Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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Tsmts or suBscmrrios :
Dunr ( Mornlair Edition ) Including Sunday . .
HER. Ono Yoaf. . . . . . 110 M
ForBlxMonthi . 5 ( 1
For Thrno Months . 2M
The Omaha Sumlny Hit , mnllod to any
address , Ono Year. . 200
OMAHA omen. No. Ml AM 1 * FAimv B
HEW TOHK orrtrc. Uoou , Tiitiitt.vr ntm.msa.
Orric * , No. S
All communications rolntln < r to noiY and edi
torial matter HhoulU bo ad < lrotsod to the But *
con or TIIK Bit ,
AH tmslnoM letters and remittances should 1)9
addressed to Tnc Il PUBUsutsa COUPAVY ,
OMAHA. Drafts , eheoki and pontofflou orders
lo be made payable to the order of the company.
_ E. ROSETVATER. Emron. _
worn Statement of Ulroalatloo.
Btatc of Nebraska. I . ,
County of Dc-ndM. f"8-
Oeo. U. Tuchucic , secretary of The neo
Publishing company , does solemnly swear
Uiat the actual circulation of the Dally Bee
for the week ending August 13 , 18ST. woe u
follow * :
Saturday. August 0 . 14,400
Hundav , Atnmst 7 . 14.200
Monday. Augusts . 14,525
Tuesday , August 9 . 13.010
Wednesday. August 10 . 13.893
Thursday. August 11 . li.soo
Friday , Aujjust 12 . 14,000
Average . 14.211
hworn to nnd subscribed In my piescnco
this isih day of August , A. D. 1837.
fSEAL.1 . Notary Public.
Btrite of Nebraska. ) . .
Douulas . BS
County.BS (
Oeo. JJ. Tzschurk , belnp- first duly sworn ,
deposes nnd says that lie Is secretary of The
Bee Publishing company , that the actual
average dally circulation of the Dally Bee for
the month of August , ISbB , lu,40t conies ; for
September , IBbO , 13,030 cojiles ; for Ontnbnr ,
1KSO. ia,089copies ; for November. 1880 , 18MS !
copies ; for December , 1880. 13,237 copies ; for
January 1887 , 10,200 copies ; for February ,
1837 , 14,10b copies ; for March. 1887 , 14,400
copies ; for April. 1887,14Hlcopies ! ( ; forMav ,
1887 , 14,827 copifis ; for .June 1887 , 14,147
copies ; for July , 1837,14.093 copies.
_ . , . . OEO. B. TzscmjcR.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
llth day of August A. D. , 1887.
_ J8EAL. | N. P. Fmu Notary Public.
THE interior department has not heard
anything about the uprising of the In
dians in Colorado yet. If they had they
would not bo prepared to take nny
action in the matter , as the department
has probably not yet definitely decided
what to do about the Custor massacre.
AGAIN Explorer Stanley is reported
killed. Those conflicting rumors give
some ground for fearing that a disaster
may have overtaken him , but until moro
definite news reaches us , and taking into
consideration his experience and abili
ties , we can hope for the best.
ANOTHEU railroad disaster is chron
icled , on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad
near Washington this time. It would seem
asthough < | ) ublio opinion must soon rise in
its might and give railroad monopolists
to understand that the safety of the truy-
oling public must bo ensured in a way
that they cannot mistake or ignore. Have
wo not had suilicicnt blood shod to teach
thorn this lesson ? Wo need stringent leg
islation in relation to the matter , and jus
tice should begin to make examples of
criminally negligent aud stingy railroad
magnates. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mit. GEOUOK TUIME wants it under
stood that the proceedings of the county
commissions have boon suppressed for
tliu last eighteen months as a matter of
economy , to save the county from need
less expense. This will do to toll the
marines. The county never paid a dollar
lar for publishing proceedings in the
Omaha dailies , nnd the fact that the BEE
has been at largo expense in order to bo
able to publish thorn now without charge ,
shows that Mr. Timruo's excuse is very
flippant. The reasons why there has
boon so much mystery about the com
missioner's affairs will appear when wo
make a summary of the records.
INOKE JOHNSON , the Swedish immi
grant who , with her boy , was detained
at Oastlo Gar clou in Now York , has
reached her people at Dassol , Minn. She
came on in lirst-class cars and seemed
well supplied with money , a contribution
having boon taken up for her in the case.
She is the best advertised immigrant that
has come west in n good many years ,
and It seems to have been her destiny to
bo the cause of an agitation against the
board of immigrant commissioners that
will no doubt end in the abolition of
many abuses which have chrystalizod
about that body. The principal objector
to the landing of immigrants is Commis
sioner Stophonson. Ho is a crank o/i
the subject , and will no doubt bo re
UEORQE W. JULIAN , the surveyor-gen
eral of Now Mexico , has made his report
to the commissioner of the general land
ofllco. Ho says that nearly 4,000,000 acres
have boon stolen and kept from settle
ment through fraudulent surveys ana in
valid claims during the past year. If
this is true , and there is no reason to
doubt the accuracy of his statement , it is
time something wore done to put a stop
to suoh wholesale stealing of government
land. The maladministration of grants
confirmed by congress has become note
rious. There has boon too many sur
renders on tiio part of congress to rapa
cious monopolies to the distress of indi
vidual settlors. The Maxwell grant is a
notable case in point. The extent to
which fraudulent surveys have been car
ried on is enormous. A remedy for this
would bo to resurvey all grants nbout
which there is any doubt , and begin suits
to sol aside patents obtained by fraud.
