THE OMAHA. DAILY BEB : 8AHJRDAY. AUGUST 20 , 1887 , A SENTIMENTAL SUICIDE , An Ei-Soldlor Swallows Morphine and Leaves a Touching Letter to CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS. Preparing For the Coming Assembly In 'Mils City Public Work * , Po lice Now * and Other liocnl Slattern. The Coroner's So nip. Jfcstcrtlay morning C. B. Western found A dead man lying In Hanscom park near the soutliwost corner of the enclosure. Coroner Drcxcl was notified , droro out and brought in the remains , They wcro thoao of a man about thirty-years of ago. Ho had a full face , a blonde mus tache and regular features. Ho would \voigh about ono hundred and sixty-five pounds. He wore a wine-colored suit of clothes , with a dotted sliilt , low shoes and red striped stockings. In searching the dead man's pockets the coroner found a pocket book , an Apache scalp and a letter addressed to himself. In the pocket book wcro n number of cards of sporting houses in California with tresses of fair which ho had doubtless taken as a proof of conquests and two certificates of pro motion as cornoral in company F , Sev enth United States cavalry , and I troop In the First cavalry , dated respectively August 18 , 1874 and 1870. There was also a discharge from the Third regular in fantry dated May 21 , 1870 , and made on in tno narao of William G. Wallace. The scalp was an excellent specimen , the lock Doing about fourteen inches In length and the ilesh pluto nearly two Inches in dlamoter. The hair is as black as ebony , and the freshness of the skin is conclusive that it was but recently taken from some luckless aborigine. The letter bore the following inscription : COUO.VEH , Doujtlas County , Omaha , Nob. The envelope was stamped , the intent being to have it go through the post- oflico. The coroner , however , received the letter without the Assistance of the mails. On being opened the letter read as follows : OMAHA , Aueust 17. To the Coroner : It Is needless to hold an Inquest over my body , as 1 dlo by tny own hand by taking morphine. I do not want to bo buried. 1 give my body to the Medical Institute of Omaha for the benefit of science , and 1 do wish they would take my body and dissect It , for I know I havn a curious brain. My name Is John W. Wallace. 1 have no friends relation that cares tor me , so 1 give my Br for the bcnellt of science. I will ask the coroner to please deliver the letter you will find on my body to Its address and oblige my last request on eaith. On the reverse of the last page the fol lowing was penciled in a fair hand like that on the other pages : Please give this pncketbook to Miss Lulu She is an Inmate of French Emma , 107 North Twelfth street , Omaha. In accordance with the wish of the deceased - ceased the coroner will turn the former's remains over to the medical college. LULU. This young lady , who doubtless occu pied ft considerable part of the las ! thoughts of the suicide , was found at the place indicated. She is possessed of con Bidcrablo beauty , nnd when told of Wal lace's death , eave expression to consider' ublo surprise , and tears glistened for at Instant in her eyes , yet she had knowi the dead man but about two weeks. Dur lug that time , or at least up tc last Tuesday evening , ho hat boon , for the time mentioned nt the house night and day. Ho had r fair share of money and soent i sparingly m enjoyment of all kinds. Go ing to the road house a few nights ago tlioir buggy was overturned and both o them wcro injured. Wallace was a car pentor. though had not worked at hi trade for three months back. Ho claimei to have a sister in Kansas am said that ho wan going to sco her. Lull saw Wallace Thursuav shortly bcfor dinner , and then bade him good byo. Tin next Knowledge she had of him was tha 'of his suicide , which was imported t < her by the BEE reporter. The following is the letter addrcssei .to Lulu that was found in the suicide' 'pocKet : OMAHA , August 12. Lulu My Dear Dai line Girl : Oh , liovv I hate to leave von , bi then 1 must. O , God ; for Lulu 1 love yo , bettor than my life. Goit bless you , m ' s woe tone. I can see you all the time. Ol ? Uod , my heart is broke , so 1 have to die. fi , to llvo without you Is Impossible ; but than - God , I can moot you In heaven , for I ai it Bolni : straight to heaven aud I hope to met [ , * you there. For sale N. E. corner California an 22d sts. John