Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1887, Image 1

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The Salisbury Government Proscribes 'tho
Irish National League.
riio Proclamation Rccctvcit In Ire-
Inml The Intcimc Uut Undemon
strative Keeling Evoked
LONDON , Atutist 10. In the-liouso of lords
this morning Lord Salisbury announced that
the government Imd proclaimed tlie Irish Na
tional league.
LONDON , August lU.-Speclat | Telegram to
the BKB. ] After tlio chief secretary's an
nouncement last night , tliu Parnclllto mem
bers held a meeting and subsequently Par-
neil left by the night mall for Ireland. The
proolamntlon of the league will bo chal
lenged on Thtirsdav. Gladstone will return
to town In order to take part In the debate.
The whole of thu nationalists hero will re
main In their places until fuitlior notlco , and
urgent summons are being sent out to bring
back those who have gone away.
Oillcials of the .National league say to-night
that while the league may bo proclaimed It
In no way would Interfere with the regular
workings of the organization throughout thu
tountry. Tlio assistant secretary of the
league , who Is In chareo during the absence
of Harrington , M. P. , said that they
had every conlldenco in the wisdom
and judgment of the Irish people
under the able leadership of Par-
nell In the present crisis. The people ;
has been so accustomed to proclamations'
that this one will be viewed very compla
cently , representatives of the league who
were Interviewed said that the league would
exist again under another name and the work
BO bravely on. The people were never better
and more self-reliant or more determined
than now that they have the majority ot the
people of Kngland at their back and the
sympathy of the world to sustain them.
Owing to the lateness of tlio hour
the Dublin evening papers had little
opportunity to express themselves.
DUIII.IN , August 19. ( Special Telegram to
the HKK. ] The following proclamation was
Issued In this city to-day :
Whereas , Wo are satisfied that them ex
ists In Ireland an association known by
the natno of the Irish National
league and that the said association In parts
of Ireland promotes and Incites to acts of
violence and Intimidation and Interferes
with the administration of the law , now we ,
the lord lieutenant general governor of Ire
land , by and with the advice of the privy
council and every power and authority
In his behalf do , by this our special procla
mation , declare from the date hereof the
Bald association , known as the Irish National
League , to bo dangerous. This proclamation
Bliall bo promulgated by the same being pub
lished In the Dublin Gazette , and bv a
printed copy thereof being pasted at every
police station or barracks and every place In
\yhlch divisional police courts or petty sess
ions are hold In Ireland.
( liven at the council chamber , Dublin cas
tle , this 10th day of August , Ib37. God save
the queen.
LONDON , Auirust ll > . Concerning the
proclamation of the league William O'Brien
said to-day. "The proclamation as It now
stands will not Impede the work ot the
league. I regard It as a better Indication of
the hopeless position of ttio government
than even the Nurthwlch election. "
Sexton expressed himself as follows :
"This action will have the effect of clarify
ing the political atmosphere. Lord Uartlng'
ton will probably throw his lot with
the conservatives , while Chamberlain
may return to the liberal party. The
government Is ans\\erable for destroying the
league's power of restraint"
Harrington said : "Tho action ot the gov
ernment Is an Idle display. If they go further
our men will contlnuo to work. I myself am
going to Dublin to-night to take charge
there. The government's policy will unde
niably strengthen the liberals In Great Brit
ain. "
Dillon said : "The proclamation has been
expected for weeks and will not disturb the
leairuu. "
Paruoll , In an Interview this evening , said
the action of the government In proclaiming
the league was a gratuitous Insult to the
Irish , considering the present condition of
Ireland. It was merely a move to cover the
weakness of the land bill. If the bill did not
protect the tenants from eviction , trouble
would be Inevitable during the coming win
LONDON. August 19. | bpeclalTelegram to
thoBKK. ] The Dally News has n stinging
attack on the government for the proclama i-
tion under the heading "Tho Final Plunge , "
and Is of the opinion that "Nevertheless
whatever Is healthy and good In the National
League will bo able to work on just the same
as over. The sad eilectof the government's
policy is to bring all that Is en
lightened and just In English opinion
and feeling to thu side of the
Irish tenant. Ho will have no n cod of con
spiracy to uphold him aamst injustice and
ho knows It"
The Times fairly dances In type with Joy
over the proclamation and airs a new chapter
ot "Parnclllsm and Crime. "
The Standard ha little to say and seem
ingly apologises for the proclamation on the
ground that It Is necessary to prevent parlia
ment from being railed together after recess. ,
The K\onlng Mall , Evening News and
anti-Irish organs expressed their peculiar
views In anticipation of the proclamation.
The Evonlnit Telegraph , a nationalist
organ , referring to the constant blundering
ot the government , says If they Intend to
govern Ireland according to logic , they can 1"
not escape the alternative ; there is no half
way house between legislation by ministerial \
violence and vice-regal tyranny.
LINCOLN , Neb. , August 10. Patrick Esan ,
cx-presldent of the Irish National league , In
an Interview this evening regarding the sup
pression of the league In Ireland , said , in
part : "Tho league , by keeping the masses
on a line of constitutional agitation , served
as a safety valve for the just
and natural bitterness and passion
of the people. If wo now have a repetition
of the Pluunlx Park tragedy and other de
plorable horrors of the past coercion regime ,
the verdict of a civilized world will hold the
English lory government alone accountable.
They may proclaim the league , but Instead
of billing the Idea which thu league repre
sents they will but strengthen it tenfold.
The proclamation can have no other termi
nation but the complete and speedy ruin ot
the present truculent tory government and
the triumph of the home rule cause. "
Hon. John Fitzgerald , president of the
„ , _ league , expressed much the same sentiments.
" - > i.'j'he National League , " said he , "U anothei
' * ' * name for Irish nation , and the suppression
ot nation Is a mere Impossibility , Tin
ngltatlon , hitherto open and above board
will bo driven beneath the surface and
apparent justification will bo given for
the existence ot secret societies , over whose
members and methods the recognized leaders
of Ireland can have no control. 1 greatly
fear a repetition of wild deeds , when men ,
despairing of justice , seek the gratification ot
In the Commons.
