Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advcrtlstmclils tinder this bead,10 conti p
Ino for iho llrst Intcrtion , 7 cenut for each sub
nqucnt Inrcrtion. andfl.fiOa line per month
ho dvottl nmcnt taken for loMtnmiM cuntn
Jor the Hist Inecrtlon. Sovcn words wll lint
counted to the nni ; they must run consecu
tively and must bo paid In advance. All adver-
tlBementrf must be handed In before 1 an o'clocc
p. m. , nd under no circumstances will they bo
take' or discontinued by telephone.
1'artma advertising In there column and Bar
ing the answers addressed In care of THIS an
will please ask for a check to enable them to got
tnnlr letters , as none will b delivered oicoot
on iiretentntlon of chock. All answers to advor
tisomonu should bo cncloiod In rnvolopos.
All advertlsotnonts In those columns nro putr
llshoil In both morulag and evening eilltlons
oflnr. IIRI : . the circulation of which aggro-
pates more than U.OOOpapnrc dslly , and glvea
the advrrtlBcrs the benallt. not only of the city
circulation of THIS IlK . bMt also of Council
Illnffs , Mncoln and other cities ana towns
hroughout this part of the west
$ 1,000,000 to loan. Cole , 318 B 16th.
Wo loan money on Improved prop
MONEY i any ikslrud iimount at low rates
of IntorrM. to run trotn two to ten years time.
BtoltB , Cox A Houston , 1007 ! } Farnam. 959
ON KV To lonn Rt 0 per rent. Pnttnrbon
M Hro ° . , 15th street , op. P. O. 328
TO LOAN ate per cent. Llnahan &
ahoney , 1509 Farnam. SIS
ftPKK CENT Money.
\f B. C. Patterson. 15th atd narn r.
$500,000 to loan on real eitatn. No delay.
Harris * Sampion , 1510 Douglas at 840
M ONKV TO IAAN-O. ) F. Davis Co. . rea
estate and loan agents , 1606 rarnam st
1500,000 to loan m any amount at lowest rate
I of interest. IL II. Irey. Fronzor block. 307atS
/ To loan on Omaha city property atS
$600/100 cent U. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Bld
M ONEY TO LOAN On city and farm prop
erty at low rates. No delay. Cahn Ik wool
ley , 1323 Farnam st. 549a27
MONEY to loan to parties wlshlnir to build.
B. S. Campbell , 310 B ICth St. , Chamber of
Commerce. 041
To loan. Lowest rates. No delay.
MONKY . Ulco It Co. , over Commercial Na
tional bank. X57
MOMY to loan , eaab on delay.
J. 'VT. and & I * . Squire , 1113 Farnam tt ,
Pazton hotel building. 644.
M ONEY TO LOAN on Improved city prop-
IVL arty In Bums ot 11,000to $5,000 at six per
cent Interest. Kliolcsi Crumb. 045
ONEY TO LOAN on improved real estate ;
L no commission charged. L avltt Ilurn-
bam , Hoom 1 Crelghton lllook. 641
M ONI'.Y In Bums of fficO and over tn loan at
low ratca , Itussoll &llarrett,3W S inth st.
MONEY TO LOAN-On city property In
sums of V500 and upwards at lowest rates.
Money always on hand. 8. 8. Campbell.310
Bouth Sixteenth street. 647
TTM ) LOAN Money lx > aas placed on im-
J. proved real estate In city or county for
New England Loan ft Trust Co. , by Dou
County bank. 16th and Chicago B. 049
M ONEY LOANED at C. F. Hcod at Co8 Loan
Office , on furniturepianos , borsos.wagons ,
Bersonal property of all'kinds , and all other
cles of value , without removal. U19 8. 13th.
over niogham's Commission store , All busl-
ness strictly confidential. 650
MONKY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses , etc. , low rates. J. J.Wilkinson & Co. .
134 Farnam , over llurllngton ticket office. 407
MONBY TO LOAN by the nndersigned , Who
has the only properly organised loan
agonoy In Omaha. Loans of f 10 to (100 made
on furniture , pianos , organs , hones , wagons
machinery. o , without removal. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loans BO
Blade that any part can be paid at any Ime.eaoh
payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
* madn on flne watches and diamonds. Persons
r/ / should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns are dally coming
into existence. Should you need money call
and see me. VI. n , Croft , Itooai 4 Withn
Building 15th and Homer. 651
nilUC OMAHA financial Exchange ,
* . . ' r.neriof Ilftrl > 0lr " " 1 Btl >
State National
over bank.
li prepared to make short time loan * on any
available security.
Loanmade on chattels , eollaUral or real
Long time loanimadaon tmvrortdr al Mtau
at current ratei.
Purchase money mortgage * negotiated ,
Secured notes bought. Bold or exchanged.
Bhort tlm loam made onBcoond mortgag * .
coordinr to Biarglnal IntorMt , at collate :
Mtat * to xckaat for cooAtnt rMt
General financial business of all Kinds trans
acted promptly , quietly and fairly.
Money always on hand for approved loan * of
any kind , without delay or unnecessary public -
lic Corbett , Manager.
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , IMS
Farnam street Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real estate examined , per-
tooted and guaranteed 078
FOH SALE-Or Trade A largo three-story
brick hotel in live western Iowa town of
6,000 pop. Newly furnished throughout , has65
bed rooms , steam heat , gas , eleetrlo call and
alarm bells , city wat r , etc. Near depot aid
business center. Must be disposed of at onoa
on account of poor health of owner. Terms
reasonable. Address Btotts , Coz * Houston ,
"HT * ANTED Parties who desire to buy or sell
V v or exchange stocks of general merchan
dise , dry roods , groceries , boots ana shoes ,
hardware , drugs , Jwry ! Improved or unim
proved town or city property , Improved T un
proved f arsas In any part of the tfnltsd States ,
lo address Krause ft Foster , 819 B. Wth at
Omaha , Neb. 65S
BUSINESS Chance For sale A stock ot dry
goods , clothing , furnishing goods , boots
aud shoe * ; al o fixtures. With this stock four
years lease of a double store canbe obtained in
one of the best retail localities in the city. In
formation at Dormann's , 609 Bouth Thirteenth
Btreet. 605
17Ull SALR A Irst-olass hotel property doing
JO excellent business. Must sell In sixty
days. For price and terms address H. 8. Lilly ,
real estate dealer. Uroken How , Neb. Ullsll
T ANTKD-One or two business men with
r capital ot $ M to $150 tn take hold of a bus
iness that will par from $5 to $20 per
dsy. Room 4 , Orounse blk , 119 N. 16th st.
444 B 13
EXOHANflK-Stock general merchan
dise , about 11,500 ; stock hardware , about
$3,800. Will take Iowa. Kansas or Nebraska
land for three fourths : balance halt cash , half
short time. II. * U03 , Shenandoim , la.
693 82J
FOR BALK A Well oataollshed and favorably
known general store at Rapid City , I ) . T. ,
( Illack Hills country ) . Stock about $12,000.
suitable and well assorted store making money.
Itomons for soiling , death of proprietor. Ad
dress J. 8. Robertson , admlolxtrntor , St , Paul ,
Mlnn..or J.L. Bpagle. Rapid City , D. T. 648-2S
FOR BALK News , olgar and fruit stand , lo
cated In postoflloo In a livn town In Nebraska -
braska , doing a good business. For particulars
address D. A. Davlson , Wymoro , Nob. 687 19 ?
WANTRD An active man with from $100 ta
to i.'OO to buy Imlt Interest In well estab-
llshod and growing business. Gate City Km-
ploymont olllce , 314H & 15th st , room 6.