M. Clarke , solo agent , Charities null Correction. To the People of Omaha : On no : Thursday , the 25th , our national visitoi will bo hero. Judging from the recoi tlon with which the social committee mi in soliciting funds to defray the ncce eary expenses of this conference , you ai juVako to the importance of the occasioi Wo bespeak for this mooting a cordi : recaption on your part. The prospect that the hotels will bo taxed 10 their u most to accommodate the visitors. W therefore ask the good people of Omal to open their houses that they may t made comfortable while our guest Many will have friends and acquuin anccs among the delegates who won bo glad to outortai n them. By sendir your name to any member of this con raittco with the name of the parties d ulred it will bo our pleasure to accomm data you. It is desired also to give our guests rldo about the city ; to this end wo ca upon these who can do so to send a ca riago to the exposition hall on Frida Aueust 20 , at 2 o'clock p. m. The committee should bo notified b < fort ) hand of carriages to bo furnished , order that proper accommodation mi bo made for them. It is the intention f a thoroughly posted clti/.on to occui each carriage with the visitors in ord to answer questions aud givuiuforuiutk to the guests. Parties desiring to entertain any of tt guests should notify Itav. Dr. Dohert.v Brownoll Hall. THE COMMITTEE. TO TUG PGOVLK 9 ? NEUKtSKA. The fourteenth national conference < chanties and corrections wilt assemble exposition hall in Omaha uextT'hursda Aug. 25 , to remain in session till the 81s This conference cornea to Nebraska I invitation of his excellency , the govc nor. Representatives from every state the union are expected. They come counsel as to the best methods of anifl orating the condition of the unfortunal the reformation of the vicious , the pit ishmont of the criminal and of the pr vontion of criino and pauperism. V bespeak for these people a cordial we come from the citUons of the stato. Tl meetings are open and an invitation nxtundod to all to attend. Ono Bessie will bo hold in the city q ( Lincoln , Satu day the 27 , for the benefit of the poop In that portion of the stato. Wo hope n will avail themselves of thn opportuull of meeting these distinguished visitor making their acquaintance and givii them a welcome. J. A. Giu.ESi'iE , Omaha , 1L N. YATES , Omaha. N. MEKUUM , Omaha. SAUNDEUS , Omaha , RonBUT DOHERTY , Omaha. G. M. HITCHCOCK , Omaha. Mits. O , U. DINSMORE , Omaha. Local Committee , PAY Youn suBscitirrioN. All those who have not paid their sub scriptions to the fund for the conference of charities and corrections are requested to forward their respective amounts at once to the finance committee. PPDL10 WORKS. Borne nfthe Feature * ofPro reis Now Being Made. Thompson & Dclaney , contractors , for the Twentieth street sewer , recommen ced work yesterday after a cessation of a couple of dayi. The resumption was caused by the writing of a letter to them by the chairman of the board of public works , in which the condition of accur ate compliance with the orders of the inspector was insisted upon. The con tractors signified their willingness to bo governed by the direction of the inspector specter and accordingly work was this morning commenced as above intimated. All the old asphalt gutters in the Doug las strnot crossings nrn being taken out and replaced with others of Sioux Falls granite , upon n layer of sand which rests upon a foundation of concrete. The work , it seems , is being well done and will save almost continual repairs. The limit of the notice to North Six teenth street property owners to lay their sidewalks , bcforo the fairwill be reached on Monday , the 2th ! ) instant. If the walks are not put down by that time , the sidewalk inspector will order them to bo laid , whereupon Kent , the street inspect or , will proceed to lay the cross walks in connection with the same. NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. Purlin , OrnmlorlT & Martin to JBulld a Mix Story Warehouse There. The increased transfers during the past week is the best of evidence that busi ness in realty is again improving. A large number of sales were made , among them lots 12 and 13. in block 0 , m Pad dock Place wore sold by Messrs. Tutllo & Allison for Mr. John U. Hamilton for the neat sum of $13,000. Tills property , which faces on