Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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tmOX , MO , 18 , PKABL BTXU1
Zfesrmttrf ctrrler in any part of the dty
twenty etnU p r WMk.
vnima omc * . Me. tt.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Shoes , Shoes , Shoes ,
At Adams' , 417 Hroadway.
Keller , tailor. Fall goods cheap.
Adams will sell shoes cheapest for :
Remember Adams when you arc read
to buy school shoes.
A .special reduction in prices for :
days at Adams' shoo store.
Fine coupes for ladles calling. Wi
Lewis , telephone 129. Ofllce 411) ) JJron
A select picnic party made merry
Lake Manawa last evening , ami had
dance at the hotel.
The funeral of the Infant daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ucccroft was he
yesterday afternoon ,
There will be an examination of teacl
ers held in the \Vestern Iowa colic ;
. rooms on the 20th and 27th.
Chris Hanscn , a scavenger , wits yeste
day arrested for not having a licens
He paid the costs and immediately qu
the business.
A meeting of the ladles of the W. C. i
is called Monday afternoon at the res
dence of Mrs , Allen , 321 Park avenue ,
full attendance is desired.
The democratic caucuses nro to bo he
this evening for tho'purpose of nelcctir
delegates to the county convention whit
is to meet in this city on the 25th.
The funeral of the infant son of M
and Mrs. 1'ctcrson was held ycstcrd :
afternoon from the family residcnc
corner of Sixteenth street and Twentici
To-morrow the Ancient Order of II
bernlans goon the John M. Abbott for a
excurshnup the river.lcavingtho Droa
way dummy depot at 10:30 : a. m. for tt
It has been decided to erect a bulldin
for the police patrol between the ell
puildmg and the city jail. This will t
much more convenient , and will exp
illte the police business.
A caboose standing in the Chicagi Island & Pacific yards , was yestei
day broken Into. A conductor's punc
and some clothing belonging to tl
freight crow were stolen.
A dangerous grating is that in front <
fcregoy & Moore's on Main strcc
Someone will receive severe injuries if
is not attended to. The building
owned by a non-resident , Moses itloon
The pacer Gray Jim , formerly owne
by Lawrence Hoist , came in second i
Ottuinwit in the 2:35 : pace , making 2:31 :
Gray Jim was entered in the :35 : pace i
this city in the spring and was distance !
A daughter of Air. Young , at No. 7i
Pierce direct , is very ill , and fears arc 01
tcrtumed that she may not recover. .
was not long ago that the aamo honi
was saddened by the death of the oldt
The poll tax collector , C. J. Heckmai
lias served about 1,400 notices ami wi
now take a breathing spell until the tin
of the month , when ho will begin null
ngamst those who puy no attention to h
demands for payment.
A young follow peddling suspendei
had just fitted a pair to the city attorne
uml was pocketing the change when h
was arrested for not having a license. II
gave his numc as J. D. Turner , und wi
now pay additional costs or go out of bu
incss hero.
The police have begun on the thi-hor
gamblers. "Cute , " the cripple , and
Jmnger-on named Price were yesterda
sentenced to the county jail , the sontcnc
to begin to-day. Price has alreml
skipped and "Cuto" was last night huu
Ing up money euough to leave on.
Her. Mr. Mills , pastor of the Nort
duin Street Baptist church , was bent
itled by a pound purty Thursday nigh
Us colored parishioners and friem
eem to bo rallying around him nobl' '
ind the society is building up rapiuly.
The ox-drum-major , Carbco , yesterda
sent his friend , Mrs. Altu Arnold , to Chii
of Police Mullen with an order for hi
pants and other things which have remained
mainod in charge of the police since tli
major's arrest and confinement in tb
county jail.
Arrangements are being made for
gentlemen's roadster race. It will proL
ably tnko place this afternoon at th
driving park , and live horses will n
doubt bo entered. They belong to Tin
odore Uruy , L. Moist , J. J. Shea. I
Wells and George Wosner.
The Catholics are preparing for a gran
bazaar to bo held in the Temple hall tl :
last week in October , the proceeds to I
used in the erection of the new churc
building. It is expected that seven
thousand dollars will bo obtained , as U
affair is to bo an extensive ono.