LONDON , August 19 , Halfour , chief secre
tary for Ireland , announced In the commons
tills afternoon that the government had pro
claimed the Irish National leaue. Ho said
the leanovas proclaimed as a dangerous
association under section Got the Irish crimes
uct amendment bill recently madu a law.
( Cheers and counter cheers ) . The govern
ment has thus taken the power con
fcrred upon them by that statute
to prohibit and suppress tlio league.
Continuing , Balfour said : "Thcro are
two sub-heads of the sixth section of the act
mentioned In the proclamation , which de
clares as folllo.vs ; 'WhereasVo are satis
fied there exists In Ireland an association
known as the Irish tfatfonal league , which
In parts of Ireland promotes and Incites nets
of violence and Intimidation. ' A voice : 'It's
a Ho ; no branch of the leaeno Is engaged In
such work. ' "
Sexton asked whether the sole ground for
the proclamation was that the league was
simply an association tending to Interfeie
with ( ho law.
Balfour. In roplv , read the terms of the
proclamation. Replying further to Sexton ,
Bnlfour said that until the viceroy issued an
order regarding a particular district the proc
lamation would have no force.
Harrington asked 'whether lialfour was
aware that nearly all the branches of the
league were engaged In registration work ,
whether ho knew that the league was the
only association opoosed to the conservatives
In that work , and whether the proclamation
was Intended to paraly/o thu efforts of the
leauuo to the advantage of the conservatives
on the new register.
lialfour replied that no branch of the league
confined to registration would be Impeded In
Its work.
The subject was then drooped and the
house went Into committee on the land al
lotment bill.
a Tlio house of lords this aftornooon adopted
the Irish laud bill as received from the com
An Ill-AdvlHod Move.
LONDON , August 19. The proclaiming of
the league was the subject of excited discus
sion In the lobbies ot parliament this even
ing. Gladstonlans assort that the govern
ment Is unjust and Imprudent In proclaim
ing the league. Parnellltessay the govern
ment wUhos to create trouble and outrage In
Ireland during the coming winter , that the
proclamation will force the oxtremcst meas
ures of the league to the front , and that the
government will shortly bitterly repent their
aflton. All Important documents of the
league have been removed from the head
quarters in Dublin.
Chamberlain Withdraws.
LONDON , August 19. Chamberlain and T.
W. Uussell have withdrawn from the union
ist partv , In consequence of the proclaiming
of the National league.
I'ratslna Tory Firmness.
LONDON , August 19. The Standard ap
plauds the government's firmness In the mat
ter of the land bill , and Is surprised at Cham
berlain's attitude. "Tho only lilting answer
to Pornoll's menaces , " savs the Standard ,
"Is that the government will not fall In Its
duty to protect life and property In Ireland
by the free nso of the poweis parliament has
conferred upon It. "
Executed For Conspiracy.
BOMUAY , August 19. Talmur Shah and
two officers at Herat have boon executed by
tha ameer of Afghanistan In consequence of
having conducted secret negotiations with
Ayoub Khan. Abdul Rahman , Shore All's
Koneral-ln-chlef , and for some time past a
ponsloneor on thu ameer's bounty , has been
placed under arrest charged with a similar
The Government Attacked.
LONDON , August 19. The Pall Mall Ga
zette vigorously attacks the government
party for adopting In the commons tha Karl
of Cadocan's amendment to the Irish land
bill relating to town paiks. The Gazette
urees thn liberals to revolt against the gov
ernment's Irish policy In the commons to
obstruct the passage of the supply measures
and thus force a dissolution.
Regarded an n liasoleHs Report.
ZANZIBAR , August 19. Well Informed
people here regard as baseless the report tha
Henry M. Stanley has boon murdered after
having been deserted by his escort.
Interviews With Loading Firmn Slum
It to Ho On the Increase.
NEW YOHK , August 19. [ Special Telegran
to the BEE. ] The llorald prints a page o
Interviews with leading firms In dilferon
branches of trada In the city. They show
that there has been a gradual but steady in
crease since the first of the year over the
business of the past few years. Many mer
chants admit , however , that even n botte
trade would have been done If the inonei
market had not been so close , while other
hold that this same closeness of the money
in arket Imstended to solidity trade by re
striding undue speculation and Infusing
more care and thought Into the minds o
those w ho otherwise might have been templet
to try and tly higher than the strength o
their wings warranted. Dry goods men ex
press themselves as being well satisfied wltl
the business done. Collections are roportct
. A " and market"
good. "healthy steady seem
to have been the universal expression. Tin
carpet trade Is reported to bo In a "remark
ably healthy condition. " The furniture mei
are reported as beaming with satisfaction
Dealers In woolen and worsteds state tha
trade In their line has been fully up to tha
of last year , but not much over It , Collec
tlons are reported coed and but few account
run over time. The clothing men are wait
Ing to hear from the unharvestod cottoi
crop , but seem to be contented. The boo
and shoo men seem to bo the hapnleat crow
in the city. They are reported as belli
crowded with orders at good prices. Jewelers
ors say the the outlook Is promising and "u
are alwavs the last to feef the boom. " Th
wholesale grocers are well satisfied and seen
sure that business will contlnun to Increase
Old Veterans Mutilated By Preina-
tnre Dlflchargca ot Cnnnons.
ENKIKI.D , III. , August 19. About 10 o'clock
1"this morning two horrible accidents happened
at thu grounds where the Eighty-seventh Illi
nois regiment and the soldiers ot White and
Hamilton couutles are holding their reunion.
During a sham battle a cannon was prema
turely discharged and the right arm of James
Brockutt , of Carml , was blown off at the
elbow. Atthogham forta few rods away ,
at almost the same Instant , anotherlargo can
non was prematurely discharged , the ramrod
blown out and the thumb of Robert Johnson ,
of this place , blown off. ( Jabe Sullonger , of
McLeansboro , had both arms blown off , the
left one nearly to the shoulder , the riirht one
at the wrist and the elbow broken. He was
badly burned about the face and body. Ills
recovery Is doubtful. Irwln ICe der ,
of .McLeansboro , had his clothes
blown from lib body and llesh lacerated.