Six teenth street , was purchased by Messrs. Parlin , Orcndorf & Martiu , of this city , who intend at an early day to erect thereon a six story agricultural imple ment warehouse. This will add another to the many business blocks now in course of erection in that vicinity. The trackage facilities , as well us ono of the best business streets in the city , oiler extra Inducements for houses of this kind. The lots in Paddock Place are going rapidly , and as there are only a few desirable lots left , Messrs. Tuttle & Allison will have no trouble in disposing of them. They arc solo agents for Pad dock Place and are thereby enabled to ofl'er these lots at bargains. Picnics. To-morrow , the clothing salesmen of this city will give a picnic at Kuser's park on the -Missouri Pacific. Trains will leave for the grounds , from the depot on Webster and Fifteenth street at 11 o'clock , returning about 0 o'clock at night. The musical Union band and orchestra will bo in attendance and the baud will lead a procession of the mem bers of the union , on their way to take the morning train. The committee in charge propose to make the picnic one oi the most enjoyable of the season. The bricklayers union will give their annual picnic on to-morrow at Fort ( Jalhoun , at which a largo attendance is already assured. Preparations for tin event have been in progress for several weeks past and the feeling is entertained that it will bo the most successful a flail yet gotten up by this well-known union , The Omaha Loidokrran/ will hold it. annual picnic to-morrow at Pries1 lako. The society have procured the whole park. Admission to the ground will bo twcnty-livo cents. Faro to the picnic and lake and admission to the grounds , one dollar. The following committees have boor appointed by Harry ( Jilmoro , divisior No. 127 , Order of Hallway Conductors , for their picnic , to bo held at Fremont , August ! H : Arrangements , Mars Nobbs , George Uaird and J. II. Halstom ; trans portation , F , J. Fairbrass , Willian Kccno and Harry Gilmore ; printing Mark Suitor , J. W. lulow and Arcliui Blauely. This excursion promises to bi a leading social event of the season. Railroad Notes. The Pullman car Bohemia came in yesterday torday after having douo service uvi weeks in Wyoming as the traveling hole of Governor Thomas J. Moonlight am associate territorial olllclals. These gen tlomcn were journeying through the territory ritory equalizing taxes. The largest engine ever brought v/cs of the Missouri iivor is now at the Umoi Pacific shops. It is a ton-wheel consoli dated engine with a 20x24 stroke. It weight is 100 tons , and its destination i Uutto , Montana , being the first arrival o R consignment of four similar "Jumbos.1 This locomotive was built bv the Gran locomotive works , and A. B. W hidden of that company , is in tin ; city with hi big ongino. The following from the Railway Re ports refers to the first white child bori in Nebraska , and to-day the largest ma doing "punching11 business on the rai ways in the world. Ho tips the scales s 800 pounds : F. 11. Mlcklewalt , ot the Missouri Paclfli was robbed lust week at Wrepln * Wate while asleep In the day conch , lie lost valuable cold watch and 910 in mono ] Fred says the thief must have crawled up tl : nislo uast the engineer to rob him , and thi ho would have given a fifty to have awakouc and found hlin there. Ho said , "i woul have rolled right oil on to him , and then would have been good-bye thief. * ' Notice for Proposals. Notice is hereby given that the schoi board of the Independent school distrii of Villisca , la. , will receive scaled bu for the erection of a school building i said Indp't district up to Sep. 1 , 183 when all bias will bo opened and coi tract let to the lowest responsible bidde the board , however , reserves the right I reject any and all bids. The plans an specifications may bo seen at the store < J. T. Ingiuan , president of the board i Villisca , In. , and at the oflico of F. R Ellis , architect , Omaha , Neb. 11. D. DOI.SON , J. T. a Secretary. President. Carl Fried. Q it The remains of Carl Fried arrived yo torday over the B. & M. from Gloi wood , Col. , where ho died two days ag ( 'j ' The deceased was attached to tl Knights Templar , Frco Masons and so oral chapters , and his remains wore m at thifdtipot by the following represent : tives of these organizations : Williai Cleburne , Fred B. Lowe , Michael Cod and M. O Maul. George M. Naltiugi and Edwin M. > Davis represented tl board of trade , nud C. A. Jacobsou tl Swedish nationality. The remains were a companicd by the wife of the deceased ac her father , Mr. Lobcck. They wore es cortcd to the late residence of the d ceased. To-day they will bo brougl to Masonio hall where at 4 o'clock U funeral will take place tinder the auspic Knight Templar mounted , other mason lodges and the board of trade takir part in the procession. The place of ii torment will bo Prospect Hill. The board of trade hold a mpetlr yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock to mal arrangements to be present at tbo funer in a body , _ For Sale Ice , car lots. Boogo Pucilr Co. , Sioux City Iowa , , SOUTH OMAHA MEWS. Miss Blanche Acker , an Interettmg young lady of Defiance , la. , is visiting Mlsa Hcttio Do Graff. A new telephone connection with the Omaha circuit was put in the South Omaha National bank yesterday. The M. K. church festival takes place to-night. Albert Johnson , who was arrested on complaint of Charles Johnson , a boy , for assault and battery , was discharged by Judge Rcuthor. Several Knights , of Pythias at tended the mooting of lodge 70 Thursday , at which eleven members were initiated in the third degree , The "victims" fur nished a banquet after the meeting. Several carloads of household goods nr- rlvo every daywhich shows that the pop ulation is increasing. Judge Rcuthcr will bo the South Omaha correspondent of Die Wcstlicho Courier , which will make its appearance in Omaha to-morrow. Thursday evening a laborer at the tun nel was injured by becoming entangled in a rope. Ho was taken to his homo in Omaha. Messrs. Hunt & Cockrell are on thoevo of consummating several large transfers of real cstato. There are more letters dropped in the South Omaha postollico without direc tions or stamps than in any other post ollico in the state. Mr. Blizzard , of Iowa , was in the city looking up a location to start a largo clothing and furnishing goods house. COUNCIL MHETINO. An adjourned meeting of the city coun cil whs held Thursday ntght. there being present Messrs. Smith , Sirathman , Gary , Haflerty , Burke and Lusher. Several bills were ordered paid and the reports of the city treasurer , city marshal and police judge wore accepted. Ordinance 23 , regarding the motor line bond , was taken tin , read the third time , and passed , with the supporting votes of Messrs. Burke , Gary , Ratlcrty , Lusher and Smith. A report from the committee on streets and grades was accepted. A communication from S. D. Mer cer , accompanied by the bond of the motor line railway' company , in the sum of $5.000 , was accepted and action was postponed until the streets and grades committee has a conference with Mr. Mercer. A motion of Mr. Gary to dismiss the injunction suit against the motor com pany at Mio company's cost was car ried. The bonds of Policemen John Sevton , AI Kocuan and Thomas Toonoy were accepted. The city marshal was instructed to en force the sidewalk ordinance and to no- ify the Union Pacific railroad company o plank the crossing on Q street. The ity attorney was instructed to draft an ordinance compelling the Union Pa- ilic railroad company to place a flagman it the street crossing on Q street. Mr. Jary made a motion to have the commit co on public buildings make sotno mucli iceded repairs on the city prison 'his measure wns opposed by some ol numbers on the grounds that the citj iad no money to expend in that way , bul t finally carried. A plat for a now roadway in ono of the iity'3 additions was submitted by the city nirineor and was accepted. On motion ho council then adjourned. Wanted 100 bushels of sweet and poj orn for parching and popping. D. W. KNOTE , Omaha , Meb. lilt The AVfonR Man. C. W. Baldwin is a plasterer , and has ) eon working lor James Anderson , th < contractor on Locust street. Yesterday morning Baldwin and Anderson liai lomo words , and Baldwin was laid ofl .n accordance with the rules of the unioi ho discharged man demanded his pa : 'or a quarter of a day's work , but wai met , as he claims , with a shower of vili and abusive language. He mot liin again in the afternoon on Saundcrs stree ind dunned him again with the same re iiilt. Bnldwia then went up to the build ng with the intention of inducing th ncn to go out. Ho was met at the