The funeral of the late James Porto
field took place yesterday morning froi
the residence of his brother , Uuv. G. V
Postmaster Itowmun , Judge James iin
Jacob Williams , of Omaha.
Rev. Mr. Telgeroth , a Swedish mmli
tor from Oakland , Cal. , is in Omaha , an
will spend Sunday hero. Ho will prcac
Jn the Scandinavian Haptlst church i
the morning in the Swedish languagi
The Swedes are especially invited to he :
him. In the evening the pastor wi
greach. Ins subject being "The Christia
ubbath. "
The Institution for the deaf and dum
will open September Ifi. Senator Kotl
crt , the new superintendent , Is expccte
to arrive this morning from Keokuk , h
home , and tuke charge. Many unprov
merits have been made about the buili
lues and grounds this year , all of whle
will bo completed next week.
Jerry Myer went west with a surve1
Ing party under T. A. Clatk. the eng
ncor. Jerry has returned , thinking it tc
tough a country for him. He manage
to go as far as forty miles north of Fo
Fetterman on foot , und says he saw notl
ing out t > ago brush and cactus , an
thought He'd turn back to "God's com
try.'r where ho can get u square mei
and meet a friend.
The now steamer Nellie Keller , in :
launched on Lake Manawa by Vie. Kollo
has been carefully inspected by the eit
Kens' committee and pronounced staunc
and perfectly safe for 100 passenger
The steamer is run by an engineer wl
does not drink a drop of liquor and wi
is licensed by the United States govcrr
inent. . Under all circumstances the sufoi
of the passengers will bo made the iir
Cheap first-class storage at Nos. M , '
and 20 Pearl street.
Pacific house is the nearest hotel to tl
majority of real estate offices in the cit
$3 per day. _
For Sale Harry Smith's pnotocraj
gallery cheap. Inquire of Harry Smit
At the Pacific house you will save fro
60o to $1 per day. Try it and bo coi
Tinced. _
When you are in the city stop at U
Pacific house. Street cars pass the do <
Terr fifteen minutes ( or all the depot
00 conU each ,
Eighty New Suits Started in One Oonrt
One Day ,
ONE DEMAND FOR $50,00' '
The City Council Fames the Honi
vard Oidlnnncc Ming Urahl'0
Injuries Prore Fatal A Few
Political Babble * .
Courting Day * .
Yesterday was the last day of scrvl
( or the coming term of the district com
which opens August 30. The docket
an unusually heavy one. Yesterday the
were over eighty new coses filed , but
these , sixty were suits begun by the We !
crn Homo Insurance company to cnfon
the payment of premium notes. Tl
clerical force of the oflico wet their shl
sleeves through yesterday getting the ii
ing record andothcr preliminary cnlrl
made up. Besides the canes there we :
scores of trial notices , and added to tl
work was the filing of a b
bundle of depositions. These di
positions were In the saloon cases. Tin
were taken at Lo Mars , the two witness *
being the first pair of informers , Joh
Hanson and A. R. Smith. These dcpoe
tions all read about alike , the only m
tcrlal difference being in the name of tt
saloynkccper. the location , and the dai
on which the Informars claim to hiu
drank beer or whiskey. It it ) stated thi
the reason these men have not appearc
in person , instead of by depositions ,
that they arc afraid of being arrested
they come here. The saloon men hai
made it very unpleasant for informc :
who have appeared here , and they n ;
turally feel like keeping at a distance.
Yost Schnepfer , of Mindcn , is mat
dcfedant in another suit for damage
A neighbor with the discarded name i
Hell commenced an action the other dr
for 5,000 damages because Schrccofi
charged him with stealing potatoes. No
comes Amelia Witt , and she wants f 5,00
She claims that Schrwpfer malicious !
intruded upon the sanctity of her horn
and besides calling her some very dirl
names , made an indecent exposure i
himself , which caused her such a ne
vous shock that she was taken ill. F <
the fright he gave her she wants tl
amount named.
The Coyles are in court , James clain
ing damages because John has restraint
some cattlo.
