Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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One Colored Han Comes From Arkansaw
to Shoot Another.
A Dee Reporter Wrongfully Arreitcd
The Question ofChanging the
Name of Sixteenth Street
Other Ijooal New * .
An AvnnelnR Brother.
A shooting affray occurred at the cor
ner of Twenty-first and Chicago streets
3 o'clock yesterday morning that came
well nigh ending in the death of R. N.
Rawloy at the hands of William C. Per
ter. According to Porter's ; story Rawloy
cloven months since nt Little Rock , Ark. ,
under piomlso of marriage , nnd upon
evidences of his perfidy becoming
manifest ho suddenly decamped from
Little Hookleaving the girl to endure her
ihamo as best she might. Porter swore
that ho would follow Rawley to thu ends
of the earth If ncuds be , unless ho made
reparation for the great wrohg ho had
done his sister. Three weeks ago , after
months of assiduous inquiry and search ,
ho located the base deceiver in Chicago ,
and without delay repaired thither.
After Bomo dilllculty ho managed to se
cure nn interview with Rawloy , who was
profuse in his protestations of intentional
wrong , nnd earnestly declared his desire
to return with the brother to
Little Rock and marry the
girl. This was satisfactory , and
all arrangements were made for depart
ure together that evening for Little ROCK.
Porter was favorably impressed with the
genuineness of Rawley's declarations of
repentance nnd desire to ntono for his
wrongdoing , and was in consequence
easily mislead and deluded. Rawley
told him that ho had some business mat
ters that could not be left unattended to
and that ho would get them off his hand
and call at the Palmer house , where Per
tcr was stopping , in time for
them to take the evening train
for Little Rock. They shook hands and
parted , and although Porter waited pa
tiently at the Palmer all tliat afternoon
and late into the night , ho saw no more
of Rawley until Tuesday night , when he
accidentally ran across him in front of the
Paxton hotel in Omaha. Rawley made
nil manner of excuses nnd explanations ,
but they wore not satisfactory , end Porter
ter several times , as ho says , was tempted
to pull his revolver and
Rawley asked Porter to walk out with
him to his boarding house , saying that ho
would pack his personal ellbcts and start
in the morning if Porter so desired , , with
him for Little Rook. The two men
walked and talked for the length of an
hour , and Porter finally , just as they
reached the corner of Twenty-first and
Chicago streets , asked Rawloy if they
weren't pretty near his boarding place.
On the lattor's hesitating , Porter came
to the conclusion that ho had bcon load
ing him a blind chase with the view of
escaping at some opportune momentand
being seized with nn uncontrollable do-
Biro for revenge , ho pulled his revolver
and ,
the first shot taking effect in his jaw ,
tearing a ragged rent there , and the second
end , as the guilty wretch started to run ,
striking him somewhere in the back , as
ho screamed out that ho was killed.
Porter pursued him for some distance ,
but ho suddenly disappeared down an
alley way and Porter lost all track of
him. Porter was at tlio police station yes
terday morning invoking the aid of the
police in his search for Rawloy , which will
bo made to-day , Porter being hold in the
- meantime , until the shooting , which act
ually took , place at the point designated ,
is enquired into. The cries of
und two reports of a pistol were heard at
that point at the time specified , and blood
drops on the board walk have also bcon
found there by the officers yesterday
morning. The whole affair is a myster
ious ono to say the least.
The Relation * Between Them and the
Contractors at Present.
The difllculty between the Carpenters'
union nnd the contractors which apP -
P * poared in the strike of Stevens and Son's
men , has assumed no serious aspect. Ono
i ( hundred and fifteen men , working for
f this firm , struck on Monday , as already
stated by the BEE , by order of the union ,
and are still out or have gene to work
, for other contractors. On the 13th of
jt Juno , Slovens & Son , with other con
tractors , signed an agreement with the
carpenters to pay thirty cents an hour
and work nine hours on five days and
eight hours on. Saturday for the same
t wages uor day. After working three
weeks , they cuduavorod to pay on at 28 }
cents an hour , and the men ob
jected. Next , they told their men
to work nmu hours on Saturday when
L they objected again. Last Tuesday the
( ; ' men in the factory wore directed to work
- ten hours per day , which caused the first
Horious disturbance. In the meantime
the latter had complained to their union
j' so vigorously that the union , in self-pro-
L * tectlon , was forced to investigate.
The outcome of the matter will un
doubtedly bo satisfactory to the union ,
for the reason that it is the strongest and
has shown ability and tact in dealing
with the situation.