dee iiy Anderson , who with a horse-whip i land , declared ho could not enter. Afte some wrangling , the contractor struc lialdwin , and Baldwin jumped in and di < : ho contractor up in horrible shape Baldwin was arrested charged with "as sault and battery. Iloiind-Up of Trumps. At an early hour yesterday Captaii Green and Policemen Puluski , Huywar and Bloom made n round-up of tramp with the patrol wagon , and landed quit a number in the city jail. In Bummer Grove , near the B. ; M. round hotisi they discovered a rustic led e , built wit poles , leaves and grass. Its occupant wcro two white fetnalo tramps , who wer living there with two negro vagabond : The negroes hhd gone out on a foracin expedition. The women were cookiu breakfast over a brick fireplace. The were well supplied with green con potatoes , broad , and other vegetable ; They objected to being arrested , ono t them claiming to bo married to ono < the negroes , and exhibited a certilical to that ell'cct. She was recogni/ed t one of the lownst wpmou in Omah ; They wore given a ride to the statiu house in the patrol wagon , together wit other tramps. Prof. Nicholson's Return. Prof. 11. H. Nicholson , of thoNebrask state university , arrived from Now Yor yesterday. Ho has been attending meeting ol the American Association e Sciences and did some goo' ' work in gi ing this state a proper representatio As Prof. Nicholson is in charge of tl chemical department of the university 1 was critically questioned on matters : that line pertaining to Nebraska. Tl professor gave an e\-tpmppro talk on tl matter in question which is said to hai changed some of the ideas of eastoi wiseacres. In conversation with a ropr sentatlvo of the BEE Prof. Nicholson su : that ho had made a casual oxaminatic of the salt spaings at Lincoln and fe satisfied that with proper working 1,0 barrels of salt could bo produced fro these springs pur day. Get rid of that tired feeling as quick possible. Take Hood's Sarsaparil which gives strength , a good tipped and health. Robbed and Ki eked Into the Strct Charles Smith , a hackman , and Jamc Herman , a welner-wurst peddler , bol characters well known to the polk were arrested yesterday , charged wil having robbed J. J. Given , of Dod | City , la. , of f 75 in cash and a $75 go watch Wednesday night. Given hi boon drinking and being taken sick g into Smith's hack and nskcd to bo drivi to the Cantiold house. Ho says Smi before starting told another man , who ho has identified as Herman , to got the hack with him ani instead of dnvii him to the hotel they took him out i Capitol hill and robbed him. Then thi drove him a circuit route about the cit. and finally kicked him into the strei somewhere out in the suburbs. The Richest Man In the World would bo poor without health. Tl dying millionaire consumptive vrou exchange all ho is worth for a new lea of life. He could have had it for a soi if he had used Dr.Piorco's "Golden Me leal Discovery" before the disease hi reached IU .last stages. This wonder ! preparation U a positive cure for co sumption if taken In tlmn. For all d easoi of the throat/and lungs it is u equaled , POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never vnrlm. A marvel of pur ty.stronKth nml wholesomOtiosi. Mure ocon- omicul than the ordinary kinds , and cannot be told In compotltlcin with the multitude ot low colt ihort wolRht nltira or phosphnto powdori. Bold only In cans. UOYAL HAK1NO 1'OWDKR CO. 101 W ll-Bt. . N. V. DR. POWELL REEVES , 314 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. PRIVATE DISPENSARY. Established for the Scientific and Speedy Cure of Chronic , Nervous and Special Diseases. Th Old nollubb Specialist or many year ? ox- pcnenuu , treats \\ltli wnndoiful success nil 1AJNO , THItOAT , CANCEU , PILES , FISTO- LA , lUJl-TUBC , cured without KNIFE OR CAUSTIC. Treats all forms ot Throat Lun ? , Nerve and DlooU diseased , all Clironlo diseases mid De formities far In advance of any Institution In this country. Thn o who contoinplute going to Hot Splines for th treatment of any Privateer or lllooil disease can bo cured for otiO'tlnrd the cost tit our Private Dispensary , 3U South loth street , Omaha , Nob. ' HUPTUHU cured without pain orhlndorancc rom business. By this treatment a pure Lovuly Cuuiplevlon , frco irom elownosa Irccklcs , blnrkhcade , eruptions , etc. , Utllllanl Eyes and perfect health can bo