Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1887, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : JHUlJSDAY. AUGUST. 18 1887 THE GRAIN MARKETS STEADY The Improvement in Wheat So Small aa to Be Scarcely Perceptible. CORN RULES RELATIVELY FIRMER An Ka lcr Peeling Prevails In the ProvlRlon I'lt-Thc Cattle Trade Pair and I'rlccn Gnotl Quotation * . CHICAGO pnopucE MAUKET. CIIICAOO , August 17. ISpoclol Telegram to the UKF..I Grain markets were steady and prices avcrnjred a bhado better than yes terday , though the Improvement in wheat Is- BO small as to be scarcely noticeable. The feeling early Was weak. September wheat sold down from C9J < c to G8c , Octet > cr from 70 > t'c to 70 , ' c , and May from 73o to73c. There was considerable desire to sell , and there being only a small Investmontdemnnd , values naturally settled. The bears wcro more numerous than aggressive , however , and as soon as the scalpers paused the decline stopped. Then , when the Inquiry for prop erty was made , It was discovered that there was only a limited quantity for sale. The market slowly recovered the ground lost and made a slight gain beyond that range , the closing quotations being G9'raC9 ' c for Sep tember1 , 71c for October , and 74c for Decein- ' bcr. The reports of bad harvest weather In the northwest are con firmed by mall and telegraphic advices from that quarter. Minneapolis millers are pay ing a premium for old wheat and giving It out that unless there Is a speedy and radical change In meteorloglcal conditions farmers will not be able to rusti their grain to mar ket Indeed , neither millers 'nor elevator companies are anticipating a heavy "early run" of sprlntc wheat. Harvest returns from Michigan are not up to expectations , and , contrary to the predictions of the bears , export clearances keep up well , while ship pers here and at otber western markets re port new business every day. Corn was relatively firmer than wheat to-day. The afler-the-storm rash was short lived and receipts are again falling oil. Chicago Is getting practically all the corn that Is being sent to central markets and the run Is BOW down to less than 800 cars dally. Shippers also report an Increased Inquiry and Held reports are coming In bad again. These conditions and facts not being favor able to a further decline , the shorts com menced a pilgrimage to cover this morning. Simultaneously they made the unwelcome discovery that the market was oversold , not badly , perhaps , but nevertheless certainly oversold. This only Increased their anxiety to get In out of the wat. The market opened quiet and lower , with a surface tendency to still further depreciate , but the causes above set forth and for the additional reason that llutchlnson was stirring things up , values hardened , and after the first hour the distln- culshlng characteristic was tirmness. From 39c September advanced to 40j < c and closed there. October hung around 40v@WJ ; < o quite a while and then steamed up to 44 } c and rested thero. May sold down to4G ) c and ad vanced to 44c , with 40 (4450 bid just after the bell tapped. Tliu market as a whole was quiet , but durlne the last half hour or BO In creased speculative attlvlty was apparent The estimated receipts for to-morrow are 370 cars. There was rather an easier opening to the market for oats and prices for futures de clined 2 < * ,140 below yesterday's closing In early dealings , but the lost ground was re covered and the feeling developed toward the close was steadier. In provisions an easier fcollnc prevailed , early In the session particularly. The bear side had the call , and while there was Home recovery later , the morning's decline was only Indifferently recovered , save for near deliveries on short ribs , which sold lust be fore the close at the highest prices obtained. The product for next wlnter'H delivery was especially heavy , and the year and January pork declined lfic.juid January lard and nhortrlbs were 2i@.rx } ; and In lard for the same months 7K < < ilOc lower. Lard for near delivery failed to command ns much support aa short ribs , which wcro looked after by a house credited with being lance holders. For September lard sold at SG.42 < 80.47W and short ribs at $7.8TxU7.V. % closing at SH42X and 87.02)4 ) respectively. August lard ana short ribs ranged the same a * September , while October lard was 7K@10c higher and October short ribs generally 2c under Sep tember. January closed for pork at Sl'2.w : , for lard at SO.GU and for short ribs at 50.30. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CIIICAOO , August 17. | Special Telegram to the UKK.J CATTI.K Trade was fair and prices about steady on the ordinary run of fat cattle , while best ruled firm for the tlrst time since about the first week In Juno. Sales of fancy steers were made nt 85.00@ > .10. Other crime to choice lots sold at $4.75 ( 4.00 and fair to good at $4.50 , with common at S3.00@3.50. Northern rangers sold at S2.SO ® 3.GO and Texaus at S'3.25@y.l5 for steers , 81.50 ( t$2..V ) for cows , bulls and mixed lots. Native butchers' stock remains about the same as heretofore. The prospect of a good fall pas turage has brought about a better demand for stockers and feeders. Prices are yet low , but a shade stronger than heretofore Ship ping steers , 13.10 to 1MO , lbs. 4. OQ4.85 ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs , S3.70 < 34.4d ; U50 to 1200 Ibs , S3.20@4.00 ; stockers and feeders , SI.75 ® 3.25 ; cows , bulls and mixed , 81.00(92.75 ( ; bulk. $1.700(2.00 ; Texas and Indian steers , 32.50 @ 3.40 ; cows , 81.75(32.t5. ( : Sales : 185 Won- tnna steers , lirst of thu season , 1252 to liKiS Ibs. 13.40 ; 52 cows , 1079 to 1117 Ibs , S2.75. lions Trade was rather slow at the open ing and fi@10c lower , but as the afternoon wore away the demand seemed to grow bet ter , and at the close the receipts were about Bold out with values a trllln stronger than at the opimlng. Strictly light , however , re mains dull. Orders have been colng else where the past week or so. CJrassers at Buffalo and Indianapolis are considered cheaper than corn-fed In Chicago , and also seem to satisfy the wants of buyers at pres ent. ( ! eel , light sorts could have been had at 85.15@5.20 ; good mtxttd , 5J5.15Cc5.VJO ; butcher weights , 85.80 , and fancy heavy , 85.40. _ MVE STOCK. Ghlongo , August 17. The Drovers' Jour- Dai reports as follows : Cattle Kccolpts. 