Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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The Oaahas Downed By the Lincoln Team
and Ben Young.
Tlio Dcnvnra Down the
' Handsomely llnao Mall , Uncos
nil Other Hnortn Through *
out the Country.
Con Yourm' * ) Victory.
Thorn wns n largo crowd nt the 1 > M1 park
yesterday afternoon to sco tlm Oinnhns
nnd Uon Ynunjr play thn fast of tlio scries
with the Llncolns. It wns nn exciting
game , notwithstanding Hi lopsidodiiess , and
BO well did the local team play up to the
sixth Inning that the lariro audience grew
vociferously demonstrative , for It looked as
If Young WAS going to bo beitton , But alas
for numan hopes and calculations I The
Ohio school teacher recovered himself In the
sixth , and ttio way he pat down upon and
crushed the life out of the 0 in all as was
enough to make the tears corao to the
eyes ot a potato. In fact , the homo
nlno stood no show with the redoubtable
Young , and flew to pieces like a clay plt'con
hit smack In the center with an ounce and a
quarter of No. 8 shot.
Hut without further joking tlio name was
n robbery , a gift to the Llncolns , pure and
Blmnlc , by the umpire.
There Is no excuse for Tonne , lie Is known
to bo one of the most reliable authorities nnd
one of the best posted men on the national
Kama In thu country , llu can umpire If He Is
HO minded and his first effort here on Wed
nesday was a specimen of his best capabili
The game opened up In a war that prom
ised the audience n line exhibition. Hy per
fect and extraordinary field work both sides
weio retired In almost ODO , two , thrco order
tip to the sixth Mining , when on Dolan's
fumble , Shaffer's mulf of Dwyer's long fly ,
and Fmselbach's safe drive , the Omalm
scored two runs , and In the seventh added
another to their aide.
Uut the Llncolns came In for their turn at
the sixth , and on Young's umpiring scored
five runs. This paralyzed the Omanas nml
they jtavo up without further struecle. In
the eighth , on some more vile umplrintr , the
visitors ran up three more taijlos.
OMAHA. 1'PH. All. It. III. Tit. 1IH. PO. A. K.
Total 37 ! l 11 10 2 24 13 8
Runs earned Omaha 1 , Lincoln 3.
Two batio lilts Jlossltt , Owyer , Jantzen.
Three Imso hits Handle.
I-oft on bases Omaha 7 , Lincoln 4.
Double and triple plays Oenlns , Walsh ,
Uwyoralonu ; Howe , Hockloy , lloover , Howe
to liockloy.
Bases on balls By llealoy 3 ,
. Bases given for hitting man with ball By
lloaler 1.
Mason stolen Omaha 3.
Time ot KRino 1 lir. 80 rain.
Umpire Bon "Voting.
Denver 25 , Hastings O.
UKNTKII. August 10. [ Special 'lelogram
to the BEK.I The greatest tarco of the sea
son was the game hero to-day between Hast
ings and Deuver. Daniels was pounded
hard In the first and second innlnea and
from then the Denvers tried to play out In
each Inning. Fitzsimons did not try to
pitch , saving himself for Lincoln. Score by
Innings :
Denver 11 8203003 * m
Hastings 0 0030 'J 100 0
Kuns earned Denver5 , Hastiness. Errors
Denver 8 , Hastings 17. Threo-baso hits
Gorman. Base lilts Denver 25 , llaatings 13.
Homo runs-Sltcli. Double plays Lawmen
to Uelslng to Ebrlght Basoton balls Sllch ,
Kenzle two. Wohrlo two , Welch two , 1'hil-
lips , lilt by pitcher I'eoplos , Kbrlcht.
I'asned balls-Ebrlgtit 4. Struck out-Kitz-
Simons3 , Daniels 0. Wild nitclifts-Uanlols
9 , Ifltzslmons 1. Loft on bases Denver 7.
Hastings 6. Batteries Fltzsluions. O'Nell
and Daniels , Ebrlyht , Ttmo-'J:15. : Uru-
flro Hogans.
MlnAen 12 , II. & M. 8.
FAirtMONT , Nob. , August 19. [ Special
Telgram to the BEE ) . The li. & M. club of
this city and the Mlmlous played to-day for
the championship of the state. It Is now n
Btand-oiT. Out ot ten camos the B. & M's
have won eight , losing one to Lincoln and
today's game. Score by inninvs :
B.&M 0 01400080 S
felndun 1 4330030 0-13
Base hlts-B. Jk M. 10. Hindoo 11. Two-
Paso bits Brown ( ) > Narramoro , Toohey ,
Harris (3) ( ) . Trout. Throe-base hits Cuddle-
luck , Toohey. Home runs Hooves. Struck
out By Brown 7. Sproat 7. Umpire
O'llellly. About 800 were In attendance.
lioup City 25 , Aroadln 3.
Lour CITT , Neb. , August 19. fSpecia
Telegram to the BKK , ] The Loup City base
ball club defeated the Arcadlas yesterday by
the following score :
Arcadia 1 00009000 3
Loup City 0 0 10 0 6173 35
Oedar niuff * la , Wahoo 1O.
WAHOO. Nob. , August W. ( Special Tele
gram to tlio BEK.I The Cedar Bluffs and
Wahooi played an exciting game ot ball here
thU afternoon. The scoie by Innings Is as
follows :
Wahoo 0 0310000 0 10
Cedar Blulls..o 0100490 * 13
National Ijentjuo Guniea.
PnrsBUito , August 19. The gimo be
tween the Plttsburg and Chicago teams to
day resulted as follows :
I'lttsburK-O 13100000000 l-fl
Chicago. . . * ) 08030000000 0 S
Thirteen innings.
Pitchers Oalvln and Clarlcson. llrvso
lilts I'lttHbur * 18 , Cliicaeo 1L Errors Pitts-
burg 4. Chicago 0. Umpire Powers.
PHILADKLPIIIA , August 1'J. ' Tlio game be
tween the Philadelphia and New York
teams to- < lay resulted as follows :
Philadelphia 1 40103000 8
Now York 0 0001170 10
PltchtTS-lltilUnton and Welch. Base hlta
Philadelphia 13. New York 1L Krrors-
Phlladylphla 5 , New York 3. Umpire Sul <
INDIANAPOLIS , August 19. The srame
between the Indianapolis and Detroit
teams to-dny resulted as follows :
Indianapolis. . ! 000000003-4
Detroit 0 1 0'0010000 1
Pitchers Shrevo and Conway. Oase bits
Indianapolis 10 , Detroit 11. Errors lu-
dlanapolis a. Detroit 5. Umpire Healy.
