Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under this hond.10 cents pe
tno for the llrst Inprrtion , 7 cents for each sub
erjucnt Intcrtion. nnd fl.GOn line prr month
No odvertlscnieiit tnken for lepn tnnn 24 cents
Jor the tlrst Intcrtion. Eevcn words wll Jus
counted to the lini ; they muft nm oonsccu-
tlTOly nnd must t > o paid In advance. All ndvor-
tlflomcntH must bo hnnded in licforo 1 : .TO o'cloci
j > . m. , end under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or dl ronllnupd by telephone.
1'artind advcrttslne In these column BBdhar-
Inr the answers addrrxsod In care of Tn * ! )
wlllplonsonsk fern cheek tocnnblo them to net
toelr letters.M none will bo delivered oxooot
en ore ontntlon of check. All answers to adver
tisements should be enclosed In envelopes.
All iidvortlwmonts in those columns nro pub'
llthed In both mornlnir nnd evening editions
of Inn HKK , the circulation of wlilcli lurjrro-
mtesmorothnnl4.noOpnpoM dnlly , nd Iflves
the advertisers the benefit , nut only of the city
circulation of TUB llrnj but nly > of Council
niulTs , Lincoln and other cltloif ana towns
hrouirnout thl ? pnrt of the west.
A 1.000XX ) to loan. Cole , 318 B 16th.
5 CT
Wo loan money on Improvcfl prop
MONEY any desired amount at low mtes
of Interest , to run from two to ton years time.
Btotts , Cor A-lloilsloii. HM7U rarnam. 950
ONKV To loan nt 0 per cent. Patterson
M Hros. , Ifith street , op. P. O. 3M
760COO TO LOAN "at 0 per cent. Llnahan It
) Miihonoy , IWJ Farnam. a
pKlTcENT Money.
6 U. C. Patterson , 15th ntd Hnrncr.
46tm,000 to loan on mat pstntn. No delay.
$ Harris * Sampson , IBIfl Douglas St. 040
ONEY rb LOAN O. F. Davis Co. , real
estate and loan agents , 1606 Farnam st.Ml .
, to loan m nny amount at lowest rate
$500,000 . 1L H. Iroy. Frcn/or block. 307
| & 00,000 To loan on Omaha city property at *
P per cent. 0. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Bid.CIJ
MONEY TO LOAN On city and form prop
orty nt low rates. No delay. Calm * Wool-
ifloy , 13-J3 Furnain St. 6 a37
"MONEY to loan to parties wlihlmr to bull.l.
I'l8. . B. Campbollt310 B18th stj , Chamlor of
Commerce. . : 83 |
ONEY To lonn. Lowest rates. No delay.
.1. L. Rico is Co. , over Commercial Na
tional bank. E67
1CONKY to loan , cash on delay * .
ttl J. W. and K L. Squire. 1413 Farnatn It.
Tazton hotel building. _
MONEY TO LOAN on Improrod city prop
erty In sums of $1.000 to 15,000 at six per
cent Interest. Sliolcs * Crumb. B45
Tiff ONEY TO LOAN on improved real estate ;
AU. no commission charged. Leavitt llurn-
hatn. Room 1 Crelghton Hlock. B41
ONEY TO LOAN-On city property in
sums of (600 and upwards nt lowest rates.
Money always on hand. 8. B. Campbell. ytO
Bouth Sixteenth street. 647
J ( LOAN Money Loaiis placed on tra-
_ proved real estate tn city or county for
New England Loan A Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. 16th and Chicago sU. 649
M ONKY to loan on first-class city property
in sums of (1,000 to $5,000 , tit Tory low
rate of Interest. B Lobman , 1108 Farnam It ,
' R-fl
MONEY LOANED at C. F. Rood * Co. ' * Loan
Office , on furniturepianos , horsos.wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , nnd nil other ar
ticles of value , without removal. 810 B. 13th.
over Hlngham s Commission store. All busi
ness strlctlv confidential. 631
MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses , etc. , low rate * . J.J. Wilkinson & Co. .
1334 Farniini , over llurllngton ticket ofllee. 407
TITONBY TO lAJAN by the undersigned , wno
J.U hoa the only properly organized loan
agency in Omaha. Loans of S10 to $100 made
on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagon * ,
machinery , &o , without removal. No delays.
AH business strictly confidential. Loan * so
made that any part can bo paid at any ime.each
payment reducing the coat pro rata. Advance *
fnadn on fine watches nnd diamond * : Persona
hould carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Bhould yon need money call
and see mo. W. R. Croft , Room i Wthnnlf
Ilullding 16th and Hnrnoy. 051
milK OMAHA Financial Exchange ,
* 11Wcorner of Harnoy and 16th eta. ,
over Btato National bank.
Is prepared to make short time loans om any
available security.
Lonna made on chattels , collateral or real
Long tine loanimndoon Improved real ettat *
At current ratoi.
Purchase money mo-tama-es negotiated.
Peourcd notebought , sold or exchanged.
Bhort time loons made on second mortgage
according to marginal interest , a * collateral
Real Mtate to exchange for rood Interest
bearing paper.
General financial Luslneis of all kind * Iran-
acted promptly , quietiy and fairly.
Money always on hin d for approved loan * of
ny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Corbott. Maniiiar. 653
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1506
Farnam struct Complete abstracts fur
nished , mid titles to real estate examined , perfected -
foctod und guaranteed 078
TpOR HALE-Or Trade A largo throe-story
Jbrick hotel In live western Iowa town of
fi.OOO pop. Newly furnished throughout , hasCS
bud rooms , steam boat , gas , oloctrio call and
nlurm bolls , city wuter , oto. Near depot and
business center. Must bo disposed of at once
on account of poor health of owner. Term *
reasonable. Addros * Stotts , Cox * Houiton ,
1007H Farnam. sa
"DARK business chance : for Bale , the otock ,
J-V futures and good will of a first-class cloth
ing ( tore doing a Rood buslnca * , centrally
located , only reasons for selling the owner bos
other and more Important business Parties
Keanlng business may address U. 18 , Bee office.
" \\T ANTED Forties wh'o doslre to buy or sell
v T or exchange atookti of general merchan
dise , dry good * , groceries , boot * fend shoe * ,
hardware , drugs , Jewelry Improved or unlm-
proved town or city property , Improved er un
proved farms in any part of the United State * ,
to address Kraueo ft Foster , 318 B. 16tb * t
Omaha. Neb. 855
jfTOBINEBS Chanoe-For sole-A atock of dry
.D goods , clothing , furnishing goods , boot !
mid hoes ; also fixture * . With thli stock a foui
te-ycnrs loa o of H double store canbe obtained in
K cine of the host retail localities in the city. In
formation nt Dormaim' * , 609 South Thirteenth
street. BOS
T71OR SALE-A Unit-class hotel property iloln *
J. : excellent business. Must sell In sixty
( lays. 1'or price and terms address 11 , S. Lilly
real estate iloiilor. llroken How. Neb , ailsll
HVTANTED Ono or two huslnos * men wltt
TV capital of 160 to 9150 to tuko hold of a bus-
fnus * that will par from * 6 to $20 poi
d y. Ruom 4 , Crouuao blk , 119 N. 10th st.