11.000 ; stronger for fin est ; others , steady : shipping steers , S3.2C @ 4.85 ; stackers and feeders , 91.75@3.25cowa ; bulls and mixed , S1.00Q2.75 ; Texas and Indian steers f2.rxX33.40 ; Montana steers 83.4,0. Ilogs Ilecelnts. 15.000 ; steady ; grass and rouuh , $4.G5i(5.00 ( ; packing and shipping , (5.00(45.40 ( ; HKlt , , 84.W@5.0 ; skips , S3.K ( @ 4.G5. Sheen Kecelpts , S.OCO ; market steady ; native millions S3.00@4.40 ; stockers , 82.0C Q3.00 ; western , 83.10M3.80 ; Texans , 83.5C (43.05 ; lamb * , $4.00(25.00. ( Drovers' Journal special cablegram from I/ondon quotes heavy general supplies ol cattle , market weak : best Aniericanliteers % i per pound lower than last week at ll&e , estimated dead weight National Htook Yanla. Eaat Ht Liouli , III. , August 17. Cattle UecelnU 3,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ; market slow ; fall to choice heavy native steers , S3.00&4.20 butchers' steers , fair to choice , f3.80@3.U5 feeders , fair to good , J2.7Cx33.40 ; stockers fair to good , 2.00 < f..80. ! Hoes Receipts , 4,000 : shipments. 800 dull and lower ; choice heavy and butchers selections , J.M.X < ] ; packing and Yorkers medium to choice. S4.bOtf5.10 ( ; nigs , couimot to good , 84.20(34.75. ( Haitian Cltjr. Aucust 10. Cattle Re ceipts , 3,000 ; shipments , 4,000 ; market abou steady for best quality , others weak , slow am ( XujlOc lower ; feeders , 82.50(33.15 ( ; butchers' 83.25(34.10 ( ; cows , 81.85(32.40 ( ; grass range 83.10. ilogs Receipt" , 8,000 ; shipments 3,000 market opened weak and 5c lower , rlosln dull and 15c lower ; good to choice , 85.200 5.35 ; common to medium , S4.fcQ < 25.15 ; skip and pigs , 83.00(34.70. ( F1NANUIAU NKW YOKK , Aueubt 17. ( Special Telegrar to the HEK.I STOCKS. There was a perceji tible failing oft In business on the New Yorl stock exchange , owing to the uncertainty n gardlng the action of the treasury deparl ueut In the purchase of bonds. The offei logs consisted ot 89,700,000 at 109 SV'OO.OOO being below 110. The general Im pression was tnat those ottered below 110 would bo accepted , and although trading was light the disposition prevailed among the room traders to discount the c fleet the purchase ot bonds would have , and the market during the early part ol the day was strong , with advances extending to K Per cent London bought Erie , St. Paul , Lake Shore , and Louisville A Nashville , but the buying was understood to bo mostly by shorts who had been caught. Specialists In Heading bought liberally and advanced prices X per cent. Grangers were also stronger. After midday there appeared to be a decided slackening In the demand and an easy feeling anoeared and prices gradually settled and all the advances disap peared. It was said that Lake Erie A West ern will pay a 2 per cent dividend In October and the slock advanced fractionally. Dur ing the last half hour the market was the weakest ot any time during the day and the last sales weru at Inside figures , but nearly the same as yesterday. Business with Chicago cage housed was small , but a majority of the operators are rather bearish. The total sale ? were 109,012 shares , against 257,000 shares yesterday. GOVKIINJIF.NTS Government bonds were dull but steady to firm. YESTEltDAY'S QUOTATIONS. TJ. 8. 4'a coupon .12(5 ( % C. A N. W U. S. 4W's coup. . 109 % do preferred. . . 14. ' ) 1'aclfio rs ot ' 95. .122 N. Y. C 100V CanadaSouth'n. . fiRifO. It , AN95 Central Pacific. . 38J * O. T. Chicago & Alton. 147 Pacific Mall do preferred. . . .165 P. , D. &K 28 C. , J ) . O . PullmanPal.Car.147 IX , L. A W . 131) ) Reading MV D. AK.G 2S 'Kock Island . . . .128 Erie 31st | L.AS. F. . . . " " do preferred. . . . 7l' do preferred. . . . 75 Illinois Central. . 118J < C. , M. * HtP.'t > 3 } . , B. A W 18K do preferred. . K. AT 27X St P. A 0 Lake Shore 04 % do preferred. L. AN C3 } < Texas Pacific. . . Michigan Ceiit'l. . Union Pacific. . . . 60 % Mo. 1'acillc W..St LAP. . . . 18 No. Pacific do preferred. . 32 do preferred. . . . \V. U. Telegraph MONKY On call easy at 3 to 5 per cent Last loan closed offered at 3 percent PRIME MKHCANTILE PAPKH CXC47 per cent. STKitMNft EXCHANGE Dull but steady ; S4.M ) V for sixty-day bills and 84.83 for de mand. PRODUCE MARKETS. Chicago. Aueu.nt 17. Following quota tions are the 3:30closing : figures : Flour Steady , prices firm. Wheat Dull , tame , averaged slightly be low yesterday but recovered later and closed ohade better ; cash , 6S5-lGc ; September , 695-iOc ; October , 7lc. Corn Ruled quiet most of session with feeling easier early , but later developed some strength ; cash , 40 > c ; September , 40 > c ; Oc tober , 41 7-lCc. Oats Weak and somewhat lower ; cash , 24c ; September , 25Vc ; May. SO 15-16. Rye 44c. Barley Octooer , C5c. Prime Timothy Seea 82.21. Flax Seed-Slot. Whlskv-81.10. Pork Dull , easy and lower ; cash , 815.00 ; year , S11.75 ; January , 812.30. Lard Weak : cash , 8C.42W ; September , 80.42K00.45 ; October , | G.50 ( C.52K. Bulk Meats Shoulders , 85.54(35.70 ( ; short Clear , 88.35(38.40 ( ; short ribs , 87.h7Ufti7.yO. Butter Easier ; creamery , 19@2Gc ; dairy , Cheese Firm ; full cream Cheddars , 11@ ; Hats , HM@H4c ; Young Amerlcas.lKsS igc Ecus Firm at _ . . . Hides Unchanged ; heavy green hides. 7M'c ; light do. TK&Sc ; salted bull hides. Go , green salted calf , 8 } < @ 9c ; dry lllnt , ' " ' lite : dry calf , 12@lc ! ! ; deacons 30c each. Tallow unchanged ; No. 1 country , No. 2 , 3c ; cakes , 4c.liecntots. liecntots. Shipments , Flour , bbls 33,000 18,000 Wheat , bu G9.000 65,000 Corn , bu 307.000 80.000 Oats , bu 355,000 65.000 live , bu 4,000 1,000 Barley , bu 37,000 1,000 New Xork. August 17. Wheat Ke- i-olpta , 221,000 ; exports. 