Cement and Hand.
Messsrs. Williams and Lcnoham wis
to say that they had nothing to do with la :
year's curbing contract with the cit ;
and that it was done by John G. Han
mond& Co. and Wickham Bros. Tli
curbing made three years ago by our M ,
Lcneham for Mr. Everett , Judge Jamci
Ur. Macrae , Geo. Mctcalf and other
and in front of Masonic Temple , and coi
ner Broadway and Bryant streets , is sa
isfactory to-day in every respect , an
they are doing their present curbing i
the same satisfactory manner , and it wi
BO be found next year and after. The
ore even doing better than their contra <
calls for , as the bank sand here has cor
siderablo loam mixed with it , and rive
sand is rather line , and they are usin
the best quality of gravel at an additionti
cost of 50 cents per yard , and arc mat
ing a stronger and better stone thai
could be made with sand , and it is s
pronounced by all parties concerned
In regard to the complaints about thor
not being enough cement used in prc
portion to the amount of sand , they sa
that their contract with the city calls fr
three parts sand and ono part cement
instead of ono-third cement as man
suppose. They have been strictly fo
lowing this proportion for the inside c
the blocks , and for the facing of th
stones they have boon doing bettor tha
the contract calls for , by using comer
and sand , or rather gravel , in equa
parts. Thus they claim that they hav
been doing more than they agreed to d <
not only by using gravel , in place o
poor sand , but by using more cemer
than was demanded.
The Babble From the Pot.
The appointment of Colonel Keatloy t
a position in the treasury dcpartmcr
causes some change among the dome
cratic slate-makers. Many were mippor
ing him tor nomination as state senate :
Mayor Gronowcg's name has also bee
used in the informal framing of ticket
and the practical withdrawal of Kcatle
is said to make the nomination of Gronc
weg more probable.
borne of the republicans arc urging th
nomination of Charles M. Harlo fc
state senator.
Judge James is said to bo among thoa
whom the democratic party may selec
as representative.
The war being made concerning th
past relation of Keatloy and Sovereigi
wniou has so interested the Knights <
Labor , will now lese its chief bone of coi
Death of Mis * Grabl.
Edith ( irahl , the cightoon-ycar-ol
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Gran
finally succumbed to the inevitable ye :
terday morning shortly before 11 o'olocl
having lingered in terrible agony mo :
of the time since the accident on Satin
day morning last at the residence of Cor
rud Gicsc , iu which she recoivad the fat :
On Wednesday last she was taken t
her home. No. 003 Mynstcr street , and ute
to Thursday night was thought to t
doing quite nicely.
Some idea of how the poor girl sul
fered can be gleaned by the fact that
good portion of the time she was con
polled to rest in bed with only her hca
and the boles of her feet touching the bet
'Inn funeral services will take place ti
Held For Trial.
Ira Jones had a hearing before Justic
Schurz yesterday on the charge of shoo
ing at John Shipcow. The evident
showed that Jones was bound to Ian
with his boat and got some sand at tl
river bank , whore Shipcow laid claim I
having the first right. Jones wo
warned ofTj and the warning was sin :
ported by a huge club in the hands of tli
man who thought ho had the nine pnin
of sand in hia favor. Jones did not Ian
but turned his boat for the Ncbrask
side , and in Omaha secured a revolve
with which ho returned prepared to fore
a landing. In the altercation Joni
commenced firing , as ho now says , ini
the air. He hit nobody , but was prompt !
arrested. The justice held him to awa
the action of the grand jury , the ba !
being fixed at | 200.
The leading hosting stoves of this com
try are the Radiant Homo and Stowa
for hard coal and the Diamond OaK fi
soft coal.
Another Telegraph Company.
George M. Myers of Kansas City , got
oral manager of the Pacific Mutual Tell
graph company , has boon in the city fi
a day or two looking over the situatioi
with a view of the company running i
lines into this city , and establishing 11
olllco. It is understood that ho has m
with some encouragement , and that tl
company will probably open anofU <
here. The first move sought to be mm
H the securing a right of way ( or i
lines. It is understood that an arrang
ruont is being planned for using tl
1'olca of the lira alarm system. Tl
council will doubtless bo aslccd to pa
some ordinances by which the compar
can conduct business here.