_ _ _ 444
A COMPANY onguifoil In the manufacture ol
nsuccKssful imient utcd In cities ( whlct
Is H monopoly ) nnd doing a safe and prcfltabk
business in Chicago , desire to establish n lik (
liuslness In other cities. The proper person
with energy nnd push and onb to two thotisniu
( lollara rush , can oiiKitgo In a business that ii
iik'iisunt and protltuhle , that will pay him from
fcl.tVK ) to SUVOOO per year , a ho strictest luvc *
tlgntlon of our bunnuss In Chicago doslrod and
eollclteil. Address R. H. Webster , ISA Wash
ington street , Chicago , Illinois. 643 18
* V\7ANTR ! > Big money to first-elm * men t (
v V handle the bet tire extinguisher ovoi
Jintcntixl. A test downs all competition am
fcclls machine. Victor M'f'g Co. . Clnclnnntl , O
* mll CXCHANUE-Stock general morchun
JL ? dlso. about | l,500 ; stock hardware , aboil
S3.SOO. Will take Iowa , Kansas or Nobrabki
land for three fourths : balance half oash , bal
miiort time. II. & R. , box ( KM. Shvnandoah , 1 *
* | 6'JJ KJ
\\7AN'1ED-Partner with a few thousand del
' Uirs-the more the belter In a good pay
Ing business In Omaha and Lincoln with auui
nnmelsewhere In Nobrnika ; established a year
ircrk light , pay sure. Addres * A 60 H e offlM
BM 17J
1OU HALK-A well established and fuvorabl ;
4 known gennrnl store at Rapid City , D. T.
( Ulack Hill * country ) . Stock about * 1S.UOG
ultable and well assorted store making money
llpuvons for celling , death of proprietor. Ail
nrees J. 6. Robertson , administrator. St. Paul
Mlnn..or J.L. Spaglo. Rapid City , P. T. 618-1
i A RAHE chance Th * uhfcribr * having twi
J\ . furniture ( tores , one at Crawford , Nub. , l
nillcs onst of Fort Robinson , tbe other at Chad
ron , Neb. , will sell either one , not both , am
rent building or tell slock and building as I
nits purohaiar. The Crawford MUbllihtncn >
I * ilia only furniture ( tore m tl > plicc and Is
' " ' point for business. Addr li Myer * J
Neb. 646 1 J
SALK Flrit clau ristauranu belt loet
iiou In tb city , very ehrap ; caie of sick
Ag3i i * U I'O. Boi olllct.
H TnADR-t.POO ( lock clothing In gooi
Nobrkike town , for farm without Incuir
srunoe.U coid Aartriltlog Co.lSU Knrnai
cC I
FOH BALE Moat market , tools , fixtures ,
horse and wagon , everything complete.
Good location ; good trade. Address U 48 11 .
"tXTANTED Capable yonng rann with fVJX )
i r desire * to engage In permanent business ;
saloon preferred. Address 117 UeoolTlre.
60S 17
FOH BALK Or trndo a No. 13 water power
cYchnniro and merchant mill In Western
lown In good ordur. Would exchange for good
farm or stock of merchandise. 1'or further
Information call on or address 17. Uownsvlllo ,
Iowa. 647 17J
Foil SALK A first-class meat mnrkot in best
location In city. 1'or nearer information
address n 16 lloo office. 613 23J
TpOH SALE Well Improved 320 acre stook and
JL' irnun farm near Llnooln , Nob. ; 1M In crop ,
bnlaneo pasture ; living springs. Also A farms.
Flno farms hero , A. W. McCrcady , Msdison ,
Dakota. 63317J
PKHHONAL-Pug dogs for Ralo ; Ono Kngllsh
pugs and Italian greyhoundpuppiesforsnle.
For prlco and description , address box -W ,
Topckn , Kansas.'r Wll 21J
IJERSONAL To business men of Omaha , the
fair and -reitnlnn will soon bo hero , Icavo
} our orders' with U * for nil kinds of help and
wo will III ! It promptly. Omaha Employment
Ilurouull N ff'tn ' st , 6J3 W
1DEH8ONAL The Oato City Employment of-
X ftoc , 314H S 15th , supplies the best of Scan
dinavian and Gorman girls. 9JJ *
1JKHSONAL Prlvnto homo for Indies during
contlnemont. strtctlv confidential , infanta
adopted , aildros ) K4Z , Uco olllco. 1G7 cpt7
"IDEltBONAL t'cnd for your sowing machine
X needles , oil and repairs to the Singer
Mnn'fg Co , 1518 Douglas st , Omaha , 408 are
PE119ONAI < Mr * . JDr Mannn V. TTarren
clairvoyant , Medlrsl and buslnaa * Medluuj
Boom Mo. S 121 North IGth it .Omaha , Neb.
LOST-LnrifO Newfoundland pup , black
curling hnlr , hud collar on. answers to
"Carlo. " Heturn to 1534 North 1Mb nnd bo ro-
warded. ( B3 1SJ
I OST Son el pony mar , branded on near
* forcshouldor nnd hind ijimrtcrs. had on
saddle nud brldlo. Lost 1 miles north of Omaha ,
HlDJaoksonst. crj isj
STKAYKD-.Medlum sl/.od brown horse with
Doth cars half burred olT. Finder will bo
suitably rewarded by returning snmo to 1314
Capital nvo , city. BOS 18J
STUAYED or stolen-A dark greyhound ,
white on'breast , feet nnd tip of tall. An- nnmo of Hob. Howard ( 'iron if retUrned -
tUrned to 4188 18th st , 68117
STHAYED Hay mare from rosldoncoof C. ! ' .
Nelson , South IKh st. and Castcllar. with
halter on.brandod T. E. on loft hip. Any person
keoplngthls mare und not advertising shnll bo
pumahed to the extent of the law. 470-17 *
LOST Pocketbook containing some valuable
papers. Flndor will bo liberally rewarded
by returning tno same to my store. Ed. N.
Drown. 7SO N. IBth. _ . 406
SEVENTY-F1VK dollars' ronnrd. Strayed or
stolen from rear of 111 N 17th st , a largo
roan horse , about 17 hands high , weighing be
tween l.POOond 1.400 pounds , redlsh brown
mane nnd tall , hind ankle somewhat swollen-
f 25 will be paid for return of animal to owners ,
at 110 S 14th st.and if stolen the sheriff of Doug
las Co. will pay a ruward of $ ftO for the arrest
and conviction of the thief. 698
MHa HATFIELD has just arrived to sub
stantlato that fact the past , present ami
fuiuro rovonlod , the sick hcalou , the lost
found , homoH made happy , sittings dally nt 421
South llth st 457 19J
MKS. DDRANT Clurivoyant from lloston is
rollnblo In all atfalra of life , unites separated
rated lovers. : tSJ n ICth St. , room 1. MCsept 3j
TplH3T-CL-\S.S titorago at W ) N 13th ft.
S' TORAQE First-class stornge for nice rur-
nlturo or boxed goods , at 1613 DodgestMO
LIST your rooms and houses with the Record
Advertising Co , 1518 Farnam st. and wo
will rent them sooner than nny one else , us wo
are well known all over the city. too
ST. FUANCI3 Academy Columbus , Platte
county , Nebrulka , conducted by the Sis
ter * ot St. Francis. This Institution for young
ladles , and for little girls and little boy * offers
every advantage for acquiring n thorough
Christian education. As the acquisition of
such an education should not bo connected
with extravagant expenseout should bo within
tbo roach of these parents especially that have
no Catholic parochial school m their neighbor
hood to which they could Bond their children ,
the following term * will no doubt be found
very reasonable ;
Entrance fco , $5.00 , paid only once.
Hoard and tuition , Including washing , nod
and bedding- , per mouth (11.00 , payable in ail
Gorman , drawing , bookkeeping , plain and
ornamental needle work Irco. Musla charged
For further Information address Von .Sister
M Josopha , miporloresi. 687 17
PARTIES wishing to dispose of good busi
ness chances nt reasonable prices can llnd
cash buyers at Mrs , llroga & Son's , U1G S 15th.
659 20J
WANTED To exchange some good lots for
span of horses , buggy und harness. W.
U. lloUart , 418 South 16th st 682 18j
PERFORATED stamping pattern * made to or
der and all the latest designs for Bale nt
Mrs. J. W. Morrison , 1505 Davenport st 451sl2
/CANADIAN Employment office , 816 S. 15th
V > * t 40681J
E ASTERN Nebraska farms to exchange for
Omaba proporty. 1813 FarnaM. 643
rpo exchange for horses , two choice We :
X * Ule lota. Bell ft UcCandllih. 661 Iflj
TO EXCHANOE-For cattle , I hare MX ) and
forty acre * of good western land to trade
for cattle , and a good haute and lot near the
capital will exchange for cattle. Address S , u.
llryan. Ashland. Neb. 436
OM AIIA LOTB-To exchange tor cattle. Pat
terson ft Moore , 1811 Farnam. 317
rrUlB Gate City Employment office , 314K 8.
