Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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The Most TTttar Absence of That Feature
, in the Market Known in Tears ,
Corn More Active and Prices Itnle
Higher Provisions Continue Quiet
Cattle VulucH Advance Gen
eral Market Quotations.
CHICAGO , August 19. | Special Telegram
to the UKK. | Speculation has not been so
completely out of wheat for years as It Is
right now , and It may bo truthfully stated
that the situation Is not getting any weaker.
Indeed , those who have their hands closest
to the pulse of the carrying trade express the
greatest confidence In the future. Values
are holding remarkably steady , considering
the aosence of speculative Inquiry. Wheat
may not advance , but neither docs It decline ,
and all the time dally returns show conclus
ively that a huge through movement from
tbo producer In the west to the consumer in
the old world Is In progress. Harvest re
turns from the northwest are now coming In
unfavorably , both as to the yield and quality
3f spring wheat , and farmers' deliv
eries of winter wheat are on the
decrease Instead of Increase. The local
market was dull and featureless.
Fluctuations were within Xc limits. Sep
tember opened at G8 { c , ranged at Cbjfc low
Mid G9V < aC'jc ' high , and closed at C'J&CO c.
October opened at 70X@TO < c , ranged at 70)
@ 70c and closed at 7070 { e. December
opened at 73 > { ( < ? 73 c , ranged at TJJ-i'WTS clew
low and 73g73c ( high , closing at the top.
Corn was more active than wheat and
prices higher than those ruling at the close
yesterday. The bears are still numerous and
powerful. The olght of "Old Hutch , " clad In
a winter ulster , buying corn in all positions
from cash to May and predicting an early
frost , disturbs the pearefulness of their
dreams , but they maintain their ground with
more or less determination. They opened
the market weak this morning , but when the
nervous bull leader put his shoulder under
It up went the price. Every time he under
took to inject life Into the deal the scalpers
went with him , and when ho drew out the
market sold off. That was about all there
was to speculative trade , which was.
Uowever , rather lively on the whole. Ke-
Jelpts continue moderate , averaging 800
oars or thereabouts dally , or Just about
bait the number arriving last year at this
Reason. Local receipts the past twelve weeks
are less by fully 12,000.000 bushels than for
the corresponding period last year. The bulls
are again quoting wholesale merchants for
proof of the claims that crops are going to
be seriously Impaired over a very largo area
of conn try commercially tributary to Chicago
cage , and merchants of St , Louis. Kansas
City and Cincinnati are also mentioned as
haping their affairs to suit anticipated con
ditions eased on hard times In the corn belt
May corn opened at 45c with an early
range of 45g45)lc. ( Them was a good deal
of trading at and around 45 > { @ 45Xcand
along toward the close the price was run up
to 45c , with trades at 45 % ( 45Xc. The
shorts displayed no little nervousness and
they bought considerable stuff above 45 } < c ,
but when "Old Hutch" withdrew tlio
price . was pushed down , 45 % @
ISXc , being the closing quotations.
October opened atilXc. . ranged at41 } @
2c } and closed at 42c. September opened
.it 4l , ' c. ranged at 41 } ® 41c and closed at
41r. There was a alight gain nil around on
the day. The speculative market for oats is
very dull. Tliero were no outside orders
either way and local traders were doing but
little , the dullness and weakness In the
cash market having a depressing effect.
Fluctuations In the leading futures were
within a range of > { c , and the closing prices
were under those of yesterday.
Provision traders continue to have too
much leisure tlmo upon their hands to
suit. In to-day's trade the late quietude was
repeated , and , barring a htronger feeling ,
there was no change of any moment
In the condition of the market. Fluctuations
In different articles wcro also confined to
exceedingly small limits. In lard tbe clos
ings Dhow nn advance of 3X@5c , while year
pork was 20c higher. January pork lOc. and
January short rlbs2 } c. January , which was
the leading winter future , stood at adjourn
ment at 812.45 for pork , CO.IWX for lard and
88.85 for short ribs. For September delivery
lard sold at 8C.40QC.45 and short ribs at S7.1K )
@ 7.02X , closing at * C.42U@G.45 and S7.00
respectively. Auutist lard and short ribs
"were nominally tbo same as September.
October lard averaged 7X@10c higher and
October short ribs the same to 2 > fc under
CHICAGO , Au ust 19. | Special Telegram
to the DEE.J CATTLE Trade broke with
nn advance of about lOc on anything good
nnd useful. The up-turn is about equal to
the decline ot yesterday. Common descrip
tions sold only a shade bettor. Texans sold
5@10c higher , native butchers' stock and
feeding bulls selling substantially higher
than for some tlmo past , and 84.90 was paid
for a few lots of nice handy Nebraska aver
aging under 1200 Ibs. Texans , S2.40@3.25 for
steers and Sl.C5(32.i5 ( : for bulls and cows ,
northern range cattle selling at S3.00@3.75
for steers and 82.50(33.00 ( for cows. Stockers
and feeders were about the same as
heretofore. Veal calves were In largo
supply , best milk fat making
good prices. Shipping steers , 1350 to
1500 Ibs , 84.UOO5.00 ; MX ) to 1350 Ibs , S3.bO
& 4.40 ; 050 to 1200 Ibs. S3.00@ii.b5 ; stockers -
ers and feeders , Sl.75@.25 : ! ; cows , bulls
and mixed , 81.10iJ,70 ; Texas cattle , canncra.
2.0032.70 ; steers , S-.GO@'I.40. Sales : 171
Wyoming , llvMS Ibs , 83.25 ; 100 averaging 1180
Ibs , 83.05.
llooa Uuslness was rather slow , with
values about lUc lower on heavy and 5c
timber on light , llio latter variety is becom
ing scarce , not only In Chicago , but else
where. About 85.30 was the highest for
heavy and they had to be prime to bring that
price , as large lots sold at 85.20@5.25 , and
from these figures down to S5.0ug5.10 ( , ac
cord In u to quality. Light sorts sold largely
Chicago , August 19 , The Drovers' Jour
nal reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts. 7,500 ; market strong and
a shade higher ; shipping steers , 83.UO@5.00 ;
Stockers and feeder * , 81.75@3.25 ; COWH , bulls
und mixed , 81.1092.70 ; Texas cattle , # 2.00(2 (
@ 3.40 ; Wyoming , 53.25.
Hogs Itecelpts , 11,000 ; market a shade
lower for heavy ; light strong ; roiuh , 34.75(3 (
5.10 : packing and shipping , 85.10 5.35
light , 84.70(35.30 ( ; skips. SS.OO&I.GO.
Sheep Itecelpts , 4,000 : market steady
native muttons , 83.00(34.30 ( ; stackers , S'ilOtfi
2.75 ; western , 83.100j3.75 ; Texans , 2.75a (
3,05 ; Umbs , S4.25rtJ5.OU.
