope around his neck was thrown over the telegraph wire and drawn , . to a post. A few minutes wore given the t villain for confession and prayer , but he did not deny his guilt. lie wits at once stretched : up. Just as time party was leaving , Simorift , . Connohly , whd had been awakened by lila brother , arrived with aosse , but too small to , . , . cope with time maskers , who at once dis- poised. 'rho ticad man was at once cut down. : Coroner Lewis suuimunoned a jury , which ron- dared a verdict of "Jerry White coming to his ' death by a bouy of iuiaskod men , the parties , . being unknown. " The execution is univerSally - Sally approved hero , as this lathe fourth rape case in as many months , and what made the case more brutal the woman Is in an cx- I , treuumoly delicate condliion and is not expected to recover. 'rhis is time first hanging In the r history of the county. The North Nebraska Soldiors'Iteunlon. NORF0I.1c. Neb. , August 20.-Fh3peclal to the I3rie. I-Extensive preparations are in progress for the North Nebraska Soldiers' reunion , which opens hero next Tuesday. A largu number of tents have already been pitehed at Camp Logazi , and the camp is as- sumning definite shapo. General Kau z will send 150 regular soldiers from Fort Niobrara under time command of Captain Porter Tuesday - day morning. Lieutenant Binghani has been ' detailed to take charge of a delegation of In- diana from Rosebud agency. Turaday , will P be devoted to the opening exorcisesand the assignment to atiarters Wednesd4y , to state reunions. camp fires , Indian sports , dress 4 parade , etc. ; 'Ihursday , to business meetini , public addresses. and a grand parsUe ; Fit- day , to a band tournamnnt , an address by .1. L 1.1. 'rhurstou on 'Graiit , " sperelios by Indian chiefs , afli camp tires ; and Satunlay to breaking camp. Only a portion ot time lead- Lug features are Indicated in this sketch. . . Among time hiromnmnemit persons to be pros- , emit are General Prentiss , ( Jovoruior Thayer , Grand Couumnmandor Russell , Chaclain Lozier , and others. Citizens are uuiaking arraugo. ! _ ments to decorate the Loading streets with , - . . arches , mottoes etc. One of these structures ' wilt give an elaborate exhibit of tile cereals grown in this locality. 'Iho agricultural dii- . L play will be well worth seeing by visitors from drought-stricken regions , and whli open their eyes to the resources of thts see- tion of the state , a A Heavy Halt gtoi'm. FALtS CITY , Nob. , August 20-ISpeclal : ; Telegram to time BEE.I-.Tho most destruc t , tive hail stermim ever known Inthis county in the past twenty years visited Falls City and ; . vicinity between 2:50 : and 3 o'clock p. in. to-day. Time air had been very sultry all . . . day and quite a heavy rain felt during the 1 forenoon. About 2 o'clock p. in , it began to , rain again and after raining about two win- utea imafi began to fail. The stones were , , small at ilrst but rapidly increased In size until they wore almost as large as hen's egirs. Time storm continued for about ton . minutes with territic violence and was ac- commipanied by a heavy east wind. At the end : ot time storm au the glass , except the panes in the east side of every house in the city . was smashed. Fruit of miii kinds was knocked . from the trees and pounded into the earth , Apple grape and tomato crops in the district , visiteti by the hail arocomplately ruined , and the corn fields nave suffered considerably , The course of the storm extended as far as r Verdon , nine miles on the north , and on the south to Iteserve , six miles. As to its scope . east and west It cannot at this eariy hour be I learnf'd , but It is thought tobo not very reaL : Nothing like It lisa over been known here. 'I'Iio backbone of the drought is most atiectu- t ; ; ally broken by time heavy rain which has been falling nearly all day. I Time Count7HCat War. CIIETOUTON , Nab. , August 20.-ISpocimil to time BEJ.Jj'lmo second election for the re- . , . . mnovai of time county seat resulted as follows : , S Total vote 2,1S ; Niobrara 84S , Creighton 83t ) , and Verdiuo 4U'J. Niobrora failing to get the necessary two-fifths. vut up a job to . S count time others out , 'fime county clerk , Frank Nelson , a Niobrara man , and George A. Brooks of l3azmlo Miiis 'S , , constItuted time Knox county returning board and counted time vote with closed doors , not allowing the public to see their scimomnes. 't'he decided that 100 illegal votes were cast In ( .reiglitomt ; . precinct and threw timemmu out without regart to law or justicc , and counted Niobrara iii and time rest omit. 'flue illegal votes cast for Niobrara by citizens of Dakota territory and V bit amid other counties only gives her femur- r teen Votes nmoro timaum the necessary two fifths , attmrtimrowing omit 100 from Croigluton. . rtmu end Is not yet , mis time courts wIll have to decide time matter , * p Arrested I"or Imuilecent Assault , t SCuUYLnU , Neb. , Auuat 20.Specia1 I telegrammi . to time him.1-This : morning about .3 o'clock WiiliammmVcst , a young pimoto grapher , was arrested by time police for an assault with Intent to coumimnit a rano tipon young girl of ilftcon amid was lucid without r . warrant until thus attmrnoon when imis at - torney got imimum released on a writ of iiabea corpus. As soon as released , \Vest skipied . for parts mmmmkmiown. So far no warrant lma been issuel for lila arrest , S Lightning's Freaks. Fimmnp , Neb. , August 20.-Special [ Tele griumi to time 1JCF..j-During a thunder storm : to-day time baum of Mr. Simmis , living nortiuwes I. of lucre , yas struck by Jigimtnlng mnd burned with one valuable iloNt' , imay and grain. . JsJre. hooker , living six ummiies sontimwest , va siruck smith her clothing burned , Slme Is no exoocted to Irvo. - . Sneak Thieves at Vahoo. . WAuoo , Nob. , August 2O.-Special to thm r 3JELJ-During the gauime of ball yesterda t oune suoak thief vent timrouumim time office a . Coal iealere Jones Bros. and look about tromn limo tiii , No dow to the sneaks , , , fine Springs Waterworks. k . hILUK Si'iiios , Neb. , August 2O.-Speela , . , to the flEr.-Tho city council last nigim - . ' hinted it waterworks francimiso to hot . - . Reynolds for twenty-live years. T imacity vJi , ) a7 blum $1I500 a year for time use of tsenty five hydrants and have time prlvliego ofipur- chasing time works at the expiration of fittoen years at an appraised valuation and at every live years thereafter. Blue Springs and Wy- moore have eacim given imhimi time framicimiso and it is to be a joint affair. 'Flue system svlii be both direct pressure anti too fee ; standpipe A Jury Scoured at Last. Lour Cxcv , Nob. , August 2O.-Spcctal Telegram to the llnn.