There are now sixty-seven firms living
up to the agrcumont mentioned abovn ,
white but twonly-ono oppose it. There
. is no intention of a general strike , anil
when they go out of certain shops tlioj
will do so because ot the order of tin
r union as the best means of bringing the
f objecting employers to time.
J. F. niley , of the Bee , -Not Wanted
For Embezzlement.
J. F. Riley , a reporter for the BEE , wa
arrested Wednesday on a warrant swori
' out by J. J. Noligh on tlio charge o
being a fugitive from justice. This no
tion was based on a telegram from Pink
erton's detective agency of Chicago
which was subsequently followot
by a photograph of the part ;
sought , but wmch In no w.-t ;
resembled Mr. Riloy. The latter wa
taken into custody at six o'clock and ro
malncd with Neligh until 1 o'clock till
morning , when ho was placed behind th
I bars in the police station.
t Yesterday morning Edward L. Perkins i
ft counsel und director of the Union Tru ?
Company , of Philadelphia nrrivei
hero and was conducted t
the Dollco court. Tlio moment ho sa\ ;
Mr. Riloy. ho emphatically nnd positive ! ,
declaed that ho was not thu man u
Whom Lo was iu Search. The uiu
wanted was another person , charged
with the embezzlement of 130,000 last
April , and whose name was not Riloy.
Whereupon Mr. Riley was discharged.
The gentleman who lufTorod this hu
miliation , has been In this city about
eight weeks. He is well educated ,
and courteous , and a writer of exceeding
ability. Ho lived until recently In Wash
ington , and has here a number of friends
who know him in that city. There are
also here acquaintances who graduated
from the same college with him in Now
York. Since his arrival In this clty.Mr. Riley
loy has demeaned himself as a gentleman ,
and made a largo number of friends ,
every one of whom will rejoice with him
In his exoneration from the serious
charge and sympathize with him in the
unfortunate circumstances which caused
him the mortilication.
Yesterday afternoon Mr. Riley brought
suit against the Union Trust company of
Philadelphia for damages in the sum of
110,000. Personal service was secured
in the company's agent , Mr. Perkins ,
who is in the city.
Shall a Change be Made In thn Nanio
ol That Street ?
Yesterday a BEE reporter solicited
opinions from several business men and
property owners on Sixteenth street with
reference to the change of the name of
that thoroughfare to Sherman avenue.
* . 1) . Konnard wanted to know who
desired the change made. He felt the
idea was a whim of some person who
thought that the name of Sherman would
sound better. There was no necessity
for the change , it would destroy
the system of numbered streets
which now existed from Seventh to
fortieth , and without compensating
Leslie & Leslie said the change would
destroy all their printing , and at the
same time break up the style of number
ing the streets consecutively , would lead
people astray , and he thought it would bo
well to let the name remain as it is.
Dennis Cunningham said the name of
Sixteenth street was old and well estab
lished and the change might bring about
number of complications before the
people could become thoroughly ac
quainted with it : Yet , it would make no
difference with him as to what the coun
cil would do in the premises.
Edward Larkin said that the name of
the street was now so well known that to
change it could not be easily done with
out seriously leading people astray. To
put an avenue in between consecutively
numbered streets would cause many to
think it was a dividing line between the
east and west , as Dodge street is now be
tween the north and south. This not
being the case the change ought not to bo
made. He was satislied with Sixteenth
street as the name of the place on which
he did business.
The Latest Dcclmon in the Ancient
West Point Creamery Case.
The special master of the United States
court , A. S. Churchill , liled his report
yesterday evening in the case of Abra
ham Poole ot al vs. the West Point Butter -
tor nuct Cheese association. Daniel W.
Clancy's claim is the first ono considered ,
and it is found that he is entitled to $1-
274.50 out of the funds m court and a
judgment for $1,221.57 , the balance duo
him. In the naso of the Middlcton
National bank the master finds that the
association was indebted to the bank in
four promissory notes , aggregating $18-
003,00 , and this , together with advances
made by B. D. Brown , president of the
association , makes the amount duo the
bank and 13rown $300,260.01. To offset
this the cross claimants give the associa
tion credit for $148,015.51 which , with in
terest , amounts to $107,003.12. Drafts
paid by the association in October , 1884 ,
and other suras paid to Brown and
$15.000 paid to the Omaha National bank
and the Chemical bank of New York ,
bring the total credit to $233,530.00 , lea-
ing a balance of $127,732.05 , to which
sum the master finds the bank and its
receiver entitled.
Upon the accounting in reference to
the claim of John W. Wannamakcr , the
master finds that there is duo upon three
notes with interest and tlio salary of Dr.
