Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements tinder this head ,10 cents po
uio for ( be first Inpcrtion , 7 cents for each lub
tequent insertion , and SI. Ma line per month
hoftdvortlfomont tnkcn for lens tnan 28 cents
for tbo first Insertion. Povrn wordi wll Jb
counted to tlio line ; they rnn ft nm coneecu-
tlTely and must bo pnld In advance. All adver
tisement * must bo banded In before 1 :30 : o'clocK
p. m. . nnil under no circumstances will they be
taken or discontinued hy telephone ,
1'arttns advertising In those column and barIng -
Ing the answer * nddresetMl In care of TJIR Hi *
wlllplciponsk for n check to enable thorn to ( rot
tnolr letters , ns none will be delivered oxoeol
on itr ontntlon of check. All answers to advor-
tinomonts should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In these columns am pub'
llshod In both morning nnd evening editions
of 1HK .Ilr.r , the clrctilntlon of which nggro-
iratcs more thnn 14.onupnpors dally , and gives
the advertisers tlw bcnjfli. nut only of the city
rlrcnliitlon of TUB KB. but nlso of Council
JllulTs , Lincoln nnrt other cities and towns
hroughont thH part of Iho west.
, , to loan. Cole , 318 S 16th.
$1,000,000 CT
Wo loan money on Improved property
MONKY any desired amount nt low rntes
of Interest , In run from two to ten years tlmo.
Btotts , Cox ft Houston ! H.07',4 Fnrnam. W
. . .JV Tolonn nt fi per cent. 1'ntlrrson
Bros. , llith street , op. I' . O. H23
7tOOPO TO LOAN ntfl per cent. Llnnhnn k
$ Mnhnnoy , 160SI Farnam. . 6-18
PKll CENT Money.
6 11. 0. 1'nttoreon. 15th nr.d Ilarnnr.
< IriiiOOOQ to loan on real ostntn. No delay.
P * Harris & Snmpson , 1516 Douglas Bt. 640
TO LOAN-O F. DnvH Co. , rea1
MONEY and loan agents , 1606 Farnam st.
, to lonn m nny nmount nt lowest rnte
$ of interest , H. H. Iroy , Pron/er blnck. 007
, To loan on Omaha city property att
$ percent O. W. Day , s. o. cor. Kx. Did.Clw
TVfONEY TO LOAN On city and farm prop-
.ITJL orty nt low rates. No delay. Calm ft Wool-
icy , 1133 Fnrnain St. 6t'Jn27
to lonn to parties wishing to bullJ.
MONEY Campbell,310 S 16th Bt. , Chamber of
Commerce. ' > * >
To lonn. Lowest rates. No delny
MONEY . Hlco ACo. . , over Coinmeiclnl Na
tional linnk. 257
MONEY to loan , cosh on delay.
1. W. and E. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam it ,
Taxton hotel building. 8 > 4
.TVfONEY TO LOAN on Improved city prop-
1T1. erty In itims of fl.COOto 15,000 nt six per
cent Interest. bhnles& Crumb. 645
ONEY ' 1O LOAN on imnrovod real estate :
no commission charged. Leavltt Ilurn-
ham , lloom 1 Crelghton Itloek. 64 <
ONEY TO LOAH-On city property In
sums of 1600 and upwards at lowest rates.
Money always on hand. S. 8. Camphnll.310
Bouth Sixteenth street. 647
FIX ) I/AN Money Loans placed on > m-
JL proved real estate In city or county for
Mew England Loan ft Trust Co. , by Doughti
County bank. 16th and Chicago st * . 849
MONEY to lonn on first-claps city property
in sum * of 11,000 to $5,000 , at very low
rate of Interest. 8 Lehman , 1108 Farnnm st.
MONEY LOANED at 0. F. Hood ft Co.'s Loan
OBlcc , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal 81 > B. 13th.
over Illngham's Commission store. All busH
l strictly confidential. 850
MONEY loaned on furnlturo , pianos , organs ,
horses , etc. , low rates. J. J.Wilklnson * Co , .
1324 Farnam , over Burlington ticket otllco. 4B7
MONEY TO LOAN-bytho undersigned , who
baa the only properly organized loan
cenoy In Omaha. Loans of 110 to J100 made
on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons ,
machinery , Ac , without removal. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loans co
Bade that any part can bo paid at any ime.each
payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
made on tine watches and diamonds. Persons
hould carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should yon need money call
and ace me. W. It. Ooft , Boom 4 wahnell
Building 15th and Harney. 6S1
nlBE OMAHA Financial Exchange ,
* .N State ' National " " of Harney and 16th its , ,
over bank.
" .prepared to make short time loans OB any
available security.
! * > IMle on chattlil oollateral or real
Long time loans madeon Improved real eetate
at current rate * .
Purchase money mortgage * negotiated.
Secured notes bought. Hold or exchanged.
Short time loans made on second mortgage ,
according to marginal Interest , at collateral
Itenl ettate to exoDk&re for good Interest
General financial business f all kind * tram-
Keted promptly , quietly and fairly.
Honey always on band for approved loan * of
any kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Oorbott Manager. 653
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1B04
Farnam street Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real estate examined , per-
footed and guaranteed 6711
_ _
SNAP A splendid paying lee oroam , olgai
and oyster parlor In the best town of 1.20C
Inhabitant * in the state. Host of roimons for
oiling. Addresi A 71. lleo olllce. 600 IBj
Tmblt SALEOr Trade-A large tbreo-itory
J brick hotel In live western Iowa town ol
E,000pop. Newly furnished throughout , hasM
bed rooms , steam beat , gas , oleotrio eall and
alarm bolls , city water , oto. Near depot and
business center. Mwit be disposed of at once
on account of poor health of owner. Termi
reasonable. Address Btotts , Cox * Houston ,
1807K Farnam. _ _ _ B6
RAKK business chance ; for Bale , the stock ,
flxturei and good will of a first-class cloth.
Ing Jtore doing a good business , centrally
located , only reasons for selling the owner hoi
Dtber and more Important business. Partlei
meaning business may address U. 18 , Bee office
IXTANTBD Parties wbo desire to buy or eel
TV or exchange stocks of general morohnn
IMo , dry goods , groceries , boots and shoe *
hardware , drugs , jewelry Improved or umlra-
proved town or city property , Imnroved er un
hroved farm * in any part of the United State *
lo address Kraule Jk Foster , 818 S. Uth at
V > U8INKa8 Chance- sale A stock of dry
4- > goods , clothing , furnishing goods , booti
and shoes ; alro fixturen. With this stock a foui
rears leoxo of a double store canbe obtained tr
hno of the best retail localities m the city. In
formation at Dormann's , CU9 South Thlrteentt
Street 60S
POU SALK-A first-class hotel property dolni
excellent business. Must sell In slit !
lays , For price and terms address U , 8. Lilly
real estate dealer , Broken now. Neh. ill Mil
XXTANlED-Onoor two business men III
TV capital ot IW > to 1150 to take hold of a bus
Ines * that will pay from Sfi to > 29 poi
flay. Boom 4 , Crounie blk , 119 N. 16th st
A COMPANY ongnged In the manufacture o :
a auccuMful patent need In clllos ( wlilcl
Is n monopoly ) nnil doing n safe nnd profitable
lumlnods in Chicago , dimtro to establish a lik <
Mislnesa In other rltlen. The proper person
Kith energy and push and one to two thoimnm
Uollnr * cash , cnn mirage In n business that I *
pleasant and profltablr , that will pay him f roir
| i ,000 to $10U > 0 per year. 1 he strictest Invofv
tlgntlon ot our bntmess In Chlongo de-sired am
follcltod. Ailclrrs.1 H. H. Webster , 1 WnMh
higton street , ChlrBgo , Illinois. 6ft la
VXTANTKll Big money to first-chin tccn ti
TT handle the best fire extinguisher ovoi
patented. A test downs all competition am
tellt machine. Victor M'fg Co. , Cincinnati , 4)
WANTED man to handle a paying busl
ness with ( TA A rure chance. Mutuo
Agency.SU a ICth st. _ fKli-lCJ
Tj OKSALB-lUrbor shop. A four-chair shop
Jdolnir n good builnoss ; best locution In tb
City. Will sell cheap. Good reasons for selling
Aildropi L. A. , box I'.V , Nebraska City. Nob.
