Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1887, Image 1

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The Bobber of Paymaster Bash Arrested at
North Platte.
The Trial of Itlchardaon For the Kill
ing of "Skip" Wlllard Opened
at Lotip City Other No-
liraika Now * . *
Flash's llobbcr Gaptnred.
NOIITII PI.ATTE , Neb. , August 17. tSpcc-
lal Tcloeram to the BEE. ] Parker , who
robbed Paymaster liash , was arrested at
Gaudy last night by Sheriff Doan , of Loicau
county , after a desperate resistance , and U
how In Jail at North Platte ; 1,26 0 were re
covered , A writ of habeas corpus has been
sued out by Parker's friends , returnable
to-morrow. If the United States otllcials
want him they ought to bo nulling.
KKAHNEY , Neb. , August 17. ( Special
Telegram to the BEE | Marshal Francis ar
rested a man by the name of Uagnell on No.
4 last Saturday morning. Ho had 83,000 In
now bills on his person. Ho was released In
the afternoon on a habeas corpus , rearrested
by the marshal and turned over to the sheriff
from Dawson county , who took htm to Plum
Creek Sunday morning. He Is supposed to
'bo the man who robbed Paymaster Bash.
CHEYENNE. Wyo , , August 17. | Special
Telegram to the BEE | United States Mar
shal Jeff Carr and Paymaster Bash wilt go to
North Platte to-morrow to brine to this
place Jlin Harris , nllas Charley Parker , ar
rested by the sherlu ot Loifan county , Ne
braska , on suiplclon of having robbed Major
Bash of 87,000 at Douglas , Wyo. , in March
last. Parker , who had formerly lived In
Logan county , returned there shortly after
the robborv with plenty ot loose cash , took
up a ranch and purchased material to fit it
up In the best possible manner. His actions
have been closely watched and the conclu
sion finally reached that he was the man who
committed the robbery , whfch.was a dating
feat , the money being taken from under the
very eyes of the escort and carried off under
a shower of bullets. From the general dls-
Bcrlptton of the man under arrest there seems
to bo no doubt but that ho Is the party
Opening of the Hichnrdson Cage.
Lour CITY , Neb. , August 17. [ Special
Telegram to the BEE ] . The trial of llichard-
son opoHod this morning. The forenoon was
taken up in argulnga motion made by County
Attorney Keath to depose Sheriff Pedlar on
account of his alleged prejudice In favor of
the prisoner. Strong arguments sustaining
the sheriff were made by Lambcrtson , but
the motion prevailed , and the sheriff was ro-
tured from further service In the case. A
HKO objection was made to the coroner by
the defendant , and it became the duty of
Judge Hamer to appoint some disinterested
party to select a jury. On court convening
at 1 o'clock , Lambcrtson filed a motion to
quash the Indictment , which was ably ar
gued pro and con by himself and Judge
Mason , but overruled. After the motion to
quash was disposed of a plea of abatement
was filed , and at this hour Is being argued.
Great interest Is taken In the case by the cit
izens. The prisoner maintained great com
posure , now and then Indulging In a light
laueh at the Incidents of the court. It Is very
doubtful whether any evidence Is taken with
in the next two days on account of the diffi
culty of securing a Jury.
Buddon Death.
IlEnnoN , Neb. , August 17. | Special to the
BEE. I W. U. Llvcsy died this afternoon
from the effects of a wound received some
two weeks ago. Whllo working at his
slaughter house , his knife passed through a
rope Which h was cutting , and made an
ucly gash In his loft log , a little way above
the. knee. Ho was discovered some two
hours afterward near the li. & M. railroad
track , where ho had crawled till ho became
exhausted from loss of blood. Ho has slnco
been doing well. Yesterday he sat up and
seemed especially cheerful. This morning
about daybreak his wife discovered that his
wound had been bleeding very profusely ,
and soon after ho became Insensible from
loss of blood , and little hope was entertained
of his recovery by the physician when called.
Ho leaves a wife and two children. He was
charter member of the A. O. U. W. lodge
at this place ,
Holdrcgo Happening.
HOMHIKOK , Neb. , August 18. ( Corre-
ipondonceot the DEE.J Last night a tre
mendously heavy rain fell here ami from ap
pearances It was general throughout western
Nebraska. This rain will do late and broom
corn a great deal of good.
The , Teachers' institute for this county
bas been In session since Monday ot last
week ana will close on Friday. Elghty-
envon are enrolled and tbo Instructors are
Mrs. Metcalf , of Lincoln ; Prof. Hart , of the
Holdrego public schools and Prof. Thrasher ,
ot Edgar. The attendance Is the largest ot
any Institute ever held in this county and
the Instructors are doing excellent work.
A boy bouclit a package of powder this morn
ing and laid It in a now tin pan in a wagon
where the sun could strike it , and went off
about other business. Not long after this an
explosion occurred which frightened the
loam and the people , and lol the powder was
Honda Brollne , a farmer , died suddenly at
his bachelor homo four miles north of town ,
on Sunday.
Politics begin to Interest office seekers.
The republican county central committee Is
called ahd soon the smoke of battle will ap
pear F. Hollgron , the present treasurer , will
bo a candidate for a second term and will
likely not hiwo much opposition. George P.
Hhea will try for a second term for county
Judge. S.A.Haldon and Peter Piersonaro can
aldates for county clerk'and others will likely
come out. The present Incumbents for tin
offices of sheriff and county superintendent
will likely bo rcnomlnatcd without opposl
Dokempcr'a Body Probably Found. .
NEUIIASKA CITY , Neb. , August 17.-
[ Speclal Telegram to the BEE. | The bed }
ot a boy about eight years ot age was takei
from the river last evening about three mile :
above East Nebraska City , la. The body hat
evidently been In the water some time , hat
i on a shirt and striped trousers , and Is sup
posed to bo the boy Harry Bokempcr. o
Omaha , of whoso disappearance the BKI
made mention in Its Sunday Issue. Tli
body was taken to East Nebraska City
whore It now Is.
Pullerton Item * .
FUI.I.KRTON , Neb. , August 17. ( Specla
to the BEE.J The prohibitionists have heli
their convention , nominating a full tlckol
From present prospects there will bo foil
tickets In the Held.
Crabtreo , a one-legged old soldier , she
four times at C. Cooney , with whom ho h.v
trouble. Two of the bullets passed throug
Coonoy's clothing , attempted mar i
slaughter the hinge placed the assallau
tuidcr 5MX ) bonds.
