Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1887, Image 1

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Republican Oily Swept By a Terrific
Btorm Yesterday Afternoon ,
A Ijargo New IJrlck Hcliool House.
Completely Wrecked The Kn-
tire Town Very Nearly
The Wreck of the Wind.
JtKi'tniMCAN CITV , Neb. , August 18.
ISpecIalTelegram to the BEE.J A terrible
cyclone , combining In all their fury the three
elements of wind , rain and hall , swept over
this city this evening. It began at 4 o'clock
and abated about 0 , dealing In Us two hours'
continuance death and destruction. The
town Is scarcely recognizable. All of Its
monuments of material progress and pros
perity are destroyed. Kvcry brick building
has been wrecked. The walls of the new
Bchoolhouse , Hearing completion , wcro
blown In , burying In their ruins seven work
men. Of these live were rescued , living , but
much Injured. The other two , J. J. Lan-
nlng and Mr , Allen , wcro killed outright.
Many frame houses were literally blown
away , their occupants Hoeing from thorn to
save their lives. Several people wcro In
jured In trying to make their escape from
their houses. One man , whose name Is
unknown , cannot recover. A violent rain
storm , accompanied by hall , breaking every
window on the north and east sides of
buildings , completely deluged the city and
effected the completion of the ruin. The
damage thus far will reach S 50,000 , un
covered by Insurance.
Rr.rum.icAN CITV , Neb. , August 18.
[ Special Telegram to the BKK. I The worst
storm ever witnessed In this part ot the state
struck this place about 0 o'clock this atter
noon. The largo brick school house , just
about finished , was completely wrecked.
Seven carpenters were cauuht In the ruins.
Flvo were rescued alive , but Injured , and twc
were seriously wounded. J. J. Lanning , n
hiuhly respected youne man of the place , and
A. b , Allen , of Alma , Neb , , foreman of the
gang , were killed. Lanning was a slnele
man , Allen being married. The dormitory
of the Mcl'hcrson normal college was badly
damaged , the whole north side of the upper
Btory being blown In. The house of II. S.
Wetherlll , a printer , was completely blown
away , burying his wife and two children In
the debris , badly Injuring them. The brick
residences of William Glbos and Oscar Val-
llcott wcro partially demolished. The front
of the law olllco of James Hunter lays In the
street The one-story residence of Dr.
Beccher was lifted entirely off 1U
foundation and carried some distance , but ,
strange to say , damaging It but little. Light
ning struck the rostdonco ot L. K. Morris ,
badly damaglnc It A number of other resi
dences were moro or less Injured , outhouse !
were prostrated , fences blown down
and , together with the contents ol
lumper yards , scattered over the
town. The city generally presents
a demoralized condition. The storm lasted
fully twenty-five minutes a straight , hard
blow , accompanied by heavy rain and hall. .
the ball breaking windows on the north and
east sides ot houses. The loss to city am
vicinity at rough figures will reach 830,000.
Dumly County School Ijnnd Sale.
BUNKIU.MAN , Neb. , August 18. ISpecla
Telegram to the BEE.J The public sale o
Dundy county school lands drew a larpi
number ot speculators to BonKclman to-day
The bidding was spirited. Sixteen dot Ian
per acre was paid for choice lands. Ncarl'
every section In the county was either soli
or leased.
NKW YOIIK , August 18. The New Yorl
creditors of the Hay ward Rubber company
manufacturers of rubber goods at Norwlcl
and Colchester , Conn. , have received olllclo
notice of Clmilcs Bard as receiver of th
company. This was the first Intimation litho
the trade that the company was In trouble
The assets of the company were general1 !
supposed to bo about 3750,000 , and the llablll
ties about 8400,000 outsldeof the capital stock
CIIICAOO. August 18. Thn jewel.-y linn o
Matson & Co. , ono of the oldest In the city
failed this afternoon for $140,000. A con
fesslon ot judgment In favor of the prlnclpa
creditors was made.
Edward Forman , an old employe , has beei
appointed receiver. He says that owing t
the sudden death of Mr. Watson recently I
was necessary to close up the affairs ot'th
house , as none of the family cared to conduc
the business. This method was chosen n
the simplest. Ho thinks the affairs are i
excellent shape and will Issue a statemen
Gould Trniles tlondR For Cash.
NKW YOIIK , August 18. [ Special Telegrat
S the BKK. ] The Times says : Jay Goul
V has turned 7,000,000 more ot his bonds Int
cash. This makes 317,000,000 within thlrt
days. This time the sale Is of Iron Mountai
5 per cents , and they KO to European cuMon
ersof the Wall street baukiug housu of Kuhi
Loch & Co.
An llllnolH Vecoran Killed.
llAi/mioitE , Md. , August 18. The bed
ot a man who had papers upon his perso
showing him to have been successively sei
grant , lieutenant and captain ot company. '
Flftv-iifth Illinois volunteers , was found o
the Baltimore & Potomac railroad track IAI
night , near the city , wheio he had been killc
by a train.
Death or a Chioaeo Pioneer.
CIIICAOO , August 18. Liovl Uosenfoli
aged seventy-two , ono ot the peonecrs of tl
city , died early this morning. He leaves a
estate valued at 83,000,000. Ho was the fathf
of Maurice Hosenfeld , noted In connectlc
with the great wheat deal , and the credlto
of the latter are anxious to know what slia
of the estate Maurice will secure.
A I'rolesior'H chnngc.
MILWAUKEE , August 1S.-A Madison , \Vi
apecial says that Henry P. Armsley , pr
lessor of agricultural chemistry at the WI
cousin state university , has accepted tl
directorship of the Pennsylvania agrlcultur
experimental station.
A I'hronoloiclst'H Death.
PouoiiKEKi'stE , N. Y. , August IS. Prc
O. S. Fowler , the noted phrenologist ai
lecturer , died at his residence near blnrn
Station , Conn. , this morning.
The Strike Knilcd.
DEXVI : ! ! , August 18. An El Paso spec !
to the Times from the City of Mexico say
The strike has collapsed on this end of tl
road. All passetuvr and freight trains a
runnln- . ' with their accustomed regularity.
Whitney will Not Talk.