W. B. Edgar , assigned to Wannamaker ,
the sum of $17,395.21.
The master finds that upon the ac
counting between the association and
the West Point Manufacturing company ,
that the association paid out for thocom
pany upon judgments , interest and costs ,
$15,871.52 ; upon interest coupons , $12-
423.02 ; for repairs , $21,878.23 ; for fixtures
and permanent improvcments$75,155.02 ;
interest balance , $0,545.24 ; total , $101-
874.54. Ho finds the manufacturing
companv entitled to credits aggregating
tlGl.071. 00 , leaving a balance of $9I.22 ( ;
received from sale of paper loft , $200.
The master finds the balance duo the as
sociation from the company as $125.11.
The master finds intervening claims
against the association amounting to
From the statement of Clerk Frank
the master finds that $72,555.04 has bcon
paid into court ; $10,107.70 has been paid
out under orders of the court , and
$7,451.10 on intervening claims , leaving a
balanca in court of $48,000.12. Judgment
in Pollock vs. Cuming county , Nob. , as
signed to the association , $1,081.01 ; inter
est $218.14. Total available , $51,200.17.
There are claims of little value as assets
that may bo disposed of by final decree
For Sale Tco , car Jots , bjoogo Packing
Co. , Sioux City Iowa. ,
Facts About Those Who Huvo De
parted this til To.
At a special meeting of the Omaha
Young Men's Hebrew association , hold
at their rooms on the 6th day of August ,
1887 5,037 the following resolutions
Wore passed :
Whereas , It has been seen fit by the divine
ruler ( who In his mercy encompasses all
things ) , to call our friend and associate ,
Joseph Newman , suddenly and without
warning from our midst ; and ,
Whereas , We feel the most heart-felt crlef
at the loss ot our fellow member , beloved tor
theeoodnessof his heart , and respected by
all for his manly virtues ; and ,
Whereas , Wo wish to offer our most sin
cere condolence to his honored parents and
relatives In tlielr great sorrow ; therefore.
Unsolved , Tliat the records of this meeting
be placed on lile In the minutes of this asso
ciation , and that an engrossed copy of these
resolutions be transmitted to the parents of
our deceased friend ; also , copies thereof to
be published In tnn newspapers of tlio city
and the American Israelite.
Sluned : Committee b. J. Fisher , Charles
Goldsmith , Dr. K. K. Sloinan , Julius Meyer ,
president ; Milton Sloiuan , vice-president :
Kuill Uauz , secretary.
r Carl tried , of the linn of Lee , Fried &
Co. . of this city , died Tuesday In Col-
fax , Colorado , to which place ho wont
about six weeks ago in search of recuper
ation. Mr. Fried was born in Sweden
and was forty-tour years old at the time
of his death. . Ho came to this country
when about fifteen years of ago and was
married to Miss Lobcck in Illinois. Foui
girls and two boys were the result of the
alliance. The family moved to Fromonl
in this state in 1874 , when the deceased
wont into the hardware business and ro <
, mained { n it until 18SO , when the lirm ,
t comprising Mr. Leo , his surviving part
d ner , moved to this , city and opened up the
o largo and successful wholesale house
v winch still bears their nauio. Mr. Fried
v was a prudent and successful business
man and leaves his family iu most com
fortable circurus.tuuc.c3.
0 A. P. ASP A. M.
Meeting oftHe Grand Lodge In Thl §
The grand lodge was In session yes
terday and transacted A great deal of
The following delegates are In attend
ance : W. U. Jones , John Bell , J. M.
Trent , James Gordon , Esek Alien , George
Walker , of St. Joe. Mo. ; William Cross ,
Keubon Barber , Macon City. Mo. ; Albert
Walitor , Lexington , Mo. ; Clay Blowett ,
Thomas Banks , H. Spicer , Henry Grey ,
C. W. Ewbank , Missouri ; Turner Dixon ,
John W. Carter , Lexington , Mo. ; G. M.
Richardson , Columbia , Mo. ; James Jones ,
J. H. Jenkins , Independence , Mo. ; W.T.
Mumford , John W. " Whcolor , St. Louis ,
Mo. : William Rhodes , T. D. Williamson ,
Benjamin Brashear , Samuel Hale , George
Uonc , H. W. Foster , Kansas City , Mo , ;
D. II. Powers , S. G. Gooding , Amos John-
Eon , J. H. Pelliam , J. B. Burton , Hanni
bal , Mo. ; O. J. Black , Salisbury , Mo. ;
Charles Grigsby , Liberty , Mo. ; Lewis
Tult , Springlicld. Mo. ; G. W. Dupco ,
Archie Drake , Jellerson City , Mo. ; C. H.