William DenIK of Carml , had both hands
badly hurt , and KinanucI Hercli , of Carmi ,
was knocked down and badly hurt The ex
citement ot the accident and the terrible suf
fering of tbo poor fellows Is casting gloom
over this , flm closing day of the otlmwlso
successful reunion.
Hank of London Suspend * .
LoNDo.v.Ont , August 19.--Thobankof Lon
don suspended payment this morning. The
bank had a subscribed capital ot 1,000,000 ,
of which 3iar > s ! ) Is paid up. Very little loss
is anticipated by bill Uoldas.
The Ruin Wrought In anil About Re
publican City.
HE runMCAN CITY , Neb. , August 19.
[ Special Telegram to the BKK. | At 4
o'clock yesterday afternoon a heavy , dark-
green , black cloud began forming In the
northeast , gradually drifting to the north ,
when a strong upper current of wind
set in from the south , producing a
swift , gyrating motion , which con
stantly Increased until flvo minutes
cast 5 o'clock , when the tornado broke
forth with all Its fury and could bo scon approaching
preaching the city at n rapid rate and began
Its destruction , razing buildings , fences nnd
trees to the ! ground , striking the residence
and store of Dr. James Beechler at quarter
put ; 6 , leaving everything n
wreolc. The brick school house
fell a tow minutes later , burying eight work
men. The brick boarding house of the col
lege fell , as well as all other bricks In the
city , nnd many frames. The tornado lasted
perhaps fifteen minutes , when the storm and
wind shifted to thu cast , and , again workIng -
Ing to the north , accompanied by
hailstones as largo as n small
egg , demolishing all windows and flooding
all the buildings loft standing. Six men
were taken allvo from the debris In the school
bouse where they wore burled ten feet under
brick and mortar. They were badly Injured ,
but will recover.
The two dead , who were terribly
criHhcd , will be burled to-morrow.
H. S. Wctherell's family , found burled In the
debris of their residence , are very low , but
will recover. The house Is In splinters.
The following is nearly a complete list of
persons sustaining damage :
U. O. Bishop , school building , 87,000.
S. K. Morris , lumber sheds and barn , 8500.
U. D. Logan , merchandise and furniture ,
John McPherson , residence and stock
sheds , S400.
F. P. Fox , store building and residence ,
( { . Channmn , residence , 8250.
Smith > t Wetherell , store bullrllnir , 8250.
J. H. Mitchell , merchandise , 8500.
H. S. Xumro , residence nnd goods , SITS.
D. K. Williams , buildings , SK : > .
L. K. Woitlmm. building and stock , 8500.
James Hunter , barns and house , 3100 ,
T. C. Ilauco , outbuildings , 850.
J , F. Kelly , resldenee , 350.
Ida Poor , stock of goods , SM.
H. Whitney , residence , 860.
W. Gruwoll , residence. S40.
S. J. Harvey , bain , 3150.
A. II. Gage , barn and house , 8150.
A. Dodd , hotel , barn and residence , § 250.
( } . Stevens , merchandise. S25.
C. W. Whitney , house. SCO.
State bank , S100.
Oscar Vnllcott , resldenee. 81.200.
B. D. Mills , residence and barnTjO. .
P. Holland , house , 8TO.
S. J. Willofard , house. S30.
J. S. Gilford , barn , 840.
H. Bartel. merchandise , SHO.
J. B. Valllcott , barn and house. S200.
E. E. Vnlllcott , lesldcncc and storu buildIng -
Ing , S500.
J. K. P. Hayes , building. 8100.
II. Cluskey , assignee , stoio building , 8100.
C. A. Luce , building and stock. S150.
Mcl'hersonnoimal college biick dormi
tory , 51,000.
George Pnrdy , residence , 8200.
A. B. Sliulker , residence , S'.iO.
A. T. Smith , store building and house ,
IT. Cluskey , residence , 840.
J. A. Benedict , residence , 830.
J. H. Moss , residence , SS9.
D. C. Gillespiu. stock sheds , 850.
S. A. Cody , residence , J0. ?
H. Mason , residence , < W5.
W. II. Burr , barn. SoOC.
K. Friar , house , 875.
H. W. Aunti , house and bain , 8100.
W. Svmonds , stock barn , S75.
Mrs. L. Horry , hotel. Sf'WO. '
D. J. Grnwell , house , 875.
James Buchter , resldenco and merchan
dise , 82,200.
J. A. Smith , brick residence , 81,200.
S. J. Kvans , house. S500.
J. D. Smith , barn , S100.
Methodist church , 8C.r > 0.
W. J. Lude , house , 875.
H. S. Wetherell , furniture. 8125.
H. C. Barren , building and goods , 840.
W. F. Coloy , residence. 870.
W. McFarlaiid , hotel. 850.
S. A. Coon , house and contents , 850.
D. K. Loiran , house , 8100.
D. F. McFarland , housu nnd barn , SSOO. .
T. A. Hamilton , furniture , 850.
J. I ) . Stoddard. house , 840 ,
J. B. Foibes 825.
W. S. Pitchtord , library. 8100.
J. M. Hall , bidldlnir , 8-10.
Samuel Hood , honsu , 830.
A gieat many others have lost small sums ,
while others cannot bo heard from. K
Frear , n farmer living ninth of thu city
while imdenvoiing to savu his family , was
seriously Injured , as was also n son.
Thu city to-day has n sickening
appearance. But little business is transacted.
Hundreds of peoplu are visiting the city to
viuw the wreck. The total damage in nctual
casii will not bo far fiom 81.0,000 , but In real
ity Is much greater.
Difficulty in Hcciirlng a Jury.