Nationnl Stock YardN , Gait St ,
liouli. 111. , August 19. Cattle Itecelpts ,
1,000 ; shipments , 12,000 ; market steady ; fall
to choice heavy native steers , 33.iHXg4.20
butchers' steers , fair to choice , I3.40ig3.95
feeders , fair to good , 12.70W3.4U ; Stockers
lair to good , S2.OIXg-J.bO.
HOKB ltcelpt , 1,000 ; shipments , 1,000
market stronger ; choice heavy am
butchers' selections , 85.25(36.40 ; packers run
Yorkers , medium to choice , 85.00il5.20 (
pigs , common to good , 84.4035.09.
Kansas City , Auzust 19. Cattle Ite
celpts , 3,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ; good to cholci
corn-fed , J1.IXK3-UO ; comwon to medium , S3..I
( 3.90 ; stockers and feeders , 82.0033.25
cows , 81.40(42.05. (
Hogg Itecelpts , 0,500 ; shipments , 3,000
good to choice , $5.00 (95.15 ( ; common ti [
medium , | 4.754.95 ; skips and pigs , 3.00s (
4.70. _
NF.W Yoiiit , August 19. [ Special Telegran
to the DF.K.I The stock market was slow
but displayed considerable stubborness
Traders who have been short all week wer
disposed to even up to get away from towi
to-morrow , and the bulls were Inclined lo
take what little profit they had In their trade :
' 1 here wereJSOO.OOO In gold received from Lor
don to-day , and 51,000.000 ordered from Lou
don and Paris to-day. Money was easy , bi
there was no bull leader , and In the absenc
ef any concentrated support a few root
traders bold moderately because they saw
chance to mark prices off a little , and despite
the buying of St , Paul , Lake Shore and
Heading by London and large houses , the
general list weakened fractionally. Manhat
tan was the weaker stock and broke 3 } {
points down to 108 , but recovered to 110.
Cotton oils were weak and dropped to 31 } { ,
but recovered to 32. Pointers to sell were out ,
but what they were based on Is not known. It
Is said , however , that the cotton oil business
Is good and the "Trust" Is doing a paying
business. The coal stocks were stronger and
higher during tbe early trading , but broke
off about noon , Heading being the weak
stock , and lost ; < per cent. Lack of support
was conspicuously visible during the closing
hour , when the market was the weakest of
the day , and declines ot } f to \ { per cent
were rccoidcd , the last sales being at almost
Inside figures and showed net declines of %
on Heading , Manhattan 1 , New England > * ' <
Missouri Pacllic % . Western Union % Lake
Shore % per cent. Paclhc Mall , Northwest
ern , and St. Paul closed the same as yester
day. The total sales were 165,990 shares.
QOVEIINMENT& Government bonds were
dull and weak.
U. 8. 4's coupon .1 . , AN. W 115J
U. S. 4W'scoup. . 103k do pref erred. . . 140
Pacific ffsot ' 95. . fitL ' N. Y. C 108 >
CanadaSouth'n. 1 54'tf O. H. & N
* % * i v t t uilblt J n/4 ,
Central 1'acltiu. . 37 % O. T.
Chicago A Alton. 147 I'aclllcMMI 3'j
do preferred..1V > I' . , D. AE 20
C. , H. AO 139 l'ullmnnPal.Car.147
U. , L. A W ISO ? Heading K >
I ) . A11.U 27Ji Jlock Island . . . .ISO
Kne 31 St L.AS. F. . . . 87
do preferred. . . , 09 do preferred. . . . 74J-
Illinois Central..llStfO. , M. A at , P. . . 82J
I. , U. A W 18 do pref erred. . 1205
K. &T SOJjfSt P. A 0 48 >
Lake Shore l's' do proferred. . 110J
L. AN C3H Texas
Michigan Cctit'l. . 84 Union Pacific. . . . 50) ) .
Mo. Pacific 97 W..SL LAP. . . . 18
No. Pacific 28 do preferred. . 31J
do preferred. . . . 55 \V. U. Telegraph 73"
MONKY On call easy at 4X@3 t > er cent ,
last loan 6 per cent , closed ollured at 5 per
HTinr.iNO EXCHANOK Quiet , but steady
and unclittnKed. _
Chicago. August 19. Following Quota
tions are the Uao : closing rigurw ;
Flour Steady and unchanged.
Wheat Openea rather weak at } { @ } { e
lower. Improved under better demand and
closed He above yesterday ; cash , 681-lCc :
September , 6'Jl-lOc ; October , 7011-lCc.
Corn Unsettled , fluctuations being within
a small range , closing \o above yesterday ;
cash , 41c ; September , 41-tfc ; October , 42c.
Oats Dull , quiet and Vc ' lower than
yesterday's close ; cash , 24 ; < e ; September ,
25kc ; Octoocr. 31 Vc.
Kye-Uull at 44c.
Barley September , 67c.
Prime Timothy Seen SS.25.
Pork-Firmer ; cash. 815.00 ; year , 811.75
O11.80 ; January , 812.42 (312.45. (
Lard Moderately nctlyo and steady : cash
and September , 80.40Q < 5.42 } < ; October , 8C.47K
@ 0.50.
Uulk Mcats-ShouldPri , 5.ftO@5.CO ; short
clear , SS.30@8.a5 ; short ribs , 37.1X ) .
Huttcr Dull ; creamery , 20 > ig2Cc ( ; dairy ,
Cheese Dull but firm ; full cream chcd-
dars , ll@ll c ; Hats and Young Americas ,
Hides UnchanKod ; heavy ? reon hides.
7k'c ; light do , 7 48c ; salted bull hides
6c , green salted carT8X@'Jc ] ; dry flint , 12 < <
13c ; dry calf , 12@13c ; dencons 30c each.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 3Xc ;
No. 2 , 3c ; cakes , 4c.
4c.Kocelpts. . Shipments.
Flour , ubls . 15,000 13KX ( )
Wheat , bu . 35.000 89.000
Corn , bu . 102,000 12C.OOO
Oats , bu . 280,000 117.000
Hye , bu . 1,000 l.OuO
Uarley. bu . . . , . 2.r > ,000 4,000
New York. August 10. Wheat Re
ceipts , 210,000 ; exports. 184,000 ; spot rather
easier and moderately active , partly for ex
port ; options have scarcely varied for the
day. ruling generally steady ; ungraded red ,
77 < ii81 { c : No. 2 red. 7fl5@Sc ) In elevator ,
80 ; ( < ? sifc delivered ; No , a red , September
closing at 80c.
Corn Spot K@Jfe nl options
higher , closing firm : receipts , 8,000 , ; exports ,
600 ; ungraded , 4 @ 4K'c ; No. a , 4'J@4'Jj c In
store and elevator , 50c delivered ; September
closing at 4'JVc.
Oats , ® c higher ; receipts , 7-4,000 ; ex
ports , COO ; mixed western , iU@33c ; white
western , 34Xg41c.
Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio flrrn at 819.75 ;
options higher but trading light ; sales , 32,000
bags ; August , 8)7.80 ) < ai7.00 ; September , 817.90
CB18.00 : October , S18.05 18.15 : November ,
18.10@18.2.r ; December , 818.30.