BOSTON , Auiruat 10. The came be
tween thu Iloiton and Washington teams
to-tay resulted UH follows :
Boston 0 a 1000030 f
Washington 0 OOOOOOOft <
Pitchers-Madden ixnd O'lXty. Bas
bits-Boston 13 , Washington 14. Errors-
Boston 19 , Washington 1'J. Umplru-Doe-
American Association.
CINCINNATI. August 10. The game be
tween tlio Cincinnati and Brooklyn tcama
to-day resulted as follows :
Cincinnati 3 01010011-1
Brooklyn 0 00300030-4
CI.KVHLAND , Auitust 19-Tho Game between
tlm Cleveland and Metropolitan teams to-day
resulted as follows :
Cleveland . . .a 00010010- . '
Mutropolltans.0 000000300 S
ST. Louis , August 19 , The game bo
tweeu the St. Ix > uU aud Athletic teams to
day resulted as follow * :
bu Louis. S 1 3 3 0 3 4 G 0 22
Athletics 1 8
LOUISVOJ.K , August 19. Tba gama be
tween the Louisville and Baltimore teams
to-day resulted as follows :
Louisville . . . .0 7
Baltimore . 9 OOP 4 I 1 0 8
MOIXKS , la. , Aiuust 19. The North
western ICUKUO games to-day resulted as fol
lows :
Mlunoipolls 4St Paul n , at Minneapolis.
Oshknsh 13. La C'rossc 3 , at Oshkosh.
Kau Clalro T , Duluth 10 , at Duluth.
9KT7) Itnccs At Snrntoija.
SAHATOOA , August 10. The attendance
was good ttio wctithcr cloudy and tlio track
Three-quarters mile : Emperor ot Norfolk
won , Van Lcland second. Pewcop third.
Time 1:10 : >
One nnd a halt mlles : Brown Duke won ,
Irish Pat second , Kllerlio third. Time
Heats , thrpc-quartcrs nillo : Oleanor won
first heat , Pearl Jennings second , Wahoo
third. Tlmo l:10 : > f' The second heat was
finished In the same order. Time 1:17. :
Mlle nnd seventy yards : Chlckahomlny
won , Nettle second , Salex third. Time
Stw'plechasc , two inllrs and a half : War-
rlngton won , Abraham Bccoud , Broyfoylo
lirlffliton Itoaoh Plyorn.
BHIOIITOJT BKAcir , August 19. Fine
weather and a largo attendance.
Three-quarters mile : Subaltern won , Billy
Brown second , Marquis third. Time 1:19K-
Ono mile : Harvard won , Efllo Hardy second
end , Kink third. Tlmo-l:4'itf. :
Mile nud a furlong : Wlndsall won ,
Frolic second , Gold Star third. Tlmo
1:57 : ! .
Milo and a quarter : Tattler won. Lute
Arnold second , Waukesha third. Time
3:11J : < .
Mile and a sixteenth : Adnnls won , Hazard / -
zard second. Qnlncy third. Time l:52f. : !
Mlle and n sixteenth : Duplex won , Diablo
second , Whisky Jack third , Time 1:53& :
The Unlaton Hoatn ( he Dauntless.
JlAiir'AxAueustl9. In the race between
the Unlatra and Dauntless to-day the Galatea
won on account of her allowance , although
the Dauntless led her at the closu about 100
foot. *
All Denounce llunry George an an
Knciny of Labor.
NEW Youic , August 10. ( Special Telegram
to the BEK. | Six enthusiastic meetings
were hold last night by the socialists , at
which Henry George and Dr. McUlynn were
roundly denounced. A reporter asked Al
exander Jones , a socialist leader , what he
thought of the situation.
"So George wants to catch tbe farmer vote ,
does he ? Doesn't he kn ow that 40,000 farm
ers out In Ohio could not pay their taxes last
year and were sold out by the sheriff ? George
can't hoodwink the farmers. They can never
understand his theories. To catch them he
wants to tnrow us overboad. Wo are the
bugbears. If wo are thrown out bodily wo
will bo ten times stronger than when we
went In. "
Dr. Marcus Merkln Is the founder of the
socialists. Ho made this statement to a re
porter : "The socialists will now paddle
their own canoe and will never more have
anythlnir In common with the united labor
party. Tbe next step logically must be the
ellmlnntlon of all that was for the Interest of
labor In the platform ot the united labor
party , even down to the very name of the
party Itself. It must not be called the united
labor party any more. Halt of the workingmen -
men will no longer belong to It. "
William A. Wallace , who was the organ
izer of the iinltfd labor pany. said : "It
looks too much like machine politics. Henry
George's partner , Croasdale , his lawyer ,
Post , his son , Henry George , Jr. , his priest ,
Dr. MoGlvnn , and his lleiitcnanfs are run
ning the Syracuse convention. The horny-
handed sons ot toll won't stand it. "
At Dallovuc Raneo.
BKLLKVCE , Neb. , Aueust 19. | Special
Telegram to the BBE.I To-day closed up
the second day's firing for places on tlm de
partment team. In the forenoon the firing
was skirmishing at the figure targets. Some
good scores were made and the general aver
age was excellent. In the afternoon the firIng -
Ing was at 200 and 809 yards. Some excel
lent scores were made at these ranges. To
morrow will close the competition and will
bo a very interesting day , skirmishing In the
forenoon and firing at 590 and 600 yards. The
following Is the standing ot the first fourteen
competitors to date :
Score ,
Sergt Schalle. Seventh Infantry . 33'J
Lieut. Kerr , Seventeenth Infantry . 330.
Private Deltz , Seventeenth infantry . 330
Sergt. Lewis , Sovotith infantry . 830
Corporal Ulynn , Seventeenth infantry. . . . 32C
Corporal llonrv , Ninth cavalrv . 31C
Corporal Walker , Ninth cavalry . 3U
First Serirt. Speucpr , Seventeenth inf. . . 31- )
Corporal Handy , Eighth Infantry . 3U
Corporal Muller , Suventh Infantry . 811
Prlvato Homlg. Seventeenth infantry. . . . : ;
Private Jackson , Twenty-first infantry. . 301
Private Elliott , Second infantry . uoi
Lieut. Amulr , Seventeenth , Infantry. . . .300
Death of n Celebrated Astronomer ,
BOSTON' , Aueust lO.-Alvan Clark , who had
a world-wide reputation as a practical as
tronomer and manufacturer of telescopes
and who has been a resident oC O ambrldg <
for the past titty-two years , died this mornlnt
nged eighty-throe.
