Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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VtUrercd by carrier in any part of the city ai
twenty cenU p r w * k.
B.W.TiLTOH , Manncet
BTMHTM Omn. Ko. a.
K. Y.Plumbing Co.
Reiter. tailor. Summer goods cheat ) ,
The city council meets to-morrow oven
Tom Rlloyand Fred Dlxon were taker
in yesterday afternoon for having toe
much righting whisky under their vests
Fine coupes for ladles calling. Wm
Lewis , telephone 128. Ofllce 410 Broad
way.Tonight there will bo a regular meet'
ing of Harmony chapel No. 20 , O. E. S
By order W. M.
The funeral of Freddie Hill is to bo held
this morning at 10 o'clock at tin ; resi
dence , on Third avenue near Eighth
Permit to wed was yesterday given tc
Fred R. Smith and Katie C. Brown , both
of this county ; Charles Abbott and Jennie
O'Brien , both of this city.
Taylor Woolsoy , owner of the Lady o )
the Lake , has bought the hull "of the
wrecked Manawa. and will use it as i
floating clock by thu beach.
The Portsmouth Savings bank , of New
Hampshire , has brought suit against the
city lo enforce the payment ot f 10,440 ol
old city warrants bought up and held
the warrants being issued during the
Vaughan administration.
John Hell Is hot after a Minden neigh
bor , Yost Schroepfer , and has commenced
mencod a suit against him , charging him
with having called him a thief and say
ing that he stole some potatoes. Hoi
Bays that this is a base slander , and IK
wants (5,000 damages.
For sale , a new cherry bedroom set
also carpet , curtains , chairs and com1
plete furnishings for room ; room lei
rent and buyer of furnishings can retain
U if desirable. Mrs. S. M. Hayt , No. 59 !
Fourth street.
J. A. Churchill says that there is nc
occasion for his name being brought ir
in connection with the slander suit oi
Mrs. Arnold against Charles Baughan
M he never heard Baughan make anj
such assertions as Mrs. Arnold bases hei
claim for damages upon.
Supervisors Frum acd Undorwooc
were yesterday in conference with the
( puntv attorney and auditor , looking
oter the accounts with the insane pa
tlents , with a view of collecting of those
Who had property with which to meel
the expenses of their keep.
W. C. Carson died yesterday afternoon
at 2 o'clock al the residence of his son-in <
law Charles E. Anderson. Ho was 7 (
years of ngo and an old resident of thin
city. The funeral services will be hold
at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning at the
residence of Mr. Anderson on Graham
avenue. Interment takes place in Fairview -
view cemetery.
Sheriff Dan Furroll , of Mills county ,
Bays ho will not under anv circumstances
run for shnrilF again this fall. Ho has
been in oflice now for ten years , four as
deputy and six as shcnll' , and says ho has
had enough. "I'm going in now to make
money , and stay at home and gut ac
quainted witli my family. When I gel
wealthy again I may consent to make
another race for the ollicc , but not for a
few years , anyway. "
The awful offal wagon which carries
away refuse from moat shops and othci
places on Broadway should choose some
earlier hour in the day for ils work. The
stench is almost unbearable , and it if
often late in the forenoon when the
wagon rolls right along Broadway , stop
ping snug to the sidewalk at different
places. This work could just as well bo
done before the regular business of the
day opens up.
Judge James has sent to the board ol
trade of Chicago an ear of corn from
McGinnifis' farm. The ear is two and a
half feet long , measures fourteen inches
In circumference , the measurements
being taken over the husk , and the
weight is three and n half pounds. In
Bonding the ear to Chicago a note was
attached saying it was a specimen ol
dwarf corn raised in Iowa during the
drought , and that if Iowa was nol a pro
hibition state the car would have been
The new steamer Nellie Keller , just
launched on Lake Manawa by Vic. Keller
has been carefully inspected by the citi
zons' committee and pronounced staunch
and perfectly safe for 100 passengers
The steamer is run by an engineer whe
does not drink a drop of liquor and whc
is licensed by the United States govern
ment. Under all circumstances the safety
of the passengers will bo made the lirsl
The loading hofiting stoves of this coun
try are the Uudiaut Homo and Stewart
for hard coal and the Diamond O.IK foi
soft cool.