Petroleum Steady ; United , 59c.
Kges Steady and In moderate request ;
western , 10@10Hc.
Pork More active but steady ; mess quoted
at 815.00@15.25 for old ; S15.50 ( < 4i..75 for new ,
Lard A shade higher ; western steam
spot , 86.77K-
Butter Quiet nnd firm : western , 12 ®
25c ; western creamery , 10@2."xj.
Cheese Easier but dull ; western ,
Cincinnati , August 19. Wheat Firm ;
No. 2 red. 73Xc.
Corn Firm and In fair demand ; No. 3
mixed , 4flc.
Oati-Kasier ; No.O mixed , 27 f@2Sc.
nye-Flrmer ; No. 2 , 60c.
Pork Firm at 815.00.
Lard Firm at SO.SO.
St. Louis , August 19. Wheat Weak
cash , C85fa6Uc ( ; October , 7lc.
Corn Finn ; cash , 37J3SXc ; October ,
Oats-Dull : cash , 24 < c ; October , 25 ; c.
I'ork15.oo. .
Butter Firm and demand good ; creamery
24@28c ; dairy ,
K nia City. Auetist 19. Wheat-
No. a soft , cash , 05c bid ; May , 77c bid , 78 0
Corn-Steady ; No. 2. cash , 34@aic ; Sep
tember , SSjfc asked ; October , SOc asked.
Oats No transiictlonH. .
Milwaukee. Auzust 19. Wheat Irregu
lar ; cash , CSJ c ; September , ti9 > c ; October ,
70 c.
Corn-Dull ; No. S. 40c.
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 white. 28 } < c.
Uve-lllgher : No. 1 , 40Kc.
Barley-Steady ; No. 2 , tX'c.
Provisions-Quiet ; pork , August , 812.50.
New Orleans August 19. Corn De
mand light , but holders firm : In sacks :
mixed. 54c ; yellow , 54c ; white , S4ffl55c.
Oats Quiet but steady ; clioico western , In
sacks , 84 ® 35c.
Corn Meitl-Kasy at S2.27KO3.30.
Hog Products Dull and unchanged ; pork ,
815.5 : > { ; lard , rellncd tleice. C.C2U.
Bulk Meats-Shoulders , $5.75 ; long clear
and clear rib , 80.50.
Ijlvornool. August 19. Wheat Quiet ;
: demand fair ; holders offer freely ;
red western spring , Os 1 d@Cs 2d ; red west
: ern winter. 6s 2dGC 3a 4d.
Corn Firm ; demand fair ; new mixed
western , 4s 2X < 1 per cental.
Mlnnoapollg , August 19. Wheat Mar
ket very quiet ; No. 1 hard , cash , 72c ;
September , 72WC ; October , 79c ; No. 1
northern , cash , 7lc ; September. 7lKc ; Oc
tober , 6bc. No. 2 northern , cash , CUc ; Sep
tember , G9tfc : October. 65c. On track : No.
1 hard , 73c ; No. 1 northern , 72c ; No. 2 north
ern , TOc.
Flour Quiet ; patents , | 4.00@4.10 ; bak
ers , S3.15M3.30.
Receipts-Wheat , 104,000 bu.
Shlpments-Wneat , 3,000 bu ; flour , 23,000
; Friday , August 19.
; Cattle.
O The run of cattle was light as compared
with yesterday , and there were very few
good cattle In. There were a few native
steers sold , which readied 84.25. The sup
ply of butchers stock Is liberal and In excess
ot the demand. While the supply Is large ,
buyers are very particular and old , thin cows
are slow sale , even at a low price. Values remain about \eryUttlewaadono
re with Stockers and feeders.
The receipts of hoes were heavier than yes
terday by 1,000 head. Tlio market opened
n- very slow , the buyers belne backward about
n- pettlns to work , and very little business was
nut done before 11 o'clock. When the market
did open It was at a decline of fully lOc from
ce yesterday's market. A few loads were not
sold until latu In the afternoon , and four
loads were held over ,
Receipt * ,
Oattle. 400
UogS „ 4,200
Shipment * .
Cattle 3 cars
Sheep ficnrs
liorses Scars
PreTAlllrtR Prioot.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on this market ;
Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 Ib 84.10ft4.25
Choice steers , lioo to ISOJ Ibs. . . 3.W$4,10 (
Fat little Steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 9.75(43.80 (
Corn-fed ranee steers 1200 to 1400 3.75 4.00
( lood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 8.75/33.00
Common to medium cows 2.00(32.50 (
Uood to choice bull * 1.75f2a,50
I Mil and medium heirs S.00r < 0r > .05
( lood to choice heavy hogs S.O.V S-l.S
Uood to choice mixed hogs 5.035.05
ReprcaentauTa Bale * .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r.
0..13U J3.00 10..1500 84.B3X
18..1115 3.75 21..1U.X ) 4.25
2J..1110 4.00
5..1030 82.10 14. . . . ff73 52.80
10. . . . 873 2.10 11. . . . 1195 2.30
15..10b8 2.15 18. . . 1152 3.05
1..1200 31.50 2..1500 83.00
No. Av. 8hk. 1'r. No. AT. Shb. Pr
67..234 85.00 7H..248 W ) SS.O.'i '
6 < J.'ifi6 80 5.00 R.251 ) 40 5.05
72..2C4 40 5.00 U7..S20 240 5.05
C7.M3 ! 200 5.00 02..237 W ) SO,1 !
75..240 120 5.00 C9..247 5.05
CO..238 120 5.00 C8..23V ! ICO ROB
80..288 40 5.00 80..2U5 100 5.U5
C8..244 280 5.00 f,9..244 ICO 5.W >
73..227 120 5.00 01..201 5.05
80..205 120 5.00 07..249 80 5.05
07..224 ICO 6.00 CO..254 5.07K
71..210 40 5.00 6S..ZS ICO 5.07J , '
70..258 120 5.00 CO..257 ICO 5.07i
C2..233 5.00 58..2WJ bO 5.10
W..219 200 5.00 73..243 5.10
03..1M3 80 6.00 74..2'K 5.10
78 . . .2U 80 5.00 55..303 5.10
CC..255 80 5.05 C7..268 120 5.10
GO . . .240 40 5.05 CJ..2ri 40 5.10
58..204 80 5.05 K7..344 M ) 5.10
TJ..245 200 5.05 CO..270 200 5.10
77..238 ICO 5.05 CU..249 W ) 5.12U'
5G..2b9 ICO 5.05 CO..249 80 6.12K
71..SB 200 5.05 50..2-M 40 5.12H
W..2 9 120 5.0 > 10..3tfJ 5.15
01..200 121) 6.05 54..271 5.15
87..170 ICO 5.05 27..MM 5.15
70..230. 40 5.05 55. . 305 40 5.17
Mvo Stock Sold.