On Ills Way to Omaha.
ST. JosEi'ii , Mo. , August 10. [ Special lc
egram to the BEK. ! Gerrge W. Heed e
Topcka , Kan. , supreme commander of th
Select KnlgbU Ot the Ancient order c
United Workmen , passed through St Jo :
eph to-night on his way to Omaha , Net )
where ho will organize to-morrow a gran
legion of the select knights for the state i
Nebraska. Mr. Iteed will bo in St. Joseu
ttie mih lust. , and attend with tho. lodges <
, this city of the A. O. U. W. , tha auulvcrsar
tKJi > g City , Missouri ,
Opening of Their Htxth Annual En-
oa mpnient at Oca Molnes.
DKH MOINES , la. , August 17 [ Special Tel
egram to thoBER.I To-day was the opening
day of the sixth annual encampment of the
National Sons ot Veterans. The street *
have presented a gay appearance from the
profuse display of bunting and decorations
and with the members of the order In bright
uniforms now visiting in the cIVy. About
ono hundred delegates and members from
outside the state are present and perhaps two
hundred from this state , making by far the
largest encampment yet held by the order.
Tbo utmost good will and enthusiasm Is ex
hibited among the members. The council In
chief mat last night and to-diy and audited
accounts and this morning the encampment
met for business and Commandcr-ln-Cblef
Payne , of Fostorla , O. , appointed thn com
mittees. In his report General Payne said :
"Wo look with a great deal of pride on the
growth of our order during the past year.
Wo have chartered 614 new camps , with 1,181
applicants. Wo have mustered Into the old
camps 5,433 members , which makes a total
growth ot 17,4' ) and a total membership ot
ir..bOl. What other order has ever made such
rapid strides ? Ohio alone has mustered 110
camps with a membership of 3,071 , and other
states have kent close behind. Wo have or
ganized new divisions In the District of Co
lumbia , Maryland , Montana , Keutncky and
Tennessee , and new camps In Arizona ,
Idaho , Orozon , Ithode Island , Arkansas ,
Texas and Virginia. This gives the order a
solid footing In twenty-nine states and six
territories. "
Iowa's Grand LodKOofGnod Templars
DES MOINES , la. , August 17. | 8peclal
Telegram to the BEE. ] The Iowa grand
lodge of Good Templars began Us thirty-
fourth annual session In Good Templars'
hall this morning. The assembly room was
tastefully decorated with banners and flow
ers and was filled to Its utmost capacity
There were about fifty delegates present
from the lodges of the state and a large num
ber of visitors were also present , Grand
Chief Templar K. U. Ilutchlns presided , the
other grand officers at their stations Grand
Councillor Mary A. Iloyt , of Perry ; Hight
Worthy Grand Secretary 13. F. Parker , of
Madison , WIs. ; Grand Treasurer O. L. Bar
rett , ot Council Bluffs ; Grand Superintend
ent of Juvenile Templars Lucy K. Fallor ,
of Kellogg ; Grand Marshal George
Gilroy of Perry and Grand Guard John Case
ot Dayton. Uov. F. Brown of Adel offered
a prayer , after which the general lodge was
opened In form and the degree confericd
upon those entitled to It Committees on
appointments , credentials and juvenile
work were appointed , and the grand chief
templar's annual re ort read. After numer
ous letters of regret Had been read by Hutch-
Ins , he made retcronco to Constable Potts
and Deputy Hamilton , the men who are now
under (5,000 bonds each for shooting a sa
loon man , eulogized them warmly and Intro
duced them to the judge. Tuey were re
ceived with a storm of applause , to which
Mr , Potts responded. In the afternoon
there were reports trom officers and their
work , showing the order to be nourishing.
Warden Barr's Report.
ANAMOSA , la. , August 17. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] The biennial report of
Warden Harr , of the Anamosa penitentiary ,
to the governor shows that only five deaths
have occurred there In thn past two years.
There are 328 convicts , of whom 15S are tern-
perato and 12U Intemperate ; SOU are male
prisoners and nineteen female. Seven are
under life sonteuco and two are waiting to
be hung. The system of throwing off tinio
as a reward for good behavior is found to
work exceedingly well.
Harding County's Veterans.
UNION , la. , August 17. [ Special Tevcgram
to the BEE ! The camp of Harding county
veterans Is alive with soldiers and the plat
form and the whole town are beautifully
decorated with flowers. General Tuttlc made
a grand speech to the soldiers and speeches
by leading members of the Woman's Relief
corps were given In the afternoon. To
morrow Colonel Hepburn will speak.
Representatives Nominated.
DES MOINES. la , , August 17. [ Special
Telegram to the BEE. I From specials it is
learned that W. S , licdmond , of Powoshlok
county , was renoinluated to-dav for repre
sentative at Brooklyn , and K. II. .Moore , of
Tama county , was nominated for the same
office at Toledo. Both are republicans.
Rumors of Stanley's Death Generally
Considered Baseless at Belgium.
[ CovvrlgM 1&17 by Jama ( Jnnlin Dennett. ]
BKUSSEI.S , August 17. | Now York Herald
Cable Special to the BEE.J The fresh
tumor of Stanley's death Is firmly believed
by the king of the Belgians , but all the
Congo authorities hero consider it a bare
faced invention. From the fact that it
comes from Zanzibar I also believe It false.
The same mall which brought mo the news
telegraphed you yesterday brought to King
Leopold a copy of a letter addressed by Stan
ley to Captain Lelbricht , district commissary
ot the Congo Free State at Leopold. In a
copy of the said letter shown me , dated Juno
17 , Stanley states that he arrived that very
day at the Aruwlinl rapids in good order and
good condition , and thanked the free state
for the assistance during his voyage In the i
Con so. It Stanley has been killed slnco , the i
news could not have reached Zanzibar five
months afterword , namely , next November ,
even by the shortest route from Tanganlka
lake. Therefore the Zanzibar news Is
utterly incredible. Had it come
by the Congo route It
would have looked moro likely but It has not.
General Stratich has lately received three
telegrams from M. Hanssen , governor of St.