Personal 1'araRraDhs.
Mrs. I. M. Hay is lying quite ill at hoi
cottage at Lake Manawa.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Empkio have re
turned from their Manitoba trip.
Editor Stillman , of the Avoca Mail ,
was in the city yesterday attending tin
Harry James , of James & Harvcstouk ,
has so far recovered from his illness as te
bo able to bo out again.
U. N. Whittlosey , postal clerk at the
transfer , wont to Dos Moines last uighl
to undergo his final examination.
Fremont Benjamin , of Avoca , was
hero yesterday , and denies that ho is nr
aspirant for thu democratic nomination
as assemblyman.
Mrs. T. S. Couch and daughter , no
compauiod by her brother , Mr. Frank
Roberts of Seattle , W. T. , left for a twc
weeks' visit to Chicago.
C. Stephenson , who hp.s boon very low
with the inflammation of the bowels , i :
improving , and hopes to bo out auiouf
his friends in a few days.
W. G. Oliver and family and George
Ferguson and family have gone for ur
outing at Round Lake , Minn. , iiceompa
nlcd by George Snydor. They expect tc
be absent three weeks.
For sale cheap lots near the bridge te
parties who will build at onro. Addresser
or call on J. R. Rice , No. 110 Main street
Coit of an Empty Htomaoh.
Mnrtin Carroll , n Rood natured brick-
maker , stood U ) ) before Judge Aylesworti
yesterday morning , charged with being
"Tho fact is , your honor , that I wnsn'l
bad oT. ( I had been drinking some , but.
wasn't drunk. The trouble was that J
had an cm ply stomach , for I hadn't beet
to breakfast. I only took three drinks ol
whisky , and 1 wasn't drunk. "
"If you took three drinks , " commontcc
the judge , "you must hare been pretty
drunk , for that is one more drink than
any of those who come hero ever take
They all say they have only had one oi
two. Your empty stoinaou will cost you
f8.10. "
For 8ilo--A ; standard bred stallion foi
one-fourth ltd value. Will sell on time
Five years old. Will show 2:35 : k'alt. A
p. Arnold , Donntson. la ,
t J. W. ad L. Buiio ( lead money.
The Republicans Express Their Sentiment
at Lengtbi
Some Hot Suit * Grow Oat of the Pro
hlblllon War-Council niuflV Busy
Fnctorlrn PoInU From the
Police Star * .
Prohibition Sentiments. Bl
The republican county convention wn
held yesterday to select delegates to thi
stiitu convention , which meets in DC
Moines next Wednesday. C. Al. Har
Was choicn chairman and F , J. Stlllmai
of Avocu secretary.
The following delegates were elected
It. U. Huubard , Spencer Smith , W. F
Sapp , E. A. Coasigney , A. T. Flickingcr
U.T. Clayton , Frank Shin , \V. T. Ren
shaw , F. J. Stillmnn. Joseph P. Uoldcrn
1'oter Peterson , D. C. Bloomer. Gcorgi
F. Wright , D. B. Dailey , 11. V. Batty. N
Sw.inson , 11. M. Soar , A. A. Union.
The committee on resolutions presentee
the following , which wcro adopted :
Kfsolved , by the republicans of I'ottawat
tainlo county In convention assembled ,
1. That the people of Iowa are to bo ron
gratulated that during the thirty years of re
publican control of every department of ou
state government , every legitimate Industry
haft been fostered and her moral and mate
rial resources developed to a decree unsur
passed by any state In the federal union.
1. wo declare our abiding faith and conll
dcnco In the principles of the republicar
party as expressed from time to time In he
state platforms , and we congratulate the pco
pie of the state upon the Kood talth with wlilcl
those principles have been crystall/.ed inlc
law , giving the republican party the right tc
point with just and honest pride to tin
grand achievements of the state under thlrt ;
years of republican supremacy.