hnd. " ' " and ah fomnlo weaknesses | 3f Thut "tired' fooling nesses promptly ourcd. llloatlne Headaches Nervous Prostration , General Deulllty , Sleep losencss , Depression and Indigestion , Ovarloti troubles , Inflammation and Ulceintlon , FallliiR and Displacements , Spinal weaknpss , Kidney complaints and. Clihngo of Llto , Consult tti old Doctor. KVC Mlin E AQ Acute or Chronic Inllnm bib Anil CRflimatlonof the Kyellds 01 Ulobo and f ar or Near Hightcdncss , Inversion of the Lids. Scrofulous i : > cs , lllcnratlons , In ( laminations , Abscoos , Dullness of Vision of one or both eyes , and Tumors of Lid. f > & Inflammation of the Ear , Ulcoratlon oi Catarrh , IntornaJ or External Dealnoss , oi Paralysis , Singing or llonrln ? noises , Thlckonei Drum. etc. IICDlfflllO Debility , Spermatorrhoea , Sum- nCIf VUUd Innl Losses , Night Emissions Loss of Vital Power , Sleoplownoss , Despond cncy , Loss of Memory , Confusion of Ideas Illuri licloio the Kjcs , Lassitude , LunRuor Gloominess , Depression ot Spirits. Aversion ti Society. Easily Discouraged , Lnck of Confl dence , Dull , Llstlesa , Unlit for Ftudy or Utisi ncf.R , and flnds Illo n burden , Sifoly , Perma nently and Privately Cured. Rl flfin fi C8ffJUsoU3eBSyphllis-"adl | ! DLUUU K OtVlSfl f-easo most horrible li its rcsults-complctely eradicated without thi u e of mercury. Scrofula , Kryslpolus , Fove Sores , Illotchcs , Pimple * . Ulceis , pains in tin Head and Hones , Syphilitic Sore Throat , Moutl and Tongue , Glandular Enlargement of tin Neck , Rheumatism , Catarrh , etc. , Porinunonllj Cured When Others Have Knlled. Kidney and llliuUier troubles l Weak ilaclc. Dinning Urlnu Frequency ol Urinating , Urine hltfh colored o milky Fcdlmrnton standinir , ( lononluuu , ( Sleet Cystitis , etc. , promptly und sutely cured Charges reasonable. PRIVATE BISEftSES gleet. Etilcturo , seminal emissions , loss of ual power , wcxkness ot the so\nal nigiins.wun of desire In male or female , whether from Ini prudent hublts ol yoitn ? or sexual habits I mature years , or any cause that debilitates th sexual functions , speedily aud permanent ! cuied. Consultation frco and strictly confidential Medicine sent free from observation to al parts of the United States. Correspondonc recenes piompt attention. No letters ar swored unless accompanied by four cents li stamps. Send stamp for pamphlet and list o questions. Tcimn strictly cash. Call on or ad dress i > R. 1'OWKI.I. UKi\'i : > , No. SU South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. S The Theatrical Profeiilou. Kerlt will win and rccclre public recognition an < ! priiUe. Focti , which are the outcome of general ex perlcnco , growing through jcara of critical am practical test , become as rooted nnd Immovable m tbo rock of Gibraltar Inpublla opinion , and hence forth need no further guaranli'o nito tbflr gcnu Incseu. Tholudlsputtblo fact that Swift's Spoclflc Is tbo best blood purifier lu tha world , U ono of then Immovable Gibraltar rock facts of which wo h vi noken , ana every day's experience roots this con vlctlon deeper and deeper tu public opinion. Eier : class ot our | > r ple In Amrrlca and In Europe every trade , calling and profewlon. Including th < medical profession , buvo bjrno volimtary testl mony to the remarkable virtues of S. 8. S. am Its Infallible efficacy lu curing all diseases of til blootl. These tcittmonlals are on file by the thou aands , And open to the Inspection ot all. Kow come unsollcltctl , tno tllaUngutiihdl niembers of the tbcat rlcal profession , wbo gratefully testify to the wonder ful curatlvo qu-illtlen of the Spocillc | n their Indl vlilual cases. TheUi testimonials are herewith lut ; mltted to the publlo without further comment le them speak for themKelvcs. The lady Is a member o the famous Thalia' Theatre Company , of New Yoik and formerly nt the Uesldence Theatre , Berlin , Gn many , anil oi HcVlcker's Stock Company , of Chlcagc The gentleman Is a well known member of the Net York Thalia Theatre Company. Both are well know ] In theatrical circle * la this country and In Kurope. Charlotte tUnndoW'si Testimony. i NEW Yoait. May 3. 1SS1 Swift Specific Company , Atlanta , Ga. : o Gentlemen Having been annoyed with plmplei eruptions and roubness ot the skin , from bail con dltlon of my blood , for more than a year , I used. . leading preparation of sarsapanila ana other advei Used remedies to no effect. Then I consulted a prom Inent physician , and from his treatment recelvei no benelll. I then concluded to try the 8. 