Paul Loanda , dated August 3 and another
from Madeira Aujust 9. These contain tno
news ot Stanley's death. Of course , bad any
plausible rumor of Stanley's death reached
Governor Hansscu ho would have men
tioned it In one or other of the telegrams ,
whereas it does not oven mention Stanley's
name. At the Congo authorities' office the
rumor Is considered a pure fabrication.
Of course Stanley may be abandoned by
his escort. The last authentic advises , in i
fact a fresh private letter shown mo by independent -
pendent persons , assort ho has had some dlf-
ficulty with his escort. These may take a
traelc turn , but to assort that they have is
equal to swearing that there was an earthquake -
quake last night at the North Pole.
LONDON , August 17. Letteis were received ; ]
hero yesterday from Henry Stanley , dated
Julv 19 , from Gambruja , a village near the
rapids of Arumwl , reporting himself and d
party all well.
Meeting of Pacific Mail Directors.
NEW YORK , August 17. At the Pacific
Mall directors' meeting to-day the executive
committee was ordered to take stops to re-
01 duce the capital stock one-half , and If this it
done the payment of dividends will be re-
, . sumed at once. Proposals are being received
it both here and from England for two steam'
crs of about 4,000 tons , to cost about f 400.00C
or 500.000 each. Nodeclslvo action has boon
taken on the purchase of the steamers , bill
this will be arranged at another meeting that
siof may bo held In a few days.
tie Illlnkey Morgan's Victim D ad.
of DKTUOIT , August 17. Sherill Clmrle :
is- Lynch , ot Alpcna , dlod this morning from i
isJii wound In Ule ted by the notorious "Bllnkcy1
of Morgan. Lynch had planned and carriec
uh out a scheme to capture Morgan and other
ot alleged to be the murderer * of Detecllvi
ry Hullgan , ot Cleveland. Ills murderer li
now in jail at Uavenna , Ohio ,
Four TJtea Gome to Meeker and Ask For
a Powwow ,
They Got Two Men Into Their Power
and Then Turn on Them With
Knives Sheriff Ken
dall's Appeal.
Caught In a Trap.
DENVER , Colo. , August 17. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE.I The first news received
from the scene of the trouble this morning
was the following :
GLENWOOD SPUINOS , August 17. Gover
nor Adams. Justin from front Have had
several set-tos with Indians. No white men
hurt ; several Indians shot. Sheriff Kendall ,
with tbo leading citizens of Meeker holding
counsel with Indians. Indians want fifteen
days to get back to reservation. Troops
should bo there to protect citizens whllo In
dians are leaving. PHIL. FOOTE ,
Deputy Sheriff Garfleld County.
At 11:10 : , however , the governor received a
dispatch came from Adjtant-Goneral West ,
and read as follows :
GLONWOOIJ Smixas , Col. , August 17.
Governor Adams : Messenger Just arrived
bearing dispatch from Gregory at Meeker
saying four Utea who came into town yes
terday asking for protection and council ,
have acted In bad faltn. They asked for
escort through settlements in afternoon to
go out and confer with Colorow. A Mor
mon Inspector from Ashlv was with them
and a man called " "
"Fatty" Uandall. on whom
they made an attack with a knife , cutting
him on arm , and then ran. Whites were
fired on by party of Utes In hills. Mayor
wants troops sent on with all possible dis
The same courier brings the following from
Sheriff Kendall :
MKRKEit , Col. , August 10 Foneral George
West : Send men and arms at once. The
Indians have raised hell again. Lose no
time. Yours truly ,
The following reply was sent :
GLENWOOI ) SrniNos. Col. , August 17.
Cantaln Gostln has arrived this moment
after an all-night ride. As soon as men are
better rested will push thorn on to Mecner.
Shall order Itcordan to make forced march
there. They have government troops ; been
ordered forward. Ghoitni : WEST ,
Adjutant General.
This dispatch showed the following to bo
the situation : Sheriff Kendall and the In
dians had agreed on a truce and powwow.
With this end In view Sheriff Kendall with
drew to Meeker , bringing four of Colorow's
Utcs with him for counsel. The citizens of
Meeker agreed to Colorow's
demand for fif
teen days' time to leave the country and
Sheriff Kendall dispatched Deputy Sheriff
Foote to Glenwood Springs with the news.
The four Utes wanted an escort through the
settlement on their return to Colorow and
two men were given them. These two men
wont with them but beyond tha settlement
the four Utes turned on the two white men
with knives. This of course started all thn
excitement afresh and Sheriff Kendall sent a
courier after Foote , who gave the news of
the treachery. UnltedStates Marshal Hill
to-day telegraphed General Crook that the as
sistance of United States troops was urgently
needed. Governor Adams said this mornIng -
Ing : "I want United States troops. It is
very well to talk about cleaning out the In
dians with state troops but I do not propose
to let a single \\o \ \ be sacrificed where the sac
rifice can be avoided. It cuts mo to the heart
to send militia boys to the front , for there
may be loss of life among them. I am doing
only what I must do. Ilow the trouble orig
inated It is still hard to determine. But I
must do what 1 can toward protecting the
Innocent settlors. 1 still earnestly hope that
the difficulty will bo settled without much
bloodshed. "
Walking the Streets With Rides.
MEEKEK , Cole , , ( via Glenwood Springs' )
August 17 , Tuesday , S-'Xi p. m. [ Special
Telegram to the HUE.-A ] fooling ot se
curity has prevailed but since , a white man
has been attacked by the Indians and there
is now considerable feeling manifested.
Troops will likely bo sent for and are surely
needed. The Utes have asked for four days
to leave In but they are still coming from the
reservation. No ono feels secure , Kendall
and his posse got In this morning. None of
bis comrades are wounded. Arms and am
munition are needed here.
LATEII. The man attacked was stabbed
by a Ute whom ho was conducting out of the
city , the Utobeln ? in to make peace. Howard
Ednas has just been sent to Axall to notify
Senator Eddy and the Boar river people of
the situation. It Is now sure that trouble
will follow and of a serious nature. If troops
do not come in a protracted Indian war will
ensue. Men are now walking the sticets
with rifles In their ban ds.
Probably Pightln ? the \Vholn Trlun
POST , Tuesday , August 1G , 5 a , m. ( via Glen-
wood Springs ) Colo. , August 17. J. 1.
Iteynold , chairman of the board of county
commissioners of Garfleld county accom
panied by your correspondent arrived hero
last evening with the stock completely worn
out by bad roads and day and night travel.