J 6i 8 18J
_ _ _ _
VVANTKD-Partner with sranll capital ; bus
> ness very profitable : ready sale * ; no o [
pMltion. Address B 1. Bee ofBco. 634 JCJ _
T ] 7 > 0lt KXRHANQB-Stook general meTcTuui
- * - ( Use , about fl.tCO ; stock hnidware. aboil
S.I.SCO. Will take Iowa , Kansas or Nebrask
iRiiit for three fourthi ; balance hulf caib , bal
short time. II. & U. , box 'JSJ , Bhvnnnitoah , U
[ V < 3Z1
_ _ _ _ _
"IIT ANTXD-Partner with a few thousand del
> ' ( art -the more the better In a geed p ;
ing busmou In Omaha and ( In coin with asiui
pncnpliowhrre In Nebraska ; established n > rai
work light , pay sure. AdJr i A W Mee offlct
8S4 17j
17011 SALK-A well eitubltskedand favoralil ;
J13 known general store at lltpld City. l > . T.
illlack Hill * country ) , fitock abuui ir,0i. <
lultnble pnd well assorted iiorr making incur ;
lleuions for lellinr , death of proprietor. Ail
I/PM J. S. Itobcrtson. ajmiulmalor , P : . IMII !
tfiUB. , r J.L. Sfugla , Rapid City , 1 > . T. 5t2-2
CflOIl BALE Mont market , tooli , rlxturen ,
C horse and wagon , everything complete.
Good location ; good trade. Addrea * U4 tll .
WANTED-CRpnble yonng man with $ WO
doslroi to engage fn permanent business ;
saloon profeircd. Address 117 llco office.
I7OH SALE Nice clean stock of groceries
1 and fixtures ; good location : established
rado ; good reuaon for selling. Address A 12
lee office. 603 I6j
ITI I OH HALE Lnw library , cheap. Wheeler A
X1 Whoiilor , Douglas ana 15th St. 667
FOll BALE Well Improved .TM ncre stock nnd
gram farm near Lincoln , Nob. : 100 In crop ,
mlnnce | asturo ; llvlngtprlngs. Also 6 farms.
'Ino farms huro. A.V. . McCrcady , Mndison ,
Dakota. 63317 ]
PEIlf-ONAL Pug dogs for inlo : fine English
pugs tind Itnllnn greyhound jitippicsforsnlo ,
"or price nnd description , address box 260 ,
fopckn , Knnsna. KU 21J
PKHBONAL TheGnto City Employment of-
flee , 314U S lljth , suppllca Iho best of Scan
dinavian and Gcrmnn girls. 029
PKHONAL Private homo for ladles during
confinement , strictly confidential , infants
adopted , nddrosa K42 , llco office. 107 scpt7
PEHSONAL i-cnd for your sewing machine
ncodlos , oil and repairs to the Singer
Mnn'fg Co , 1613 Douglas st , Omahn. 40S ni'8
PBReoriATi-Mr . Or Nannie r. Warren
clairvoyant. Medical nd buslnetl Medium
Boom No. S 121 North ICth st. .Omaha. Neb.
STUAYKIJ-Modluin sl7id brown horeo with
unth cnrs hnlf burned oil. I'lndor will ho
lultnbly rirwnrded by returning sumo to 1314
Cnpltul HVO , city. COS 18J
SlllAYlil ) or stolen A dnrk preyhound ,
white on hrcnet , feel nnd tip of lull. An
swer to numo of Hob. itennrd given If re
turned to 418 a 10th st. 6S1 17
liny tnuro from rosldoncoof C. I' .
STHAYKD Bouth 18h : st. nnd Custellnr , with
hiillor on.brnndod T. E. on loft hip. Any person
keeping tills nmro nnd not advertising Btuill lie
punished to the extent of tbo law. 476-17 *
LOST-Smnll pookotbonk containing f 10 nnd
Hinnll chungosupposed to be lost between
Dnvunpnrt nnd noughts ets. I'lnilor plonso re
turn to 2.M N. IGtli Bt. , nnd got ron ard. 647-lOj
A tlmo hook contnlnlng a letter nd-
LOST H , Hull. 1314 Donglns street. Ho-
turn to lice office and receive t'l row aril. Wl 1C ]
LOST Pockctbook containing some valunlilo
papers. Finder will bo liberally -rewarded
iy returning tno same to my store. Ed. N.
llrown. 720 N. lIHh. 4CO
QhVENTY-flVE dollnra' rownnL Strnycd or
O stolen from renrof 111 N 17th sf n largo
roan horse , about 17 hands high , weighing lib-
twern l00ond 1,400 pounds , rrdlsh brown
mnne nnd tall , hind ankle somewhat swollen-
t" . > will b paid for return of nnlmnl to owners ,
at 110 814th nt.nnd If stolen the sheriff of Doug
las Co. will pay a reward of f&O for the nrrest
and conviction of the thief. 698
TAKEN CP Dnrk rod hull cai , IT weeks old
Owner can have snmo tiy calling nt M.
Jackson's , Xld street west of Hanacoin 1'urk.
TAKEN DP Hay pony , two white hind legs ,
7 years old.l mile west of poor farm. Fred
Koch. 19 28 3 n 16
MRS. HATF1EU ) has just nrrlvod to sub
stantiate that fact the past , present and
future revealed , the sick healed , the lost
found , homos made happy , sittings dally at 4. ! !
Bouth llth Bt 457 19j
US. DtlHANT Clttrlvoyant from lloston is
reliable In all nffalra of life , unites sepa
rated lover * . 322 n 16th stroom 1. 84GieptUj
[ /IIKST-CLASS Storage at 110 M 13th ft.
D 659
3TOHAQE First-class storage for nice rur-
" nlture or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodce-at
ST. F11ANCI8 Academy Columbus , Finite
county. Nebraska , conducted by the Sis
ters ot St. Francis. This Institution for young
ladle * , and for little girls and little boys offers
every advantage for ncqulnng n thorough
Christian education. A * the acquisition of
ueh an education should not be connected
with extravagant expensemit should be within
the reach of thoto parents especially that have
no Cathollo parochial school in their neighbor
hood to which they could send their children ,
the following term * will no doubt be found
very reasonable :
Entrance foe. $5.00. paid only onco.
Board and tuition , Including washing , bed
and bedding , per month (11.00 , payable in ad
German , drawing , bookkeeping , plain and
ornamental needle work Iroe. Muslo charged
For'further Information address Yen .Sister
M Josopba , superioress. (87 17
DRESSES made from 75o up. finest at 15 , and
nnowork guaranteed , 1510 818th st , cor.
Howard. 605 IBJ
" \STANTEb-To exchange some good lota for
TT span ot horses , buggy and harness. W.
B. Bohart , 418 South 15th st 682 18j
PEHFOHATED stamping patterns made to or
der and all the latest designs for sale at
Mrs. J. W. Morrison , 1505 Davenport st 451813
/CANADIAN Employment office , 816 S. IBth
\J * t 40621J
G EHMAN taught at DOe a lesson , 1110 8 16th
it , cor. Howard. 600 Uj
EASTERN Nebraska farms to exchange for
Omaha property. 1612 FnrnaM. 643
rPO exchange for horses , two choice West
Jildelots. . BeU * MoCondllsh. 661 WJ
TO EXCHANOE-For cattle , I hnvo AOO and
forty acre * of good western land to trade
for cattle , and a good house and lot near the
capital will exchange for cattle. Address S. O ,
Bryan. Ashland. Neb. 436
OMAHA LOTS To exchange tor cattlo. Pat
terson 3t Moore , 1811 Farnam. 347
THE a ate City Employment office , 3HH S.