T7KR HKNT-Iu Albion , Nob. , the largest ,
4best ouitomed and oldest dry goods store ,
can have possession on the tlrst imy In Septem
ber. For Information apply to 1. W. Roberts ,
the owner. TOaaiJ
I71OR BALK Drug store , doing a good bust-
JL ness. For particulars call on W. II. Green ,
S15 South 13th St. 6 J til
A RAltR chance The subscribers bavins' two
JV. turulture Htoros , one at Crawford , Nub. , 3
miles oust of Fort Robinson , the ether at Chad ,
ron , Nob. , will sell either one. not both , and
rent building or sell stock aud building as it
suits purchaser. Tbo Crawford establishment
is the only furniture store m the place and Is a
uplendld point for business , Addrc Myers &
liooae , Chadron , Neb. 645 19J
. 17OK PALB-Flrst-olast hotel bireineai In
X ? Lyons , business (400 per i.iontb , good
reasons foi selling. Address The Logan ,
703 ra
$5,000 Wanted , partner with above amount
In live stock business or as a loan. Wool
pays all uzpenites , Cattle and sheep always
under control competent men , and housed and
fed In winter. No expense for feed. A surt
profit ot 60 to 1W per cent. Address D 21 , thlt
office. T38 19J
ANTED Immediately ; a partner In es-
tabllshed hotel business in one of the
_ best looatlens In the city with 89 rooms. Have
t , _ to enlarge premises to aooomroodate rapidly
W - K.lncreaslnr business. From (1,000 toJt.&O cap-
K" itsl required sure and Urge returns. This is
a snap and will bear elom Uspectlon. 755 rtj
\\7ANTBO-rartncr with a few thousand dol-
TT lar-tho more the better In a good payIng -
Ing business In Omaha and Lincoln with assur
ance olsowlicro In Nebraska ; established a year ,
work light , pay sure. Address A 60 Dee office.
864 Z4J
ANTED-Partnrr with capital In the produce -
duce business to toke plaeo of an old
morchnnt alxnit retiring. Aplemnnt.sfp and
profitable business. Address 1) Slice omce.
737 19J
l4 < OIt SALK First class restnurnnt. best loca-
JL ? tlon in the city , very cheap ; cage of slak-
DCSS. Address 1120. Pee oUlco. C39gjJ
FOH THAOR-f sioOO stock clothing In Rood
Nebraska town , for farm without Ineum-
I/ornncc. Record Advertising Co,15l3 Farnam
St. M
TTIOU SAI/B Aflrst-clBM meat mnrkot tn host
JO location In city. For nunrcr Inrnrmntion
address 0 15 lloo office. en 23J
ijikuririiAif Pugdog * , for sale : Quo English
-L pugs and Italian greyhound puppiesforsalo.
For price and description , address box 280 ,
Topcka , Kansas. 6. 21J
IF.tlBONAf/ business men of Omaha , the
fair and reunion will soon bo bore , leave
jour orders with us for till kinds of help and
wo will Oil It promptly. Otnaba Employment
llnroiui.ll'J N IBtli St. C53 20
"PRHSONAL The Goto City Employment of-
.1. nee , Hit )4 ) 3 1. til , supplies the bust of Scan-
dlnavlun and German girls. V29
IJKHSONAL Private home for Indies during
conllneroont , strictly conflilentliM , infant * ,
adopted , address I ! 42 , HcoolTlco. 1G7 KCptT
"PERSONAL Send for your sowing mnchlno
JL needles , oil and repair * to the Singer
Man'fg Co , 1518 Douglas st , Omaha. 40.1 aai
Mr * . Dr Nannie V. VTarron
clairvoyant. Medicaland , buslnoos Medium
Boom Mo. 8 Kl North 16th st .Ouiaha. Nob.
LOST Apockcthonk containing money nmJ
papers , with nuino , Mrs. .1. .1 , GIMon. Hu-
turn to Krug's store , corner 13th ami Vmtou.
LOST- Scurf pin , bull's bond , gold , with din-
mend eyes. Sultulilo reward will bo pnld
the Ilnilor by leaving sunn , at Mrs. lltcga it
Son's , aiil S. 15th. 721 19J
- more from residence of 0. F.
STKAYKD-Ilay lBh : st. nnd Ciistollar. With
bnltor onbrnmled T. E. oa left hip tiny 11 , on
loft Jaw. Howard tot-Information. 675 Slj
LOST A constableBtnr with the natno Cha B
Hullo engraved on It. Finder will return to
WnltohouBO drug store , 703 North 10th st.
on wj
SfcVBNTy-riVE dollnra' rewanl. Strayed or
tolcn from ronr of 111 N 17th it , a largo
roan borce , about 17 hands high , weighing be
tween 100ond 1,400 pounds , redlsh brown
mane and tall , hind ankle somewhat swollen-
125 will he paid for return of aiilmnl to owners ,
at 110 B Hth it.und If stolen the sheriff of Doug
las Co. will pay a reward of ( CO for the arrest
aud conviction of the thief. 696
TIAKP.N -niackmaro colt , llvo months
old. Ownurcun have by cullluir at3ltu
and Maple st and pay charges. 78'J 19J
MHS. HATFIRLO has Just arrived to sub
stantiate that fact the post , present and
future revealed , the sick healed , the lost
found , homes made happy , sittings dally at 421
South 11th at fl9j
MRS. DUHANT-Clnrlvoyant from lloston is
rollablo In allalfnlra of life , unites sepa
rated lovers. Ita n 10th 1. Mftiept 9J
1UHST-CLAB8 ( Storage at 110 N 13th ft.
C1TORAGR Klrat-class storage ) for moo tur-
C5 nlturo or boxed foods , at 1513 Dodce-st. ;
TO FJCCHANOK , buy or sell property. Cnll
on Stevens llros. , 1513 Fnrnam etront.Vo
Imvo a largo list of farms , city property , anJ
stocks of goods of all kinds for sale or ox-
change. List your property with us. TM23
LIST your rooms and houses with the Itocord
Advertising Co , 1513 Farnam st , and wo
will rent tbom sooner than any one else , as wo
are well known all over the city. 660
PARTIKS wishing to dlsposo of good bttsl
ness chances at reasonable prices onn find
cash buyers at Mrs , Uregn & Son's. 310 S ! 6th.
669 SOj
DON'T miss this opportunity , furniture and
lease of 8 rooms , house 3 blocks west of
O. , at your own prloo. H. K. Cole , 3168.15th.
C90 20j
"DBUFOHATKO stamping patterns made to o :
-L dor and all the latest designs for sale r
Mrs. J. W. Morrison , 1505 Davenport st. 451am
/CANADIAN Employment office , 818 S. 15th
\J 8t 408 21J
EASTERN Nebraska farms to exchange for
Omaha property. 1812 FarnaM. 543
rpo exchange for horses , two choice West
J- side lots. Dell & McCandlleh. 50119J
TO EXCHANGE-For cattle , Ihavo ROO nnd
forty acre * of good western land to trade
for cattle , and a good house and lot near the
capital will exchange for cattle. Address K. U.
llryan. Ashland. Neb. 430
mo THADE-For cattle or groceries 440 acres
JL school land In Hamilton county.Ncbraska ,
equity , f 1,640. lloldon & Jtaaon , Central City ,
Neb. 70125J
OMAHA LOTS To exchange tor cattlo. Pat
terson & Moore , 1618 Farnam. 347
I1E Gate City Employment ofDce , 314V4 S.
15th street Orders for all kinds of hnlp
BOlloted. 829
AGNBTIC Healing Mediums euro all kinds
of sickness la connection with clairvoy
ance of th * putt , present and future. J. It ,
Pagelor , North Btate ft. mil * west of fair
grounds. P. O. box 683. 610 a26J
Piano * J moatdlr. A
HOJP . ItU Dou giai. _ 6M
° I71ORHENT Organ > , U p r month ,
JD IBSDoudaa. 681
Ol. O.-House furnish Ing good * , all kinds ;
oaih or mstallmantt lowest priocf at J.
Donntr , 1816 Deugla * it MI
FOB BKNT Hquar * name , t % mootblr.
HOITM. UUDouatai. 6 i
F OH flALB Car of coed saddle ponies. In-
qulro at yard office , stock yards. 487 20
FOIt SALE-At bargain , n 0-roora house
with closets and pantry , eto. , lot 25 feet
east front , 5 blocks south of court house. Address -
dross Y 80. Bee office. 630a30
OH BALR-Furnlture. good will and lease of
the best paying small hotel In Omaba.