3. Wo believe It to be the first duty o
every good citizen to advise obedience t <
law. as lone as the same remains upon ou
statute books , and until th same shall be re
ixjftled by the expressed will of the people
and we denounce any attempt to obstruc
the enforcement of law by riotous comblna
tloni , and conspiracies , from whateve
soureo they may come , and we demand thi
supremacy of our statutes shall be main
talned and Its provisions enforced by thi
proper officers ,
4. That as agriculture Is the basts of pros
pcrlty of the country we recognize Its preeminent
eminent claims for support by legislation
state and national , and we Insist that thi
congress of the United States shall so adjus
the Inter-state commerce law as to secure t
the agricultural Interest Its legitimate am
just reward ; and we demand that the presen
passenger tariff on the railways wlthlr
this state shall be reduced to 2 cents pe
5. We believe In the principle that mora
worth , not wealth , should be the true stand
ard of Individual greatness , and
0. Wo commend the efforts of the repub
llcan members of congress from this state t <
once to secure the passage of a pension bll
similar to the one vetoed by the democrat ! '
7. Wo demand of our state legislature sucl
enactment and such adjustments of our rev
entie laws now In force as will cause taxa
tlon to bear equally upon every kind o
property ; that the banker and the fnrmnt
the merchant and the mechanic , shall bi
taxed on what ho is worth , after first deduct
ing his actual Indebtedness , and that strlcl
economy shall bo observed in the collectlot
and disbursement of the public funds of thi
county and state.
8. Wo denounce the disgraceful and con
temptablo methods by which the democratli
party seek to obtain power and the contro
of this state by thu palliation of wrong am
constant apneals to the passions of am
prejudices of the lawless and vicious classes
tt. In view of the high ground taken b ]
the democratic party on civil service reforn
In the contest of 1884 , wo condemn the bai
faith shown by the president In the snspen
slon of honest , competent officials before thi
expiration of their terms , and his appoint
nient In lieu thereof In many Instances o
obscure , dishonest and corrupt politicians ir
violation ot his assurance of a fair and hones
enforcement of the civil service law.
10. We are opposed to all laws that do no
bear equally upon capital and labor , there
forowe endorse the action of the republicar
legislature of Iowa In the passage or a lav
creating a bureau of labor statistics that wi
may arrive at a correct knowledge ot tin
education , moral and tinanclal condition o
the laboring classes , to the end that laboi
may be protected against any disposition o
any organized capital to deprive it ot a jus
E. A. Conslgnoy , of Avoca , offered ad
ditional resolutions endorsing thu posi
tion taken by Governor Larrabco in re
duction of freight rates , and also com
mending the manly stand taken by ( Jap
tain Akors in withdrawing from the can
didacy for the office of state superintend
ent. These wore also adopted.
Walter I. Smith , of this city , prcsontoi
a resolution in favor of continuity ! ; Judgi
Adams on the supreme bench. This wa
iliscussod quite warmly , but was limill'
The Two In formers Want Damage * o
the Saloon Men.
A. P. McLaren and H. W. Darvill
have hud their names before the publi
quite frequently during tno past fov
months in connection with the salooi
cases. They wore employed by the pro
lubitionists at $3 a day , each , and ex
peuscs , to gather evidence against th
saloons , by drinking at the various place
sought to DO closed up. After gettini
evidence in this way , the two men wer <
inveigled into some sort of a scrape ii
Omaha , by which it was claimed tha
they took money from the saloon men a
a bribe not to appear as witnesses ii
those cases. They wore immediately ar
rested on the charge of accepting bribes
and the saloon men succeeded under om
charge and another in keeping thorn n
Oinuha , so that they could jiot appea
hero. They are now out , ami on thissUl
of the river , and they have now commenced
moncod suits against Dun Carngg , Pole
Hanoi , Charles Dlngman and C. J. Era
cry , each of the two intormers claimiii )
as damages flO.OOO. They base till
cluim on the ground that the defendant ;
maliciously conspired to deprive thorn o
their liberty ; that they caused a warran
to bo issued charging thorn with bribery
that they were kept in jail six days urn
then discharged.
As is generally known , Captain A
Overton has been at the front in th
prosecution of the saloons. Nearly al
the injunction cases show him to be th
plaintiff , and ho has bean most zealous ii
the prosecution of the cases. In Justic
liriggs' court informations have booi
tiled by some of thu saloon men chargin ;
him with perjury in having sworn tha
liquors wcro being sold in certain place
contrary to law. Constable Wesley yesterday
torday went to Overton's residence ti
serve the warrants , but found that gentleman
tloman conlincd to his bed by malaria
fever. Ho returned the formidable doc
ument with the fact stated as a reason fo
not making the arrest. The cases form ;
now feature in thu prohibition light.