Woooiiutx. Mass. , August 19. Schetikeri
Band , of the United States fish commission ,
died here at 3:45 p. m.
NKW YOHK , August 19. Charles P. Mlllor
the well known lawyer ot this city , aud lilt
wife ooth died this morning at their nome in
Now London. Conn. , of pneumonia. Tney
leave live children.
A Summons to Railroad * .
PKOIUA. August 19. The state railroad
and warehouse commissioners have sum
moned representatives of the railroads ol
Illinois to appear before them on Septembei
1 and show cause why the schedule of 1111
nols freight rates should not be reduced to
the schedule by which Inter-state traffic I :
conducted. Shippers and freight bureaus ante
to appear at the same time to show caiut
why tbo reduction should not be made.
Emperor William Again III.
BKUI.IN , August 19. Emperor William I :
so III It has been arranged that the king ol
Saxony shall represent him at the Konigs
burg manoeuvres. The otticlal bulletin say :
the emperor caught cold during a auddet
change In the weather , and that the chle
symptoms of his present Indisposition an
occasional rheumatic pains.
Capture of a Noted Orook.
LOUISVILLE , Auzust 19. Edward A. John
son , the noted crook and express robber , wh <
escaped from the Nashville penitentiary am
for whom large rewards were offered , arrlvet
hero this morulng In charge of the chief o
police , who captured Johnson in Cincinnati
Close of the American Bnr Meeting
BYRACSUK , August 19. At the close of thi
annual session of the American liar associ
ation this morning , George G. Wright , oDes
Dos Molues , la. , was elected president.
The ITOS Htatoraenr.
NKW YOHK , August 10. The assignee o
Ives it Co. says he will have a statement of thi
firm's affairs ready to-morrow. Ho status lha
ho has arranged 81,000,000 of loans , so thai
stock held for security for them will not be
Steamship Arrivals.
NEW YottK , August 19. ( Special Tologran
to the BKK. ) Arrived The City of Itloh
mend from Liverpool ; the Helvetia frou
Liverpool ; tha Dermyter from Antwerp ; thi
Trave from Bremen.
Hol'H KB co Covered. , August 19. There was an ccllpsi
of the sun to-day. The sky was partly over
cast and the sun was In visible. Thousand o
people came to Berlin by railway and In car
rltees from different points to objervo th <
Another Candidate For Canada.
CAIIMKI , N. Y. , August 19.-K. A. Hoyt
cashier ( the Putnam County Savings bank
la a defaulter to the amount ot 815,000 ,
The Oily Council This Time Suspected of
Being a Bed of Rottenness.
Trending Aldermen Pocking Their
Grips and Preparing to
Europe the Mecca of
Jhlongo's TJoortlo A filiation * .
CmcAoo , August 19. [ Special Tolpcram
to the UFE. | It Is by no means a matter of
news to the Chicago public , already almost
surfeited with scandals concerning the cor
ruption of public onicials , that tlio attention
of the state's attorney and the citizens asso
ciation and Indeed the entire thinking popu
lation has been concentrated for some tlmo
past on certain manifest "deals" between big
corporations and the brlbcable part of the
city council. Valuable franchises have bcon
granted ono after another , the benefits of
which to the eranteos were Immense , but to
the city next to nothing. At the saino tlmo
It has been a matter of public notoriety that
contemporaneously with these successive
pltts to corporations aldermen who in priv
ate life were unable to earn more than barely
a living have waxed enormously rich with
out having to toll or spin. 'Iho Inference of
course was plain that the remuner
ation for these rich gltts was passIng -
Ing Into the private pockets of the
people's representatives. All this lin.4 been'
common talk on the streets ami wherever
men do congroitate , tor many months past ,
nnd the good work done In the case of tlm
corrupting of county commissioners Is now
probably to bo followed by searching In
vestigations of the city council. All this has
suddenly crystalled by the sudden disap
pearance of ; Henry Sheridan , who was con
fidential secretary to Dwlght K. Tripp , vice
president and general executive manager of
the Chicago Sectional Underground Electric
company. Trlppts no longorconnccted with
the concern , but has tripped over to merry
England , whore , it is said , he means to stay.
Ho obtained from the council , for the com-
pany.a virtual monopoly of the underground
conduit rights in the streets of Chicago.
How ho secured these privileges
and what was paid for them and
to whom will bo made tlio
subject of judicial Inquiry. The under
ground company was sold to the Arc Llglit
and rower company , then to the Consumers'
Gas company , and is now owned by the Gas
'irust. bheridan , the coniidontlal clerk , bad
been picked up by Tripp , and Is known to
have been In the secret of the "deal" bywnlch
the franchise was obtained. It Is asserted
that ho has given reliable information touch
ing those transactions to the Citizens asso
ciation and to Urinnell , Information which
Is calculated to make more than ono public
official quake In It Is not certain
that Sheridan has run away. It Is conject
ured by some that he may have been toted
oil by the state , after Iho manner of its deal
ing with Nick Schneider , and may turn up
at any opportune moment when wanted by
the grand jury. H Is a person of some
what loose habits , and has been sorely
in need of cash lately , so ttiat ho mav have
been driven to "squeal. " This may theretoro
prove the enterlair wedge Into an Inquiry ,
which , If bezun at all , will not stop till the
Immense mass of hidden rottenness Is un
earthed. The underground conduit fran
chise is by tlio "deal"
no means only concern-
Inir which the state's attorney has evidence
of bribery , ierkes and his north sldo rail-
wav. besides numerous other corpoiations ,
will be shown up in no favorable Dalit. It Is
reeaided as a little singular that at this inter
esting epoch in our olllcial histoiy so nianv
prominent persons who must certainly liavo
coirnlrance of the transactions mentioned , if
there were any , have taken leave of absence
and that seine of them propose to remain
away probably until the limitation within
which any investigation can only extend ex
pires. Some have gene and more ate pro-
parlnirtogo. It is not to neighbor Canada
this time , but to distant Europe , or perhaps
around the world.
Croat Indignation Over the Shooting
or Farmer Untin.