-Timo ] tedious work of securing a jury in time ltichardaon case was flr.lshed to-day at 4 p. iii. Time following named gentlemen were sworn in and are now listening to the statements of the couru- aol : Wiiiiam Lamb , J. Ii. hlsirnes , S. D Thomas , I ) . \V. Adams , 1' . D. Freernith , John Dewey , John ilatnes , John Curran , J. . , . D. Davidson , Levi Lovahl , John W. hiemipy. Judpo liauitor announced that time taking of evidence would be bomun isionday at ( I mm. m. The Jury Is cojnposel of men from a distance of from three to sixteen In.es froun town amid time business lumen best so- qualnted witim the case are tunable to detect any signs of projudico. The real interest In time case will begin onMomiday. Watem'wnrkg for David City. DAVID Crrv , Neb. , August 20-iSpocial reiegram to the Iian.J-Tho proposition to vein $23,000 in bonds fo5waterworks was carried hero toiiay with little or no opposi- tion. 'rho people are feeling Jnbilant over time result and it is expected that work will berm lmuumediaiely. 'rime question of votIng SS,00m ) in bonds for time erection of two new VarCL scimoot buildings was defeated yester- mlay by a vote of 106 for , toP2 against. A two- timirtis vote being tile result. Considerable bad blood is aroused , and it is not likely any school will be held in this city before spring 'I'Imu democratic central committee met yesterday - terday and llxed time ( late for theIr county coumvention as Atmgust 27. ' [ 'here will proba. bly be fourtickets in time field timme fail. Thundorstorni at Columbus. Couiimimus , Neb , , August 20.-Speclal ( Telegrama to the BEE.J-A very heavy tlmtmn- derstorm , accommipanled by fierce lightning , passed over our city about noon to-day. Tlmo Methodist church spire was badly damnared by lightning striking It near the vane end running down into time vestibule. Loss from 51ro to $200. Time residences of 3. P Becker and C. .1. ( lamlow were also slightlydawaged. No person was Injured in time city so far as Imeard trorn , but there are several casualties reported in the country. A Whiner V. idow SuicIdes. Wzsaim , Neb. , August 20-Mrs. Plilmuan , livIng with her brother , Edward Caiterabout live miles west of this place , committed sui- dde last Wednesday nIght by hanging herself - self to the knob of her chamber door by a handkerchief. She was a widow lady , about forty-live years of age , and leaves timreo chmil- dran. She had appeared despondent for a day or two and expressed regret timat alma had not raised liar little chilidren differently , and alms left a lettmr to her parents in mime same strain , No cause can be assIgned for time act , County ConventIon Called. WAnoo , Neb , , August 20.-ESpecial to time Bnu.-'rho ] republican county central com mittee met tO-day and called time county convention - vontion for September 24 and primaries for time 2&L Time basis of representation was Iixed at one delegate for every lifteen v2tes or majority fraction thereof cast for govermuor 'rhayer In 1850 and one delegate at large for each precinct This wilt make 124 delegates in the county convention. Daggad to Death. STUART , Nob. , August 20.-Walter Mar- grltz , a ten-year-old boy , son of George Mar- grltz , of this town , was dragged to ( heath yesterday - terday morning by a cow which : he was lead- lug. Time lad had tied time rope about his body and the animal became frightened and ran away. _ _ _ _ _ Thrown from a Wagon. WAHOO , Nob. , August 20.-ISpeclal to the BEic.J-Thme twelve-year-old son of George Crawford was thrown from the wagon by a runaway team and had an arm broken yes- terday. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - A HORSE THIEF HIIOT. Deputy ShorlfTaCapture a Noted Crlminai In Mt. Joe. Sr. JOSEPH , Mo. , August 20.-ISpecial Telorutni to the Bm'.E.I-.ltobert N , Laws , a horse tlmiof who escaped ( rein jaul in Webster county some time ago , was shot and fatally wounded by one of a party of deputy shmmmrltfs last night at about ii o'clockSome three or four days ago a state warrant charging Laws with horse stealing was sent to Sheriff Andriano by the sheriff of Webster county , accompanied by a letter stating that lie was in tue city and askingtlmatlie bolmunediatoly arrested. Time letter contained an admnoni. thou to time effect that It would be well to exercise - ercise great caution in making time arrest , as lie was a very dangerous character , It was arranged to arrest him Thursday night , but tue deputies being all engaged in tue rearci for time parties who shot Sergeant Gunn , it was decided to postpone the affair till last night Accordingly at 10 o'clock six deputy sheriffs repaired to the house where he was stopping - ping , whIch Is located near Kine's packing house , and surrounded It. Laws 1usd in some way obtained knowlelge of their presence and attempted to escape by tlmh front door , but was confronted by Deputy Golden , wimo commanded him to imalt. lie gave no heed to the order , but turned and ran up the gar. den tiirou.h some tail grass and weeds , the sheriffs in close pursuit. Thminkitmg that lie was going to escape they all opened fire and after hive or six shot had been expeumded imeard Imiun cry out for his wIfe. Golden , who was nearest to him , ordered hmlmn to timrow up hits bamli , whmicit lie dlii , and vas taken babk to the house , whore hue sank down exhausted. Laws was shot through time liver , right kidney amid bladder , tue Liahi entering thu back and corn- mug omit at time abdomen. lie will die before uumornlmmr. From time best Imiformatlon that can be obtained Laws is a very tough cimarac- tor and many are Inclined to the belief that lie was one of th vartles who shot Farummer lianmi a few nights ago. It is posutively known that on timtiimiuiimt of the tragedy ha was not at imoummo , nor dud lie return till time next day. Ito is said to have been in tue habit of fremiueimtly staying out nights amid hiss several liuiies went over to Kansas City , where ho has renmained nays at a time. Mrs. Laws said that sue and Laws luaU been moat- nod for sonie time and timat hmo hind resided hero for about two years , dur- lug whIch time he had been engaged in learning and working at garden. 11mg.Vnen questioned imiore closely she said they 1111(1 been married about tiureum months. 'flue story is not probable , as at that tlummo Lavs was in Jail In Webster county. Sue aduimitted that I.aws had frequentiy been abu - u sent , but for what PUiPOSO site did not know. L 'L'hiis afternoon an ailicer made a search of 3 14aw5' premmmises in South St. Joseph , amid found an tinder-ground stable with a capacity - city for tweive horses. Sic , horses vero found there , together with gimums anti arnmmiu- nition amid tools of various kinds. 'fimo horses are without dommbt soumie of timeso timat have boon stoiumi in this vicinity within time past few ummontha. Public immdinatiomi Is bight amid Laws would ho lynched vere L his ticathi riot already assured. 