UAH HAIIISOU , Me. , August 18. Sccreta
Whitney refuses to bo Interviewed upon tl
Admiral Luce matter , sayliu he came he
lor rest and not to "talk shop. "
Haitian Starts For Australia.
ToitoNTO , Or.t. , August 18. Haitian U
hero this 'afternoon for San Francis
in rout' '
A Prominent Mlasoiut Farmer Shot
Drad In Ills Own Yard.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , August 18. [ Special 'tel
egram to the BEK.I Samuel Gaun , one ot
Buchanan county's best known and wealth
iest citizens , was shot and fatally wounded
last night at 8:30 : o'clock at his homo about
ten miles southeast of this city. Mr. Gann
last night at tho-time mentioned was stand
ing at the well , ten feet from the kitchen
door of his house , drawing a pall of water.
As ha was lifting the full bucket from the
curb a man advanced on him from the dark
ness and presented a revolver and ordered
him to throw up both hands. Mr. Gann re
plied , "What do you want here , " at the
same time drawing back wttn the pall ot
water and striking his assailant full
In the face. The robber , who by
the way was masked , was almost
stunned , but pointing his revolver
as Mr. Gann fired. The shot , which was
from a3S-calibro revolver , took eliect In the
right breast In front of the shoulder , the ball
piercing the lunz and lodging near the back
bone. After the robber fired tils companion
suddnnly .stopped around from the side of the
housu and tired twice , ono shot striking Mr.
( lann In the abdomen and penetrating the
obdomliial cavity. The fiends then Hod and
have not been heard from since. The In
juries are such that the man cannot recover ,
and death Is looked for hourly. One ball
was cut out at the back , but the other ono
had not been located last night Within an
hour after the shooting the entire neighbor
hood were aroused and men on horseback
were seen scouring the roads In all directions
hunting for the desperadoes. A regular vlgl-
lance association has been organized and
nothing will be left undone that will lead to
their capture. The reporters with the doctor
were stopped three times by the association
wbllo on the way homo from Mr. Gann's nt
3 o'clock this morning. The lobbers were
masked and at noon yesterday robbed a
farmer named Lowe of 3200 as ho was return-
ng home from thu city ner Mr. Gann's house ,
t'hat the same men shot Mr. Gann no ono
oubts. Mr. Gann Is worth over a quarter of
million dollars. In St. Joe ho Is very well
: nown , as In the county , his visits to the city
einit numerous , llo enjojs the distinction
f be 1111 : the tallest man In northwest Mis-
ourl , standing almost seven feet In his
lockings. His ago Is about sixty-four years.
This morning the sheritf with ten specials
ml deputies , went to the scene of the mur-
er and at once organized forces , which are
iow scouring Mic country. Uobbery was tin-
ouutedly the motive for the crime. Mr.
IMIII has been popularly supposed for a long
line to carry largo sums of money on his
icrson itnd to keep various largo sums hid
, bout his house. Mr. Gann Is an old Moxl-
an war veteran and served under General
A. W. Doulplian. who died a few days ago.
He Is the wealthiest men In this county out-
ido of the city and a democratic leader.
Statement or Their Condition at the
Close of Business August 1.
WASIIINOTON , August 18. ISpeclal Tele-
Tain to the B K.K.I The following Is a state-
ncut of the condition of the Omaha national
) anks at the close of business August 1,18S7 ,
urnished In response to the demand of the
comptroller of the currency :
.oansand . discounts § 8,038wa
Overdrafts J7b77
United States bonas to secure cir
culation 350,000
Llnlted States bonds to secure de
posits 650,000
Other stocks , bonds and mortgages , j
" ) ue from approved reserve auents. . l,4'JHft4D
) ue from other national banks 604,48 : !
) uo from state banks and bankers. . 918,3311
teal estate , furniture and fixtures. . 3S2U40
Jurront expenses and taxes paid. . . : r ,4'7
i'romlums oald 82C.s < i
Jliecks and other cash Items 151,302
Exchange for clearing house 219,057
Jills of other national banks SM.702
fractional currency 3.4S-J
specie , viz :
( Sold coin 81,184.043
Gold treasury certificates 2,430
Silver coin , dollars 90G , 4
Fractional 41,018
Silver treasury certificates 8,490 1,332,505
Legal tender notes 901,101
Flvo per cent redemption fund 14,55 (
Duo from U. S. treasury 2 (
Capital stock paid In. 83,400,001
Surplus fund 570,50 *
Other undivided profits 147,631
National bank notes Issued 315,001
Amount outstanding 315,001
Dividends unpaid nil
Individual deposits 7,818,43'
United States deposits 281 , < ; ! ) :
Deposits ot U. S. disbursing oflicer. . 215,78
Duo to other national banks 2,523,04 ;
Duo to state banks and bankers. . . . 1,037,93 !
Total „ 810,210,03
Minneapolis Itoads at War.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , August 18. Ther
Is fair prospect ot a bitter railroad war be
tween the roads centering here. The bon
of contention will bo the rate on when
shipped from western Minnesota andDakot
points. Heretofore there baa been a dlffei
entlal ot 2J cents on Minnesota am
3 cents on Dakota wheat In fnvo
of Minneapolis and against Duluth
This differential the Manitoba road , In it
tariff about to be Issued , has done nwny will
making the Duluth and Minneapolis rate
the same. The Northern Pacific has agree
to follow the Manitoba's load , althoug
the distance over thn line to Dulut
ts , ns In the case of the Manitoba , longer thai
to Minneapolis. General Washburn , pres
dent ot the Minneapolis & Pacific , says tl :
result of this policy , It adhered to by nil threads
roads , would bo that not n spoonful ot when
would come to Minneapolis , and the miller
might as shut well up shop.
Sensational Testimony.
DKNTEII , Colo. , August 18. [ Special Telt
gram to the BEE. ] A sensation was createi
at th < ) preliminary examination of Mrs. Join
A. Witter who ts on trial charged wit' '
poisoning her husband by Edward H. Cald
well , a druggist at 1553 Blake btreet , testlfj
Ing that ho sold Mrs. Witter ten grains o
strychnine on Juno 4 , and one ounce c
arsenic on Juno 7. The defense charges tin
this testimony Is trimmed un by the project
tlon and unreliable , but after a very sever
cross-examination , failed to develop an
contradictory evidence. Tney , however , di
prove that the record book ot poisons sol
was very carelessly attended to and man
pages missing. The witness could only pn
duce In court three or four of the last page
of his record book , whlcii covered a period f
twenty-one mouths , and contained throut ;
this cutlro period tlio record of only four c
five other bales I'esKlo the ones alleged I
Mrs. Witter.