Constantly full of first-clan boarders. Price
(1,500. Investigate this. J. F. Hammond , 117
8.10th. 769
> OK BALE Your choice of the best lines of
Ir butrulos. carriages , phaetons , surreys , de <
livery wagons , open and top one flne hunting
wagon. Call and look through or solid tor cuts
and price to Columbus Buggy Co. , 111J Harney
239 a20
FOH SALE-Cnoap , fixtures and tools of meat
market doing a cash business , alsohnrso
and delivery wagon , a good chance for rlvht
parties. J. J. Skinner , 1310 Hartley st..Omaha.
T71OK SALE Cheap , 6 hole kitchen range. 1016
J Farnam. 635 1'JJ
FOH BALE Ono good cabinet desk ; also city
atlas and bulletin board. Will glvosomo
one a bargain If sold at onco. Apply to Win. A.
DeWitt , room 3 , Frunzor block. C.VI
OK BALE Choap. Good family mare ,
phaeton and harness. Fro < l Moo hie , llth
and Farnam. ' 570
FOH SALE Horse and wagon cheap. Apply
115 N 16th Bt 76'J2i
I/iOH8ALE-ltlack stallion pony,9 years old ,
f good driver aud saddle borso. S K cor 27th
nnd Hickory. 790 I'OJ
TOOK SALE Cheap , lease and furniture of
JU good boarding hotiKo , ZAboardor * . 3 blocks
from postomt-e. 22J N ICih st , room 9. 778 20
FOHSALK-Ornsi , 43 acres near the stock
yarda. McCaguo , Omaha , 7lS 24
FOH 8AI.R-Alca. eof two years and now
furniture of a hotel containing twenty-
six rooms , doing a good business , reason for
o.l I UK" bad health. Address Mrs. A. Crawford ,
Yuma.Washington . Co. , Col. 741 2IJ
FOR BALK Furniture of 8 rooms with pnri-
lege of lease of house , 707 B , llth St.
ITY-IOUUsquares of sheet steel roofing
- - for sale cheap , a W , * O. B. Thompson ,
314 8. 15th st. jgj
'OR tiALK Trotting stallion Lament , by
Mammont ( sire of Lewis K , * : ? > , and H.
Montgomery. 2 ! J. ) & 'aud nl bred filly b
Wavoland Chief , trial 2:23. : slro ot Olaf , 2:22 : ,
benyite,2.VH. Jouan , trial , 1 50 , and others.
Oeo.D.Uarton. Perry , la. 684to
SNAP Furniture and lease of 9 rooms , $
blocks from V. O. H. B. Cole , > 8 15tb.
886 19J
TpOR \LK-llorse. . bujgy and harnesssep -
JL' arately or together , very cheap. T. it
Larke * Co. UW Fmmaa , Isl
FOR SAtjTJ-Piirnlturo of a 5 room house ,
and house for rent. Inqulro 1518 Jonts
atroet. 7 < o 24 >
WANTED A tnnti to sell ortrans andsowlnir
mnchlnos In western IowaAddrc'sLock
IlQTflWoodbine , la. CJ < 23
\\rANTEIl-60 men tor stone quarrjr and
' tor section work. Mrs. Ilroga 4 Sou , 310
815th. Tel8j4. 6M 19 *
ANTEDRtrotifr boy at Scandinavian Emp.
Ilureatl , 1010 Varnam. 733 10J
WANTED-Mcn for WvominR ! Rood waces.
Albright's Lahor AKonojr , 113) ) Farnam.477
\lTANTKD-Aifontg to sclfjroods In cityi
T T peed wnjfos to rlffht man. Lorcll Mann *
facturlng Company. 221 N. lath st. 481-19 *
\17ANTRD Man to take the airencjr of our
T T safes ; size esxlR.tll Inche * ; weight 500
His. ; retail price 135 ; other sires in proportion.
A rare chance to orrnto a permanent business
at home. These safes moot n demand never
before supplied by ether safe companies , as
wo are not jrovorned by the Bate 1'oof. Almne
Sato Co. , Cincinnati , O. 691 illj
A VANTRD 4 ( lerman boys to tarry papers ,
> > 517-509 3. lit h. u | if tairs. Qs < l
WANTED Man out of employment who
has from t > to t'fi to work In olllco and to
travel , 3I41JS. 15th st , room 5. 713 IU.
WANTPD 4 cariiontors. Tmiulro at P. J.
CrcoJon's olllco In lloyd s Opura houso.
17ANTPIMen for railroad work In Colorado -
' rado , wnires for \mMora JIW PIT month
and board. Albiltfht'd Labor Afroucy , 1120 Fur-
natn. 787
WANTED A tinoil comlo sln or and platio
player , 1221 DoJvro st. , Omnha. 777 1'JJ
\\7ANTBD-Ti'ti men to work on ranch. C. E.
T' Miiyno , s w cor 15th and Harnoy sts.
\VANTEI ) First clnw broad bilker. ! ! Cum-
Inpst. 781 20J
\\7ANTin : Man and wife for private family.
Must 1)0 wllllnir to work. Mrs. Hreifai
Bon , 31B So. 15th. 7 2 l'J ' )
IWANTED At once , two peed tailors at the
' ( Hobo Clothlujf & Merchant Tailoring
House , Bo Omaha. 753 20j
\\7ANTEH-Pastry cook , MO : nlsht porter
i > for hotel , $ J5 ; men for Ptono quarry. 10
Section hands. Mrs. IlroK" Son , ulo So. 15th.
7S2 IflJ
WANTP.D Wl laborers. 2'i bnckliiyors , $1.00
] ) ordnv for city. Gate City Employment
oHion , llHVi 8 15th St. GU5 19
WANTED Sir Rood canvassers for the city-
Call at 1016 S 10th at , room 1 , upstulrs , before
fore Sunday. f7419j !
\VT ANTKD Younct to mlddlo-airod men of
' biislnoRS ability , peed salary , room 10 ,
nushmnn block. ,1. M. French & Co. 091-2 !
AX7ANTED-Agents In every town ot NoT -
T T briiBka for our > 10 World Typewriter. J.
Speck , solo agent Nebraska and Dakota , Lin-
coin , Nob. 720 24J
W ANTKD Good stone mnsons cor 17th and
Faruain sts , waves 4" > o per hour. 7i > 0 20j
WANTEl-Laftirors ( , track layers anil all
kinds of IL U. men , O'Kcuto & McGorr ,
309 3 llth St. 74619 ]
1\rANTKD-Tntolllfont | mnn of srood refor-
T en os , M bon-l reqiiirod. Call Friday
bet n and 8 p. ra. , or Sunday bctwooti 1 and 3 p.
in. , Institute hotel , cor 13th nnd Capitol avo.
O3'i 19J
WANTF.D-A peed cook at N. Johnson's
lunch room , corner 31st and Cuimnir st.
B67 19J
WANTED 1 sand brlok moulder. Call on or
address Fremont Continous Kiln Co. . Fre
mont , Nob. 728 20
W'ANTRD-Men tor railroad work. Al
bright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam.C75
\X"ANTF.L 30 roon for Wyoming , work is
' ' near Hock Springs. Moore's Employment
agency , 809 South 10th at. 70:1 : 20J
YXTANTED-A good wagon maker at once at
TV Muldoon & Krlsl's shop , 14th and Jonos.
757 21
WANTF.D-A box maker , 213 B 12th st.
701) 19 *
WANTF.D-5 more competent dry goods
men , must speak Gorman or Scandinavian
languages , Gate City Employment otllco , 311J }
S 15th st. 773 SO
W ANTKD Tinners and cornlco men at
or.oo. Tlico. Huetto ' & Son. Fremont ,
Nob. 765 24J
Tt7ANTRD-Capablo and reliable BKonts to
* cnnvas Omaha and vicinity on Hen :
Pcrley Pooro's fnmous book , "Pcrloy's Remin
iscences , " also "Samnntlm at Saratoga" by Jo-
slab Allen's wife. A remarkable opportunity Is
offered to agents who are reliable and energet
ic. Full particulars on application. Address
with details of experience Hubbard Brothers ,
Kmisas City , Mo. 71720
WANTED Five persons to Instruct In book
keeping. Situations In October or no
pay. J. II. Smith , 1013 Chicago st 530 19 *
WANTRD Salesmen , a now Invention
needed In every house ; 300 per cent coin'
mission or a good salary to right parties. Address
dross with stamp for terms the Weuvor Manu
faoluror , 34 N State St. , Chicago , III 73 < 1
\\TANTKn-A pantry plrl for a hotel in the
TV cltr. Mutual Employment Aironry. 2U
South ICth st. . up-atalrs. 792 2JJ
ANTED-Olrl for illnh washing. Paolflo
restaurant , 1013 Harnoy st , 791 20j
WANTKD-A good girl , must be a ( rood
oook. Mrs. James Haynes , 2123 Web
ster st , 749 20J
WANTED-Glrlforgennral houiowork In-
( luiro A. II. Mayuo , N W eor 15th and
Harney. 745 21
WANTRD A girl for general housework ,
call 020816th gt , from 1 tof > p. m. 898 20J
VT7ANTKD-A Danish jrirl at 2405 Cumlng st.