130,000 ; spot lots J ( * 9fc lower , closing with more strength ; options opened heavy and declined % @ % c , but later ruled stronger and closed tirm wltli a recovery of M@ ) c ; ungraded red , 77K@ 81 fc : No. 3 red , numlnal ; No. 1 red , nom inal at 85c ; No. 2 red , bOc In elevator , 81 } c delivered , 804@bO.c , f. o. b. ; September closing at 80) < c. Corn Spot lots Kc and options lower early , closing tirm , declined and. re covered ; receipts , 8,000 ; exports , 24,000 ungraded. 47C < 4'JKc : No. 8 , 47X@ < 8c In store and elevator , 4840 > ic delivered September closing at 48 c. Oats White shade lower , mixed firm receipts , 75,000 ; exports , 1,800 ; niixe < western , 31@83c ; white western , H5@40c. Petroleum Steady ; United. Oic. EL-ITS Steady and In moderate request westurn , 12@lGKc. Pork Quiet and rather weak ; mess quoted at 815.50(1115.75 ( for new. Lard < XJ8 points lower and heavy ; west crn steam , spot , S0.75@G.77K- Butter Firm but quiet ; western , 12@23c western creamery , ISftiaTc. Cheese Dull nnd easier ; western , Offijllc. Coffee-Snot , fair ; Ulo linn at 810.50 ® 19.0'JU ; options lower and lobs active ; sales , 33,7501)aKS ; August , ; Septem ber , 17.70 ( < i)18.18 ) ; October , 817.90@18.25 : November , 81S.20@18.25 ; December , $18.00 ® 18.35 ; January. 81S.30@1S.5. ! ! Minneapolis , August 17. Wheat Mar ket lower for all futures ; now wheat ne- Klected ; No. 1 hard , cash , 72c ; September , 70c ; October , 70Ko : No. 1 northern , cash. 71c ; September. GSc : October , 08) < c ; No. 3 northein , cash , C9c ; beptember , GGc ; October , GG c. On track : No. 1 hard , 7S } @ 74c ; No. I northern , 72 > @ 73c ; No. 2 northern , 7071c , Flour Quiet ; patents , | 4.00@4.20 ; bakers , S3.10@3.30. Receipts Wheat , 07,000 bu. Shlpments-Wneai , 1.000 bu ; Hour , 24,000 bbls. bbls.Cincinnati Cincinnati , Auzust 17. Wheat In good demand nnd tirm ; No. 2 red , 73,4c. Corn Active but lower ; No. 2 mixed , 45 > @ 46c. Oats Easier ; No. 2 mixed. 2S@2S > c. Kye-Flrmer ; No. 2hcldat52c. Pork-Easier at 815.00. Lard Easier at 8G.30. Whisky Active and firm at 81.05. St. IxmU , August 17. Wheat Easier ; cash , 69fc. ( Corn Steady ; cash , 27@27Kc ; October , 27 > c. Oats Lower ; cash , 24Jfc ; October , 25Xc. Pork15.oo. . Lard 90.25. Whisky-81.05. Butter Firm ; creamery , 25@5Sc ; dairy , 16 @ 25c. Kansas Oltv , August 17. Wheat- Steady : No. 2 sott , cash , GScbid , 6Go asked ; on track , OTc. Corn Lower ; No. 2 , cash , 3 Kc ; Septem ber , 344'c bid. 35c asked ; October , 35c. Oats No. 2 cash , 22Jc. Mllwankoe. Auzust 17. Wheat Firm ; cash , G9o ; September , 09 > c ; October , 71c. Corn-bull ; No. 3. 40c. Oats Quiet ; No. 2 white , 29c. Kye-Stoady ; No. 1 , 45 > < c. Barley Lower ; No. 2 , WKc. Provisions Easy ; pork , August , 814.50. Now Orleani , August 17. Corn Un settled ; mixed. Hc ) , white , 53@54c. Oats-Firmer at 83XCKJ4C. Corn Meal-Easy at 3.27K3.30. Hot Products Dull and unchanged ; pork , 815.621lard , refined tierce. > < . Bulk Meats-Shoulders , S5.80 ; long clear and clear rib , IS.12K. Ijlvornool , August 17. Wheat Quiet , but steady ; New No. 2 winter , Gs 4d per cen tal : do , No. 2 spring. Gs 2d. Corn Steady ; mixed western , spot and - August , 4s 2d. OMAHA. IjIVE HTOCK. , Wednesday , August 17. , Cattle. The run of cattle to-day was heavier than ' yesterday by "loo. head. There was not as good a demand , however , and the market was rather dull and slow. The number of cattle tlmt changed hands was comparatively small. The light demand , to.-t'tticr with the fact that the advices from eastern markets were not especially favorable , had ix weaken- m Inc effect upon the market , which was at least - a shndn lower. There was some Inquiry form butchers' stock and a few loads were sold. The receipts of liogs show a , falling off aa compared with yesterday of 900 head. In addition to the fresh receipts there were W ( stale hogs making the total on the market over C.300. The market opened at a decline of about 5c from yesterday's close. The de mand was brisk , and the bulk of the hogs wcro sold boforenoon. There was nothing left over except one load which came In late , There was three loads of good heavy hogs sold within 5c of what anything brought yes terday , showing that that class of hogs Is lioldlne up hotter than the common and me dium . grades. _ _ Bhnun. There was nothing doing on the market. Receipt * . Cattle. 000 ilogs r.,700 Shipment * . Cattle 20 cars lloga 32 cars Provalllnic Price * . Showing the prevailing prices paid for lira Block on this market : Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . . .84.10(94.25 ( Choice steers. 1100 to 130J Ibs. . . aoo@4.10 Fat little steers 900 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75M3.80 Corn-fed range steers 1200 to 1400 3.7Vc84.00 Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.75O3.00 Common to medium cows 2.0033.50 Good to choice bulls 1.75O2.50 Llcht and medium hotrs 4,90(35.00 ( tlood to choice heavy hogs G.10M5.00 Good to choice mixed hogs 4.95 ( 5.05 Representative riate * . NATIVE BTEEUS COI1N FID. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 10. . . . 047 83.00 53..130J 84.10 17. . . . 1050 8.35 WESTF11N AND NATIVK STKKIIS. 0..101G 83.40 110..1247 84.10 COWS. 23. . . . 870 82.00 21. . . . CIO § 2.55 5. . . . 7U7 2.20 STAGS. 2..1425 83.00 2..1315 53.50 COWS AND 1IKIFK1IS. 24. . . . SCO 82.00 HOOR. No. Av. 8hk. . Pr. No. Av. 8hk. Pr 80..202 200 84.00 72..219 20085.05 71).204 ) 120 4.95 08..241 280 5.05 69..S 240 4.95 00..247 fi.05 07..230 320 4.05 fpS..3.7 ! 2bO 5.05 05..208 5.00 07..2M fcO 5.05 74..208 100 6.00 71..253 240 5.05 70..217 40 5.00 75..228 bO 5.05 82..203 2W 5.00 05..28.1 240 5.05 08..233 80 5.00 63..201 240 5.05 75..2J4 100 5.00 73..274 120 5.09 88..103 200 5.00 09..2. . 100 5.10 68..233 200 5.00 60..250 100 5.10 tA..2X ) N ) 5.00 fj9..2 8 5.10 74..220 120 5.00 07..259 bO 5.10 69..237 ICO 5.00 00..277 120 5.10 08..253 200 5.00 05..200 240 5.10 65 . . .201 80 5.00 69..208 120 5.10 76..223 5.00 64..207 120 5.10 74..903 100 5.00 61..298 40 5.10 78..216 200 5.00 134..907 40 5.10 74..218 300 S.OO TO..245 120 5.10 05..219 120 5.00 08..249 40 5.10 70..200 88 5.00 65..203 100 5.10 62..233 100 5.00 07..250 40 5.10 67..226 5.00 04..279 120 5.10 74..223 40 5.05 70..235 ft.10 05..244 240 5.05 75..208 80 5.10 69..237 200 5.05 04..241 100 5.10 65..241 80 5.05 57..275 80 5.12K 67..247 40 5.05 03..2SO 120 5.12J < 68..234 BO 5.05 06..250 120 5.12 > f 58..247 120 5.05 57..254 N ) 5.12K 70..255 100 5.05 05 . . .2C9 160 5.12X 71..229 120 & .OTi 08..205 120 5.12 } $ CO..288 200 5.05 01..290 80 5.15 69..249 80 5,05 108..2b2 40 5.15 64..241 40 5.05 69..252 120 5.15 07..245 200 5.05 64..2S1 240 5.15 78..235 240 6.05 68..29S BO 5.15 19..209 200 5.05 67..85 H ) 5.15 00..247 210 5.03 57. . 