Lonr CITY , Neb. , August 19. [ Special
Telegram to the BEE.1 The work of selectIng -
Ing a jury In tlio Klchardson case Is still
going on. About 050 men have been brought
In by aActlng Sheriff Landers , nearly nil
being excused on account ot opinions al
ready formed. Seven peremptory challenges
have been used by both state and defense. If
the Jury Is secured by Saturday night It will
be as much as can bo expected. Not much
Interest Is shown In the case save by the at
torneys and Immediate friends. General
Connor examined for the state and J. N.
Paul for the dotensu , bu til lawyers showing
great caution , bringing out everythl ng look
ing toward a prejudice. Tliuro Is no hope
of any evidence being taken this week ,
Trader's Stern Hurnod.
LYONS , Neb. , August 19. [ Special to the
BEE. 1 On vcstorday morning the trader's
store at thu Wlnnebago Indian agency was
burned to tlio ground. It Is not known how
the lire originated and It will perhaps always
remain a mystery. Them had been heavy
rains the day and night before the lire , and
It Is generally thought the lire broke out on
the Insldo. Were It not for the Insurance on
the building and contents , which was heavy ,
the trader , Mr. C. J. O'Connor , would sus
tain mi I to a loss. It Is presumed that another
building will bo erected at once , so that the
Indians may bu accommodated without hav
ing to go far to do their trading.
Hunger Return1) .
NEW YOIIK , August 19. Sanger. the Mu
tual District messenger , returned this mornIng -
Ing from Europe , having satisfactorily de
livered the souvenirs entiusted to bun by
Manager Dan Frolunan , of the Lyceum
theatre , for friends In London. Ho denies
the story ot his arrest for violating the Eng
lish postal Kws , and says the story was a
The Body Identified.
BI.OOMINOTON , Auzust 19. It has been
learned that the body of the unknown vet
eran soldier found near tlio tallroad track In
Baltimore yesterday Is that of Francis A.
Scott , captain of company H. Fifty-fifth Illi
nois Infantry , who since the war has at times
been employed by the Lake Erie & Western
Runaway Locomotives Collide.
PHILADELPHIA , August 19. Two big pas
senger engines ran away in the yard of the [
Pennsylvania railroad company last night
and the engineers , named Morris Thompson
and Joseph Kelly , received what may prove
to be fatal Injuries. The locomotives were
almost totally destroyed.
The Improvement In Business.
NEW YORK , August 19. The Herald prints
apagoof interviews with leading linns In
different branches of trade In this city. They
ihow there has been 4 gradual but steady In
crease since the tirst of the year over the
biulnes ? ol ( he part lew years.
The City of Montreal Destroyed in Mid-
Ocean On the Atlantic.
Seven Passenger * and Six of the Crew
Lost in a Hoot The oniclnl
Ilcport of Oaiitaln
JSS7 liy JIIMM Gordon Bennett. ]
QUKUNSTOWN , August 19. | Now York
Herald Cable Special to the DKB. | It was
loudly cried here by the newsboys this
morning at 10:30 : : "Hero's yer loss ot the
City of Montreal. Uoat and thirteen passen
gers missing. " This j startling cry , then
spreading soon , created moro sensation hero
than the news tint the leairuo had been pro
claimed , The National company's tender
was Immediately dispatched to Intercept the
steamer Yoik City , and bring the Montreal's
crew and passengers ashore. The tender re
turned at 1 p. m. , when Captain Land , ot the
City of Montreal , kindly uavo the Herald the
following particulars : "Wo loft New York
on the Oth , with l > passengers aboard.
Tliero was no special incident except
the extreme tlno weather , until the
10th , at 9 p. m. , In latitude 43 ,
.13 north and longitude 53 , 64 wont with the
wind light northwest , 1whon a lire was dis
covered In the after malnliatch among the
cotton. Fire annihllators with hand gren
ades \veroalso used freely and every effort
made to extinguish the llaraes which over
came all efforts and finally spread to such an
extent in the upper and lower botwoon-dccks
that 1 saw the ship was doomed. From the
bcginnlne active preparations were made by
manning boats , and putting In provisions.
The llauios furiously burst out on the fated
vessel then almost enveloped by the long
tongues of ( lames. The boats were quickly
lowered , notwithstanding It was a difficult
task with a very high sea running. The
women and children were fjrst put In ,
then the remaining nassoneors and crow.
I may say that thu boats wore not manned
by their respective crews. The mnn had to
light down thu tire to the very last and could
not have been at the boats at the same time.
Accordingly as each boat load left the ship's
side all got safely away. However , by some
unfortunate oversight about twenty people
were busied trying to save something and
being out of view were left aboard thu burnIng -
Ing vessel. When this' was discovered No. U returned and took off six of them. No.
fi boal also returned and took'otl another six.
While this was uolngon a barque was sighted
coming down on \ is.It \ proved to bo the
Tribant of Germany. Soon all our boats fet
alongside and all persons were safely
transferred to her decks. While this
was transpiring a gang on oue boat
returned to the Montreal and rescued the
remaining people , the vessel being In flames
from stem to stern. When all were aboard
the Tribant wo noticed that No. 8 boat was
missing , but soon afteiward observed her
running with the wind , using her oars for
masts and sail. She so id away from us In
direct disobedlenoe to > my orders as pre
viously given. Wo lost sight of that boat and
have not seen her since. All night wo re
mained on the bar < iMext morning wo
were transferred to the York City , bound
from Baltimore to London , which had como
up during the night. Captain lien n , ot thu
York City , madu a search for the missing , but failed to find her. The smoke and
cat had so affected all that most
were partially blinded Cor scvonohoiiM.espe
cially thu chief olHcor of the barque and my
self. The chief olllcor was let totally blfnd
over thu ship's side into the boat and did not
recover his sight for two davs. All behaved
admirably considering that everything had
to bo done In dense , blinding smoke. The
passengers and crow lost everything tl.ny
had. I cannot say what the origin of the tire
was , but am certain it broke out in several
places at tlio same timo. Tlio following
persons are In the missing boat , which may
have been picked up by another vessel :
Passengers Samuel KiulTniann , George
Arnolt , Samuel Mclvoo. Crow Huniy
Kr.uer , Charles Kldder , William
Tregney , Cnarles Hughes , Ch.ules Smith ,
the interpreter , U. Wouldtones Tupoer ,
Simon Know sky , and L. Kuehelnky. The
entire cruw and tliu passengers who were
saved landed at Qucenstown. Tno York
City proceeded to London.