Threatened Canned Fruit. Famln <
CHICAGO , August 18. The Tribune th
morning says : The fruit dealers of tt
United States have been placed in an unpr
cedentcd situation. Except In Callforni
the fruit crops throughout the country vl
tuatly have failed. In Chicago , as elsewher
the sfocks nt dried and preserved frul
are about exhausted , and owing l
the scarcity of labor on the Pacit
coast cannot bo replaced , altough wholcsa
prices have risen trom 10 to 15 per cen
Canned goods.tespecmlly fruits , are nppn
ently going to retail during the winter at till
50 per rent above prices obtained th yei
previous. According to the Tribune , nn i
crease of 25 per cent to California's last yei
pack will not be sufficient to prevent tl
threatened canned fruit famine In the east.
Weather Indications.
For Nebraska : Generally fair , slight
warmer weather , vaN-iMo winds , general !
shifting to sou then
For Iowa : Fair uo.a , ' .irUblo wind
shifting to east nnd imii | , slightly warmi
In western portionM.itioiciry temperature
eastern portion.
For Dakota : Fair weather , variable wind
" southerly , warmer ,
He Gives Sheriff Doan a Terrible Tussle
Before Being Captured ,
Being Unable to Secure Bnll , Ho Is
Lodged In Jail At North Platte
Other News About
the State.
A IMucky Sheriff.
NOHTH PI.ATTK , Nob. , August 18. [ Spe
cial Telegram to the BEE. ] Fr-wn Logan
county parties wo learn Ilio following addi
tional particulars In regard to I-.vrker , the
man who robbed Paymaster Bash : Assort
thno after the robbery , Parker appeared In
Logan county , lie had the money that ho
had taken from Hash with him , an original
package , and In the same valise It was in
when stolen. Parker put up a sod store
about fifty miles northwest of Oandy , and
purchased a lot of horses and cattle , paying
for them with the proceeds of the roDbory.
In May , Deputy Sheriff Carter , of Lo.-an
county , and a strong posse undertook to ar
rest Parker on a warrant for robbing Dash.
Parker stood elf the posse and fired several
shots at thn deputy sheriff. About two
weeks ago three men named BnKnell , Lucas
and Johnson , went to Parker's store and ef
fected his arrest , claiming they were
deputy United States marshals. They
took Parker out Into the hills , flvo
miles from his store and took from htm what
money he had on his person , about 82,100 ,
and a horse. It turned out that the horse
did not belong to Parker , but to llaskcll &
Williams , who swore out a warrant for their
arrest and arrested them at Plum Creek.
Parker appeared In Oandy on Monday , ex
pecting the return of the parties who had
robbed him. Parker was heavily armed and
remained In Oandy all day. On Monday
night Sheriff Doane returned to Candy and
determined to make the arrest. Parker was
at the livery barn , armed with a revolver and
bowlo knife , where Doano's horses were.
Doane , entirely unarmed , proceeded to feed
his horses , keeping his eye on Parker , who
was also watching Doano with his hand on
his revolver. Doano managed to get within
springing distance of Parker , when , with
ono bound , he caught Parker from behind and
threw him on his face. Then ensued a
llfu and death struggle between Parker and
Doano for the possession of the revolver and
< nife. Parker succeeded In drawing both.
) oano also got a grip on the revolver and
'arker got Donne's thumb between his teeth ,
jut Doano did not relax his grip of the re-
olver. Doano's other hand was cut In the
Irugglo over the possession of the knife.
< 'or several minutes Doane maintained the
dreadful struggle until a crowd was gath-
red , who disarmed Parker. I'arker still
lield Doano's thumb in his month and re
used to let go until ono of the bystanders
abbcd the bowie knife Into his throat , when
10 reluctantly lot go. Ho was Immediately
jonnd band and foot. A warrant wag then
.ssued . by the county court of Logan to
arrest I'arker for shooting at Carter with
ntont to kill and after a preliminary
tearing ho was bound over In 35,000
ball to appear at the next term of the district
court Thcro being no jail In Logan county ,
Sheriff Doano brought his prisoner to North
Matte for safe keeping , arriving here yester
day. Parker's attorney sued out a writ of
labeas corpus before Judge Snelllng , of Lln-
: oln county , on the plea that the oall was too
excessive. Snelling reduced his ball to
62,500 , which Parker was unable to give , and
was remanded to the custody of the sheriff ,
In the meantime telegrams have been re
ceived from United States olllcials at Omaha
and Cheyenne authorizing his roarrest on
the charge of robbing Pay master Bash , should
he bo able to give ball.
How I'arker Was Skinned.
PI.UM CHKEK , Neb. , August 18. ISpeclal
Telegram to the BIE. : | On Sunday alter
noon , August 7 , three men , Charles Lucas ,
Charles Bagnall , and one Johnson , repre
senting themselves to bo deputy United
States marshals acting under Instruction ;
from the United States marshal at Omaha
put In an appearance at llaskell &Co.'i
ranche , at the head of the Dismal river , Ir
thn unorganized territory , and stated thai
they wore there for the purpose
of arresting Charles Parker , tin
desperado who robbea Paymastei
Bash last spring at Antelope Springs. Wyo
Parker was present and suspicious of tin
straneers , but they finally at supper caugh
him at a disadvantage and overpowered hiir
and disarmed him. They then securely
bound htm , and placing him In a buggy drovi
about six miles from the ranch to a verj
lonely place , where they told him If he wouk
pay them a consideration they would tun
him loose. He consented and pal <
them , as the BEE correspondent Is told , § 3,18.1
They then skipped , leaving Parker unarmet
and afoot Ono of the alleged officers
Lucas , was arrested at Broken Bow thi
Tuesday following ; another , Bagnall. wa
arrested last Saturday morning at Kearney
while the other Is still at large. Bagnall 1
an Englishman and Is known by a numbe
of people In this city , having been In th
employ of Edward Crowdson , a stock growe
of Glister county. Parker , as soon as he se
cured arms , started In pursuit of bis assail
ants , and , it Is reported , overtook them , and litho
the fight which ensued was killed. Bagnal
was in Cozad Friday , the 12ti ! , and told ac
quaint an ces tlicro that ho was on his way t
England. The evidence the three men prc
duced to show they were officers were tele
grams which they alleged that they receive
at Whitman station , the last ono of the B. i
M. branch west of Broken Bow , but whetlie
thej aucnt at the above station Is Implicate' '
Is not known. Sheriff Taylor , o
this county , brought Baznall froc
Kearney last Sunday on a charge of steal in
a pair of horses and a buggy , the cliarg
being preferred by the llaskell Bros. , froc
whoso rancho the bogus officers forcibly tool
the sam to convey Parker away. The ma1
ter was fixed up by Bagnall paying the Uaf
kolls S'-jOand ho was on Monday dlscRarfrCi
from custody , and he Immediately niounte
a Uprse and lett the city. He said befoi
leaving IiO 7 = 3 "lug tp England. Ho was n
ported to have had in his possesMo
when first arrested about SSCK
criSD new bills , probably a portion of tes ! :
taken from Paymaster Bash. When he lei
here his pile had diminished to about Sift
most of the money passing into the hands c
lawyers hoiu and at Kearney.