16th street Order * for all kinds of help
sollcted. 029
AONKTIU Healing Medium * cure all kinds
of aioknes * In connection with clairvoy
ance of the past , present and future. J. H ,
Pageler , North State it- mile west ot fair
ground * . P. O. box 683. 810 a28J
TT1OK EXCHANGE Omaha lot for horse or
? horse and buggy ; good trade for some
body ; 1047 8. rtrth it. 603 16J
TnOKBBOT Square fiano Sj montnlr.
JC Hoipe.UUDougla * . Ml
TpOIt HKNT Organ * . U per month , aospe ,
J ? liiaoouglaa. 681
Ol. C.-Houie furnishing goodl. all kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prlcel at J.
Bonner , U1S Dougla * st 68t
F I OR RENT Hquare fiano , ft mont BIT.
Ron * . 1113 Uourta s. 881
TTUK SAI.K A valuable hunting dog ( young ) .
JL' Inquire at 314 South 13tb 8U , Omabn , und
see the dog. goa 17J
FOIt SALK Unit Interest In the belt pnylnc
business In the itate. ISO to f 100 roiiuired.
3I4M 8. 16th St. , lloom 6. 64H 16
F I OH SALE Car of good saddle ponies. In-
qulro at yard office , stock yards. 487 SO
FOH SALK Large buy pony , ngo 5 ; price $60.
Krlo Colhlng Co. , 320 N. IBth at. 474 16
FOll BALE Cheap , now round corner lunch
or bar counter. NJ ) H. 10th. 410 1 J
"ITIOltSAI.K A first-clams corrousel ill Tries Inka
-V Andrew Jen8on,927 North 2 th avenue.
_ 4110 17J
FOll SAI.K-At a bargain , a 8-room bouse
with closets and puutry , etc. , lot ii feet
east front , 6 blocks south of court house. Add -
d reisY 30 , Bee office. _ 630q,10
fpOU SALK Furniture , gnod will and lease elL
-L the nest paying small hotel In Ouinbn ,
Constantly full of flrnt-clnu boarders. Price
fl.fion. Inveingate this. J. f. Hammond. Ill
H. 16th. _ 7 9
OR BALE Your choice of the best lines ol
If buirifles. cnrrtngei , phaetoni , lurroyi , de
Hrrry wagon * , open end top one fine hunttns
wagnn. Call nnd look through or ( end tor cuts
and price to Columbus Buggy Co. , 111J llarne *
"C1 OH 8AlE-Cneap , fixtures and tools of mea
.f market doing a caih buslnes * , alsoborsi
and delivery wagon , a good chance for rich
parties. J. J. Skinner , 1310 llarnoy * t. . Omaha ,
_ _ _ 2U4 a
FOII SALE Ono good cabinet deik ; also cltj
ntl s and bulletin board. Will give sonic
HUB a bargain If told at onco. Apply toVm. . A
DcU'ltt , room 0 , Frcnior block. EM
l0rt SALK-Cbeap. Good family mare
X' phaeton and harness. Fred iloohle , lltl
nod Farnani. _ 570
FOlt SALE A good , truity family bors , to ]
bugvy and harness. No. 1334 North 17tl
it. .Omaha. B. B. Brown. _ JJ7917 ]
ITtOll BALK furniture of I room * with pnvl-
.r Upe Of leise of bouie , 707 B , 14tU fat.
SO *
T ? Ull SALK Carpets and furniture , IDC
J h'iu e lor riul , 1139. (3rd between Doug
las r.d Dodge. alt
nroi of sheet steel roofing
for tale cheap. C. W. * Q. B. Thompson ,
14 B. .
L Furnlturo and lento of V rooms.3
t r blocks from P. O. H. E. Cole , nia S l,1tli.
B05 19J
FOll BALE Parrots nnd Imported canaries ,
at 1309 Douglas st. t,2317J
" | ? OR SALE Piano , nt , or wilt ex-
J- ' change for a good horse , tfOO Park avenue ,
Wi ij
FOH BALE-Tho furnlturo of n nlco three
room flat , complete for housekeeping. A
splendid chance for n couple. Apply nny tlmo
after 7 o'clock p. m. . nw corner 17th and
Clarke sts. first lint C. M. llartlolU 6J3 16 *
FOlt SALF. florse. huggy and harness. iep-
nrntoly or together , very cheap , T. H.
Lixrko &Co. llgQFnrnnm. 461
IjUIIl SALE Oil und gasollno wngon. team ,
t- harness and route. Call bet 12 and 1 nt
1413 Dodge. H15
\\TANTED-Cablnet maktrs. West Davon-
T > port Furnlturo Co. , 218 and 22U South Hth
street. 010 47J
\\7ANTnf ) Help , Saratoga dairy , 4115 Snun-
dors st. 610 10J
WANTED- butcher to lonvo city ,
linker flu per week , 2 mont cooks , 1 pas-
, ry cook , dishwashers , socllon H until nnd
qunrrjmcn. .Mrs. Ilrcga A. Son,310 South 15th.
\\TANTKI ) Mini to tnkoenro of hgrsos and
T > do general workaround house. Inquire
C. E. Mil ) no , Heat 1 state nnd Trust Co. M)7 ) If
Ur ANTED Younp man to lonrn drug busl-
nopHi one sponKing fiormnti preferred ,
lahn's pharmncy , 182. ! St. Mary's avo. f > S4
W ANTED llrst-clBSR tinner at onoo. Ad-
ilross 1) 12 , lice ollico. &S 6 17
" \\rANTKD-lUO men for II. It. work In lown ,
' Missouri and Nobruska. O'Kcofo & Mc-
Oorr. iftt3. lltliHt. r > 4.lllj
W ANTED Men for Wyoming : good wages.
Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 rnrnam. i7 ;
\\fANTKD-AgchU to sell goods , In city ;
' peed wages to right man. Lovcll > tnnu-
factuilngCoinpuny , 2J1 N. 13th 8t 481-1U *
WANTKO-Oood shoo snlcsmnn of 4 or B
ycnrs cxnorlcnco. elnglo man preferred ,
must bo tomporutp , willing to work lor mod
erate salary. Apply at once ut Chicago liar-
Him Shoo Company ; 5.8 17 _
WANTED A first-class experienced shoo
clerk , at 1320 Fm nam st. & -8
WANTED Man to tnko the ngoncyof our
safes ; Rlo 28xlBxl8 Inches ; wolght COO
bs : iclall iirleo $ : ri ; other sires In proportion.
A rare chance to create n permanent business
ihome. . Thcso safes moot n demand never
before supplied by other safe companies , as
wo nro not governed by the Sato I'ool. Alnino
Safe Co. , Cincinnati , O. 69131 j
TITANTF.D-A1I these wishing help or sltun-
f tlons ns collectors , nsslstnnt bookkeepers ,
gcncrnlollloo clerks , porters , watehmonjani
tors , coachmen , engineers ,'nmstcrs ,
nhovelcrs , Inrmcrs , oto. , apply to the Mutual
Eruplo ) mont Agency , 214 B , loth 8U , up stairs.
WANTED-Boy. Newspaper Union , Ml S.
12th st. 51010
WANTED Roys or girls to wait on table or
wash Ellverwaro and glnsswaro during
monlA for their board nt Metropolitan Dining
Hall , 300 North ICth st. 517 17J
WANTED Carpenters. Apply , Pofttnor
building , Howard street , west of nth.
581 16J
WANTED-Two energetic , reliable men to
sell goods ; steady employment. Call 421
B. 10th st. 6OT nj
W - lor railroad work. Al
bright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnnm.C75
WANTED One cent ranker and two pnnts
makers nt once. Steady work Hn.l good
prices. Address W , J , McKeiulo , Hebron.Nob.