Tlio Key. J. M. Donalson , and the Adcllda
Anstritia , furnished the Herald the following
personal narrative :
All went well after IcavlngNow York until
the following Wedneday morning about 10 ,
that most terrible alarm at sea , the cry "lire"
was given throughout the ship. The most of
the passengers had turned In. Some were In a
sound sleep , from which they were rudely
aroused by the smoke , which Increased rapId -
Id Iv , nnd buian to fill the cabin , and darken
the lights throughout the ship. In a short
tlmo all were hastily dressed and on deck.
The utmost energy was shown by the captain
oflicers and crew In seeking out tlio locality
for attempting to extinguish the flame. The
effort seemed to have succeeded as the
hatches were lowered In hopes of keeping It
under , with n view to running the vessel to
the neatest port which uas St. John , N. F. ,
about 400 miles away. The course -was
shaped tor this but the lull In the smoulder
ing lire was delusive for though checked In
the attcr hatch It unexpectedly burst out
from still another hatch midships.
From the force and violence of the combus
tion It soon become evident that all hopes of
savint : the ship were at an end. Attention
was then turned to saving lives bj boats.
There were eight on board , four life-boats
and four pinnaces capable of carrying with
out undue strain , but with little room to
spare , all on board. All available hands
were set to work In their different spheres to
prepare provisions , to free the running of
gear to see the state of the boats and to hold I
all in readiness. About 8 o'clock , In the
morning fires had so ealned the Inevitable
moment had come to leave thu ship. All the
passengers were assembled on deck , eacli onu
encased In a life preserver , a picture ot
human misery , of the utmost helplessness
and despair , such as my words cannot de
scribe. It Is no purn < v > e of my narrative ,
Mr. Herald , to stir up the feelings of your
readers with n harrowing picture of that
scene ; the misery of mothers clasping to
their bosoms with a fervency proportioned to
the danger of their helpless children , or hus
bands and wives embracing each other for
what they fult to be , in all probability ,
the last time , and tor the natural
anxiety which each felt for his
own llfeall | tills , the readers can well
Imagine , To add to the dllllculty of the
moment the sea ran much higher than at
any tlmo during the voyase. The danger of
being smashed or swamped in lowering the
boats was imminent , yet It was with safety
accomplished. The dltllcultles of putting
the passengers aboard , chlelly the women
and children , was very great and when that
was effected there still remained n heavy sea
on In which It scorned scarcely possible the
boat could live. Added to this wore the dis
couraging cries that no land was within
sight ; uo succor appeared within the wide
range of the horizon. Hut all this having
been accomplished without delay , the order
was given to lower the bo.its. It Is satisfac
tory to relate that every boat was lowered in
duo course without the slightest pitch and all
the passengers were got aboard without the
least accident. Ills much to the credit of the
passongeri ) that there was no phnlc , no un
due excitement , no attempts made at evad
ing the rule that the women and children
should go first. My an oversight which was
the fault ot the persons themselves a fo v ot
the passengers and crow wore loft behind In
the burning ship because they had gouo aft
Instead of forward , and were hidden from
sight by dense clouds of smoke , but they
were In due tlmo rescued. Thus all were
freed from the danger of burning and faced
the milder dangers of drowning. Uy careful
forethought and clover management , and ,
above all , overruling Providence , every boat
was safely cleared from the dangerous prox
imity of the ship.
All had cot at least a fair start xvltli equal
chances , and 1 have the pleasure ot recording
a wonderful 0011101(16111 ( circumstance leadIng -
Ing to our rescue which even those the least
accustomed to religious sontlmoiits and ex
pressions spontaneously rocaidcd as entirely
the work of that 1'rovldonco which calmed
the waves on the Jewish sea.
Among the nineteen loft on board
there was a flno bravo young follow belong
ing to the ship , named William Mitchell , who
thought ho would take a last survey of the
the horizon from the vantage of the steamer's
bridge. Who can describe the joy which was
his and ours as we laid by when ho shouted
across , ' 1 have discovered the masts of a ship
Just ilsing within the range of vision. ' A
moment's careful survey with the captain's
glasses discovered that the approaching ves
sel was a barque under full sail and with a
fair wind bearing straight down , upon us ,
and evidently seeing our condition. As soon
as the jojoiis vision greeted the eyes of those
in the boats , it cheered evury heart with
hope , and not a few bowed their heads In
thankful prayer. In due tlmo tlio deliverers
drew near , hove to and awaited the arrival of
the boats. They arrived In duo time , but
after much dllllculty and at Intervals ex
tending over four hours. The boats ,
having got considerably scattered during
the ten to twelve hours they were
beating about on the water. Oono boat , the
most lightly laden and supposed to bo the
best manned , was missing. It appears they
either unwisely allowed It to drift before thu
wind out of sight forgetful of the advantage ,
for signal purposes , of tlio blazing ship to
give them a chance , or else made a temporary
sail on tholr own hook. In the morning
careful watching was kept without getting
sight of them. The captain of ths barque
unduitook to cruise around for a
while , but was unsuccessful. Ihcro Is , of
course , reason to hope that they were picked
up by a barque after wo left In thu York City
or by some other passing vessel. It Is but
right for me to state that the person or per
sons In chareo of the missing boat were
mostly men belonging to the ship who were
guilty of gross selfishness , cowardice and in
humanity in going oil with the
boat not more than half full ,
whilst a number of persons , that they
must have seen , were left aboard. I must
now refer to the York City nnd her kind
hearted commander , Captain Uenn. It
seems that , attracted by the light of
the burning ship , he bore down at once
Arriving a little after dark , ho discovered the
state of affairs. Wu found our deliverance
was only temporary , for the barque was only
largo enough to iloat us without any accoin
modatlon or supplies of food , but at once ho
consented to remain by all night. In the
morning when the facts of tlio case became
clearly known with boundless nnd spontan
cous kindness , honorable to humanity , ho
took all on board his little bar e. Although
It Is no part of this Interview to make refer-
erencu to thu conduct of the captain and offi
cers of the last vessel , jet this much , I may
say that they did their duty talthfully and
nobly. All these saved have landed with
only what clothes they stand In.
liiirnod nt Bon.