'I'bo clrcuumnstanthai evidence Is very t stIong that Laws and huts companion. who cs. cilpod , are mmot only time shooters of Sammmuei ( iummn. but time men that robbed henry Lowe , a farummer lit mmildmiay on Thursday , aim time pub- lie uimghmway miear Gunu's h.ouse. Mr. Lowe's riiscrlption of time men talites with time tils- cription cit Livs : amid lmls pal While Mr. f Gunim's diseription of iml assalaimts talllem with ttmeumi also , in nIl probabilltya cau of ( lespeflmtocs amid horse thieves hiss been Unearthed - earthod by this occurrence. As lmnhrnrtammt an arrest has not beonmnade lucre in years. t Yosterilay'a Storm. m KANSAS CiryMo. , .Atigtmst 20-Tue hail atorumi ( fl ( Imlsatteruioon did great daumiagn in m.uutimwetermm Nebrass and northeastern Kansas. . . . . . . ROUVIER OUTLINES IllS POLICY The French Premier Gives His V1ew8 at a Banquet of To.ymakers. STRANGEMIXTUREOF SPEECHES Joseph Chamberlain , In a Speech at J3lrminghsm , Deprecates the Proclalumiug ortho League. . Foreign News. Toys and Political Principles. fCopjjfqht , 1837 in , Jamei Gordon flempmctt.1 PAins , August 20-INew York herald Cable-Special to the Baul-To-day and politi- cat principles were strangely mixed in : tiie speeches made by Itouvier , the French preunler , at the lintel Continental the other night. Following the example set seine years ago by Gambetta , who did not disdain to unbosom himneifperlodically to merchants amid cornmnerciai travellers , time much-abused president of the council took time opp3rtunity athordod by time invitation to attend time banquet given by syndicate associations of French toy-makors and Jewelers to trace time general outlines of the policy lie intends to pursue with his col- Icaguesso longns lie comitinimes to enjoy time conhiclence of time majority of time repubhi- cans in the chamber of deputies , Itouvler's declaratiomm , as niiglmt have been Jioreseen , contented all who wart , content With a immmtm- istry that has already left its adversaries as dissatisiied as ever 'rime policy of tile cabinet , say the radicals , is a policy of negotiation. Conservatives of all simamles reply timat it is a policy of moderation amd cotnmomm sense. For time first time In lmt3tory tim third repnb- hican premier has at last declared that such a question as separation of ehmtmrch and state is of Infinitely less importance to France timan the question of abolishing time anti- quitted barnaric will of Chi.ia known as time Octorol system. Thu programiune of time lIon- ver minIstry may be suunmued up timus : Economic reform first , politics afterward. "The most pressing problem of the ( lay In France , " said the premier , 'ls time equitable redistribution of taxation. All the efforts of the ministry will devolve to that eumd , anti wlmat conseryalive deputies refrain from active intriguing with pretenders - tenders , their co-operation in time work of reform wilt not be rejected. " itouvler maue several good poitmts in his speech , especially when referring to the humble origin ofhls dead Irlondand teacher -lammibetta. lie exclaimed wmth proud un- mility : "I , too , nun time son of a grocer. My colleague there , M. Spulter , Is an artisan. Do you thInk sucim muon as we would betray the democracy ? " A. few hundred inmpsrti- nemit Boulangista. wumo had been prowling about timoltuc do hlivoli during time banquet , gave clmase to time premier when ho drove away froumi time botch , yelling , "Down with Dictatorsl" "Viva lioulaugerl" Itatlier an odd combination , but the deummonstration found no echo. A handful of police easily awed the shouters. i'xvi : viwruous YoUThS. Someexcitenmonthasbeen created in French literary cIrcles by the isuo of arm inflated manIfesto signed by live youthful disciples of Sola , protesting against the ever-growIng nastiness of their mastors' works and virtuously - ously refusing to serve ammy more under his banner As the one evident object of time five repentant naturalists Is to give them- seives cheap advertmsemcut , It Is needless to publish their names. The gross of timeir moan- ifesto is ratlmer immoro obscene , If timat be iossl. ble , than time first passages In Sola's worst production. ThE EAUVIh.lE n.cns. The grand sorenaid at Deauville , now drawing to a close , is 1083 brililant than time opening , owing to time cold , cheerless weather , which kept many away froimm time races anl prevented most of time beauties frommi airimig their summer toIlets. The back- era of favorites Imad a bad time of it amid bookmakers went abommtrmibbtng their hands over their good fortune. Among tIme ieaders of society who braved the unseasonable cold. on time course were I'rince Jolmin Muarat , Princess Sagan , Baroness. Iotimschuid , 31a- . damne Jepuyaigor , Madame Blschotfsheiumm and Marchmioness Aylesbury. To-nmorrow , whatever time weather mmmay be , a brilliant gathering Is expected to witness the race for the Deauvlile Grand Prix. Aftertimat society will turn its back on time sands of Caivauios and Deauviiie viil relapse Into its normnal drearIness. A 1110 SOCIAL EVENT. Anmoug the social events of the week time most interesting was time quiet wedding of Ml'le Helene do Rothschild to Baronet Etienne do Zuylene de Nelviell do ussr. 'l'iue civil ceremony took place in the presence of a very few intimate friends. Time nuptual benediction was bestowed by Mgr. Sisson In time sacristy of the Cimurcim of time Saints. The bridegroom's witnesses were Imis cousin , Dtmc do Looz Corswaremmi , and lila step-father. f Vaudeville do Ztmylene. 'rime witumosses of time bride vero Visconite do Tiiury and M. Halsey.AN AN ADVENTURESS SFNTENCEI ) . Mume. Sammdford , the adventuress , who 1mm ! palmmmed herself ott as Barommoss Decker- mont and immatie a heap of money by keopin a mmiatrimmmonial azency hum the Avenue McMa. lion , hiss just been sentemiced to six months' imprisonumment , Tue baromiess' decoy ducks vero an immgemmtmous girl named Eilon , who was gen.iraiiy lmmtroduced to would-be bone- diets as an orphan with a large fortune. and time vlfe of a suburban pastry cook , whmo Imassed for time widow of a Itmisslan mull. lionairo. Scores of the baroness' credumous clients have becim hovel- glad to pay a heavy commimnission for thti privilege of allowing timemselves these sirens One winess ( testified that lie was horrified at a soiree In the Avenue MeMaimomi ostablishmnent to lmear that these gentlemen had all been married to the inmiocent , liii- umaeuiateEilen , whom ho had iiiumsclt proposed - posed to wed. Ellen was sentenced to four months immmprisonmcnt in Contuimiaciam. The Itusslan widow was acquitted. Funporor William. fCopijrglitcd ( 1857 by New 1rk AuoclatcI Pr(88.1 Bmltt.mN , August 20.