Reed , Sedalia , Mo. ; Lewis Hoot , Hunts-
vlllo , Mo. ; James A. Mitchell , Kirkwood ,
Mo. ; S. J. Earnest , Missouri ; Jacob J.
Tyler , St. Paul , Minn. ; John Graudisou ,
Bowling Green , Mo.
Improving the Parks.
John Grant , the well known slago-
lillilc sidewalk man who resides at 015
Park avenue , in a conversation with a
BP.E rcoorter this morning on parks.said
that ho would bo ono of lifty or 100 men
to give $250 to improve nnd beautify Han-
scorn park nnd Jefferson square , and
suggested that nn equal amount for
the same mirposo might be advanced
by thn city. The sum thus received
would undoubtedly make Hanscom Park
ono of the most beautiful little places in
the world , because it possesses natural
features which arc susccptablo of the
highest style of improvement. A great
deal of embellishment could also bo im
parted Jefferson square , the benefit
of which aside from hygienic
considerations , would bo found
in a gratifying increase of the valuation
of the _ property in the immediate vicinity.
This is u subject to which the property-
holders in the neighborhood of both
those parks could well nllbrd to give
some attention. It has been done in
other cities and with remarkably line re
sults , _
Norfolk nnrt thn Asylum ,
Dr. Schwenk of Norfolk is in the citj
on private business. In conversation
with a BEE reporter lie said that Norfolk
was advancing rapidly , and that a few
days ago ho took a ride around the city
and counted 114 buildings in course of
rcction. The additions to the insane
asylum , he thought , would bo linislicd by
ho 15th of November. There are two
vings , a boiler house , chanel , kitchen ,
mrn.and several other structures , the up-
> ropriation for which amounted to $03-
00. Ho also referred to llio fact that
hero wcro three newsboys in town , and
hrce of them carried on a thriving
msincss in the sale of the Bui ; .
Iioved Her For Her Money.
Kittle Hathaway , the clerk at the Union
'acific ' depot fruit stand , was robbed\wo
nights ago in a smooth and original
manner. The culprit is Will Hackctt. a
> rctendcd detective , whom Kittle has
tnown but three weeks. They have
icon together frequently and a couple of
nights ago , while returning from the
Casino , ho took her handkerchief from
icr pocket in an apparently playful man
ner. However , after reaching her homo
she discovered that ho had also tukcn
icr purse with it. The purse contained
30 , and since then she has seen neither
landkerclnef , lover or purse. A warrant
las been issued for his arrest.
The Chemical Engine.
The Holloway engine was tested ycs-
orday at 3 o'clock on Harney street in
rent of No. 3's house. Them were
iresont the chief and assistants of the
ire department , members of the lire
committee of the council , representatives
of the Hollaway company , several of the
old Omaha firemen including the veteran
hief engineer , Joseph Sheeley , nnd
nany promino'nt citizens. Tno No. 3
lose cart was transferred to-day to No. 0
company on Sixteenth street. The crow
that formerly managed its "reel" will
still do business at the old stand , in
charge of the "chemical. "
For Sale Ice , car lots. Boogo Packing
3o , , Sioux City , Iowa.
Commissioners Assessing.
The county commissioners have turned
nto assessors during the last few days ,
owing to parcels of property left out of
: ho assessor's books last spring. Among
the property said to bo omitted are some
eight auditions and sub-divisions in the
city that should be. added. County Clerk
Necuham says the blame for any omis
sions that may exist can bo partly laid on
the assessors and partly to thu clerks
who made up the books.
The county commissioners let a con
tract for grading Mandcrson avenue
north of the fair grounds. There were
four bids offered , of which H. Hall , at 01
cents per cubic yard , wa ; the lowest bid
der. He received the award , and Is to
finish the work by September 1. The
cost will be between $3,000 and $4,000.
Colonel 11. J. Wells ,
Yesterday II. J. Wells received his
commission as quartermaster general
with the rank of colonel on the stall"of
Brigadier General Dayton , of the uni
form rank of the K. of P. in this state.
Absolutely Pure ,
This powder nerervarlnt. A marvel of pur-
ty , trengtli and wholesomeness. Mare econ
omical than the ordinary kinds , nnd cannot bo
old In competition with the multitude of low
coit Ihort weight alum or phosphate powders.