Wo are now fourteen miles from the White
river and eighteen miles from Meeker , which
wo will reach as soon as possible this morn
ing , as we have boon advised that the ammu
nition wo have Is badly needed. This morn
ing ut 3 o'clock D. K. VanCleof , county as
sessor and special courier for Adjutant Gen
eral West went over this road and woke up
all the ranchmen and advised them to flee to
Frank Morgan on the divine , saving that
Kendall had had a fieht with the Utcs and
that the agency Utes were moving up the
White river. When the first trouble occurred
between J. A. Burgett , the game warden , and
the Utcs , the latter sent runners to tht
agency for assistance and ever slnco small
bands of Utes have been noticed coming uj
the river. The last reports are that a largo bodj
are moving upon Meeker. The flrst dlfllcultj
occurred between Game Warden J. A. Ben
nett and the Utes. The game warden at
tempted to servo some papers on the Ind Ian :
for their illegal and wanton slaughter ol
game. The Indians made a rush for theli
guns and the fight commenced. It Is re
ported that ono Ule was killed , but this I ;
not definitely known as the Indians alwayi
pack oil their killed nnd wounded. Ono o
the horse thieves who had been Indicted b ;
the grand jury at their last sitting , wai
wounded three times. Game Warden Ben
nett was then joined by Sheriff Kendall and
his party , and a running tight has been kep
up ever slnco according to reports. Kendall
la reported to bo n great distance away fron
Meeker , fifty or sixty miles , but brushes be
tween the whites and Indians have occurrcc
only a few miles from Meeker. Fron
what can bo learned as wo nea
the field of active operations one o
two things must obtain , Kendall Is cltlie ;
righting brush or the whole Ute tribe are oi
the warpath. Van Cleef was under instruc
tlons this morning to call out the state mill
tia , call for volunteers and beg , borrow o ;
steal amunltlon. It is thought that Klne ;
Colorow's son has been killed , as a whlt <
man was seen riding his famous' race horse
The horse is well known in this section i.
Since that tlineiuiU ) and horse are both
Ing and It Is presumed tbo man has ridden to
his death. If this boy Is killed there will bo
a long war inaugurated.
A General Uprising Threatened.
GLKNWOOD SPRINGS , Colo. , August 17.
( Special Telegram to the Br.u.1 Your cor
respondent has learned that the White lllver
Indians have sent runners to the Un-
compahgre camp , the Black Feet , the Sioux ,
the Crow and other tribes In Colorado , Wy
oming. Montana and Idaho for aid. Colo-
row Knows that It will bo a decisive battle
and that it will end the Indian
question forever. Ho has determined ,
It Is said , to have the other tribes
brought into the present dltllculty and whllo
the outbreak has been local so far ho wants
to make it a national one. 'Tho runners are
reported to have started for the camps of the
other tribes from Yellow Jacket pass on
Sunday night. Duncan Ulalr , a white ranch
man who married a Ute squaw and who Is
said to bo popular with the Utcs Is alleged to
konw something of It , Ho cannot bo reached
for two days as his ranch Is some miles
above Meeker. There may be nothing
In the statement but It Is plausible
and I send It , that Inquiry bo made as to Its
authenticity. The day has been an exciting
ono here , as sensational reports of the actions
ot the Indians as narrated below have justi
fied. Ono company of state militia has departed -
parted lor the scene ot the trouble , supple
mented by an organized band of volunteers
headed by Under Sheriff Clements and Jack
Ward , a settler familiar with Indian tactics
and the country. The other state troops are
on their way , and Adjutant General
West has been Indefatigable In his
efforts to get men to the front
as soon as possible. Ho has sent
guns and ammunition In answer to tbo ap
peal and if the state troops once get In the
field they will , from present Indications , bo
able to quell the outbreak and compel the
hostiles to go back to tlin reservations or kill
them , which Is believed to bo tbo most feasi
ble solution of the problem. Thn state
troops must move , however , as my ad
vices , which 1 have every reason
to believe accurate bavin ; ; been
gleaned from both sides , show that the
Indians are concentrating and at least 200of
them are in the White river country ready
for a battle , which they will be able to main
tain advantageously , being In a country with
which they are thoroughly familiar , and
which will make their position Impregnable.
No very serious casualties have been re
ported yet , but the unprotected ranches are
the prey of the hostiles , and to protect them
troops must begin to work. I think that the
provisions for the campaign , which it ap
pears Is pending , have not
been as thorough and completeas
they might bo , and troops should bo
supplied with every facility for conducting a
creditable contest. The Denver , Leadvlllo
and Colorado Springs cavalry companies are
expected to-morrow night , although they
have not as yet reported at the terminus of
the railway , thirty-live miles distant from
Glenwood Springs , and about 100 from the
scone of the troubles
Government Aid Asked.
WASHINGTON , August 17. A telegram
w as received at the war department this
morning from General Terry stating that
the governor of Colorado had requested
General Crook to assist the civil authorities
in serving process upon the Ute bucks who
had been Indicted by the grand jury. General
Terry asked for Instructions for tbe guidance
of himself and General Crook In the matter.
A telegram was sent in reply , directing him
to hold troops In readiness to move at a mo
ment's notice in case of necessity. The war
department bus received no of
ficial information of the re
ported engagement between Colorow's
band and the sheriff's posse , and the military
authorities do not feel authorized to assist
the civil authorities In their efforts to arrest
Indicted Indians. In the event of
the defeat of the sheriff's posse and
Colorow's taking to the warpath ,
General Crook , who Is near at hand , had full
authority to take any action to protect the
people. In view of the absence of any ofll-
clal information of the outbreak , however ,
the war department otllcials are disposed to some of tlio reports as exagger
Nebraska and Iowa Pensions.
WASHINGTON , August 17. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] Nebraska pensions were
granted to-day as follows : Thomas M. Gib
son , Wilsonvllle , Increase ; Potter MunU ,
Grand island ; Charles Helen , Newman's
Grove , Mexican war ; Achilles K. Harmon ,
Iowa pensions wcra granted as follows :
Widow of William Hart , Drakevllle. Origi
nals : William M , Veneman , Atlantic'Sam ;
uel P. Hyde. Clear Lake : Sheridan R. Tracy ,
Klchland ; Gustavus Kendall , Alta , Increase ;
Isaac Heunor , Falrtield ; S'aederF. ' Lastertv ,
DCS Molnes ; Thr.oplillus GrUgs , Keokuk ;
Boyd W. Dysart. Clarlnda : Edwin Shaffer.