ST. JOSRPII. Mo. , August 19. iSpeclai Tel
egram to the UEK.J The shooting of Farmer
Samuel Uann Is still the topic of conversation
In this city and county. The wounded man
is still alive , but Ills recovery Is not thought
possible. A reward of 82,500 Is offered by
his family for the arrest and conviction of
the criminals. 'Iho county is In a state of
excitement over it. There is not a clue as to
who did the shootitu , ' . Whim It occurred It
was dark and the man aid not advance to
whore the light from tlio house could fall
upon them. Besides this they wore masked
nnd ran away as soon as their work was
done. ShorllT Andrland yesterday morning ,
with a posse of twelve men armed with Win
chester rifles , rode to tlm scene of the
shooting and made a thorough search
of the Biirroundinc : country. Not the
slightest clue could be obtained. Mr.
Charles Fuquay , a neighbor of the Ganns ,
who was the second ono on the scene of the
shooting on Wednesday night , tracked one
ot the vllllans southeast through the barn
yard to a point about 150 yards from whore
the shooting occurred. He says tne foot
print was ten and one-half inches in length.
This is all the evidence the fellows loft be
hind them. Farmers in the vicinity have
been riding over the country for forty-eight
hours , but witti no success , and the chase has
been abandoned as a fruitless ono. Since
the man her of sliootlne has been looked
Into there Is an Inclination to the belief that
robbery was not the motive for the crime at
all , but a deslro for revenge on the part of
those who had a real or fancied icrudgo
against Mr. Uaun. This opinion
Is not only entertained by the
neighbors but by Mrs. ( lann herself , who
admits that robbers would have proceeded
differently. It Is presumed by those who go
even far enough to point out the class of men
who did tlio shooting that some of Mr. Uanu's
hired men , with whom liodUl nut part on the
best ot terms , have taken these moans M get
rovente. Yesterday the Gann residence was
visited by hundreds of people , many of them
from the city , who went to express in person
their regrets at the occurrence and to offer
services In any direction Mrs. Gann might
suggest. I'robably no farmer In the entire
enmity Is better known in St. Joseph than
Mr. Ciaiin and he numbers his friends here
by the thousands. In the country It Is
tlio same , and when the writer visited
the residence tonight there were tied
In the open lot at the front of
the largo house a dozen or more horses
hitched to vehicles and as many saddle
horses. In and around the house were at
least fifteen people , all anxious to do what
they could. The reporter was Informed ttiat
the crowd had been that large all dav , people
coming and going constantly. If caught ,
tlm people who didtho | shooting will never see
tlio Inside of the jail. More nerve than was
displayed by Mr. Uann after the shooting has
never been hoard ot in this country.
The third shot had been fired when Miss
Julia Uann , who was passing through the
dining room , ran out on the porch and
clapping hnr hands ordered the fellows
away. The men ran away a fast as
they could upon seeing her. and she with her
father started In pursuit , the two chasing
them over 00 yards from the house. He-
turning , the old gentleman ordered tlio neigh
borhood roused and the big farm bell was
rung for almost half an hour. Mr. Gann
himself superintended all that was done.
Presently he became weak from loss of blood
and said he believed ho was hurt. An exam
ination followed and the two wounds lo
cated. By this time the neighbors tman. to
arrlvo and two of them wern sent post haste
to the city for a physician. The physicians
are astonished at this unusual and wonderful
exhibition of vitality. Tne county court of
Uuchanan county has offered sJ'JJO reward for
the capture of the criminals.
Wnather Indication * .
For Nebraska : Fair weather , southerly
winds , becoming variable , slight ch.tngea
in temperature.
For Iowa : Fair weather , southerly winds ,
becoming variable , warmer In eastern portion
tion , stationary temperature In western per
tion.For Dakota : Fair weathnr , followed by
local rains , warmer followed by coolur
weather , variable winds.
General Morro 'V'ldcns ' On tlecrnlU.
WAOIIISOTOJT , AJiWist 19. fSpoclat Tele
gram to the UKK.b-jenoral ( Henry A. Mor
row , of the nniivpho * made an Important
recommendation Vftftcornlne the supply of
recruits , which will Airobably be lavorably
considered at ariny icadquartors. In the
opinion of Generjilu' Morrow , tlm present
practice of supplying recruits to companies
but once a year ar/fr'thon / ' In largo detach
ments , should bo jjlf , < , ontlnuod , and recruits
should bo sent to companies to 1111 vacancies
as they occur. 1m itils way , ho thinks , a
steady stream of Hear ) men would bo contin
ually flowing In to companies , and would , so
to speak , bo quicker assimilated by this sys
tem. Under the present custom nearly
every company In the army receives oacli
year from six to a dozen men In a single
batch. This works badly In all respects.
Tlio now men do not readily fall Into the
ways of the company , and being so numer
ous , they form cliques among themselves.
General Morrow thinks a better plan Is to
fill as far as practical vacancies as they occur.
It Is thought that If the system sug-
gcstpd by ( Joiior.ll Morrow Is adopted ,
It will have tlio tendency to
lesson the number ot desertions.
The experiment of paying United States
troops monthly instead of quarterly , now beIng -
Ing tried by Paymaster-General .Rochester ,
has , it seems , been favorably received by
both officers and mem. On account of the
limited number of paymasters , It has been
possible to make the monthly payments only
to central posts. Application arc received
dally from the more remote posts , asking that
they be Included among thoao to receive the
benefits ot tlio now rule. It has bcon neces
sary to refuse all such requests. It Is be
lieved. however , that before lung the troops
will bo .sulllclently concentrated and railroad
facilities so Increased as to make it possible
for tliu entire army to be paid once a mouth.
lown and Nnhruflkn Ponfltons.
WAsm.vaTON , August 19. ISpeclai Tele
gram to the BsK.l Tlio following Nebraska
pensions were granted today : Wllhelm
Worth , Hampton ; J. C. Uloson , Moulton ;
Albert Kemp , Uassott , aicroaso ; Charles
Lancaster , Central City ; J. T. Gatowood ,
Papllllon , reissue ; Wesley Liming. Beat-
Iowa : Mary C. , widow of James G. Monk ,
Falrtiold ; Joseph Hazon , Gurloy : A. 1) .
Hubbell , Edgewood ; William Klnick , Iu-
buquo. increase ; G. W. Siianks. Corydon ; J.
C. O'Uamol. Urinnell ; William L. Salem ,
Belniont ; John Sprouso , Lootsboro ; Will-
lam Anssell , Barrett ; G. W. Mondohal ,
Star ; Daniel Lamphler , Newton.
The Do art Number Klehty.