Informations litivo been filed in thi
same court charging McLaren and Dar
ville also with perjury. They have no
been arrested. McLaren In at his horn
in Sioux City , and Darvillo has gone t <
his , near LcMars. The warrants wil
probably ho served the- moment they ar
rive in this city to testify in any of the
cases now pending.
BeleotiMl Am Jurymen.
Yesterday the petit jury was drawn fo
the coming term of the district court
which opens August 80. The grand jur ;
holds over , they being selected for fou
terms of court. The following is th
list :
GIIAND junr ,
Zcnos Drown , O. 11. Lucas , J. R. Mo
Rae , S. R. McEliuuicy , John Keiner , A
B. Smith , William Scheming , W. B
Reed , Henry lllslilon , Hugh i'rltehard
W. L.Thropp , K.Walker.
L. P. Jncobson , Norwalk ; M.T. IMack ,
Wright ; Robert McElrath , Key Creek
Nathan Hunt , Center ; H. Ouron , Silvci
Creek ; N. Gallup , Garner ; Charles Alex
ander , Boomer ; R. M. Foot , Ncola ; Henrj
Knowles , Keg Creek ; John McDcrraott
Jr. , Garvcr ; Samuel Barstow. Lewis ; U
T. Jones , York ; U.S.AlexanderHardin
John Booth , C. H. Cousins , James Mad
den. C. H. Gilmoro. H. J. P. Oblingor , G ,
A. Jacobs , Ed. Britton , 13ion Brown , W ,
H. Knophcr , John W. Davis , F. S. Board
man , Council Bluffs.
Warned Warn of hiving.
The police gathered in quite a crowd
of dejected and and dirty looking fcl
lows , and they wcro brought before Judge
Aylesworth yesterday morning rvs va
grants. Most of them were picked ur
around the railway yards during the
night. Eich had the old story to toll ol
being a hard working man , temporarily
hunting for a job , and each in turn wa ?
perplexed by the cross-questionings of the
judge as to what had become of the
money earned in times past.
One , named Farrell , wa a miner from
Butte City. His homo was in La Salle ,
111. Ho gave his age as twenty-one , and
when asked how long ho had been a
minor , replied , "Twenty-oneyears. " He
evidently got his majority and his occu
pation mixed. Then ho corrected him
self by saying that he had been mining
for eight years. Ho had succeeded well ,
but had like other foolish fellows occa
sionally coppered the wrong card. He
had only $4 with which to travel on to
his old home. "If 1 had koot half whal
1 earned I would bo spinning through
home in a Pullman instead of working
the freights. " The judge looked at the
Inside of his hands and concluded he
could travel on.
John O'Connor , from Burlington , made
out a strong story of how he had worked
faithfully ever since ho came to this
country , and had earned good wages.
He made the ease too strong , and when
asked to account for what he hud done
witli his money , had to throw In nn aunt ,
who had helped him when he ( irst landed
and to whom ho was under obligations ,
three orphan brothers in the old country ,
one widowed mother , several spells ol
sickness , and two or three sprees. He
was given ten days on the streets.
While it counted against these sort oi
follows that they had no monev , one of
the crowd , a boy , was looked on with
suspicion because he had too much
money. It seemed hard to adjust the
financial situation just so as to avoid
being held in the grip of the law. This
boy , aged eighteen , gave his name as
Ambrose Racer. He had about $50 and
was found in a hard crowd of tramps.
The boy said his homo was in Greene-
ville , O. , and ho was a florist by trade ,
worked 1n hot-houses and
having - gar
dens since a little boy. Ho had been out
west , at Denver , Hclcnannd other places ,
working in hotels when he could not got
work at his trade. Ho had traveled 1'iOO
miles in four and a half days , and it had
cost him only $2.15 for food and fare.
He had stood the trainmen oil' , and when
tired from a train got on again. As no
light could bo had on his possession of
the money ho was allowed to go.