X 16th street Order * for all kind * of help
gollcted. ; 020
"lYfAUNl.TlU Healing Medium * cure all kinds
-I'A. of sickness In connection with clairvoy
ance of the pait , present and future. J. H ,
Pageler , North State st , mile west of fair
grounds. P. O. box 6&T 610 a2gj
FOB -Square Hlano H montnlr. A
Hospe.l613Dougia . Ml
T71UK KENT Organs. * per month. Hospe ,
J ? UU Dougla * . Ml
) 1. C. House furnishing good * , all kinds ;
C , cash or installment ; lowest price * at J.
Donner , 1316 Douglas st MJ
F I OK KENT tf uaro riano , ( > month Iv.
Howe. 1513 Douvla s. 61
TOOK SALE A valuable hunting dog ( young ) .
f Inquire at 311 South 13th at , Omaba. and
op the dog. CPU 17J
FOH SALE Car of good saddle ponies. In
quire at yard office , stock yards. 437 20
nXUSALB A flrst-clas * con-ousel at Pries lake
JL' Andrew JfausonV-7 North 28th avenue.
400 17J
FOH SALE-At a bargain , a 0-room house
with closet * nnd pantry , etc. , lot -5 font
cast front , 6 blocks south of court house. Ad-
U rcsY _ 30 , Jleeoni ce. 830a30 *
FOR SALE Furniture , good will and lease of
the best paying small hotel In Omaba.
Constantly full of first-clan * bosrdors. Price
fl.&uo. luvMUfc-ato this. J. F , Hammond , 117
a icth. TO
< OR SALE Your choice ot the best lines of
17 bupitle * . carriage * , phnotoni , lurroyi , de
livery wagon * , open ind top one nn * hunting
wagon. Cell anil look through or lend for cut *
and price to Columbus Buggy Co. , 1113 Harncy
17 * OK BALK-Cneap , tlxturos anl tool * of meat
JJ market doing a cash butlnes * . also horse
and delivery wagon , a good chance for right
parties. J. J. bklnner , 11)10 Ilarney it..Omaha.
_ 804 a *
FOR BALE A hore. Inquire nt B W corner
of 24th and Capitol ave. Suitable for fam-
Hy use. 04 17J
TiWR SALR-Choap , 8 hole kitchen range , 1010
.C Farcaui. 831 19J
FOR SALK One good cabinet deik ; Alto city
nilna and bulletin board. Will gls-o some
one a bargain If sold at once. Apply to Win. A.
UeWltt , room a , Frenitcr block. 6io
f7HR BALK Cheap. Good family mare ,
t JL ? phaeton and bnrneu. Fred MoeMo. llth
a I and Fnitmiu. 670
lj > OH BALE Atood , trutty family bori < > , top
J-1 bugtry and harness. No. JD4 North I7tb
1. . Onulbtt. I ) . a llrown. - 87017J
1T1OR BALK-Furnltur * of S room * with pnvl-
.1 : lege of Vpate of haute , 797 8. Hth St.
mTlTilTY-ToURsqaar * * of * b t ttnel rooting
-1 , for sale chvau C. W , fc U. K. "ibompiea ,
314 3. IM ft. * J4
s I NAP Furniture and loaio of 9 rooms. 3
blocks from P. O. II. B. Oplo , 318 S 15th.
. 805 10J
n BAI.K Parroh nnd Imported cnnnrlos ,
t 1209 Douglas St. KX 17J
THOH BAf.E Plnno , ntn bargain , or will ox-
-L change for a good horse. 600 1'ark avcnuo ,
FOlt SAtiK Horse , buggy and harness , sep
arately or together , very cheap , T. II.
Lnrko A Co. 1120 Farnam. Ml
'IjiOlt BALK oil and gasoline wiipon. team ,
L' haniosj and route. Call bet. K and 1 at
1413 Dodgo. 815
WANTED A man to soil organ * nnd lowing
machines Inwostorn Iowa > Address Lock
HoxMWoodbine , la. KU 23
\\rANTRD-Actlvo men with from $ S > to 1200
' > to muko moucy fast. 'JH\i \ S 15th st.
itoom 5. ex > is
WANTUD Oooil clothing salesman , Her
man , Onto City Kmp'oymcnt office. 3H',4
3 15th 6t. C.10 Ifl
\\rANTKIi-50 men for stone quarry and 10
for portion work. Jlrs. Ilroga 4 Son.IllO
B15th. TolBii. B5 . .l ! )
ANTKH-Cablnet makers. West' ' DaVenport -
port Furniture Co. , SIS and Z'M South llth
streoti flio 17J
\WANTKD-Mnn to tnkocnro of horses and
TT do gonornl work around boimo. Inquire
C. K..Mayno. Hcol Kstato nnd Trust Co. U)7 ) 13
W ANTED first-class tlnnor nt onoo. Ad-
ilross fl 12 , Uoo olllco. KCI" )
WANTHD Men for Wvominp : ( rood waires.
Albright's Labor Agency , 1120
WANTIID Agents to sell goods In city :
good watroa to right man. Lovcll Mnnu-
facturlng Company , ail N. 13th St. 461-19'
WANTHD-Oood shoo Bnlcsmnn of 4 or fi
ycnrs experience , single man profor'rcil ,
must bo temperate , willing to work lor mod
erate salary. Apply at once nt Chicago liar-
gam Shoo Company. KB 17
WANTKD-Uuttou-holo makers , 1113 Fnr-
nam. C31 S-'J
WANTBl-Mnn to take the ngency of our
safes ; BO'HxlRxls | Inches ; welRht 500
Ibs : rotnll prlco | 3. > : other sl csIn proportion.
A rnro chance to crcnto n permanent business
at homo. Thcpo sntes meet a do in nnd never
boforofttppllcd by other safe companies , as
wo are not governed by the Safe Pool. Alnmo
Snfo Co. , Cincinnati , O. 51131J
WANTRn A baker who ilndorstnnds caho
nnd broad baklnir , at Ptur Dakary In
Weeping Water , Nob. , S , W. risuor , 1'i-op.
\VTANTr.D Boys or girls to wait on table or
TV wash ellverwuro and glassware during
mnal.ifor tholr board nt Metropolitan Dining
Hall , 306 North 16th st. 6.1717J
WANTED-Two energetic , reliable men to
soil goods ; steady employment. Call 431
8. 10th St. 621 17j
WANTKD-Cook for Auburn. Nb , $3."i per
month ; 2 cooks for city , 58 and $10 per
week ; 1 pastry COOK , llrst-olnss , $10 per week ;
lOmen drlvo team , t-5 and board : 20 innn for
phovollng 33 per day. Omaha Emplovment
llurcnu,7l'lN ' Idthst. ( ttl 17
W ANTKD A good cooic nt N. Johnson's
lunch room , corner " 1st und Cuming st.
057 19j
WANTED-Mon tor rallrond work. Al
bright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farqnm. _
WANTF.D-AII those- wishing help or situa
tions as assistant bookkeepers , general
olllce clerks , collectors , engineer * , llromon ,
watchmen , porters , janitors , coachmen , tennis-
tors , farmers , onkcrs etc. , apply to the Mutual
Employment Agency , 214 Soutn 10th St. , up
stairs. f6ll J
WANTED Ono cent mnkor nnd two pants
makers at onco. Steady work and good
price * . Address W , J. McKcnzIo , Hebron.Nob.
TKTANTED-Flve persons to instruct in book-
keeping. Bltnatloog in October or no
pay. J. n. Smith. 1013 Chicago st KM 1B
WANTED Salesmen , n now invention
needed In every house ; 300 per cent com
mission or n good salary to right parties. Address -
dross with stnmp for terms the Weaver Manu
facturer , 34 N State St. , Chicago , HL TSIsl *
Ty ANTED A Danish girl at 2105 Cuming st.