Parker , or Harris , as ho Is known amen
the cattle ranches on the Dismal , first ai
peared there lost spring. Ho Is known I
have had In his possession whim ti
lirst arrived between 820,000 , an
30,000 a part ot which ho has expendc
on buying horses and building a two s.tor
building nn a remote and commanding san
hill. It was generally supposed that ho ca
rled his money on his person , and such a b- -
lief .probably Induced the three "snide" o
liters to effect his capture In the hope c
making a tile haul , what disposition hi
been made of Lucas , who was their leade
jour correspondent has not been able I
In JAll.
LINCOLN , Neb. , August 17. [ Special Te
egram to the HER ) . In the county court ti
day EUSOUQ JJevan aud his paramour , Nettl
Conkllng , came to the end.of an adulterous
way of living , and both ! nrp reposing In the
county jail. Bevan ha * lived In the state for
years and Is well known In different sec
tions. Ho Is a carriage painter by trade , and
In 1870 married a Miss Ryan , one of the
brightest young ladles In Falls City , whoso
parents were prominent and well-to-do rcsl-
dnnts there. It appears that Bevan and his
wife lived happily fora number of years , but
about a year and a half ago he
left homo and wont to Iiidiojioln ,
Neb. , where his wife found him.
Shortly after he deserted his wife tliore and
loft with thn woman ; Nmtle Conklln ; . Thev
have been out of sight since that time until
yesterday , when Mrs. Ilyan , mother of the
deserted wife , found the couple living In this
citv as man and wife. On trial to-day Bovan
and his paramour confessed that they were
not married , and had been living together
most of the time fora year and a half. Under
the new law enacted last winter adultery In
a penitentiary offense , and It will DO straneo
If the deserted wife does not prosecute the
case and send Bevan to the penitentiary.
The Trial of lltoharctnoti.
Lout1 CITY , .Neb. , August 18. ISpeclal
Telegram to the BKE.J A session of the dis
trict court was held last evening , at which
time Judga Homer appointed James Landls
acting sheriff according to a previous agree
ment of counsel for the state and Klcliard-
sou. A motion was filed by the defense for
a continuance on the ground that a witness
was absent by whom they could prove that
Wlllard had a revolver on his person at the
time he was killed , all of which the state ad
mitted. The court tlien cnlleJ Sheriff Landls
and charged him to summon 100 men to np-
by 10 o'clock to-day from which to sect -
Rear ; a jury. Court opened to-day at 10
o'clock and the work of selecting n jury has
been going on all day , with about ten or
twelve men remaining , and no challenges
yet Court Is now being held In the opera
house , where the large auditorium is more
than half tilled with anxious listeners.
A Hrutal Crime.
VALF.NTINE , Neb. , August 18. ISpeclal
Telegram to the BEK.J The most brutal as
sault In the history of this comity took place
here this morning at 1 o'clock. A negro
from the Black Hills , who has been loafing
In town for two days , broke Into the house ot
Mrs. Hoffman , a most respectable Gorman
woman , whoso husband Is out living on his
claim , seized her by the throat , and with n
six-shooter thrust In her face tried to ravish
her. The woman fought desperately and
was terribly beaten over the head and face
by the villain with nls revolver , bolng un
recognizable by friends. Her moans and the
fighting of he'r dog with one following the
ruffian awaking her neighbors. They went tc
the rescue , but the villain managed
to escape. The woman was found almost In
an Insensible condition , having been thrown
from bed against a stove In the desperate
struggle. The fiend managed to get on a c it-
tie train and escape to Long Pine , where ho
was nrrested this afternoon , thanks to the
violence of Sheriff Connolly. A telegram
to-nUht states that he is heavily guarded by
the citizens , there being no ollicer. Deputy
Sheriff Cline , who followed the llend tc
Johnstown only to miss him , was Instantly
telegraphed to drive by team to Lone Pine
to night and brine his prisoner up on UK
morning train. The citizens hero love law
and order , but a deep undercurrent of feel
Ing means a lynching bee within the next
two days.
rocccdlnuB of the Second Day ol
the National tjncampinent.
DES MOI.NES la. , August 18. ( SpecialTel
eitraintotho BEE. ] In ilio national encamp
ment of Sons of Veterans to-day the commit
eo on rules and regulations presented i
voluminous report , which was adopted. Tin
committee on ritual favored no change In tin
ritual , and was authorized to prepare a suita
bio burial service. The following resolution :
were adopted unanimously :
Whereas , We recognize the fact that thous
ands of the heroes of the late war are to-da :
argely dependent upjon charity tor the !
dally bread , and remembering that to theli
patriotic sacrllice we I are indebted for i
glorious nationality , and believing that tin
country whose honor [ they helped to savi
should care for the pour and afilicted patrl
ots ; therefore
Kesolved , That we take prldo in urirlni
coneiess and the president ot the Unltei
States to do their part In giving justice to thes
noble heroes , by granting to the honoratili
and righteous benefits expressed In the Cram
Army pension bills recommended by the pen
slon committee.