Showlngthu number of head of stock sold
on the market to-day :
O. H. Hammond & Co 21
Local 79
Shippers 46
Feeders 134
Total 2bO
Anglo American Packing Co 2412
Snnlre&Co 188
U. H. Hammond * Co 4C5
Armour & Co 774
Harris & Fisher. 08
Total 3907
Unsold 200
All sales of stock in tuts market are made
per cwt llvo wel < tlit unless otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell at He Per Ib. for all weights
"Skins , " or hogs wulghlni ; less than 100 Ibs.
no value. Pregnant sows are ducked 40 IDs.
and stagsSD Iba. by the nubile Inspector.
fjlvc Stock Nntott.
A. J. Minor , Nelson , Neb. , was In with
two loads of hogs.
A. J. Langdon , Urctnn , stopped on his way
back from the cast.
J. K. Thompson , Council Binds , was over
and marketed hogi.
J. M. Abraham , Valley , was here and mar
keted n load of hogs.
Mr. Potter , Cornlnir , a well known stock
man , was over with hogs.
Peter Uerlet , Talmage , was among the
stockmen visiting the yards.
J. M. Younc , Lawrence , Neb. , was in and
marketed two lo.uls of hogs.
The decline in the hog market was felt
more on heavy hogs thun light.
Mr. Carlcson , of the Him of L. Andeison &
Co. , Mead , came in with a car of cattle.
Mr. Smith , of the linu of Smith & Uuhr , of
Humphrey , Nob. , was hero and marketed ale
lo < ul ot lions.
Henry Knoiaon , Cedar Itapids. Nob. , was
In and sold two loads ot hogs and \\ent
away feeling happy.
Mr. Newcnmb , of the firm of Atwood &
Fewcomb , lied Oak , la. , was at the yards and
marketed a load ot hogt > .
J. M. Brown , of Bromlield , came in with a
load of cattle and a load of hogs. The cattle
brought $4.25 , the top price.
Thompson & Spaukmau , Famlngton , Utah ,
well-known ranchmen , stopped at the ) ards
on their return from the east.
J. A. Vandurtf. Uradshaw , was In ana
marketed a loard of fangs. Ho Is feeding 04
head of cattle that weigh about 1,500 Ibs.
A. L. Williams. Lincoln , was here looking
over the yards. Says the Lincoln pacKin
houses have shut down tor the presuht
Hon. J. Cox , Hampton , Nob. , well-known
banker and stockman , marketed u load nt
305-ib hogs which topped tliu market ut
S5.17V , .
Georce Meianer , T. J. Taylor and E.V. .
Banks , all of Shultou , Neb. , stoppcd'oiT at
the yards on tUeir way homu with stock
Mr. Wansor , of the firm of Spelts ite Co. ,
Brainard , heavy .shippers was In anil mar
keted a load ot cows. He says they expect
to have two-thirds of a corn crop , and tnat
small grain turned out well.
The following had stock on the market :
W. L. Willis , Madison ; Frank Taylor , St.
Edwards ; W , Towiiupnd , Kockvlllu ; Lance
Creek. C. Co. , Central City ; Hiirnoy A ; Lattn ,
Tekamah. G. Gro\esnor , Takamnh ; K ,
Blaco , Kennard ; Clark 11. & Co. , Wuston ;
J. A. Crane. Kislngs ; L. . Akin ,
Clarinda ; Attwood & N. , Ued Oak ;
W. C. Potter & Son , Cornine ; C.
H. Parmalee , Plattsmouth ; S. 1) ) . 1'rlost.
Uedhain , la. ; Karmur G. & S. Co. , Mead ;
John Uekman , Okuto ; Bunkley & U , , Stromi-
buri : ; .17 F. Lower , Stromsbur. ; ; A. D.
Jones , Dunlap , la. : L. W. Denton , Waterloo
lee ; Crowell L. & G. Co. , West Point ; C.
Hunt , Klverton ; W. H. Austen & Co. , Frank
lin ; 11. M. Oliver. Ayr ; A. L. hnearman ,
Springfield ; W. J. Uavls & Co. , Grand Is
land ; H. Evorsnn , Cedar Itapids ; F. M.
Sackett , Cedar Kaplds ; M. E. Stevens ,
Uoono ; D. A. Stewart , North
LOUD ; Potter & S. , Kim Creek ;
A. M. Spooner & Co. , Hooper ; C. Snelder ,
bnyder ; UP no S. & 1) . , Elgin ; J. Borlan ,
Clarksou ; F. J. Toohill , O'Mull ; blmms it
H. , Portsmouth , la. , W. II. Ficemnn , Oak
land ; Sterling & G. , Avoca ; Utiodon & 7. . ,
Missouri Valley ; Northwestern C. Co. , Mln-
den ; Ell Dexter , Phillips ; Norcross & W. ,
Sterling ; J. M. Drown , Browntield ; Snell it
A. Ashland ; C. Graham , Kavenna ; W.
Wyaut , Gcrmantown ; Wilson , Itlchlo&Co.
Ttc ) following arc the prices nt which
roumi lots oj produce arc t > old on this
nwrhct :
Friday Aucust 19.
GENKUAI. The produce markets showed a
little more life to-day than yesterday. Prices
were nearly tlio same. Good butter and
good eating apples are especially In demand.
The egg market advanced He to-day , and the
cheese marKet made the same advance. Ko-
potts received from the leading potato pro
ducing counties of Nebraska and western
Iowa indicate not only a heavy shortage In
the crop , but In many places almost a total
falluie. At none of the principal shipping
points do they claim over a half a croc , while
many places will barely have sulllcleut to
supply tlio home demand. At Walnut , la. ,
dealers are paying GOc per bushel for fair
stock. In Fremont county , Iowa , potatoes
are worth 45@50c per bushel , and there Is no
surplus. Wherever there have been rains
the crop Is better , as at Atlantic , where it Is
thought there will be half a crop. In No-
braskcthe outlook Is equally discouraging ,
the potatoes being small and few In a hill.
Last fall , dealers In Omaha were able to lay
In their winter's supply at 40@50c. This
year , at the present time , good keeping stock
Is worth 75c per bushel , with no prospect of
lower prices. Althoufh potatoes could be
bought hero In car lots last fall at 40@50c pet
bushel , they sold this spring at 00@75c , and
lu May good stock went as hleh as SLOO pci
bushel by the wholesale , and sornu fancj
Colorado stock even higher.
Boos Maritet good , prices firm ; stocks
moving at H l2c.
BuTTKB-CLolco Is scarce , prices fair ;
West Point creamery , 24c ; other creamery
22c ; choice dairy , 18$20c ; medium grades
lS lOc : ordinary , 9310A
CIIEKSE Market good. Fancy full crean
Cheddars , slnele , 10c : full cream , twins , llKo
young Americas , lljfcj brick cqecso. 100 Ib ;
In case , DAW , 12c ; Llmbnrrer , 100 Ibs In cue ,
now , 12c ; Swiss , fancy Ohio , new IPc.