WANTBD-OIrl to do general houseword at
815 S 18th Bt 00920 *
" \X7ANTHD- : Swedish girls at boarding house
Vt 20il ; Harnoy st. 070 20J
WANTRD Hood stronir woman to do house
work at 706 North 18th st. 078 23J
WANTRD A wet nursn for baby 3 months
old , at 431 Convent sc. 649 19J
WANTHD Saloflladles , reference and ox-
pononon required. Sonndlnavlan and
Oonnnn preferred. Gate City Employment
offlco , 314 S 15th st. 637 ! !
W ANTKD 20 rlrls for gonernl housework ,
dlnlnir room girls , cooks , and girls for all
kinds of work at Gate City Employment olllco ,
314H S 15th St. GU > 19
WANTRD Qlrl to work In kitchen Km met
house , 728 20
"I TANTBD Good f onoral cook and second
TT girl , reference required. Apply 1911 Far
nam st , 673 20J
WANTBD-A cook and chambermaid at 912
Douglas. 5' > 3
W ANTKD Millinery salesladies at It. M.
Genius Ilro. , 1408 Douglas st. 603
WANTED-A tlrat-olasa nurse plrl. 2210
Webster. 565 2-J *
W ANTKD A peed washerwoman at the
houso. Apply 823 S 20th st. 562 18
W ANTKD A good girl to do general house
work at 2210 Farnam st. 428 19J
W ANTKD Uutton-holo makers , 1113 Far
nam. 631 > j
\\7ANTIID hxporionced salesladies for dry
goods store. Gate City Bmployraunt
, 31448 Hth . 20
"VV'ANTRD-A good seamstress. B w cor
TT isth and Jackson. 764
TITANTRD-Gnod girl for bouse work , 440
TT Convent street. 70J20J
ANTRD-A girl , Inquire ROJSUtbst. up
stairs. 783
WANTKD-Glrlsat Wilkle's paper box fac
tory , 1405 Douglas St. 774 20J
VVANTED-RoBned Gorman girl or woman
T * as attendant for 3-year-old boy. S nurse
girls , 2 chambermaids for Colorado. $20 ; nice
girl for family of three In Denver , Colo. , $20 ,
faro paid ; pastry cook , $40 ; 2 dining room girls
and paatiy cook for same hotel ; pantry girl ;
food girl or woman tor family of two on farm ;
girls In suburbs , kitchen helpers , 3 laun
dresses and 20 girls for housework. Mrs. lirega
& Bon,315 South 15th , Telephone M4.
764 1PJ
WANTED An experienced housekeeper ,
white woman preferred. Apply between
6 and 6 p. in. , 101 N 9th it , Lulu Cotter * . 131
WANTRD Good girl to do general house
work. Apply n w cor. California and
20th. ' TM
WANTRD Two girls at Doran house ! 431B
18th st. near St. Mary's ave. 94
ANTRD Situation as ass't bookkeeper ,
reference * furnished , address answer.
i en riAA veBn. * ! uni
tt/ANTF.D-Situation / by 'young man. first-
T cla s pastry cook. 7irsars of experience ,
can also do meat work , can alto ben of r-for-
enco. Address at once . > lluer , care of Union
betel , Oonoa. Neb. ? J" . ' 760 19J
VVANTED-Bltuatlon nr.jilght watchman by
T T a young man of toiuierate habits and
strict Integrity. Will watcMils employer's In
terest closely. Can furnlsntest city reference
If required. Address lH.TBUo olBce. Ml
ANTF.D Situation aOookkeopor , clerk
and general wrltlncf-'Male and fomalo.
Host of references. Record * Advertising Co ,
1313 Farnam st. im MO
TAN HID Situation a % Housekeeper by a
, , widow ot 85 , good cokfc'hnd Inutidro99 and
notafrnldof worn , also fee a first cla > s Gor
man girl line cook. Mrt.'fUega 4 Son , 310 H.
15th. Telephone 884. 7 5 10J
ANTRD-Sltuatlon In private family by a
bright young Irishman. Just from Now
York , c yonrs in lust Place , not afraid of work.
No otllco leo. Mrs. llrega St Son , 310 s. 1G.
724 19J
WANTED Situation as traveling salesman
TT fora wholesale grocery or tsi and cigar
homo. Address 11 80 , care Boo office. Omaha ,
Neb. 63t iilj
WANTED A permanent situation of anv
kind by an onergotlo young mnn , under
stands bookkeeping and spoiiks the English
and Pcnndlnavlan languages. References ; Address -
dress 1131. lleooniuo. 7M 20J
. ) Situation by middle , aged widow ,
actlyo , competent to fill a position of
trust and responsibility In bonrdiug school ,
hotel , or to take charge of household for widower
ewer and children. She respectfully solicits
patronage of Masonic friitornlty. Ilnvn best
references. Address. I.23. Hoe olllco. 75821
WANTED Hy a lady , situation as book-
TT keeper of light net of books or as assistant - .
ant bookkeeper. ' 1 borough Knowledge of both
slnglo anil double entry. Good ruforuncos. D. L ,
16Q'i Farnatn 775 ! .OJ
WANTRD-An oxrorlejicod cashier ntid
bookkeeper wants situation. Host of city
referent-pa. Address B 24 , lice olllco. U3J3)J )
VS7ANTRD Sowing In prlvato families by a
TT jnung ladv with good roforonces. Address -
dross 1125 , lloo olllco. IJ5S 20'
T\fANTRl ) A young man of iiDout the iiiro
' ' of 18 or 19 , who would Hko to leiirn tno
photozrnphbusiness. Apply at Grand Central
lJaliory,217 North Idth st. 5-,9
\VANTED-8ltuatlon as .drug olerk , rogls-
' tqrod In the state of Npbragku , ppeiikft
German and Kngllsh. Address 11 33. I too oinco.
751 22J
"l\7"ANTKD Situation by lady , pastry or meat
i T cook , $40 per month. Address or cull 271)8 )
lltirtst. 727 2.1 *
\V TANTED Situation by Indy pastry cook.
' fid per week. Addresser uall 311 N. 13th.
019 1 ! )
WANTED IJy a lady , situation asslcknursn
to care Tor Invalid. Address or call at 314
N. 13th St. 61819
W ANTKD A position as copyist In an office ,
cnn nlso typo write. Address H. K. II. ,
General delivery , city. C322'ij '
WANTF.D Position by young lady who Is
experienced jMHtolHeo clerk , as stenog
rapher , oopylst or other olllcowtirk : best rof-
ioncos furnished. Address M. S. , 019 N. lUth.
514 2IJ
WANTKD-Socond-hand bicycle , fifty-two
Inch , state how long used , kind , terms.
Address U 30 , Boo office. 78T 19j
WANTED To rent smnll house hcpt 1st
with city water and CJH In good locality
within K mile ol P O. Iteutronco given. Ad
dress Heo29 Hoc QlllCP. [ , t ) 7 J SO *
TANTED Tholadlrs of > l Omaha to know
that orders for help arft promptly tilled at
ho Gate City Employment. Office , 314 8 15th
It- cr' 098
IfANTlID A peed second hand one horse
T lutnbor wagon , S 13th , t. planing mill.
T 091 20J
XV'ANTJlD-To rent foiiltho winter a fur-
' nlsliod house , 0 to H rooms , or 4 or 5 f ur-
nlshod rooms sultablo for nght housekeeping ;
must ho doslrublo loc'itlon. ' ' Can furnish any
reference desired. Addiofti-H Mlllard hotel.