Robert Wilson , a large , tine-looking ,
middle-aged man , who with bettor cloth
ing would have passed for a bondholder ,
said he was a cobbler. Ho had lost his
wife and had three small children Hying
at Vllliscii , with their grandparents. Ho
was roving about seeking for work. Ho
had walked in from Malvern , and his
foot being travel sere , he laid down to
sleep in a lumber yard , hoping in the
morning to bo able to get some work.
His story was taken at par , ana ho
walked out into the air again.
Hardly had the judge finished investi
gating a dozen similar cases , when n tel
ephone message came to send some otli-
cer down after a man who was in the
alloy in the roar of Louie & Met/per's
restaurant breakfasting out of a swill
oarrcl , into which refuse from the res
taurant is put. The follow has boon scon
morning after morning of late , diving
into the barrel for morsels to fill his
It seems still true that half the world
knows not how the other half lives , and
can't find out.
When you are in the citv stop at the
Pacific house. Street cars pass the door
every fifteen minutes for all the depots.
Meals 50 cents each.
Ainoiitf the Factories.
The now Ojrdon iron works is giving
evidence that Council BI nil's is a favora
ble field in which to plant manufacturing
enterprises. Ever since Mr. F Ogdcn
purchased of C. F. Ilemlri the Council
Bluffs iron works and named it the Ogden <
don iron works orders have boon coming
in faster than they can bo attended to ,
and the work turned out is of the most
satisfactory order.
The now works are located on the sontl
side of Tenth avenue between Tenth and
Eleventh streets , and started up in tno
middle of last April. As the proprietors
of the old foundry , through n chain ol
circumstances , allowed it to run down ,
it of necessity required some skill to
bring back the former reputation of the
Council Blufls iron works. Under the
new name and management the works
have boon successful. They do all kinds
of iron and general machine work , as
well as make a specialty of engines ,
They have made eight machines un
der patents of the Council Jiluffs
canning company for USD in their busi
ness , which is located directly opposite
to the foundry. These machines in use
now arc successful and labor-saving.
The foundry has just completed a 0,000
pound casting of the band IIy wheel oi
the new 150-horso power engine for the
city waterworks company. This is the
largest casting over made in this vicin
ity , Yesterday the cylinder for the en
gine was cast.
In conversation with Mr. Ogden yes
terday ho stated that ho was very well
satisliecl with the prospects of the foun
dry ; that they had boon greatly over
taxed so far and were kept going to their
full capacity. "As it is now , " ho said ,
"wo only employ from twenty to
twenty-live men. Wo are cramped for
help in our moulding shop. That is the
greatest inconvenience wo have to con
tend with , the securing of skilled labor.
We have had some good moulders , but
they were of the lloallng class
and after a wcok or two of work they
never return after eeceiving their nay ,
They prefer to visit some other locality.
Our specialty isongincS. Wo build the
best automatic engines made. We got
all the results of economy and greater
durability in our engines than those
which are more complicated. We have
a great many improvements in regard to
the details in them that none others
have. "
Besides the machinists , moulders , oto. ,
a full corps of pattern makers are em-
ploved in the Ogden iron works.
This neighborhood IB becoming quite a
manufacturing center , the now sash and
blind factory of Messrs. Strock Bros. , the
new boiler shops of Messrs. Carter & Son
and the Council Bluffs Canning com
pany , with the iron works , are all located
withm & stone's throw of each other. In
these industries there are employed not
less than 600 people.
The now boiler shops of Messrs. Car
ter & SOB. which have removed here from
Wausau , Wli. , and located on Tenth ave
nue , have already begun operations.
The greater part of their tool * did uol
arrive until last Saturday , but alreadj
they are creathlg considerable noise
while at work hammering upon the
boilers. They have a number of con
tracts and havn the promise of several
others. The senior member of the firm
yesterday said that ho was very well
pleased indeed with his selection of this
city , and that as soon as the junior member
bor arrives from "Wausau , where ho Ii
closing up some business matters , thoj
expect to begin work in earnest ,
A million and three-quarters of can. '
will bo easily packed by the Counci
Bluffs Canning company this year. Thli
will make about 160 car loads. The ]
have orders for all the corn and tomatoci
they can put up. They are putting ur
over ninety tons of corn a day and have
recently begun on tomatoes. The lattei
are just beginning to ripen and in a fen
days the rush on tomatoes will begin
The factory is runnlng'bnth night am
day and will continue to do so until the
close of the season.