2X5 fcO 2.15 CO..700 40 5.05 71..274 0.17H * 55..275 400 5.05 57..270 5.17K 71..244 240 5.05 111..278 40 5.20 65..252 100 5.05 55..343 5.20 I.ilvo Htock Sold. Showlngthu number of head of stock sold on the market to-day : CATTLE. G. H. Hammond & Co 95 O. II. Hammond A Co. ( shipped direct ) 175 Local 20 Shippers 110 Harris < te Fisher -15 Total 457 nuns , Anglo American Packing Co 3052 SqiHres&Co 1813 Armour it Co 605 U. 11. Hammond A Co 351 Total 0381 Unsold MAll U-l ; All sales of stock in this market are made per cwt live weight unless otherwise stated. Dead hogs sell at Kepor lb. for all weights "Skins"or hogs weUulug less than 100 Ibs , no value. Pregnant sows are.dockud 40 lew. and stags 83 Ibs. by the niiblio Inspector. fjlve Stock Notou. Cattle a shade lower. An active hog market. No sheep have been In this week. George Boetel , Millard , was In with hogs , but no profits. Cary Brothers had sovun loads of range cattle In from Douglas. James Cumins , Tnlmagr , marketed a good load of 342-11) hogs nt S5.20. Taylor & Taylor , Plalnvlew , Neb. , mar keted a load of hogs at S5.17 > ; . B. W. Corey , Shenandoah , came In with a load of hogs which he marketed. There was a load of hogs sold on the mar ket at the very unusual prlc.i of S4.09. George F , Dodge , Wood River , was nt the yards and marketed two loads of hogs. Mr. Peterson , of Peterson Bros. , Weston , In. , was here and marketed a load of hogs. Mr. Bailey , Schuyler , was hero and mar keted two loads of 2TS-lb hogs at the top price.William William Baker , formerly of Albion , had u load of hogs from the new utatlon , Loraln , Boone county. Mr. Armstrong , of Abbott A Armstrong Wilton Junction , la. , was hero with ten loads of feeders. M.GIbbs came In with n load of hogs from Hamburg , la. , and nlso one for G. L. Allen , of the same place. * Ran Frazler , of Wavue , Neb. , remained over from the day before and marketed an other load ol hogs. Mr. Wilson , of the firm of Agnew & Wil son , Ilubbell , was at the yards and and mar keted a load of cattle. Mr. Boahm , Cortland , had live loads of very fine corn-fed cattle that would weigh over 1,500 Ibs , on the market August Arrlens , Howard , Neb. , was In with a load of hogs and also taking orders for Hour and brand for his mill. Mr. Christian , of the linn of Christian & Engle , well known shippers ot Onawa , la. , was in with a car of good heavy hogs which sold on the market. Among those having stock on the market were tlie following : J. J. Melllck , Ncligh ; A. B. VonXant. Ewing ; Dufour A Finn. Plattsmouth ; Epperson Bros. , Afton ; L. Akin , Clarlndn : No Loup C. Co. , Elba : C. llennlnirson , Dannobrog ; Spelts A Co. ; Bralnnrd ; 11. Jellers , Osceola ; Clark 11. A Co. . Weston ; L. Anderson & Co. , Mead ; Jackson A B. , Cortland ; Jas. Danloy , Ash land : H. P. Knapp , Ashland : J. F. Roll , Ashland : F. S. Pearce A Son , Aurora ; Jos. Spoils , Mllford ; Spelts A K. , David City ; Gund A Co. , Wllber : Toogood Bros. , Crete ; J. Buck , Crete : John Dern , Hooper ; Morse A Co. , Morse ; Emily Bros. , Wlsner ; Church A Co. , Pierce ; Ley A Peters , Stanton ; Nye W. M. Co. , Crestou ; Shnphard A B. , Cratch- ton : A , M. Spioner A Co. , Hooper ; Mills A F. , DoWItt ; ft. E. Palmerton. Wllcox ; C. C. Smith , Mllford ; A. Koehler AC. , Geneva ; J. Lansing , DoWoeso ; H. Stevenson Lbr. Co. . Ansley. The following had stock on the market : E. S. McWhlnnery , Tamora ; Allen A F. , Temora ; A. Mandlebaum , Campbell ; R. M. Gourley , Nelson ; Reynolds P. & Co. , Friend ; J. W. Kellcy , Edison ; Green A B. Green wood ; A. Wilson , Hanover , nuua. : Fuller A P. , Fullerton ; Morrison AM. . Fullerton ; J. A. Pone , Silver Creek ; MKellner , Madl- Ison ; Jno. Wiggins , Columbus ; Rlpp A L. , Humphreys ; Sam Ewing , Genoa ; W. J. Burger , Donlphan ; E. Pierson , Schuy- ler ; F. W. Uestrldge , Schuy ler ; Taylor A G. . She ! ton : L. L. Doane. Scotia ; J. M. Young , Ames ; C. C. Clifton , Cedar Bluffs ; Perry Bros. , Wayne ; Slater A K. , Wayne ; W. H. Free man , Oakland. Li * . ; Sims A11. , Portsmouth ; M. Hathaway. River Sioux ; Farrlngton A Son , Lyons : Shephard A B. . Arllncton ; J. ' Cummfngs. Talmave ; O. Burgess , Weeping ; Water ; It W. Smith. Kndlcott ; W. N. Rich ft ardson , Rod Cloud ; 0. D. Cbaplson , Hast } ings. OMAHA WHOtiKSAliE MARKETS Produce. The following are the price * at ? Hc7i round lot * of produce arc sold on UiU market : t , . . * Wednesday August 17 , market was tx quiet to-day , the supply and demand being about equal. There li , however , a shortage of goon butter , and there was more Inquiry to-day for old fowls than the llgnt receipts could supply. ' . . . Koos The supply on the market Is liberal , the bulk going to smalLdcalers at lie ; heavy buyers paying 10X- , , ? ' , . . BUTTKH In good demand at firm prices. West Point creamery , iSHc ; other creamery , 21c ; choice dairy , 18(319c ; medium grades , 13ffllOc ; ordinary , Otgll. - " CHKF.SK Market well supplied. Fancy , full cream Cheddars , single , 10c ; full cream , twins , lO c ; young Americas , lie ; brick cheese , lOOlbs In case , nrw , I2c ; Llmburger , ioo Ibs In case , new , He ; Swiss , fancy Ohio , now , 19& r POULTRY -Spring chickens brought 81.50 @ 2.2i : old ( owls bring 82.50cl3.0o ( ; none but the best brought the latterprlce. There Is no demand for ducks or turkeys , thoinrh theformer , when In good order. Bell at 84.25@ 2.75 , and the latter 67c per pound. UAMR. There l no came coming In , the weather being too warm to handle It POTATOES The supply Is light and good stock 1s moving at 65 ( 6. ' > c ; fancy , TOc. CAiiiiAOE Firm at 73c per dozen for solid heads. ONIONS Supply and demand about equal , and best stock brings 75c(4S5 ( per bush. MKI.ONS Watermelons bring 810.00@15.00 per hundred ; cantelopes. 