THE disagreement of the coroner's jurj
investigating the Chntsworth disastci
warrants an apprehension that no on <
will bo hold responsible for that most deplorable
plorablo calamity. The members com
posing the jury are all understood to tx
fully competent to carefully and judi
ciously weigh the evidence presented
and if this be accepted the fact of theii
having failed to agree , assuming cntin
honesty and , freedom from outside intlu
enoo , indicates that the weight of ovl
denco is-not strong enough in any diroo
tion to assure final conviction. Quo tin
fortunate feature of the situation is thi
statement that the coroner has shown .
disposition to shield the company , but i
does not follow that ho has exerted an ]
influence upon tbo jury. It must tx
granted that the evidence was perplex
ing , but it is nunrly Impossible to bolioyi
that no ono was at fault , and it will cer
tainly bo universally felt that justice ha :
Buffered a defeat if the responsibility I
not ( ixcd whuro it belongs.
A Policy Without Jjfiw.
The decision of the secretory of the in
terior on Iho question of the withdrawal
of Indemnity lands furnishes a good deal
of interesting information which will bo
new to the country. Some of this sheds
an additional light upon the subject
which brings out in plainer view the m-
fluonco that has boon exerted by the rail
roads In accomplishing their scllLsh pro
jects , and the lax disregard of the publlo
welfarn that has permitted practices
wholly outside , if not In palpable viola
tion , of the law. While the withdrawal
of lands lias been recognized as
within executive discretion , the secre
tary points out that the exor
cise of this discretion has no warrant in
law. Tim theory upon which It has been
used was ( hat It was necessary in aid of
the purpose of tint grant , but it nowhere
appears that congress directed or con
templated such departmental action.
The practice is apparently duo largely
to the ingenuity of tlii corporation attorneys -
' neys , who have been able to impress upon
those in Authority willing to bo impressed
the idea that the intentions of congress
could only bo carried out by the with
drawal of all lands within a stated
distance along the projected routes
of the subsidized railroads , and
this idea , having once taken root , has
hold on firmly until this time. Although
Mr. Teller , when secretary of the in-
crier , admitted that there was no spe
cific direction of congress for withdraw-
ng any of the lands , granted or indem
nity , yet ho yielded to the theory
lad fastened Itself upon the department
and allowed the withdrawal to continue
.n force. ' Secretary Lamar has found an
entirely clear and conclusive way of dis
posing of this theory , which amounts
simply to confining executive action to
carrying out the unmistakable require
ments : of congress. "So far as con-
rcss , " he says , "has mndo any
grant of lauds , and not revoked the
rant , it is'required of the executive to
administer properly the law making that
grant. IJut beyond that duty the execu
tive is not required , and ought not , to go.
When it goes beyond the strict line of its
clear , legal and prescribed duty , bve.n to
exercise a recognized discretion , it is
doing that in regard to which grave cir
cumspection is required. " It is very evi
dent that hitherto there has boon no such
circumspection , but that on the contrary
the interests of the people have with
reckless indifference been subordi
nated to the unwarrantable de
mands of the corporations. The
supreme court has held that land grants
shall be construed strictly as against the
grantee , and that nothing passes by them
except just what congress expressly or
by necessary implication gives to the
corporations , but the practice of the de
partment has reversed this rule in yield'
ing everything to the grantee , The now
policy proposes to recognize the bettei
principle , essentially just , that the rights
of the grantor shall have at least an
equal consideration with the recipients
of the public bounty.
Another point of interest in Secretary
Lamar's decision relates to the right ol
a railroad to sclcct.indemnitv lands anywhere -
whore within the prescribed limits re
gardless of territorial lines. Thus il
seems that Iho Northern Pacific , proceed
ing upon the assumption that all lands
within the indemnity limits sot apart for
its benefit were subject to reprisal , with
out reference to where its losses were
sustained , has been making its selections
in the most desirable localities. It ia
said to have taken five acres of land in
Dakota for every ncro lost in place , for
the reason that Dakota land is the
most valuable. It has also for
the same reason shown special favor tc
Washington territory. The secrotarj
very clearly points out that this is not in
accordance with the granting act , ii
which congress distinctly recognizes the
political divisions states and territories
through which the road is to pass ,
plainly showing that the company shouk
bo restricted m its selections of lieu
lauds to the state or territory withii
which the loss of granted lands was sus
tained. This will require the surrender
nnd justly so , of a largo quantity of the
most valuable land now in the control ol
the Northern Pacific.
These facts show how loose , and oven
lawless , has been the policy pursued will :
reference to thoso'corporations. . Not
withstanding the very generous grants
and franchises given thorn by the govern
ment , the rapacity of the corporations
has led them to soak more , regardless of
the means to the end. Perversions oi
law , corruption of officials , the trampling
under foot of individual rights , and the
daring seizure of whatever they deemed
necessary to their interests , have charac
terized the course of these corporations.
They will not now surrender without n
struggle , and a sharp ono , but there is
reason to believe that their day of a\i- \
promo domination is gono. They musl
hereafter bo nont'ont to receive what
justly and equitably belong ? to them.
Iron and Steel and the Tar I ft
Wo have already referred to the hoavj
importations of iron and steel during ttu
past twelve months , the largest iu amount
during nny year except 1880 since the
tariff was established. The reason foi
this is partly in the fact that the home
market was unable to supply the do
uiand , but measurably also because tin
price of the domestic product was ad
vanccd to figures which enabled consurn
era to buy abroad to advantage. With
steel rails at if 13 a ton tin
English " manufacturers could laj
them " down in Now York
paying the duty of $17 , at a profit , am
did'so to the value of mere than fifty rail
lion dollars. It id not very difllcult t
figure what the profits of home manufacturers
turors have boon.