Castalia'Jolm : Fenton , Milledeevlllo : Elijah
Morris , Hethlehmn ; Matthew In Davis , Htfw-
Icyville , Samuel S. Mosel , Muscatlno ; Melvin -
vin Stone , Dos Molnes : Uobort Kopner ,
Marengo ; Isaac Sprague , Clear Lake ; Wll-
llaiivPovorell , Laporto City.
Offers For Bond fining.
WASHINGTON , August 17.-The offers for
the sale of 5J per cent bonds to the govern
ment received at the treasury department to
day amount to 58,837,000. The rates rancod
from 103 to 110. It is stated at the treasury
department that the government has made a
saving of S242l'i'5 In Interest In buying
33,500,000IX bonds to-day at a premium of
Secretary Falrchlld , this afternoon , ac
cepted the offer of Harvey Flsk & Sons to
sell Sl.000,000 coupon , and 81,500,000 regis
tered 4V < per cents , at 100 44-100. All other
bids were rejected.
A Snmll Boy AI moat Causes a Terri
ble Accident in Chicago.
CHICAGO , August 17. | Special Telegram to
theBun.J A small boy , whoso name and
residence are at present unknown , but who
Is being sought for by the police , created a
good deal of excitement at the Lake street
bridge about 8 o'clock this morning and
nearly succeeded In bringing about a fright
ful accident At the hour named the bridge
tender went to the west end of the bridge to
tighten up the lock a little and for an Instant
the throttle on the main floor of the bridge
was left unprotected. Seeing this the youth
darted out from the passenger walk , gave the
throttle a Jerk , settlnc.tlio bridge In motion ,
and ran away as fast as his legs could carry
him. Just as this had been done a West
Division car was cominK down to the bridge ,
when the driver suddenly saw the immense
structure turning at full speed. Fortunately
he was enabled to stop his car before It
reached the bridge and at the same ti mo the
man In chargn of the engine on the second
floor of the brlduo saw that something was
wrong and shut off .steam , bringing the great
structure to a halt before It had moved half a
dozen feet. Brldzo Tender Casey set In pur
suit of the boy. who ran down Water street ,
whllo the policeman at the bridge made chase
down Lake street In Mono of overtaking him
there. Casey had the boy In slu'ht for some
time and followed him , to lllver street , over
half a mile , but the cunnlnir youngster es
caped In the crowd at this point.
A Talk With Admiral Ltico.
NEW VOKK , August 17. [ Special Tele
gram to tlio UKK. ] Tliu Bar Harbor corre
Hpondentof tho. World quotes Admiral Luct
assaying ; "There Is no truth at all In the
' story that I .am to retireI have still twc
. years more to nerve uuder uiy present com
smission " '
s- - , .
It Was Filed in the United States Circuit
Court Yesterday ,
Such U Ills Allegation Regarding the
Interrogations of tlio i'aolflo
Commission Says Ho Will
Answer IT Compelled.
The Senator's Screed.
SAN FIIANCISCO , August 17. [ Special
Telegram to the BEE. | There was Hied In
the United States circuit court hero to-day
the answer of Senator Lclaml Stanford to
the petition of the Pacific railway commis
sion to compel the said Stanford to answer
questions relating to the use ot money for
the purposes of influencing legislation In
connection with the Central I'acllic railway.
After citing at length the history of the Cen
tral Paclilc , Stanford says that he has taken
part In transacting the business of the com
pany for over twenty-live years and In point
of value aggregating upward of 8WO.OOO.OOO.
As tha business took place ho was cognizant
of It , but owing to Its multiplicity and the
pressure of matters moro Important
mere detail , ho Is now no longer able to
recollect tbo matters with which ho was
once personally familiar. After receiving
the circular from the commission In May of
this year , calling for certain Information , ho
endeavored to comply with the request. Ills
answers contain Ing all available Information ,
were prepared and submitted to the commis
sion. Since the arrival of the commission In
San Francisco , he has waited upon the , prin
cipal officers , and the employes of the Cen
tral 1'acltlc company have waited upon them
and every person in.tlio employ of the com
pany whoso presence was desired , or who
could furnish them Information In respect to
the subjects of their Investigations , have
promptly and cheerfully done so. The laws
creating the Central Paclilc company have
been complied with. The repeal of the act
ot congress creating the company would not
do away with the Central Pacllic railroad
company. Its existence does not depend
upon an act of congress. It owes its
existence to the laws of the state ot California
and to those laws alone , and however a re
peal of the act ot congress may aifoct the
bounties , it can In no wise affect the exist
ence ot the company. Annual examina
tions of the affairs of the company have
been made by the government officials , and
accounts between thn government and the
company adjusted accordingly. The present
examination by the pacific commission has
not only extended to tlio affairs of the Cen
tral Pacific railway , but has extended to a
seachlng investigation of the affairs of all
consolidated and allied companies connected
with that corporation , and all business rela
tions have been exposed to the public and
prying curiosltv of rival business competi
tors. Standtord says that It Is In regard to
that class of property with which the govern
ment has no connection that he declines
to answer the questions propounded , and
questions have been asked and a line of ex-
amlnlnatlon pursued manifestly prompted by
disaffected and hostile parties whoso aim was
more the pursuit of personal enmity of a pri
vate character than In the Interest of the
public at largo or tbo ends of justice. Not to
answer these objectionable questions would
not necessarily give rise to the implication
that all persons whose names may be men
tioned In the questions ttfwlilch answers are
declinedare-guilty of the acts of commission
which are implied 111the , bare asking of the
questions. To quote from an answer filed ,
"In my testimony given to the commission
ers 1 have said In substance and now repeat
ihat I have never corrupted nor attempted
to corrupt any member of the legislature or
any member of congress or any public offi
cial , nor have I authorised any ouo to do so. "
In regard to the vouchers
referred to in the present application , Stan
ford savs : "All claims covered by these
vouchers have received not only the approval
of tlio board of directors of the Central Pa
cific railroad company , but likewise the ap
proval of the stockholders of the company.