Resolved , That wo do all wo can to Impres
the people , the congressmen and the execu-
tlve with our earnest desire to have such bill
upon the statute books in order that suffer
Ing patriots may bo taken frou
the poor houses ana dependent position
and made to feel that republics such as our
will always honor the men whose lives weri
In danger In their noble devotion to duty.
Resolutions were also framed thanklni
the local camps and citizens , and ono direct
lug that Major Davis , thn father of the ordei
be placed in permanent charge of the badg
and decoration department of the order. On
ballot was taken for conimander-in-chiel
resulting as follows ! General G ergo 1 ]
Abbott 30 : Lieutenant General Koke , 23
Colonel Hall , 0 ; General Webb , 4 ; Colone
William , 1. The encampment then adjourns
until to-morrow without deciding the contei
for leader. The light promises to bo boll
warm and bitter , as the eastern delegates ar
to some extent arrayed against the west. A
night a magnificent banquet was served a
the Aborn house.
A Newspaper Man Nominated.
MASON CITY , la. , August 18. iSpecla
Telegram to the BEI : . ] The republican con
ventlon for the Forty-third district Corn
Gordo , Franklin and Hancock counties-
to-day nominated N. Y. Brown for senate
on the 132d ballot lie Is well known In th
state as a veteran newspaper man , havln
been editor of the Cerro Gordo Uopubllcai
and Dubuque Times , but now a farmer. 11
was a soldier from Indiana.
Good Templars Elect Ofllccr-i.
DES MOINKS , la. , August 18. | Speck
Telegram to the BEI . } In the grand lodg
of 1 owa Good Templars the election of o
ficers resulted in tbe re-election of K. fl
Hutchlnsaa grand chief templar : Mrs. Ann
Schultz , of Missouri Valley , was elccte
Krand vice templar ; Mrs. Drake , of Moun
Pleasant grand superintendent of juvonll
work ; Perry Perkins , ) Dos Molnes , gram
worthy secretary , and \V" \ . 11. Fleming , it ran
worthy treasurer. It was decided to hold th
next session at Hampton.
Shot By HU Little Brother.
MOUNT PLEASANT , la. , August 18. fSpe <
fal Telegram to tbe BKE | . Charles Wood
was accidentally shot by his llttlo brothe
Guy , while out plcnlclng near Home la
evening. The ball itntercd the back an
passed through the left lung. The wound
very serious ,
The Pacific CommUiion's Report.
SAN FRANCISCO , August 18. The prcpar
tlofl of the reports of the Pacific commlssloi
It Is thought , wTttbs iomEgnced about Oct
ber 1. Their work here Is nearly complete' '
Chairman Pattlson left for the east to-da
and Commissioners Anderson and Llttli
will go to Portland Saturday. Should tt
court decide soon that Senator Stanford ar
others must answer the disputed question
Urn commission will return to San Francisc
The commission , In executive session t
day , decided * not to employ counsel to asil
the United State. ) attorney In tbe contest no
pending In the courU ,
Revenue Cutter gupposed to 13n lioa
SAN FUA.VCISCO , August 18. The stoami
St. Paul arrived froM Behrlng station to-d ;
and reports that grekt feats are felt In Ou
alaska for the safety of the revenue cutti
Bear , which left tbat port Juno 20 to lot
after Arctic wlmlur * . It M reported shu wi
In bad condition niiii leaUI'ig wnuti sfte le
the port No'word has ben rcccvol fro
Four Men Are Wounded and Three Horses
Killed ,
This U What a Bear lllvcr Settler
Saw Utos UoltQTca to lie iu
Ambush Near Ulcuwood
Four Men Wounded.
MF.KKRU. Colo. , August 18. ( Special Telegram -
gram to the BKK.J A courier just arrived
says Kendall visited the old Tliouiburg
battle ground for an outlook with nine men ,
llo was ambushed In the rear , and after a
heavy light returned to Meeker with n loss of
three horses and four of his men wounded.
The people are very excited nnd anxiously
awaiting troops. Kanchmen and citizens are
guarding town. If troops are not hero soon
they will have serious trouble.
Thoroughly Alarmed.
Gi.KNWOon Sriiixos , Colo. , August 18.
[ Special Telegram to the BEE. ! By a
courier In from Meeker It In learned that the
greatest fear and excitement prevails since
the Ute peace commission attempted to as
sassinate their escort who was taking them
to Colorow's camp to make known tlio con
ditions of peace. There are about GOO people
In town and about 200 of thorn good fighting
nen , but they are poorly armed. The women
are trlchtencd badly and an attack Is ex
pected on the town at any time. Double vigil
ance Is used to guard against a massacre. II
.he Utes are as strong ns believed they out
number the fighting torco here ,
Three couriers have been dispatched
o General West within olghl
lours to hurry on the mtlltta ns fast as pos
sible. McAndrews , the Interpreter whc
came with the pence commissioner from
Ouray agency , says that under the clrcum-
tances he thinks n ceneral outbreak Is un
avoidable. It is known hero that the Utcs
nt Ouray and Ulntah have been dissatisfied
'or some time. They claim the agent Is t
bully and having the backing of the troops
nt the I'ort , Knocks them down or abuses
hem In nny manner he may choose. The
snttlera are arriving hourly , com-
ng In groups which have
been cathorcd for mutual protectior
at the ranches. One settler saw four run
ners to-day , two of whom were hurrying to
wards Utah nnd two were going south , proD-
ably to southern Utah for iclnforcemonts
A messenger has started for Fort Duchesni
to ask aid from thero. Another settler hai
: ome In from Bear river and says ho wa
within n quarter of a mile of Colorow'i
camp on William's fork. Ho countei
thirty-seven squaws nnd sixteen chll
dren by the aid of his glass
Ho saw the squaws engaged In running bul
ets and fixing ammunition. A small party o
scouts sent out to-day have just returned am
reported that they saw a party of abou
forty bucks making towards the old govern
ment wazon road between hero and Glen
wood Spring * . It Is supposed they eo as ai
ambush In anticipation of help coining fror
that direction.
The Situation Unchanged.