Wo observe that the Chicago manufac
turers claim that the prices received i
1835 , $23 and $30-did not pay any profit
and that there is not a very great margn
in the present price. It'is hardly possibl
that they can induce any intelligent pei
son to believe this. Allowing for the difToi
enco in cost of labor and raw material
there cannot bo more than $3 a ton i
favor of the English manufacturer. Yt
ho can sell his steel rails ia New Yorl
shipping thorn 8,000 miles , at $35 a tot
less the duty , and make a profit. Ho <
absurd it is , therefore , for the America
manufacturer to claim that there is n
profit for him at $23 and $30 a ton , an
not a great profit at the present price
The fact is that at $43 the least favore
manufacturers are getting a prot :
of Tory nearly or quite the full amount c
the tariff duty , and many of them more
But the Chicago manufacturers , In con :
mon doubtless with these elsewhere , at
not satisfied with the protection-which is
putting this liandsoino profit in their
) ock.ots , nnd ono of them is reported to
lave coolly said that & higher tarlll on
ron and steel would bo a good thing for
ho country , and that at least the tariff
ought to bo placed beyond interference
"or not less than three years , instead
of being subject to change at any time.
It may bo remarked Incidentally that the
establishment with which this gentleman
3 connected has boon paying an annual
dividend of 10 per cent and putting aside
a surplus. The facts must convince all
) coplo open to conviction that what the
country needs Is n reduction , nnd not an
advance , of the tariff duties on iron and
steel , so that a part of the immense profits
divided nmong the manufacturers shall
remain with the consumers. But the
promise of securing this is not so favor
able as could bo desired.
Phonography In the School * .
Superintendent James of our public
schools is considering the feasibility of
adding shorthand to the studios of the
class known as the Eighth grade , from
which pupils pass to the high school
proper. It has been suggested that pu
pils who desire to do so may take up the
study nnd master the rudiments and
theory of the art during the school year
In which they are being fitted to advance
into the high school grade , after which
the instruction will bo confined to the
practice. The success of such a
move is contingent upon nt
least two essential requirements : a
thoroughly competent Instructor of largo
experience in the profession ono who
has boon highly successful in the busi
ness world in the practice of phone
graphy and also a strong desire or fixed
purpose in the mind of the pupil , to pur
sue the study thoroughly nnd long
enough to acquire a knowledge of the
art and n rate of speed that will put him
in demand for the bettor class of posi-
Llons. You cannot teach photography in
three months , or for that matter in
twelve months , nny moro than you can
telegraphy. The country is full of three
month stenographers and telegraph
ers , who arc utterly helpless
and worthless in their pretended calling.
Most of these boys and girls will never
become proficient because they lack the
natural gifts of brain and'talent for this
class of work. Every body can no moro
become a first class stenographer than
every body can become n great musician.
There is no doubt t hat short-hand iu
the public schools would bo of advantage
to a certain proportion of pupils by giv
ing an elementary instruction. But you
cannot rely on public school short
hand for earning a livelihood. There is
no doubt that many so-called stenog
raphers would profit moro from a gram
mar and high school course than will the
high school and grammar pupils from a
smattering of stenography.
SENATOU STANFORD has made his reply
lo the petition of the investigating com
mission asking that ho be compelled to
answer the questions which it had pro
pounded to him. He claims that ho de
clined to answer such questions only
as referred to property with which the
government has no connection , and
pleads also , that questions were asked
manifestly prompted by disaffected and
hostile parties. The senator , if correctly
reported , is not truthful as to the iirst
claim , while the second is of no value as
a defense. Granting that all the questions
were suggested by parties hostile to the
Pacific Central ring , that fact would not
warrant him in rofusin'e to answer them
if the commission had the authority to
nsk them. When they wore propounded
by the commission they received its sanc
tion , and that was sufficient , what
ever their origin. Senator Stanford
know this perfectly , but ho was playing
his part in the game of bluff that had
been agreed upon. Having been ordered
into court , proceeding which ho may
have apprehended but hoped to avert , he
now makes an explicit statement that he
has never corrupted nor attempted to
corrupt any member of the legislature ,
any member of congress , or any public
official , nor authorized nny ono to do so ,
If ho will state this on oath before the
commission it may entitle him to bo re
lieved of the suspicion of having person
ally done these things , if he has ever
been so suspected , but it will still leave
him open to the allegation of having
knowingly permitted the user of money
to influence legislation. Senator Stan
ford's answer does not greatly better his
A itESOLUTiON was introduced and
promptly adopted by the council directing
the city clerk to re-advertise for coal.
Only a few weeks ago the clerk advertised
for coal , hay , oats , printingand ice. Why
does the council order the clerk to re-
advertise for coal and continue to pigeon
hole the resolution directing the clerk to
invite now proposals for official adver
tising ? Is not this a dead giveaway on
the jobbers and boort lemon ?
ANOTHEU mathematical problem has
jdst boon propounded for the benefit of
our school board. If a government offi
cer can ship postage stamps from Wash
ington to Chicago to bo used in paying
salaries of employes in his son's roller
composition fake , how long will it take
for him to accumulate a round fortune.
The boy who solves this problem will receive -
coivo as a" free gift the best lightning cal
culator iu the market.