6'J3 18
WANTED A few competent dry goods
salesmen for city. Gate City Employment
office,314K a. 15th st 629 19
WANTED-Flvo persons to Instruct In book
keeping. Situations In October or no
pay. J. II. Smith , IDU Chicago st 5.M ) 19 *
WANTED Salesmen , a now Invention
needed In every house ; 300 per cent com
mission or a good salary to right parties. Address -
dross with stamp for terms the Weaver Manu
facturer , 31 N Stnto St. , Chicago , HL 734sl *
WANTED Young Indy of some experience
as clerk In drug store , out of city. Mrs.
Bregn & 8on,31GSouth 1Mb. 001 IfiJ
WANTED-A cook and chambermaid at 913
Douglas. 5S13
WANTED An cxporlcnooj nurse for chil
dren. Mrs. Wnrren Swltzlor , N , W. cor.
26th and St. Mary's are. f > 77 17
\\TANTED-3 girls at 1811 Cnss st
680 18J
WANTED A lady or gentleman , Bales clerk
for a baraur. Address , stating experi
ence , former occupation , references , age. 11 5 ,
Bee ofllco. 675 IS *
W ANTED-A flrst-olass nurse girl. 2210
Wobstor. 605 23 *
W ANTKD A thoroughly competent person
to take charge of housework. Applv 8- , )
8 20th st M18 !
TXT ANTED 4 chambermaids , 2 dlshwnshors ,
T > 1 pnntry girl. 6 dining room girls , 1 laun
dress for Fremont 12 per weak , 2 laundresses
for clty.l second glrl,50 girls for general house
work. Omnhn Employment Buronu.llU N Iflth ,
Crounso block , room 4. 63818
WAN' Girl f or general housework , llth
It. , second house south of Arbor. 540-10) )
W 1 ANTED- day nurse at 614 N. 22nd st.
\\7ANTED-A good washer. Apply at onoe ,
TT Frontier Steam Laundry , 1512 Howard st
515 17J
WANTED-Two dining room girls. 3for gen
eral housework. Good pay. Mutual Em
ployment Agency , " 14 S. 16th St. , up stairs.
W ANTED A good washerwoman at the
bouse. Apply K238 20th St. 682 IS
WANTED At Canadian Employment office
for out of olty , two polisher * , f 50 ; woman
pastry cook , 135 ; meat cook. 40 ; i girls for
housework. In city 0 dining room girls , 3
Inuntlresses. 2 kitchen helpers , 2 women cooks.
20 girls for housework f3 to $5 per week , ! i
nurie girt * and 3 second girls. Mrs. Brega ft
Son , 316 South 15th. Telephone 881. 004 10
WANTND A good girl. Must be a first
class washer and ironor. Saunders Ft.
bakery , No. 1429. 614-10J
W ANTED-Compotont grlrl for Benoral
housework. 230 Farnam st 52117
W ANTED-A trimmer at It M. Oenlus IJro.
millinery store , 1408 Douglas st. 678
WANTKD-A dlnlnp room girl at the Ameri
can house , ICO DoURlas st. OKI ITj
W ANTKD Good practical woman ixs house
keeper at 115-118 North 8th it. 491-10 *
T\rANTED A eood girl to do general house-
T > work at 2310 Farnnm St. . 42810J
nT ANTKD aood fflrl for genera ) hounework
2 In family , light work , ZO llarnoy ,
Mrs. Albert U. Morse. 259
W ANTKD Girls for housework In different
parti of city , no otllco foe. Mrs. llroga&
Son , 318 South 10th st. 454 17J
\\7ANTBD-A first class drew maker , one
' who can cut. fit and drape or anything In
connection with dressmaking. Address Conway -
way Blsten , North Platte , Neb. 333 16J
WANTKD-SalrBladles for dry goods store.
Ilefcrencca and experience required.
Oato City Employment office , 3UM 9.15th st.
K9 19
" \\TANTEU-A good girl at once for general
TT housework. Apply at 312 Douglas st
: 608-17J
W IANTED-Flrst or second girl , 1813 Capitol
avo. 2U7 18 *
'fXTANTED-Good cook , washer and Ironoi
T T at 1221 Park \ \ Ud ave. , cor. ot W llllam st
WANTED An experienced housekeeper
white woman preferred. Apply betwoer
B and p. m. . 101 N lh st. , Lulu Hpgen. 131
WANTEU-Good girl to do general house'
work. Apply n w cor. California anl
tOth. 788
ANTED-Two girls at Doran uouae , 422 E
18th it. ocar St. Mary' * ave. fti4
_ _
ANTEO-Steady work , by a reliable man
has good team. Address A 08 , Uee office ,
490 111"
WANTF.n-Poiltlon by an export stnnogra
pher ; 6 yean erpcrlonce. Will cballengi
any perion In U. B. lor speed on typo writer
AddfCiB U 8 Bee office. 639 16
\VANTKD-SltiiatJon by an experienced cash
T | tr and bookkeeper , test city reference
address A ti Bee office. 3Si 18J
ANTKO-Sltuatlon a * night watchman b
a young man of temperate hablti an !
ttrlet Integrity. Will watch bio employer' * in
terei j clonly. Can f urnlin belt city ruterenci
U required. AdUrea * B 8 , It * * oBo * . (61
ret i
T\7ANTr.D A young man .of about the ago
TT of 18 or 19 , Who wouldI llko to lonrn tuo
photograph bitslnci ! ! . Apply at Grand Central
Uallory.m North 161 h st.KVir 659
ANTKD-Sltuatlon frit-collector . assistant
bookkqepers , generVd flffico clerks , engin
eers , firemen , watohmonr porter * , teamsters ,
fnnncrs , conohment no charge. Apply to the
Mutual Employment Ageuty. , 14 S. lull St. , up
ttnlrs. City or country. ' „ 6.-.J-10J
W ANTED-Sltuntlon ttri gardener , slnglo
mlddlo aged , well ctccnmtnendod , well
posted at nil branches In tnti line ot gardening ,
Addresj 114. lleo office.ul 5011 lh * _
Position by ioroughly oxperl-
onood florist and IMtMenor , position nt
nco. Address DOlleo. J < 6Ca 13 *
WANTKD-Poslllon 1 > K' jounir lady who !
experienced postonicp clerk , as stenogr
apher , copyist or other ollico work ! best rof-
rences furnished. Address M. 8. , Ol'J N.JUth.
IVTANTKD Two German girls want places
> T ono for second girl or nurse girl and one
n a small family for general housework. In-
Hiiro 150i ) Howanl st. 6'JO 17J
WANTED Situation as conclunan In pri
vate family by yonnjr man ( Gorman ) , 3
ears In Olllcors family , willing to work. No
iHIco foe. Canadian Kmploytncut olllce , 110
iotith 1Mb. Telephone 881. BCU IT
\\J ANTED-Dressmaklng In private famillea
by uxpdrleuccd dressmaker. Address
A 49 Ilco ollloo. 310 17J
WANTED 2 or 3 furnished rooms , by man
and wife ; near business center : state
ormsand location. Address AGO , llco ollico.
\\'ANTBD A creamery nnd canning fixe-
' tory. Will assist the vUht parties. Ad-
Iross llnnk of Valley , Vnlloy , Nob. STOsli
\\7ANTED lly a Indy , loom where there nro
T no other roomers , Address II 10 , Hco
niro. 54U-JCJ
a limber ohalis f-ocond
\\7ANTED-To buy -
i hand. Also barber wanted at3 < lJ ko
t. 6M 17
\\TANTin : Hoard nnd room forjoung man
T In strictly jirlvnto Inmlly , ( lerinan pro-
erred , llftecti minutes wulk Irom postollloe.