LONDON , August 19. [ Press ] News has
been received hero of the burnlncratsoa ot the
Ininati line steamer City of Montreal , upon
the arrival at Qneonstown this morning of
the British steamer lork City. Thirteen
persons are learned to have ocrislied , tliu re
mainder being ic cued by the York City and
biouglit to Queenstown. The destruction of
the steamer City of Montreal occurred on the
llth inst. , live days after she left New York.
A boit containing six passengers and
seven members of the crew Is missing.
The occupants of the boat are thu thirteen
persons reported to have perished. She ha <
420 persons on board. It is learned that
shortly after the passengers had eone to boi
on the night of the 10th they were aroused
by on alarm of fire. A scone of consterna
tion ensued and the passoncers wore trrealty
terrified when tliov found out tlio true state
of affairs. The smoke caused by the fire wa1
suffocating. The passengers dressed and go
on deck as quickly as possible. The fire orlg
Inatcd In cotton stored In the main hold ,
Nine streams of water were soon worklncoi
the flames , which could not bo subdued and
spread. It became evident that It was Impossible -
possible to save the ship and a momentary
panic ensued.
lioats were lowered and the passengers
and crew got Into them. The boats were
soon scattered and ono entirely vanished.
This contained the following passengers :
SAMUIU. .MckEi : ,
SIMON Howi'Ki.Y ,
Also the following membeis of the crew :
IlKNItY FliA/Kll.
PAT i SICK Uuoiir.s.
Tliero is little doubt but that the whole
boat load perished. The boat did not contain
a full crew , and left the City of Montreal
ngalnst the captain's orders , as there was
time to take more In It The other survivors
consider the fate of the occupants of the lost
boat as a judgment for their cowardice.
A bark was sighted shortly after the boats
loft the steamer , and her crow were prepar-
Ing to pick up the survivors when the
steamer YorK City , attracted by the names
from the burning vesselboie down and with
tlltllcnlty took all on board.
The lost steamer was worth about half a !
million dollars. The Insurance Is not known.
She had a cargo of over 2,000 bales of cotton
and miscellaneous goods.
Thcro was a heavy sea running and It was
with dlfllculty that the boats were kept from
being swamped. Tfiu crew worked splendidly
and all the passengers went placed In boats
In a comparatively short time. How the boats
floated with their loads Is n miracle. As
the last boat was putting off from thu ship
several of the passengers and crew were seen
aft. They had been overlooked nnd were
screaming for the boats to return. They
were subsequently rescued , half dead from
the ettccts of the smoke and heat.
The Itnrned Stonmfr.
NKW YOIIK , August 19. Ofljclals of the
In man line have no direct advices about the
City of Montreal , She loft this city on Uj (
( ith and was four days overdue from Liver
pool. Considerable anxiety had , begun to bo
felt about her. bho had no first cabin passen
gers , but carried 23 Intermediate and 115
steerage passengers. The burned steamer
was built by Toboy * Co. , of Glasgow , In
1871 , and measured 433 feet over all , forty-
four feet beam and thirty-six feet deep. Her
gross tonnage was 3,495. She was an Iron
screw steamer.
Another Steamship Accident.
HonoKr.N , N. . ) . , August 19. The now
North German Lloyd steamer Trave , from
Bremen , met with a serious accident this
morning while making her pier In this city.
There was a tug along side the large ship ,
when suddenly her bow swung around and
crushed into the lower portion of thu
pier , tearing away the entire roof , A
portion of thn shed fell upon the bow
of the boat , striking several of the stccingo
passengers anil two or three of the erew. A
number of passengers had their heads cut
open and are believed to bo fa
tally injured. A panic ensued on
board tun ship and the ollicurs
had urcnt ( rouble In securing older , 'Iho
names of the Injured people could not bo
ascertained. Several women tmssongers
fainted when the crash came. Thu captain
of thu Travo attributes thu accident solely to
the strong current.
Collided With n Schooner.
Niw : YOIIK , August 19. The steamer
Atlas , hence days ago for the West Indies ,
returned to-day , ha vine been In collision
with the schooner Llzzio Wilson , from Balti
more to Boston , yesterday , oil Barnocat , N.
J. The schooner sank Immediately , carry
ing down the wife and daughter ot the cap
tain and two seamen. Thn Atlas rescued
Captain Chatwlck and three sailors and
brought them here.
Closing Session of tbo National En
campment at Dos Molncs.
DKS MOINES , la. , Angnst 19 fSpeclal Tel
egram to the BEE. I The closing session of
the national encampment of the Sons of Vet
erans to-day was the most Interesting , as it
Involved the election of ofiiccre for the ensu
ing year. The night before a dead lock
seemed Imminent , but the differences had all
been settled and this morning the new offi
cers were soon selected. For commander- -
chief , General George U. Abbott , of Chicago ,
was chosen. He Is as well known as any
other member of the order , Is a loading phy
sician of Chicago and past colonel of the
Illinois division , where ho slgnall } suc
cessful. Colonel Henry Ki\/.er ; , of Ohio ,
who was elected lieutenant general , Is a
prominent business man of Cleveland.
colonel of an Ohio division last year and was
presented with a medal for organizing the
roost posts last year. The other officers
elected are major general , J. J.
Speaker of Missouri , commandor-In-chlof
C. B. Cook ot Dakota , Colonel Applcgatu
of Nebraska , C. W. Anderson of Pennsyl
vania , E. B. Smith of Connecticut and J. L.