PEOIUA , August ID. The body Identified
at the Chatsworth wreck aa that of Mrs. Clay ,
of Eureka , has been Identified as thatof Mrs.
Hicks , of. Chlllfcotho , whoso body has been
missing. The unknown body , which has
been placed in the vault here , has been
Identified as that ot Mrs. Clay , and the trans
fer has boon made. The deid now number
eighty and all- have been Iden tilled.
Police narrankti Stoned By a Mob.
DUIIMN , August 10.A riot occurred to
day at Koiimarc , County Kerry , and a mob
attacked and stoned fljo barracks where the
police arc quarter The nollco charsed
with drawn sword9nnon , , the rioters , Injuring
many and arresting a number.
Ponnd Denrt' ' With Diamonds.
DKTHOIT , August'lW ' J. D.Barstow , a weal
thy Peorla , 111. , citj on , was found dead In a
saloon In this city tls.aftornoon. ) ) On the body
a largo number of valuable diamonds were
found. it y
The Boor's I OH.S Contradicted.
POUTLAKU , Ale. , August 19. A letter re
ceived a few days ago by Ilov. Father Healy
from his brother , Captain Iloalv , of the reve
nue steamer Boar , contradicted the report ot
the loss of the steamer.
Preparations For Koceiving the Vis
itors Prom New York.
In accordance with the invitation con-
tallied in the following letter from J. li.
Pond , the agent and manager of the
lyceum bureau of leoturos in New York ,
a meeting of the old volunteer tire de
partment was hold last night at the city
hull , I.V. . Miner In the chair :
EVEHETT HOUSK , New York. August 10.
John Galllgan , Esq. , chief engineer fire de
partment , Omaha. Neb. Dear Sir : I onclosti
you a circular and bill of far * of the Veteran
Firemen's nsbocUtinn of Now VorK , who
contemplate an excursion to California and
Intermediate point * . The object of tins visit
is to see how much fun the veterans can get
out of four weeks travel. I have written to
mv friends , C. 11. Dewey and B.1J. . Hounds ,
Mr. Uosowater and Dr. Miller , all of whom
say that Omaha will give us a big time. I
would like to extend an Invitation to you
and your assistants to attend our grand con
cert and reception on the ovcninc ot the 9th ,
aim If vour department feels like joining lu
the craud parade , It will aid very much in
c.irrylnz out the original Intention , that Is , a
general good time. J. B. POND ,
The nieotinclwas largely attended by
the veteran iiremon of the city , who
Eoonioci anxious to give tlioir visiting
brethren a cordial reception. A visit to
Cut-oil'luko and other modes of enter
tainment were proposed. The bettor to
sooure the objoot , u committee of two
from caoti of the old companies was ap
pointed , with J. J. UulHcan , chief of the
Omaha lire department , us chairman ,
The names of the cornmlttco arc"as fol
lows : A. J. Ilurold , C. G. Hunt. No. 1 ;
James Tehou , A. Moynahan , No. 2 : John
Roach , Lewis Faist , No. 3 ; W. J. Ken
nedy. A. J. Simpson , hook and ladder ;
Charles Fishor. Fred Snitz , Dnrant ; W.
T. Thlafngan , W. Uon Hold , UohiRo hose
company , and Ed Crowell nnd 1)V. .
Lane , Thurston. This committee will
meet next Monday night at Chief Galli-
gau's oilico , and perfect all arrange
The visiting firemen will arrive in this
city on Thursday , September 8 , Cuppa's
band of sixty pieces will accompany
them , and irivo a concert at the exposi
tion building on the night of the Cth , at
which Miss Horfonso Pierce , the cele
brated soprano , will sing. Tito expenses
of Iho trip , the objective point of which
is California and return , are estimated at
The Conductor and the Police.
Frank Dunbar , the conductor who waa
shot at and wounded by thrco policemen
about3:30 : Thursdajr1 morning , returned
from his rim last qvaning and a BKIrep
resentative called.tdlget further informa
tion in regard to his adventure , but ho
refused to bo interviewed , saying that lie
had seen Soavey jijfid had bcon charged
to sixy nothing to , , , tlio newspaper men
about the matter. ! The pistol wound in
his arm he said was healing rapidly as
to the wound on tho'lcg ho would not bo
positive whether ifas / the result of a
pistol shot , or wa 'received ' as ho fell
down on the stopa'ofjtho Cozzons when
pursued by the poliqp. The story of the
ulluir as ( ) admitted was true
in the main. As to the action ho would
take in tlio mattor.-ifo said ho himself did
not know. *
Tlio amount of internal revenue taxes
collected yesterday was $3,099.38.
District court convenes again to-day.
All four of tlio judges havtf returned from
tliuir respective pleasure trips and are
ready for work.
A call for a meeting of the grand and
travcrso juries for the United States dis
trict court was inado yesterday by Judge
Dundyor the 24th of October.
The two marriage cortilicator issued
yesterday were to Marion S. Martin and
Mrs. Nellie Tall' , and John A , JacKson
and Knmiu Anderson. All the parties are
residents of the city.
The Swedish library association has
moved its quarters from St. ( toorgo's ball
to 1310 Douglas street. Under the man
agement of Cimrlns Hanson , the presi
dent , the library is in a prosperous con
Charles Suillb , tic cab driyar who w S
arrested on the nhargo of robbing J.
OlYcn , ot Dodge City , of his watch and
170 In money while aslcop in Smith's
cab , had a hearing before Jungo Uoka
yesterday and was put under $1,000 bonds
to appear before the district court.
An Itinerant book agent named Mrs.
Mary Lowii left $15 worth of books with
MM. Ida Holland , a dressmaker at 315
North Sixteenth street. Mrs. Holland
rnado part payment on the books , and
being rather slow lu meeting her Install
ments , Mrs. Low ! ? , in the ab.sonco of
Mrs. Holland , wont into tlio lattur's par
lor and removed the books. Mrs. Hol
land therefore has hud tlio book agent
arrested for larceny.
Mrs. Holutz , a violently insane person ,
who was discharged Irom the county
farm three weeks ago apparently well ,
has suffered a relapse and was taken to
the county Jail yesterday. When the
ballill'took her in ohargo he discovered
that her Ilttlo three-year-old girl was
covered with bruises. The sheriff aont
tlio child to the county farm. Mrs.
llcintz has a husband who Is lu delicate
health at Miller station , but they htivo
separated , nnd she lias bcon living in a
room on the corner of Eleventh and
Loavonworth streets.
llanipnnt Terriers.