8. S. rein dy for tbe bloodtand five or six packages , by thoroujb eradication ot my trouble and restorln sinootliaess to my skin , have made me happy , am I chrerfully give you this testimonial for such u * and publicity as you wish to rcake of It. . . _ _ CHARLOTTE , 1153 Bowery , near CtuiiU street , IIn o Ilasskcrl'a Testimony. The Swift Epeclflo Company , Atlanta , da. t Gentlemen For two years I had a severe caseo ccsema. I used tar soapn , sulphur soaps , and varlon other remedies , and was pnscrlbed for by ntimbei of physicians , but found no relief. Mlastldetei mined to try tb 8. B. 8. remedy , and seven or eluti bottles have thoroughly relieved me , and you ca use this certificate la any manner J nu wish. HUGH 1USSKIRL , Member uf Thalia Theatre ew York , May 3 , 1887. Treatise on Wood and Skin Diseases mailed fre * . Turn Bwin BrEcino Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta. Qi ii d Lincoln , Neb. Th best known and most popular hotnl the into. Location central , apivolnUnenta fli claif. Headquarter ! for commercial men * i Jl political aud nubllo oatherlntri. ' NEARLY DONE , The carpenters and painters who have for some weeks past had pos session of our tipper floors , are about finished , and we are happy testate state we shall in the near future , open all our floors tor business. The elegant passenger elevator we are now tmtting in will make access to the upper floors easy. The tremendous increase in our business since 'we opened , has induced us to make preparations for the coming season - ' son on a gigantic scale. We are now having manufactured , and will soon have on exhibitioni the handsomest and richest lines of Fall and Winter goods , and when everything is ready , we shall show a stock of mens' and boys' clothing second to none in the country. In addition to our clothing and furnishing goods , we shall , in a few days , open a complete line of hats. This department will occupy the rear of the second floor , and will contain a larger stock than any hat house in the city. As the goods will be all new , we shall only show the latest styles , and we shall sell them with the same low margin pf profit as we do all our other goods. All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at Nebraska Clothing Company Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. During July and August , our store closes at 6:30 : p. m. , except Saturday. OMAHA MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE. Cor. 13th St. an < l Oapltol Aue. , OMAHA , NEB. ton THE TREATMENT OF ALL CHRONIC < ® SURGICAL DISEASES BRACES 'AHD APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES. TRUSSES , ASDlHEtkW ViBICOCEU SUSPENSORY CttMP COMPRESS. t f ctlltli tpp r titl anl r m dt i f > r ( mwrnfiit trnlmnt f very form of < Hen3ff < luirln ( Uedlral or Surgical llMtiifiiL WniTK rod ft net i * HI * a IWVirniHIi' * ami Dram , Clutt I rft , Curvature o fthttbi Inc. 1 lie * . Tumor * Cumtr , Ccttrrli , flionrt IiU , Inruldllon , I3rrlrldt > , t'ic triU I ilfjuj. Kduy ! , UlitdUci , Ljt. rBkln , iiiJ Ulool , null all SurflialUpermdon * . Book on Diseases oMVomcn FREE , Only Reliable MEDICAL INSTITUTE MAKING A SPECIALTY OF PRIVATE , SPECIAL and NERVOUS DISEASES. All fllood Di pfl * t * urct < ftil1y trfatfd. Syphilitic folion rfniovivl from t lie v ttrr i without nricuiy Nt\v llftorRtlvu'lirctniriit f r Ixiitofllal r n r 1'erton * tumble to vMt tit mar l > u ( mini nt k niif , by Cormx ] > i > tlciice AH communlcatl ml CtmridttilUI Midi cinc or Jnntrumenltimit fcy iiml ] f r fipreM , nmrelj } MukJ , no inrkt to inlUtta content * or tuiJtr Otn * ixrwiml l ttr\icw pro frreJ tH niulconiuUin , oi Mit4tiUtory of jour can , with lUinji , nd wo * lll Mtid In i > Uhi wr pwr | , our BOOK FREE TO MEN ! UponTrlvatf , * ijrlil wl Xervout Plwutf * GemluAl wMkrf" . BlrtrmAtnirtura , Im | > otenry , 8y | > MIK CionorrhaA , ( jleet , And ' ' I * CUM ) . Itouni * forpNhutits. AUiIin * , OMAHA MKDICAr , X KUIUJICAI , INSTITIT , ar Dr. McMenamy , Cer. I3lh si. & Oapltol AYOnuDa , Neb. Medical Books or Papers Free. The propr.utor of Uio Omntia Meil cat aail Sure ) . cnl In Iltu u h IB p il > I bed a v iluib o BO uf l > iok < ami pjpoj-s upo i uliro ilunim iu iil oaund UelonnltlfB , 11111 t o methods ut euro