Kako of Pennsylvania. Under these effi
cient officers and In view of the Impetus
given to the order by the tlrst national mcet-
init uver hold In the west the order bids fair
to have a genuine boom and soon to como
Into greater prominence. Many of the delegates -
gates were from the extreme east and all
were handsomely entertained while In Iowa. '
To Colonel Kowen , of the state division , was
duo the credit of bringing the encampment
here and much of the credit of making It so
successful. The next meeting will bo held at
Wheeling , W. Va. An adjournment was
taken this afternoon after a splendid parade
of the streets headed by the governor's
guards nnd a band. The encampment was
successful every way. The weather was
Ant l-I'rohlhltfon Mans Convention.
DKS MOINBS la. , August 18. | Special
Telegram to the BEI : . ] A mass convention
ot antl-prohlbtllon republicans mot In the
city hall to-night , and placed In nomination
for Polk county representatives , J. C.
Cumins , a lawyer , and Adam Baker , an al
derman. Thu antl-prohlbltiontsts claim to
have TOO folio weis in tlio county , and If tlio
candidates named stand , It may cause the
defeat ot the regular republican candidate.
From a special hero to-day It is also learned
that tliu republicans of Sac county havu
nominated J. S. Hunter for thu Icirislature ,
defeating Phil Schoiler , the present Incum
bent on thu lifty-nkhth ballot. In Hamilton
county Augustus Anderson was nominated ,
nnd In Floyd county K. W. Wllbor was
nominated. The sonatoilal convention at
Nortliwood unanimously ronomlnatud for
senator , .1. H. Sweenoy , author of the Iowa
anti-foreign corporation law.
The Admiral Asks Scott Questions
Prepared Ity FiRh AlcruhnntB ,
Niw ; YOKK , August 10. | Special Tele
gram to the Br.n. I Tlio World's Portland
correspondent quotes O. B. Whltten and
other fish merchants as saying that the ques
tions put to Captain Scoct by Admiral Luce
were drawn up by fish merchants. Whltten
says : "The fish merchants feel that Ad
miral Luce's conduct has been misrepre
sented by the Halifax and other papers.
When the North Atlantic squadron was In
the harbor the fish merchants of Portland
held a consultation with Admiral Lnco and
all were In doubt as to the attitude of Canada
this year. No seizures had benn made and
Canadians had not shown their hands. Wo
did not know what Interpretation thu Cana
dians would put upon tlio words
'repairs In treaty , ' or whether tlio masters
ot Dominion cruisers were authorized to
outer and lishing vessels In port ns cus
toms oflicers are authorized to do. Admiral
Luce very readily nnd very kindly volun
teered to ascertain these points for ns. Wu
made out a list ot questions , the saino list [
that had been published , and Admiral Luco
took them with him. Ho saw Captain Scott
and the information was such us wo our-
fiolvcs and our cantatns were much in need
of. Wu know now just what thu Canadians
Intend to do. That ho ordered our men to
obey these legulations of Captain Scott on
pain of forfeiting the support of our govern
ment , I think hardly probable. "
Admiral Lucu and Secretary Whitney met
informally at Bar Harbor yesterday. They
will have a consultation to-day ,
netnlncfl the Old Platform.
SYRACUSE , N. Y. , August 19. The com-
mitten on platform of the milted labor con
vention held a long session last night , re
sulting In the retention of the Clarendon hall
platform , on which Henry George made his
canvass for mayor of N w Yoik.
The old platform adopted at tlio Clarendon
hall meeting last year was taken nn the
ground work for the now platfonn and en-
Urged to suit the necessities .if n state cam-
palgn. A few of thu planks ot tliu platform
of the old greenback labor party are also
used. Onu ot these favoicd tliu establishment -
ment ot postal banks and a postal tuleerupli
system. After a very spirited debate It was
decided not to openly oppose thu socialist or
ganization , but us a compromise a iilank was
used opposing state and public control of any
subject whlcli Is not a matter ot publlu con-
cern. A lull statu ticket was put in iiomlna-
tlon as follows : Secretary ot state. Henry
George , New York ; comptroller. Vlctur A.
Wilder , Kings ; treasurer , B. II. Cummlngs ,
MonUomcr } ; attorney goneial , Dennis C.
Feelny , Monroe ; state engineer and surveyor ,
tiyhanus A. Sweet , Broomu.
JMoi-kor I'eoplo Iliully Soared.
WASHINGTON , August 19. The adjutant
general has received n dispatch from Major
lUndlctt , .Ninth Infantry , In command at
Fort Duceesne , under date of August 1C ,
saying that word received from n rellablu
agency employe on the 15th was to the effect
that everything was all right on the liluo
mountains. Thu whites seem to think thu
people around Meeker badly scared. He had
seen nobody who knows anything from
Meeker. The Indians living at tlio ilgencies
are undisturbed and ull am itt home. Old
Colorow Is said to bo hunting In thu moun
tains of Colorado , and young Colorow , his
son , IH with McAndrews. the umployu from
whom word was received.
Oolorow's Band Every Day Assumes Mor (
Ominous Proportions.
Intrenched In the Mountain Faifl
"B They Know So Well , They
Are I'rcparml to Meet ,
Any Attack.
Meeker la Anxious for Troop * . ,
GI.ENWoot > SniiNiis , Colo. , August 19 , (
p. m. [ Special Telegram to the BEK. | A
man named H. Van Mai tin came In from
Newcastle just now and stated that a courlol
had arrived from Meeker , leaving there yes
terday morning at 50. : : ! Tlio courier's mis
sion was to notify the settlers down the rlvcf
that n party of Indians , supposed to btf
southern Utes and Navajos , had been seen
approaching the vicinity of Meeker. The
messenger also stated to Van Martin that
scouts had been eent out and there arc ?
nbout 400 Indians In the vicinity of Meeker.