SOME months ago Prcsident-of-tho
Council Bcchol publicly charged that
John Butler was short over $000 , which
ho collected as chief of the lire depart
ment and did not turn into the
city treasury. If this money has not yet
boon paid iu , and wo never heard that it
has been , why did not Mr. Bochel place
the $70 which -ho signed away to Butler
in the last appropriation ordinance for
services as sargeaut-at-arms to his credit
in the firo-chicf deficit ? This conun
drum is propounded to us , and wo give it
publicity in the interest of municipal
economy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CHIEF SEAVEY has made a mistake in
the disbursement of the $00 reward which
the sheriff of Laramie placed in his hauds
for the capture of a Wyoming criminal.
The chief of police is not expected to
pay out rewards scoured for the capture
of criminals to hospitals or bcnovolenl
institutions. These rewards are a legiti
mate incentive to vigilance on the part
of the police and rightfully belong to
them. Tbo money should have been paid
over to the officer or officers who made
the arrest. If these wen desired to do
nate this money to benevolent Institu
tions , they were at liberty to do so. ,
Tnp council h.ts ordered Seventeenth
street paved between Farnam nnd linr-
noy , and the curbs nro now being laid in
that square thirty feet Irorrt the line of
the lots. Inasmuch as the court house
retaining wall , which forms the west
side of this squnro is ten foot out , the
roadway between the curb-stones will bo
only thirty feet wide. This Is stupid
work , .nib curb lines on both
sides of this square should beset
sot back on line with the
curb north , between Farnam nnd Doug
las. That will leave fifty fcot of roadway
which is by no means too wldo for a
square adjoining the court * house. The
The paving material in this square should
be asuhaitum and the county commis
sioners should see to it that it is properly
laid. Wooden-block pavement is less
durable , not so cleanly and noisier.
WE hope that the mayor will not np-
prove the ordinance changing the name
of Sixteenth street to Sherman avenue.
The nnmos of our numbered streets
should never bo changed. They should
bo consecutive from tbo river westward ,
as they wore originally platted and
mapped. If you omit Sixteenth street
you. have to jump from Fifteenth to
Seventeenth , or change Seven
teenth to Sixtcputh , and the streets west
of Seventeenth to correspond. But oven
such a general change would not be satis
factory. There would still remain an odd-
named street between Fifteenth nnd Sev
enteenth which would bo most decidedly
objectionable because it would confuse
strangers and even residents who arc not
familiar with the map. If anybody
wants Sherman avcnuo perpetuated let
them change the name of some street
that runs into Fort Omaha.
Fotm-dollar ink. Six hundred and
fifty-two dollars out of the city treasury
through the combine with rascals.
The emperor of Brazil is going to stay at
Carlsbad a month taking the waters.
It Is related that the czar has at last found
a pastime which soothes his Irritated nerves ,
lie has become a passionate llshorninn.
Emperor William lately faced the camera
of a fair American , and she took his picture
before he could say Jack Koblnson In tier-
The London World hears that the ladles
who wcut down to Windsor to present her
majesty with 80,000 were somewhat sur
prised at having to pay for their tea.
The Queen Regent of Spain is said to be a
great admirer of Wagner's works , and has
desired the director of the Madrid opera to
produce some of them , commencing , it pos
sible , with "Tho Nlbelung's Klnp.
The infant king of Spain , who Is entitled
to an allowance of $1,500,000 a year , was
considered a lucky child until the slxteen-
yenr-old emperor of China was heard from.
The Celestial monarch is said to receive
SrX,000,000 ) a year , and Is about to spend
310,000,000 In getting married.
The prince of Wale's , who keeps the wolf
from the door by an income of about
$1,000,000 , has been well nleh bankrupted by
Uio expenses of the jubilee and is a frequent
borrower on the London "street. "
From the Pacific ocean comes news of'a
pending royal divorce between I'oraareV. ,
King of the Society Islands , ana his Queen
JIarau , the pretty bru.uet , who was for a tlmo
"a lion" or I should say "a lioness" In
Parisian society when she was staying at the
French capital in 1883. King Pomare con
siders himself the ngcrieved party.
The princess Louise Is a woman of no or
dinary nerve and courage. She has steered
n canoe through some of the roughest slml-
lows of the1 Kcstlgouche nnd Casrapedla ,
climbed perilous peaks at dawn to make
sketches at sunrise , and has frequently
groomed her own pony on returning from
a ride or drive.
Madrid papers relate that Queen Christine
has won the hearts of her republican oppo
nents by her graclousncss In pardoning a
political criminal , an adherent of Zorllla ,
who had been sentenced to death at Uurgo
de Osiua. The people of that city took irreat
Interest In the condemned man and des
patched the republican deputy , Senor Po-
nalba , to the queen to procure a pardon.
During the hot-weather , Queen Victoria
oats her breakfast and transacts business
under tents on the lawn at Windsor or Os-
berne ; and U Is icported that when a great ,
nasty worm drops down her neck , or n cater
pillar crawls onto her shoulder aud tickles
her face , the queen behaves verv much like
the meanest woman in her realm ; that she
jumps as though slio had discovered a her
net's nest , and that her scream , like the
drumbeat of ner kingdom , can be heard
around the world. We suspect , howevertliat
this last statement Is exaggerated.
Queen Margaret , of Italv , Is very anxious
not to appear too youthful. At the beginuini :
of the summer she asked King Humbert
whether slio was not growing too old to wear
h r favorite style of dress white muslin.
"That point needs consideration , " replied
the king. Nothing moro was said on the
subject for several wenks. but one morning
the klnu's Chamberlain entered the queen's
apartments announcing that he brought the
royal answer to Queen Margaret's Inquiry.
The answer consisted of a huge trunk con
taining six elaborate white muslin dresses
from Paris. _
The Doctors Mn t De Wrong.
notion Globe.