TO 91 20J
WANTED-Nicoly lurm'ihcd and unfur
nished rooms lUtoinwith us. Kecord
Advertising Co , 1511 J-unmtrtBt. COO
WANTED A store , or will buy out a good
confectionery , cigar and tobacco stand ,
must be in good locution. Address 211 South
" 2th st , Omaha. r.gQ20J
\Y A creamery nnd canning fac
tory. Will aesist the rUlit parties. Ad'
dross Hank of Valley. Valley. Nob. 270ai )
WANT1ID A grain dealer to locate at this
pluco. Best grain region In Nebraska.
Address Hank ot Valley , Viilloy. Nob. 27089
TANTKD-A few boarders at 1720 Dodge st
Iteforcncos requested. 70. )
T7ANTED"To : trade , section Nebraska
v T land for trade for Omaha property. Ad
dress W. N. T. , B. E. Cor. llurdott and 2tth ; sts.
Oil ) MUJ
WANTEl-Cottngoof3 or 5 rooms or 3 or 4
unfnrnUliod rooms , suitable for light
hnnsekoeplnir. Itcfcronco furnished. Ad
dress A 43 , Bee office. 821
WANTKD-A harnosi maker to open a shop
hero. Address Bank of Valley , Valley ,
Nob. 270-S-9
W ANTKD Factories of all kinds. Address
Hank of Valley , Valley , Neb. 270s9
WANTED Uo rent , by a gentlemen and
wlfu , no children , it house In good loca
tion , all modern Improvements Nnno ether
need apply. Address A 41 Boo office. 255 It )
WANTED-To lease for a term of years a
building for light manufacturing pur
pose ? , about WKRtt , three storlos and basement.
Address A 38 , Boo office , 2.VS 23
VJT'ANTKD One hundred head of good stock
vv hogs , weighing not loss than 50 or over 100
pounds ThosC. JotTerls , residence on river
bottom on ( ! race street , ! i mile east of llth Bt ,
Omaha , or address No 317 Bouth 15th street ,
Omaha , Nob. TOO 21J
WANTED Parties having houses , flats or
rooms to list them with the Gate City
Ilcntal agency , SHY 8.15th st 628
" \I7ANTED-f2,600 for one year. Have Improved -
' proved property m Omaha that pays 10
per cent on a f 45,000 valuation , that Is Incur.-
bored for (10,000. Will give second mortgage
as collateral. Address stating interest re
quired. A 5 , Beoollico. % 0
\v 17ANTED-Pupllf In English branches
and niuslo , n. w. corner lettt and Farnam.
725 sl
J10 111 HENT-3 room cottuge , 1910 Nicholas st
FOll HBNT Part of barn on alloy bet Har-
noy and Howard and 1Kb and 12th. Apply
WR. 40USBthst 71918J
T71OR " HENr TIouso 3 rooms , stable , Ac , cor.
A" 19th and Dorcas , rent (12 per mo. .1. M.
Simoral , room 2 , Kodlck blk. ' 044 19J
HENT-8 room house , rent (25,1 year's
lease. 1003 a 13th st 0 room Hat rent * 35 ,
lease for 2 years , 7 blocks from P O. ; 8 room
house , rent (25. furniture for sale , (300 , U cash
Co-operatlvo Land and Lot Co. , 205 N Ifitb st
TTIOH HUNT fl room houae almost now , with
-L good barn , well and otstorn , 3 blocks south
from s w corner of Hanscom Park. John II.
, _ ,
Hedge * f Ml MJ
OH HKNT-Snow wlndow.and 36 foot shelf
room in 308 North 16th. \ 672
F OH RENT Store , good , location , 30th and
Clark fits. Inquire 1813 Clark Bt 483 20j
[ TUMI HENT 7room house , good location.
L ? stable and yard. Applyi6t2 | Farnam. 3IU
Foil HENT Good officoruround iloor , fine
location. Apply to Clur ) > on & Boatty , 219
B14lhst > t 771
FOR RENT-One three-room flat. Imiulro
825 Bouth 23d or Collefr ! st.or of II. (1.
Burbanc , 143 Farnam St. , u Mrgaln if taken Im-
modlately. 75119J
"Ij ' OH KENT House , flvo rooms , ' large lot , do-
X' slrable location , 2710 llecutiir street ; I-D
per month. O. O. Wallace/taom 8H Crolghton
blocc. \S 751 21
1011 HKNT-Store room./r ' / nii hloeic from
ppitoffico. Inquire of Theodore Williams ,
at Bee ullioo. { 735
FOll RENT Three (3) ( ) new houses , situated
on King and Coffman streets , In A. rf. Pa
trick's add. Inquire at Boom 2 , Arlington
block. Patrick Bros. 423 24
TT10H HENT 6 elegant brick store rooms on
JL' Park avenue , opposite park. Will bo com
pleted In DO days. Apply on tbo premises from
9 to 12a.m. A. H. Fitch. 979
HENT Elegant brlok residence , 10
rooms , modern conveniences. Inquire
Morao 4 Brunner , 1605 Farnam st. ftt'l '
FOH HENT 5 brick fits of 6 rooms each on
Park avenue , opp. park. Will be complet
ed InSOdays. With modern conveniences. Ap
ply on the premises from 9 to 12 a.m. A. A.
THOR HINT Two large new "stores and two
JtJ flats of Ore rooms each. City water and gas.
On Baunders tt. 0. W. Cain. 2330 Ohio st. BU
FOR HBNT One lot near reunion grounds
with privilege : of nine arres. about onn
block fro in main camp. Call it cor lllh i t.'apltol
FOH RENT Now itoro and living rooms on
Cumlng st near Haundnrs st Apply Har-
-Is IKal Kitato & Loan Co. , 320 8.15th st. 8 9
FOH HENT-9-roora cottage on 8.10th street ,
opposlie old Brownoll Hall. Inquire A. 0.
Powell. 1 fi06 Farnam. 681 J
TTIOR HKNT New 8 room house on B. 16th st ,
V well and olty water. (30 per month. J. A.
lodge , drugstore , cor t'lorce and 2Jth ts.
11 tl
FOR RENT A snap , a sir-room flat with all
modern conveniences , ' ! blocks from P.O. ,
tartly furnished , furnlturo for sale. Apply
1208.15th st. Hoom T. CCJ „ )
HHNT-2JII Douglas St. , fine now ton
JL room brick dwelling with all modern con-
onloncos. Apply to W. F. Clark , 403 N loth gt
667 20
FOH HENT-5 room house , KJJ S 23d st.s
6W IftJ
,71OH HENT Ham sultablo tor lour horses.
-L1 inquire at 617 B littti st. 511
Mi i RKNT New 10-room house ; all 1m-
- provotnrnt * . , steam heat. C. W. A O. E.
'hompson , 314 S. 15th at , 1000
jlOH HKNT Ollloe space on ground floor at
- 1509 Farnam. Apply In rear offlco. J. 8.
llohardson- 502 alO
"tHOIOH Lot for Leaso. Southeast corner
W 48x8 K Ijcavrnworth and Park ave.or will
u lid to suit tenant , lloublo Bros. 353
FOR HKNT--Nowly furnished rooms , 1818
Fnrnam st. 001 21J
3Toil HENT To goutlonicu , nicely furulslioit
room , first Iloor , now house on Mason st
lOtwocn 17th ntid ISth. Hnfcrctices required.
FOH HKNT Nicely furnished room , 018 S.
17th st 203
FOI ! HKNT Nicely furnished rooms In nil
parts of the city from f ! > to $ < 0 per month.
Uncord Adertlslug Co , 1513 Kuriiuni st. CdtJ
FOR"HENT Tno largest store rooniTn fownT
Inqulro at the Argus office , Albion. Nob.
461 nop 13 ;
FOH HKNT A nice , largo front room , fur
nished excellent , lovely location , modern
iqnvcnloncos , on street car lino. I'jnCnssst.
FOR HKNT Elegantly furnished front room ,
sultablo for 2 or 4. with llrst-class board ,
orras uiodorato. 2011 llurtat. 4'-9 19J
FOH HKNT-Nlcoly furnished room,1st Iloor.