Poui/TRY-Market fair , jirlcesrirm. Sprint
chickens ) .75 ( < t2.75 ; old fowls S'J.50 < & 125.
There Is no demand for ducks or turkeys ,
thoueh the former , when In good order , sell at
92.25@2.75. and the latter C < $7c per pound.
GA.MK. There Ii no name coming in , the
weather being too warm to handle It
POTATOKS The supply Is light and good
stock Is moving at 55 < afi5a ; f ncy , 70c. . .
CAIHIAOK Firm at 75c per dozen for solid
ONIONS Scarce and firm ; good stock , SO ®
OOc per bushel.
Po TATOKS Scarce and firm at 65@C5c ;
best 75c. '
MBI.ONS Watt-rmelons bring 810.00 ( < ri5.00
per hundred ; cantelopuft. .1 > 075c ( pcrdoz.
BKAN.S. Hand picked navy beans
are emoted at 51.75 per bushel , and the other
grades are selling from that figure down to
51.25 ,
POP Conx There Is very little sale for
poprorn. An occasional sack Is cold at
OMATOKS The local gardeners are sup
plying the tnnrKPt ut 5Jai ( o per bushel.
Eoti PLANT Only a few being handled ny
the commission men ; 81. 00@1.25 per dozen.
OKI.EIIY The demand Is not very neavy so
early In the season. Good stock suitable for
reshipment Is sold at 35 < @ 40c per bunch.
fruit * .
Orders frntn the country requiring se
lected stnclt nnd Mtra cure In imcldnii cannot -
not di i/s | / be filled nt the ccttnc prices
tiuotid to the local trade for common stock.
General Tim markets were fairly well
supplied with fruits to-day. The demand
was good and stock moved oil rapidly ,
peaches especially being In good demand.
Bartlctt pears are not as plenty as earlier in
the season and prices are tinner. The other
kinds of California pears , not being as good
as the llartletts , are not In as good demand.
The supplj of grapes continues large. Very
choice home-grown am arrlvlnc In the mar
ket and urn moving a little more briskly and
at better prices than yesterday.
While the yield of a good many kinds of
fruits and vegetables Is light , there Is a very
fnlryleH of grapes In all parts of the coun
try. New England icports a good crop ,
while In Now York and the Middle States
prospects Indicate an average crop. Virginia
has a medium crop of good quality , and In
Ohio and Michigan there are Indications of
more than an average yield. California
promises a largo crop of coed quality.
PIIUNKS The market Is uell supplied with
both the Gross and silver prunes. Good
stock 81.50.
PLUMS The receipts of plums tre not as
heavy as of other trults from California.
Prices are firm , good stock moving at 81.50
per box.
GitAi'KB Receipts liberal. Home-grown
Concords , COc per 10-ID. basket ; Warden , 75c
per 10-lb. baskets : California muscats , SI.50
per 20-1 b box.
HKUHIKS The season for berries Is prac
tically over.
PIIACHES The market Is well supplied
with very choice stock from California.
Choice stock Is going at 81.35(31.50. (
PKAUS There are several varieties of Cali
fornia pears coming in but the Bartlett thus
far Is the favorite. Choice stock , 82.75 per
liKMONs Tlio supply liberal , wllh fair de
mand. Fair to good stock , 87.00 ; fancy ,
OnANcir.s There are a few good oranges
on the market. Uodl , SC.50.
BANANAS The market Is full ot bananas
at St.50 ( . : i.X ) per bunch.
Ari'i.K.H The market H almost bare and
good stocK is very scarce. Choice apples
suitable ) for shipment aru quoted at $ .i.00(3 (
83.50 per bbl.
CBAII Arri.Ks The demand Is very light
and is supplied lor the most part by thu local
farmcis. Choice stock. tl.CO per bushel.
Grocer'H IjlHt.
COKFKK Ordinary grades , 20 > @ 21c : fair ,
21 } < @ 22c ; prime. J - lo ; fancy green and
yellow , U3@2.ic ; old government Java. 38 ©
iJOo ; Interior Java , ! ( 2Se ; Mocha , S IiOc ;
Arbiicklo'd , roasted , 2/c ( ! ; McLatiglilln'H
XXXX , 2fi'ic ' ; Uilworth's , 2Gc ; Ited Cross ,
CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , per
case , S2.UOriUO : stiauberilcs , ! ! Ib , per case.
cnse , S4.50@4.CO ; white" cherries , per rase ,
S5.CO plums , per ease , 8:1.00(83.70 : ( : blue
berries , per case , 82lO@i'JO ; e g plums. 2
Ib. per case , S2.50 ; pineapples , 2 Ib ,
per case. S3.-0@5.7. > ; 1 Ib mackeiel. per do/ ,
81.50 ; 1 Ib salmon , pcrdoz , St.S09l.b5 ; 210
gooseberries , per case. S2.ayiW.90 ; 2Ib string
beans , per case , SI. 70 : 2 Ib lima beans , nor
case , Sl.fiO ; 2 Ib marrowfat peas , per case ,
S2.40@2.M ) ; 2lbeirly Juno ceas. per case.
* 2.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , ? 2.40 ( < J2.50 ; 21bcorn
? 2..r)0.
PHOVIMONS Hams , 13 , ' @ 13i e ; breakfast
bacon. HffcllHc : bacon sides 9 flOc ;
dry salt , SJftrf'Jc ; shouIdersJC' ' c : dried boot
hams , l-i:5c : : dried beef regular , llHl' c ;
hamspirnlc ,
SUOAK GranulntedOK@ <
wnlte extra C. 5 > Xi ( 5 ; < c ; extra C ,
5 c ; yellow C , 6X@5 c ; cut loaf ,
powdered , 7 ( < ? 7 c.
DitiED FKUITS Apples , now , K
evaporated , 50-lb ring , 10(3)l7Kc ( ) ; raspberries ,
c ; evaporated , unpared , c : new currants ,
7 ( iJ7J-c ; prunes , 4k(24Hc ( ! ; : citron , 25c ; rai-
bins , London lavcis , SLOT ; California , loose
muscatels , 31.50 ; new Valeucias , 7 } < c.
Iti'.FiNKi ) LAUD Tierce , Wfalb \ ( square
cans , GXc ; 50-lt > round , 7 } c : 20-lb round ,
7 > < c ; 10-lb calls , 7&c ; 5-Ib palls , 7 < c ; 3-lb
palls , 7 > ic.
PICKLES Medium , In bbls , 80.50 ; do in
half bbls , S.75 : ! ; small , In bbls , S7.50 : do in
hnlf bbls , S4.25 ; gherkins , in bbls , 68.50 ; do In
half bbls , 84.75.