W ANTKD- Good cook nnd 'one dining room
Ctrl at Omaha restaurant , 604 N loth.
W ANTED A wet nursn f or baby 3 months
old , at 427 Convent St. C4 19J
WANTED Salosladles , reference nnd ox-
ponenco required. Scandinavian and
Onrman preferred. Gate City Employment
office , 314i B 15tn st G37 19
W ANTED-A cook nnd chambermaid at 912
Douglas. 698
WANTED An experienced nursn for chil
dren. Mrs. Warren Swltzlcr , N , W. cor.
"Uth and St. Mary's ave. 677 17
iy ANTKD-2 girls at 1811 Cass st
WANTED Working housekeeper for coun
try hotel , $20 ; 2 dining room girls for
Wyoming , $20 : laundress for Central City ,
woman cook , ; V > , out of city ; pastry cook , SKi ,
and lots of girls for housework In every part of
olty. Mrs. Hroga & Sou , 3166.13th. 00117j
w ANTED Mllllnory salesladies at R. M.
Genius Hro. , 1408 Douglas st. GR3
WANTED A lady or gentleman , sales clerk
for a bazaar. Address , stating experi
ence , former occupation , references , age. H 5 ,
Ron office. 576 IS *
WANTED-A first-class nurse girl. 2310
Webster. 685 23 *
\11TANTKD A thoroughly competent person
TT to take charge of housowork. ApplvKU
B 20th gt 663 18
"TITANTED Baby n urse at fill N. 82nd st.
TI7ANTKD A good washer. Apply at onoe ,
T T Frontier Steam Laundry , 1512 Howard st >
615 17j
W ANTED A good washerwoman at the
house. Apply BS3B 20th * t. 66218
W ANTED Competent girl for general
housework. 2220 Karnara st Ml 17
W ANTED A dining room girl at the Ameri
can house , U20 Douglas gt 61317J
\X7ANTED-A good girl to do general house-
T > work at 2210 Farnain st. 428 10j
ANTED-Good girl for genera ) housework
2 in family , light work , 2C28 Harnoy ,
Mr * . Albert D. Mono. 251) )
WANTED-Olrl * for housework In different
part * of city , no office fee. Mrs. Hreuu &
Son , Kit South 15th st. 454 17j
w ANTED A good girl at once for general
housowork. Apply at 2012 Douglas at
WANTED Good cook , washer and Ironer
at 1254 Park Wild ave. , cor. of William gt.
WANTED-1 pastry cook for olty. (10 per
week : two sisters for private family , fu
(5 per week ; 2second girls , good wages ; 2 girls
to work In candy factory , (3.50 to start ou : 3
cook * for private families , 15 and ( Q per week ;
1 laundress for Fremont , (12 per week , faro
paid ; 3 chambermaids lor city , good wages ; !
cook for Portal , Neb. , (5 per week , faro paid ;
C dining room girls tor city. ( J. f I $5 per wcok :
pastry cookI. easy work4 ; laundry girls , (5
nnd W per week ; 1 lady bookkocpor with oxp.
for city , (40 per month ; 60 girls for genera
hnuRo work. Omaha Employment Bureau , Hi
N 16th at 651 17
WANTED An experienced housekeeper
white woman preferred. Apply liotwecr
B and 6 p. m. , 101 N 9th st. Lulu jtpgors. 131
ANTED-Good girl to do general house-
work. Apply u w cor. California and
501h. 733
WAWTBD-Two girls at Doran house. 423 B
Ifith tt. u or St Mary's ave. 1B4
WANTKD-Bftuatlon as night watchman by
a young man of temperate habits and
strict Interrity. Will watch his employer' * in
tores. * closily. Can furnish best city reference
Address H 9. Bee office. 651
U'ANTED-Sltuatlon a * collector or assistant
bookkeeper by young- married man , wol
acquainted in city , can KIVO security if re
quired , bctt of reference * . 11 18 , Uoo office.
'WANTED Situation by experienced shlp-
T T ping clerk , either In wholesale , hardware
or grocery bu inuiscan furnish test of refer
encej. H 19 , Hee olBee. _ 631 16J
WANTED-Sltuatlon a ] bookkeeper , dor !
and general writing. Mala and female
Ileitaf roierence * . Record Advertising Co
1513 Farnam it. tW
\\7ANTRD-Sltuallnn by a gardener , single
M middle agod. wttll recommended , wol
posted at all tranche * In the line ot gardening
AddreM 114. neeolnce. _ H9
W ANTKD-lWlion by thoroughly experl
eneed lornt and Ktrileaer. petition a
* ae . AddreM I , Mee , M8U
I VT ANTED Ayoungtnmi .of. nbout the ago
TT of 18 or IP , who would like to lenrn the
( holograph business Apfny-ht ( .Irani ! Control North 16th st _ 6M
ANTED-SIt uatlons wTipicsalo nnd retail
firms , hotels , restaurants , bakers , bar-
, railroad contractorSCfhrniers , wanting
ellabla and steady men. * supplied fr.'e of
barge , city or county. Mutual Employment
\goiiCT , S14 South th gt. . Vrpjstttlr * . 054 li-J
i\TANTBD-An ex-dry Hpdls merchant of
T T middle age want * omplwjment in prlvato
nmlly , oouM be frcnornliy useful , or In dry
oods or groceries , at your "ofn terms. Refcr-
ncos or cash security. Adttntij Hit Itoo olllco.
_ eg _ BJlitJ
i \TANTED-SIWatlon bjolndy pastry cook.
( lOporwook. Addrcsfcpr i-all 311 N. 13th.
_ fa * 10 ID
[ IT ANTED By a lady , situation asslck nurse
TT to cnro for invalid. Addresser call at 314
N. 13th gt 618 19
_ _ _
A position as copvi t In nn ofllep ,
WANTED typewrite. Aodress H. K. II. ,
General delivery , city. f. 88nj
[ VANTF.D Sltilntlons for 2 Mohomlnn girls
TT who nro good workers but can't speak
2ngllh : also for some good Swedish nnd
Mnorlcan girls. Mrs. llrcga i. i-ou , Ilin S 15th ,
'olophone Sf4. _ _ _ 660 1RJ
WANTED Position by younir lady who Is
experienced po tottlco clerk , ta stcnog-
aphcr , popylst or other ofllcuwnrk ; best rof-
orenccs furnished. Address M. S. , 019 Nvl th.
WANTED Two Ocrmnn girls want places
ono for second girl or nurse girl and ono
n a Binnll fnmlly for general housework. In
Itilro 150 ! ' Howard st. r _ 6M 17J
[ \rANTED-Pltuntlon as coachman In prl-
TT vnte fnmlly liy young man ( ( ierman : , II
ears In Officers family , willing to work. No
i III co fee. Canadian Employment oilice , 310
'outh ' 15th. Telephone (84. GU2 17
WANTED Drcsnmklng In pnvnto families
by oxparlcnced dressmaker. Address
A 40 llou olllco. 310 17J
WANTED Nicely furnished and unfur
nished rooms Ilitcd with us. Record
Advcr Using Co. 1613 r'nrnain St. _ BOB
AUASS plngur Just arrived In thocity d ' 8lroi
engagement In a chuiob choir. Aildretjj
11 10. lloo ofllcc. fill 18J
/ANTED Room with private family by2
young men , go.d references. Address
13. Hoe olllcu. 620 17J
TJirANTED-Boanl and loJglng , separate
TT rooms , lor two persons. It minutes'walk
from postoUicc. Address 11.17 , Uoo olllco. stnt-
ng terms. 62U 1SJ
"YITANTED to Hont FourunftirnHhod rooms
or small cottage In good neighborhood.
Address H C Lord , Windsor hotel. 812 18J
WANTED A store , or will buy out a good
confectionery , cigar nnd tobacco stand ,
must be in good locution. Address 211 South
21 h St. Omahn. B20SOJ
WANTED 2 or 3 furnished rooms , by man
and wife ; near bnglnos * center ; Btato
orms and location. Address AGO , Uoo OIHCO.