All parties who could in anywise bo affected
by the disbursements empraccd in these
vouchers wore all satisfied with them ; there
fore the commission ought to be satisfied
with them. It Is impossible not from time to
time to do business involving disbursements
which every dictate of business prudence wit'
not admit of being made public ; arrange
ments of a private character , names of parties
not pubjHly known and the disclosure of
which could only result In defeating the
ends in view and exposing tlio per
son so named to obloquy , would forbid
making the same public either upon tlio
archleves of the company or before the pub
lic commission. "
Stanford regrets that the commission has
deemed It Its duty to propound questions In
volving criminality on Ills part but bolus ;
asked the question ho has felt constrained tenet
not answer them , acting not merely on his
own behalf , but on behalf of tlioso whoso In
terests , as stockholders of the Central Pa
cllic railroad , are committed to his charge.
He feels bound to decline to answer them un
less the court shall otherwise rule.
The Argument Ho lorn the IT. 8. Court.
HAN FRANCISCO , August 17. Argument
was commenced to-day Defore Supreme Jus
tice Field and Judges Sawyer , Hoffman and
Sabln In the United States court In the case
of the petition of the Pacific railroad com
mission against Senator Stanford. The
United States district attorney arcued that
the ar.t of congress creating the commission
called for an entire expose of the company's
doings. The counsel for the railroad used
the samu line of argument , substantially , as
Senator Stanford had , assertine "that the
prying of the commission Into private mat
ters rendered the work unconstitutional. "
llotli parties were allowed till Monday to file
The Pacltlo Itallway Inquiry.
SAN FKANCIBCO , August 17. Ueforo the
Pacific railway commission to-day I ) . O.
Mills , of Now York , testified that ho was
offered in 1ST : ) a controlling interest In the
Central Paclilc , consisting of bO per cent of
stock in all the corporations connected with
the road , Ho was offered this tor ? 20,000X)0 ( ) ,
but ! declined because ho did not agree In
all particulars of building , and was also de
terred bv the attltudo of the government.
Klchard F. Stevens , accountant tor the com-
mlsson , testified that many books were miss
ing , also vouchers on which Jarce sums of
money was paid by Standford and Crocker.
Ho ret erred especially to a voucher for 5518,000
paid Crocker , for back salary , for
which he could find no authorization.
George It. U. Hayes , counsel for Mrs. Ellen
Coiton In the suit ot Colton vs. Stanford ct
al. , appeared with the correspondence be
tween Colton and Huntlngton , but an In
junction from the UnltedStates circuit court
was served restrainIg him from producing
It or the correspondence.
Asked For InstruotlonH.
SAN FHANCISCO , August 17. Chairman
PattUon , of tlio Pacific railway commission ,
to-day telegraphed the president , asking
whether the should employ counsel to assist t
the district attorney In the cases pending In
volving the examination of witnesses on 1
certain points.
The Pennsylvania Htu o Convention
KndnrscH ISIaino.
HAiiinsiiuito , Pa. , August 17. Tlio repub
lican state convention was called to order
this morning and Walter U Lyons elected
temporary chairman. William 1) . Hart was ;
nominated for state treasurer by acclamation. .
Williams was nominated on the lirst ballot
for supreme judse.
The following are the main features of the
platform as adopted : It rcalllrms the decla
ration of IbSC In favorof submitting fo a
votu ot the people a prohibitory cousiltu-
tlonat amendment and endorses the action
of the last legislature In the submission of
an amendment making suffrage free by abel
ishing tax qualification ; U favors a tariff for
the sake of nurturing American manufac
tures ; demands the p.issago of moro vigorous
national laws tor scrutiny of Immigration ;
expresses abhorrence of anarchistic Ideas
and demands that any violations of the law
by this classbo met with severe punish-
nient ; favors the creation of * n Amer
ican marine ; declares that the surplus
of the treasury cannot bo better
expended than In the enlargement of the
general pension list , so as to Include all hon
orably discharged soldiers who may bo In
need ; It arraigns the democratic party and
the present national administration for gen
eral Inability in dealing with all national
questions , affirming that the only energy
they have exhibited has been In the displace
ment of experienced olllcers and a direct violation
lation of their civil service pledges ; charges
President Cleveland with endeavoring to
nurture sectionalism. In order to preserve a
solid democratic south , by preference to a
distinguished station of soldiers prominent
In efforts to destroy the eovornincnt , by his
refusal to sanction pensions to soldiers emi
nent in efforts to sustain It , and by his "rebel
llait" order.
Following Is the closing portion of the sev
enth plank In the nlatform : "Tho repub
licans or Pennsylvania , the native state of
Hon. James G. Hlalno. will view with hUli
pleasure his nomination for the presldenoy
In the campaign ot 1SSS. Accldont cannot
abate the love of a great party , nor the admi
ration of a irrcat people for the statesman ,
true alike to his convictions and to his coun
try. "
liejolutlons w"ro also adopted denouncing
the discrimination airalnst thu colored race
In the south and extending sympathy and
greeting to Gladstone , Parnell and associ
It ! Fixed at Ono Faro Br the West
ern PaflSciiKcr Association.
CHICAGO , August 17. The Western Pas
senger association met to-day and decided to
adhere to the rate for the Grand Army re
union at St. Louis , next month , at a single
fare on roads west and northwest of the Mis
souri river , as already agreed upon. The
roads from Chicago to St , Louis will make a
rate of 1 cent to meet the rate made by the
Central Traffic association.
, August 17. Articles of In
corporation of the reorganized Indianapolis ,
Uccatur & Springfield railroad company
were filed with the secretary of state this
morning. The capital stock Is fixed at JM-
4-20,000 , and the Indiana line is defined as
running from Indianapolis to a point on the
Illinois line , In Vermllllon county , where It
connects with the Indianapolis , Qulncy &
Mlssouil lUver road. The now company is
to bo called the Indianapolis & Wabash rail
road company.
An Kxppctctl Hnllroml Ttattlc.
ST. l'AULMlnn. , August 17. A Winnipeg
special to tlio Pioneer-Press , says ; It Is
learned that the Canadian Pacific yesterday
morning sent road building material and a
gang of fifty men over Its southwestern
branch In Morris , where woik was to begin
to-night constructing a snur line crossing the
route ot the Ifed lllver Valley road , thus ob
structing the building ot the latter. An open
conflict between the torccs of the opposing
roads is expected to-day , as the Ued Itlver
giaders are Hearing this point.