WOOI > INWARE : Two-hoop palls , per dnz ,
cl.45 : 3-noop nails , 51,70 ; No. I tub. S0.50 ;
No. 2 tub.rj.50 ; No. 3 tub , S4.50 ; wash
boards , S1.75 : assorted bowls , S2.25 ; No. 1
cliuins , $9 ; No. S chums , SS ; No. 3 churns ,
S7.Ton A ceo Lorlllard's Climax , 44c ; Splen
did , 3Sc : Mechanic's Delight , 41e : Leggett < fc
Meyer's. .Star , 41c ; Cornerstone , 34e ; Drum-
mond's Hnrso Shoo , 41c ; T. J. , B7c ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 44c.
STAHCII Mirror ( Jloss , 5Jfc ; Graves Corn ,
Cifc ; Osweco Gloss , 7c ; Oawcgo Corn. 7c.
Hiioous-Kxtra 4-tle.S2.GO ; No. 1,5'J.OO ; No.
' . ' , 81.75 ; heavy stable , 84
Sviitip No. 70 , 4-sallon kegs. 81.32@1.35 ;
New Orleans , per gallon , ! Wr ( 4c ( ! ; maple
syrup , half bbls , "old time , " pnr gallon , 70p ;
1-gallon cans , per doz , $10.00 ; iulf-gallon
cans , per uoS" > .50 ; quart cans , 83.00.
CANDY Mixed , 8 } < ailc ; stick , } $ @ > c.
CIIACKKUS ( hirneau's sodn , butter nnd
picnic , ie ; creams , 7Kc ; ginger snaps , 7Xc :
citv soda , 7Kc.
TKAS Japan , 20ft ( > 5c ; gunpowder , 20@COc ;
Youn < Hyson. 25@53c ; Oolong , 20COc.
JKLI.II -30-11) pails , $2.00.
General Market * .
SPIRITS Cologne spirits , Ibs proof , 81.10 ;
do 101 proof , 81.12 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , 81.10 ; do 18,1 proof , S1.09. Alcohol.
IbS proof. 2.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled
whiskies , S1.00@1.50. Gin blended. 51.50 ®
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons. S2.00@ < 3.00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania , ryes , 82.00 ( l. < JO ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
SL50 ( : i.OO. Urandles , Imported 85.00 ( 8.50 ;
domestic , S1.31KS3.00. Gins , Imported. S4.50g (
6.00 ; domestic. 81.8503.00. Champagnes , Im
ported , tier case , Si8.00@ > U.OO ; American , per
case. 810.00(310.00. (
CoAi.-Kgir. 89.00 ; nut , 5.9.25 ; ranee , 59.25 ;
Iowa lump , $8.00 ; Iowa .nut , S2,75 ; walnut
lock. $3.00 ; Illinois. S4.l,35fi4.75.
HEAVT IlABDWAitEl-lron , rate , S2.70 ;
plow steel , special cast , 4)c ) ; cruciblehteel ,
6 > c ; cast tools , do. I2 ( lc ( ) ; waon spokes ,
per set , 82.00@3.50 ; hubs , per set , 81.25 ; fel
lees , sawed dry , SI.CO ; tongues , each , bOc ;
axles , each , 75c ; square nut , perlb , C@7c ;
coil chain , per Ib , CH@i3cnialleablo ; , , b@10c ;
Iron wedges , 6c ; crowbrirsific : harrow teeth ,
4) o ; spring steel , 4Wici Warden's horse
shoes , 84.75 ; Hurden's tnulo shoes. 85.75.
Itarbed wire' In car lots , 84.00 pur 100 Ibs.
Iron nails , rates , 10 to 50 82.40 ; steel nails ,
"HIDES Green butchers' , 6X@Gc ; green
cured. 7Kc ; dry flint , Ho ; dry salt , 9c ; green
rait skins , 7Kc ; damaced bides , two-thirds
prica Tallow 3c. Grease Prime white. 3c :
yellow , 3c ; brown , IWc. Sheep pelts , 25g
Dry Goods.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dls ;
count-LL. 6 c : CO , 7 > ic : SS , 8' c ; KE ,
9Kc ; GG , 10c ; XX , 12c ; OO. 14c ; NN , lOc ,
HX. 18c ; ltaoe ; No. 10 , SKc ; 40 , lOHc : W-
13Xc : 80 , 15c ; SO , colored , We ; 50 , colored ,
I2c ; 70 , colored , 15c ; Bristol , 13Xc ; Union
Pacllic. 18c.
CAiii'KT WAnr Bibb white , 18 } < c ; col
ored , 20XC.
HATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem. He ; Beauty ,
12Vc : Boone , 14c ; ii , cased , 80.50.
PiiiNTS Souu Coi.ous Atlanta5W ; Sla
ter 5 ; Berlin Oil K ; Garner Oil 6 to 7. Pl.Nic
ANIJ JHoiiKS Hiclimond 6 ; Allen 0 ; Itlver-
points ; Steel Klver C ; Klchmond G ; Pocilic
ftj < . I.viiioo BLUE Washington G ; Ameri
can OX ; Arnold GW ; Arnold I ) 10 % ; Arnold
A12 ; Arnold Goidsea ! 10KDiiEBsCtiar -
ter Oak 4 > { ; lUuiapo 3 ; Lodi 4 > i ; Alien
6j < ; Richmond 5K ; Windsor 0 ; Eddystone 0 ;
lliNOHAM-Plunkett checks 7V : Whltten-
ton 7'4 : York 7 ; Normandlo Dress
8K ! Calcutta Dress K ; Whlttenton
Drrss 9 ; Kenfrew Dress B to .1-H ;
KENTUCKY J BANS Memorial 15c ; Canton
IBc ; Durham 27Xc : Hercules 18c ; Leaming
ton 83Xo ; Cottswold 25c.
CHASM Stevens' B Oc ; bleached 7c ; Slo
vens' A "Kc ; bleached 8Xc : Stevens' P 8Wc :
bleached VKc ; Stevens' N 9tfc ; bleached
lOWc ; Slovens' S H T 12Wc.
MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth $ 'AS5 ;
plain Holland 8Uc to 9c ; Dado Holland 12 c.
FLANNKi.s-Piald Kattsman 20c : Goshen
3-Kc ; Clnar Lake 32 'c : Mapln City 3G > Vc.
White O. H. No. 3. f. 21c : G. U. No. 1 , } ( ,
{ c : B. H. No. 2 , } { , SBXc ; B. Ii. No. 1 , * f.
SOc : Quecheo No. 1. J4.'c ; Ouechce No. a ,
ururnnnnniinn Vn. a . ' . ! Wc ; Anawan
24 inch , l5Uc ;
v H. A. V.3i >
ix u h/ "
CoMFOHTElis S65035.'ob.
BLANKETS White , 81.00(37.50 ( ; colored ,
CAMimirs-Slater 4tf ; Woods 4H ; Stan
dard 4K : Peacock 4K.
COIIRKT JEANS Androscoggln 7 > / ; Kear-
sage 7K ; Hockport 0 > ; Conestoga G [ | .
DUCK West Point 29 In. , 8oz. , 10 # ! West
Point 29 ln 10 oz. . 12X : West Point 29 in. ,
W oz. . 15 ; West Point 40 In. . 11 oz. , 10.