Address llll , llco ofllco. .V.m 17J
W ANTED A grain denier to locate nt this
plnco. Host grain region in Nebraska
Hank ot Vnllor , Vnlloy. Nob. ii'Usl )
ANTKD A few boarders nt 1720 Dodge st
W Itefcrences requested. 70J
WANTED To trndc , ' ! 4 section Nobrii9kn ,
laud for trndo for Oiniihn piopcrtv. Ad-
dioss W. N. T. , 8.13. Cor. llurdott nnd Suth sts.
513 20J
W ANTl'.D-Cottngoof 3 orli rooms or 3 or 4
unfurnished room ? , mi I table for light
innsokcoplng. Itofercnco furnished. Ad
dross A 4 ; f , lloc ofllco. . 321
WANTED-A hnrncss maker to open n shop
hero. Address Bank of Vnlloy , Valley ,
Nob. J.TO-S-U
W ANTED Factories of all kinds. Address
Hank of Valley , Vnlloy , Nob. 270s9
WANTED 'lo rent , by n gentlemen nnd
wife , no children , a bouse In good loon-
Ion , all modern Improvements. None other
iced apply. Address A 41 Doe office , 265 10
WANTED-To lease for a term of youM a
building for light manufacturing pur
poses , about diixfifl , three stories and basement.
Address A 36 , lleo oflico , 258 2.1
WANTED Pnrtles hnvlng houses , flats or
rooms to lint them with the Onto City
Itentnl ngoncy , 314' } S. 628
V\7ANTED-2,500 for on * year , Have Improved -
' ' proved property in Omnhn thnt pays 10
ipr cent on a J45,000 valuation , that Is Incura-
Dored for f 10,000. Will glyo , ncconil mortgage
as collateral. Address stating Interest re
quired. A5 , Bee ollico. ' ' 080
WANTED-Puplls in English branches
T T and musto , n. w. cor r 16td and Farnnm.
FOll KENT 2211 Douglas St. , live now ton
room brick dwelling with nil modern con
veniences Apply to W. F.1 Clark , 40S N 16th st.
1. 007 20'
F OH HUNT Snow window nnd 35 feet shelf
room in COS North 16tn. 572
FOH ItKNT Store , good locution , 20th and
Clark Sts. Inquire 1813 Clark St. 4SJ 20J
FOH KENT n room houso. $ JO : turnl-
liiro for snlo nt 1-2 price. 24 rcom
brick hotel on llth JlQi ) ; furniture for
nalo. 10 room boarding house : furnlturo for
saloon tlmo. Co-operntlve Lund nnd Lot Co. ,
J05 North Iflth St. 4'JJ ' 10
IjlOlt HENT 7room bouse , good location ,
1 ? stable and yard. Apply 1013 Farnam. 340
f > OK HBNT-A first class stable on California
noar20thst s. Lehman , 1108 Farnam su
FOll ItKNT 1 broo (3) ( ) now houses , situated
on King and CofTmnn street * , In A. S. Pa
trick's ndd. Inquire at Koom 2 , Arlington
block. Patrick Uros. 423 26
FOIl HENT 5 elegant brick store rooms on
Park uAonno , opposite park.MII bo com
pleted In 30 days. Apply on the premises Irom
Oto 12 a. in. A. H. titan. 079
ClOH HENT-Klogunt hrlok residence , 10
J- rooms , modern conveniences. Inquire
Morse & llrunnor , 1605 Farnnm st. O-'H
T7VOH HENT 6 brick fits of 0 rooms onch on
I ? Pnrk nvonuo , opp. park. Will bo complet
ed InWdays. ! With modern conveniences. Ap
ply on the promises from U to 12 a.m. A. A.
Fitch. 612
FOll HENT Two largo new stores nnd two
Hals of Uve rooms onch. City water nua gns.
On Saunders St. C. W. Cain. 220 ! Ohio St. 812
" 1T1O11 Itr.NT 3-room cottage on N. 21st st.
J Apply to 017 S. 13th st. 603
FOH KENT One lot near reunion grounds
with privilege of nine acres , about ono
block from main camp. Call ee cor llth & Capitol
100 20J
FOH RENT New store and living rooms on
Cumlng st near Saunders st Apply Har
ris Real Estate & Loan Co. , 320 S. Uth st. 889
F I OR RENT Barn lultablo for four horses.
Inquire at 617 S 13th st. 611
FOR RENT New 10-room house ; all Im
provements , steam boat. C. W. & O. E.
Thompson , 314 B. 15th It 1000
FOH RENT 10-room fiat with lease .furnlturo
forsalo. Must be sold this wook. Fur
nished room at 1009 Farnnm St. 501 18j
FOK RENT omce spnco on ground floor at
1509 Farnam. Apply In roar office. J. S.
Hlcbnrdson- 602 o30
0HOICK Lot for Leaso. Southeast corner
4Sx U Loavenworth and Park ave , or will
build to suit tenant Hobble Uro * . 359
] roil RENT To gentlemen , nlcoly furnished
room , first floor , now house on Mason st.
between 17th and 18th. References rcqu Irod.
FOH RENT Nicely furnished and unfur
nished rooms , good location , 2211 Bnrt at.
, 439.16
poll HENT-Nlcoly furnished room , IH 8.
FOIt HKNT Tne largest jfere room In town.
Inqutro at the Argus office , Albion. Nob.
* 481 sop 13'
FOH KENT Two unfurnished loomsnt S. K ,
0th nnd Chicago it , , cheap. Addrosa
A 44 , Hoe ollico. 319
T7IOH HKNT-A nloo , larftk. front room , fur
X' nlshed excellent , lovc-rF.location , modern
conveniences , on street carrllno. . IVKCuRsst.
/ ' / n < i i
front room
first-class board
„ i-V 1 J
iTOn HKNT-Noatly fu , ihod bodronm al
1 B22 South 15t * . $6 pa lonth. A68 IBj
FOll HENT-Plensnnt fultilshcd room , poi
mgnth. 605 North 1'tjfi f.BO IBJ
OH HENT-Furnisbed Jkims , f 3 to $14. (01
Southed. KW 18J
FOIt ItKNT 4 rooms for hoUBOkooplog , 1UII
and Pierce , $15 per month. Fred Moehlo
F 1011 HKNT A nicely furnished front room
oheitp , 1902 Farnam Bt , 67116 *
F I OH HKNT Nlco unfurnished room. 130 N
15th st. 673 10 *
FOU llENT-IUioms , furnished or unfur
nltbcd , 160.1 Cumiog street , nesr car line
670 18J
FOll KKNT-Nlcely furnished room.lst floor
1701 Capitol ave. 440 ll'j '
FOK HENT-3 big rooms for small family u
COS N. liith Bt. 678 f J
FOH ItKNT-Nlcely furnished room : modon
coavenlenoes. Southwest cor. ZOth am
Webster. 6'JO 18J
OIUtENT | Furnished room with board fn
gentlemau ; references required. 172
Douglas. 697 ilj ?
OH HKNT-Furculied rooms at 1419 Cblcajf
"plOll KENT Unfurnished roomi , 1015 Dodge
FOH KENT Largo front parlor with nay
window , and nlcovo , also other rooms with
modern conveniences nt 1521 Farnam st , ono
block west of court house. Kit
FOIl HKNT Nloo furnished room , 19 per
mouth , 8. W. cor. If In and Jackson. 823
T710K HKNT-A nicely furnished room at 2M1
JE at Mary' * ave 481
FOH nENT-Offico , 1612 rnrnnm st.
FOH KENT Elegantly furnished rooms sin-
gloor enstilto , with use of bnth : clrctrlo
Bells In every room. First ol ss restnurnnt nt-
Inched , nt Norrls European hotel , corner 16th
and Webster. 668
IjlOll HKNT-'lwo neatly furnished room ,
* - very desirable location , prlvnte family.
Also room for two or three nlco table bonrdors.