1701 Capitol nvo. 410 1UJ
FOR RENT Elegantly furnished parlor , all
conveniences , neur business , private ) tarn-
Iy. ItHi Capital avo. 014 SIJ
FOR HHNr Furnished rooms , ladles or gen
tlemen , 311 N 12th. 62tl 19J
TpOH HKNT | Furnished room with board for
JL gcntlomau ; references required. 1721
Douglas. 6'J7 ' 21.1
FOR HENT Largo front parlor with Day
window , and alcove , also other rooms with
modern conveniences at 1321 Farnam st.ono
block west of court houso. 824
FOH HENT-Finnlshed parlor and bed room.
Apply rat N. 27th at 650 19J
TjlOH HENT A nicely furnished room at 2511
JT St Mary'save. 421
TO OK HENT-Offico , 1612 Farnam st
FOH KENT Elegantly furnished rooms sin
gle or ensulte , with use of bath ; oleotrlo
bells In every room. First class restaurant at
tached , at Norrls European hotel , corner 16th
aad Webster. 6S
FOR HKNT Two neatly furnished rooms ,
very desirable location , private family.
Also room for two or three nloe table boardnrs.
S. E. corner Twentieth and Farnam. 4111 aU6 *
TTOH HENT-Furnlshod room 181B Dodge st.
952 sept 6
FOR HENT-Furnished rooms , 719 South 15th
St. , between Loavouworth aud Jones.
658 19 *
" 171011 llKNT-,1 or 0 unfurnished rooms , Miit-
JL1 nbtoforhouookooplng. 7111'uclQo st. 055
T710R HKNT-3 unfurnished rooms suitable
JL' for housekeeping , so cor 20th and Nicholas
Bt. $12.50 a mouth. 655
TTIOrt HUNT Nicely lurnlshod front room ,
JL1 also sulto , bath , gas , water , etc. 2 ill ) Doug-
"as st. 650 23
T71OII IlKNf 4 unfurnlsnod rooms suitable
JL1 for housekeeping. 421 Bouth IVth St. 655
FOll HENT-For gentlemen. Nicely fur-
nlshod rooms with modern conveniences ,
2212 Farnam St. 243
" | 71OB"lUNT A nice large front room , all
JL' modern Improvements and nicely furnished
C01 8 20th St. 313
TJIOH SALE One of the taort prominent
JL1 corners in Ibo business portion of the
city. F. U. Kennard , 114-116 S 16th st BOS
"CpOIl HP.NT Furnished rooms in Oruenlg
-L' block , cor 13th and Dodgo. Davis & Hothor-
Ingtou , Mlllard hotel blllard room. 839
LfOU RiNT : Furnished rooms 1615 Dodge.
"TTIOlt RKNTLargn front room furnished for
JL gentlemen , ground floor ; maple trees ;
grass ; pavement ; street cars every flvo mln-
utrs. H)9 ) Howard st. AUo roomn furnished
and unfurnished for light housekeeping. U23
FOR HKNT Furnished front rcom , near car
line at corner of Dodge and 21th streets.
Inquire of A. H. Comstock 1523 arnaru st.
FOH RENT Unfurnished parlor and bed
room at S K cor 20th and Chicago. 770
FOH RKNT Furnished front room with
closet Cil B li > th st , near Loavonworth.
707 21 *
T71OH HKNT A latgo front alcove room , 1707
J ? Dodge St. 768
FOH HUNT Furnished room very cheap ,
ll-W Farnam. 78S
FOR RKNT Furnished rooms with or with
out board , COO N. 17Ui st 770 23J
FOR RENT Furnished room , IftlS Fnrnam
8t. 747
FOH HENT Nicely furnished front room.for
gentleman and wife , orgontlomon , on
street car lino. 424 North 17th st 753 19j
FOR HENT-Furnlshud rooms , (3 to (14. SOU
South 22d. 2811 20j
FOR RENT-1'urnishod rooms in Grounlgblk.
cor 13th and Dodge st Inquire of Davis &
Hethorlngton , Mlllard Hotel Billiard room. 291
FOR RENT Elegant suite of rooms , referen
ces required , 1 < 107 Douglas st 197
FOll RENT Desirable furnished room for
gentlemen at 8t)9 ) Howard st 6S9
FOB RENT A largo front room in now
house bath , and latest modern improve
ments , 1618 Webster street 122
T710R RENT Ware room cor. 14th and Call-
JL1 ifornln on Bolt Line. For particulars on-
qulro at Union Nat bank. ISA
TOOH RENT-Furntshed rooms , 1707 Cass.
FOR RENT Newly furnished room , board if
desired , 1720 Dodge St. 704
17/011 HKNT Furnished room , 1623 Dodge-
RUNT Furnished room,20- . ' llarnov $8
25'J 20j
OR HENT-Suite of furnished rooms for
gentlemen. A. Hospo , Jr. , 315 N. 17th.
FOH HKNT Nicely furnished looms , to gen
tlemen only , 2-W N. Utb St. , Room 2. 948
TjlOR HENT Furnished roams , on sulto , In
JL1 private family , modern conveniences.
Apply to Leslie & Leslie , 16th and. Dodge stf > .
FOR HKNT Two elegantly furnished rooms ,
170S Douglas street , U88 2IJ
OlflirNT-A nowljMfurnlihod room.20
Farnam st. 636 HI
T Olt HKNT-Kurnlshed rooms at 615 B 18th et.
608 20 *
FOH HKNT-3 elegantly furnished rooms
with board. Inquire at 1914 Farnam st
673 84
TTtOH RENT-Nlcoly furnished front parlor.
JD (12 ; also , small bed room , ( . 314 N l.'ltb.
OH RENT-Elegant furnished frontparlor ,
with bed room adjoining and tmth , all
modern ImprovementR , 2402 St Mary's avc.
711 20J
TCXR HKNT Handsomely furnished rooms ,
JD single and on suite. 1718 Dodge street.
FOH RENT Furnished rooms , cheap. 1613
Chicago. 63020 *
FOH HENT Hoom and offices In old city hall
building. Enquire 310 B 10th , Chamber of
Commerce. 705 20j
FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms one (10 anil
$ JU per month , 1621 l-arimm. 737 ) J
TJKR HBNT Nloel/ furnished room , 1921
-T DoOge st 134
L 1IST your property for sale with Charles C
Bpouwood , aWJ Slflth st. tU
VVKCatiso ( or a tow days only
T > Lot 10d Qlse'a addition for o,41l
1,0 171 nine's addition , I8.39X
Illock 1 iloyd'S addition , 13.5JX
One-third cash , batancn 1,2 and 3 years.
Hemlneton * MoCormlck , 220 South 15th st.
ONR hundred and twenty-eight foot In Onrks
add Just oft St. Marvs ave , surrounded br
handsome ro ldonoei. Call and get price. I ,
K. Darling , 416 S 15th Bt 741 19
P'OR MALE Corner lot on Virginia are with
two good houses , ohflap at * 7.00X Terms
ra y. Houses rent for 170 per month. S. a.
Campbell , 310 S. ICth st. Chamber of Com
merce. X73
F OR SALE-Or trade , 25 lots in the western
pnrt of Omaha near the tlonson car line ,
price 1400 each , $250 due on contracts payabla
In 8 quarterly payments , will trnde Interest In
contracts for Nebraska land. MoCulloch A Co. ,
16H9 Farnam st. 1000
T7 OH 9 A Lit or Trade Mv Swan Lake prop-
JU crty In Holt county , Nob. Will make an
oxrollont summer resort orlock ranch. Lake
fed by springs , water clear as crystal and fuller
or flsli. Fine grouii > , duck and geese shooting.
002 acres land completely surrounding the lake.
Three cottages on the place. A. II. Noldlg ,
U rnnlto block , Omaha. 519
rnoiNVRsroilS-I have had placed In mr
JL tinruli for sale twenty acrrs , about tluoo
miles west of tno court house , on the M , P. ry ,
Just opposite the crosilng of the 0. ft N. W.
ry..all level rround , covered with a beautiful
growth of sbado trees. Admirably adapted fern
n manufacturing slto. Can olTorthlsat figures
thnt will make It a splendid Investment If taken
quick. Goo. N. Hicks. 215 S. iMh Bt. 62U 20
tJAltniAN SAUi-Mnrtlia M. lah will-ell
at public auction at the north door of the
court house , at 10 o'clock a. m. , September 3 ,
an uero of ground , cor of 20th and Locust sU ,
adjoining Kountzo Place. 07U s 3
HIXTY'BIX feet on SnumleM near Grace ,
fronts on two streets for $7,000 , H ciish. F.