A man In Mobile has not laughed for
twenty years , and will leave the room If anv
one attempts to make a joke. His physician
says that hols not insane or unhealthy , and
attributes his melancholy condition to a con
stant roadlnc of alleged comic papers.
Patronage a Sourceof Weakness.
Rtdimnnd State.
The Hon. Dan W. Voorhoes having de
clared that ho Is a believer In the doctrine
that "to the victors belong the spoils , " and
that Indiana democrats now rejoice In the
possession of all the offices , the New York
\ \ orld reminds him that although Cleveland
carried Indiana in littl by more than 0,000
majority , last year tho'state was lost to the
democracy by a majority of more than 3,000.
As the State has long hold , the distribution
of offices among the 'members ' of a party
often produces as much if not more discon
tent than the retention of their opponents.
When men who Unlit with a party only for
the offices are disappointed , they are not
Ilk-fly to be more lenient to their party if they
are disappointed by qne of their own number
than if they are disappointed by another.
When men light for principles they do not
forsake a party simply'because ' they do not
get offices.
Cotton Cotiiifr.
Age rocks the cradle till the balm of sleep
Upon the Illy lids of childhood lies ,
Youth guides tun tottering step adown the
Of life and gently closes Age's eyes.
Some lives are like a day with roso-hucd
morn ,
Bright noon , and eve of amber-tinted
And some like to a day midst tempest born ,
And gloom enshrouded till In gloom U
A woman's heart with kindly pity glows.
And quickly , shows the sympathy It feels ,
She drops the tear of grief for other's woes
And with a smile her own heartache con
lie who would trind his fellows 'neath bis
Would bulljr , tyrannise and overbear ,
Some day will with a stronger tyrant meet
Aad bo compelled hi * galling yoke to wear.
Nebraska potting * .
Curtis bos organized a. 0. A. K. post.
( . rand Island's strcots are now ilosig
noted by signs.
The Missouri Pacific depot at Nebraska
City will cost $5,000.
The Thaycr county fair is to bo held
September 0 , 7 and 8.
The Northwestern depot at Surprise
will bo completed this week.
The deposits of the First National bank
of Hebron amount to $72,155.03.
The now ( iorman Lutheran church at
Dcshlcr will bo dedicated next Sunday.
The citizens of Curtis have resolved to
have n school building , a two-story
frame , 48x50.
Children and matches nearly caused
the destruction of Samuel Ilershy's house
nt Beatrice.
Nebraska City is full of candidates for
the postmsstcrship made vacant by the
death of Thomas Morton.
A kick from a horse broke the skull of
Augustus Lucas , a farmer near Grand
Island , but it Is thought he will recover.
A four-year-old son of Silas Paxtonl
living near Chester , climbed a windmill
tower nnd fell to the ground , dashing on ,
his brains ,
A sleek swindler with several good
si/cd forged checks of the 1) . & M. in his
possession took in several Hastings firms
the other day.
A line , blooded bull belonging lo Will
iam Stolley , of Grand Island , was sacri
ficed last week after a desperate attempt
togoro his owner-and the hired man.
Robert Wilson , a young man living
near Juninta , became too familiar with
a threshing machine cylinder ono day
last week , and now mourns the loss ol'
ouo hand.
The linll county Teachers' Institute
will convene in Grand Island August 22
to September 3 inclusive. The in
structors engaged arc 1'rofs. Thrasher ,
llubbell and State Superintendent George
B. Lane.
Two llising City residents attended a
country dauco the other day , ami after a
warm time concluded to make them
selves scarce. In the race for freedom
thtiy paid no attention to barb wire
fences , and as a consequence ono of the
participants counts up eleven scratches
and ten bruises on ditto rent parts of his
Judge Post , attorney of the Fremont ,
Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railway has
informed the people of Hastings : "About
October first your citizens can mount to
their house tops and look out for trains
approaching from the oast. " Work all
along the line is progressing rapidly and
It is learned from a United States secret
service operative , that a note purporting
to bo a two-dollar silver certificate , is out
in the northwest , printed from a wood
cut nnd beaiing no resemblance to nny
government issue of silver certificates.
It has a spread eagle on right end face of
note , and two Indiana on left end , ono
standing , the other kneeling. It has a
square green back with tbo word silver ,
in white capitals in center of back. Its
workmanship is so very crude no person
should be deceived into accepting it as a
thing of value.
Iowa Itoms.
The artesian well at Newton is now 600
feet deep and being dug deeper.
Monday evening John Arnitz was in
stantly killed at Carroll while trying to
climb on a moving train.
The Hawkcyo says there arc strong in
dications that gas has been discovered six
miles north of IJurlinirton.
The fourth biennial reunion of Crock
er's Iowa brigade will bo hold at Daven
port , September 21 and 22.
The democrats of I'owcshcik county ,
in their convention on the lUth inst. , in
structed for General Weaver for gover
It is estimated that there have been
over 600,000 tons of hay put up in the
four northwestern counties of Iowa this
The miners at Swan are loading thirty-
five cars pec day of coal for the Union Pa
cific trade. It goes to Omaha and is there
The republican county convention of
Adams county , last Saturday , adopted a
resolution pronouncing for Senator Alli
son for president.
The fourth biennial reunion of the sur
vivors of the Third regiment IOWA in
fantry , will bo held at West Union , Fay-
otto county , Wednesday and Thursday ,
August ll ! nnd September 1.