Yesterday about 11 a. m. Frank John
son , from Fremont , while passing down
Farnam street near Fourteenth , was bit
ten on thu calf of tlio leg by a ferocious
dog. Ho went to Dr. Ualbrailh's oilico
and had the wound dressed. Dr. Gal-
bralth was himself bitten only n couple
of days before by a dog on Nineteenth
street. If there is an ordinance concern
ing muzzling dogs , this would bo a good
tlmo of the year to enforce it.
All incmbors of the Omaha board of
trade are earnestly requested to meet at
the board rooms at 2:30 : o'clock tliia ( Sat-
ttirday ) afternoon to go In a body to
Masonic hall and attend ttio funeral sor-
viccs of Vico-Prosident Carl A. Fried.
P. K. Ii.Kit , First Vine President.
G. M. jSATTiN'OEii , Secretary.
Personal Paragraphs.
Jiulgo Norton , of Dallas , Texas , is in
the city on legal business.
J. II. Lamar leaves for Chicago to
day on a six weeks1 business trip
Ueorco Rush , a leading brewer of
Spriugticld , 111. , is in the city on a short
D.V. . Van Cott returned yesterday
from the cast after an absence of two
E. B. Southard , of the firm of Sher
wood & Southard , has just returned from
an extended trip cast.
Tlio Misses Mamio and Emma Fitch
returned last evening from a six weeks'
sojourn in thu mountains of Colorado ,
S. B , Jones , assistant general passen
ger agent of the Union Pacific railway ,
accompanied by J. K. Chambers , local
agent , left last evening for Davenport ,
la. They return Monday.
Editor G. M. Hitchcock , of the World ,
and family , have gone to Salt Lake City
for a ten days' soiourn. Mr. W. K.
Goodall , also of tlio World , left last even
ing on a recreation trip through the
west. _
Competition In Products.
The prospects for the coming fair nnd
exposition , are fairly booming. Secre
tary McShano has received applications
for space from ton counties outside of
Douglas for the purpose of exhibiting
products by counties. Every inch of
available spucu upon the grounds in all
departments will bo occupied and these
desiring accommodations had bettor
apply at onco. It will soon bo too lato.
Tim Scharp , of Nebraska City , lost
three cows last week from colic caused
by oatlnc green corn.
Brutalizing Sport.
The Kpoeh.
The most inveterate stickler for the
cultivation of "the noble art of self-
defense1' must admit that the recent
records of the prize-ring are marked by
an all but uniform brutality. The very
latest encounter that of Monday last ,
between Reagan and Henry was de
clared a draw after it had lasted two
hours and a half and thirty-nino rounds
had been fought. The fight was stopped ,
hot because the lookers-on were tired of
it , or because the principals had been
punished enough , but bccuuso the crowd
throw down the ropes aud a gonural en
gagement was imminent between the
partisans'ou ' cither side in whicli pistols
were likely to figure largely. As the
rcfcroe rccretfuliy remarked : "From
the appearance of the crowd you might
have expected better manners. There
were 300 people who paid $10 upico for
their tickets. Many ot them wore busi
ness m on and swells from up among the
high-toned hotels. The better class ,
however , were tlm more excitable , and
wore the first to rush through the ropes.
They began the yelling because they had
lots of money up on the match , and got
kind of crazy. " All of which goes to
show tlint the brutalizing cfl'ccts of the
prize-ring are much more apparent than
its tendency to promote either manliness
or physical vigor.
Thu Black Hills people are reported as
anxious for annexation to Wyoming.
The Standard Catllo company has in
creased its stock from $1,000,000 to
Charles Clay , of Douglas , has failed on
account of inability to collect outstand
ing debts.
Laramie county prisoners now sloop m
hammocks instead of ou vermin-infested
Cheyenne capitalists have had their
oycs loasted with specimens of free gold
rock from tlio .Hamburg mine , pro
nounced to bo the richest ever obtained
in tlio vicinity of that city.
Tlircn tramps attempted a daylight
burglary at Itawlins , but were prevented
from carrying oil'any goods by a plucky
young lady with a revolver. They made
their escape , but were captured at Sep
aration and lodged in jail.
The Pacific Const.
B. F. Gump , for twenty-four years a
resident of Montana , died of pneumonia
last Tuesday at IJutto.
Ihitto'.s bullion shipments last wcuk
were G ! ) bur.- , valued at $09,260 ; the Alice
shipped 21 bars of tlio value of f 14,500 ;
the Moulton , 13 bars , f 10,008.
Gcorgo Grlllith , late of Sawbooth ,
Idaho , lias been arrested at Curliu on a
charge of willfully killing a man named
Koplur. Grilllth's wife is said to bo nearly
crazy ovur the trouble.
James A. Brown , known as "Lonn
Brown , " a gambler , killed himself at
Virginia City on the 12th. Ho left a let
ter written in a jocular manner stating
his intention to kill himself.
A bold highwayman secured several
thousand dollars in cash by holding up
three residents of Thompson Falls re
cently. A Winchester in the robber's
hands persuaded the victims to disgorge.
A Butte undertaker attempted to pat
ronize his own business by taking mor
phine , but ho overloaded his stomach
and is still in the land of the living and
prepared to bury other people with neat
ness and dispatch.
Mrs. Uosello , on trial at Los Angeles
on the I'ith for throwing vitrol in Potrio'fl
face , was saved by the tenderness of
thruo men on the jury , who declared
they would not convict a woman , and so
thu jury was discharged.
John Shoemaker , Ql Eureka , bud 300
snccp poisoned during the past week ,
vnhlcd at about $1,300. They were found
huddled together , dead , on a rocky place
nrar the springs south of Eureka , away
ofl' from grass or anything for thorn to
have eaten.
Rogers Bros. , of Lost River , disposed
of their wool this week , 70,000 pounds , tea
a Philadelphia firm , receiving therefor
17 couta pfir pound , or f 11,1)00 ) for the
whole lot. They also purchased of Henry
( John , of Salt Lake , four of the finest
bucks over brought into Idaho Territory.
They are French Merino stock and will
shear forty pounds of wool to thu shuop ,
The prlco paid was f 75 per head ,
The Oregon Pacific surveyors are now
m the neighborhood of Nampa prospect
ing for a route to connect the Cmcago &
Northwestern. They came from the west ,
crossed over Snake river and are working
toward tlio survey extended from Wyom
ing. They nro not making a regular pre
liminary survey , but are looking over
thu country for thu purpose of lindinir
out as far ns possible the intentions of
the Union Pacific company and the con-
otruction of the Idaho Central railroad to
the mountains.