-Emperor y iliiani Is slowiy recovering from an attack of rheummma- tisum. Ho was well eimourii ta-day to receive verbal reports of state business and to enter- tainma somalI party at dinner. The alarming reports about hula condition wore totally without - out fourmdatlomm. lr. Mackemizie , time crown prince's Enciislm physician , has sent to thin New York Associated uress correspondent hero a sPecIal report of time prince's present condition. 'l'ime progress ummado , lie says , Is quIte satisfactory , and there is every prospect for a permmmaucut cure of time vrlnce's nmaiady. On time other imand , It appears from time doctor's report that time curative process will be slow , 50(1 that while there is at present no recurrence of limo growtim in the Imrimmce's throat , it Is not unlikely lucre will be a re-rowtli on several occasions before the parmanent cure Is effected. The story was circulated at Gastein at the timno of Em. perot William's departure that In an Inter. view between the German and Austrian emperors - perors , the latter had remarked the profound immipresslQu that had been produced upon imlun by Frln o Biswrglt' speech In parliament regardIng war scares , kaiser is ald to have replied : "hiahi Itas needless to attach so great importance to it Bismaick cooks as Ime wishes , but IbM is no reason why one should eateverythmlnt that is cooked. When I find a dish too strong , I strike it from me. " AN ENGLIa SPI1INTEIC. Champion of England and France , Ho Seeke New Laurels. toopvruht 1557 hi ! Jamncs Gordm , ilemneft.1 , LONDON , August O.-iNnw York herald's Special Cabiegramn to the Baa.O. . J. , amateur quartor-of-a-nmlle champion of England - land and libidor of the records of 150 , 220 , 250 and 300 yards , sails for New York next Saturday imm time Servia as thin guest of time Manhattan Athietlocltmb. 'me herald miiet Mr. Wood in the Great Eastern raiiway ho- . tel. lie had just returned fromn whining in the afternoon the northern counties cimaun- plonslmip quarter at Manchester , This lie did in to 2-5 secomids. lie slmoweti mc lila prize , a handsome , mnessive gold nmodal. Woods , age is twenty-six , imeigimt live feet ten Incites and one-half. weicht when munnimme to-day , I6 pounds. Ito has a dark cotmiplexiomi and wears a heavy imiotmstaclme. 'Why are you going to America ? " I asked. 'ro become time Amerleati cimammipiort if 1 can and also se tue country. ' "V'hat is your occtipatiorm ? " "A farmer and cattle dealer. 1 farm 300 acres of land iii Norfolk county and lead so active a life 1mm stmch it remumote Place timat my only amntisenmemit Is runnimig. Hence 1 conic to London twicea week on my business and run here wlmenever I can. I iiavtm won over 200 prizes , including about twenty clocks , nimoy clips , mmmedais , etc. My ; mrizes include over 1&i firsts , time majority of wimicim amo tisafimi sttcimns dinner services , etc. " "Vhat have you domme witim timemmm ? ' "I have a large fatally of relatives , nod have given immny away , but timmi immajority 1 have handed to my young lady , wimom 1 nun shortly to ummarry. I aumi also champion rimui- no : . of Beigiunu , I won time gold.watchm 1 nfl now wearing , designed and given by the king of Behtummm , anti also imoiding thin 103 amid 400 mmmetres chmanmpionsimlps of France , so if I can mid time clmaumipmonsimip of Amimerlca it will be somnetliimmg grand to imamid to my cliii- ( I' "Could ? " you run Myers "lfMr. Sachs , wilim.wlmomn 1 have entrusted all toy arratmgemnents , so wishes moe I will train for a month or so and then run Myers if lie hiss returned from Anstraila. " 'Wouid you not forfeit your qimalifica. than as an ammiateurbero iii England by run- niug ? " 'II don't care for thief. 1 run for pleasure and jmastiino , and it time Amimericami people wish me to beat Myers I will do so and I shah win if 1 calm wheh In Auimerlca. " "What cltmb will ybumpresent ? " "The Blackimoath harriers , of which I am a life uneniber. " "The lierahi wishes you nil time luck your venture deserves. " At parting lie said. "I'imopo to return home time rtmnnhumg cimampion of England , America , Canada , France amid Belgiumim. if I succeed on time Naumhmatta&groumids in New york , I simahl , yory probably quit running altogether. 1 feel I must cud my career victorlousiy anti not wait for resting until I grow old and fail intea fommrthm or fifthm rank , " He then retired ( pr lflsdeservod sleep , 1-ia did not speak boMtttiily. lut mimodestly cone- dent mmnd firmu. 'rlu'-hieralmt , at parung , assured - sured Immimi of a flue rutcoption mind fair play In itscity. _ _ _ _ _ ChanibcrLaiumSpaaku at fllrmlmiglmam , LONDON , August 23.-Joseph Cimamnberlnln immade a specclm atitiruninghmam tO-nIght. lie dilated upon tht waste of time greater part of time session by obstructionists of the crlmas bill anti said : "This legislation has been , iii my judgment , grossly mimisrepresented. I regret that such a bill Is mmecessary for shy lart of time kingdom , but the act was , In my judgment , intended to protect our Irlaim fei- low subjects. I do not believe it has given a mnOimment'S appreheusion to any loyal sub Ject or irishinami who does not desire outrage , or is riot wiihimmg ; o ee it. " Chamberlain ro- gretteut that time governummemmt lmad proclaimed time loazue. lie thinks timey were mmimstaken , though he and others who acted with hmlui are precluded fronm condermmning time hiroclama- , tion in strung language. He dwelt upon time absemico of crinmo In omost districts of Ira- land and thought the other clauses of time coerciomm bill would have beeim quite smmtllclemit to enable the government to deal with Isolated cases. " 1 ama afraio , " ho added , "Chat the coimrsettie governmnment has pursued vIhl laud them in time gravest dliii- colLIes mind namiger. " lL qtmoted an Irish landlord who hind asimed him to use his bum- once to pievemit the proclamation and who had said timat left alone the mactie was rapidly - idly becommmtng a. laugimlug-stock and slnkimmg immto oblivion ; but , it the govcrnmmment proebtimned It , it would revlvo and get renewed subscriptions. Regarding the report that lie had resigned lila connection wihm ( time dissident party , Cimamberhaln said. 'Thmo stateument Is entirely - tirely unaitiiorbzod % and without a shadow of foundation. It is true that I differ from time government on this one point , but I amn prepared - pared to surmnort their gemmeral policy so far as in umy judgwen it tends to maintain umm iou , ' ' Chanmberhtin did not thInk the land bill ierfect as It now stands. but added : "It is a great boon to tenants. " Iteferring to the rccentelectlonsandremmarks , made that the commntry is relurnhtmg to its loyalty to ( iimrd- atomic , Mr. Clmammmberhain saId : " 'l'Ime coimntry never wavered Id mt loysityto Mr. ( iiadstone. it tlmoimgimt him grievously inmstakemm , but it has not lost its sense of gratittmdrm for liii past services. It will be a happy day for all whenm Mr. Gladstone enables us to again range ourselves on his side. " Contimmuing , Chmatmmberiain complained that time recent elections vere fomiclmt uniter false colors. 