The Condition of Now Foiiucllaiid ,
ST. JOHNS , N. F. , August 17. The Colonist
to-day contains the following from Sir llob-
ert Thorbiftn , premier. "Tho statements
published abroad regarding New Foundland
are untruthful 'and malicious. There Is
neither bankruptcy nor universal destitution.
Hank nnd wostern-fisheries aro. successful.
Thu Labrador and northern fisheries hitherto
have Deed poor , but were Improving at the
latest advices. The general outlook here Is
much bettor than It was last season at the
corresponding period. "
At Fort Ljcavonworth.
KOUT LEAVKNWOHTH , August 17. [ Spe
cial Telegram to the BIK. : ] The following In
the third day's score of the eighteen highest
competitors In the seventh annual rifle com
petition at Fort Leaven worth :
To-da > 's Total
score , score.
Hardln , Sd Lieut. 18th cav 70 41(1 (
Macomb , 1st Lieut , nth cav 01 Ji'JS
Jloch , Corp. C , 7th eav Cfl sea
Slekamp , Sorgt C , 5th cav 00 ! iS7
Munich , Private K , l th Inf 5S 8S4
Preston , Private L , 9th cav 65
Peterbon , Corp. A , 6th cav 40
Wild , Sernt , 1 , Cth Inf 51 3bu
Newton.Sergt. H.Cth Inf O'J b7
Keep , Corp. U. SM Inf ( Vt 1572
Coys , Private L , 5th cav 47 sot )
Heed , Sergt. K , 5th cav C2 I5C7
Hollluger , musician A , 23d Inf. . . .47 807
Wunhold , Serct. A , Ibth Inf 12 02
Itay , Sergt. A , 10th Inf 52 874
Close of Preliminary Practice.
UELI.KVUK , Neb. , August 17. ( Special
Telegram to the UEE. | The preliminary
practice for the Department of the Platte
closed to-day. The weather has been fair for
good shooting , with the exception of the second
end day , when it poured down rain all the
forenoon. The firing was not stopped on
that account. At the firing at known dis
tances Thursday morning and afternoon and
skirmish firing on Tnursday and Friday the
following are tlio scores made by the first
fourteen competitors : Lieutenant Kerr ,
Seventeenth infantry , 400 ; Lieutenant Gar-
rard , Ninth cavalry , 4VJ ; Cantaln Glenn ,
Seventeenth Infantry , 4M ; Private Annls ,
Twenty-first Infantry , 400 ; Sergeant Lewis ,
Seventh Infantry , 401 : Private Uoltz. Seven
teenth Infantry , 400 ; Sergeant Homing , Sev
enteenth Infantry , 443 ; Corporal Mullen ,
Seventh Infantry , 443 ; 1'rivato OlsonTwenty-
second Infantrv , 44t : ; Corporal Kelley , Sixth
Infantry , 430 ; Private Holt , Eighth intantrv ,
46 ! ! : Corporal i-'unlis , Seventh Infantry , 485 ;
Lieutenant Mercer , Klglith infantry , 481 ;
Private Itlerdan , KlglithTntantry , 4IJO. .ssa
At St. Paul.
Sr. PAUL , Minn. , August 17. To-day at
Fort Snolllni ; was devoted to bulls-oyo
shooting. Lieutenant Avcry carried elf the
honors. At SOO yards ho made four bulls-
eyes In tivo shots and the other ono was zero ,
thus winning 4'J ' out of a possible 50. At the
same distance Sergeant McKoIvey made six
bulls-eyes in eight shots. At 800 yards Cor
poral Uoyno made three bulls-eyes in four
shots. Sergeant Anger , Sergeant Crow and
Senceant Michel made five bulls-eyes In
eight shots. At COO yards Sergeant Crow ,
Sergeant Wood , Sergeant Farrell , Corporal
Hoyne , Private Keoney and Private Smith
each made four bulls-eyes In eight shots.
Sentenced Under thn Crimes Act.
DUHMN , August 17. At Limerick sessions
to-day three persons were sentenced
under the crimes act , two of them to six
months imprisonment and ono to four
mouths for resisting the sheriff.
Amnrlcnn liar Association Meeting.
SAHAToriA , N. Y. , August 17. The tenth
annual meeting of the American liar associ
ation opened hero to-day. Over ! iOO lawyers
weie present.
An Omnhn Money l'nokniu Lost.
Hum : , Mont. , August 17. It has just been
learned that a package sent from Omaha by
the I'acllic express on the 21th , lost between -
tween Green lllver. Wyo. , and Pocatcllo ,
Idaho , containing 2ao In 5 hills , was
stolen from the car. No cluu. Kmployes
are not suspected.
Weather Indications.
For Ncbiaska : Gunernlly fair weather ,
light variable winds , slightly warmer In
eastern portion , stationary temperature In
western portion.
For Iowa : Fair weather , Glleht variable
winds , no decided change In tumpcratuie.
For Uukota : Fair weather , light variable
wluds , nearly etutlouary temperature. ' ,
Three of Them Tor the Oompany and Three
For the' Section Boss.
The Verdict In the Chatawnrth Oas
8(111 HaiiRlng Flro A Serlou *
Wreck 011 tlin Unltlinoro
* . * Ohio. *
Will Summon Moro .
CIIATSWOKTH , 111. , August 17. | Special
Telegram t < > the HUE.I The coronet's jury
mot tills morning and decided to summon
more witnesses. Station Agent Mnsoti a (
Piper Cltv and Headmaster Knnls will bu ox-
nmlni-il. Some members of tlio jury want'
to sue If nny blame can bu attached to Mr
Mason , whoso attention was called to the
11 ro on the trnck early on the night of
Wednesday , August 10. It nlso wants to'
Inquire about Mr. Knnls' order before consul
Ing Coughlln. Thu jury Isovunly divided off
thu form of the verdict. 1) . Shaw , a fanner ,
\V. \ W. Soars , postmaster , nnd J. It. Blug-
1mm , a tariuer , want to brlni ; In a vordlcf
that the seventy-seven persons came'
to their death by an accident
which occurred two and a half mlle'i
east of Clmtsworth ; that the nccldent wa <
caused by the burning of a bridge , which was
entirely burned away when the train reached
It , and It caught 11 ro through the carelcssnosi
of Timothy CouKhlln , section foreman , and
one of the company's aeonts , who acted In
positive disobedience of orders. P. L. Cooky
a hardware merchant and 'grocer , H. l\
Turner , a coal and grain dealer , and C. Os *
borne , a retired farmer , all of Chatswortli.
went to censure the company for running *
louble-header. They think the train WM
o hcaw nnd they want to say so. Coronoc
.one , of 1'ontlac , Is with the company. iltf
Han apparently honest but easy-going gcnV
'cman , who feels uudcr obllgaJ
otis to the road for passes' !