3. E. pmor > cntleth nnd Fnrnam. 419 a *
FOll HENT-1'urnlshed room 1S18 Dodge st.
52 sept 6
HENT-Vor gentlemen. Nlcoly furnished -
nished rooms with modern conveniences ,
2212 Farnani it. 4J
llUJiTfiKNT-Furnished rooms771 South ItUi
J-1 street. 854
1/1OR HKNT A nice Inrgo front room , nil
JL' modern Improvements nnd nicely furnished
Ml 813
FOll SALK Ono of the most prominent
corners in the IntsmofS portion of the
elty.F. _ ll.JCennnrd , 114-11B S ICth Bt. ilpa
FOll HUNT rnrnlshod rooms In Ornenlg
block , cor lllth nnd Doilgc. Davis & Hother-
Ington , Mlllnrd hotel hlllitrd room. b3'J
I ] > OH HLNT-Furntshod rooms 1816 Uodgu.
1 C31
1T > OH HKNT-Nlcoly furnhhod room. 1633
1 Doilgo. 119
" " "
"i10HirrNT"-l7nrpnTront : room fiiinlsTiod for
gentlemen , ground floor ; innplo trees !
grass ; pnvi'inent ; street cnrs every live mln- .
ntrs. P09 llownrd st. Also rooinR furnished
and unfurnished for light housekeeping. V21
71011 HK.NT I'urnlshed front rtttm. neur onr
- line nt corner of Dodco nnd 21th streets.
Inijulro of A. H. Comstock 152J urnnm st.Mi
Foil Itr.NT Furnlsliod rooms , cheap. 1013
Chicago. 6jO 17 *
POU IH'.NT r.uniFhcd room in Grounlg hlk ,
ror 13th nnd Dodve st. Inqulrn ot Davis A
HothcrliiKton , Mllhird Hotel Milliard room. 291
KENT Elegant suite or rooms , referen
required , 1W7 Douglas st. If ?
TTIOH ItENT-Dcsirablo furnished room for
J-1 Renllomon ntftJO Howard st
FOll KENT A largo front room In now
house Imtti , and latest modern Improve
ments , 1018 Webster street. m
FOH KENT Warn room cor. Uth nnd Call.
Ifornla on Belt Line , tor particulars on-
iulre ) nt Union Nat , bank. IM
F1 1011 HENT Furnished rooms , 1707 Cass.
F I OH HUNT Newly furnished room , board if
doslrod , 1720 Dodge st. 704
F Oil HENT Furnished loom , 1023 Dodge.
HKNT-Furnlshedroom,205J llarnoy 8
2G'J 20J
FOK HENT Suite of furnished rooms for
gentlemen. A. Hospo , Jr.,315 N. 17th.
FOK KENT-Nlcely furnished looms , to gen
tlemen only , 220 N. 10th Ht. , Koom 2. 4S
TilOK KENT Furnlsbod rooms , en suite , In
J- private family , modern conveniences.
Apply to Losho & Leslie , 18th and Dodge sts.
Foil IlENT Nlcoly furnuhed room , IW1
Dodge st 108
l/OH SALE Corner lot on Virginia ave with
X1 two good houses , ubeap ut (7,009. Terms
rnsy. Houses rent for 170 per month. S. S.
Campbell , 310 8. IStb st Chamber of Com
merce. 273
FOll SALE or Trndo My Swnn LnKo prop
erty In Holt county , Nob. Will make nn
excellent glimmer resort or stock ranch , l.ako
fed oy springs , wntor clear as crjstnl and full
of fish. I'lno grouse , duck and goose shooting.
8412 tiorcft hind completely surrounding the lake.
Three cottages on the pluco. A. H. Noldlg ,
Qranlto block , Omaha. 510
F OK SALE-Or trade , 25 lots in the western
part of Omaha near the llonson car line ,
price { 400 each , $250 due on contracts payable
in 8 quarterly payments , will trade Interest In
contracts for Nuurasva land. McCulloch & Co. ,
160 Farnam st 1000
TOINVEsrOHS-I have had placed In my
bands for sale twenty acres , about three
miles wostof tlio court house , on the M. P. ry ,
just opposite the crossing of the O. Ac N. W.
ry.all level ground , covered with o beautiful
growth of shade trees. Admirably adapted for
u manufacturing site. Can offer this at figures
thnt will make It a splendid Investment If taken
quick. Goo. N. Hicks. 215 S. 15th St. 62U 20
\\7KCnri8o for a tow days only
> > Lot 10 ! Qlse's addition for (9,43) .
Lo 171 Olso'fl addition , $8,309.
filockl Hoyd's addition , I8.W3.
One-third cash , balance 1,2 and 3 years.
llemlngton ft McCormlok , 220 Souta 15th st
FOH SALE or trade , 8 w cor 7lh and Leaven-
worth : price $13,00) . Mortonson it Christ-
son , 1414 I'nrnnm St. 307 17J
FOH SALE At a bargain , section 1 , township
IB , rnngull.ln Howard county , this state.
Splendid soil , can plow nt least foiir-lltths ;
povon miles from Klhn station , and about same
distance from I ) , ft M. station. Price (10 per
aero ; H cnsh , halanro , 1,3 and 3 joars. Also
040 acres of good land being section 25 , town-
nhlp in , rnngo 0 west. This land Is situated In
Howard county , this stnto. close to the U. P. ,
and now station on the II. i M. branch. Can
plow at least three-fourths , ballanco excellent
pudturaga. No bolter soil In the stnto , a rock
bottom crook runs ucrosa the extreme south
west corner. Splendidly adapted for general
farming or stock purposes. Prlco $9 per acre ;
M or more cash , baluncn long time. The corn
crop and grnln growth this season In the vicin
ity wns never hotter , and Is the best advertise
ment of Its soil. Address Qeo. N. Hicks , 215
bouth 15th st. 520 20
F 1OH SALK A desirable full ! < 5t near Jeffer
son Square. Address B 8 this ollloo ,
5 322
F SALE House of 6 rooms In Arbor
Place , J1.500 ; SldOor | 500down , bal. $ lUa
month. Apply ut 305K B , 16th st. C. C. Spots-
wood. 588 18
FOH SALE-9 room house In Catulpa Plnco , 2
blocks from street car : lot 42 x100 , south
side on alley : hard and soft wntor. Price $5-
OOJ ; $500 cash , Iml. 150 per month. Also house
of ' ) rooms for 13,600. J. F. Hammond , 117 S.
16tb. 688
FOH SALE or trade -A quarter section of laim
in each of the following counties In No-
brasKn : Franklin , Kearney , Adams and Buf
falo. A section in Keith county ; 200 ncros In
Dawgon county. Four fine lots In Sterling ,
Col. Two lots In Centrnl City , Neb. Ton
shares of Omaha Panornma stock. A team of
horses , with or without harness end carriage.
A lot In Council Bluffs. Three lots in Murphy's
addition ( Washington Hill ) and about twenty-
five lots in Omaha and South Omaha , All
good property. Will trade for unlncumbered
city or farm property. Evans & lllnrkbiirn ,
1510 Dodge St. 4 5 19
BEAUTIFUL 1'LACE-I can offer for n
A few days throe bonutlful south front lots
on Piipploton nvenuo In Hnnscom Place. Pon-
ploton avenue Is now being graded , nnd thcso
lots will bo just right for grade ; water and gas
already on street ; a perfect grade ; two lines of
street curs. A bonutlful pirk and a splendid
neighborhood all combine to make this an ele
gant alto for a cosy homo. Prlco only 12.700 ;
$ * OJ onsh , balance on long time. ( loo. N
lllcka , 2fi B. 15th St. 52J 20
IV YOU want to buy , sell , or trade your prop
erty , cnll on Charles E , Spotawood , 30' > tf
8.J6tbjt. 40j
T710H SALK The choicest lots In Orchard
I ? Hill. If desired will build houses on these
lots to suit purchasers. Now Is the tlmo to
get a boniiiiful homo on easy terms. Apply to
Charles E. Spotswood , 305K H. 10th St. 40S
LAND forsalo ; 2,400 acres in one block of
line farm or grazing land , wall watered ,
with running spring , 6 miles from two H. H.
stations , Ellsworth county. Kansas , good Im
provements , bouses , sheds , barns , Ao. , 200
acres under cultivation , good averngo corn
crop this year , will soil one section (640 ( acres ]
or tlio whole , or oxchanire for city property. In.
qulreof A , D. Morse , llth and Fnrnarn street ,
> )
IF you want to buy , sell or trade , cah on L. V ,
Lrum,120N I5tnst.