'l'luum Gladstone camutldates , Imo said , adopted radical mmtmionist hirmnciples and only gained majorities by throwing overboard a- ! together Gladstone's policy comprIsed In two great biiis they opposemi in ISSO. In conclu. shon Chmanmberlaln eimmpimmislzt-ti the necessity of mimalumtaimming mmmmionlstprinciples to which they had given adlmtvuiou. A Stromi 'tip * issued. LONDON , August2o-Vj. Ii. Smith , goy- ornmiieut leaOer iii the house of commimumons , hiss Issued an urgemit circular to time conservative imiembers of time imouse. He tells thorn it is imn- Pt'rativeiy miecessarythmat time govermimnent be strommgly mUIiportem ( In the hmomse iiuriug the rummnamnder of time sessiphm , amid oumtreats timomn to remumaiui at theIr , os ; nU decline to pair. 'rhmlssvuiup is time stmngest that has been Issued - sued for many years. CattIru Quisi-antinc Railed. DiNvni : , August 20.-Governor Adams today - day by proclamation raised time quarantine against I lilimols , cattie'except those shipped troni Cook county. A ( igantIo "rrust. " Cr.Fvnr.AND : , 0 , , August 20.-A special from Akron says that the organization of time straw-board mnanmmfacturers of time UnIted States hiss bade a deai wlmlcii vihi result in time formation of oueof time stronucest "trusts' Iii time Uimited States. it is proposed to shut down a large mmnmmiber of mills so as to regu- hate the production. - Whitney and Luco Meat. BAIt lIAmluon , August 20.-Secretary Whitney visited Adimmiral Luec on board the Richmond tcday. It Is not known what passed between them privately , but It is said iiero lust time adnmlrat will be transferred should he persist in his desire. _ , - - - Foresters Preserhimmi a Certain Class , M0NTnEAI. , Atirust 20. - Thu supreme court of Foresters are in session here and have resolved that "bartenders. saleonkeep. 41 5 and hotel keepers 1mm wimnse iiommses intox- 1eatini liquors are sold be put In time pro- scribeti elsie. : . . 1 , .i. IOWA'S ' PROIIIBITORY LAW. A Prominent Democratic Politician Tolls Something elIte Workings. IT DRIVES OUT THE GERMANS. Industries Have Been Crippled anti the State has Already Lost MilItoims of Doilars Heonujo of It-Waslmingtonm. Au Iowa Democrat on Prohibition. WAshINGToN , August 20.-i Slmocial Tele- grain to time Br.i : . -Ilenton I 'F. Bali , the democratic comumuissioner of patents , Is from Iowa. Iii an interview on tue prohmibition qtmestlon tO-day lie said : "Prohibition is one of time erandest frmitmds of time age. We have fought it for time past live years , and in lows , I tlminmc , time democratic party has gained alt It can from the repimbiican ranks Oh that scoic. Iowa has time best agricultural lands iii the conntr ) anti timere is a constamit inflow of imnmmmigratmts , the most of when : Is time ( ! ermnan elemmment , but prohibition - tion drives thou : omit of time state. It has practically confiscated time money In time brexeries and distilleries anti it hits cost time state over 1F0,000 in popumia- thou. it hiss crippieti mmmammy industries , be shIes losing to time state many mumillions of ulnUars in capital , anti it don't prohibit. Iou mnigimt miot see any saloons in the rural districts - tricts , but In the large cities you will 110(1 beer. At time iumtermmai rnvenmme ouiices iii time state you viil hunt just iii many perumilts tar tim iai of llqtmor as before , 'rhmere are walking - ing saloous. Mon travel around carryiumg whisky bum timoir boot legs. its etsy to discover - cover timemum : vhmen you want a drink. 'I'hme drinks are gemmerally sold fiommi a bottle. Alter agreeing on tim Price yomi step aroumid time corimer , ommt of sight , hmay the fellow amid lie fishes you a drink omit of his boot. ' [ 'lucy say timero is fOOOOOO00 invested - vested In the liquor traffic. Just imimagiume , if you can , time conseitmemmces that would result in destroylume at one fell swoop that immulums- tmy. Wlmv it would create a panic. It wotmld mmmako a hole iii the bmmdutries of time country. that 6OOOOO.kJ ( goes out into imoarly every avenue of' trade. Every industry wommid be more or hess crimipkui. Now , wimemm you picture the resumit of absolute prohibition you can get a faint idea at time immjury done to Iowa. Whenever time Republicans make an issue of hroimibmtion the Democrats will be the siuuers. Especially vihl that be time case iii cw lark , i'ennsyivania , Ohio , Illinois and other states that have a large German population. " "Io you amrree with J011 Davis' letter on ' " proimlbbtiommi' "Yes , I timink Imis views are correct on that smmbJect. I don't care wimat state makes time experiment. they mire bound to loSe more than they gain. _ _ _ A Swell ( Javairy Garrison. W ASuImNGTON , August 20.-ISpecial 'role- grani to the Bm.1-Whien Fort Myer was brat garrisoned with cavalry General Si : cr1- dan expressed tim Intention of mnakmng It time show cavalry vest of time country. In accordance - cordance with this intention authority has be.en grantet to recruit the two troops imta- tioned there up to sevomity mnemm each. TIme limit of cavalry troops usually is only sixty- five men amid lumt few intro their ranks entirely - tirely iiiled. 'I'lme new mcmi will be recruited and care svill be taken to get picked mnen No more tnamm two troops of cavalry could be spared from the frontier and It Is desired to ummako as good a show as possible with them. Captain Anderson brought but forty-eight men mind forty-two wmtum liiniifrom the west , as it..was Inconvenient to draw UPOfl other conipaimles of time Sixth cavalry on accommuit of distance. Captaimi Lawtomm , of time Fourth cavalry , brpumglit a fmmhi commmpemmment ! o sixty- five mcmi and tIme same mmuunber of horses. rwenly-seren ummeti wilt therefore be recruited for Fort Myer. Care svill also be taken to secure good horses for time post. Captain Anderson's company is a bay troop and Cap- tam Lawton's is biack. Crawford's Friends are Hopeful. WASIImNOTON , Ammzust 20.Seclai Telegram - ogram to the Ban.1---'rtmc attorneys for Stir- ceon CrawfoTd of the navy , who was yesterday - day convicted of fornication imuider time Utah law , lmave two chances for securing his acquittal - quittal 1mm tIme higimer courts. They will first attempt to show timat the act tinder wlmbcli hme was convicted was intended solely for apphi- cation in Utah. hum thIs they will In all probability fail , When time law was in process - cess of constrimction every featmmro was fully discussed by Senator Ednmnnds and Hepre- sentatlro 'Fucker. At the tiummo the represen- tatlves of the Mormmions in this city emmmployed every commcelvabie means to defeat time passage of the bill. 