\V'ANTED A creamery and canning foe-
' tory. Will assist the rlzlit parties. Ad
dress Hank of V alloy. Valley , Nob. 270s
\\7ANTED-To buy 2 barber chalis&econd
V > hand. Also barber wanted at 2fi23 Luke
Bt. 5f.l 17'
" \11TANTED Hoard nnd room for young man
TT In fctrlctly prlvato family. German pro-
erred , tlllocn inlnutos walk from postollico-
Address UU. lloo ofiloe. , , 5'Jtl 17J
WANTED A grain doa r to locnte at this
place. Rent grain region In Nebraska.
Address Hank ot Valley , VnVrey. Noh. 270s9
ANTED A few boaiderl at 1720 Dodge st
References roquostcd. 70J
WANTED To trndo , > ioctlon NebrasKa
land for trndo for Omaha propertv. Address -
dross W. N. T. , S. E. Cor. Uurilctt and Eiith sts.
W ANTED-Cottnge of : > or,6 rooms or 3 or 4
iinfurnlahod rooms , 'suitable Tor light
nonsekeeplng. Koferoncd.furnished. ' . Ad
dress A 43 , Hee onico. ' 321
WANTED A harness maker to open a shop
noro. Address Bank of Valley , Valley ,
Neb. _ 270-l-tf
WANTED Factories of ill ; kinds. Address
llnnk ot Vulloy. Valley. Nob. 270s9
WANTED To rent. by.a gentlemen and
wife , nochildion , a house in good loca
tion , all modern iniproTqnjciits None other
need apply. Address A 41 Itoo office. 25519
WANTED To lease for a term of yourj a
building for light manufacturing pur
poses , about WxBfl , three stories and basement.
Addrosj A 80 , IJeo offlco. 85823
WANTED Pnrtles having houses. Data or
rooms to list them with the Gate City
Ilcntal agency , 314 W S. 15th st r 28
\V ANTED 12 00 for one year. Have im-
V ? proved property in Omaha that p&yg 10
per cent on a 145,000 valuation , that Is Incura-
bered for f 10,000. Will give second mortgage
as collateral. Address stating interest re
quired. A 6 , Bee olllce. 1)30 )
VT17 ANTED Pupils in English branches
T > and music , n. w. corner Idtn and Farnam.
725 Bl *
T71OR HENT-3 room cottngo , 1819 Nicholas st
X1 C65
T71OH RENT nousoBroom * , stable. Ac , cor.
X19th nnd Dorcas , rent (13 per mo. J. U.
Bimoral , room 2 , lloalck blk. C44 19J
1/10R HENT 6 room house , rent S25,1 year's
X1 Jpnso. 1903 S lllth st 6 room flat rent f35 ,
lease for 2 years , 7 block * from P O.s 8 room
houso. rent f .1 , furniture for sale , J900. H cash
Co-opcraUvo Land and Lot Co. . 205 N 16th st.
646 19
f OH RENT 0 room house almost now. with
good barn , well and cistern , 3 blocks south
from B w corner of Hanseoiu Park. John 11.
Hodge. Cll S3) )
FOK 11ENT-2211 , nvo now ten
room brick dwelling with all modern con
veniences. Apply to W. F. Clark , 108 N 16th st
567 20 *
F I OR RENT Snow window and 34 f oct shelf
room In 308 North lltb. 672
F OR HKNT Store , good location , 20th and
Clark Sts. Inquire 1813 Clark St , 43 20j
L R RENT 7room houso. good location ,
table and yard. Apply 1612 Farnam. 310
F OR HUNT A first class stable on California
near 20th st tt. Lehman , 1108 Farnam Bt
FOR RENT-Throo (3) ( ) new houses , situated
on King and Coffman strcsts , in A. B. Pa
trick's add. Inquire at Room S , Arlington
block. Patrick lira * . 423X6
"CTO H HENT 6 elegant brick ( tore rooms on
X' park a venue , opposite park. Will bo com
pleted In SO days. Apply on the premises from A. H. Pitch. 97V
1O11 BENT Elegant brlek residence , 10
room * , modern conveniences. Inquire
Morse ft llrunner , 1BOB Farnam st. C3ti
TT1OU RENT 5 brick flu of 6 rooms each on
X1 Park avenue , opp. park. Will ho complet
ed InSOdays. With modern conveniences. Ai > -
ply on the promisefrom 9IB 2 a.m. A. A.
ritch.v 61J
TJ1OR RENT Two large neV , stores and two
X1 iiati of flvo rooms each. City water and gas.
On Saunders at. C. W. CalB/32JO / : Ohio st. 812
TIOR coltaJpton N. Slst st.
Apply to 017 S. 13th t. . _ 608
FOR HENT One lot noa/J eunlon ground !
with privilege of nlnifjicres. about ono
block from main camp. Call s * Cor llth & Capitol
_ _ _ 1J irosoj
_ . _ KENT New itore anoSlivIng room * on
JL1 Cuming it near Saunders at. Apply Bar-
rl * Real E tate & Loan Co. . ' ) $ ) $ . 16th it. 8 9
POR HENT Barn lultablottbr four horsos.
Inquire at 617 S 13th st. SU
FOR RENT-New lO-roottf bouse ; oil 1m-
proveraents.Bteain heafc'/C. W. * O. E.
Thompson. 314 8.15ttt * t , , x' 1009
il HBNT-10-room Hut with loae.f urniture
for salo. Must bo sold this week. Fur
nished room at 1909 Varnam St. 601 Ifj
FOR KENT Office space on ground floor nt
ITiOO Farnam. Apply In rear office. J. H.
Richardson- 602 a30
CHOICE Lot for Leaso. Southeast corner
4SxS54 ! Leavenwortb and Park ave. , or will
build to * ult tenant Hobble Urot. 351) )
Iroii RENT To gontlomcn , nicely furnishoi
. room , first tloor. now house on Mason st
between 17th and 18tb. Hefcrences requ ( red.
T7IOK HENT Nicely furnUhcd room , 81 B
JD 17th st SOU
TpOU RENT Furnished and unfurnlsboi
J room * at 1914 Webster t 638 18J
TTIOR RENT-Newly Jurnlshod rooms 1309
J 6th t Bi7 1TJ
T7H > H RENT-Nlcely furnished room * In al
-L1 part * of the city from f Mo { 40 per month
Uicord Advertising Co , UU Farnaia * t ( M
| ] 1OR RENT Tne largest store room In town ,
X' Inquire at the Argus office , Albion , Nob.
481 sop 13
FOR RENT-Two unfurnished rooms at S. R.
20th nnd Chicago st , cheap. Address
A 44 , Hoe oftlco , HID
FOR HENT A nice , largo front room , fur-
nl he < l excellent , lovely location , modern
onvcnlcuccs , on street car lino. 1Y17 Cn. s st.
[ jpUH RENT Elognntty furnlihod trout room ,
X1 sultublo for 2 or ) , with first-class bdard ,
crms moderate. 2011 Hurt st.
KENT-Noatly furnlshi-d bedroom at
822 Poutlt 15th. (6 per month. 618 18J
[ POR HENT Pltnsnnt furnished room , f per
X ? month. COS North 17th. 6-3 ] 1HJ
F mTluNT-Furnlshcd rooms,48 to ( I4 MIO
South 22d. J.-8J 1 > J
FOH RENT 4 rooms for housekeeping. IBth
nnd Pierce , (15por month. Fred Morhlo.
F I OH HKNT Itooms , furnNhed or unfilr-
! hcd , IM'I Uumlug struct , ne r cnr line ,
670 18J
f\OR \ RENT Nicely furnished room,1st floor.