100 loti M of a mile of U. P. depot
for sale or trade.
8-roora house for rent Two 10-room housei
for rent , sale or trade , Idlewllde. By
818 L. V. Crura.ia )
NOTICE to real estate agents. Heal e tat <
agents are hereby notified to withdraw
from snlo August 15tn , blocks U and 1 li
Sohlcslnger's addition , which adjoins the Put'
rick farm. Z. T. Lindsey. OOP
FOH SALE The finest residence lot 01
Dodge street U blocks west of poBi othoo
60 feet south frontage , a corner. F. B. Ken
nnnl. 114-118. 8. 18th st. 309 _
" 17011 * SALE Ono million acres of land InNe
J-1 braska. Speculator's Inndirailroad lands
ranches , and farms In all parts of tbi
state. Bond for pamphlet containing deicrlp
tlon and price of over one thouiand fnniM. /
fine topographical map of toe atate * ent fru
upon application. K. H. Andrui , for 10 year
Uen'l Land Agent B. & M. K. It Elgktk and t
street * , Lincoln. Netraika. . 140
The Importance of "Another Man" as )
Told by nn cx-Cnuhtrjr Judge.
Wo were seated on tlio deck of an tip.
river steamer making the trip from St.
Louis to St. PuuI nnd had boon talking
nbout swindlers and frauds.
"Tho first time I was over taken in , "
sntd my companion , Jmlgo Johnson , a
retired country judge , "wa * when 1 was
sixteen years old , and it does seem that 1
have not cut my wisdom teeth yet. i-.very
stray swindler who conies along manages - '
ages to rope mo In aud I never learn to
keep clear of him. "
"Sixteen was pretty early to make his
acquaintance wns it not ? How did Ito
manage to skin you ? Aud how deep ? "
1 asked.
" 11 was not much , only n quarter , but
the way in which it was done is worth
relating. The straugo part of it was that
the old reliable Youth's Companion of
Houston was the moans of bleeding many
innocents of their " 5 cents. When 1 was
about sixteen 1 was n regular subscriber
to that paper , and would as soon ex
pected my own father to cheat mo as to
mistrust anything in that ptipur. Onu
week there appeared an advertisement
something liku this , as near as 1 can
remember :
\\TANT12n Aiilhnrs In every township ; no
v T experience required.rlto to
for Information.
" 1 wrote , ami in reply received a circu
lar to the oll'eet tltat a company was com
piling material for n most glgantin his
tory of the United States. Kaoh state
was to be done in ono volume at the uni
form price of $5. The company wished
n correspondent in each township , and
as remuneration would semi the writer a
copy of the history of Ins own state us
soon as it was published. If they needed
his services after ho had written up his
own township they would lot him know
and pay him in cash or with more books.
In conclusion , the circular demanded a
quarter of : i dollar as u guarantee of
good faith and to pay for a list of ques
tions which they desired answered. I
out the quarter.
"And never hoard of it again ? "
"No. 1 did hear from it , tor by return
nail I received a second circular contain-
ng about thirty questions concerning tlio
opography und history of the township
u which 1 lived. "
"Did you answer them ? "
"Yes. It amuses mo yet when I think
of the serious way in which 1 wortccd
hem tip. in fact , if I should meet the
publisher' I would bo willing to give
lira another quarter as an acknowledg
ment of the triek ho played on mo and
of my own gullibility. And Btlll I am
ufraiil that ho did not make very much
out of his gamer There were two letters
o each victim , with a postage of 0 cents ,
wo envelopes and two printed circulars.
Us profit could not have been more than
5 cents. Uf course I never heard of
, ho history again. "
Whether or not 1 had over boon duped ,
even to the small amount of a quarter , I
did not propose lo confess , but just to
: oop the conversation up and sea if my
companions had any moro reminiscences
[ asked if ho had over stumbled up
against the "portrait copying" swindle ,
ie confessed that he never had , aud
asked mo what it was.
'If yon ever read the personal columns
of the daily papers you must have came
across the 'ad s , ' I road them everyday.
Not for information , but for amusement.
There are some queer tilings to bo found
"n these columns. "
" 1 know it , " ho replied , scntontiously.
"Within the last year or so several en
terprising eastern gentlemen have ad
vertised lor "artists1 the work , copying
portraits ; the advantages , work at homo
and no canvassing ; tbo pav , princely. I
spotted the scheme as u swindle nnd
thought no more about it ; but ono of my
friends was taken in. "
"His name , please ? "
"Nover mind his name. In reply to a
letter of inquiry ho received a circular
nskinjj for $3 for apparatus. The f 2 was
send and the material for copying re
ceived. My friend was something of an
artist , but to save him ho could not make
n decent picture with the material sent
Lo him. Ho even called in the assistance
af a professional artist. The latter told
Idm tlmt it was impossible to turn out
anything but "blotches. " So ho gave it
up. Ho had the curiosity , however , to
send bis caricatures to the eastern gentle
man , who promptly replied that they
showed talent , but wore not quite up to
the required standard , and urged the or
tist to persevere. ' '
"It's queer how people nro taken in , "
said my companion , meaningly , but I
passed over his remark in silonco. "
"Uo you know , " ho said after a few
minutes , "that the literary dodge is
almost taking the place of the counter
feit swindle. Of course there is plenty of
the latter going on , but not so openly as
formerly It seems as though the 'sharp
ers' were taking advantage of iho literary
craze which * has captured the feeble
minded of the country. Did you over
tiavo nny experience with the cheap book
game ? "
"What do you mean ? and ? "
"No , no. They are legitimate publish
ers. I see you never have and will give
you a pointer. It is a neat swindle , and
ono which rarely gets its perpetrator into
trouble. A book is hastily compiled from
other works generally consists of some
very valuable hints for farmers , me
chanics , and others of the working closs.
Of course it ought to have some good in
it. for all the author has to do is to steal
his copy from BO mo standard works.
Then n catchy title is secured ,
such as 'Tho Farmers' Handbook , '
'Knowledge for the Masses'or 'How to
Keep Well. ' Then the services of a cheap
printing oflicn are secured and a cheap
edition printed on poor paper und with
broken type. Thu expense is very light.
A few copies are gotten up in good shape
for canvassing. The 'agent' visits a
small Tillage and seeks out the leading
man of the place , generally retired pol
itician or 'squire who thinks much of his
title. A few notices arc artfully inserted
in the local paper , and the public is soon
well acquainted with the gentlemanly
canvasser. You know very little is needed
to interest a quiet country place , where
sensations are few and far between. At
length the judge is induced to take the
agency for the work. 'His name and m-
tluencu , ' you know , will be worth so
much that special terms can bo given
him. The books nre to bo sent him ; ho
ia to secure agents and superintend tlio
sales , und on each book ho is to have a
commission of , say , 25 per cent. Heforo
the ' * loaves he the
'agent secures signature
of the ' ' ' to such
ture 'Squire' some an
agreement as this :
' 'I agree to take 2 do/.cn copies ol
"The Farmer's Handbook , " paying all
charges , and to act as agent for the name
in Cokomo county , nt f'J per copy.
"J. ] „ . SMITH , J. P.