'rhey socum red time insertion of paragraphs In time local papers cahllmmg attention to time fact that time bill , if it became a law , would apply to every territory in time United States and be- sid s tIme police vera very vlgiiant tim watch- in the morals of mommibors of congress at the tinmo. The chIcct was to stave off action for a long time. It was evqn titought for several months the bill woumhti be killed in the corn- unitteo by time process known as strammguia- tion. In the meantime Senator Ednmunds took nains to ascertain time wiewa of the supreme court on time provisions of the law. It Is absolutely certalum that time senate was timorouglmlp satisfied that the act will be sustuuimmed if a question as to ha constitutIon. almtv is over taken to time court of last resort. Failing to convince the court that time law was riot intended -to apply to time Ilstrlct of Columbia Crawfom'.l's attorney will play their strongest card. 'I'hn police Justice before whmonu time case was tried Imesm- tated wheum asked if he found time irlsonor guilty of the erimmie conmmnittt'ti in time limiui is of the district. At least in ammswer to a dl- rect qumumation lie adsworede % in time District - trict of Colmmmmmbla. it time evidence showed anythine at all it shoived that , that Intiumacy mlghmt very likely have taker : place at ommo of time river resorts in the vicinity of Wa.shimmg- tomi. II time attorimeys' camm raise a reasonable doubt as to tim place In whulcim time crlmmme was commmnmitted , in time 1010(15 of time jimry timey will be able to secumre bile acqmitt- tat even thmouTbu it be shown that lie was immtlmmmate with time girl. For although time law was umimqmuestionablv Intended - tended by Its framers to apply to mtli time territorIes of the United States it does umot amid cammnot apply to time states of Marylanul or irgimmia. Crawford's friends are very hopeful as to time ultimate result of the crmmlmmai proseemi- tion. 'rhiey expect , however ' that lie wlil be tried by court ummartial and t'hey will athmmmit thmat lila ehmauces before a military court will be shimum in time extreume. iowa anti Nebraska Pensions. WAsIuJNCIT0X , August 20.-ISpecinul ' [ 'cia- grammi to the lJug.h-Tlme following Iowa Pen- sioums were awarded to-day : t'hhlenn , widow ofJ. M. Seaton , Simemmandosim ; Eveilna W. , nmotlmer of E. S. Bradley , lticevihle : 1)avid Jttetzier , l'ackwoocl ; 'ihmomnas Eagan , Vauke- gao ; Martin Ackey , Lyomms : Johmmm Melvin , Clinton ; liavid Bushmmmmaum , Eldorado ; .1. 1' . Vootiward , Motions ; J. A. McCarthy , Leon ; 0. J. 'redi ( , Toddsvihie ; Eiiza hlltzbard , ManlyJtmmmction ; .iammmes 11. McCoy. .hbin ; J. 1i. ltobbimms , ( iooiloli : James Sychler , Ifrigimtnn : Abra'.mammm JCetmimart' Spriumglmihl , reIssue - Issue ; Robert Vamice. Seymumomir. Nebraska : increase. i'eter Brawn , Snrln Creek reisiue amid Increase , Chlntwm Now- kirur , Blair. Voorhecs After hyatt's Scalp. WASIIINOTON , August 20.-rspeciai TeIe- grain to the Iba.-The ] Indiana friends of Seumator 1)an Voorlmees say that ttmat gentle- maui Is preparing to ummake war mipoum United States Treasurer iIn wheim the latter's imomninatinus shall be referred to the Eenate flnaneo comummittee for continuation next wlnt a Senator Voorimees' grievance amtalnBt Mr. hyatt is In time refusal of the treattirir to dismiss Jeronmo Burnett , a . ! % ) o clerk In Mr. Uyt'8 omco 'Nr Uurr neU , it appears. Is sum Indiana politician. lie was secretary of time republican state central commummiltee souume yeal ago , and has been actively ilentitiet with 1iidItia politics. Senator Voorimeos timomuchit Mr. Bumrmiett ouigtmt to givc : vav to a demmmocrat and Mr. hyatt timoumzimt ttilternntiy and positively re fmmsed to umako time chammgt' . bemmator V'oor- bees , It is imos' said , will have lila rovemige when Mr. llyatt'iu mmammme commmcs bolero time finance commummmitteo of which Mr. Vnrlieus is a mimemimber. It is also reported tlmat two otimer tlemmmocmats on limo comumnmlltet' , Messrs. Beck mind Vance : vili assist Senator Voorheos Irm his OhipositiOn to Mr. hyatt , amid a determomneiL effort will be ummade to secure his rejection if time required number of votes can be oh- talned. Pinuro-i'ticunionin Statistics , VAsimINnroN , Auanst 20.I I Special Tote- ramui to time BEu.J-TIme nmommtiily report of time cimlof of tIme bmiroau of aniummai industry to time comumnissionor of ngrhcuitura shows the following work done by time bureau during the mimomithof July in stamimping omit pleuro- pnemumnnnia : Time total number of herds amid stables inspected is 2,333. 'l'he total nummiber of aniimmais oxamiminei ( is l0fl2P. 'rwanty-two Imertis containing 3Si ( aniimmsls , forty-eight of wimich : voro diseased , were Imiaced mum qmmaran- tine. i'ost mmmortemn oxammmlmmatbons were minnie on 940 anlmmmais and 13L fotmmmd to boutifected with lmmmmg plague. Ommo hundred and nine nrcummlses 1mm whmicim lmlemmro-pneummmmoum is hiatt becum found were disinfected and permnlts to transport 1,211 ammimmmals : vere bssmmod. 1mm lihimmois there vcro 1OJl stables inspected and a,178 ammlunimls exammmlmmed. Four lmummmuired and nineteemm Post mnortemmi examimmauiuns : vere mmmdc , tIme genus of pleuro-pmmu'itummo- mmia being fouumd in twenty-six cases. In Maryismud 4St ) lremmmises ) ware lumspectcd amid 4,1112 animnais exaimuined Eleven herds comi- tahuilng 1S5 ammbmmiais , of wlmicim twomity-imlime afft'cted : 'itti nlemmro-imtmeuimmomila , : % 'ero iiaca-i In quaraumtmmme. 'l'wo imuumdrcd aim : ! live amibummais were siammglmtereL by order of time bureau , forty-sovomm of wimlclm : vera aifucteti wIth timis disease , amid time reunaimnier wore siatmghtcred becamiso of exposure. 1mm Now York 203 animnais wcro killed by order of the bureami , forty-eight at which were affected whim piemmro-pnoummommla. 'l'hirty-fivcherds contaImminglOaniuimalsvore inspected , and six herds , commtainlng sixty- flume aumlimmaic , placed in quarantine. 1mm New . ) ersey 163 imerds , contaimmbng ld24 animals , mvere immsiecta-i , , and lIve herds placed in quarantine. Nineteen ammiumais were killed and ten on post mmmortem : exsmmmination fommnd athiicted wmtlm pieumro pneumonia. 1mm VIrginia - ginia eighteen herds , contaimminy 4Othammimmiais , were inspected. In listriet of Coimiumubia seven imerds , contsiniumg eighty-six aimimnais , were oxaumuined. No cases of pleumo-pnemm- monia have been found in VIrginia or In the District of Cohummimbia. ThII UTE OUFIIREAK. Chief Ouray's WIdOW Attacked-A Warrant Out For Colorow 0 r.irwoom Sm'ImiNOS , Cob. , August 20.- LSpecIai 'relegramm : to time 1tmut.1-Courmer 'fon : iutcNeai has just arrmvod from Meeker bearing disimatciles from General West. lie states timat time sItuation there Is unchmamigod , anti timat time Indians are still caunped. near towim. McAntlrews , time Umncomnpaghre chief herder , is still at Meokerammd timlnkalt unsafe to veumtmire back to time agency. lie hints been aniong time Ut.es fommr years and understands thmtiiii wehi. Grave fears are entertained for Chiplta , the wIdow of old Chief Ouray , anti her brother , McCook , who vero omit cammiping and vere attacked by time sheriff's party. 