1 17C1 Cnpltol nvo. 4IJ ll'J '
FOU I1KNT Elegnatlr furnmhed pnrlor , all
convonluncos. iiour business , pilvnto fam-
y. 1015 Capital nre. CM I3J
FOli KtCNT Furnished rooms , ladles or pen-
tlonion.311 NU'th. C''O 10J
F U KKNT 2 big rooms for small fnmlly at
COS N. lilth St. 678 WJ
OH ItKNT Nicely fnrnMiedroom : modern
1 conveniences. Southwest cor. "Olh nnd
[ 7V3R HKNT | runiMiod room with board for
I- gentleman ; ruforouccs roiVJlred. 17U1
HUNT Furnlbhcd roouii at Hl'.i Thlcaso
1 st. CW 18
FOH ItENT l.argo front parlor with nny
window , nnd alcove , also other rooms with
nodorn cim\t > iilonc s at 1:21 I'lirnmu st. one
jlock west of court houso. Kl
FOH linXT 1'urnlshcd pnrlor nnd bed room.
Apply U3I N. 27th St. C50 1PJ
FOH HKNT Nlco furniMiod room , ffl per
month , S. W.cor. Htli and JncKson. S'.O
HE NT A nicely furnUhod room nt 2S11
fct. Jlory'B nvc. 421
HUNT-omco.lOli ; rurnam 8t.
FOK HKNT Elegnntly furnished rooms sin-
gluor onsulte , with use of bath ; olcctric
lolls in livery room. First class restaurant at-
nchc-d , nt Norrls European hotel , corner 16th
nHd Webitor. CM
IjlOH KKNT Two neatly furnished rooms ,
L1 very desirable locution , private family.
Also room for two or three nlco table boarders.
S. E. corner Twentieth nnd 1'urnam. 410 n i *
POH HKNT-Furnished room 181B Dodge st.
053 sept 6
'OH KENT Furnished rooms , 719 South WtU
St. , between Lonyonworth and Jones.
658 19 *
FOH HUNT-Nowly furnished rooms , 1818
Farnain st. 6M ISJ
T710H HUNT 3 or 0 unfurnlihod rooms , sult-
nbio for housekeeping , 711 Pacific st 835
"fjlOIl HENT-i : unfurnished rooms suitable
X' for housekeeping , s o cor 20th and Nicholas
at. JIU.M a month. f.C.5
TI1OR KENT Nicely lurnlshed front room ,
X ? also sulto , bath , gas , water , cto. "i9 Doug-
as St. C5U 23'
FOH KENT 4 unfurnlsncd rooms suitable
for housekeeping. 421 South lUth st. C55
FOIl HENT For gentlemen. Nicely fur
nished rooms with modern conveniences ,
2312 Farnnm st. 243
FOH iTfiNT-Furmshcd rooms , 712 South 18th
street. 854
FOR HENT A nice largo front room , nil
modern Improvements and nicely furnished
501 B 20th St. 213
FOR SALK Oiia of the tnost prominent
corners in the business portion of the
city. F. B. , 11M 1C SlCth St. DOS
FOR HICNT Furnished room ? in Oruenlg
block , cor 13tb nnd Dodge. Davis & Hothor-
injrtou , Mlllard hotel billard room. B39
F OR HENT Furnished rooms 1616 Dodge.
f > OR RENT Nlcoly furnished room , 1023
Dodge. 110
"C1OR HENT Largn front room furnished for
X ? gentlemen , ground floor ; maple trees ;
grass ; pavement ; etroot cars every five mln-
utrs. Nil Howard at. Also rooms furnished
nnd unfurnished for light housekeeping. P28
FOR RENT Furnished front rtom. near car
line nt corner ot Dodge nnd 24th streets.
Inquire of A. H. Comstock 1523 arnam st.
'OR HENT Furnished rooms , choap. 16U
Chicago. 63017 *
FOR HENT Furnished rooms in Qreunlgblk.
cor 13th nnd Dodge st. Inquire of Davis &
lietherinirton , Mlllard Hotel Itilllard room. 291
B > OU HENT Elegant suite of rooms , referen
ces required , ltt)7 ) Douglas st 187
FOH RENT Desirable furnished room for
gentlemen nt 809 Howard st. 69)
FOR HENT A largo front room in now
house bath , and latest modern Improve
ments , HUB Webster street m
FOR RENT Ware room cor. 14th and Cull-
Ifornla on Belt Line , lor particulars en
quire at Union .Not. bank. 18J
[ 7IO11 RENT Furnished rooms. 1707 COIR.
P 115
1OR RENT Newly furnished room , board if
desired , ITS ) Dodge st. 704
F OR HENT Furnished room , 1(23 Dodgo. *
KENT Furnished room.203 ! Harnoy $8
5'J 20J
It RENT-Sutte of furnished rooms for
gentlemen. A. Hovpe , Jr.at5 tl , 17th.
F I OR RENT-Nloely furnlihed loom * , to gentlemen -
tlemon only , 2JO N. IBth St. . Room 2. 948
" 1/1OH RENT Furnished rooms , on sulto , in
1private family , modern conveniences.
Apply to Leslie i Leslie , Uth and Dodge st .
T7KMI HENT Nicely furnUhcd room , 1931
f Dodge * t IM .
\f Oil BALB-Oorner lot on Virgmi * ave with
X" two good houses , cheap at 17,001 Term *
easy. Houses rent for (70 per month. B. 8.
Campbell , 310 B. 16th Bt Chamber of Com
merce. 273
FOR BALK or Trade-Mr Swan Lake prop
erty in Holt county , Nob. Will make an
excellent summer resort or Mock ranch. Luke
fed oy springs , water clear an crystal and full
of Ush. Fine grouse , duck and goose shooting.
( S02 acres land completely surroundlncr the lake.
Three cottages on tbo plnco. A. H. Neldlg ,
Oranito block , Omaha. 619
FOR SALE-Or trade , 25 lots in the western
part of Omahn near the Benson oar line ,
price f 400 each , (250 due on contracts -payable
in 8 quarterly payments , will trade Interest In
contracts for Nebraska lan'L McCulIocb & Co. ,
16trj Farnam st 1DW
TO INVKSTOltS-I have had ploced In my
bands for sale twenty acres , about three
miles west of tno court house , on the M. P. ry ,
just opposite the crossing of the U > V N. W.
ry. , all level ground , covered with n beautiful
growth of shade tree * . Admirably adapted fern
n manufacturing site , Cnn offer this at figures
that will make It n splendid Investment if taken
quick. Gco. N. Hicks. 2158.1Mb St. 620 20
\ \ 7K.CfttiBo for a tow day * only
Lot 103 Qlse's addition for (0,4) ) .
I.o 171 Glse' addition , (8,300.
mock 1 lloyd'i addition. ( V > tt-
One-third cash , balance 1,2 and 3 years.
Remington & McCorinlck , 220 Boutn 15th st
FOR SALE-House and lot on Hnunders St. ,
north of I dike , owner can't meet payment
duo on same , and we are Instructed to sol ) this
property before August 25 for $2,803. Morton-
ecu & Christensen , 1114 Farnam. 217 Slj
Oil HENT-A snap , a Hi-room Hat with ai
modern convonfences.3 lilocks from P , O.
partly turnlsbed , furniture for naU . Apply < 2l
S. 15th , St. , ttoom 7. ur > I'.i
rpo exchange for unlncumbcred land or farm
X in lowu or Nebraska a number ot lots In
Omaha. Chas. li. Woolly , 4l BISth st.Omaha ,
Noh. C48 SO
FOR SALK Lot In South Omaha near bust
new center with one house of 12 rooms
and.ono bouse of 3 rooms renting for T40 per
month , a bargain at f 4,000 , $1WO case , 1ml 1
2 and 3 year * . Cbas. R. Woolley , 418 B 15th st.