5o@75c perdoz. BE ANB. Hand picked navy beans are quoted at 81.75 per bushel , and the other grades are Belling from that figure down to ol 25 Poi' COIIN There Is very little sale for pop corn. An occasional sacK Is cold at BBKIIIRS The season for berries Is ' 'prac tically over. TOMATOES The local gardeners are sup plying the market at 5U@UOc per bushel. EGO PLANT Only a fiiw being handled by the commission men ; 81.00@1.25 per dozen. CEI.EUT The demand Is not very heavy so early In the season. Good stock suitable for rcslupment Is sold at35@lOc per bunch. fruits. Orders from the country rcqnlrlno se lected slock and extra cure In pticklwj can not f ira i/s be flllcd nt the same prices quoted to the local trade for common stuck GENEHAL The receipts of California fruits to-day weie very light however the market was fairly supplied with good stock. There Is an abundance of grape * on the mar ket but the demand Is not heavy while other fruits are so plenty. The apple market Is very ttrm. PRUNES The market Is well supplied with both the Gross and silver prunes. Good Block. 81.ffi5Ml.60. PLUMS The receipts of plums are not as heavy as of other fruits from California. Prices are tirm , good stock moving at 81.25 1.50 per box. OHAI-ES Receipts largo and made np of the varieties known as the Muscat and Rose de Peru. Choice stock , 81.00@1.25 per 20-lb box. box.PEAIIS There are several varieties of Cali fornia pears coming In but the Bartlett thus far Is the favorite. Choice stock , 82.50 per box. box.NECTAKINES A few California nectarines arn arriving , which are sold at 81.50 per box. PEACHES The market Is well supplied with very choice stock from California. Choice stock Is going at 81.25 1.50. LEMONS The market is not quite as stronc , the receipts being more liberal and the demand not as heavy. Fair to good stock , 87.60 ; fancy , 88.50. OitANfiES There ore a few good oranges on the market Rodi , $0.50. BANANAS The market Is full of bananas at 8l.50@3.oo per bunch. ' ArrLKs The market Is almost bare and good stock Is very scarce. Choice apples suitable for shipment are quoted at 80.00(4 83.50 per bbl. i . CHAII AITI.ES The demand Is very light and la supplied for the , most part by the local farmers. Choice stock , $1.10 per bushel. Grocer's List. , COFFHE Ordinary grades. 20K@21c ; fair. 21K@22c ; prime. 22@v > 3c : lancy green und yellow , 23ij25c ( ; old government Java. 30c ; interior Java , 25 ( < i28c ; Mocha , 28@30c ; Arlmcklo's , roasted , iO c ; McLanghlin's XXXX , 20Jic ; Dllwortli's , 2Cc ; Red Cross , 20/c. ! CANNr.n GOODS OySters , standard , per case , * 2.90$3.10 ( : strawberries. 2 lb , per case. 32.80(32.85 ( ; raspberries , 2 lb , per case. 82.80 ® 2.b5 ; California pears , , per case , 84.50(34.00 ( ; apricots , oer case , 83.70 ( < t3.75 ; peaches , per case , S4.50@4.CO ; white cherries , per case , 85.00 plums , per cast * . S3.GO@3.70 : blue berries , per case , 82.10@2.20 ; egg plums , 2 lb. per case , 82.50 ; pineapples , 2 lb , peroase. 83.2 < J@5.75 ; 1 lb mackerel , perdoz , 81.50 ; 1 lb salmon , perdoz , 81.8001.85 ; 2 lb gooseberries , per case , 82.85(32.90 ( ; 21b string beans , per case , 81.70 : 2 lb lima beans , nor case , 81.60 ; 2 lb marrowfat peas , per case 82.40@2.60 ; 2 lb early June poas. per case , C2.75 ; 3 lb tomatoes , 82.40Q2.50 ; 21b corn , § 2.60. PROVISIONS Hams , 13 , ' @ 13J < c ; breakfast bacon. lliftllK'c : bacon sides liuci0c ; dry salt 83f < rs c ; shoulders,7 ( < 47 c : dried beef hams , I2l3c : dried beef regular , llJtflSc hams.plcnlc , 8Xf < H > c. SUOAII Granulatodoj ; @fl5 cconf.A,6Vi ; ( OKc ; white extra C , 5JiT < (5 c ; extra C , 5X ( > 5Kc ; yellow C. 5X@5 c ; cut loaf , 07c ; povdefred. 7@7jJc. DIUKD FIIUITS Apples , now , Jf's evaporated , 60-lbrlng. HXSttXc ; raspberries , c ; evaporated , unpared , c : now currants , 7)i@7Kc ) ; prunes , 4jlC < $4lc : citron , 25c ; rai sins , London lavors , S1.U5 ; California , loose muscatels , 81.50 ; now Valunclas 7Xc. UKFINKU LAUD Tierce , GXc ; 40-ib square cans , oc ; 50-lb round , 7c : 20-lb round , 7 c ; 10-lb calls , 7Kc ; 5-lb pails , 7c ; 3-lb palls , 7Jfc. PICKI.F.B Medium , In bbls , Sfi.50 ; do In half bbls , S3.75 ; small , in bbls , 87.50 : do In half bbls , S4.2.- . ; gherkins , in ubls , 68.50 ; do lu half bbls. S4.75. WOODKNWARK Two-hoop pails , per doz , fil.45 : 8-noop palls , S1.70 ; No. 1 tub. 50.50 ; No. 2 tub , 65.50 ; No. 3 tub , 84.50 ; wasii- boards , S1.75 : assorted bowls , S2.25 ; No. 1 churns , S9 ; No. 2 churns , S8 ; No. 3 churns , S7.TOIIACCO TOIIACCO Lorlllard'sClimax , 44c ; Splendid did , ( Vic ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c : Legeutt & Meyer's Star , 41c ; Cornerstone , 84c ; Drum- mond's Horse Shoo , 41c ; T. J. , 37c ; Sore's Spearhead , 44e. STAIICII Mirror Gloss , 5J c ; Graves Corn , GXc ; Oswego Gloss , 7c ; Osweco Corn. 7c. BitooMS-Extra 4-tie,82.60 ; No. 1,82.00 ; No , 2,81.75 ; heavy stable , 84 Sviiup-No. 70. 4-jrallon kegs. 81.32@l,35i New Orleans , i > er callon. 38 ( < 24Gc ; manlo syrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 70o ; 1-gallon cans , per doz , S 10.00 ; half-uallon cans , per doz , S5.50 ; quart cans , 83.00. CANDY Mixed , s iilc ; stick , CHACKRHS Garneau's soda , butter and picnic , 4J u : creams , 7Kc ; ginger snaps , 7Hc : city soda , 7Kc. TKAS Japan , 20@55c ; gunpowder , 20COc ; Youns Hyson. 2.5@55c ; Oolong , 20 ® 0c. General Markota. SPIRITS Cologne spirits , lb proof , 81.10 ; do 101 proof , 81.12 ; spirits , second quality. 101 proof , 81.10 ; do 18s proof , 81.09. Alcohol. 188 proof. 82.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled whiskies , S1.00@1.50. 4im ( blended. 