The City Council.
The city council met last night , with n
the aldermen present except Danfort
who is in Maine.
Petitions protesting Against grade <
Bcnton as surveyed and also politic
for a new grade on same street , wei
referred to the committee on streets an
Bond of F. X. Rs ! < ; , contractor on ne
engine house , was approved , and a coi
tract entered into.
The ordinance providing ( or a boul
vard on the bottoms was called up. A
derman Hammer objected to it because
provided that it should not bo used ( <
heavy teaming. If this was stricken 01
ho would vote for it. The ordlnam
was , however , passed to a third rcadinj
The boulevard , as planned , runs froi
Fifteenth and Avenue G , along the tv
nuo to Thirtieth street , then south I
Fourth avenue and cast on Fourth avc
nue to Fifteenth street , and thence I
point of starting. The property ownci
are to prepare it at their own cxpom
and donate the land. On the final vote
was passed unanimously.
The ordinance giving 0. R. Mltchc
and P. Sweeney the right to lay a tran
way ( or dirt nauling along ccrtai
streets , was read a second time and r <
The council then adjourned until Sa
urday evening , August 20.
A Heavy Damage Suit.
The recent change in the ownership <
the Ogdcn house , by which the properl
passed from the possession of John 1
Baldwin into the hands of M. F , Stou
has been followed by considerable lltig :
tion , but the heaviest suit was filed lal
yesterday afternoon. In this Mr. Bali
win claims of Mr. Stout and his wealth
associates the round sum of $30,000 dan
ages. As is generally known , Mr. Bah
win disposed of the property in trade tc
a Texas cattle ranch , with a large amour
of stock. Ho claims that the defendant
made misrepresentations , and that thei
was fraud used in inducing him to mak
the trade , the number of cattle not proi
ing to be as large as was represented.
The claim of Mr. Stout and his par
ners is that the cattle were traded to Mi
Baldwin with a rpecial provision and e :
plicit agreement that no guarantee wi
made as to the number of the herd.
The Municipal Wallet.
City Auditor Kinnehan has prepared
report of the total current expenses ( roi
March 15 to date , as follows :
Fire department.- $ 3.909.1
Streets and alleys 0,421. !
Police and marshal 8,720. :
Salaries of officers 2.775. (
City eniflnefir's department 1,505.1
Printline ami supplies 1S58. (
( ns and street lamps 2,344.1
Intersection grading 149.1
Dnmaees and condemnations 92 : ) . ;
Miscellaneous 1,180. (
Total S25,139. <
Choice residence property a specialty
Cooper & Judson , 130 Main.
Now Dunks ) .
A special committee of the oily counci
yesterday visited the city jail to mquir
into the necessity of putting in bunkf
They concluded them a very necessar
piece of furniture in each cell and i :
consequence they will bo provided forth
with.As it is now the unfortunate one
are compelled to stacp on the floor , th
old bunks having been destroyed b
prisoners for kindling wood or to hel
break out of jail. The new ones will b
of iron , two in each cell , ono above th
other , _
J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money.
Mllltla Movement * .
Captain Wessimer of Company A , ha
made several changes in the company
Fourth Sergeant Barrett has been reduce
to the ranks as has also Corporal Com )
ton. Privates Clark and Bergen hav
been discharged. Corporal Dixon he
been promoted to fourth sergeant. lo
Macral has boon voted into the cornpan
and made corporal. Privates Howar
and Holcomb were made corporali
Some of the discharges and change
were made on account of non-attond
One thousand head of ono , two an
three-year-old steers for sale. Will giv
credit to reliable parties. Enquire of J\ \
J. Greenamayor , G23 Mynstcr St. , teli
Personal Paragraphs.
J. T. Duke , of Clinton , was in the cit
J. J. Bolln , of Macedonia , was in th
city yesterday.
S. H. Kelley returned yesterday from
visit to friends in the cast.
Mrs. R. E. Shipley , of Chamberlain
Dak. , was in the city yesterday.