'rimuy fled to the busimes , mind part of their canmpva.s bnrmied. Wass and Santo are try- : to get timemn away frommi Colorow's band. 'L'imo following dispatch vmis received this umornimig by ( k'umerai Vest : Mggmxn. Cob. , Atmgust l9.---To .Uenerai Vest-IearSlr : Your immfantry emma In a short tune ago. Am glad to knoy that you arekThg'prnmdpt miltastirCs to assIst us in our troubie. 1 wIll leave here in the worn- ing with 150 cowboys , bmit the Utes are getting - ting nmore ummomi all time tlmno and I thinic we Will have hard ligiiting. hope you wIll be hero with cavairyasoon , Yours trumly , ' J.C.KENDAT.I. . A warrant has been sworn out by Deputy Sheriff Foote , of Meeker , charging Cohorow with resisting an officer. No further devoi- opmnents arc expected until aim attenmpt is made to servo tiis warrant or arrest time otimer two hmmdians , whelm trouble is autici- muted. - THAT OMAHA MONEY PAOWAGE. Express Momongerflennort Charged With Stealing It , BUTTE , Mont. , August 20.-Speciai ( Tale- granm to tIme Bgg.l-Express Messemiger Bennett - nett was amresteti this morning on suspicloim of being immmplicated In time express robbery of $10,000 which was In transit from time Omaha National bank to Clark & Larrabeo's bank in Butte. Bennett had time express run from Green River to Pocatehio anti had made one trip since time robbery. It is understood that he vchmemnentlyprotestshmlslnnoceumce , though no deiinlte imifornmation on this subject caim he obtained. TIme express ofllclahs are time only ones who know anythimmg about time matter amid they obstinately refuse to give any inforummation. - _ _ _ _ _ The lycs Assignee' . Statement. Nnw Yomtm , August 20.-Time assignee of lv s & Co. gives omit tlmisavening a statement of the Position of time firm as commipilod by time expert aceoummtaumts who have been .worklng on the books for a week. 'rime assignee says he ummade no attempt to appraise time value of many different khmids of stocks ; but took time face value. 'rime total liabilities mire given as 810,4711,723 , and time total assets , including all kin ils of railroad , bank mmd other stocks , $ ua 7too. : This leaves a nonminal surplus of 7iuo,577 : btmt time as.sigumeo hiss placed $ ltoOooo of L'inciumnati , liumiumilton & Dayton preferred , mzivcim to Robert Garret , ammiong thin assets. What could be eaihzei oil coin muon Cincinnati , htamumiitoum layton amid muclm otimer stock is a question timat can only ba solved by an attempt to soil time securities. it is extremely unlikely timat anythlmmg will be left after time paymnemit of. secmmreut loans , wimicum already lucid a greater part of time assets - sets as collateral. 'I'imo sitmmatiomm is ummado all time worse by the fact thmat time railroad stocks tiepeumil hum a great ummeasmmre for thmeir value umimoum their 11(11)0 ( of reaiizhimg somntimimmg after time secured ioimmms : vere hisid elf. A. great Itemim in time umumseemircil liabilities is tlmo ltemmi of tieposits , vhmlcim amount to over $ U,000,000 amid represent time assets of raiiroamhs wimicim vern ( iut)0Sit4i wlthm Ives. 'i'he largest cred. itor is too Cimiclnmmati , ilammmlhtomu & laytomi , whose clalmim is for about $5,000,000. If this liroves the total ios then time stock is prac- tbcahhy worthless. Hail At Mt. Joe. ST. Josgrmr , Mo. , Autmst 20.-ISpecial Teheucramu to thu linn.I-Tluis nttormioomi a hmumil storni two mules him wiatlm passed from time nortlmwest to time southeast anti turn tmgb sommtuwast Nebraska and northeast Kansas ; doimmg tiamase to time aummoummt of huminmdretis of thoimsanuls of dollars. Atlvices Iii timls city Imave been received fromum lenten aimd Sever- mince , Kuumi. In each of thmeso places tIme windows - dews were brokcmm out of time hiouies soil al- mmmost nmimmmberhess heads of stock killed , 'i'imn trees were strimmimt'ml of leaves amid smumahi limmmbs and tieid of corn were laid low , 'rIme St. J00 .N : Grammut island even- hug Passenger tralums to-day pass'd over time iathm of thin stormmm half aim hwumr after It occurred , ammd time pis- aengermi report that time hail stamina : vere thmtm largest ever seen hum thii sectiomi , time stamina averachmig In size of a lieu's egg , 'Iimo stormmi at this imhmmce was lii time form of a very hoary main , shmlcim comitiumumeti for over an hour , time streets rummnhmmg like rivers. Ioui't Want Tiucumi to Cross. MINSCti'mrus , Minn. , Aumcumst 20.-A .Jomir- nai special from SVlnmmepeg says : 'rime Cana- titan Paclibe railway hiss obtained a te'mmpo- rary Injunction restrmulniumg time lIed hIRer Valley road frommi croslmmg time C.timamiian li. : . elite laud at Morris. TIme papers have mmot yet been served. . - Sharp's Condition Ci-itiasi. NEw Yommm , Amigust 20.---At 2o'cloek tii' afternoon lrd Loommmis called on Jacob Sharp. As lie left imu stated to , time Warden timmit Sharpe needed time closest attommtiomi , as ho was liable to tile at any immoummerit. YEEKLY BUSINESS 1tEV1EY. The Finanolal Situation In Ghicsgo Ba. mains In State Quo. INTEREST RATES ARE EASIER. Less Live Stock anti Grain Than Us' umsh is DoIng Forwarded-The I'urchmaso or ii. s. I3omid Made Money Easier , Little Change. CnmcAoo , Amigmist 2P.-.lSpecial Tehogrmni to hut llnn.j---1ooah financial aITar % remain in abommt the sauna conditmomi mis imoted for time past two or three weeks. 'l'hioro is no partie- iliac inessuiro tor mooney front any qumartarbnt' time demand In time aggregate is smmflielemmtiy large to cmmmploy a good almaro of the loammable fmmntis of time banks. hnqumiry fromut time slice- ulative ehoumiemit on the board of trade imas been only fair and rcmmiar cumatomimors of lImo board iimmvo cxperlemmcoi imo dufllcuity In oh- taimmimig all tlmo assistance roquuired. Tumero has boon commsitiorsbhe mumoney forwarded to time immterior for time mmmoronmeumt of grain anti live stock , bmt the aumiount is not equal to timid aummoumit usually forwarded itt this season , as iarmmicrs are apparently not very anxious to sell their prolumce at presemut pricea. Shippers of grain itro muouierate bar- rowcra iuiti palmer lmresemiteul frouum them was ciiiehiy for ahmot dates , Lummmor tteaiers of- ftrcd comne haier for utlsoimmmt amid wore tea- tilly accommimomiateti. Merciiammts bum time wholesale - sale nmercantile trade asked for comisithurablo llmmanciai assistance as they were enlar.dng thoirstocks preoaratory to time usual fall actIvIty - tIvIty In their branch of tratfe , and they are discountIng their bills. lt.ttes of interest are a little moore favorable to borrowers , esjmec- tally of large sutmms , though rat3s are lmlglmer now timan usual