Vttorney Stevens , a very shrewd and hk'hly
ivsliouUiertid lawyer , bus been with Mr/
g at the hotel , on the train and on that
treet corners. It will bo seen that the farm *
rs are standing by the company and the
wstmaster , who Is fouminn of the jury , a ,
ustlco of the pcacu and a member of the
jonlicdrlm , knows which way the company's
'uvors are liable to How if ho does noised'
tial the proper form of verdict is returned.-
\ . verdict such as Sears recommends oxoner- .
ites the management entirely and throw *
the entire blnmc on the thin , bony , stammer
nK Tim Cougnlln , the boss of section 7. Tlitt
New York bondholders will probably roaoj
ho verdict , and thu officers of the road lia\e )
lice jobs at stake.
1'r.oitiA , August 17. The board of rallrord
net warehouse commisslonor.s was ongagid.
11 day In hearing the testimony of mimor-
us persons who wcru on the excursion
rain , but no Important facts were elicited
A. largely attended memorial meeting was.
icld In the court house square this evening ,
mil lengthy i'solutions adopted demanding
he closest investigation into the causes o
ind all the circumstances attendant upon th
Clmtsworth disaster. Symuathy was ex
tended to all upon whom suffering has bco :
stalled by the disaster , and ttpproc latlon o :
the good offices ot all who aided In rcsculn
and succoring was acknowledged.
Another frightful Aceldont.
WARiiiNdTON , August 17. | Special Telot
gram to the UEE. 1 Another frightful accl <
dent occurred on the Baltimore & Ohio rall/i
road this morning within the limits of the ?
city. As the Cincinnati and St. Loulscxpresj
train , which Is duo hero about 0 a. in. , was }
rounding Into the "V" at a rate of speed apJ
proxlmatlng forty-live miles an hour , tha
nglueer discovered that the airbrakes would !
nut work. Before the engine could bo slack- *
oncd up the train had left the track and'
went crashing Into a building which stood
near. Thoscono of the accident Is ouo of thor
utmost desolation. Scarcely a picca
of the engine can bo rceog *
nl/od. Sorcral cars are entirely demolished
The signal tower is a total wreckt ;
and two houses are converted Into plies ot
ruined building material. It is Impossible t < 7
ascertain at this writing just what the casualt
ies aro. The engineer and fireman ar
lead and several of the pass cngers ire said
to have lost tlwir lives. At least twenty uie
seriously Injured. It Is believed that there
are many moro under the wreck. Every ap *
uroach to the scene of the accident Is blocked
by a crowd of people , all eager to see what 19
going on. This makes it exceedingly dlffit
cult to ascertain any of the particulars
The place whore the accident occurred see ml
to be the most fatal spot on the Baltimore < sfl
Ohio railroad. Within the past three year *
live or six accidents have occurred there ,
each of which was attended with moro ofi
less fatal results. 1
The accident to the lialtlmoro & Ohio rail'
road In this city to-day was In some rcsprcti
one of the most peculiar over tecorded ,
Three passenger coaches were entire ! }
demolished , and In addition to this one oi
them was completely burled under the debris
of a three-story building which fell upon It.1
and yet not a single passenger was killed
outright and the number seriously Injured )
was very small Indeed , under the circum
stances. Tlin signal tower from which th
switches are operated was this morning a
three-story brick building. To-night there la
scarcely a single brick In Its original posi
tion. If the building had been purposely ;
demolished It could not have been raced
more effectually. A rod brick house which
stood near the switch where the engine was ,
overturned , was painted from ground to
roof with yellow mud blown up by the escarn
ing steam. The spot wheru the accident
occurred was In the "V. " This has been
ono ot the most disastrous places along thoj
center line of tills unfortunate road. 4
serious accident occurred there only a fov
months ago , and the company last wcol
settled ttio last claim under that accident.
Within the past few ynais there have been a' '
number of similar affairs In the same locality
and the people of Washington have at last'
determined that this part of the load must bty
materially Improved. Active steps are to boj
taken to this and at once. The coimulBjJ
sloners have begun a rigid Investigation , ana ?
the company will bo compelled to adopt soma
better plan to enter tlio city. ,
fl'ressJ An accident occurred to the Sty
Louis , Chicago and Cincinnati express tralnf
on the Baltimore A : Ohio , which was duf
here this morninir. In which all the cars ox-f
ccpt the sleepers were badly smashed up
Knglneer Hamilton liroslus and two passen.
tiers were killed. The llrcman was badly
scalded , and litteeu passonuers seriously In * '
jtired , Great confusion prevails at the scena
of the wreck and there Is much difficulty In
learning the lunn es of the dead and wounded
lias congers. The accident was caused by thf
brakes not working , which caused the train
to run from the truck and Into a signal
tower. i
The injured , who number nine , have f.
almost all been taken to thu I'rovldenco hos
pital. The In juries to Kock m.iy pro vo fataf.
Tlui Chicago and Cincinnati sleepers did not
leave tlio track.
LATKH. Only ono person was killed In tht
railroad wreck this morning.
A Cumion-Hiill O I Is'on.
DonriE CITY , Kan. , August 17. The ( an-
non ball tram on the Union 1'ncilic , duu here
tills morning at 4 o'clock , ran into the rear
of a fieightualn btanding on the main line
in the yanls. derailing nnd tearlne Into
splinters tlui i-nboosu and time cars. Fioluht
Conductor .1. N. Klliott , who was In the cav
boobciis latnlly Injuied.
DtiHtnrilljr At turn pt at Train W
ST. LwUi * , August 17. A diabolical at
tempt was inailii lo-nlglit to wreck the out *
going passenger train on the Ohio < fc Mlssls-i
slppi In the outskirts of the city by dilvluft
two coupling pins in the fiogs. An office *
walkin1 ; through tlio yard Just before tbtf
tradi was duo discovered and removed tun
ubtirucllnn. The track ut this point Is on a'
hi J1 embankment aild much li/si of ill *
! vourdllii : < ny a wrecki' . , . . . * ' *