Miss Sue Badellet has returned horn
from n visit of several weeks in Dakoti
W. S. Livingstone , of Wichita , Kan
was a guest at the Pacific house ycstoi
day.L. .
L. F. Potter , cashier of the Citizens
bank , at Oakland , was in the city yestei
Peter Roll , of Walnut , who sulTore
somewhat by the recent fire there , wasi
the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Whoatley. Heart
stowno , 111. , are hero visiting Mrs. Git
son , of South Main street , to whom the
are related.
Judge Carson is taking a little rest i
home. Ho opens court at Harlan on th
30th. and Judge Decmcr will preside t
the term hero.
II. Holland , of the Union lumber con
pany. has been joined by his wife an
daughter , and will occupy a new IIOUE
on Sixth avenue.
Mrs. J. K. Cooper , who has been quit
dangerously ill , was reported last nigl
as improving , and the crisis seems t
have been favorably passed.
Miss Eva Nason , of Benton street , lei
last evening for Uonlson , to visit he
brother , and will then visit friends f
Wall Lake , returning in time to resume
sumo her studies at St. Francis' acad
C. E. Friedmann , of the company c
Odoll Bros. & Co. , returned yesterda
from Danbury , Conn. , where he wont i
hopes of regaining his health. Ho o :
pects to start next week for souther
California , hoping to gain still furtho
by the change.
Five choice lots in Pierco's addition i
ruinous prices , Cooper & Judson , 1
Main St.
A Romance Hinging on the Htory of
Dead Industry of rtohomln.
Now York Sun : "There's what brok
up my homo and made me como over t
America. "
The speaker was an employe in a larc
soap factory on the West side. Ho wn
pointing to some drums of imported sod
as 1m spoke.
"I was born in Bohemia , among th
moutains , in a little village. Our cln <
industry was making lye , and soniotim
soaj ) . I think half of the people mad
their living that way ; my family dl (
Wheu I was a little boy 1 was sent 01
every day with my brother and otlu
little boys to gather leaves an
twigs. The best were those of tl :
fir , but wo took everything. We'
build big bonfires in dry weather , andtl
moment the ashes and embers were col
we'd thow thc'm ' into bins under lo
sheds. Below these sheds were whi
you'd call Icaoli tubs. Some of thes
were old barrels unwed in half ; semi
and they belonged 'to ' the poorer folk
were heavy willow .baskets. Ono I n
member was square , built out of brick
with a door In the side. Wo used to fi
the tubs with ashes and pour as muc
water on them as they'd hold. Wheu
ran through It would run Into a sma
bucket. This was what used to be calle
lyo. It was too weak to sell or to use t
make soap , and so we'd boll it dowi
Sometimes we'd dell It when it was boilc
down very strong , but generally we'd h
It boll till It was dry. What was left wr
good potash , and that we'd sell to a ric
man in the village , who'd send loads <
it away to foreign countries. If the po
ash was gray we got a jrood price for i
but if It was red or brown wo got lei
money and also got a good threshln
from our parents.
"Down the road was my father
cousin , who was the best soup maker i
the barony. Ho made n soft soap ( roi
our potash and hard soap from potas
and common rait. Ho had a prett
daughter she's my wife now , and who
she was fifteen she was as good a sea
boiler as her father. I was about sevec
teen when times began lo grow quit
hard. The village merchant didn't bu
as much potash or soap , and what he di
buy he paid less for. And then the me
who'd start out in the spring with
wagon to peddle the same wares foun
things Just oa bad everywhere. W
thought that it came from the wars thr
were going on and that good old price
woula come back before long. When
got to be twenty I was my wife's beat
and the old folks agreed that wo shonl
marry two years after and keep up tli
family trades in the old places. Wei
we were married , but not there , an
1'vo never been there since.