Hood's Sarsapar/'l/a
Combines , In a manner peculiar to Itself , the
best blood-purifying nml strengthening reme
dies of the vegetable kingdom. You will find
this wonderful remedy cflectlvo where other
medicines have failed. Tiy It now. It will
purify your Hood , rcgulato the dlgeitlon ,
and glvo new llfo ami \ Igor to the entire body.
"Hood's H.irsaparllla did tno great good.
I was tired out from overwork , and It toned
ino up. " Mlts. U. E. RIMIIONS , Cohocs , K. Y.
" I suffered three years from blood poison.
I took Hood's Harsaparllla and think I am
cored. " lilts. M. J. DAVIS , Brockport , X. Y.
Purifies the Blood
Hood's Barsaparllla Is characterized by
thrco peculiarities i 1st , tlio combindtion at
remedial agents ; 2d , the froportlont 3d , tlio
protest of securing the active medicinal
qualities. The result Is a mcdlclno ot unusual
strength , effecting cures hitherto unknown.
Send for book containing additional evidence.
"Hood's Barnanarllla tones up my system ,
purifies ray Mood , sharpens my appetite , and
RCcmB to mnks mo orcr. " J. r. TiioMraow ,
Itcglstor of Deeds , Lowell , Mass.
"Hood's Sursaparllla beats nil other * , and
U worth Its vreight In cold. " I. IUBUINOTOW ,
130 Dank Street , New York City.
Hood's * . Sarsaparilla
Bold by all druggist * $1 ; six for | 5. Made
only by a I. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar.
" Oh , HAGAN'S
It exquliltcljr loTeIy"aald Mini Brown to tier
Irlcndi , ai ih * entered the drawing room , After
taking Inn ; , hot , fatiguing drive over a
candy , durty road. "It Is so Pure , Clrnnly
and RorreshlBB. I nlwayn have It with me ,
and M 'tli a Harmlrii Uqnlil , I can use
It In ft moment and gf I Mich Initunt relief from
tbe Itudiirti , JtonchiifR" , r allnirnmn ,
Tnn , Freckle * acd Horrid Old Hliln
niemlibeii , cnustdbya Hot Han and Dry ,
Ilarah Winds. " LndleB ,
Is for Face , Neck Arm * anil Iluuda. It
can't bo Detected THY IT I
Gimn AI.II
Will In All Cases Cure This Disease.
Blnce the hl tory ' m dleno ! a trn Sneclno for
Byphllltlo Dl eti hai bern I lUBlit fiir hut never
found notllthedlieoYeryotour MA.UIC HKMRliY. .
We hate every re iou to lullove th t It li li -
lately unknown in any nliyitclan , ipeclillit or Cham ;
lit llvlnr. ellhpr Inthli or Uie old world.
It wu discovered by mere arcMont thirteen yran
cobra man of no financial meant but a natural
chemut , who ouly nied It In a quiet way In c ft
coming U hli nolle , where mlTerera could get n
Teller , though tlinrouKhly trying every known i i-
edr and employing lie moit iklllful pliytlclani In
the land , who had ultlmaloly pronounced these ca e
' "rheremcdr here advertlied hat been guarded with
tbeuliiioitaecrecy tlnce 111 dUeoverv. until a rear
aKo. when tlili i hemltt died poor , at he alvrayitiad
bVn * n'l ihenrKlnal formula purchaied ot hll
widow ThU In bilef It the true hhtory ot thlt moit
? ( ) "mMfenT CO. thcri-tore h.vepo.tct-
Iiin of the only medicine In the world that will cure
tnli nretded Illieair In all III form *
They are Jutllned In tlili utemont for the re ton
that the latrtt medical workt piihllihed bythobe t-
known authorltlri. lay th ro It no Iruo speclnc
w'iaViiowwe have a Invt Brxiuno-oa * rutT
"Tho Vwho''have'mplOTed every other known rem-
ttr llhout lunentt should lva uj a trial. No cur
no pay , and no expenie to patient In an ) way.
We do not tell the Heraedy , or tend It out , under
"WimTrV.'t'ai'.UB.iof ' thi , due , , , at our 1)1 ,
neni.ary. or at the patient1 , lesldnicc ' "her In
Omaha or elsewhere In ctici where the patient u
" ' ' " ' rhy Jl In nttenil-
ani-n who la critiluatx of uvurat cullc im
mitt lum Ituil iivnr lfi vfir4 rxpnripnris
thouftand mtlet. . ,
b ten or ten
Our lontraiti will be endowed by a renpontlMe
petion and to Hie entire aallifactton of patlanti.
Old chronic < aies ot ( ioiioirhaa and ( licet porma
nrntlyi-nred. a , If hymaglc. In nrn "la a
Thli Uemedy acta ImmedUtelv upon the 1)101. )
removlni ; fmni the tyateme err frwof polton
Fever Horti * . Ulc ri4 , KriuiHoiii ; , Here
IMoutli , llnlr-Fnlllni ; , Bii'l ll * Uln IH '
OUSOA curnd lu a imirrnloiKly liort limn.
No ntlier known HomedIn lh rld c n do In ill
inonthi wh t we miaranli e lo ilo In two wi ok ,
All we aik It a trial D i HOT rouoEr IIIAT wt
I'linlrUn will do IhU , You knnw from natt P" '
ence. If you are ( me of ( he ainitted. Tii'i-e ' / > '
clani know th'y have no icmi-dy with which thry
, . and will , a ,
o i cure all Chronic Ci ei of Hiplilllt.
matter of court' , tay It la Impoiilblu to eilec ! a per
maneetcure. lint eUrfy nr of lli m liilirlruuia
cate that we will not rtirc permanently In a tlioriM
time lh n Un inlrpd for the inou recent ca c , wllii
any other known remely In Ihn world
Com-iponiltii rimd it ( rlllcal lulu.llsutlun lullc
Ited Ixilh at to our nu.inolal it indlntf nu M cruelty ,
T , HOOK 17. H I.HIN Uuniimu
Jly Dr. SncillUor'sinellioil. No operntloni no
pitln ; no iletuntlon ftom Iiui < | iies4. Adnptoil t"
chllilrun un ncll asKnuvn ixoplo. Iliiiulic-iliior
autOKruiili tiiMliminmU < m flic. All liiiHliirsrt
strictly roiitldontUI. Coiitultiitlon free
Room U , 1&14 Pouylas Si. , Omaha , Neb ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000.