" ! * n " ' KorAL
Ml w"lr nN"Y'
Instant re.
cases cured. No knife , drugs or clamps used ,
Add. V. O. Supply Co. Uoim. St. Louis , Mo.
* (
314 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Established for the Scientific and Speedy
Cure ot Chronic. Nervous and Special
The OM Rollnbla Specialist of runny ycnrs ox-
porlcnco. trcnls with wonderful success nil
1.UNO , 'J'llltOAT , CANCElt , 1'll.KS , FISTU
LA. HUPTUUt ; , cured without KNIFE OH
Treats all forms of Tliront Lunjr , Nerve nnd
Illood discuses nil Chronic diseases nnd Do-
fortuities fur In iidvnnco of any Institution In
tins country. Thnso who contcinpliite Kolti - to
Hot Sprlnirs for tlio trentmont ot liny Privnto
or Illood ( li rn < io can be cured for ono-tlnrtt the
cost nt oilr I'rlx-nte Dlsponsnry , 3U South loth
street , Omnhn , N'ob.
ItOI'TUUH cured without pntn orlilndornnco
rom business. ,
I AIIICC Hy this treatment a pure Txivoly
kHUICw Complexion , free Iroin slowness ,
freckles , blaokliemls , eruptions , etc. , Urllllttnt
Ilycs nntl perfect lii-iiltli can ho hnd.
tV Tlint "tired" fcellntr nnd nil femnlo weak-
ncssci promptly cured , llloutlnir Huadachea ,
Nervous 1'rostrutlon , ( Jeneral Dellllty , Sloop-
lessnces , Depression nnd Indigestion , Ovurlon
troubles , Iiillnmmatlon nnd Ulcorntlou , Falling
nnd Displacements , Splnnl weakness , Kidney
complaints nnj Chungo of Life. Consult th
old Doctor.
EVE lUn EID AcutoorChronloInllam
C I C Mllll C Animation of the Kycllds or
Glolio and lar or Near SlRhtcdness , Inversion
of the Lids , Scrofulous Kj-cs , ( Ilcrratlons , In
flammation' ) , Abscess , Dimness of Vision of ono
or both cyc , and Tumors ol l/td.
W Inflammation of the Ear , Ulcorntlon or
Catarrh. Interim ! or Kxternnl Deafness , or
Paralysis , Singing or HotirltiK noises , ThickcneO
Drum. Pto.
UCDlfnilC Debility. Spormntorihrcn , Som-
nCtlffUUd Innl Los es , NlKht Kmlsslons ,
Loss of Vital 1'owor , Sleeplessness , Desjiond-
rncy , lass of Memory , Confusion of Ideas ,
Jllur * llcfore the Eyes , Lassitude , Lnniruor ,
Oloomlness , Depression of Spirits. Aversion to
Society. Easily Dlscouraj-cd , Lack of Confi
dence , mill , Listless , Unfit for Study or Iltlsi-
ness , nnd finds life a burden , Safely , Perma
nently und Privately Cured.
Ill linn H CfH | | nouses ,
tt dlMIl
liLUUU sense most horrible In
its results completely eradicated without the
use of mercury. Scrofula , Erysipelas , Fever
Sores , lilotchps. Pimples. Ulcers , pains in the
Head and Hones , Sjnhllltle Sore Tninnt , Mouth
tul Tongue , Olnniltihtr Knlnrtrcmont of the
eck , Hhenmntism , Ciitnrrh , etc. , Permanently
nred Whun Others Have railed.
IIDIUIDV Kidney nnd lllnddor troubles ,
UnlllAnlt Weak Hack , IlnrninK Urlno ,
_ . Urinatlinf , Urlno hlRh colored or
illky sedlmcntoirstiindlng' , ( ionorrha-a , Olcet ,
lystltls , etc. , promptly nnd sutcly cured.
ilmrires rcnsonnliln.
loot , stricture , somlmil omissions , loss of got-
ml power , woiikuoss ot tlio BOXUB ! orKiitis.waiit
if doslro Inmiiloor female , whether from Im-
rudmit habits oC youn.if or t-cxual lialiltn In
nnturo year * , onnny cause that dohllltatcs the
p.xunl lunctlons , ' speedily and purmancntlr
Consultation free nnd strictly confidential ,
tedlclno sent free from observation to all
inrts of the United States. Correspondence
ecelves prompt uttentlon. No letters an-
wered unless nooomimnloil by four cents In
tamp * . Bond stamp for pamnmct and list of
ticstioiis. Terms.strictly cash. Call on or ad-
No. BH South 13th St.Omaha , Nob.