The aaah and blind factory of Strocl
Bros. , recently removed hero froir
1'rincetnn , 111. , expects to be in running
order in * few days.
At the Pacific house you will save frort
COc to $1 per day. Try it and be con
For Sale Harry Smith's pliotograpl
gallery cheap. Inquire of Hurry smith
Been Iljr Sharp Omaha Kyea.
J. W. Paul , of Omaha , was In the citj
yesterday , having been absent in the
west for some time past. Ho says then
is not a good sized town m Ncbraskr
where property can bo purchased as
cheap as in Council Bluffs and think ;
that property In this city is as good ar
Investment as one can. look for. "Foi
manufacturing purposes the location
cannot bo beaten , " says Mr. Paul , "am !
with ten railroads terminating hero this if
bound to be a manufacturing city. " By
way of suggestion ho said : "Why don't
your merchants get H tannery hero and
then a boot ana shoe 'factory ? South
Omaha can furnish the hides and you't :
find it a good move to start. "
One thousand head of one , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will giv
credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A ,
J. Greenamayer , 623 Mynstcr St. , lelc-
Pacific house is the nearest hotel to tlR
majority of real estate offices in the city
92 pttr day.
Cor. 5th Ave. & 7th St. , Council Bluffs.
One of the best Educational Institu
tions in the west. Boarding and daj
school conducted by the Sisters of Char
ity , B. V. M.
Board and tuition for a term of five
months , $75. For further particular :
St. Francis Academy ,
' Council Blufts.Ia ,
& SIMS ,
Attorneys at Law.
Practice in the State and Federal Cour I
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block.
Prices Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
2fO. 23 MAIH ST. ,
of i'srstt.
Owing to the DliUODlL ILtSTH ITT of the cloth ( which
xcluMvelr will fit netrrctlv tlrnt
our patenti cov r )
time worn , ll.qnlrci no bifakmcln. lOSKY BKTlRkKB
by nelli r after bnlujr orn trn rt J 11 not found t ho nioit
and I'omrortahle Cornet ersr worn , bold by all
ont-cla-H dealcri.
OUUTTT BKOB. . Chicago , III.
you , tllf by magic. In Inc
n\c to eight d ys. This I
Kemccly Ii abioluiely I _ _ _ _
unknown to anyone outildc of our Company. It I *
no humbug , anil we cu rintee lo do what we lay.
We are financially re non lble ; will make Iron clHil
contracti. Those ha\ lug Syphilitic Troublei ibould
cprrfirond with ui It will coityou nothing to know
absolutely that wo arc reliable aud do what we claim.
Addrtii. COOK IUUBDT Co. , ISoom n Bellman
UulldluK , Omaha , Neb.
Zlouieltiejur Elizabeth , yon never Mem to gel
through your work ,
Xliteibrt\ Indeed , VJa'tm , yon need not wonder ,
for If youmaetaUiy * ba ccoldlng me Imnititop
lo Ultra , and 10 I lose loti of time. But If yon
womld only get me1 aome Sapollo you would not
Heed to find fault.
"It Is Ignorance that \va8tcs effort. '
Trained servants expect to bo supplied
It la a solid cake < of Scouring Soap.
No. 4. ( Copyright. March , 1887.
11. 11. BURKET.
Funeral Director < Sp Embalmer
1UN crth 6th Street.
Special advertltemonti , tuch M Tx > it , Found
o Loan , For 8al ; To Rent , fcanti , Boardlnir ,
to. , will belniertvd In thli column at the low
rtteof TEN CENTS PER LINK forth * flrst laser *
ton and 'lT C ntiPcrLlnof04-e ch lubitquant
Iniertlon. Leave < 3vllieraent8 at our o c
No. U Fearl llrcet , naar Broadway , Council
WANTKD-At onco. food Rlrl. Call on Mrs.
HaUlane , corner ot Seventh avenue and
10th street.
'pWlt ' BALE A new cherry food ro-jm sot ; nlio
L carpet , ourtalni , chain and complete fur-
nliBlnirs ( or room ; room for rent and buyer o (
furnlghlnRS c n retail It If dcurnble. Mrs. S.