The troops which are hHre to-day are looked
for by Meeker people to arrive this ovonlnpj
There is a report that Kendall had an encounter >
counter with the Utos on the old Thornburtf'
battle ground yesterday In which throe horsed
were killed and four men wounded , but n f
courier lias yet arrived from Meeker confirm- ' '
Injf the story. The following telegrams wera
received by Governor Adams to-day : y
OMAHA , Nob. , August 19. Governof
Adams , Denver , Col. : Your telegram oft
yesterday received. Troops cannot be used
to return Indians to their reservations uulcsrf
by the request of the authorities of the In *
tcrior department and by orders from su
perlor authorities. GEOIIMK CKOOK ,
Brigadier General.
The following letter was received from
Senator Eddy :
AXIAL , Col. , August 19. Alvn Adamftf
Governor : People hero commend your acj
lion. Wo feel that no compromise can bar
made. The only safety Is completely anil
energetically removing the Utes out of thv
stato. I go to thu place of action to-morrow.
Eddy Is senator from Garaold county , tha
seat of the war.
Public Sentiment On the Outbreaks.
DENVBII , Colo. , August 19. [ Special Tele
gram to the HKK. ] Mayor Leo , to-day sent
the following to the New York Tribune :
Enquiries from eastern cities ImVo readied
mo as to tlio safety of Denver from the re
ported threatened Indian war. 1 desire testate
state that Denver Is In no moro danger from
Indians than Is New York city. There Is
little Indian scare several hundred inllerf
from here , In a remote part ot the statey
which has been grossly exaggerated and.
which will amount to nothing at all scrlou
even then , unless precipitated by some fun-j
loving state militia which , in the opinion oq
the residents , has been ordered out against ;
all reason nnd without any adequate cause.
WILLIAM SCOTT LEE , Mayor of Denver.
Such expressions as the above are apparent
to the oltl/.eiiH of Colorado. Lee is bothered'
with the buzzing in his hat ot the gubornaf
torlal bee , and ho loses no opportunity t < J
deprecate any act of the present governor !
The facts are that upon the representation of
tlio sheriff , Adjutant General West , the senator
ator , the representative and loading citizen
of Garllcld county that the Utes under thcf
leadership of Colorow had taken the Wfir
path and that the lived of the settlers ap < t
their property were In dancer , and upon ther
refusal of the general government to rendetj
assistance , Governor Adams oidercdthu
militia not to wage an aggressive warfare ,
but to protect the lives and property of the > ,
settlers in that portion of the stnto whore tho'
danger was Imminent. In this Govornojjj
Adams , without a single exception , Is upheld
by nvory journal In the state and the m.ijor *
Ity of citizens , irrespective of politics.
Intrenched In the Mountain * ) .
Gr.ENwoonSntiNns , Colo. , August 19.- *
[ Special to the BEE. ] Acouiletf
named A. H. Thomas came In to-day from
Meeker , having loft that plnca yesterday
morning. He was compelled to ride cau
tiously over the old trail , as there are Indiana
all through thu country. In thu vicinity of
Meeker , and paitlcularly north , It is literally
swarming with icdsklns and they practical ! *
have the country to themselves. The new <
brought by Thomas Is not very reassurlngj
although ho had not heaidthat an attack hail
been made by thu Utes on Kendall's bam *
and of the wounding of four men and tha1
killing of three horses. It Is believed thari
the bravo sheriff did meet the Indians as hf
started out from Meeker on Wednesday will
nine or ton men to reconnoitre. Tholndlanl
are known to bo established In the passes o
the mountains near the old battle groundi
and It would bo an easy matter for them tq
lay In ambush and Inlllct serious blows on i
whole regiment It is said that the runneri
sent out by Colorow to the Sioux
Blackfuet and ( Jrows had returned anil
brought several "DucTTs" from theHi
tribes with them. While these report !
are generally discredited , ills believed tha
there are a great many moro Indians ren
dczvouscd on the Milk river and the nortl
fork of the White river than tlyro was if
week ago , and that they are prepared and
perfectly willing to light. The ambush at
Sheriff Kendall gives an Illustration of tlio ,
method In which they will resist state and ; > \
other troops should any bo called , They wll | A
remain In the deep passes and canons of the ;
hills through which the roads lend and attack !
the troops from the security of the honlJerrf
and locks on the sides of the mountains ,
hemming them In nnd puurlng djwn upoii
their heads an nncuasing lire. Thcro nrtf
many canons nnd passes in thu innunUIn ?
which would nlford them an opportunity ot
massncilng a whole rou'imeut. Thlu wlIB
inako It necessary to have mountain men to
go ahead to discover tlieso death-traps , and'
It Is probable that eveiy means will bo
adapted to prevent such a calamity.
There are now at Meeker and on the ! t I
road nbout 250 men thoroughly familiar t
with thu mountains and Indian practices and ?
the scouts and'guldos who load the way aro'
men In every way qualified to find an Indian' '
within twenty miles. War ngulnst Colorow
will bu no child's piny , however , ns he ha *
demonstrated his ability on moro than ona
occasion to cope with his moro civilized an *
tagonists. Sheriff Kendall saw Colorow on a.
hill with a pair of fluid glasses noting tho'
Strength and condition of the opposing forced
ns coolly ns General Crook or Miles could !
have done. Ho has a great many ponies , tha
largest and fleetest In thu west , and his
bi.ives are armed with the most Improved
weapons , which they know well how to use.
Added to this he Is In tliu finest gama
country In tliu world , and has conveniently
at a number of stock ranges upou
which ho can descend , If he has not already
done so. nnd supply Ills hordes with meat ,
upon which an li.dmn , unliku n white nun ,
can biibslst entirely. It Is only falo
for Colorado peonlu to presume , knowing tha
old chief by n snd lesson , that lie w III Intrench
himself in thu mountains , his nntlvti
heath , which hu w 111 never giveup till ho
dies It IK learn d tiom .Mm Van Clerf , whu
was overat tliu I Intali agency just bolore the ,
Indians suited on their hunting tup , that
they Inve a great deal of whisky whlen tlmy
have no trouble In hecurin1. for an equivalent
In pelts from Illegal traders. Thu law re-
g.mlini : tliti sale ot whisky to Indians IssiJd ,
t > bo openly'violated und Indians are able to
g-t nil jlKiy want .