Something entirely now
nnd soils atelght. lltir-
ton's Stenmless. Oiloi -
less , Non-Iloll-Ovor-Kot-
tlc. Hag deup raised
cover nnd water Joint ,
nnd nn outlet wnlch car
ries nil stcnm and odor
of the chimney. Patent
Steamer attachment
alone worth thp price.
A Rents wanted , male or
. 'crnnlo in every town In Nebraska. Profits $ .j to
$10 per day. Liberal terms and exclusive torrl-
ory given. Send stamp for circular and terms.
[ nt. , $1.75 : at. , fl.BS ; lOqk , fg ; llqt. ,
12.10. Model by mail , 80c.
W. 8. COOMUS. General Agent ,
Omuha Neb. , P. O. Box 483.
HOTEL' ' "
rxicijciiKTiD WITH TUB oxoaBimY or nn *
By reaion of Iti central posltloa do.6 relation to llnei
att of Chlcaffo , and continuous hnri at terminal
points West , Northwest and Soathwe.t , Is the tru >
middle link In tliat tranirontlnentai rjitem hlch
Inrltc ana facilitates travel and traffic between the
Atlantic and PacUte.
The nock Iiland main Una and branches Include Chicago
cage , Jollet , Ottawa , Laballe , Fcorla , a neneo , Molina
and Hock Iiland , In Illlr lii Davenport , Huscatlne ,
VaihlOEton , Falrfleld , Ottumvra , Oikaloosa , West
rty.low CltyDo > lolne .IndlanolaWlnter et , Atlan
tic , KnoiTlllt , Andabon , HarUn , Outhrla C ntra and
Council niuffiInImva : Oal'atln ' , Trenton , St. Joiepn ,
Cameron and Ka a City , In Mi. ourl ! Leaven worth
and Atchlion , InXaniait Albert Loix.HInneapolli and
St. I'aul , In Mlnniot i Watertown and Sioux Falli.lo
l > akota , and nundndi ot Intermediate cltlei and tovrni.
i'The QreM Rock Island Route"
Ouaranteei ipeed oomfort , certainty and lafety. Iti
permanent way Udlitlngulsliod for Iti excellence. Iti
LrlilEei are ot Mane and Iron. Iti track Is of lolld
teel.lti rollUffitoek perfect. Its paiscnserefiulpmwnt
bas all the safe ty appliances that experience has pivre4
useful , and for luxurious accommodations Is unui-
pasied. Its Eipress Trains consist of superior l' y
Coaches , elegant Tnllman falaee Parlor and Sleeping
Carl , superb Dlnlaff Can , providing delicious meals ,
and ( between Chicago and Bt. Joseph , Atchlson and
Kaniai City ) restful Reclining Chair Cars. Its man
agement Is consemtlre , Its discipline exacting.
"Th FartMus Albert Lea Route"
Between Chicago and Minneapolis and Bt. Paul Is the
favorite. Over this line Build Fast Express Trains run
dally to attractive resort ! for tourlsli In Iowa and
Minnesota , and , via Watertown and Sioux Falls , to the
rich wbeat and erasing lands of Interior Dakota. Via
Eeneca and Kankakeo , the Rock Island offers superior
Inducements to travelers between Cincinnati , Indian-
apells. Lafayett * and Council ItlulTs , St. Joseph , Atchl-
ion , Leavenworth , Kansas City , Bt. I'aul , and Interme
diate points. All patrons ( especially ladles and chil
dren ) ricelve protection , courtesy and kindly attention.
For tickets , map * , folders , copies ot Western Trail , or
any desired Information , apply to principal offices In
lie United States and Canada , or address , at Chicago ,
1.1. CAItf , I. ST. JOHN , I. A. HOIIIOOI ,
o a. mart * . AH
I \trr j n ( ) othrrt ufferlnfr from
neryoui debility , nli uitlng
Irhronlo < llx > ft > c > , lirematuro
decline ot jounz or did ara
' poiltlirely cured by Dr.
Morre'i fanioui ElMiro.
Hacnrtlo Belt.TbouMJiiJi .
In thuTJnlon hare bwn caml.
The carpenters and painters who have for some weeks past had pos
session of our upper floors , are about finished , and we are happy to * * jj
state we shall in the near future , open all our floors lor business. The
elegant passenger elevator we are now -cutting in will make access to
the upper floors easy. The tremendous increase in our business since
we opened , has induced us to make preparations for the coming season - ,
son on a gigantic scale. We are now having manufactured , and will
soon have on exhibition ! the handsomest and richest lines of Fall and'
Winter goods , and when everything is ready , we shall show a stock o
mens' and boys' clothing second to none in the country.