Checks-Caledonia X , 9W ; Caledonia XX ,
10W ; Kconomy 9 to 9M\ \ Otis 9 to 9tf.
TICKS Lwwiston 80 In. , 12J { ; Lewlston 32
In. , 13f } : York 33 In. , 14 ; Swift Klver 7X :
Thorndlke O O , } / ; Thorndiko K F. 8W ;
Thorndlke 120. W ; Thorndlko XXX , 15 ;
Cordls No. 5,9 : Cordls No. 4,11.
DENIMS Amoskeag 9oz. , 10 : Everett 7
oz. , 13 ; York 7 oz. . 13 ; Haymaker 8tf : Jaff-
roy XX. ll } < : .lalfrey XXX , 12K ; Beaver
Creek AA. 12 ; Beaver Creek BB , 11 ; Beaver
Creek CC , 10.
An Island on tlio Sou them coast of M
nctts , Coed llshliiH and bench for balhlnir. Ixi
catcd In tlio best Suminrr Climate In the world
For full partlelars addrcia ,
W u tnnl Life DulldlnK , i& Nnnsau St. , N. T
Uth u4 D4 ( * 8U OMAHA ,
AmhrriMd to trr t til Ctro * ! * , Ntnrout and "Pi wll IHMftJkw"
t klhrr taiM4 fcj lmfr Atmtt tsttM r tiaUf ) ) tWinlnftl
WcakntM ( iitfht ! OM * ) fkiutl lability , ( luu of MlUftl powrr )
\tr\oni DrVillitr , Him ) * ] I > t on ] ri Ac. Cur * * ru rtntfd or tnon y
* rfun t.t Chrft lo r. 11x > ii * nU of riw eumL Afr * and ftp-
Irnro trr lm | > orUiit. All nifdkrhiei eicialljr | | iin > * rrf | TitrtichU *
HvidiiAl MM ho tnjurkm or pui * > iiou couijioimJ * uiol Nilltn
l l from bu ln 4 TfttiiiiU At ilUtmir * Uvil J If l tl r IIK !
ttprrii. UttllHne * nl cvtrrMhrrt &tt fn.m * aia or brftkajr * .
tnr aX-rrnt t mn will ratll > Rhfc. ' t-i * T OM MAN , AM iMrortAirr
Qi rm-iK. " iixl flYMITOM lirt en whirh to prrt t full klutorv f
tiiMHv. Butt your ' M ad tend for Utmi. Order * wtA
promptly , tiMttcy itbirrred. tlthtr la prMti or bj mall.
Orrim HODU. t to II ft. . , I to 5 od ? t t p. .
WEAK MENEft ! ! , or
" ' "l n .Y A * a- , OL'iailTIITO
B ( IKK by IMi New lurioviD
' ' thi * fpcciflc purpoit , CUBE or
tinuoui , niltd. teething current * of
manfnjruretillhrr month * . Scaled pamphlctle. rtimp
Xha Sindon Ctectrtc Co. 169 LaSallc t. , Chic § 30
Real Estate Dealers
140 South Spring Street ,
Dealers In cil7 nnd country property of ail
o orlptlong. Ooncrul Informntlou to now-
omcra freely irlvou.
Ilunnlnif Between Council niuffa nnd Boutli
Omuha. In addition to the stations mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth
streets , und at tbo Summit in Omaba.
Agricultural Implements.
VTholinl * Denltr In
Affricnltnral Implements , Wn oni ,
ud Buiitf * . Jonci ttreot. between Vth
ndlOth.Omaht , Mvt > .
Agricultural Implements ,
Wnjnni.f rrlMO , naciIff , Hte. , Whole * * ! * , Orate
Wholesale Dealer * In
Agricultural Implements ,
rTafonn and Bunnlei. 80I.W3 , TOi and 997 , Jone , it
Artists' Material.
A. HOSPE , , TR. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1M3 DouiiU , Street , Omaha.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Bnllderi'HardwareftScale Repair Shop
Mechanics' Tool * and Buffalo Scale * . 1406 Douilai at ,
Omaha. Neb. _
Books and Stationery.
Wholeialeand lie all
Booksellers and Stationers ,
IKS Douglas St. , Omaha , Nob. Telephone Ml.
CorrcRrtonilenro jollottnl.
Boots and Shoes.
W. r. MORSE cC CO.
Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes.
1411 Farnam it. , Omaha , Nab. UaDufactorj , Summit
ttreet. llmtcm.
/ . T. LIMJSEl' .0 CO. ,
Wholesale Rubber Roots and Shoes
Huliocr and Oiled ClothltiK nnd Kelt Hoots nnd
Shoes. 1111 liarnov Street.
L ifer Beer Brewers ,
1521 North Ifth Street. Omaha , Neb.
Butchers' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
! * uace Cailngi of all kind * alwaji In atock. 1111
Jonea it.Omaha
Coffee , Spices. Etc.
Omaha CorfCTs and Spice Mills.
TMa.Coffeaii.Splcei , Bikini Powder. n TOrtnit !
( net * . Laundrr nlu . Ink. Rte. 1411-16 n r ey
Blrr lOmaha.N b.
Cernicf. .
John Epencter , Prop.
Manafaetnrer of GaUaalted Iron and Comic * . M
Uod and 101 and lot N , Uth it. , omaba. Neb.
Manufacturer * of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Wlndowi , Final.Metallc8kjllithtetc. 310B ,
Dtti it. , Omaha.
C. Spccht , Prop.
Galranlted Iron Cornice , , etc. Spect' , ImproTed Pat >
ontMclallcSkTllght. ! t and 510 H IJIh t.lmaha.
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Linoleum * , Matting , . Ktc. Itll Doatla ,
Crockery and Notions.
- . . - _ . _ . _
Agent for hoMauufacturern and Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chimneys , etc. Office , 217 South Uth it
_ Omilm , Nub. _
_ _
Mammoth Clothing House ,
Corner Farnnm and Tenth Btreeis , Oiuaba. Neb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Bnlter , Kxisacd lroduce. Conilfnments tollclted.
Beadquartera for Ktnneware , Merry Iloiei nnd
( jrupu Baiket * . 1414 Ix > dgeitreetOmaha.
Storage and Commission Merchant * ,
Bpeclaluei Batter , KKUS. Chceie , Po illrr , Game.
Ojiteri. etc. , etc. 1U 8. ilth SU
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , Produce and Provliloni. Omaha , Net ) .
CO. ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , llutUr , Game , Mulu , to. KU 8. luhit
_ Omaha Neb , _
Coal ana" Lime.
Uiu. t. UAiiAOH , rre * . C. F. GOODMAN , V. PlOi.
J. A. HUNiieiiLAND , Hoc. and Treaa.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft , Coal.
South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
J. , T. JOHNSON tC CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Shippers of Coal and Coke , Cement , Planter ,
IJme , Hair. Klre Brick , Drain. Tlla and Hewer Pipe ,
omtfl. I'mtdn Ilntul. rnrnnm it. , Omnha , { tub.