at timis seasom of tue yost , Hound minis on cimli were loaned at tJ3 per eaumt , while time paper comnnmftimded 63 per cemmt , according to time amount of mumommey requmiretl , amid the stund- Ink of the borrower. Somumn paper was offered on tue street , whIch rmmles at 5cJ7 per cent. Aiivmces frommi eastern flumuummeinl cumiters mdi- . cated aim eamsier feeling In that quarter , whit mooney at 4ci5 per cent tuum call , and G(7 ( peg cent on tinmu paper. Aulvices from Euro were favorable to a steamtmer immoumoy timarket that quarter , timougim time steale In tIme bank appears to be increasIng. httos of immteres however. are still mmmaintainol at very reason able . ibgmires. New York exchange was in good supply. throughout the veec wIth little inpvovemneq In time demand. Early sales ware m ade at fQ dlscoummt , butt soon rallied to 40t5Oc , LatO time murket was weaker witim sales at 0OO and closed at GOc. Foreigum exchange simowed a little more steadiness early in time week and shjppera sixty days , docummientary bills on London changed hands at 4.tIi.7U1. Later sflj easier feeling lrevaiied amid rcos receded 4.724.703' amid time market closed tamne , ' Consideratlo gold hiss boemm ordered trout' ' London and Paris. TIme stock market dumripg the nasi week eximibited less amuluimation timaf the preyiomms one amid with tim exeeotion of one day , when sales reachie over 200,000 shares , there wits miot pmmslnes enough tolmmdicste , that the ummarket was re- ceiviumir ammy attention oumtsltlo of timat give by professionals who wore working hot sides as the occasion required1 bUt did no trade with suuflicient energ.to hsft.thme markets out of time rut in wimich it has moved for month. Time general conditions goverimlu time mmmarket have undergone little clmange ox. ceot that unummey is easier , owIng to the put- cimasa of bouids and the propaymiioiut of Inter- nsf , time latter belmig immado 0mm GI,0OOO0O bonds. Up to date , time tree arrivals o gold and time knowledge that a large uuddl- tbommni amomini has beau ordered from Lop.i tlomm amid l'aTIs have been factors tondn ( t allay apprehensions of light nmofley , html the shmort.s wore time principai bpcrs , tha immarket haul the appearance of being co - stammtly foil wIth lommg securities ovary time spurted. Easy money was a little help to th bulls and they contented timemmmsolves b Scalping on fractions. Arbitrary house traded hum an indifferent way ; St. 'auI , I.ak Shmore and Iteadimig being theIr special- ties. 'lime most Inactive liroperties wore New Eumgiatmui anti Mammimattan vimiclj showed time largest tiechlnes and pmihle time general list clown wit thmemum , and prices all closed lower to-n igim thmmmn a week ago , the declimmes extending t three points. A promuitument speculator , speaking of th1 mmnsatisfactory comiditioum of thin mpamket , re immarked : "Them is a mysteriomis clouti lmang. lug over It. Whmotimcr It Is Ilium guest of the Baltitmiore .k Ohio deal or not , I sun uumsbl to determmiine , but tlmere is soimmathuin .c this prevents lmrlcemi of stocks frau : going very fa In eltimer directiomi. " In prodmmce circles there was considerable interest ummanmfested tlmmrlng time huast week anti trading lii all branches was quite active. 't'tm reeling , imowever , was somewhat unset tied anti nervomus and lluctuation In prices vere frequemit , thougim coni lined within commmparativehy mmarroW iimnts. Local operators were Inclined to trade rather freely In grain amid outshie liar. tIes appeared more Imiterested In the dIfferent cereals atiti time opimmiomi lirovalled timat sleeu- latlve business in grain was larger than dur. lug the week. In proidsions apparently less Interest w nmanifestod and trading higlmttmr than uisna 'rho receipts of grain at leading westor mmmarketa were moderately free , timougim lighte than for time corresponthimig lieriod last year. Shipments from western immarkots were qmml liberal. and suipphies of grahmm are imot acomint. . uhatimig to any greatextemit. Stocks and pro. visions are b.irig graluumlly reuiumcat and time hackiflg of time west has been somewhat increased commmpuur&l wIth time returns of last year. 'rime eximor nmmvemnomit ium flour. emaiuu amid provhstona IS well mumaintained , indicatIng that tIme prhca for these articles are satisfactory to thme con- stmmmming countries of Emmropo and South America. 'lime droumiihut , whilcim lisa Inllict d serIous utamnage In varitmuis harts of time west5 hiss been brokemm , anti frequent raimma hmutv * visited parchmeti sections , vhmmchm will mme doubt greatly imumprove pastmures amid late crops. ito- ports indicate that the btmmmeiit to time corn crop will be unhmmmportammt hum sauna qumarters , vimiie time late planted vhhl be some- wimat imuiproved. i itim time exception of corn , time reammits of time produmctlop of farmn promlmmcts in time United States is wuil ascertained , amid time quantities raised ummay be esthummated as follows , commiparod wmthm time reJ ceipts of IbSI ) : 1587. 18541. Vimoimt , Inheh , . . . . . . 4H,000.000 : 47i 00,000 Corn , bmthtls..lii0ut)0)1 , ) ) 1a6OouJooo Oats , btishcI . . . . . . . . . . enm.oce.oio : s24MjoO ( , Ityo. bumsImci . . . . . . . . . . 2Ot9tMX' 2.5,000 000 iiimriuy , hmmieIq. , . . . . . . riT.25lllsO COtJ0O0 Flax , -ood , bmmshmois. . . . 7.r'OiIfltk ) 19,0011,000 hits , Ions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8i,0O,00) 45.1551,1)00 ) 'i'hme nathimmate of Ilium vlieat crop of lbi'd te clamlied 20OO,00 ( ) ( ) bushels as it is gemioraliy behireul time crop was umntlorestimmmrtcd that ammionni. F'oremgim umiarkots have oxhiltilted considerable weakness , amid time eastern mar- kePt devehuixuti no partiemmiar abemnojits of strength. 'limo arrivais of hogs at tIme iaclc. ing commtumrs imave imeummi light , while cattiq imave becum freely slmlplmed , Proposal Ior .Joint Occupation. CosT.tNrINou'm.n , August t'O.-tmmssia ] liar , timroumgtm Marmhmai Chmaklr I'ashua , proposed to . time simitan that itumsslu : anti Turkey , joiimthy ( ) ccmllv Eastern 1toummmmiimn , anti hlulgarha , 'limo 'L'mmm iclsim hirimne ummlnlmter raplicil thai 'l'mmrkey commit ! riot assent mmnthl sue 1usd learned time slows of oilier powers. Thin ' , lttionm Grumntauh. Nnr Yomuc , Ammgmmst 20.--'hmo [ motion ar gmmed beiorusJmulge l.acommmbeyosterday by limo Oregon 'l'mammscommtlmmemmtai commmpany In timeig smut umgalumst time Northern i'aciflo railroa4 eonmii.mmmy to hue a hmtil of supptcmuemitai pro. ceedlmmgs was graumted by time judge to day. Ferdi ummmmul Commsuiereui Too Fresh. COI1STANTIiom'Im : , Amug 20.-It is reported timat all thie.powers have iepiiemi to the pdrtu'I notoium regard to lhmuhgariaOxprassing dlsapi hiroitli at i'rhmice F'crtlmmmand'a Irregular se-i thou i.ui takimug possession of time . jiuiari ihmromie. . S ii . a .f . , .1 ' - 1 1' . .5