1C Darling , 4111 S IMh. 741 19
IT'OR SALK- House and lot on Bnumlers St. ,
JO north of Litko , owner can't moot payment
duo on sjmie. and wo are instructed to sell this
propnrty before August 2 for 12,803. Morton-
son 4 ChrlsteiiEon , 1414 Farnam. 617 2.1J
FOll HF.NT--A snap , a six-room flat with all
modern onnvcnlonco9,3 blocks from P. O. ,
partly furnished , furnlturo for sale. Apply 4JO
S. 15th , St. , Noom 7. l > ilJ IU
rpo exchange for unlnoumborod land or furtn
JL In Iowa or Nebraska a number of lots In
Omaha. Chas. R. Woolly , 413 B15th at.Omahn ,
Neb. 61830
TOIt SAI.R Ijot In South Omaha near bust-
JL1 nrsi center with one house ot 1' rooms
and one bouse of 3 rooms renting for T40 per
month , a bargain at f4,000 , $1,000 case , bal 1 ,
! ! and 3 years. Chas. U. Woolley , 418 S 15th st. ,
Omaha , Neb. 04830
LIST your property for sale with Charles C ,
Spotswood , 30 > M 8 l th st. 012
HOUS1J and full lot for only $1.300 , monthly
payments. F. K. IJarllng. 416 U Kith
Nebraokafnrms to trade for Omaha
GOOD estate ; also , farms to soil on long
tlmo. Ono with a section , good Improvements ,
20 year louso. for J5.00J. Or will soil for $16 per
acre , nnd give doed. Record Advertising Co ,
1513 Farnam st. 60J
TjlOll SALB-9 room house InCatalpa Place , 8
OJ blocks from street car : lot 42 x100 , south
side on alloy ; hard aud soft water. Price $5-
000 ; $500 cash , bal. $50 per month. Also bpuso
of fi rooms for 13,500. J. F. Hammond , 117 S.
16th. 68 *
TIO KXCHANGK-For Omaha property , one
or more sections of good Nebraska land.
Chas. R. Woolloy , 418 South 15th st , Omnha , Neb.
648 JO
FOR SALIC ortradolot2 , blk 16. Improve
ment Ass , add , 82xltU. Has housu 4 rooms
and kitchen , rented to good tenant , Apply to
Charles 0. Spotswood , ao.'iK 8 16th. 730
TOOK SALK At a bargain , section 1 , township
-C 16 , range 11 , In Howard county , this state.
Splendid soil , can plow at least four-filth' ;
oven miles from Klba station , and about same
distance from I ! . A M. station. Price $10 per
acre ; H cash , balance , 1,2 and 3 years. Also
640 acres of good land being section 25 , town-
hlplfl , rangoit wost. This land 18 situated In
Howard county , this state , close to the U. P. ,
and now station on the II. & M. branch. Can
plow st least throe-fourths , ballanco excellent
pasturage. No bettor soil in the state , a rook
bottom crook run * across the extreme south
west corner. Splendidly adapted for general
farming or stocu purposes. Price $3 per acre ;
H or nioro cash , balance long time. The corn
crop and grain growth this season In the vicin
ity was never better , and Is the best rxtlvortlse-
mont of Ita soil. Address Geo. N. Hliks , 815
South 15th st. 520 20
/ NE hundred and flfty-nvo foot on StMary's
\.f . for flat- also
* v * ave ; splendid property * * jwn > ( same
fronttipeon Jones st. fan bo bought cuonp. F ,
K. narllng , 416 H 15th. 714 19
RXCHANGE-Houtes and lots In Omaha
to trade for farms in Iowa or Nebraska.
Clins. R. Woolloy , 418 South 15th strcot.Omnha ,
Neb. C4830
F I OH SALE A desirable full lot near Jotlor-
eon Square. Address O 8 this office ,
GUAHDIAN Pale On the 3d day of Septem
ber at 10 o'clock a. m. , at the north door
of the court hoimo , Mrs. Martha M Ish will sell
at public auction to the highest bidder her res
idence and flvo lota , also tlvo lots adjoining at
the northeast corner of Ambler Place. Borne
one will got a bargain. H80 s 3
FOll SALE-Ton now hotisos onn block from
street earn , small cash payment , balance
monthly. Chas. ll.Woolley , 418 Bouth 15th 8t ,
Omaha , Neb. G48 30
FOH SALE Corner lot In Kountro placo,60x
121 foot , Routli and east front , no building
remitted , warranty deed , J3.000 , half cash.
Address 112 ! , lleooirico. 7I321J
BEAUTIFUL 1'LACB-f can offer for a
A few days three beautiful south front lots
on 1'opplcton avenue In Hanscom Place. Pun-
ploton avenue Is now being graded , and these
lots will bo just right for grade ; water and gas
already on street ; a perfect grade ; two lines of
street oars. A beautiful park and a splendid
neighborhood all combine to make this an ele
gant site for a cosy homo. Prloo only $2.700 ;
$7i cash , balance on long tlrao. Cleo. N.
lllckfl.Sli 8.15th St. 52030
'tTlJNT this up. An olugant 50 foot lot on
XI 28th st , north of Leavenworth. Street cars , water , oto.\000 on easy terms ,
locality best in town. Evans k Blackburn.
EIGHT room house and full lot In Falrmount
plaoo , one blonk from car line for $3,200.
Very easy terms. F. K. Darling , 410 B 15th.
IF YOU want to buy , soli , or trade your prop
erty , call on Charles R. SpoUwood , 305'/i
B. 16th st. 40 ?
TO RXCHANOE-Ono arge now 10-room
housa nnd two lots , only S blocks from
street cars , will take partly In land or other
good property , balance on easy torms. Cbas.
IL Woolloy , 418 South 15th St. , Omaha , Nob.
"COR8ALB or trade A quarter section of land
JG in eaoh of the following counties In Ne
braska : Frmklin , Kearney , Aditms and Buf
falo. A section In Kcltb county ; ZOO acres la
Dawson county. Four flno lots In Sterling ,
Col. Two lots In Central City , Neb. Ton
shares of Omaha Panorama stock. A team of
horse * , with or without harness and carriage.
A lot In Council Bluffs. Three Ion in Murphy's
addition ( Washington Hill ) and about twenty-
flvo lots in Oinalm and South Omaha. All
good property Will trade for unlnciimburod
city or farm property. Kvans & HlHckburn ,
1SIO Uortgo st , 445 19
' '
"niOll'HA'LK The chqlpost lots In Orchard
lots to suit purchasers. Now Is the tlmu to
gnt a beautiful home on easy terms. Apply t
Charles H. Bpotswood , 305K a. 10th st. 408
IF you want to buy , sell or trade , call on L. V.
Grum.lZON 15th St.
100 lots U of a mile of U. P. depot
for sale or trade.
9-roorn IIOIIPO for rent Two 10-room houses
for rent , biiloor trade. Idlewlldo. Ily
815 L. V. Crum.iaONmhst.
T.0 IlXCIlANOE--For improved Omaha prop-
-L orty 10 good Kansas farms. Charles It
Woolloy.418South 15th t OH 30
m\vo beautiful cast front lots In Hunscom
JL place on car line for JJ.OOO ouoli , ! j cash.
Look these up , they are bargains , K. K. Dar
ling , 419 8 16th. 74419
LIST your property for sale with Charles C.