"You see it came about like this. I wen
down to the village ono day with a loa
of potash and soap , and called as usui
on the merchant. For the first time h
refused to buy the latter , and offered e
small a price for the former that I bcga
to laugh. But when he took out of a bo
some foreign soap and offered it to mo i
half the pnco I wanted , and oxplaine
to me how the French and English wer
making soda and potash in big ( actoric
out of rocks that cost almost uothing ,
saw my business was ruined. The new
ran through the village , and overybod
was very blue. I wa particularly bin
when I thought of Grctchen. Many trie
to light it out , but they nearly starvcc
Most of us wandered away to othc
countries and I came over -to Americ !
where I've been ever since. And a littl
over a year after I landed I sent over fc
my swcathcart , and she came over an
we were married. "
Boston Bojrs and Girl * .
Trades Fibre and Fabric : There are
good many young ladies employed i
Boston , particularly in dry goods stdrei
who have graduated from school , man
of whom , have studied Greek and Lath
who are working for $3 per week.V
cannot see that the employers are t
blame , in any sense , for as soon as on
leaves , there are a good many to tak
her place. This reminds us that Bosto
boy graduates , from good Boston fami
lies , who have been well brought up , we
educated , and well trained , are now , i
this writing , serving their first year , bet
in dry goods commission , leather , woo
and the paper business for $2 per wecl
and this includes some of what might b
called menial labor. This low price is c
course brought about by the supply c
Buoh boys being more than adequate t
fill the positions that are made vacant
There is something radically wrong aboi
this system , for we all know that unde
the old apprentice system , all boys an
girls received their board and clothes an
often an annual stipend in addition. Bi :
hero arc bright Boston girls and boy
who do not even earn their foodlet alon
their clothes and other expenses ! It is
subject which earnest , honest rcformci
should look into , and find out.if possibli
the remedy. While this state of things 1
in existence in Boston , wo find , by th
Evening Sun , that Sam Jones asks th
revival committee of Cincinnati , $300 fo
five days' and nights' preaching , that it
for what is known as preaching by tues
who care to hear Sam Jones. Itisdoub
ful if there is a girl or boy , filling th
above positions , at f2 per week , wno i
not infinitely superior to Sam Jones a
citizens of the United states , and it is
very Important question why such a stat
of things is permitted to exist in this or
lightened.ago in the city of lioston.
Cor , 5th Ave. & 7th St. , Council Bluffs.
Ono of the best Educational Institv
tions In the west. Boarding and da
school conducted by the Sisters of Cliai
ity , B. V. M.
Board and tuition for a term of fiv
months , $75. For further particular
St. Francis Academy ,
Council BluQs , It
Attorneys at Law *
Practice in the State and Federal Cour
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block.
Prtce& < * ery Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co.
NO. 23 'MAIN ST. ,
In Sve to eight dtyi the tnott oh
itlnatectiei of 1'rhne Dlictit
CURES In tbnlr Tery wont ittcei. Coi
rripojkd with ui. If notlilnic more
you win be surprised to know wlut you uur leiru b
10 doing. There tre thounndi of liunibux * . w
know , but wearetble lo runtlnce the molt ikrptl
ctl Ibn we do what we claim. Addrrn , CUOK Rm
XUY Co , lioom IT llellmsn llutlillng , Omaha , Net ) .
SM tail Tttlil > IMP U 11.
UtU. .1 C.nti.
Owing to th DUCOXiL KLmillTI at the cloth ( whrl )
our ptl.ati COT.F iiclutlicly ) will fit i rfrrtlr Cr l
tlm. worn lUqilm no brcakmr InBOIIf KntlKIS
5rs ? ? SPfrelCO i0' " ' BM bjr * "
< U * * " § i
i.t CU M * . ta >
Bpecli ] dTortliementi , inch M toil , Foai
otxtin.For Sole , To Hent , * nt , Boartln
to. , will bolnwrU * In thlt column it the to
ratcof TEN CENTS PER LINK forthaflrtttaM
Jon and VlT C nti r r Line Co.- etch gubMquti
Inmtlon. Lcre adrertlicmcnti at our offli
Mo. U Pearl iticet , DIM Bro dw 7 , Couni
Bluff § .
_ WAKTfc _
" 'ANTED A ( rood trlrl for cook. Apply
once to Mrs. J. H. Mcl'hcrson , No. 12
I'lorco street.