In addition to our clothing and furnishing goods , we shall , in a few
days , open a complete line of hats. This department will occupy the
rear of the second floor , and will contain a larger stock than any hat
house in the city. As the goods will be all new , we shall only show
the latest styles , and we shall sell them with the same low margin ol
profit as we do all our other goods.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at '
Nebraska Clothing Company
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
During July and August , our store closes at 6:30 : p. m. , except Saturday.
Cor. 13th St. and Capitol Aoe. , OMAHA , NEB.
B t facilities ppmritiu remdlM fbr utwMful Irpfttmrnt f
t > rn T rnt QMu > iii aiexulting lleOUstor Hurirlonl ( refttiiicnt ,
Vi KITH ron Cinct'iAM on Hoftnnltlct ftnJ Hiart * , Club I > ft ,
Cunftlnr cftlioH iii , M1e .loinom , C nc rCatjirrJi , Ilrnitrl hit.
Inli.lMl ii , Khrtrlclly , I'lrair.U. rp11y. | . KldnIJlaJJtr , Li t ,
bar , hktu , ami JJtooJ , mi > I all burble * ! OjHTmtloni.
Hook on Diseases of Women FREE.
. 6fililltlo | ! TYIiwm
fium tm ! ) it in without mercury. New ItrttoralUeTiratmrnt fur.
1 * * of Mtil 1'owff. I'criwin uiiubU to visit u * may I * trintcil at
h mic , by C rre | H > ndenre , All rmuinunlrAlknii Confident. il. Wtd- !
eiiin or Instrument * * * nt by mil I or eiiirc * * . we n rely parked , no
iirk * lo Indicate cm.trntior * * ndcr. One | * rtonnl Inter * I * Y pr -
fci rd Call ami cuiuul t u , or Mini history of ) our CIM. v > ilh lUmp ,
ud wt will Knd In j-laiu m i'wr ' | , our
trv > n TYIvtff , SpwUI an * Nirvous TH * Atc , Seinlnnl wfakrirv ,
Fjxitnatnrrtujrft , ImpotentByptilti * , Oouon ticca , Ole t , ktid * * *
cocftto. Room ! fur pHlienH , Aildrvii.
Dr. icMeflany , Cor. 1311 st. & Oapltol Arjiruita , Neb. _
Medical Books or Papers Free. '
The proprietor of thu Omaha Medical anil Surgi
cal iniikutu h > p iliil > lied a vnhmii o BO of uuoki
nml papem upon clironlcund ill'eH-es und
deformities , und methods of cure which luivo
Klvcn him fie reputatlonof tielnn the most skillful
* nd ucco-iiful ipeilallst In tlio wcit , nnd rando the
Institute o celebrated that intdiclnei are sent to
und U reccl ed Horn eVfry stnU ) In tbo union.
Amont ; the bouki Is nno npnn the di ea oi < > f
women ; ono upon nervo.i * . special tind pilvuto uls-
eaRO * of the sexual nnd urinary organs : varlcocelo
cured by surgical operations and tlielr I itcly Invent *
od clump compress susp nsory for the relief and
cure of rnrlcuce'e , nervous exhaustion and sexual
debility , new rt5toratlfe treatment 1'A ors upon
BurKlcal braces. pll H , runcer * . pa-alyelM , tit * . Klcc-
trlclty and t , e ne r magnetic buttery for home use ;
catarrh and Inhalation , cte. Unlike mo.-t books
Ipsutd by rioctori free , they do not consist of testimonials
menials with fictitious n imesand Initials , or rubblnti
of that kind , 1/utaro / pl.iln descriptions of diseases ,
symptomne * d corerle' In medicine , nursery
and electricity , und are well worth the perns j I and
can be nbtnlnud free b ) addressing the Omahn Medi
cal and Sumlcul Institute , Utli street and Capitol
avenue , Ora.tha. Nebraska.
, - .
The only road to take for Dos Molnoa ' nr-
Blmlltown , 0 1'dnr Idiplds , Clinton , llxon ) , Chlcu-
( ro , Mllwnukue und all points east. To tlio people -
plo of Nebriiskn , Colorado , Wyoming , utnh ,
Idaho , Aovac1 * , Oregon , Waslilnirton , and Cali
fornia , It oil ers superior advantages net possl-
lilo by any oilier lino.