wlilcli huvu Klveu h'm ' t e reputationot being the most sklltful and UGu'GJifii ! spe ijlUt In ihe west. Mini mude tlie Instltuto * o Cflo ra oil thut mnillclncs itrupentto und p it oils rcrel o 1 ( rum I'vorr stntc In the union. Amung the book ! la nno npuii the UJMCUEIQS of wuraeii : ono upon norvn | v , Bp cliil und | tlvato cllx- eRsotof tltutexuul nnd urinary nr/una , vcrlcocele euicd l > y ouorn lorn , und eil clump cnmprcM eu p neciry for the relief n l cuieni vnnoote'e. n rvuiM ettiAuntljn 'indgexuftl tieblitty. naw resturjtlTO tr'itmGnt 1'a ers upon uritlcal braces pile * , innce * * , pa.itlyMH , nt * . Klec * trlcitr imd t o no mat lutlo boticry for homnuie ; catarrh nnd Inhal itl n. etc t Inline DID t boo In iFiutd by doctori Iroo. they do not coiMU of toul- montaU with fictitious n rat B a < id InltlHl * . nr rub Jbh of that kind , hut a-o pliln ileaorlpt'oni of ctheitea , rrnptnm * . no * d * co7eilfl In ii-odtclne nurxcry and electrlilty. tnd lire w'11 worth the nerusil nnd can bo i btnlneil troobi nddreiilnz the Omaha Mc.'SI- c l nnd Surf I'a i ln tltu c , Mtli street and Cupilol HTCUUC , Oiuiha. ' THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Mil waukee&St , Paul Ry 27ic Best Route from Omaha ami Council Jlluffs to\ \ E.A.ST THE . . Two Trains. Daily Uetween Omaha and Council BluQ's Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarKapids Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuquc , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Janesville , Beloit , Winona , La Crosfc , And all other important points Enst , Noitticast and Southeast. For through tickets call on the ticket ngonl at HU1 Farnaiu Bt , lu Pnxton hotel , or ut Uulon Paciflo depot. Pullman Sleepers and tbo finest Dliilup Cars in the world lire run on the ranlu line of the Chicago , Milwaukee 4 St. I'nul Uullwuy anil PV' ry attention Is paid to passengers by courteous ous employees of the company. R. Miu.Glt. Uenoral Manager. J. K.TUCKKH , AsslftnntHenoral Manacr. A. V. R. CAiu-rsTEii , Genortil I'asscnaer and Ticket Agent. . Qco. K HBAFFOKD , Assistant Ocnoral Passen- g r and Ticket Agont. J. T. CLARK General Superintendent. lluilUI UUUllj U. S. DEPOSITORY , Oraalia , 317013. Paid up Capital $250OOC Surplus 42.60C H. W. Yates , President. Lewis S. Heed , Vice-President. A. E. Touzalin , 2d Vice-Prcslderit W. H. S. Hughes , Cashier , DIKECTOUS : W. V. Morse , John S. Collin ? H. W. Yates , Lewis S. Itced A. E. Touzalm. BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON BANS Cor. 12th and Farnam Sts. A General Uaukior Business Transacte DEWEY& STONE , 3 * 3 0 # 4XCOefrW # # FURNITURE A magnificant display of everything useful and ornamental in the furniture * maker's art , at reasonable prices. BOTTLE Imported and Bottled by Mihalovitch Fletcher& Co. , Cinincnati , O. Tor sale b the following agents : Richardson Drug Company ; Blake , Druce & Co. , Adler & Hell Y er , Frank Dellone & Co. , R. R. Grotte. Families supplied by Gladstone Bros. A : Co.1 Sample bottle free. For sale by all wholesale and retail druggisU , liquor dealers nnd wine merchants. HOLMAN ADJUSTABLE BABY CARRIAGE OOQTS MO MORE THAN THE OLD STYLE , AMD CAM BB READILY ADJUSTED , Latest Styles. Finest Goods , Lowest Prices. BABY CRADLE. HOUSC CARRIAGE. Tbe Illustrations above fire made from photographs. The adjustable parts do not change th appearance when used oa a etroet carriage ; they can be used or not at the pleunure of the pur chaser. Tbe HOLMAN CARRIAGES are warranted for two years. JSvery port Is absolutely per fect. Over 1OOO eold In Chicago elnoe March let. Bent to all parts of the United Dtat n and ra delivery guaranteed. Bend for catalogue containing latest styles , cheapest to finest. HOLMAN ADJUSTABLE CARRIAGE CO. , 275 Wabash Ave. , Chicago , Ills. DBEXEL & MAUL , ( Successors to Jnlin 0. Jacobs. ) and Eibaliers At the old stand , 1407 Farnam St. Orders by telegraph solicited and promptly at tended to. Telephone No , U25. LYON&HEALY " . . , .n f B d IB.UBBMBU , u * * m 4 Pl.lpm..U. 400 C , Uelillpc B p Klif Hiu. rUI > , Trtan > lilil < . C.iuln li.uuUou for OMAHA DEPOT BALDING BASE-BALLSUPPLIES , LAWN TENNIS AND ATHLETIC GOODS , COLLINS GUN COMPANY , 1H2 ! Douglas Strcot. § Sf MANHOOD * , . _ , efrry Known tfunrhu dUcoveriKl a . 'mplp ' Kir cure , which h. U1 tend ff to tU Wlo w .ulTorr-3 Mll/Mk U J , M WON. fen Jdvt EM MIMtaw Ywk