" \Vo do hereby certify that wo supervise the
nrrnniroinpiitg for all the Monthly a"1' B °
Annunl Hrnwlnjr * of The I.oul l na Mute Lot
tery Company , nil In parson uintmKO mm con
trol tlio drawlniTH tlipin elve * . nml that th
gnmo nre conducted with honesty , fiilrnons and
in ( rood fiilth toward nil ptrtlns. iitul wo aiithof
Izo ttin Company to UPC this certincnto with fad
similes o f our slginituro attached , In In advor
tlsonioiits. "
Wetho ttntlorslifiipd mnk * . nnd flankers will
rmy nil Prizes illitwit In The I/oulilanii 9tat
l/ottcrlos which mnjr bo presented nt our coun
.T. II. OOI.F.silY.Pro8. Loulstmrn National lik. <
riimilK I-ANAUX. Pres. Stnto National Ilk
A. HALDWllf , Pros. NowOrloan * Nnt'lUank
CAlll. KOIIN , Pros. Union NHtlonal Hauk.
Lonigania Stnto Lottery Company
Incorporittoil In lwfor , Vi yoarnhy the Icg Itlatur *
for piliionlloiml nml rharltnblo piirpn < oawith it
capital of | l.uill)00-tii ) which arosorvu fund of ever
| .ViOtORJ ( haa nlneo boenaildoii ,
llf nn overwholmlne popular vote lu frniielilto wai
nmJe n narl of tlm nro i < nt ttnta cuustltutlun uJoptoJ
Dpcomhcr Zml. A , 1) . ISTH
Tlio only lottury ever voted ou and endorsed
bytho peoploor ntiystiito.
It no\or "cnlos or postpohcs.
Its ( Inuiil Single Number Drnwlnffstnkoplnca
tnoiiUily , and tlio Scml-Atuuinl Drnwlnus ro u <
Inrly every slv nioiithsUuuoiind Di'i-cinbor. )
FOUTUMi : . Ninth Orund Dntwlnir , clns * I ,
In the Aenilemy of Musie , Now Orlcnns. Tuoa-
ilay.Bop. U , issr 208th Monthly Drawing.
CAPITAL I'KI E , 8150,000.
ta Notico-Tickots are Ton Dollars only.
Halves , $5. Fifths , $2. Tenths , SI.
1 CAPITAL Plll/.K OK i
1(1 HAND I'KI/.I ! OF
1 GUANO I'HI/.i : OF
s i.Aitai ! I'ltix.nsoi'
4 LAItnKPItl/.IiS Of
60 " I I'
100 "
600 "
100 Approilnmtlon Prl/cs of
100 r
100 "
l.ww Turralnal
S.1T9 Prizes nmountlnir to 1533.000
Applleatlon for rntrt to club thouM be mauo onlr
to the office of the company In Now Orloan * .
Vur further Information nrlto clearly , nlvlnx full
aildrons. I'OSTAIi N'OTKS , enirets nionuy ordorn.or
New York Urchaiitjo In ordinary letter. Currency by
Mpreu ( at our oxpon--1 - -
* „ * OHI..AM. LA. .
Andrew Registered letter * to
R Ti M R M R T3 R Thl" th , pr no of
, . < > noral Beaaregard and
Barlr , who are In charge of the ( Irawlnga , Is Knap.
ante * of abnotutn fairness and iDtoitrltr , thai Ui <
chances are all omul , and that no ona oan poitlbir
dlTln * whatnumbar will draw a Prlie.
RBMKM11KU that the imvment of oil prizes Is
Orleans ami tbo Tlckotaiirn signed by the president
otan Institution , whtwn chnrterrvl rights nra recog
nised In th lilchost cnuruij therefore , beware ot anr
Imitations oranonrmous Kchemoi
Something entirely now
nnd soils nt slKlit Uar-
.ton's Stoiunlesi , Odor-
floss , Non-Iloll-Uver-Kot'
rile. Una diH'p rnlaod
cover and water Joint ,
nml un outlet w tilch car *
ring nil stenm and odor
of Iliu chlmnoy. Patent
Steamer attachment
nlono worth thn jirlco.
Agents wanted , muloor
fomaloln every town In Nebraska. Profits IS to
(10 per day. Liberal terms and eioluslvo terri
tory given. Send stump Tor rlronlnr nndtorms ,
Prloos.nqt. , 1.7r. : 8 iit.1.8610qtMHqt. ; ; .
12.80. Model by mall , * Hi.
W. B. COOM118 , Qonornl Atrent ,
Omahu Neb. , 1' . U. lloz 4SJ.
Cor 13th and Donglas st3.
Capital Stock $160,000 \
Liability of Stockholders 3OO.OOO
The only regular Bavlnss bank m the stuto.PJvc
per cent Intorent paM on dopojtts.
Loans Made on Boal state.
orncKits :
UurO. BAKTON , ProjIJont ; J. J. nnowN , Vic *
Preildent : 1. . if. HEtiXETr , Mannrmr l > i-
rector : JOHN B. WILDUH. Caablor.
G10 North 16th Street ,
Paid in Capital $100,000
GKO. E. HAHKEIl. I'rreldont.
IIOUT. L. QAItLICIIS , Vico-l'rosldonh ,
F. II JOHNSON.Cashier.
DlitKCmiRSi JOIINBOX , Oro. K. n\uiti
K. B. JonNPQN.
A eenerul bnnklDir Innlnes.i trnnsactod.
Jntcreatalloivudon IruodoDO
Union National Bank
Paid Up Capital $100,000
Authorized Capital 500,000
W. W , MAKSII , Picsident.
J. W. UOIIKPKK , Cashier
Accounts solicited and prompt attention
given to all business entrusted to iU care.
Pay 6 per cent on time deposits.
No 20 < ) Masonic Huilding , cor.Capitol Av
enue nnd Killi bit.
J'cleplioi.e . No 812. : u cnutod bj AIIUSB
imiSAIlVIIHKA8rS.STIWJTlJllW.IrK.\8- : | ) | !
AND VAIUCIICHI.H. wllliout drleiitlon fniin
builntrss.Hiul tlm Afnlicl Mlnurnl Siirlnir Wulor
oiirci tbn KIDNKVH , DIAIIKI'BH. DHOI'slV ,
whnlmliiir ovMunUo innlleil fren tiy ASAUItfj
MKDIOAI. IIUHKAU I'll WlClAN , Wl | v i.