Tel pnono Ml.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Qana and Ammunition , 315 to 233 8. Uth , U , 10JO to
1UM rarnnmat .Omiha.Neb.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Deileri In Leaf Tobacco * , No * . 108
_ and 110 N. 14th ttrncU Omaha. _
Dry Goods.
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions
1102 and 1104 DOUK la , ror. Uth St. , Omaba , Neb.
Distillers of Liquors , Alcohol and Kplrlti. 'Importer *
and Jobbera of WlneianU Liquors.
CO. and ILER t > CO. ,
Importer * and Jobber * of Fine Wine * and Liquor * .
Bole manufacturer ! o ( Kennedr' ICatt India lilt-
ten and Domeitle I.lqunn. 1112 llarner 8U
Wholesale Dealers In Furniture.
Farnam U. Omaha. Neb.
Furniture , Redding , Upholstery ,
Mirror * , etc. H0a. 03 and 1310 Farnam it. . Omaha.
Groceries ,
Wholrsalo Groceries and Provisions ,
No ; . 7U5. 707. 703 and 711 B. 10th St. . Omaha. Xeb.
McVORI ) , BMADY .0 CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
ltn and Learenworth , tn.Omahi .
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet lion , Kte. Agent * for Howe Bcale *
and Miami PowderLo.OmahaNub.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springe , Wagon fitock. Hardware Lumber , etc. IX )
and 1211 llarnoy it. , Otnnliu.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
\Vanon and Carrlanu Wood Block , Huavy Hardware
Ktc. I.'IT and 121'J Lenvenwurtli it. , Omaha , Nub ,
Stovei , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantle , , Orates , llrau ( loodi. 1321 and 123 Kamaa
Iren Works.
Iron Works ,
Wronfht " * O t Iron _ > llilln ( ( Work , Iron J.UInt
Ratline , ntitni and Ulrdcrf. Siurn Kntlnre. Unit
Work.Htiiortl foundrr , Muckla * n < 1 Hl iiimll
Work. Offlc 3Work , C. I1. Hr.nnillUhttteot.
. K. 8 A WYER ,
Mnnnractnrliiflr Dealer in SmokeStack * ,
lltltcblngi , T nk . n < l ( ) enn ; l nnllcr Itevalrlnf.
oiUe trcot.Oui li .
Manufacturer * nt
Ire and Iron Kftiliiitrg , Desk Hall *
Window Oiurdn. flower 8i * J , Wlr Mlfnt , 114
1UN. llk. ( ! Ordrri bj mnll pmmptlr nttrndcdt * .
Building : Material at Wholesale.
Uth Street ndPnlonr alllaTr ek. Omih * .
" *
Dealer In Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doon , Ktc. Trdi-Cornerih * nd Dou lu | Corn * *
tth and
Wholesale Lumber ,
111 B. luhitrotOn h 1N b. j.Colpetitr. M n
IStk. and CrUlfornlt Btreett , Omiihk , Ntb.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Kte * Eta ,
Cor.etk ind DoniUi IU , Omb .N x
Lumber ,
To Dealers Only.
OfflM , ! 40J r rn m tr et.flmali . _
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Cirpett and l' rq t Flooring , tth a
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported md American Portland Cement. rnal <
Af ntforMllwi k MTdroullc Cement and Kelt
Qulncj while Lime.
Lift Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John K. Boyd.
Lint Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Market furnlMieil free on application. Bin keriatil
feeder * fiirnlitiftd on BON ! term * Reference !
Oinatm .National Ilink mid Hotitb Omaka Nntlcnji
Union Stock Vnrdi. Bouth Omahn
Live Stock Commission.
. . Qeo. Hurke , Manager
Pnlon Btoek Tar i. 8. Omaha. Telephone Ml
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipment * of an ; and all klndi of Stock elicited ,
Union Stock Vanln. Omaha , NcU.
Millinery and ftetiens.
Importer * and Jobbera of
Hillinory and Notions ,
1)13 and 1215 Harnejr Rhert , Orniihn , Neb.
Wbnleiale Dealer , In
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
403 and 405 B. Tenth pt , Omaha.
l NU
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeani Ianta , Bhlrti , lie. 1103 and 1104 Uoiulae Street
Umaha , Neb. *
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carrra nice Hock of printing , Wnipplng und Wrll
Init paper. Nporlal ntlentlon nlvrn to car loadof
onleri , which will lie hlppo.l . dlrrct from intlli. All
order * will recelro penunal attention. WAKUan
aiitee ioo.l goods ana low prtoea. 1114 and mit
* ' '
Job Printers , I'lank nook Mukorar.
And Book nindcri. 100 and lt ( < Routli KourtocntC
" '
t treat. Oroalu.Ntb.
Auxiliary I'liblislicrs.
Denlora InTrpB. I'reiifK ami Printers' Hupplloi. COO
( mtirrw irtli Htrcel.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
SUaman < l Water Suppllei. llenclquintcri fur Mart
KeD KV ) ' ( loo-Is. 1111 liariinni tt , , < ) innhn. Neb.
Ilallailar Wind Illlii ; ptcam and WMor 8uppll S
I'lumblnKdondu , lleltltiK. llciio. 918 iiiul 100 Far *
nam at. , Omaha. 8. K. h elton , Mununer.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
team. Water , Railway and Milling Hupplleg. Etf
MO. vaand 4 Karnani at..Omaha. Neb. .
Manufaoturen and DcalPra In
Knglnes , Hollers * ( Jcnonil Machinery
Bhect Iroo work , atoam Pumpi.Baw Mill , , Acm
Bhaftln , Uodit Weodipllt Pulloja , BtltlM , eta.
Aliowacoaa , itrapen.aado alette * . Ull-im Uea
Tenwortnit. Omaha
Rubber Goods.
UunufaUurer and liealnr * In nil kind ) of
Rubber ( iooils ,
Oil Clothing nnil 1 i-aihir llcltlna , 1 H Kiunnni stj
Safes , Etc.
J\JtOYEli tC CO7 "
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
Fire and Ilnre'ar Proof Safoi , Time Ix > ck , Vault ) ,
jtnd Jail Work. 1MJ Kariiani ttruet Oiuulia , N I .J
Omaha Kafe Works.
llanufactnrerxif Klroand llarRlar Proof Bafei , Vatt | |
looriiJnll ) VVork.Kliuticra und Wlru Work. Cor.
mhundJack onStii..Oiauhn.NJl > .
Sash , Doors. Etc.
co. ,
Wholeial * Manufacturer nt
Snsh , Doors , lilinds and Mouldings ,
llranch oaice.Htli and Uard U. , Omaha. Nt ! ? .
manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Hould'nm.Stalr ' Work and Interior Hard Wood Kliitl )
Jutt opened. N. K. cor. Cih and Leaf eawurtn BU.
Oaiaba , Neb.
87 Chamber of Commerce ,