" 'W itness Richard lion. '
"Tho agreement is afterward raised
from two do/on to twenty by inserting 11
cipher after the figure two , nnd thodollat
blank is lilted up. Sometimes , almost
always , the victim trios to make trouble ,
but there is tiiti signature , with the ugcnl
as witness. He knows that he ban beer
swindled , but it would bo dillicult tc
prove it. "
"You say that a country 'tqtiiro is gen
erully the victim ? "
lint my companion did not hear the
The Itlciiext Man In tlin Worlil
would bo poor without health. Tin
dying millionaire consumptive wnuh
exchange all ho is worth for a new Ictui
of life. Ho could have had it for a MHII
if ho had uuttd Dr. I'iurcu'a ' 'Golden Mod
leal Discovery" before the disease hm
reached its last stages. Tins woiidurfn
preparation is u positive cure for ron
sumption if taken In time. , tor nil dl <
cased of the throat and lungs it is un
equaled. All T
Whnt Ho Said in Regard to Something
Which Troubled Him for n Long
Tiiuo and How Ho Got
Bid of It.
"All right" said a bi Inht , rmldy-fneed young
nan with n clour volccv. llu WHS drossitl ns 1
Mirklngmiin , niul stood In front of Urn now
lousoof.linmnrmiin , the tnlllor on firth nv
mo , nbovo Klghtounlhfitruot , Mlnnaiipolls. Ill )
iIVI for n momunt put nsldo hl ciirnutitor'i
ooK Tlio pptmkcr wns Wllllnm II. HoskotOi
81 : ! Fifth avenue,8. , Minneapolis.
t *
All rlirht. " Mr. Hoskcth continued , "ol
course. Don't you see I nm nblo to do my ilay'l
work with tiny of thuml I don't think I waJ
ever bettor In my Ufa than I iitn just at the
irosunt tlmo. "
'I hoard that you wore In a bad way. "
"Well 1 had to Klvu up v/orli , niul I was losln *
ly strength pretty fnst A llttlo o\urn month
igol was ntoloinlily ilocliled kind of im Invalid.
liadhatlciitnrrli for two yum a and bed been
ontlrolvunaulo to check It. It CHtno on from
cold iind Bcttlod lit my throat and I LIMITS. My
hrontKotoo gore that I could hnrdlr anrj
hinc at all. My nose was stopped up mid I
could only breathe through my mouth. 1 baa
nn almost continual piiln In my head. I
caufrhud froijuunlly and wag always raisin *
ihlcgm. I could fool the mucous iliouplni
down the bnck pnrt of tuy tliront IwunttO
two or throe doctors. One of thorn tried to
clnar my throat out with nn olootrlo battorr-
They tried various romoJIes on mo , but I cot
wurbo nil the tune , and I got worse last , too. (
became weak and dlaconnwod , my pnln wol
almost unboarnblo Ono tnornlnir I road In th
pnpor * of H CHSO of untnrrh which hud boon
ironoutu'od Inonriiblo , and which Dr. McCoy
melon roil. 1 wont to HOO him Ho toldmothM
my cutnrrh bad become chronic , und that It
nlirht ttiko three months to euro mo. Well , I
wont under his treatment. Hut llttlo over
month has pansnil , iind 1 have Kalnod my
atrcnth nnd m > net I to. 1 linvo no inoro cnugn.
10 moro rnlsliiK of phlegm , no more
iiiln In my head or lunga , my throat
ind nose arc perloetly clear nnil t
jroallio oiiMlly. ( hnre no moro of thiittlrod ,
imonsy feeling , nnd 1 am able to out ns hearty
ns usual and do as good n day's u ork us any
man In town , nnil I consider myself complutely
uurcd. "
What It Meona , How It Acts aad
What It Is.
You sncezo when you got up In the moraine ,
you try tosnco/.o your nose oif every time you
nro exposed to the leust draft of air. You h v -
a fullness over the front of the , ana
the neRo feels as though there was a plug in
each nostril which you cnnnot diilodgo. You
blow your nose until your cars crude , but It
don't do nny good , and the only result is tuu
you succeed In totting up a vary rod nose , and
you so Irritate the lining niombrHi.u of thnt or *
gnn that you uro unable to breatlio through U
nt all. This U a correct und not overdrawn
picture of tin acute attack of catarrh , or
' Hnco7lng Cutnrrh" ns It Is culled.
Now , what dnos this condition Indicate ?
First , n cold that causes mucus to bo poured
out by the glands In the nose ; then those dlt-
catiod glands are attacked by swniins of llttlb
germs-tho cntnirb genii that floats In the
ulr In a locality whore the disease Is prevalent.
These n n I ami c n I no , In tholr efforts to Und ft
lodgment , Irrltato the sensitive membrane lln
ing the nose , and nature undertakes to rid
herself ol them by jiiodiiclnir a fit ot sneezing.
When thu nose becomes tilled with thickened
and diseased mucus the natural channels tot i
the Intiodnctlon of air Into the lungs In Inter
fered with , nnd the person 10 effected mutt
breathe through the mouthand by such meani
the thront becomes parched nnd dry , snoring
Is produced , nnd then the oittnrrhal dtsoatf
gains ready access to the tlnoat uud mugs.
By Which a Praiouce Undesirable it
IS ado Known. i
When catarrh has existed in the hood and
upper part of the throat for any length of
tlmo the patient living' In a district Where
people are subjoot to catirrhal nlfoction and
thedlMmso bus been loft imoured , the catarrh
Invariably Bometlmesslowly , extends down tbo
windpipe and Into the bronchial tubes , which
tubes convoy the air Into different part * of the
lungs. The tuboi become affected from the
swelling nnd the mucus arising from catarrh ,
and In some instances become so plugged up
that the air cannot get In a freely as f
should. Bliortiiosp of bronth follow * , and the
patient breathes with labor and dllllculty.
The pain which acoompunlos this condition
Is of a dull character , felt In the client , bohm < l
the breast bono or un'lor ' the shoulder Dlude.
The pnln may come and go-lust a lewdayi
and then be absent for Rovnral others. Toe
cough Unit occurs in tlio first stages or bron-
chll catarrh Is dry , contos at Intervals , Is back *
Ing In diameter , and usually most trouble-
BO mo in the morning on arising or going to
bed nt night , nmlIt maybe the firstovldenooof
the dlHiinse extending into the lungs.
Sometimes there are tits of coughing Induced
by the tough mucus so violent as to causo'
A wt'uk Ktomnch and a dlelikc for food CHUMS
the pntlont to think ho ha * a dUomu of the
stomach , laiund of the lungs.
Late of Bellevue Hospital , N.Y
HUH offices In
Cor. 15ih and llavuey Strootri ,
Omaha , Neb.
Where nil curaliln runes are troutod with tu
ccs-i. Mcdicul illkfatic * tri-iilc.l skilfully. Con-
Biiiniilliin , llrluht' * Ii > c > i < ii , Ilysimniln , lllion-
malUni.andiillNKIlVOUri 1MSKA.SKH. All ill-
( ipui-eH nei-iuiiu-io iho EBXI < a Hpoclully. CA-
CONSULTATION' ut office or hy mall 1.
Ollicu hours : U tnlln.m. ; 3 to 4 p. u. ; 7 to
U p. in , Sundays Included.
CnrirsiionilL'iicc toe-five * prompt attention.
MIUIJ itleoasi's mo treated succesBfully by | ) r
McCoy tlii < nn.'li the mulU , nnd II U tints p'- !
bin fur those unuljln to ninUu a lournfty to > / >
mill Riicccs liil hniiiitnl | treitmnnt al ttcr !
lioincs. Noli'tntis unavicrctt unlcis accoiufn-
nlp'l by He
Blllolli-iK ti > lr , J. O. McCoy. IDC Ull
Hatngu Uuitdlug , OiuUs , Neb.