DKNVKU , Colo. , August IS. [ Special Tok
gram to the BKK. I The situation of the Ut
trouble remains unchanged since yestorda ;
evening. No Indians have been seen , neithe
has any courier arrived from Glonwood sine
last night. F.vory ono Is anxiously awaltin
the arrival of the mllltla , who are expected t
reach here some time to-nicht or to-uiorro\ \
morning. After the troops have rested n pai
of them wilt accompany Sheritf Kendall t
assist him to servo papers upon two Ute
wanted for horse stealing. It is though
when this is attempted resistance will b
made and a battle tou ht. Until then n
new developments are expected.
Colorow Asks For Aid.
DENvr.H , Col. , August 18. The News' spe
clal just received from Glenwood , says : Th
News'special northern courier has learnc
exclusively that the White Hlver Ute Indian
have sent runners to Uncotupaghre cam ]
Blackfect , Sioux , Crow and other tribes 1
Colorado , Montana and Idaho , fc
aid. Colorow knows that ho mu :
fight , and this will be a decisive battle , ani
that It will end the Indian question forovci
Ho has determined , It Is said , to have othc
tribes brought Into the difficulties
and while the outbreak has been local s
far , he wants to make it a natlonr
one. Kunner.s are reported to have starte
for the camps of the other tribes from Yello\
Jacket pass on Sunday night. Dnncai
Blair , a white ranchman who married a Ut
Ronaw and who Is said to be popular with th
Utes , Is allowed to have stated thle to be
An Appeal to General Crook.
DENVKU August 18. [ Special Telegrai
to the BEK. | In reply to Governor Adam :
demand for troops to assist in putting dow
the Ute dUturbance General Crook to-da
telegraphed :
OMAHA , Neb. , August 18. Governn
Adams Your telegram was forwarded wit
request for Instructions. Troops cannot t
used to ass'st ' state authorities In executlo
of civil process without orders from the pros
Ident. They nre ready to move on lecelpt o
definite Information as to what the India
outbreak consists of. CIIOOK ,
Brigadier General.
To this Governor Adams telegraphed th
following reply :
DK.NVEII , August 18. To General Creel
Omaha Your telegram recehcd. If yn
cannot aid In enforcing civil law again ;
Indians it certainly Is within your pro' '
Ince to compel ! Indians to return to the
reservations when they wander ever 01
state frightening and shooting at our citizen
and compelling them to abandon their honu
stock and crops. Compelling women an
children to gather In settlements where the
can be protected from throats and depred
tlons of Indians. The experience of eifl
years ago prevents the entertaining ot ic
much faith In the harmless Intentions <
these very Indians. The Indians who ai
instituting this trouble are the very om
who participated In the Meeker outrages an
the Tboruburuh massacre. Their present
off their reservation Is a constant menace
our people , four Immediate Interventlc
would Induce the Indians to return to thu
reservation , and wo think that you shoul
force them to go at once and return no mor
( Signed ) ALVA AUASIS , Governor.
"W Rnuhhed the Socialists.
SYRACUSE , N. Y. , August W. The Unite
Labor convention assembled at 10:30 : o'cloc
this morning , and the committee on credo
tlals made Its report , which showed that tl
socialistic element received little attentk
from them.
Upon reassembling the committee on rx
manent organisation reported John M
Mackln , of New York , for president , at
other officers. A communication trom
committee of the Union Labor partv was li
mediately sent back to the committee wl
the Informatlpn that the convention cou
not treat wjth them. Adjourned till mornln
A His Shelter Started.
TACOMA. W. T. , August IS. Dennis Ilya
the St. Paul millionaire , and a company
eastern capitalists , bo nn thn erection of t !
largest smelting and reduction works In t
country here jesterday. The capital sto
of the company Is placed at 8 ,000,000 , ai
the works are to turn out 400 tons of o
Venezuela's President.
NEW YOIIK , August 18. Guzman Blanc
president ot Venezuela , la stopping at t !
Windsor hotel.
lie Says llo Advocated Kconotnlo ,
nd Not Political , Revolution.
ICopwMi ! 'SS7 fcv JIHIM ( Ionian llenntlt , ]
BUUSSKI.S , August 18. | Now York Herald
Pablo Special to the BEK. | Headlngly ,
: he Knellsli-socialist who loft Belgium ab
ruptly on hearing that the authorities wanted
him on account ot his revolutionary Bpcech
at the Mons worklngmcn's congress , writes
to the ludcpcndnnco Beige , denying that ho
ulvocatcd political and social revolution ,
llo says he only spoke of an economic revo
lution , without an appeal to arms. Far from
desiring nn uprising , he says , his socialist
friends In England are much alarmed at the
constant strikes In Belgium. They bollevo
llelglum workmen should not sttlko , until
thu Mcuso fortifications are completed , lie-
cause of internal troubles occurring before
that time. Either of Belgium's powerful
neighbors may Interfere , make Belgium a
battlefield and swallow It up. Concerning
tils expulsion , Hcndltitrly says he Is proud to
bo put on the same footing as Domola Nlo-
wvnhuls , Louis Blanc nnd other gloilous
victims. _ _
Humors of Stanley' * Deatli Hcoutod.
[ Copi/rtyM 1SS7 l > v Jatntt ( ! on1 < m llomett. }
PARIS , ( via Havre ) , August 18. ( New
York Herald Cable Special to thu BEE. |
At the French ministry of affairs the report
of Stanley's death still finds credence but at
Brussels nil alarmist rumors are scouted.
In the Commons.
LONDON , August 18. In the commons this
evening William Henry Smith announced
that the Koverment would abandon the tltho
rent charge bill , the technical education bill ,
Goshen's revenue collection bill , the Irish
constabulary bill , and other minor measures.
He Indicated the measures that the govern
ment Intended to proceed with , which In
cludes the land allotment bill. Sir
William Yornon Hnrcourt expressed
himself satisfied with the list of
bills retained by the government.
Ho noticed It did not mention coercion bill
number'J , and ho hoped It had been dropped.
( Cheers from the Irish members. ) Sir Harry
Holland , colonial secretary , replying to the
questions ot Sir George Campbell in rotation
to the bill passed by the Queensland govern
ment , said the queen had advised that gov
ernment to at once assume the sovereignty of
New Guinea. In the report of the land hill
Balfour , chief secretary tor Ireland , said the
government accepted the house of lords'
amendment relating to town patks. Mr.