"liVJll SALE A new cherry boil room § ct ; nil
X' carpet , eurtnlns , chairs and complete f u
nlshlntfs for room ; room for rrnt and buyer <
rurnlihlnffg can rotaln It if Ocsirnblc. Mr * .
M. Hayt , No. K3 Fourth street , Council Bluff
FOH ItKNT- * > Four unfurnished rooms , '
tenants without children. No. 427 Sou
First gtrcot _
TjlOll 8ALB-On e ey tcrnii or will trade fi
-L' city property , a complete ttock or fun
ture. stoTci , alto building. It Is iltuatcd
miles cast on Wwbath railroad. Good townt i
opposition. Good roasonn for gellingI'o
Rustlon given at onco. Will Invoice about t > ,5C
Call or Address Merchant , 325 Uroadway , Cou
TpOH nBNT-Omaha merchants wishing i
-L' open a branch store in Council Ulna
have now the opportunity of Kettlng a tin
class store room 18x60 feet , In the heart of tl
city at very low rent J. C. Dcllavcn. _
T/OR BALK Oil TRADB.-For Conncll Flluf
J property 40,000 acres of Iowa and N
braska land. J. R. Hlce , 110 Main SU Count
WANTED Situation ns bookkeeper t
young man who can giro satisfactory re
ercnces ns to experience , habits nnd respont
bllity. O. I ) . Bee office , Council Bluffs.
"MTANTKD Situation as salesman In grocer
TV store. References given. D. U. T. , Be
office , Council Bluffs.
sell two carriages on IOIIR time or wl
trade for horses. William Lewis. _
600 Broadway , Council BlulTs.Iowa.
Established 18A7.
Creston House
Main Street , Council Bluffs
Only Hotel in the Cit :
with Fire Escape ,
Electric Call Bells.
Accommodation * First Claim ,
And Itntc * Kcasonnlil
Max Mohn , Proprieto :
Engineer urveyor apPublishe
Over JVb. 12 North Main St.
Haps , of cities and counties
Hides , Tallow , Pelts
Highest Market Prices. Promi
830 and 822 Main Street , Council Ulufli
Justice ot the Peace ,
416 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Refers to any bank or business house in tli
city. Collections a specialty.
Justice of the Peace.
Office over American Express.
No. 419 BROADWA3
Finest Landau
Coaches and Hacks in City.
No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan ,
Telephone No. S
Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 9
lu Amber ,
etc.Hair Oi
nameuts , a
well as th
newest nov
cities in hai
Hair good
madcto orde
MrSTcTt. Gillette
29 M&iu St. , Council JilufTs , Iowa. On
of town work solicited , and all mat
orders promptly attended to.
Has * complete line or
Midsummer Mill.
. , ,
Largehnts lu white , black ami nil colors. Ta
tern bonnets , haul and toquus , a specialty.
No 15U Douglas St. , Omaha.
Star Safe Stab/es and Mule Yardi
Broadway , Council Ululle , Opp. Dummy Dcpo
K 3
Horses and mules constantly on hnn
for sale at retail or in car load lots
Orders promptly filled by contract 01
short notice. Stock sold on commission
Telephone 114. SHLUTEH & HOLKV. "
Opposite Dummy Dcjiot , Counoi lilufl" :
Summer Dress Goods , White Goods
Parasols , Gloves , Mills , Hosiery , Etc. , Etc.
Are Large and Well Selected
Our Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best.
New Goods are arriving and invite
Lace Curtains ,
Work Done by Competent Workmen.
Mail Orders Promptly Attended To
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , t'i
N. B. Special attention given all orders by
Pianos and Organs
Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to
call on us.
Instruments Tuned and Repaired. We never Tall to give satisfaction. .
Over SO years' Experience In Pluno and Organ Work.
Swanson Music Co.
No. 320 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Regular : Boaiders : : Reduced : - : Rates.
NO. 336 & 338 Broadway , council Bluffs.
No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Both Domestic and Foreign ,
The finest of driving horses always on
baud aud for sale by
Vacant Lots , T < nnils , City lleildcncej and
Farina. Acre property In western part ot city
All eolllnjr cheap.
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
Itoom ( , over Officer & i'usey'i Ilaok , Counol