Should IMsliop Perry accept the bishop
ric of Nova Scotia he will draw a salarv
of $0,000 u year , in addition to the old
Knglish stereotyped handle to his name ,
"My Lord Hish'op. "
Kov. Mr. Stetson , of Logansport , Indi
ana , Ims.accepted a call extended to him
by the First Baptist church of Dos Monies
nnd will enter upon his work sometime
in September. Mr. Stetson is an ex
cellent preacher.
Two hundred good looking young
ladies came down to Dubuque fromCass-
ville on an excursion boat , and the city
marshal detailed the handsomest "cop"
on the force to show them the places of
interest about the city.
Farmers about LeClairo sttxto that corn
docs not look as well as it did a mouth
ago , and that the corn yield in that re-
ion will not bo any largot than lost year ,
§ omo fields are badly scorched entirely
burned up by the heat of the past three
Lewis A. Leo was arrested at Webster
City for bigamy. July 29 ho married
Miss Lillie M. Kirk , but forgot to men
tion to her the fact that he had three
other wives scattered promiscuously
through Iowa and Nebraska. Ho is now
spending the balance of his honeymoon
in jail.
A curious coincidence is noted in con
nection with the death of James Whit-
worth , the printer who fell out of the
window of tliu Kcokuk Democrat. In his
lost complete stickful of typo that he set
was a paragraph concerning the leap of
Aeronaut lialdwin from his buloon , and
his narrow escape from death because of
the failure of his parachute to work prop
erly. A few moments afterwards Whit-
worth took his fatal plunge.
An opinion has been filed by Judge
Love , in the United States district court ,
at Kcokuk. in the case of Lewis Sucss ,
the FuirfioUl brewer , who applied for u
writ of injunction to restrain state officers
from instituting criminal proceedings
against him or his business , under tlio
prohibitory law. Judge Love declines
to interfere by injunction or otherwise ,
with the criminal laws of the state , and
says that courts of equity , state or fed
eral , have no right to mtertero in such
Hishop Hare is in the lilaok Hills.
Iroquois is to have a steam flouring
Governor Church is now criticisine the
management of the directors of the pen
itentiary at Sioux Falls.
The United States grand jury at Deadwood -
wood expressed its preference for presi
dential candidates , the result being lilaino
1G , Cleveland 4.
Secretary Uushnoll , of .the Dakota ter
ritorial fair , is making an effort lo have
John Sherman make an address at the
fair at Mitchell.
The wild hay crop around Arlington is
very large this year , and great quantities
are being put up. Ono linn has contract
ed for 1,000 tons.
Frank Hunsohkn , wiio was injured by
a mowing maritime near Yunkton somti
weeks ago , has been prostrated with lock
jaw , and the physicians have amputated
his foot in the hope of saving his life.
The men who were arrested for catch
ing fish in the Jim river with seines nnd
who jumped their ball are buck at their
illegal work aeatn. They defy the au
thorities and threaten the neighbors
with destruction if any complaints are
A petition has been put in circulation
at Dcadwood asking for a 50 per cent re
duction in the telephone rates now
charged , and as far us circulated has been
signed by nearly every subscriber , each
subscriber agreeing to discontinue the
use of instruments entirely unless the re
duction bo granted. Hates now in force
are $5 a month for the city nnd $7.50 a
month for the entire lilack Hills circuit.
The entire telephone service of the hills
is now in the hands of ono company ,
with headquarters at Dcadwood.
Forty-one prisoners are confined in the
Cheyenne jail.
tiroon River is lo have a bank with a
capital of $50,000.
Chonenno's moat mon'a pool is
"busted" nnd citizens can now eat steak
at reasonable figures.
Work on the U. & M. Cheyenne line is
being pushed rapidly and trains will run
lute Sterling , Col. , in a week.
A thirteen-year-old son of Rev. Dr.
Uuntington , of Hawllns , opened an old
satchel in the doctor's study , when a
snake about two aud a half foot long
crawled out nnd coiled up. in the corner
of the study. Albert , three years old ,
saw it and was about to jump on it with
his bare feet , when the older brother
seized the little boy and throw him on a
lounge , then grasping a picco of board
despatched his Bimkeship , It was a
The I'aclflo Const.
A lodge of the Ancient Order of For
esters has bccii established in Deer
Lodge , Mont.
The end. of the track on the Montana
extension of the Manitoba is now within
iiOO miles of Hclofla.
The total amount thus far received for
the relief of the sufferers of the Gould &
Curry fire is $23,385.65.
Owing to there being no money in the
Tucson ( Ariz. ) school fund , the public
schools of that city will not open until
November 1.
Shasta Courier : A man who spoils
God with a "j , " and county nnd Cal.
with "k , " is not lit for postmaster , but
there is one such in this county.
Los Angeles is becoming "quite Eng
lish , you know. " On Saturday the Urft-
ish flag was Hying there in honor of the
forty-third birthday of H. R. II. Alfred
Ernest , Duke of Edinburgh.
The discovery of oil rook is reported at
Sargent's ranch , near Gilroy. The rock
is white , of chalky appearance , and
when ignited gives n bright and continu
ous light. It burns finally to ash. It can
bo used for fuel or illurainHtion. A
mountain of this rock is in view. It is
situated near beds of bitumen which
cover a largn acreage. '
The Work of a lluay Night by the
Local Legislators.
The regular weekly meeting of the
weeks ago , has bcon prostrated some
council was hold Tuesday evening , the fol
lowing councilmen bcingprcsent : Aloxuu
der , Uailoy , Bedford , lioyd , Burn ham ,
Chancy , Counsmnn , Ford , Hascall , Kas-
par , Kierstcad , Kitchen , Leo , Lowry ,
Manvillc , Snyder and Mr. President.