O'Doherty opposed the gross Injustice of the
amcudim'iit and a debate ot some length en
sued. Jlol four'a motion to oecopt the house
of lords' amendment was finally carried 200
to 104.
After further debate on various motions
throe of lords' amendments were rejected
on Balfour's motion. Gibson , attorney for
Ireland , moved that the housfl confirm Karl
Cadogan's amendment , which provides that
the revision of the routs bo based upon the
difference In prices In 1SS7 , ns compared
with the prices from 1881 to 18b5. Panic ! !
madi ! a vigorous objection to this nud said
that the fact was that the irovuriuncnt wcni
moved to adopt the proposal In tne house of
lords by the fact that certain unionists had
left town , giving them free hands. In the
commons such conduct was contemptible.
Balfoursald that such reflections on ttio gov-
einment were unworthy of a leader of any
After further spirited dcbato Smith moved
the cloture. Carried 224 to 155. Cadogau's
amendment was then adopted.
Venezuela's TroubK-8.
NEW Yomc , August 18. Guzman Blanco ,
president of Venezuela , who Is stopping at
the Windsor hotel , said In an Interview
to-day. "Tho English are acquiring the ter
ritory of the Orinoco and Amazon and have
actually taken possession of the territory
bounding Orinoco at Its mouth , an act which
Venezuela cannot allow. In consequence of
this It has suspended relations with England ,
given passports to British ministers and rep
resentatives nnd has applied to thn United
States government to act as an arbitrator In
behalf of Venezuela. The English govern
ment has denied the right of arbitration in
the matter. Vene/iielanow proposes to send
n sufficient army , havlne raised a tew thou
sand soldiers , to drive KnclUh usurpers trom
her territory. As a result it is hoped the
United Stains government will Intervene to
terminate a question requirint : Great Britain
to submit to arbitration. It Is especially-
be regretted that the press of the United
States has observed a marked reticence In
the Instance of a usurpation of Voueiuellan
territory by an European power. "
Uiihala Condemns Ferdinand's Course
ST. PKTKRSiimta , August 18. The Jour
nal do St. Petersburg says that the view
taken by the Berlin North German Gazette
of Prince Ferdinand's ' manifesto Is clear and
correct , and declares the proclamation
to bo a veritable net of defiance
and exhortation to the Bulgarians to evade
all their engagements. Prince Ferdinand , II
savs , appears to have realized that his rupture -
turo with the public rights Is cnmplcle , and
continues precipitately and'bllndly In bis
path of adventure.
The Mexican Central Strike.
Cm * OK Mn.vico , August 18. The strike
on the Mexican Central road seriously Inter
feres with the running of trains , about fifty
engineers nnd their fireman having left tneii
locomotives. Freight will bo kept back trom
the United States until freight engines can
bo manned. Officials of the road ny the
cause of the strike was frivolous and thai
they cannot give In.
Davitt Kefuses to Toast thn Queen.
Co UK , August 18. Michael Davitt and
the archbishop of Cashel promised to attend
the opening of the piscatorial school at Bal-
levmore , county Queen , to-day , but Davitt
learning that the mieon was to be toasted ,
absented himself. ' The nrchhlihop was
present and joined In the toast to the queen ,
KceltuentB Presented With Colors.
IiKHIIN , August 18. At Potsdam to-daj
Prince William , ot Prussia , presented colon
to naval regiments. The presentation wa !
made at the roynl palace. The empress am
all the members of the Imperial family ex
cept the emperor , who Is still Indisposed
were present
The Storm in lOngland.
LONDON , August 18. The damage causec
by yesterday's storm l very serious , li
London throe persons were killed and i
number of churches and houses struck b ;
lightning. In Uie country also there wa
much destruction of property and many pel
sons are icported killed.
Cholera In Italy.
KOMI : , August 18. In Catania City to-da ;
there were nineteen now cases of cholera am
five deaths and In Palermo twenty-live case
and sixteen deaths. Suspicious cases o
cholera disease have been reported In tbl
clty >
A Small Hlot.
PAIIIS , August 18. In the village of Mire
beau , Sur iiezo , a small riot occurred to-da :
over the Introduction of Haitian workmen
The villagers attacked the workmen , klllin
one and wounding live others ,
C'inl era Overcome.
ROME , August 18. It Is seml-ofilclally nr
nounccd tlmt the cholera In Sicily has bee
overcome and Hint there Is no longer an
danger of the dlscnsu spreading at Naples o
lies in a.
KutkoIT's .Successor.
llAMntnto , August 18. dispatch to th
Journal from Moscow asserts that Genen
Tchlrnaellt will succeed the late KatkotI I
the editorship ot the Moscow Gazette.
National I.oncuo tn llo Prnolnlmei
LONDON , August 18. The Dally News saj
It understands that the uovornment haste
to proclaim the Irish National
The Ohatsworth Jury Finally Decides in
Lay the Blaaio Ou Ooughlin ,
A Train .lump * the Tr.iolc In
and Onuses the Death of Ono
Mint Two Stouk Trains Col
lide In Illinois.
Contilln the Bcnpcconr.
111. , August 18. ( Special
'elegr.ini to the But : . ] Timothy Coughlliy
ho section Co nun an , was arrested at noon/ /
nd will bo taken to Pontlac , thu county
eat of Livingston county , at once. Ho say
10 cannot give b.\ll and will have to go ta
all. Ho Insists that thnordlct Is unjust ;
: iat ho went over his section , as ordered , and
hat no tires were built as near the brldirti n,4
cstllled to. The coronet's jury agreed on rt
ordlct this morning , which holds Timothy
? oughlln , foreman of Section T , to the gramj
11 ry and negatively exonerates the company. '
'he management Is not censiuod for running
double-headers , for a lax system ot truck In-
pectlon. or for anything also. The verdict
imply says that the failure to patrol the
rack for six hours before the train came ad :
ho habit of burnlne grass close to the track
are subjects for criticism. The friends of tha
oad on the jury had bettor staying qualities !
han those who wanted to fit a portion of the
ilaino on the company. At the last mo mo ut
he jury got Into a wr.utglo ever thu word
'fire" In the clause respecting the manner In
vhlch the bridge caught tiro. Major Shaw
nslstlng that nothing In the evidence
hawed how the lire was communicated , so
ho verdict saysVo : \ , the Jury , think the
irldgocaiiKht tire from the burning crass. * '
The man thought to bo A. Martin , of Bloom-
ngton , was Identified by Ills friends as W.