81.5(1(3 ( ( 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00@0.00 ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , -82.00(10.50 ( ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , SlSOtttUX ) . Brandies , Imported , S5.00@8.50 ; domestic , S1.30(3.oo. : ) Gins , Imported. S4.50@ 6.00 ; domestic , 81.25ctf.00. ( $ Champagnes , Im ported , per case , S23.00fil33.00 ; American , per case. 810.00 10.00. , , COAL Egg , 89.00 ; nur , $9.25 ; ranee , 89.25 ; Iowa lump , 83.00 ; Iowa nut. 52,75 ; walnut lock , 53.00 ; Illinois. $4:55(34.75. : ( HEAVY HARmvAin'.Mron , rate , 82.70 ; plow steel , special cast,4 , c ; crucible steel , 0) ) . c ; cast toots , dn , liMl&c ; wagon spokes , per set , 82.00@3.50 ; hilbs , per set , 81.25 ; fel lees , sawed dry , SUGOrtongues , each , Ko ) ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , perlb , CQ7c ; cell chain , per lb , -j@13.c ; malleable , Siiic ( ) ; Iron wedges , 6c ; crowbars , 6c : harrow teeth , 4 > c ; Rprmg steel , 4(350 ( ; Burden's horse shoes , 84.75 ; Burden's tnule shoes , 85.75. Barbed wire' In car IMs , 84.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron nails , rates , 10 to CO 82.40 ; steel nails , "HIDES Green butchers' , 6X < 3fic ; ereen- cured , 7Xc ; dry flint , ll@13c ; dry salt. Wj $ lOc ; green ralf skins , 7 } c ; damaged hides , two-thirds price. Tallow 3c. Grease Prime white , 3c ; yellow , 2c ; brown , IKc. Sheep pelts , 25 * 75c. Dry Good * . COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dls ; c9unt-LL6Jfc.CC.7c.SS. : ; ; 8c ; EE , O'fc ; GO , 10j7c ; XX , 12c ; OO , 14c ; NN | 10Ct lX. ( I8c ; R,20c : No. 10,6Xc , , ; 40 , lOKc : 60- 12Kc : 80 , 15c ; 30 , colored , foe : 60 , colored , I2c ; 70. colored , 15c ; Bristol , 13) < c ; Union Pacific. IBc. OAJIPET WABP Bibb white , 18fc. ; col ored , 20Xc , BATTS standard , 8c ; Gem , Ho ; Beauty , 12Uc ; Boone , 14c ; B , cased , 86.50. PKINTB SOLID Coi.ons Atlanta6J < : Sla ter 5 ; Berlin Oil OU ; Garner Oil 0 to 7. PINK AND lloiiES Hlcliraond 0 ; Allen 0 ; Itiver- polntS ; Steel Hlver 6 ; Richmond C ; Pacific OH. ' INDIGO BLUE Washington 0 ; Amcrl- cn K ; Arnold rju- Arnold B 10 ; Artio ) ' iiajXtDOld Qoflieal 10) ter Oak 4 } < ; n ni r > o 3V , : Lodl 4K ; Allen Klchmond 5'tf ; Wiijifsor Oj KJdyatono ft ; Ui.NoiiAM-ritinkctt checks 7 > l ; Whlttcn- ton 7,1York } { \ > ioriuatulte Dress 8 > < ; Cnlcutta Dress &Ki Whlttonton Dress 0 ; Kcufrow Dress 0 to 12 ; KKNTUCKY JKANs-Mmnorlal 15c ; Cnnton 18cj Iiirlinni27i < c : llurcules ISc ; Loamlnic Ion 23Hc ; Colts weld 25c. a' U Go ; bleached 7c ; Ste vens' A 7kc ; blenched SXc : Stevens' ! 8Kc : bleached ( IKc ; Stevens' N 9Kc ; bleached lOKe ; Stevens' S UT 18 Wo. MISCKI.LANROUH Table oil cloth SJ.S5 ; plain Holland t > Mc to VK : ; Dado llollnnd 12 c. FLANNKLS Pfnld lUttsumn "On ; Uosden . KWc ; Clear Lake 33 } o ; MntilnOlty SOJfc. AV ! lt0. . U. No. 3 , ! f. ale ; o ! 11. No. 1 , Jf , 27Hc ; B. II. No. 3 , / . 83Xc ; U. U. No. 1 , f , SOc : Qucclico No. i. J/ , 4-c ; Ouecheo No. 3 , ? f , ! i Kc ; Quechec No. 3 , Jf , SK C ; Anawnn l Xc ; > Vlnd S # , < c. llcd-C , U4 Inch. E , in Inch , 3lc ; OU , 24 Inch , ISc ; 11. A. F. , 85c : J. K. F. , Jf , 27KC ! O. , } ( , 850. COMFOllTKlIS JO.00035.00. ULANKETs-Whlte , $1.00@7.50 ; colored , . CAMiiuics-Slater 4 } ; Woods 4K ; Stan dard 4K ; Peacock 4W. \ COHSKT JKANS AndroscogRln 7 , ' ; Kear- saeo 7 > / ; Hock port G ) ; Coaestoga n' | . DfCK-West 1'olnt 29 In. , 8oz. , 10 > < ! West Point au In lOoz. , law ; West Point 39 In. , 13 oz. , 15i West Point 40 In. . 11 oz. , 10.- Checks-Caledonla X , K ; Caledonia XX , 1UW ; Kconomy 9 to BW ; Otis 9 to X- TICKS Lewlstou 'M In. , 12W ; L wiston 33 In. . 13W : York Win. , 14 ; Swift Ktvcr 7K : Thorrio'lVe O O , 8tf j Thorndlko E Fv k ; Thorndlke 130 , 9 < rf ; Thorndlko XXX , 15 ; Cordls No. 5,0 : Cordls No. 4 , U. DENIMS--Amoskcag Uoz. , ls ( : Everett 7 oz. , 13 ; York 7 oz. , 13 ; Haymaker 8 : Jaff- rey XX. UK : .lalTrey XXX. 12K ; Beaver Creek AA. 12 ; Beaver Creek BB , 11 ; Beaver Creek CC , 10. BIIOWN SHEETINGS Atlantic A. 4-4 , 7ifc ; Atlantic 11 , 4-4,7c ; Atlantic D. 4-4 , GKc : At lantic P , 4-4 , 5 { c ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , SJjc ; Aurora C , 4-4,4Wc ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , OWc ; Jloosler LL , 4-4,6 fc ; Indian Head , 4-4 7wc ; Lawrence LL , 4-4 , 5Jfc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5Vc ; Peppcrell 11 , 4-4 Oxc : Pepperoil O , 4-4 , fie ; Pepperell , 8-4. IGc ; Pepperell. U-4 , 18c : Pepperell , 10-4. 20c ; Utlca 0. 4-4. 4 < J4'c ; Wacliusett , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora 11 , 4-4. 6J < e ; Aurora B , 4-4 , Gc. . . BLEACHED SIIKF.TINO Berkeley cambric , butter cloth i Fruit of T , , _ . no M , vn ; , iii'Mv , i'Kc ' ; King 'hllllp cambric. He ; Lonsdale. lltfc ; Lons- ale , 8l < rc : New York'inllls , lOKc ; Pepperell , 2 Inch. JOKe : Pepperell , 40 Inch , HWc ; Pop- perell , 6-4,15c ; Pepperell , 8-4,18c : Pepperell , ) -4,20c ; Pepperell. 10-4. 22 } < c : Canton. 4-4 , Kc ; Canton , 4-4 , Kc ; Triumph , Gc ; Waro- uUa , He ; Valley , 5c. Dry Lumber. AND TIMIIEUfl. 12. U it ' 16ft 14 ft 30 ft 22 ft'si ft 1x4. . IT.tO 1V-60 M.BO 21.60 2I.M 22.60 22.10 21.W Zl.fiO xlO . . . . . 22.60 22.50 112 . . .18.r > 19.M 30.M 2a60 211.60 14-8x8 . .is.60 I9.6olauo2aooja.po BOAlinM. No. 1 , com , B 1 s 818.00 No. 2. com , Bis 817.00 No. 2 815.50 No. 4 , S13.00 FFNCINO. S'o. 1 , 40ln , 12& 14 ft , roueh $19.50 Jo. 1 " " 10 ' " 1H.60 fo.2 , " " 12&14 " " 16.00 fo.2 , " " 10 " " 17.50 BIDING. A , 12.14 and 16 ft , 821.50 C , 815.50 I , ' " " 20.50 D , 12.50 CEILINO AND PA11TITIOX. stcom , Jf in White Pine Celling 8"-4.0o nd " " " " ' * 28.00 Jlear , X In. Norway PlnoCeiltng lfi.00 nd com. % in 14.00 FI.OOIIINU. A G In White Plne35.W ) C S29.50 " 33.50 D 21.00 " ( Sel. Fencing ) 19.00 STOCK BOAIIDS. A 12 Inch s. Is 845.60 No. 1 , com. 12 Ins. Is. , 12 ft 20.50 14 ft 19.00 ' 10ft ia50 No. 2- " " " 19.00 < " 10ft 17.50 inch Grooved Hoofing 81.00 per M. more han 12 In. Stock Boards same lenctli. HII1I1 LAI' . No. 1 Plain. 8 A 10 In S19.50 < o.2 " 17.50 \o. 1 , O. G. , 8 In 19.50 FINISHING. 1st and 2d , clear. 1 , IK Inch , 8.2s 850.50 3d , clear , 1 Incii , s. 2 g. , 45.50 " " IK , W , 2 In 4rt.f.O . A select , 1 inch , s. 2s. , 40.00 " " W. IK , 3 In 44.00 B " linen , s. 2s. , . 30.00 " * " W. IK. 2I 87.CO SOUTIIKKN YELLOW FINE. Com. 4 & 0 In. Flooring 817.50 Star " " 21.50 Jlear < In. Celling 21.50 " If In. Partition a.'j.oo ' " Finish , 1 Al'i'in. 8s i9.00 " Corrugated Celllnir , 4 In 25,00 " Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . . 27.00 rOl'LAU LUMIIKK. : iear Poplar Bx. Bds. X In. , s , 2 s 835.50 r- K In. Panel , s , 2 s 27.00 " " Corrueated Ceiling , % 28.50 nATTKNS , WKLL TUI1INO , 1'ICKETS. O G Baits. 2K In 800.75 " > x3in , S. Is. 00.45 T In. Well Tubinif. D A M and Bov 23.00 Pickets , D A U Flat 20.50 " " Square 21.00 SIIINfll.KS , LATH. XX clear . .83.10 Extra * A * 83.00 * A Standard . . 2.75 * AHBAB 13.55 Gin. clear No 1. . 1.50 Lath 2.G5 POSTS. White cedar , C In. , Hs. , I2c ; 0 In. qrs. , He ; 8 in. qrs. , lOc : 4 in. round 15c ; 'lenncbsuu Ued Cedar , split , ISc : Split Oak , I2c. LIME , ETC. Quincy white lime , ( best ) We : Akron cement , 81.75 ; Hair , 30c ; Plaster. S2.75 ; Tar boaid , 81.75 ; Hash , 40c per ct. ; Doors. 40c per ct. ; Blinds , 40c per ct. : Mouldings , 40c per ct. ; 1'ar telt. per cwt. , 82.25 ; Straw board , 81.75. THE CAPITOL HOT Lincoln , Neb. The best known mid most popular lintel In tliosiato. Location central , appolutinoiita llrst class. Houilquarturs for commcrcinl men fkud all political and publlo pntliarinira. E. IvluHlUKN. Proprietor. Union National Bank OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital , $100,000 Authorized Capital 500,000 W. W. MARSH , President. J. W. RODEFRP. , Cashier Accounts solicited and prompt attention given to all business entrusted to its care , Pay 5 per cent on time deposits. No 200 Masonic Building , cor.Capitol Av enue and IGtlt sts. Telephone No 842. WILL NOT UNHOOK WHILE BEING WORN. Kvcry lady who desire * perfection In style ( nd form iboulii weir them. Manufactured only UT Uie , WORCESTER CORSET COMPANY. Worcester. Mui. , nd Ji3 Market street , Clucagot Cor 13th and Douglas sts. Capital Stock . $180OOC Liability of Stockholdora. . . . 30O.OOO The only regular savlnirs bank m tbu gtutti.Flvc percent lutorest paM on Loans Made on Real state. nrnccns : ( JoyC.nAn.TOM , Preildont ; J. J. nno'jfs , Vleo Preflldenti U. .M. UcNNKTr , JUnftgmr On. , rector ; JOIIN E. WH.BUR , Cwhior , JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implement * . VHUJICJIILL J'AJIKKH , Wholtult Pc l rln AfcTicultural Iruplcnicnts , CurUcvi nd lluiiloi. Jon i ( trttt , bftwonu Mb _ niunoih,0iu h . N b. _ LIXlXGEll tC METCALF CO. , Agricultural Implements , WVuroni.CarrlMH. Hugjl . Ble. , Tf hol l , Omih * . Whotetkle Dealer * In Afifrlcultural Irnplomonts , ? OL TO.lCi nd M7 , Jone it Artitts' Material. A. BOSPE , JR. , Artists' Material ! , Pianos and Organs , _ UU lX > utlm Btre t. Omiht. 'Buildert' Nardwart and Scalet. HlMEBAUGITA TAYLOR , Buildon'Hardwarc&Scalo Repair Shop Mechanic * ' Tool * ami Baffalo Seal * * . ltl Uouf la * it , . _ Umh , Neb. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Books j/i < / Stationery. A. T. Y/1'A'ro.y , c co. , V i-o : iAle ami Re all and Stationers. 1612 Douglas t. , ( Inmlia , Nob. Telophnno 601. CorrrBiionilonrn nolloilrd , Boot * and Shoes. w. r. MOUSE cC co. Jobbers of Boots and Shoes. 1111 Faruam it. , Omaha , Nb. Manufactory , Bnmmn trrtt. liuiton. 7. . T. LIXDSMX . .1CO. . , Wholesale Kublicr Bouts and Shoes Hulioor and Ollod Clothinir unJ Felt Hoots aud Shoci. 1111 Hnrnov Strciit. Beer , STORZ cC ILERt L ger Beer Brewers , 1WI North 18lh 8tr f I. Omaha , Neb. Butchers' Teole. LOUIS HELLER , Butchers' Tools and Supplies , tautai * CailiKi of all kind * alwaji In atoek. 1111 Jon * h Coffee , Spices. Etc. CLARKE BROS. A CO. , Omaha Coirco and Spice Mills. Teaj.Ooff * ,8plcei. Baklnf P w tr. n Torla l tncu , Launirr Blue , I nk. Itc. Ult-16 Batm 7 Street , Omaha. We * . Cornier. . EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epcncter , Prop. rmfaettrer of GalTaalied Iroa an Cerate * . Uo < l e and IN and 10 * M. 10th it. . Oma.a. Neb. RUEMFING < C BOLTE , Manufacturer * of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Window * , lnali.Met llc8k7ll hteU. ilOB. 12tu t. , Omaha. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. anlrantied Iron Cornlcen , etc. 8p ct'lmprovd Pat ent MctallchkTllKbt. 08 andtlJ .mh it-Omaha. Carpets. O3IAUA CARPET CO. , Jobbers of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Linoleum * , Mattlnf * . Ktc. 1111 DouflM atreci. Crockery and Notions. W. L. WRIGHT , Agent for 'ho Manufacturers and Importer * of Crockery , Glassware , Lampi , Chimney * , etc. Offlce , 317 South Itth at Omaha , Neb. CLOTHING M. ELGUITER'8 Mammoth Clothing Ilonso. Corner Iariiumand Tenth Htreat * . Omaha. Neb. Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing : . Bntter , Keg * and Produce. Conilfnmami ( elicited. Headquarter * for Btoncware , Derrr liozp * and Grape Basket * , lilt podgeitreetOmaha. MIDIELL tC RIDDELL , Storage and Commtssion Merchant ! * , 'pcclultie * Butler , ICKK" . Cbrcso , Po iltrj , Game , OjBtcrs. etc. , etc. 112 8. llth St. PEYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Fnllto , Produce and ProTUIoni , Omaha , Neb. Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , llutter , Qamo , Fruits , etc. 220 8. Itth it Omaha. Neb , Coal antf Lime. Oau. f.iMiiAUH. Pre § . C. r. GOODMAN , v. Pi * . J. A. MUNUIIILAND , Soc. and Treun. OMAHA COAL , COKE tit LIMB COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. aw South Thirteenth Street , Omabn , Neb. / ; , r. JOHNSON < o co. , Manufiicturcrs of Illinois White Lime. And Phipnom of ( * oal and Coke. Cement. Plaster , Umo , Hair. Klro Brick , Drain , Tile nnd Hewer Plpo. onlcc , I'll i ton IIuliil. rarn m t. , Umilia , Nt > b. Totcpnone sn. Cigare and Tobacco. MAX MEYER & CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , Qun * and Ammunition , 215 to K3 B. llth it. , 1010 to 1U2I Fanmui n.Otmh , N b. WEST a5 FRITSCHER , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholesale Iletlers In Leaf Tobaccos , Mo > . 108 and 110 N. tub ( traet , Oruaba. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH .C CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions 1102 and 1104 Douglas , cor. llth St. , OmahaFeb. Distillers , Dlitlller * of Liquors , Alcohol and Spirits. Importer * and Jobbers of Wlnf nun J Liquor * . WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLE'S . CO. and ILER C CO. , Importers and Jebbereof Fine Wine * and Liquor * . Bole taanufseturersuf Keunedr's Bait India Ult- Un and Domestic Uquors. 