The reading of the record was dis
pensed with.
All petitions , except these from the
mayor , chairman of the board of public
works and city engineer , were referred
without reading.
From the mayor Approving certain
paving and grading contracts.
Same Vetoing the ordinance for the
grading of Douglas street , because ; there
is an absence of money in the general
fund to carry out the improvement.
The veto was sustained , the president
and Mr. Alexander voting in the afllrma-
S.anio Suggesting the grading of Cass
street near U. F. Clark's ' property. Ap
Same Reporting the amount of ex
penditures for public improvements this
year as follows : First ward , .f30,40.'J. 8 :
Second , § 18,300.61 ; Third , nothing ;
Fourth , $9.185.00 ; Fifth. $ ! } l)1.83 ) : Sixth ,
? 2,020.85 ; Seventh , $10.913.55 ; Eighth.
$0,72U.54 ; Ninth , $12,908.05. Total ,
$80.358.21. Finance.
The citv engineer thought the total
would bo increased to $ ! 0,000.
Same Appointing appraisers for the
damages from public improvements of
streets , as follows : ( trading Davenport ,
from Thirty-first to Thirty-sixth , Messrs.
W. J. Kennedy , E. Zabriskio , and W. A.
L. Gibbon ; Twenty-first , from Leaven-
worth to Briggs' estate same except K.
Whitehorn instead of Kennedy ; opening
Southwestern avenue , sumo except John
T. Bell for Whitohorn ; grading Daven
port from Twenty-third to Twenty-litth ,
same except Whitehorn for Bell ; grading
Jones from Fourteenth In Sixteenthsame
appraisers ; opening alloy between Far-
nnm and Douglas and Twentieth and
Twenty-fourth , sumo appraisers ; extend
ing Webster to Kennedy street , muno
except Bell for Xabriskio ; opening
Twenty-second from Oak Chatham to
Saratoga addition , same except Zubriskio
instead of Bell.
Chairman Board of Public Works
Grading estimates of Twenty-eighth
street , Farnarato Leavonworth , $1,250.61) ) .
City Engineer Showing the availabil
ity of 19,152.52 for intersection paving.
Paving , curbing and guttering.
Chairman of Itoard of Public Works-
Final estimate of Morse Bridge Com
pany for $29.1)30.27 ) for Eleventh street
viaduct. Approved.
Same Showing that the citv owes
Murphy Creighton & Co. $0,241.7 ; ) . Ap
Same Transmitting the bids for the
city hall. Public property and build
From Messrs Zabriskl. W. J. Kennedy
and Joseph Redman That no damages
resulted from the grading of Popplcton
Mr. Kaspar Ordering the grading of
Twenty-fourth street at the intersection
of Hickory ; also the east sides of Thir
teenth street , In front of block 220 , to the
width of 20 feet- also the grading of
Nineteenth street , south of Dorcas ; also
the lowering ot the sewer in Nineteenth
street , north of Leavonworth. All thcso
were adopted.
Mr. Hascall Instructing the street
commissioner to remove the earth in the
south end of the alloy between St. Pat
rick's church and school and the site for
the now convent. Adopted.
Mr. Ford That the horse market bo
moved from Leavonworth between Thir
teenth and Fourteenth. Adopted.
Mr. Alexander That the mayor ap
point a competent person to compile nnd
arrange the city ordinances , to bo com
pleted by January , 1888 , and to cost not
more than $1.500.
Mr. Hascall said that , judging from the
action of the mayor in making appoint
ments for city employes , that dignitary
did not show the capacity to warrant the
council in placing other appointments
within his gift. Ho opposed the ap
pointment of u compiler bv tlui mayor ho did .not feel llku placing
every power in his hands.
Mr. Ford bald that the
ordinances as they were now
understood were not enforced ,
and in support of this assertion said that
in the matter of tp.-nch filling , every
plqmbur vytio dug'ono to inako connec
tion with a main , was compelled to fill
the same , with floating rlvor sand. But
such was not required of thn big corpor
ations. By way of excmt > llficntion. Mr.
Ford referred to n break on Davenport
street where the pavement had boon
undermined and the repair had to bo
done by men In the mud nnd with rub
ber boots. On Farnnm street , over the
water pipe trench , the pavement was
being relald without nny rocK bo'noath
the granite , and with no rlvor sand us re
quired by' the ordinance. The fact of
the matter was that there was a lack of
energy among the departments. Every
thing was being neglected. The ordin
ances were not enforced , and until they
were , ho thought it would bo safe to shut
off other ordinances of the kind men
The matter was referred to the com
mittee on judiciary.
Mr. Counsman Requiring the rail
roads to plank tholrcrossings. Adopted.
Same That the wolghmnstcr repair
his weights und measures. Adopted.
Mr. JJallcy Authorizing the street
commissioner to remove as much timber
from the North Eighteenth street bridge
as can bo spared. Adopted.
Same That a twonty-four-lnch sewer
pipe bo laid on Thirtieth from Cass to
Cumlng. Adopted , uno-half of the ex
pense to be paid out of the sewer fvtul
nnd one-half by the property owners.
Same Asking for the appointment of
fifty special policemen during the fair.
Mr. liuicall said that this looked like
a snap game on the part of the board of
lire and police commissioners. They
had gene on and acted us they felt dis
posed without rp.cognulng the council
nnd had already created an overlap , or
would if they kept on as they were "
going. Why did the commission go to
the coitnoil and ask for the men required ?