M. llayt , No. 683 Fourth street , Council llluCt.
FOR MKNT Four unfurnished rootnl , to
tenants without children. No. 427 South
first itfoot. _
FOU 8ALK- easy terms or will trude for
city property , a complete itock of fnrnl-
ture. itoret. alto liulkllnir. It Is situated to
rallci east on Wtbash railroad. Good town ; no
opposition. Good roaMini for nelllnp. I'os-
suasion riven t onco. Will InTolce about 20 < X
Call or address Merchant , 326 Droadwny , Coun-
ell Dluffi. _
" 1710 H KENT Omaha merchants -wishing to
- * open ft branch store in Council bluffs ,
hare now the opportunity of petting a first-
class store room 18x90 feet , In the heart df the
city at very low rent J. C. llollnvcn.
BALK OR THADE.-For Conncll Illuffs
property 40 , ( XX ) acres of Iowa and Ne
braska land. J. R. llicc , 111) ) Main SU Council
Plugs. _
WANTKD Situation ns bookkeeper by
young msn who can vlro satisfactory ref
erences as to experience , habits and responsl *
bility. 0. D. Bee office , Council lllults. _
TIT ANTKD Situation as salesman In grocery
TT store. References given. I ) . U. T. , Uee
office , Council IllulTs.
" | \71LL sell two carriages on Ion * time or will
T Y trade for horses. William Lewis. _
COO Broadway , Council Bin ( Ti , Iowa.
Established 186T.
Creston House ,
Sain Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel in the City
with Fire Escape ,
Electric Call Bells.
Accommodation * Flrnt Clnii ,
And Rates Reasonable
Max Mohn , Proprietor
Engineer , Surveyor , MapPublisher
Over JV6. 12 North Main St.
Maps , of cities and counties
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Highest Marltet Prices. Promp
820 and 822 Main Street , Council Blufls ,
Justice ot the Peace ,
415 Ikoaclway , Council Blufh.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
Justice of the Peace.
Office over American Express.
Finest Landaus
Coaches and Hacks in City.
No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan ,
Telephone No. 33
Na. 61B Main Street , Telephone No , 9 ;
lit Amber ,
etc. , Hair On
namentg , as
well as the
iiowcst uov-
clticBin hair
Hair goods
niadeto order
Mr .L. Gillette
20 Mniii St. , Council lilufl's , Iowa. Out
of town work solicited , and all mail
orders promptly attended to.
Hai a complete line of
r11 i f MII
; 1
Large bats In whlto , black and all colors. Pat
tern bonnet * , haul and toquei , a ipeclalty.
No 1511 Douglas t. , Omaha.
Star Safe Stables and Mule Yards
Broadway , Council liluffe , Opp. Dummy Depot
N * T
> v , . W -ft
IS * -g
CD o
- T
_ _ _ _ _ _
Horses and mules constantly on hand
for sale at retail or in car load lots.
Orders promptly tilled by contract on
short notice. Stock field on commission.
Telephone 114. SHLUTKH A Uoi.Kr ,
Opposite Dummy Depot , Counu Uluifr.
401 4
Summer Dress Goods , White Goods
Parasols , Gloves , Milts , Hosiery , Etc. , Etc.
Are Large and Well Selected
Our Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best.
New Goods are arriving and invite
Curtains *
Work Done by Competent Workmen.
Mail Orders Promptly Attended To
- +
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
N. B. Special attention given all orders by
Pianos and Organs
Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to
call onus.
. .
hitttrunicnti Tuned and Repaired. We never full to give iiituracUon. .
Over 20 year * ' Experience In Piano and Organ Work.
Swanson Music Co.
No. 329 Broadway , Council Blufls , Iowa
' . p
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Kegular : Boaidors : : lleduced : : Rates.
NO. 336 & 338 Broadway , council Bluffs.
No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Both'Domestic and Foreign ,
The finest of driving her es always on
hand and for sale by
Vitcntit I.OIB , I.mvla , City Itcildcnuet unJ
Farms. Aero ( irnprrlr In w t ru part of city.
All uollliijr clieup.
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
It com 6 , orer Officer It 1'uiey'f Unit , Counol
JUulU ,