1. Cobsoll , of Washington , Mo. The body
upposcd to bo that of N. A. Moore , of Jack-
onville , turned ur.t to bo J. Jfc Yokes , ot l i
Mollne. Coroner Long adds Mrs. Xeale's
eighteen months' old baby to thu company's
1st. Separate verdicts were made out for
each person. Mrs. Dr. Dockett Is the first
mine on the list.
The following Is the verdict found by tha
cor oner's jury to-day In regard to the recent
rain wreck here'e find that the wreck-
ni : of said train , which totally do niollslied
eight conches , ono ha 'gaiio car and ono
engine , mid either killed or wounded most ,1
ot the occupants of said coaches , was caused ,
> y said brldiro having been bunn > d out before
the train struck It. Wo think trom the evi
dence that thn bridge was tired from fires
eft burning , which had ticcn set as late as 5
o'clock that atternoon by suction men , an
close as sixteen feet on botu the east and
West sldf.s of the brldse. We fuither find
hat the foreman of Section T , Timothy
Coiuhlln , disobeyed positive orders from his
iunurlor to examine the track and brldco on
ils section the lust thing on Wednesday , and
that said loreman , Coughlln , was guilty ot
gross and criminal carelessness In leaving
the tires burnlne alone the track in such a
dry season and with such a strong wind blow
ing. Wo recommend that ho bo hold for el
imination hv the grand jury ; and , furlhsr , It
Is the opinion of tin * jury that thu- leaving ot
the track without bolug patrolled .forttlx
hours before the passage of the excursion
train and the setting of the firxs by the sec
tion men on such n dry and windy day as
the 10th of AiiL'iist. 1887 , wcro acts which do-
rvu boveru criticism. "
PKOIIIA , 111. , August la The state boaid
of railroad and warehouse commissioners
continued the Investigation of the Chats-
worth disaster hern to-day , and examined a
largo number of additional witnesses as to
the details of the accident David G. Suther
land , engineer ot tha lirst engine , was re
called. Ills testimony was substantially the
same as the story ho has told before. The
tire was of such a nature that at a distance of
HOO feet ho , vas not tully satisfied the brldgtt
was burning. Ho did not believe It could
have been seen much farther off from hid
direction. His engine was because 1C
was not equipped with air brakes , while
McClintock's cngino was. Ills cimlnu wa *
put on because of Its stiangth. When hu
saw thu bridge was in oinbcis ho shut elf
steam meriily as a "natural movement. " At
the bridge the onglnu seemed to sink down.i
II ofelt a shock anil opened the throttle cleat ,
out. He did not give nny signal , probably
because ho "was paralyzed. " On n
down grade going at a rate of forty k
miles an hour , witness did not believe the
train could have been stopped inside of a > \
0.11,11 ter of a mile , even If the air brakes'
were applied In full foico and the engine/ :
Mrs. MeCrlutock , widow of the dead en
gineer , tostlticd that her husband remarked
to her ho wished he didn't have to go out *
he didn't like to have another man ahead ot
him. Ho made no other objection. Ho had
been on the road twenty-one yean a'ld was
recognized as ono of the moht competent eu
glnoers on It ' alloaU"l
CIIICACIO , August 18. Another victim oC I
the Chatsworth wreck died this morning at
Fulrbury. His name was KIton Walters , oC
Cattaraiuus , N. Y. Until within a few days I
of the accident ho was employed In a watchj
factory at Peorla. This makes the total -fl -
number of verified deaths seventy-nine. fls
Another Attemiilnd Wreck.
CIIICAUO , August 18. An attempt
made last night near llelvldero. III. , to wrccU
a passenger train on the Northwestern
road. Persons living In the vicinity I leant
straneo noises near the track and uolng to1
the hcenn caught sight of two mnn hurry nti f
away. The train eaimi along at this moment \
and was nearly derailed hv a lingo stonu that ?
had been placed between the rails. Tlie coviJ
catcher was smashed , but no other dam , ge (
was done. Fifty passengers were aboard tuv
train. J
Ono Man Killed anil Hnvernl Injured
PITTSIICIKI , Pa. , August 18. The Chicago !
express on the Cleveland & Pittsburg road/
which Intt Chicago ycsteiday afternoon , !
jumped the track at Bayard station , noaf
Alliance , O. , at 4 this morning , wrecking
one sleeper. One person was killed
and three seriously Injured. The/
train consisted ot three bagcigd
and express cars , ono smoker , one passengc ?
coach , two Chicago sleepers and ouo Toledo'
Hleupur , which was attached to the rear of the )
train. Tim accident was caused by tlio rail *
Bprcadlng just as the last sleeper passed ovo8
them , throwing It from thn track and smash- *
Inu It. The two Chicago sleepers were also
thrown from the tr.ick. O. Warner , colored ,
porter on the Toledo sleeper , was crushed to
death , and four passengers Injured , eoma
Stock TrniiiB Collide.
CHICAOO , August 18. Near NapervllloV
III. , two Chicago , Burlington & Quincy live )
stock trains collided In a fog this mornlngf
: ! ! < klng a/earful wreck. Ono of tne engines ]
plowed througti three earn loaded wlttt
fat steers tor ChlcAgo , and tha
huge beasts , almost without exception ,
were scattered mangled and hlccdlni along
thu track or pitched down a twenty-fooretn *
bankiiioiit Thu hog car on the other trnlq
was completely telescoped by the tender , and
n great number of porkers were crushed to a
Jelly. One ot thn engineers , known as Ynn <
ken Kobliison , was seriously but not fatally
Nellie Roulil'N Crank Lover. .
QNr.w Youic , August 18.-lSpcclal Telo-j
cram to the Ilr.K.l Concerning the report !
In tlio Graphic that Nellie Gould was engnge4
to marry J. M. 1'rabcr , a railroad employe at
King's Creek. W. Yn. , Jay Gould said yes
terday : "This Traber Is undoubtedly a half
enuy crank who has been Writing lottora lor
the | i.itear or two to inv daughter , tlioiuU
; i total sir.uucr. 1 should Ilko to know how
tmc.i ! u ri'poit WM set alloaU"