Omaha , Neb. t 30
LIST your property for sain with Charle * C
Bpotswood.SOJH SlAtlut. CU
Nebraska farm * to trade far Omaba
real estate : also , forms to sell on long
time. One with a section , good Improvements ,
ZO year lease , for fS.OOj. Or will dill for $18 per
acre , and giro deed. Hi-cord Advertising Co ,
1613Famnm t. 66d
TjlOR 8ALK-8 room house InCiitiilpa Place , 2
-1 ? Mocks from street car : lot -HxlOO , south
side on alloy : bard and * oft water. Price ( . 'i-
000 ; | 600 co h , baL 1(0 pormoutb. Also hdnsu
of C roomi.for 3 > X J. V. lUtumonJ , 117 B.
T7IOH SALE or trnd > , w cor 7th and Leaven-
JL1 worth ; prlco $13OOJ. Mortcnien * Clirtst-
pn , 1414 Fartmra st. 807 IT ]
TIO HXCHANfir. For Omaha property , ono
or inure s ctlons of iroot Nebraska land ,
Chin. H. Woolley. 41b Southlithst , Oi > iRhnNob.
1OK SALE At n linrgnln , section 1 , township
-L is , rnnge ll.ln Howard county , this slut o.
Splendid soil , can plow nt lonst four-lltthst
seven miles from Kllis station , and about same
dlstnnuo from R. ft M. station. Prlco $10 per
ncre ; * i rush , balance , li ! nnd 3ears. . Also
CIO acres of good land being section 2S , town
ship in , rnngu 0 West. This laml Is sltuntod in
Howard county , this t to , rlose to the U. P. ,
and now station on the R. & M. branch. Can
plow nt toast three-fourths , bnllance excellent
jinsturngo. No better soil In the stnte , n rock
bottom crook runs ncross the extreme south
west corner. Splendidly adapted for general
farming or stock purposes. Prlco f ) per aero ;
H or more cash , bnl.inco long time. The corn
crop nnd grain growth this season In the vicin
ity was never better , and la the licit advertise
ment of Its soil. Address Uco. N. Hlrks , S15
youth 15th gt. 620 tO
SALE House of ( I rooms In Arbor
lace. tIJVO : $410 or r > 00 down , Iml. fin n
month or will trade for tonm of horsos. Apply
at M5V4 8. ICth t-1. C. C. Spotswood 6S6 18
rpo iXCIl.\N ; < iE-.lIousc3nntl lofsln Omnhn
J. to trndo for fnrms m Iowa or Nclirnskn.
Chns. H. Woolley , 4U South 16th streetOmnha ,
Nth. 018 HO
OR S ALE-Adrslriblo full lot near Joffcr-
BOII Squnro , Address H 6 this oltice ,
" 171OH SALE Six room cottage ni-nr cur line ,
- ' -fix ! ' . ' , very fine vlow. full lot , covered with
thado trees , barn , 2 Mull ? , outbuildings nnd
unlkD , hard and soft wnter. Evorjthmg new
nnd complete. This hou o Is n bo.tuty. Deep ,
broad j'orc.'i , 11 foot coiling , mnntlo nnd grute.
Prlco , * ; iMxi , t ery easy terms. Most all can run
nt J-.1 per month If desired. II. A. Sturgcs ,
Bffont.S. of P. O. No , U , Ciolghton HUick.
FOH SALE Ten now houses ono block from
street cars , fiuiiil cash piiynuint , halanco
monthlv. ' Chits. It. Woolley , 418 South 15th St. ,
Oinaliu' , Nob. < IKI
FOH SALE or trano-A quarter section of Innn
InoHCh of the lollowlng counties In No-
bmsKii : i'r/inklln , IConrncy.Adnms und Huf-
fiilo. A section In Keith county ; ! WO nciosln
Duwson county. Four flno lots In Sterling ,
Col. Two lots In Central City , Nob. Ton
hares of Omahn Panommii Htouk. A team of
horses , u 1th or nlthout harness mid carriage ,
A lot lul'ouiu-il HlulTs. Three Iota in lurphv's
addition ( Wnshlnirton HUD and Hbotit twenty-
five lots m Omahn nnd South OIIIRMH. All
good property. Will trade for unlnoumbcred
rity or farm proporty. Kvunrt & lllnckburn ,
ItlODoilgest. 448 IV
I'LACE-I can olfor for n
few days three beautiful south front lots
on Popploton nvonuo in Hanscom Plnco. Pop-
plcton avenue Is now being graded , nnd the o
lots will bo Just right for grade ; water and rns
already on s treat : n perfect grade ; two lines of
street curs. A beautiful p.irk and n splendid
neighborhood nil combine to make this an clo-
gnntsltofor n cosy homo. Prloo only $3.700 ;
fill ) cosh , balance ou long time. floo. N.
Hicks. 21' 8.15th st. 6''a SO
IF YOU wnnt to buy , soil , or trndo your prop
orty. call ou Charles E. Spots wood , att'iJt
a 10th st. , 40.
P , ISP your property for sale with Charles C
XJ Spotswood. II05 > S lllt.h st. C41
fllO KXCHANflE Ono largo new 10-room
X house nnd two Iot8 , only 2 blocks from
street cars , will tiiko partly In landorotbnr
good property , balance on easy terms. Chaa.
It. Woolley , 418 South 15th it. , Omaha. Nob.
F SALE The choicest lota In Orchard
- HI1L Ifdodred will build houses on these
otsto suit purchasers. Now Is the Unto to
put n beautiful home on easy terms. Apply to
Charles K. Spotswood , IW5VJ S. 16th St. 408
LAND for sale ; 8,400 acres in one block of
flno farm or grazing land , well -watered ,
with running spring , 6 miles from two R. It.
stations. Ellsworth county. Kansas , good im
provements , houses , sheds , b.irns. A'C. . 200
acres under cultivation , good nvorngo corn
crop this year , will sell one suction (040 ( acres )
or the whole , or oxchunvo for city property. In-
qulroof A. D. Morse , 14th and Farnnm street
IF you want to buy. soil or trade , call on I > V.
Lriim , 1UON 151 u St.
100 lots U ot a mile of U. P. depot
for sale or trade.
B-room hougo for rent. Two 10-room house *
'or rent , sale or trade. Idlswildo. Hy
81S L. V. Crum.lW N15thst.
o EXCHANGE For improved Omaha prop-
X crtylOgood Kansas farms. Charles H.
Woolloy , 418 South 15th st 618 30
LIST your property for sale with Charles 0.
Spotswood.i)05i ! SlCth st. 613
FOH BALK The finest residence lot on
Dodge street 9 block * west of post offloe ,
80 foot south frontage , a cornor. F. U. Ken-
nnrd , 11M18 , S. Ifith St. 309
TPOR SALK One million acres of land in Ne-
X' braika. Speculator's landi.rallroad land * ,
ranches , and farms In all parts of the
Btato. Bond forpuraphlot containing descrip
tion and prlco of over one thousand farm * . A
flno topographical map ot tne state lent free
upon application. R. H. Andrus , f or 10 ynars
Oen'l Land Agent B. & M. R. H. Eighth and P
streets , Lincoln. Nebraska , 340
Notice of Incorporation of the Nebraska Sav
ings Bank.
Notice is hereby given that the Nebraska Bar
ings Hunk has thh day Uled Its articles of In
corporation In thu odloo of the county clerk of
Douglas county , Nebraska , and will hovonftor
d1) business under said articles In the city of
Omaha , Dougla * county. Nebraska.
First , The name of said corporation U "Ne
braska Savings Hank. "
Second. The principal place of business of
Bald corporation Miall bo in the city of Omaha ,
Douglas county , Nobrnska.
Third , Thogonnnil nnturo of the business
of said corpoiatlon shall bo the usual business
of a savings bank nnd the usual business of a
bank of discount und loan and tniBt company.
Said bank will receive money on deposit and
pay Interest thereon ; will loan and invest
money on approved security both real and
personal , and will buy and cell notes , mort
gages , and ether negotiable Instruments nod
bonds and stocks , nnd will act a * truttoe und
fiscal agent.
Fourth , The amount of the authorized capi
tal stock of snld corporation. Is four hundred
thousand dollars , divided Into four thousand
shares ol one hundred dollars oacn. but Bald
corporation may commence buslnes * when two
hundred thousand dollars of said capital stock
is subscribed.