8potswood,30JK SIGlhst C42
FOH BALE The finest residence lot on
Dodge street 3 blocks wont of post oinoo ,
80 feet south frontage , a corner. F. 1) ) . Ken-
nard , 114-116. 8. Ititb Bt. 'Wi _
FOH BALE Ono million acres of land In Ne
braska. Speculator's landsrullrotvl landl ,
ranches , and farms In nil parts of the
state , Bend forpitrnphlot containing descrip
tion and price of over one thousand farms. A
floe topographical map of tno state sent free
uK > n application. K. H. Andrus , for 10 yeaM
( len'l Land Agent D. A M. H. H. lllghtb and P
streets , Lincoln. Nebraska. 4' ' )
Dissolution Notice ,
NOTICF. Is hereby glvan that the partnnr-
Khlp heretofore existing butvreon ( Ino. T.
Wilkinson , Chas. H. Dnvln and Isldor Cluck ,
umlur the llrm name of Wilkinson & Davh , < >
Omaha , Nob. , was dlisolvod by mutual COIIKM
on theulghth day ot August , so far as rclnl
to the said ( 'bus. II. Davis. All debts iluo tu Ill-
said partnership are to bo paid and tlumo ilti
from the same cUticharged at 1420 Dodt'u street.
Omalia , whnre the siild ( leo. 1' . Wilkinson ami
Isldnr niuck III continue tlio buiiiio9 < if man
ufacturing ODtlclam , uuJor the Urm niiinii of
Uliick & Wilkinson.
1707 Olive St. . St. Louis , Mo.
Of the Missouri State Museum Of Ann't6rni
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Gicscn , Germany and New
York. Having devoted their Attention
OF .
Nemos , Chronic and
More especially those arising from impur-
deuce , invite all so suffering to correspond
without delay. Diseases of Infection and
contagion cured safely and speedily without - .
out use of dangerous drutis. I'.iticnti
whose cases have been neglected , badly
treated or paonoundcd incurable , should
not f ll to write us concerning their R ) nip- .
toms. All letters receive immediate at
And will be mailed FREE to any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Phybical Exhaustion , " to which is * added
an "Essay on Marriage , " with important
chapters on Diseases of the Reproductive
Organs , the whole forming a valuable med
ical treatise which should be read by all
young men. Address
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
For Adults
For Children ,
For Both Sexes
When onthcflidtrr summer's < J r
The KUineemn eoi ; ce u mlluuwaTI
Wban coraoMrk Hondmhe toopprois
Anclovory miiiuent brinBi ll lriJ ,
Then TAHHAN'fSSBl.T/HU proves * frloilO ,
TliatilruuiiUts all can recommend.
Remarkable for powerful sympa
thetic tone , pliable action and ab
solute durability ; 30 years' record ,
the best guarantee of the excel
lence of these instruments.
of the body enltrgcd and itrcngthtnril. Pull pirtto-
Ulan ( Mtled ) fno. KKIK MKU. CO. , Ilutt.lo , N. A
MATTER of application of John A. Dodg ,
for portult to soil liquor aa a
Notloo Is Hereby given that John A. Dodg <
did upon the Ibth day of August , A. D. 1887. tli
hit aiipllcatlon to the mayor and city council of
Oinaliu , for permit to sell malt , spirituous nnd
vinous liquors , as a druggist , for mudlulnali
mechanical and ohctutcul purposes only , at No.
1(119 ( 8. 20th street , Sovunth ward , Omaha ,
Nob. , from the llth day of April. 1847toth
10th day of April. 18 8.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance of
protest filed within two wi-oks from August 18th
A. D. 1887 , the said permit will no granted.
JOHN A DODGE , Applicant
J B. SotlTitAiin , City Clork. 10-24
Sl ort
Tlio only road to take for Dos Molnes ' ar >
shalltown , 0 udiir Itupids , Clinton , Dlxon. Cblca- <
go , Mllwuukeo and all points eabt. To the poo-
ulo of Nclinisku , Culoindo , Wyoming , Utah ,
Idaho , novai'a , Oregon , Washington , and Cali
fornia , It otruiaBuporlor advantages not possi
ble by any ether lino.
Among a few of the numerous points of su
noriorltyenjoyed by the patron-tot this road
Pot con Omaha and Chicago , are Its two trains
a day of DAY COACHES , which are tbo Qnost
that human art and Ingenuity can creutn. Its
PALAOKESLEHl'INU CAltS , which are models
of comtort ami oleganco. It * PAHLOlt DKAW-
INO UOOM CAKS , uiMurpassod by any , and Its
widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAK3 ,
the equal of which cannot bo found elsewhere
At Council Bluffs the trains of tbo Union PaelHo
Ity. connect In Union Do | > ot with these of the
Chicago & Northwestern Hy. In Chicago the
trains of this line make close connection with
tbosoof all eastern linos.
For Detroit. Columbus. Indianapolis. Cincin
nati , Niagara Falls , Buffalo , Plttaburg.Toronto ,
Montreal , Boston , Now York , Philadelphia.
Ilnltlmore , Washington and all points in the
If you wish the best accommodation , All ticket
agents sell tickets via this lino'
Gonl. Manager , Gonl. Puss r Agent
Chicago , 111.
Wostarn Agent , City Pass'r Agent ,
Omaha Nebraska , .
wna is UKicquiiHTio wiin TII ainoaimr OF rms
coumar win , BIS B v xzAKUua tiu IUT TIUT tus
117 reaion ot Iti central position olose relation to lines
East of Chicago , and oontlmi : > u lines at terminal
points Writ , Northwest and Boutnwest , U the trie
middle link In that transcontinental ayitara which
InTltes and facilitates travel aud traiUo between the
Atlantic and 1'aolflo.
The Itoek Iilaad mala line and branches Include CM-
cage , Jollet , Ottawa , Lafialle , IoorU , Oeutaeo , Upline
and Hock Island , In Illinois | Darenport , Muic.tlno ,
Washington , rail-field. Ottumwa , Oikaluoia , Writ I.IU.
ertylow Cltyl ) eMoinesIn < llanolaWlnlerse , Allan-
Wo , KnoiTllle , Auilubon , llarlan , ( lotbrle Centra and
Council Illuffs , In Iowa I Oallatln , Trenton , St. Jos < i > n ,
Cameron and Kansas City. In tlliiourl ! MaTenwvrlh
Jid AtohUon , InKanuuii Albert LeaMinneapolis and
Bt.raulliiUlnnetota | Watsrtown e.nd Sioux ralli.l *
Dakota , and hundredsot Intermediate cities end lowr-i.
VTho Great Rock Island Route"
Guarantees speed , comfort , ecrtatntr and safety. Its
rennanent war IsdlstlnKuUhedforlUescelltnre. Iti
bridges are of stone and Iron. Its track ls of soldi
ste lltsrollIjiKiitockt rroct. lupais-ncereqolpmoil
lias all the safelyappllances that eiperlencebasprorul
iiitful , and fur Usurious accommodatlona I * un > r-
pa ied. Its Kspress Trains cou&ljt of supsnur v\y
Concliss , tlntunt fulhnan I'alan Parlerand HUpitr !
Cars , sti | > rl > Dining Can , proMingdelicious nieali.
ami ( between Chicago and St. Joieuli , Atoulson ant
KamaCltjr ) reitful Itocilnlug Chair Cars. Its inau.
apment Is conxinraU-e , Its dliclpUne enrtloj.
"The Famous Albert Lea Route"
IMwMn Chicago and Hlnnaapolls and SI , Paul Is the
famrllo. Orer this line Kolld fast Kipress Trains run
AM ) to attractl > e retorts for lonrlsls In Iowa sea
UlnncioU. end , via Watortown and Mlouz Valli , tj the
rich wheat and trulnic lanils ot Interior Dakota , Via
Henoca ami Kankakiie , the Kockliland offers superior
Inducements to trailers between Cincinnati , ludlsa-
cpolli , | jf rett. anil Council lilun.fil. Joseph , AUkl *
on , Ltavenwortu , Kanias City , Ht. i'aul.andliUrfii-
illate points. All patron ( vsreclallr ladles an4 ul.ll-
drenr < ieelTeirotiictlon | , > ourtesyanakladl7att < Mlou.
1 or tlrkets , maps , fnl Icn. copies of Western Trail , or
niteilmd liiforumtlon , apply to prladpal oStfts In
tLo Unili.l St.tia auj Canada , or aUsreu , atCklt c ,
I. R. tABlC. I.ST. JONiT , I. A. MOllHOtl ,
4ii1 ei1Mai ui. f is. n. * rut. * >