The latter could not a ( lord to meddle in
the business , nor especially to assume the
responsibilitv for * the illegal acts
of the commission. The latter did not
have brains enough to know what Uioy
were doing. But the council should lo
them shoulder the responsibility.
Mr. Leu said ho was heartily in favor
of appointing the police to protect the
strangers who would come to Omaha
during the fair , but in view of the fact
that the whole mutter of the police ap
pointment had been taken out of tholr
hands ho moved that the communication
bo referred to the mayor. It was so re
Mr. Lee ordering the advertising for
onn week for coal. Adopted.
Mr. Snyder That the Cable Tramway
repair Tenth street before the fair.
Mr. Loo. That Mncdonald , the keeper
of Hanscom park , bo paid $ 'J per day.
Same Authorizing the hiring of a
sprinkler for North Sherman avenue to
the reunion grounds during the onuauip-
niont. Adopted.
Same Ordering a gas lamp on Leaven-
worth nnd Georgia avenue.
Hascall Ordering Contractor Stuht to
make an approach to Center street from
Eleventh. Adopted.
Manville That the intersection of
Twenty-second and Burt bo filled.
Mr. Loworv Ordering a watch house
on the Eleventh street viaduct. Hoard ol
public works and city engineer with
power to act.
Committee on Finance In reply to
Treasurer Rush's communication of lost
week , that hereafter the city will have
ready money to meet uli demands.
Grades and Grading Recommending
the passage of an ordlnanco for the
grading of Chicago from Twentieth to
i'wcnly-third. Recommitted.
Gis : and Electric Lights The names
and bonds of fifteen plumbers und gas-
fitters asking for licenses , with favora
ble recommendation. Adopted.
Claims That an effort bo made to ar
bitrate the damages sustained by Mr.
Dauble iu falling over an ombankmcut
on Hamilton street. Adopted.
Paving , Curbing mid Guttering Re
commending the passage of an ordinance
for the imvintr of Seventeenth and Eigh
teenth from Ilarncy to Farnam. Adopted.
Mr. Counsman That the northwest
corner of Twenty-fourth and Ilarnoy bo
curbed. Adopted.
Claims That C. E. Fanning bo allowed
$79.65 for the swooping of Douglas street.
Fire and Water Locating a number of
lire hydrants. Approved.
Streets and alloys That a certain piece
of land on Twenty-third street bo sold
II. F. Clark. Adopted.
Grades and grading That an ordi
nance bo passed for the trading of How
ard from Twenty-second to Twenty-
fourth and Twenty-first avenues in Pres
ton & Williams addition. Adopted.
Same Recommending an ordinance
fur the opening of Blaine from Tenth to
Thirteenth street. Adopted.
Simiu Recommending ordinances for
the grading of Farnam from Thirty-sixth
lo city limits ; Nineteenth from Daven
port to Dodge ; extending So ward from
Twentieth to Twenty-first ; grading alley
between Mason nnd Pacific aud Tenth
and Eleventh. Adopted.
Sidewalks and Bridges That the claim
of Charles F. Driscoll for the double
payment of a sidewalk Lax bo referred to
the city attorney. Adopted.
A number ot grading ordinances wore
read .first and second tune and laid over ,
among them being that making an ap
propriation of $5,049.44 for liabilities in
curred in July. Referred to a special
Mr. Ford introduced nn ordination ,
granting to the Omaha nnd Council
Bluffs railway company to build and
maintain the west end of its proposed
bridge across thu Missouri river with a
viaduct approach upon either Douglas or
Dodge Ftreels. This was read first and
second time and laid over.
Mr. Hascall introduced nn ordinance
providing for the issuing of $10OD ( ) > ) sewer
er bonds. This WHS read n second time
and laid over. The tmnii ) disposition
wns made of n aimihir ordinance provid
ing for $75,000 paving and inlurcoctiou
Alf Sorcnscn of the BEK wns allowed
$500 for damages sustained by stopping
on a nail in n broken sidewalk on thu
corner of Lcuvonworth und Sixteenth
streets , in June last , which incapacitated
him for business for n niiinbur of weeks.
An ordinance grunting tliu light of
way to the Union 1'ncifiu , nnd. to lay n
side track crossing Twentieth was ru-
furred to thu committee on v kid nets and
Mr. iluscall's ordinance relating lo the
changing of thu name of Sixteenth to
Sherman avenue was referred to the
committee on streets and alloys for two
The following ordinances were pas'iid-
Curbing Leuvunworth from Seventh lo
Eighth , BcvenU.enth from Davenport to
Cunimg , Jackson from Suvonlh to Ninth ,
Hartley from Sixteenth to Twenty-sixth ,
Jackson from Thirteenth to St. Mary's
avunuo , Nicholas from Fourteenth to
Fifteenth ; paving Seventeenth nnd
Eighteenth from Farnnm to Harmiv ; the
alley in blocks 171.175.171.I77.HI7 in alley
paving districts ail , . ' , : , HO , 37 with
Colorado mmd.-itono : opening Blnine
street from Tenth to Thirteenth ; extend
ing Seward from Twentieth to Twenty-
first street ; Farnnm from Tlurlv-sixth to
citv limits ; Nineteenth from Davunport
to Dodge , Howard from Tweiity-sucoud
to Twenty-seventh and Twonty-ilrnt
avenue in Preston and Williams' addi
tion , alley between .Mnon and I'urllio
und Tenth ami Eleventh und Seven
teenth avunuu between Juck ° ou and
Adjourned. _
The now bell for the Episcopal church
in Helena , donated by Miss Bernice Can
non , lias arrived from the eastern foundry
and will soon be nut in place at tut
church. It weighs about UOO pounds.