Said eupltnl stock Is to be paid Inns follows :
One-fourth HI * eon as called for by the board
of directors , and the balance in Installments 03
called for by said board.
Fifth , The time ot cominoncomont of laid
corporation lithe fifteenth day of August. A.
D.U87.nud Its termination ahull bo the ilftoonth
dny of August , A. D. 19 * " .
Sixth. The highest amount of indebtedness
or liability to which aid corporation shall at
any ono tima bo ( abject iballnot uiceod.two
thirds of the amount of Us subscribed capital
Block , except deposits in the bank and lucta
other exceptions as uro provided for In chap
ter seventeen of the nets of the legislative as ,
embly of tun state of Nebraska of 1B87.
Seventh , The alfnlra of said corporation
shall be conducted by aboard of fifteen direct-
ois , live of whom shall ho elected annually ou
the second Monday of January of each yonr.
nnd who shall hold thelrollloo for the period of
three years ; and by a president , viue-pretldent
iiml cashlor , elect ml by the board of directors.
Donanl Onmhn , Nebraska , this 13th duy ot
August , A. D. 1837. -
JOHN ftl'BH.
1415 Hartley Street. Telephone No , 539
CCBJ Pools und Vaults thoroughly cleaned by
Odorless Process.
Orders promptly filled.
Soli Nantifacturtn of
With All MODUMN Iniii-ovcm ] < ) iit4
47 and 49 Dearborn St. ,
run SAI.I iiv
HENRY K , COX. Omaba. N'eL.
ot tb tody oltrcril > nd tirntlfitue < l , Kbll r HI < >
( > itle4) ) Id * . XKUI JUU , CO. , UuBtlb , .S. ji
-\ALLANAN Oolloro , l > ei Mnlnes , Iowa. A
J Homo School for Olrls , Tull Course * ol
tttdy. Spoclnl advantages In Mu lc , Ait , M mi
ni Languages und Elocution. Full term bo *
rlns Pvpt. 8th. Address the president , U K.
'oincroy. _ _ .
CHESTER. CTth yi-nropoiw It.
'rcparatory COUMPS. Thorough Technical
Vork. All Uepartnionts conducted by nblo
'RUFKSSOKa. Milltnry system second only to
lint of U. S. M. A. Annual * of Llout. S T. llnrt-
ett , 11 % Shorinan Are. , City : or Chief 1'uy-
uastor's Olllce , Armv llpadiiunrlor .
_ CPU TtlEO. H VATl' , 1'rciililent.
x , x.r.1
SelecTHpne Schoil ,
rrinchitl INHTITUTK-FrpcholiI , No *
Jersey , 41th year. Proparot for Princeton ,
"nlo , Columbia , llarvanl , nnd for-lluslno * * .
lev. A. U. Chambers , A. M , Principal.
ITort uni'iiuiillod ndvitntngos to Impart to join
OIH nnd wnids a thorough oducntion lor ultlH
r coniiiicrclul , or u I nil course , compri * "
ng classics , law , science , muthcmnllqs and
UIIKlo ,
THE illlMni IUi'AIM'Mi\T : :
St. Kdward'H Hull ) for boys under Vhltteon
OUT s of ago. lloforocoiicluilliigwheio tosend
our sons HI' ml lor n catalogue uoiilninlng Illua-
rattotKiof Iho buildings of Notrn Ditino and
nil piutlciiliu-i us to teiuin nnd co\ir e ol study
'ho 87th sus'lon opens Tue iliij'.Bcitcnilier | 6tli.
7. AildiOM Rev. T. E. WnNIi , C. . ( i , Pros.
fiilvrrslty , Notre Dnniu , 1ml. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Morgan Park Military Academy
A tlrst-cla > is Engll h , Chi lcul mid Coiumoix
lal School. Bond for Cntnlngtio.
Thirty-seventh year begins Sept. ftth , 1 W.
For circulars or spoolul Information Hildros *
Horace E. Smith. LU 1) . Dean , Albany , N. Y.
And HOME SCHOOL for CilltLS.
KANRAB CITY MO. Kiill conn of nrronipllnh 1
'earlier * . Pupils recnlveil at HIIJ tlmo. Korclrrula
pplytu , MlmK. McCo.MAB , 1'rlnclpaC
Inward Collegiate Institute ,
'or Young Ladles reopens Sept XL College
'roparutory , Classical nnd Scientific ( Irmlunt-
ng courses. For clrculnrs adilre s EMMA O.- .
CONRO , Principal , or 11.11. HOWARD , Score.
ary , West llrldgowator. Mass. _ jyOtawl'Ot
1X > R VOUNd LADIES.iail North HroaiHi ' .
Philadelphia. 17th yuar begins fept.'lM , ISfl ; , <
Address Mlssll. K. JUOKINS. I'nnelpali
who refers by spocliU periuisslon to i
Mr. and Mrs , John N. Jowutt , I
Mr. and Mrs. Philip U. Armour , VChicaffO ,
Mr. and Mrs. Borneo F. Wnlte , | _
AND VAR1COCELK. without detention from
businow , and the Asahul Mineral Spring Water
cures the KIDNEYS , D1AHKTKS. DROP Y ,
whelming evidence nmlleil free by ASAHKt
way- Now York.
( Tire , Lightning and Tornado. , )
N. W. Cor. 16th and Harnoy Sts. , Omaha , Nob.
Telephone 021.
Illinois Conservatory of Music
UnfturpaMed ndrimtngei In all Departments ot
Mimic , Literature , Modrnl < itngaiiKO . Klocutloa. i
. K. II ULLAUO. Supt. , Juckl-onvllU , 111
Leavn Arrive ,
Omahn. Omaha.
Depot luth and Fierce sts.
I'aolflo Express 8:20 p. m.
Ltenver Express dili&a. mv 5 : 0 | i. a.
'Local Express 6U5p. : m. 11:00 : a.m.
Except Sunday.
11. k M. H. R. R.
Depot lOtti and Pacltlc sts.
Mail and Express - 10:05 : n. m. 5:30p. : m.
Night Express . . . . . . 7:45 : p. in , 10:00 : a. m.
" C. B.&Q. ll."lt
Depot lotn ana Pacific sts.
Mull and Kxprass 0:00 p. m. 9:20 n. ra.
Chicago Express 8.40 a. in. 6:55 : p.m.
K. 0 . St. J.AC. U.
Depot 10th and 1'ttclDu sU.
Mall 8:40 : a. ra.
Kxproaa 8:50 p.m. 7:011 : a. a.
C.St. P. , M.&O.
Depot 15th and Webster st
BlouzClty Express . . . 8:15 a. tn. 4:41 p.m.
Bancroft Express 1:45 : p. m. 10:10 a. m.
Iillr Pauongor. . . . . . . . 6:33 : p. m. 7:40 P. m.
Except Sunday.
Depot 15th and Webster st
Day Express 11:10 a. m. 8:55 a. m.
Night Kxprcts 9:10 : p. m. nj-wp , m.
Lincoln Express 8:10 p. m 11:10 a. m.
Running Between Council Hluff * nnd South
Omaha. In addition to the tatlon * mentioned ,
trains * top at Twentieth ana Twontjr-fourw
streets , and at the Summit in Omaba.
Iti and- fransfer , Omaha.
way. Yard * ,
i ii i
615 ; BI7 :
8:40 : C47 7:17
7:40 7:47 : 8:17 :
8:40 8:47 VtQS 0:17
8:40 : :47 10:06 : 10:17
10:10 : 10:47 : 11:05 : 11.17
11:40 : 11:17 11:17
K-.40 1S:47 : 1:06 1:17
1:40 i ; 7 Z05 2:17 :
2:43 : :47 : J.-05 3I7 ;
it : 40 3:47 : 4ii5
4:50 4:57 CI6
43 6:15 6:23
o-n ; 7:00 7:11
7 : : 10:08 10:12
9:15 :
I0't3 : 11:30 11:40
1IS3 11:0 3