Ainoiiir 11 few of tlio numerous points of fin-
pc-ilorlty enjoyed by tlio patrons of this road
between Omslui and Chicago , nro lie two trains
tt ilny of DAY COACHES , which are the finest
tbnt liumnnart and Inpanulty can creuto. Its
PALAOKKBLKKI'IhQ CAHS , which Kro models
of cointort nnd elegance. Its PAKUU DHAW-
1NU ItUOM CAHS , unsurpassed by any. nnd Its
w'dely celebrated PALATIAL UINISO UAliS ,
the equal of which cannot be found elsewhere
At Council lllulle the trains of the Union ] 'aclfio
Ity. connect In Union Depot with tlio e ot the
Chlcstfo & Northwestern Ity. In Chicago the
trains ot this lie * make close connection with
those of ail eastern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin
nati , NluKura I'alU , Buffalo , 1'lttsburir. Toronto ,
Montreal , HoUon , Now York , Philadelphia ,
Ilaltlmore , Wushlnpton and all points In the
cast , ask for n ticket /la the
If you wish the best accommodation , All Hfckot
agents sell tickets via this line *
H. HuaillTT. K. P. WILSON.
Qenl. Manager , ( lenl. Puss'r Agent
. . IU I10LLKS ,
Western AKont , City Pasa'r Agent ,
Ouiuliu Nobraskiu
ubmisu.1 t\r *
ndlicrttljri or
ni et 4 \ rn To
' " ° v * u
I h I pt f i * c pu r po M , c t B i o r
} It H I K * TIT K" B A It N 18 , K I T
lootalng currtoti cf
ll wnk r rti.rtitor
, rf tn nioroui8irtnrth. itcctilo
Cunt ot * VW > C-flt UitaDllr or * fulfill $1 , COO la tail * .
Onaitlvprottneal ovr allethtr ttlta. Wont c § n per *
ttiBtiH/cur < llalKrrtmoDtki. Htaltd i > miatft4e. ) ruma
1.1 Ml4t0 Elltirle Ce. 161 Li lIC | t. , ChlMgc ,
Display at their warerooms , 13O5 and 13O7 Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
" * 1
LYON & " " ' " > *
V ri t J-ti
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects in materials and workmanship.
1305 * 1307 FARNAM STREET *
m&ywmKww w4 ' & % $ # # %
806 808 < i&3ee09K$80
A magnificant display of everything
useful.and ornamental in the furniture
maker's art , at reasonable prices.
, , , ,
1707 Olive SI. , St. Louis , Mo.
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , , Germany and New
York. Having devoted their attention
Nervoi , Chronic and
More especially those arising from Impur-
dence , invite all so sulleriiig to correspond
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured sately and speedily with
out use of dangerous dru s. Patients
whose casts have been neglected , badly
treated or paonounded incurable , should
not fail to write us concerning their symp
toms. All letters receive immediate at-
JUST i > uuMiiii : > .
And will be mailed FREE to any address
on receipt of one 2 cent ( .tamp. "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added
an "Essay on Marriage , " with important
chapters on Diseases of the Reproductive
Organs , the whole forming a valuable med
ical treatise which should be read by M
vounL' men. Address *
,1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
Chicago , Mil waute&St , Paul Bj
27 c Heat Route from Oinnlm anil
Council muifa to' .
Two Tiains Daily Del ween Omaha and
Council Blull'b
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarKapid *
Hock Island , Frceport , Kockforcl ,
Clinton , Dubuqtic , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesville ,
lieloit , Winona , I-a Crosse ,
And all other Important points Kust , Northeast
, and Southeast.
For through tickets en 11 on tlio ticket n ent
t Hul Kurntin , 8 | M i'uton , hotel , or ut Union
J'Hclflo depot. _
1'ulliuiiQ Sleepers and tlio finest Dlnlntf Cart C A
In the wand aru run on the main line of llio ML
ClilraKO , Milwaukee Jt 8U I'aul ltall riiy nnd ev-
iy iittfiillon Is paid to PHBSOIIBOIS by courtu-
OIIB umployi-CH of the company.
IL Mii.itu. drnni-Hl MiiniiKer.
J.K TUCKKH , Assistantum ! > ml Manager.
A. V. it. UAIU'KNTKII , ( Jenorul I'mscnjfur and
Ticket Atfcnt.
Quo. K liKAtroitn , AsslstnntGeneral I'msi.-
Ber and Ticket Aitont.
J. T , CI.AIIK Oenorul Buporlutondcnt.
Men mTrnr ( ) frtim ? . ! Vicar ,
Mrlilllly , l.nrU uf
, etc. , n ultlnf from la.
. hV IU
In Ihs luruls
tfMt * ll
' , t