1112 llnrnej St. Furniture. DE WEY & 'STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. Karcam * t. . Omabn. Neb , CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture , lioildinff , Upholstery , Mirror * , etc. IXHUaoa and 1210 Faraam tt. , Omaha. Groceries , PAXTON , GALLAGHER C CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Noo. 705,707,709 and711 S. IDtli St. , Omuhi , Neb. McCORD , BMADY C CO. , Wholesale Grocery ltn and LeaTenwortli * t . , Omnh4. Hardware. LEE , FRIED cC CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nulls , Tinware , 8he t Iron , Ktc. Actnu for IIowo Wcalei anil Miami r ! > w < 1 rCu.Omi < h , M'b. " . J. BROATCII , Heavy Jlardwaro , Iron and Steel , BprlniiS , Wagon Stock , riardwaro Lumber , etc. I'M anil 1111 lUrucr " . , Umaba. EDNEY .0 GIBRON , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wagon and Carriage Wood Stock. Heavy Ilardwaro Ktc , 1217 and 12rJ Learcnworth H. , < liiinli , Net ) , MILTON ROGERS , B , S'O.VV ; Stoves , Itangefl , FuruaccH , MaotleUrat , Uratloo < Ii. 1321 and 132 ] faruafj OMAHA JOBBERS' ' DIRECTOR ! Iron Works. I'AXTON tC VIERLING Iron Works , Wrought and fust Iron Bulletin * Work , Iron Claim Ralne * ; , llms amiutrtlortStrain Knclnrs , llrai * Work,0tiii ral founrirr , Macbtie and IllirksmlUl Wott. OWcea 3Work.U. P. Hr-slutltthMircl. H. K. SA H'YRR , Munufactiiring Dealer in Smokestacks , llrltchlnRn , Tnnkt. ami Oruprnl n llrrnopalrln , UU IK > .l o strvet.Oninlin. F. II. UCMANUS. C SULLIVAH. OMAHA WIRE C IRON WORKS , Manufacturer * of Ire and Iron Railings , Drsk Hall , Window Ouards , Klower fltnnds. Wire Sign * . Mia h. Orderii by mall promptly altcndcdto. Lumber. OMAHA fXTMnER CO. , Dealer' . All Kinds of I Building Material at Wholesffln. I Uth Street and Cnlon Paolflo Track. Omaha. _ LOUIS BRA DFORI ) , Dealer in Lurabrr. Lath , Limp , Sash , Doon.Kta. Tards-CornerTth and Dougla * ) Corn * * JUkand Dou la . _ _ CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , ' Wholesale Lumber , 111 R. 14th street. Om ba.N b. F.Colpclier. Managtq CTY. DIETZ. Lumber. 18th and California rHreeti , Omaha. Neb. Lure her , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Rto. Cor.Clh and nouglts * tn Omaha. Hex HOAGLANn , Lumber. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Offlfe.4Caraniam treet.C malm. , , CHAS. R. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpet * and Parquet Flooring , vth and Donglal Omaha. JOHN A. WAKF.FIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported and American Portland Cement. RtaH Agent ferMllwaukee Mydraullc C'em nt and BoiV ( lulacy WklteLlne. Lire Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Lladted. J hn F. Boyd , Ba ertntea4mt. Lite Stock Commission. McCOY BROS. , Live Stock Commission Merchants. Mirket furnished free on application. Hlorker * an feeder * rurnlihnt on KOMI terms. Rorerenco Omalm .NHtloiml Hnnk anil South Omaha Nntlonn Union Htock Vunli , soiitli Omaha. M. BURKE . SONS , Live Stock Commission. Oeo. Durke , Mangr Union Stock Tardi , B. Omaha. Telephone M2. SAVAGE C GREEN Live Stock Commission Merchants , Shipment * of any and all kind * of Stock solicited. Union Stock Tart. . Omaha , Neb. Millinery and frotions. * I. OBERFELDER C CO. , Importer * and Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , 1213 and 1215 Hnrney St' , eat , Omaha , Neb. Notions. Wholesale Denier * la Notions and Furnishing Goods , 403 and 406 B. Tenth St. , Omaha. Overalls. CANFIELD MANUFACTURING COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , lean * Pant * , Shirts , Ktc. 1102 and 1104 Douzla * Street Omaha , Neb. PAPER CARPENTER APER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. Carry a nice slock of Printing , Wrnpplib and Writ Init paper. HporlHl attention ( rlreii to car lO'id ritof ortlern , which will bo shipped direct from mill * . All orders will recelre personal attention. WeKua an tee good goods and low prices. UU and II I 1W 1 Douglas St. Printing. COMPANY Job Printers , Blank Book Makers , And Hook Hinders. lOrt and IQfl South Fourteenth street. Omalm , Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers In Type , Prenas and Printers' Supplies. COi South Twelfth Street. Punips. I CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , I Btonmnnd Water Supplies. Homliiuurtera fur Matt KojitCQ'sUoo'U. lllUnruiiiii Bt..liiiuhn. ) Nell. 17. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMP I COMPANY. UalladayWInd Mllist nleam and Water RnppIlM , f. PluuitiinRdooiln , Hefting , lloin. IUR ami Via Fur- naiu st , , Omaha. O.K. Helton , Muniuer. Telephone No. 2IU. A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , itaio. _ Water , Hallway and Milling ui.j.11 * . . Et * 920 , ! OJandi 4Karnum * t.Omabu , BROWNELL 0 CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers In Engines , Boilers & General Miichluery kbeot Iron work , Stoara Pitmpr. Saw Mills , Aora * ) Shaftine , Dodge Wood iMt Puller * , UelUag , tin , Alsawagen * , scrapersan4a al tl < * . UU-UU ! < > teuworthit. Omaha Rubber Goods. OMAHA JlulllUllt CO. , Manufacturer nnd Dealttrs In all kludi of Uuhbcr d'ooilH , Oil Clotlilnu niiil l.cniliiT lloltliiK , IIIH I'nrnani St , Safes , Etc. BOYER < V CO. , AgentH for Hall's Sivfo & Lock Co.s1 Fire d Hnnt'nr ' Proof Bufni , Tlmfl l/ock , Vault * andJillWork. ll l Hirn.m itrutt Oiiith- - > G. ANDREEN , Omaha Safe Works. Uanufactureriof Klre nnd nuridnrProofSafes , Vnul ( Doom , Jail Work.Hliutters und Wire Work. Cor. lilb and Jackson Bt . , Omnhu , Nub , Sash , Doors , Etc. M.A. JISBROW & CO. , Wboloula U > nufi > ctureria ( Sash , Doorn , lillndo anil Mouldings , Branch ogie .131U mid liarJ ti.Onas. ! ! ' ' . BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mould'/iKn-Wtalr ' Work and Interior Hitrd Wood Klnllk Juil opened. N. K. cor. Hiti nnd LeuveiiworluHt * . Oin b , Neb. J. B. HAYNES O - OFFICIAL STENOGRAPHER JUDICIAL D18THICT , . ' 37 Chamber of Commerce , .